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Alibaba Cloud

Marketplace Vendor Guide

Onboarding Process for Free/BYOL/Co-sell Solutions
partner Join technology Provide company legal Sign NDA & Registration
1 Online partner program of information marketplace vendor Completed

Target timeline 30 ~ 60 days

Application Alibaba Cloud agreement

Product review by Alibaba
BYOL/FREE Fill company introduction on Product successful listed on
2 Product seller portal, Fill in product detail
Cloud for security , vulnerability
and usability

Marketplace Fill company Product review by

Sign a co-sell introduction on seller Alibaba Cloud for Product successful
3 Paid Product
agreement portal, Fill in product security , vulnerability listed on Marketplace
detail and usability

Provide a full-feature, stable and publicly available software
Product deployed on Alibaba Cloud - Provide user agreement for the product list on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace
Define customer support process
Provide detail about product, including product description, billing model, 3rd party license included or not, etc
Transaction Model (Free/BYOL/Co-sell)
ISV to support End User directly on any software issues

Purchase & pay

Software Licens
List e directly from ISV
i ng or ISV’s vendor
at A / distributor
l i ba
ba Purchase and pay IaaS via
Ma Alibaba Cloud Marketplace
FREE/BYOL Model tpla
ce & Deploy ISV’s image
la ce
ket Marketplace
ar Purchase Software and IaaS via
u d
l o r Alibaba Cloud Marketplace
C ll V e
b -se IS Us
o nd
l ib co
A to a
y E End User
l l o w i ll p from
a w t
n d u d e n
t a l o ym
L i s C a
b a p
il ba ceiv
A re
c e
on ISV to support End User directly on any software issues
Co-sell Model
Onboarding Process (Tech Partner Application)
1. Submit application information.
1. Visit the Marketplace homepage and click More-Sell in Marketplace in the top right corner.
2. Fill in all required fields.
3. Read and agree to the Vendor Terms and Product Listing and Intellectual Property Enforcement Policy located at the bottom of the application
4. Click Submit Application. You will receive a confirmation email upon completion.

2. Review application information.

The approval process typically takes 7 business days. You will receive an email once your application is approved. If you have any questions,
please contact us.

3. Sign an agreement.
You will receive an email once the NDA file is prepared.
i. Click Download to download NDA file.
ii. Upload the NDA file into system with the authorized signature.

4. Sign an contract.
You will receive an email once the contract is prepared.
i. Click Download to download Alibaba Cloud Marketplace Agreement.
ii. Upload the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace Agreement into online application system with the authorized signature.
Onboarding Process (Tech Partner Application)
Note: The Tech Partner Application needs to be completed before you have access to Marketplace Seller’s portal.
Locate the Documentations
Go to > Marketplace > More > Seller Help/ User > ACPN Portal Management > Product Types
Image Product
Image Product Accessing
Step 1: Prepare Operation Environment

1. Log on to the ECS console with your vendor account on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
2. Create an ECS instance. For detail procedures, see Create an ECS instance.
3. Note: Marketplace has a protection mechanism for image products, vendors are not allowed to package third-party image into another image
product for sale.
4. Deploy a runtime environment or application on your ECS instance.

Step 2: Create an Image

1.Log on to the ECS console with your vendor account on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
2. Click Instance on the left navigation bar, find the ECS instance where you deployed the environment or application.
3. Go to the Disk menu and select the disk of the runtime environment or application. Then, click Create Snapshot.
4. After creating a snapshot, click the Instance Snapshots menu and find the newly created snapshot file. Then, click Create Custom Image.
5. Fill in the information in the pop up window. Then, click Create.
6. Click the Image menu to view the image you have created.

Step 3: Create an Image Product

1.Log on to the Marketplace. Click Seller Portal in the upper right corner.
2. Click Create Product on the Listing page.
3. On the Access Information tab, select Image type and enter production information as prompted by the interface. Then, click Next.
Note: The access information can not be modified once it is submitted.
Image Product Accessing

Parameter Description
Product Name Customize the product name.

The system will retrieve the images from your account automatically. By switching to a region tab, you can see the images with in
the corresponding region. Just select one of your custom images that you created.
Image Region
Note: You can input another account’s access key and secret key to select more images. You can find the Access Key ID and
Access Key Secret on user management.

Enter a version name.

Note: You can still add more versions using the same product name, after the previous version is published.
Version Introduction Enter information about this release to notify users of major updated features.
Available in Select the regions in which to sell your image.

•You can set some ECS constraints, and the ECS instance type will be filtered out on purchase page according to your setting.
e.g. The ECS instance type which only has more than 2 cores CPU and 4G memory, can be chosen on the purchase page, if you
set a minimum 2 core CPU and 4G memory.CPU: the minimum and maximum configuration requirements for CPU that your image
needs to run properly.
Configuration Constraint
•Memory: the minimum and maximum configuration requirements for Memory that your image needs to run properly.
•Multiple NIC in VPC network: choose Support or Nonsupport according to the actual situation.
•Family: Specify the family if there is a limitation. All ECS families are supported if no family is specified.
•Minimum System Disk: the minimum System Disk capacity that your image needs to run properly.
•Minimum Data Disk: the minimum Data Disk capacity that your image needs to use.

You can set up an application address if your software image has one. Customers can access directly to your application via Alibaba
Application Console (Optional)
cloud console after ECS running by clicking your filled address.
Image Product Accessing
4. On the General tab, fill in product description and information related to your product. Then, click Next.

Parameter Description

Upload the product image which you wish to display on the product list page and product details page.
Product Logo Note: You are recommended to use an image size of more than 200 px * 150 px with the 4:3 aspect ratio. Alibaba Cloud
current only supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats.

Enter a short description description of your product within 200 characters. This information will be displayed on the
Short Description
Marketplace’s product list page.

Highlight in a few words about your product within 500 characters, it will be shown in the beginning of your product details
Product Highlights

Enter the detailed description of your product. This information will be displayed on the product details page. You can make
Product Description
this description as detailed as possible and add necessary images

Product Certifications
upload the product certification which is useful for accelerating product audit process.

Upload the product user guide in PDF format (Max size: 10 MB). You are recommended to keep the file’s name short and
User Guide
precise, as it will be displayed on the product page.

Refund Policy Enter the refund policy you offer for this product.

Support Details Enter aftersales support information include support email or phone number.
Image Product Accessing
5. On the Category and SEO tab, select product category and set up SEO key words. Then click Next.

Parameter Description

Product Category Select the category of your product. This option allows users to find your product by filtering search results.

Keywords Enter the SEO key words.

SEO Descriptions Enter the product discription for SEO.

6. On the Pricing tab, set the sales mode. Then, click Next

Parameter Description

•Free: The product is for free.

Pricing Plan
•BYOL: Bring your own license

•Yes: The product details page will be displayed on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
Displayed on Marketplace
•No: The product details page will not be displayed on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.

7. On the Submission tab, enter the End User License Agreement. Then, click Next.
When users purchase the product, they must agree to the terms and conditions in EULA
Image Product Accessing

Step 4: Image Review and Verification

After submitting image information, an Alibaba Cloud administrator will review your image product.
1. Access check
2. The operations team will first perform product access review.
i. If there are no problems with the image’s own functions, the product passes the review.
ii. If a problem is encountered when accessing the image, the product is rejected. In this case, you can modify the original application
and resubmit the product for review.
3. Product information check.
4. After the product passes access review, the operations team will review the product information.
i. If this information complies with the relevant requirements, the product passes the review and will be made available to users.
ii. If the product information does not comply with the relevant requirements, the product is rejected. In this case, you can modify the
original application and resubmit the product for review.
SaaS Product
Publish SaaS product

To sell your software as a service (SaaS) product in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace, you must publish it in Alibaba Cloud
Marketplace first. After a customer purchases your SaaS product, Alibaba Cloud Marketplace instructs you to produce an SaaS
instance in service provider interface (SPI) or license mode. This topic describes how to publish an SaaS product.

• Produce SaaS instances in SPI mode. If you use this mode, make sure that the SPI operations are developed and debugged.
• Produce SaaS instances in license mode. If you use this mode, make sure that the product activation page is developed.
Publish SaaS product

Background information
Production is an important step of selling SaaS products. After customers place orders, Alibaba Cloud Marketplace sends
customers' purchase information to independent software vendors (ISVs) to produce SaaS products.
SaaS products can be produced in the following modes:


• The SPI mode is applicable to SaaS products that are activated immediately after customers purchase them.
• To use the SPI mode, an ISV must develop SPI operations based on the SPI specifications provided by Alibaba Cloud
Marketplace. The ISV must provide the endpoint of the SPI when publishing an SaaS product. After a customer purchases or
renews the SaaS product, Alibaba Cloud Marketplace calls the SPI provided by the ISV to instruct the ISV to produce or
renew the SaaS instance for the customer. After the ISV produces or renews the SaaS instance, the ISV returns relevant
information to Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
• SPI-related documents and links:
• SPI security scheme
• SPI demo
Publish SaaS product

To sell your software as a service (SaaS) product in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace, you must publish it in Alibaba Cloud
Marketplace first. After a customer purchases your SaaS product, Alibaba Cloud Marketplace instructs you to produce an
SaaS instance in service provider interface (SPI) or license mode. This topic describes how to publish an SaaS product.

• Produce SaaS instances in SPI mode. If you use this mode, make sure that the SPI operations are developed and
• Produce SaaS instances in license mode. If you use this mode, make sure that the product activation page is developed.
Publish SaaS product

Create an SaaS product

1. Log on to the Seller Portal of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.
2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Listing. On the page that appears, click Create Product in the upper-right corner.
3. Enter information about the SaaS product to be created in the configuration wizard.
a.Enter access information about the SaaS product and click Next.

Parameter Description

Choose Your Product Type Select SaaS.

Product Name Enter a custom product name.

Provisioning Model Select a production mode for the SaaS product as required.

You must set this parameter when the Provisioning Model parameter is set to SPI.Enter the endpoint of the SPI that you have
Product URL developed based on the SPI specifications provided by Alibaba Cloud Marketplace. Alibaba Cloud Marketplace uses this endpoint
to call the SPI. If the endpoint is incorrect, the SaaS product cannot be activated.

You must set this parameter when the Provisioning Model parameter is set to License.Enter the URL of the product activation
License Active URL
Publish SaaS product

b. Enter basic information about the SaaS product and click Next.

Parameter Description

Product Logo Upload product images to show on the product list page and product details page. The recommended image size is 200*150 pixels.

Enter the short description of the SaaS product. This description appears on the product list page in Alibaba Cloud Marketplace. We
Short Description
recommend that you enter no more than 200 characters.

Enter the detailed description of the SaaS product. This description appears on the top of the product details page. We recommend that you
Product Highlights
describe your SaaS product as detailed as possible.

Describe your SaaS product in detail with rich text. If you want to use an image in the product description, drag the image to the rich text
Product Description
editing box.

Optional. Upload certificates of the SaaS product, such as the intellectual property certificate, patent certificate, and special certificates, to
Product Certifications
increase customers' trust in the SaaS product.

Upload the help document of the SaaS product. The operational staff of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace will check the user guide when reviewing
User Guide
your SaaS product. The user guide must be in PDF format and cannot exceed 10 MB.

Refund Policy Enter the refund terms and contact information.

Support Offered Enter after-sales support information, such as the support that you can provide and the time period during which the support is available.
Publish SaaS product

c. Enter business information about the SaaS product and click Next.

Parameter Description

Product Category Select the category of the SaaS product.

SEO for Your Product Specify the search keywords and description for the SaaS product. This increases the visibility of the SaaS product in search results of
third-party search engines such as Google.

d. Enter sales information about the SaaS product and click Next

Parameter Description

Sales Mode
•Package: The SaaS product is sold in a one-off manner and does not require renewal in the future. Within the validity period of the SaaS
product, customers can log on to the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace console to use the SaaS product.
•Subscription: Customers subscribe to the SaaS product and are billed periodically. They receive renewal notifications before their
subscriptions expire. If a customer wants to continue using the SaaS product, the customer must renew the subscription.

SKU Name Enter a custom name.

SKU Price Enter a price based on the pricing policy.

Duration of Validity You must set this parameter when the Pricing Plan parameter is set to Package.Enter a validity period based on the validity policy.

Free Trial You must set this parameter when the Pricing Plan parameter is set to Subscription.Specify whether to allow users to try the SaaS product
for free based on the sales policy.
Publish SaaS product

e. Enter the user agreement and click Next.Customers must agree to this agreement before purchasing the SaaS product.

Review an SaaS product

After you enter the product information and submit the SaaS product, the operational staff of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace
review your SaaS product. The review process includes category review, ISV self-test, and feature review.
1. The operational staff of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace review the category selected for the SaaS product.The operational staff
of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace check whether your product information is configured properly, whether the price is reasonable,
and whether the category is correct.
2. You self-test the SaaS product.After the category review is passed, the SaaS product enters the Hiding state. Alibaba
Cloud Marketplace sends you an email, instructing you to self-test the SaaS product. For more information, see Self-test
SaaS products.
3. The operational staff of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace review the features of the SaaS product.After you self-test your SaaS
product, the operational staff of Alibaba Cloud Marketplace review the features of the product. After the feature review is
passed, the SaaS product is published.
Service Product
Publish Service product

• 1.To crate a Service product, please click here

• 2.To manage a Service product delivery process, please click here

API Product
Publish API product

• To publish API products, please follow here.

Locate the Documentations
Go to > More > Seller Help/ User Help
Product Management
1. Log on to the Seller Portal.
2. Choose Listing > Commodity Manager.
3. You can perform different actions according to different availabilities including pending, launched, and removed.

If the product is … You can …

Click View Product, and go to the product detail page。

Launched Click Manage and edit basic information, business information, sales information and
Product is under -
Click Delete to delete the product.

Pending Product is rejected or • Product is rejected: Check the rejected reason and click Continue to modify the product
not in the review information.
process Note: For image product, click Manage to modify the product information.
• Product is not in the view process: Click Continue to continue the access process.

Removed Click Delete to delete the product.

Product Management
1. Log on to the Seller Portal.
2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Store.
3. On the Store Management page, fill out store-related information and click Submit

No. Parameter Description

1 store name The name of the store. It is displayed on the top of the store page.
2 slogan The slogan of the store. It is displayed under the store name.
3 logo The logo of the store. You can upload your logo here.
4 Store Header profile The description of the store.
The promotional image of the store. The promotional image is the cover of the
5 shop picture
promotional video when the video is not played.
Optional. The promotional video of the store. You can upload your promotional video
6 video
7 title The title of the product or service.
About Seller
8 Describe The description of the product or service.
9 Products popular products The products that are most popular in the store. You can configure up to four products.
The email of the service provider. The store page displays only the first email that is
10 email
Contact Information
11 telephone The telephone of the service provider.
12 website The website of the service provider.
Store Management

4. The preview of the specified store

information is shown in the following figure.
The numbers in this figure correspond to
the parameters described in the previous
Order Management 1
1. Log in the Seller Portal.
2. Click Orders, and view the order details.
o View the order details in the order list.
You can view the order ID, product name, and order amount, status, type.

Note: Click the setting icon in the upper right corner of the order list to customize the content displayed.
Order Management 2
o View the order details on Order details page.
Click View in Action column and view the customer information, order information and porduct information on Order details page.

o View the order details through exporting the excel.

Click Export Excel in the upper left corner of the order list to download the order list.
Thank you

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