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Background of the study:

Parent of young people are often blamed for the deliquent behavior of their
children. In some courts parents are even penalized for the antisocial conduct of
their children(e.g.,blessing and hilarious 1998:drakeford 1996; Dundes 1994).
Some scholarly theories assume that a link between parenting and delinquency
east, clear conclusions concerning the magnitude of this link are difficult to draw.
An important reason for this difficulty is the heterogeny of the studies and their
findings in this field of research. Most the studies who are deliquent at school is
deviant, fails to cooperate in school, and also fails to work and, such behaviors,
would bad to failure (Brando, C. and Sieguel L. 2008., p.340). Likewise school
absences has for a long been the practices of this deliquent students. School
absences has for long been a topic of interest in fields extending from
criminology, psychology, educational and health domains. (Kearney 2008 a,p.i)
States that school absences is considered a critical public health issue for mental
health professions,physicians and educators. “HIGH" levels ofofchool absences
tend to be related to decline in educational outcomes (Attwood & Croll, 2006) As
lack of attendance leads students to miss out on material and important sources
of leading that has consequences for later academic achievement (Lamdin, 1996).
High levels of school absences are also the most prominent predictor of high
school drop out ( Balfanz& Byrnes,2012;Kearney 2007 a). Dropping out of school
can have economic and social consequences for the individuals involved, their
families, community and society by generating a greater risk of unemployment
compared to those who complete high school (Christle ,Solivette, & Nelson, 2007)
dropping out of high school, prior to completion may can affect economic and
social well being throughout adulthood (Rumberger, 1987). The potential long
term consequences of higher levels of school absence makes it important topic
to investigate . Studies vary on the kinds of deliquency and parenting dimensions
that are investigated , on how these constructs are measured, and on the
populations from which the samples are drawn. Because of the importance of
regular school attendance the department of education had take a constructive
measures for improving student attendance and sanctions for schools who fail to
do so. Though it is Ultimately the parents job to see that their children attend


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