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Christine B.

Mananghaya 12 STEM - A

Answer briefly the following questions:

1. What is your definition of art? Give at least three (3) definitions.
a. Art is the expression of someone’s creative skill and imagination, usually in a
visual manner such as painting or sculpture, creating works that are praised
primarily for their beauty or emotional impact.
b. Art comes in many forms, such as painting, sculpture, literature, music, dance,
and many more.
c. Art can also be used to describe something that is of beauty, or aesthetically
pleasing to the eyes.
2. Why do people/artists create or perform art?
a. Most artists create art to express their emotions, feelings, thoughts, and even
beliefs through their work. Art enables individuals to take a deeper look at social
issues, other people and their feelings, the environment in which they live, and the
daily objects and living forms that surround them. Art helps individuals in seeing
what is present but not easily recognized. The artist brings to light things which
cannot be easily seen or felt.
3. What is the function of Art?
a. Art offers significance to our lives and aids in our understanding of the world
around us. It is an important aspect of our culture because it helps us understand
our emotions better, develops our self-awareness, and allows us to be open to
other ideas and experiences.
4. Define what Contemporary art is?
a. The word "contemporary art" refers to art created in the modern day. Typically,
the artists are still alive and active. Contemporary art is frequently about ideas and
issues rather than just the aesthetic (the appearance of the piece).

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