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Why Didn’t You See a

教學目標 重要句型
1. 能熟記及運用授與動詞句型。 1. 授與動詞+人+物=授與動詞+物+to / for+人
2. 能使用疑問詞 why 為首的疑問句詢問他人某 例 They gave Sam a card.
件事的原因。 =They gave a card to Sam.
3. 能使用連接詞 because 和 so 表達某件事的因 2. 問句: Why+did+主詞+原形動詞...+過去時間副詞?
果,並能代換。 答句: 主詞+過去式動詞...+because+主詞+過去式
4. 能熟記 because 與 because of 的差別。 動詞....
5. 能分辨並正確念出含 /OI/、/ u /、/ U / 的單字。 例 A: Why did you cry yesterday?
B: I cried yesterday because I lost the game.

● 黑色字為應用字彙,棕色字為認識字彙。
字詞大觀園 ● 鋪底表示已非首次出現,但為不同字義。

1. sore throat [)sor (Trot] 喉嚨痛 19. health [hElT] 名 健康

2. headache [(hEd)ek] 名 頭痛 20. hurt / hurt [h9t] 動 疼痛; 形 受傷的

3. catch / caught a cold 21. bring / brought

感冒 動 帶來
[kQ1 / kOt W (kold] [brIN] / [brOt]
4. hospital [(hAspIt6] 名 醫院 22. ice cream [(aIs )krim] 名 冰淇淋

5. leg [lEg] 名腿 23. so [so] 連 所以

6. fever [(fiv0] 名 發燒 24. too bad [(tu (bQd] 太糟了

7. head [hEd] 名頭 25. treat [trit] 動 治療;對待

8. stomach [(stVmWk] 名 胃;肚子 26. as [Qz;Wz] 介 如同

9. call [kOl] 動 ; 名 打電話;呼喊 27. sick [sIk] 形 生病的

10. speak / spoke 28. however [h4(Ev0] 副 然而

動 說話;講
[spik] / [spok] 29. medicine [(mEdWs8] 名藥

11. send / sent [sEnd] / [sEnt] 動 寄;送 30. heavy [(hEvI] 形 厚實的;重的

12. message [(mEsI2] 名 訊息 31. coat [kot] 名 大衣

13. What happened? 32. healthy [(hElTI] 形 健康的

[)(h)wAt (hQpWnd] 33. keep / kept [kip] / [kEpt] 動 保持

形 ; 代 全部(的) 34. body [(bAdI] 名 身體

14. all [Ol]
副都 35. clothes [kloz] 名 衣服

15. why [(h)w3] 副 為什麼 36. try [traI] 動 ; 名 嘗試

16. because [bI(kOz] 連 因為 37. put on [)pUt (An] 穿上

17. country [(kVntrI] 名 國家;鄉間 38. as for [Qz;Wz fOr] 至於

18. serious [(sIrIWs] 形 嚴重的;認真的

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40 國中英語

麻辣 1 字彙解析
1 sore throat [)sor (Trot] 喉嚨痛

1. sore 為形容詞,表「疼痛的;(肌肉)痠痛的」。
例 My legs were sore after the soccer practice.(足球練習之後,我雙腿痠痛。)
2. throat 為名詞,表「喉嚨」;have a sore throat 表「喉嚨痛」。
例 The singer can’t sing because he has a sore throat.(那位歌手因喉嚨痛而無法唱歌。)
練 A: Do you have ?(你喉嚨痛嗎?)
B: No, my is fine.(沒有,我的喉嚨還好。)

2 headache [(hEd)ek] 名 頭痛

1. head 是身體部位「頭」,ache 表「疼痛」,head 加上 ache 就是 headache(頭痛)。

2.「have a+疾病」表「有……病痛」,如 have a headache(頭痛)。
例 Greg had a bad / terrible headache last night.(Greg 昨晚頭很痛。)
→ 形容詞 bad / terrible(嚴重的)可用來表示疼痛的程度。
3. headache 亦可指「棘手、令人頭痛的事」。
例 Reading Chinese is a big headache for Kevin.(讀中文是件令 Kevin 頭痛的事。)
練I a . Maybe I am sick.(我頭很痛。也許我病了。)

3 catch / caught a cold [kQ1 / kOt W (kold] 感冒

1. catch 為動詞,表「抓住;接住」,也可表「患(病);傳染上……」,過去式為 caught。

例 (1) He jumped up and caught the ball.(他跳起來接住了那顆球。)
(2) My son caught chickenpox from his classmate.(我兒子從他同學那裡染上了水痘。)
2. cold 當形容詞時,表「冷的」;當可數名詞時,表「感冒」。catch a cold 表「感冒」

a bad / heavy cold 表「重感冒」。
比較 catch a cold 強調「染上感冒」的行為;have a cold 表示「感冒持續的狀態」。
例 A: Did you have a cold last week?(你上禮拜感冒了嗎?)→ 詢問狀態。
B: Yes, I caught a bad cold from my brother. → 回答如何發生。
練 Put on a coat if you don’t want to .

4 hospital [(hAspIt6] 名 醫院

in the hospital 表「住院」;out of the hospital 表「出院」。

例 David is in the hospital because of the flu.(David 因為流行性感冒而住院。)
練 A: Is Peter still ?(Peter 還在住院嗎?)
B: No. He was two days ago.

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Lesson 2 41

5 leg [lEg] 名 腿

leg 為可數名詞,表「腿;腿部」,也可表「垂直的支撐物」,複數形為 legs。

比較 foot 當可數名詞時,表「腳;足部」,複數形為 feet;當單數名詞時,表「(某地區或
例 1. Don’t rush up the stairs, or else you might fall and break your legs.
2. The boy just hit the desk leg and hurt his foot.
相關字彙 break a leg 表「祝好運」,尤指上臺演出之前。
練 Bentley is no longer a little baby. He has longer and bigger now.
(Bentley 不再是小嬰兒了。他有更長的腿和更大的腳。)

6 fever [(fiv0] 名 發燒

have a (high) fever 表「發(高)燒」。

例 Joyce has a high fever. Let’s take her to see a doctor.
(Joyce 發高燒。我們帶她去看醫生吧。)
練 Frank a headache and . Let’s take him to the doctor.
(Frank 頭痛而且發燒。我們帶他去看醫生吧。)

7 head [hEd] 名 頭

1. head 為可數名詞,表身體部位「頭」,亦可指組織中領頭之人,即「領導人;負責人」。
例 (1) The hat is too small for my head.
(2) I need to talk to the head of your department.
2. head 也可當不及物動詞,表「朝……前進;前往……」,過去式為 headed。
例 Tom is heading out of the library. Is he heading home?
(Tom 正往圖書館外走去。他要回家嗎?)
練 The girl just kept her down and out.

8 stomach [(stVmWk] 名 胃;肚子

stomach 為可數名詞,表「胃;肚子」,stomach 加上 ache 就是 stomachache(胃痛)。

例 Does a cow really have four stomachs?(牛真的有四個胃嗎?)
練 A: Your is getting fat. Get up and exercise.
B: No, I just ate. I don’t want to .

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42 國中英語

9 call [kOl] 動 ; 名 打電話;呼喊

1. call 當動詞時,表「打電話」、「呼叫」或「稱呼;取名」,後接名詞或代名詞。
例 (1) Let’s call Dad at work.
(2) Lucy calls her pet rabbit Bingo.
(Lucy 叫她的寵物兔 Bingo。)
2. call 當名詞時,表「(一通)電話;呼叫」。
例 Please give me a call tomorrow morning.
練 A: May I a later?
B: Sure. Please at 02-1111-0000.
(當然。請打電話到 02-1111-0000。)

10 speak / spoke [spik] / [spok] 動 說話;講

1. speak 表「說話;講話」時,為不及物動詞;「speak to / with+人」表「與某人說話」。

例 (1) May I speak now?(我現在可以說話嗎?)
(2) Did you speak to / with John about the job?
(你跟 John 說了關於那工作的事嗎?)
2. speak 表「說、講某種語言」時,為及物動詞。
例 My sister can speak five different languages.
練 Cindy couldn’t , so she didn’t anyone
at the party.(Cindy 不會說英文,所以她沒跟派對上的任何人說話。)

11 send / sent [sEnd] / [sEnt] 動 寄;送

1. send 通常用於由郵局、快遞或他人送交某物。「send+人+物」=「send+物+to+人」表
例 Tina sent me a box of chocolates.(Tina 寄了一盒巧克力給我。)
=Tina sent a box of chocolates to me.
2. send 也可表「派遣;送走」。「send+人+to+地方 / to V...」表「派某人去某處 做某事」;
例 (1) We sent a group of people to help the sick in Africa.
(2) Ben came to visit Lily, but she sent him away.
(Ben 來拜訪 Lily,但她請他離開。)
練 My father a watch for my birthday.

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Lesson 2 43

12 message [(mEsI2] 名 訊息

1. message 為可數名詞,表「(口頭或文字的)訊息」,如 text message(手機簡訊)、voice

2. leave a message 表「留言」,take a message 表「傳話」,get a message 表「收到訊息」。
例 (1) Paul is not in the office. May I take a message for you?
(Paul 不在辦公室。需要我幫你傳話嗎?)
(2) I got several messages from the same person.
練 A: Do you want me to send a to Sam?
(你要我傳手機簡訊給 Sam 嗎?)
B: No, thanks. I just left a on his phone.

13 What happened? [)(h)wAt (hQpWnd] 發生了什麼事?

1. happen 為動詞,表「發生」。只能用「事物」當主詞,不可用「人」當主詞。
例 The same bad thing happened to him yesterday.
2. What happened(to+人)? 表「(某人)發生了什麼事?」。
例 A: What happened to her?(她發生了什麼事?)→ 因事情已經發生,故用過去式 happened。
B: I don’t know. I just got home.(我不知道。我才剛到家。)
練 A: ?(發生了什麼事?)
B: A scary thing at school today.(今天學校發生了一件可怕的事情。)

14 all [Ol] 形 ; 代 全部(的); 副 都

1. all 可當副詞「全部;全都」或形容詞「全部的」。
例 (1) The computers in the classroom are all broken. → all 當副詞。
(2) All the animals in the zoo are so cute. → all 當形容詞。
2. all 也可當代名詞,表「全部(人或物)」。
例 A: Which do you want, the apples, the guavas, or the grapes?
B: I want them all.(我全部都要。)→ all 放在代名詞受格(them)後面,強調全部。
相關字彙 all 用於三者或以上,表「全部……(都)」;而第二冊第四課教過的 both 則用於兩
練 My pet dog broke the bottles, so there are pieces of glass over the

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44 國中英語

15 why [(h)w3] 副 為什麼

why 為疑問副詞,表「為什麼」,置於句首,用於詢問原因。關於 why 問答句的用法,詳見

例 A: Why do you like the temple so much?(你為什麼這麼喜歡這座廟?)
B: Because it’s beautiful and old.(因為它美麗又年代久遠。)
相關字彙 Why me?(為何是我?);Why not?(有何不可?;為何不?)。
練 A: did you buy so many bags?(你為什麼買這麼多包包?)
B: ? They were all on sale.

16 because [bI(kOz] 連 因為

because 為連接詞,表「因為」,用於連接兩個互有因果關係的子句,相關用法詳見本課「語
例 Wendy doesn’t want to go out because she has a bad headache.
(Wendy 不想外出,因為她頭很痛。)
練 A: are those kids crying?(那些孩子們為什麼在哭?)
B: They’re crying I just told them a scary story.

17 country [(kVntrI] 名 國家;鄉間

1. country 表「國家」時為可數名詞,複數形為 countries;mother country 表「祖國」。

例 We plan to visit two different countries every year.
2. country 表「鄉間」時為不可數名詞,常以 the country 的形式呈現。
例 My grandparents live in the country.(我的祖父母住在鄉間。)
練 Joe misses the in his .
(Joe 想念他在祖國的鄉間生活。)

18 serious [(sIrIWs] 形 嚴重的;認真的

1. serious 為形容詞,表「嚴重的」,通常用來形容不好的狀況,如 serious problem 表「嚴重的

問題」、serious mistake 表「嚴重的錯誤」。
例 We’re in serious trouble because she made a serious mistake.
2. serious 亦可用來形容態度是「認真的;嚴肅的」,「be serious about+事物 / V-ing」表「對某
例 Are you serious about giving up the last game?(你要放棄最後一場比賽是認真的嗎?)
練 Ken was in the hospital because he had a illness.
(Ken 因為嚴重的疾病而住院。)

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Lesson 2 45

19 health [hElT] 名 健康

health 為不可數名詞,表「健康」。常見用法如下:
1.「be in+good / excellent / poor+health」表「健康狀況佳 極佳 不好」。
例 Tim exercises every day. He is in excellent health.(Tim 每天運動。他健康狀況極佳。)
2.「be+good / bad+for one’s health」表「利於 不利於某人的健康」。
例 The air in the city is bad for Jim’s health.(這城市裡的空氣不利於 Jim 的健康。)
練 A: Ray looks terrible. He’s .
(Ray 看起來很糟。他的健康狀況不好。)
B: Now he must know smoking his .

20 hurt / hurt [h9t] 動 疼痛; 形 受傷的

1. hurt 當動詞時,表「(感到)疼痛;使……受傷」。「身體部位+hurt」表「身體某部位感到
例 My lower back still hurts from time to time.(我的下背部仍然不時疼痛。)
2. hurt 亦可當形容詞,表「受傷的」。be / get hurt 表「受傷了」。
例 (1) Oops, I’m sorry. Are you hurt?(喔,抱歉。你受傷了嗎?)
(2) No one got hurt in the fire.(那場火災沒人受傷。)
練 Tim his head this morning, and it still now.
(Tim 今天早上弄傷了他的頭,他的頭到現在還在痛。)

21 bring / brought [brIN] / [brOt] 動 帶來

1. bring 為動詞,表「帶來;拿來」,「bring+人+物」=「bring+物+to+人」表「帶某物來
例 Andy brought me a basket of fruit.(Andy 帶了一籃水果來給我。)
=Andy brought a basket of fruit to me.
2. bring(帶來;拿來)和 take(帶去;拿去)都是帶有方向性的動詞。bring 可想成是把某東
西「從外面帶過來」;take 可想成是把某東西「從這邊帶過去」。

例 Please bring the robot to the boy. 例 The boy took the robot to his friend.
=Please bring the boy the robot. (那個男孩把機器人帶去給他的朋友。)
練 A: Please lunch me.(請帶午餐來給我。)
B: No problem. What else?(沒問題。還要其他的嗎?)
A: a coffee me, too. Thank you.(也帶杯咖啡來給我。謝謝你。)

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46 國中英語

22 ice cream [(aIs )krim] 名 冰淇淋

冰淇淋主要是由牛奶脂肪煉製而成,因此,ice(冰)與 cream(乳脂)結合,形成 ice cream

(冰淇淋)。ice cream 本身為不可數名詞,但若特指「一份」
,ice cream 則為可數名詞,而 ice
為母音開頭,故前面要用 an。
例 1. Let’s put some ice cream on the apple pie.(我們放些冰淇淋在蘋果派上吧。)
2. Who wants an ice cream?(誰想來一份冰淇淋?)
練 A: Would you like some after dinner?
B: Why not? I’d like strawberry .

23 so [so] 連 所以

1. so 為連接詞,表「所以」,用於連接兩個互有因果關係的子句,常與 because(因為)做比
例 We can’t eat or drink on the metro, so let’s put the food away.
→ Let’s put the food away because we can’t eat or drink on the metro.
2. so 為副詞時,表「那麼;如此」,置於形容詞與副詞前,強調該形容詞與副詞的「程度」。
例 (1) The noodles are so yummy.(這麵條如此地美味。)
(2) I miss my family so much.(我是那麼地想念我的家人。)
練 They finally won the game, everyone was happy.

24 too bad [(tu (bQd] 太糟了

bad 為形容詞,表「壞的;不好的」,因此,too bad 形成慣用語,表「太糟了;很遺憾」。

例 A: I can’t go to the party on Friday.(我週五無法參加派對。)
B: Too bad. We invited your favorite singer.(太糟了。我們邀請了你最喜愛的歌手呢。)
練 A: I missed the bus this morning because I got up late.
B: That’s .(那太糟了。)

25 treat [trit] 動 治療;對待

1. treat 當動詞時,表「治療;對待」。
(1)「treat+A+with+B」表「用 B 來治療 A」。
例 We treated the illness with special medicine.(我們用特殊的藥來治療這個疾病。)
(2)「treat+A+like / as+B」表「把 A 當成 B 對待」。
例 Mr. Wang treats his students like his children.

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Lesson 2 47

2. treat 也可表「款待;請客」,可作動詞,也可作名詞。
例 (1) The man treated everyone to a nice dinner. → treat 當動詞,並搭配介系詞 to。
(2) Let’s go out for dinner. My treat. → treat 當名詞。
相關字彙 My treat.=It’s on me.(我請客。)。
練 Some people in my country colds ice cream.

26 as [Qz;Wz] 介 如同

as 當介系詞時,後接名詞,表「如同……(一樣);像……(一樣)」,常與 the same 連用,

「A...+the same(+名詞)as+B」表「A(的……)如同 B(的……)一樣」。
例 1. Heidi is the same age as you.(Heidi 與你同年。)
2. My father always dresses up as Santa Claus for the Christmas party.
練 1. Mike’s idea is Ginger’s.
(Mike 的想法與 Ginger 的一樣。)
2. The old lady treats me her son.(那名老婦人待我如同她的兒子一樣。)

27 sick [sIk] 形 生病的

1. sick 為形容詞,表「生病的;不舒服的」,反義字為 well(健康的)。

例 He didn’t go to school because he felt sick.(他沒上學是因為他身體不舒服。)
2.「be sick of+人事物 / V-ing」表「對某人事物或做某事感到厭煩」。
例 Jason is sick of his job.(Jason 對他的工作感到厭煩。)
相關字彙 call in sick(打電話請病假);be off / out sick(因病缺勤)。
練 I feel and want to .

28 however [h4(Ev0] 副 然而

however 為副詞,表「然而」,具轉折語氣,可放句首、句中或句尾。
例 The man is rich and handsome. However, he is in poor health. → 放句首。
=The man is rich and handsome. He is, however, in poor health. → 放句中。
=The man is rich and handsome. He is in poor health, however. → 放句尾。
比較 however 與 but 均可表「但是」,有對比意味;但 however 為副詞,but 為連接詞。
例 My brother loves rock and roll, but I hate it.(我哥哥喜歡搖滾樂,但我討厭搖滾樂。)
→ My brother loves rock and roll. However, I hate it.
練 The team never wins a game. Many people, , still love it.

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48 國中英語

29 medicine [(mEdWs8] 名 藥

medicine 表「藥;藥劑;藥物」,為不可數名詞,「吃藥」要用動詞 take。

例 Grandpa didn’t take his medicine this morning.(爺爺今天早上沒有吃他的藥。)
相關字彙 capsule 通常指「膠囊」型的藥;tablet 指粉劑壓成的「藥丸、藥片、藥錠」;pill 則
練 Betty never when she catches a cold.(Betty 感冒時從不吃藥。)

30 heavy [(hEvI] 形 厚實的;重的

1. heavy 表「厚實的;重的」,反義字為 light(輕的)。

例 Can you help me with the heavy boxes?(你能幫我搬這些重箱子嗎?)
2. heavy 也可表「大量的;嚴重的」,如 heavy rain / snow(大雨 大雪)、heavy traffic(繁忙
的交通)、heavy cold(重感冒)。
例 The rain was heavy. We all got wet.(雨很大。我們全都溼透了。)
練 The girl looks in the coat.

31 coat [kot] 名 大衣

coat 為可數名詞,表冬天穿的「大衣;厚外套」
,可與其他名詞組成複合名詞,如 overcoat(長
大衣;長厚外套) 、raincoat(雨衣) 、winter coat(冬季大衣) 、fur coat(毛皮大衣)。
例 Everyone is wearing a coat because it’s cold outside.
練 I bought a beautiful for my mother.

32 healthy [(hElTI] 形 健康的

healthy 為形容詞,表「健康的;有益健康的」,由名詞 health(健康)加形容詞字尾 -y 變化而

來;stay healthy 表「保持健康」。
例 My grandpa is 90, but he’s healthy.(我爺爺九十歲,但他很健康。)
練A diet helps you to .

33 keep / kept [kip] / [kEpt] 動 保持

keep 當動詞時,表「(使)保持;(使)維持」,「keep(+人 / 事物)+形容詞」表「保持、維

持(某人 某事物)……」。
例 1. Please keep quiet in the library.(圖書館裡請保持安靜。)
2. The coat can keep you warm.(這件大衣能讓你保暖。)
練 Those dogs on the farm can the sheep .

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Lesson 2 49

34 body [(bAdI] 名 身體

1. body 表「身體;軀幹(頭部、四肢之外)」,為可數名詞,複數形為 bodies。

例 The dog has a large body but thin legs.(那隻狗身軀龐大,但腿纖細。)
2. 可與其他名詞組成複合名詞,如 body shape(體型)、body temperature(體溫)。
例 What is the ideal body shape for a fashion model?(時裝模特兒理想的體型是什麼?)
練 The nurse took his .(護士量了他的體溫。)

35 clothes [kloz] 名 衣服

1. clothes 表「衣服;衣物」
如 clothes basket(洗衣籃)、clothes hanger(衣架)。
例 Don’t put your dirty clothes on the floor.(別把你的髒衣服放在地板上。)
2. cloth 當不可數名詞,表「布;布料」;當可數名詞時,表「抹布」。
例 (1) There’s a piece of cloth on the table.(桌上有一塊布。)
(2) This is a cleaning cloth.(這是一塊清潔用的抹布。)
練 Amy’s all expensive.(Amy 的衣服全都很昂貴。)

36 try [traI] 動 ; 名 嘗試

1. try 當動詞時,表「嘗試」。字尾為子音+-y,過去式變化為去 y+-ied,即 tried。「try+to

例 (1) We tried to open the door but failed.(我們嘗試打開那扇門,但打不開。)
(2) The soap isn’t right for you. Try using another one.(這肥皂不適合你。試試另一個。)
2. try 當名詞時,亦表「嘗試」,常以單數形呈現。「give+物+a try」表「嘗試某物」。
例 Irene is planning to give surfing a try this summer.(Irene 計畫在今年夏天嘗試衝浪。)
練 A: Let’s again.(我們再試一次吧。)
B: No. I many times, but I still couldn’t make it.

37 put on [)pUt (An] 穿上

1. put on 是可分雙字片語動詞,「put on+衣飾」=「put+衣飾+on」表「把……穿上」。

例 Put on the heavy coat.(把厚大衣穿上。)
=Put the heavy coat on. → Put it on.
2. put on 強調「穿上衣服」的動作,而 wear 表示「穿(著)……」的狀態。
例 Paul likes to wear blue jeans.(Paul 喜歡穿藍色牛仔褲。)
3. 反義字為 take off(脫掉)。
例 It’s hot inside. Let’s take off our coats.(裡面好熱。我們脫掉我們的大衣吧。)
練 the dirty coat and this clean one.

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50 國中英語

38 as for [Qz;Wz fOr] 至於

「as for+人 / 事物」表「至於……;就……而言」,用於準備要提到某人或某事物時。

例 We’re ready for the party. As for Janet, she’s trying to finish her homework.
(我們準備好要開派對了。至於 Janet,她正試著完成她的作業。)
練 the fish, it needs more salt.

Challenge 字彙練習
1. David didn’t eat today because something was wrong(出問題)with his
s h.
2. A: Is your father a doctor in this h l? B: Yes, and my sister is, too.
3. Some s s problems happened at work, so I may work all night.
4. The h y blanket kept me warm all winter. I really like it.
5. Math is a big h e for me. I’m not good with numbers.

( )1. Did you just this voice message to everyone?
(A) try (B) keep (C) send (D) catch
( )2. Anna has high . Why is she still at work?
(A) ×; fever (B) ×; fevers (C) a; fever (D) the; fever
( )3. I bought new clothes for you as your birthday gift.
(A) a (B) one (C) much (D) some
( )4. You look terrible! What happened you on the business trip?
(A) in (B) to (C) from (D) with
( )5. Listen to the doctor. the medicine with a big glass of water after dinner.
(A) Eat (B) Have (C) Take (D) Drink
( )6. A: May I speak you for a second? B: Sure. Come in and take a seat.
(A) from (B) with (C) about (D) ×
( )7. To be good health, you need to get enough sleep and exercise more often.
(A) on (B) in (C) for (D) like
( )8. Howard is sick of the same thing over and over every day.
(A) do (B) does (C) did (D) doing
( )9. I had a great time in the USA. Mrs. Lee treated me one of the family.
(A) as (B) with (C) through (D) ×
( )10. A: There are so many T-shirts here. Which one does Eric want?
B: I don’t know. Why don’t we bring to him?
(A) all them (B) them all (C) both them (D) them both

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Lesson 2 51

麻辣 2 發 音 A

本課練習母音 /OI/、/u/、/U/ 的發音。

oi oy oo oo
/OI/ /OI/ /u/ /U/
oil boy food cook
boil joy tool book
join soy school good
soil toy soon wood

麻辣 3 必考一字多義 ABC

(1) 當形容詞時,表「疼痛的;(肌肉)痠痛的」。
例 Ted’s feet were sore after a long walk.
(走了一段很長的路後,Ted 的雙腳很痠痛。)
(2) 當形容詞時,表「惱火的;生氣的」,sore loser 表「輸不起的人」。
❶ sore 例 Don’t be a sore loser. We all win and lose from time to time.
(3) 當可數名詞時,表「痛處;(尤指)潰瘍、瘡」。
例 The poor man’s back was covered with sores.

(1) 當介系詞時,表「如同;以……的身分;當作」。
例 My sister worked as a waitress in a restaurant before.
(2) 當副詞時,表「(用於比較)像……(一樣);和……(一樣)」。
❷ as
例 Jack will soon be as tall as his father.(Jack 很快就會和他父親一樣高了。)
(3) 當連接詞時,表「當……時;在……的同時」。
例 I ran into Helen as I was going to the supermarket.
(當我去超級市場時,我巧遇了 Helen。)

Challenge 字彙練習
( )1. Sam is a . He always gets really angry(生氣的)when he loses a game.
(A) sore throat (B) sore foot (C) sore loser (D) sore back
( )2. I was doing my homework, an earthquake(地震)happened. I was afraid then.
(A) As (B) And (C) But (D) Because

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52 國中英語

麻辣 4 語法說明
They gave / sent / showed / wrote / bought / made me a card.

gave / sent / showed / wrote to

They a card me.
bought / made for
1. 有些及物動詞後面會有「人;對象」和「物品」兩個受詞,此類動詞稱為「授與動詞」。
2. 句型:人(受詞 1)為間接受詞,物(受詞 2)為直接受詞。
句型 說明
主詞+授與動詞+人(受詞 1)+物(受詞 2). 人在前,物在後,不需介系詞
主詞+授與動詞+物(受詞 2)+介系詞+人(受詞 1). 物在前,人在後,需加介系詞
例 (1) I gave Ella a book yesterday.(我昨天給了 Ella 一本書。)
=I gave a book to Ella yesterday.
(2) Mom bought me a bowl of beef noodles.(媽媽買了一碗牛肉麵給我。)
=Mom bought a bowl of beef noodles for me.

當直接受詞(物品)為代名詞(it 或 them)時,只能用含介系詞的句型。
例 A: Who bought these roses for you?(誰買這些玫瑰花給妳?)
B: Ken did. He bought them for me this morning. → them 指前句的 these roses。
(Ken 買的。他今天早上買給我的。)

3. 介系詞會因「授與動詞」的不同而改變,常見的授與動詞如下:
授與動詞 介系詞
give(給)、read(讀)、show(展示)、sell(賣)、 to
send(寄送)、teach(教導)、write(寫)、lend(借出) 表示「給某人…… 」
buy(買)、cook(煮)、draw(畫)、make(製作)、 for
find(找到)、order(訂購) 表示「為某人做…… 」
例 (1) The salesman sold a broken bike to me.(那銷售員賣給我一輛壞掉的腳踏車。)
(2) Danny cooks dinner for his daughter every night.(Danny 每晚都為他女兒做晚飯。)
(3) James lent some money to me.(James 借了些錢給我。)
4. 其他授與動詞的用法:
授與動詞 句型
主詞+ask+人(受詞 1)+問題(受詞 2).
=主詞+ask+問題(受詞 2)+of+人(受詞 1).
例 May I ask you a question?(我可以問你一個問題嗎?)
=May I ask a question of you?

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Lesson 2 53

有些授與動詞可以搭配 to 或 for,但其語意會不相同,如 send 和 write。
例 1. Fiona sent the letter to me.(Fiona 寄了這封信「給」我。)
2. Fiona sent the letter for me.(Fiona「為」我寄出這封信。)

練 語法測驗
( )1. My mom bought a bag me as my birthday gift.
(A) to (B) for (C) with (D) from
( )2. Kelly reads a bedtime story her son every night.
(A) to (B) from (C) in (D) of
( )3. A: May I ask a question you, Mr. Potter?
B: Sure. What’s your question?
(A) to (B) for (C) of (D) with
( )4. It’s Teacher’s Day today. Let’s give .
(A) a card Ms. Wang (B) Ms. Wang to a card
(C) to a card Ms. Wang (D) a card to Ms. Wang
( )5. A: Did Amy’s mother send the basket of fruit yesterday?
B: Yes, she did.
(A) to her (B) her (C) for her (D) with her

二、Why 的過去式問句與答句
did see a doctor this morning?
Why she
didn’t come to the meeting last night?

She saw a doctor she was sick.

She didn’t come to the meeting she had a fever.
1. 詢問「過去為什麼有或沒有做某事」時,由於是詢問原因,須使用疑問詞 why,且由於
是過去式,因此要用過去式助動詞 did / didn’t,後須接原形動詞。
例 Why did Dan join the basketball club?(為什麼 Dan 加入了籃球社?)
2. 由於是詢問「原因」,回答時要用從屬連接詞 because(因為)引導表原因之副詞子句。
例 A: Why did Amy bake a cake yesterday?(為什麼 Amy 昨天烤了一個蛋糕?)
B: She baked a cake because yesterday was her grandma’s birthday.
3. 答句在口語時亦可僅用 because 子句回答。
例 A: Why didn’t you buy the book?(你為什麼沒買那本書?)
B: (I didn’t buy the book) because I didn’t have enough money.

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54 國中英語

練 依提示作答
1. I didn’t go to the party because I had lots of homework.(依畫線部分造原問句)

2. Why didn’t Sam visit his grandma last month?(用「因為他太忙」完整回答)

3. Helen joined a history camp last summer.(加入疑問詞 why 改寫句子)

三、because 與 so 的用法
Jerry didn’t come to school because he caught a cold.
Because Jerry caught a cold, he didn’t come to school.

Jerry caught a cold, so he didn’t come to school.

1. because(因為)為從屬連接詞,用來連接兩個有因果關係的子句。because 後接表原因
的子句。此外,because 放句首時,需逗號和主要子句隔開。
句型: 結果子句+because+原因子句.
例 I failed the test because I didn’t study hard.
=Because I didn’t study hard, I failed the test.
2. so(所以)為對等連接詞,也可用來連接兩個有因果關係的子句,但 so 所引導的結果子
例 I didn’t sleep well last night, so I feel sleepy now.
3. because 和 so 都是連接詞,故不可出現在同一個句子裡,而 because 和 so 的句子可互換。
例 Because my neighbor kept making noise, I didn’t sleep well last night.
=My neighbor kept making noise, so I didn’t sleep well last night.
4. 除了用連接詞 because 之外,亦可用片語介系詞 because of(因為)後接原因,但其後須
例 (1) We stayed home because it snowed heavily.(因為雪下得很大,我們待在家裡。)
→ because 為「連接詞」,後接子句 it snowed heavily。
(2) We stayed home because of the heavy snow.(因為大雪,我們待在家裡。)
→ because of 為「片語介系詞」,後接名詞 the heavy snow。
練 語法測驗
( )1. A: Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?
B: I had a bad cold.
(A) Because (B) Because of (C) So (D) But

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Lesson 2 55

( )2. Joan has a sore throat she can’t sing today.

(A) , because (B) , so (C) because of (D) because
( )3. Betty didn’t prepare for the test, she got a bad grade.
(A) Because; × (B) ×; because (C) Because; so (D) So; ×
( )4. We didn’t go to the park the heavy rain.
(A) because (B) so (C) because of (D) , because
( )5. Dan is not hungry now he just ate two bowls of rice.
(A) because (B) , so (C) so (D) because of

Challenge 文法練習
( ) 1. Jerry made a card for his sister yesterday. He will(將)send later.
(A) her it (B) it her (C) it to her (D) her to it
( ) 2. Tim didn’t go out with us he had basketball practice at 5 p.m.
(A) but (B) so (C) because (D) or
( ) 3. You didn’t do your homework yesterday, you can’t go out with us today.
(A) but (B) so (C) because (D) or
( ) 4. I need the salt on the table. Please .
(A) give it to me (B) give me it (C) give me to it (D) give it me
( ) 5. A: you do the dishes? B: Because I was busy with my homework.
(A) Why doesn’t (B) What do (C) How did (D) Why didn’t

1. Hank gave Gina a book.(將畫線部分改為代名詞)

2. Sunny bought her mom a nice coat.(加入介系詞改寫句子)

3. Did Ricky send you the comic books?(加入介系詞改寫句子)

4. Sam showed the students a picture in art class.(將畫線部分改為代名詞)

5. He went to school late this morning because he didn’t catch the bus.(依畫線部分造原問句)

6. Jim was nice to Julia because he liked her.(用 so 改寫句子)

Bruce was busy.

Bruce didn’t watch the movie on TV.(用 so 合併句子)

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56 國中英語

麻辣 5 課文解析
D ialogue
❶(Bella is calling Scott.) (Bella 正在打電話給 Scott。)
Bella: May I speak to Scott? Bella: 我可以和 Scott 說話嗎?
Scott: This is Scott speaking. Scott: 我是 Scott。
Bella: ❷Scott, you didn’t go to work today. I Bella: Scott,你今天沒去上班。我傳了訊
sent a message to you, but you didn’t 息給你,但你沒有回覆。發生了什麼
answer. What happened? 事?
Scott: ❸I caught a cold and had a fever, so I Scott: 我感冒而且發燒,所以我在家休息。
rested at home.
Bella: That’s too bad. Did you see a doctor? Bella: 那太糟了。你有看醫生嗎?
Scott: No, I didn’t. I drank a lot of water and Scott: 不,我沒有。我喝很多水,而且睡了
slept all day. 一整天。
Bella: ❹Why didn’t you see a doctor? Bella: 你為什麼不看醫生?
Scott: Because people in my country don’t Scott: 因為在我國家的人並非總是一感冒就
always see a doctor for a cold. We only 去看醫生。我們只有因為嚴重的健康
do that for serious health problems. 問題才那麼做。
Bella: ❺How do you feel now? Bella: 你現在感覺如何?
Scott: My head still hurts, and I have a sore Scott: 我的頭還是很痛,而且我的喉嚨痛。
Bella: What can I do for you? Bella: 我能為你做些什麼?
Scott: ❻Can you bring some ice cream to me? Scott: 妳可以帶一些冰淇淋來給我嗎?
Bella: Sure. But why do you need ice cream? Bella: 當然。但是為什麼你需要冰淇淋?
Scott: Because it can help my sore throat. Some Scott: 因為它有助於緩解我的喉嚨痛。在我
people in my country do that, too. 國家的一些人也會那麼做。
Bella: Ice cream for a sore throat? I love it! Bella: 吃冰淇淋治喉嚨痛?我好愛這法子!

1 (Bella is calling Scott.)

A: May I speak to Scott?
B: This is Scott speaking.
1. 第一句中的「call+人」有「打電話給某人」與「呼喊某人」等兩種意思,由第二、三句的
2. 電話用語相關用法如下:
,而非 I’m
1. 禮貌上電話接通會主動表明身分說 This is Peter.(我是 Peter。)
打電話 Peter.。
找某人時 2. 找某人時可說 May I speak to Lucy, please? 或 Is Lucy there, please?(請問
Lucy 在嗎?),應避免較不禮貌的說法,如 Can I speak to Lucy?。

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Lesson 2 57

1. 表示「我就是。」的說法為
接電話者 (1) This is she / he. 或 This is Lucy / Peter.
為本人時 (2) This is Lucy / Peter speaking. 或簡短回答 Speaking.
2. 回答 I am Lucy / Peter.,雖然文法上無誤,但在電話用語中無此用法。
1. 若要找的人在並請對方稍候,可說 Yes. Hold on, please.(在。請稍候。)。
2. 若人不在,則說
(1) Sorry. She’s / He’s not here.=Sorry. She / He isn’t in.
接電話者 =Sorry. She / He is out.(抱歉。她 他不在。)
非本人時 (2) Can you call back later?(你可以晚點再打來嗎?)
3. 也可以請對方留言,如
Do you want to leave a message?(你想要留言嗎?)
=Would you like to leave a message?
1. 對方打錯電話時可說
I’m sorry. You have the wrong number.(抱歉。你打錯電話了。)
打錯電話時 =Sorry. Wrong number.
2. 自己打錯電話時可說
Sorry. I have the wrong number.(抱歉。我打錯電話了。)
例 Andy: Hello, may I speak to Jim Huang?(喂,我可以和黃 Jim 說話嗎?)
Jim: Speaking.(我就是。)
練 1. A: Amy. May I Gary?
(我是 Amy。我可以和 Gary 說話嗎?)
B: Gary .(我是 Gary。)
2. A: Mia , please?(請問 Mia 在嗎?)
B: Sorry. She’s not . Would you like to leave a ?

2 Scott, you didn’t go to work today. I sent a message to you, but you didn’t
1. 對話此處開始有過去式動詞與助動詞:
(1) 助動詞 didn’t 為 did not 的縮寫,don’t 的過去式,後接原形動詞。
(2) sent 為動詞 send(寄)的過去式。
由此可推斷,Bella 在描述過去的事情。
2.「動詞+to+名詞」中的 to 為介系詞,給予動詞「方向性」:
(1) 用於表達「往;到;向」,第一句的 to work 表「去工作地點」屬於此。
例 ① He stood up and ran to his mother.(他起身跑向他的母親。)
② We moved to Tainan last year.(我們去年搬到臺南。)
(2) 用於表達「給;向;對」,第二句的 to you 表「給你」則屬於此。
例 ① She is speaking to her students.(她正在對她的學生們說話。)
② He told a love story to us.(他給我們說了個愛情故事。)

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58 國中英語

today 表「今天」,句中的時態則依上下文決定。
例 (1) I got a message from Anna today. → 用「過去簡單式」,可推斷事情發生在說此話之前。
(我今天收到來自 Anna 的一則訊息。)
(2) I have a math class today. → 用「現在簡單式」,可推斷在陳述事實。

練I the meeting , but I talk to Jimmy.

(我今天去參加會議,但我沒跟 Jimmy 講到話。)

3 I caught a cold and had a fever, so I rested at home.

此處有兩個連接詞:and 與 so。
1. and 表「和;而且」,用來連接文法功能相同的字詞與子句。第一句原句為 I caught a cold,
and I had a fever,因為主詞同為 I,故可省略主詞,以避免重複。
例 We stayed at home, and we watched TV last night.(我們昨晚待在家裡看電視。)
→ We stayed at home and watched TV last night.
2. so 表「所以」,用來連接兩個具有「因果關係」的子句,so 引導的子句為「結果」。與 and
的不同處在於,so 只能連接子句,不能連接字詞。
例【○】I had some free time, so I cleaned the house.(我有些空閒時間,所以我打掃了房子。)
【×】I had some free time, so cleaned the house.
練 Helen math, every summer she joins a math camp
different math lovers there.
(Helen 喜歡數學,所以她每年夏天都會參加數學營,並且與不同的數學愛好者見面。)

4 A: Why didn’t you see a doctor?

B: Because people in my country don’t always see a doctor for a cold. We
only do that for serious health problems.
1. 此段對話為 Why 的問答句,須留意的是,問句為「過去簡單式」,答句為「現在簡單
式」。Bella 詢問 Scott 為何「生病症狀發生時」不去看醫生,故用「過去簡單式」;而 Scott
2. people in my country 表「在我國家的人」,介系詞片語 in my country 用於修飾名詞 people;
主詞為 people,非 country,所以助動詞用複數形 don’t。
3. 此處有兩個用於修飾動詞的副詞:always(總是)與 only(只有)。兩者在句中位置,通
常置於「一般動詞之前、be 動詞與助動詞之後」。
例 (1) He is always late for the group chat.(他團體談話總是遲到。)→ 置於 be 動詞 is 之後。
(2) We only have one meal a day.(我們一天只吃一餐。)→ 置於一般動詞 have 之前。
4. 此處的兩個介系詞 for,均表「為了……」,後接名詞。
例 (1) The man cooks for fun.(那名男子為了好玩而做菜。)
(2) We got together here for a serious problem.(我們聚在此處是為了一個嚴肅的問題。)

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Lesson 2 59

5. that 為代名詞,用來代替前面所提到的人事物。此處指 see a doctor。

例 1. Do you know the man with long hair ? → with long hair 修飾 man。
(你認識那個 留著長髮的 男子嗎?)
2. I want to visit some museums in Taipei . → in Taipei 修飾 museums。
(我想參觀一些 臺北的 博物館。)
注意 若「名詞+介系詞片語」作主詞,動詞單、複數必須隨名詞變化。
例 1. The book about temples is interesting. → book 為單數名詞當主詞,be 動詞用單數 is。
(這本 關於廟宇的 書很有趣。)
2. Visitors under 18 don’t need tickets. → visitors 為複數名詞當主詞,助動詞用複數 don’t。
( 未滿十八歲的 參觀者不用門票。)

練 A: Amy come to the party yesterday?

(Amy 昨天為何沒來參加派對?)
B: parties boring to her. She goes to a
party friends.

5 How do you feel now?

1. How do you feel now? 與 How are you feeling now? 皆可用於詢問他人的身體狀況,表「你
例 A: How are you feeling now?(你現在感覺如何?)
B: Not bad, but my eyes are still a little sore.(不會太糟,但我的雙眼依然有點痠痛。)
2. feel 作動詞,「feel+形容詞」表「感覺、感到……」。
例 (1) He’s feeling sick.(他感到很不舒服。)
(2) My legs felt really sore yesterday.(我的雙腿昨天真的很痠痛。)
練 A: you feel now?(你現在感覺如何?)
B: I still sick. My head hurts, and my body .

6 A: Can you bring some ice cream to me?

B: Sure.
1. can 作助動詞,除了用於表達能力的「會」,亦可用於請求,表「可以……嗎?」,此處則
例 A: Can you help me with some housework?(你能幫我做一些家事嗎?)
B: No problem. I’m free now.(沒問題。我現在有空。)

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60 國中英語

1. can 用於表達「能力」時,其過去式為 could。
例 I couldn’t swim before, but I can now.(我以前不會游泳,但現在會了。)
2. can 與 could 用於表達「請求」時,只有語氣的區分,沒有現在式與過去式的區分:
(1) can 屬於口語用法,could 較正式且較客氣有禮。
(2) can 可用於「請求」的回應句中,could 則不可。
例 A: Can / Could you give me a ride to the station?(你可以載我去車站嗎?)
B: Of course, I can.(當然可以。)【○】
B: Of course, I could. 【×】

2.「bring+A+to+B」表「把 A 帶來給 B」;此處的 to 為介系詞,後面接名詞或代名詞受

格。由此可知,Scott 希望 Bella 帶冰淇淋到他的住處。
3. sure 作副詞,表「當然」,為 yes 的口語說法。
練 A: People here like animals. you
this weekend?
B: . I bring two.(當然。我可以帶兩隻。)

R eading
Cool Ways to Treat a Cold 治療感冒的酷法子
❶Scott and I both rested at home last Scott 和我上個禮拜都在家休息,因為我
week because we were sick and had a fever. 們生病而且發燒。然而,我們針對感冒做了
However, we did different things for our colds. 不同的事情。
I went to the doctor, and she gave me some 我去看醫生,她給了我一些藥。我吃了
medicine. I took the medicine and didn’t drink 藥,而且不喝任何冰涼的飲料。即使在炎炎
any cold drinks. I put on a heavy coat even on 夏日,我都穿上一件厚大衣。整個週末,我
a hot summer day. I also stayed at home all 也都待在家裡。現在,因為如此,我再度恢
weekend. ❷Now, because of that, I am healthy 復健康,可以像隻猴子般到處活蹦亂跳。
again and can jump around like a monkey.
❸As for Scott, he didn’t see a doctor or 至於 Scott,他沒有去看醫生或服用任
take any medicine. He kept his body cool and 何藥物。他讓他的身體保持涼爽,而且沒有
didn’t put on any heavy clothes. Then he ate 穿上任何厚重衣物。然後他為了治他的喉嚨
some ice cream for his sore throat. ❹His ways 痛,吃了些冰淇淋。他的方法和我的真的很
were really different from mine, but he is also 不同,但他現在也再度恢復健康了。也許下
healthy again now. Maybe I can try his “cool 一次我可以試試他的「酷法子」。
ways” next time.

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Lesson 2 61

1 Scott and I both rested at home last week because we were sick....
此處有兩個連接詞:and 與 because。
1. and 表「和;而且」,用來連接文法功能相同的字詞與子句;此處用來連接兩個人當主
例【○】David and his sister go to the same school.(David 和他妹妹就讀同一所學校。)
【×】David and his sister goes to the same school.
2. because 表「因為」
,用來連接兩個具有因果關係的子句,because 引導的子句為「因」
處第二個子句 we were sick... 為第一個子句 Scott and I both rested at home last week 的「因」。
3. and 與 because 均可連接兩個子句,不同處為:
(1) and 不能置於句首,because 則可。
例 ① We went home because the restaurant didn’t open.(因為餐廳沒開,所以我們回家了。)
→ Because the restaurant didn’t open, we went home. → because 可置於句首。
② Tina made the cake, and I ate it.(Tina 做了蛋糕,而且我吃了它。)
→ and 不可置於句首。
(2) 若兩個子句的主詞相同,and 可省略第二個主詞,because 則不可。
例 ①【○】She didn’t come because she was busy.(她沒來是因為她很忙。)
【×】She didn’t come because was busy. → 第二個 she 不可省略。
② He ran out and (he) didn’t come back again. → 第二個 he 可省略。
4. both 表「兩者都」,可置於名詞之後,用來修飾名詞;若該名詞當主詞時,both 則置於一
般動詞之前,be 動詞與助動詞之後。
例 (1) My parents both work in the factory. → 置於一般動詞 work 之前。
(2) She and I can both help you with the homework. → 置於助動詞 can 與一般動詞 help 之間。
此處的 both 則是置於一般動詞 rested 之前,修飾主詞 Scott and I。
練 Helen I were there Joe called us .
(Helen 和我兩人都在那裡是因為 Joe 給我們兩個都打了電話。)

2 Now, because of that, I am healthy again and can jump around like a monkey.
1.「because of+名詞」表「由於……;因為……」
,亦可用「thanks to+名詞」表達,有「幸虧」
例 Because of him, we had a very good time.(因為他,我們玩得很愉快。)
=Thanks to him, we had a very good time.
2. like 作動詞時,表「喜歡」;作介系詞時,表「像……一樣」;兩者後面均接名詞或代名詞
受格。此處 jump around like a monkey 的 like 屬於後者,表「像隻猴子般到處活蹦亂跳」。
例 (1) She likes music.(她喜歡音樂。)→ like 當動詞。
(2) She can dance like her mother. → like 當介系詞。

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62 國中英語

練 the vacation, the runner is happy again and can run the

3 As for Scott, he didn’t see a doctor or take any medicine.

He kept his body cool and didn’t put on any heavy clothes.
Then he ate some ice cream for his sore throat.
1. or 為連接詞,用於否定句時,表「兩者皆非」,用法為「not+A+or+B」,表「既不 A 也
不 B」,如第一句 didn’t see a doctor or take any medicine(既不看醫生也不吃任何藥)。
例 (1) You can’t watch TV or play video games without the screen.
(2) There isn’t a horse or a zebra in the photo.(照片裡既沒有馬,也沒有斑馬。)
2.「keep+人 / 物+形容詞」表「使某人或某物保持(某狀態);使某人或某物留在(某
處)」,如第二句 kept his body cool(使他的身體保持涼爽)。
例 (1) The noise from the faucet kept me awake all night.(水龍頭的噪音使我徹夜難眠。)
(2) Could you please close the windows to keep the classroom warm?
3. any 與 some 均可用於形容「量」,其用法差異:
any(任何的) some(有些的)
接單、複數名詞或不可數名詞 接複數名詞或不可數名詞
常用於疑問句或否定句中 常用於疑問句或肯定句中
(1) 此處兩個 any 均用於否定句,一個接不可數名詞 medicine,另一個接複數名詞 clothes。
(2) 此處的 some 用於肯定句中,後面接不可數名詞 ice cream。
例 ① Can you give me some eggs?(你能給我一些雞蛋嗎?)
② Didn’t you see any people there?(你沒看到任何人在那裡嗎?)
練I jog play sports, but my health, I do
easy exercise.

4 His ways were really different from mine, but....

的 mine=my ways。
2. different(不同的)的反義字為 the same(相同的)。
(1)「A... different from B」表「A 與 B 不同」。
例 That car is different from this car.(那輛車與這輛車不同。)
(2)「A... the same as B」表「A 與 B 相同」。
例 His lunch looks the same as yours.(他的午餐看起來和你的一樣。)
練 Our computers from , but why do they all look

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Lesson 2 63

Challenge 課文練習
( ) 1. It’s Sunday. Why is Sarah going school?
(A) at (B) in (C) to (D) for
( ) 2. A: Hello, this is Ginger. May I to Terry?
B: This is Terry .
(A) speak; speak (B) speaking; speak
(C) speak; speaking (D) speaking; speaking
( ) 3. I Henry in the museum today. He was with John then.
(A) see (B) saw (C) am seeing (D) can see
( ) 4. my father doesn’t like fish, we never have fish at home.
(A) So (B) And (C) But (D) Because
( ) 5. Where is Mr. Brown? The women in the room to talk to him.
(A) want (B) wants (C) to want (D) wanting
( ) 6. Mike, take good care of your little sisters. Don’t jump around like .
(A) they (B) them (C) their (D) theirs
( ) 7. Heidi wants to be thin, so she put the strawberry cake away and it.
(A) eats (B) ate (C) doesn’t eat (D) didn’t eat
( ) 8. Daniel’s idea is very different from . Maybe we can give his idea a try.
(A) we (B) us (C) our (D) ours
( ) 9. A: How does your brother now? B: Not bad. He can eat and drink now.
(A) feel (B) feels (C) felt (D) feeling
( )10. A: Could you take these clothes to my mother? B: Sure, I . Where is she?
(A) can (B) can’t (C) could (D) couldn’t

1. A:我可以跟 Henry 講電話嗎?

2. Amy 和她妹妹兩人都會打網球和彈吉他。(both)

3. 她沒有給那個男孩任何鬆餅。

4. 因為大雨的緣故,我們昨天沒有去海邊。(We...)

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64 國中英語

5. 她昨晚不能唱歌,因為她喉嚨痛。(She...)

6. A:為什麼我們的歷史老師今天早上沒來學校?

麻辣 6 繪說片語
Have a Strong Stomach 有個強心臟

’d better (=had better) 最好

have a strong stomach 字面上的意思是「有個強健的胃」。胃好,才能品嘗各種食物而不反胃,

而心臟要強,才能在面對不悅乃至震驚之事時,處變不驚。因此,have a strong stomach 引

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Lesson 2 65

麻辣 7 段考實力評量
1. We b t some T-shirts with us on our trip to the USA last month.
2. Gary’s body is really hot right now; he might have a high f r.
3. Jay’s mad(生氣的)at Tina, and he doesn’t want to s k with her now.
4. I mop the floor every day; I can k p my room clean by doing that.
5. Both of my brothers are nurses, and they work at the same h l.
6. Which c y do you want to visit this year, Australia or the USA?
7. Bob is very s s about his work. He works almost 14 hours a day.
8. My grandpa is in good h h; he seldom gets sick.
9. The pie was terrible. H r, the students still ate it up. They were hungry.
10. The doctor gave the sick man some m e for his headache.
11. The box is too h y for me to move. There are 40 books in it.
12. The bottle of milk went bad. After I drank it, my s h hurt.
13. Dan was a doctor; he had to t t a lot of patients(病人)every day.
14. What h ned to my computer? It was OK yesterday, but it doesn’t work.
15. My cousin s ds me a Christmas(聖誕節)card from the USA every year.

二、填充題:填入正確的連接詞 because / so / and / but

1. The young players practiced hard for the game, they still lost it.
2. Nina doesn’t want to read the comic book again it’s not interesting.
3. Derick opened the book looked for the answer to that question.
4. Joyce doesn’t treat her body in a good way, she gets sick very often.
5. The bag broke it was not strong enough to hold those heavy books.

( ) 1. A: Leila’s birthday is a week away. Let’s hold a party her.
B: I like the idea. Tim and Billy can help, too.
(A) to (B) for (C) with (D) at
( ) 2. A: Did you call me at around 8 yesterday? What did you call me for?
B: I called you I had problems with the history homework.
(A) because (B) so (C) or (D) but
( ) 3. A: are you having ice cream? Don’t you have a cold?
B: Yes, I do. In our country, we treat our colds this way.
(A) Where (B) Why (C) Which (D) What

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66 國中英語

( ) 4. A: Hi, this is Hans. B: He’s in the shower. Can you call back later?
(A) May I speak to Matt? (B) Is Matt speaking?
(C) Is it the right number? (D) Can Matt call me?
( ) 5. Zack hurt his legs yesterday. He can’t run in the race, the teacher wants me to
take his place.
(A) but (B) or (C) so (D) because
( ) 6. Pam likes the watch very much. , she didn’t buy it. She needs some time to
think(想)about it.
(A) Almost (B) However (C) As for (D) For example
( ) 7. A: the noise from your dog, I couldn’t sleep well(好地)for almost a month.
B: I’m sorry about that.
(A) Because of (B) Because (C) So (D) Through
( ) 8. A: Why you come to Gigi’s birthday party yesterday?
B: My brother was in the hospital. I was there to take care of him.
(A) wasn’t (B) not (C) did (D) didn’t
( ) 9. A: You know what? I just saw Beyoncé on the street! I took photos with her.
B: Come on! I don’t believe you. Show .
(A) me to them (B) them to me (C) them for me (D) me for them
( )10. A: Do you have Shelly’s phone number?
B: Of course. But do you want to know her number?
(A) how (B) what (C) why (D) who
( )11. My shoes are not my sister’s. My shoes are red, and hers are yellow.
(A) same with (B) the same with (C) the same as (D) same as
( )12. Leona, hurry up and your coat. We can’t be late for the movie.
(A) put on (B) jump around (C) mix up (D) wait for
( )13. A: How does Sid look different his twin(孿生的)brother?
B: Sid is strong, but his brother, Harry, is thin.
(A) as (B) about (C) from (D) of
( )14. I have two brothers, Bart and Benson. Bart is fun to be with. Benson, he is
very serious.
(A) Because of (B) As for (C) For example (D) In fact
( )15. Please open the door to get some cool air it’s too hot in the house.
(A) and (B) or (C) so (D) because

( ) 1. A: That T-shirt looks great on you.
B: In fact, this is John’s old T-shirt. He gave it to me.
(A) How are you different from John? (B) Why is it so special to you?
(C) Is it the same as John’s? (D) Are there any problems with it?

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Lesson 2 67

( ) 2. A: Why aren’t there any students in the classroom today? B:

(A) They’re all sick, so they are resting at home.
(B) Because they are strong and healthy.
(C) It’s not safe to stay in the hospital.
(D) We can visit them after school.
( ) 3. A: We can’t take the hot air balloon ride today because of the bad weather.
B: We need to wait until next week.
(A) I’m healthy again. (B) I love it!
(C) You can try it. (D) That’s too bad.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. What did Sean do at the school gate?

2. How did Dora treat her cold?

3. What did the man bring to his children?

4. Why did the girl shout in the kitchen?

1. My parents bought me a new computer last week.(將畫線部分改為代名詞)

2. Tammy didn’t enjoy her vacation because she lost her cellphone.(依畫線部分造原問句)

3. Dolly made her sister a big birthday cake.(加入介系詞改寫句子)

4. We didn’t go to the festival because there was heavy rain.(用 because of 改寫句子)

The boy was afraid.

The boy held his mom’s hand.(用 so 合併句子)

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68 國中英語

1. 我哥哥不喜歡改變。至於我姐姐,她喜愛嘗試新的事物。
My brother doesn’t like to change. my sister, she loves to
new things.
2. 我對待別人的方式和 Tina 不一樣。
My way to other people is not the Tina’s.
3. Ben 得了重感冒,所以他不能和我們去海邊。那太糟了。
Ben a bad , so he can’t go to the beach with us. That’s
4. 那個生病的女人喝了許多杯溫水,好讓她的身體保持溫暖。
The woman drank many cups of warm water to her
5. 山中天氣漸漸變冷。請穿上你的大衣。
It’s getting cold in the mountains. Please your .

1. 你可以帶一件厚的毯子和一些衣服來給我嗎?(to...)

2. 那個男孩在母親節當天做了一支影片給他媽媽。(for...)

3. 那個男人傷到他的頭。然而,他沒有去看醫生。

4. 爸爸去年待在醫院,因為他有一些嚴重的健康問題。(... because...)

5. John 上週沒有感冒或是發燒。

6. 那位商人對於他工廠的垃圾問題是認真的嗎?

7. Susan 吃了全部的冰淇淋。她沒有和我們分享它。

8. Kevin 當時在忙,所以他沒有接我的電話。

9. 你的胃怎麼了嗎?你需要一些藥嗎?

10. 你團體談話遲到了,所以你現在必須跑去學校。

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Lesson 2 69

麻辣 8 會考實力評量
第一部分:下列各題(題號 1~18),請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。
( ) 1. Look at the picture. What happened to Hank?
(A) He has a sore throat.
(B) He has a fever.
(C) He has a headache.
(D) His stomach hurts.
( ) 2. My uncle has a serious problem, so he must stay in bed for a long time.
(A) country (B) clothes (C) health (D) medicine
( ) 3. These horses have strong , so they can run very fast(快速地).
(A) messages (B) coats (C) colds (D) legs
( ) 4. Kathy can’t join the swimming race she was sick last week.
(A) so (B) because (C) and (D) but
( ) 5. A: My hand hurts; I can’t write a letter to Grandma. Can you write it me?
B: Sure. Let me get a pen and some paper.
(A) for (B) to (C) from (D) of
( ) 6. Tim is very sick. He can’t leave the until the doctor says OK. leave 離開
(A) fever (B) health (C) hospital (D) stomach
( ) 7. A: This pen is special. You can use it a camera, too.
B: Wow, that’s cool. I want to have one.
(A) with (B) for (C) through (D) as
( ) 8. The old man gave Tina a big gift for her help. , she didn’t take it. She told the man
she didn’t do that for gifts.
(A) Maybe (B) However (C) Almost (D) Else
( ) 9. My mom my lunchbox to me because I didn’t take it with me to school this morning.
(A) brought (B) treated (C) spoke (D) tried
( )10. The building was on fire last night. Everyone ran out of it in five minutes, and no one got
. Everyone was safe. on fire 起火;著火
(A) serious (B) sick (C) sore (D) hurt
( )11. That library is near my house. We can walk ride a bike there. bike 腳踏車
(A) because (B) so (C) but (D) or
( )12. A: do people in your country treat a cold?
B: We always take a cold shower and eat ice cream.
(A) How (B) How often (C) Why (D) Which
( )13. Our house is too small for six people, we want to buy a big house.
(A) because (B) so (C) but (D) or

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70 國中英語

( )14. Let’s not wait for Peter. Please him a message on LINE and tell him to go to Sam’s
house after school. We can meet there.
(A) call (B) bring (C) send (D) treat
( )15. A: Mom, I’m back from school.
B: Please take off your school clothes and the clean T-shirt on your bed.
(A) stand in (B) take out (C) sit down (D) put on
( )16. Those girls can study at school the businessman’s help. He also bought books and
pencils for them.
(A) along with (B) as for (C) because of (D) because
( )17. A: That boy on the street is crying.
B: Maybe he is lost. Let’s go and help him.
(A) That’s not too bad. (B) What happened?
(C) Give me a break. (D) How do you feel now?
( )18. I made a cake Justin. I will give it him later. will 將會
(A) for; to (B) with; for (C) to; for (D) to; with

第二部分: 下列三個題組,共有 13 題(題號 19~31),請根據所附選文或圖表資料,選

(On a talk show, a man is talking to a young man.)
Jimmy: Fisher, you raised lots of money for people in Africa(非洲). You
are just a high school student. Where did this idea come from?
Fisher: I watched a TV show last year, and I was very sad to learn about
the fact: children there need to walk 2 to 3 hours to get water every
day, and many of them die of dirty water. I wanted to help them,
19. I sold my books and old clothes and then sent the money
20. Africa through Small Step, Big Change.
Jimmy: I see. Then why did you start the activity, Water for Africa?
Fisher: 21. my money can only help some children. That’s not enough. With more people
joining me, we can help more children. I even wrote a letter to my favorite businessman,
Terry Huang, and he was very happy to join in our activity.
Jimmy: But 22. did you do that? He didn’t know you, and he might not help.
Fisher: He usually helps people around the world, so I thought I could give it a try. And guess
what? He did give us lots of money for this activity. I really want to show my thanks
23. him through today’s show.
Jimmy: You’re a wonderful boy! Because of you, many people in Africa can have a good life.
raise 募款 money 錢 die of 死於…… sold 賣(sell 的過去式) thought 想(think 的過去式)

( )19. (A) so (B) because (C) but (D) or

( )20. (A) with (B) from (C) to (D) on

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Lesson 2 71

( )21. (A) Because (B) Because of (C) So (D) Through

( )22. (A) how much (B) why (C) when (D) what
( )23. (A) to (B) for (C) about (D) of

HaHow e-School
In a survey in 2019, 50% of people in Taiwan only want to
binge-watch after work. That’s not very healthy for your eyes or life.
HaHow e-School prepares lots of interesting classes on the Net for you.
They are cheap, and you can learn new things at home in your free time.
Also, you can watch the class as many times as you want until you learn 100% of it. If you have
any questions about learning, you can send us a message through our LINE. Your teacher can
answer them.
Buy one class before May 10, and you can have 10% off, three classes for 20% off! There are
over 100 classes in our school. Come and take a look now!
If you want to be a teacher in our school, please call us at 555-7898, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Speak English with A-Di Make Yummy Cake at Home Let’s Play the Guitar
NT$3,000 NT$1,000 NT$2,200
¹ 10 hours ¹ 3 hours ¹ 10 hours
Have Fun Taking Photos Sing with Jolin Learn English from Movies
NT$800 NT$4,000 NT$2,000
¹ 2 hours ¹ 3 hours ¹ 2 hours
survey 調查 binge-watch 追劇 cheap 便宜的 if 如果 off 折扣

( )24. Tammy wants to learn to sing. Which class can she take?
(A) Learn English from Movies. (B) Make Yummy Cake at Home.
(C) Sing with Jolin. (D) Have Fun Taking Photos.
( )25. Olie wants to practice his English speaking. Which class can he take?
(A) Make Yummy Cake at Home. (B) Let’s Play the Guitar.
(C) Have Fun Taking Photos. (D) Speak English with A-Di.
( )26. Today is May 8, and Amy bought three classes, Let’s Play the Guitar, Have Fun Taking
Photos, and Learn English from Movies. How much did she pay? pay 付款
(A) NT$4,500. (B) NT$4,000.
(C) NT$5,000. (D) NT$4,200.
( )27. Which is true about HaHow e-School?
(A) You can call your teacher anytime for questions about learning after 10 a.m.
(B) You can have 20% off if you buy three classes before June 10.
(C) You can watch the classes as many times as you want.
(D) You can watch the classes only from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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72 國中英語

How often do you buy new clothes? Once a year, every
month or every week? Because of the Internet, people can buy
clothes at any time and place. It’s so easy to get new clothes,
so people buy more and more. However, do people really
need so many clothes? The answer is “NO.” Don’t believe
me? OK, just open your closet and check the clothes in it. Do you wear all of the clothes in it?
You don’t, right? Then what happens to these you-don’t-wear clothes? Do they end up in the trash
There is one more thing to know: clothes factories make more and more clothes for the market
because people around the world always want new clothes. The dirty water and air coming from
the factories are not good for the Earth. They are hurting the health of the Earth and our health,
too. And these bad things in the water or air may last for a very long time. Isn’t that too bad?
Fast fashion is now a serious problem, and some people are trying to work on it. A YouTuber
from the USA, Maria Lee, started an activity “1 Dress, 1 Month.” She wore the same black dress
to work for one month. Every day, she put on different clothes to go with this dress to make it look
good. After that, she didn’t buy any more new clothes. She also shared her story on the Internet.
Many people joined her after reading it. Do you want to be the next Maria Lee?
closet 衣櫃 wear / wore 穿 end up 最後處於 Earth 地球
fast fashion 快時尚 dress 洋裝

( )28. What is the main idea of the reading? main 主要的

(A) It’s not safe to shop on the Net.
(B) Being a YouTuber makes you rich.
(C) Fast fashion is hurting the Earth.
(D) Fast fashion helps people a lot.
( )29. What does “They” mean?
(A) The dirty water and air. (B) The clothes in your closet.
(C) The trash cans at home. (D) The markets in the world.
( )30. What did Maria Lee do every day for her one-month activity?
(A) She wore the same dress. (B) She wore different black dresses.
(C) She made a new dress. (D) She bought a thing from the Net.
( )31. What is NOT mentioned in the reading? be mentioned 被提到的
(A) People buy clothes on the Net because it is easy.
(B) People can help the Earth by sharing their old clothes with friends.
(C) The clothes market in the world is still big because people always want new clothes.
(D) Some people are trying to help the Earth by not buying more clothes.

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