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Student Name: Azmat Guldasta

Student ID: LS2102205

Subject: Microwave Engineering

Dated:4th, Dec. 2021 Day: Saturday

Q1. Briefly describe the design process of bandpass filter?


The arrangement of electronic components that allows only those electric waves lying within a
certain range, or band, of frequencies to pass and blocks all others. The components may be
conventional coils and capacitors, or the arrangement may be made up of freely
vibrating piezoelectric crystals (crystals that vibrate mechanically at their resonant frequency when
excited by an applied voltage of the same frequency), in which case the device is called a crystal band-
pass filter or a monolithic filter.

This contrasts with a high-pass filter, which allows through components with frequencies above
a specific frequency, and a low-pass filter, which allows through components with frequencies below
a specific frequency. In digital signal processing, in which signals represented by digital numbers are
processed by computer programs, a band-pass filter is a computer algorithm that performs the same
function. The term band-pass filter is also used for optical filters, sheets of coloured material which
allow through a specific band of light frequencies, commonly used in photography and theatre lighting,
and acoustic filters which allow through sound waves of a specific band of frequencies.


By the cascade connection of high pass and low pass filter makes another filter, which allows
the signal with specific frequency range or band and attenuate the signals which frequencies are outside
of this band. This type of filter is known as Band Pass Filter.
The Band Pass Filter has two cut-off frequencies. The first cut-off frequency is from a high
pass filter. This will decide the higher frequency limit of a band that is known as the higher cut-off
frequency (fc-high). The second cut-off frequency is from the low pass filter. This will decide the lower
frequency limit of the band and that is known as lower cut-off frequency (fc-low).


The band pass filter is a combination of low pass and high pass filters. Therefore, the circuit
diagram contains the circuit of high pass and low pass filters. The circuit diagram of the passive RC
band pass filter is as shown in the below figure.
The first half of the circuit diagram is a passive RC high pass filter. This filter will allow the
signals which have frequencies higher than the lower cut-off frequency (fc-low). And attenuate the
signals which have frequencies lower than (fc-low).

Fc(low) =
2𝜋𝑅1 𝐶1

The second half of the circuit diagram is a passive RC low pass filter. This filter will allow
the signals which have frequencies lower than the higher cut-off frequency (fc-high). And it will
attenuate the signals which have frequencies higher than (fc-high)

Fc(high) =
2𝜋𝑅2 𝐶2

The band or region of frequency in which the band pass filter allows the signal to pass that is
known as Bandwidth. The bandwidth is a difference between the higher and lower value of cut-off
Band width =Fc(high) -Fc(low)


Typical requirements which are considered in the design process are:

• The filter should have a specific frequency response

• The filter should have a specific phase shift or group delay
• The filter should have a specific impulse response
• The filter should be causal
• The filter should be stable
• The filter should be localized (pulse or step inputs should result in finite time outputs)
• The computational complexity of the filter should be low
• The filter should be implemented in particular hardware or software


We can also calculate the “Resonant” or “Centre Frequency” (ƒr) point of the band pass filter
where the output gain is at its maximum or peak value. This peak value is not the arithmetic average
of the upper and lower -3dB cut-off points as you might expect but is in fact the “geometric” or mean
value. This geometric mean value is calculated as being ƒr 2 = ƒc(UPPER) x ƒc(LOWER) for example:

Centre Frequency Equation

• Where, ƒr is the resonant or centre frequency

• ƒL is the lower cut-off frequency point

• ƒH is the upper cut-off frequency point

Bandwidth measured at half-power points (gain -3 dB, √2/2, or about 0.707 relative to peak) on a diagram
showing magnitude transfer function versus frequency for a band-pass filter.


There are many types of band pass filter circuits are designed. Let’s explain the major types
of filter circuits in detail.

Active Band Pass Filter

The active band pass filter is a cascading connection of high pass and low pass filter with the
amplifying component as shown in the below figure.
Block Diagram of Active Band Pass Filter

The circuit diagram of Active Band Pass Filter is divided into three parts. The first part is for
a high pass filter. Then the op-amp is used for the amplification. The last part of the circuit is the low
pass filter. The below figure shows the circuit diagram of Active Band Pass Filter.

Circuit Diagram of Active Band Pass Filter

Passive Band Pass Filter

The passive filter used only passive components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
Therefore, the passive band pass filter is also used passive components and it does not use the op-
amp for amplification. So, like an active band pass filter, the amplification part is not present in a
passive band pass filter.
The passive band pass filter is a combination of passive high pass and passive low pass filters.
Hence, the circuit diagram also contains circuits of high pass and low pass filters.

Circuit Diagram of Passive Band Pass Filter

The first half of the circuit is for the passive high pass filter. And the second half is for the
passive low pass filter.

RLC Band Pass Filter

As the name suggests RLC, this band pass filter contains only resistor, inductor and capacitor.
This is also a passive band pass filter.
According to the connection of RLC, there are two circuit configurations of the RLC band
pass filter. In the first configuration, the series LC circuit is connected in series with the load resistor.
And the second configuration is parallel LC circuit is connected in parallel with a load resistor.

Circuit Diagram of RLC Band Pass Filter

The bandwidth for the series and parallel RLC band pass filter is as shown in the below
Bandwidth for series RLC filter

The equation of corner frequency is the same for both configurations and the equation is
Bandwidth for parallel RLC filter

Wide Band Pass Filter

According to the size of bandwidth, it can divide into a wide bandpass filter and a narrow
bandpass filter. If the Q-factor is less than 10, the filter is known as a wide pass filter. As the name
suggests, the bandwidth is wide for the wide bandpass filter.
In this type of filter, the high pass and low pass filter are different sections as we have seen in
the passive band pass filter. Here, both filters are passive.
Another circuit arrangement can be done by using an active high pass and an active low pass
filter. The circuit diagram of this filter is as shown in the below figure where the first half is for
active high pass filter and the second half is for active low pass filter.

Circuit Diagram of Wide band Pass Filter

Because of the different parts of filters, it is easy to design the circuit for a wide range of

Narrow Band Pass Filter

The band pass filter which has a quality factor greater than ten. The bandwidth of this filter is narrow.
Therefore, it allows the signal with a small range of frequencies. It has multiple feedback. This band
pass filter uses only one op-amp.
This band pass filter is also known as multiple feedback filter because there are two feedback
In this band pass filter, the op-amp is used in non-inverting mode. The circuit diagram of
band pass filter is as shown in the below figure.

Circuit Diagram of Narrow Band Pass Filter

Below figure differentiate the frequency response between wide pass and narrow pass filter.

First Order Band Pass Filter Transfer Function

A first order band pass filter is not possible, because it has minimum two energy saving
elements (capacitor or inductor). So, the transfer function of second-order band pass filter is derived
as below equations.

Second Order Band Pass Filter Transfer Function

A second-order band pass filter transfer function has been shown and derived below.

Band Pass Filter Transfer Function



An ideal band pass filter allows signal with exactly from FL similar to the step response. The
signal allowing exactly at FL with the slope of 0 DB/Decade. And it abruptly attenuates the signals
which have frequency more than FH.
The frequency response of the ideal band pass filter is as shown in the below figure. This type
of response cannot result in an actual band pass filter.


When the signal frequency is in the range of bandwidth, the filter will allow the signal with
input impedance. And the output is zero when the signal frequency is outside of the bandwidth.
For band pass filter;

The application of band pass filter is as follows,

• Band pass filters are widely used in audio amplifier circuits. For example, the speaker
is used to play only a desired range of frequencies and ignore the rest of the
• It is used optics like LASER, LIDARS, etc.
• These filters are used in a communication system for choosing the signals with a
particular bandwidth.
• It is used in audio signal processing.
• It is also used to optimize the signal to noise ratio and sensitivity of the receiver.


Now you are familiar with the band pass filter. Let’s design a filter for specific bandwidth. We
will make a filter which allows the signals which have frequencies in the range of 80 Hz to 800 Hz.

F1 = 80 Hz
F2 = 800 Hz

For this example, we will make a simple passive RC filter for a given range of the frequency.
So, we have to calculate the value of R1, C1, R2, and C2.

Circuit Diagram of Passive Band Pass Filter

We have to assume the value of resistance or capacitance. Here, we will assume the value of
C1 and C2. For simple calculation, we will assume the same value for C1 and C2 and that is 10-6 F.
And calculate the value of resistance according to this value of C1, C2, and F1, F2.



Now, we have all values and by these values we can make a filter which allows the signals with
specific bandwidth.

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