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Good evening teacher, today we are going to present academic task number one, the

members are: Franco Zuloeta Hernandez and Xiomara Nizama Sánchez.

X: Good evening Franco, how are you?

F: Good night Xiomara, I'm fine, and you?

X: I'm fine and anything to tell?

F: Not really.

X: Okay, what are you studying?

F: I am studying Civil Engineering, and you?

X: I study International Business administration.

F: Great and what cycle are you in?

X: I am in the fifth cycle and you?

F: I am also in the fifth cycle.

X: Great and do you feel comfortable with your studies?

F: Yes, I like it, and you?

X: I love my studies.

F: Oh great and what skills do you think you need for your studies?

X: I need to be good at my leadership skills, and also know how to use Excel well, what

about you?

F: The skills I need are to be interested in mathematics, to be observant and creative.

X: Sounds good to me and have you thought about what you are going to specialize in?

F: I am going to specialize in structures.

X: I would like to specialize in the import of products.

F: Good and what are your ambitions and objectives?

X: I would like to have my own consulting firm, after working professionally.

F: I would like to have my own business to stop working in a private company. Because in

the future I want to be the best in my specialty.

X: And do you plan to work abroad before that?

F: Yes, I want to have more experience and it seems like a good way to achieve it, what
about you?

X: Yes, I have future plans, to gain more experience from other colleagues from other

countries and grow professionally.

X: And where do you see yourself in five years?

F: In 5 years I would like to be working in the public sector.

X: In five years I would like to have a job outside the country.

F: Okay Marilú, I enjoyed talking to you, see you later.

X: See you later Franco, nice to meet you.


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