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Chapter 10: Who’s In Control?

10.4 Major Endocrine Glands In The Body

Hypothalamus – found at the base of the brain and produces hormones that helps

turn the other endocrine glands in your body on and off.

Pituitary Gland –a pea-sized gland found in the center of the skull

It is made of two lobes

 Anterior Gland

 Posterior Gland

Endorphins – a hormone secreted by the Pituitary Gland and is responsible

for reducing feelings of pain

Thyroid Gland – located under the larynx or voice box

It secrets Triiodothyronine(T3), Thyroxine(T4), and calcitonin.

Parathyroid Gland – Four tiny glands embedded in the surface of the thyroid.

These release the parathyroid hormone.

 Parathyroid Hormone – regulates blood calcium levels in the body

Thymus – responsible for the development of the defense system of the body

against disease causing organisms.

 The Thymus produces and develops T cells.

Adrenals – means “above kidney”. Each gland is located atop each of your


It is made up of two parts

 The inner adrenal medulla – produces adrenaline

 The outer adrenal cortex

Pancreas – produces two types of hormones

 Insulin – keeps levels of sugar under control

 Glucagon –Increases the level of sugar in the body

Gonads – human reproductive organs

Pineal Gland – located near the thalamus of the brain.

It produces melatonin.

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