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Roll no: 210487

Class: BSP-5

Submitted to: Dr. Samina

Subject: Ethics

Assignment 01

Ethical Behavior

1. Eating Silently.
2. Waiting patiently for your turn to buy food.
3. Throwing your trash in the trash bin.
4. Treating the staff of café in a good way.
5. Not wasting food.

Non-Ethical Behavior

1. Talking/Laughing while eating.

2. Not throwing your trash in bin.
3. Misbehaving with the café staff.
4. Being impatient while waiting for your turn.
5. Wasting food while eating.


Ethical Behavior

1. Sitting Silently.
2. Not attending phone calls.
3. Not eating in the library.
4. Putting the books back to their places.
5. Keeping bags outside the library.

Non-Ethical Behavior

1. Talking in the library.

2. Damaging the property of the library.
3. Listening phone calls.
4. Not putting the books back to their places.
5. Bringing your unnecessary belongings in the library.

AU Auditorium:

Ethical Behavior

1. Listening to the speaker carefully.

2. Not making loud voices.
3. Not running in the auditorium.
4. Giving space to the passing by students
5. Keeping the auditorium clean

Non-Ethical Behavior

1. Making too much noise.

2. Running recklessly in the auditorium.
3. Not listening attentively to the speaker.
4. Not giving space to the passing by students.
5. Not keeping the auditorium clean.


Ethical Behavior

1. Keeping the classroom clean.

2. Keeping the desks, chairs and tables clean and not damaging them.
3. Not wasting electricity by turning on unnecessary lights and fans.
4. Being cooperative with students and teachers.
5. Respecting the teachers.

Non-Ethical Behavior

1. Misbehaving with the teachers.

2. Damaging the property of class.
3. Wasting electricity by turning on unnecessary fans and lights.
4. Throwing trash in class instead of dustbin.
5. Not being attentive during lectures.

Administration Block

Ethical behavior

1. Being cooperative with the admin staff.

2. Waiting patiently for your turn.
3. Presenting your issue in an appropriate way.
4. Be honest while explaining the matter under consideration.
5. Respecting the staff of admin office.

Non-Ethical Behavior

1. Being impatient while waiting for your turn.

2. Disrespecting the staff of admin office.
3. Not being honest while explaining the matter under consideration.
4. Being non cooperative with admin staff.
5. Not keeping the matters discussed in admin office confidential.

Gate and parking

Ethical Behavior

1. Proving your identity by showing the student card.

2. Wearing helmet while entering the university.
3. Parking your vehicle in correct way by respecting the lanes.
4. Cooperate with the parking department staff.
5. Not blowing the horns of your vehicles unnecessary.

Non-ethical behavior

1. Not wearing helmet

2. Not keeping your identity/student card with you.
3. Parking your vehicle in a wrong way.
4. Misbehaving with parking staff.
5. Disturbing the environment of university by blowing horns unnecessary

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