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Coaching Blurb - for potential clients

[open] ENBL Coaching Blurb | 2024
I found putting a blurb together was a good way to meet my prospective clients where they’re at:
time poor and packed schedules.
It's a lightweight, low effort way to help them assess directionally whether my coaching is in the
territory of what they’re looking for: 1/ do i work with clients like them, 2/ do i help them work
through challenges they’re currently facing
Others have found it helpful to make a website. For me, the website wasn’t helpful in
generating new clients.
This blurb and LinkedIn profile is all that I really needed the last 7 years.

Coaching agreement - for new clients

[template] Coaching Agreement - + [client name]
Lightweight terms so everyone’s on same page

New Client Onboarding - for new clients

[open] ENBL Welcome: {founder name}
I used to use 1:1 time to gather all this context to give me a holistic view of the client and the
business but I found async worked better for my clients
1/ it allowed them to reflect and process (vs. on the spot thinking)
2/ they could do this over time in chunks
3/ more efficient - use our sync time to refine

What coaching actually looks like

2023 year in review: client profiles, challenges, wins
My evolution
(how it started) Customer Success Coach
In the beginning, I was a pretend coach.
I was leveraging my startup experience and calling myself a Customer Success coach helping
startups build their customer success teams.
Twists and turns
Customer Success + Leadership Coach
Coactive Coach
Leadership + Coactive Coach
Leadership + Coactive + NLP Coach
Leadership + Coactive + NLP + Team Coach
(today) Full stack coaching (leadership, mindset, energy)
Business essentials to get started
I started as a sole proprietor. I was more interested in getting started, gaining momentum.
1/ Business license
2/ EIN
3/ Business checking account - chose Capital One because they were EASY to set up.
4/ Business insurance - purchased Hiscox ($350/year) through my home/auto insurance rep
(state farm)

Coaching Community
Facebook: Kickass CTI Coaches!
Active community of CTI coaches that share knowledge, experiences, tools
This was my ChatGPT before ChatGPT existed. Everything is here and the community is
loving, sharing and masters of the craft.

Building a coaching business

Co-Active Certification
Super helpful workshops during certification that helped me get started with charging fees for
my first clients
At the time, I had a weird relationship with money. When working for a startup, it was easy for
me to ask for contracts. Sometimes in the millions of dollars. But asking for money for me?
Eddie the coachcoac? Oh hell naw, I was terrified.
One of the exercises that was most helpful for me was starting with a price that wouldn’t make
me sweat. So, I started at $50 per session and went back to the group and celebrated. Then,
one of the trainers challenged me to increase the price by 50%. So the next client I charged
$75. The idea behind this exercise was to keep increasing by 50% until the client had an
objection. And because there were 20 other new coaches trying to figure out the same thing,
the support from them was super helpful.
Rich Litvin Prosperous Coach book
In the beginning of the coaching journey, my focus was on the coaching craft (ie, building
rapport, powerful questions), not the money making part of the business.
I found myself coaching clients the majority of the time. Not much on networking or talking to
prospective clients.
What I’ve learned is that there’s natural client attrition that will happen (ie, clients move on
because the coaching has served its purpose) and when you don’t have a “sales ready
pipeline”, I found myself stressed having to start from “0” to find new clients.
Coaches have a love / hate relationship with this guy. For me, I take the principles and put
aside the delivery style.
Rich has helped me get into the right mindset when it comes to building a coaching business.
50% of your time is building the business, 50% of your time is coaching.
Money Magic
I haven’t attended but this is highly recommended from peers I trust.
If I ever get into a place where money is a challenge, I would 100% sign up for this.
Try on different coaches
This is the best way to learn different coaching styles and approaches that you can incorporate
into your own approach.
In coach training, while each coaching trainer has their own style presented in class, they’re
generally operating/confined to the coaching company’s content and guidelines.
When I started working one on one with a coach (as a client), I began to experience their full
range of coaching approaches. I’m not going to lie. I “borrowed” so many of their incredible
coaching questions and resources to use with my clients.
My favorite coaches:

TRAINING - identify what’s possible for individuals

This is where my coaching training began. At the time I knew I needed a real coaching
foundation and structure. Relying on my startup operating experience and being a mentor was
only so effective.
I looked at a bunch of coaching training that was recommended to me (ie, Landmark, Hudson).
At some point, I was overwhelmed with information, in analysis paralysis mode and felt like I had
to pick the “right program”. In the end, I literally picked Co-Active because of scheduling. The
next Co-Active training started in the next month and the others were 6+ months later. I couldn’t
wait and Co-Active turned out to be the right and best thing for me ever.
The power of this training for me is experiencing for myself what I could potentially do for my
clients. While you do learn new coaching tools, this training is experiential. - move past limiting beliefs for individuals

Like Co-Active, this training is also experiential.
I was interested in NLP to learn tools to accelerate change clients were wanting for themselves.
Co-Active is spacious by design. But my clients that work in high pressure environments don’t
always have the luxury of time.
NLP has been a great way to complement Co-Active coaching and Leadership development.
There are times where clients need the space and I’ll hold that for them. But there are times
where they’re reaching so hard and need some assistance to get unblocked. - team and relationship dynamics

I added this to the coaching toolkit because I started noticing co-founder and team conflict as
another barrier to startup success and a huge source of pain individually.
The tools are EXTREMELY helpful and effective in learning to work with systems.
Not as experiential in my experience. - teamwork
Pat’s no-bullshit approach to team dynamics is effective. Research and science are really
important as points of references or understanding but I like Pat’s approach because it’s
practical. He teaches what works in his experiences working with teams. - energy work

For many, this is in the land of woo. But for my clients, I find that including exercises that focus
on the body (not logical mind), helps to loosen things up and create movement that eventually
will require the logical mind.
Its not the starting point in a coaching relationship for sure but I find as I build trust and rapport
with clients, they are 100% open to the woo stuff and becomes a recurring practice in our
coaching sessions.


Google everything (docs, sheets, slides)

Simple, automated. Set it and forget it.
If possible, go with ACH which takes out the least % in fees
CRM: + Google
There’s probably more elegant ways to manage prospective and existing clients
I use folders in Google to organize all docs for each client
I use labels in Superhuman
Assessments - saboteurs - working preferences - communication styles
Backend service -
I haven’t used them but would have if:
I didn’t already have a relationship with a CPA before starting ENBL
My client volume was higher. I only work with 7-10 clients at a time so I don’t have crazy
monthly volumes that are hard to keep up with

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