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OB-Gyne Ward

week 2


1. What happened this day?

On my last day in the OB-GYN ward, I performed wound dressing for a post-
operative C-section mother, conducted interviews with patients who had Realization…
experienced abortion and cholecystitis, received a teaching session on IVF drops
and dosage calculation, and a very hard examination by Ma’am Almie. hahahaha My greatest
joke. realization is
the importance
2. How do you feel about this? of continuous
Thankful learning and
empathy in
3. Why do you feel about this? providing
I feel thankful because the experiences and teachings from this day have quality care to
enriched my knowledge and skills, preparing me for future encounters in my women and
nursing profession. Special thanks to our very own CI, Ma’am lAlmie. (pinadali newborns.
mo buhay namin sa computation ng IV drip and dosage hahahah)

4. What is the implication of this in your prefession as well as to your personal life?
The implications of these experiences are significant for both my professional
development as a nurse and my personal growth. They have equipped me with
valuable clinical skills and knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology, enhancing
my competence and confidence in providing care to women and newborns.
Personally, they have deepened my appreciation for the complexities of
reproductive health and strengthened my commitment to compassionate and
evidence-based nursing practice.

best weekend

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