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Name : Muhammad Ikhsan

Nim : 2307114590

S1 Electrical Engineering Class B

Last semester break, I spent most of my time at home with my family. Even though we stayed home and
didn't travel far, there were plenty of activities we did together with my parents, siblings, and me. In the
mornings, I always woke up early for my morning workout, like jogings. After workout, I usually helped
my parents in the fields.

After helping out in the fields, I usually went straight back home. Once home, I continued with other
activities such as bathing, eating, fishing, feeding the pet birds, watching movies, cleaning the house,
and playing with my siblings. Additionally, I also occasionally went out to play with my friends to spend

Since last semester break coincided with the New Year, our family spent time barbecuing together in the
backyard. That was how I spent my semester break. Although it was ordinary because we didn't go
anywhere, all those activities didn't make me bored.

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