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University Hassan II

Faculty of Sciences


Read the title and write three questions that you think the text may answer.

Building Healthy Relationships

It's important to clarify that respecting others' privacy is a fundamental aspect of
maintaining healthy relationships. If you come across information about the personal lives of
your friends, it's crucial to consider how you obtained that information and whether it was
meant for your knowledge.
If your friends have willingly shared details about their personal lives with you, it's
important to handle that information with care and respect their trust. However, if you've
accidentally stumbled upon private information or have accessed it without their consent, it's
crucial to prioritize their privacy. Avoid using or spreading the information without their
Ultimately, open communication and mutual trust are essential for healthy
relationships. If you ever feel the need to discuss personal matters with your friends, it's best
to approach them directly and respect their boundaries. Unauthorized access or sharing of
personal information can strain relationships and lead to a breach of trust.
To sum up, respecting the privacy of friends is vital for maintaining trust and
fostering healthy relationships. Whether information about their personal lives is shared
willingly or accidently discovered, handling it with sensitivity and respecting boundaries is
key. Upholding trust through open communication and respecting privacy is essential for
building and sustaining strong connections with others.


Read the text and answer the questions bellow.

A.Choose the right answers for the following questions:
1. What is highlighted as a fundamental aspect of maintaining healthy relationships
in the text?

A. Open communication
B. Respecting others' privacy
C. Willing sharing of information
D. Prioritizing personal matters

2. According to the text, why is it crucial to consider how you obtained information
about the personal lives of your friends?

A. To gossip about them

B. To assess their trustworthiness
C. To share the information widely
D. To determine if it was meant for your knowledge
University Hassan II
Faculty of Sciences

3. How does the text recommend handling information that friends willingly share
about their personal lives?

A. Disregard the information

B. Share it with others
C. Handle it with care and respect their trust
D. Criticize them for sharing

4. In the context of accidentally discovering private information, what does the text
emphasize as crucial to prioritize?

A. Your own curiosity

B. Privacy of your friends
C. Discussing the information with others
D. Ignoring the information

B. Read the text above and answer the following questions

1. What does the text suggest as essential for healthy relationships besides respecting


2. How does the text recommend approaching discussions about personal matters with


3. According to the text, what can happen to relationships if there is unauthorized access
or sharing of personal information?


Post reading:
Without looking at the text synthesize it in 50 words


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