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29/05/17 02:51 PM

Ring worms

CAUSES—Ringworm is a very contagious disease, caused by a parasitic fungus. It can infect


or adults, and is caused by unsanitary conditions. Keep the hands clean! Pet the dog and then

rub your

face, and you may regret it.

Ringworm of the beard (face) is more persistent than ringworm of the scalp. Ringworm of the

body is

the easiest to eliminate.

Dogs, cats, rabbits, children, and contaminated clothing are generally the carriers of the


There are several different types of ringworm, all of which are of fungal origin:

Ringworm of the scalp - This can be on the scalp, face, and on the nails, is the most

kind. It is

highly contagious, and often found on school-children. It frequently induces baldness, which


become permanent if hair shafts are destroyed by the fungus.

Ringworm of the trunk - This includes “jockey itch,” and is spread by contact with people or

clothing. Dogs and cats can also spread it.

Ringworm of the nails - This consists of a fungus growing under the nails. It produces

misshapen, brittle, discolored, chalky, pitted, or grooved nails. The nails can either be on the

hands or

the feet. This type of ringworm is quite difficult to eliminate.

Ringworm of the feet - This is also known as athlete's foot


• Vitamins A, E, and zinc are important.

• Put plantain and castor oil on the affected area.

• Place ultraviolet light on the area for at least 6 minutes a day. This can be sunlight, or a

sunlamp. Never place a sunlamp closer than 18 inches from the skin.

• Apply apple cider vinegar to the area several times a day.

• Equally useful is castor oil, goldenseal tea, and borax. Rub the area with borax and with

castor oil.

• A 3-day citrus fast is very helpful, cleansing the bowels daily. Follow this with a

nutritious diet.

• Eat plenty of garlic. Put raw garlic over the ringworm and cover. You can also use black

walnut extract. Wash the area with garlic juice or wormwood.

• Place freshly cut garlic 3 times a day on the area. This is a very good remedy. Blend the

garlic with a little water and apply as a soak, compress, or poultice. But this remedy is too

powerful to apply to raw flesh between the toes; it can burn lower layers of skin.

Take 2 chaparral or wormwood capsules daily.

• The scalp can be shampooed with tar soap and borax. Moisten the area every morning

and evening with goldenseal (1 teaspoon) and myrrh (½ teaspoon), which has been

steeped in a pint of boiling water.

• An herb tea can also be taken internally: goldenseal or plantain, twice a day.

• Make a salve from equal parts of burdock root, chaparral, wormwood, and chickweed;

apply to the area. Some of it can also be made into a tea to drink in order to fight the

fungus internally.

• Keep the skin clean and dry. Ringworm likes damp skin. Take frequent baths, but dry

thoroughly each time. Rub briskly with a towel, to remove the outer dead layers of skin

that the ringworm initially attacks.

• Do not scratch. Keep fingernails cut short, to lessen accidental scratching and spreading

of the infection.

• To remove crusts, soak the area in a saline solution. An alternate method is to apply

moist cloths for 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day.

• To treat nails: Pare and scrape the infected area, and try to remove as much of the loose

material beneath the nails. Apply vinegar with a Q-tip twice a day. Keep at it, even though

it may require months to eliminate. Fungus of the nails is the slowest to conquer.

—Also see "Athlete's Foot," which is a type of ringworm fungus.

ENCOURAGEMENT—Nothing of the world can make you sad, when you have submitted your


to be molded by the Spirit of Christ. He alone can provide you with the answers you need.

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