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2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024

GEN 003

Name : ______________________________________________________ Date :____________________

Course and Section : __________________________________________ Score :___________/50

Oral Presentation & Role Play Rubric

Poor Fair Good Excellent

The viewer learns a limited Concepts effectively

The viewer does not learn from Concepts mainly communicated
amount from the program. Ideas communicated: the viewer can learn
the program. The concepts effectively: viewers may get
things that are of real educational
Content and covered are too confusing. are confusing. Limited knowledge confused by 1 or 2 ideas in a
Organization Little or no knowledge of the of the topic is shown. The video. Some knowledge of the In depth knowledge of the topic is
10 pts. topic is shown. The message is message is vaguely topic is shown. Essential shown. The message is clear.
unclear. communicated. information is communicated.
strong and complete.
3pts. 5 pts. 7 pts. 10 pts.
Presentation demonstrates Presentation demonstrates that Project demonstrates that the Presentation demonstrates that the
either a lack of understanding the student mostly understands
Understanding student understands and can student can explain the concept
or an inability to explain the the concept but cannot explain it
10 pts. that well. explain the concept adequately. thoroughly.
5 pts. 7 pts. 10 pts.
3 pts.
Presentation has an interesting way
Presentation has an interesting
Presentation is pretty ordinary of explaining the topic with a
No effort in making the way of explaining topics, but
Creativity without much flair but unique way of presenting the topic
concept/topic interesting. concepts are pretty ordinary.
10 pts. accomplishes the job. and a good sense of humor or
3 pts. Some sense of humor or drama.
5 pts. drama.
7 pts.
10 pts.
Accepts most ideas without
Accepts ideas of others; able to
Group does not work together. Unwilling to compromise. Few negative comments; able to
Cooperation compromise. All members
One person does all the work. members contribute. compromise. Some members
10 pts contribute.
3 pts. 5 pts. contribute.
10 pts.
7 pts.
Use of Non-
Verbal Cues
(voice, gestures,
Limited variety of non-verbal
eye contact, Satisfactory variety of non-verbal Good variety of non-verbal cues Impressive variety of non-verbal
cues are used in a developing
props, cues used in an acceptable way. are used in a competent way. cues are used in an exemplary way.
costumes, 5 pts. 7 pts. 10 pts.
3 pts.
10 pts.

Topic: Information Age

Task Description: Students will work together as a group to create a program that details a specific aspect of their presentation in P2 Performance Task. The presentation should
include appropriate objectives, goals/explanation, and their reflection as a group.


1. Group the class into 4 Groups
2. Group 1 and 3 will be assigned to Oral Presentation, and Group 2 and 4 will be assigned to Role Play
3. The content of the Oral Presentation should have connection with the Role Play.
TOPIC: Information Age
The presentation should answer the following questions:
📌Advantage and Disadvantages of Information Age
📌What are the positive and negative impacts of using gadgets, web and social media?
📌Then and Now: How Information Age has changed our lives?
4. Group 1 and 2 need to collaborate for them to have a creative output and Group 3 and 4 are also partners in collaboration.
Ex: Group 1 and 2 – The same content of topic (Group 1 will have an Oral Presentation about the topic and Group 2 will create a Role Play about Oral Presentation)
Group 3 and 4 – are also partners.
5. Each group must be creative, and every two groups have 10 mins to present. (Inclusive sa 10 mins. ang role play at oral presentation)

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