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‘AND’, ‘SO’, ‘BECAUSE’ and ‘BUT’ (with Present Simple Tense)

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Match the sentences.
1. My friend isn’t very big, I’m tired.
2. He is hungry, but she hates comedies.
3. It’s late but I like it.
4. Fruit tastes good he’s very strong.
5. Sarah likes scary movies, we like it very much.
6. I think math is difficult and it’s healthy for your body
7. It’s a beautiful book doesn’t have any money to buy lunch.
8. We live in an apartment I don’t like it.
9. Jim is not polite so no one likes him.
10.Sam doesn’t understand I don’t eat well.
11.I am sick, he never pays attention.
12.I don’t have breakfast in the because I’m hungry right now.

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And: y - Và
So: entonces - Vì thế
Because: porque - Nhưng
But: pero - bởi vì

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