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Dear Parent/Carer

Your child has now completed The park unit of Mimi’s Wheel 3 Plus.

The theme of this unit is things in the park. Your child has listened to the story Mimi’s kite. In this story,
Mimi and Dylan go to the park to fly a kite, but the wind takes them into the air and in a tree! From the air
Mimi and Dylan see everything in the park and decide to play on the swings and slide safely on the

Children have learned the following words: bench, flowers, grass, path, pond, roundabout, seesaw, slide,
swing and tree, as well as the following Content words: leaves, plant, roots, seed. They have also been
introduced to the key language: There’s a pond. / There are trees.

In studying this unit, your child has learned more about the world around them. They have learned about
the value of looking after the environment.

Your child has played various language games and activities, and sung a nursery rhyme and the unit
songs. Encourage your child to sing and perform the unit songs for you. The lyrics are below. Play the
songs in the Pupil’s App on Navio and sing along.

There’s a pond in the park There are trees and flowers Fly, fly, fly the kite
too Now we’re in the air
There’s a pond in the park And there are swings to play There are the trees.
There are trees and flowers on There are the trees.
too Swings for me and you! Where?
And there’s a bench to sit on Look over there!
A bench for me and you! Fly the kite
Fly, fly, fly the kite
There’s a pond in the park Fly, fly, fly the kite Now we’re in the air
There are trees and flowers Look! It’s in the air There are the flowers.
too There’s the kite There are the flowers.
And there’s a path to walk on There’s the kite Where?
A path for me and you! Where? Look over there!
Look over there!
There’s a pond in the park Fly, fly, fly the kite
There are trees and flowers Fly, fly, fly the kite Oh dear! We’re in the tree
too Now we’re in the air Help us please!
And there’s grass to lie on There’s the pond Help us please!
Grass for me and you! There’s the pond Now we’re safe! Yippee!
There’s a pond in the park Look over there!

© Springer Nature Limited 2019

Put your rubbish in the bin

Put your rubbish in the bin

In the bin
Put your rubbish in the bin
In the bin
Play in the park
Have a lot of fun
Keep it clean
For everyone

Put your rubbish in the bin

In the bin
Put your rubbish in the bin
In the bin
Play in the park
Have a lot of fun
Keep it clean
For everyone

© Springer Nature Limited 2019


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