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Final Evaluation:

I did research on the 1960s and Nigerian fabric as part of my project on

Memento as we were supposed to do something on history or on something
historical that why I chose these topics. This happens in the studio and the
computer room. I wanted to make something inspired by the 60s and Nigerian
prints. The outcome was a Nigerian inspired printed fabric design.
I was feeling confused during this project as I didn’t fully understand what I
was doing in this project which made me feel anxious about the whole thing and
gave me such a late start but once I put my worries aside, I finished my designs.
Before this project I was feeling excited as it was a project on history, and I love
history so much that is why I was so excited about this project and after this
project I was feeling nervous that I wouldn’t have a good project. I think it is a
good project theme. I would love to do it again.
The good was that I could do a project on my heritage, on my born right and I
really enjoyed it. The bad thing was that the interiors had no idea what they
were doing again because it was not clear in the brief which is part of the reason
of why struggled to do this project and why I wished I pushed myself harder.
My research went well as I found out a lot on my project like Ankara printed
fabric came from the Dutch as no one there wanted the fabric but most of west
Africa did that were it came from. The start did go well when everyone knew
what they were doing I was still confused and scared because I did want to mess
something up that was so close to my heart which was why I didn’t start at the
same time as everyone else, but I put that aside and made something beautiful.
I learn that I need to push myself a little harder when I’m confused and ask for
help when I need it and that I need to breathe when I get overwhelmed. That is
what I learned from this project.
My drawing skills are really bad, and I need to work on it, so it becomes better.
It would be a more positive experience if I didn’t feel so much pressure on
making this perfect.
If had to do this again in the future I would choose a different topic to do my
project like the 20s but still with Nigerian print design as it would have been
more historical, I think. I will do more drawing and projects to boost my skills
that are required to do better next time and to understand what is asked of me in
these projects so I can be the designer I want to be and how design is always
changing and forever unique. In conclusion I love this project but wish I pushed
myself more like in the others.

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