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Biology research work

Respiration and photosynthesis in plants are closely interconnected processes.Plants do two important
things: photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthesis helps them make food using sunlight and carbon
dioxide, and they release oxygen as a bonus. Respiration is like eating that food to get energy, using
oxygen and producing carbon dioxide. These two processes work together to keep plants alive and
growing, with photosynthesis storing energy and respiration using it. These two processes are connected
because the food made in photosynthesis (glucose) is used in respiration to get energy. It’s like a circle:
photosynthesis makes the food, and respiration uses it to get energy, But the environment can change
this balance, these are the environment factors that can effect the balance between respiration and
photosynthesis in plants:
1. Light intensity: Plants need sunlight to make food through photosynthesis. If there's not enough
sunlight, they can't make as much food, so they might rely more on eating their stored food through
2. Temperature: Plants like it not too hot and not too cold. If it's extremely hot, their food-making
(photosynthesis) can slow down or even get damaged. On the other hand, when it's very cold, both
photosynthesis and respiration can become slower.
3. Air Quality: Plants breathe too, but they breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (O2). If
there's too much CO2 or not enough O2 around, it can affect how fast they do these processes, which
can change the balance.
4. Water availability : Water is essential for both photosynthesis and respiration. If there's not enough
water, it can slow down photosynthesis, and plants might need to use more of their stored food through
5. Day and Night cycle: Plants have a routine. They make food during the day with sunlight and use that
food for energy at night through respiration. Changes in this routine, like extra-long days or nights, can
affect the balance.
6. Stored Food: Plants save some of their food for later use. When they need extra energy, they use this
stored food through respiration. If they use it up too quickly, it can affect the balance.
7. Adaptations: Plants have evolved various adaptations to optimize the balance based on their
environment. For example, certain desert plants perform a unique type of photosynthesis at night to
conserve water, adapting to their arid surroundings.

So, these factors all influence how much plants make food (photosynthesis) and how much they use it
for energy (respiration). The right balance helps plants grow and stay healthy.
In conclusion, photosynthesis and respiration are essential processes in plants, with a dynamic
interconnection that sustains their energy needs. Environmental factors such as light intensity
temperature, air quality, water availability, and the day-night cycle, stored food and adaptations
collectively influence these processes.

Made by Ishmal Fatima 9C

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