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"Rebellion" is an unreleased song sung by the princess of pop music, Britney Spears.

It's release was

initially supposed to be as a debut on Britney's unrealeased album "Original Doll" and later "Blackout".
The only snippet that exists of the song is the one Britney herself shared with her fans on her website
while an animation of her turning into a fierce tiger played on screen, this change on her website
seemed to have appeared in early december of 2006.

"Original Doll" & "Blackout" debuts

It was long term confirmed that Britney had been working on a darker sound much earlier than many
suspected in the 00's. After "Mona Lisa" 's radio debut it was officially announced Britney was working
on a new album possibly titled "Original Doll". The vocals in the snippet posted by Britney alluded that it
went perfectly with the timing of "Original Doll" as she was still using her baby voice in a breathy type of
way and only began to use a bit of her natural, deep voice in "Mona Lisa" and "Rebellion". In the end
"Original Doll" never came and the song had to be put aside.

Have you ever been looking trough fanmade Britney CD's and noticed one called "Rebellion" (produced
by Jeff Duran)? If you have you sure must have thought a fan made it but NOPE! It was a professional
producer, who actually worked on the song but spoiler alert: There's not the actual song on it. In 2013 a
producer named Jeff began hyping up the unreleased masterpiece once again in celebration of Britney's
new upcoming album "Britney Jean" and his new collaboration with him (didn't make the cut). It all
started innocent enough as Jeff theorized with the fans and was bringing up the heartbreaking story of
trying to post the track on youtube but it never working. Things began to drift off in an "unpleasent"
direction as Jeff suddenly said Nicki Minaj was featured on the "Rebellion" remix? Eh, what? Nicki wasn't
even around the time any sort of remix of the song was supposed to appear but it did not stop there.
Jeff then proceded to tell the fans he would release the song on a CD which people had to pay for. It was
a huge scam as the people who got it ended up with a fanmade extended remix of the snippet... Yikes.
Jeff then went onto blame the army for his mistakes and his supposed song with Brit Brit did not even
make the cut on "Britney Jean". It's possible Brit's crew stopped him from leaking the song but, in all
honesty, the guy's probably nothing more than a scumbag.


Nobody knows just how far Britney got with exposing the truth about the dark side of the industry. Is
the song about her superious? Menagment? Is it a message to her self or even us? Maybe someday we
will understand.

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