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- Initially the germans weren’t killing the jews they were attempting to move them out

of germany and german resettlers would reinvade

- 1941 Germany invades russia and not only are there jews there are slavs other
- Hitler formed a coalition that forced Hindenburg to give him power
- Hindenburg dies in 1934 and then Hitler unifies the presidency and the parliament
and titles himself the Fuhrer of germany
- 44 000 camps and ghettos are established
- First concentration camps Dachau near munich and Sachsenhausen near berlin
initially for political prisoners March 1933
- Heads shaven to prevent lice and thus typhus which prevented many working
prisoners from unnecessarily dying
- Triangular shaped camps in the range of a posted machine gun at the front to control
the prisoners
- The germans would photograph everything for the thousand year reich so they
records for their own history
- Some of the allies that attempted to get jews out of the country would smuggle
cameras to help incite the allies to bomb concentration camps
- Hitler was going to make Germania in Berlin the capital of the world, he would build a
hall with a dome that was so large it had a microclimate - never got to build as the
war broke out and resources were needed elsewhere
- Shoe running detail - 25-40km a day of walking or running with a pack to test the sole
of shoes to make sure they were suitable for soldiers
- The SS would take the clothes of dead prisoners, jewellery and rings (for clothes)
send them to another camp that would refurb the clothes and the SS would sell back
to jews
- The SS under control of Henrich Himmler known as Waffen SS - (armed) SS
- Dr Joseph Menggler
- Zychlon B - crystal that when shaken produced cyanide gas, it being denser sinks
from the roof hence the pyramid of people
- Station Z - crematorium at Sachsenhausen
- At Sachsenhausen there would be a double brick wall, height indicator and theyd be
shot through the wall
- Sachsenhausen Strappado - hung by their hands and had their feet beaten as
- Greater germany is the region that germany now controls after the war

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