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DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.

Welcome To DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0

All I want you to do is listen, watch, learn, then EXECUTE on a MASSIVE SCALE.
Legal Notice And Other Stuff Our Lawyers Put In Here For You To Comply With














OK SO BEFORE you get your skirts and panties in a bunch I’ll give you a brief 411 on what this all means. As my lawyers made me promise to actually talk
about this so its in print, written, and in audio format for my and your protection.
1.You are the CEO of your own business, with business comes risk, but also with that risk comes great reward for those of you who have brass balls or balls
of steel.
2. You may make a whole bunch of money from this course or you may lose a whole bunch of money from this course and make nothing using the
information inside.

and you may or may not put yourself at risk for getting your advertising accounts shut down and banned if you want to use the paid platforms so that’s the
calculated risk you agree to take when going through this course material which by the way you do not have rights to reproduce or copy in any manner or
method without my expressed or written consent or permission.
Also if you have bought this course with the intention of conducting a group buy and sharing it illegally and trying to damage my brand or name or my biz
partner Andrew Fox, and we find out we can and will proceed with litigation as this course is for your own use or that of you and only your immediate in

So hope I got your attention because if this has ever happened to you, then you know that feeling in the pit of your gut and in your head when you see it.
2. It sucks, because you lost all your campaign data which you forgot to back up or download, you lost all your images which were sweet and converting
like crazy, but worse…
You have to start all over again with the bullshit revolving wheel.
3. So let me tell you why this is happening and we’re going to start with module one which is where most people screw up because they try to ramp up
their campaigns to quickly, they don’t understand how to set up the budgets based on targeting size and FB™ considers them spammers and you don’t
have the slightest clue why you got this message or similar.
So lets get into what I like to call…
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Target Audience Finally Revealed and it will be module 1
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

1. Based on $4.7M of personal spend when you want to reach your target audience you need to break
down your targeting into 3 campaigns, in each campaign you want to break that down in 3 ad sets, and 5
ads per ad set. to get the real target audience size and then you can work out your budget accordingly.

2. Ideally FB™ wants you to reach the real audience size your targeting in a day or two, so your daily
budget should be able to cover the potential cost to stay competitive and get the best quality traffic at the
best possible times i.e. you really want to start your traffic right at the beginning of the day rather than
waiting to start a campaign half way throughout the day

3. If you do that, (start your campaign halfway through the day) you force FB™ to throttle your traffic so you
won’t get the best quality traffic you will get a lot of junky traffic thrown into the mix based on the

1. Based on $4.7M of personal spend when you want to reach your target audience you need to break down your targeting into 3 campaigns, in each campaign you want to break that down in 3 ad sets, and
5 ads per ad set. to get the real target audience size and then you can work out your budget accordingly
2. Ideally FB™ wants you to reach the real audience size your targeting in a day or two, so your daily budget should be able to cover the potential cost to stay competitive and get the best quality traffic at
the best possible times i.e. you really want to start your traffic right at the beginning of the day rather than waiting to start a campaign half way throughout the day
3. If you do that, (start your campaign halfway through the day) you force FB™ to throttle your traffic so you won’t get the best quality traffic you will get a lot of junky traffic thrown into the mix based on
the Algorithm.
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

4. if you want to hit everyone in your entire audience size in a day which I
don’t advise because in FB™ eyes you’ll be considered a spammer so don’t
do it. A better way of doing this is you want to warm up your campaigns and
break down each campaign in sets of 3 campaigns with 3 ad sets, and 5 ads in
each set per campaign with to hit your maximum daily budget.

5. This will also help you increase your ad quality score as you warm up your
campaigns over time with the assumption you keep your ad disapproval to a
minimum. You’re overall ad history score will play a big factor in this as well.

4. if you want to hit everyone in your entire audience size in a day which I don’t advise because in FB™ eyes you’ll be considered a spammer so don’t do it. A better way of doing this is you want to warm up
your campaigns and break down each campaign in sets of 3 campaigns with 3 ad sets, and 5 ads in each set per campaign with to hit your maximum daily budget.

5. This will also help you increase your ad quality score as you warm up your campaigns over time with the assumption you keep your ad disapproval to a minimum. You’re overall ad history score will play a
big factor in this as well.
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

1. Now here’s the funny part to hitting your ideal target audience and spending your full daily budget, if the
CTR falls lower than 1%, you can still set up your budget to hit your entire audience by spreading out
budget in 3 campaigns 3 ad sets, 5 ads per set.

2. If you try to go spread out more than 3X- 5X your daily spend outside of more than 3 campaigns it looks
to FB™ that you are trying to spam their audience group and you’ll get shut down. You have to increase
your daily spend slowly instead of doing what most marketers do which is ramping up their ad spend too

3. You also need to keep your ad frequency below 2% that sweet spot is 1.6% because what happens when
you can get into this range FB™ starts to optimize your entire campaign. outside of this range and you’ll
have a tough time getting your campaigns optimized.

4. The next big secret is at the moment FB™ actually prefers that you create video ads because you’ll get
higher engagement, better end user experience which is what FBTM wants and they’ll start to send you
better quality traffic. especially when you duplicate your campaigns.

5. Warning you also have to do this slowly.

1. Now here’s the funny part to hitting your ideal target audience and spending your full daily budget, if the CTR falls lower than 1%, you can still set up your budget to hit your entire audience by spreading
out budget in 3 campaigns 3 ad sets, 5 ads per set.
2. If you try to go spread out more than 3X- 5X your daily spend outside of more than 3 campaigns it looks to FB™ that you are trying to spam their audience group and you’ll get shut down. You have to
increase your daily spend slowly instead of doing what most marketers do which is ramping up their ad spend too quickly.
3. You also need to keep your ad frequency below 2% that sweet spot is 1.6% because what happens when you can get into this range FB™ starts to optimize your entire campaign. outside of this range and
you’ll have a tough time getting your campaigns optimized.
4. The next big secret is at the moment FB™ actually prefers that you create video ads because you’ll get higher engagement, better end user experience which is what FB™ wants and they’ll start to send
you better quality traffic. especially when you duplicate your campaigns.
5. Warning you also have to do this slowly.
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

• Ad budget $100 a day your target audience should hit on the low end 100K to the higher end of 250K (plus or
minus $50 on each end to get into the sweet spot)

• Ad budget $500 a day your target audience should hit on the low end 500K to the higher end of 1M+ (plus or
minus $100 on each end to get into the sweet spot it now doubles because of the reach size)

• Ad budget $1000+ a day your target audience should hit on the low end 1.5M+ and above (plus or minus $250 on
each end to get into the sweet spot)
• So an ad budget of over $1500 a day FB reaches about 50-60% of your target audience so you need to break up
the campaigns into blocks of $1500+ and ramp up very slowly or you will be considering spamming your audience in
FBTM eyes and this is where people see their accounts getting shut down.

• It actually happens on pretty much every price point and budget because you are ramping up too quickly so for
each level you need to warm up all your campaigns slowly

1. Ad budget $100 a day your target audience should hit on the low end 100K to the higher end of 250K (plus or minus $50 on each end to get into the sweet spot)
2. Ad budget $500 a day your target audience should hit on the low end 500K to the higher end of 1M+ (plus or minus $100 on each end to get into the sweet spot it now doubles because of the reach size)
3. Ad budget $1000+ a day your target audience should hit on the low end 1.5M+ and above (plus or minus $250 on each end to get into the sweet spot)
4. So an ad budget of over $1500 a day FB reaches about 50-60% of
5. your target audience so you need to break up the campaigns into blocks of $1500+ and ramp up very slowly or you will be considering spamming your audience in FBTM eyes and this is where people see their
accounts getting shut down.
6. It actually happens on pretty much every price point and budget because you are ramping up too quickly so for each level you need to warm up all your campaigns slowly
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

• So at the end of the day no matter what budget you set up you want to keep within those guidelines to get
the best possible type of quality traffic FB™ can send you and that a helps keep your campaigns in high ROI
consistently. Now here’s how you really take advantage of all this module and scale accordingly t make maximum

• Start your campaigns right at the beginning of the day, not halfway through the day because you will get a
pro rated budget which means you cannot hit your maximum ad spend for the day.

• If you pause your campaign mid day you lose all your leverage and when you want to resume that campaign
you force FB™ to send you a boat load of traffic that might not be quality because they need to make their
money. So the traffic you get cost you more and you’ll notice you burn through you budget faster with less
results. So don’t do it, resume you campaign at the beginning of the next day to get your moneys worth and
don’t force FB™ to throttle you junky traffic.

1. So at the end of the day no matter what budget you set up you want to keep within those guidelines to get the best possible type of quality traffic FB™ can send you and that a helps keep your campaigns in high
ROI consistently. Now here’s how you really take advantage of all this module and scale accordingly t make maximum profits.
2. Start your campaigns right at the beginning of the day, not halfway through the day because you will get a pro rated budget which means you cannot hit your maximum ad spend for the day.
3. If you pause your campaign mid day you lose all your leverage and when you want to resume that campaign you force FB™ to send you a boat load of traffic that might not be quality because they need to make their
money. So the traffic you get cost you more and you’ll notice you burn through you budget faster with less results. So don’t do it, resume you campaign at the beginning of the next day to get your moneys worth and
don’t force FB™ to throttle you junky traffic.
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

6. Now all of this being said, I’m giving you what has been working for me, my students, and
clients. It doesn’t necessarily work for everyone as its been a test guideline. You may get very
different results, matter of fact I’m actually betting on it and heres the reason why.

7. FB™ bidding system is a revolving changing auction based model so lots of things are
going to change.

8. Ever wonder why when it comes time for FB™ earnings to come out that during that week
before and after that you notice that you bid prices go sky high?, your traffic doesn’t move
you have to dump more money in at the front end? campaigns that were running before like
clockwork all of a sudden stalled out?
9. Makes you think doesn't it. Go back in history and track or even better start tracking all this
now and watch what happens around earnings release period

6. Now all of this being said, I’m giving you what has been working for me, my students, and clients. It doesn’t necessarily work for everyone as its been a test guideline. You may get very different results, matter of fact I’m actually
betting on it and heres the reason why.
7. FB™ bidding system is a revolving changing auction based model so lots of things are going to change.
8. Ever wonder why when it comes time for FB™ earnings to come out that during that week before and after that you notice that you bid prices go sky high?, your traffic doesn’t move you have to dump more money in at the front
end? campaigns that were running before like clockwork all of a sudden stalled out?
9. Makes you think doesn't it. Go back in history and track or even better start tracking all this now and watch what happens around earnings release period
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

7. FB™ bidding system is a revolving changing auction based model so lots of things are going to

8. Ever wonder why when it comes time for FB™ earnings to come out that during that week
before and after that you notice that you bid prices go sky high?, your traffic doesn’t move you
have to dump more money in at the front end? campaigns that were running before like clockwork
all of a sudden stalled out?

9. Makes you think doesn't it. Go back in history and track or even better start tracking all this now
and watch what happens around earnings release period.

4. test your interest in separate ads, try not to bunch more than 2 into a ad

5. make sure you find your controls first before you start to test haphazardly so that means split
testing is crucial and split test with your budget accordingly

7. FB™ bidding system is a revolving changing auction based model so lots of things are going to change.
8. Ever wonder why when it comes time for FB™ earnings to come out that during that week before and after that you notice that you bid prices go sky high?, your traffic doesn’t move you have to dump more money
in at the front end? campaigns that were running before like clockwork all of a sudden stalled out?
9. Makes you think doesn't it. Go back in history and track or even better start tracking all this now and watch what happens around earnings release period.
10. test your interest in separate ads, try not to bunch more than 2 into a ad
11. make sure you find your controls first before you start to test haphazardly so that means split testing is crucial and split test with your budget accordingly
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed
Action Steps -
1.Start your campaigns are the beginning of the day 8am - 9am max to get full ad spend and
reach daily budget

2. If you have to start your campaigns halfway through the day, schedule them to start at the
beginning of the next day and increase your bid to get the traffic moving then adjust

3. make sure your campaigns are tightly targeted, then go broad to get maximum reach and
hit a big audience

4. test your interest in separate ads, try not to bunch more than 2 into a ad

5. make sure you find your controls first before you start to test haphazardly so that means
split testing is crucial and split test with your budget

Action Steps -
1.Start your campaigns are the beginning of the day 8am - 9am max to get full ad spend and reach daily budget
2. If you have to start your campaigns halfway through the day, schedule them to start at the beginning of the next day and increase your bid to get the traffic moving then adjust accordingly
3. make sure your campaigns are tightly targeted, then go broad to get maximum reach and hit a big audience
4. test your interest in separate ads, try not to bunch more than 2 into a ad
5. make sure you find your controls first before you start to test haphazardly so that means split testing is crucial and split test with your budget
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

Once you have spent major money in traffic spend you can start to send trends and know exactly when to start your campaigns and restart them.
1.You’ll start to know exactly when to start your campaigns when you are in the high six figure and seven figure ad spend level and you can see on the column on the right hand side to reach maximum ROI.
2.As I’ve stated in the module and what no one realizes is that the perfect time to run ads so FBTM gives you the maximum traffic and gives you a shot at reaching your max daily budget is submitting your
ads so that they run 8am - 10am PST.
Of course depending on how you budget and bid you may not get traffic right away but you will go on the clock at the time of submission. its a very tricky
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

Once you have spent major money in traffic spend you can start to send trends and know exactly when to start your campaigns and restart them.
1.You’ll start to know exactly when to start your campaigns when you are in the high six figure and seven figure ad spend level and you can see on the column on the right hand side to reach maximum ROI.
2.As I’ve stated in the module and what no one realizes is that the perfect time to run ads so FBTM gives you the maximum traffic and gives you a shot at reaching your max daily budget is submitting your
ads so that they run 8am - 10am PST.
Of course depending on how you budget and bid you may not get traffic right away but you will go on the clock at the time of submission. its a very tricky
Module 1
The Magic Facebook™ Formula To Hitting Your Daily Budget And Target
Audience Finally Revealed

Once you have spent major money in traffic spend you can start to send trends and know exactly when to start your campaigns and restart them.
1.You’ll start to know exactly when to start your campaigns when you are in the high six figure and seven figure ad spend level and you can see on the column on the right hand side to reach maximum ROI.
2.As I’ve stated in the module and what no one realizes is that the perfect time to run ads so FBTM gives you the maximum traffic and gives you a shot at reaching your max daily budget is submitting your ads so that
they run 8am - 10am PST.
Of course depending on how you budget and bid you may not get traffic right away but you will go on the clock at the time of submission. its a very tricky
Module 2 Native Advertising That Rocks!
And Getting FB™ To Do All The Hard Work !
For You While You Land Clients

1. if you want to run major traffic on mobile you want to hit the biggest markets out there with the mass appeal and thats’ Adult, Gambling, and Health.
2. Native advertising on mobile is hot and its just picking up steam with a lot of the other mainstream advertisers yet many affiliates simply do not know how to dominate it. Well I’ll give you a little hint.
3. If you do not set up your mobile CPA presell advert properly to “prequalify and pre frame” the click, you’re dead in the water because they first of all won’t even click through to your presell, or your
commerce, or your website, and thus they will not buy.
1. You have lots of types of main native advertising but we’ll focus on these two main types of native advertising that work through my testing.
2. 1b you have on the left “Disruption Native advertising” its still part of the content but its more direct response as it pops out inside of the feed.
Its still effective depending on your marketing and who you are targeting in good size markets.
Its a bit more edgy but does get results and meant for more ecommerce type sites, sales letters type sites,
3. Then you have on the right, “infeed native advertising” which is right inside of the feed of the story highly popular and very effective, and used more for content oriented type blogs and content type
The second is one I’ve been using more of in my style of hybrid CPA marketing
Notice how appealing number 2 looks and how the big guns use it for not just branding purposes when their telling a story but the smart CPA guys are using it for direct response.
1. Number two tends to be a better end user experience so it helps drive revenue more and this commands better rates for the networks as far as how to price it so its not for the faint of heart and small pocket
You have to have a good funnel put into place to maximize your ROI and you will be doing a hell of a lot of testing.
2. Now I prefer to run CPC model when doing native advertising because you need to know first of all is your content being received well, are people clicking and engaging with your marketing before you go on a
CPM model which is just suicide for the inexperienced marketer.
Trust me I know on this one, made many mistakes, lol
3. So lets get into the case study now that your warmed up.
1. Native advertising fan page case study for CPA offer - so again I have to reiterate that there are some dicks out there who would complain so this page has to be hidden for privacy, there are ton of
courses out there how to build fan pages this isn’t part of this course and I’ve openly said that on the sales letter and in prelaunch.
This is about what you need to run strong native advertising ads and I’m also sick of people ripping off my shit and flagging pages out of spite.
2. Ok anyways lets get back on track
3. OK, So you know the drill, FB™ pages have to have really good engaging content on them to have your native advertising work efficiently so its not enough to have a “thin” page you need to engage
and pre educate your market so they trust you.
1. of course you wont’ find this page as its unpublished I hate people ripping off my stuff so as long as I show you the methodology you can go out and rock your own pages with content.
2. You’ll see how many likes 8K and visits 66K thats engagement and it all goes back to a funnel that set up from native Ad from FB™ page, to killer real content blog that has CPA offers on it.
1. Native advert sponsored post - Great copy that is compelling and engaging, you need to ask questions in your native advertising so you get people hooked and stop them so they think
2. also tell them its an “article” that they will read, if you target your crowd properly and understand the psychology of your market then this you know that this crowd is educated and health conscious and
always reading up on the latest nutritional intel.
3. I also mention “capsules” in my ad copy I don’t mention “supplements” or vitamins
1. notice as well with native advertising the whole advert blends in well. (and yes the fanpage is unpublished for privacy reasons) I also have to blur out peoples names just in case, because everyone is so
litigious. (you never know so be on the safe side as you conduct case studies, I can’t contact everyone and ask them if its ok if their name is seen in a course, lol)
2. I might also let you know that this service that I’m driving traffic to and also using to promote my CPA offers is only available in about 4 different states so its very targeted which helps the offer (think geo
1. So from the native advert sponsored post they get driven to the blog so they get the first part of the information that they clicked on, and you further increase the
2. You provide the content with a engaging banner ad that backs up what you said in your sponsored ad and carrying on the conversation on the blog and give them the
steps to how to get the best produce and free deliver so you not lying.
3. You’ll see how I mark the direct response portion and how its outlined to action get taken… I use a very effective strategy of the “step 1. do this, step 2 do this” and make
it stand out for the call to action to happen
4. 3) my other CPA offer is already on the page clearly marked “Click below for great offers”
5. And my blog post are actual blog post but my CPA offers are embedded in the post
1. all navigation tabs lead to an actual page that has content marketing and offer, there is no pop ups, pop unders, exit pops, etc etc etc on on the pages (but they do work but not
necessary here for a couple of reasons. (I want FB™ to approve the page and let me run traffic to it, or the other traffic source like google display)
2. There are TOS, earnings, privacy policy, phone number etc etc etc
3. You can build your own CRPL/blog by following the steps
4. 1, content on each page thats targeted and engages from your ad on FB™
2.real navigation links on your pages that lead to other peripheral pages on your site that have your offers embedded in the content. 3. TOS, privacy policy, earnings etc etc etc on
your crpl
5. So lets get to look a the quick conversions so you see how effective it is
1. I ran lead gen to get conversions to website and got a whole bunch for the offer that is on the website that is made to pre-engage and pre educate my leads, warm them up to trust me and
they go into the funnel for the CPA offer.
2. I also ran a native advertising webinar on healthy food and supplements (well I didn’t run the webinar that was one of my outsourcers who is the face of the market, on the call we drove them
to a CPA offer at the end)
3. I used retargeting for the Native advert natural food and supplement replay as well and you see the conversions from it all leads. (most all of the services out there you run your retargeting ads,
adroll, perfect audience, FBX exchange, it doesn’t matter since its retargeting just pick one test it and if you like the results run with it.
4. Do not make this complicated and over analyze it

1. If you do not track your desktop and mobile sales you’ll lose out on way more than $600K and yes mobile destroys on FB™ running CPA offers but again you have to do it right.
2. . You need to have a tracking platform that can handle this much traffic first of all and keep it on one of your dedicated servers or go cloud so you can scale and you won’t have to worry about always cleaning out
your databases because their all bogged down and running slow so you have to wait for your pages to load, wait for running reports etc etc etc
3. 3. You’ll need to drill down even further to your operating device and carrier because their in lies the gold as well and many affiliates simply don’t care about this but I do
4. Follow everything I have talked about when it comes to pre framing, pre qualifying, pre educating, pre selling, in that order.
Screw that order up and your screwed, you’ll get your account shut down or worse…

1. All this I can further optimize so instead of taking home over $600K it could have been a cool $1M+ for sure if not more than that.
2. 99% of affiliates will never do this at this level and its still not optimized but I’m way too busy
3. There are a lot of big players out there to help you get your native advertising out there so use out, and
4. there are lots of tracking services that will measure all your metrics efforts at my level I like to use hit path it works for me, if your just starting out CPV labs, Voluume, improperly will work fine for you, and
there are new ones popping up all the time, I’m old school and to move all my data over to a new service just isn’t worth it at the moment..
action steps -

step 1. identify an audience you want to penetrate and know their interest so you can design
content to attract and engage.

step 2. do research on the proper channel of distribution that matches your audiences habits
and where they basically engage on a daily basis whether it niche or not

step 3. design compelling, engaging, and pre educating “link” content and pay for your
advertising on whatever channel it is and make use of retarding channel as well to keep in front
of your prospect, you’ll need to have tracking in place so you track every detail to make Native
advert work

step 4 three performance indicators that you want to be aware of!

Performance, engagement, awareness, results, monetize

1. action steps -
2. step 1. identify an audience you want to penetrate and know their interest so you can design content to attract and engage.
3. step 2. do research on the proper channel of distribution that matches your audiences habits and where they basically engage on a daily basis whether it niche or not
4. step 3. design compelling, engaging, and pre educating “link” content and pay for your advertising on whatever channel it is and make use of retarding channel as well to keep in front of your prospect, you’ll need
to have tracking in place so you track every detail to make Native advert work
5. step 4 three performance indicators that you want to be aware of Performance, engagement, awareness, results, monetize
6. Make sure your ads are very targeted to your audience and keep all ads and funnels congruent all the way through so it makes sense to the user and they get a good overall experience so you have a better or higher
quality click that converts
Getting FB™ To Set Up Desktop/Mobile
Native Advertising Funnels for App Installs,
Your Ads, Your Other Business Advertising

Call Direct 1-800-694-2600 The Most Important !

FB™ Number You’ll Ever Have, Don’t Abuse It.!

1. So I’m going to help you out the easiest way I know how and thats to get a facebook™ rep, and get FB™ themselves to help you build your entire business for you on their dime when it comes to
native advertising, mobile app installs, for corporate clients and for affiliate marketing (never tell the 800lb giant that you are an affiliate you always want to lead out with you are a business owner in X
market and you would like help on developing your offer and funnel with, wink wink, hint hint, as well you should be building your own business first before running as an affiliate) and other advertising.
2. Here is FB™ phone number which is direct line to get help. Please use it wisely and you never got this number from the course. write this down and use it 1-800-694-2600
3. you can use
4. So here’s the big secret that 99% of marketers and affiliates make when they just start out with native advertising if a native ad isn’t linked to a content rich product landing page and you don’t have
tracking installed on that CRPL along with a heat map tracking its impact on conversions and revenue isn’t easy.
5. Your CRPL is part of your funnel and it will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your all your campaigns. Many marketers drop the ball on this and wonder why their native advertising is not working.
When a prospect lands on your CRPL and fills out a form, clicks through to your actual sales page or makes a purchase, you know that your native ad was more than just a curiosity thing.
Getting FB™ To Set Up Desktop/Mobile
Native Advertising Funnels for App Installs,
Your Ads, Your Other Business Advertising

Call Direct 1-800-694-2600 The Most Important !

FB™ Number You’ll Ever Have, Don’t Abuse It.!

1. And because you will have clean conversion data using the proper tools like CPV Labs, Kissmetrics, Voluume, you’ll be able to optimize your page and marketing funnels through A/B testing and when
your ready to scale MVareite split testing.
2. Tracking your native ad by attaching it to a CRPL will not only help you drive conversions and ROI but also provide insight for your next ad campaign
3. again please do not abuse this phone number because I can guarantee you that if you start to abuse it and FB™ gets pissed off you can bet they will disconnect it and you’ll have to go back to the dark
again. don't be dumb use with extreme caution.
Action Steps:
4. Don’t screw up and abuse this phone number you are only skewing yourself in the end and the rest of the members
5. Let FB™ do all the heavy lifting for you, let them map out your entire funnel and give you the intel you need.
6. Always show them a similar offer you want to run and not that actual offer make sure its as bang on to the one you want to run so you get a good feel for how they would accept it, then go step by step
and build the actual offer you want to run after they build your entire funnel with the “mirror” offer.
7. Keep every single documentation you get from them, all the emails, phone conversions etc etc etc incase you need it for the future for back up.
1. Look if you really want to run supplements on FB just make sure they don’t have the following ingredients which you can find just by typing it in to the help section but I’ll give you a hand
3. in Module 3 we’re going to go into how to go from 0 to Over $100K per day on FB™ use this formula and fundamentals right and you will be well on your way.
Action Steps:
1. If you insist on getting into these markets make sure the offer ingredients do not have these in the listings, otherwise you’ll get banned.
2. also make sure that similar ingredients in the same family group are not listed as well because that could be cause for ad denial or worse account ban, you have to be careful
3. remember to play “smart” and ethical simply just stay away from the market period
Module 3 How You Go From Zero To Well Over $100K
A Day On all the big websites™, PPC
• You Need To Concentrate On One Massive Niche And Drive Down Deep Into That Niche
Then Go Wide
• You Need To Focus On One Traffic Source Until You Can Scale It To Tens Of Thousands Of
Dollars Per Day, And One Monetization Method First Before You Diversify.
• Build One Profitable Relationship With One Network Or Advertiser And Get In Bed With
Them. Once You Do That, You Can Then Create MASSIVE LEVERAGE i.e. 2nd Tier on all other
pubs/affiliates (passive income you do nothing)
• FB™ Grid Tool for images

Module 3 How You Go From Zero To Well Over $100K A Day On Facebook™ PPC google display network, MSN, all the paid media platform.
1. You Need To Concentrate On One Massive Niche And Drive Down Deep Into That Niche Then Go Wide
2. You Need To Focus On One Traffic Source Until You Can Scale It To Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars Per Day, And One Monetization Method First Before You Diversify.
3. Build One Profitable Relationship With One Network Or Advertiser And Get In Bed With Them. Once You Do That, You Can Then Create MASSIVE LEVERAGE i.e. 2nd Tier on all other pubs/
affiliates (passive income you do nothing)
FB™ Grid Tool for images
Module 3 How You Go From Zero To Well Over $100K A Day On The
Big Websites Platforms PPC

1. Try to manually adjust your OCPM once you get your metrics because you can pay for the actions that you actually want, its a pretty advanced feature inside of power editor that many ignore. So if your
paying $8 OCPM then create an ad manually pay for the reach and tweak it if your already getting good CTR
2. You can tweak whatever action you want to help increase your ROI depending on what your goal is
3. Go under “ad Tools”in PE and click reporting and watch the details FB™ gives you to find out where your actions are coming from, providing you have the FB pixel all set up on all your pages.
4. Use the FB pixel it works and it helps
5. Next lets get into the process of how I test and how I teach to test. Everyone is different this works for me at my level with my team this will be module 4
Module 3 How You Go From Zero To Well Over $100K A Day On The
Big Websites Platforms PPC

1. Action Steps:
2. you may not have this feature in your account anymore some people are saying it is gone in PE some have it. If you don’t have it don’t panic there are multiple work arounds for it, you can still
control your bidding just be smart
3. Get involved with the better networks that will pay you on time so you don’t have to sweat or worry and have a good long standing reputation, i.e. commission junction, link share, max bounty,
peer fly, clickbank, never blue, CPA prosperity
4. Get an experienced AM (affiliate manager) once you are in there or if you just started, drive good quality leads and if you find that your AM isn’t a big help ask professionally to be switched
over - (you can only do this when you are doing volume and a lot of it)
5. Before you sign up to a network call them on the phone, speak to one of their AM’s or reps, build a relationship with asking questions (you’ll have the full blown recording of my call with a AM
right out of left park where they don’t know me from squat but you’ll see how you van approved with zero friction, look out for that call its in the members area)
Once you finish with that call, keep them as the point of reference and use them on the application so you get approved quicker.
Module 4 Split Testing To $100K Per Day

1. Split testing headlines to find control piece for your headlines

2. split test image next, ad copy next, then all 3 to find new control
3. New control is where you build a new campaign around it
4. Start to optimize your ad spend around a funnel which is your ad to fan page PPE, content rich product landing page (your domain which is what FB™ loves)
5. Once you optimize all your controls in your campaigns and your ad spend, then your funnel is tested and you are ready to scale like an animal.
6. You scale by building out multiple campaigns with 3 to 5 ads sets inside of each campaign with maximum spend hitting your daily spend and move into each new audience interest to hit the
maximum reach of your audience.
7. Your landers or content rich landing pages are all optimized to convert so when you drive traffic right to websites, FB™ knows you have a well oiled machine that is engaging and your clicks
are going to convert.
Module 4 Split Testing To $100K Per Day

1. Landing pages are always optimized when your doing CPA because the presell is everything especially if you want to run on FB™, you should use heat maps on your landing pages to see
what people are doing when they land on the pages
2. You also optimize your link and image placement using heat maps as well, if you are not using that you will never know how to optimize and you will be flying blind and guessing.
3. Your CTA’s should be double benefit and strong leave no room for error tell them exactly what to do…(Click here to buy now, get 20% off ordering today”) ( Limited supplies left, click here to
get yours with free shipping today”) Anything else is weak
4. all your tracking links are tracked so you know which ones were clicked and you know which ones are not clicked to kill them
5. Once you have optimized your Content rich product landing pages then you want to move to different traffic sources and platforms and test small, fail fast and scale big.
6. My favourites are adwords, CPC email drop, direct buys with massive niche websites.
Module 4 Split Testing To $100K Per Day

Always test all your best stuff and turn them into banners.
Module 4 Split Testing To $100K Per Day

1.Optimizing your clicks to website use one control piece to split test. You always want to use OCPM when using CTW.
Let FB™ do all the heavy lifting for you to find out what works and then you can scale properly
2. You want to make sure you split test the image which is crucial keeping everything same again many people screw this up by putting in different images and different landing pages they never
let FB™ do the job as it takes more than 24 - 36 hours for OCPM to kick in so you want to keep your images tight and less than a handful to see which one really is the work horse.
The image is right from the 800lb gorilla I couldn't have mapped it out better myself.
Action Steps:
1. Start your campaigns with CPC to make sure you have warm bodies taking some type of action. Then move to CPM then finally OCPM so you let FB™ do all the heavy lifting
Module 4 Split Testing To $100K Per Day

Its takes approximately 24 - 36 hours for OCPM to kick in so you have to let your campaigns run you cannot stop them and restart them otherwise you reset the algorithm.
Run CTW - clicks to website and use FB™ pixel to track all your actions to help optimize your campaigns, its that simple.
Track everything, and use heat maps - tons of services out there that provide heat map tracking, pick up the phone and ask questions or send in support tickets to the services to get your
questions answered and make the decision, don’t waddle around with it, just do and make the investment.
Split test to find your controls and build better campaigns around your controls then scale out in groups of campaigns
Module 5 Hard Core Insurance Money

1. All my offers revolve around fan pages so FB knows I’m serious. If you want to really scale you need to go back old school and run PPE sponsored ads from your Fanpages with a lot of high level
content for FB to take you seriously.
2. In this market you can look at anywhere from $1.25 CPC to as high as $4.74 CPC so to run profitably in this niche market you need to setup a funnel to get cheaper clicks 6493 clicks, $1.25 per website
click, freq is super low so its engaging and not pissing people off, and the rest speaks for itself with targeting under
Module 5 Hard Core Insurance Money

1. So here’s how this offer was run and the elements that made it successful, but it has since been closed by the advertiser due to some other affiliates sending very bad traffic
1. Branded url for marketing purposes, you have to register a full fledged domain name and get a real CRPL on it or blog with privacy policy, terms of service, Disclamier, email etc etc etc Feel free to talk to
the vendor or advertiser when you have established a good relationship to make sure your TOS and everything else is in alignment with your offer
2. My targeting was tight for this campaign and I only targeted Females as they responded better than the male audience for this particular age group, so I quickly killed all the campaigns
2b you’ll also notice that I only had one interest and its key to start out with one interest so you can see what works and what doesn’t rather than monkeying around with 20 different interest, so you can
break up those interest into different ad sets anyways and optimize once you get your numbers in check.
3.I did get away with this text for awhile in this offer but I did have disapproved ads as well and it was good that the advertiser eventually shut down the offer.
Module 5 Hard Core Insurance Money

So here’s what the CRPL/Hybrid Blog looks like

Module 5 Hard Core Insurance Money

1. Real Social Media Profiles - Links are active with CPA offers inside of them as well
2. Real 1800 number that leads to a call centre for the offer who closes the leads should they call
3. Categories are all fully content rich with multimedia content as well and embedded CPA offers. I’m taking care of the end user and making sure the experience is a rich one so FB™ loves this
type of CRPL.
4. Is it ugly? who cares it works. You make a professional site that looks too pretty its not going to convert that well. (been tested) what works is the content has to be rock solid.
5. I’m continuing the end user experience from the ad, to the page so its all congruent
Module 5 Hard Core Insurance Money

1. All my CPA links are inside of the content i.e. old school style without blaring banners when indeed having a content site and trying to maintain the content without being flashy
and hypey
2. You really have to make sure you get the reader (female) to engage with the content.
3. All the categories again are feature rich with each article leading to a CPA offer
4. Archives with lots of content designed by my copy and content team so this blog is also aged and has been redesigned a few times for simplicity
5. So there you have it that’s the CRPL/hybrid blog with FB™ leaves up.
6. Thats it lets get into the next module
Module 6 $100K Webinars On Autopilot

1. targeting females entrepreneurs who everyone by passes because they think they will not spend money
This is where you make the “hook” so juicy they have no choice but to sign up and you remove all fear of loss.
2. lets take a look at the copy: successful female entrepreneurs are created not born (this is a negative driver to get your prospect motivated and agitated)
B) You see how I give them number list as in 1. 2. this is extremely powerful in ads because it about prequalifing and disqualifying “gurus”
2. You always want to target small so you are focusing in on your money market and know your market. Females love to buy I targeted 24K in this campaign and targeted a major
“Social Guru”
-So the age thing wasn’t so important in this campaign because of the targeting size so I wanted to reach a very large portion of my audience
-you’ll see my metrics 393 conversions $1.77 per conversion (not bad for the action required) and I hit a good size of my audience 16K - yes the OCPM was really high $23 but at the
end of the day the amount of money generated was more than worth it.
3. make sure you always drive to video. If you want FB to take you seriously you need to engage and educate your audience so you have a super high quality score and great content in
your funnel.
Module 6 $100K Webinars On Autopilot

1. Targeting entrepreneurial women is a great niche that you can run on autopilot because you simply target all the well known and influential women in small tight batches and have great funnel to push
your prospects through who are all women. 210 likes, 67 comments, 45 shares that’s powerful marketing in action.
2. On this webinar 283 were registered, using a slick content followup with great lead magnets to get them on the webinar, 230 webinars attendes showed up and 192 stayed all the way to the end of the
3. 33% of the people (63 who stayed at the end) bought a $1,500 FB ads coaching session which was $94,500
4. So ad spend $2999.95 income generated $94,500 so the ROI was sick on this one well over 2800%
5. This funnel is set up and can be run twice a month on autopilot so your looking at a cool just under $100K per month or whenever you want with a couple of minor tweaks here and there.
6. Because there are a couple of dicks out there who will do a group buy and try and make waves on FB™ some of the more competitive data is going to be blurred out its that simple. This FB™ page will
be also unpublished at the time of this course being released, as you don’t need to see the fan page, follow my instruction and you’ll be fine.
Module 6 $100K Webinars On Autopilot

1. I used PPE for the most part, built out good fanpages with engagement also you can use PPE plus putting a link inside of the ad itself to drive traffic and build a massive list
2. used images in a way that you blurred them out or a portion of them, didn't show "before or after results" or showed only half and half image results or cartoon results with toned down copy
you have something.
Action Steps:
3. Get into the profitable markets that everyone is ignoring. females love to buy and they buy a lot so penetrate those markets
4. Set up a funnel with all your campaigns after you have split test. So with that funnel comes a content email sequence usually 3 to 5 emails of content, then lead into the promotional webinar.
You want to pre engage, pre educate to your offer build up so that means give your list small actionable “wins” that they can implement long before the webinar is happening and keep hinting
that this is why the webinar will be so powerful because if the small stuff worked for you, then image what will happen when you have the step by step system.
5. Have this set up and running as a process so you can outsource it and you don’t even have to be there half the time
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer

In our next module 7 we’re going to go over one of the hardest niches to get on FB™ and how its done, Now HUGE CAVEAT, you do not have to get in this niche, matter of fact please don’t ask me how to run in this market, I’m giving you the
case study and showing a methodology to run in thousands of other niches using this intel.

So be smart because 9 times out of 10 the 800lb beast is cracking down on this niche so pretty much you will get a bunch of ads denied and may get your account shut down so please please please listen to me very carefully and follow the
methodology and take this to other niches.
I’m not going to be a prick about this but if you insist on asking me any questions about this how to run in this niche I’ll simply tell you, “I do not want to be responsible for your account ban, please operate in other niche because you have the
methodology to do so”
the objective is to show you how to run an offer using CRPL and funnel and engage with compelling ads.
1. So later in this module you’ll see how I positioned my CRPL/website the way it is so I didn’t have an issue VS it being an affiliate site which gets banned all the time.
2. Always try and stay inside of their ever moving TOS and your ads are engaging, informative, and educate while being direct response you can run from your fan page.
3. The big key is the last sentence I wrote which is where... (and this is no cliche but 99% drop the ball on) where the problem lies.
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer

People write horrible ads that downright suck, are invasive, deliver zero value and push the traffic to "thin" BS content and poorly laid out functioning websites which cause their targeting demographic to complain and flag their ads
repeatedly which lead to one of the main reasons for banned accounts.
5. Now not withstanding all of this, you may simply end up getting the wrong Manual reviewer who woke up on the wrong side of the bed and drank a 40 before coming into work and they disapprove your ads.
(Well that last part was a bit edgy but you get the jist)
6. Reviewer not well trained in another part of the world and is just following the ad guidelines and disapproves your ad.
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer

OK so lets dig a bit deeper into this ad and targeting and why it worked.
The copy - Compelling, “bringing the pain type copy and asking questions” - and I’m also prequalifing and pre framing in my ad all the way through so I get high quality clicks which I can convert into leads based on
the psychology of my ad -

(lets take a look at the copy) - Is your credit really banged up? Well let me help you finally fix it so you have the dignity you deserve. Get your free credit report and score today following these 3 easy steps: “like” blah blah blah
2.Comment on our website like thousands of others…
1B. Everything is still under the 20% rule for text in ads, the simple shortcut is to make the text so small it passes the filter and people can still read it (well the most important parts, the rest of the text is just plain to
small for anyone to read but its there)

-also there is overwhelming social indicators so it doesn’t look like a spam sponsored post or ad because of all the comments (880+), likes (900+), shares (250+), (that is massive for a sponsored ad that you are running
with a CPA model), its probably one of the reasons why FB™ didn’t ban the ad yet, although my rep did tell me that its going to be touch and go because anyone else could come back and review this entire funnel and
then deny it all and its cause for bigger issues so it it worked for what I need it to do and will most likely kill it completely later and remove it from my account.
Next my targeting is very specific I’m only targeting females 33- 45 but I opened up my age group to 12 years, females in this niche and age group control a good 78% of the household finances yet their credit is still
messed up, but they want to get better credit so their marriage or relationship isn't in jeopardy.

You have to remember one of the biggest causes of break ups in marriage and relationships isn’t infidelity or abuse, its money problems. ( didn’t realize that until I dug into industry studies in this market, made phone
calls to credit reporting agencies, Yes I picked up the bloody phone, lol surprises me why affiliates do not do this)
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer



1. Lets break down the CPA Blog

1. Real navigation links that go to other peripheral pages (thanks to Mike Hill for this little tip) you have to actually build a blog of content with real pages of engaging content to rock with FB™ Google Display network.
There is a 1800 number on the site for people to call which is huge FB™ does like that and approves of it.
2.Recent post shows the 800lb giant that the blog is being maintained and is up to date to be able to drive traffic to it. (hint all my hottest post are CPA type offers buried inside of the content which I’ll show you on the
next page, all tracked with CPV labs)
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer

CPA offer In the

bold as part of
the content

1. You want to make sure the content on your page is relevant and provides what people want so they complain less and flag your ads.
2. This blog is going to stay out of sight for privacy reasons. You can copy the methodology of this blog here and know that’s how you have to design your web presence especially with paid
my offer is inside of the content not a big gigantic screaming banner ad which is huge
Module 7 High Risk Credit Report Offer

You need to stop the video and grab this service !

from the link below, its that important

2. competitive data that works its used by hardcore Super affiliates and big enterprise brands, super publishers, that have millions of page views a day not a month to their websites
3. It will help you find affiliate presell sites that will up your game to the next level.
4. In the next module 8 we’re going to unearth some super affiliate campaigns, out some affiliates (which if they were smarter they wouldn’t show their shit) and really show you why if you want to play with the big boys
and girls you need adbeat
(next slide)

Action Steps:
1. Stay out of this market or run it at your own risk. You cannot hold us liable for your account shutdown or banned etc etc etc
2. take the methodology and apply it to other markets that are mass appeal with a mass appeal offer.
3. Grab the tool that will help you 100% - (use this link to get the special deal otherwise if you bypass it you will pay what the street pays)
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates

2. competitive data that works its used by hardcore Super affiliates and big enterprise brands, super publishers, that have millions of page views a day not a month to their websites
3. It will help you find affiliate presell sites like this…
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates

1. good decent sized CPA presell sites that are getting good traffic so you know these guys are making money. Their also on FB™ running sponsored ads and have been for awhile with different fan pages. they are very good (sorry boys, that’s the nature of the
biz is to “model what works, optimize it better, and scale the crap out of it, which I’m doing with a couple of other students) or as my good buddy Greg Davis says SDI
2. Watch the content and link structure and you’ll see why they do so well on FB™ and other traffic sources
3. Now I would show you the competitions pages on facebook™ but that’s not my job, its my job to show you the funnel which I did in a previous module 7 “high risk credit offer” so you can put together your own funnels to test.
4. You are going to have to go to odesk, or partner up with a designer and content person to get your pre sells put together.
5. I do have a secret resource who is excellent at building out CPA presell pages but that will come at a premium cost and its only for the serious because these pages take time to design and code properly but when you get them done right, your investment more
than pays for itself (next slide)
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates

1. another nice CPA presell page but I’ll show you what you want to do to make it a bit more compliant.
2. So again watch the content and link structure and you’ll see why they do so well on FB™ and other traffic sources
3. the do’s - so do not use celebrities without their endorsement its better if you can get to their people and get a leveraged deal, but you should start out with up and coming people who you can leverage.
4. actually make sure the links are all live and lead to other high quality content on your outer pages
5. privacy policy, earnings disclaimer, how you intend to use the information (email optin section)
6. 1800 number you can get them anywhere on line for $9 a month with a professional prerecorded service to answer your calls and get an outsourcer to handle everything I like to use
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates

1. again watch the linking structure and how they link out to other sites, they are doing a decent job to get traffic to a specific page and bypass FB™ reviewers without being to too black hat.
2. so watch their site and offers as their always changing Abeat will help you to find similar niches for offers.
3. So again its about improving on presell affiliate CPA sites because that;s how we all learn and get the industry better
Module 8 Competitive Data For Sniffing Out Super Affiliates

1. makes sure navigation links lead somewhere

2. real social media logo’s lead to actual profiles that are content rich and fully filled out
3. contact form, about me, blog is actually real and works
4. testimonals are real as well, you can get 3rd party very easily by asking for them
5. keep your reviews unbiased and to the point, even go as far as talking about 3 different reviews all good bad and ugly and let the consumer decide but still pre educate and presell all three offers if you do that method

Action Steps:
1. Model the presell pages and make them more FB™ friendly and compliant with the intel you have in the video.
2. Make sure you have all heat map and tracking put into place so you know what your visitor is doing.
3. Make your offers more engaging by making them part of the actual content and educating the lead, you’ll have them more pre qualified and pre framed by this point and it will be a better action for the advertiser.
4. Make sure you control the data if you want to have more revenue rather than sending the lead over to the advertiser right away. There is nothing wrong with that, so test small then tighten everything up and build your funnel to
control the process. (that is explained in version 1 DNA Wealth Blueprint)
5. All these pre sells can be applied to very evergreen markets where people buy i.e. Play piano by ear, Golf (power swing) etc etc etc you have to put on your thinking cap
Module 9 Images That Convert To Run Profitable

1. images that convert for paid advertising

you have a couple of ones that will do the best
2. 1.minimize the content, and make it above the fold with one call to action -( The lead has one easy decision to make and when you target the proper audience it really is game over, of course you still have to test “1 receipe for
younger skin text is part of the ad”
3. video ad, with the play features already as part of the ad itself and not added after the fact (here is where 99% of marketers screw up and get their ads denied. you have to be smart with your images because they will bring in the
traffic once you prequalify and pre frame your audience.
Action Steps:
1. Simple graphics work - one controlled action for the lead to take, use it and test it out. Less is more.
2.Make sure when you want to run text based video ads inside of FB™ that the entire video already has all the play buttons inside of it and don’t try to add them in after the fact.
3.Keep the text small, so make sure you shrink the text down to bypass the filters and split test with text and without text
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. I’m going to walk you through step by step how simple it is to find a market, audience, passionate topic, use the controversy to make money, finding the offer, vetting out the offer, building the campaign, split testing it, and the overall why it
was a loser for me but for you it can be a great niche to move into (because it is)

Alright lets get to it…

2. Find your audience first, make sure its a big enough audience that you can get commercial intent and commercial viability. The offer is last don’t worry about it
3. Facebook graph search - insurance “go wide and broad” to get maximum variation
4. Looks good I want to dig a bit further…
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. I like international offers, everyone is hooked up on US, international traffic is solid, the layouts for it are solid if you can get the right advertiser, the traffic is cheaper (most times, lack of competition)
2. Lots of healthy bodies to test for the U.K market
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. I want to do some down and dirty quick targeting without using audience insights just want to get in there and let facebook™ show me what is going on
2. U.K - age 35- 40 male, interest family fitness (remember keep your interest tight one two two per ad, frequent travellers… (I picked travellers because at the time I wanted to make sure my audience had disposal income which
frequent travellers should.

( i do switch up the targeting after and I’ll tell you why but lets move on)
3. Ok got an audience of 200K to test I’m good, I don’t need a big ass market, I want something small I can test quickly with a good sized budget to get data quickly then I’ll scale if it make sense.
4. Many marketers screw this step up and go after huge markets and have to fight to get traffic because of all the competition. Go small, get data, analyize, then move big
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. OK I pop into cpa programs to find offers - now I always get my outsourcing team to do this part but I felt it necessary to go over the basics with you.

This is important because if you don’t get the basics down yourself and are competent then your outsourcers won’t be either. so lets continue.
2. I’m looking for decent sized payout to start - your payout should be at least 3X what you ad spend is to get some type of ROI I never run small offers I always start at the base street level of $30 (which
basically means what they payout everyone at) then I look at negating better terms before I even run traffic which I’ll show you how and get it before I even spend a penny on traffic)
3. I see a couple of offers so at this point I pick up the phone (yes I pick up the bloody phone and I make some calls, or I get my outsources to do it)

I pick my offer and have a couple more to look at - I pick up the phone and go for a conversation with both the network and advertiser (this is super important, most affiliates could care less about this
and I’ll explain why its that important later in this module)
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. I look at the details and get my notes ready - ( I need to know if they let you run social ie. FB™ many international offers try to avoid this)
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. landing page is simple enough - but you really need a presell put in place to do big numbers
2. CRPL - is key and a couple of variations are needed to test optimum traffic
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. adbeat shows very little volume and testing from this advertiser or affiliates and here is the reason why…
2. Affiliates simply don’t play in this space they shy away from international offers - payout terms, harder to get approved - everyone is focused in the U.S.
3. the quality traffic must be warmed up more so, european traffic escpcially is more prudent to buy and give away intel so you have to have a good process in place.
4. So most affiliate are super lazy with this stuff they just want the quick money and don’t want to spend the time to do the work.
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. So might as well build the fan page quickly with pre qualified and pre framed traffic to make sure only U.K traffic is hitting this page and they are the ones that will make moves
2. standard issue page nothing fancy. You have to build good images, good quality content, engage with polls and surveys.
3. So with this page I have about a half dozen well thought out post, a couple of surveys and polls, but all good high quality content to warm them up the offer.
4. You don’t need to see the page as its unpublished anyways I only use it when I want to drive traffic and since this course is now shown it, It will stay unpublished or I’ll just build a duplicate page and run it for this
offer since it converts so well.
5. Lots of courses out there to show you how to build a basic fan page with all the elements so lets remember why you are here for the other stuff
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. OK I run my test as you can see some this isn’t a cheap market to get into my CPM’s are quite high $12, I started running CPC first but it was way too expensive well over $3 a click - ouch
2. So I let the campaign run for a bit CPC then let FB™ take over
3. 240K females - and I’ve reached 236K of my market - fantastic
4. Tons of clicks 6K but there are costly the conversions are well over $15 per conversion and the conversion value of my ads sucks its $2
5. OK now your wondering why the checkouts - ok lets go over what I was doing - I build and replicated the entire webiste (I showed how to do that in the first course DNA replicating and owning the data - you should get the first

I put my FB™ pixel on the thank you sales page ( you need to get the advertisers permission for this because it is very aggressive)
6. Anyways back to why I switched out my targeting from men to women.
7. I talked to a couple of different advertisers and did some other intelligence digging and found out that men are really indifferent to health offers in the U.K and are very prudent about this sort of stuff and leave their families
behind with sometimes nothing.
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. So the women are more prone to get private insurance to look after the family.
2. The stats were very disturbing like 4 out of 10 men don’t even worry about private insurance and leave their families out in the leech,
3. So I switched my targeting around and ran with it - ( if you don’t do your competitive intelligence into offers you’ll never know how to structure your ads to your market.
4. The copy is very compelling - I go over loss, the fact that 4 out of 10 men don’t do it (thats huge in copy you need to give numbers) - talk about the pain of expenses adding up and give them the call to action
5. You can see by the social engagement, lots of women liked 300, comments 157, shares super important 154 this helped the ad do so well for sure all the social engagement and FB
6. Yes fan page is not published you already know how to build one and yes I have to block out website
7. So now I want to run a split test and see how I can really scale this sucker in a short period of time and see what happens so as I told you and teach you only want to change one element and test one element at a time so lets see
what I did…
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

1. OK I wanted to bid for clicks here because this market was super qualified so I changed my bidding for clicks
2. Also after reading some of the comments, I got the idea to get a more dreadful, yet tasteful image (you have to remember the U.K market is vastly different from the US market, they have a distain for poor tasteful ads, so I made
it more tasteful with a doctor and woman yet its a totally more compelling feel for the women to get the insurance.
3. This was a huge psychological factor which added to the conversions
4. my lead per conversion went down to $14 but still very high - my conversion value of my ad went up which was better $10 I hit my maximum audience out of 240K it was 238K, and the spend was big well over $14K
5. So overall the split test was very informative
6. Now I could have widen this up now to hit millions of women and that would be expensive as I’ll walk you through, why I decided not to run this anymore, because it was a failed campaign for my level
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

*Gross Revenue - $39,060.00!

*ad spend - $19,392.74!
*Net Difference - $19,667.26!
Expenses - $12,590.95 !
*domain reg !
*taxes, !
*insurance, !
*web copy, !
*technical, !
etc etc etc* !
End of the day $7076.31 !

1. So lets get into it -

2. *Gross Revenue - $39,060.00
3. *ad spend - $19,392.74
4. *Net Difference - $19,667.26
5. Expenses - $12,590.95
6. *outsources
7. *domain reg
8. *taxes,
9. *insurance,
10.*web copy,
13.etc etc etc*
15.End of the day $7076.31
Module 10 - Insurance Failure Case Study

*Gross Revenue - $39,060.00!

*ad spend - $19,392.74!
*Net Difference - $19,667.26!
Expenses - $12,590.95 !
*domain reg !
*taxes, !
*insurance, !
*web copy, !
*technical, !
etc etc etc* !
End of the day $7076.31 !

1. Action Steps:
2. Run international offers on desktop and mobile, its a great model, the clicks can be better quality and cheap.
3. Pick up the phone and do more research to find out important intel that other affiliates wouldn’t even think about. Call the marketing director of the
company, go to government websites in that same vertical to get more intel that will help you in your funnel, use industry reports to find out more data
that helps sell your lead.
4. Test your campaigns in small groups to get a feel for commercial intent and buyer intent.
5. Watch your budget and campaigns, you need to monitor everything
Module 11 Part A - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. split testing to find control - watch part A of the module

2. International offers rock and the traffic is just as high quality
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. user lands on site

2. content site has engaging presell content with CPA offer embedded in content
3. you capture lead (recommended for lead generation) then sent over to advertiser
4. lead lands on sales site, or action site to perform action
5. lead converts into sale so the advertiser is happy
6. advertiser pays network
7. network pays you win win for everyone
8. Now lets pick it up a notch and do with mobile and with some exclusivity
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. Advertiser has all the campaigns, landing pages, funnels pretty much dialled in our they should, you always have to test small because you do not want to be the Guinea pig
2. Advertiser goes to either the Network for leverage because of affiliates etc etc or they can get in bed with a major media buyer who can buy a tons of clicks to get the advertiser the “actions” he’s willing to pay on
3. Ultimately its the advertiser who wins on a leverage basis
4. The network is just the middle man - they have leverage as well in terms of publishers/affiliates and cash flow
5. The media buyer (me) can get in there and get leverage as well, because I can go direct to advertiser once I’m pushing volume and ask for exclusivity on a number of factors, i.e. landing pages, funnels, geo’s.

I also have leverage as the media buyer with the network because I can send the network high quality affiliates and publishers and get a piece of their action, (which I’ve done quite a few times. I get paid in
perpetuity for one action)
6. Ok lets get this campaign mapped out for you.
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. In Adbeat I can see what the advertiser is doing and who the are getting into bed with
2. I can map out publishers who are running ads for the advertiser and see exactly where the placements are by digging a bit deeper in the process so I’m
not wasting my time trying to figure out where to start to create my media campaign.
3. Especially outside of FB™ which is great money by the way but there is more out there
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. top phrases, to bid on for search, I know which networks are running the offers
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. I can see all the ad spend by the networks which is a huge advantage because I can set a good budget as well because I know what the market is
doing, you’re not going to get this kind of intel on your own, you need industrial strength tools.
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. So here I look at the direct urls where traffic and leads are landing to take some sort of action, so I want to go check out that specific page so I can
target my media buy there as well since its been up there for ever so that page must be working for such a long time
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. I’m looking at a couple of urls that have been up for awhile with ad spend so I’m going to investigate, remember you want to see what this looks like
on mobile because it a mobile campaign and I see what creatives are showing up and I want in.
2. also remember this is just a small bit of the actual media buying campaign this module would take forever to go through it all. but you have a good
head start to build a campaign and test.
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

This is what your creative looks

like mobile and where you want
it to show up so you get the
lead clicking through because
you know where the traffic is
coming from in adbeat


1. This is what your creative looks like mobile and where you want it to show up so you get the lead clicking through because you know where the traffic is coming from in adbeat so
you want to make it part of your media campaign buy i.e. you still need to test small and this would be a managed media buy because you want to get the best rate.

your too small right now to go to or and tell them to put your banner on their site, lol

So I know where I need to go to set up part of my buy as I’ve already mapped it out, I wanted to show you how to map out your mobile campaign with adbeat, and I’ll let you in on
this one.

The Network that I’m running with has a handful of affiliates running very profitable on this particular offer and the payout for us are $25 per action not the $14 - $17 the street is
And I can tell you this, that extra is massive when you are doing volume.

So lets look at what happens daily with this particular offer on media traffic not including FB™
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

This is what your creative looks

like mobile and where you want
it to show up so you get the
lead clicking through because
you know where the traffic is
coming from in adbeat


1. I’m paid $25 per action from the network

3. I buy advertising on a another network and it cost me .35 CPC
5. 1000 clicks cost me $350
6. I’ve got 175 actions revenue is $4375
8. So profit achieved $4025 daily
10. So you have a good understanding on how to research and conduct a media buy. Now obviously you want to go and find a good offer out there which there are tens of thousands.
Alright thank you for taking the time to go through DNA Wealth Blueprint 2.0 I’ll see you in the profit zone.
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media

1. so In the CPA realm your campaign ratio is like a measure of how well your doing and its a good
metric to measure. !
2. Remember if you don’t measure you don’t know. No one really talks about this because its a bit of a
science so I’ll give you the inside secret.!
3. The best way to increase your campaign ratio is to find highly profitable niches with easy commercial
intent and have tons of buying intent traffic.!
4. So let me simplify here’s how you figure out if you got a winner campaign using your ratio factor!
its basically CR = Revenue/Cost!
5. its simple math when it comes down to media buying!
6. Campaigns below 0.75 are not working stop the campaign and test new segments and interest!
and kill it after another ad spend!

1. so In the CPA realm your campaign ratio is like a measure of how well your doing and its a good metric to measure.
2. Remember if you don’t measure you don’t know. No one really talks about this because its a bit of a science so I’ll give you the inside secret.
3. The best way to increase your campaign ratio is to find highly profitable niches with easy commercial intent and have tons of buying intent traffic.
4. So let me simplify here’s how you figure out if you got a winner campaign using your ratio factor
its basically CR = Revenue/Cost
5. its simple math when it comes down to media buying
6. Campaigns below 0.75 are not working stop the campaign and test new segments and interest
and kill it after another ad spend
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media
7. Campaigns between 0.75 to 1.25 are about to break even so those are the ones that you want to
help out some more and invest more money never give up on those ones. !
8. Action steps with those type of break even campaigns - !
9. double up on your split testing to refine your targeting, !
10. use tracking tools like CPV labs to help you perform Multvariate split test (i.e. test multiple
landing pages with multiple elements quickly and kill the duds

11. Take your campaign over to a different network and quickly test it small!
12. Campaigns that are above the ratio of 1.25 are profitable, simple:!
13. action steps - improve ratio by performing new split test with better controls.!
take your best creatives and test on another network and test small and scale quickly!
14. You want to revisit and make adjustments depending on your ad spend for every 150 - 500

7. Campaigns between 0.75 to 1.25 are about to break even so those are the ones that you want to help out some more and invest more money never give up on those ones.
8. Action steps with those type of break even campaigns -
9. double up on your split testing to refine your targeting,
10. use tracking tools like CPV labs to help you perform Multvariate split test (i.e. test multiple landing pages with multiple elements quickly and kill the duds
11. Take your campaign over to a different network and quickly test it small
12. Campaigns that are above the ratio of 1.25 are profitable, simple:
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media
7. Campaigns between 0.75 to 1.25 are about to break even so those are the ones that you want to
help out some more and invest more money never give up on those ones. !
8. Action steps with those type of break even campaigns - !
9. double up on your split testing to refine your targeting, !
10. use tracking tools like CPV labs to help you perform Multvariate split test (i.e. test multiple
landing pages with multiple elements quickly and kill the duds

11. Take your campaign over to a different network and quickly test it small!
12. Campaigns that are above the ratio of 1.25 are profitable, simple:!
13. action steps - improve ratio by performing new split test with better controls.!
take your best creatives and test on another network and test small and scale quickly!
14. You want to revisit and make adjustments depending on your ad spend for every 150 - 500

Action Steps - improve ratio by performing new split test with better controls.
take your best creatives and test on another network and test small and scale quickly
You want to revisit and make adjustments depending on your ad spend for every 150 - 500 clicks
Alright We’re actually done with the modules I hope you enjoyed the course, but more importantly please take massive action.
Some things to keep in mind, you have to test, you have to do your research and you have to spend money.
Only you can do this, you have to not be lazy, if you are serious about building your business you will do it, if not there isn’t anything anyone can do to help you because you have to be prepared to help yourself.
Last note, please stay with Andrew and I in the private members forum, asking for a refund is not an option you simply have to take action. If you take action I will help you, If you sit on your duff then what was the
Dont be one of those who sit on their duffs and side line and watch while other people who are probably not any smarter than you, and have less money than you, start to make waves and become the next six or seven
figure income earner when it could have been you.
I’ll see you in the profit zone.
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media
Alright We’re actually done with the modules I hope you enjoyed the course, but more importantly please
take massive action.
Some things to keep in mind, you have to test, you have to do your research and you have to spend
Only you can do this, you have to not be lazy, if you are serious about building your business you will do it,
if not there isn’t anything anyone can do to help you because you have to be prepared to help yourself.
Last note, please stay with Andrew and I in the private members forum, asking for a refund is not an option
you simply have to take action. If you take action I will help you, If you sit on your duff then what was the
Dont be one of those who sit on their duffs and side line and watch while other people who are probably
not any smarter than you, and have less money than you, start to make waves and become the next six or
seven figure income earner when it could have been you.
I’ll see you in the profit zone

7. Campaigns between 0.75 to 1.25 are about to break even so those are the ones that you want to help out some more and invest more money never give up on those ones.
8. Action steps with those type of break even campaigns -
9. double up on your split testing to refine your targeting,
10. use tracking tools like CPV labs to help you perform Multvariate split test (i.e. test multiple landing pages with multiple elements quickly and kill the duds
11. Take your campaign over to a different network and quickly test it small
12. Campaigns that are above the ratio of 1.25 are profitable, simple:

13. action steps - improve ratio by performing new split test with better controls.
take your best creatives and test on another network and test small and scale quickly
Module 11 Part B - How To Do A Profitable Mobile Media
Alright We’re actually done with the modules I hope you enjoyed the course, but more importantly please
take massive action.
Some things to keep in mind, you have to test, you have to do your research and you have to spend
Only you can do this, you have to not be lazy, if you are serious about building your business you will do it,
if not there isn’t anything anyone can do to help you because you have to be prepared to help yourself.
Last note, please stay with Andrew and I in the private members forum, asking for a refund is not an option
you simply have to take action. If you take action I will help you, If you sit on your duff then what was the
Dont be one of those who sit on their duffs and side line and watch while other people who are probably
not any smarter than you, and have less money than you, start to make waves and become the next six or
seven figure income earner when it could have been you.
I’ll see you in the profit zone

You want to revisit and make adjustments depending on your ad spend for every 150 - 500 clicks
Alright We’re actually done with the modules I hope you enjoyed the course, but more importantly please take massive action.
Some things to keep in mind, you have to test, you have to do your research and you have to spend money.
Only you can do this, you have to not be lazy, if you are serious about building your business you will do it, if not there isn’t anything anyone can do to help you because you have to be prepared to help yourself.
Last note, please stay with Andrew and I in the private members forum, asking for a refund is not an option you simply have to take action. If you take action I will help you, If you sit on your duff then what was the
Dont be one of those who sit on their duffs and side line and watch while other people who are probably not any smarter than you, and have less money than you, start to make waves and become the next six or seven
figure income earner when it could have been you.
I’ll see you in the profit zone.
Action Steps:
TAKE MASSIVE ACTION - with everything you have learnt here, if you don’t take action you will never learn. You have access to Andrew and I inside of the group so take full advantage of us.
Asking for a refund isn’t an option - You lose access to a powerful group and I’ll tell you this in version one of DNA Wealth Blueprint we have well over…

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