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Exercise 1

Name: Renielyn D. Razalan Date:Feb 8,2023 Score:

Course/Yr. /Section: BSTM 1B Instructor:Esmeralda Rodriguez

Write C if the statement is true and W if the statement is false on the blank before the number.

C 1. A respect for truth and an ethical consideration of others also means respecting the

rights of others in regard to information and access to information.

C 2. It is better for an organization to decide beforehand on the appropriate ethics that

everyone must accept and practice.

W 3. Communication that is offensive to the receiver or to anyone affected by the

information contained in the message does not violate the ethical communication


C 4. Legal violations of communications, such as slander, can result in sanctions by

governing bodies or criminal ramifications.

C 5. Relaying information that was provided in confidence or that was overheard in

someone else's conversations is a violation of communication ethics

W 6.  Breaching confidentiality or purposely communicating lies about a person or an

organization can be considered a legal issue as well as an ethical issue.

C 7. Stories and jokes are prime examples of communication that have the potential to

offend the recipients.

C 8. Any topic to which others may be sensitive should be avoided in business

communication, including religion and political issues, to avoid offending others and

possibly committing a violation of communications ethics

C 9. The act of spreading rumors is degrading to a small business owner who needs to earn

the trust and respect of his employees and customers to be successful.

C 10. Communicating ethically shows that you are aware of what you are saying your words

are affecting those around you.

Exercise 2

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. After being berated by your manager in front of your fellow employees, you say: "I can see

some of your points, but I would have preferred that you spoke to me in private." This is

an example of which of the following communication styles?

a. Passive

b. Aggressive

c. Assertive

Is the communicator ethical or unethical? Why?

The communicator is ethical because they are upholding the value of respect and professionalism in the
workplace. They are not responding to the manager in an aggressive or retaliatory manner, and instead
are calmly stating their preference for a private discussion.

2. Your teacher has not given you a grade for a paper you handed in, and you tell him or her, "I

handed in that paper with everyone else. It's not my fault if you can't keep yourself

organized," is an example of which of the following communication styles?

a. Passive

b. Aggressive

c. Assertive

Is the communicator ethical or unethical? Why?

This communicator is unethical. It is disrespectful, unprofessional, and lacks a sense of accountability. It

also implies it is the teacher’s fault for not being organized, when in fact, the communicator’s
responsibility is to ensure their work is handed in on time and properly.

3. Your best friend calls you and says that he (she) needs you to substitute for him(her) at the

board meeting. You're not feeling well, but say, "I don't feel very well tonight and have

early morning appointment, but I guess I can do it." This is an example of which of the

following communication styles?

to help out their friend and make an effort to substitute for them at the board meeting. This shows
consideration for their friend and a willingness to put aside their own concerns for the sake of someone

a. Passive
b. Aggressive

c. Assertive

Is the communicator ethical or unethical? Why?

The communicator is being ethical in this situation. Even though they don’t feel well. they are still willing
to help out their friend and make an effort to substitute for them at the board meeting. This shows
consideration for their friend and a willingness to put aside their own concerns for the sake of someone

4. Your fellow worker asks you a question while you are talking on the phone. You put your

hand over the mouthpiece and say, "Can't you see that I'm on the phone?" This is

example of which of the following communication styles?

a. Passive

b. Aggressive

c. Assertive

Is the communicator ethical or unethical? Why?

This communicator is unethical because they are not showing respect for their fellow worker’s question.
They are being dismissive and rude.

5.Ana was invited as speaker in a forum. She discusses “Communication and Globalization.

She uses other authors’ ideas and she cites behind those ideas.

a. Passive

b. Aggressive

c. Assertive

Is the communicator ethical or unethical? Why?

It depends on how Ana is using the ideas of other authors. If she is citing their ideas accurately and with
proper attribution, then she is being ethical. If she is misrepresenting their ideas or taking credit for their
ideas, the she is being unethical.

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