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Reflection paper

Submitted by: Hajra Khan

Sap: 1536

Semester: 6th

Submitted to: Ma’am Maria

Department: social sciences and humanity

Faculty: applied psychology

Endocrine system
Endocrine system is a hormonal system that consists of many glands secreting

hormones directly into bloodstream in order to coordinate performance of different activities

in our body such as metabolism, growth and development, sleep etc. Just like

neurotransmitters, hormones also trigger a behavior or a response but it takes longer than

neural transmission because hormones flow through blood to cause change. There are total

eight types of glands in our body that are; hypothalamus gland located at the base of the

brain, helps to connect nervous system and endocrine system with the help of pituitary gland.

It controls processes of autonomic nervous system and metabolism and other functions such

as sleep hunger etc. it also signals pituitary gland when to stop or stimulate hormone

secretion. Pituitary gland is the master gland because it controls the activity of most of the

other glands. It is often about the size of the pea. The functions it performs are milk

production, water balance, thyroid gland function, pain relief, blood pressure, sex organs

functions, temperature regulation. Thyroid gland is the largest gland found in neck. It

releases hormones that help in metabolism, growth, development and body temperature.

Parathyroid glands are about size of rice and are four in amount and is located near thyroid

gland. It helps to enable the nervous system and muscular system to function properly. It also

releases parathyroid hormone that regulates body calcium level. Thymus gland is located in

front of the heart. It produces thymosin. It helps in body defense system and protects body

from infections and viruses. Pancreas is an endocrine as well as exocrine gland, secreting

hormones as well as enzymes into blood. It secretes insulin and glucagon that maintains sugar

level. Adrenal glands are located at the top of both the kidneys consisting of two parts that

are adrenal cortex (secretes hormones necessary for life) and adrenal medulla (initiate the

flight or fight response). Sexual glands involve testes and ovaries. Testes are located within

scrotum consisting of two organs that produce sperms that is essential in male reproduction
system and physical development in boys. While ovaries are found in women located at both

sides of uterus. It produces progesterone and oestrogen. It controls female reproductive


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