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Personal hygiene

Personal hygiene refers to maintaining cleanliness of one's body and clothing to preserve overall health
and well-being.

Brush your teeth. Always make sure that you brush your teeth after eating or smoking. Bad breath is a
HUGE turnoff!

Shower. Shower every day and definitely after exercising or cooking with strong smelling foods.

Take care of your clothing. Your clothes should always be clean and pressed. If you have any doubts;
don't wear it.

Trim your nails. Fingernails need to be trimmed and clean. If you are wearing polish, make sure that it's
not chipped and that the colour is subtle.

Pluck your eyebrows. If you have a uni-brow or you have any stray hairs, clean them up!

Wear deodorant. Every. Single. Day.

Wash your hands. You don't want to be the person with dirty, clammy, or sticky hands. Also, washing
your hands regularly is one of most effective ways of preventing illness.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. The people around you will thank you for it.

Your face should be freshly shaved. Or facial hair should be neatly trimmed. (men)

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