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Experiment # 09

Band Pass and Band Stop Filter Design

RNEW 320
Submitted To: Prof. Wang

Submitted By:
Rakan Althaqfi A00627734

Rayan Althaqafi A00628755

Abdullah Alharbi A00616582

Abdulrahman Alazmi A00625308


In this lab students will design the Band pass and Band stop Filter Circuit and verify the circuit
using the equations and the Multisim simulation. This experiment allows them to understand
how to Design and analyze a Band pass and Band stop Filter Circuit. Students will analyze the
circuit response. Multisim environment is used to monitor the overall behavior of the circuit and
results are plotted using oscilloscope.


The objective of this experiment is to begin to become familiar with the properties and uses of
the Band Pass and Band stop Filters in circuits and engineering general.

Equipment’s Required:

 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Inductors
 Connecting wires
 Bread board
 Voltage source
 Oscilloscope

Software Required:

1. Multisim


Circuits with a response that depends upon the frequency of the input voltage are known as
filters. Filter circuits can be used to perform a number of important functions in a system.

Although filters can be made from inductors, resistors and capacitors most filter circuits are
based upon op-amps, resistors and capacitors.

Filter types and characteristics

A filter is a circuit whose transfer function, that is the ratio of its output to its input, depends
upon frequency. There are three broad categories of filter which are widely used:
Band-pass filters allow frequencies in a particular range to pass unattenuated or even

The transfer function of a circuit is usually expressed on a logarithmic scale in decibels, and
since the fundamental quantity of interest is power, a filter is characterized by The symbols and
Bode diagrams for the ideal transfer functions for these filters are shown in

Figure (18) Figure 18 The symbols and characteristics of three types of filters

Band Stop Filter:

The Band Stop Filter, (BSF) is another type of frequency selective circuit that functions in
exactly the opposite way to the Band Pass Filter we looked at before. The band stop filter, also
known as a band reject filter, passes all frequencies with the exception of those within a
specified stop band which are greatly attenuated.
If this stop band is very narrow and highly attenuated over a few hertz, then the band stop filter
is more commonly referred to as a notch filter, as its frequency response shows that of a deep
notch with high selectivity (a steep-side curve) rather than a flattened wider band.
Also, just like the band pass filter, the band stop (band reject or notch) filter is a second-order
(two-pole) filter having two cut-off frequencies, commonly known as the -3dB or half-power
points producing a wide stop band bandwidth between these two -3dB points.
Then the function of a band stop filter is too pass all those frequencies from zero (DC) up to its
first (lower) cut-off frequency point ƒL, and pass all those frequencies above its second (upper)
cut-off frequency ƒH, but block or reject all those frequencies in-between. Then the filters
bandwidth, BW is defined as: (ƒH – ƒL).
So for a wide-band band stop filter, the filters actual stop band lies between its lower and upper -
3dB points as it attenuates, or rejects any frequency between these two cut-off frequencies. The
frequency response curve of an ideal band stop filter is therefore given as:


 Build a circuit as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Band Pass Filter

 Run Select “National Instruments” – “Circuit Design Suite” - Multisim
 Select “place” – “components”
 Apply a voltage source with the voltage equal to 120V with frequency of 60 Hz.
 Select the AC sweep analysis from the simulate and analysis button to check the response
of the circuit.
 Analyze the plot of the output


Figure 2: Band Pass Filter


Figure 3: Output of Band Pass filter

The center frequency is 1/(2πRC)=1.59 kHz, and the bandwidth is R/(2πL) on the PASSIVE
Band pass filter.

Now repeat same procedure for second circuit(Band Stop Filter):

 Build a circuit as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Band Stop Filter

 Run Select “National Instruments” – “Circuit Design Suite” - Multisim

 Select “place” – “components”
 Apply a voltage source with the voltage equal to 120V with frequency of 60 Hz.
 Select the AC sweep analysis from the simulate and analysis button to check the response
of the circuit.
 Analyze the plot of the output

Figure 5: Band Stop Filter


Figure 6: Output of Band Stop Filter

Low Pass Filter Section

High Pass Filter Section

The center frequency is 1/(2πRC)=1.59 kHz, and the bandwidth is R/(2πL).


 Filters are used to eliminate undesired high frequencies (i.e., noise) that are present on
AC input lines. Additionally, filters are used on a power supply's output to reduce ripple.
 Bandpass filters are widely used in wireless transmitters and receivers. The
main function of such a filter in a transmitter is to limit the bandwidth of
the output signal to the band allocated for the transmission. This prevents the transmitter
from interfering with other stations.
 Band Stop Filters have many uses in electronics and communication circuits and as we
have seen here, they can be used to remove a band of unwanted frequencies from a
system, allowing other frequencies to pass with minimum loss.



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