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HKIPhO Training Class Mechanics Assignment 3 Solution

1. Find out the center of mass for the following objects:

(a) A solid sphere with uniform density.
(b) A solid rectangular box with length, width, height equal to a, b, c respectively and
with uniform density.
(c) Two masses M and m joined by a rigid rod with negligible mass and length d.

(a) & (b) = center

(c) = a point with distance from M.

2. A car wheel with radius R is rolling on the ground without slipping. The velocity of
the centre of the wheel is v0. Derive the equation of motion at a point on the rim of the

半徑為 R 的車輪在地面上作無滑動的滾動, 輪心速度為常量 v0, 試求輪邊一質點


Solving the equations, we obtain .

3. A ladder with length 2l and mass P leans on a smooth wall. The other end of the
ladder rests on the ground with coefficient of static friction . The angle between the
ground and the ladder is . A man weighted P1 climbs up the ladder. Find out the
conditions for the ladder to remain stable when the distance between the man and the
lower terminal of the ladder is h.

有一梯子長為 2l 重為 P, 一端靠在光滑的牆上, 另一端放在摩擦系數為 .的地面

上, 梯子與地面的夾角為 . 今有一人體重為 P1, 沿梯往上攀登, 當他爬到距下端 h
處, 求梯子不滑動的條件.

Let F1=normal force acting on ground at point B, and f be corresponding friction
force. . Let F2 be normal force acting on wall at point A. Notice that for
smooth (frictionless) wall, F2 must be perpendicular to the wall.

Force balance equations


Torque balance equation (about point B)

Solving (1) and (3), we get .

(= Stability condition)

4. A rocket with initial mass m moves horizontally at speed v and ejects exhaust gas
(which is the product of combustion) continuously. It is known that the mass of
exhaust gas released is m at a time interval t. The speed of the gas relative to
ground is u. What is the propelling force that the rocket obtains through this process?

一原質量為 m 的火箭以速度 v 沿水平方向運動,在運動過程中它不斷地向后噴射

出燃燒后的廢氣, 巳知在t 時間內噴出廢氣m, 廢氣相對地面的速度為 u, 在這
過程中火箭獲得多大的推力 ?

u v

Conservation of momentum

to leading order, where vr is the relative velocity of exhaust gas to the rocket.

Therefore, = instantaneous force acting on the rocket.

5. An object with cross section being a right-angled triangle ABC (see figure) is placed
on a horizontal table surface. The mass of the object is M. The angle between AB and
AC is . The height of B relative to the table surface is h. A small mass m is placed at
A, which is at the bottom of the inclined plane AB. Initially, both objects are
stationary. The mass m is then given an initial speed vo along the direction of AB.
Assuming that the friction between the inclined plane and the mass as well as the
friction between ABC and the surface of the table are negligible, what is the
minimum value of vo such that the small mass can slide across point B?

在水平桌面上放一質量為 M, 截面為直角三角形的物體 ABC. AB 與 AC 間的夾

角為  , B 點到桌面的高度為 h. 在斜面 AB 的底部 A 處放一質量為 m 的小物體.
開始時兩者皆靜止. 現給小物體一沿 AB 方向的初速度 vo.如果小物體與斜面間以
及 ABC 與水平桌面的摩擦都不考慮, 則 vo 至少要大于何值才能使小物體經 B 點
滑出 ?


Notice: the velocity of m when it reaches point B must be >0 in order for it to pass
through point B.

Now let’s us consider conservation of momentum

where u = velocity of whole system when m reaches B (with zero velocity).

Conservation of energy

Solving the two equations we obtain the minimum velocity

6. 20 people, each has mass 50 kg are standing on a cart, resting on a frictionless

horizontal ground. The mass of the cart is 2000 kg. Initially, the cart is stationary.
Then, the people jump off from the back of the cart in horizontal direction with
velocity v’ relative to the cart. What is the final velocity of the cart if
a) 20 people jump off simultaneously?
b) One jump off after the other?
Which method do the cart attain a greater final speed?

光滑的水平地有小車質量為 2000 kg.車上站有 20 人, 每個人的質量為 50 kg. 原

來小車是靜止的. 後來車上站的人從車上以水平方向的相對速度 v’向車後跳出.
問 a) 20 個人一斉跳和一個人一個人依次跳, 跳後車速各為多少? 哪一種跳法車

(a)Conservation of momentum

(M=2000, m=50)

(b)for the 1st jump

For the 2nd jump

Continuing the process

7. Referring to the diagram, a rectangular box of mass m is placed on a smooth

horizontal ground. A small object with the same mass m is put inside the box. There
is no friction between the mass and the surface of the box. Initially, the box remains
stationary. The small mass is given a constant initial speed vo going from wall A to
wall B of the box and collides with wall B. Assume every time after the small mass
collides with the wall, the relative speed between them is e times their relative speed
before collision, where e = (1/2)1/4.
a) What is the maximum number of collision (n) where the total loss in kinetic
energy of the system (the small mass plus the box) does not exceed 40% of its
initial value?
b) What is the average speed of the box from the beginning of the motion to the
completion of the nth collision?

如圖示, 質量為 m 的長方形箱子放在光滑的水平地面上.

箱內有一質量為 m 的小滑塊, 滑塊與箱底之間
無摩擦. 開始時箱子不動, 滑塊以恆定的速度 vo 從箱子的 A 壁向 B 壁處
運動. 然後又與 B 壁碰撞.假定滑塊與箱壁每碰撞一次, 兩者相對速度大小
變為該次碰撞前相對速度的 e 倍. e = (1/2) 1/4.
a) 要使滑塊與箱子這一系統的動能的總損耗不超過其初始動能的 40%.滑塊
b) 從滑塊開始運動到上述次數的碰撞期間, 箱子的平均速度是多少?


Let the velocity of the mass and the box be vm and vb, respectively. The relative velocity
between the box and mass is vr= vm - vb.

The kinetic energy of the system is

Conservation of momentum

Initially and total energy is . After n collisions, ,

Therefore .

b) Total time up to the completion of 4th collision (up to the moment immediately before
the 5th collision)

Total displacement of the box up to the completion of 4th collision

Average speed of the box

8. A pendulum is suspended on a metal framework inside a wooden box under gravity.
The pendulum can move freely towards any direction. The wooden box accelerates
downwards constantly at acceleration a. Can the pendulum perform harmonic
motion? If yes, what is the oscillation frequency?

木箱中的鐵架懸掛著單擺, 單擺朝任意方向的運動均無障礙. 木箱以勻

加速 a 下降, 問單擺作怎樣的運動?

Yes. If a < g ,

If g < a

9. A small ball with mass m is vertically suspended between two identical springs inside
a box with mass M, as shown in the figure. The elastic constant of each spring is .
The box falls freely from h (relative to the table surface) and performs a totally
inelastic collision with the surface of the table. At the moment when the box starts to
fall, the springs do not deform and the ball remains stationary. What is the minimum
value of h such that after the totally inelastic collision between the box and the table
surface, the box jumps up again?

質量為 m 的小球被兩根相同的彈簧挾持在質量為 M 的盒中. 如圖. 彈簧的勁度系

數為. 盒從高度 h(高度從桌面算起)自由落下, 與桌面發生非彈性碰撞. 在盒開始
落下的瞬間, 兩彈簧均未變形, 小球是靜止的. 問 h 至少為多大, 則盒子與桌面發
生完全非彈性碰撞之後, 又能重新跳起來?

Consider the forces acting on the box M after the box struck the desk.
where x = displacement of mass m, and N = normal reaction force from the table.

The ball will jump up if at the maximum displacement of the mass m, N = 0, i.e. if

xmax can be computed from conservation of energy from the small mass

(Notice all the energy from mass M are dissipated for totally inelastic collision)

Therefore or .

10. Let x be the position of block B. When x < 0, the spring presses block A towards the
wall. Only block B moves.

When x = 0, both blocks start to move. Using the conservation of energy,

 .

Hence the center of mass moves with the velocity .

At the same time, the spring oscillates. In the center of mass frame, both blocks move
with velocities . Using the conservation of energy,

 .

Hence the spring oscillates with an amplitude .

When the spring stretches to the maximum length, block A is stationary momentarily.
When the spring compresses to the minimum length, block B is stationary

11. When the metal is placed on top of the piece of wood, the volume of water displaced
When the metal is put directly inside water, the total volume of water displaced
Change in volume of water displaced .
Hence the water level drops.

12. The density of liquid at distance x from the bottom

Let T be the tension in the wire. When the ball with density 2 is located at x  l/2,
and the ball with density 1 is located at x + l/2,
, (1)

. (2)

(1) + (2):

The ball with density 2 is located at , and the ball with

density 1 is located at . The tension in the wire is

13. A smooth platform with length L is fixed on the ground as shown in the diagram.
Two small objects, A and B, are placed at the
centre of the platform. The two objects are in
contact. The upper surface of object A is a
semi-circle rail with radius R. (R <L). A small
object C is located at the top of the rail, with
height h relative to the platform. The masses
of A, B and C are all the same ( = m). Object
C slides down on the rail starting from zero
velocity. AC are always in contact during the


1) The speed of object B when A and B separate.

2) The maximum height which can be attained by object C (relative to the platform)
after A and B separates.
3) Determine whether object A will fall from the left side or the right side of the
platform. Meanwhile, estimate the time it takes for A to leave the platform after
the separation of A and B.

1) A and B separate when C reaches the bottom of A. Let v’ and v be the velocities
of C and A(B) at this instant.

Conservation of momentum in x-direction implies

Conservation of energy implies .

Solving the two equations we obtain (towards right).

2) After B separates, the energy and momentum of the A+B system are


At the highest point of object C, C and A are moving with same velocity u.
Conservation of energy and momentum implies , .
Solving these equations we obtain , or from the platform.

3) conservation of momentum implies that the A+C system as a whole is always

moving towards left (i.e., it falls out from left) with momentum –mv. The time it falls
out is roughly .
14. A cylinder of mass M is placed on a
smooth horizontal surface. The cross
section of M is a quarter-circle A
with Radius R. The surface of the
cylinder is smooth and a small object
B with mass m is placed on its top.
Initially both A and B are stationary
in the fixed x-O-y coordinate system
shown in the diagram. If the small
object slides down from the top of
the cylinder, find the equation of motion of the small object before the object
detaches from the arc of circle.


Conservation of momentum in x-direction .

Let be the coordinate of B at time t, and be the coordinate of A (point O).


Before AB detach, we also have . Eliminating

and from the equations we obtain

, i.e. the trajectory of an ellipse.

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