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Bản word: 2.

- Part-time work is a job that the employee only does for part of the day or week.
Usually part-time jobs have fewer working hours than full-time jobs.
- For example, work 4-6 hours a day or only work on weekends. Part-time jobs
are often suitable for people who have limited time or want to earn extra
income besides their main job.

Bản ppt: câu 3

Ý 1: Lí do sinh viên chọn công việc part-time

Part-time job is ideal for people who don't have much time, can't afford to work full-
time, or who haven't found a suitable full-time job. When a part-time employee has
extensive knowledge in many fields, they can take on two or more jobs at work.

Many people like part-time jobs because they can be found in all professions.
Although, reality shows that part-time employees do not receive the same
compensation and benefits as full-time employees due to short-term contracts and less

Here are the reasons for you to choose part-time work:

1. Have more rest time than full-time employees.

2. Reduce stress and spend more time on personal interests.
3. Requires completion of a degree or training program.
4. Improve income sources
5. Accumulated experience
6. Create many relationships
7. Ability to arrange time reasonably
8. Practice skills of being able to do many things at once

Ý 2: Những công việc part time sv hay làm

- With the need for everyone, especially students, to work part-time, many
industries with part-time jobs have appeared. The following are part-time jobs
that students are very interested in:
1. Article writing collaborator
2. Tutor, teaching assistant
3. Shipper
4. Work at service stores
5. Online selling
6. Supermarket employee

Ý 3: Nêu ví dụ cụ thể, nêu ưu và nhược điểm:

For example:

English tutoring is now extremely popular. The salary range for teaching in shifts is
from 150,000 to 350,000 VND. With that salary for students, it is quite large. Besides,
tutors also have risks, for example: delayed salary, students refusing to study,...

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