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The Republic Act No.


What do you know about this republic act? Many mothers and children
experiencing being abused, are you one of them? if yes let me tell you about the
Republic Act About Violence Against Women and Children, and if no you should know
about this too to prevent this incident. Based on the preliminary findings of the 2017
National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), one in four (26%) ever-married
women aged 15-49 has ever experienced physical, sexual or emotional violence by
their husband or partner. One in five (20%) women has ever experienced emotional
violence, 14 percent has ever experienced physical violence, and 5 percent has ever
experienced sexual violence by their current or most recent husband or partner. Close
to 9,000 child abuse cases, some of them happening inside the home, were recorded
throughout the country last year, the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC).

Sexual Violence, any form of sexual behavior or act (including those done online)
that occurred against one's will or involved one or more of the factors listed below:
pressure,manipulation,bullying, intimidation, Next Psychological Violence, acts or
omissions that cause or are likely to cause mental or emotional harm to the victim
include but are not limited to restraining the mother or her child's movement or behavior,
Lastly Economic Abuse the Domestic Abuse Act defines economic abuse as a type of
domestic violence that is recognized by the law. These are the several Violence that
covers the Republic No. 9262. So if you ever experience this type of violence you have
the right to stand up against discrimination, and the right to speak up for what you care
about: because the mission of Violence Against Women and Children's (VAWC)is to
strive toward eliminating sexual, physical, and other types of violence against women
and children, as well as the power disparities that enable it.

You have to fight because in this world girls are just not girls they’re women,
women with a powerful voice to speak up what is real, This act helps the mother and
the children to cope up with the life that they don’t deserve this Republic Act is for the
Women. It is a law the seeks to address the prevalence of violence against women and
their children (VAWC) by their intimate partners like their husband or ex-husband, live-in
partner or former live-in partner, boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, dating
partner or former dating partner. Don’t be scared you have the right to fight.

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