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Highlight the different parts of the following essay:

Grabber/Hook and Clincher, Thesis statement and Restatement of thesis, Background

information and Concluding information, Topic sentences and Concluding sentences,

Supporting details, Examples/Follow-up sentences, Bold the transition words,

Underline and bold the 2 main points in the thesis statement and the main point in

each of the 2 topic sentences

Buying a Cell Phone

These days, cellphones have become very important in our lives, and people

rarely leave home without their phone. Most people use cellphones to organize their

schedule and communicate with friends and family. Mobile technology is always

changing, and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the trends. Because of this,

people sometimes want to upgrade or replace their phone. Two main points to consider

when buying a new phone are the price and the features that the device offers.

First of all, it is important to consider the costs when purchasing a new

cellphone. It is a good idea to do some research before spending money on a phone.

Consumers should check websites and flyers for a good price on a good, quality

phone. For example, some stores might have cellphones on sale if a new model is

coming out soon. Next, the contract or plan will cost money, so people should decide

what type is best for them. Some companies offer pay-as-you-go style plan while

others offer monthly contracts. Thus, buyers should always prepare a budget before

shopping for a new phone.

Secondly, it is also important to consider the which features you will need when

purchasing a new phone. First, different people will want different features, so this is an

important decision that should be considered carefully before the purchase is made. For

instance, students who like to post pictures on social media should look for a good

quality camera. Also, another essential aspect to check is the battery life of a phone. If

a person uses their phone a lot, they should find a device that has a long battery life.

Therefore, the features of a new phone are important as they relate to personal

preference and use.

In conclusion, overall cost and additional features are two details to think about

before buying a cellphone. Cellphones are an essential part of everyday life, and most

people rely on them for many reasons. If people make the right choice, they will have a

wonderful new phone for many years to come.

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