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Mesozoic Birds

Mesozoic Birds
Above the Heads
of Dinosaurs

University of California Press

Berkeley Los Angeles London
Title page illustration: Archaeopteryx lithographica by
Charles Knight (courtesy Los Angeles County Museum of
Natural History).

University of California Press

Berkeley and Los Angeles, California

University of California Press, Ltd.

London, England

©  by the Regents of the University of California

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Mesozoic birds : above the heads of dinosaurs / edited

by Luis M. Chiappe and Lawrence M. Witmer.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-520-20094-2 (alk. paper)
1. Birds, Fossil. 2. Paleontology—Mesozoic.
3. Birds—Evolution. I. Chiappe, Luis M. II. Witmer,
Lawrence M.

QE871 .M47 2002

568—dc21 2001044600

Printed in China

        
         

The paper used in this publication meets the

minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z.-
(R ) (Permanence of Paper). ∞
To Pat
and to Patty and Sam

Preface ix

Part I The Archosaurian Heritage of Birds

1 The Debate on Avian Ancestry: Phylogeny, Function, and Fossils
2 Cladistic Approaches to the Relationships of Birds to Other Theropod Dinosaurs

Part II Taxa of Controversial Status

3 The Enigmatic Birdlike Dinosaur Avimimus portentosus: Comments and a Pictorial Atlas
4 The Cretaceous, Short-Armed Alvarezsauridae: Mononykus and Its Kin
5 Alvarezsaurid Relationships Reconsidered

Part III The Mesozoic Aviary: Anatomy and Systematics

6 Archaeopterygidae (Upper Jurassic of Germany)
7 The Discovery and Study of Mesozoic Birds in China
8 Sinornis santensis (Aves: Enantiornithes) from the Early Cretaceous
of Northeastern China
9 The Birds from the Lower Cretaceous of Las Hoyas (Province of Cuenca, Spain)
10 Noguerornis gonzalezi (Aves: Ornithothoraces) from the Early Cretaceous of Spain
11 Skeletal Morphology and Systematics of the Cretaceous Euenantiornithes
(Ornithothoraces: Enantiornithes)
12 Vorona berivotrensis, a Primitive Bird from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar
13 Osteology of the Flightless Patagopteryx deferrariisi from the
Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina)
14 Enaliornis, an Early Cretaceous Hesperornithiform Bird from England,
with Comments on Other Hesperornithiformes
15 The Mesozoic Radiation of Neornithes
16 A Review of Avian Mesozoic Fossil Feathers
17 The Track Record of Mesozoic Birds and Pterosaurs: An Ichnological
and Paleoecological Perspective

Part IV Functional Morphology and Evolution

18 Bone Microstructure of Early Birds
19 Locomotor Evolution on the Line to Modern Birds
20 Basal Bird Phylogeny: Problems and Solutions

Contributors 473
Index 477


Less than two years after the  publication of Charles Dar- formation about the closest relatives of the living lineages of
win’s Origin of Species, the first skeletal specimen of Archae- birds (Neornithes). If the abundant discoveries of the s
opteryx was discovered—a nearly perfect evolutionary made a significant contribution to our understanding of the
“missing link”—and since that time, the origin and early his- early evolution of birds, the s brought an embarrass-
tory of birds have been prime topics of debate among natu- ment of riches. In just that decade alone, the number of
ral historians and evolutionary biologists (De Beer, ; species of Mesozoic birds probably tripled those discovered
Desmond, ; Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume). Not in all previous years (Chiappe, ). These fossils were un-
much later, the paleontological exploration of the American earthed all around the world (Chiappe, ; Feduccia, ;
West resulted in the discovery of multiple specimens of Hes- Chatterjee, ; Padian and Chiappe, ), although pri-
perornis, Ichthyornis, and their kin (Marsh, ), toothed marily in China, Mongolia, Argentina, Spain, Madagascar,
birds that, although much less primitive than Archaeopteryx, and the United States.
strongly influenced discussions about early avian evolution. A volume entitled Mesozoic Birds faces the sometimes
For many decades, this handful of Mesozoic taxa was all we sticky problem of just what constitutes a “bird.” In our nar-
had. It was the only fossil evidence available for understand- row time plane of the present day, birds are so markedly dis-
ing this fascinating chapter of vertebrate history. In fact, it tinct from other vertebrates that our perception of what is
was not until the early s that significant new data started or is not a bird is patently obvious. But the Mesozoic era
to fill the extensive evolutionary gap separating the basal witnessed the dawning of birds, or, in scientific parlance, the
birds discovered in the previous century. The first evidence evolutionary transition to birds. As a result, the line between
of a previously unknown radiation of Mesozoic birds, Enan- bird and not-bird is often a fuzzy one, and there are many
tiornithes, was announced by Cyril Walker in  (Chiappe taxa whose avian status is highly controversial. This volume
and Walker, Chapter  in this volume), and soon other taxa deals with several of these controversial taxa: for example,
(e.g., the Mongolian Gobipteryx) were recognized as part of Protoavis (Chapter ), Caudipteryx (Chapters , , and ),
this radiation (Martin, ). In addition, the discovery in Avimimus (Chapter ), Mononykus and its alvarezsaurid kin
the s of some fossil-rich Early Cretaceous lake beds in (Chapters  and ). Decisions about where to draw the line
Spain (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume) and intensified could be made on the basis of particular features, such as
collecting in previously underexplored sites in Spain (Chi- feathers or a furcula (wishbone), but, as it turns out, virtu-
appe and Lacasa-Ruiz, Chapter  in this volume) and China ally all the attributes that characterize modern birds were
(Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume; Sereno, Rao, and acquired sequentially in the Mesozoic.
Li, Chapter  in this volume) led to many other discoveries Thus, the line between bird and not-bird is essentially ar-
not much younger than Archaeopteryx. The two-dimen- bitrary and must be defined. In this modern phylogenetic
sional preservation of this Early Cretaceous avian diversity era, taxonomic definitions are based on relationships, and
limited anatomical studies, but three-dimensional bird we have adopted for this volume the convention of regard-
skeletons began to be found in other Mesozoic fossil sites ing Aves (and the colloquial terms “birds” and “avian”) as
(e.g., Molnar, ; Chiappe, ). At the same time, other pertaining to the group comprising the most recent com-
Cretaceous discoveries (e.g., Kurochkin, ; Olson and mon ancestor of Archaeopteryx and neornithine (“mod-
Parris, ; Hope, Chapter  in this volume) afforded in- ern”) birds and all its descendants (Witmer, Chapter  in this

volume; Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in this vol- Some of the chapters deal with a single clade or even a
ume; Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume; see also single species (e.g., Chapter , by Elzanowski, on Archae-
Padian and Chiappe, ; Sereno, , ). This con- opteryx and its kin; Chapter , by Sereno, Rao, and Li, on
vention, while not entirely satisfactory, conforms to tradi- Sinornis; Chapter , by Chiappe and Lacasa-Ruiz, on
tional usage. Chapter , by Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Noguerornis; Chapter , by Forster et al., on Vorona; Chap-
however, breaks with this convention and speaks cogently ter , by Chiappe, on Patagopteryx; and Chapter , by
for another convention; as editors, we respect their position Galton and Martin, on Enaliornis and other Hesperornithi-
and have not forced them to conform. formes). However, other chapters have a more geographic
Just as phylogenetic systematics (i.e., cladistics) has flavor, dealing with the fossil birds from a particular region
transformed taxonomy, it has also changed the way we ap- (e.g., Chapter , by Zhou and Hou, on the Chinese birds;
proach just about every question in comparative biology. Chapter , by Sanz et al., on the Spanish birds).
Fundamentally, cladistics is a means of discovering the ge- In all cases, our intent was to have the primary experts
nealogical relationships of organisms, and in their chapter who had the actual fossils in their laboratories write the
Clark, Norell, and Makovicky provide a very useful guide to chapters, ensuring that the most up-to-date and authorita-
the objectives and methods of cladistics. A few of the chap- tive treatments would be available. This principle of seeking
ters in Mesozoic Birds indeed have detailed phylogenetic primary workers also resulted in members of one taxon,
analyses with character-taxon matrices (e.g., Chapter , by Enantiornithes, being covered in five chapters (Chapter ,
Clark, Norell, and Makovicky; Chapter , by Chiappe and by Zhou and Hou, on the Chinese birds; Chapter , by
Walker; Chapter , by Chiappe), but “phylogenetic think- Sereno, Rao, and Li, on Sinornis; Chapter , by Sanz et al.,
ing” pervades almost the whole volume. Most noteworthy on the Spanish birds; Chapter , by Chiappe and Lacasa-
perhaps is Gatesy’s innovative phylogenetic treatment of Ruis on Noguerornis; and a summary, phylogenetic chapter
the evolution of the avian locomotor system in Chapter . [Chapter ] by Chiappe and Walker). We worked with these
Likewise, Witmer in Chapter  discusses the role of cladis- authors to minimize the amount of overlap, and, although
tics in the debate on avian origins and the relationship of some minimal redundancy was perhaps introduced, Enan-
phylogenetics to theories on the origin of flight. At the same tiornithes is such a new and important clade—recognized
time, some chapters have relatively little overt phylogenetic only since  yet having greater known species diversity
focus, either because the authors were dealing with a diverse than any other Mesozoic avian clade—that we felt that ex-
regional avifauna (e.g., Chapter , by Zhou and Hou) or be- tensive coverage was merited.
cause the authors are not cladists (e.g., Chapter , by Gal- Although virtually all the taxa discussed in Mesozoic Birds
ton and Martin). Nevertheless, phylogenetics is the under- were previously described elsewhere, the original descrip-
pinning of the volume, and a simplified cladogram of tions are often very brief parts of short papers in journals
Mesozoic birds is presented in Figure P.. such as Science and Nature. We are very pleased to be able to
The study of Mesozoic birds is diverse, and this volume present in this volume new, definitive descriptions and illus-
has sought to characterize this diversity. Mesozoic Birds pre- trations of a number of taxa, including the enigmatic Avim-
sents a collection of essays covering a wide range of topics imus (Vickers-Rich, Chiappe, and Kurzanov), the alvarez-
bearing on the origin of birds, their Cretaceous morpholog- saurid Shuvuuia (Chiappe, Norell, and Clark), the enantior-
ical and osteohistological diversity, their genealogical his- nithines Sinornis (Sereno, Rao, and Li) and Eoalulavis (Sanz
tory, and their functional transformations during  million et al.), the basal ornithuromorphs Vorona (Forster et al.) and
years of Mesozoic avian evolution. We have divided the vol- Patagopteryx (Chiappe), and the hesperornithiform Enali-
ume into four parts. Part I deals with larger and more con- ornis (Galton and Martin). Thus, although our intent was to
ceptual issues, such as those surrounding avian origins assemble and synthesize available data, Mesozoic Birds ex-
(Chapter ) and the broader phylogenetic relationships of ceeds this goal by offering descriptions, figures, and other
birds (Chapter ). Part II provides a treatment of some of the data that cannot be found elsewhere.
controversial taxa mentioned previously. We have separated Lamentably, our rule of using only primary experts re-
these more contentious taxa out because, although some sulted in the almost total absence from the volume of one
analyses have placed them within Aves, others have suggested major clade of Mesozoic birds (Ichthyornithiformes) and
placement outside birds. Part III presents the undisputed only partial coverage of another major clade (Hesperor-
members of the Mesozoic aviary and is devoted to chapters nithiformes); both are marine clades known best from the
dealing with the anatomy, systematics, and paleobiology of Late Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk of Kansas. Although we
the various groups of Mesozoic birds. As workers struggle to had an agreement from the main researcher on these two
keep pace with the seemingly endless new discoveries, a great clades, it was not fulfilled. Rather than enlist a secondary au-
deal of alpha-level description and systematic work is re- thor, we choose to refer the reader to Marsh’s  mono-
quired, and this part of the volume presents these findings. graph, Odontornithes: A Monograph on the Extinct Toothed

Figure P.1. Simplified cladogram
of Mesozoic birds.

Birds of North America, which remains a useful source. ing at locomotor evolution in birds that presents a true de-
Nevertheless, Ichthyornis and its kin are given passing treat- parture from previous studies. Finally, Chiappe (Chapter
ment in Hope’s chapter on Neornithes, and Chiappe (Chap- ) presents a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of basal
ter ) includes Ichthyornis as a terminal taxon in his phy- birds and discusses its implications for avian evolution. Part
logenetic analysis. Chapter , by Galton and Martin, is IV would have been an appropriate place for a chapter on
largely devoted to the basal hesperornithiform Enaliornis, the origin of avian flight, and its absence may constitute, for
but they also discuss the anatomy and biogeography of some people, another “missing” chapter. In fact, Witmer’s
other hesperornithiforms and provide a diagnosis of Hes- and Gatesy’s chapters (Chapters  and , respectively) pro-
perornithiformes; again, Chiappe includes this clade within vide some discussion of the origin of flight, but, in general,
his phylogenetic analysis presented in Chapter . For a de- our position is that so much has been written on the sub-
tailed treatment of Ichthyornis, refer to Clarke (). ject, with so little positive outcome, that another dedicated
While we are on the subject of what might be perceived review was not warranted (see Chapter ).
to be “missing” chapters, Mesozoic Birds lacks significant Mesozoic Birds has been a long and difficult project, but
treatment of Rahonavis, the recently discovered Late Creta- we believe the resulting volume is very satisfying. For the
ceous bird from Madagascar (Forster et al., ). This dis- first time, most of the major primary workers on Mesozoic
covery was so recent that a chapter for this volume was not birds have been assembled to provide authoritative treat-
feasible, and we regard the  paper as sufficient for the ment of the subject from a variety of angles. The authors
time being (once again, Chapter , by Chiappe, includes hail from ten different countries and all six inhabited con-
Rahonavis in the phylogenetic analysis). But, truth be told, tinents—a truly international effort. The volume is more
there are many such newly discovered Mesozoic birds that than a reference for the anatomy and systematics of Meso-
are absent from the pages of this volume and that, at this zoic birds—although we think that it performs that impor-
writing, remain unpublished. Discoveries are coming faster tant task quite well. It also presents new ideas, new ap-
than scientists can write them up. With several new Meso- proaches, and new perspectives. As a result—although we
zoic birds being discovered every year, the task of assembling always knew it would be valuable to those interested in birds
exhaustive coverage of their early diversity became an im- and dinosaurs—we are confident that all vertebrate paleon-
possible one. Although as editors we would prefer that the tologists and indeed most evolutionary biologists will find
volume were “complete” (whatever that means), as avian pa- much of interest in its pages.
leontologists we are thrilled at the prospects that these new This volume would have not been possible without the
discoveries hold. We always knew that this volume would help of a number of individuals and institutions. Special
represent but a snapshot of this fast-moving field. acknowledgment is given to Stacie Orell, a former volun-
Part III concludes with two chapters on nonskeletal re- teer at the American Museum of Natural History, who de-
mains of Mesozoic birds, in particular an account of avian voted many days to editing many of the manuscripts and
feathers by Kellner (Chapter ) and a discussion of the bringing them to the required style and format. We are also
footprint record by Lockley and Rainforth (Chapter ). grateful to many colleagues for acting as chapter reviewers
Part IV deals with issues surrounding the functional mor- and to two anonymous referees who painstakingly re-
phology, physiology, and evolution of birds. Chinsamy viewed the whole volume and made numerous valuable
(Chapter ) reviews the often contentious bone histology suggestions.
data for Mesozoic birds and its physiological implications. The Frick and Chapman Funds of the American Mu-
Gatesy (Chapter ) provides an exciting new way of look- seum of Natural History, the J. S. Guggenheim Foundation,

the Dinosaur Society, and the National Science Foundation upon the British Museum Specimen. British Museum (Nat-
(DEB-; DEB-) were the major sources of ural History), London,  pp.
funding supporting Luis Chiappe’s contributions to this Desmond, A. . Archetypes and Ancestors. University of
Chicago Press, Chicago,  pp.
volume. Lawrence Witmer was supported by the National
Feduccia, A. . The Origin and Evolution of Birds. Yale Uni-
Science Foundation (BSR-; IBN-), the Di- versity Press, New Haven,  pp.
nosaur Society, and grants from the Ohio University Col- Forster, C. A., S. D. Sampson, L. M. Chiappe, and D. W. Krause.
lege of Osteopathic Medicine. . The theropod ancestry of birds: new evidence from the
Finally, we are grateful to the staff of the University of Cal- Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Science :–.
ifornia Press, especially Elizabeth Knoll and Doris Kretsch- Kurochkin, E. . A true carinate bird from the Lower Creta-
mer, who over the years provided continuous support and as- ceous deposits in Mongolia and other evidence of early Cre-
taceous birds in Asia. Cretaceous Research :–.
sistance in seeing this project through to publication, and to
Marsh, O. C. . Odontornithes: a monograph on the extinct
George Olshevsky for his efforts in performing the daunting
toothed birds of North America. Memoirs of the Peabody
task of indexing the book. Museum of Natural History :–.
Martin, L. D. . The origin and early radiation of birds; pp.
– in A. H. Bush and G. A. Clark Jr. (eds.), Perspectives
Literature Cited in Ornithology. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Chatterjee, S. . The Rise of Birds. Johns Hopkins University Molnar, R. . An enantiornithine bird from the Lower Creta-
Press, Baltimore,  pp. ceous of Queensland, Australia. Nature :–.
Chiappe, L. M. . Cretaceous avian remains from Patagonia Olson, S. L., and D. C. Parris. . The Cretaceous birds of New
shed new light on the early radiation of birds. Alcheringa Jersey. Smithsonian Contributions to Science :–.
(–):–. Padian, K., and L. M. Chiappe. . The origin and early evolu-
———. . The first  million years of avian evolution. Na- tion of birds. Biological Reviews :–.
ture :–. Sereno, P. C. . A rationale for phylogenetic definitions, with
———. . Aves; pp. – in P. Currie and K. Padian (eds.), application to the higher-level taxonomy of Dinosauria.
The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. Academic Press, New York. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlun-
Clarke, J. A. . The morphology and systematic position of gen :–.
Ichthyornis Marsh and the phylogenetic relationships of ———. . Definitions in phylogenetic taxonomy: critique
basal Ornithurae (dissertation). Yale University, New Haven, and rationale. Systematic Biology :–.
 pp. Walker, C. A. . New subclass of birds from the Cretaceous of
De Beer, G. . Archaeopteryx lithographica: A Study Based South America. Nature :–.

Part I

The Archosaurian Heritage of Birds


The Debate on Avian Ancestry

Phylogeny, Function, and Fossils


Ever since the time of Huxley (), the Avian Paleontology and Evolution in Frankfurt (Peters,
debate on the place of birds within vertebrate ), Washington (Olson, ), and Beijing (Shi and
phylogeny has been one of the highest-profile Zhang, ), respectively. The late s saw the publica-
and hotly contested of all evolutionary de- tion of two important and high-profile reviews of early
bates. What makes the origin of birds so contentious? Why avian evolution in the science weeklies (Chiappe, ;
can we not agree and then move on to other issues? Will we Feduccia, ), a seminal and wide-ranging review (Padian
ever regard the problem as solved? It would seem that and Chiappe, b), a major symposium with subsequent
establishing the ancestry of birds would be a relatively sim- volume (Gauthier and Gall, ), and a host of books di-
ple, empirical task, but, despite abundant data, the debate rected toward a broader audience (Feduccia, , b;
rages like never before. I previously published a fairly ex- Chatterjee, a; Dingus and Rowe, ; Shipman, a;
haustive review of the history of the controversy (Witmer, Paul, ).
), which has been updated and expanded by Feduccia Most important, however, are the many newly discovered
(, b) and Padian and Chiappe (b). Rather than testaments of the avian transition coming from the fossil
repeat the historical chronicle, this chapter seeks to explore record. For example, as documented in this volume, many
the impact of more recent developments on the debate and new fossil birds relevant to avian origins have recently been
also to touch on the allied debate on the origin of avian described, primarily from Spain, China, Argentina, Mada-
flight. At the time of completing my previous review, it is gascar, and Mongolia, and, from Germany, even new speci-
fair to say that the theropod hypothesis was the most widely mens of Archaeopteryx. Likewise, a number of new birdlike
held notion, and other ideas (e.g., basal archosaurs, croco- theropods have come to light, such as Sinornithoides youngi
dylomorphs) were on the decline. There simply was little (Russell and Dong, ), Unenlagia comahuensis (Novas
substantial opposition to birds being dinosaurs. and Puerta, ), Sinornithosaurus millenii (Xu et al.,
In the intervening years, however, a great deal has hap- b), Caudipteryx zoui (Ji et al., ), Bambiraptor fein-
pened. Protoavis texensis moved from the popular arena to bergi (Burnham et al., ), Nomingia gobiensis (Barsbold
the scientific arena with the publication of Sankar Chatter- et al., a,b), Sinovenator changii (Xu et al., ), and
jee’s  monograph (see also Chatterjee, , a, Microraptor zhaoianus (Xu et al., ), as well as important
b, ; Witmer, b). Alick Walker () published new specimens of previously known taxa such as Troodon
a large monograph on Sphenosuchus acutus in which he re- formosus (Currie and Zhao, ), Deinonychus antirrhopus
newed his support for the relationships of birds to croco- (Witmer and Maxwell, ; Brinkman et al., ), Veloci-
dylomorphs. Relationships of the basal archosauriform raptor mongoliensis (Norell and Makovicky, , ;
Euparkeria capensis, previously little more than a historical Norell et al., ), oviraptorids (Clark et al., ), and or-
footnote, resurfaced in a paper by Johann Welman (; nithomimosaurs (Pérez-Moreno et al., ; Makovicky and
but see Gower and Weber, ). Various conferences pro- Norell, ; Norell et al., ), among others.
vided a forum for discussion of new hypotheses and per- The debate heated up considerably with the publication
spectives, such as the  meeting of the International in  of Alan Feduccia’s The Origin and Evolution of Birds.
Ornithological Congress in Vienna (Bock and Bühler, ) In this book, Feduccia launched a vehement attack on the
and the , , and  meetings of the Society of prevailing consensus that birds are nested within Thero-

poda, opening the door to other studies purporting to cast biology of their antecedents. For example, if birds are de-
doubt on the theropod relationships of birds (e.g., Burke scended from theropod dinosaurs, then we might feel justi-
and Feduccia, ; Ruben et al., ; Feduccia and Martin, fied in reconstructing nonavian theropods with a whole
; Martin, ; see also Thomas and Garner, ). suite of avian attributes, from feathers and endothermy
Some of the scientific points discussed by Feduccia and his (Paul, ) to reproductive biology (Varricchio et al., ;
colleagues will be taken up in this chapter, but it is worth- Clark et al., ) and locomotor attributes (Gatesy, ;
while to examine briefly the tone the debate has taken and Gatesy and Dial, a). Indeed, there may be compelling
direction to which it has turned because they cannot help reasons to do so, and, according to the inferential hierarchy
affecting the science. The initial response to the volume of Witmer (a), these might be reasonable level II infer-
(e.g., Norell and Chiappe, ; Padian, ) was highly ences. If the prevailing orthodoxy is correct, then all di-
critical of Feduccia’s apparent disregard for the recent nosaurs are not extinct, and we thus have the potential to say
cladistic analyses that argue for the theropod relationships a lot about even the extinct clades of dinosaurs. If, however,
of birds, although several later reviews were either mixed birds have no close relationship with dinosaurs, then all of
(Sereno, a; Witmer, b; Steadman, ) or highly a sudden dinosaurs seem more remote, less familiar, and
favorable (Bock, ; Mayr, ; Ruben, ). The popu- perhaps even less interesting. Feduccia correctly noted that
lar press was quick to provide an opportunity for the players the theropod hypothesis provides “a mechanism by which
to voice strong opinions. Among the many barbs slung back you can vicariously study dinosaurs by stepping into your
and forth to reporters were “paleobabble,” “total garbage,” backyard. There’s a real emotional investment here”
“pure Fantasyland,”“the greatest embarrassment of palaeon- (quoted in Zalewski, :). In fact, for studies that em-
tology of the th century,” “absurdity,” “poisoning his own ploy the extant phylogenetic bracket approach to make in-
discipline,” “as impervious to evidence as the fundamental- ferences about extinct archosaurs (e.g., Witmer, a,b,
ists,”“beyond ridiculous,”“just hot air,”“bombastic rhetoric a, a; Rowe, ; Hutchinson, a,b), it is partic-
and armwaving,”“like taking candy from a baby,” and “that’s ularly fortunate and useful for birds to be dinosaurs because
always the problem, these paleontologists just don’t know then extant birds and crocodilians together bracket a huge
birds.” In order not to further the ad hominem tone of diversity of archosaurs. If birds are instead more closely re-
the discourse, these remarks will remain unattributed here, lated to, say, crocodylomorphs, then our inferential base
but the reader may consult McDonald (), Zalewski with regard to other archosaurs is weakened significantly.
(), DiSilvestro (), Morell (), and Shipman Thus, resolution of the problem is critical for studies not
(b). Clearly, the vituperative and combative turn that the just of birds and theropods but really of all archosaurs.
debate has taken is likely to do little to advance the science— This chapter examines a variety of issues surrounding
bombast is a poor substitute for evidence. the debate. In all cases, the goal is to discover how that par-
Perhaps a more important question is, Why is the origin ticular issue relates and contributes to the resolution of the
of birds so important that professional scientists would question of avian origins. The next section takes up the cen-
make such strong public statements? In other words, what tral role that Archaeopteryx has played in the debate, and the
is the larger meaning of the debate? It is impossible to es- following section briefly examines the controversial taxon
cape the fact that, as with any form of human endeavor, per- Protoavis. The discovery of an incredible fossil deposit in
sonalities may collide (and the media will be there with a China holds great importance for understanding avian ori-
microphone). But the scientific stakes really are quite high, gins and is discussed here. The relationship of the origin of
and for at least two reasons: crownward inferences and flight to the origin of birds, which has reemerged as a criti-
stemward inferences. First, the origin of birds is critical if we cal topic with the publication of Feduccia’s  book, will
are to gain a deeper understanding of birds themselves. then be taken up. The question of alternatives to theropod
Establishing the phylogenetic relationships of Aves is the dinosaurs will then be explored, followed by an assessment
logical first step in a wide variety of inferences such as the of the status of the theropod hypothesis itself.
evolution of flight, feathers, metabolism, and various eco-
logical and physiological parameters. All these attributes The Centrality of Archaeopteryx in the Debate
have a phylogenetic history, and thus we must know what
came before birds in order to truly comprehend birds. If we The first sentence of the abstract of John H. Ostrom’s 
are interested in, say, tracing the evolution of avian cranio- landmark paper states: “The question of the origin of birds
facial kinesis, it makes a great difference whether birds are can be equated with the origin of Archaeopteryx, the oldest
viewed as being derived from theropod dinosaurs (Chatter- known bird” (Ostrom, :). This statement reflects a
jee, ) or from crocodylomorphs (Walker, ). very common sentiment, with, for example, Martin (:
Second, there is a sense that if we can sort out the origin ) regarding Archaeopteryx as occupying “the center
of birds, we will automatically know a great deal about the stage” and Feduccia (:) calling it an “avian Rosetta

4 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
Stone.” Certainly, virtually all the ancillary issues surround- like characters (e.g., the boomerang-shaped element could
ing avian origins—from the origin of flight (Padian, ; not be a furcula because Hesperornis, Palaelodus, and em-
Rayner, ; Feduccia, , ; Herzog, ; Gatesy and bryonic birds have unfused clavicles). Lowe’s views on avian
Dial, b) to feathers (Parkes, ; Dyck, ; Griffiths, origins were complex and somewhat idiosyncratic (Witmer,
), endothermy (Ruben, , ), and others—either ) and were refuted to most people’s satisfaction by
take Archaeopteryx as their starting point or use it as the Simpson () and de Beer (, ).
ruler against which particular scenarios are measured. A Although it is tempting to marginalize Lowe’s views be-
high-profile international meeting was devoted entirely to cause they were expressed so long ago, a number of modern
Archaeopteryx, and, as the editors of the subsequent volume workers have questioned the avian status of Archaeopteryx.
noted (Hecht et al., :), it probably was “the first time that For example, in a series of papers from  to , R. A.
a scientific conference was devoted to a single fossil species.” Thulborn moved progressively closer to the conclusion that
Martin (:) is no doubt correct in noting that “there are Archaeopteryx was a theropod dinosaur of no particularly
probably more individuals who have worked on Archaeop- close relationship to birds (Thulborn, , ; Thulborn
teryx than all other palaeoornithologists put together.” and Hamley, ); his  paper presented a cladogram in
But Archaeopteryx is more than a series of scientific which tyrannosaurids, an ornithomimosaur-troodontid
specimens (see Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume). clade, and Avimimus were closer to birds than was Archaeop-
Archaeopteryx has reached iconic status, partly because of teryx. He denied virtually all characters that unite Archaeop-
the beauty of the specimens and partly because they have teryx with true birds to the exclusion of other theropod
been important and prominent documents in establishing groups, noting that furculae were present in a variety of
the fact of organic evolution; certainly creationists have re- theropods and that the presence of feathers in Archaeop-
garded Archaeopteryx as a serious challenge (e.g., Cousins, teryx “probably signifies nothing more than a rare circum-
). Archaeopteryx is a celebrity. A respected scientific stance of preservation” (Thulborn, :). Thus, for
periodical bears its name. It is the logo for museums and Thulborn (:), “Archaeopteryx is not a convincing ‘in-
graces the covers of numerous books and magazines. As a termediate’ between reptiles and birds, nor is it an ancestral
fossil celebrity, Archaeopteryx is more similar to Australo- bird” because there are other theropods even more birdlike
pithecus in inspiring a sense of respectful awe and reverence than Archaeopteryx. Likewise, Kurzanov (, ) was so
than to “pop favorites” like Tyrannosaurus. It is indisputable struck by the birdlike features of the Cretaceous theropod
that Archaeopteryx has historically been the central focus of Avimimus portentosus (see also Vickers-Rich, Chiappe, and
virtually all studies on the origin and early evolution of Kurzanov, Chapter  in this volume)—not least of which
birds, and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. was the inference of feathered forelimbs—that he regarded
The obvious next question is: Is this reliance—perhaps the supposed avian features of Archaeopteryx as insufficient
even overreliance—on Archaeopteryx justified and wise? evidence to establish it as a true bird.
The avian status of Archaeopteryx is often an unquestioned A similar theme was elaborated somewhat earlier by the
assumption of many analyses, and in some phylogenetic Mongolian paleontologist Barsbold Rinschen, who articu-
studies (e.g., Padian, ; Holtz, ; Weishampel and lated a notion that has major implications for the interpre-
Jianu, ), Archaeopteryx alone stands as a proxy, in a tation of the avian attributes of not just Archaeopteryx
sense, for all birds. The concern obviously is that if we have but really all theropods. Barsbold’s () concept of “or-
hung all our conclusions about avian evolution on a fossil nithization” in theropod evolution suggests that various lin-
that is peripheral to avian origins, then much of the research eages of theropods independently evolved birdlike attrib-
for the past century may have been misguided (Witmer, utes but with no clade possessing the entire suite of avian
). The stakes could not be higher. Looking carefully apomorphies. Thus, Archaeopteryx is seen by Barsbold ()
back over the history of this debate reveals a small but con- as potentially just one of several parallel, “ornithized” line-
tinuous thread of dissent (see Witmer, ). P. R. Lowe ages, “aberrant” in and of itself yet otherwise showing the
(, ), for example, considered Archaeopteryx to be underlying affinity of birds and theropods. In fact, it was
too specialized to be ancestral to later birds. Moreover, he conceivable to Barsbold () that perhaps more than one
went so far as to claim that Archaeopteryx “represented group of “ornithized” theropods crossed the line into
the culminating attempt of the reptiles toward flight, that is “birds” and that neornithine birds may actually be di-
to say, it was a flying dinosaur. This, of course, implies a phyletic (reminiscent of Lowe) or even polyphyletic. It is
belief in the diphyletic origin of feathers—a zoological not clear what kind of evolutionary process Barsbold envi-
transgression for which I expect no mercy” (Lowe, : sioned that would produce the recurrent evolution of avian
–). Lowe (:) denied any features that were features, but the fact that avian features have arisen repeat-
“definitely avian as opposed to dinosaurian,” and he spent edly and independently in theropod evolution now seems
much of the  paper attempting to refute the most bird- to be an inescapable conclusion.

The preceding discussion, of course, begs the question of bird, because we have defined it as such, as a member of the
just what is a bird: How do we recognize birds? How do we clade Aves.
define them in both a scientific and a colloquial sense? The Nevertheless, nomenclature aside, given the number of
foregoing has presumed a more colloquial sense of birds, birdlike theropods and theropodlike birds, what is it about
that is, a sense of “birds” being feathered vertebrates that fly Archaeopteryx that leads us to conclude that it is truly a bird
or had flight in their ancestry. This idea generally works in (i.e., by definition part of Aves) and thus worthy of all the
the modern time plane but breaks down when evaluated attention? Long before the recent flurry of discoveries,
over the fossil record of theropods because the attributes of workers recognized that Archaeopteryx possessed few
extant birds were acquired sequentially. Thus, there is no uniquely avian characters that, in modern parlance, would
sharp line demarcating bird and nonbird—the distinction contribute to a diagnosis of Aves (see Owen, ; Heil-
has become entirely arbitrary. Defining taxa has emerged as mann, ). For example, de Beer (:) listed only four
a major focus for phylogenetic taxonomists, and Archaeop- “features which differ completely from the condition in rep-
teryx in relation to the definition of “Aves” and “birds” has tiles and agree with that of modern birds”: () a retroverted
likewise become a central test case (see Gauthier, ; de pubis, () a furcula, () an opposable hallux, and () feath-
Queiroz and Gauthier, , ; Padian and Chiappe ers. Of these, a pubis with at least some measure of apo-
b; Sereno, , b; Padian et al., ; see also Clark, morphic retroversion is now well documented for dro-
Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume). The is- maeosaurids, basal troodontids, and therizinosauroids
sues surrounding this matter are lengthy and complex, and (Barsbold, ; Barsbold and Perle, , ; Norell and
they have been well discussed in the references just cited. Makovicky, , ; Rasskin-Gutman, ; Xu et al.,
Traditionally, Archaeopteryx has been regarded as both a ), and furculae are turning out to be very widely dis-
bird and a member of Aves. For example, Richard Owen, in tributed indeed among theropods (Barsbold, ; Bryant
his  description of the London specimen, “declare[d] it and Russell, ; Chure and Madsen, ; Norell et al.,
unequivocally to be a Bird, with rare peculiarities indicative ; Dal Sasso and Signore, ; Ji et al., ; Makovicky
of a distinct order in that class” (Owen, :). Likewise, and Currie, ; Norell and Makovicky, ; Xu et al.,
Haeckel (, ), Huxley (), and other early taxon- a). Although the opposable hallux may still stand as
omists referred Archaeopteryx and other Mesozoic birds to an avian apomorphy (Gauthier, ; Chiappe, ; Feduc-
Aves. All modern ornithology texts regard Archaeopteryx as cia, ; Sereno, b; Forster et al., ), it is, of course,
within their purview. This traditional sense can be captured the presence of feathers that, since its discovery in , has
by modern phylogenetic taxonomy by defining the name garnered for Archaeopteryx a seemingly unshakable posi-
“Aves” using a node-based definition: Archaeopteryx, Neor- tion within Aves. However, even the uniqueness of feathers
nithes (“modern birds”), and all descendants of their most to birds was cast into doubt in  with reports of non-
recent common ancestor (see Chiappe, , ; Padian avian theropod dinosaurs with feathers or featherlike fila-
and Chiappe, b; Sereno, , b; Padian et al., ). mentous structures from Liaoning, China (Ji and Ji, ,
The colloquial term “birds” is usually applied to this same  [see also Gibbons, , a, reporting on the work
group. These definitions of Aves and birds are the ones of Ji and Ji]; Currie, ; Chen et al., ; Ji et al., ;
adopted generally for this volume. However, an alternative Xu et al., a,b). Although the true identity of the fila-
nomenclature pioneered by Gauthier () advocates a mentous structures has been called into question (Brush et
crown-group definition for Aves that encompasses just the al., ; Geist et al., ; Gibbons, b) and has been
clades of living birds: ratites, tinamous, neognaths, and all highly controversial, the reports fueled the persistent spec-
descendants of their common ancestor. Gauthier () ulation, if not expectation, that feathers might have been
defined the term “Avialae” as more or less equivalent to the present in taxa outside birds (Gauthier, ; Paul, ).
traditionally conceived Aves, yet he applied the colloquial The startling announcement in  (Ackerman, ; Cur-
term “birds” to Avialae. The Avialae convention has seen a rie, ; Ji et al., ) of nonavian dinosaurs with indis-
fair amount of use, and with good reason (see Clark, Norell, putable feathers truly has shaken the foundations of just
and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume). Nevertheless, at what it takes to recognize something as a bird (Padian,
this writing, preferences seem to be tending toward the Aves ). The importance of feathered dinosaurs is taken up in
convention adopted here (see Padian and Chiappe, b; a later section.
Sereno, ; and Padian et al., , for justification). In- Without the uniqueness of opisthopuby, furcula, and
terestingly, Padian et al. () retained the term “Avialae” even feathers, is there any basis for uniting Archaeopteryx
but redefined it as a stem-based taxon comprising Neor- with birds to the exclusion of other archosaurian taxa?
nithes and all taxa closer to them than to the dromaeosaurid Definitions can be constructed to suit personal tastes, and,
Deinonychus. Thus, if we regard the terms “Aves”and “birds” regardless of whether one defines Aves to exclude (Gauthier,
as being more or less synonymous, then Archaeopteryx is a ) or include (Chiappe, ) Archaeopteryx, it is rele-

6 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
vant to ask just what features suggest that Archaeopteryx is sumably predate Archaeopteryx by perhaps millions of
the outgroup to less controversial birds. As it turns out, years. For example, whether or not there were trees in the
there are many such features. In addition to the reflexed hal- Solnhofen landscape suitable for Archaeopteryx to perch
lux, other oft cited synapomorphies (see also Elzanowski, upon (Peters and Görgner, ; Feduccia, , ;
Chapter  in this volume) include () an elongate prenarial Padian and Chiappe, a,b) bears little relevance for the
portion of the premaxilla (Gauthier, ; Sereno, b); arboreal versus cursorial origin of flight. On the one hand,
() the breaking down of the postorbital bar (Chatterjee, the presence of Solnhofen trees would not automatically
, a; Sanz et al., ; Sereno, b); () the absence mean that Archaeopteryx either used them or evolved from
of dental serrations and the presence in the teeth of a char- an arboreal ancestor. On the other hand, the absence of
acteristic constriction (Martin et al., ; Gauthier, ; Solnhofen trees would not dictate that flight arose in a ter-
Chiappe, ; Chiappe et al., ); () the enlargement of restrial context, because Archaeopteryx could well have
the cranial cavity (Gauthier, ; Chatterjee, a); () the evolved from fully arboreal ancestors and apomorphically
caudal tympanic recess opening within the columellar re- became terrestrial or just visited Solnhofen seasonally. We
cess (Witmer and Weishampel, ; Chiappe et al., ); can never know these things. The point here is that we
() the presence of a caudal maxillary sinus (Witmer, ; have tended to run all hypotheses through the filter of
Chiappe et al., ; Chatterjee, a); () fewer tail verte- Archaeopteryx, almost as if we believed that it was truly the
brae, with the prezygapophyses reduced distally (Gauthier, first bird, not just the oldest known or most basal bird.
; Chiappe, ; Chiappe et al., ; Chatterjee, a; The historical centrality of Archaeopteryx in the debate is
Sereno, b; Forster et al., ); and () various modifi- quite understandable given that, until very recently, it was
cations of the shoulder girdle (Gauthier, ; Feduccia, all we had—that is, it provided the only solid evidential
; Chatterjee, a), although some of the shoulder basis for hypothesis testing. Although most analyses con-
characters may have a broader distribution (Novas and tinue to support the basalmost avian position for Archaeop-
Puerta, ; Forster et al., ; Norell and Makovicky, ; teryx, recent discoveries of Cretaceous birds and bird-
Xu et al., b, ). like theropods have considerably lightened the load that
Some of the foregoing characters may seem a bit subtle, Archaeopteryx must bear in teasing apart the details of early
even trifling, but such is the nature of any phylogenetic tran- avian evolution (see discussion in Witmer, ). From Un-
sition as it becomes better and better known. In fact, we enlagia, Rahonavis, and Microraptor to Confuciusornis,
should predict that the number of characters per node Sinornis, and Concornis, new finds are documenting the de-
should decrease (and that the characters themselves may tails of both the phylogenetic and functional transition to
well seem more trivial) as sampling of the fossil record im- birds. Archaeopteryx will always merit a special place in the
proves. What is remarkable is that so many characters do minds (and hearts) of scientists and the public in general.
affirm the avian status of Archaeopteryx, thus providing Only recently, however, could Archaeopteryx assume its
ample justification for the sharp focus placed on Archaeo- proper role in the drama of the avian transition as one of a
pteryx. Although many of the characters listed previously are number of important players in an ensemble cast.
far from “clean,” with homoplasy and missing data compli-
cating the picture such that Chiappe (Chapter  in this vol- The Significance of Protoavis
ume) found only three unambiguous synapomorphies for
the node Aves, Archaeopteryx is indeed avian. Moreover, it A particularly difficult question is whether this ensemble
has very few autapomorphies (Gauthier, ; Chatterjee, cast should rightly include the Texas fossils known as P. tex-
; Sereno, b) and thus, in a strictly phylogenetic sense, ensis. These fossils, whose discovery was announced only in
may legitimately serve as a model for an avian ancestor. , have had a troubled and controversial history. In a long
However, there is a danger here. Even if Archaeopteryx is series of published works, Sankar Chatterjee (, ,
the best available model for an ancestral bird, the worry is , , a, b, ) argued that the Protoavis fos-
that we might come to regard it as truly the first bird. Even sils are not only those of a bird but from a bird that lived 
the German common name for Archaeopteryx—Urvogel— million years before Archaeopteryx! The fossils are generally
carries this sense of being the very first bird. But Archaeop- attributed to two individuals excavated from the Early
teryx had an evolutionary history, and, as with any organ- Norian Cooper Member of the Dockum Group of western
ism, its phylogenetic heritage has an impact on not only Texas (Chatterjee, ), although other material from a dif-
its form and function but also our interpretation of its ferent formation and county also was later referred to P. tex-
form and function. Thus, although Archaeopteryx may be ensis (Chatterjee, , a, ; justification for this re-
our best and oldest evidence for, say, feathers, there is no ferral has not been presented, and I will not consider that
guarantee that Archaeopteryx gives us any direct glimpse material here). Although the report of any new Mesozoic
into the origin of feathers and flight because both pre- bird is greeted with great interest, the reception of Protoavis

was unique, largely because of the implications that a Trias- words, a major concern has been that the Protoavis speci-
sic bird holds. Perhaps surprisingly, despite the great age of mens are simply too poorly preserved, too scrappy, to be di-
the fossils, Chatterjee has never argued for any major agnostic. Unlike Archaeopteryx and the Cretaceous birds
changes in the general notion of avian ancestry from dro- from Spain and China, Protoavis is not a “slab animal”; that
maeosaurlike coelurosaurian dinosaurs; in other words, is, it is not preserved in situ, but rather all the bones have
Archaeopteryx remains the basal bird, and the Ostrom/ been prepared free of the matrix. Thus, without the aid of
Gauthier hypothesis of theropod relationships is not chal- the positional information that slab animals preserve, the
lenged. The irony that emerges is that Protoavis perhaps identification of isolated elements is difficult and can lead
should have relatively little relevance for the origin of birds to widely different interpretations. The other side of this
in that, according to Chatterjee’s cladograms, Protoavis is coin is that all sides of the elements are available for study
nested well within Aves. rather than being half entombed in stone, as is the case for
Skepticism about the avian status of Protoavis was im- slab birds such as Archaeopteryx. Nevertheless, it has been
mediate and did not necessarily follow along lines of alle- difficult to confirm not only many of the structures but even
giance to any particular theory of avian origins. For exam- some of the bone identifications made by Chatterjee (Wit-
ple, Feduccia () and Martin (), on the one hand, mer, b). Perhaps Padian and Chiappe (b:) best
and Ostrom (, , ), Wellnhofer (, ), characterized the situation by noting that the “material has
Chiappe (, ), and Sereno (b, a), on the become a paleontological Rorschach test of one’s training,
other hand, have all expressed doubt that the fossils of Pro- theoretical bias, and predisposition.” Coupled with this is
toavis are adequate to substantiate the claim of a Triassic the problem that the specimens are extensively recon-
bird. At the same time, Chatterjee has had some supporters, structed with plaster and epoxy, and it often seems that the
including Peters (), Kurochkin (), and Bock (, published descriptions are of these reconstructed compos-
). Why the controversy? A fuller critical appraisal of ites rather than of the fossils themselves.
the status of Protoavis is presented elsewhere (Witmer, But ultimately—even given the gravity of these and
), but a brief analysis is presented here. other concerns—it comes down to the fossils and their
Detractors of Protoavis have raised a variety of com- structures. Are there clearly interpretable anatomical clues
plaints, the most important of which relate to the taphon- revealing the phylogenetic relationships of the beast? Again,
omy of the specimens and their preservation and prepara- a more comprehensive skeletal analysis is presented else-
tion. With regard to the taphonomy, there is a widespread where (Witmer, b), but it is worthwhile to examine here
concern that P. texensis is a chimera, that is, a mixture of a few of the more important anatomical systems. For Chat-
more than one species. Indeed, the quarry from which the terjee (, , a, b), the skull, particularly the
specimens derive is a multispecific bonebed that has temporal region, is the most critical, because he regarded
recorded many taxa (Chatterjee, ), and thus mixing is a Protoavis as possessing the ornithurine condition: that is,
possibility, as has already been suggested for other taxa from loss of the postorbital bone, leading to confluence of the or-
the same quarry (e.g., Postosuchus kirkpatricki; Long and bit, dorsotemporal fenestra, and laterotemporal fenestra.
Murry, ). Chatterjee (, b) has steadfastly main- Given that Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis sanctus (Peters
tained the association of the holotype and paratype skele- and Ji, ; Chiappe et al., ; Hou et al., ), and at
tons of Protoavis, and Kurochkin () offered his support least some enantiornithines (e.g., the Catalan hatchling,
based on his study of the original material. Nevertheless, the Sanz et al., ; Protopteryx fengningensis, Zhang and Zhou,
specimens were collected inadvertently while removing ) retain both the postorbital bone and its contact with
overburden with a jackhammer, and hence we can never be the squamosal, presence of the advanced ornithurine con-
completely sure of the taphonomic setting. The possibility dition in Protoavis indeed would be highly significant and
that Protoavis is a composite of several species is commonly would, in fact, argue for a higher phylogenetic position
voiced but, even if true, does not rule out the chance that within birds than that advocated by Chatterjee (b). Un-
some of the included bones are avian (Witmer, c). How- fortunately, the temporal region of the holotype skull has
ever, as Chiappe () correctly pointed out, the chimera been assembled from disarticulated pieces, and thus the
problem presents itself most insidiously during phylogenetic identity and positions of elements are not certain. The most
analysis, the ultimate arbiter of avian origins, in that the mix- telling clues are found in the squamosal and quadrate; the
ture of taxa means a mixture of characters, all of which leads absence of the postorbital is negative evidence and hence
to phylogenetic nonsense. Thus, the taphonomic question— hard to evaluate. The squamosal identification is key, be-
Is Protoavis a species or a fauna?—is a critical one, and one cause the element would lack an articular surface for the
that is not likely to go away until new material is discovered. postorbital, which implies absence of the postorbital bone
And, according to many of those who have studied the itself. Similarly, the putative quadrates are important, be-
specimens, new material is needed desperately. In other cause they would be drastically modified along the lines of

8 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
birds, presumably, according to Chatterjee, in association naive at best. Critical study of the original material is ab-
with avian craniofacial kinesis. The squamosal identifica- solutely necessary, but even here, in the absence of newly
tion is defensible in that the element in question has a cotyla collected material of known association, firm conclusions
that could receive a quadrate, but other interpretations will likely be elusive.
are possible. The quadrate identifications are less certain It would thus seem that Protoavis bears little significance
(see Witmer, b). My general impression of the recon- for solving the riddle of the origin of birds. The specimens
structed temporal region is that Chatterjee’s view is under- themselves are problematic, and so we rightly should be
standable and justifiable but is not sufficiently clear to merit skeptical. But even assuming that Chatterjee has interpreted
drawing firm phylogenetic conclusions. them % correctly, Protoavis would have little impact on
Without question, the braincase is the most easily inter- the phylogenetic pattern of avian origins (Witmer, c,
preted part of the skull, at least with respect to bone identi- b; Dyke and Thorley, ). Then why the often vitri-
fications. It is doubtful that there are any indisputably avian olic controversy? The reasons are complex, but probably
apomorphies in the braincase. However, it is indeed the a major component is that Chatterjee’s acceptance of the
braincase of a coelurosaur in that it possesses cranial pneu- Ostrom/Gauthier orthodoxy would require that virtually all
matic recesses (including the caudal tympanic recess, which theropod cladogenesis had taken place well back in the Tri-
thus far is not known outside Coelurosauria), a large cere- assic, at least in the Norian, if not earlier—that is, right at
bellar auricular fossa, a metotic strut, and a vagal canal the very dawning of the dinosaurs. I have elsewhere (Wit-
opening onto the occiput (Chatterjee, , b; Witmer, mer, b) referred to this (somewhat whimsically) as the
d, b), and thus the braincase may pertain to the “Norian Explosion.” The problem is that we have no real
oldest known coelurosaur. evidence of such an explosion: no Norian tyrannosaurids,
Postcranially, little is unambiguously avian. Exceptions no Norian oviraptorosaurs, etc. Thus, many people simply
are the cervical vertebrae, which are truly heterocoelous, if have not accepted this proposition. This incongruity has not
only incipiently so; have prominent ventral processes (hy- gone unnoticed and has been exploited by opponents of the
papophyses); and have large vertebral foramina. Of course, idea of theropod relationships. For example, Martin (),
heterocoely has a fairly homoplastic distribution within Tarsitano (), and Bock () were receptive to the avian
birds (Martin, ; Chiappe, ), and Protoavis is not as status of Protoavis and pointed out that a Triassic bird
heterocoelous as Hesperornis or most neornithines, but the would essentially disprove the prevailing notion of thero-
vertebral structure nevertheless represents one of the few pod relationships.
bona fide avian suites of Protoavis. There are many prob- But a long view is appropriate. The origins of many
lems in the thoracic appendage (Witmer, b), not least theropod groups are constantly being pushed back further
of which is the coracoid, which, although having a generally in time. Therizinosauroids have been reported from the
advanced avian shape, seems positively minuscule in com- Early Jurassic of China (Zhao and Xu, ; Xu et al., a),
parison with the rest of the skeleton. I cannot confirm the and Chatterjee () reported an ornithomimosaur from
remigial papillae on the ulna or manus. In fact, the identifi- the Late Triassic of Texas, although such claims generally are
cation of the four-digit manus itself has been called into controversial (Rauhut, ). As mentioned, Protoavis itself
question, with Sereno (b) regarding it as the foot of an represents a temporal range extension for Coelurosauria.
archosaur. The pelvic appendage likewise is not particularly Whether the idea of a Triassic bird will ever be more palat-
birdlike. Perhaps the most avian feature is a medial fossa able is hard to predict, but stranger things have happened in
within the os coxae regarded by Chatterjee (, b) as the history of science, and Protoavis may yet prove to be a
a renal fossa; however, no other Mesozoic bird has a renal key player. For the present, however, it is probably both pru-
fossa, and the structure in Protoavis differs somewhat from dent and justifiable to minimize the role that Protoavis plays
that in neornithines (Witmer, b). in any discussions of avian ancestry.
It is probably fair to state that the case for the avian sta-
tus of P. texensis is not as clear as generally portrayed by The Significance of the Feathered
Chatterjee. The temporal configuration and vertebral mor- Chinese Dinosaurs
phology might argue for a position near Ornithurae, yet the
long tail, the archaic ankle, the four-digit manus, and other The s will go down in history as a time when one of the
features would argue for a basal position, probably well out- most significant fossil deposits ever discovered was brought
side Aves. The braincase is more or less coelurosaurian. The to light. The Lower Yixian Formation (Chaomidianzi For-
taphonomic problems and the possibility that this is a mation of some) and allied rock units in western Liaoning
chimera may make this an intractable problem. An option Province, People’s Republic of China, have yielded a wealth
is simply to take Chatterjee’s analyses at face value and pro- of fossil vertebrates, preserving—in often astounding
ceed (as done by Dyke and Thorley, ), but this seems abundance—an entire fauna in all its diversity (Luo, ;

Swisher et al., ). The basal birds from these deposits are parent midline distribution of the filaments is indeed fully
discussed in this volume by Zhou and Hou (Chapter ). consistent with dermal frills, which are widely present in
With regard to the origin of birds, several additional taxa are modern squamates and even well known in some dinosaur
relevant, particularly because of the preservation of integu- groups (e.g., sauropods: Czerkas, ; hadrosaurids: Lull
mentary remains interpreted to be feathers or featherlike and Wright, ), the filaments are not actually in the
filaments. At this writing, six theropod taxa (other than the median plane in all regions but rather are in some places off-
indisputable birds) have been reported to have “feathery” set, such as the head region, which is not preserved in a
skin (with, no doubt, more taxa on the way): Sinosaurop- straight lateral view (Padian et al., ). In fact, a routine
teryx prima (Ji and Ji, ; Chen et al., ), Protar- finding with the Liaoning birds and dinosaurs is that the
chaeopteryx robusta (Ji and Ji, ; Ji et al., ), feathers or filaments are preserved as a halo around the
Caudipteryx spp. (Ji et al., ; Zhou and Wang, ; Zhou skeletal remains. Thus, the “midline frill” is perhaps more
et al., ), Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (Xu et al., a), safely interpreted as an artifact resulting from the animals
Sinornithosaurus millenii (Xu et al., b; Ji et al., , if being preserved lying more or less on their sides, such
the juvenile dromaeosaurid pertains to this species), and that the halo would roughly correspond to the median
Microraptor zhaoianus (Xu et al., ). The obvious signi- plane. Geist et al. () suggested that another problem
ficance for the debate on avian origins is that if feathers are with the feather interpretation in Sinosauropteryx is that
truly present in nonavian theropod dinosaurs, then this although some specimens may show a ruffle of fibers ex-
should effectively close the door to any opposition to the tending along the tail, another specimen shows a smooth
theropod hypothesis. The debate, for all intents and pur- outline along the tail.
poses, will be over. It is valid to question whether these shortcomings falsify
Thus, it is necessary to assess these claims carefully. See the feather hypothesis or may simply be ascribed to va-
also the chapters in this volume by Clark, Norell, and garies of preservation. Nevertheless, the inference of feath-
Makovicky (Chapter ) and Zhou and Hou (Chapter ) for ers in Sinosauropteryx has such profound implications—
their assessments. The controversy began when Ji and Ji not only for the origin of birds but also for the origin of
(: translation courtesy of Chen P.-J. and P. J. Currie) feathers and endothermy—that we should be compelled by
identified feathers in Sinosauropteryx and argued that () the weight of evidence before accepting such momentous
they were similar to modern down in lacking rachis and claims. In the acknowledged absence of calamus, rachis,
barbs, and () they were restricted to a median frill running and barbs, the identification of these structures as “true”
from the head to the tip of the tail dorsally and onto the ven- feathers in Sinosauropteryx is clearly unjustified. Also prob-
tromedian surface of the tail. For Ji and Ji (), the pres- lematic is the inference of “protofeathers.” Although true
ence of feathers required the referral of Sinosauropteryx feathers certainly had epidermal precursors that lacked
to Aves. In the subsequent furor, there was a retreat from such definitive attributes as rachis and barbs, how would
their interpretation as true feathers, being instead “proto- we recognize them? Chemical analysis showing unique
feathers” (e.g., Brush et al., ). Moreover, the status of feather proteins might provide valid evidence, but again
Sinosauropteryx as a bird was questioned, as it clearly had such studies have not been performed. Significantly, ac-
the skeletal anatomy of a small theropod dinosaur. Indeed, cording to Prum’s (, ) developmental model of
Chen et al. (), based on additional specimens, formally feather evolution, the filaments of Sinosauropteryx are en-
referred Sinosauropteryx to Compsognathidae, a clade of tirely consistent with an early stage of feather evolution.
relatively basal coelurosaurs. These authors also presented Moreover, Padian et al. () argued that these filaments
the first in-depth morphological analysis of the integumen- have enough morphological attributes in common with
tary structures, describing them as coarse, probably hollow, feathers that it is fair to accept that the filaments pass the
filaments up to  mm in length; a chemical or elemental similarity test of homology with avian feathers. Finally, the
analysis has not been published. The ultimate question, notion of feather precursors in Sinosauropteryx is signifi-
of course, is, What makes these feathers or even “proto- cantly enhanced by the feathered theropods from the Yix-
feathers” (Unwin, )? ian discussed later, leading Padian (:) to state that
Indeed, Geist et al. () and Feduccia (b) sug- “doubts [raised by Geist et al. ()] can now be put to
gested that the structures in Sinosauropteryx were in fact not rest.” Thus, in effect, the filaments of Sinosauropteryx might
feathers at all and, moreover, that they were not external, be regarded as passing the congruence test of homology, as
epidermal appendages of any kind. Rather, they argued that, well (Padian et al., ). Nevertheless, the evidence in
based on comparative anatomy, the fossil structures more Sinosauropteryx obviously should be judged on its own
closely resembled collagenous fibers supporting a midsagit- merits, and stemward inferences based on crownward ob-
tal dermal frill, that is, internal structures that became servations require considerable justification (i.e., level II
frayed in the process of decomposition. Although the ap- inference; Witmer a).

10 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
Shortly after the announcement of Sinosauropteryx, Ji preservation of filamentous structures in the body regions,
and Ji () announced the discovery of another feathered but the real question is whether the distribution of true
creature, Protarchaeopteryx robusta. They regarded it as the feathers was more extensive in life or actually restricted to
sister group of Archaeopteryx, even placing it within Ar- the tips of the hands and tail.
chaeopterygidae, but Ji et al. () removed it from a posi- The association of true feathers with the skeletons of
tion within Aves. Unlike the case of Sinosauropteryx, the Caudipteryx is beyond any doubt, which is important be-
feathers attributed to Protarchaeopteryx are absolutely in- cause the skeleton is decidedly nonavian—that is, this is
disputable, with clear rachis and barbs. Thus, if a phyloge- no chimeric association. The following discussion is not
netic placement outside birds is justified, then a feathered intended to be a description of the bony anatomy of
nonavian theropod would be at hand. Unfortunately, Caudipteryx but rather a tabulation of its primitive, non-
the unique specimen of Protarchaeopteryx (NGMC ) avian attributes (see also Zhou and Wang, ). Although
is quite poorly preserved, and many attributes either are it is more customary in this cladistic age to enumerate de-
open to interpretation or beyond reliable observation (e.g., rived characters, documentation of the primitive characters
about % missing data according to Ji et al., ). I was of this feathered creature is necessary to counter claims that
unable to confirm the two plesiomorphies identified by Caudipteryx is in fact “a secondarily flightless bird, a Meso-
Ji et al. () that would deny Protarchaeopteryx a higher zoic kiwi” (Feduccia, a:; b; see also Jones et al.,
position—a short frontal process of the premaxilla and ser- b). In addition to feathers, another significant avian
rated teeth. The premaxilla is badly damaged, and the teeth apomorphy would be the shortened tail. In Caudipteryx
seemed to lack clear serrations; Ji et al. () regarded the there are only  caudal vertebrae, the same number as in
serrations as so small (–/mm) that they were not visible Archaeopteryx and fewer than in any other known nonavian
even with my hand lens, but one then wonders if something theropod (Ji et al., ). Moreover, the distal portion is
so small can be regarded as truly a “serration.” It may lack a clearly very stiff, although, as correctly noted by Ji et al.
reversed hallux, which would be an important plesiomor- (; see also Zhou et al., ), definitely not fused into a
phy, but neither foot of the holotype is well preserved. Given pygostyle (or a “protopygostyle,” as Feduccia [a] called
the current state of our knowledge of Protarchaeopteryx, it it). Other than its short length and distal stiffening, nothing
is difficult to predict whether better specimens will show it about the tail is particularly birdlike. Its distal caudal verte-
to be outside or within Aves. It is even conceivable that a sis- brae have very short centra (Ji et al., ), rather than the
ter group relationship with Archaeopteryx, as originally sug- elongate distal centra observed in Archaeopteryx and Ra-
gested by Ji and Ji (), will be borne out (see Elzanowski, honavis (Forster et al., ). Moreover, the proximal caudal
Chapter  in this volume). Certainly, Protarchaeopteryx is haemal arches (chevrons) are very long and spatulate, again
very close to the transition to birds, which makes its state of unlike those of basal birds and unlike those of even most de-
preservation all the more frustrating. rived nonavian coelurosaurs. The closest match to the tail of
Much better preserved, however, is the material of Caudipteryx may well be among oviraptorosaurs. As partic-
Caudipteryx (Ji et al., ; Zhou and Wang, ; Zhou et ularly well demonstrated by Nomingia (Barsbold et al.,
al., ). Caudipteryx in many ways seems to be the perfect a,b), oviraptorosaurs display the following derived
“feathered dinosaur.” It possesses clearly “avian” feathers characters: a reduced number of caudal vertebrae ( in
(i.e., with calamus, rachis, and barbs), yet, unlike those of Nomingia—only  more than in Caudipteryx), rigid distal
Archaeopteryx, these feathers are not part of a flight appa- tail with short centra, relatively long transverse processes on
ratus, and hence Caudipteryx obviously did not fly. More- the proximal caudals (Sereno, a), and elongate and
over, Caudipteryx lacks many of the derived bony features spatulate haemal arches. Although Barsbold et al. (a,b)
unique to “proper” birds and hence has justifiably been regarded the tail of Nomingia as bearing a “pygostyle,” it is
hailed as the first animal to be discovered that is both indis- certainly not homologous (or even that similar) to the avian
putably feathered and indisputably not a bird. Indeed, structure, and I would tend to reserve that name for
Caudipteryx truly begs the question of just what may be pygostylian birds (see Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume).
called a “bird” in the colloquial sense of the word. In any event, the shortened tail of Caudipteryx is not par-
As mentioned, feathers are known for the two widely ticularly birdlike and is basically matched by the tails of
studied specimens described by Ji et al. (); the several oviraptorosaurs.
new specimens reported by Zhou and Wang () and Zhou et al. () advanced a few additional birdlike
Zhou et al. () confirm a consistent pattern. In their pre- characters that, although they still regarded Caudipteryx as
served state, well-developed feathers are largely restricted to a nonavian dinosaur, “indicate that its phylogenetic posi-
the manus and distal portion of the tail. As far as can be dis- tion remains a debatable issue.” Not having examined their
cerned, the inner and outer vanes are symmetrical about the new specimens firsthand, I cannot comment in detail on the
rachis. Ji et al. () and Zhou and Wang () reported birdlike attributes, but a few points are pertinent. Of the

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 11
birdlike characters that they advance, some are clearly of Caudipteryx are clearly visible in the new material de-
homoplasies (e.g., manual phalangeal formula of --), scribed by Zhou and Wang (; see also Zhou et al., ).
some are more widely distributed in maniraptorans (e.g., Both ischia are well preserved and show only a single process
tooth form, uncinate processes), and some are open to in- that is large and triangular. This shape is exactly like that of
terpretation (e.g., the “partially reversed” hallux). They also the obturator process of, say, dromaeosaurids and ovirap-
pointed to the remarkably short trunk (only nine thoracic torosaurs. Another primitive character thus would be the ab-
vertebrae) and elongate hindlimbs, birdlike features that sence of the proximodorsal process.
had earlier attracted the attention of Jones et al. (b). A number of other primitive characters of Caudipteryx
Jones et al. (b) argued that Caudipteryx possessed a can be added to those discussed by Ji et al. (; see also
strikingly birdlike attribute relating to the location of the Zhou and Wang, , and Zhou et al., ). For example,
center of mass and the proportions of the trunk and the jugal is a typically nonavian theropodan jugal with a
hindlimb; these parameters were entirely unlike those of very large postorbital process. Birds, on the other hand, have
any known nonavian theropods but indistinguishable from lost the postorbital process of the jugal or, at most, have re-
those of cursorial birds. They provided three alternatives to duced it to a small process. Even taxa that retain a post-
explain these data. First, perhaps simply Caudipteryx apo- orbital bone and a dorsotemporal arch (e.g., Archaeopteryx,
morphically and convergently developed a locomotor style the Catalan enantiornithine nestling, alvarezsaurids) lack a
similar to that of cursorial birds. Second, perhaps Caudip- large postorbital process of the jugal and basically have a ju-
teryx was a nonavian theropod that had flight in its ances- gal bar. The postorbital bone of the enantiornithine Proto-
try. And third, perhaps Caudipteryx was in fact “a secondar- pteryx has a long jugal process that might reach the jugal,
ily, flightless, post-Archaeopteryx, cursorial bird” (Jones et but such a contact is not clear on the specimens (Zhang and
al., b). The authors clearly favor this third hypothesis. Zhou, ). The only certain exception is Confuciusornis,
Testing all three hypotheses is firmly within the realm of which curiously possesses a complete postorbital bar
phylogenetic analysis, and the paper of Jones et al. (b) formed by contact of the postorbital and jugal bones. But
was a functional analysis, not a comprehensive phylogenetic even in Confuciusornis most specimens have a relatively
study. small postorbital process of the jugal (in some cases, little
Nevertheless, despite the presence of true feathers, bird- more than a bump), and the postorbital bone makes up al-
like hindlimb proportions, and perhaps other, less certain most all of the bar (Martin et al., ; Peters and Ji, ;
features, Caudipteryx displays a variety of plesiomorphic Chiappe et al., ; Hou et al., ; Zhou and Hou, Chap-
characters throughout the skeleton that, when taken to- ter  in this volume). It may be noted here that the Eichstätt
gether, clearly place it outside Aves. Ji et al. () listed three specimen of Archaeopteryx displays a somewhat bifid cau-
such characters. Their first two characters are very similar dal extremity to the jugal. The dorsal prong of this bone
and relate to the quadratojugal and its contact with the could be interpreted as a postorbital process (e.g., Paul,
quadrate and squamosal. I concur that the quadratojugal of ), but it seems to be situated too far caudally to reach
NGMC --A bears the primitive character of a relatively the ventral ramus of the postorbital as preserved in the
long dorsal (squamosal) process that probably is sutured to Berlin specimen (see also Chiappe et al., ); hence, I tend
the quadrate, and the new specimens reported by Zhou et al. to agree more with the restoration of Archaeopteryx pro-
() confirm this arrangement. Caudipteryx clearly lacks duced by Chatterjee ().
the small quadratojugal of birds, including such basal birds Another primitive character of Caudipteryx is the rela-
as Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, and enantiornithines. tively very deep mandibular fenestra, as evidenced by the
The other plesiomorphic trait cited by Ji et al. () in- deep caudal embayment of the dentary of the paratype
volves the retention of a prominent, triangular obturator skull. Absence of a mandibular fenestra had been thought
process of the ischium. Again, I fully agree, and I regard the to characterize Aves because such an opening is absent in
shape of the ischium as one of the clearest manifestations of Archaeopteryx, hesperornithids, Ichthyornis, and neor-
the position of Caudipteryx outside Aves. Basal birds have nithines, but the discovery of mandibular fenestrae in Con-
complex ischia (Forster et al., ) that generally are charac- fuciusornis (Martin et al., ; Chiappe et al., ; Zhou
terized by a small (or even absent) obturator process and and Hou, Chapter  in this volume) makes this assessment
instead a large, tablike (i.e., rectangular) proximodorsal a bit problematic. Nevertheless, the fenestra in Confuciusor-
process extending up toward the ilium. This is the condition nis is not nearly as deep as in Caudipteryx and has an un-
in, for example, Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, and enantior- usual form and thus may well be a reversal. The mandibu-
nithines. The very birdlike theropod Unenlagia comahuensis lar fenestra of Caudipteryx, on the other hand, is very
(Novas and Puerta, ) presents the intermediate condition comparable to that of dromaeosaurids, oviraptorosaurs,
of possessing both a large obturator process and a proxi- and other nonavian coelurosaurs and thus represents the
modorsal process. The shape and orientation of the ischium primitive condition.

12 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
The thoracic girdle of Caudipteryx is also quite primitive semblance to oviraptorosaurs, but even more striking is the
and has none of the avian apomorphies seen in members of conformation of the jaws. In both groups, the dentary is
Aves. For example, the scapula has a relatively broad blade very deep between the mandibular fenestra and the sym-
with a pronounced distal expansion, indicating the reten- physeal portion, which is deflected ventrally; moreover, the
tion of a broad suprascapular cartilage. The blade clearly is symphyseal portion is medially inflected, and the caudal
not the slender and elongate structure seen in all basal birds. processes of the dentary diverge widely around the
The shape of the coracoid is more or less that of a conven- mandibular fenestra, both of which are attributes of ovi-
tional nonavian coelurosaur coracoid, with a quadrilateral raptorosaurs (Makovicky and Sues, ). The premaxilla
shape, proximal supracoracoidal nerve foramen, and mod- has an extensive prenarial portion (which is also an avian
erate biceps tubercle. The coracoid certainly is not the elon- apomorphy), and the naris itself is retracted (extensively in
gate “straplike” bone seen in ornithothoracine birds. An- oviraptorosaurs). Finally, the maxilla is very characteristic,
other primitive trait here relates to the orientation of the being a relatively small, rostrally displaced triangular ele-
girdle in that it is located on the lateral aspect of the thorax ment. Many of the postcranial elements compare well with
with the scapula at an angle to the axial column rather than oviraptorosaurs but also with other clades of coelurosaurs.
on the dorsal aspect of the thorax with the scapula parallel However, the tail of Caudipteryx, as detailed previously, is
to the column. The former condition is the primitive con- quite similar to that of oviraptorosaurs in that both are
dition, whereas the latter condition is observed in all birds short and proximally very thick. Given that my observations
(Jenkins, ), including Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, were not part of a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis, it
and other basal birds. One hesitates to make too much of was gratifying to see these impressions of an ovirap-
the orientation of elements in two-dimensional specimens, torosaurian Caudipteryx borne out by numerous cladistic
but, taken at face value (and all specimens agree on this analyses presented at the Ostrom Symposium at Yale Uni-
point), Caudipteryx again displays the primitive condition. versity in  (e.g., by P. C. Sereno, T. R. Holtz, M. A. Norell,
The pelvic girdle of Caudipteryx presents primitive, non- and P. J. Currie), suggesting broad independent discovery of
avian characters beyond the ischiadic shape noted earlier. these relationships (and a heartening affirmation of phylo-
For example, the ilium is relatively very tall directly above genetic systematics). Barsbold et al. (a,b) also regarded
the acetabulum, and its preacetabular portion is not ex- Caudipteryx as a basal oviraptorosaur. More significant,
panded cranially; this is the typical condition for most non- Caudipteryx was included in the very extensive phylogenetic
avian coelurosaurs. In birds, on the other hand, the ilium is analysis of Sereno (a). Sereno scored Caudipteryx for
relatively low, with a greatly elongate preacetabular portion  characters (only % missing data) and found not only
(see Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume; Zhou and Hou, that Caudipteryx is well outside Aves but also that it is in-
Chapter  in this volume). The pubic apron is extensive in deed a basal oviraptorosaur, sharing a dozen characters with
Caudipteryx, measuring about % of total pubic length in oviraptoroids.
the holotype. This is considerably more than the % meas- Thus, feathers of essentially modern structure do indeed
ured in the London Archaeopteryx, the bird with the longest predate the group conventionally known as “birds.” This
known pubic apron, and may even exceed that of some finding may seem shocking, but it is to be expected. This
dromaeosaurids (Norell and Makovicky, , ). surprise again may relate to the pervasive sense of Archaeop-
Finally, Zhou and Wang () and Zhou et al. () teryx as truly the Urvogel, or “first bird.” Common sense, of
noted that the pubis is not retroverted (as argued by Feduc- course, dictates that the elaborate feathers of Archaeopteryx,
cia, b) but rather is directed cranially, as in most non- arranged as they are in their “modern” array of primaries
avian theropods. and secondaries, must have had predecessors. However,
The picture that emerges from this brief survey of Caudipteryx will likely remain difficult for some to accept,
Caudipteryx is of a feathered theropod dinosaur that is perhaps because it is such a dramatic repudiation of oppo-
probably well outside the avian lineage. I have not per- sition to the theropod origin of birds.
formed a more extensive formal analysis, but it seems read- In fact, more “feathered dinosaurs” are likely to come to
ily apparent that it would be much less parsimonious to in- light. For example, Xu et al. (a) described Beipiao-
clude Caudipteryx within Aves. And this point leads to the saurus, a new therizinosauroid theropod from the Lower
question of the phylogenetic position of Caudipteryx. The Yixian Formation that bears filamentous dermal structures
analysis of Ji et al. () was not very inclusive, using only that are perhaps similar to those of Sinosauropteryx. These
Velociraptor as an outgroup to the Chinese taxa and birds. structures lack the unambiguous feather structure seen in
My initial study of the specimens suggested a number of de- Caudipteryx (i.e., they lack calamus, rachis, and barbs), but
rived features pointing to oviraptorosaur relationships for they are clearly present on areas of the body that cannot
Caudipteryx, including the following. The jaws are almost be explained away as remnants of a median frill. In Bei-
completely edentulous in Caudipteryx, which is indeed a re- piaosaurus, filamentous structures are associated with ele-

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 13
ments of both fore- and hindlimbs. The best-preserved fila- in this animal, although this finding awaits confirmation
ments are attached to the ulna, where some approach  with better-preserved material.
mm in length. Xu et al. (a) describe some filaments as It is also relevant at this point to mention the findings of
distally branched and with hollow cores. These filaments Schweitzer et al. () on the biochemistry and morphol-
have the same “protofeather” problems as did those of ogy of fibrous integumentary structures recovered from the
Sinosauropteryx (i.e., Are filaments truly the evolutionary head region of the alvarezsaurid Shuvuuia from Mongolia
precursors of feathers?), but their association with the limbs (see also Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this vol-
and their considerable length clearly indicate that they are ume). Schweitzer et al. () reported two important ob-
some kind of epidermal appendage rather than an artifact servations about these structures. First, biochemical studies
of desiccating dermal collagen (see also Prum, ). are consistent with their being composed of beta keratin, a
Another nonavian theropod with preserved integumen- protein found in the feathers and scales of sauropsids. Sec-
tary filaments is the Yixian dromaeosaurid Sinornithosaurus ond, the structures were apparently hollow. At present, the
millenii (Xu et al., b). Unfortunately, the filaments are only structures known to be both hollow and composed of
not in their natural positions, and thus, for example, the beta keratin are avian feathers. These findings are more
cluster of filaments adjacent to the skull cannot be reliably provocative than conclusive, and, given the controversial
attributed to the head region. A very significant finding of phylogenetic position of alvarezsaurids (see Novas and
Sinornithosaurus is a negative one, and that is the absence of Pol, Chapter  in this volume), one should be hesitant to
hand and tail feathers. No true feathers (i.e., with rachis and make too much of these findings. Nevertheless, they may be
barbs) of the sort seen in birds and Caudipteryx have been legitimate evidence for feather or featherlike structures out-
recovered with Sinornithosaurus. This is a bit troubling be- side Aves.
cause the phylogenetic hypothesis of Sereno (a) pre- In sum, the significance of these Chinese (and Mongo-
dicts that, minimally, hand and tail feathers should be found lian) fossils for the debate on avian origins, in one sense,
in dromaeosaurids. However, given that the integumentary should be minimal. That is, we should not be surprised at
structures are not in life position and that the Sinor- the identification of feathers in a group of animals that a
nithosaurus specimen is generally jumbled somewhat on the broad consensus had always thought was close to avian an-
slab, it is probably best not to make too much of this absence cestry. The discovery of feathers in, say, Caudipteryx simply
and assume that it is preservational. Close examination re- adds one more apomorphy to the long list of derived char-
veals some details suggesting that the filaments of Sinor- acters linking birds with theropod dinosaurs. The disproof
nithosaurus are more structured than those of Sinosaurop- of feathers in any of these Chinese forms would simply re-
teryx and Beipiaosaurus and hence more similar to avian move one character; all the others would remain. Likewise,
feathers. Xu et al. (b) documented branching of some forcing Caudipteryx to be within Aves because of its posses-
filaments, the compound construction of filamentous bun- sion of true feathers (Cai and Zhao, ) would not auto-
dles, and even the occurrence of basal tufts of filaments, all matically strip it of its clear theropod heritage. Thus, in this
features indicative of a more structurally complex integu- context, feathered dinosaurs are not that important. But,
mentary covering. This report was followed shortly by the of course, in this high-profile, high-energy debate, rhetoric,
announcement by Ji et al. (; see also Norell, ) of a new regrettably, sometimes seems paramount to evidence.
specimen of a juvenile dromaeosaurid that is very similar to Feathers—that quintessentially avian trait—have always
Sinornithosaurus and may even be the same species. The been the great definer of birds. The presence of unambigu-
specimen preserves the integument in place and affirms ous feathers in an unambiguously nonavian theropod has
the complex nature of the integument in dromaeosaurids. the rhetorical impact of an atomic bomb, rendering any
Not only does the juvenile specimen show branching and doubt about the theropod relationships of birds ludicrous.
tufted filaments, but it also shows fibers branching off of a
central axial filament—that is, it shows structure that could The Relationship of the Origin
be interpreted as being the rachis and barbs of a “true” of Flight to the Origin Of Birds
feather. Moreover, Ji et al. () argued that the structures
were so well ordered that birdlike barbules almost certainly The origin of birds is, at its core, a matter of genealogy. That
had to have been present. As in Caudipteryx, the tail and fore- is, regardless of your systematic philosophy—whether it be
limbs have the best-organized integumentary structures. cladistic, phenetic, or eclectic—avian ancestry is a question
Microraptor, the tiny dromaeosaurid reported by Xu et of phylogeny, or, more precisely, phylogenetic reconstruc-
al. (), lacks hand and tail feathers but has the now typ- tion. For most biologists, phylogenetic reconstruction has
ical filamentous coat. As in the juvenile dromaeosaurid, become more or less synonymous with phylogenetic sys-
some integumentary impressions bear a rachislike struc- tematics or cladistics, whereby the distribution of attributes
ture, suggesting that true feathers might have been present among taxa forms the primary raw data used to develop hy-

14 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
potheses of relationship. The debate on the origin of birds, attributes not typical of theropod dinosaurs (Martin, ,
however, has been unusual in that a different approach has , ; Tarsitano, , ; Feduccia and Wild, ;
been applied by a minority of workers for many years (Wit- Feduccia, , a).
mer, , b, ). This approach is () to create the Again, my intent is not to explore this model or its the-
most likely scenario for the origin of avian flight, () to de- oretical premises but rather to evaluate the validity of the
duce from this scenario the morphological features likely to approach. We are faced with two interesting and obviously
be present in the hypothetical “proavis,” and then (), as I related issues: the genealogical ancestry of birds, and the
have said before (Witmer, b:),“to search the animal evolution of flight in birds. The question then becomes,
kingdom for a match.” Thus, functional hypotheses on the Is resolution of one issue logically prior to resolution of
origin of flight are being used to test phylogenetic hypothe- the other? The answer is yes, and most theorists would ar-
ses on the origin of birds. This distinction between the func- gue that workers such as Martin, Feduccia, and Tarsitano
tional and phylogenetic approaches to avian origins has not have the logical order reversed. In other words, the phylo-
been widely appreciated. genetic question of avian ancestry must precede the func-
For decades, of course, discussions on the origin of flight tional question of how flight arose. There is a fairly exten-
in birds have been dominated and dichotomized by the sive literature on the relationship of functional inference to
arboreal hypothesis (a.k.a. the “trees down” theory) and phylogenetic inference, most prominently discussed by
the cursorial hypothesis (a.k.a. the “ground up” theory). The Lauder (, , ; Lauder and Liem, ), although
cursorial hypothesis has been closely associated with the others have commented on the issue (e.g., Padian, , ,
notion of relationships to theropod dinosaurs, whereas ; Liem, ; Bryant and Russell, ; Weishampel,
the arboreal hypothesis has been tied to the “alternative an- ; Witmer, a). These authors all agree that functional
cestry” hypothesis (that is, the origin of birds from a usually hypotheses and scenarios are best tested within the context
poorly defined group other than theropods, most often of a strict hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships, prima-
basal archosaurs). It is my intention in this section neither rily for the simple reason that evolutionary history con-
to evaluate these ideas nor to provide a historical account; strains functional systems and their evolution. The evolu-
these are beyond the scope of this chapter (see Hecht et al., tionary “starting point” for any functional transition is
; Feduccia, ; Shipman, a). Rather, my goal is to absolutely critical. The evolutionary trajectory from a
examine how these two functional hypotheses relate to the Megalancosaurus-like form to a flying bird will be much dif-
phylogenetic question of avian origins. Moreover, it is ferent from the trajectory from a Deinonychus-like form to
worthwhile to question the strict coupling of the cursorial a flying bird, regardless of whether these “starting points”
hypothesis with theropods, on the one hand, and the arbo- are arboreal, terrestrial, aquatic, or whatever. Determining
real hypothesis with alternative ancestors, on the other hand this evolutionary “starting point” is a matter of genealogy,
(Witmer, ). For example, is the arboreal hypothesis that is, of phylogenetic inference, not functional inference.
truly inconsistent with theropod relationships? Thus, the details of any functional transition, such as the
Opponents of theropod relationships have argued origin and refinement of flight, can be best dissected with
strongly for a tight linkage between these functional and the tool of a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis (see
phylogenetic issues. For example, Feduccia (:viii) stated Cracraft, ; Chiappe, ; Sereno, b, a).
that “a dinosaurian origin of birds is inextricably linked Bock (, , ), on the other hand, has argued
with the cursorial, or ground-up origin, of avian flight, vigorously and persuasively for the validity of what
which is a biophysical impossibility.” Martin (:) char- amounts to a “function-first,” scenario-based kind of ap-
acterized the debate on avian origins exclusively in func- proach, couched in the philosophical terms of historical-
tional terms, claiming that “in the great bird-dinosaur de- narrative explanations. Nevertheless, most current opinion
bate, the participants huddle in two camps, which has found such scenario building in the absence of a strict
paleontologists have nicknamed ‘ground up’ and ‘trees phylogenetic hypothesis to fall short on the grounds of
down.’” Bock so intertwined the functional and phylo- testability. More to the point, it seems unjustified to believe
genetic questions that he entitled a paper “The Arboreal that such scenarios—no matter how intuitively appealing,
Theory for the Origin of Birds” and used “origin of birds” such as is the case with the arboreal theory—can overturn
and “origin of flight” almost interchangeably (Bock, ). as well substantiated a phylogenetic hypothesis as is the
Tarsitano (, ) also strongly advocated this approach. theropod hypothesis. The hypothesized steps in the func-
The basic premise here is that flight began in animals that tional transition from an arboreal proavis to a flying bird are
lived in high places (trees, in most formulations) and made generally tested by only plausibility or modeling rather than
use of gravity and expanded body surface area to slow de- hard data. On the other hand, phylogenetic hypotheses are
scent during falls and leaps; hence, these animals should have much better grounded in tangible evidence—in this case,
been small, quadrupedal, and with arboreal adaptations— actual objects (bones) that can be observed, measured, and

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 15
compared—and hence cladograms are subject to more rig- As outlined previously, the theropod school is on much
orous tests. firmer theoretical ground in placing phylogeny logically
But, in many respects, it is the role that cladistic analysis prior to function. In fact, it was this kind of reasoning that
has played in the theropod hypothesis that has elicited the helped bolster the cursorial origin of avian flight. That is,
opposition. Opponents of theropod relationships have si- since the theropod outgroups of Archaeopteryx and other
multaneously waged a war against phylogenetic systemat- birds were more or less large animals, the origin of flight
ics, because, for authors like Feduccia (), Martin (), clearly is best understood in this terrestrial or cursorial con-
and Bock (), “cladistic analysis . . . lies at the core of the text (Padian, ; Gauthier and Padian, ; Padian and
debate concerning bird origins” (Feduccia, :). Such Chiappe, a,b). However, as noted by Sereno and Rao
statements are a little difficult to reconcile with the fact that, (), arboreality was apparently an early adaptation for
say, John Ostrom (, ), who is not a cladist, formu- birds. Hence, the debates about the arboreality versus ter-
lated the theropod hypothesis using precisely the systematic restriality of Archaeopteryx have always been seen as critical.
methodology these authors advocate. Nevertheless, more Arguments on both sides have been presented for decades
recent authors have indeed employed phylogenetic system- (see Hecht et al., ; Paul, ; Feduccia, ; Padian and
atics, and some reviewers of Feduccia’s  book agreed Chiappe, a,b), and, once partisanship is eliminated, no
that differing systematic philosophies are part of the source clear consensus emerges. Interestingly, independent studies
of the conflict (Norell and Chiappe, ; Sereno, a; on pedal proportions in Archaeopteryx and other taxa
Witmer, b; see, in particular, Padian, , for an analy- (Hopson and Chiappe, ; Zhou, ) have agreed in
sis of this issue). What is pertinent here for the “function showing that the feet of Archaeopteryx are basically inter-
versus phylogeny” debate is that, given the role of cladistic mediate between those of a terrestrial cursor and those of
analysis in () modern functional inference in general and an arboreal bird. Thus, Archaeopteryx itself is inconclusive
() the theropod hypothesis for avian ancestry in particular, in establishing the phylogenetic level at which arboreality
it seems unlikely that those in the Feduccia/Martin school occurred (assuming for the sake of argument that it oc-
will adopt the “phylogeny-first, function-second” approach curred only once).
to understanding the origin of flight advocated here. The question ultimately comes down to the actual thero-
Perhaps the greatest irony for this whole issue is that pod ancestor of birds: what it looked like and how it lived
there probably is no adequate justification for tightly cou- its life. Although virtually all recent analyses put Dro-
pling the cursorial theory with theropod relationships and maeosauridae or Troodontidae (or the two together as
the arboreal theory with alternative ancestry. It is conceiv- Deinonychosauria) as the sister group of Aves, neither is
able that the Feduccia/Martin school is correct that the ar- truly the ancestor, and hence known forms like Deinonychus
boreal model for the origin of flight is the superior model— or Troodon can only go so far as models for the true avian
but the evolutionary starting point may in fact be a small ancestor (see Gatesy, Chapter  in this volume, for an in-
theropod dinosaur. Why must these functional and phylo- sightful discussion). Virtually all early birds are small ani-
genetic models be coupled (Witmer, )? The coupling mals, so, at some point in the transition to birds, miniatur-
of these models has more to do with the tactics of the de- ization took place. Small size has many virtues. That is, in
bate than the debate itself. Advocates of the alternative- the absence of the constraints imposed by large mass, small
ancestry/arboreal pairing have pointed to the large size of animals can exploit a broad behavioral repertoire without
such obviously terrestrial theropods as Tyrannosaurus or necessarily having to develop novel morphological adapta-
even Deinonychus in the hope of illustrating how ludicrous tions. This line of reasoning is obviously leading toward the
the notion of an arboreal/theropod origin of birds is (e.g., possibility that the miniaturization took place within a lin-
Tarsitano, ; Martin, , ; Feduccia, , b). eage that we would probably recognize as “nonavian,” that
Advocates of the theropod/cursorial pair called attention to is, a lineage of little dinosaurs. If such a tiny theropod ha-
the same terrestrial attributes of theropods in arguing for bitually used trees or other high places (and one can easily
their position (e.g., Ostrom, ). In general, each camp envision many sound reasons for doing so), then perhaps
has chosen a single point on which to be immovable and the arboreal model propounded by opponents of theropod
hence forces the functional or phylogenetic issue to fall in relationships would apply equally well to theropods. This
line with that point. For the Feduccia/Martin school, the ar- notion is not new, and a number of workers have argued for
boreal theory is unshakable, and hence all phylogenetic an arboreal origin of avian flight from tiny, dromaeosaur-
possibilities must be concordant—and theropods, they ar- like ancestors (Abel, ; Paul, , , ; Witmer,
gue, are the height of discord. On the other hand, the thero- c; Chatterjee, a,b; Xu et al., ; Zhou and Wang,
pod school has remained intransigent on the phylogenetic ). In particular, Chatterjee and Paul have developed
issue, and hence the functional transition to flight has been fairly elaborate models and have identified a number of fea-
constrained. tures of dromaeosaurlike theropods that may indicate ar-

16 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
boreal capabilities. Significantly, a variety of tiny theropods, potheses: () the theropod hypothesis and () the “not-
such as Bambiraptor (Burnham et al., ) and Micro- theropod” or, as I have termed it previously, “the alternative
raptor (Xu et al., ), have begun to turn up in the fossil ancestry hypothesis.” Relationship to crocodylomorphs,
record. originally proposed by Walker (), seems to have simply
It is not my aim here to evaluate models for an arboreal faded away in that earlier advocates, such as Martin (,
origin of avian flight from theropod dinosaurs. Although ), Walker (), and Tarsitano (), have not renewed
the idea has a lot of merit, virtually all models on the origin their support. The basal archosauriform hypothesis re-
of avian flight are so speculative and so data-poor that any ceived a significant boost from Welman (), who sug-
satisfactory resolution is unlikely any time soon. In fact, gested that Euparkeria shares with Archaeopteryx to the ex-
there are serious testability problems for all these models. clusion of theropods and crocodylomorphs a large suite of
For example, mathematical models for the origin of avian derived characters in the cranial base. This new “thecodont”
flight abound (e.g., Caple et al., ; Balda et al., ; Nor- hypothesis has received to date no additional adherents and
berg, ; Rayner, ; Pennycuick, ; Herzog, ; was severely challenged by the detailed analysis of Gower
Ebel, ; Burgers and Chiappe, ), but they all suffer to and Weber (). Thus, for the present, the crocodylo-
varying extents from testability problems—and this prob- morph and basal archosauriform hypotheses no longer ap-
lem pertains to all models, regardless of the phylogenetic pear to merit serious consideration.
starting point. The fact is that we simply have paltry data on Indeed, opposition to the theropod origin of birds has
the functional capabilities of any of the principal taxa (e.g., become almost exclusively just that, an argument of op-
dromaeosaurids, troodontids, Triassic archosauromorphs position rather than an argument of advocacy. Criticism is
like Megalancosaurus or Longisquama). Despite numerous a necessary and appropriate part of the scientific process,
studies, even the basic lifestyle of Archaeopteryx is disputed. and opponents have published a number of papers taking
It is conceivable that the origin of flight—as a matter of sci- issue with certain of the characters (Martin et al., ;
entific discourse—is out of reach. We may simply never Martin, , ; Tarsitano, ; Feduccia, ). It is not
have the appropriate data to adequately test any models. In my goal here to analyze these criticisms or to provide re-
fact, this is probably the reason that the debate on the ori- sponses, although a few will be touched on in the next sec-
gin of flight has raged uncontrolled for a century with no tion. My main point here is that opponents have sought to
sign of resolution in sight. All ideas remain active because destroy but not build in that they have lost sight of the goal
almost none can be falsified. of phylogenetically linking birds to actual taxa. The cladis-
It is fair to regard the foregoing as overly pessimistic, but tic approach is more constructive in that a particular phy-
one thing that must be true is that modeling the origin of logenetic hypothesis is refuted not simply by criticizing
avian flight is a very poor research strategy for discovering the characters but rather by offering an alternative that
the origin of birds. The origin of flight is logically and better accounts for the available data, that is, an hypothe-
methodologically secondary to the phylogenetic origin of sis that is more parsimonious, a shorter tree. In , I
birds. There is currently no good reason to rigidly couple stated: “At present, supporters of relationships of birds
models of the origin of flight with particular phylogenetic with crocodylomorphs, ‘thecodonts,’ or mammals have
clades. And, perhaps most troubling, the details (or even the failed to produce a competing cladogram, and in this
broader pattern) of the functional transition to powered respect the coelurosaurian hypothesis is uncontested”
flight may be lost in time and virtually unrecoverable in any (Witmer, :).
rigorous scientific sense. That statement still stands today, largely because there
are no serious alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. For
The Status of Alternatives some time, opponents have offered a variety of small, gen-
to the Theropod Hypothesis erally poorly preserved Triassic forms as being relevant to
the debate (Martin, , , , ; Tarsitano, ,
There is no question that the theropod origin of birds is by ; Feduccia and Wild, ; Feduccia, ). These Trias-
far the most popular hypothesis on avian ancestry. The sic taxa include Megalancosaurus, Cosesaurus, Sclero-
question then arises, Are there credible alternatives? In most mochlus, and Longisquama. These forms do not constitute
previous reviews (e.g., Ostrom, ; Gauthier, ; Wit- a clade but are a hodgepodge of basal archosaurs or basal ar-
mer, ; Feduccia, ; Padian and Chiappe, b), the chosauromorphs. Megalancosaurus and Cosesaurus both
debate on avian origins was divided into three competing pertain to the archosauromorph clade Prolacertiformes
hypotheses: () the theropod hypothesis, () the crocodylo- (Sanz and Lopez-Martinez, ; Renesto, ). Sclero-
morph hypothesis, and () the basal archosauriform or mochlus has been thought to be related to a variety of taxa,
“thecodont” hypothesis. However, in recent years it has be- most commonly pterosaurs and dinosaurs (Padian, ;
come apparent that there really are just two major hy- Gauthier, ; Benton, ). Longisquama has never been

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 17
subjected to adequate phylogenetic scrutiny; Sharov () Still, Jones et al. (a) regarded the structures as feath-
placed it in “Pseudosuchia,” and Haubold and Buffetaut ers probably homologous to those of birds. The implica-
() agreed, although Charig (:) argued that “the tions of such a hypothesis were not explored in the paper.
justification for this assignation is obscure.” Tarsitano For example, if feathers are a very basal innovation among
(:) and Feduccia (:) referred to these taxa as archosaurs, then this would constitute strong support for
“avimorph thecodonts” in that they regarded them as basi- the interpretation of the filaments of, say, Sinosauropteryx as
cally birdlike. The resemblances, however, have never been feathers (which would be ironic given that Jones and col-
particularly strong or numerous. Authors such as Feduccia, leagues were such vocal opponents of feathered dinosaurs).
Martin, and Tarsitano generally have not considered these But if feathers are a basal character evolving in the Triassic,
taxa to be truly ancestral to birds but rather as merely rep- then where are all the Triassic and Jurassic fossil feathers?
resentative of what their hypothesized arboreal proavis was There are abundant unequivocal fossil feathers in the Cre-
like. In other words, these taxa show that there were small, taceous, but none prior to those of Archaeopteryx in the Late
arboreal, quadrupedal animals running around before Jurassic (see Kellner, Chapter  in this volume).
Archaeopteryx (although it should be pointed out that the The Jones et al. (a) paper carefully avoided any
preferred habitat and mode of life of these animals are per- statement on the origin of birds, but the authors were very
haps not as obvious as commonly portrayed). vocal in the associated media furor (e.g., see Stokstad,
But even given that such animals existed and are con- ), arguing that the finding of feathers in Longisquama
sistent with the arboreal theory for the origin of avian refuted the theropod hypothesis and that Longisquama it-
flight, this does not constitute actual evidence relevant to self is “an ideal bird ancestor” (J. A. Ruben quoted in Stok-
the ancestry of birds. For example, unless Megalancosaurus stad, :). This example of disparity between scien-
is being considered as close to the ancestry of birds, tific and public statements is just the latest in the long
whether or not it has a “straplike scapula” or a “birdlike or- history of the debate on avian origins, and it is best to focus
bit” (Feduccia and Wild, ) is of questionable signifi- on the scientific evidence. In this case, the paper of Jones et
cance. It is conceivable that viable candidates for avian an- al. (a) offered no scientific statement on the ancestry of
cestry could emerge from such a nexus of “avimorph” birds. In fact, their claims of homology of the integumen-
forms, but such hypotheses will continue to be relegated to tary appendages of Longisquama with avian feathers was an
the fringe unless they are framed in explicit phylogenetic incidental point of the paper, based basically on their opin-
terms and take head-on the theropod hypothesis on its ions and not on a careful phylogenetic treatment, which is
own terms. the ultimate arbiter of homology. It is fair to say that Jones
Nevertheless, one of these “avimorph” forms captured et al. (a) demonstrated that the integumentary ap-
broad attention when Jones et al. (a:) pointed to a pendages of Longisquama are more interesting and unusual
number of features of the integumentary appendages of than previously thought. Beyond that—and in the absence
Longisquama that led them to conclude that these structures of a phylogenetic analysis—Longisquama and its appen-
represent “nonavian feathers, probably homologous to dages are as irrelevant to the debate on the origin of birds as
those in birds.” The most compelling resemblances center are the other “avimorph” forms.
on the presence of a calamuslike base wrapped in a pre- In sum, at present there remains no credible alternative
sumably epidermal sheath, indicating that the appendages to maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs for the origin of birds.
probably developed in a follicle, as is characteristic of feath- Previous tangible alternatives (crocodylomorphs, basal ar-
ers and unlike scales. However, their interpretation of the chosauriforms such as Euparkeria) have been refuted or
structures coming off the central axis as separate “barbs” summarily dropped because of lack of interest. What has re-
seems overly generous at best. These structures unite dis- placed these are intangible “models” that conform to pre-
tally, forming a continuous ribbon around the periphery of conceived notions on how bird flight evolved, that is, taxa
the appendage. This distal union is completely unlike the that, although not truly related to birds, are “much like what
situation in avian feathers, and even if a few tolerably simi- we would expect” the true ancestors to be. In some ways, it
lar examples—all of which are specialized feathers—can be seems as if the search for real avian relatives has been sup-
found among birds, it is clearly not the primitive avian con- planted by the mission to discredit both the theropod hy-
dition (Kellner, Chapter  in this volume). It seems more pothesis and the cladistic methodology that continues to
likely that the “barbs” identified by Jones et al. (a) are corroborate the hypothesis. Fossils such as Longisquama
in fact plications or corrugations in a continuous structure, may someday emerge as more relevant players in the debate,
which would be more consistent with a modified scale than but if the media hype surrounding the Jones et al. (a)
a feather. Reisz and Sues () also were critical of the hy- paper was any indication, even Longisquama will be just an-
pothesis of Jones et al. (a), advancing many of the same other attempt to develop a rhetorical weapon to attack the
arguments just articulated. theropod hypothesis and cladistics.

18 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
The Status of the Theropod Hypothesis control” (as he later put it [Martin, :]) as inappropri-
ate but rather as a normal part of the scientific process in
The only explicit hypothesis for the phylogenetic relation- which new data or claims are evaluated. In this light, let us
ships of birds states that avian ancestry is fully embedded briefly examine these three categories.
somewhere within the nexus of maniraptoran theropod di- The “time problem”—or “temporal paradox,” as it is of-
nosaurs, probably nearest to Dromaeosauridae and/or ten known—relates to the fact that the closest nonavian
Troodontidae among known groups. As such, it is “the only theropod sister groups of birds are all Cretaceous in age and
game in town.” As mentioned previously, opponents of hence younger than Archaeopteryx. The issue has been
theropod relationships have regarded the hypothesis as raised many times over the years, but Feduccia has wielded
basically an unfortunate outcome of sloppy application of it as a bludgeon. For example, he stated that “to such work-
phylogenetic systematics. However, the idea was formulated ers [paleontologists] it is inconsequential that birdlike di-
by Ostrom () and initially supported (e.g., Bakker and nosaurs occur some  million or more years after the ori-
Galton, ; Thulborn, ; Thulborn and Hamley, ) gin of birds” (Feduccia, :vii). Elsewhere, Feduccia
without cladistics. In large measure, the many cladistic (:, italics in original) painted an even worse picture,
studies that have followed have served mostly to support, claiming that “most of the supposed similarities between
clarify, and update Ostrom’s original work. More impor- the urvögel [meaning specifically Archaeopteryx] and dino-
tant, they have repeatedly tested the hypothesis (although, saurs are seen in birdlike dinosaurs that lived  to  mil-
to be fair, it must be pointed out that they rarely include lion years later.” The latter date in the second quote would
nondinosaurian taxa in the analysis). Among the more im- actually put these “birdlike dinosaurs” in the Eocene (!)
portant cladistic studies are those of Padian (), Thul- —perhaps a simple mistake on Feduccia’s part, but it re-
born (), Gauthier (), Holtz (), Novas (), flects a consistent hyperbolic exaggeration of the time dis-
Forster et al. (), Sereno (a), and Clark, Norell, and cordance (Witmer, b).
Makovicky (Chapter  in this volume). It is true that, say, Velociraptor is  My younger than
Until the reemergence of Alan Feduccia in the debate in Archaeopteryx, but other dromaeosaurids and troodontids
the mid-s, opposition to the theropod hypothesis had are much closer in age to Archaeopteryx: Deinonychus is 
become basically mute, and, in my opinion, theropod ad- My younger, Utahraptor is only  My younger, Sinor-
vocates had become complacent (Witmer, b). But Fe- nithosaurus is only about  My younger, and Sinovenator is
duccia reenergized the opposition, enlisting new recruits less than  My younger (Swisher et al., ; Xu et al., ).
(e.g., J. A. Ruben) and strengthening former alliances (e.g., There are much greater time discordances in the dinosaur
with L. D. Martin). The warfare metaphor is intended to be fossil record (Sereno, b, a) than this one. But,
lighthearted, but there is clearly a sense that this group feels moreover, there are a variety of fragmentary specimens
as if it is fighting a holy war against a great oppressor; (mostly teeth) of animals that closely resemble those of
Feduccia (quoted in Shipman, b:) went so far as to re- dromaeosaurids and troodontids recovered from Middle
gard Ruben as a “comrade in the war against hot-blooded Jurassic deposits that predate Archaeopteryx by  My
dinos.” This group has offered criticisms on a number of (Evans and Milner, ; Metcalf and Walker, ). Simi-
fronts. Much of the criticism has taken the form of com- larly, Zinke () reported on an extensive collection of
ments to the media, book reviews (Martin, , ), pop- theropod teeth from deposits perhaps just slightly older
ular articles or books (Feduccia, , , b), and than Archaeopteryx; Zinke made firm assignments of
other outlets outside normal peer review (e.g., Martin ). these teeth to Dromaeosauridae ( teeth), Troodontidae
Chief among these criticisms is that relating to the func- ( teeth), and Tyrannosauridae ( teeth). Finally, Jensen
tional problems of evolving flight in an arboreal context and Padian () described fragmentary but provocative
when theropods seem to have been such obligate terrestrial skeletal material of maniraptoran theropods from the
animals; having discussed the multiple fallacies in this gen- Late Jurassic Morrison Formation. Even if some of these
eral approach earlier, I will turn to other issues. More precise taxonomic assignments do not stand scrutiny,
specific challenges can be grouped into three categories: () they clearly indicate that there were nonavian manirap-
the time problem, () problems of morphological interpre- torans that existed prior to Archaeopteryx. Moreover,
tation or homology, and () single problems of such signi- Brochu and Norell () pursued the temporal paradox
ficance that they alone would falsify the theropod hypothe- issue by comparing stratigraphic consistency indices and
sis. Martin (:) regarded these criticisms as causing a other phylogenetic metrics among various hypotheses
“collapse of various anatomical arguments for a bird- for avian origins, and they found that the theropod hy-
dinosaur connection followed by determined efforts [by pothesis actually compares favorably to the alternatives
advocates of theropod relationships] to bolster failing char- when considered globally across the cladogram. Thus, not
acters.” However, I do not regard such efforts at “damage only is the time problem not particularly severe, it does

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 19
not even exist, and its perpetuation in the face of such data flict arises because embryologists have repeatedly come up
is untenable. with the result that the avian hand skeleton has digits II–IV
Opponents of theropod relationships have questioned (Hinchliffe and Hecht, ; Hinchliffe, ; Shubin and
either the interpretation or the homology of a number of Alberch, ). Opponents of theropod relationships (Tar-
characters (see Martin, , , , ; Tarsitano, ; sitano and Hecht, ; Martin, ; Tarsitano, ; Fe-
Feduccia, , a). Only one of the higher-profile char- duccia, ) seized on this as a potentially fatal flaw: if
acters will be discussed here as an example, and that is the birds truly evolved from dinosaurs, then birds would have
semilunate carpal, one of the classic Ostrom characters. Os- had to have lost one finger (I) and gained another (IV)—
trom () originally—and erroneously—regarded the an unlikely proposition.
element in Deinonychus as a radiale (i.e., a proximal carpal For more than a decade this debate was basically a stale-
element), even though it clearly was much more tightly ar- mate, until a paper published by Burke and Feduccia ()
ticulated to the metacarpus than to the antebrachium. Gau- reopened the issue. The paper offered few new data or in-
thier (), without fanfare, corrected this error and re- sights; instead, it largely restated the conflict, updated the
garded it as a distal carpal, which is the identity of the embryological component by integrating the primary-axis
semilunate element in birds. Nevertheless, the homology paradigm of Shubin and Alberch (), and asserted that
has been vigorously questioned (see Martin, , ; these data refute the theropod relationships of birds. There
Feduccia, , and references therein). Until relatively re- are valid complaints that can be leveled at the Burke and Fe-
cently, the complete carpal structure was understood for duccia study (e.g., see Chatterjee, a; Garner and
relatively few theropods. However, the wrist is now known Thomas, ; Padian and Chiappe, a,b; Zweers and
in many theropods, and the presence of a semilunate carpal Vanden Berge, ), and I could add some additional
characterizes a broad taxon (Neotetanurae), where it can ones. But rather than expand this discussion with elaborate
be seen to be a distal carpal element (Sereno, a). For counterpoints, a broader issue needs to be raised, and that
example, within coelurosaurs there are specimens (e.g., is the relationship between different kinds of data, in this
Scipionyx samniticus [Dal Sasso and Signore, ] and case paleontological and embryological. There is a sense
Sinornithoides youngi [Russell and Dong, ; personal among some that the embryological signal must be correct
observation of IVPP V]) that clearly show the semi- because it involves seemingly high-tech bench science and
lunate carpal to be distal to another carpal element (the makes reference to hox genes, as opposed to the dust and
radiale), clinching its identity as a distal carpal. Neither dirt of paleontology. The fact is that both disciplines require
Feduccia () nor Martin () cited the new evidence a lot of interpretation of the data. The observed embryonic
from Sinornithoides, despite the fact that Russell and Dong condensations and their pattern of connectivity do not
(:) clearly identified both a radiale and a semilunate come with unequivocal labels but rather require much in-
carpal. There seems to be little reason to doubt the homol- terpretation before elements can be identified. For instance,
ogy of the carpal elements of nonavian maniraptorans, the structure that Burke and Feduccia () identified as a
Archaeopteryx, and other birds. Some of the challenges to transient metacarpal V in chicken hand development could
other characters have been addressed by other workers, for indeed be just that, but it is never part of the metacarpal ar-
example, the furcula and sternum (Norell and Makovicky, cade and could just as easily be regarded as a bifurcation of
; Norell et al., ; Makovicky and Currie, ; Clark the adjacent carpal condensation. Given that these embry-
et al., ; Sereno, a) and the pelvis (Norell and ological data are no “cleaner” than paleontological data, I
Makovicky, , ). am reluctant to accept their implications, particularly when
Two issues have been proposed as being so important studies by Hinchliffe (e.g., ) clearly document that avian
that they alone would have the power to overthrow the en- hand development is a complicated and unusual system
tire theropod hypothesis. These issues are the homology of (with the ulnare progressively disappearing and replaced by
the manual digits and the evolution of the lung ventilatory a mysterious “X element” of uncertain origin). Thus, I do
mechanism. The question of digital homologies has a fairly not find compelling the paper of Wagner and Gauthier
long and extensive history (see Hinchliffe and Hecht, ) () that argued that, in effect, both embryologists and
but basically involves a conflict between paleontology and paleontologists are correct. They suggested that there has
embryology. There is almost unanimous agreement that been a “frame shift” in “developmental identities” over the
the pattern of digit reduction observed throughout thero- course of theropod phylogeny such that embryonic con-
pod phylogeny indicates that the digits of maniraptorans densations II–IV differentiate into definitive digits I–III
are I-II-III (Ostrom, ; Gauthier, ; Tarsitano, ; somewhere near the origin of Tetanurae. It is a tidy and in-
Feduccia, ; Sereno, b; Chatterjee, a; Padian triguing hypothesis, but it seems largely untestable (since
and Chiappe, b). Thus, those who regard birds as di- the embryology of fossil taxa is unknowable) and probably
nosaurs accept that birds also retain digits I–III. The con- is circular (they must “postulate a frame shift” and hence

20 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
cannot then use these data to deduce a frame shift). In sum, pump hypothesis, Ruben et al. () made no mention of
unless some new line of evidence arises, I continue to find any relevance of this research to the origin of birds, al-
the I-II-III assessment to be the most conservative and the though Feduccia (a) continued to tout such evidence
best supported. as damning to the theropod hypothesis.
Whereas the discussion on digital homologies often Despite such external challenges to the theropod origin
seems to be a tired topic, a fresh new challenge came from a of birds, this hypothesis has survived and continually gains
paper by J. A. Ruben and colleagues (). In this paper, news adherents. This final section will examine briefly the
they argued that theropod dinosaurs lacked an avian-style theropod hypothesis from within, particularly with regard
flow-through lung (i.e., with abdominal air sacs, etc.) but to the diversity of opinion. In my  review, I was able to
rather had a crocodilianlike “hepatic piston” whereby the report a fair amount of diversity within the general notion
lungs were ventilated with the assistance of a hepatic- that birds were somehow closely related to theropods. At
diaphragmatic complex that was retracted (like a piston) by that time, there were active hypotheses that suggested that
diaphragmatic muscles attaching to the pubis. Despite ob- birds were closest to coelophysoids, troodontids, ovirap-
vious significance for dinosaur physiology, what has engen- torosaurs, dromaeosaurids, and Avimimus (see Witmer,
dered more controversy is a statement in the Ruben et al. , and references therein). At the dawn of the twenty-
() paper suggesting that the presence of such a lung ven- first century, there is remarkably little diversity. Instead, the
tilatory system in theropods would effectively deny them phylogenetic analyses from all the sources cited earlier seem
the possibility of being the progenitors of birds. Their point to be converging on close relationships to Dromaeosauri-
is that the hepatic piston is an evolutionarily canalized sys- dae, Troodontidae, or a Deinonychosauria clade (Dro-
tem that could never evolve into an avian system. Thus, de- maeosauridae + Troodontidae).
spite all the evidence from cladistics, birds could not have Still there is diversity. A recent development that has not
had their origins among theropod dinosaurs. received wide attention derives from the collaboration of
Evaluating this proposition involves two separate issues. G. A. Zweers and J. C. Vanden Berge (Zweers et al., ;
First, did theropods actually have a crocodilianlike hepatic Zweers and Vanden Berge, ). These authors have de-
piston? And second, even if they did, how do we know that vised an elaborate and intriguing scheme for the evolution
such a system could not evolve into the avian system? The of the feeding or trophic apparatus in birds. Despite Feduc-
first issue is really beyond the scope of this chapter. Never- cia’s consistent portrayal (e.g., Feduccia, , ) of the
theless, Ruben et al. (:) stated that “the hepatic- origin debate as basically a dichotomy between ornitholo-
piston diaphragm systems in crocodilians and theropods gists and paleontologists, Zweers and Vanden Berge, two of
are convergently derived.” Thus, the theropod system would the leading anatomical ornithologists in Europe and North
constitute, according to the inferential hierarchy of Witmer America, respectively, firmly embedded birds within Thero-
(a), a level III inference, that is, a relatively weak soft- poda. In fact, they not only “embedded” birds within
tissue inference requiring exceptionally compelling mor- Theropoda but actually “scattered” avian clades through-
phological evidence. The second issue is more pertinent out Theropoda in that they, somewhat reminiscent of Lowe
here in that it speaks directly to the origin of birds. The (, ), argued for the polyphyly of birds (Zweers
problem with the claim of canalization by Ruben et al. and Vanden Berge, ). In their scheme, Archaeopteryx,
() is that it is based not so much on evidence as on au- Alvarezsauridae, and Enantiornithes form a clade with
thority. That is, canalization is asserted rather than demon- dromaeosaurids as the basal taxon; hoatzins, cranes, and
strated. These authors have argued that, basically,“you can’t palaeognaths form a clade with Hesperornis, Ichthyornis,
get there from here.” How could we test this hypothesis that and ornithomimids; and all other birds and Confuciusornis
the avian system could not evolve from the presumed he- form a clade with troodontids as its basal taxon. It is im-
patic piston of theropod? An obvious test is a phylogenetic possible to do justice here to the complexity of the func-
one: integrate it with other data and let it play out on the tional arguments presented in these papers, although they
cladogram. Given the considerable evidence that birds are are very enlightening and engaging whether or not one ac-
embedded within Theropoda, it would seem that indeed cepts the authors’ phylogenetic scheme. In fact, throughout
“you can get there from here,” even if the physiological or both papers, particularly Zweers et al. (), it is not that
anatomical mechanism is at present obscure. clear whether the scheme is intended to reflect a hypothet-
In sum, regardless of whether the inference of the ical functional framework or a true depiction of phylogeny.
hepatic-pump ventilatory system in theropods is suffi- But in Zweers and Vanden Berge (:) it eventually be-
ciently robust to be sustained, there seems to be little in the comes clear that they indeed regard birds as polyphyletic,
Ruben et al. () paper that requires an overhaul of our describing “successive waves of avian radiation.” Neverthe-
views on avian origins. Significantly perhaps, in a more re- less, they recognized that “at several points this scenario
cent paper that sought to bolster the theropod hepatic- does not coincide with the most recent avian phylogeny,

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 21
which remains to be explained” (Zweers and Vanden Berge, similarities remain homologous. The “successive waves of
:). avian radiation” scheme described by Zweers and Vanden
Indeed, it is likely that their scheme would be found to Berge is not far removed from the successive waves of thero-
be less parsimonious than a cladogram produced by, say, pod descent from an avian stem envisioned by Paul and Ol-
Chiappe or Sereno. But their notion of “successive waves of shevsky. In all these formulations, the evolution of birds and
avian radiation” is not entirely new and represents just the theropods is hopelessly intertwined. The current orthodoxy
most recent version of the idea that birds and “conven- (Ostrom, ; Gauthier, ; Sereno, a) has produced
tional” theropods are more intertwined than commonly a fairly tidy phylogenetic pattern. These nonstandard views
thought. For example, G. S. Paul (, , ) suggested are decidedly untidy, yet they still should receive serious
that perhaps the traditional ancestor-descendant relation- consideration, and this will happen only when they are
ships have been interpreted backward: perhaps some “con- framed in explicit, phylogenetic terms.
ventional” theropods (such as dromaeosaurids, troodon-
tids, oviraptorosaurs) are in fact secondarily flightless Conclusions
descendants of a persistent lineage of “protobirds.” This
protobird lineage would have had its origins in the Jurassic The issues surrounding the origin of birds are wide rang-
period with Archaeopteryx, becoming progressively more ing, and this chapter has attempted to capture this diver-
birdlike in the Cretaceous. Paul () cited a variety of sity. As a result, it is a bit of a hodgepodge and has sought
lines of evidence by which “neoflightless” taxa could be to touch on those issues that, in particular, have controlled
identified, pointing in particular to the shoulder girdle and the debate. Throughout the chapter, I have focused on the
thoracic appendage. In some ways, this hypothesis arises debate itself, because how things are discussed affects
from the realization that, unlike in other groups of flying what is discussed. That is, rhetoric and science are, lamen-
vertebrates (i.e., bats and pterosaurs), flightlessness has tably, inextricably linked. As I am neither a sociologist
been a recurrent evolutionary theme of birds. Thus, what nor a psychologist, I have tried not to delve into matters
would a flightless form look like at about the Archaeopteryx of motivation, politics, and ego. Nevertheless, in this
stage? It might look very much like a small dromaeosaur. modern media age, it would be naive to think that these
Paul () acknowledged that the cladistic representation factors have not helped shape the debate, and the sociol-
and discovery of such a pattern are problematic. Paul is not ogy of the debate would be a very interesting study indeed.
alone in deriving some “nonavian” theropods from birds. Science and the scientific method, however, will ultimately
For example, Elzanowski (, ) and Lü () re- prevail and produce a broad consensus on at least the
garded oviraptorosaurs as being not just very closely related major issues.
to birds but potentially a clade of early flightless birds. If this For paleontologists faced with controversy, the tradi-
is proven true, Feduccia (a), perhaps ironically, would tional appeal is for more and better fossils. In this case,
then be correct that the basal oviraptorosaur Caudipteryx is however, methodology—not fossils—will have to be the
just a Mesozoic kiwi after all! Finally, Olshevsky () pro- key to achieving agreement and converting dissenters. We
posed the “Birds Came First” (BCF) theory, which main- already have abundant well-preserved fossils documenting
tains that the evolution of archosaurs is characterized by an the transition to birds among theropod dinosaurs. Yet
arboreal “central line” of “dino-birds” that sprouted terres- those opposed to theropod relationships remain unwilling
trial branches, giving rise to the various clades of archo- to accept and apply the cladistic methodology that has elu-
saurs. Throughout the Mesozoic, this central line would cidated this transition. If the theropod ancestry of birds is
have gotten more and more birdlike, and thus their terres- the nonsense that some would have us believe, why is it that
trial offshoots also became progressively birdlike. As in so many highly trained specialists seem to keep confusing
Paul’s hypothesis, the Cretaceous coelurosaurs would be birds for dinosaurs or vice versa? The list of taxa that have
secondarily flightless. bounced back and forth between birds and theropods is
All these latter ideas are truly out of the mainstream of quite long: Alvarezsauridae, Archaeopteryx (Eichstätt spec-
current thought and present some problems for testing by imen), Archaeornithoides, Avimimus, Avisaurus, Bradyc-
phylogenetic analysis. In a sense, they are similar to the neme, Caenagnathus, Caudipteryx, Limnornis, Oviraptori-
scenario-based, “function-first” methodology criticized in dae, Palaeocursornis, Protarchaeopteryx, Protoavis, Wyleyia.
an earlier section. Nevertheless, they merit the scrutiny that It would seem to be simple common sense to think that
they have never adequately received. As a class, they are all birds and dinosaurs must have some close relationship if we
very similar in that they propose an iterative process to the have such trouble telling them apart. Of course, evolution-
evolution of birds and theropods. For what it is worth, these ary convergence is the usual explanation invoked by oppo-
proposals have the distinct advantage that all the supposed nents of theropod relationships to explain the resem-
time discordances basically disappear yet all the anatomical blances. But this, too, seems to fly in the face of logic: on

22 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R
the one hand, we are told that the similarities have arisen S. Chatterjee, L. M. Chiappe, P. J. Currie, T. D. Jones, G. S. Paul,
because of convergence—the independent acquisition of J. A. Ruben, Xu X., and Zhou Z. Funding was provided by the
similar attributes due to similar function and mode of National Science Foundation (IBN-) and the Ohio Uni-
versity College of Osteopathic Medicine.
life—but then, on the other hand, we are told that thero-
pods and the ancestors of birds had totally different body
plans, body sizes, preferred habitats, and modes of life (i.e., Literature Cited
large, bipedal, terrestrial theropods versus small, quadru- Abel, O. . Die Vorfahren der Vögel und ihre Lebensweise.
pedal, and arboreal alternative ancestors). How can they Verhandlungen der Zoologischen-botanischen Gesellschaft,
have it both ways? Cladistic methodology argues that con- Vienna :–.
vergence and homology are not asserted or assumed but Ackerman, J. . Dinosaurs take wing. National Geographic
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they will) and if minds remain open (as we hope they will), A. Feduccia. Auk :–.
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Acknowledgments Brinkman, D. L., R. L. Cifelli, and N. J. Czaplewski. . First oc-
For comments on this chapter, I thank L. M. Chiappe, K. Padian, currence of Deinonychus antirrhopus (Dinosauria: Thero-
and J. C. Sedlmayr. For sharing unpublished information, I thank poda) from the Antlers Formation (Lower Cretaceous:

T H E D E B AT E O N AV I A N A N C E S T R Y 23
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30 L AW R E N C E M . W I T M E R

Cladistic Approaches to the Relationships

of Birds to Other Theropod Dinosaurs


For many years the study of bird origins tionships or else assume the generality of particular pat-
focused on Archaeopteryx, with its feathers terns or processes of evolution. Such generalities require an
taken as conclusive proof of its avian status, understanding of evolutionary relationships before they
its long, bony tail and toothed jaws pro- can be deduced, and if based on evidence from other
claiming its intermediate position between birds and their groups, such generalities are unwarranted extrapolations.
reptilian ancestors, and its geological antiquity sufficient However much we may believe a particular evolutionary
to qualify for ancestral status. Its evolutionary origin process to occur among organisms, the evidence provided
thereby became equated with the origin of all birds. This by the characters shared among organisms must be used to
simplistic view was heuristic in the context of the “search test such generalities (Brady, ).
for ancestors” prevalent during most of the past century, Contextual evidence—where an organism is found or its
but it fails when a more critical view is taken of what con- geological age—does not provide as strong a test of the re-
stitutes the evidence for evolutionary relationships. As lationships of an organism as do the characteristics of the
unique a phenomenon as birds may be, their study never- organism itself. If fossils were all identical, there would be
theless must proceed using the same methods and as- no pattern in nature in need of an explanation; their differ-
sumptions required for understanding the evolution of ences and similarities provide the pattern. Stratigraphic
any group of organisms. information (i.e., the relative ages of fossils) is irrelevant
This chapter reviews the rationale for using the system without reference to the characteristics of the organisms—
of comparative biology known as cladistics to address the fossils do not have a temporal record beyond individual
question of bird origins, evaluates the results of cladistic occurrences until they are grouped together, and shared
analyses of extinct theropod dinosaurs and their implica- characters are the only means of doing so.
tions for the origin of birds, examines the completeness of A critical distinction, brought to prominent attention by
the fossil record in light of these hypotheses, and comments Willi Hennig (), is that it is only the shared presence of
briefly on the implications these analyses have for the evo- particular characteristics, or characters, and not their
lution of avian flight. shared absence, that provides the evidence of evolutionary
groups. For example, having feathers is a feature of birds,
The Logic of Cladistics but the absence of feathers in other organisms does not
imply that, for example, jellyfish and mammals are more
Science endeavors to explain natural phenomena with the closely related to each other than either is to birds. In
fewest untestable notions, and this methodological truism addition to the problematic dependence on absence of
underlies the widespread acceptance of cladistic methods. evidence to test a hypothesis (Kluge, ), methods that
The main premise of cladistic analysis, indeed any method consider both the presence and absence of characters as
of phylogenetic inference, is that characteristics shared by evidence of relationships (i.e., phenetic methods) are viable
organisms provide the strongest evidence of their evolu- only when the rate of evolution has been uniform (Farris,
tionary relationships (Farris, ; Rieppel, ; Kluge, ). Because this regularity in rates of evolution is not a
). Many of the criticisms leveled at cladistic analysis ei- necessary assumption of cladistic methods, these methods
ther are true of any method of inferring evolutionary rela- are preferable.

Shared characters are most simply interpreted within a another and that ad hoc explanations of independent ac-
hierarchical framework. Characters that are stable among quisition should be minimized. If a particular character—
groups of organisms nest them into groups of greater and for example, feathers—is accepted as evidence that the taxa
greater generality, so that a given character has a particular possessing them are related, then this group is supported,
level of generality (i.e., breadth of taxonomic inclusion) at and feathers are considered to have evolved only once, un-
which it provides evidence for a close evolutionary rela- less there is stronger evidence indicating another set of rela-
tionship. For a selected group of taxa, called an ingroup, tionships. This stronger evidence comes only from other
some similarities have a more general distribution than the apomorphic characters, so that if a larger number of char-
group under study, and such similarities do not help in re- acters were shared by penguins and turtles than by penguins
solving relationships among the taxa within the group (and, and other birds, then a relationship with turtles would be
indeed, will be misleading if misinterpreted). Furthermore, supported, and we would infer that feathers evolved twice.
for every character reflecting evolutionary relationships The relationships indicated by character evidence are
that is shared among taxa in a selected group, there is a cor- most commonly displayed with a cladogram, although they
responding, more general character in unrelated forms that could equally well be displayed by other diagrams indicat-
represents the ancestral condition. The correspondence be- ing nested sets of taxa. This branching diagram indicates
tween these characters is itself a hypothesis (Patterson, ; only the pattern of relationships inferred from the charac-
de Pinna, ; Hawkins et al., ), based on similarity in ters (the groups of related taxa) and does not include an-
topology (i.e., position, such as relative positions of cestors or attempt to incorporate time. A diagram indicat-
anatomical features or the position of nucleotides within a ing that some observed or inferred taxa are ancestors of
gene) or other qualitative characteristics (e.g., chemical others is called a tree.
composition). A character that is distributed beyond the Although patterns of direct ancestry can be traced
group being studied is termed plesiomorphic, and the al- among individuals, the concept of ancestry is problematic
ternative condition, which provides evidence for the rela- when applied to groups (Platnick, ; Gaffney, ) and
tionships of taxa, is termed apomorphic. A character that is is certainly illogical for taxa higher than the species level.
apomorphic for a particular group is said to be synapo- The main problem is that characters alone do not identify
morphic among the taxa sharing it, and it will be ple- single taxa as ancestors because it is the shared presence of
siomorphic for groups within this group. Synapomorphy characters in two or more taxa that provides the evidence of
has been equated with the classical concept of biological ho- relationships. The shared possession of apomorphic char-
mology (Patterson, ; Rieppel, ), although Kluge acters identifies inclusive groups of individuals and taxa that
() makes the distinction that synapomorphy is an ap- are more closely related to one another than to some other
proximation of homology, in the same way that the stan- group (Rieppel, ), whereas the evidential basis for iden-
dard deviation of a sample approximates the variance of a tifying a group comprising an ancestor but excluding its de-
population. scendants cannot be based solely on the shared presence of
The simplest method for determining which characters characters. Despite this incompatibility, some paleontolo-
in the ingroup have a more general distribution is by refer- gists argue that ancestors can be identified using the fossil
ence to a taxon outside the ingroup (Naef, ; Farris, record to test whether a species with no apomorphic char-
; Nixon and Carpenter, ). The presence of a partic- acters (in comparison with their closest relatives) is from a
ular condition in the outgroup—a straight humerus, for time period allowing it to be the ancestor of later taxa (e.g.,
example—implies that alternative conditions, such as a Smith, ), even though the absence of evidence (apo-
curved humerus, provide evidence for groups of related morphies) cannot be considered to test any hypothesis
taxa. Although the selection of one or more outgroups re- (Platnick, ). Even if ancestry is considered testable,
quires the acceptance of a particular evolutionary hypothe- however, it is simply a refinement of a cladogram and does
sis before the analysis (i.e., that the ingroup taxa are more not contradict the relationships indicated by shared char-
closely related to one another than any is to an outgroup acters alone.
taxon), this is open to test by examining further taxa. Other paleontologists argue that the fossil record of taxa
Cladistic analysis uses the distribution of all relevant can proscribe certain phylogenies, because of the size or
characters among taxa to test hypotheses of relationships number of the gaps in the stratigraphic record they imply
among taxa. In so doing, the principle of parsimony is im- (e.g., Wagner, ). However, this depends on the fossil
posed to prefer the hypothesis that minimizes the number record providing stronger evidence (a stronger test of rela-
of groups to which a given apomorphy applies, or, in evolu- tionships) than character data, which is clearly not the case
tionary terms, the number of times it evolved. The rationale (Schoch, ; Norell, ). For example, unless character
for this derives directly from accepting a character as evi- evidence is utilized, there is no basis for choosing a group
dence that those organisms possessing it are related to one on which to focus attention; all published studies attempt-


ing to incorporate stratigraphic data begin with a group but among all taxa relevant to the relationships of birds
chosen on the basis of morphological characters, because within Theropoda.
stratigraphic information provides no information about
whether to group, say, a Miocene whale with a Miocene Reptiles, Birds, and the Meaning of Group Names
coral. The necessity of using the data of characters to “get
you in the right ballpark” highlights the weakness of the ev- The development of cladistic methods in the s and
idence from the age or geographic distribution of a fossil s was fueled by the testability of phylogenetic hypothe-
and its inability to “move you to a different ballpark,” one ses, and the untestable aspects of taxonomy as practiced at
contradicted by character evidence. The fossil record is un- that time soon also became apparent. By using cladistic
questionably incomplete, and unless the circumstantial ev- methodology, it is possible to test whether a group such as
idence it provides can be shown to preclude the possibility Aves is monophyletic, comprising organisms that are more
of relationship between particular taxa (i.e., the lack of closely related to one another than any one of them is to an-
physical contact between populations), then gaps in it im- other group of organisms. (The term “monophyletic”—
plied by particular phylogenies are better explained by lack “one class”—has a long history of use in taxonomy, and as
of fossilization than by ad hoc hypotheses of convergent with the term “homology,” its current, cladistic usage as
evolution. defined here is a more explicit refinement of its traditional
The search for ancestors that preoccupied paleontolo- usage.) No comparable test exists for membership in tradi-
gists for most of the twentieth century, epitomized by the tional groups, which explains the many and creative defini-
overemphasis on fossils such as Archaeopteryx, failed be- tions for “monophyly” that predate cladistics.
cause it discounted with no justification much of the evi- A group such as Reptilia is not monophyletic if it does
dence provided by characters. Instead of determining the not include birds, because the simplest explanation for the
pattern of relationships derived from the simplest explana- morphological and molecular evidence is that birds are
tion for the characters shared among different groups of or- more closely related to crocodilians than they are to any
ganisms, certain taxa (e.g., Archaeopteryx) were exalted as other living organism (Eernisse and Kluge, ; but see
ancestors, while other taxa, such as those with specializa- Hedges and Poling, , for an alternative hypothesis). Ad-
tions supposedly precluding ancestral status, were explicitly vocates of traditional taxonomic methods argued that Rep-
disregarded. Phylogenetic hypotheses live or die on the tilia without birds constitutes a natural group because it is
character support mustered for them, and a given hypoth- adaptively unified (e.g., Mayr and Ashlock, ), but the
esis supported by evidence can be refuted only by demon- only means ever outlined for assessing which groups are
strating that further character evidence changes the balance adaptively unified and which groups are not are either
of support toward an alternative hypothesis, either by vaguely defined or arbitrary. Although it is possible to point
adding new characters, by extending the distribution of to particular features present in birds that are absent in
characters among taxa to demonstrate they are apomorphic their closest living relatives, such as an endothermic me-
at a different level, or by showing that a character was mis- tabolism or feathers, it is not possible to argue that these
interpreted on the specimens. Scenarios involving selection particular features should be more important in formulat-
pressures supposedly operating in the past, the adaptive ing a taxonomy—on what objective basis can we deduce the
utility (or lack thereof) of particular features, or the sup- relative importance of such features? More to the point, if
posed effects of environmental changes on taxa are irrele- these features are used to change the hierarchical level at
vant to phylogenetic inference. which a group is placed in the taxonomy, thereby contra-
The importance of phylogenetic hypotheses to the study dicting the groupings indicated by the cladistic analysis,
of evolution cannot be overstated. As the simplest explana- then this new hypothesis should have greater explanatory
tion of the features shared among groups of organisms, a power than the phylogenetic hypothesis it replaces. How-
phylogenetic hypothesis must be the basis for any consid- ever, the cladogram inferred from character data has the
eration of the evolution of these organisms and of their greatest explanatory power of any hypothesis of group
constituent features. Thus, with regard to the topic of this membership because it requires the fewest ad hoc hypothe-
chapter, phylogenetic hypotheses must be the basis for an- ses (Farris, ), and any classification contradicting it will
swering such questions as: What are birds? What are the necessarily require more ad hoc hypotheses and therefore
characteristics that identify them as a group? In what pat- have less explanatory power.
tern did these characteristics evolve in the groups most The supposed adaptive unity of groups of organisms
closely related to birds? For example, questions about the does not lend itself well to the hierarchical organization de-
origin of flight depend on a phylogenetic hypothesis and manded by taxonomy, wherein every group is included
the identity of those characteristics related to flight. These within other groups. There is no necessary hierarchy of lev-
characteristics must be studied not only in Archaeopteryx els of “adaptive unity” in nature, and if a taxon such as Aves

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 33
is removed from another taxon (i.e., Reptilia) to emphasize the name of the living taxa but the entire group more closely
its adaptive unity, then it leaves behind a group whose adap- related to one living group than to its closest living relative.
tive unity is highly suspect under any definition. If there is This system has the advantage of reducing the number of
some sense in which the group comprising turtles, lizards, names of groups, but it is unclear whether minimizing the
and crocodilians is equivalent to the group comprising number of groups to which names are attached is a desir-
birds, it has yet to be explicated. Thus, in a traditional clas- able goal (as in this group, since there is no question that the
sification, the reasons that birds are a class within the sub- crown group merits a name; Patterson et al., ). In any
phylum Vertebrata, based on how distinct they are from case, this disagreement highlights the need to define pre-
other vertebrates, are not the same reasons given for why cisely which meaning is intended when taxonomic names
Reptilia is a class within the same group. On the other hand, are discussed.
the relationships among organisms inferred by cladistic Traditionally, the group Aves included Archaeopteryx
analysis precisely mirror the hierarchy of groups within and excluded those archosaurs more distantly related to liv-
groups formalized in taxonomy, and there seems to be no ing birds. More recently Aves has been defined explicitly to
scientific rationale for perturbing this natural hierarchy on include “the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx and mod-
the basis of subjective decisions about which groups appear ern birds plus all its descendants” (Chiappe, :; see
to be more or less adaptively unified or distinct. also Padian and Chiappe, ). Mandating that Archaeop-
There is little question that extant birds form a mono- teryx is included in Aves and that more distantly related taxa
phyletic group, but the rich diversity of fossil archosaurs are excluded has the virtue of stability of usage, in that its
blurs the distinction between birds and their closest rela- content is similar to that used in the past.
tives. Because of the central role accorded Archaeopteryx We prefer to define Aves as the crown group rather than
historically in studies of the origin of birds (see Witmer, the traditional group (i.e., Avialae). Although crown groups
Chapter  in this volume), traditionally it has been included are arbitrary, defining Aves to include Archaeopteryx and ex-
as the most primitive member of the formal taxonomic clude other archosaurs invites attempts to recognize the
group that corresponds to birds—the class Aves. However, “essence” of being a bird. The distinction between Archae-
as the differences between birds and nonavian dinosaurs opteryx and other theropods has oversimplistically reduced
have dwindled, this emphasis on one species in defining the question of bird origins to the origin of one species,
birds has been called into question. and drawing a class-level taxonomic boundary between
The definition of the class Aves is in one sense trivial, in them, as is often done, will only continue this unfortunate
that it is only a name arrived at by common consent among tradition.
taxonomists to facilitate communication, but it is impor- [Editors’ note: The authors of this chapter have chosen to
tant to the extent that it influences research into topics such use a different phylogenetic definition of Aves than that
as bird origins. Several definitions of Aves have been sug- used elsewhere in this volume. The editors respect their
gested in recent years. Gauthier () restricted the name choice. See the preface and the chapters in this volume by
Aves to the group comprising all living birds and only those Witmer (Chapter ) and Sereno, Rao, and Li (Chapter ) for
extinct taxa belonging to a subgroup within Aves, a concept a justification for the taxonomic definitions used otherwise
termed a “crown group.” Thus, fossil woodpeckers and os- in this volume.]
triches belong to this definition of Aves, but Archaeopteryx
does not. Although somewhat arbitrary, crown groups are Cladistic Analyses of Theropoda
useful because they identify the taxonomic boundaries be- and the “Origin” of Birds
yond which nonskeletal features apomorphic for living
birds cannot be inferred to be present in fossil taxa. For ex- Character evidence is the basis for inferring phylogenetic re-
ample, an endothermic metabolism can be inferred to have lationships, so the question of the evolutionary origin of a
been the ancestral condition for extinct taxa within the particular taxon is really a question of what are its closest rel-
crown group, but where this feature evolved on the lineage atives as determined by the character evidence. Indeed, the
leading to birds but outside the crown group is unclear. For word “origin” has the unfortunate connotation of a particu-
the group comprising Archaeopteryx, Aves, and other ex- lar taxon being ancestral to another, whereas it is problem-
tinct taxa within this monophyletic group, Gauthier () atic whether character evidence allows for the identification
erected the taxon Avialae. of a direct ancestor. Furthermore, during most of the twen-
An alternative definition of Aves has been proposed by tieth century, studies of the origin of birds, in the poorly
Patterson () in which Aves includes all taxa more closely defined essentialistic sense that was the hallmark of tradi-
related to birds than to their closest living relatives, the croc- tional classifications, often equated their evolutionary origin
odilians. This definition is an extension of a system applied with the evolutionary appearance of feathered flight in this
to fossil fish, in which it is not the crown group that receives group (e.g., Heilmann, ). These are best considered two


separate questions, one concerning the evolutionary rela- Osmólska, ]) have pointed to a number of interesting
tionships of birds as determined by character evidence and features of the dromaeosaurid skeleton that are present or
the other the pattern of appearance of the characters related further modified in birds. These features include the pres-
to flight as inferred from these evolutionary relationships. ence of a furcula, the presence of paired sternal plates with
The evolutionary relationships of birds with theropod attachment points for three pairs of ventral ribs (Norell and
dinosaurs has received a great deal of attention in recent Makovicky, , ), a dorsal tympanic recess (Norell et
years. The evidence is overwhelming that birds are more al., ), and a secondary palate formed by maxillary
closely related to some theropod dinosaurs than to others, shelves and vomer. As in birds, the pubis is reversed (Bars-
but their precise relationships remain elusive. Gauthier bold, ; Norell and Makovicky, ) and the pelvis lacks
() applied the existing name Coelurosauria to a group a broad shelf for the origin of the M. cuppedicus, the antil-
of theropods, most of which are distinguished by their elon- iac hook is reduced, and the ischia are distally unfused
gate forelimbs, and the evidence strongly supports the in- (Norell and Makovicky, ). Contrary to many previous
clusion of Avialae within this group. In the following sec- reconstructions, the hallux was not reversed but rather was
tion we discuss recent work on coelurosaurians other than in the typical nonavian theropod position on the side of the
Avialae. For each group we list the valid taxa we consider to foot (Norell and Makovicky, ).
belong to the group and discuss the evidence for its mono- In his discussion of dromaeosaurids, Currie () di-
phyly, relationships among its members, its geographic dis- vided the Dromaeosauridae into two subfamilies, the Dro-
tribution, similarities shared with other taxa of Coeluro- maeosaurinae (including only Dromaeosaurus) and the
sauria, and recent work on the group, emphasizing data and Velociraptorinae (for the remaining taxa, with some quali-
interpretations published after the study of Gauthier () fication). Interestingly, based on the cranial evidence, mem-
and the reviews published in The Dinosauria (Weishampel bers of the Velociraptorinae share possible derived similar-
et al., ). The oldest occurrence of each group is given in ities with birds that are lacking in Dromaeosaurus, thus
Appendix . and illustrated in Figure .. In light of the dif- contradicting the monophyly of Dromaeosauridae. Unfor-
ferences between recent cladistic analyses (Fig. .), it is not tunately, nearly all the postcranial skeleton of Dromaeo-
possible to identify all the characters diagnosing these taxa saurus is unknown, which is where some of the most dis-
because those shared by more than one basic taxon may be tinctive derived characters of dromaeosaurs are found (the
either synapomorphies of more inclusive groups, conver- retractile second pedal digit, specializations of the opistho-
gently evolved autapomorphies of separate groups, or ple- pubic pelvis, and the superelongate vertebral articulations
siomorphies that are uninformative in diagnosing mono- in the tail).
phyletic groups. Most recently, the Dromaeosauridae has been greatly ex-
panded by the addition of two taxa from the feathered di-
Dromaeosauridae nosaur beds of China, Sinornithosaurus millenii (Xu et al.,
Dromaeosaurids are small to medium-sized bipedal carni- 1999b) and Microraptor zhaoianus (Xu et al., ). In ad-
vores, including Deinonychus, Velociraptor, Dromaeosaurus, dition to documenting the presence of simple featherlike
Adasaurus, and Utahraptor. The group was most recently structures in this family (in Sinornithosaurus and another
diagnosed by Currie (), who offered  characters in dromaeosaurid of uncertain affinities; Ji et al., ), these
support of their monophyly. Although a few of these char- specimens broaden the osteological diversity of the family.
acters have distributions outside the group, this clade can be The small size, and possible arboreality, of Microraptor may
diagnosed on the basis of several characters, including a sec- be significant in the debate over the habits of the origin of
ond pedal digit modified into a raptorial sickle claw (Col- bird ancestors, although the testability of these hypotheses
bert and Russell, ; Ostrom, ), a tail with extremely is open to question (see later).
elongate prezygapophyses on the neural arch, and proximal
processes of the haemal arches (Ostrom, ). The recent Troodontidae
report of a basal avialan, Rahonavis, with a retractable, rap- The Troodontidae are especially difficult to diagnose be-
torial second pedal digit (Forster et al., a,b) indicates cause most of the taxa are known from very incomplete
that this feature is distributed outside Dromaeosauridae material, with the exception of Sinornithoides youngi
and may be diagnostic of a group including basal Avialae. (Russell and Dong, b). The monophyly of Troodonti-
Dromaeosaurids have received much attention in both dae is supported by a few unambiguous characters. Currie
the scientific and popular arenas, owing to their putative () and Osmólska and Barsbold () diagnosed the
close association with the ancestry of Avialae (Gauthier, group, but many of the characters listed are plesiomorphies,
) as well as their role as movie villains. Important new and others are shared with other Coelurosauria, especially
specimens (especially of Velociraptor mongoliensis [see Ornithomimosauria. Russell and Dong (b) offered a
Norell and Makovicky, ; Norell et al., ; Barsbold and list of characters differentiating troodontids from dro-

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 35
maeosaurids, and included among these are additional ily diagnosed by their unusual cranial anatomy, including a
potential synapomorphies of Troodontidae. From these brief, tall rostrum with large pneumatic pockets, a robust
sources and our observations (Norell et al., ) the follow- palate, and an edentulous beak, and their equally unusual
ing characters appear valid: lacrimal with elongate cranial mandible that is also edentulous, highly arched, and with a
process dorsal to antorbital cavity, accessory antorbital fen- rostrocaudally movable articulation with the skull. Several
estra large (more than half the length of the antorbital] avian features are now known to be present in oviraptorids,
fenestra), mental foramina in longitudinal groove on lateral including a single ossified ventral rib segment, more than
surface of dentary, clavicles unfused (in Sinornithoides), and two ribs articulating with the sternum, ossified uncinate
second metatarsal reduced in length and breadth. processes (Clark et al., ), and a quadrate articulating
A recently described troodontid from below the “feath- with both the squamosal and the braincase (Maryanska and
ered dinosaur” level of the Yixian Formation in Liaoning is Osmólska, ). However, the distribution of these features
significant in lacking features previously thought to ally among other theropods is poorly determined.
troodontids with other theropod groups. Sinovenator
changii (Xu et al., ) has teeth with small serrations, Therizinosauroidea
unlike the large serrations of troodontids and therizino- The relationships of the Segnosauria, known exclusively
sauroids, and these teeth are not reduced in size and from the Late Cretaceous of Asia, were enigmatic until re-
numerous, as in other troodontids and some ornithomi- cently, but the discovery of Alxasaurus elesitaiensis in Early
mosaurs, therizinosauroids, and alvarezsaurids. Further- Cretaceous deposits of China now clarifies their relation-
more, it lacks a bulla on the parasphenoid, as in some other ships and taxonomy (Russell and Dong, a). It is now ev-
troodontids and ornithomimosaurs. ident that segnosaurs are related to another poorly known
Two instances of eggs associated with troodontid remains taxon, Therizinosaurus Maleev, , and that the valid
are known, although in only one is an embryo preserved name for the group is therefore Therizinosauroidea. These
within an egg, and that specimen is so incomplete that its awkward-looking animals had unusually long arms with
identification is not definitive. The embryonic remains, long, straight claws on their hands, and their skulls lacked
from the Two Medicine Formation of Montana, previously teeth rostrally and apparently bore a beak. In addition to
were identified as those of the ornithopod Orodromeus Alxasaurus and Therizinosaurus, four genera of Segnosauri-
but recently were recognized as troodontid (Horner and dae have been described (Barsbold and Maryanska, ),
Weishampel, ). A second occurrence of troodontid re- and recently a new monotypic genus was described (Xu et
mains with eggs, from Ukhaa Tolgod (?Djadokhta Forma- al., a). This new species, Beipiaosaurus inexpectus from
tion) of Mongolia, involves small posthatchling individuals the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning, China, is notable in pos-
associated with a nest that also preserves an isolated tooth of sessing simple, unbarbed featherlike structures and a foot in
an adult troodontid (Norell et al., in prep.). which the first metatarsal has a compressed proximal end,
as in other theropods but unlike derived therizinosaurs and
Oviraptorosauria primitive dinosaurs. Most recently, new therizinosaurs have
Until recently Oviraptorosauria was among the most poorly been described from North America (Kirkland and Wolfe,
known groups of theropods, but several spectacular discov- ) and Inner Mongolia (Zhang et al., ), and a jaw
eries in recent years now place it among the best known. In from the Early Jurassic of China has been tentatively as-
particular, discoveries of embryos and of adults overlying signed to this group (Xu et al., a).
nests at Ukhaa Tolgod, Mongolia (Norell et al., 1994, 1995; Although the cladistic analysis of therizinosauroid rela-
Clark et al., 1999) and Bayan Mandahu, China (Dong and tionships presented by Russell and Dong (a) is flawed,
Currie, 1996), along with several dozen new skeletons of at they provided ample evidence for placing Therizino-
least two taxa from Ukhaa Tolgod, provide a firm basis for sauroidea in the Coelurosauria. Further support for the
interpreting the skeletal anatomy of the members of this placement of Therizinosauroidea in Coelurosauria was pro-
group and several aspects of their development and behav- vided by Clark et al. (b) based on the exceptionally well
ior. More fragmentary but less specialized material from preserved holotype skull of Erlikosaurus andrewsi and by Xu
North America of the primitive taxa Microvenator and Chi- et al. (a). Any future study of relationships among basal
rostenotes has contributed significantly to understanding Coelurosauria must consider this group.
the relationships of several enigmatic taxa and the primitive
conditions for this group (Sues, ; Makovicky and Sues, Ornithomimosauria
). The recently described “feathered dinosaur” Caudip- Ornithomimosauria includes the Ornithomimidae and the
teryx also may be allied with this group (see later). monotypic Garudimimidae and Harpymimidae (Barsbold
The most specialized members of the group, the Ovi- and Osmólska, ), although other authors consider the
raptoridae (Oviraptor, Conchoraptor, and Ingenia), are eas- family Ornithomimidae to be equivalent to the Ornithomi-


mosauria (e.g., Smith and Galton, ; Sereno, ). from nearly complete specimens. Monophyly of the family
Elaphrosaurus was considered an ornithomimosaurian by is supported by features such as the large foramen in the
some authors, but Holtz () provided evidence that it is surangular and the diminutive forelimbs. The higher taxon
not a member of this group. Seven valid genera were recog- Tyrannosauroidea was recognized by Sereno () to dis-
nized by Barsbold and Osmólska (), and a new, primi- tinguish a group including all tyrannosaurs except Nano-
tive member of the group, Pelecanimimus polyodon Pérez- tyrannus, but he has not yet described the character data in
Moreno et al., , was described from the Early support of this hypothesis. The relationships of Nanotyran-
Cretaceous of Spain. A detailed description of this form will nus have been controversial, with some considering the rel-
provide important evidence for relationships of this group atively small skull of the single specimen to be that of a ju-
to other Coelurosauria. venile animal (Carr, ) and others (e.g., Bakker et al.,
Ornithomimosauria except Harpymimus and Pelecan- ) considering it to represent a “pygmy” species. Re-
imimus are toothless, and all but Harpymimus have a spe- cently, a new taxon was reported from the Early Cretaceous
cialized hand in which the three metacarpals are equal in of Thailand, Siamotyrannus (Buffetaut et al., ). Unfor-
length (unlike other Coelurosauria). Several features are tunately, the incomplete specimen provides only a few char-
shared with Troodontidae, such as a hollow inflation of the acters suggestive of tyrannosaurid affinities, and none that
parasphenoid (but see earlier), prompting Holtz () to are unique.
erect the taxon Bullatosauria to include both taxa, but Gauthier () did not include Tyrannosauridae within
troodontids also share features with birds and dro- the Coelurosauria, but several later analyses provided
maeosaurids that are not present in ornithomimosaurians, evidence that it was a member of this group, as reviewed
such as the retractable second digit of the foot. subsequently.

Compsognathus Unenlagia
This primitive coelurosaurian is represented by two speci- One of the more newsworthy discoveries of  was the an-
mens, one from the same formation in southern Germany nouncement by Novas and Puerta of a theropod from
as Archaeopteryx (Ostrom, ) and the other from slightly Patagonia, Unenlagia comahuensis, that exhibits several fea-
younger beds in France (Bidar et al., ). Although both tures of the shoulder and pelvis that are otherwise known
are nearly complete, the specimens are crushed and not well only in Avialae among theropods. Unfortunately, Unenlagia
preserved, and the forelimbs of the German specimen are is known only from a single partial skeleton. These features
disarticulated. Thus, many important anatomical details are include the presence of a hypopubic cup on the caudal sur-
obscured, such as the number of digits on the hand. face of the distal end of the pubis, the presence of a pubic
apron, and a laterally oriented glenoid fossa on the scapu-
Coelurus and Ornitholestes locoracoid. The reorientation of the glenoid from the prim-
Two taxa from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of itive position on the caudal surface of the scapula, allowing
Wyoming are important in demonstrating that the diversi- Unenlagia to position its arm in an avian manner, is the
fication of Coelurosauria preceded the appearance of most notable feature. Alternatively, however, a number of
Archaeopteryx (see Appendix . for the ages of these taxa). Unenlagia features thought at the time to be unique to it and
Coelurus fragilis is a small carnivore known from a single, Avialae are present in V. mongoliensis (Norell and Mako-
fragmentary specimen (Marsh, ). It is assignable to the vicky, ), including the reorientation of the glenoid
Coelurosauria on the basis of the presence of a semilunate fossa. Furthermore, two aspects of the vertebrae—stalked
carpal (Ostrom, ; Norman, ). However, the cervical parapophyses on the dorsal vertebrae and the mediolateral
vertebrae lack hypapophyses, indicating that if Coelurus is a expansion of the tip of the neural spine in the caudal dorsal
coelurosaur it may be basal. Ornitholestes hermanni Osborn, vertebrae—suggest a possible relationship with dromaeo-
, is a small theropod known from a single specimen (al- saurids (Norell and Makovicky, ).
though a second manus has been referred to this taxon).
Gauthier () placed Ornitholestes within Coelurosauria Scipionyx
on the basis of a curved ilium and proportions of the fore- An unusually well preserved juvenile theropod, Scipionyx
limb. However, because the specimen has not been ade- samniticus Dal Sasso and Signore, , was reported re-
quately studied and is fragmentary, accurate forelimb pro- cently from the Lower Cretaceous Pietraroia Plattenkalk of
portions cannot be determined. southern Italy. Remarkable is the preservation of soft tis-
sues, especially the intestinal tract, preserving details of
Tyrannosauridae muscle structure. Skeletal features indicate that it is
Tyrannosaurids are among the best-known group of thero- coelurosaurian and shares similarities with both dro-
pods, with several taxa (e.g., Tarbosaurus baatar) known maeosaurids and troodontids. Ruben et al. () inferred

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 37
that the soft tissues preserved on this specimen indicate that Both Caudipteryx and Protarchaeopteryx are small
its lungs were ventilated by the M. diaphragmaticus, as in theropods with relatively long front limbs. Protarchaeop-
crocodilians, but the incomplete preservation of this struc- teryx is known from two specimens (Ji and Ji, ; Ji et al.,
ture and its position near the body wall do not contradict ), while Caudipteryx is known from several individuals
an alternative identification as hypaxial musculature. In any (Ji et al., ). The exciting thing about these specimens is
case, the contention of Ruben et al. () that the posses- that they possess true feathers, with remiges and rectrices,
sion of a crocodilian-type ventilatory system precludes a along both their forearms and tails. Both of these taxa lie
close relationship between theropods and birds is invalid for outside Avialae, as indicated by, for example, the presence of
the reasons outlined at the beginning of this chapter—the a contact between the quadratojugal and squamosal in
hypothesis of homology between the lung structure of this Caudipteryx. Subsequently discovered specimens of Caudip-
fossil and that of either crocodilians or birds is tested by its teryx have revealed other features, such as the unreversed
congruence with other characters, not by a priori judg- first digit of the pes (pers. obs.). Although Caudipteryx
ments about how evolution can and cannot occur. was originally interpreted as a close relative of Avialae (Ji et
al., ), more recent phylogenetic studies support a
Avimimus Caudipteryx-oviraptorosaur clade (Sereno, ; Holtz,
An enigmatic form from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia, ; see later). The position of Protarchaeopteryx is more
Avimimus portentosus (Kurzanov, ), combines some ambiguous, owing to the incompleteness of the material,
unusually birdlike features with those of more primitive but it is certainly outside Avialae, as indicated by, for exam-
coelurosaurians, along with several specializations (Kur- ple, its serrated teeth.
zanov, ). For example, the skull is similar to that of ovi- The featherlike structures and feathers found in the non-
raptorosaurs in having an edentulous beak and a short avialan theropods of Liaoning occur in four types (Xu et al.,
rostrum, the fused pelvis includes a medially inclined ilium b): () simple filamentous structures (e.g., Sinosaurop-
similar to that of birds, and the poorly known forelimb el- teryx, Beipiaosaurus), () simple filaments joined in a
ements include metacarpals that appear to be fused and basal tuft (e.g., Sinornithosaurus), () filaments joined at
an ulna that may have evidence of feather attachments (see their bases in series along a central filament (e.g., Sinor-
Vickers-Rich, Chiappe, and Kurzanov, Chapter  in this nithosaurus), and () true feathers with a central rachis and
volume). barbs (e.g., Caudipteryx, Protarchaeopteryx). The distribu-
tions of these types among and within taxa are poorly
Feathered Dinosaurs of Liaoning known at present (but see Ji et al., ) but will undoubt-
Recently, new and interesting theropod specimens are com- edly become better known as the specimens from Liaoning
ing out of Liaoning, China, at a rapid pace, including prim- continue to appear.
itive avialans (Sereno and Rao, ; Chiappe et al., ) Study of these interesting animals is just beginning, and
and, rarely, nonavialans (e.g., Ji et al., ; Xu et al., a,b; surely they and other specimens will become the focus for
Ji et al., ). These specimens have fundamentally intense study for their bearing on the origin of birds and the
changed the way that we look at dinosaurs (including evolutionary appearance of avian features (see also Witmer,
birds). Although the precise age of these beds within the Chapter  in this volume; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this
Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous time span is debated volume). For example, the phylogenetic position of Caudip-
(Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume; see Swisher et al., teryx as an oviraptorosaur relative has profound implica-
), their importance is clear, and even if the later age is tions. The presence of feathers in this taxon indicates that
correct, they have important consequences for mani- feathers were present in other nonavialan dinosaur groups
raptoran phylogeny (Sereno ; Norell et al., ). that are descended from the same common ancestor as
Seven nonavialan theropods are particularly notewor- oviraptorosaurs and modern birds. This group includes
thy—Protarchaeopteryx robusta (Ji and Ji, ), Caudip- dromaeosaurids, troodontids, and therizinosauroids—all
teryx zoui (Ji et al., ), Sinosauropteryx prima (Chen et al., of which must now be interpreted in lieu of other evidence
), the therizinosauroid B. inexpectus (Xu et al., a), as being cloaked with a feathery body covering.
the dromaeosaurids S. millenii (Xu et al., b) and M.
zhaoianus (Xu et al., ), and the troodontid S. changii Protoavis
(Xu et al., ). The first of these animals to be discovered The Late Triassic species Protoavis texensis was described by
was Sinosauropteryx, a small, long-tailed animal of sup- Chatterjee (; see also Chatterjee, ), who considered
posed compsognathid affinities (Currie et al., ). In ad- it to be a bird. As described, it has an unusual combination
dition to being a new taxon of a rare group, the specimens of features; for example, the ulna supposedly has raised ar-
of Sinosauropteryx show an integumentary covering of eas for the insertion of feathers, but the hand has four
small fibers that completely cover the body of the animal. fingers rather than the three typical of Coelurosauria. How-


ever, questions have been raised about the accuracy of the finding that several theropods with unusually long arms
published description and whether the material is from a are the closest relatives of birds, together constituting
single taxon (e.g., Chiappe, ; Witmer, , Chapter  Coelurosauria. One of these, Ornithomimidae (correspon-
this volume). ding generally to what is now named Ornithomimosauria),
is more distantly related to birds than the others, and Gau-
“Archaeornithoides” thier erected the group Maniraptora for the latter. Beyond
In , Elzanowski and Wellnhofer described Archaeor- this there was little resolution indicating which groups were
nithoides deinosauriscus on the basis of the incomplete ros- most closely related to Avialae, as is evident from the lack of
trum and mandibular symphysis of a juvenile theropod col- resolution in the consensus cladogram (which shows only
lected by the  Polish Mongolian expeditions from Bayn those groups supported in all the equally most parsimo-
Dzak (the Flaming Cliffs), Mongolia (see also Elzanowski nious cladograms). In the text, Gauthier hypothesized that
and Wellnhofer, ). They implicated Archaeornithoides as Dromaeosauridae and Troodontidae formed a group that is
the sister group to Avialae. The type specimen is extremely the closest relative of Avialae, but in an addendum he
fragmentary and possibly passed through the digestive tract pointed out evidence contradicting the placement of the
of an organism before fossilization. Few details can be de- two families together, thus leaving the relationships of non-
termined from this specimen, but it does seem to possess avialan Maniraptora entirely unresolved.
broad palatal shelves, lack interdental plates in the area pre- Several recent cladistic analyses addressed the relation-
served, and lack denticles on its teeth. It is mainly on the ba- ships of birds among theropods, and another analyzed rela-
sis of the palatal shelves that Elzanowski and Wellnhofer de- tionships among several nonavialan theropod taxa that are
fended its phylogenetic position as near the base of Avialae. closely related to Avialae. We do not include analyses with-
However, broad palatal shelves (in some cases forming com- out published data matrices in this summary. In a study of
plete secondary palates) are now known from a number of a new relative of “segnosaurs” from China, Russell and
theropods, including adult and juvenile troodontids (Norell Dong (a) presented an analysis of theropods with sev-
et al., ) and dromaeosaurids (Norell and Makovicky, eral novel results (Fig. .B). Segnosaurs are a highly spe-
). Furthermore, teeth without denticles and dentaries cialized group of dinosaurs known with confidence only
lacking interdental plates can also be observed in the juve- from the Late Cretaceous of Asia, and hypotheses of their
nile troodontids from Ukhaa Tolgod. Considering these ob- affinities have ranged throughout the Dinosauria with little
servations, it is likely that A. deinosauriscus represents a consensus (Barsbold and Maryanska, ). The study pre-
poorly preserved specimen of a juvenile of a nonavialan sented by Russell and Dong summarized important evi-
coelurosaurian taxon. dence for the relationships of segnosaurs and the new taxon,
the Early Cretaceous A. elesitaiensis, but unfortunately they
Cladistic Analyses of Coelurosaurian Theropods apparently restricted the data set, derived mainly from Gau-
thier (), to only those characters that could be deter-
Cladistics was developed as a formal analysis only within mined in the new taxon ( characters in  taxa). Thus,
the past three decades, so the relationships of extant birds characters shared by, for example, dromaeosaurids and
to fossil archosaurs were not subjected to cladistic analysis birds are not included unless the anatomical region in
until the mid-s (e.g., Thulborn, ; Gauthier, ). which they are expressed is preserved in the Alxasaurus ma-
But the groundwork of comparisons was laid by Ostrom terial. The exclusion of this evidence renders the results in-
(), who cataloged the many similarities of Archaeop- conclusive.
teryx to theropod dinosaurs, dromaeosaurids in particular, Holtz () presented an analysis revising the charac-
and explicitly interpreted them in terms of synapomorphies ters summarized by Gauthier and adding numerous others
(shared derived characters). The character evidence (a total of  characters in  taxa), especially many cranial
amassed by Ostrom was persuasive when he presented it characters. An important aspect of this analysis is that char-
anecdotally and became overwhelming when incorporated acters considered to be correlated with large size were ex-
into cladistic analyses of birds with fossil archosaurs. plicitly excluded; in other words, several characters present
The study of Gauthier () is a convenient starting only in large taxa were considered to represent a single
point in discussing the relationships of birds to other di- character—large size—rather than different characters. The
nosaurs because of the detailed discussion of the evidence results (Fig. .C) differ from those of Gauthier () in at
presented therein. (The analysis by Thulborn [] least three significant respects: () there is much greater res-
reached similar results but found several theropods to be olution; () Ornithomimosauria (including Ornithomimi-
more closely related to extant birds than was Archaeop- dae) is not as distantly related to birds as Gauthier hypothe-
teryx.) Gauthier’s study surveyed  characters in  taxa, sized, so that the groups Coelurosauria and Maniraptora
with the results shown in Figure .A. Noteworthy was the are redefined (see Holtz, ); and () Tyrannosauridae is

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 39
Figure 2.1. Cladograms of relationships among coelurosaurian theropods based on published data matrices. A, strict consensus clado-
gram of “numerous” equally parsimonious cladograms ( characters for  taxa, CI = .) presented by Gauthier (), who in an
addendum to the paper questioned the close relationship of Troodontidae and Dromaeosauridae (treated as a single taxon, Deinony-
chosauria, in the analysis). Carnosauria includes Tyrannosauridae and Allosauridae. The original data matrix includes Hulsanpes, a
taxon known only from the metatarsals, but Wilkinson () reported that if this taxon is included then relationships of Coelurosauria
are unresolved in the strict consensus. B, single most parsimonious cladogram ( characters for  taxa, CI = .) of Russell and Dong
(a), who included Microvenator within Oviraptorosauria. C, single most parsimonious cladogram ( characters for  taxa,
CI = ., RI = .) of Holtz () excluding noncoelurosaurians, with group names (but not relationships) modified following Holtz
(). D, single most parsimonious cladogram ( characters for  taxa, CI = ., RI = .) of Sues (), who included Chirostenotes
within Oviraptorosauria and synonymized Elmisauridae with Caenagnathidae within this group. E, strict consensus of three equally
parsimonious cladograms ( characters for  taxa, CI = ., RI = .) of Makovicky and Sues (); F, single most parsimonious


hypothesized to be more closely related to birds than is Al- analysis (Fig. .E) found results similar to those of Sues
losauridae (proposed also in a cladistic analysis by Novas () and with Microvenator within Oviraptorosauria and
[] but without a data matrix), whereas Gauthier’s Therizinosauroidea as the sister group to this group.
analysis placed the two together, as the Carnosauria, outside In the description of a new species of primitive avialan
Coelurosauria. from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar, Rahonavis ostromi
However, several problems in the data matrix detract (Forster et al., a,b), an analysis of selected coelurosauri-
from Holtz’s analysis (Clark et al., b; Sereno, ), and ans was presented to explore its relationships (Fig. .F). As
the abbreviated descriptions of characters (in which only in the analysis of Sues, Tyrannosauridae is farther removed
the derived state is described) often obscure the precise fea- from Avialae than indicated by the analysis of Holtz ().
ture being specified in each case. Furthermore, it is not Noteworthy also is that Troodontidae, rather than Dro-
clear that removing characters that are correlated is justi- maeosauridae, were found to be the closest relatives of
fied, as correlation among characters is expected for those Avialae. Rahonavis and Unenlagia were found to be most
sharing a common evolutionary origin. There may be closely related to Archaeopteryx, although an alternative
grounds for dismissing a few of the characters Gauthier placement of Rahonavis within Avialae and Unenlagia out-
cited in support of Carnosauria as redundant in some ob- side it was only a single step longer.
vious way, but because ignoring evidence through ad hoc One of the most important discoveries in recent years
hypotheses is anathema in science, this should not be taken has been new species of nonavialan coelurosaurs with feath-
lightly. This study is therefore best considered a “work in ers. In their description of Protarchaeopteryx and Caudip-
progress” that is being refined (e.g., Holtz, , and Padian teryx, Ji et al. () presented an analysis supporting the
et al., ), although the only published data matrix is that placement of both outside Avialae (Fig. .F). The selection
of Holtz (). of nonavialan coelurosaurian taxa was limited, however.
An important study of an enigmatic theropod dinosaur Finally, an analysis of relationships among all dinosaurs
from the Late Cretaceous of Canada included an analysis of was published by Sereno (). Notable elements of this
relationships among Coelurosauria, although it did not ad- phylogeny (Figure .G) are the placement of Alvarezsauri-
dress the relationships of birds (Fig. .D). Chirostenotes dae with Ornithomimidae (i.e., Ornithomimosauria of some
pergracilis had been poorly known until a partial skeleton other authors) and Therizinosauridae (contra Sereno,
was discovered in museum collections. Sues () de- ), a clade comprising Caudipteryx and the Oviraptoro-
scribes this new material and recognizes its affinities with sauria, and a monophyletic Deinonychosauria (Dromaeo-
taxa forming Caenagnathidae (indeed, Sues synonymizes sauridae and Troodontidae).
Caenagnathus with Chirostenotes, as suggested tentatively In summary, the analyses of Coelurosauria published
by Currie and Russell []). Caenagnathidae forms a since the work of Gauthier () have each resulted in
group (Oviraptorosauria) with the highly specialized Ovi- more highly resolved relationships among the taxa, but with
raptoridae. A cladistic analysis of  taxa and  characters conflicting results. The problematic analyses of Russell and
finds tyrannosaurs to be outside Coelurosauria, contra Dong (a) and Holtz () aside, major conflicts are
Holtz (), and provides evidence that Oviraptorosauria found in () the position of tyrannosaurs, either outside
are most closely related to Therizinosauroidea. Dromaeo- Coelurosauria or closer to birds than are ornithomi-
sauridae and Troodontidae are sister taxa to each other, and mosaurs; () the relationships among Troodontidae and
together to the Avialae. Dromaeosauridae relative to Avialae; () the relationships of
A related study by Makovicky and Sues (), of an therizinosauroids, either with oviraptorosaurs or or-
equally enigmatic theropod dinosaur from the Early Creta- nithomimosaurs; and () the relationships of Alvarezsauri-
ceous of Montana, expanded the analysis of Sues () dae, either with (or within) Avialae or with Ornithomi-
with the addition of vertebral characters surveyed by mosauria. Given these conflicts, attempts to arrive at a
Makovicky (). In their redescription of Microvenator stable nomenclature for coelurosaurians by defining groups
celer Ostrom, , Makovicky and Sues pointed out several impervious to changes in composition (Sereno, ; Pa-
features indicative of oviraptorosaurian affinities, including dian et al., ) are more confusing than helpful. A notable
a bone tentatively identified as an edentulous dentary. Their shortcoming of all these analyses is that they considered

cladogram ( characters for  taxa, CI = ., RI = .) of Forster et al. (a); four taxa of Ornithothoraces included separately in
original data matrix. G, single most parsimonious cladogram ( characters for  taxa, CI = ., RI = .) of Ji et al. (); two gen-
era of Mononykinae, Shuvuuia and Mononykus, included separately in original data matrix. H, strict consensus of six equally most
parsimonious cladograms ( characters for  taxa, CI = ., RI = .) of Sereno (); Allosauroidea includes Allosauridae and Sin-
raptoridae, and four outgroup taxa are not illustrated.

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 41
either all higher taxa or a mixture of higher taxa and species, Several characters require comment. The distal carpals
so that the character scores represent inferences of the of coelurosaurs are notable for the large “semilunate” ele-
primitive condition rather than observations. ment in several taxa, but in other taxa the homologue of this
element is unclear a priori. Thus, in the therizinosauroid
A New Analysis of Coelurosaurian Relationships Alxasaurus (and in Beipiaosaurus) there are two large distal
elements, and it is unclear if both together or one alone is
The distribution of  characters among  species of homologous with the single element of others. We therefore
coelurosaurian theropods and two outgroup taxa was ana- left this issue unresolved in the coding of carpal characters.
lyzed by Norell et al. (), based on detailed study of Twelve of the  multistate characters (i.e., those with more
specimens of nearly all taxa. The analysis presented here than two states) were ordered (e.g., pleurocoels absent from
(see Hwang et al., in press) expands the data set to  sacral vertebrae, present on cranial sacrals, present on all
characters and  theropod taxa (see Appendix . for the sacrals), and some characters (e.g., glenoid fossa oriented
character list and data matrix). Recently discovered speci- caudally, caudolaterally, or laterally) were considered or-
mens of Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae, Ornithomimi- dered in some runs and unordered in others.
dae, and Oviraptoridae from the Early Cretaceous of China The analyses were conducted in the computer program
and the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia provided important NONA (Goloboff, ) using heuristic search methods.
new data on character distributions. One thousand replicates of the tree bisection and regraph-
Unlike previous studies, only species-level taxa were in- ing (TBR) algorithm were implemented retaining the 
cluded. This is clearly preferable to the use of higher taxa, shortest cladograms for each replicate. The retained clado-
which require assumptions of monophyly. Composite taxa grams were then subjected to exhaustive branch swapping
are often preferred because they have proportionately more (MAX*). Branch swapping was extended to suboptimal
data scored in a data matrix, because, for example, when one cladograms up to % longer (JUMP ).
species is known only from a skull and another from a Many () equally parsimonious cladograms resulted
hindlimb, they can be combined into a single taxon scored from the analysis, but a strict consensus of the equally par-
for both. However, this assumes that the hindlimb and skull simonious cladograms resulting from analysis is nonethe-
are uniform in both species and is a less accurate reflection less highly resolved (Fig. .). The results are generally con-
of what is actually known of these taxa. Although missing cordant with those of Gauthier () and most later studies
data in species-level taxa may lead to an unresolved strict except for the problematic studies of Russell and Dong
consensus cladogram (i.e., a cladogram that includes only (a) and Holtz (). Important aspects of the results
those groups found in all equally most parsimonious clado- include the following: () Tyrannosauridae is the sister
grams will include few groups), this is no reason to prefer group of other Coelurosauria; () Ornithomimosauria is at
composite taxa a priori. We therefore hope that future stud- the base of Maniraptoriformes, and Ornitholestes at the base
ies that include composite taxa will present the species-level of the Maniraptora; () Therizinosauroidea and Ovirap-
distribution of characters. We did not include the recently torosauria are sister taxa; () Caudipteryx and Avimimus are
described Scipionyx and Sinosauropteryx, which we have not members of Oviraptorosauria; () Unenlagia is a member of
examined, nor did we include Compsognathus and Coelurus, a largely unresolved Dromaeosauridae; and () Troodonti-
for which we were able to determine few characters helpful dae is the sister group to Dromaeosauridae, and these two
in determining relationships. groups (Deinonychosauria) are the sister taxon of Avialae.
All characters included in previous studies were consid- It is hoped that continuing phylogenetic studies of
ered. For several reasons many were excluded, however. In theropod dinosaurs will resolve several differences between
particular, many characters were found to vary continu- these results and those of others. In particular, the results
ously among taxa, making them problematic for phylo- presented by Sereno () differ mainly in the placement
genetic analysis. None of the species considered here are of Tyrannosauridae closer to birds than are ornithomi-
known from sufficient specimens to assess sampling error mosaurs, the placement of alvarezsaurids as sister taxa to
(e.g., Farris, ), and the division of continuous variation Ornithomimidae, and the grouping of Therizinosauroidea
into discrete character states in poorly sampled taxa can with the alvarezsaur-ornithomimid group. Among these
only be done arbitrarily. Many of these characters were ex- differences the placement of alvarezsaurids requires the
pressed as ratios, with arbitrary limits to character state de- highest number of character changes. Although some of the
limitation. For example, the shape of the antorbital fossa character evidence provided by Sereno is convincing, we
(“longer than tall” versus “taller than wide”) varies consid- question several features proposed as homologies between
erably among archosaurs, and the down-turned dentary of the highly specialized skeleton of alvarezsaurids and or-
segnosaurs and ornithomimosaurs is found to varying de- nithomimosaurs, especially those related to the fused,
grees in specimens of other taxa. greatly abbreviated carpometacarpus. Furthermore, be-


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Figure 2.2. Results of an analysis of  characters among  taxa of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs and two outgroups (Hwang
et al., in press). A, strict consensus of results from an analysis of all taxa resulting in  equally most parsimonious cladograms
(length , CI = ., RI = .). B, cladogram derived from strict consensus cladogram showing relationships among major groups.

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 43
cause only the higher taxon Ornithomimidae was included, Figure . illustrates the first occurrence of each of the
it is unclear to what extent the conditions of the basal or- major groups of nonavialan coelurosaurs, as well as two
nithomimosaur Harpymimus were considered (e.g., its first other taxa suggested as bird relatives. All but one of the
metacarpal is shorter than II and III). coelurosaurs first appear prior to the Late Cretaceous, a pat-
tern that has been established by several recent discoveries
Cladistics and the Fossil Record of Theropods in Early Cretaceous deposits. Second, several taxa predate
the first occurrence of Avialae (i.e., Archaeopteryx), includ-
Critics of the hypothesis that birds are theropod dinosaurs ing Ornitholestes and Coelurus, and Compsognathus is the
have claimed that the stratigraphic record supports their same age. Because the precise relationships of these taxa are
view, by indicating that the relevant theropod taxa occur too ambiguous, especially Ornitholestes and Coelurus, it is un-
late in time. Feduccia (:), for example, states, “Birds clear whether current hypotheses of relationships involving
are supposed to be derived from the coelurosaurian di- theropods and Avialae require any significant gaps in the
nosaurs, and the form initially used to relate dinosaurs to fossil record. For example, if Ornitholestes is the closest rel-
birds, Deinonychus, is from the early Cretaceous, some  ative of Dromaeosauridae and together they are the closest
million years after Archaeopteryx, and the most birdlike di- relative of Avialae (Unenlagia notwithstanding, for the mo-
nosaurs are from the late Cretaceous, some  or more mil- ment), then with regard to the “origin” of Avialae, the only
lion years after the appearance of the first bird. In fact, one gap in the fossil record implied by this hypothesis is that be-
could interpret the temporal evidence as indicating that tween the Kimmeridgian (the occurrence of Ornitholestes)
birds and dinosaurs are indeed examples of convergent evo- and Tithonian (the occurrence of Archaeopteryx) stages of
lution.”However, the only means of recognizing convergence the Late Jurassic, comprising only a few million years.
—similarity that is not due to a common evolutionary The first definitive occurrences of most of the major
origin—is through cladistic analysis of the characters clades of Coelurosauria in the Early Cretaceous and Late
shared by taxa, and in cladistic analysis the age of a taxon is Jurassic focus attention on the nonmarine fossil record of
irrelevant to determining its relationships. The lack of a the Middle and Late Jurassic. A well-known bias of the geo-
substantive fossil record of chimpanzees and gorillas has logical record (Blatt and Jones, ; Blatt et al., ) is that
not prevented anthropologists from recognizing the many older rocks are progressively less common—for example, in
similarities shared with humans as evidence of a close rela- the United States there are , square miles of Creta-
tionship, and such situations simply reflect the incomplete- ceous rocks exposed, but only , square miles of Juras-
ness of the fossil record. Feduccia’s comments are therefore sic rocks (Gilluly, ); calibrated for the somewhat shorter
a criticism or misunderstanding of cladistic analysis rather duration of the Jurassic, this is , square miles per mil-
than of this particular hypothesis. In any case, it is instruc- lion years for the Cretaceous versus , for the Jurassic.
tive to examine the stratigraphic distribution of these taxa Middle Jurassic sedimentary rocks from nonmarine depo-
to elucidate just how significant the gaps required by this sitional environments are even rarer than those of the Early
hypothesis are. Jurassic and Late Triassic, and the fossil record of terrestrial
The interpretation of stratigraphic occurrences of taxa in vertebrates from this period is therefore among the worst in
light of their phylogenetic relationships is controversial (see the fossil record (see, e.g., Benton, ). An attempt to il-
Smith, ), but several basic premises are common to all lustrate this sampling bias is shown in the top of Figure .,
approaches. () The relevant age of a taxon is its first ap- based on a compendium of fossil vertebrate localities with
pearance in the stratigraphic record, the oldest occurrence of dinosaurs (Weishampel, ). Because dinosaurs occur
a specimen with the apomorphies of that taxon; () the throughout the world in nearly every nonmarine sedimen-
branching order indicated by a phylogenetic hypothesis tary formation with vertebrate fossils during this time span,
should reflect the order of appearance of these taxa in the this is offered as an admittedly flawed but nevertheless in-
fossil record; and () sister taxa (two taxa that are each structive approximation for how well sampled the terres-
other’s closest relative) should appear at the same time in the trial fossil record of these time periods is.
fossil record unless one is potentially ancestral to the other Late Jurassic terrestrial vertebrates are known primarily
(i.e., lacks autapomorphies). Discrepancies between phylo- from a few localities with abundant fossils, especially from
genetic hypotheses of taxa and their fossil record imply gaps the Morrison Formation of western North America. The
in the fossil record (Norell, ), intervals during which fos- predominantly fluvial sediments of the Morrison Forma-
sils representing a clade should be present but are not. Note tion preserve few specimens of small size, but among them
that predictions of precisely how long particular morpho- are several coelurosaurians. The best known of these are Or-
logical changes took in the course of evolution depend on a nitholestes and Coelurus, which deserve further study, but at
“morphological clock” for which there is no evidence. least one other coelurosaur is represented by two isolated


Figure 2.3. First occurrences in the fossil record of coelurosaurian theropods and two alternative bird relatives (bottom) and relative
density of dinosaur localities (top). Dinosaur localities are plotted in number per million years per series (filled). Time scale is from
Gradstein et al. (), dinosaur localities are from Weishampel (). Length of bars in the lower figure reflects uncertainties in the
dating of single occurrences rather than durations. See Appendix . for references of first occurrences.

vertebrae (Makovicky, ), and other fragmentary mate- late Early Jurassic La Boca Formation of Mexico (Clark et
rial is known (Jensen and Padian, ). An isolated tro- al., a) possesses a caudal tympanic recess, indicating
odontidlike tooth also indicates the presence of coeluro- affinities with coelurosaurians (Munter, ). Finally, a
saurs (Chure, ), but the affinities of this specimen dentary from the Early Jurassic Lower Lufeng Formation of
must remain tentative until further material is discovered. China shares derived features with therizinosauroids (Xu et
In any case, these specimens indicate unequivocally that al., a), a group that is now considered to be coeluro-
coelurosaurians had diversified prior to the Morrison, saurian (Russell and Dong, a; Clark et al., b; Xu et
which is correlated with the Kimmeridgian marine stage, al., a).
and therefore these specimens are older than the specimens Two occurrences from the Late Triassic may be extremely
of Archaeopteryx. important for the timing of the diversification of Thero-
The low number of localities in the Middle Jurassic, poda. P. texensis, from the Dockum Formation of Texas, was
scaled with time, reflects the relative paucity of the record described as a bird (Chatterjee, , ), but questions
from this time period. Despite this poor record, several fos- concerning the reconstruction of elements, the integrity of
sils suggest that coelurosaurs occur in the Middle Jurassic. the specimen, and the interpretation of the anatomy have
At two Middle Jurassic localities in Great Britain, isolated raised doubts about its importance. Nevertheless, several
teeth similar to those of dromaeosaurids and troodontids features of the specimens referred to this species indicate
have been reported (Evans and Milner, ; Metcalf and the presence of a coelurosaurian theropod, perhaps related
Walker, ). An incomplete theropod braincase from the to troodontids (Currie and Zhao, ), which moves the

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 45
first occurrence of this group back significantly (see also The Evolutionary Origin of Avialan Features
Witmer, , Chapter  in this volume). A second taxon
from these same deposits, Shuvosaurus inexpectatus, shares Birds share many apomorphies that are lacking in their clos-
interesting similarities with Ornithomimidae that may ex- est living relatives, as even the most cursory examination of
tend this particular coelurosaurian clade back in time. a bird and a crocodilian will attest. Familiar features are
The preponderance of specimens from the Late Creta- feathers, an endothermic metabolism, a complex respira-
ceous on which much of our knowledge of nonavialan tory system in which pulmonary air flows in a single direc-
coelurosaurian theropods is based deserves comment. Al- tion, a four-chambered heart completely separating arterial
though the first occurrences of these groups in the strati- and venous blood, an enlarged forebrain, a syrinx, many
graphic record provide their minimum age, the most com- features of the bony skeleton, and a variety of complex be-
plete material is often from later deposits, perhaps because haviors. The simplest explanation is that these features ap-
of the preponderance of sediments of later ages in the fos- peared after the divergence of birds from their common an-
sil record (Fig. .). For example, many of the most com- cestor with crocodilians, and for the osteological characters
plete articulated skeletons are from the Late Cretaceous the evolutionary appearance can be resolved more precisely
Djadokhta Formation of Mongolia and China, a situation among the taxa known only from the fossil record.
for which the unusual environment in which these sedi- By documenting the distribution of osteological charac-
ments were deposited—sand dunes interspersed with ters among theropod taxa, the fossil record provides infor-
streams and ponds—is presumably responsible (Eberth, mation critical to determining which of these arose prior to
; Fastovsky et al., ; Loope et al., ). The later age the evolutionary appearance of flight. There is considerable
of these specimens is of no consequence to their utility in disagreement about the precise capabilities for powered
understanding the relationships of these groups, just as the flight among basal fossil avialans, but the relatively large
large amount of evidence provided by living organisms can- body size and weak forearms of dromaeosaurids, ovirap-
not be ignored when inferring relationships among taxa to torosaurians, troodontids, and their closest relatives
which they belong (Rosen et al., ). Again, fossils do not strongly suggest that none possessed these capabilities.
have a stratigraphic record beyond individual occurrences Thus, the presence of a furcula, ossified ventral rib seg-
until they are grouped together, and the only means of do- ments, and an ossified sternum in dromaeosaurids (Norell
ing this is with shared characters. Ignoring particular fossils and Makovicky, ) and oviraptorids (Barsbold et al.,
because of their age, as when they are considered a priori to ; Clark et al., ) indicates that these structures
be convergent with birds, is therefore an arbitrary dismissal evolved before powered flight.
of evidence, for which there is no justification. For the “soft” anatomical, physiological, and behavioral
The two most vocal critics of a close relationship be- features, however, there is often only very weak evidence, so
tween birds and theropod dinosaurs have proposed alter- those rare occurrences hinting at their presence in fossils are
native hypotheses, although without providing sufficient the focus of a great deal of attention. The most important
character evidence to make compelling arguments. Martin recent discoveries are the theropods from the Early Creta-
() hypothesized that birds and crocodilians share a ceous of Liaoning, which preserve soft tissues including
closer relationship than do birds and dinosaurs and that feathers and featherlike structures. The vaned feathers in
the extinct group Sphenosuchia, usually allied with croco- Protarchaeopteryx and Caudipteryx (Ji et al., ) demon-
dilians, is in turn the closest relative of this group. Feduc- strate that these structures appeared earlier in the evolution
cia (Feduccia and Wild, ; Feduccia, ) has proposed of birds than had previously been thought. Furthermore,
instead that the poorly known Megalancosaurus is a closer the relationships of Caudipteryx with Oviraptorosauria im-
relative of birds than are dinosaurs, arguing that it shares ply that vaned feathers were broadly distributed among
so few characters with birds because it is at the very base of coelurosaurians (i.e., in troodontids, oviraptorosaurs, and
a long evolutionary branch as yet unrepresented in the fos- dromaeosaurids). Because the forelimb anatomy of these
sil record. Without addressing the deficiencies in the evi- two genera indicate that they were not capable of powered
dential support for both these hypotheses (see Currie, ; flight, the simplest interpretation of current evidence is that
Sereno, ; Witmer, ; Gauthier, ; Renesto, ; feathers evolved before powered flight.
Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ), we point out that each Another important recent discovery is a skeleton of an
requires either a much larger gap in the fossil record than oviraptorid overlying a nest in a posture almost identical to
does the fossil record of theropods or, if the Late Triassic that taken by living birds (Norell et al., ; Clark et al.,
and Early Jurassic coelurosaur records are valid, then a ). The eggs in the nest are identical in texture, size, and
nearly identical gap (this has been quantified by Brochu shape to another in which an oviraptorid embryo is pre-
and Norell, , ). served (Norell et al., ), and the adult skeleton directly


contacts some of the eggs in the nest. Furthermore, among limbs during any stage of their ontogeny. Indeed, the
the first  oviraptorid skeletons collected from the strongly curved claws of the hand of dromaeosaurids and
Djadokhta Formation,  are preserved over nests of this kind oviraptorids (Chiappe, ) could have been used in ways
(Osborn, ; Dong and Currie, ; Webster, :). similar to those of living birds with strongly curved claws
These specimens strongly suggest that the adult was a par- that climb trees or cliffs. Furthermore, although it is clear
ent of the nest, and they provide evidence that the behavior that birds are descended at some level from animals that
of sitting on a nest in this posture evolved prior to, or per- were ground living (as there is no evidence that they evolved
haps with, the common ancestor of oviraptorids and birds. from “fish” independent of other tetrapods), it is unclear
The dinosaurs most closely related to birds (or to that our sample of nonavialan theropods is sufficient to ad-
Avialae) should offer the strongest evidence for the condi- dress questions about the conditions immediately preceding
tions ancestral to them, but our understanding of their be- the origin of flight in birds. The Mesozoic fossil record of
havior, especially the uses to which they put their forelimbs, theropod dinosaurs is clearly a poor sample of the true di-
is severely limited. For example, it is often contended that versity of this group, and it is likely biased against taxa of
the closest relatives of Avialae (e.g., dromaeosaurids) were smaller size. In light of this uncertainty, we feel that it has
predominately cursorial, and therefore flight in birds yet to be demonstrated that the fossil record is capable of
evolved from cursorial animals (e.g., Ostrom, ). How- testing critically either the “arboreal” or “cursorial” hy-
ever, it is unclear whether we can be certain these taxa never potheses of the origin of flight (see also Witmer, Chapter 
wandered to the top of a cliff or clambered up trees with low in this volume).

First Occurrences of Taxa in Figure 2.3

Theropods remian in age. Possible dromaeosaurid or troodontid teeth

from several Bathonian sites in Great Britain (Evans and
Troodontidae—The oldest definitive troodontid specimen Milner, ; Metcalf and Walker, ).
is S. youngi Russell and Dong, , Ejinhoroqi Formation
near Huamuxiao, Inner Mongolia, China (Russell and Therizinosauroidea—A. elesitaiensis (Russell and Dong,
Dong, b). Probably Barremian to Aptian (Eberth et al., a), Bayin Obo Formation, Alxa Desert, Inner Mongo-
; Russell and Zhao, ). Isolated teeth similar to those lia, China. Dated as Albian on the basis of pollen and
of troodontids from Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) deposits tetrapods (Jerzykiewicz and Russell, 1991). A possi-
in England (Evans and Milner, ) and a troodontidlike ble therizinosauroid has been reported from the Early
tooth from the Late Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah Jurassic Lower Lufeng Formation of China (Xu et al.,
(Chure, ) are not included. a).

Ornithomimosauria—P. polyodon Pérez-Moreno et al., Coelurus—The only known specimens of C. fragilis Marsh,
, is from the Upper Hauterivian–Lower Barremian Cal- , and C. agilis Marsh, , are from the Morrison For-
izas de La Huérguina Formation, Las Hoyas, Spain. S. inex- mation of Como Bluff, Wyoming, dated by pollen as cor-
pectatus Chatterjee, , from the early Norian Dockum relative with the Kimmeridgian marine stage (Kowallis et
Formation, exhibits several features of derived ornithomi- al., ). Ostrom () suggested that they all are from a
mosaurs but is poorly preserved. single specimen and species, C. fragilis.

Oviraptorosauria—M. celer Ostrom, , recently has Ornitholestes—The single specimen of O. hermanni Os-
been identified as a primitive oviraptorosaur (Makovicky born, , is from the Morrison Formation at Bone Cabin
and Sues, ), as suggested earlier by Currie and Russell Quarry, Wyoming. The Morrison Formation is dated by
(). It is from the Aptian-Albian Cloverly Formation of pollen as correlative with the Kimmeridgian marine stage
Montana (Ostrom, ). Otherwise, the earliest member is (Kowallis et al., ).
Caenagnathasia from the upper Turonian Bissekty Forma-
Tyrannosauridae—The oldest taxon is Siamotyrannus isa-
tion of Uzbekistan (Currie et al., ).
nensis Buffetaut et al., , from the Sao Khua Formation,
Dromaeosauridae—Utahraptor ostrommaysorum Kirkland Phu Wiang, Thailand, dated as pre-Albian Early Cretaceous.
et al., , Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, cited as Bar- However, more complete, definitive tyrannosaurid remains

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 47
do not appear in well-dated rocks until the Campanian Unenlagia—U. comahuensis Novas and Puerta, , is
(Molnar et al., ). from the Rio Neuquén Formation, Argentina, dated at Tur-
onian-Coniacian (Cruz et al., ).
Compsognathus—The two specimens of Compsognathus
are from Solnhofen (the holotype of C. longipes Wagner,
) and an unnamed unit at Canjuer, France (the holo-
type of C. corallestris Bidar et al., , considered to repre- Megalancosaurus—The five specimens of Megalancosaurus
sent C. longipes by Ostrom []). The Upper Solnhofen preonensis Calzavara et al., , are from the “Dolomia di
Plattenkalk is dated by marine invertebrates as early Forni” (Renesto, ), which is considered to be Norian by
Tithonian (Barthel et al., ); the French unit is dated by Tintori et al. () on the basis of marine invertebrates.
marine invertebrates as slightly later in the Tithonian (Bidar
et al., ). Sphenosuchians—The first occurrence of sphenosuchians
in the fossil record is Trialestes romeri (Reig, ), from the
Protoavis—P. texensis Chatterjee, , from the early Ischigualasto Formation of Argentina (although the mono-
Norian Dockum Formation of Texas, exhibits several phyly of this group has been questioned by Clark, in Ben-
coelurosaurian features, but the reconstructions of the ton and Clark, ). The Ischigualasto Formation is dated
specimen and the allocation of all the material identified radiometrically as correlative with the mid-Carnian marine
with this taxon have been questioned. stage by Rogers et al. ().

Character List and Data Matrix

Key: 0 = plesiomorphic character state; 1, 2, 3, 4 = apomorphic character states; ? = missing data; − = character not applicable
(e.g., dental characters in Oviraptor philoceratops)
1. Vaned feathers on forelimb: symmetric (0); asymmetric (1). 12. Basipterygoid processes ventral or anteroventrally projecting
(0) or lateroventrally projecting (1).
Skull 13. Basipterygoid processes well developed, extending as a
2. Orbit round in lateral or dorsolateral view (0) or dorso- distinct process from the base of the basisphenoid (0) or
ventrally elongate (1). It is unclear that the eye occupied the processes abbreviated or absent (1).
entire orbit of those taxa in which it is keyhole-shaped. 14. Basipterygoid processes solid (0) or processes hollow (1).
3. Anterior process of postorbital projects into orbit (0) or does 15. Basipterygoid recesses on dorsolateral surfaces of
not project into orbit (1). basipterygoid processes absent (0) or present (1).
4. Postorbital in lateral view with straight anterior (frontal) 16. Depression for pneumatic recess on prootic absent (0) or
process (0) or frontal process curves anterodorsally, and present as dorsally open fossa on prootic/opisthotic (1)
dorsal border of temporal bar is dorsally concave (1). or present as deep, posterolaterally directed concavity (2).
5. Postorbital bar parallels quadrate, lower temporal fenestra The dorsal tympanic recess referred to here is the depression
rectangular in shape (0) or jugal and postorbital approach or anterodorsal to the middle ear on the opisthotic, not the
contact quadratojugal to constrict lower temporal fenestra (1). recess dorsal to the crista interfenestralis within the middle
6. Otosphenoidal crest vertical on basisphenoid and prootic and ear as seen in Archaeopteryx lithographica, Shuvuuiau deserti
does not border an enlarged pneumatic recess (0) or well- and Aves.
developed, crescent-shaped, thin crest forms anterior edge 17. Accessory tympanic recess dorsal to crista interfenestralis
of enlarged pneumatic recess (1). This structure forms the absent (0) small pocket present (1) or extensive with indirect
anterior, and most distinct, border of the lateral depressio pneumatization (2). According to Witmer (1990), this
of the middle ear region (see Currie and Zhao, 1994) of structure may be an extension from the caudal tympanic
troodontids and some extant avians. recess, although it has been interpreted as the main part of
7. Crista interfenestralis confluent with lateral surface of prootic the caudal tympanic recess by some authors (e.g., Walker,
and opisthotic (0) or distinctly depressed within middle ear 1985).
opening (1). 18. Caudal (posterior) tympanic recess absent (0) present as
8. Subotic recess (pneumatic fossa ventral to fenestra ovalis) opening on anterior surface of paroccipital process (1) or
present (0) or absent (1). extends into opisthotic posterodorsal to fenestra ovalis,
9. Basisphenoid recess present between basisphenoid and basi- confluent with this fenestra (2).
occipital (0) or entirely within basisphenoid (1) or absent (2). 19. Exits of CN X–XII flush with surface of exoccipital (0) or
10. Posterior opening of basisphenoid recess single (0) or divided cranial nerve exits located together in a bowl-like
into two small, circular foramina by a thin bar of bone (1). basisphenoid depression (1).
11. Base of cultriform process not highly pneumatized (0) or base 20. Maxillary process of premaxilla contacts nasal to form
of cultriform process (parasphenoid rostrum) expanded and posterior border of nares (0) or maxillary process reduced so
pneumatic (parasphenoid bulla) (1). that maxilla participates broadly in external naris (1) or


maxillary process of premaxilla extends posteriorly to 45. Frontal postorbital process (dorsal view): smooth transition
separate maxilla from nasal posterior to nares (2). from orbital margin (0) or sharply demarcated from orbital
21. Posterior process of premaxillary short and blunt (0) or margin (1) (Currie, 1995).
elongate and extend along nasal-maxillary suture posterior to 46. Frontal edge smooth in region of lacrimal suture (0) or edge
nares (1). notched (1) (Currie, 1995).
22. Internarial bar rounded (0) or flat (1). 47. Dorsal surface of parietals flat, lateral ridge borders
23. Crenulate margin on buccal edge of premaxilla absent (0) or supratemporal fenestra (0) or parietals dorsally convex with
present (1). very low sagittal crest along midline (1) or dorsally convex
24. Caudal margin of naris farther rostral than (0), or nearly with well-developed sagittal crest (2).
reaching or overlapping (1), the rostral border of the 48. Parietals separate (0) or fused (1).
antorbital fossa. 49. Descending process of squamosal parallels quadrate shaft (0)
25. Premaxillary symphysis acute, V-shaped (0) or rounded, or nearly perpendicular to quadrate shaft (1).
U-shaped (1). 50. Descending process of squamosal contacts quadratojugal (0)
26. Secondary palate formed by premaxilla only (0) or by or does not contact quadratojugal (1).
premaxilla, maxilla, and vomer (1). 51. Posterolateral shelf on squamosal overhanging quadrate head
27. Palatal shelf of maxilla flat (0) or with midline ventral absent (0) or present (1).
toothlike projection (1). 52. Dorsal process of quadrate single headed (0) or with two
28. Pronounced, round accessory antorbital fenestra absent (0) distinct heads, a lateral one contacting the squamosal and a
or present (1). A small fenestra, variously termed the medial head contacting the braincase (1).
accessory antorbital fenestra or maxillary fenestra, penetrates 53. Quadrate vertical (0) or strongly inclined anteroventrally so
the medial wall of the antorbital fossa anterior to the that distal end lies far forward of proximal end (1).
antorbital fenestra in a variety of coelurosaurs and other 54. Quadrate solid (0) or hollow, with depression on posterior
theropods. surface (1).
29. Accessory antorbital fossa situated at rostral border of 55. Lateral border of quadrate shaft straight (0) or with lateral
antorbital fossa (0) or situated posterior to rostral border tab that touches squamosal and quadratojugal above an
of fossa (1). enlarged quadrate foramen (1).
30. Tertiary antorbital fenestra (fenestra promaxillaris) absent (0) 56. Foramen magnum subcircular, slightly wider than tall (0) or
or present (1). oval, taller than wide (1). See Makovicky and Sues (1998).
31. Antorbital fossa without distinct rim ventrally and anteriorly 57. Occipital condyle without constricted neck (0) or
(0) or with distinct rim composed of a thin wall of bone (1). subspherical with constricted neck (1).
A rim is most strongly developed in the therizinosauroid E. 58. Paroccipital process elongate and slender, with dorsal and
andrewsi (Clark et al., 1994b) but is nearly absent in ventral edges nearly parallel (0) or process short, deep with
ornithomimosaurs. convex distal end (1).
32. Narial region apneumatic or poorly pneumatized (0) or with 59. Paroccipital process straight, projects laterally or
extensive pneumatic fossae, especially along posterodorsal posterolaterally (0) or distal end curves ventrally, pendant (1).
rim of fossa (1). 60. Paroccipital process with straight dorsal edge (0) or with
33. Jugal and postorbital contribute equally to postorbital bar (0) dorsal edge twisted rostrolaterally at distal end (1) (Currie,
or ascending process of jugal reduced and descending process 1995).
of postorbital ventrally elongate (1). 61. Ectopterygoid with constricted opening into fossa (0) or with
34. Jugal tall beneath lower temporal fenestra, twice or more as open ventral fossa in the main body of the element (1).
tall dorsoventrally as it is wide transversely (0) or rodlike (1). 62. Dorsal recess on ectopterygoid absent (0) or present (1).
35. Jugal pneumatic recess in posteroventral corner of antorbital 63. Flange of pterygoid well developed (0) or reduced in size or
fossa present (0) or absent (1). absent (1).
36. Medial jugal foramen present on medial surface ventral to 64. Palatine and ectopterygoid separated by pterygoid (0) or
postorbital bar (0) or absent (1). contact (1) (Currie, 1995).
37. Quadratojugal without horizontal process posterior to 65. Palatine tetraradiate, with jugal process (0) or palatine
ascending process (reversed L shape) (0) or with process (i.e., triradiate, jugal process absent (1).
inverted T or Y shape) (1). 66. Suborbital fenestra similar in length to orbit (0) or reduced in
38. Jugal and quadratojugal separate (0) or quadratojugal and size (less than one quarter orbital length) or absent (1).
jugal fused and not distinguishable from one another (1).
39. Supraorbital crests on lacrimal in adult individuals absent (0) Mandible
or dorsal crest above orbit (1) or lateral expansion anterior 67. Symphyseal region of dentary broad and straight, paralleling
and dorsal to orbit (2). lateral margin (0) or medially recurved slightly (1) or
40. Enlarged foramen or foramina opening laterally at the angle strongly recurved medially (2).
of the lacrimal, absent (0) or present (1). 68. Dentary symphyseal region in line with main part of buccal
41. Lacrimal anterodorsal process absent (inverted L-shaped) (0) edge (0) or symphyseal end downturned (1).
or lacrimal T-shaped in lateral view (1) or anterodorsal 69. Mandible without coronoid prominence (0) or with coronoid
process much longer than posterior process (2). Ordered. prominence (1).
42. Prefrontal large, dorsal exposure similar to that of lacrimal 70. Posterior end of dentary without posterodorsal process dorsal
(0) or greatly reduced in size (1) or absent (2). Ordered. to mandibular fenestra (0) or with dorsal process above
43. Frontals narrow anteriorly as a wedge between nasals (0) or anterior end of mandibular fenestra (1) or with elongate
end abruptly anteriorly, suture with nasal transversely dorsal process extending over most of fenestra (2).
oriented (1). 71. Labial face of dentary flat (0) or with lateral ridge and inset
44. Anterior emargination of supratemporal fossa on frontal tooth row (1).
straight or slightly curved (0) or strongly sinusoidal and 72. Dentary subtriangular in lateral view (0) or with subparallel
reaching onto postorbital process (1) (Currie, 1995). dorsal and ventral edges (1) (Currie, 1995).

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 49
73. Nutrient foramina on external surface of dentary superficial 97. Axial neural spine flared transversely (0) or compressed
(0) or lie within deep groove (1). mediolaterally (1).
74. External mandibular fenestra oval (0) or subdivided by a 98. Epipophyses of cervical vertebrae placed distally on
spinous rostral process of the surangular (1). postzygapophyses, above postzygapophyseal facets (0) or
75. Internal mandibular fenestra small and slitlike (0) or large placed proximally, proximal to postzygapophyseal facets (1).
and rounded (1) (Currie, 1995). 99. Anterior cervical centra level with or shorter than posterior
76. Foramen in lateral surface of surangular rostral to extent of neural arch (0) or centra extending beyond
mandibular articulation, absent (0) or present (1). posterior limit of neural arch (1).
77. Splenial not widely exposed on lateral surface of mandible (0) 100. Carotid process on posterior cervical vertebrae absent (0) or
or exposed as a broad triangle between dentary and angular present (1).
on lateral surface of mandible (1). 101. Anterior cervical centra subcircular or square in anterior view
78. Coronoid ossification large (0) or only a thin splint (1) or (0) or distinctly wider than high, kidney-shaped (1).
absent (2). Ordered. 102. Cervical neural spines anteroposteriorly long (0) or short and
79. Articular without elongate, slender medial, posteromedial, or centered on neural arch, giving arch an X shape in dorsal
mediodorsal process from retroarticular process (0) or with view (1).
process (1). 103. Cervical centra with one pair of pneumatic openings (0) or
80. Retroarticular process short, stout (0) or elongate and with two pairs of pneumatic openings (1).
slender (1). 104. Cervical and anterior trunk vertebrae amphiplatyan (0) or
81. Mandibular articulation surface as long as distal end of opisthocoelous (1).
quadrate (0) or twice or more as long as quadrate surface, 105. Anterior trunk vertebrae without prominent hypapophyses
allowing anteroposterior movement of mandible (1). (0) or with large hypapophyses (1).
106. Parapophyses of posterior trunk vertebrae flush with neural
Dentition arch (0) or distinctly projected on pedicels (1).
82. Premaxilla toothed (0) or edentulous (1). 107. Hyposphene-hypantrum articulations in trunk vertebrae
83. Second premaxillary tooth approximately equivalent in size absent (0) or present (1).
to other premaxillary teeth (0) or second tooth markedly 108. Zygapophyses of trunk vertebrae abutting one another above
larger than third and fourth premaxillary teeth (1) (Currie, neural canal, opposite hyposphenes meet to form lamina (0),
1995). or zygapophyses placed lateral to neural canal and separated by
84. Maxilla toothed (0) or edentulous (1). groove for interspinuous ligaments, hyposphenes separated (1).
85. All maxillary teeth serrated (0) or some without serrations 109. Cervical vertebrae but not dorsal vertebrae pneumatic (0) or
anteriorly (except at base in Saurornithoides mongoliensis) (1) all presacral vertebrae pneumatic (1).
or all without serrations (2). Ordered. 110. Transverse processes of anterior dorsal vertebrae long and
86. All dentary teeth serrated (0) or some without serrations thin (0) or short, wide, and only slightly inclined (1).
anteriorly (except at base in S. mongoliensis) (1) or all without 111. Neural spines of dorsal vertebrae not expanded distally (0) or
serrations (2). Ordered. expanded to form spine table (1).
87. Dentary and maxillary teeth large, less than 25 in dentary (0) 112. Scars for interspinous ligaments terminate at apex of neural
or moderate number of small teeth (25–30 in dentary) (1) or spine in dorsal vertebrae (0) or terminate below apex of
teeth relatively small, and numerous (more than 30 in neural spine (1).
dentary) (2). 113. Number of sacral vertebrae: 5 (0) or 6 (1) or 8 or more (2).
88. Serration denticles large (0) or small (1). Farlow et al. (1991) Ordered.
quantify this difference. 114. Sacral vertebrae wit unfused zygapophyses (0) or with fused
89. Serrations simple, denticles convex (0) or distal and often zygapophyses forming a sinuous ridge in dorsal view (1).
mesial edges of teeth with large, hooked denticles that point 115. Ventral surface of posterior sacral centra gently rounded,
toward the tip of the crown (1). convex (0) or ventrally flattened, sometimes with shallow
90. Maxillary teeth constricted between root and crown (0) or sulcus (1) or centrum strongly constricted transversely,
root and crown confluent (1). ventral surface keeled (2). Note that in Alvarezsaurus calvoi it
91. Dentary teeth constricted between root and crown (0) or root is only the fifth sacral that is keeled, unlike other
and crown confluent (1). alvarezsaurids (Novas, 1996).
92. Dentary teeth evenly spaced (0) or anterior dentary teeth 116. Pleurocoels absent on sacral vertebrae (0) or present on anterior
smaller, more numerous, and more closely appressed than sacrals only (1) or present on all sacrals (2). A pleurocoel may be
those in middle of tooth row (1). present on the first sacral in A. elesitaiensis, although this area is
93. Dentaries lack distinct interdental plates (0) or with badly crushed (Russell and Dong, 1994a). Ordered.
interdental plates medially between teeth (1). Currie (1995) 117. Last sacral centrum with flat posterior articulation surface (0)
suggests the interdental plates of dromaeosaurids are present or convex articulation surface (1).
but fused to the medial surface of the dentary, but in the 118. Caudal vertebrae with distinct transition point, from shorter
absence of convincing evidence for this fusion we did not centra with long transverse processes proximally to longer centra
recognize this distinction. with small or no transverse processes distally (0) or vertebrae
94. In cross section, premaxillary tooth crowns suboval to homogeneous in shape, without transition point (1).
subcircular (0) or asymmetrical (D-shaped in cross section) 119. Transition point in caudal series begins distal to the 10th
with flat lingual surface (1). caudal (0) or at or proximal to the 10th caudal vertebra (1).
120. Anterior caudal centra tall, oval in cross section (0) or with
Axial Skeleton boxlike centra in caudals I–V (1) or anterior caudal centra
95. Number of cervical vertebrae: 10 (0) or 12 or more (1). laterally compressed with ventral keel (2).
96. Axial epipophyses absent or poorly developed, not extending 121. Neural spines of caudal vertebrae simple, undivided (0) or
past posterior rim of postzygapophyses (0) or large and separated into anterior and posterior alae throughout much
posteriorly directed, extend beyond postzygapophyses (1). of caudal sequence (1).


122. Neural spines on distal caudals form a low ridge (0) or spine 146. Distal articular surface of ulna flat (0) or convex, semilunate
absent (1) or midline sulcus in center of neural arch (2). surface (1).
123. Prezygapophyses of distal caudal vertebrae between one-third 147. Proximal surface of ulna a single continuous articular facet
and whole centrum length (0) or with extremely long (0) or divided into two distinct fossae separated by a median
extensions of the prezygapophyses (up to 10 vertebral ridge (1).
segments long in some taxa) (1) or strongly reduced as in A. 148. Lateral proximal carpal (ulnare?) quadrangular (0) or
lithographica (2). triangular in proximal view (1). The homology of the carpal
124. More than 40 caudal vertebrae (0) or 25–40 caudal vertebrae elements of coelurosaurs is unclear (see, e.g., Padian and
(1) or no more than 25 caudal vertebrae (2). Ordered. Chiappe, 1998), but the large, triangular lateral element of
125. Proximal end of chevrons of proximal caudals short some taxa most likely corresponds to the lateral proximal
anteroposteriorly, shaft cylindrical (0) or proximal end carpal of basal tetanurans.
elongate anteroposteriorly, flattened and platelike (1). 149. Two distal carpals in contact with metacarpals, one covering
126. Distal caudal chevrons are simple (0) or anteriorly the base of metacarpal I (and perhaps contacting metacarpal
bifurcate (1). II) and the other covering the base of metacarpal II (0) or
127. Shaft of cervical ribs slender and longer than vertebra to which a single distal carpal capping metacarpals I and II (1). In
they articulate (0) or broad and shorter than vertebra (1). the absence of ontogenetic data, it is not possible to
128. Ossified uncinate processes absent (0) or present (1). determine whether the single large semilunate carpal of
129. Ossified ventral rib segments absent (0) or present (1). birds and many other coelurosaurs is formed by fusion
130. Lateral gastral segment shorter than medial one in each arch of the two distal carpals or is, instead, an enlarged distal
(0) or distal segment longer than proximal segment (1). carpal 1 or 2.
131. Ossified sternal plates separate in adults (0) or fused (1). 150. Distal carpals not fused to metacarpals (0) or fused to
132. Sternum without distinct lateral xiphoid process posterior metacarpals, forming carpometacarpus (1).
to costal margin (0) or with lateral xiphoid process (1). 151. Semilunate distal carpal well developed, covering all of
133. Anterior edge of sternum grooved for reception of coracoids proximal ends of metacarpals I and II (0) or small, covers
(0) or sternum without grooves (1). about half of base of metacarpals I and II (1) or covers bases
134. Articular facet of coracoid on sternum (conditions may be of all metacarpals (2).
determined by the articular facet on coracoid in taxa without 152. Metacarpal I half the length of metacarpal II (0) or less than
ossified sternum): anterolateral or more lateral than anterior half the length of metacarpal II (1) or subequal in length to
(0); almost anterior (1) (Xu et al., 1999b). metacarpal II (2).
153. Third manual digit present, phalanges present (0) or reduced
Pectoral Girdle and Forelimb to no more than metacarpal splint (1).
135. Hypocleidium on furcula absent (0) or present (1). The 154. Manual unguals strongly curved, with large flexor tubercles (0)
hypocleidium is a process extending from the ventral midline or weakly curved or straight with weak flexor tubercles
of the furcula and is attached to the sternum by a ligament in displaced distally from articular end (1).
extant birds. 155. Unguals on all digits generally similar in size (0) or digit I
136. Acromion margin of scapula continuous with blade (0) or bearing large ungual and unguals of other digits distinctly
anterior edge laterally everted (1). smaller (1).
137. Anterior surface of coracoid ventral to glenoid fossa 156. Proximodorsal “lip” on some manual unguals—a transverse
unexpanded (0) or anterior edge of coracoid expanded, forms ridge immediately dorsal to the articulating surface—absent
triangular subglenoid fossa bounded laterally by coracoid (0) or present (1). In V. mongoliensis and Deinonychus
tuber (1). antirrhopus a lip is present, contrary to previous contentions.
138. Scapula and coracoid separate (0) or fused into
scapulacoracoid (1). Pelvic Girdle and Hindlimb
139. Coracoid in lateral view subcircular, with shallow ventral 157. Ventral edge of anterior ala of ilium straight or gently curved
blade (0) or subquadrangular with extensive ventral blade (0) or ventral edge hooked anteriorly (1) or very strongly
(1) or shallow ventral blade with elongate posteroventral hooked (2). Ordered.
process (2). 158. Preacetabular part of ilium roughly as long as postacetabular
140. Scapula and coracoid form a continuous arc in posterior and part of ilium (0) or preacetabular portion of ilium markedly
anterior views (0) or coracoid inflected medially, longer (more than two-thirds of total ilium length) than
scapulocoracoid L-shaped in lateral view (1). postacetabular part (1).
141. Glenoid fossa faces posteriorly or posterolaterally (0) or 159. Anterior end of ilium gently rounded or straight (0) or
laterally (1). anterior end strongly curved (1) or pointed at anterodorsal
142. Scapula longer than humerus (0) or humerus longer than corner (2). Ordered.
scapula (1). 160. Supraacetabular crest on ilium as a separate process from
143. Deltopectoral crest large and distinct, proximal end of antitrochanter, forms “hood” over femoral head present (0)
humerus quadrangular in anterior view (0) or deltopectoral reduced, not forming hood (1) or absent (2).
crest less pronounced, forming an arc rather than being 161. Postacetabular ala of ilium in lateral view squared (0) or
quadrangular (1) or deltopectoral crest very weakly acuminate (1).
developed, proximal end of humerus with rounded edges (2) 162. Postacetabular blades of ilia in dorsal view parallel (0) or
or deltopectoral crest extremely long (3) or proximal end of diverge posteriorly (1).
humerus extremely broad, triangular in anterior view (4). 163. Tuber along dorsal edge of ilium, dorsal or slightly posterior
144. Anterior surface of deltopectoral crest smooth (0) or with to acetabulum absent (0) or present (1).
distinct groove or ridge near lateral edge along distal end of 164. Brevis fossa shelflike (0) or deeply concave with lateral
crest (1). overhang (1).
145. Olecranon process weakly developed (0) or distinct and 165. Antitrochanter posterior to acetabulum absent or poorly
large (1). developed (0) or prominent (1).

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 51
166. Cuppedicus fossa formed as antiliac shelf anterior to autapomorphy of M. celer (Makovicky and Sues, 1998), but it
acetabulum, extends posteriorly to above anterior end of is more widespread.
acetabulum (0) or posterior end of fossa on anterior end of 189. Anterior surface of femur proximal to medial distal condyle
pubic peduncle, anterior to acetabulum (1). without longitudinal crest (0) or crest present extending
167. Cuppedicus fossa deep, ventrally concave (0) or fossa shallow proximally from medial condyle on anterior surface of shaft
or flat, with no lateral overhang (1) or absent (2). (1).
168. Posterior edge of ischium straight (0) or with median 190. Popliteal fossa on distal end of femur open distally (0) or
posterior process (1). closed off distally by contact between distal condyles (1).
169. Ischium straight (0) or ventrodistally curved anteriorly (1) or 191. Fibula reaches proximal tarsals (0) or short, tapering distally,
twisted at midshaft and with flexure of obturator process and not in contact with proximal tarsals (1).
toward midline so that distal end is horizontal (2) or with 192. Medial surface of proximal end of fibula concave along long
laterally concave curvature in anterior view (3). axis (0) or flat (1).
170. Obturator process of ischium absent (0) or proximal in 193. Deep oval fossa on medial surface of fibula near proximal end
position (1) or located near middle of ischiadic shaft (2) or absent (0) or present (1).
located at distal end of ischium (3). 194. Distal end of tibia and astragalus without distinct condyles
171. Obturator process does not contact pubis (0) or contacts (0) or with distinct condyles separated by prominent tendinal
pubis (1). groove on anterior surface (1).
172. Obturator notch present (0) or notch or foramen absent (1). 195. Medial cnemial crest absent (0) or present on proximal end of
173. Semicircular scar on posterior part of the proximal end of the tibia (1).
ischium, absent (0) or present (1). 196. Ascending process of the astragalus tall and broad, covering
174. Ischium more than two-thirds (0) or two-thirds or less of most of anterior surface of distal end of tibia (0) or process
pubis length (1). short and slender, covering only lateral half of anterior
175. Distal ends of ischia form symphysis (0) or approach one surface of tibia (1) or ascending process tall with medial
another but do not form symphysis (1) or widely separated notch that restricts it to lateral side of anterior face of distal
(2). Ordered. tibia (2).
176. Ischial boot (expanded distal end) present (0) or absent (1). 197. Ascending process of astragalus confluent with condylar
177. Tubercle on anterior edge of ischium absent (0) or present (1). portion (0) or separated by transverse groove or fossa across
178. Pubis propubic (0) or pubis vertical (1) or pubis moderately base (1).
posteriorly oriented (2) or pubis fully posteriorly oriented 198. Astragalus and calcaneum separate from tibia (0) or fused to
(opisthopubic) (3). The oviraptorid condition, in which the each other and to the tibia in late ontogeny (1).
proximal end of the pubis is vertical and the distal end curves 199. Distal tarsals separate, not fused to metatarsals (0) or form
anteriorly, is considered to be state 1. Ordered. metatarsal cap with intercondylar prominence that fuses
179. Pubic boot projects anteriorly and posteriorly (0) or with to metatarsal early in postnatal ontogeny (1).
little or no anterior process (1) or no anteroposterior 200. Metatarsals not co-ossified (0) or co-ossification of metatarsals
projections (2). begins proximally (1) or distally (2).
180. Shelf on pubic shaft proximal to symphysis (“pubic apron”) 201. Distal end of metatarsal II smooth, not ginglymoid (0) or
extends medially from middle of cylindrical pubic shaft (0) or with developed ginglymus (1).
shelf extends medially from anterior edge of 202. Distal end of metatarsal III smooth, not ginglymoid (0) or
anteroposteriorly flattened shaft (1). with developed ginglymus (1).
181. Pubic shaft straight (0) or distal end curves anteriorly, 203. Proximal surface of metatarsal IV subequal to II in size,
anterior surface of shaft concave (1). proximal end of metatarsal III visible between metatarsals II
182. Pubic apron about half of pubic shaft length (0) or less than and IV in anterior view (0) or metatarsal III pinched between
one-third of shaft length (1). metatarsals II and IV, the latter two contacting one another
183. Femoral head without fovea capitalis (for attachment of proximally in front of III (1) or metatarsal III does not reach
capital ligament) (0) or circular fovea present in center of proximal end of metatarsus (2). Ordered.
medial surface of head (1). 204. Ungual and penultimate phalanx of pedal digit II similar to
184. Lesser trochanter separated from greater trochanter by deep those of III (0) or penultimate phalanx highly modified for
cleft (0) or trochanters separated by small groove (1) or extreme hyper-extension, ungual more strongly curved and
completely fused (or absent) to form crista trochanteris (2). about 50% larger than that of III (1).
185. Lesser trochanter of femur alariform (0) or cylindrical in 205. Metatarsal I articulates in the middle of the medial surface of
cross section (1). metatarsal II (0) or metatarsal I attaches to posterior surface
186. Posterior trochanter absent or represented only by rugose of distal quarter of metatarsal II (1) or metatarsal I articulates
area (0) or posterior trochanter distinctly raised from shaft, to medial surface of metatarsal II near its proximal end (2) or
moundlike (1). Cited by Gauthier (1986) as synapomorphy metatarsal I absent (3).
of Coelurosauria (his character 64), but he termed it the 206. Metatarsal I attenuates proximally, without proximal
greater trochanter, which he equated with the posterior articulating surface (0) or proximal end of metatarsal I
trochanter. Ostrom (1969) identifies the posterior and similar to that of metatarsals II–IV (1).
greater trochanter as separate structures, and we follow his 207. Shaft of metatarsal IV round or thicker dorsoventrally than
terminology. wide in cross section (0) or shaft of metatarsal IV
187. Fourth trochanter on femur present (0) or absent (1). mediolaterally widened and flat in cross section (1).
188. Accessory trochanteric crest distal to lesser trochanter absent 208. Foot symmetrical (0) or asymmetrical with slender
(0) or present (1). This character was identified as an metatarsal II and very robust metatarsal IV (1).


Taxon 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–35 36–40 41–45 46–50
Allosaurus fragilis ?1100 0?100 00001 ?0011 00010 00100 00001 11011 0010- ?0000
Sinraptor dongi ?1100 0??00 ?0001 00010 00000 0010? 00000 01011 0010- 00?00
Ingenia yanshini ?01?0 ????? ????? ????? ??1?1 ????? ?1??? ????? ????? ?????
Oviraptor mongoliensis ?01?0 ????0 ????? ????? 10111 ?1??? ?1?11 ?0001 0??00 ???00
O. philoceratops ?01?0 ????? ?01?1 ????0 1??1? ?111? 01011 ???0? ??1?0 ?11??
Conchoraptor gracilis ?0110 ????? ????? ????0 10111 ?1??? ?1?11 ?000? ?2100 0110?
Oviraptorid IGM 100/42 ?0110 01001 001-? 22100 10101 111?0 01011 ?0001 02100 01100
C. pergracilis ????? 1??01 ?0110 ???0? ???1? 110-0 1???? ????? ????? ?????
Dromaeosaurus albertensis ?0??0 01100 00000 0010? ??0?? ?0?01 ???01 110?? ??111 1????
D. antirrhopus ?0110 ????1 ????? ??1?? 10000 ?0111 00001 11000 11??? ???0?
V. mongoliensis ?0110 01101 00001 20112 10000 10111 00001 11000 12111 ?10?0
Mononykus olecranus ????? ?00?? ????? 112?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
S. deserti ?0110 10000 0000? 11201 01000 ?0?0? 00-11 1-110 02100 00101
Patagonykus puertai ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
A. calvoi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
O. hermanni ?0100 ???0? 0?00? 1???0 1?010 ?0111 00001 ?1000 01?0? ?1000
M. celer ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
A. lithographica 101?0 100?? 000?? 11201 10010 ??111 00?11 1?000 12100 ?10?0
A. portentosus ?01?0 ???10 011?0 0??0? ??1?1 ????? ???1? -?1?? ???00 ?11-?
C. zoui 00110 ????? ????? ????0 0?111 ??10? 00001 ?10?? ?2100 0???0
U. comahuensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Confuciusornis sanctus 10110 ????? ????? ????1 0-000 ?00?? 00001 ???0? ?2??0 ??1??
R. ostromi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Struthiomimus altus ?0101 0?010 ??0?? 10102 11000 10111 001-1 10000 10000 00000
Gallimimus bullatus ?0101 0?010 11010 10102 11001 10010 001-1 11020 10000 00000
Garudimimus brevipes ?0100 ????0 1101? ????2 1?001 10101 1000? ?000? 10?00 ?0?00
P. polyodon ?01?? ????? 1???? ????2 1?00? ???10 ?0??? ????? ?0??0 ?????
Harpymimus okladnikovi ?0??? ????? ????? ????2 ??0?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Troodon formosus ???1? 1102- 11010 00001 ????0 ?011? 10??? ???20 22000 0210?
S. mongoliensis ?01?? 1?0?? 1101? ??0?1 01000 1?100 10??? ????? 2???? ?????
Byronosaurus jaffei ????? 100?? 1101? 11001 01010 1011? ?0??? ???20 220?? ?????
Saurornithoides junior ?0110 1?02- 11010 0?001 0?000 ??100 0000? ???20 22000 ?21??
S. youngi ?0??0 1???? ????? ????1 ??000 ??1?? ?0??? ?00?? ?2??? ????1
Segnosaurus galbinensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
E. andrewsi ?0110 ??02- 0-1-0 ??101 00011 100-? 10001 ?1000 00100 00100
A. elesitaiensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Tyrannosaurus rex ?1000 0?111 00001 00210 00000 10101 00000 00011 00001 02110
Albertosaurus libratus ?1000 0??0? 0???? ???10 00000 101?1 00000 00011 0000- ?2110
Adasaurus mongoliensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Utahraptor ostrommaysorum ????? ????? ????? ????? 1?0?? ????? ????? ???00 1???? ?????
Saurornitholestes langstoni ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???11 1????
Achillobator giganticus ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?01?1 0???? ????? ????? ?????
Dromaeosaurid IGM100/1015 ?0110 01101 00001 20112 10000 10101 00001 ?1000 1211? 11000
S. milleni ?011? ????? 0???? ????? ??00? ??111 00??? ?1000 11110 0?1??
S. changii ?0??? 0012- 00001 11100 01010 1?111 10?01 1?0?? ?2??0 011??
M. zhaoianus 0???? ????? ????? ????1 0?0?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 53
Taxon 51–55 56–60 61–65 66–70 71–75 76–80 81–85 86–90 91–95 96–100
Allosaurus fragilis 00000 10000 10000 00000 01000 10000 00000 00101 ?0100 10000
Sinraptor dongi 00000 00000 10000 ?0000 0100? 10?00 00000 00101 10100 10000
Ingenia yanshini ????? ????? ????? ?2112 0-010 00?01 11?1- --- ?---? ?????
Oviraptor mongoliensis ?00?? ????0 0??1? 12112 ?–010 00??1 11-1- --- ---? ?????
O. philoceratops ??0?1 0???? 0?11? 12112 0-01? 00?01 ?1-1- --- ---? ?????
Conchoraptor gracilis 000?? ???1? 0???? 12112 0-010 ?0?01 11-1- --- ---? ?????
Oviraptorid IGM 100/42 00011 00010 00110 12112 0-010 00101 11-1- --- ---1 01110
C. pergracilis ????? 10010 ????? ?2112 0-000 00?01 ???1- --- ---? ?????
Dromaeosaurus albertensis 01001 1?001 100?? 00000 01001 11110 00?00 00101 1001? ?????
D. antirrhopus ?1??? ?000? 11010 0000? 01001 11?10 00?01 10101 1000? 11000
V. mongoliensis 01001 00001 11010 00000 01001 111?0 00101 10101 10000 11?00
Mononykus olecranus ????? ??100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????2 2?--0 0???? ????1
S. deserti 10001 0010? -?1?1 00101 01000 00210 0?102 22--0 000?? 01111
Patagonykus puertai ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?1??? ?????
A. calvoi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
O. hermanni 00001 0?101 1???? 00000 01000 ?0?00 0010? ?0101 1001? ????0
M. celer ????? ????? ????? ?21?2 0?0?? ????? ????? ????? ????? 011?0
A. lithographica 000?0 ??100 111?1 ?0000 01000 00??0 00002 20--0 00100 ?1?1?
A. portentosus ?0001 00110 ????? ?2?1? ??00? 0??01 11-?- --- ---? 01101
C. zoui 0?0?? ????? ????? ?2112 0-0?? ????? ?0?1- --- ---00 ????0
U. comahuensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Confuciusornis sanctus 100?? 0?1?? ????? 01001 0000? 10?00 01-1? ?-??? ????0 ?????
R. ostromi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Struthiomimus altus 001?0 ??000 1?01? ?0001 00000 10200 01-1- --- ---0 01?10
Gallimimus bullatus 00100 00000 1?010 00000 00000 00200 01-1- --- ---0 01110
Garudimimus brevipes ?0??? ??000 1??1? 0??0? ?0??0 ?02?0 ?1-1- --- ---? ?????
P. polyodon ????? ????? ????? ??00? 0000? ????? ?0002 22--0 0001? ?????
Harpymimus okladnikovi ????? ????? ????? ??1?? 00?00 ????? ????2 20--1 1-??? ?????
Troodon formosus 00?1? 11100 ????0 ?10?? 001?? ????? ???01 11010 0100? ??111
S. mongoliensis ????? ????? 1?010 ?100? 0010? ?1??? ?0001 11010 01??? ?????
Byronosaurus jaffei ????? ??100 ????? ?0000 001?? 11??? ?0002 21--0 01?0? 0????
Saurornithoides junior ?0??? 11100 ????? ?100? 001?? ?1??? ?0001 11010 0100? ?????
S. youngi 0???? ????? ????? ?00?? 0010? ????? ?0001 110?0 01??? ???11
Segnosaurus galbinensis ????? ????? ????? ??1?? 10?00 00?00 0???0 0???0 01000 001??
E. andrewsi ?00?? 00000 ??111 12100 10000 00200 01-00 01000 001-? ?????
A. elesitaiensis ????? ????? ????? ?210? 100?? ????? ????? ?10?0 001?? ?????
Tyrannosaurus rex 00010 10000 1?000 00000 01001 10010 00000 00101 10110 10000
Albertosaurus libratus ?0010 10000 1???? 00000 0100? 10010 00000 00101 10110 10000
Adasaurus mongoliensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?0?0? ????? ????? ?????
Utahraptor ostrommaysorum ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?0??? ??101 1??1? ?????
Saurornitholestes langstoni ????? ????? 11??? ?0??? ????? ????? ????1 10101 1?00? 11000
Achillobator giganticus ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???00 00101 1???? ??0?0
Dromaeosaurid IGM100/1015 0100? 0?010 1?0?? 00000 0100? 11110 00101 10101 1000? ???0?
S. milleni 0??01 ????? ????? ?00?0 0100? ?1??? ?0101 10??1 100?? ?????
S. changii 0?11? 01110 ????? ?000? 001?? ????0 00001 1110? ?1??? ??11?
M. zhaoianus ????? ????? ????? ??0?? 010?0 ?1??? ?0?01 10000 00??? ??001


Taxon 101–105 106–110 111–115 116–120 121–125 126–130 131–135 136–140 141–145 146–150
Allosaurus fragilis 00100 01000 00000 00000 10000 00?01 ????0 00000 00000 00000
Sinraptor dongi 00010 01000 00000 00000 ????? ????? 2?00? 0?0?? 00??0 ?????
Ingenia yanshini ????? ????? ??1?? ?01-? ??2?0 0???0 01111 0011? ?0000 0??10
Oviraptor mongoliensis ????? ????? ????? ?0??? ??210 ????? ????1 ??1?? ?00?0 ???10
O. philoceratops ????? ????? ????? ?0??? ????? ????? ???11 ??1?? ???00 ???1?
Conchoraptor gracilis ???01 0??1? 013?1 10??1 ????? 0??1? ??1?1 00110 00010 ?????
Oviraptorid IGM 100/42 11001 01111 001?? 201-? 00210 0111? 01111 00110 10010 0?110
C. pergracilis ?1101 ?11?? ??1?1 2???0 ????? ????? ????? ??01? 1???? ?????
Dromaeosaurus albertensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
D. antirrhopus 1100? 11110 11??? ?0011 011?1 11??? ???1? 11011 10010 01110
V. mongoliensis 11001 11110 11111 00011 01111 11110 01110 11111 10010 01110
Mononykus olecranus ?1?11 10100 1???? ?10?2 ????? ?1??? 2000? 00020 00301 10-11
S. deserti 11011 101?0 ??1?2 01012 01221 0100? 2000? 00020 00301 1?-11
Patagonykus puertai ????? 111?? ????? ?10?2 ????? ????? ????? ?0020 0?301 10?11
A. calvoi ?100? ????? ????2 ?10?2 ?12?? ????? ????? 0?0?0 0???? ?????
O. hermanni 11?01 01100 00??? 000?0 010?? 1???? ????? ????? ?01?0 0????
M. celer ?1100 01111 00??? 0?1-1 002?? ????? ????? 00?00 0?110 00???
A. lithographica ??00? 0??0? 0?0?? ?0011 01221 1000? 1??10 11111 11100 0?110
A. portentosus 01101 01?0? 00??1 00??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?0100 ?????
C. zoui ??00? ????? ??0?? ?01-? ???20 ????? 0???0 ??0?? ?0??0 ???10
U. comahuensis ????? 1111? 11??? ?0??? ????? ????? ????? 1?0?? 1001? ?????
Confuciusornis sanctus ????? 101?? 0?2?? ?0??? ???2? -111? 21010 ?-1-1 11400 ?1111
R. ostromi ???01 ?111? ??1?0 1?011 11221 1???? ????? ????? 11??0 11???
Struthiomimus altus 11000 01000 00101 00000 00011 01001 ????? 01120 00200 00000
Gallimimus bullatus 11000 01000 001?1 00000 00011 0100? ????? 01020 00200 000?0
Garudimimus brevipes ????? ???0? ??1?? 0???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
P. polyodon ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 0?00? ???2? ????0 0??00
Harpymimus okladnikovi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??2?0 0?000
Troodon formosus 11001 01101 111?1 000?1 020?? 11??? ????? ????? 1?010 ????0
S. mongoliensis ?1??? 0??0? ????1 00??1 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Byronosaurus jaffei ???01 0110? ????? ??0?? 02??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Saurornithoides junior ????? ????? ??1?1 000?1 020?1 ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
S. youngi ??001 ????? ????? ?0011 ?1011 1101? ???1- 00?1? 101?0 ???10
Segnosaurus galbinensis ????? ????? ????? ?0??? ??????? ????? ????? ??11? ??00? ?????
E. andrewsi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??0??
A. elesitaiensis ???0? 01000 000?1 ?001? ?02?0 ?1??? ????? ????? ?0000 0?100
Tyrannosaurus rex 0-000 01010 00000 10000 ?0010 00??1 ????? 00000 00100 00??0
Albertosaurus libratus 0-?00 01010 00000 10000 00010 000?1 00110 00000 00100 00000
Adasaurus mongoliensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Utahraptor ostrommaysorum 11110 1???? ????? ??0?? 011?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
Saurornitholestes langstoni 11001 11110 11011 100?1 011?1 11??? 1???? ????? ?101? ?????
Achillobator giganticus 1100? 11110 ????? ??0?? 011?1 1???? ????? 101?? ????? ?????
Dromaeosaurid IGM100/1015 ?1??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????
S. milleni ?1??1 ????? ??0?? ?00?1 ??1?? ????? 0111? 11011 100?0 ????0
S. changi 10100 01101 0?001 00011 0221? 1???? ????? 11011 11??? ???10
M. zhaoianus ?1??(01) 1?100 0?01? ??011 0?11? 1111? 01?10 1?1?1 11010 ??100

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 55
Taxon 151–155 156–160 161–165 166–170 171–175 176–180 181–185 186–190 191–195 196–200 201–205 206–208
Allosaurus fragilis ?0000 01000 00010 00001 00000 00000 0000? 00110 00000 10000 00000 000
Sinraptor dongi ??000 01000 0?010 ??001 00000 0000??00 00000 000?0 00000 10000 00000 000
Ingenia yanshini 00000 10002 1???? ??032 01001 1010? 11011 01?00 00?00 010?0 00000 000
Oviraptor mongoliensis ??000 1100? 1???? 11??? ????? ????? 1???? ????0 ????0 ??0?0 ????? ??0
O. philoceratops 0??00 ?00?? 1??0? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????0 ????0 ????0 ????? ??-
Conchoraptor gracilis ???00 11002 10001 -10?? ?10?? ?0100 1??11 010?0 ????0 ??0?0 000?? 0?0
Oviraptorid IGM 100/42 01000 10002 11000 ??032 010?? 10101 11?21 01000 00000 0?000 00000 000
C. pergracilis ??00? 1?002 ??00? 1?032 01011 10?01 ???0? ????? ???00 ?100? 00100 000
Dromaeosaurus albertensis ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???1? ??-
D. antirrhopus 01000 10022 11101 11022 0?011 11?01 00?11 11000 00000 01000 01000 010
V. mongoliensis 01000 10022 11101 11022 01011 11211 00111 1?000 00000 01010 11010 010
Mononykus olecranus 22011 0???1 ????1 ??000 -1??? ??2?? 0-?21 01001 11011 21100 00200 000
S. deserti 22011 000?1 –021 –2000 –1002 1022- 0-?21 01001 11011 21100 00200 000
Patagonykus puertai 0??11 0???? ????1 ????? ?1??? ??10? 00?11 ?1?00 ???00 011?0 ??0?? ??-
A. calvoi 0???? ??001 1-?0? ?2??? ????? ????? ???1? 00??? 0??0? ?1000 0000? ??0
O. hermanni ????? ?1000 1??1? 1?011 00000 101?? 0???? ????0 ????? ???00 ?00?? ??0
M. celer ???00 10002 ???00 10??? ????? ???01 10?01 01100 01100 010?? ????? 0?-
A. lithographica 01000 00112 11100 1?103 01012 -021? 01?11 11000 00?00 0?011 00001 0?0
A. portentosus ????? ?00?2 11?01 ??032 01010 ?010? 0?000 100?0 ???00 01111 0010? ??0
C. zoui 01000 ?100? 1???? ??0?2 01??? 1???? 10?11 ????? 0???? 01000 ??0?0 0?0
U. comahuensis ????? ?0122 1?10? 111?2 0101? ??211 00?1? 01??0 ?10?? 11??1 01001 ??-
Confuciusornis sanctus 11000 00112 1?1?? -?1?0 ?1?11 1032? 0112? ?10?? 11??1 20111 0?100 0?0
R. ostromi ????0 ?0112 1?10? -?103 ?1012 ?02?? 01?21 ??000 0??0? ?1000 1101? 010
Struthiomimus altus –2010 01000 00011 00011 00100 00000 00000 00110 00100 01000 00103 -00
Gallimimus bullatus –2010 01000 00011 00011 00100 00001 00000 00110 00100 01000 00103 -00
Garudimimus brevipes ????? ???0? 0???0 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????0 ????? ???00 0000? 0?0
P. polyodon –2010 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??-
Harpymimus okladnikovi 00010 ?10?? 0???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???00 0000? ??0
Troodon formosus ?0000 10??? ????? ??032 ?10?1 1000? 0?011 11000 ???00 01000 0011? ?01
S. mongoliensis ????? ????? ????? ??032 010?0 10??1 0??11 110?? ????? ????0 ??110 ?01
Byronosaurus jaffei ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????1 ????0 ?0??0 ????? ???1? ???
Saurornithoides junior ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 01??? ????? ???
S. youngi 01000 ????2 1??01 ??0?3 0???1 1?0?? 00??1 110?? ???0? ????0 00?10 001
Segnosaurus galbinensis ??010 ?2002 1?000 0?102 11?0? 1020? 0???? ????0 0??0? 00??0 00?2 1?0
E. andrewsi ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???0? 00?0? ??-
A. elesitaiensis –0000 12002 1?00? 11002 11?02 1?2?? ???01 ????0 0???? ????0 00002 100
Tyrannosaurus rex -?100 01001 00010 00001 01101 10000 00?01 00100 00?00 01000 00100 000
Albertosaurus libratus –0100 01001 00010 00001 01100 10000 00001 00000 00100 01000 00100 000
Adasaurus mongoliensis ????? ?1?22 111?1 1?0?2 01?1? 1?21? 0???? ????? ????0 0?0?? ???1? ??0
Utahraptor ostrmmaysorum ???0? 0???? ????? ????? ????? ??10? ???0? ????? ??00? 0???? ????? ??-
Saurornitholestes langstoni ??000 1???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??0
Achillobator giganticus ??00? ?1022 1??11 11001 01?01 1010? 00?21 110?0 ????0 0?000 ?101? ??-
Dromaeosaurid IGM100/1015 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ??-
S. milleni ?1000 ?00?2 11?01 ?11?3 ?1?11 1021? 0???? 1???? ????? 11000 1?110 0?0
S. changi 01?0? ????2 11?01 111?3 01?11 10211 00?11 11000 0??11 01000 0101? ?11
M. zhaoianus 11001 11012 111?0 11103 ?1?11 10(12)11 00?11 111?? 00?00 01110 11111 0?1


Acknowledgments Calzavara, M., G. Muscio, and R. Wild. . Megalanco-
We thank L. M. Chiappe and L. M. Witmer for inviting us to write saurus preonensis n.g., n. sp., a new reptile from the Norian of
this chapter and for help along the way. H.-D. Sues, Xu Xing, Friuli. Gortania, Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale :
T. R. Holtz Jr., C. A. Forster, and M. Kearney provided useful –.
comments and access to unpublished manuscripts and speci- Carr, T. D. . Craniofacial ontogeny in Tyrannosauridae (Di-
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–. Xu X., M. Norell, Wang X.-L., P. J. Makovicky, and Wu X.-C.
Witmer, L. M. . The craniofacial air sac system of Mesozoic . A basal troodontid from the Early Cretaceous of China.
birds (Aves). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society : Nature :–.
–. Zhang X. H., Xu X., P. Sereno, Kuang X.-W., and Tan L. . A
———. . Perspectives on avian origins; pp. – in H. P. long-necked therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Upper Cre-
Schultze and L. Trueb (eds.), Origins of the Higher Groups of taceous Iren Dabasu Formation of Nei Mongol, People’s Re-
Tetrapods. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. public of China. Vertebrata Palasiatica :–.

C L A D I S T I C A P P R O A C H E S T O B I R D R E L AT I O N S H I P S 61
Part II

Taxa of Controversial Status


The Enigmatic Birdlike Dinosaur Avimimus portentosus

Comments and a Pictorial Atlas


The phylogenetic position of Avimimus is a of features, some of which are seen either in other groups of
puzzle that is yet to be solved. Since its an- [nonavian] dinosaurs or in birds.” Norman () listed a
nouncement by Kurzanov in , Avimimus few salient points: () The premaxilla (Fig. .b) is remi-
has been alternatively regarded as a nonavian niscent of lambeosaurine hadrosaurids in that it has a
theropod close to the ancestry of birds (e.g., Thulborn, ; crenulate margin. () The braincase (Fig. .) resembles that
Norman, ; Holtz, ; Currie, ) or as a flightless, of birds and sauropods. () The vertebral column is typical
basal avian (e.g., Chatterjee, , , ). It is hoped that for small, nonavian theropods, with the exception of several
the comments and the high-quality stereophotographs pro- cervicals in the holotype specimen being radically different
vided in this short chapter (see Figs. .–.) will yield some (notably, the lack of pneumatic foramina on the centra and
clues that will eventually help the relationships of Avimimus the presence of large ventral processes—which are more
to be decoded. commonly seen in birds more advanced than Archaeop-
Avimimus portentosus was first described by Kurzanov teryx; see Chiappe et al., ). () The pelvis (Figs. ., .)
() on the basis of three partial specimens from the Up- is typical for nonavian theropods except for the unusual
per Cretaceous (Campanian; see Jerzykiewicz and Russell, form of the iliac blades. () The hindlimb resembles that of
) Barun Goyot (“Burungoyotskaya” Svita) and Djadohkta nonavian theropods; the fusion of the distal end of the
(“Djadochtinskaya” Svita) Formations of Mongolia Om- fibula with the tibia and proximal tarsals (Figs. ., .) oc-
nogovi and Ovorkhangai Aimaks, respectively) (Weis- curs commonly in birds but occurs in some nonavian
hampel, ). Kurzanov (, , , ) published a theropods as well. () The retention of the vestige of
number of subsequent studies on Avimimus, several of metatarsal V (Fig. .) is unusual in nonavian theropods
them translated into English (Kurzanov, , , ). from the Late Cretaceous (although present in Vorona and
The specimen illustrated in this chapter (PIN /, Pale- Rahonavis, both birds from the Late Cretaceous of Mada-
ontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences) is from gascar [Forster et al., , , Chapter  in this volume],
Udan Sayr in the eastern part of the Mongolian Gobi Desert as well as the Late Cretaceous alvarezsaurids [Chiappe,
and was made available for our study as a result of the or- Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume]). () The fore-
ganization of The Great Russian Dinosaurs Exhibition limb is most puzzling; the humerus (Fig. .) is typical for a
(–), a joint venture between the Paleontological In- bipedal, nonavian dinosaur; the metacarpal fragment (Fig.
stitute (Moscow), the Monash Science Centre, and the .d–f) is similar to that of a bird.
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (the last two in- Norman (:) further suggested that “evidence can
stitutions in Australia) (Vickers-Rich and Rich, ). be brought forward to suggest [nonavian] theropod, sauro-
Kurzanov’s opinion about Avimimus in  was that it pod, ornithopod, and avian affinities with some of the in-
was “a [nonavian] dinosaur that had features in parallel dividual remains in this apparently associated material.”
with birds, perhaps even feathers” (Kurzanov, ). Nor- Norman (:) also pointed out that “using Gauthier
man (:) concluded that Avimimus was an “unusual () as a guide it is clear that Avimimus displays some
[nonavian] theropod from the evidence of the published basal theropodan characters: spur-like metatarsal V, en-
description possessing, as it does, a very distinctive mixture larged preacetabular portion of the ilium and large brevis

fossa, and bowed femoral shaft and a fibular attachment noticed by Chatterjee [], who mentioned the presence
crest on the lateral surface of the tibia. It also exhibits a small of “toothlike denticles” in the premaxilla of Avimimus.)
number of tetanuran and ornithomimid characters and one Subsequently, Chatterjee () supported the sister-group
maniraptoran feature (development of hypapophyses on relationship of Avimimus and Mononykus, allocating them
cervical vertebrae). However, it seems clear that our knowl- within Aves as the sister group of Ornithothoraces (see Chi-
edge of this form is insufficient to establish precise relations appe, , for the phylogenetic definition of this clade).
with currently recognized higher taxa.” Avimimus was also Chatterjee () cited the presence of a free orbital process
considered as a nonavian theropod by several other authors. of the quadrate, its ventral condylar articulation with the
Thulborn () placed it as the sister group of his “Aves,” pterygoid, a lateral cotyla for the quadratojugal, and the
which he used to name a group formed by Enantiornithes presence of three condyles in the distal end of the quadrate
and other more advanced birds (a clade equivalent to Chi- as synapomorphies uniting Avimimus and Mononykus. Yet
appe’s Ornithothoraces; see Chiappe, Chapter  in this vol- Norman () remarked on the fusion of the suspenso-
ume). Thulborn () cited the presence of an intercotylar rium, and Kurzanov’s () illustrations show neither the
prominence and a straplike coracoid as the evidence sup- free orbital process nor the pterygoid condyle of the
porting his proposed sister-group relationship. This sup- quadrate (Figs. ., .a). Furthermore, the quadrate does
port, however, is clearly weak at best, since Avimimus lacks not have a lateral cotyla or three condyles on its mandibu-
an intercotylar prominence and its straplike coracoid ap- lar articulation. In his  book, Chatterjee was more cau-
pears to be of another taxon, something even Thulborn tious about the avian identity of Avimimus and discussed it
() himself admitted. within a section entitled “Dubious Flightless Birds,” al-
In a discussion about the origin of birds, Molnar () though he concluded that it “may represent a flightless bird”
implicitly regarded Avimimus as a nonavian theropod, al- (:). This conclusion was more strongly reaffirmed in
though he did not discuss its precise placement within the his recent monograph on Protoavis (Chatterjee, ). In
phylogeny of theropods. Paul () followed Thulborn this paper, Chatterjee () regarded Avimimus, and its
() in placing Avimimus as the sister group of a clade alleged sister-taxon Mononykus, as the sister-group of Or-
equivalent to Chiappe’s Ornithothoraces (see Chiappe, nithothoraces, although he did not include confucius-
Chapter  in this volume). Paul also followed Thulborn ornithids (see Chiappe et al. [] and Chiappe [Chapter
() in placing Archaeopteryx in a more basal position  in this volume] for the phylogenetic position of these
than dromaeosaurids, troodontids, and other nonavian birds) in the cladistic analysis.
theropod taxa. In Paul’s () opinion, Avimimus was sec- Chiappe made the following observations, complemen-
ondarily flightless, a form derived from volant ancestors. tary to Norman’s and Kurzanov’s descriptions, when view-
Paul () regarded Avimimus as the most birdlike of all ing the specimen at the New Jersey State Museum (Trenton)
nonavian theropods and allocated it within his “proto- when The Great Russian Dinosaur Exhibition (Vickers-Rich
birds,” as the sister group of his “birds.” The intimate rela- and Rich, ) was in residence there during  and .
tion between Avimimus and the origin of birds proposed by An axial centrum is preserved. It is very small compared
Thulborn () and Paul () was dismissed by Holtz with the remaining vertebral elements. This condition re-
(, ), who placed it within his Arctometatarsalia, not sembles that of alvarezsaurids (see Chiappe, Norell, and
directly related to the origin of birds (see also Padian, ). Clark, Chapter  in this volume). The axis has a small
Even though, from a strict phylogenetic approach, Thul- pneumatic foramen on the centrum and a short odontoid
born () and Paul () regarded Avimimus as a mem- process.
ber of Aves (the common ancestor of Archaeopteryx and ne- Several thoracic vertebrae have open neurocentral su-
ornithine birds plus all its descendants), it is clear that this tures, which suggests that this specimen was not fully
was not their intention. Chatterjee (, ), however, grown (see Sereno and Novas, ; Brochu, ). Some,
considered it to be a true, but flightless, bird. In , Chat- but not all, have one small pneumatic foramen (sometimes
terjee placed it as the sister taxon of a group composed of two together) on the lateral side of the centrum. This is
Protoavis and Ornithurae (hesperornithiforms, ichthyor- more evident in the caudal thoracic centra. The cranial
nithiforms, and neornithine birds). Among the apomor- thoracic vertebrae have prominent ventral processes (Fig.
phies cited by Chatterjee () for Avimimus is the presence .)—much larger than those in Deinonychus (Ostrom,
of teeth in the premaxilla and their absence in the maxilla. ). The cranial and midthoracic vertebrae have a com-
Yet, as pointed out by Kurzanov () and Norman () pressed and ventrally keeled centra. The caudal thoracic
and confirmed by observations of one of us (Chiappe), the centra are more rounded. All the articular facets are platy-
premaxilla of Avimimus lacks teeth, and the maxilla is not coelous. The ratio between vertebral canal and centrum (in
known for any specimen. (This fact appears to have been cranial view) is roughly ., a condition typical for birds

66 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
among theropods (see Chiappe, ). Hyposphene- The tibiotarsus is a true tibiotarsus, including astragalus,
hypantrum accessory articulations are well developed in calcaneum, and tibia (Figs. ., .). The fibular crest is
the thoracic vertebrae. quite short. The cnemial crest projects only slightly cranially,
The humerus (Fig. .) appears to have a single condyle and in medial view it has a crescentic shape. Distally, the cal-
(as in Alvarezsauridae; see Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chap- caneum did not have a fossa for the articulation of the fibula,
ter  in this volume). There is neither a pneumatic fossa nor and it is uncertain whether the fibula reached the tarsals.
foramen. The head is flat when viewed proximally, and there Even though only a faint ridge and suture imply some por-
is a very weak deltopectoral crest with a knoblike promi- tions of the ascending process, it is clear that it extended for
nence toward the midshaft. The main planes of the proximal roughly one-quarter of the length of the tibiotarsus.
and distal ends are displaced by a fairly large angle. The metatarsus (Figs. ., .) is fused proximally and
The ulna is quite compressed (Fig. .). The ulna was includes the distal tarsals, as well. It has a metatarsal V,
suggested to have quill knobs by Kurzanov (). Chiappe which is slender and small and runs along the caudal sur-
confirms that there are bumps on the caudal margin, but face of metatarsal IV. There is no hypotarsus. Metatarsal IV
their function remains unclear. The proximal end is not very is somewhat longer than metatarsal II. Metatarsal III is arc-
well preserved, but it does not seem to have two cotylae. tometatarsalian, yet it does not have the proximal expansion
The carpometacarpus (as interpreted by Kurzanov seen in tyrannosaurids or ornithomimids.
[]) is a bone representing some sort of fusion of ele- The pedal digits (Fig. .) are short when compared
ments (Fig. .). The semilunate carpal appears to be fused with the metatarsus. The phalanges of digits IV and II are
to metacarpals II and III in a cast displayed at the exhibi- unique in that they are not flat ventrally but have a sharp
tion, but this is not so clear in the actual specimen. ridge. Consequently, the cross section is oval, instead of
The pubis has a large pubic foot (Fig. .), primitively triangular.
designed and not reduced cranially. It has a long pubic
apron, compressed craniocaudally. The ventral surface of Final Comment
the pubic foot is flat with a central depression.
On the proximal end of the femur (Figs. ., .), the With these observations and the high-quality photographs
lesser trochanter has a globular-condylar appearance. The made by Steve Morton (Monash University), it is hoped
head does not have a fossa for the capital ligament. On the that this chapter will stimulate further research and dis-
shaft, caudally and cranially, there is a prominent inter- cussion on this intriguing form. It should be kept in mind
muscular line. The distal end, cranially, has no trace of a for further work on PIN / that the association of all
patellar groove. Interestingly, the caudal end has condyles elements is not absolute, as at least three other taxa were
that are connected below the popliteal fossa by a transverse found in the same concentration that yielded Avimimus (E.
ridge, a condition otherwise known only for birds among Kurochkin, pers. comm.). Yet a new articulated specimen
dinosaurs (see Chiappe, ). The lateral condyle is not from Udan Sayr, recently collected by the Mongolian-
distally projected, unlike that of alvarezsaurids (see Chi- Japanese expeditions (M. P. Watabe, pers. comm.), sup-
appe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume). The ports the association of the holotypic hindlimb elements
fibular condyle is rather large. with the holotypic skull.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 67
Figure 3.1. A. portentosus (PIN /). Scale bar =  cm.

68 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.2. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of the skull
in dorsal (a), ventral (b), occipital (c), rostral (d), and right
lateral (e) view. Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 69
Figure 3.3. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of the skull in left lat-
eral view (a). Stereo pairs of the caudal portion of the right mandible in dor-
sal (b), lateral (c), medial (d), and ventral (e) view. Scale bar =  cm.

70 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.4. A. portentosus (PIN /).
Stereo pairs of cervical (a–e) and thoracic
vertebrae (f–o) in right lateral view
(sequence follows Kurzanov []). Scale
bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 71
Figure 3.5. A. portentosus (PIN /).
Stereo pairs of cervical (a–e) and tho-
racic vertebrae (f–o) in left lateral view
(sequence follows Kurzanov []).
Scale bar =  cm.

72 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.6. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of thoracic (a–j) and cervical vertebrae
(k–o) in cranial view. Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 73
Figure 3.7. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of thoracic (a–j) and cervical vertebrae
(k–o) in caudal view. Scale bar =  cm.

74 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.8. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of vertebral column in dorsal (a–o) and ventral
(p–dd) view (sequence follows Kurzanov []).

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 75
Figure 3.9. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of left (a, c) and right (b, d) humeri in dor-
sal (a, b) and ventral (c, d) view. Scale bar =  cm.

76 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.10. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo
pairs of left ulna in dorsal view (a); stereo pairs
of premaxilla in rostral (b) and caudal (c) view;
stereo pairs of “carpometacarpus” (?) in several
views (d–f). Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 77
Figure 3.11. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo
pairs of right (a, c) and left (b, d) ilia in ventral
(a, b) and dorsal (c, d) view. Scale bar =  cm.

78 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.12. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo
pairs of pubes in caudal (a) and cranial (b) view.
Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 79
Figure 3.13. A. portentosus (PIN /). Left femur in caudo-
lateral (a) view and right femur in caudal view (b). Scale bar =
 cm.

80 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.14. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of left
femur in medial view (a) and the right femur in cranial view (b).
Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 81
Figure 3.15. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs
of right (a) and left (b) tibiotarsi in cranial view and of
right fibula in medial view (c). Scale bar =  cm.

82 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.16. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of right (a)
and left (b) tibiotarsi in caudal view and of right fibula in lateral
view (c). Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 83
Figure 3.17. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of right
(a, c) and left (b, d) metatarsal II and IV in dorsal (cranial) (a,
b) and plantar (caudal) (c, d) view. Scale bar =  cm.

Figure 3.18. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo pairs of right

(a, c) and left (b, d) metatarsal III in dorsal (cranial) (a, b) and
plantar (caudal) (c, d) view. Scale bar =  cm.

84 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .
Figure 3.19. A. portentosus (PIN /). Stereo
pairs of pedal digits (II–IV) in dorsal (a–f) and ven-
tral (g–l) view; digit II (a, f, g, l), digit III (b, e, h, k),
digit IV (c, d, i, j). Scale bar =  cm.

T H E E N I G M A T I C AV I M I M U S 85
Acknowledgments Holtz, T. R., Jr. . Phylogenetic position of the Tyrannosauri-
We are grateful to S. Morton (Monash University) for photo- dae: implications for theropod systematics. Journal of Pale-
graphing PIN / and to L. Meeker (American Museum of ontology ():–.
Natural History) and L. Rhoads (Natural History Museum of Los ———. . Phylogenetic taxonomy of the Coelurosauria.
Angeles County) for mounting and labeling the photographs. Journal of Paleontology :–.
Jerzykiewicz, T., and D. A. Russell. . Late Mesozoic stratigra-
phy and vertebrates from the Gobi Basin. Cretaceous Re-
Literature Cited search :–.
Brochu, C. A. . Closure of neurocentral sutures during croc- Kurzanov, S. M. . On the unusual theropods from the Upper
odilian ontogeny: implications for maturity assessment in Cretaceous of Mongolia. Transactions of the Joint Soviet-
fossil archosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (): Mongolian Paleontological Expeditions :–. [Russian]
–. ———. . Structural characteristics of the fore limbs of
Chatterjee, S. . Cranial anatomy and relationships of a new Avimimus. Paleontological Journal ():–.
Triassic bird from Texas. Philosophical Transactions of the ———. . New data on the pelvic structure of Avimimus. Pa-
Royal Society of London, Series B, ():–. leontological Journal ():–.
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America: anatomy and systematics of Enantiornithes and posed early or ancestral birds; pp. – in M. K. Hecht, J.
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tributions of Southern South America to Vertebrate Paleon- nings of Birds. Freunde des Jura-Museums, Eichstätt.
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86 PAT R I C I A V I C K E R S - R I C H E T A L .

The Cretaceous, Short-Armed Alvarezsauridae

Mononykus and Its Kin


The discovery of “Mononychus” olecranus Recent findings and examination of existing collections
(Perle et al., a; later emended to Mononykus have hinted at the presence of Alvarezsauridae in the Late
olecranus, see Perle et al., b) from the Late Cretaceous of North America. Holtz () suggested that
Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert stimulated a the “cotype” specimen of Ornithomimus minutus (YPM-
fruitful new discussion about the origin and early diversifi- , originally ; Marsh, ), from the Lance Forma-
cation of birds and the evolution of their flight. Mononykus tion (Late Maastrichtian) of Wyoming, may be a member of
not only led to the recognition of a previously unknown the Mononykus lineage. In addition, and far more conclu-
clade of theropod dinosaurs but also suggested, through its sive, is the occurrence of a pubis and ischium of nearly iden-
phylogenetic placement as the sister taxon of all birds except tical morphology to that of Mononykus and Shuvuuia in the
Archaeopteryx, the possibility (heretical to some) that flight Late Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation of Montana
may have evolved twice within birds (Perle et al., a). (Hutchinson and Chiappe, ). Hutchinson and Chiappe
The study of Mononykus also helped to fine-tune the () placed this fragmentary specimen within the Mono-
phylogenetic placement of certain enigmatic Cretaceous nykinae, a supraspecific taxon erected by Chiappe et al.
taxa. Novas (, ) convincingly argued for a common (a) to include Mononykus, Shuvuuia, Parvicursor, and
relationship between Mononykus and the Patagonian Late all the descendants from their most recent common ances-
Cretaceous Patagonykus puertai and Alvarezsaurus calvoi, tor, thus providing the first reliable record of Alvarezsauri-
placing all of them within Alvarezsauridae (Bonaparte, dae for North America.
), a formerly monospecific taxon regarded by Bona- Here we summarize the morphology of Alvarezsauri-
parte () as a group of nonavian theropods. More re- dae, emphasizing the morphological differences between
cently, Karkhu and Rautian () described Parvicursor re- the included taxa. The present description is based pri-
motus from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert. marily on Mononykus and Shuvuuia, which represent the
Although they placed it in a unique family, they recognized best-known Alvarezsauridae. We then discuss differences
its strong similarity to Mononykus. We believe that this sim- between these two taxa as well as differences between
ilarity is due to common descent and that Parvicursoridae them and the remaining Mongolian, North American, and
is a junior synonym of Alvarezsauridae. Argentine forms. Specific diagnoses follow the guide-
In addition to the taxa mentioned previously, several lines of the Phylogenetic Species Concept (see Eldredge
specimens (e.g., MGI N /, MGI /, MGI /, and Cracraft, ; Nixon and Wheeler, , ), in
MGI /; listed as Mononykus in Perle et al., a, and which diagnostic characters do not necessarily represent
Chiappe et al., ) that were collected between  and autapomorphies but rather a unique character combi-
 by the American Museum of Natural History–Mongo- nation that differentiates specific taxa. This concept is
lian Academy of Sciences Paleontological Expeditions to the used as an operational concept as suggested by Frost and
Upper Cretaceous red beds of southern Mongolia (Dja- Kluge ().
dokhta and Barun Goyot Formations and their equivalents) The following institutional abbreviations are used in this
display anatomical differences with the holotype of M. ole- chapter: MGI, Mongolian Geological Institute, Ulaan-
cranus. These specimens can be diagnosed as a new taxon, bataar, Mongolia; MPD, Mongolian Paleontological Center,
Shuvuuia deserti (Chiappe et al., a; Suzuki et al., ). Ulaanbataar, Mongolia; MUCPv, Museo de Ciencias Natu-

rales, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Colección Paleo- osition of the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot sediments. These
ntología Vertebrados, Neuquén, Argentina; PIN, Paleonto- range from interpretations as fluvial systems (Tverdokhle-
logical Institute, Moscow, Russia; PVPH, Museo Municipal bov and Tsybin, ; Tumanova, ) to ideas that the
“Carmen Funes,” Plaza Huincul, Argentina; YPM, Yale massive sandstones are predominantly aeolian (Berkey and
Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. Morris, ; Eberth, ; Jerzykiewicz et al., ). Eberth
(), whose perspective is based on work at Bayan Man-
Geological Setting dahu in Inner Mongolia (China), posits that some of these
beds were part of a vast system of ergs—a point of view
Alvarezsaurid remains have been found in a variety of sed- shared by Fastovsky et al. () from their work at Tug-
imentary rocks and paleoenvironments from fossil sites in rugeen Shireh (southern Mongolia).
the United States, China, Argentina, and Mongolia, al- However, several authors have noted that, while pre-
though they are best known from the Gobi Desert (Mon- dominantly aeolian, these deposits contain intermittent
golia) and Patagonia (Argentina) (Fig. .). lacustrine and fluvial episodes as suggested by occasional
Alvarezsaurid specimens from the Gobi Desert of Mon- channel deposits, intermingled clays, and localized heavy
golia occur in two distinct environments. The holotype of M. bioturbation. Particularly enlightening has been the work of
olecranus is from Bugin Tsav, from a rich but poorly studied Loope et al. () at Ukhaa Tolgod (southern Mongolia).
stratigraphic unit that lies in a small transverse basin north While these authors found evidence of violent sandstorms
of the Altan Uul (Gradzinski et al., ). Rocks at Bugin Tsav in the cross-bedded deposits, their detailed study showed
have been described as belonging to the Nemegt Formation. that the extraordinary fauna of Ukhaa Tolgod (Dashzeveg
However, major differences exist between these beds and et al., ; Novacek, ) was entombed by massive sand-
more typical Nemegt rocks found in the Nemegt Basin. stone of nonaeolian origin. Tracks found in the cross-
Characteristically, the Nemegt Formation contains fluvial bedded sandstones documented that dinosaurs and pre-
rocks, predominantly channel fills with occasional overbank sumably other creatures frequented the dunes, though they
and lacustrine deposits (Gradzinski, ; Jerzykiewicz and were not buried in them. Loope et al. () interpreted
Russell, ; Jerzykiewicz et al., ). Besides a typical “Ne- the rich fossil beds of Ukhaa Tolgod as sandy alluvial fans
megt” dinosaur fauna of Tarbosaurus, Saurolophus, or- built at the margins of stabilized dunes during episodes of
nithomimids, and occasional sauropods, fossils of aquatic heavy rain.
animals (e.g., turtles, crocodyliforms, mollusks, and fishes) Thus, the combined work of international expeditions in
are common at Bugin Tsav. In some places, copious amounts the Gobi Desert suggests that during the time Shuvuuia and
of petrified wood are preserved. The sedimentation of the Parvicursor lived, the region was covered by large dune
Nemegt Formation was considered by Jerzykiewicz and Rus- fields with, at best, sparse vegetation, scattered with inter-
sell () to have occurred during the Maastrichtian, most mittent streams and small ponds and lakes of little depth
likely in the middle Maastrichtian (~  Ma). (Novacek, ).Violent sandstorms may have occurred, but
Most of the Mongolian alvarezsaurid specimens, includ- these cannot account for the exceptional preservation of the
ing those of S. deserti and P. remotus, have been collected Mongolian Upper Cretaceous red beds. Most likely, occa-
from the Upper Cretaceous beds of southern Mongolia— sional, heavy rains led to the development of the sandy allu-
the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot Formations and their vial fans that rapidly buried the organisms living at the edge
equivalents (Dashzeveg et al., ). These rocks are gener- of the dune slopes (Loope et al., ; Dingus and Loope,
ally considered slightly older than the Nemegt rocks, which ). As stated by Loope et al. (:):“The high, sparsely
superpositionally overlie Djadokhta-type rocks at some lo- vegetated landforms were a sediment reservoir available for
calities (e.g., Nemegt; Gradzinski et al., ). Jerzykiewicz episodic gravity flows, capable of quickly burying intact, un-
and Russell () considered the initial phases of sedimen- scavenged skeletons, and, possibly, live animals.”
tation of the Djadokhta Formation to be of middle Cam- According to Jerzykiewicz and Russell (:), the “lo-
panian age. According to these authors, this sedimentation cal onset of a more humid regime and the development of
would have been centered around  Ma. The extraordinar- integrated drainage systems” resulted in the deposition of
ily well preserved fauna of the Djadokhta and Barun Goyot the Nemegt Formation. However, active fieldwork in the
Formations is remarkably diverse, including many species Gobi Desert has begun to show that the Nemegt and
of mammals, lizards, turtles, nonavian dinosaurs, and birds Djadokhta dinosaur faunas comingled with many forms
(see Kielan-Jaworowska, ; Lavas, ; Dashzeveg et al., common to both rock units and that faunas differ mainly in
; Novacek, ; Gao and Norell, ). relative abundance rather than in composition. This seems
Various and disparate interpretations have been pro- to suggest that the Nemegt and Djadokhta faunas may be
posed concerning the environment during the time of dep- more environmentally than temporally controlled. Never-


Figure 4.1. Map indicating the
central Asian, Patagonian, and
North American localities that
have furnished alvarezsaurid ma-

theless, the common occurrence of extremely similar al- The fauna associated with Alvarezsaurus includes a vari-
varezsaurids (i.e., Mononykus and Shuvuuia) in these de- ety of small vertebrates such as snakes, crocodyliforms, and
posits suggests that these animals were capable of existing other birds (Bonaparte, ; Chiappe, Chapter  in this
in a variety of habitats. volume), even though abundant sauropod remains have
Patagonian alvarezsaurids come from the reddish sand- been found in other localities of the Río Colorado Forma-
stones of the Neuquén Group, in the northwestern corner tion (Powell, ). The Río Neuquén Formation has so far
of Argentina’s Patagonia. A. calvoi is from the Bajo de la provided limited fossil material. The locality of Patagonykus
Carpa Member (Río Colorado Formation), while P. puer- has also yielded the remains of various nonavian theropods,
tai occurs in the Portezuelo Member of the underlying sauropods, and crocodyliforms (Novas and Puerta, ;
Río Neuquén Formation. Traditionally, these rocks have Novas, ; Novas, pers. comm.).
been considered as fluvial deposits, each formation repre- As for the Asian alvarezsaurids, no absolute dates are avail-
senting successive sedimentary cycles (Cazau and Uliana, able for the Patagonian alvarezsaurid-bearing rocks. Recent
; Ramos, ). Recent work at Boca del Sapo (vicinity stratigraphic and paleontological data have converged in
of Neuquén city), the type locality of Alvarezsaurus, has placing the age of both the Portezuelo (Río Neuquén Forma-
suggested that these sandstones may be of aeolian origin, tion) and Bajo de la Carpa (Río Colorado Formation) mem-
representing a small field of dunes (Heredia and Calvo, bers within the Coniacian-Campanian interval (Cruz et al.,
). Nevertheless, only very localized rocks preserve ; Legarreta and Gulisano, ; Bonaparte, ; Calvo,
evidence in favor of an aeolian type of deposition for the ; Chiappe and Calvo, ). Recent magnetostratigraphic
Bajo de la Carpa Member at this site (Clarke et al., ); analyses at the sauropod nesting site of Auca Mahuevo (Chi-
these rocks appear to be predominantly fluvial (Clarke appe et al., b), within the Río Colorado Formation,
et al., ). placed this unit within the Campanian (Dingus et al., ).

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 89
Systematic Paleontology Patagonykus Novas, 
P. puertai Novas, 
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Holotype—PVPH  (Novas, ), assemblage of pri-
Theropoda1 Marsh,  marily disarticulated bones (presumably of a single indi-
Metornithes Perle et al.,  vidual) including a few thoracic and caudal vertebrae,
Alvarezsauridae Bonaparte,  a portion of the synsacrum, incomplete coracoids, seg-
Diagnosis—Laterally compressed synsacral vertebrae; ments of humeri and other elements of the forelimb,
concave and convex cranial and caudal articular surfaces of incomplete pelvic bones, and several portions of the
synsacrum, respectively; short coracoid, wider than it is tall, hindlimb elements.
lacking bicipital tubercle; sternum stout and subtriangular Locality and horizon—Sierra del Portezuelo,  km west
in section; humerus with prominent, proximally projected of Plaza Huincul, Neuquén Province, Argentina. Porte-
ventral tubercle and a single condyle; ulna with a hyper- zuelo Member, Río Neuquén Formation, Late Cretaceous
trophied olecranon process and a single cotyla; large and (Coniacian-Santonian; Legarreta and Gulisano, ).
proximally expanded radiocarpal facet of radius; hyper-
trophied and strongly depressed metacarpal I; robust digit I Diagnosis—Weak hyposphene-hypantrum; thoracic
with claw bearing two proximoventral foramina; pubic pedi- postzygapophysis ventrally curved and with a tongue-
cel cranioventrally oriented; absence of both ischiadic and shaped lateral border; tubercle on the caudal base of the
pubic distal fusion; laterally compressed and kidney-shaped neural arch of thoracic, synsacral, and caudal vertebrae;
proximal end of pubis; cone-shaped lateral condyle of femur. coracoidal shaft strongly convex ventrally and concave dor-
sally, with distinct ridge on ventral surface; transversely nar-
Alvarezsaurus Bonaparte,  row humeral articular facet of coracoid; ventral tubercle of
A. calvoi Bonaparte,  humerus proximally truncated; subcircular humeral con-
Holotype—MUCPv  (Bonaparte, ), including dyle; humerus with sharp, ventral epicondyle, ventrally
portions of several cervical and thoracic vertebrae, incom- projected; olecranon not as large as in Mononykus; first pha-
plete synsacrum,  caudal elements, right ilium and a frag- lanx of digit I with proximal articulation narrower than in
ment of the left ilium, portions of scapula and coracoid, Mononykus and Shuvuuia, and with prominent ventral
segments of the hindlimb elements (including pedal pha- ridge on its lateral margin; pubic foot; short, lateral projec-
langes), and a phalanx interpreted as a manual ungual tion between cnemial crest and lateral articular area of
(Novas, ). tibiotarsus; ascending process not indented.
Locality and horizon—Boca del Sapo, Neuquén city, Mononykinae Chiappe et al., 
Neuquén Province, Argentina. Bajo de la Carpa Member,
Diagnosis—Alvarezsaurids with supracetabular crest on
Río Colorado Formation, Late Cretaceous (Campanian;
ilium extending only over the rostral half of the acetabulum;
Dingus et al., ).
laterally compressed and kidney-shaped proximal end of
Diagnosis—Amphyplatian cervicals with flat, paddle- pubis; absence of femoral posterior trochanter; medial bor-
shaped postzygapophyses; abrupt transition between cervi- der of tibiotarsus strongly projected proximally; fibula
cals and thoracic vertebrae; synsacrum less compressed greatly reduced distally, without reaching the proximal
than in Patagonykus, Mononykus, and Shuvuuia; spinous tarsals; proximal end of metatarsal III reduced, not reach-
processes of proximal caudals absent or weakly developed; ing the tarsals (arctometatarsalian condition).
distal caudal vertebrae twice as long as proximal ones;
scapula significantly smaller than in Mononykus and Shu- Mononykus Perle et al., 
vuuia; scapular blade curved in dorsal view; subequal pre- M. olecranus Perle et al., 
and postacetabular wings of ilium; postacetabular wing not Holotype—MGI / (Perle et al., a), including a
depressed as in Shuvuuia and Parvicursor; metatarsal IV fragmentary skull, an isolated tooth, several cervical and
longer than metatarsal II; ungual phalanx of digit I with a thoracic vertebrae, fragments of the synsacrum and one
short, ventral keel. proximal caudal vertebra, forelimbs, scapulae and an in-
complete coracoid, sternum, portions of ribs, incomplete
pelvic elements, femora, tibiotarsi, portions of the meta-
1 The phylogenetic relationships of Alvarezsauridae within Thero- tarsals and pedal phalanges.
poda are still a matter of debate. While several cladistic analyses have Locality and horizon—Bugin Tsav, South Gobi Aimak,
supported its inclusion within Aves, others have not. Their phy-
logenetic relationships are discussed in the section Phylogenetic Mongolia. Nemegt Formation, Late Cretaceous (mid-
Relationships. Maastrichtian; Jerzykiewicz and Russell, ).


Diagnosis—Cervical centra strongly compressed later- proximal tarsals and metacarpals, suggesting a size larger
ally, lacking pneumatic foramina; cranialmost thoracic ver- than M. olecranus. S. deserti differs from P. remotus because
tebrae strongly compressed; fused ilium and ischium; pedal digit IV is longer than half the length of metatarsal IV
pillarlike deltopectoral crest of humerus; supracetabular (in P. remotus, digit IV is less than half of metatarsal IV) and
crest developed only in the cranial portion of acetabulum; this digit is shorter than digit II (without counting ungual
subtriangular cross section of pubis; two cnemial crests in phalanges).
tibiotarsus; medial indentation of ascending process with
deeply excavated base; ascending process arises from medial Anatomy
margin of astragalar condyle instead of from lateral margin.
Skull and Mandible
Parvicursor Karkhu and Rautian, 
Cranial remains are known only for the Asian alvarez-
P. remotus Karkhu and Rautian, 
saurids. The holotype of M. olecranus preserves a braincase
Holotype—PIN / (Karkhu and Rautian, ), and a fragment of the maxilla, along with an isolated tooth
including three thoracic, three synsacral, and seven caudal found within the braincase (Perle et al., a; Chiappe et
vertebrae, portions of the pelvis, a nearly complete right al., ). Another fragmentary braincase and a partial skull
hindlimb and several elements of the left hindlimb. are preserved in two juvenile specimens of S. deserti from
Locality and horizon—Khulsan, South Gobi Aimak, Tugrugeen Shireh (MGI N / and MPD /, re-
Mongolia. Barun Goyot Formation, Late Cretaceous (Cam- spectively). By far, the best cranial remains are two nearly
panian; Jerzykiewicz and Russell, ). complete skulls of Shuvuuia (MGI / and MGI
Diagnosis—Very similar to Mononykus but differs in /) from the red beds of Ukhaa Tolgod (Figs. .–.,
having opisthocoelous caudal thoracic vertebrae; no bi- .; Chiappe et al., a). The following description is
convex thoracic vertebra; convex cranial margin of synsa- mostly based primarily on these specimens.
crum; and a smaller adult size. The skull of Shuvuuia is lightly built with large orbits.
The nares, surrounded by the premaxilla, nasal, and max-
Shuvuuia Chiappe et al.,  illa, are elongated, teardrop-shaped, and located at the tip of
S. deserti Chiappe et al.,  the rostrum (Figs. .–.). The unfused premaxillae are
Holotype—MGI / (Chiappe et al., a), includ- very thin and are wedged in between the nasals caudo-
ing  cervical vertebrae, several thoracic vertebrae, syn- dorsally. The dentigerous margin of the premaxilla is not
sacrum, and  caudals; portions of the forelimb and tho- preserved in any of the available skulls; two large neurovas-
racic girdle; ilium and proximal portions of the ischium and cular foramina are visible on its preserved rostroventral
pubis; portions of femur and tibiotarsus, complete meta- portion in MGI /. The caudoventral end of the pre-
tarsals, and several pedal phalanges. maxilla forms a short, laterally concave process that abuts
Referred specimens—MGI N / (juvenile), MGI against the dorsomedial surface of a short, rostral process of
/, MGI /, including various postcranial ele- the maxilla (Figs. .A, .A).
ments and two complete skulls. MPD /, a partial As in nonavian theropods and basal birds (Chiappe,
skeleton preserving a portion of the skull (Suzuki et al., ), the maxilla is the largest bone on the lateral surface
). of the snout. Its rostral half is subtriangular and vertically
expanded, whereas the caudal half forms a slender bar, de-
Locality and horizon—Ukhaa Tolgod and Tugrugeen limiting the ventral margin of the antorbital fossa (Figs.
Shireh, South Gobi Aimak, Mongolia. Djadokhta-like beds, .–.). The maxilla bears numerous tiny teeth;  are pre-
Late Cretaceous (Campanian; Jerzykiewicz and Russell, ). served in the right maxilla of MGI /, but spaces be-
Diagnosis—Very similar to M. olecranus but differs in tween these teeth suggest that it probably had  or more.
having cervical centra that are less compressed laterally and The maxillary teeth, however, are restricted to the rostral
bearing large pneumatic foramina; deltopectoral crest of portion of this bone, being absent in its last two-thirds. The
humerus continuous with humeral head; a pubis of sub- maxilla bears only a few external neurovascular foramina,
circular section; femoral and tibiotarsal shafts bowed medi- which are parallel to the dentigerous margin. Ventromedi-
olaterally; medial border of distal end of tibiotarsus with a ally, the two maxillae abut, forming an extensive secondary
sharp ridge; medial margin of the ascending process of the palate that extends at least to the rostral level of the ant-
astragalus less notched; much longer proximal phalanx of orbital fossa.
the hallux; an intermediate phalanx of digit II similar in The antorbital fossa is elongate and subtriangular (Figs.
length to its ungual (instead of much shorter as in M. ole- .A, .). Its is bounded by the maxilla rostrally and ven-
cranus), and longer and more slender intermediate pha- trally and by the lacrimal dorsally and caudally; the nasal is
langes of digit IV and lesser degree of co-ossification of excluded from the antorbital fossa, but the rostral portion

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 91
4 cm

Figure 4.2. Articulated specimen

with skull of S. deserti (MGI /
) from the red beds of Ukhaa
Tolgod (southern Mongolia).
Abbreviations: al, proximal pha-
lanx of digit I; al, ungual phalanx
of digit I; co, coracoid; hum, hu-
merus; sc, scapula; stm, sternum.

Figure 4.4. Skull of S. deserti (MGI /) in dorsal (A) and

ventral (B) views.

Figure 4.3. Camera lucida drawing of the skull of S. deserti of the jugal contributes to the caudoventral corner of the
(MGI /) in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views. Abbrevia- fossa. A dorsal process of the maxilla separates a rostrally lo-
tions: ang, angular; art, articular; ata, atlantal arches; atf, antor-
cated fenestra (roughly one-third the length of the entire
bital fenestra; d, dentary; f, frontal; hyo, hyoid; jbr, jugal bar; lcr,
lacrimal; mdf, mandibular fenestra; mx, maxilla; mxf, maxillary antorbital fossa) from the larger, antorbital fenestra (Figs.
fenestra; n, nasal; nuc, nuchal crest; occ, occipital condyle; p, ., .). Given the preservation of this region in the two
parietal; pal, palatine; pfr, prefrontal (or ectethmoid; see text for available skulls of Shuvuuia, it is not possible to discern
discussion); pmx, premaxilla; po, postorbital; pop, paroccipital whether this rostral fenestra is either the maxillary or the
process; psr, parasphenoidal rostrum; q, quadrate; san, surangu- promaxillary fenestra of other maniraptoriform dinosaurs
lar; slr, sclerotic ring; sq, squamosal. (Witmer, ). However, the presence of two fenestrae (i.e.,
the maxillary and promaxillary fenestra) rostral to the ant-
orbital fossa cannot be discarded. Also unfortunate is the
fact that none of the available specimens is conclusive on
whether there is a dorsal maxillary wall lining medially the
rostral portion of the antorbital fossa.


The nasals are long, rhomboid in shape, and slightly con- fundamental differences from the preorbital ossification of
vex dorsally. United by a long, straight suture, these bones run Shuvuuia. The prefrontal of ornithomimids, like the pre-
the length of the snout (Figs. .–.). They taper both ros- frontals of other nonavian theropods (e.g., Erlikosaurus,
trally and caudally. Rostrally, each ends in a very thin, sharp Sinraptor, Allosaurus), is essentially caudal to the ventral bar
process that borders most of the dorsal margin of the naris. of the lacrimal; in Shuvuuia, the bone in question is mostly
In Shuvuuia, the rostral wall of the orbit is formed by a expanded rostral to this bar (Fig. ., .). Furthermore, a
large ossification, which is broadly exposed on the dorsal ventromedial contact between prefrontals, underneath the
surface of the snout (Figs. ., ., .). In dorsal view, this frontals, has not been reported for any theropod—the me-
bone has a rhomboidal shape and a sharp caudal apex. The dial surface of this bone is typically sutured to the lateral
combined caudal borders of the dorsal surfaces of the left margin of the frontal (see Madsen, ; Currie and Zhao,
and right elements of this ossification form a crescentic a). Thus, if this element is truly a prefrontal, the condi-
margin that overlaps the rostral end of the frontals. The or- tion in Shuvuuia is highly modified and autapomorphic. Al-
bital vertical wall of this ossification narrows ventromedi- ternatively, this ossification may represent an avian ecteth-
ally, contacting its counterpart in the midline. A wide space moid. In neornithine birds, this ossification forms a
is left between the medial projections of these elements and platelike surface that projects with different degrees from
the roof of the frontals; this space is comparable to the or- the interorbital septum and separates the orbit from the
bitonasal foramen of neornithine birds, which conducts nasal cavity (Cracraft, ). Although the ectethmoid is
both n. olfactorius and n. ophthalmicus (Baumel and Wit- present in most neornithine birds and in several instances it
mer, ). The homology of this ossification is unclear. On joins (or fuses) with the frontal dorsally (e.g., Podicipedi-
the one hand, it could represent a prefrontal. This bone, formes, Falconiformes, Gruiformes, Piciformes), this ossifi-
however, is small or reduced in maniraptoriform dinosaurs cation lacks a dorsal exposure on the cranial/snout roof
(Gauthier, ; Clark et al., ; Witmer, ). The pre- (Cracraft, ). Thus, if this preorbital ossification is in-
frontal in ornithomimids is somewhat larger than in mani- deed an ectethmoid, it also represents a highly modified and
raptoriforms (e.g., Osmólska et al., ) but also exhibits autapomorphic condition (Suzuki et al., ).

Figure 4.5. Skull of S. deserti (MGI /

) in right lateral (A), left lateral (B; only
postorbital region), and occipital (C) views.
Abbreviations: bpt, basipterygoid process;
fm, foramen magnum; others as in Figure

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 93
Lateral to the prefrontal/ectethmoid ossification is the ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume),
slender vertical bar of the lacrimal. This bone has an ex- alvarezsaurids exhibit the ancestral diapsid condition
tremely long rostral portion, slightly recessed relative to its (Romer, ) in which the squamosal is not incorporated
vertical bar, and a very short caudal process (Fig. .B, .B). into the braincase but forms the external margin of a com-
Its inverted, L-shaped morphology resembles that of plete, subcircular dorsotemporal fenestra (Figs. .A, B,
Archaeopteryx and certain nonavian theropods (Currie, .A). This bone bears a short and robust medial process ar-
). The vertical bar of the lacrimal is subtriangular in ticulating with the parietal at the level of the nuchal crest. It
cross section, and it slopes rostrodorsally. As in nonavian has a rostrolateral process for the articulation to the post-
theropods and basal birds (including ratites) the naso- orbital; the tip of this process contributes to the ventral ar-
lacrimal duct pierces the body of the lacrimal (Witmer, , ticular facet for the lateral head of the quadrate (Fig. .A,
). The frontals are large and long, forming virtually the B). The third process is directed caudolaterally, articulating
entire roof of the orbit (Figs. .–., .). These slightly with the paroccipital process of the braincase.
vaulted bones are separated by a straight suture and a notch The quadrate is tall, slender, and rostrocaudally com-
on their caudal margin. pressed (Fig. .). As in Archaeopteryx and the enantior-
The caudal margin of the orbit is formed by the post- nithine Gobipteryx (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ), the
orbital (Fig. .). This triradiate bone bears processes for the length of the quadrate is nearly one-quarter the length of
articulation to the frontal rostrodorsally and the squamosal the skull. The proximal end of the quadrate of Shuvuuia ex-
caudally and a ventral, splintlike process that fails to reach hibits two distinct articular heads (Fig. .C). This suggests
the jugal. This gap between the postorbital and the jugal that our early interpretation of the presence of a single-
shows that in Shuvuuia the orbit was confluent with the headed quadrate in Mononykus, as derived from the study
laterotemporal fenestra, a uniquely avian condition among of the fragmentary braincase of the holotype specimen
archosaurs (Zusi, ). Interestingly, the tip of the caudal (Perle et al., ), is most likely incorrect. In the skull of
process of the postorbital cooperates with the squamosal in Shuvuuia, the lateral quadrate head articulates at the joint
the formation of a ventral facet for the articulation of the between the squamosal and postorbital, while the medial
lateral head of the quadrate, a condition unknown in any head is caudodorsally directed toward the braincase, toward
other dinosaur (including birds) (Weishampel et al., ). the region on the prootic on which the quadrate fragment
The ventral margin of the orbit is formed by a rodlike ju- articulates in the Mononykus holotype (Perle et al., ; Fig.
gal (Figs. .–., .), which is strongly depressed rostrally. .). The orbital process (pterygoid flange of nonavian
This bone contacts the medial margin of the maxilla and theropods) is broad and rostromedially oriented (Fig. .A),
lateral margin of the lacrimal rostrally, and caudally it is a primitive condition retained in basal birds such as
fused to the quadratojugal, leaving no sign of suture. While Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, and enantiornithines (Chi-
the contact with the maxilla is by means of a suture, that appe, ; Sanz et al., ; Chiappe et al., ). On its
with the jugal appears to be by a ligamentous connection. ventromedial corner, this process firmly abuts the caudal
This latter interpretation agrees with the displacement seen end of the pterygoid. Caudally, the shaft of the quadrate is
in some of the lacrimals of the two skulls of Shuvuuia. The excavated on its proximal half by a shallow, broad sulcus,
jugal bar lacks a postorbital process for the articulation to while its distal half is flat (Fig. .C). The medial margin of
the postorbital bone (Fig. .A, B), again, a feature exclusive the caudal surface forms a ridge that becomes stronger
to birds among archosaurs. A distinct tubercle for the at- proximally as it converges with the medial otic head. The
tachment of the postorbital ligament is also missing. The lateral margin of the quadrate is very peculiar. In caudal
caudal tip of the quadratojugal (or the jugal bar) forms a view, this margin forms a convex, laterally projected ridge,
tiny fork that must have been connected by ligaments to the while its distal half develops a distinct, crescentic notch.
ventrolateral corner of the quadrate (Fig. .B). This condi- The morphology of the jugal bar and the suspensorium
tion, which agrees with that of most birds (with perhaps an region of the skull of Shuvuuia is very similar to that of ne-
exception in Archaeopteryx), contrasts with that of non- ornithine birds. This suggests capabilities for craniofacial
avian archosaurs, in which the quadratojugal has a distinct kinesis (Fig. .), namely, the elevation and depression of
squamosal process forming a broad and firm articulation the rostrum relative to the braincase (Simonetta, ;
with the quadrate (Romer, ; Weishampel et al., ; Bock, ; Zusi, , ). The absence of a contact be-
Zusi, ). tween the squamosal and the quadratojugal allowed the
The squamosal is triradiate and depressed (Figs. .–.). streptostylic quadrate to swing rostrocaudally. Likewise,
Unlike neornithine birds but like nonavian theropods, without a connection between the jugal and postorbital, the
Archaeopteryx (Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume), Con- jugal bar was able to act as a strut between the quadrate and
fuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  the rostrum. Forces directed longitudinally from the
in this volume), and certain enantiornithines (Sanz et al., quadrate would elevate or depress the rostrum around a


Figure 4.6. Skull of S. deserti
(MGI /) in dorsal (A) and
ventral (B). Abbreviations: bsr,
basisphenoidal recess; pty, ptery-
goid; stf, supratemporal fossa;
others as in Figure ..

transverse axis at a bending zone immediately rostral to the

orbit (Fig. .). The existence of a thinning of the jugal just
caudal to its lacrimal contact would have formed a ventral
bending zone. This and the loose connection between the
frontals and the preorbital ossifications (nasals and pre-
frontals/ectethmoids) suggest that the snout may have
moved as a unit, much in the manner of prokinetic neor-
nithine birds (Simonetta, ; Bock, ; Zusi, , ).
The absence of a continuous, ossified septum, as indicated
by the lack of a ridge, or even a trace of it, on the ventral sur-
face of the frontals and nasals, agrees with this interpreta-
tion. The general design of the skull of Shuvuuia suggests
that some motion, most likely of a prokinetic type, was pos-
sible (Chiappe et al., a). Nevertheless, the prokinetic
condition of Shuvuuia differs from that of prokinetic neor-
nithines in that the dorsal bending zone is between the
frontals and the nasals-prefrontals/ectethmoids and not be-
tween the frontals and the nasals-premaxillae. Further-
more, the dorsal and ventral bending zones of the skull of
Shuvuuia are located in the rostral portion of the orbit, and
not rostral to the orbit as in prokinetic neornithines. Al-
though Zweers and Vanden Berge (:) considered the Figure 4.7. Skull of M. olecranus (MGI /) (after Perle et al.,
skull of Shuvuuia as “almost avian-like prokinetic,” the po- ) in ventrolateral view. Abbreviations: coq, cotyla for the
sition of its bending zones led them to call this type of ki- articulation of the lateral otic head of the quadrate; pop, par-
nesis mesokinesis—a term functionally defined by the exis- occipital process; q, quadrate; rtr, rostral tympanic recess.

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 95
tal end of this ridge. In ventral view, the distal half of the
paroccipital process forms a subrhomboidal, slightly con-
cave platform. The proximomedial border of this platform
essentially limits the lateral margin of the columellar recess
caudoventrally. The caudodorsal margin of this recess is
formed by a strong ridge that projects from the proximal
half of the paroccipital process. Dorsally, the columellar re-
Figure 4.8. Reconstruction of the skull of S. deserti. Note the cess is bordered by the prootic, while a strong projected
prokinetic movement of the rostrum.
flange of the metotic strut forms its ventral floor. Inside the
columellar recess there is a large, subtriangular vestibular
fenestra separated from the cochlear fenestra by the crista
tence of a flexible area in the roof of the orbit caudal to the interfenestralis. Caudodorsal to the cochlear fenestra is a
lacrimal, specifically the frontoparietal area. large, cup-shaped cavity that bears the entrance of the cau-
The braincase of alvarezsaurids is proportionally very dal tympanic recess caudally. Thus, as in birds (Chiappe et
small. Its roof is formed by the parietals, which are dorsally al., ), the exit of the caudal tympanic recess opens in-
flat and completely fused to each other (Figs. ., .A, side the columellar recess instead of perforating the par-
.A). Caudally, the central portion of the parietals passes occipital process, as in several nonavian theropods.
smoothly into the occipital table, while laterally, each pari- The braincase wall of the holotype of M. olecranus (MGI
etal is separated from the occiput by a thin, but prominent, /) shows that the prootic articulation for the quadrate
transverse nuchal crest (Fig. .A). The bones surrounding is located dorsal and rostral to the columellar recess (Perle
the occiput, including the parietal, are co-ossified. Dorsal to et al., ). This facet is ventrolaterally oriented, with a
the foramen magnum, the occiput is transversely vaulted. slight caudal orientation. Just caudal to this facet is a small
The angle between the central portion of the parietals and foramen leading to an air space inside the prootic, presum-
the dorsal surface of the occiput is very shallow; these two ably the dorsal tympanic recess. Laterally, the prootic is per-
areas are almost coplanar. forated by a single facial foramen (CN VII) that is at the level
The occipital condyle is significantly smaller than the of the vestibular fenestra. Ventral to the facial foramen is the
foramen magnum (Fig. .C). In this respect, the al- entrance to the rostral tympanic recess (Fig. .).
varezsaurid skull also resembles the condition in birds, dif- A portion of the medial braincase wall is also preserved
fering from nonavian theropods, where the size of the in the braincase of the holotype of M. olecranus. The arcu-
condyle is comparable to that of the foramen magnum (Os- ate eminence projects medially from the braincase wall. The
mólska et al., ; Madsen, ; Weishampel et al., ; subarcuate fossa (= floccular recess) is large and deep. The
Currie and Zhao, b; Clark et al., ; Currie, ). The vestibular eminence is swollen. The acoustic recess is shal-
large size of the foramen magnum is interesting consider- low. Rostrally, a single facial foramen presumably transmit-
ing the small size of the braincase. This proportion is not in ted the facial nerve (CN VII). Two small, rostral auditory
agreement with the results of Mlikovsky (), who con- foramina lie just dorsal to the facial foramen, between it and
cluded that, in birds, the area of the foramen magnum was the inflated area for the vertical vestibular canal. These
closely correlated to that of brain size. Two vertically aligned transmitted the rostral auditory ramus of the acoustic
hypoglossal foramina (CN XII) lie on each side of the oc- nerve (CN VIII). Caudal and slightly ventral to the acoustic
cipital condyle. Lateral to the dorsal hypoglossal foramen foramen lies the fovea ganglii vagoglossopharyngealis
lies a larger vagus foramen (CN X); this foramen lies at the (= metotic foramen). This foramen is a deep, nearly verti-
same level as the paroccipital process, just caudal to its base. cal slit that transmitted the glossopharyngeal (CN IX), va-
Ventral and lateral to the hypoglossal foramina and the oc- gus (CN X), and spinal accessory (CN XI) nerves through
cipital condyle—lateral to the caudal portion of the basi- the wall of the braincase.
sphenoidal recess (see later)—is a large, ventrolaterally The basisphenoid is excavated by a subcircular recess, a
facing foramen interpreted as the entrance of the cerebral condition known for several nonavian theropods (e.g., Cur-
carotid artery. rie and Zhao, a; Currie, ). In neornithine birds, the
The paroccipital process is short and slightly expanded basisphenoid is sheathed by the parasphenoid (i.e., paras-
distally (Fig. .). Its dorsal surface faces up and slightly cau- phenoidal lamina), which in some instances it is distinctly
dal, a condition comparable to that in Archaeopteryx and recessed. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether the condi-
nonavian theropods such as Erlikosaurus (Clark et al., ). tion in Shuvuuia constitutes the primitive one of nonavian
A weak, longitudinal ridge runs over its dorsal surface, and theropods (basisphenoid excavated by a recess) or the de-
a small foramen—presumably for the entrance of the oc- rived condition of neornithine birds (parasphenoidal lam-
cipital artery (Chatterjee, )—is present lateral to the dis- ina recessed by a fossa). Rostral to the basisphenoidal recess


(Figs. .C, .B), long basipterygoid processes project dorsally by the surangular and ventrally by the angular.
ventrolaterally. Their nearly vertical orientation in MGI The minimal participation of dentary in the ventral mar-
/ (Figs. .C, .B) is most likely a preservational gin of the mandibular fenestra is comparable to the condi-
artifact, as suggested by () a crack in their base, () their tion in nonavian theropods (Ostrom, ; Osmólska et al.,
caudal displacement with respect to the caudal end of ; Currie, ) and certain basal birds (Sanz et al., ).
the pterygoids, and () the subvertical orientation of the Dorsally, the caudal two-thirds of the surangular are broad
basipterygoid processes of MGI /. In any event, the and strongly depressed. This bone also forms the caudal
proportional length of the basipterygoid processes in Shu- margin of the mandibular fenestra. The mandibular fenes-
vuuia is unparalleled by any other bird or nonavian thero- tra is lined medially by a wedged projection of the splenial
pod, resembling more the development of diplodocid and and cranially by a thin prearticular. This latter bone is con-
dicraeosaurid sauropod dinosaurs (Romer, ). Rostral to cave dorsally and convex ventrally. As in Archaeopteryx
the basipterygoid processes is a subtriangular, parasphe- (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ), the rostral end of the
noidal rostrum (Figs. .B, .B). This is narrow and bears prearticular abuts against the splenial without leaving any
a strong ventral ridge, a condition contrasting with the space for the coronoid. This suggest that Shuvuuia—like
swollen parasphenoidal rostrum of troodontids (Currie apparently all birds and some nonavian theropods—did
and Zhao, b), Erlikosaurus (Clark et al., ), and or- not have a coronoid bone. The articular area is broken or
nithomimids (Osmólska et al., ). covered by other bones in the available two specimens.
The pterygoids are long and straplike, reaching near the The mandible bears a wide and depressed retroarticular
rostral margin of the orbits (Fig. .B). Caudally, a short, process, which receives a lateral, thin contribution from the
vertical quadrate ramus abuts firmly against the ventro- surangular. The caudomedial corner of the retroarticular
medial corner of the orbital process of the quadrate. No ec- process projects medially into a prominent, tapered process
topterygoid is preserved in the available two skulls of Shu- (Figs. .B, .B). Dorsally, the retroarticular process forms
vuuia. This does not mean, however, that these bones were a subcircular basin. Given the available material, it is not
absent. The palatine is long and slender (Figs. .B, .B). possible to discern whether there is a pneumatic foramen
Sereno () misidentified a portion of the maxillary sec- perforating the articular.
ondary palate, visible through the antorbital fenestra of
MGI /, as an expanded rostral portion of the palatine. Axial Skeleton
Examination of this specimen and of MPD / shows Differentiation between cervical and thoracic vertebrae in
that Sereno’s () interpretation is erroneous. The caudal fossil vertebrates always involves a certain dose of arbitrari-
half of the palatine bears a prominent ridge that divides a ness. Typically, those vertebrae in which the ribs articulate
lateral and somewhat depressed area from a smaller medial with the sternum are considered thoracic vertebrae, but in
portion. Its caudal half forms a thin, straight bar that cau- most fossil vertebrates, the articulation between ribs and
dally widens into a transverse “foot” for its articulation with sternum is either poorly preserved or missing altogether.
the pterygoid. This is the case for Mononykus and Shuvuuia, in which the
The lower jaw of alvarezsaurids, known only for Shuvu- sternum lacks facets for the articulation of ribs, suggesting
uia, is low and compressed (Figs. .–.). In dorsal view, that they may have articulated to cartilaginous sternal
it has an elongate sigmoid shape. Laterally, the cranial half facets. The distinction between the cervical and thoracic
has subparallel margins, while the wider caudal half is con- vertebrae of Mononykus and Shuvuuia is further compli-
vex both dorsally and ventrally. New information derived cated by the fact that, in contrast to the condition typical of
from MPD / shows that the two mandibular rami the adults of ornithothoracine birds and certain nonavian
contact each other along a straight suture, forming a short theropods, their cervical ribs are not fused to the vertebral
symphysis (Suzuki et al., ). The dentary and splenial centra. Thus, our classification of these vertebrae is based
meet each other by means of straight sutures running both exclusively on their overall morphology.
dorsally and ventrally throughout their length. The cranial
half of the dentary bears a dorsal groove for implantation Cervical Vertebrae. The cervical series is well known for
of the teeth—individual alveoli are clearly absent in the two Mononykus and Shuvuuia (MGI N /, MGI /,
known jaws of Shuvuuia (GMI /, GMI /). MGI /). In Alvarezsaurus, only the vertebral arch of a
This type of implantation has been reported for or- midcervical and portions of the caudal section of the neck
nithomimids (Sereno, ), troodontids (Currie, ), are preserved. Novas () included within the material of
and Hesperornis (Marsh, ). Dentary and splenial form Patagonykus an isolated cervical along with an incomplete,
the cranial margin of a large mandibular fenestra laterally isolated postzygapophysis. This short vertebra is quite dif-
and medially, respectively. This fenestra is laterally elongate ferent from the long and depressed cervicals of other al-
and teardrop-shaped (Figs. .B, .B, .A). It is bordered varezsaurids. Because these remains do not show diagnos-

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 97
Figure 4.9. Cervical vertebrae of
S. deserti (MGI /) in dorsal
(A) and ventral (B) views. Abbre-
viations: poz, postzygapophysis;
prc, carotid process.

tic features of other alvarezsaurids, we prefer to leave them oval pneumatic foramen is present behind the parapophysis
out of the present description. (costal fovea) in the isolated cervical centrum of Al-
The number of cervicals is not known for either varezsaurus (Fig. .A; Bonaparte, ; Novas, ). In
Mononykus or Shuvuuia, but specimen MGI / of Shu- Shuvuuia, the pneumatic foramina of the caudal cervicals
vuuia preserves at least nine postaxial vertebrae of cervical are very large. The cervical ribs of alvarezsaurids are not
morphology. The cervical vertebrae of alvarezsaurids are fused to the vertebrae.
elongated and low. The longest elements in the series are the
middle ones. The size reduction of the cranial cervicals,
with respect to the middle ones, is quite remarkable. For ex-
ample, in specimen MGI /, the cranialmost preserved
element is nearly half the length of a midcervical that is only
four elements behind it (Fig. .).
The vertebral arches are broad and depressed, with low
spinous processes (Figs. ., .). The height of the verte-
bral arches increases in the caudal section of the series. The
postzygapophyses bear small epipophyses. In Alvarezsaurus
(Fig. .A), the postzygapophyses of the preserved cervi-
cals are nearly flat and paddle-shaped in dorsal view (Bona-
parte, ). This apomorphic condition contrasts markedly
with the rectangular morphology of the postzygapophyses
of other alvarezsaurids (Novas, ).
Like the vertebral arches, the cervical centra of Mononykus
and Shuvuuia are elongated and low. The strong, opistho-
coelous condition present in these vertebrae (Fig. .) seems
to be absent in Alvarezsaurus. In an isolated centrum re-
garded by Bonaparte () as a caudal cervical, both artic-
ular surfaces are concave (Figs. .B, C). In Mononykus, the
centra are strongly compressed laterally (Perle et al., ),
differing in this regard from both Shuvuuia and Al-
varezsaurus (based on the single isolated centrum). The
centra of the cranial and middle cervicals of the Asian al- Figure 4.10. Vertebral elements of A. calvoi (MUCPv ) (after
varezsaurids are cranioventrally excavated by a furrow bor- Bonaparte, ). A, cervicothoracic neural arches in dorsal view.
B, C, isolated cervical centrum in left lateral (B) and ventral (C)
dered by prominences (Fig. .B) comparable to the carotid
views. D, proximal caudals in left lateral view. E, dorsal view of
processes of neornithine birds (Perle et al., ). In the first vertebra illustrated in F. F, proximal middle caudals in
Mononykus, the preserved cervicals do not exhibit pneu- left lateral view. G, distal middle caudals in left lateral view. Ab-
matic foramina (i.e., pleurocoels). These, however, are pres- breviations: d, first dorsal; har, haemal arch; pne, pneumatic
ent in Shuvuuia and apparently in Alvarezsaurus. A small, foramen; prz, prezygapophysis.


Thoracic Vertebrae. The thoracic series is primarily .), these increase in height and become vertically directed
known from the Asian alvarezsaurids. Only a few cranial (Perle et al., ). The spinous processes of the cranial tho-
vertebral arches, and a midthoracic vertebra and some por- racic vertebrae of Alvarezsaurus, the only known thoracic
tions of caudal thoracic vertebrae, are preserved in Al- vertebrae, are also low (Bonaparte, ). The vertebral fora-
varezsaurus and Patagonykus, respectively. men of all alvarezsaurids is very large with respect to the
In Mononykus and Shuvuuia, the transition from typi- centrum (Fig. .C; Chiappe et al., ). Hyposphene-
cal cervicals to typical thoracic vertebrae is gradual (Perle hypantrum articulations are absent in the Asian al-
et al., ). This is not the case in Alvarezsaurus, in which varezsaurids (Perle et al., ) but weakly developed in
only an intermediate vertebra separates the caudal cervi- Patagonykus (Novas, , ). These additional vertebral
cals with paddled postzygapophyses from thoracic verte- articulations are widespread among nonavian saurischian
brae with much smaller postzygapophyses (Fig. .A) dinosaurs (Gauthier, ), and they have also been found
(Bonaparte, ). in the basal bird Rahonavis from the Late Cretaceous of
In the transition from cervicals to thoracic vertebrae, the Madagascar (Forster et al., a,b).
parapophysis (costal fovea) migrates from its cranioventral In Mononykus and Shuvuuia, the transitional elements as
position in the centrum to a position that is lateral to, and well as the cranial and middle thoracic vertebrae are
at the same level as, the prezygapophysis (Fig. .). This opisthocoelous (Fig. .). In the caudal section of the tho-
apomorphic condition is clearly seen in the cranial thoracic racic series, a biconvex element bridges the opisthocoelous
vertebrae of the Asian alvarezsaurids (Perle et al., ), al- morphology of its preceding vertebrae and the procoelous
though it seems to be absent in Alvarezsaurus itself (Bona- condition of the synsacrum (Perle et al., ). In this
parte, ; Novas, ). respect, Mononykus and Shuvuuia strikingly resemble
As in the cervical vertebrae, Mononykus differs from Shu- Patagopteryx, a flightless bird from the Late Cretaceous of
vuuia in that its transitional and thoracic centra (particu- Patagonia that is more closely related to extant birds, al-
larly the cranial and middle ones) are strongly compressed though in this bird the biconvex element is the fifth thoracic
laterally (Fig. .). The lateral compression of the thoracic vertebra (Chiappe, , Chapter  in this volume). The bi-
vertebrae of Mononykus is also greater than that of convex vertebra of Mononykus and Shuvuuia may represent
Patagonykus (Novas, , ). The sharp ventral margins the last thoracic element, although it is unclear whether
of the transitional centra of Mononykus bear small ventral there were any (one or maybe two) procoelous thoracic ver-
processes; these processes are larger in the subsequent, cra- tebra caudal to this biconvex element. A biconvex thoracic
nial thoracic vertebrae (Fig. .A; Perle et al., ). Promi- vertebra is probably absent in Parvicursor (Karkhu and
nent ventral processes are also present in the cranial tho- Rautian, ), in which the last element of the thoracic
racic vertebrae of Shuvuuia. Pneumatic foramina are absent series is still opisthocoelous. The known thoracic centra
in the thoracic vertebrae of all alvarezsaurids. of Patagonykus are not opisthocoelous; the preserved mid-
In Mononykus and Shuvuuia, the spinous processes of thoracic centrum is amphicoelous, while the known por-
the cranial thoracic vertebrae are moderately low and tion of a thoracic centrum, of caudal position, possesses a
caudodorsally oriented (Fig. .). Toward the back (Fig. slightly convex caudal surface (Novas, ).

Figure 4.11. Thoracic vertebrae of M. olecranus (MGI /) (after Perle et al., ). A, B, first two preserved thoracic vertebrae in
left lateral view. C, caudal view of the second one. Abbreviations: cof, costal fovea; ipf, infrapostzygapophysial fossa; spr, spinous process
of vertebral arch.

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 99
Synsacrum. The synsacrum is nearly complete in Shu- through the entire synsacrum. In Patagonykus, the spinous
vuuia (MGI N /, MGI /). Portions of it are processes of the last two preserved synsacral vertebrae are
known for all other alvarezsaurids. clearly individualized (Novas, ).
The synsacrum of Shuvuuia is formed by seven verte-
brae. In this taxon as well as in Mononykus, the cranial and Caudal Vertebrae. None of the alvarezsaurid specimens
caudal articular surfaces are concave and convex, respec- preserves a complete caudal series. Nevertheless, large por-
tively (Fig. .). Four synsacral vertebrae are preserved in tions of the tail are known for both Alvarezsaurus (Fig. .)
both Patagonykus and Alvarezsaurus. Novas () consid- and Shuvuuia (Fig. .). In specimens MGI N/ and
ered that Patagonykus had at least five synsacral vertebrae, MGI / of Shuvuuia,  and  caudal elements are
although we believe it may have had several more. In Al- preserved, respectively, starting with very proximal ele-
varezsaurus, taking into consideration the length of the il- ments (unfortunately none of these caudal series were ar-
ium, seven synsacral vertebrae seems to be a reasonable es- ticulated to the synsacrum). A recently described specimen
timate. The fact that both Alvarezsaurus and Patagonykus (MPD /) of this taxon (Suzuki et al., ) provides
are missing the first synsacral vertebra prevents determina- the best estimate for the number of caudal vertebrae in al-
tion of whether the cranial surface of the synsacrum was varezsaurids. Some  vertebrae fit the preserved segment of
concave, as in Mononykus and Shuvuuia. In Parvicursor, the tail of MPD /, and additional remnants distal to
however, the cranial surface of the synsacrum is convex this series suggest a slightly higher number.
(Karkhu and Rautian, ). The caudals are laterally compressed and procoelous. In
The synsacral vertebrae of alvarezsaurids are laterally the two most proximal elements preserved in Shuvuuia
compressed. This compression is greatest in the laminar, (perhaps the first two caudals), the centra are ventrally
caudal portion of the synsacrum, which forms a prominent, sharp, a condition shared by the first preserved caudal ver-
ventrally projected keel (Fig. .). In Alvarezsaurus, the tebra (a proximal element) of Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte,
synsacral centra are less compressed than those of Pata- ) and apparently Parvicursor as well (Karkhu and Rau-
gonykus, Mononykus, and Shuvuuia. The last synsacral tian, ). In the subsequent vertebrae of Shuvuuia, the
vertebrae bear a pronounced ventral keel, although this ventral border of the centra bears a strong, longitudinal fur-
condition is unknown for Alvarezsaurus. row that runs throughout its entire length. In both Shuvu-
The spinous processes of the cranial and central portion uia and Alvarezsaurus, the transverse processes are sub-
of the synsacrum of Shuvuuia form a continuous dorsal triangular and laterodistally directed. This appears not to be
crest. It is not clear, however, whether this crest runs the case in Parvicursor, however, in which the transverse
process is slightly lateroproximally oriented. Transverse
processes are present in the first  preserved caudals of Shu-
vuuia. The caudal spinous processes of this taxon are prox-
imodistally narrow and located immediately above the
short postzygapophyses (Fig. .A, B)—a condition shared
by Parvicursor (Karhku and Rautian, ). Yet Parvicusor
differs from Shuvuuia in that the postzygapophyses of the
proximal caudals are far removed proximally from the dis-
tal margin of the centrum (Karkhu and Rautian, ). By
the ninth caudal vertebrae of Shuvuuia, the spinous process
is virtually absent. The spinous processes appear to be ab-
sent or weakly developed (in the proximal section) in Al-
varezsaurus (Bonaparte, ).
In the proximal section of Shuvuuia, the prezygapophy-
ses are dorsoproximally oriented, projecting beyond the
proximal margin of the centrum. For example, in the first
seven preserved vertebrae of specimen MGI /, their
proximal extension is roughly one-third the length of the
centrum (Fig. .A). In the distal section of the tail, the
prezygapophyses are short and do not extend to the preced-
ing vertebra (Fig. .C). The prezygapophyses are short in
Figure 4.12. Caudal synsacral end of alvarezsaurids in right lat- all preserved vertebrae of Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, ).
eral (A, C) and caudal (B, D) views (after Novas, ). A, B, P. The caudal series of Alvarezsaurus differs drastically
puertai (PVPH ). C, D, M. olecranus (MGI /). from that of Shuvuuia in that its distal elements are much


Figure 4.13. Caudal vertebrae of
S. deserti (MGI /). A, B,
left lateral and dorsal views of the
second? to eighth? vertebrae. C,
left lateral view of th? to th?
vertebrae. Abbreviations as in
Figure ..

longer than the proximal ones. For example, in the Pata- they gradually diminish in size (Fig. .C). Inverted,
gonian form, the centrum of the most proximal vertebra T-shaped haemal arches are also present in the distal por-
(presumably the first caudal) is less than % of the length tion of the tail of Alvarezsaurus (Fig. .F, G).
of the last preserved element (probably a midcaudal)
(Bonaparte, ). This condition compares with that of Thoracic Girdle and Sternum
Archaeopteryx, in which the midcaudal centra typically have The scapula, coracoid, and sternum are well known in both
more than twice the length of the centra of the proximal Mononykus and Shuvuuia. Portions of the scapulocoracoid
caudals (Wellnhofer, ). Interestingly, this condition is and coracoid are preserved for Alvarezsaurus and Pata-
different from Rahonavis (Forster et al., a,b), in which gonykus, respectively. None of the available specimens of
the length of the midcaudals is subequal to that of the most these taxa preserves a furcula. The fact that some of these
proximal vertebrae of the tail, even though the centra of the (e.g., MGI /) are exquisitely preserved and articulated
midcaudals are much more elongate than their most im- suggests that this element was probably absent in Al-
mediate preceding centra. varezsauridae, but the recent discoveries of furculae in sev-
In Shuvuuia, the haemal arches of the  proximal verte- eral nonavian theropods thought to lack them (Chure and
brae are higher than their proximodistal length (Fig. .A). Madsen, ; Norell et al., ; Makovicky and Currie,
Similar haemal arches are present in the proximal portion ) underscore the lack of certainty.
of the tail of Alvarezsaurus (Fig. .D). The haemal arch be-
tween the th and th caudals of Shuvuuia has an inverted Scapula. The scapula is firmly attached to the coracoid,
T shape and is proximodistally longer than it is high. Sub- although in none of the known specimens are these bones
sequent haemal arches also have an inverted T shape, and fused to each other (Fig. .). The scapular blade is slender

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 101
Figure 4.14. Thoracic girdle of alvarez-
saurids. A, left scapulocoracoid of M.
olecranus (MGI /) in lateral view
(from Perle et al., ). B, left scapuloco-
racoid of A. calvoi (MUCPv ) in lateral
view (after Novas, ). C, left coracoid of
P. puertai (PVPH ) in lateral view (from
Novas, ). Abbreviation: snf, supra-
coracoid nerve foramen.

and compressed. This transverse compression is stronger in Patagonian taxon, a distinct, oblique ridge runs transversely
its distal third. In Mononykus and Shuvuuia, the blade is on the ventral (rostral) surface of the shaft (Fig. .C).
straight in both lateral and dorsal view, differing from that The bicipital tubercle is absent in all alvarezsaurid cora-
of Alvarezsaurus, which is distinctly curved in dorsal view coids. A round supracoracoid nerve foramen perforates the
(Bonaparte, ). Dorsal and ventral margins are sub- center of the shaft, somewhat below the scapular articula-
parallel for most of the blade. The distal portion expands tion (Fig. .). The medial margin of the shaft is straight to
dorsoventrally, and it ends abruptly. slightly convex. Laterally, the shaft projects into a long, tri-
The shoulder end is dorsoventrally expanded and angular, tapered flange. The sternal border of the coracoid
slightly twisted medially. The acromion does not project be- is convex, providing an ample area of articulation for the
yond the articular facet for the coracoid. The latter facet is sternum.
subtriangular and much larger than the semioval and The humeral articular facet is suboval, slightly convex,
slightly concave humeral articular facet. The orientation of and smaller than the articular surface for the scapula. As in
the scapular blade suggests that, in life, the humeral articu- Archaeopteryx and nonavian theropods (Chiappe, ),
lar facet of the scapulocoracoid faced caudolaterally. Al- this facet is on the same plane of the humeral articular facet
varezsaurus also differs from Mononykus and Shuvuuia in of the scapula. The general shape and the orientation of the
that the scapula is proportionally smaller. The scapula of the scapulocoracoid, preserved in articulation with the sternum
Patagonian taxon is roughly half the length of the ilium in specimen MGI / of Shuvuuia, suggest that the
(Bonaparte, ; Novas, ), a proportion much lower humeral articular facet probably faced caudolaterally.
than in the Asian alvarezsaurids.
Sternum. The sternum is a stout and caudally tapered
Coracoid. The coracoid is short, wider than it is tall, and bone, longer than it is wide, with a subtriangular cross sec-
has a generally crescentic shape (Fig. .). In Mononykus tion (Fig. .). It is simple and small and without ossified
and Shuvuuia, the shaft is strongly compressed and virtually processes or facet for the articulation of ribs. Ventrally, it
flat. In contrast, in Patagonykus, the coracoid shaft is strongly bears a strong carina that splits rostrally in two lateral crests
convex ventrally (rostrally) and concave dorsally (caudally), enclosing a median groove (Perle et al., ). Specimen
and its medial portion is very thick (Novas, ). In the MGI / of Shuvuuia (Fig. .) shows that the long ster-


0.5 cm

Figure 4.15. Sternum of M. olecranus (MGI /) in ventral (A, stereo pairs), cranial (B), and right lat-
eral (C) views (after Perle et al., ).

nal margin of the coracoid articulated with the craniolateral

portion of the sternum.

Thoracic Limb
The bizarre structure of the thoracic limb of alvarezsaurids
is their most characteristic skeletal feature (Fig. .). Nearly
complete thoracic limbs are known for both Mononykus
and Shuvuuia, and portions of it are preserved in Pata-
gonykus. The thoracic limb is, however, unknown in Al-
varezsaurus and Parvicursor.

Humerus. The humerus is short and robust, with both

extremities expanded in the same plane (Perle et al., ).
In Mononykus and Shuvuuia, its proximal end bears a
prominent, proximally projected ventral tubercle that ta-
pers toward its tip (Fig. .). A similarly projected ventral
tubercle is present in Patagonykus (Novas, ), although it
is shorter than in the Asian alvarezsaurids, and it has a trun-
cated end (Fig. .A). The humeral head is large. In
Mononykus and Shuvuuia, it is cranially concave and cau-
dally convex (Fig. .B); in Patagonykus, it is cranially flat.
The caudal surface of the proximal end lacks both a pneu-
matic fossa and a foramen. In Mononykus, the deltopectoral
crest is a prominent, pillarlike, craniodorsally directed
structure (Figs. ., .; Perle et al., ). In this respect,
Mononykus differs from Shuvuuia, in which the delto-
pectoral crest forms a robust craniodorsal expansion con- Figure 4.16. Reconstruction of the left forelimb of P. puertai (A)
tinuous with the humeral head. The deltopectoral crest is and M. olecranus (B) in dorsal view, with digit I shown in lateral
not preserved in Patagonykus (Novas, ). view (after Novas, ).

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 103
that of the ulna, forming an ample articular surface for the
humeral condyle. The distal end bears a large, proximally
expanded radiocarpal facet (Fig. .C). This facet is cranio-
dorsally oriented. Its ventral surface bears a distinct liga-
mental depression that separates the dorsal portion of the
radiocarpal facet from a proximal extension of its ventral
margin (Perle et al., ).

Carpometacarpus. The carpometacarpus of alvarez-

saurids is formed by three metacarpals (alular, major, and
minor, or I, II, III) and at least one carpal, similar to the
semilunate carpal of Archaeopteryx and nonavian thero-
pods. This latter element is fused to the proximal end of the
metacarpal I. As discussed elsewhere (Perle et al., ; Chi-
appe et al., ), the logic behind the interpretation of the
proximal part being a distal carpal lies first in the fact that
the convex, pulleylike morphology of the proximal end of
Figure 4.17. Left humerus of M. olecranus (MGI /) in cau- the carpometacarpus is remarkably similar to the condition
dal (A), proximal (B), and distal (C) views (after Perle et al.,
in Archaeopteryx and nonavian maniraptoriform dino-
). Abbreviations: con, condyle; dco, dorsal epicondyle; dpc,
deltopectoral crest; vtu, ventral tubercle.
saurs, and second in that if the semilunate carpal and the
metacarpal I were not fused to each other, the proximal end
of the latter would be flat or slightly concave, as in nonavian
Distally, the alvarezsaurid humerus bears a single condyle The carpometacarpus is massive and quadrangular in
that is mainly developed on the cranial surface (Figs. .C, shape (Fig. .; Perle et al., ). The metacarpals are co-
.A). In this view, the condyle is subtriangular in Mono- ossified to varying degrees. In Mononykus (holotype, MGI
nykus (Perle et al., ) and in Shuvuuia but subcircular in /), they are firmly co-ossified, although lines of contact
Patagonykus (Novas, ). The dorsal epicondyle is promi- are still distinct. In Shuvuuia, in specimens (e.g., MGI
nently developed, projecting dorsodistally. In Patagonykus, /) of comparable or larger size than the holotype of
there is also a sharp ventral epicondyle, projecting ventrally Mononykus, metacarpals II and III are not preserved—but
(Novas, ). The caudal surface of the distal end of the the articular facet for metacarpal II is present on metacarpal
humerus is concave in the Asian taxa and nearly flat in I. This condition suggests that in these specimens meta-
Patagonykus; a distinct olecranon fossa is absent (Fig. .A). carpals II and III were not co-ossified to metacarpal I (and
its fused semilunate), suggesting the bones co-ossified at a
Ulna. The ulna of alvarezsaurids bears a characteristic larger size in Shuvuuia.
hypertrophied olecranon process (Figs. ., .C), with a
transversely expanded end. In Mononykus, the olecranon
process forms nearly half the length of the ulna (Perle et al.,
). In Patagonykus, it is much shorter (Fig. .), al-
though it may have formed one-third of the ulnar length,
but a precise estimate of its olecranon length is uncertain,
given the available material (Novas, ).
The ulna has a single, subtriangular cotyla. The ulnar
shaft is short. Its caudal margin consists of a robust ridge,
lacking papillae for feather attachment. Distally, the ulna
has a distinct carpal trochlea. This is craniocaudally ex-
panded and subtriangular from the distal view (Perle et al.,
; Novas, , ).
Figure 4.18. Left humerus (A, B) and right radius-ulna (C) of
Radius. The radius is a short and robust bone (Fig. M. olecranus (MGI /) in cranial (A), dorsal (B, C) views (af-
.C). In Mononykus, it is roughly half the size of the ulna ter Perle et al., ). Abbreviations: huh, humeral head; ole, ole-
(Perle et al., ). Its proximal extremity is strongly co- cranon; rad, radius; rcf, radiocarpal facet; uln, ulna; other abbre-
ossified to the ulna. Its subtriangular cotyla is connected to viations as in Figure ..


Figure 4.19. Left carpometacarpus of M. olecranus (MGI /) in distal (A), ventral (B), dorsal (C), and
proximal (D) views (after Perle et al., ). Abbreviations: alm, metacarpal I; ama, articular facet of
metacarpal II; ami, articular facet metacarpal III; fce, central proximal articular facet; fla, lateral proximal
articular facet; fmi, proximal articular facet of metacarpal III; mam, metacarpal II; mim, metacarpal II; sam,
suture between metacarpals I and II; smm, suture between metacarpals II and III.

The alvarezsaurid metacarpal I is hypertrophied. In Manual Digits. Despite the robustness and hypertrophy
Mononykus, and presumably in all alvarezsaurids, meta- of digit I, the hand of alvarezsaurids consists of three digits
carpals II and III are tiny and cling to the lateral margin of (Perle et al., ; Suzuki et al., ). Evidence in support
the latter, leaving no intermetacarpal space between them of this initially came from the articular facets at the distal
(Fig. .). end of metacarpals II and III of Mononykus and the pres-
Metacarpal I is dorsoventrally compressed (Fig. .A), ence of a tiny phalanx, found in the small concretion con-
transversely broad, and subpentagonally shaped (Fig. taining the carpometacarpus of specimen MGI / of
.C). Its distal articular facet forms a broad, well-devel- Shuvuuia, that could not represent anything other than an
oped trochlea. The distal ends of metacarpals II and III bear intermediate phalanx of either the major or minor digit.
small, ball-shaped articular facets (Fig. .A). The proxi- Since then, confirmation of the presence of a three-fingered
mal articular surface of the carpometacarpus exhibits three hand in alvarezsaurids was provided by Suzuki et al. (),
distinct articular surfaces (Fig. .D; Perle et al., ). The who described a specimen of Shuvuuia (MPD /) with
medial facet, formed by the semilunate carpal, is a pulley- a completely articulated hand.
shaped articulation. The central facet, lateral to the semi- Digit I is composed of two phalanges (Figs. ., .).
lunate portion, is subtriangular and is mainly formed The proximal phalanx is dorsoventrally compressed, with a
by metacarpal I, although it also receives a contribution broad, proximal articular surface. In the Asian alvarez-
from metacarpal II. The lateral articular facet of the carpo- saurids, this phalanx is strongly asymmetrical, with its dorso-
metacarpus is small and subcircular and is formed exclu- lateral corner projecting dorsally (Fig. .G). This con-
sively by metacarpal III. The relationships of these facets dition contrasts with its more symmetrical morphology in
with both the free carpal elements and the radius and ulna Patagonykus (Fig. .I; Novas, ). Patagonykus also dif-
are not clear. Free carpals are not known, but the morphol- fers from its Asian relatives in that the proximal articular
ogy of proximal facets of the carpometacarpus indicates facet of this phalanx is proportionally narrower. In both
that they were certainly present. Asian and Patagonian alvarezsaurids, the ventral surface of

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 105
Figure 4.20. Phalanges of digit I of alvarezsaurids
(after Novas, ). A, B, C, ungual phalanx of A.
calvoi (MUCPv ) in lateral (A), ventral (B), and
proximal (C) view. D, E, F, ungual phalanx of M. J
olecranus (MGI /) in lateral (D), ventral (E),
and proximal (F) view. G, H, proximal phalanx of
M. olecranus (MGI /) in proximal (G) and dis-
tal (H) view. I, J, proximal phalanx of P. puertai
(PVPH ) in proximal (I) and distal (J) view.
Four-centimeter scale applicable for I and J only.

the proximal phalanx of digit I bears a broad, axial furrow Ilium. The ilium is low, especially in the postacetabular
outlined by distinct, ventrally projected ridges (the medial portion of the Asian taxa (Fig. .). In Alvarezsaurus, pre-
ridge is not preserved in Patagonykus). The lateral ridge is and postacetabular wings are subequal in length (Novas,
much more prominent in Patagonykus than in the Asian taxa , ), and the former is slightly lower than the latter
(Novas, ). Distally, this phalanx has a well-developed (Bonaparte, ). In contrast, the dimensions of the syn-
trochlea, with fossae for the collateral ligaments on both sacrum of Shuvuuia (MGI /; MGI N /) sug-
sides. The distal phalanx of digit I is robust and arched and gest that the preacetabular wing of this taxon was some-
forms a sharp claw (Perle et al., ). The flexor tubercle is what shorter than the postacetabular one. Furthermore, in
essentially absent (Fig. .). Instead, the ventral surface of the Asian taxa, the preacetabular wing developed more
the proximal end forms a flat platform, which in Mononykus vertically than the postacetabular wing, which is broad and
and Shuvuuia is perforated on both sides by small foramina. remarkably expanded laterally (Figs. .B, D).
As shown in MPD /, digits II and III of Shuvuuia In both Alvarezsaurus and the Asian taxa, the ventral sur-
are much smaller than digit I. Digit II bears three phalanges, face of the postacetabular wing defines a shallow brevis
and at least a similar number is present in digit III (Suzuki fossa. This, however, is much narrower in Alvarezsaurus
et al., ). Preservation, however, prevents deciding than in its Asian relatives.
whether digit IV had a fourth phalanx. The claws of these The alvarezsaurid ilium possesses a supracetabular crest
digits are almost straight, gradually tapering toward their overhanging the acetabular fossa and restricted to the dor-
tips (Suzuki et al., ). sal margin of the acetabulum. Mononykus, however, differs
from both Alvarezsaurus and apparently Patagonykus in
Pelvic Girdle having this crest developed only in the cranial half of the
The pelvic girdle of the Asian alvarezsaurids exhibits strong acetabular fossa (Perle et al., ). The strong pubic pe-
differences from that of the Patagonian forms, which ex- duncle is longer craniocaudally than transversely, and it is
hibit a less specialized morphology. The pelvic bones are cranioventrally oriented (Perle et al., ; Novas, ,
best known for Shuvuuia and Parvicursor, but informative ). The ischiadic peduncle is smaller than the pubic one
pelvic remains are available for all alvarezsaurid taxa. The and much less distally projected. In Patagonykus, the is-
bones of the pelvis are not fused in the only known speci- chiadic pedicel retains an articular facet for the ischium,
men of Patagonykus. The condition is uncertain in Al- but this is absent in the holotype specimen of Mononykus
varezsaurus and Shuvuuia, but the pelvis is partially fused in (MGI /), in which the ilium and ischium are com-
Mononykus (holotype, MGI /), in which the ischium pletely fused to each other. The antitrochanter of al-
and ilium are fused to each other. Karkhu and Rautian varezsaurids is stout and horizontally projected (Perle et
() described a complete fusion in the acetabular region al., ). Its articular surface is convex, and its main axis is
of Parvicursor, although their illustrations show that the pu- oriented caudolaterally. The morphology of Patagonykus
bis and ischium of the only known specimen are not con- shows that the ilium formed most of the prominent anti-
nected to the iliac portion of the acetabulum. trochanter (Novas, ).


Figure 4.21. Pelvis and syn-
sacrum of S. deserti. A, B, MGI N
/ in left lateral (A) and ven-
tral (B) views. C, D, MGI /
in right lateral (C) and ventral (D)
views. Abbreviations: isc, ischium;
pub, pubis.

Ischium. The ischium of Shuvuuia and Parvicursor / and MGI N /) (Fig. .). In Patagonykus, the
(Karkhu and Rautian, ) is long, slender, and laterally pubis was oriented caudoventrally (Novas, , ), al-
compressed, abutting the pubis throughout its entire length though because of the incompleteness of the ilium it is hard
(Figs. ., .G, H). Only the antitrochanteric portion of to estimate an accurate angle of orientation. The pubic shaft
this bone is preserved in Mononykus (Perle et al., ). The has a subtriangular section in Mononykus and a subcircular
compression of the proximal end (the only portion pre- one in Shuvuuia and Patagonykus. The shaft of the last taxon
served) of the ischium of Patagonykus indicates that in the exhibits a weak, medial, longitudinal ridge and a distal, cau-
Patagonian alvarezsaurid the shaft of this bone was also dally expanded foot (Novas, ). These structures are ab-
strongly compressed (Novas, ). Patagonykus also shows sent in the Asian taxa. Despite the presence of a distal foot,
that the ischium of alvarezsaurids contributed to the for- Patagonykus probably lacked a distal pubic symphysis (No-
mation of the strong antitrochanter. vas, , ), as in its Asian counterparts. The absence of
The ischium forms only a small portion of the acetabu- a pubic symphysis is unique to birds among theropod di-
lar fossa (Perle et al., ; Novas, ). The ischiadic shaft nosaurs (Weishampel et al., ). Alvarezsaurids, however,
of Shuvuuia shows that the obturator process is absent and must have evolved this condition independently, since a dis-
that the distal ends of the ischia do not form a terminal sym- tinct symphysis is present in Confuciusornis (Peters, ;
physis (contra Sereno, ). Chiappe et al., ) and enantiornithine birds (Zhou and
Hou, Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe and Walker, Chap-
Pubis. The alvarezsaurid pubis is also slender and long ter  in this volume).
(Figs. ., .; Novas, , ; Hutchinson and Chiappe,
). In proximal view, its proximal end is laterally com- Pelvic Limb
pressed and kidney-shaped, although the articular facet of The anatomical information on the hindlimb is very com-
the Asian taxa is clearly longer than that of Patagonykus. plete for the Asian alvarezsaurids. Several portions of the
Immediately distal to the ischiadic articulation, the caudal hindlimb are also known for both Patagonykus and Al-
margin is notched, forming the cranial margin of the obtu- varezsaurus.
rator foramen (Fig. .A).
Alvarezsaurids have an opisthopubic pelvis (Perle et al., Femur. The femur is slender and cranially bowed (Figs.
a; Chiappe et al., ; Karkhu and Rautian, ; No- ., .A–C; Perle et al., ; Karkhu and Rautian, ).
vas, ). In Shuvuuia, for example, the shaft of the pubis Proximally, it has a stout, medially directed head that is sub-
forms an angle of approximately ° with respect to the hor- circular in cross section. Mononykus and Parvicursor (Kar-
izontal plane of the postacetabular wing of the ilium (MGI khu and Rautian, ) have well-developed, uninterrupted

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 107
although these projections are not developed in either
Patagonykus (Novas, ) or Parvicursor (Fig. .H;
Karkhu and Rautian, ). The robust medial condyle is
subcircular in distal view and virtually flat; transversely, this
condyle is less expanded in Patagonykus. The lateral condyle
exhibits a prominent, cone-shaped distal surface (Fig.

Figure 4.22. Vertebral and pelvic elements of P. remotus (PIN

/) (after Karhu and Rautian, ). A–C, last presacral ver-
tebra in left lateral (A), dorsal (B), and caudal (C) view. D–F, first
caudal vertebra in left lateral (D), dorsal (E), and cranial (F) view.
G, H, acetabular and postacetabular portions of the left ilium in
lateral (G) and dorsal (H) view. G, H, left pubis and ischium in
lateral view (G) and right pubis and ischium in medial (H) view.
Abbreviations as in Figure ..

trochanteric crests, but in Patagonykus (Novas, ) and Al-

varezsaurus (Bonaparte, ), the anterior (lesser)
trochanter is separated from the greater trochanter by a low,
narrow notch (Fig. .A). In Mononykus, Patagonykus, and
Alvarezsaurus, at the midpoint of the proximal half of the
shaft, there is a weak, ridgelike fourth trochanter on the me-
dial margin of the caudal surface (Fig. .A). This appears
to be absent in Parvicursor (Figs. .B, C; Karkhu and
Rautian, ), and it is only incipient in the juvenile spec-
imen MGI N / of Shuvuuia. Unfortunately, this
femoral portion is not preserved in the larger specimens of
Shuvuuia to assess whether this feature is size-related.
Figure 4.23. Right (A, C) and left (B, D) femora of M. olecranus
Distally, the cranial surface of the femur lacks a distinct
(MGI /) in caudal (A), lateral (B), distal (C), and proximal (D)
patellar groove (Figs. .C, .A). Caudally, the popliteal views (after Perle et al., ). Abbreviations: ect, ectocondylar
fossa of Mononykus is distally confined by projections of the tuber; exp, external projection of lateral condyle; ftr, fourth
lateral and medial condyles (Fig. .A, C; Perle et al., ), trochanter; pfo, popliteal fossa; trc, trochanteric crest.


.A); a similar structure has been reported in the non- Tibiotarsus. In Mononykus, Patagonykus, and Parvicur-
avian theropod Bagaraatan (Osmólska, ). Caudally, the sor, the tibia and proximal tarsals are strongly united and
lateral condyle forms a robust ectocondylar tuber. This tu- partially co-ossified. The proximal tarsals are also tightly
ber is proximally continuous with the lateral border of the joined to the tibia in Alvarezsaurus (Figs. .D, .A, B)
popliteal fossa but distally separated from the distal articu- and Shuvuuia, although not co-ossified to it.
lar surface by a depressed, concave area (Fig. .B). The ex- The proximal end of the tibia of alvarezsaurids bears a
ternal surface of the lateral condyle is laterally projected. strong, short cnemial crest (Figs. .D, E, .; Perle et al.,
). In Mononykus, on the medial side of this crest, there
Fibula. The proximal end is laterally compressed and is a smooth, second crest (Perle et al., ), although this
projects caudally. The lateral surface of the shaft is convex, second crest is absent in Patagonykus (Novas, ) and ap-
while the medial surface is flat. The tubercle for M. iliofibu- parently in Parvicursor (Karkhu and Rautian, ). The ar-
laris is prominent and laterally oriented (Fig. .). In the ticular surface of the proximal end is laterally inclined (Fig.
Asian alvarezsaurids, the fibular shaft forms a very thin, .; Perle et al., ). In Mononykus and Parvicursor, the
short spine distal to this tubercle. In these taxa, the fibula medial border of the medial articular facet strongly pro-
does not articulate with the calcaneum. Nevertheless, the jects proximally, but this projection is absent in Pata-
presence of a distinct fibular facet in the calcaneum of gonykus. The medial articular facet is suboval in proximal
Patagonykus and a fragment of the distal end of the fibula of view. The lateral articular facet forms a round, strongly
Alvarezsaurus articulated to the calcaneum (Figs. .D, convex area that slopes caudolaterally. In Mononykus, this
.) indicate that the Patagonian taxa display the primitive surface is separated from the cnemial crest by a broad, lat-
condition, unlike in birds other than Archaeopteryx. eral indentation (Perle et al., ). In Patagonykus, how-

Figure 4.24. Hindlimb elements of P. remotus (PIN

/) (after Karhu and Rautian, ). A–C, H,
right femur in cranial (A), caudal (B), lateral (C), and
distal (H) view. D–G, J, tibiotarsus and fibula in cra-
nial (D), proximal (E), lateral (F), caudal (G), and dis-
tal (J) view. I, K, L, tarsometatarsus and pes in dorsal
(I), plantar (K), and lateral (L) view. Abbreviations:
asp, ascending process; II–IV, metatarsal and digit

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 109
ever, there is a short, lateral projection in between these two
areas (Novas, ). Medial and lateral articular facets are
separated by a small proximal depression and a caudal
notch in Mononykus and by a deep caudal notch in
The shaft of the tibia is round to suboval. The fibular
crest is well developed, running along the proximal third of
the tibia. Caudal to its distal end there is a small nutrient
foramen. The shaft is essentially straight in Mononykus
(Perle et al., ) but somewhat bowed mediolaterally in
Shuvuuia and Parvicursor (Figs. .D, G). Distally, the
tibial shaft is craniocaudally compressed. In Shuvuuia, the
medial border of the distal end forms a sharp ridge. This is
absent in Mononykus, Patagonykus, and Alvarezsaurus.
In Mononykus, Patagonykus, Parvicursor, and Shuvuuia,
the astragalus and calcaneum are fused to each other (Figs.
.D, .C, .C). These elements, however, are not fused
to each other in Alvarezsaurus (Fig. .A; Bonaparte, ;
Perle et al., ). The medial condyle is larger and broader
than the lateral one. The ascending process of the astragalus
is laminar. In the Asian alvarezsaurids, the medial border is
Figure 4.25. Hindlimb elements of A. calvoi (MUCPv ) (after indented. In contrast to Shuvuuia and Parvicursor, in
Bonaparte, ). A, proximal half of right femur in cranial view.
Mononykus this medial indentation deeply excavates the
B, C, dorsal and plantar views of the metatarsals and pes. D, dis-
tal end of tibia, fibula, and proximal tarsals. Abbreviations: ast, base of the ascending process (Fig. .C). Mononykus and
astragalus; atr, anterior (lesser) trochanter; cal, calcaneum; fib, Parvicursor differ from Shuvuuia in that their ascending
fibula; other abbreviations as in Figure .. processes rise from the medial margin of the astragalar (me-
dial) condyle instead of from the lateral margin of this
condyle. In Patagonykus, the ascending process is broad, and
its medial margin is not indented (Novas, ). In contrast
to the Asian alvarezsaurids, in both Patagonykus and Al-
varezsaurus the calcaneum has a distinct articular facet for
the distal end of the fibula (Fig. .).

Distal Tarsals. A single, incomplete distal tarsal is pre-

served in a juvenile specimen of Shuvuuia (MGI N /).
It is a nearly flat bone that articulates primarily with
metatarsal IV. A similar bone was reported by Karkhu and
Rautian () for Parvicursor (Fig. .I, K, L). This taxon
also preserves an individualized, smaller distal tarsal capping
the plantar border of metatarsal II.A flat and disk-shaped dis-
tal tarsal, co-ossified to the proximal surface of metatarsals II
and III, is preserved in Patagonykus (Novas, ).

Metatarsals. The metatarsals are elongated and slender;

none of them is fused to another (Figs. .I, K, .B, C,
.D, .; Perle et al., ). In the Asian alvarezsaurids,
metatarsals II and IV have the same length, but metatarsal
III is much shorter and does not contribute to the proximal
Figure 4.26. Left fibulae of Asian alvarezsaurids. A, B, alva-
articular surface (arctometatarsalian condition; see Holtz,
rezsaurid fibula from Iren Dabasu (Inner Mongolia, China) in
lateral (A) and medial (B) view (the incomplete nature of this , ). This condition is absent in both Alvarezsaurus
specimen precludes a lower-level taxonomic identification). C, (Bonaparte, ) and Patagonykus (Novas, ), in which
D, fibula of S. deserti (MGI N /) in lateral (C) and caudal metatarsal III forms part of the proximal articular area, al-
(D) view. Abbreviations: ilf, iliofibularis tubercle. though its articular surface is smaller than that of meta-


Figure 4.27. Distal end of crus of A. calvoi (MUCPv ; after No-
vas, ) (A, B) and P. puertai (PVPH ; modified from Novas,
) (C, D) in cranial (A, C) and lateral (B, D) view. Abbrevia-
tions as in Figure ..

tarsals II and IV (Fig. .B, C). The presence of a non- ). This digit bears a short, asymmetrical proximal pha-
arctometatarsalian foot in these two taxa indicates an inde- lanx with a large, dorsally extended articular trochlea (Perle
pendent development of the arctometatarsalian condition et al., ). Its ungual phalanx lacks a flexor tubercle, a
in the Asian alvarezsaurids—a conclusion already advanced condition comparable to that of the remaining claws. In
by Perle et al. (). Alvarezsaurus also differs from the the second digit, the proximal phalanx is much longer than
Asian forms in that its metatarsal IV is significantly longer the intermediate phalanx. Its ungual is the largest of the
than metatarsal II and in that its metatarsal III is the longest claws. As in the remaining unguals, it is sharp and weakly
(Bonaparte, ). arched and bears deep, L-shaped axial grooves on both
In the Asian taxa, the proximal articular surfaces of sides. The ungual phalanges of Mononykus and Parvicursor
metatarsals II and IV are subtriangular and subquadran- resemble the single pedal claw known for Patagonykus (No-
gular, respectively (Perle et al., ). The proximal artic- vas, ). The proximal and intermediate phalanges of the
ular surface of metatarsal II of Patagonykus is not third digit distally decrease in length. The ungual phalanx
subtriangular but subrectangular (Novas, ). The hypo- of this digit is similar to, although slightly smaller than, that
tarsus is absent in all known alvarezsaurid taxa. In the ju- of the second digit. In the fourth digit, the proximal and in-
venile specimen MGI N / of Shuvuuia, a tiny, thin termediate phalanges are short (Fig. .D).
metatarsal V attaches to the plantar surface of the proxi-
mal end of metatarsal IV. Metatarsal I is known only for
Mononykus and Shuvuuia. It is small and straight and ta-
pers proximally (Perle et al., ). In the Asian taxa, the
shafts of metatarsals II and IV are remarkably similar.
They are straight and slightly compressed transversely
(Fig. .). These metatarsals define a median, axial fur-
row that runs through most of their length, both dorsally
and plantarly. The medial and lateral margins of the plan-
tar surfaces of metatarsals II and IV, respectively, form a
sharp ridge. In these taxa, the shaft of metatarsal III is
subtriangular in cross section and dorsally flat.
At the distal end, well-developed collateral foveae are
present on both sides of the trochlea of metatarsal III.
The trochlea for metatarsal II has a strong, plantarly pro-
jected lateral rim and a much thinner and less plantarly
projected medial one (Perle et al., ). Laterally, this
trochlea exhibits a large collateral fossa, while a small one is
present in the medial face. The trochlea of metatarsal IV has
a stout medial rim, and the much thinner lateral rim is
twisted somewhat laterally. Well-developed collateral fossae
are present on both sides of this trochlea.

Pedal Phalanges. The pedal phalanges are best known

Figure 4.28. Left tibiotarsus (A, B, C) and pes (D) of M. ole-
for Mononykus (Perle et al., ) and Parvicursor (Karkhu cranus (MGI /) in medial (A), lateral (B), cranial (C), and
and Rautian, ). The phalangeal formula in these taxa is dorsal (D) view (after Perle et al., ). Abbreviations: asp, as-
----x (phalangeal formula designation follows Padian cending process of astragalus; fic, fibular crest; lac, lateral cne-
[]). The hallux is not reversed (Fig. .D; Suzuki et al., mial crest others as in Figure ..

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 111
Figure 4.29. Metatarsals of S. deserti
(MGI /) in dorsal (A, C) and
plantar (B, D) view. Abbreviations as
in Figure ..

Plumage et al., a,b, , ; Zhou and Wang, ), thus
The phylogenetic placement of alvarezsaurids by Chiappe et showing that the presence of feathers is plesiomorphic for
al. (a), as well as all other cladistic analyses supporting birds—an expected conclusion when considering that the
the avian relationship of this clade, implies that these crea- feathered Archaeopteryx is by definition (phylogenetic) the
tures were feathered. most basal bird.
Several portions of a specimen of Shuvuuia (MGI
/) were covered by small (~ m m in diameter) Phylogenetic Relationships
fibrous structures with a preferred spatial arrangement.
Schweitzer et al. (, ; see also Schweitzer, ) con- Although the placement of Mononykus by Perle et al. (a)
ducted multiple studies (e.g., microscopic, mass spectro- as closer to neornithine birds than Archaeopteryx raised a
metric, immunohistochemical) on these structures, con- great deal of controversy, this same hypothesis—later ex-
cluding that they were epidermally derived and most likely panded to include all alvarezsaurids—was supported by the
feathers. subsequent cladistic analyses of Chatterjee (), Chiappe
Although congruent with the hypothesis proposing an et al. (, a), Forster et al. (, a), Novas (),
avian relationship for alvarezsaurids, the possible occur- and Ji et al. () (Fig. .). The better understanding of
rence of feathers in alvarezsaurids should not be taken as the the cranial morphology of alvarezsaurids also added sup-
“ultimate proof ” of their avian nature. Recent reports have port to the proposed avian relationship, with the skull of
documented the presence of feathers in several nonavian Shuvuuia documenting several characters (e.g., absence of a
maniraptoriforms (Chen et al., ; Ji et al., , ; Xu jugal-postorbital bar, quadratojugal not sutured to the


quadrate and without abutting the squamosal) otherwise Some other early disagreements with the avian hypoth-
unknown among nonavian archosaurs. esis of alvarezsaurid relationships also stemmed from literal
Early criticisms of the avian hypothesis focused on both misreadings by some critics. For example, Martin and Ri-
empirical and methodological issues (e.g., Feduccia, ; naldi (:) “disagreed”with parts of the first skeletal re-
Martin and Rinaldi, ; Ostrom, ; Wellnhofer, ; construction of Mononykus (Perle et al., a), despite the
Zhou, ; Feduccia and Martin, ). Morphological ob- fact that it was clearly acknowledged that those parts were
jections, however, were shown to be misguided. As pointed unknown and that their inclusion in the reconstruction was
out numerous times (e.g., Chiappe et al., , , , simply an educated guess. Similarly, Feduccia and Martin
a; Novas and Pol, Chapter  in this volume), () only (:) took issue with specific characters (e.g., biconvex
part of the supporting evidence was appraised (e.g., Os- thoracic vertebra) that were never even considered to pro-
trom, ), () the proposed synapomorphies were a priori vide support for the avian hypothesis. Certain critics also
deemed as convergent adaptations between Mononykus and objected to the use of cladistic analysis as a way of inferring
birds (e.g., Feduccia, ; Zhou, ), and () the sup- historical relationships. Martin and Rinaldi (:), for
porting evidence was disregarded because it was in conflict example, stated that “clearly almost any outcome is possible
with assumptions about the evolutionary process (e.g., in that sort of an analysis [cladistic analysis].” This is not the
Wellnhofer, ; Feduccia and Martin, ). A good ex- forum for a discussion of the effectiveness of cladistic meth-
ample of this last conflict can be found in Karkhu and Rau- ods in recovering the hierarchical structure of nature (see
tian’s () discussion of Parvicursor. Although these au- Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume),
thors supported a close relationship between Parvicursor but the reader should be aware that the methodological ba-
and Mononykus, these two taxa were regarded as nonavian sis on which some of these early criticisms were constructed
maniraptoriforms. Karkhu and Rautian () argued that is profoundly different from that used by modern compar-
the arctometatarsalian pes of Mononykus and Parvicursor ative biologists.
(shared also by Shuvuuia), a condition different from the More constructive criticisms came from authors pro-
pedal design of other birds, prevents placement of these taxa posing specific hypotheses of relationships between Al-
within Aves. These authors stated that Mononykus and Par- varezsauridae (or some of its taxa) and certain groups of
vicursor “have the metatarsal structure basically unsuitable nonavian theropods. For example, Martin and Rinaldi
for deducing the construction, which is characteristic of the (; Martin, ) claimed Mononykus to be a specialized
Ornithurae . . . the general direction of the tarsometatarsus ornithomimid, although they provided little evidence to
morphogenesis in the Ornithurae excludes the opportunity support it. Critical evaluation of this proposal indicates
for evolving the highly specialized arctometatarsalian type” that evidence in support of their notion is at best weak
and continued that “among the Sauriurae . . . no examples (Chiappe et al., ; Novas and Pol, Chapter  in this vol-
of arctometatarsalian specializations are known. Hence . . . ume). Work by Sereno (, , ), Norell et al.
a close relationship between Sauriurae and Mononykus can (), and Novas and Pol (Chapter  in this volume) has
hardly be supposed” (Karkhu and Rautian, :). How- also questioned the avian relationships of Mononykus and
ever, their rationale stemmed more from assumptions its alvarezsaurid relatives. Sereno (: Fig. ) illustrated a
about the evolution of developmental pathways in basal generalized cladogram in which Mononykus was placed
avian lineages than from a critical examination of the mor- within basal Neotheropoda (Ceratosauria + Tetanurae) as
phological evidence in support of or against the hypothesis an outgroup of Deinonychosauria plus Aves. Unfortu-
placing Mononykus and its allies within birds. As pointed nately, Sereno () did not provide the specifics of his
out by Perle et al. (a, ), the most parsimonious dis- cladistic analysis. The more recent work by Sereno (,
tribution of morphological characters indicates that, re- ) proposed a sister-taxon relationship between al-
gardless of whether alvarezsaurids are considered to be varezsaurids and ornithomimids. Character evidence in
birds, the arctometarsalian condition of Mononykus evolved support of this proposal was evaluated by Suzuki et al.
independently from that of other coelurosaurian dinosaurs (), who concluded that the ornithomimid relationship
(e.g., troodontids, ornithomimids). Under Karkhu and of alvarezsaurids is weakly substantiated (see also Clark,
Rautian’s () interpretation, choice of a particular onto- Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume, for a dis-
genetic constraint (e.g., metatarsal fusion progressing prox- cussion of Sereno’s  study). Novas and Pol (Chapter 
imally or distally) overthrows the morphological characters in this volume) have not published their data in support of
proposed in support of nesting Mononykus and its al- their placement of alvarezsaurids as a distinct lineage of
varezsaurid relatives within birds. Nevertheless, this as- nonavian coelurosaurs, specifically as the sister group of a
sumption disregards the fact that developmental trajecto- clade formed by oviraptorids, therizinosaurids, troodon-
ries may themselves evolve (Rieppel, ; Shubin, ; tids, dromaeosaurids, and birds. Interestingly, this solution
Mabee, ). is not the only one suggested by their analysis. When

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 113
Figure 4.30. Cladogram depicting the relationships within Alvarezsauridae and between this clade and those of early birds. A, Avian
hypothesis proposed by Perle et al. (a). B, Phylogenetic hypothesis proposed by Chiappe (Chapter  in this volume).

Goloboff ’s () PeeWee computer program is used, the weights homoplastic characters under the rationale that
same data set supports the avian relationship of al- these are less likely to provide the correct solution
varezsaurids as the optimal solution (Novas and Pol, Chap- (Goloboff, ). Perhaps the strongest proposals question-
ter  in this volume). This suggests that support for their ing the avian relationship of alvarezsaurids are those of
nonavian solution is not strong and that it may be based Norell et al. () and Chiappe (, Chapter  in this
on highly homoplastic characters because PeeWee down- volume). While Norell et al. () placed alvarezsaurids at


the base of maniraptoriforms, Chiappe (, Chapter  cantly, as did their degree of forelimb specialization. Body
in this volume) argued for a sister-group relationship be- masses of the different alvarezsaurid specimens were esti-
tween alvarezsaurids and birds. In the latter analysis, some mated by applying the standard equation of Campbell and
of the characters previously used to support the inclusion Marcus () (Wlog = . + .Clog; C = circumfer-
of alvarezsaurids within birds are reinterpreted as synapo- ence) to the circumference of the midshaft of the femur of
morphies of alvarezsaurids and birds (Chiappe, Chapter  several specimens—these estimates rely on data derived
in this volume). As in the case of the data set used by from modern analogues and should be taken as gross ap-
Novas and Pol (Chapter  in this volume), the shift between proximations. Body mass estimates for the holotypes of M.
the avian hypothesis and this new proposal hinges on a few olecranus (MGI /), A. calvoi (MUCPv ), and P. puer-
additional steps. Given Chiappe’s data set, it would take tai (PVPH ) were , g, , g, and , g, respectively.
only five extra steps to reroot the most parsimonious clado- The mass of the juvenile specimen of Shuvuuia deserti
gram into the one proposed by Perle et al. (a) (Chiappe, (MGI /) was estimated to be  g. The femoral shafts
Chapter  in this volume). of larger specimens of Shuvuuia were either missing or not
The highly apomorphic nature of the alvarezsaurid skele- complete enough to provide an estimate. Yet given the fact
ton has complicated the phylogenetic placement of these di- that the holotype specimen of S. deserti (MGI /) is
nosaurs. This is aggravated by the lack of consensus about roughly the size of the holotype of M. olecranus but displays
the phylogenetic relationships of the different lineages of a lesser degree of bone co-ossification between the tibia and
maniraptoriform dinosaurs. As pointed out by Novas and the proximal tarsals, and between the metacarpals, it may be
Pol (Chapter  in this volume), the addition of theropod taxa that fully grown specimens of Shuvuuia were larger than
(both nonavian and avian) to the already conducted analy- those of Mononykus. The small size of the holotype of P. re-
ses may result in an optimal solution in which alvarezsaurids motus (PIN /) should not be taken to represent an
are placed outside birds. Thus far, however, the addition of early ontogenetic age. As pointed out by Karkhu and Raut-
more taxa has resulted in cladograms supporting both the ian (), the complete obliteration of the neurocentral
avian (e.g., Forster et al., a; Holtz, , ; Ji et al., sutures of its vertebrae, along with the fusion of two of its
; Chatterjee, ) and nonavian (Sereno, ; Norell et synsacral elements, of the periacetabular bones, and of the
al., ; Novas and Pol, Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe, proximal tarsals to the tibia, suggests that this specimen was
Chapter  in this volume) relationship of alvarezsaurids. not immature.
The phylogenetic placement of Alvarezsauridae remains as The elongate hindlimbs with short pedal digits and the
controversial as those of several other lineages of early wide pelvis, almost as wide as it is long, of alvarezsaurids
coelurosaurian theropods. Their crucial role in understand- strongly suggest that these creatures were predominantly
ing the transition from nonavian theropods to birds is, how- terrestrial and most likely fast runners (Fig. .; Storer, ;
ever, undeniable. Mattison, ). The bizarre nature of their specialized fore-
Novas (, ) was first in recognizing the close rela- limbs has puzzled researchers ever since the discovery of
tionship between the Patagonian Alvarezsaurus and Pata- Mononykus. Although the forelimbs of alvarezsaurids were
gonykus and the Asian Mononykus, pointing out the more greatly abbreviated and were certainly not used in locomo-
basal condition of the South American taxa. This proposal tion, the size and robustness of several of their tubercles and
was strongly supported by Chiappe et al. (a) in their de- processes (e.g., olecranon, deltopectoral crest, ventral tuber-
scription of the Asian Shuvuuia, which together with cle) as well as the massiveness of the wrist indicate that the
Mononykus and Parvicursor were interpreted as forming a enlarged digit I clearly must have been used for a powerful
monophyletic taxon, Mononykinae. The discovery of a activity (Perle et al., ). Nevertheless, the specific function
fragmentary alvarezaurid from North America (Hutchin- of this digit has been problematic (Perle et al., a). The
son and Chiappe, ) highlighted the common evolu- orientation and connection of the articular surfaces of the
tionary origin of all Laurasian members of this bizarre different elements suggest that forelimb movements were es-
group of theropods. As pointed out by Hutchinson and Chi- sentially restricted to abduction-adduction. The forelimbs
appe (), the exclusive distribution of mononykines in of alvarezsaurids could have been used for burrowing, as was
Laurasia agrees with Novas’s () suggestion of a Gond- proposed by several authors who considered Mononykus as
wanan origin of the alvarezsaurids and the subsequent dif- a fossorial organism (Ostrom, ; Zhou, ). At first
ferentiation of mononykines. glance, this notion may seem to be reasonable considering
the fact that the robust forelimbs of alvarezsaurids are rem-
Paleobiology iniscent of those of fossorial tetrapods, in particular mam-
mals (Perle et al., a, ; Zhou, ). Yet the rest of the
Alvarezsaurids were obligate cursorial animals with highly body is that of a gracile cursor, and the forelimbs are too
specialized forelimbs (Fig. .). Their size varied signifi- short to be consistent with a fossorial habit.

T H E C R E T A C E O U S A LVA R E Z S A U R I D A E 115
Figure 4.31. Skeletal reconstruction
of a mononykine alvarezsaurid (based
partially in Mononykus and Shuvuuia)
(after Chiappe et al., ).

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Alvarezsaurid Relationships Reconsidered


Mononykus, Shuvuuia, Patagonykus, Alvarez- avian maniraptorans, without specifying particular rela-
saurus, and a few other more poorly known tionships among maniraptorans. Martin and Rinaldi ()
forms constitute Alvarezsauridae, a highly and Martin () interpreted alvarezsaurids as related to
distinct group of theropods. Alvarezsaurids Ornithomimidae. Others simply concluded that they were
are easily distinguishable from other dinosaurs on the basis nonavian theropods, not offering any particular hypothesis
of an extensive list of apomorphic characters, which mainly of relationships (e.g., Feduccia, , ; Zhou, ).
correspond to their stout forelimbs and vertebral column.
Alvarezsaurids have shaken our knowledge of early avian Untestable Assumptions
evolution because such very unusual morphological traits
are found in association with clearly avian characters in the Perhaps the main argument against the avian hypothesis is
skull, vertebrae, pelvic girdle, and hindlimbs (Chiappe et al., that of the “morphological difference,” which is based on
, ; Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this vol- the presumed improbability that certain evolutionary
ume). Such bizarre combinations of characters have gener- transformations may occur (Chiappe et al., , ).
ated disagreement among scientists as to their significance This approach is evident in the criticisms of Wellnhofer
for the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa. () and Zhou (), who claimed that wings cannot be
transformed into the specialized forelimbs of alvarez-
Variation in Hypotheses saurids, which are obviously adapted for purposes other
than flight, and in the work of Karkhu and Rautian (),
Studies on alvarezsaurid morphology and systematics are who claimed that the arctometatarsalian metatarsus of
divided between those supporting the avian relationships of Mononykus is unsuitable for giving rise to the metatarsal
alvarezsaurids and those regarding them as a different line- structure characteristic of the Ornithurae. The argument
age of theropods, not related to birds. Proponents of the of the “morphological difference” of the forelimbs, how-
avian hypothesis (Perle et al., , ; Chiappe et al., ever, may be used (with the same negative result) against
, ; Novas, , ; Forster et al., ; Chiappe, hypotheses supporting ornithomimid, nonavian mani-
Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume; Clark, Norell, raptoran, coelurosaurian, theropodan, or even dinosaurian
and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume) arrived at this con- affinities of Mononykus.
clusion through a cladistic approach, whereas most authors Zhou () constructed an intricate objection against
interpreting alvarezsaurids as nonavian theropods used the avian hypothesis on the assumption that similar char-
a wide variety of arguments (Feduccia, ; Martin and acters (for example, those shared by Mononykus and or-
Rinaldi, ; Ostrom, ; Wellnhofer, ; Zhou, ; nithothoracine birds in the sternum) cannot be considered
Karkhu and Rautian, ; Martin, ; but see Sereno, homologous simply because they pertain to different func-
, , who used strictly phylogenetic arguments). Di- tions. In so doing, the phylogenetic informativeness of such
vergence in opinion about the phylogenetic placement of morphological characters is dismissed a priori. This ap-
alvarezsaurids is, however, wider than thought among sup- proach, however, neglects the possibility that the differenti-
porters of nonavian hypotheses. For example, Karkhu and ation of a function may occur within a structurally homol-
Rautian () considered Mononykus and its kin as non- ogous framework (Lauder, ; Chiappe et al., ).

From a cladistic point of view, phylogenetic relation- raptorosauria, Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae, and Aves
ships are justified on the basis of synapomorphies, and evo- (this group is labeled “Node X” in Figure ., in which the
lutionary processes must be tested and explained only after strict consensus tree of the two most parsimonious trees is
the pattern of character distribution has been analyzed. A depicted). Alvarezsaurids lack characters synapomorphic of
priori assumptions about evolutionary processes cannot be such a group (e.g., cervical centra with kidney-shaped cra-
used to overturn a particular phylogenetic hypothesis (see nial articular surface; pronounced proximodorsal lip on
also Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume). manual unguals; absence of supracetabular crest; iliac
Thus, the criticisms enumerated earlier are irrelevant for postacetabular blade subvertically oriented, and medial
phylogenetic inference. flange of ilium strongly reduced; pedal unguals of digits III
and IV dorsoventrally deep and with enlarged flexor tuber-
Mononykus and Its Kin in the cles). Thus, in the context of this new hypothesis, all the
Context of Coelurosaurian Phylogeny characters previously considered synapomorphic of Met-
ornithes (Chiappe et al., , ; Novas, , ) are
It has been shown that certain characters originally hy- reinterpreted as independently acquired in Alvarezsauridae
pothesized to be synapomorphic of Metornithes (Perle et and Ornithothoraces.
al., , ) evolved independently in Mononykus and or- The clash between the new hypothesis and that sup-
nithurine birds (e.g., loss of pubic symphysis, greater and porting the monophyly of Metornithes relies not merely on
anterior trochanters fused, fibula not in contact with the the addition of new characters but, most important, on the
proximal tarsals, presence of femoral popliteal fossa, and inclusion of new coelurosaurian taxa. This is demonstrated
presence of an accessory cnemial crest on the tibiotarsus). by the fact that the results are congruent with the avian
This explanation emerged after the inclusion of two addi- hypothesis if the new pool of characters is scored in the
tional taxa, interpreted by Novas (, ) as basal al- same set of theropods used in previous papers (e.g., Chi-
varezsaurids. Even though the inclusion of the Patagonian appe et al., , ; Novas, , ). Instead, the sim-
Alvarezsaurus and Patagonykus in the character analysis ple inclusion of Troodontidae, or both Therizinosauridae
somewhat reduced the support for the placement of and Oviraptorosauria, is sufficient to challenge the avian
Mononykus within birds, the avian hypothesis remained hypothesis. Clearly, the phylogenetic position of Alvarez-
unchallenged. sauridae is contingent on the interrelationships among
In an unpublished cladistic analysis adding new charac- other coelurosaurian taxa.
ters to those used by previous cladistic studies (mainly Chi- Although these results place alvarezsaurids within non-
appe et al., , ; Novas, , ; but not yet includ- avian theropods, the suggestion of Martin and Rinaldi
ing those characters recently advanced by Sereno, ) and () and Martin () concerning the ornithomimid
including additional nonavian coelurosaurian taxa (e.g., relationships of Mononykus is difficult to sustain. First,
Troodontidae, Oviraptorosauria, Therizinosauridae, Ornit- ornithomimids lack the synapomorphies uniting Alvarez-
holestes, Allosaurus, and Unenlagia), alvarezsaurids are sauridae with Node X (neural spines confined to caudals
placed outside birds, as a distinct group of nonavian –, semilunate carpal, ilium with caudodorsal margin
coelurosaurians (Fig. .). This new phylogeny (obtained ventrally curved in lateral view, pubis caudoventrally ori-
using Hennig; Farris, ) also proposes a new hierar- ented with respect to the pubic pedicle of ilium, proximal
chical arrangement of the other coelurosaur taxa. For ex- fibula with medial fossa reduced or absent, proximal ulna
ample, the monophyly of Arctometatarsalia and Bul- with a cranially oriented notch for reception of radius
latosauria (Holtz, ) is not supported by this analysis; and reduced ulnar proximal articular processes, pubic
instead, troodontids are hypothesized as the sister taxon of pedicle of ilium craniocaudally narrow, midcaudal verte-
Dromaeosauridae plus Avialae (sensu Padian, ) in one brae with short prezygapophyses, absence of a dorsal
tree, and the monophyly of Deinonychosauria (i.e., fossa on caudal process of coracoid, prominent ventral
Troodontidae plus Dromaeosauridae; Gauthier, ) is processes on cervicodorsal vertebrae). Second, if alvarez-
supported in the other. The results obtained here contrast saurids and ornithomimids are constricted to form a
with those of previous authors (e.g., Gauthier, ; Russell monophyletic group, the most parsimonious hypothesis
and Dong, ; Holtz, ). Bremmer support of the tree requires five additional steps. Incorporating the new
nodes is not high (Fig. .), indicating that additional infor- data of Sereno () might change this assessment some-
mation (new characters or taxa) may easily change the pro- what, but it is likely that many of these impediments to
posed topology. ornithomimid relationships will remain (see also Suzuki
In this new hypothesis, Alvarezsauridae is the sister et al., ; Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in
taxon of a group formed by Therizinosauridae, Ovi- this volume).

122 F E R N A N D O E . N O VA S A N D D I E G O P O L
Figure 5.1. Strict consensus tree resulting from two most parsimonious trees (L = ; CI = ,; RI = ,) yielded by Hennig (im-
plicit enumeration command) (Farris, ). The information to construct the data matrix (Novas, unpublished data) was gathered
from different sources: Gauthier, ; Russell and Dong, ; Holtz, ; Makovicky, ; Chiappe et. al., , ; Martin, ;
Novas, ; Novas and Puerta, ; the study of Sereno, , was too recent to adequately incorporate into this analysis. The Brem-
mer support (Bremmer, ) is indicated in each node. This measure was calculated using the bs command in Nona (Goloboff, a).

Although most authors devoted to theropod phylogeny For example, cervical centra with kidney-shaped cranial
currently use equally weighted parsimony as implemented articular surface are present in Ornitholestes, while a
in Hennig or PAUP (e.g., Gauthier, ; Russell and subvertically oriented postacetabular blade of ilium with
Dong, ; Holtz, ; Chiappe et al., , ; a medial flange strongly reduced is absent in Troodon-
Novas, , ; Forster et al., ), a differential char- tidae. In sum, PeeWee resolves the conflict in favor of the
acter weighting approach can also be used. For example, hypothesis supported by characters lacking homoplastic
PeeWee (Goloboff, b) is a program that sets differen- steps.
tial weights for characters according to the amount of It is beyond the scope of this chapter to judge the valid-
homoplasy they present on the tree. Under the PeeWee ity of the different parsimony approaches mentioned previ-
optimality criteria, the most parsimonious hypothesis is ously. Our aim, instead, is to emphasize the highly conflic-
that in which the sum of all character weights (i.e., tree fit) tive pattern of character distribution among coelurosaurian
is maximized. Our coelurosaurian data set was subjected taxa, which causes such disparity in the analyses using dif-
to this kind of cladistic approach. Interestingly, under the ferentially or equally weighted characters.
exact solution commands (“wh” and “ms+”), the single
most parsimonious tree supports the monophyly of Conclusions
Metornithes, placing alvarezsaurids within Aves. A possi-
ble explanation for this result is that most of the charac- This discussion emphasizes once again that alvarezsaurids
ters shared by alvarezsaurids and ornithothoracines are are a problematic group of theropods, because, although
not present in other coelurosaurs, implying that such they present obvious similarities with Ornithothoraces,
characters get the highest weights in trees supporting the they lack the following derived characters that in the pres-
monophyly of Metornithes. This is not the case for some ent cladistic analysis are synapomorphies of different hier-
of the characters supporting monophyly of Node X. archical groups within Coelurosauria:

A LVA R E Z S A U R I D R E L AT I O N S H I P S R E C O N S I D E R E D 123
. Archaeopteryx + Ornithothoraces (= Aves): for example, ———. . The skull of a relative of the stem-group bird
forelimb exceeding % of hindlimb length; developed Mononykus. Nature :–.
bicipital tubercle of coracoid Farris, J. S. . Hennig ’ references. Documentation for ver-
sion .. Privately published.
. Unenlagia + Aves (= Avialae): for example, caudal end of
Feduccia, A. . The great dinosaur debate. Living Bird
ilium dorsoventrally low and sharply pointed; presence ():–.
of a prominent proximodorsal process on ischium ———. . The Origin and Evolution of Birds. Yale University
. Dromaeosauridae + Avialae (= Maniraptora): for exam- Press, New Haven,  pp.
ple, mandibular fenestra reduced or absent; coracoid Forster, C. A., S. D. Sampson, L. M. Chiappe, and D. W. Krause.
subrectangular in profile; elongate radius, % or more . The theropod ancestry of birds: new evidence from the
than humerus length Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Science :–.
Gauthier, J. A. . Saurischian monophyly and the origin of
. Troodontidae + Maniraptora: for example, distal haemal
birds; pp. – in K. Padian (ed.), The Origin of Birds and the
arches cranially bifurcated; ventral tubercle of humerus
Evolution of Flight. California Academy of Sciences, San
craniocaudally compressed and longitudinally elon- Francisco.
gated; pedal digit IV longer than II and closer to III in Goloboff, P. A. a. Nona, version .. Program and references.
length; raptorial ungual in digit II Privately published.
———. b. PeeWee, version .. Program and references. Pri-
In sum, we are facing a group that presents homoplasies vately published.
wherever it is located within Coelurosauria. Holtz, T., Jr. . The phylogenetic position of the Tyranno-
Criticisms of the avian hypothesis of alvarezsaurid rela- sauridae: implications for theropod systematics. Journal of
tionships have relied largely on assumptions of the evolu- Paleontology ():–.
tionary process more than on cladistic analysis (Chiappe et Karkhu, A. A., and A. S. Rautian. . A new family of Mani-
al., ). This discussion shows that the issue is more com- raptora (Dinosauria: Saurischia) from the Late Cretaceous of
Mongolia. Paleontological Journal ():–.
plex than was previously thought. The results presented
Lauder, G.V. . Homology, structure and function; pp. –
here, however, should not be considered an endorsement of in B. Hall (ed.), Homology: The Hierarchical Basis of Com-
the previous criticisms of the avian hypothesis (e.g., Feduc- parative Biology. Academic Press, San Diego.
cia, ; Martin and Rinaldi, ; Wellnhofer, ; Zhou, Makovicky, P. J. . Phylogenetic aspects of the vertebral mor-
; Karkhu and Rautian, ), since these were based on phology of Coelurosauria (Dinosauria: Theropoda). M.S.
spurious assumptions. dissertation, University of Copenhagen,  pp.
The phylogenetic position of alvarezsaurids highlights a Martin, L. D. . The differences between dinosaurs and birds
as applied to Mononykus. Dinofest International, Proceedings
major problem in dinosaur systematics: coelurosaurian
phylogeny. The resolution of this problem will certainly af- Martin, L. D., and C. Rinaldi. . How to tell a bird from a di-
fect any hypothesis of alvarezsaurid relationships. Whatever nosaur. Maps Digests ():–.
the phylogenetic position of alvarezsaurids may be, al- Novas, F. E. . Alvarezsauridae, Late Cretaceous mani-
varezsaurids are crucial to the knowledge of coelurosaurian raptorans from Patagonia and Mongolia. Queensland Mu-
evolution because they offer a mosaic of characters that il- seum Memoirs ():–.
lustrates the great amount of homoplasy existent within ———. . Anatomy of Patagonykus puertai (Theropoda,
these theropod dinosaurs (including birds). Maniraptora), from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Jour-
nal of Vertebrate Paleontology ():–.
Novas, F. E., and P. F. Puerta. . New evidence concerning
avian origins from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature
We thank L. M. Chiappe and L. M. Witmer for their invitation to Ostrom, J. H. . On the origin of birds and of avian flight;
participate in this book and for their thoughtful review of this pp. – in D. R. Prothero and R. M. Schoch (eds.), Major
chapter, and S. Orell for her editorial assistance. Features of Vertebrate Evolution, Short Courses in Paleontol-
ogy . The Paleontological Society, Knoxville.
Padian, K. . Avialae; pp. – in P. Currie and K. Padian
Literature Cited (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. Academic Press, San
Bremmer, K. . Branch support and tree stability. Cladistics Diego.
():–. Perle A., M. A. Norell, L. M. Chiappe, and J. M. Clark. . Flight-
Chiappe, L. M., M. A. Norell, and J. M. Clark. . Phylogenetic less bird from the Cretaceous of Mongolia. Nature :–.
position of Mononykus (Aves: Alvarezsauridae) from the Late Perle A., L. M. Chiappe, Barsbold R., J. M. Clark, and M. A.
Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert. Queensland Museum Mem- Norell. . Skeletal morphology of Mononykus olecranus
oirs :–. (Theropoda: Avialae) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
———. . Mononykus and birds: methods and evidence. Auk American Museum Novitates :–.
:–. Russell, D., and Dong Z. . A nearly complete skeleton of a

124 F E R N A N D O E . N O VA S A N D D I E G O P O L
new troodontid dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of the Tsogtbaatar K. . A new specimen of Shuvuuia deserti Chi-
Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. appe et al.,  from the Mongolian Late Cretaceous with a
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences :–. discussion of the relationships of alvarezsaurids to other
Sereno, P. C. . The origin and evolution of dinosaurs. Annual theropod dinosaurs. Contributions in Science.
Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences :–. Wellnhofer, P. . New data on the origin and early evolution
———. . The evolution of dinosaurs. Science :– of birds. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris
.  (série II):–.
Suzuki, S., L. M. Chiappe, G. J. Dyke, M. Watabe, Barsbold R., and Zhou, Z. . Is Mononykus a bird? Auk ():–.

A LVA R E Z S A U R I D R E L AT I O N S H I P S R E C O N S I D E R E D 125
Part III

The Mesozoic Aviary

Anatomy and Systematics

Archaeopterygidae (Upper Jurassic of Germany)


No other fossils have had more impact on the Archaeopteryx and other intermediate forms demonstrate
progress of biological thought than those of their importance for the future of an enlightened world-
Archaeopteryx (Hecht, ). Just a year be- view.
fore the discovery of the first Archaeopteryx The Archaeopterygidae are currently represented by
specimen, Louis Agassiz invoked “the definiteness of the eight skeletal specimens (Fig. .) and an isolated car-
characters of the class of birds” in support of his anti- bonized feather. Until recently, the names of skeletal spec-
evolutionary views (Mayr, :). Soon after its discov- imens could be derived from the locations of museums
ery in , Archaeopteryx flew into the storm set off by where they were housed. Unfortunately, this system
Darwin’s Origin of Species (). The importance of Ar- collapses because of the vicissitudes of privately owned
chaeopteryx in filling the gap between reptiles and birds specimens. Therefore, adopted here as a supplementary
was immediately understood by Thomas Huxley (Rud- system (at least for interim use) is the numbering of the
wick, ) and Hugh Falconer, who wrote to Darwin in skeletal specimens in the order in which they were identi-
: “Had the Solenhofen quarries been commissioned— fied as pertaining to Archaeopterygidae: London (First)
by august command—to turn out a strange being à la specimen (de Beer, b) in the British Museum of
Darwin—it could not have executed the behest more Natural History (BMNH); Berlin (Second) specimen
handsomely—than with the Archaeopteryx” (Kritsky, (Dames, ; Heilmann, ; Fischer and Krueger,
:). However, although privately delighted with the ) in the Museum für Naturkunde (HMN/);
discovery, Darwin exercised remarkable restraint when “Maxberg” (Third) specimen (Heller, , ), lost
commenting on it in Descent of Man () and the from a private collection, referred to as “Solnhofen speci-
 edition of Origin of Species (Kritsky, ), probably men” by Ostrom (); Haarlem (Fourth) specimen (Os-
because of Charles Lyell’s insistence on the inherent trom, ) in the Teyler Museum (/), the Nether-
incompleteness of the fossil record and thus its a priori lands; Eichstätt (Fifth) specimen (Wellnhofer, ) in the
minor significance as evidence of evolution (Rudwick, Jura Museum (JM ); Solnhofen (Sixth) specimen
). Darwin himself gave a considerable amount of (Wellnhofer, , ) of contested ownership, at pres-
thought to the origin of birds. He considered the bastard ent in the Bürgermeister Müller Museum, Solnhofen;
wing (alula) to be a remnant of a once major wing part Munich (Seventh) specimen (Wellnhofer, ), in the
and prophesied, in a  letter to Lyell, the existence of an Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und his-
ancient bird with a double or bifurcate wing (Kritsky, torische Geologie; and an undescribed, privately owned
), a prophecy fulfilled, in a way, by Archaeopteryx. eighth specimen, which consists of a compressed skull,
Archaeopteryx inspired de Beer’s (a) idea of mosaic shoulder girdle, and wing skeleton (Mäuser, ). First
evolution, which greatly contributed to the current under- collected (in ) was the Haarlem specimen, which had
standing of evolutionary processes. Surprisingly and sadly been initially misidentified as a pterosaur and identified as
enough, Archaeopteryx figures once again in the public de- Archaeopteryx more than a century later (Ostrom, ).
bate on evolution (Cuffey, ; Halstead, ; Stephan, A single feather impression was found in  (von Meyer,
; Ostrom, ) because of the recent surge of religious ), and the London specimen was discovered a year
obscurantism. As a target of regular attacks by creationists, after (in ).

Figure 6.1. Skeletal reconstruction of A. siemensii with the thoracic girdle of the London specimen (A. lithographica). The wing is
shown in a hypothetical, maximally folded position involving a distal shift of the radius relative to the ulna (Elzanowski and Pasko,
). The exact angular positions of the neck, tail, and hindlimb members are intuitively chosen within the likely ranges. Scale
bar =  mm.

Geological Setting The pure limestone (which is exploited commercially)

probably derives from the carbonate ooze that was first de-
The seven described specimens were found in the upper lay- posited in the open sea and periodically driven to the
ers (i.e., above a horizon known as the trennende krumme Solnhofen lagoon (possibly by storms). Because of high
Lage) of the Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone, which is of evaporation rates, the salinity in the lagoon was high, the
early Lower Tithonian, Upper Jurassic (Malm zeta ) age. water was stratified, and the bottom sediments were with-
The depositional period of the Solnhofen Lithographic out macrobenthos and nearly lifeless because of the lack of
Limestone is maximally estimated as , years (Barthel oxygen. This accounts for the good preservation of Soln-
et al., ), and thus the upper layers alone must have been hofen fossils. The Solnhofen fauna derives from the open
deposited over a considerably shorter period. The eighth, sea, the coral reef, the lagoon itself, the nearby German and
undescribed specimen stems from the younger (Malm zeta Bohemian massifs, and possibly smaller islands, if they were
) Mörnsheim layers (Mäuser, ). present. In fact, the Jurassic massifs of what is now western
The Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone was deposited in and central Europe were of the size of large islands, and, in
a lagoon that was closed off from the open sea by coral reefs this sense, all the terrestrial elements of the Solnhofen
(Barthel et al., ; Viohl, ). It is composed of the al- fauna, including the archaeopterygids, were insular (Olson,
ternating layers of pure (Flinz) and marly (Fäule) limestone. ; Chatterjee, ).


The climate of the land masses was semiarid, with pro- the specimens shows any evidence of predation or scaveng-
longed dry summers but rainy winters (Barthel et al., ; ing. The Berlin specimen, especially the skull, is somewhat
Viohl, ). The land masses were covered in part by the worn by more than a century of use. The Sixth specimen
groves of araucarias, with some cycads, bennettites, and suffered from unprofessional handling by the former
sparse gingko trees, and in part (probably mainly along the owner, and most of its bones are obscured by an encrusta-
coast) by thickets of conifers (Hirmeriellaceae = Cheirolep- tion identified as iron oxide (Wellnhofer, , ).
idaceae) and seed ferns (Jung, ), but no logs have ever All that can be said about the cause of death is that the birds
been recovered from the limestone (Barthel et al., ). were blown in by wind or their carcasses transported by floods
The archaeopterygids, Compsognathus, lizards, rhyncho- to the lagoon (Davis, ), but most probably they did not fly
cephalians, a palpigrade arachnid, and many insects, in- voluntarily above the sea. Because of the substantial differ-
cluding Orthoptera, Blattodea, Hymenoptera, and some ences from neornithines, especially in the structure of body
Coleoptera, are exclusively terrestrial throughout their en- cavities (Duncker, ), the archaeopterygid carcass may
tire life cycle and thus lived on the land masses (Barthel et have behaved differently than the carcasses of neornithines
al., ) or, possibly, on smaller islands (if present). The as- (Helms, ), and its burial upside down does not necessar-
semblage of insects is dominated by freshwater groups, ily indicate the same floating position (contra Helms, ).
some of which may have possibly lived in the coastal marine The uniform preservation of all specimens and the absence of
environment, and the same may be true of the Solnhofen predation signs indicate an underwater burial preceded by
crocodilians. Among flying vertebrates, finds of pterosaurs floating (Rietschel, ; Helms, ; de Buisonjé, ;
are much more frequent than those of archaeopterygids, Barthel et al., ; Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ).
which probably reflects differences in locomotor habits Osmotic desiccation of the tendons in the hypersaline envi-
rather than original abundance. ronment probably contributed to the lordotic bend of all ar-
Each of the archaeopterygid specimens has been found chaeopterygid specimens and other Solnhofen vertebrates (de
between two layers of limestone, but there is no regularity Buisonjé, ; Davis, ). The differences in preservation of
with respect to the alternation of pure and marly limestone the skull are accountable in terms of the avian pattern of dis-
layers (the Third and Eichstätt specimens were found be- articulation and/or specific preburial posture. In neornithine
tween two pure layers, the Sixth and Munich specimens be- carcasses, the skulls and cervical vertebrae are the first to dis-
tween a marly and a pure layer). The slab with most of the articulate (Davis and Briggs, ), and they did in the Lon-
skeleton is referred to as the main slab (Hauptplatte) and the don specimen and possibly the Third, which are most dam-
slab with the complementary skeletal impressions and bony aged. In addition, drifting with a pendulant head and tail may
fragments as a counterslab (Gegenplatte). For all specimens have exposed specifically these parts to damage (Rietschel,
having stratigraphic documentation, the main slab is the ; Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ). Regardless of the ex-
upper slab (Hangendplatte), and the counterslab is the lower act course of preburial events, all differences in the complete-
slab (Liegendplatte); this is probably true of all specimens ness of preservation of the known skeletons appear to be ac-
(Rietschel, ). The Sixth specimen is represented by only countable in terms of the degree of decay and factors
one slab (probably the upper one) with nearly all post- controlling it (the most evident of which are floating time and
cranial bones; the counterslab was lost. posture). In addition, the specimens differ in the extent of di-
The preservation of all the specimens is remarkably sim- agenetic damage by sediment pressure, which resulted in the
ilar (Rietschel, ). Each of them was buried upside down, collapsing of bone walls and crushing of superimposed bones.
as the main (upper) slab always shows the skeleton more or
less in dorsal view. The head and neck are turned backward Systematic Paleontology
and to the side, and the tail is more or less raised, resulting
in a lordotic curvature of the spine. In most specimens, both Taxonomic Hierarchy
legs lie on the side opposite to the head, conveying a “bik-
Aves Linnaeus, 
ing” pose to the skeleton. Only the Berlin and Eichstätt spec-
Archaeopterygidae Huxley, 
imens were complete (or nearly so) at the time of burial.
The skull is the most damaged part in the London, Sixth, The inclusion of Wellnhoferia (Elzanowski, a) in
and Munich specimens, and the last two show a sharp dor- this family is tentative (and hence so is the diagnosis
sal bend in the tail just behind the pelvis. The postcranial of Archaeopterygidae) pending a phylogenetic analysis of
skeleton alone is well articulated and almost complete in the Archaeopteryx and Wellnhoferia as separate taxa.
Berlin, Eichstätt, Sixth, and Munich specimens and much Tentative diagnosis—Four premaxillary,  to  maxillary,
less so in the London and Third specimens (Kemp and Un- and – dentary teeth. Tooth crowns rounded in the basal
win, ). However, the feather impressions are least dis- part, with the tips of most teeth slightly curved caudally. Pre-
tinct in the Eichstätt specimen (Rietschel, a). None of maxilla projects beyond the tip of the mandible. Mandibula

without fenestrae. Furcula without hypocleideum. Coracoid Diagnosis—Smaller than A. lithographica, close in size
with a wing-shaped preglenoid process. Ischium with an to Archaeopteryx bavarica. Preacetabular ilium without the
intermediate process. Twenty-three presacral and  sacral iliofemoralis internus fossa and ventral process. Pedal claws
vertebrae. without flexor tubercles. Tooth crowns consistently rounded
in cross section. The humerus/ulna ratio above % and
Archaeopteryx von Meyer, 
the femur/tibia ratio around % or more.
At present, there is not enough evidence to confirm a
separation of the Eichstätt specimen as Archaeopteryx re- A. bavarica Wellnhofer, 
curva Howgate, , or to determine the precise taxonomic Holotype—Munich (Seventh) specimen.
status of the fragmentary Third and Haarlem specimens. Referred specimens—Provisionally none.
Each of these three specimens is provisionally classified as
Locality and horizon—Langenaltheimer Haardt (quarry
Archaeopteryx sp.
of the Solenhofer Aktien-Verein),  m above the upper sur-
Diagnosis—Manual digit I with the ungual being ap- face of the Sieben-Lumpen-Schicht, Upper Solnhofen Litho-
proximately half the length of the basal phalanx. Manual graphic Limestone (Malm zeta b), lower Lower Tithonian.
digit III with phalanges  and  unfused (even if tightly con-
Diagnosis—Smaller than A. lithographica, close in size to
nected). Metatarsal II not tapered proximally. Pedal digit IV
A. siemensii. Preacetabular ilium without the iliofemoralis in-
with five phalanges, approximately % (more than %)
ternus fossa and ventral process. Pedal claws without flexor
of the length of digit III. Flexor tubercles of pedal claws in-
tubercles. Tooth crowns compressed mesially (= rostrally).
completely differentiated or absent. Pedal digit IV with the
Spinous processes of the third and fourth cervicals high, con-
ungual shorter than or subequal to the basal phalanx.
tributing about one-third of the total vertebral height. The
Archaeopteryx lithographica von Meyer,  humerus/ulna ratio well below % and the femur/tibia ra-
tio well below %.
Holotype—The conserved name A. lithographica (Inter-
national Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, ) Wellnhoferia Elzanowski, 
was coined by von Meyer () in his second preliminary Diagnosis—Larger than Archaeopteryx. Manual digit I
note on the single Solnhofen feather for an animal species with ungual of approximately one-third the length of the
represented by the London specimen. Following comments basal phalanx. Manual digit III with phalanges  and  fused.
on the feather, von Meyer (:–) wrote: “At the same Metatarsal II tapered proximally. Pedal digit IV with four
time I am hearing from Herrn Obergerichtsrath Witte that a phalanges, approximately % (less than %) of the length
nearly complete skeleton of an animal covered with feathers of digit III. Pedal digit IV with the ungual as the longest pha-
was found in the lithographic slate. . . . Archaeopteryx litho- lanx. Pedal claws with well-developed flexor tubercles.
graphica is a name that I deem appropriate for the designa-
tion of the animal”(emphasis added). The London specimen Wellnhoferia grandis Elzanowski, 
(subsequently described as Archaeopteryx macrura Owen, Holotype—Sixth specimen.
) should, therefore, be recognized as the holotype of A. Referred specimens—Provisionally none.
Locality and horizon—Exact locality and horizon un-
Referred specimens—Provisionally none. known (in all probability Altmühl Valley), Upper Solnhofen
Locality and horizon (for the London specimen)—Lan- Lithographic Limestone (Malm zeta b), lower Lower
genaltheimer Haardt (former Ottmann’s quarry), . m be- Tithonian.
low the upper surface of the Sieben-Lumpen-Schicht, Upper Diagnosis—As for the genus.
Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone (Malm zeta b), lower
Lower Tithonian. Anatomy
Diagnosis—Larger than Archaeopteryx siemensii. Pre-
Notwithstanding numerous studies of seven of the skeletal
acetabular ilium with iliofemoralis internus fossa and ventral
specimens, only superficial features of the archaeopterygid
process. Bases of pedal claws expanded into flexor tubercles.
osteology are well known, a circumstance that is due to the
A. siemensii Dames,  essentially two-dimensional preservation of most speci-
Holotype—Berlin specimen (HMN/). mens. The majority of articulations and the internal cranial
structures remain poorly known.
Referred specimens—Provisionally none.
Locality and horizon—Dörr’s quarry, Blumenberg near Skull
Eichstätt, Upper Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone (Malm Cranial bones are best preserved in the Munich, Eichstätt,
zeta b), lower Lower Tithonian. and London specimens (Whetstone, ; Walker, ;


Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, , ). Skull length is esti- same location in several nonavian theropods including Syn-
mated as  mm in the Eichstätt,  mm in the Munich, tarsus (Raath, ), Ornithomimidae (Currie and Zhao,
and  mm in the Berlin specimens. In all known cases, the ), and Velociraptorinae (Barsbold and Osmólska, ).
upper jaw protrudes for some – mm beyond the tip of A small space caudoventral to the depression was identified
the mandible. As far as it is known, the archaeopterygid as the caudal tympanic recess. A regular concavity that en-
skull shows a mosaic of nonavian theropodan and avian closes this space ventrally was referred to by Walker ()
characters. as the “threshold” (based on comparison with the juveniles
of modern neognaths) and a ridge that descends from it as
Braincase. A natural mold of the cranial cavity of the the interfenestral bridge (crista interfenestralis).
London specimen revealed that, as in other birds (as well as There are several problems with these interpretations.
mammals, pterosaurs, and some small coelurosaurs), the The prootic depression does not look like a pneumatic re-
brain completely filled the cranial cavity, the expanded cess (Walker, ; pers. obs.). More important, the dorsal
hemispheres contacted the cerebellum dorsally in the mid- recess in Enaliornis (Elzanowski and Galton, ) and all
line, and the optic lobes (mesencephalic tectum) were neornithines is enclosed by the squamosal, which is not in-
placed laterally and thus separated (Jerison, ; Bühler, corporated in the braincase in Archaeopteryx. This depres-
). Accordingly, the hemispheric fossa in the Munich sion may have possibly accommodated a part of one of the
specimen extends onto the parietal for some  mm and ends jaw adductors (pseudotemporalis or adductor mandibulae
caudally with a rounded ridge that separates it from the tec- externus), similar to the way that a deep recess in this area
tal fossa for the optic lobes, as in neornithines (Werner, ; accommodates the temporal head (“caput absconditum”)
Elzanowski and Galton, ). Contrary to Bühler’s () of the pseudotemporalis muscle in the pelecaniforms and
reconstruction and Stephan’s () assertion, it would not procellariiforms. The concavity called “threshold” was once
be possible to ascertain that the surface of the brain was identified as the quadrate cotyla (Whetstone, ) and in
smooth even if the entire cranial cavity did not reveal any fact looks like a cotyla, as it is perfectly regular and evidently
indications of brain fissures. In fact, the cerebellar fossa is natural, not exaggerated by crushing (contra Walker, ).
not known in the archaeopterygids, and, although the cere- Since a cotyla in this location cannot be for anything but the
bellum of all extant birds is foliate, many of them do not quadrate, this alternative interpretation needs to be given
have interfoliar ridges in the cerebellar fossa (Elzanowski serious consideration. If it were true, then the space imme-
and Galton, ). Hopson () estimated the brain vol- diately above the cotyla could represent the dorsal, not cau-
ume of the London specimen as . ml and its body mass as dal, tympanic recess. The identification of the interfenestral
not greater than  g, which placed archaeopterygids in the bridge (Walker, ) is not compelling. The single piece
lower range of the avian ratios. However, the London spec- composed of the “threshold” (or quadrate cotyla) and the
imen probably weighed more than  g (see later). putative interfenestral bridge is nowhere continuous with
As in neornithines, the frontal, parietal, and laterosphe- the main body of the prootic and may be dislocated. As a re-
noid contribute to the postorbital process, which is blunt sult, the putative dorsal recess and the angular positioning
(Fig. .). The orbital margin of the frontal seems to be de- of the putative interfenestral bridge could be preservational
flected into the orbit. The parietal has a caudolateral occipi- artifacts.
tal process that contributes to a composite structure known The cranial base (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, : Fig.
as the paroccipital process. The laterosphenoid is tightly su- A) is poorly known. The parasphenoid rostrum is com-
tured to the parietal and prootic and tapers toward the post- posed of two tightly superimposed bony laminae, suggest-
orbital process. The prootic has a large rostroventral wing ing an originally hollow structure. The pterygoid (basi-
that completely encloses the trigeminal foramen and has a pterygoid) process is directed rostroventrolaterally. The
slender preforaminal process that points rostrodorsally and articular facet for the pterygoid is slightly sinusoidal and
contacted or approached the laterosphenoid (Elzanowski oblique, its rostromedial end being dorsal to its caudolateral
and Wellnhofer, : Fig. ). end. A prominent dorsoventral ridge at the base of the
The otic region, as exposed in the London specimen, has pterygoid process separates two small fossae, which corre-
been interpreted (Walker, ; Witmer, ) under an as- spond to the pneumatic recesses in Syntarsus (Raath, ).
sumption that its configuration in the archaeopterygids is The basal tubercle (“mammillary process”) seems to be tra-
similar in detail to that of the modern neognathous birds, versed by the suture between the basisphenoid and basi-
although the braincases of Archaeopteryx and neornithines occipital. The occipital condyle is traversed by the suture
are otherwise dramatically different. A shallow depression between the basioccipital and exoccipital.
in the dorsal part of the prootic (adjacent to the parietal and
laterosphenoid) has been interpreted as the dorsal pneu- Postorbital. The postorbital may be represented by a
matic recess. Similar prootic depressions are present in the crescentic element in the Munich and Eichstätt specimens,

Figure 6.2. Scale reconstructions of the complete skull of Archaeopteryx (top, based on the Berlin, Eichstätt, and Munich specimens)
and mandible in medial view (bottom, based on the Munich specimen). Structures in the nasal cavity (shown only in part) and the
occipital area (broken lines) are barely known. The presence of the postfrontal and postorbital bones is uncertain. The caudal ends of
the braincase and mandible and the exact angular position of the quadrate-squamosal complex cannot be reconstructed with any re-
liability. Abbreviations: a, angular; ar, articulare; d, dentary; ip, interdental plates; ls, laterosphenoid; ma, putative ascending ramus of
the maxilla; mf, mandibular fossa; mg, meckelian groove; pa, prearticular; pf, prootic fossa; qj, quadratojugal; sa, surangular; sp, sple-
nial; sq, squamosal.

in the latter just behind the postorbital process (Elzanowski process, which is probably homologous with that of non-
and Wellnhofer, : Figs.  and C), or by a small, poorly avian theropods and, possibly, with the zygomatic process
defined triradiate element in the Berlin specimen. If pres- of the neornithines, probably did not contact the quadrato-
ent, the postorbital is reduced, and its jugal process is lack- jugal (Chatterjee, , ). In front of the quadratojugal
ing or vestigial. It did not contact the jugal. Chatterjee’s process, there is a slightly forked, rostroventral process. It
() reports of a large postorbital in the Berlin specimen has been previously interpreted as the postorbital process,
and an identification of this element in the Eichstätt speci- but this is probably incorrect. In contrast with the nonavian
men are in error. theropods, it forms an acute angle with the quadratojugal
process and thus must have been directed more or less
Squamosal. Although apparently still excluded from the rostroventrally (Fig. .), which precludes the presence of a
braincase wall, the squamosal, when properly positioned, is typical dorsotemporal (“supratemporal”) arch. This rostro-
not as similar to that of nonavian theropods as initially ventral process corresponds in position to the rostral part
thought (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ). The quadrate of the zygomatic process of some birds (e.g., the gruiforms)
cotyla of the squamosal appears to open rostroventrally and may have served as an attachment site for parts of the
rather than ventrally. The quadratojugal (descending) adductor mandibulae externus.


Quadrate. The quadrate is poorly understood. The bone men. It has a prominent nasal process and a much smaller
identified as the quadrate in the London specimen (Walker, supraorbital process. The shaft descended in an oblique
; Chatterjee, ) does not seem to be similar in detail plane (intermediate between the sagittal and transverse) and
to what is exposed of the quadrate in the Munich specimen. straddled, at angles, the jugal bar, which was received in a
The quadrate head in the Munich specimen (Elzanowski broad ventral incisure. Witmer (:) reported an open-
and Wellnhofer, : Fig. ) is damaged, as is the head of ing for the nasolacrimal duct in the London specimen. As in
the putative quadrate of the London specimen (Walker, all other birds, there is no evidence of a separate prefrontal.
). As preserved, the quadrate in the Munich specimen is Rostral to the lacrimal there are four ossicles that are
incompatible with the presence of a broad head with two connected and stacked one above the other. Although they
widely separated, approximately equivalent capitula, as seen could not be identified with any certainty, they seem to in-
in neornithines. However, it could be compatible with the dicate some compartmentalization of the nasal cavity in its
configuration found in the oviraptorids, which show many caudal part (Witmer, :; Elzanowski and Wellnhofer,
other avian similarities (Elzanowski, ). In the ovi- : Fig. ). However, the most ventral of them may possi-
raptorid quadrate, the apex of the otic process is formed by bly represent the uncinatum (lacrimopalatinum).
the prominent lateral (squamosal) capitulum, and the
medial capitulum is attached below, on the medial slope of Palate. The vomers (Fig. .C) are partly or completely
the lateral capitulum (Maryanska and Osmólska, ). The fused rostrally into a single bone. The premaxillary ramus
presence of a similar, small medial capitulum in Archaeop- of the vomer is about half as deep as, and distinctly more
teryx is suggested by the presence of a small medial projec- dorsal than, the pterygoid ramus. In this respect, the vomer
tion in the Munich specimen (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, is similar to that of nonavian theropods. However, at the
: Fig. ; : Fig. B) and the putative cotyla in the tym-
panic fossa of the London specimen. The pterygoid articu-
lation of the quadrate remains unclear but seems to be un-
like that of other archosaurs, including neornithine birds.
The skulls of the Munich specimen and Gobipteryx share
the total length of approximately  mm, and their quadrates
are  mm long, which amounts to nearly one-fourth of to-
tal skull length, more than in either nonavian theropods or
neornithine birds. A relatively longer quadrate is known in
an alvarezsaurid Shuvuuia (Chiappe et al., ).

Quadratojugal. The quadratojugal is an L-shaped bone

with jugal and squamosal (= ascending) processes. The
jugal process is much stronger than the squamosal pro-
cess. The latter probably did not contact the squamosal.

Jugal. The jugal is distinctly bowed and, based on its rel-

ative length, must have protruded rostrally far beyond the
lacrimojugal articulation (Fig. .). Caudally, it bifurcates
into the quadratojugal and caudodorsal processes (contra
Martin, ). The caudal margin of the caudodorsal process
has two shallow embayments separated by an angular pro-
jection. The process itself narrows to a spike that apparently
aligns with and thus may have been connected by a ligament
to the quadratojugal process of the squamosal. The jugal Figure 6.3. A. bavarica (the Munich specimen), palatal bones: A,
lacks a typical postorbital process (contra Chatterjee, ), pterygoid, probably in dorsolateral view; B, ectopterygoid in
and the homology of the caudodorsal process is unclear. It dorsal view; C, vomer in left lateral view; and D, palatine in dor-
strictly corresponds in position to a caudodorsal process that sal view. Abbreviations: af, articular facet for the quadrate; j, ju-
gal facet; ma, articular facet (possibly for the maxilla); mj, mn,
coexists with the postorbital process in therizinosaurid
two components of the pterygoid; pch, choanal (vomerine)
theropods (Elzanowski, ). process; pm, maxillary (= premaxillary) process; pmr, premaxil-
lary ramus; pw, prequadrate wing; ptr-l, ptr-r, pterygoid rami
Lacrimal. The lacrimal is preserved in one piece in the (left and right); ptw, pterygoid wing; qw, quadrate wing (adapted
London specimen and as fragments in the Eichstätt speci- from Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ).

rostral end of the pterygoid ramus there is a distinct con- The pterygoid reveals a puzzling, longitudinal division
cave articular facet with a prominent caudal boss. into a minor and a major component (Fig. .A). The two
The palatine (Fig. .D) is a bony slat with a medial components are connected very tightly and may be insepa-
process enclosing the choana. The maxillary (= premaxil- rable in the middle section of the bone, where the suture be-
lary) process is short (approximately one-third of the total tween the two components wanes. The minor component
bone length) and narrows abruptly toward the rostral end, ends some  mm from the rostral end, whereby the rostral-
which turns laterally. The maxillary process of the palatine most third of the blade is made of the major component
certainly overlapped the maxilla. The pterygoid wing is only. Caudally, the major component contributes the
twice as long as the maxillary process. This wing certainly quadrate wing and continues into the quadrate wing, while
overlapped the pterygoid and may have contacted, or at the minor component seems to end at the twist between the
least approached, the ectopterygoid. The choanal (vomer- shaft and the quadrate wing.
ine) process is hook-shaped. At the junction of the maxil-
lary process and pterygoid wing, there is a prominent trans- Upper Jaw. The premaxilla distinctly protrudes beyond
verse crest, which is higher medially than laterally. The crest the tip of the mandible (Fig. .). It is unclear whether the
passes into the caudal wall of the choana, whose medial rim left and right premaxillae have their bodies co-ossified, as in
is formed by the choanal process. A bone on the counterslab neornithines, or separated by a median suture, as in reptiles.
of the London specimen (some  mm from the skull) may The nasal (= frontal) processes are separated by a suture.
represent the middle fragment of the palatine with the They are very thin, which suggests the possibility of a kinetic
choanal process, but it differs in detail from the correspond- bending zone. The maxillary process, which overlies the
ing part in the Munich specimen. maxilla, is short and extends for only one-third of the length
The palatine of Archaeopteryx is distinctively avian and of the nasal opening. The suture between the premaxilla
different from the tetraradiate palatine of nonavian and maxilla has a distinct twist, suggesting a complex inter-
theropods. As in Hesperornis, the choanal process is hook- locking of the two bones.
shaped, and the pterygoid wing is long and slender. As in The maxilla has a slender nasal process and a long sub-
Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, ), the maxillary process is fenestral part. The identification of structures in the ant-
short and offset laterally. The maxillary process is also short orbital fossa is uncertain. Wellnhofer () and Witmer
in the nonstruthioniform palaeognaths, where it does not () reconstructed a fenestrate “ascending ramus” of the
contact the palatal process of the premaxilla even though maxilla, as found in nonavian theropods. However, in the
the latter extends far caudally. In the neognaths, the maxil- Eichstätt specimen, caudal to the maxilla’s nasal process and
lary (= premaxillary) process reaches and often fuses to the ventral to the nasal, there is a bony capsule (Elzanowski and
premaxilla. Wellnhofer, : Fig. :“Y”), which looks different from the
The ectopterygoid (Fig. .B) is composed of the main “ascending ramus” of nonavian theropods. The capsule is
plate and the hook-shaped jugal (lateral) process. The ventrally supported by at least one strut, which is thought
strong curvature of the process is comparable to that of to separate the “subsidiary maxillary foramina” (Welln-
nonavian theropods. However, the ectopterygoid of Archae- hofer, ). However, it is not quite obvious that the nasal
opteryx is positioned more caudally, and its main plate capsule is homologous to the “ascending ramus” of non-
is much wider (mediolaterally) than it is long (rostro- avian theropods. It may, in fact, represent a rostral ethmoid
caudally). A circular depression—possibly a pneumatic re- ossification, which was present in the Hesperornithidae
cess (Witmer, )—is present in the Munich specimen. It (pers. obs.), as it is in several neornithines (e. g., Cathar-
probably marks the ventral surface of the bone, since no de- tidae), where it may be continuous with the nasal septum
pression in the dorsal surface is present in the Eichstätt and form the floor of the nasal cavity (Hofer, ).
specimen. Each nasal has a rostral embayment for the nasal open-
The rostral end of the pterygoid (Fig. .A) gently ex- ing that is enclosed between two small processes (premax-
pands into an elongate, trapezoidal blade that presumably illary and maxillary). Ventral to the nasals and caudal to the
overlapped the pterygoid wing of the vomer ventrally. Cau- capsule, there is another uninterpreted, apparently median
dally, the shaft flares out into a prominent, triangular structure (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, : Fig. :“X”) that
quadrate wing with a distinct, flat articular surface along its may or may not represent the mesethmoid.
caudal edge. The shaft is connected to the quadrate wing by
a twist. The rostral blade corresponds to the spatulate ends Cranial Kinesis. Several points of evidence suggest that
of the hemipterygoid in Hesperornis (Elzanowski, ). In the archaeopterygid skull was kinetic and had a flexion zone
contrast, the caudal moiety substantially differs from the located in front of the braincase, as in other birds: () there
corresponding part in both birds and nonavian archosaurs, is a sliding joint between the lacrimal and the jugal (Welln-
and so does the pterygoquadrate articulation. hofer, ); () the palatine is slatlike, suggesting the pres-


ence of the pterygopalatine bar that transfers the force be- dorsal edge of the dentary (Fig. .). The articulation be-
tween the quadrate and the upper jaw (Elzanowski and tween the splenial and prearticular appears to have been
Wellnhofer, ); () there is probably a propulsion joint loose. The caudal end of the dentary and its articulation
between the quadrate and the pterygoid (Elzanowski and with the surangular remain unknown, although the pre-
Wellnhofer, ); and () the cranial cavity was completely served parts of the dentary suggest a caudal bifurcation.
filled with the brain, which makes the presence of any flex- The rostral ends of the mandibular rami were probably
ion zone within the braincase extremely unlikely (Bühler, connected by a strong syndesmosis. In the dentigerous part,
). There is, however, very little evidence to establish the buccal margin of the dentary is higher than the lingual
the exact position of the kinetic flexion zone and no evi- margin. The latter bears unequivocal interdental plates
dence whatsoever for a prokinetic flexion zone (contra (contra Martin and Stewart, ). They are distinctly sep-
Bühler, ). Wellnhofer () suggested rhynchokinesis arated from the lingual margin of the dentary by a narrow
because the nasal processes of the premaxilla are remark- groove and widely separated from one another. The plates
ably thin. However, the archaeopterygid upper jaw differs between the rostral seven to eight teeth are triangular and
from that of neornithines to such an extent (especially in the become rectangular farther caudally, where they seem to be
lack of bone fusions) that its mobility may not fall in any of nearly continuous with the buccal wall of the dentary.
the modern categories of cranial kinesis.
Teeth. There are  teeth in the premaxilla, – in the
Mandible. Each mandibular ramus is rigid and solid, maxilla, and – in the dentary. The premaxillary and all
without any trace of intraramal mobility and fenestration, but the most caudal dentary teeth tend to be more pro-
and very broad and robust caudally, especially in compari- cumbent than the maxillary teeth. Teeth are widely spaced,
son with the corresponding region in neornithines. The with the interdental spaces averaging one tooth diameter.
dorsal surface of the surangular forms a remarkably wide All tooth crowns have rounded cross sections at their bases.
platform in front of the quadratomandibular joint, and the While the front teeth tend to be peglike, most teeth have
prearticular is correspondingly broad under the mandibu- backward pointing tips, and thus their caudal profile is
lar fossa. Consequently, the mandibular fossa is very deep slightly concave, conveying the impression of a slight
(Fig. .). The lateral wall of the mandibular fossa is formed “waist” between the tip and the base of the crown (Howgate,
primarily by the surangular, and only its most ventral part b). In addition, some of the teeth show a slight con-
is enclosed by the angular. Rostrally, the fossa narrows striction at the base of the crown but no indication of a
abruptly to the Meckelian groove in the dentary, which is strongly expanded root (contra Martin and Stewart, ).
deep and narrow, and extends up to the level of the second There are no carinae and serrations on the crowns.
tooth. The groove divides the medial surface of the dentary There is some variation in tooth structure between the
into the dorsal, strongly convex, subdental part and the ven- specimens. The lower teeth of the Munich specimen have
tral ridge. the crown tips compressed mesially, that is, with rostral
The surangular has a transverse descending edge, just edges sharp and caudal edges rounded (Elzanowski and
rostral to the quadrate cotyla. The articular is wedged be- Wellnhofer, : Fig. A); the upper teeth were probably
tween the surangular and prearticular (Fig. .). The artic- similar, since the opposite upper and lower teeth are simi-
ular forms the bottom of the medial quadrate cotyla and a lar in shape in the reptiles. The upper teeth of the London
distinct prominence just caudal to the cotyla. The articular and Berlin specimens tend to be more peglike and stouter
overlies the prearticular, which extends far caudally. Ros- than those of the Eichstätt specimen (Howgate, b), but
trally, the prearticular expands into a lancet-shaped blade otherwise these three specimens show similar teeth. The
that fits exactly between the bulging dorsal border of the teeth of Wellnhoferia look similar to those of the London
surangular and the caudal portion of the splenial. There is specimen.
no indication of the coronoid, and the rostral blade of the
prearticular does not leave any space for this bone. Scleral Ring. The ring is composed of – plates (Fig.
The angular is exposed only marginally on the medial .), fewer than in the majority of extant birds, except for
surface of the mandibular ramus, along and below the ven- the Columbidae, with  plates, and Sula, Todus, Cuculidae,
tral edge of the prearticular. The angular extended at least Opisthocomus, Psittacidae, Trochilidae, and some Sphenis-
up to the level of the dorsal apex of the splenial. The lateral cidae and Musophagidae, with  plates (Lemmrich, ;
surface of the angular is as described in the Eichstätt speci- Curtis and Miller, ; de Queiroz and Good, ). Heil-
men (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ). mann’s () figure of  plates for the Berlin specimen, in
The splenial has the shape of an elongate triangle with which the right side of the skull is exposed, evidently in-
the rostral arm longer than the caudal arm; the apex of the cludes – plates (first, second, and last) of the left ring, pre-
splenial reached and may have slightly protruded over the served in the opening of the right ring.

Based on the ring in the Eichstätt specimen, the largest pophyses on the cervicals. A pneumatic foramen is present
are plates  and , which occupy the most ventral and dor- behind the diapophysis in the cervicothoracic and perhaps
sal positions, respectively, and overlap both adjacent ossi- the first thoracic vertebrae (Britt et al., ; pers. obs.).
cles. Plate  and probably  (the rostrodorsal sector of the The thoracic vertebrae have prominent spinous pro-
ring is disarrayed) are overlapped by both adjacent ossicles. cesses. The thoracic vertebrae proper (with the sternal ribs)
This pattern of overlapping and overlapped ossicles are nowhere exposed, and their details are virtually un-
(,;,?) is identical or similar to that in other taxa with known. In the caudal series of presumptive thoracosacrals,
– plates (Lemmrich, ; Curtis and Miller, ; de the transverse processes are very short, rounded knobs
Queiroz and Good, ), including Columbidae and located near the cranial margins of the centra, straight
Opisthocomus (,;,), Musophagidae (,;, and ,;,), above the parapophyses. This configuration corresponds to
Psittacidae (,;,), and Trochilidae (,;,). A sinuous a narrow vertebral fork of the thoracic rib. The centra bear
boundary between the plates in the nasal canthus, especially lateral excavations, which are commonly referred to as pleu-
between the th and th and between the th and th rocoels, although their relation to an air sac is not clear
plates, suggests a mutual overlap called interlocking (Curtis (Britt et al., ). However, a real pneumatic foramen
and Miller, ) or Verzahnung (Lemmrich, ): one seems to be present behind the diapophysis in at least one
ossicle is overlapped on one side and overlaps on the other of the caudal thoracic vertebrae, st in the Berlin and st
the same adjacent ossicle. As in other birds, the inner bor- or th in the Munich specimen (pers. obs.).
der of the scleral ring is reflected outward. The five sacral vertebrae are co-ossified into a syn-
sacrum, but the boundaries between the vertebral bodies
Vertebral Column remain distinct (Wellnhofer, : Fig. ). The homology of
The vertebral column, which is still poorly known, includes single synsacral vertebrae remains unresolved. They may
 presacral,  sacral, and – caudal vertebrae in Archae- possibly correspond to a thoracosacral, two primary sacrals,
opteryx but only some – caudals in Wellnhoferia. The and two caudosacrals of Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus
articulations between the vertebral bodies are platycoelous (Galton, ). However, a possibility that the three cranial
to slightly amphicoelous. The transition between the cervi- sacrals correspond to the lumbosacrals, that is, segment  of
cal and thoracic vertebrae is poorly preserved. There are  the synsacrum of neornithines (Boas, ), is suggested by
typical cervical vertebrae, – transitional cervicothoracic the cranial expansion of the ilium and the presence of pre-
vertebrae (with moveable ribs), which are included in the sumptive thoracosacrals, in which case no caudal vertebrae
neck in avian osteology, and – thoracic (= dorsal) verte- would be included in the synsacrum.
brae, including the  cranial thoracics with sternal ribs and The most proximal caudal vertebrae are compact and
the  caudal thoracics, which have short free ribs and prob- have long transverse processes directed ventrolaterally
ably correspond to the thoracosacrals, that is, segment  of without the distal (caudal) slant seen in many neornithines.
the synsacrum of neornithines (Boas, ). Farther distally from the synsacrum, the caudals gradually
The atlas is poorly known. The identification of unfused become more elongate, their zygapophyses slimmer, and the
arches of the atlas in the Eichstätt specimen (Wellnhofer, transverse processes become shorter and eventually dis-
) is uncertain. The cervicals first increase in length appear. The longest are caudals  through . Farther
(from  mm of the third to . mm of the sixth vertebra in caudally the vertebrae become gradually shorter in Archae-
the Berlin specimen) and then decrease. Bonde () re- opteryx but shorten abruptly just before a truncation by a
ported that the longest cervical is the fifth in the Eichstätt break in the slab in Wellnhoferia, which suggests a tail much
and the ninth in the Berlin specimen, but the cervicals are shorter than in Archaeopteryx (a suggestion obscured on the
difficult to count and measure, hence the differences be- published photographs by the painting of the missing re-
tween Wellnhofer () and Bonde (), and the caudal mainder of the tail, which misrepresents the relative tail
cervicals are not measurable with any confidence in any length to be as in Archaeopteryx). The three to four proxi-
specimen. The centra show lateral excavations and pneu- mal chevrons are broad and plate-shaped, the remaining are
matic foramina, which are present in cervical vertebrae elongate and inverted T-shaped, and the last three to four
(third through sixth or second through fifth) of at least the are absent.
Berlin specimen and indicate the presence of cervical air
sacs (Britt et al., ). The diapophyses are in the usual ven- Ribs and Gastralia
tral position and seem to be knoblike and rounded. The Ribs are present on all cervical vertebrae including the
spinous processes of the third and fourth cervicals in the epistropheus. The longest cervical ribs are on the rd
Munich specimen are much higher than in other specimens through th vertebrae, at least in the Berlin specimen (pers.
and make up one-third of the total vertebral height. In con- obs.); then the length decreases for  vertebrae and then in-
trast with neornithines, there is no indication of hypa- creases in the first movable rib of the th (first cervico-


thoracic) vertebra. In the Eichstätt specimen, this rib seems is, the capitulum is close to the tuberculum, in accordance
to bear a pneumatic foramen between its capitulum and tu- with the diapophysis being short and located straight above
berculum, and the thoracic ribs are hollow (Britt et al., the parapophysis.
), as in neornithines. In addition to the cervical ribs, at- The series of – pairs of gastralia, some of them V-
tached to the cervical vertebrae, at least in the Munich spec- shaped, starts near the tips of the longest ribs and extends
imen, are ossified tendons (pers. obs.), which also are pres- all the way to the pubis (Wellnhofer, : Pl. ). They de-
ent in the neck of some extant birds, for example, grebes crease in length craniocaudally. Their exact life position
(Podicipedidae) (James Vanden Berge, pers. comm.). must have been variable, depending on the extension of the
There are – pairs of thoracic ribs. Each rib consists of abdominal wall.
a single ossified piece, since there is no trace of separate ven-
tral (sternal) parts, which are present in ornithurines. There Thoracic Girdle and Sternum
are no uncinate processes. The first eight ribs increase in The thoracic girdle (Fig. .A) is much smaller relative to
length (the longest being attached to the th vertebra), and, the body and the wing (Fig. .) than in ornithurine birds.
at least in the Munich specimen, their distal ends are dis- The furcula is boomerang-shaped, that is, broadly open
tinctly spatulate (flared up), which suggests that they artic- dorsally, almost twice as wide as it is deep, and its two rami
ulated with the cartilaginous sternum. The reconstruction meet at a right angle (Ostrom, a: Fig. ). Each ramus
(Fig. .) also suggests that the first two, shortest thoracic is much wider transversely than it is thick rostrocaudally,
ribs may have articulated with the bony sternum, but they which makes the furcula of Archaeopteryx look sturdy in
are too poorly known to verify this possibility. Caudally, the front view, as if it were designed to resist transverse com-
four free ribs attached to the presumptive thoracosacral ver- pression, but less so in lateral view. In addition to being
tebrae are much shorter than the preceding eighth rib, and very shallow dorsoventrally, the furcula is small and clearly
their tips are pointed. Their vertebral forks are narrow; that not “hypertrophied” (contra Olson and Feduccia, ). It

A v




Figure 6.4. A. lithographica. Scale reconstructions of A, shoulder girdle, and B, pelvic girdle. The pubis is oriented as in A. bavarica
(the Munich specimen). Abbreviations: b, calceus pubis (pubic boot); dd, dorsodistal process; dv, ventrodistal process; f, fossa for the
origins of the femoralis internus (“cuppedicus”) muscle; gl, glenoid; i, ischiadic process; im, intermediate process; o, foramen obtura-
tum; pd, proximodorsal process; st, bony sternum (which may have been caudally extended by a cartilaginous part); v, ventral process.

resembles in shape the furcula of oviraptorids (Barsbold et biceps tubercle, both structurally and functionally, as
al., : Fig. .), which, however, has a hypocleideum does the acrocoracoid process of ornithurines. The biceps
and a more rounded cross section. It is unclear which, if tubercle is only a minor part of the acrocoracoid process,
any, muscles attached to the furcula, but any major portion and this is probably true of the preglenoid process. At the
of the pectoralis responsible for the downstroke is out of very least, the preglenoid process (probably its rostro-
the question (contra Olson and Feduccia, ) because medial surface) provided attachment to the supra-
very little of the furcula was located even slightly below the coracoid muscle and may have deflected its insertion ten-
glenoid (Fig. .A). don. The coracoid blade (Ostrom, a: Fig. ) is convex
The scapula and coracoid form an acute angle of –°. rostrally, concave caudally, and has a strongly concave lat-
The two bones appear to articulate firmly in the Berlin, Lon- eral margin that ventrally ends with what seems to be a
don, and Third but not in the Eichstätt and Munich speci- prominent sternocoracoid process (processus lateralis). As
mens of Archaeopteryx and not in the Wellnhoferia speci- in nonavian theropods (Nicholls and Russell, ), the
men despite its large size. The glenoid (Fig. .A) faces coracoid blade probably provided the origin for the cora-
laterally (Ostrom, b; Jenkins, ; Wellnhofer, ), as cobrachialis muscle(s), which probably served as the main
it does in some nonavian maniraptorans and other Meso- depressor of the wing.
zoic birds. The orientation of the archaeopterygid glenoid The thoracic girdle of archaeopterygids presents the mo-
is intermediate between its dorsolateral position in ne- saic of a birdlike scapula, which is close to the ornithurine
ornithines and its ventrolateral position in the nonavian condition, and a unique coracoid and sternum, which are
theropods. The glenoid is distinctly oval (Jenkins, ) and very different from their homologues in either ornithurines
deeply concave along its long, rostrocaudal axis, the con- or nonavian theropods. It lacks several distinctive features
cavity being enclosed between two prominent labra, rostral of ornithurine birds, including the triosseal foramen, the
(formed by the coracoid) and caudal (formed by the strutlike coracoid, and the large, keeled sternum. The last
scapula). The shape of the glenoid surface along its short, provides origins to those parts of the pectoralis muscle that
dorsoventral axis is obscured by the irregularities of the are responsible for the pronation of the humerus (and the
coracoscapular articulation, which in life must have been wing) during the downstroke (Jenkins, ), which is nec-
smoothed out by the articular cartilage. The scapular and essary for slow flight. This correlates with the absence of the
coracoid parts of the glenoid are nearly equal, at least in the acrocoracoid process on the coracoid, which in ne-
London specimen (Jenkins, ), in which the scapular ornithines is dorsal to the shoulder joint and provides the
part is only marginally larger. attachment site for the coracohumeral ligament. Because of
The scapula (Fig. .A) is long, narrow, and straplike. its dorsal attachment, this ligament prevents hyper-
Its blade maintains a nearly equal width and ends broadly pronation of the humerus (Sy, ). However, some
rounded rather than pointed, as in neornithines. The acro- pronating force is generated in any flight because of the
mion is prominent, more so than in neornithines. The postaxial attachment of the flight feathers, which raises
coracoid (Fig. .A) has a prominent process, here termed the question of what prevented the archaeopterygid wing
processus praeglenoidalis, which is rostroventral to the gle- from being passively hyperpronated at the shoulder joint. It
noid. The coracoid extends in two planes: the plane of the is possible that the horizontal position of the humeral head
glenoid and preglenoid process is close to parasagittal, in the glenoid helped the collateral ligaments to prevent the
whereas the plane of the broad coracoid blade (that artic- humerus from pronating.
ulated with the sternum) is oblique, closest to the trans- The discovery of a bony sternum in the Munich speci-
verse plane but with a strong horizontal slant. If properly men (Wellnhofer, ) confirms the presence of its rem-
oriented (Ostrom, a: Fig. , not Fig. ), the bone is un- nants, so far highly questionable, in the Berlin (Dames,
like the coracoid in either ornithurines or nonavian ) and London (de Beer, b) specimens. The sternum,
theropods (Tarsitano, ). Ostrom (a,b) exaggerated as preserved in the Munich specimen, is a rectangular plate
the nonavian theropod similarities of the archaeopterygid that apparently occupied a transverse position. The sternal
coracoid. He called the preglenoid process the biceps tu- plate is very thin, barely . mm thick in the Berlin speci-
bercle and, at the same time, proposed its homology with men. One of the long sides, which has been interpreted as
the acrocoracoid process of ornithurines. While the latter cranial, has a shallow embayment in the middle. With the
homology is indeed likely, Ostrom’s terminology obscures series of gastralia starting only in the middle of the rib cage
a big difference between the coracoid of nonavian (near the tips of the longest ribs), there is some – mm
theropods and that of archaeopterygids. The preglenoid left for a cartilaginous extension of the bony sternum (Fig.
process of archaeopterygids has the form of an extensive .), whose presence is indicated by the club-shaped ends of
wing or flange and most probably represents more than the the cranial thoracic ribs.


Thoracic Limb Both the elbow and wrist joints are poorly understood.
The thoracic limb is approximately as long as the pelvic The olecranon is short and blunt, and there is no indication
limb. The humerus/ulna/manus ratio for the Berlin speci- of the avian dorsal cotylar process. At the distal end, the ulna
men is % + % + %. The forelimb-to-hindlimb ratio has a distinct labrum of the dorsal condyle and extensively
changes from . in the smallest Eichstätt and . in the articulates with the radius. The radius is shorter than the
Munich specimens to . in the London and . in ulna (% of its length, at least in the Eichstätt and London
Wellnhoferia (Wellnhofer, ) (see Table . for shaft ra- specimens).
tios between limb elements). Accordingly, the relative The carpus is composed of at least three (Ostrom, a)
length of the manus slightly increases with size (Table .). and probably four bones (Martin, ): a semilunate bone,
The humerus differs from that of either nonavian which articulates with metacarpals I and II (but not meta-
theropods or ornithurines in the relative orientation of its carpal III); a roughly triangular radiale also known as
ends. As revealed by the Berlin specimen, the angle between scapholunar; a reniform pisiform also known as cuneiform
the head and the distal end is close to °, and the distal end or ulnare; and a minuscule carpal, probably distal carpal ,
of the right humerus lies flat in Wellnhoferia only because preserved in the left wing of the Eichstätt specimen (Welln-
the bone is broken proximally (Wellnhofer, : Fig. A). hofer, : Fig. A). The semilunate bone probably incor-
In nonavian theropods, the angle between the head and the porates distal carpals I and II (Chatterjee, ; Wagner and
distal end is much smaller (closer to °), and in or- Gauthier, ), although there is no trace of distal carpal I
nithurines, the head and distal end are nearly parallel. The in neornithines, in which a single distal carpal II fuses with
head is flattened dorsoventrally and thus appears to main- metacarpal  preaxially and an element X postaxially (Hinch-
tain its original tetrapod orientation and geometry. In con- liffe, ). Martin’s (; Zhou and Martin, ) identifi-
trast, the distal end has rotated ° for horizontal abduction cation of the putative distal carpal  as element X seems to
and adduction instead of parasagittal extension and flexion be rather inconsequential, because element X fuses with the
of the forearm. Consequently, the humerus has a structure semilunate and metacarpal  in the adult carpometacarpus
intermediate between nonavian theropods and ornithurines and thus may in fact represent distal carpal .
despite dramatic differences from either group. In conjunc- The semilunate carpal and the expanded labrum of the
tion with osteological features unknown in living birds, a dorsal ulnar condyle probably guided the sweeping move-
unique orientation of the humeral ends makes the manner ment of the manus, that is, its planar extension and flexion,
and extent of wing folding in archaeopterygids extremely in the upstroke-downstroke cycle (Rayner, ). The planar
difficult to reconstruct (Fig. .). extension and flexion may have been accompanied by an
The dorsal surface of the proximal end of the humerus automatic pronation and supination, respectively, if the
is flat (or nearly so), as exposed in the Berlin specimen. The semilunate carpal bore an asymmetrical ginglymus similar
ventral surface, visible in the London specimen (Jenkins, to that of maniraptorans (Ostrom, ). Such an automatic
: Fig. ), shows a distinct concavity, which probably ac- mechanism would lead to the supination of the manus
commodated the attachments of biceps and coraco- upon folding of the wing.
brachialis muscles. As in maniraptoran theropods and other In the wrist of neornithines, the interaction of an
primitive birds, the deltopectoral crest is continuous with expanded labrum of the dorsal ulnar condyle with the
the head; that is, there is no indication of either external or U-shaped ulnare and trochlea blocks the pronation of
internal tuberosity. The shaft is slightly curved. The details the manus and guides the changes of its plane in slow flight;
of the distal end remain unknown. and the interaction of the polyhedral radiale and the

Intramembral ratios (%) in Archaeopteryx in descending order
from smallest to largest specimen

Specimen Hu + Ul + McII = 100% Fe + Ti + MtIII = 100% Hu/Ul Fe/Ti

Eichstätt 43.3 + 38.1 + 18.6 30.8 + 44.1 + 25.1 113.7 69.8

Munich (41.4 + 39.8 + 18.8) (29.3 + 45.1 + 25.6) (103.8) (65.0)
Berlin 42.8 + 38.2 + 19.0 (32.6 + 44.3 + 23.1) 112.1 73.5
London 42.5 + 38.0 + 19.5 (32.6 + 43.9 + 23.5) 111.9 (74.4)

Note: Parentheses mark ratios based on at least one approximate measurement. Abbreviations: Fe,
femur; Hu, humerus; McII, metacarpalII; MtIII, metatarsal III; Ti, tibia; Ul, ulna.

TABLE 6.2 Metacarpal II ends flush with metacarpal III distally, but its
Minimum shaft diameter-to-length ratios (in % of length) proximal end lies distal to the other metacarpals, whereby
in Archaeopteryx in descending order from smallest metacarpal III is widely separated from the semilunate
to largest specimen carpal. This configuration, as preserved in the intact wrist
region of the Eichsttät specimen (Wellnhofer : Fig.
Specimen Humerus Femur Ulna Tibia* Radius
/), seems to be the natural, in vivo condition, but Gish-
Eichstätt 5.8 8.1 4.4 4.8 3.4 lick () reconstructed the poorly preserved wrist of the
Munich 5.9 6.7 4.5 3.6 3.7 Munich specimen and concluded otherwise.
Berlin 5.7 6.5 4.8 4.1 3.5 The phalangeal formula is ---x-x, and the evidence of
London 5.3 7.0 4.3 4.0 4.4 reduction of digits IV and V in theropods generally (Os-
trom, a; Sereno and Novas, ; Padian and Chiappe,
*Ratios of the craniocaudal diameter (depth) to the length of the
entire tibiotarsus. ) identifies the manual digits of archaeopterygids and
other birds as I, II, and III. However, the position of carpal
cartilages observed in the development of extant birds con-
sistently points to the identification of neornithine digits as
trochlea controls supination during maneuvering (Sy, ; II, III, and IV (Hinchliffe, ; Burke and Feduccia, ).
Vazquez, ). These functions must have been either lack- In view of the compelling evidence, both cranial and post-
ing or performed with much less precision and more use of cranial, for the theropod relationships of birds (Padian and
muscle power in archaeopterygids, which lack the fused Chiappe, ; Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in
carpometacarpus, the carpal trochlea, the U-shaped ulnare, this volume), the observed pattern of carpal cartilages in the
and the polyhedral radial carpal. The modern avian features developing avian wing is much more likely to indicate a
of the hand of Archaeopteryx as listed by Zhou and Martin Haeckelian caenogenesis in the development of digits I, II,
() could not be confirmed. and III than homology with digits II, III, and IV. Wagner
The manus must have been partly folded for the pri- and Gauthier () proposed that precartilaginous con-
maries to stay clear of the ground, but a complete folding densations for digits II, III, and IV were reassigned to de-
as in neornithines seems to be impossible (Elzanowski and velop into digits I, II, and III as a result of a genetic
Pasko, ), and the left wing of Wellnhoferia is only partly frameshift in the avian ancestors.
folded (contra Stephan, ). The mechanism of hand The digit proportions are highly conserved in all speci-
folding remains unclear. At least some skeletal structures mens: digit II is the longest, digit I is the shortest, and digit
involved in the automatic coupling of the hand and fore- III is intermediate in length and more slender than digits I
arm movements in neornithines are absent in archae- and II. The penultimate phalanx is the longest in each digit.
opterygids (Stegmann, ; Peters, ; Peters and Whereas the interphalangeal ratios of digit II are highly
Görgner, ). However, wing autofolding may have been conserved, digit III has phalanx I relatively shorter and pha-
present in Deinonychus (Gishlick, ), and bony struc- lanx II longer in larger specimens. The nonungual pha-
tures are only in part responsible for the autofolding, which langes of digit I are much deeper than wide, and those of
is helped by the muscles that actively displace the digit II are much wider than deep. Phalanges  and  of digit
radius (Vazquez, ). Therefore, the lack of evident skele- III seem to be immovably connected and partly fused in
tal adaptations for elbow-wrist coupling implies only that Wellnhoferia (Wellnhofer, : Fig. B) but clearly sepa-
the operation of the wing in the archaeopterygids was more rate in Archaeopteryx (disarticulated in the Berlin speci-
expensive energetically than it is in neornithines, but not men), although poor development of their ginglymoid ar-
necessarily that the coupling did not exist. The autofolding ticulation suggests limited mobility. The trochlea of
of the wing involves longitudinal shifts between the radius phalanx  of digit III is rotated medially (Gishlick, ).
and ulna, which seem necessary for the functionally re- The left acropodium of the Berlin specimen is partly patho-
quired wing folding in Archaeopteryx (Elzanowski and logical: a minuscule, rugose projection or flange is present
Pasko, ). on the basal phalanx of digit II (Heilmann, : Fig. ;
The manus has three rays and may have been slightly Thulborn and Hamley, : Fig. ; Howgate, a: Fig. ;
arched with metacarpals I and III lying somewhat ventral to Wellnhofer, : Fig. ), and the neighboring phalanx  of
metacarpal II (Gishlick, ). Metacarpal I is much shorter digit III differs in shape from its counterpart in the right
and more robust than metacarpals II and III. The average manus in that it is deeper distally.
length ratio for Archaeopteryx is .% + .% + .%. The manual unguals of Archaeopteryx, at least of digits
Metacarpal I is concave dorsally. Metacarpal II is laterally I and II, are more curved than are pedal unguals. The un-
compressed at the proximal end but flares out distally. gual of digit II is the longest (and most curved in Archae-
Metacarpal III is deeper than wide throughout its length. opteryx) and digit III the shortest (and least curved in the


Berlin specimen) of the three unguals. The unguals of forward, together with some phalanges. However, the con-
digit II and digit III are somewhat hyperextendable (Gish- sistency of preservation in many related taxa from various
lick, ). The manual unguals bear distinct flexor tuber- deposits suggests an initial forward slant in vivo or an in-
cles, which, however, are relatively less prominent in the trinsic anatomical proclivity for the forward slant, at least
larger specimens of Archaeopteryx and seem to be poorly upon unfolding of the manus. Based on the orientation of
developed in the Third skeleton. In contrast, the proximal vestigial claws in neornithines, Stephan () proposed
depth of the unguals increases with body size. In that the backward orientation in what seems to be a partly
Wellnhoferia, the flexor tubercles are relatively smaller folded left wing of Wellnhoferia is close to the natural one,
than in the small Archaeopteryx specimens but larger than but this does not explain the forward orientation in the
in the large ones. overwhelming majority of cases.
In all specimens digit I is at angles to the remaining two,
and thus presumably moved largely independently, while Pelvic Girdle
digits II and III remain close to each other. In six out of the The pelvis (Fig. .B) is unlike that of neornithines, and its
nine articulated hands, digit II is crossed under the joint be- component bones remain unfused. In many details it is sim-
tween its proximal and the middle phalanx by digit III ilar to the pelvis of nonavian theropods but differs from it
(Kemp and Unwin, ), and in the remaining three hands in proportions.
digits II and III lie more or less parallel. The observed asso- The preacetabular part of the ilium is .–. times
ciation suggests a strong ligamentous connection between longer than the postacetabular part, which is in contrast
digits II and III, but the crossover between digits II and III with the majority of nonavian theropods except for Unen-
is open to interpretation. Rau () thought that digit III lagia. The pubic peduncle is broad. The postacetabular part
could provide a brace for the shafts of flight feathers at- is much narrower than the preacetabular part and tapers to-
tached to digit II, although, if anything, the flight feathers ward the end, where it is slightly bent downward. It has an
would need a dorsal, not a ventral, brace to withstand the ischiadic process, which encloses the acetabulum caudally.
air resistance. The crossing could conceivably be functional The preacetabular ilium of the London but not the Berlin
if some flight feathers attached to digit III, as proposed by specimen has a well-marked fossa (in front of the pubic
Bohlin (), since then digit II would function as a dorsal peduncle) for the origins of the iliofemoralis internus
brace of digit III, which is weaker than digit II, but this raises (“cuppedicus”) muscle, which is also well developed in Un-
a question of why digit III should be weaker in the first enlagia; a rounded but distinct ventral process (processus
place. Heilmann (), Bohlin (), Swinton (), ventralis—nomen novum) on the ventral margin, caudal
Yalden (, but not ), and others accepted the cross- to the rostral tip of the ilium, as in Caudipteryx, Protar-
ing as a natural condition for their reconstructions, al- chaeopteryx, and Unenlagia; and two crescentic depres-
though it would be unprecedented, as no other vertebrate sions, probably marking the origins of the iliotrochanteric
has two appendages crossed, and probably would have left muscles.
some osteological evidence. In fact, there is no evidence of The ischium has four projections, which, in view of their
either a secondary articulation between the phalanges or a uncertain homologies, are here called by morphologically
skin callosity, which would have formed and left traces on neutral terms reflecting only their relative position: proxi-
the bone if the two fingers were frequently pressed against modorsal process (processus proximalis dorsalis—nomen
each other. The crossing of digits II and III is most proba- novum), which is bipartite in the London specimen (as it
bly a taphonomic artifact resulting from their differential seems to be in Unenlagia); processus intermedius (nomen
postmortem mobility (Kemp and Unwin, ; Gishlick, novum) separating two embayments in the caudal (cau-
). dodorsal) margin of the bone; dorsodistal process (proces-
The finger claws point forward in all wings of Archaeop- sus distalis dorsalis—nomen novum), which forms the dor-
teryx preserved in articulation and in the right wing of sal prong of the terminal fork; and ventrodistal process
Wellnhoferia, as well as in Protarchaeopteryx (Ji et al., ), (processus distalis ventralis—nomen novum), which forms
Caudipteryx (Ji et al., ; Zhou and Wang, ), and the ventral prong of the terminal fork. Neornithines have
some specimens of Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ). In two ventral processes of the ischium: the obturator process,
the left wing of Wellnhoferia the claws point backward. The which encloses the obturator fenestra, and the terminal
forward orientation as preserved is probably in part artifac- process, which forms the distal end of the bone. Gauthier
tual as revealed by the postmortem twisting and luxation of (:) missed the terminal process of neornithines and
phalanges (Heilmann, :; Thulborn and Hamley, ; pondered over the identity of the ventrodistal process in
Yalden, ; Stephan, ). In vivo, the claws were proba- Archaeopteryx, but Novas and Puerta () and Forster et
bly directed more or less ventrally, perpendicular to the al. () simply assumed the homology of the ventrodistal
wing surface (Yalden, ) and only upon burial turned process with the obturator process. In fact, it is possible that

the ventrodistal process of the Archaeopterygidae, Unenla- The proximal end bears three swellings, two of which may
gia, and Rahonavis corresponds to the terminal process of correspond to the greater and lesser trochanters in non-
neornithines. Near its suture with the pubis, the ischium of avian theropods (Ostrom, a), and thus differs from that
the London specimen has an oval foramen, most probably of neornithines, which have only a single trochanter. The fe-
for the obturator nerve. At least an incisure is indicated in mur differs from that of most nonavian theropods in lack-
the same location in other specimens. ing the fourth trochanter, which indicates the reduction of
The pubis is very long, almost as long as the femur. The the caudofemoralis musculature and thus suggests a for-
shaft seems to be cylindrical. The pubic symphysis was ward shift of the center of mass and a protracted, birdlike
formed between the distal flat expansions of the shafts, resting position of the bone (Gatesy, , ). The medial
known as pubic aprons. Each apron takes up % of the to- side in the London specimen bears two small depressions,
tal length of the pubis in the London specimen. The distal which were conjectured to mark the insertion of the caudo-
end of each pubis is expanded into a “boot”—calceus pubis femoralis muscle (Raath, ) but may instead mark the
(nomen novum), with the tip directed caudally. In the Lon- insertion of the iliofemoralis internus. The femur is more
don and Eichstätt specimens the pubic boots were replaced, robust in the Eichstätt specimen than it is in the Munich,
at least in part, by a calcite mass, which suggests the former Berlin, and London specimens, but no size-dependent trend
presence of cartilage. is apparent among the last three specimens.
The natural orientation of the pubis has been highly The crural bones are slender. The tibia bears a single cne-
controversial. As preserved, the pubis is directed backward mial crest, which, however, projects very little or not at all
in the London and Berlin specimens, which look opistho- proximally. Wellnhofer () identified it as the cranial (=
pubic (Walker, ; Tarsitano, ). However, the pubis is internal or medial ) crest, but Chiappe () reinterpreted
nearly vertical in the Third, Eichstätt, and Munich speci- it as the lateral (= external) crest. In fact, it could be neither,
mens. The well-preserved pelvis in the Munich specimen as it is a proximal extension of the fibular crest (unless the
(Wellnhofer, ) confirmed that the pubis was directed lateral crest evolved from the proximal extension of the
nearly vertically downward as in Unenlagia (Novas and fibular crest), which also is present in Vorona (Forster et al.,
Puerta, ) and Rahonavis (Forster et al., ). The pubis Chapter  in this volume). The tibial shaft is oval, approx-
was only slightly retroverted, forming a cranial angle of ° imately . times wider transversely than it is deep cranio-
with the long axis of the ilium (Wellnhofer, ). The cau- caudally. There is no obvious directional variation in the
dal orientation in the London and Berlin specimens is due proportions of the tibia between the specimens. The fibula
to a dislocation in the acetabulum. Howgate () realized extends from the knee to the tarsus, where it flares into a dis-
that the pubis is particularly prone to dislocation but be- tal boot (apparently for articulation with the calcaneum),
lieved that only a limited extent of dislocation is possible which has its nose directed caudally.
and used the position of the pubis to support a taxonomic The tarsus is divided by a mesotarsal joint. The two
separation of the Eichstätt specimen. Wellnhofer () proximal tarsals, astragalus and calcaneum, are tightly su-
provided evidence of a potent preservational factor that tured to the tibia, forming a functional tibiotarsus. The
forced the pubis backward: while most of the pubis in the astragalus has an ascending process as in nonavian thero-
Munich specimen is nearly vertical, its distal end is broken pods, Vorona (Forster et al., Chapter  in this volume), and
and turned backward. However, Wellnhofer () calcu- embryonic palaeognaths (McGowan, ). The two or
lated a stronger backward slant of ° in Wellnhoferia, three distal tarsals are at least in part co-ossified with the
which may add to the list of differences from Archaeopteryx. metatarsals. Archaeopterygids have, therefore, an incipient
Whatever the exact angle, the orientation of the pubis is in- tarsometatarsus.
termediate between neornithines and the majority of non- The metatarsus is composed of five bones. As in most
avian theropods, except for therizinosaurids and dro- other birds and nonavian theropods, metatarsal III is the
maeosaurids, which have the pubis strongly retroverted longest, and metatarsal I is short (it does not contact the tar-
(Norell and Makovicky, ). Ruben et al.’s () specula- sus) and appressed to the medioplantar surface of meta-
tions about pulmonary ventilation in archaeopterygids be- tarsal II. Metatarsal II tapers proximally in Wellnhoferia but
ing different from that of the nonavian theropods are based not in Archaeopteryx. Metatarsal V is vestigial and repre-
on a reconstruction that exaggerates the backward slant of sented by a splint of bone attached behind the proximal
the pubis in archaeopterygids. end of metatarsal IV. It is possible that the metatarsals
were superficially fused to some extent in all specimens,
Pelvic Limb since, in contrast with nonavian theropods, no separation
The average length ratio of femur/tibiotarsus/foot is % + or displacement of any of the three main bones has ever
% + % for Archaeopteryx and % + % + % for been observed (Ostrom, a). The three main metatarsals
Wellnhoferia. The femur is distinctly bowed craniocaudally. (II, III, and IV) were reported to be proximally fused in


Wellnhoferia (Wellnhofer, , ) and the Third (now The trochlea of the basal phalanx of digit II is slanted
lost) specimen (Heller, , ) but not in other speci- proximodorsally (and thus seemingly expanded proximally
mens. The fusion in Wellnhoferia may indeed be more ad- on the dorsal side), and phalanx  has a prominent extensor
vanced than in Archaeopteryx, as it is evident on the surface process and convex dorsal profile. This configuration is un-
(although a peculiar encrustation of this specimen may like that in dromaeosaurids and indicates a possibility of
have obscured the sutures). In the Third specimen, the hyperflexion rather than hyperextension, as does a promi-
metatarsus was damaged and split longitudinally between nent extensor process of the ungual. The idea of a hyperex-
the two slabs, which obscures comparisons with the intact tended pedal digit  recalls Gauthier’s () observation of
bones of other specimens. The proximal ends of the what looks like a dorsal protrusion of the trochlea of the
metatarsals are distinctly separated, and their separation basal phalanx in the Eichstätt specimen (Wellnhofer, :
seems to fade away only subterminally, where Heller be- Fig.). In fact, the phalanx is dislocated (as is the entire
lieved to see a complete dissolution of bony walls. However, digit) and probably turned around, with the usual ventral
X-ray stereophotographs of this specimen (courtesy of Prof. convexity of the trochlea turned dorsally. In any case, there
J. T. Groiss) reveal the walls separating the metatarsals is no indication of the dorsal protrusion of this trochlea in
throughout the length of the bone, which demonstrates that the London and other specimens.
the fusion was at best incomplete and probably not very dif- The pedal unguals of Archaeopteryx are less curved
ferent from that observed in other specimens. There is very (°–° in digit III) than the manual unguals of digits I and
little evidence for the proximal-to-distal ontogenetic pro- II. The unguals of Wellnhoferia are strongly curved (°–
gression of fusion in the archaeopterygid metatarsus (con- °) dorsally and straight ventrally. Flexor tubercles sepa-
tra Martin, ; contra Hou et al., ). rate from the ungual bases are present in Wellnhoferia and
The foot of Archaeopteryx is of the unspecialized aniso- absent in Archaeopteryx, unless the expanded ungual bases
dactyl type. The phalangeal formula is ----x in in the London specimen are seen as containing the flexor
Archaeopteryx and ----x in Wellnhoferia. Digit III is tubercles.
the longest, followed by digits IV, II, and I. The length ra-
tios of the pedal digits (in percentage of the combined Horny Sheaths
lengths of all four digits) are –///– in Archaeop- The horny claws of the hand and foot are similar (Peters and
teryx and /// in Wellnhoferia. In digit IV of Görgner, ). Each horny sheath has a thick dorsal rib,
Wellnhoferia but not Archaeopteryx, the ungual is the which forms a needle point at the tip of the claw, and very
longest of all phalanges. thin ventral (medial and lateral) eaves. The dorsal and ven-
In a single preserved foot of the London specimen, tral curvatures differ, but each is uniform both dorsally and
which is exposed in medial view, digit III covers digit IV ex- ventrally, without any threshold or abrupt tapering near the
cept for the ungual and a part of the penultimate phalanx, tip. The curvature of the horny sheaths alone is difficult to
making it impossible to count digit IV phalanges. However, measure because of poorly preserved proximal ends, and
there is no reason whatsoever to follow de Beer (b) in the published measurements of the combined curvature of
his expectation of an aberrant phalangeal formula in this the unguals and horny sheaths in their preserved positions
specimen (Ostrom, , ). Digit IV in the London as to a variable degree exaggerate the real curvature of the
well as other Archaeopteryx specimens is close in length to claws, because the horny claws slid away from the bases of
digit III and thus much longer than digit II (de Beer, b: their unguals and are more or less dislocated. Postmortem
Pl. II). In contrast, Wellnhoferia has digit IV close in length dislocations, so far noticed only in extreme cases such as
to digit II and much shorter than digit III, which is evidently that of the left third finger in the Eichstätt specimen (Peters
correlated with the reduced number of phalanges in this and Görgner, : Fig. B), explain striking inconsistencies
species. The foot of Wellnhoferia is, therefore, more sym- in the measurements of preserved curvatures between the
metrical, which suggests a more cursorial specialization specimens and between the left and right sides of the same
than in Archaeopteryx. specimen as obtained by Peters and Görgner (), as well
The hallux is opposable but slightly elevated, which as the unusual gaps between the bases of the unguals and
probably limited its grasping action (Bock and Miller, ). their horny sheaths (Peters and Görgner, ). The side
The basal phalanges tend to be flattened, and the distal walls (eaves), which in vivo covered and were supported by
pedal phalanges, including the unguals (Yalden, ), are the ungual and appear as thin double blades after their post-
mostly compressed laterally, although not as deep as the mortem separation, have been interpreted as preening de-
manual phalanges. Phalanges  and  of digit IV are flat, and vices (Wellnhofer, ).
phalanx  is proximally expanded into a lateral wing. The With seven thoroughly studied specimens, which con-
two phalanges seem to be connected by a nontrochlear, sistently show impressions of feathers and horny claws, the
little movable joint. absence of impressions of rhamphotheca or podotheca sug-

gests the absence of these structures in life. However, in rot-
ting birds the rhamphotheca commonly falls off sooner
than the claw sheaths, which, in conjunction with the likely
selective exposure of the jaws to preburial damage, leaves
marginal doubts about the in vivo absence of rham-
photheca in archaeopterygids.

Feathers, Wing, and Tail

The impressions of feathers associated with skeletal speci-
mens of archaeopterygids demonstrate that most of the
body, including the lower neck, wing, lower leg (but not tar-
sometatarsus), and tail, was covered by contour feathers
(Dames, ; de Beer, b; Heller, ; Stephan, ).
2 cm
None of the specimens shows any trace of feathers around
the head and upper neck, which may or may not be due to
preservation. The consistent evanescence of flight feather
quills in all specimens is generally attributed to the presence
of minor coverts, which did not leave identifiable impres-
sions. A preservational bias against small feathers may also
account for the conspicuous absence of semiplumaceous
feathers that are frequent in Cretaceous deposits (Elza-
nowski, ; Martill and Filgueira, ). In addition, the
dangling head and upper neck were exposed to damage
when dragged over the bottom before the carcass subsided.
The wing span is estimated as  cm for the Berlin spec-
imen, and the aspect ratio (of span to chord), as calculated
from data in Yalden (), is in the range of .–.. Yalden
() provided conservative estimates of  cm2 for the
single wing area, including the primaries and secondaries
2 cm
(i.e., distal to the humerus), and  cm2 as the total wing
area (two wings plus the area in between). The new re-
construction (Fig. .) suggests that the total wing area was Figure 6.5. A. siemensii, restorations by Jerzy Desselberger in
probably slightly higher, around  cm2. Both estimates flight (from below) and on the ground, the latter based on the
include a large part of the gap between the wing and the skeletal reconstruction in Figure .. The flight silhouette as-
body and thus could be too high. With the calculated body sumes that the gap between the forearm and the body was largely
mass of  g (see later), the minimum wing loading was filled out by the secondaries, as in the modern birds.
around . g/cm2. Shipman’s () estimates are based on
an inaccurate reconstruction of the wing.
The wing looks modern (Savile, ), but the arrange- Archaeopteryx (Speakman and Thomson, ; Norberg,
ment of feathers may prove substantially different from that ) essentially groundless. The proximal primaries and
in neornithines, as probably was their attachment to the the secondaries seem to be more symmetrical, and the
wing bones (Fig. .). There are  large primary flight feath- feather identified as the first primary in the London speci-
ers in the Berlin specimen, and a minute, most distal th men is symmetrical (de Beer, b). The rachises bear ven-
primary may also have been present (Heilmann, ; tral furrows extending over a half to three-fourths of their
Helms, ; Rietschel, b). The distal primaries have length. All the primaries of the London specimen and the
asymmetric vanes, probably as asymmetric as the isolated digital primaries of the Berlin specimen are curved back-
feather, but the exact asymmetry ratios cannot be deter- ward, as in neornithines, but the metacarpal primaries of
mined by direct measurements because the vanes are folded the Berlin specimen are turned forward, which is probably
ventrally and their margins broken off (Helms, ; a preservational artifact (Savile, ; R. A. Norberg, )
Rietschel, b). Since the inner vanes (which are wider caused by the bending of feathers against the bottom when
than the outer vanes) protruded ventrally, they were the carcass was subsiding. Rietschel (b) estimated the
probably more damaged than the outer vanes. This makes minimum lengths of the primaries in the Berlin specimen to
the controversy over the asymmetry of flight feathers in be  mm for the st (the most proximal),  mm for the


Figure 6.6. Forelimb and wing of A. siemensii.

rd,  mm for the th,  mm for the th,  mm for the plausible if flight feathers originated distally as steering
th,  mm for the th, and  mm for the th (the most dis- rather than lift-producing devices (Garner et al., ).
tal) but reconstructed the th through th primaries as sub- Rietschel’s (b) reconstruction misrepresents the propor-
stantially longer than his own estimates.Yalden’s (b, ) tions of the wing parts by showing the forearm and the set of
reconstruction of the wings assumes the inner – primaries secondaries to be at least . times longer than permitted by
to be shorter roughly by % than Rietschel’s estimates, but the wing skeleton. Unfortunately, this reconstruction was
their length probably cannot be exactly estimated because of used to draw sensational conclusions about the flight abili-
their preservation. Moreover, their clear-cut differentiation ties of Archaeopteryx in a popular book (Shipman, ).
from the secondaries in Rietschel’s reconstruction is entirely There is some evidence for the presence of all three tiers
hypothetical. The longest primaries in the London specimen of undercoverts (major, middle, and minor) in the London
are estimated to be more than  mm long (Savile, ). specimen (Heilmann, ; Helms, ), of the major
At least  secondaries were present (Stephan ), al- undercoverts in the Berlin specimen (de Beer, b), and of
though their exact number is of little importance, since it the minor undercoverts in the Third specimen (Heller, ,
varies within the species of extant birds and the demarca- ). The coverts of archaeopterygids may have been more
tion to the primaries is somewhat uncertain (Table .; see different from those of extant birds than it is generally as-
also de Beer, b). The secondaries show a backward cur- sumed, as they seem to be relatively longer than in extant
vature as in neornithines (R. A. Norberg, ). The long birds and more plumaceous in comparison with the flight
humerus and no evidence of the tertiaries (Stephan, ) feathers (Helms, ). Their preserved, strongly diagonal
suggest a gap between the body and the forearm, which is position with respect to the primaries has yet to be ex-

TABLE 6.3 the subsiding ooze and thereby imprinted itself on the lower
A comparison of the primary flight feather counts surface of the overlying sediment. When the feather decayed
in the Berlin and London specimens away, the overlying layer imprinted the impression of the
ventral surface onto the underlying layer of the former bot-
Berlin London tom sediment, thus forming a pseudomorphosis of the ven-
Heilmann Heinroth Savile de Beer tral wing surface on the lower slab. Apparently unaware of
the orientation of Archaeopteryx skeletons on the slabs,
1st secondary 10th (*) 1st secondary 1st secondary Davis and Briggs () assumed that the ventral surface of
1st 9th (*) 1st 1st the wing contacted the bottom sediment and invoked bac-
2nd : SS (R−) — — SS
terial lithification to explain the unlikely origin of detailed
3rd 8th (*) 2nd 2nd
feather impressions in a bottom sediment.
4th : SS (R+) 7th (*) — —
5th 6th (*) 3rd 3rd Helms () explained the shadow shafts as the impres-
6th : SS (R+) — — — sions made in the bottom sediment by the shafts that were
7th 5th (*) 4th 4th exposed on the dorsal surface of the wing but screened off
8th : SS (R+) 4th (*) — — from the ventral surface by other feathers. These (and pos-
9th 3rd (*) 5th 5th sibly other) impressions of the dorsal surface were subse-
10th 2nd (*) 6th SS quently in part stamped out and in part flattened when the
11th 1st (*) 7th 6th
pseudomorphosis of the ventral wing surface was pressed
12th — 8th —
over them by the overlying sediment. Rietschel (b) pro-
Sources: Berlin specimen: Heinroth, 1923; Heilmann, 1926; Savile, posed that the shadow shafts were not impressed in the bot-
1957. London specimen: de Beer, 1954b. tom sediments but molded by the sediment that precipi-
Note: The shadow shafts are (SS) counted as separate feathers tated between the feathers, that is, under the superficial layer
(Helms, 1982). The data are primarily for the left wing of the of feathers of the ventral wing surface. Whether the sedi-
Berlin specimen and exclusively for the right wing in the London
ment was pushed out or kept out, the shadow shafts are
specimen, in which the left wing remains to be studied in detail.
(R+), (R−) indicate the presence or absence of a shadow shaft or technically impressions of feather shafts hidden behind the
other evidence of a hidden feather in the right wing. (*) Presence ventral wing surface.
inferred rather than observed by Heinroth (1923), who saw a The preserved traces of flight feathers reveal substantial
growing feather in position 7 of the right wing. postmortem changes to the wing. The ventral furrows of the
shafts are exaggerated by sediment pressure. The original
overlap of the primaries, which in neornithines conceals the
plained. Overall, the fuzzy preservation of the coverts is in shafts on the ventral wing surface, was largely destroyed by
sharp contrast to the elaborate detail in Rietschel’s (b) pressing the wing into the sediment, which caused the vanes
reconstruction of the wing. to be folded or deflected to the ventral side. If the wing were
While the upper slab exposes the dorsal side of the skele- preserved intact, the shafts of all flight feathers should be
ton, the associated impressions of the wing feathers show preserved as shadow shafts. What remains to be resolved,
their ventral surfaces, as revealed by the presence of furrows however, is the question of why only even-numbered pri-
on the shafts and by each outer vane being overlapped by the maries are hidden in both wings of the Berlin and London
inner vane of a more distal flight feather. Only the feather specimens (Table .). This regularity is unlikely to result
identified as the first primary in the London specimen breaks from a haphazard disturbance by the sediment and suggests
this pattern and overlaps, instead of being overlapped by, its that the hidden feathers were situated and probably at-
distal neighbor (de Beer, b). The lower slab shows the im- tached more dorsally than the odd-numbered feathers,
pressions of the upper slab impressions, that is, pseudo- which leads to a question of where the two tiers of attach-
morphoses or natural casts. Superimposed on the complete ments were placed. Bohlin () proposed that only the
traces (impressions and pseudomorphoses) of feathers, even-numbered primaries formed a dorsal row and at-
which show the detail of shafts and vanes, are traces of shafts tached to digit II while the odd-numbered primaries
without the accompanying vanes, the shadow shafts. The formed a ventral row and attached to digit III. This proposal
shadow shafts are preserved as pseudomorphoses on the up- is consistent with the positioning of shadow shafts in rela-
per slab and as impressions on the lower slab, which is the re- tion to other primaries and the position of digit III on the
verse of the preservation of feathers with vanes. trailing edge of the wing, which is where the flight feathers
Helms () developed an ingenious model that ac- most probably originated. However, it is inconsistent with
counts for this peculiar preservation of wing feathers in the digit III being distinctly weaker than digit II. Another, never
Berlin specimen. After the carcass subsided upside down on addressed possibility is that the shadow shafts represent the
the bottom, the ventral surface of the wing was covered by major dorsal coverts.


None of the specimens shows the attachment of flight ornithines are also curved (R. A. Norberg, ), and the
feathers to the bones, which indicates that the minor under- terminal clip suggests the airflow along rather than across
coverts screened off the quills of flight feathers from the the vane (Griffiths, ). However, if it was a secondary, it
sediment (Dames, ; Heilmann, :; Heller, , would have come from an individual much smaller than
). The mode of attachment is unknown. There are no the Eichstätt specimen.
quill knobs on the ulna, but these are also absent in many There are contour feathers associated with the tibia in
modern flying birds (Edington and Miller, ), and their the Berlin and Third specimens (see also Rietschel, a:
absence does not necessarily imply a weak attachment of the Fig. ). In the Berlin specimen the lower leg feathers con-
secondaries (Yalden, ). However, the preservation of verge on the tibiotarsus and seem to form short feather
wing feathers, which stay together despite the disintegration breeches over the tarsometatarsus, as in some neornithines
of the hand skeleton in the London specimen (Yalden, ), (such as raptors). They are relatively long, averaging  mm
and the absence of wing-shaped caudal expansions of the in the second specimen (Dames, ).
manual phalanges with depressions for the accommodation The tail, as preserved in the London specimen, is long
of the calami (Stephan, ) suggest that the feathers were and distinctly truncated at the end, with only slightly
attached more weakly than in neornithines. In the Berlin rounded corners (de Beer, b: Pls. I and XIII). Each of the
and Third specimens, the st through th proximal primar- – pairs of symmetrical tail feathers (rectrices) appar-
ies are directed toward the metacarpals and the th through ently attached to a single vertebra, from the sixth caudal ver-
th distal primaries to the digital phalanges (Heinroth, tebra on (de Beer, b; Stephan, ). Counting from this
; Bohlin, ; Heller, , ; Rau, ; Helms, vertebra to the truncated end of the feathers, the tail is –
). The distal primaries most probably attached to the cm long in the London specimen (de Beer, b: Pl. I), ap-
flattened phalanges of digit II, and the only free part of this proximately  cm in the Berlin specimen (Dames, :
digit was probably its claw, unless the controversial th pri- Pl. ), approximately  cm in the Munich specimen (Welln-
mary attached to the ungual (Helms, ). There is no hofer, : Fig. ), and probably slightly less in the Eichstätt
evidence of a bastard wing (alula), which in neornithines at- specimen (the difference from the Munich is within the
taches to the first finger, but Rau () observed that margin of error). The tail reaches its maximum span of  cm
whatever feathers may have attached to the first finger, in the London,  cm in the second, . cm in the Munich,
they would be on the dorsal wing surface and thus probably and  cm in the Eichstätt specimen at the level of the last
would not be marked on the preserved impressions of the caudal vertebra (except for the Munich specimen, in which
ventral wing surface. the feathers seem to be displaced). Farther distally, the tail
In contrast to the feather impressions associated with gradually tapers to the terminal truncation (ca. . cm wide
the skeletons, the isolated feather attributed to Archaeop- in the London specimen). The tail area amounts to approx-
teryx (von Meyer, ; de Beer, b) is preserved as a car- imately  cm2 in the London specimen (de Beer, b: Pl.
bonized trace (Helms, ; Davis and Briggs, ; I),  cm2 in the Berlin specimen (Dames, : Pl. ), and
Griffiths, ), and its vanes show traces of barbules. The  cm2 in the Eichstätt specimen (Wellnhofer, : Pl. ).
calamus is poorly marked, and von Meyer () thought Yalden’s () estimate for the Berlin specimen proved to
it was soft. The trace of the calamus has become shortened, be too high (D.W. Yalden, pers. comm.).
apparently as a result of wear of the specimen since its dis- The shortest tail feathers (. cm in the Berlin,  cm in
covery: the feather was  mm long at von Meyer’s () the London specimen) are the proximal six pairs. Farther
time and now measures only  mm (Griffiths, ). It is distally the length rapidly increases. The longest feathers
– mm wide and strongly asymmetric: at % length (. cm in the Berlin, . in the London specimen) are at-
from its tip, its proximal vane is . times wider than the tached to the th through th caudal vertebrae. The feather
distal one, which falls in the lower range of birds using flap- length gradually decreases toward the end, and the terminal
ping flight (Speakman and Thomson, ). Von Meyer feathers are . cm long in the London specimen. As in ne-
() described the end of the vane as rounded, but upon ornithines, the tail feathers overlap. On the preserved ven-
closer examination it turned out to be clipped at the angle tral surface, the distal vane of each feather overlaps the fol-
of ° (Griffiths, ). The proximal end of the vane has lowing distal feather. The overlap is extensive between the
a tufted, downy appearance (Griffiths, ). The shaft is proximal rectrices and only marginal between the distal
distinctly curved backward. The asymmetry and curvature ones (Dames, ). De Beer (b) made reference to the
of the isolated feather suggest a remex (de Beer, b). It tail coverts in the London and Berlin specimens, but there
may represent a distal primary (Savile, ), since it is in- seems to be no evidence of them.
termediate in size between the th and th primaries as As in the wing, the nature of feather attachments in the
reconstructed by Rietschel (b). Alternatively, it may tail is unclear, since the quills do not contact the vertebrae.
possibly represent a secondary, since the secondaries of ne- Dames () explained the presence of a gap between the

quills and caudal vertebrae by the former presence of small Archaeopterygidae a broad sternum, twice as broad as it is
contour feathers, but this can be accounted for by the pres- long; caudal dorsal vertebrae with lateral excavations, often
ence of other structures, such as muscles and skin. In most referred to as pleurocoels (Britt et al., ); ilium with the
specimens, including the disarticulated London specimen, ventral process on the preacetabular part (as in the London
the tail feathers preserved their natural association with the specimen); and metatarsals that keep their individual
caudal vertebrae, which seems to indicate the firm attach- boundaries and yet seem to be tangentially co-ossified.
ment of feathers to the vertebrae (Gatesy and Dial, ). The Late Jurassic teeth from Guimarota, Portugal
However, in the Munich specimen the feathered tail seems to (Weigert, ), show only an overall similarity to archae-
be out of phase by three vertebrae: it starts at the level of the opterygid teeth but strongly differ in that they are pro-
ninth rather than the sixth caudal vertebra, and its widest nouncedly sigmoid in side view and have serrated carinae,
point is far behind the last vertebra (Wellnhofer, ). which are, curiously, deflected to the lingual side. While
there is a possibility that they are derived from an ar-
Phylogenetic Relationships chaeopterygid relative, their generic-level identification as
“cf. Archaeopteryx sp.” is unwarranted.
Archaeopterygidae is unquestionably a clade of birds by Archaeopterygids seem to have, in general, the most
virtue of having functional flight feathers and avian features primitive postcranial skeleton and thus to represent the most
in both the skull (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ) and basal lineage of all known unquestionably avian groups (see
postcraneum (Feduccia, ) (see also discussion of defi- Padian and Chiappe, , for a review of purported first
nitions of Aves and birds in Witmer, Chapter  in this vol- birds). Because of the paucity of autapomorphies (Gauthier,
ume). The reptilian relationships of Archaeopterygidae are ; Sereno, ), the archaeopterygid postcranial skeleton
the same as those of all birds (Gauthier, ; Clark, Norell, is intermediate between the archosaurian ancestors of birds
and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume). The osteology of and the most primitive of the Cretaceous birds including
Archaeopterygidae clearly supports a close relationship of Rahonavis (Forster et al., ), Confuciusornithidae (Chi-
theropods and birds, but not necessarily their current place- appe et al., ), Iberomesornis (Sereno, ; Sanz et al.,
ment within theropod phylogenies (as reviewed by Zweers Chapter  in this volume), and other enantiornithine birds
and Vanden Berge, ), in particular their repeatedly (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). Ar-
claimed closest relationship with Dromaeosauridae (Gau- chaeopterygids are more primitive than any of these birds in
thier, ; Chiappe, a; Padian and Chiappe, ). Cra- the structure of the thoracic girdle, with a platelike coracoid
nial comparisons suggest an even closer relationship to immovably sutured to the scapula. A possibility that the ar-
other theropod groups (Elzanowski, ), and both the chaeopterygids gave rise to all more advanced birds cannot
skull and thoracic girdle of archaeopterygids demonstrate a be ruled out, at least formally (Bonde, ).
considerable evolutionary distance from any of the well- A close relationship of archaeopterygids and Rahonavis,
known theropod taxa, which makes the homology of de- as suggested by one of the most parsimonious trees gener-
tailed dromaeosaurid similarities of pelvic and vertebral ated by Forster et al. (), is supported by proportions,
morphology highly suspect. A strongly retroverted pelvis in which have little weight, and two simple details, the caudal
dromaeosaurids (Norell and Makovicky, ) provides a projection of the pubic foot and the lack of a femoral neck,
case of convergence with ornithurine birds. which may be primitive for birds. Rahonavis is more ad-
Close archaeopterygid relatives are likely to be found in vanced toward neornithines than are archaeopterygids in at
the multitude of birdlike forms that have been recently least four characters (heterocoelous vertebrae, six sacrals,
identified as closest avian relatives. One candidate for a late movable coracoscapular articulation, and quill knobs).
survivor of the archaeopterygid lineage is Unenlagia Both archaeopterygids and Rahonavis are more primitive
(Forster et al., ), which has the archaeopterygid pelvis than the remaining birds in lacking a pygostyle.
and scapula. Unenlagia was described as nonavian (Novas However, the basal position of archaeopterygids may ne-
and Puerta, ) because of three characters, two of which cessitate several reversals in other, apparently more ad-
(extensive pubic apron and the distal cranioventral process vanced Mesozoic birds. The jugal process of the postorbital
of the ischium) are present in the archaeopterygids and the has an extensive contact with the jugal in Confuciusornis
third of which, hindlimb proportions, is irrelevant for es- (Peters and Ji, ; Chiappe et al., ; see also Zhou and
tablishing relationships between archaeopterygids and a Hou, Chapter  in this volume) and is relatively longer than
large (-m long) Late Cretaceous form. Another candidate that of Archaeopteryx and the El Montsec nestling LP--
is Protarchaeopteryx (Ji and Ji, ; Ji et al., ), which is IEI (Sanz et al., ). The mandibular ramus of both birds
larger than Wellnhoferia and was probably flightless (or and many nonavian theropods is fenestrate but solid in
nearly so), as its forelimb is % the length of the hindlimb Archaeopteryx. The prima facie derived absence of inter-
and the pelvis is very robust. Protarchaeopteryx shares with dental plates in the El Montsec nestling is ambiguous be-


cause such secondary ossifications may appear late in on- approximate volumes of body parts and the carcasses of
togeny. In addition, the fifth metatarsal of Confuciusornis is magpie (Pica pica) to estimate their specific masses.
relatively longer than that of archaeopterygids (Zhou, ). By calculating the least circumferences of Archaeopteryx
Martin () claimed that archaeopterygids are more femora from their least diameters and using these in the re-
closely related to the Enantiornithes than any other birds gression of the least circumference of the femur on body
because they share (a) the proximal coalescence of the mass in  nonpasserine families (Campbell and Marcus,
metatarsals and (b) fusions of thoracic vertebrae. Hou et al. ), body mass is here estimated as  g for the Eichstätt,
() redefined the first character as the proximal-to-  g for the Munich,  g for the Berlin, and  g for the
distal ontogenetic fusion of the metatarsus and added (c) a London specimen. The estimate for the Berlin specimen is
caudolateral condylar ridge on the distal end of the femur, essentially identical to that obtained experimentally by
(d) a craniomedially directed “scapular process,” and (e) the Yalden (). The maximum figure of  g assumed by
“anterodorsal” (= proximodorsal) ischiadic process. How- Hopson () for the London specimen is probably too low
ever, similarities (b) and (c) are nonexistent (thoracic ver- and thus the ensuing relative brain size estimate too high.
tebrae are not fused, and there is no ridge on the femur in Wellnhoferia was larger than the London specimen, but no
archaeopterygids), and similarities (d) and (e) are in all comparable estimate can be provided because the long
probability symplesiomorphic, as they are present in Ra- bones of the sixth specimen are crushed.
honavis and other primitive birds (Forster et al., ).
There is little evidence of the proximodistal progression of Thermoregulation—A long discussion of the metabolic
fusion of the metatarsus in the ontogeny of Archaeopteryx, rates and thermoregulation of dinosaurs ended in agnostic
and the proximal coalescence of the metatarsals is evident conclusions (Farlow et al., ), which were extended to
only in Wellnhoferia, which is clearly more cursorial than Archaeopteryx (Feduccia, ). However, the hard facts are
Archaeopteryx. The fusion of metatarsals is a common that archaeopterygids had at least a partial thermocoel and
locomotory adaptation, especially among bipeds. Whatever that a thermocoel (whether made of feathers or other in-
its extent in archaeopterygids, the proximal fusion of tegumentary structures) was present in the ancestors of
metatarsals among various taxa of primitive birds is a pri- birds as evidenced by its presence in Sinosauropteryx (Chen
ori at least as likely to be convergent or symplesiomorphic et al., ) and the therizinosauroid Beipiaosaurus (Xu et
as synapomorphic. It is present in an oviraptorosaur, al., ). Contrary to Ruben (), the presence of
Elmisaurus (Osmólska, ), and Avimimidae (Vickers- plumage or pelage is invariably correlated with and thus
Rich, Chiappe, and Kurzanov, Chapter  in this volume). provides evidence for some level of homeothermy in a fos-
sil terrestrial vertebrate even if some birds make use of ex-
Paleobiology ternal sources of heat and others manage to cool their bod-
ies in flight through evaporation. The insulating layer of
Although archaeopterygids certainly do not represent the contour feathers with partly plumaceous bases (Griffiths,
most primitive stage of avian evolution and their biology is ) over most of the body almost certainly ensured some
not necessarily representative of that of avian ancestors, measure of homeothermy (Regal, ), which makes some
they are likely to have retained some functional and eco- level of endothermy probable despite the relatively small
logical similarities to the avian ancestors because they are size of archaeopterygids. The second major piece of evi-
very primitive birds with a postcranial skeleton that is mor- dence in support of endothermy in archaeopterygids is the
phologically intermediate between nonavian theropods presence of an essentially modern avian brain that filled the
and more advanced birds. In addition, Archaeopteryx falls cranial cavity and needed a fairly constant temperature and
in the probable size range of avian ancestors. It is in con- circulation for functioning, since relative brain size is
sideration of the relatively short evolutionary distance to known to be dependent on metabolic rate (Armstrong and
the avian ancestors that the life of archaeopterygids has Bergeron, ).
been commonly categorized according to one’s views on the However, several lines of evidence indicate that ar-
origin birds. Such typological thinking commonly clashes chaeopterygids were poikilothermic and that their meta-
with reality, especially with regard to locomotion and habi- bolic rate was lower than in neornithines. The absence in ar-
tats of versatile animals of the size of Archaeopteryx (Regal, chaeopterygids of an extensive bony floor to the rib cage
; Rayner, ). (i.e., a hypertrophied sternum), or the ossified sternal
Body mass—For the Berlin specimen, Yalden () ar- ribs that would hold it, and, possibly, of uncinate processes
rived at the range of – g by using allometric extrap- (although they are also absent in today’s screamers—
olations from the lengths and diameters of avian and mam- Anhimidae), suggests a low efficiency or absence of the vol-
malian long bones, and he calculated  g using his ume control of the air sacs (primarily the thoracic sacs) and
rigorous reconstruction of Archaeopteryx to determine the thus a low efficiency or absence of the unidirectional flow

of respiratory air in the lungs (Randolph, ; Ruben et al., claws, and small size makes Archaeopteryx well adapted
). Even the hypothetical capability for active flight may for climbing. In the presence of swift predators (such as
not necessarily imply modern levels of endothermy if Compsognathus), the combination of ground foraging and
Archaeopteryx was able to sustain short (three-minute) inability to take off from the ground makes running to
bursts of active flight at the expense of anaerobic metabo- climb to the safety of heights the most probable escape
lism (Ruben, ). In addition, the bone microstructure in strategy (Fig. .).
other Mesozoic birds shows the presence of lines of arrested Archaeopteryx was capable of flight as evidenced by the
growth (Chinsamy, Chapter  in this volume), which point size and aerodynamic asymmetries of the forelimb feathers
to periodic metabolic slowdowns in the late growth phase (R. A. Norberg, , ; Feduccia, ) and their simi-
of primitive birds. Finally, it is far from clear how a semiarid larity to those of neornithines; the size and arrangement of
Jurassic ecosystem, based on the primary productivity of the tail feathers (Gatesy and Dial, ); and a combination
gymnosperms and a few pteridophytes, could have sus- of bipedalism and a long forelimb, which was as long as the
tained a viable population of modern endothermic preda- hindlimb. These adaptations certainly allowed Archaeop-
tors (Duncker, ; Farlow et al., ). The conflicting ev- teryx to glide once the body was set in motion by gravity
idence suggests that thermoregulation in archaeopterygids and/or a thrust provided by the extension of the legs. The
was intermediate between today’s poikilothermic and capability of Archaeopteryx for active (flapping) flight is
homeothermic vertebrates. Homeothermy is not an all-or- sometimes questioned (Bock, ; Vazquez, ), but the
nothing phenomenon, as demonstrated by considerable majority of experts concluded that Archaeopteryx used
temperature variation in some birds (such as kiwis) and flapping (Norberg, ; Rayner, ), albeit only weakly
mammals (such as monotremes). powered, that is, not sustained flight (Yalden, ; Speak-
man, ; Padian and Chiappe, ). The capability for
Locomotion and habitat—One of the outcomes of the flapping flight made Archaeopteryx largely independent of
Eichstätt Conference (Hecht et al., ) was the realization trees inasmuch as it could escape by using for takeoff only
that Archaeopteryx moved between the ground and the slightly elevated objects that by themselves were too low to
heights as “a bipedal cursor that was facultatively arboreal” offer protection against predators (Fig. .). The flight ca-
(Dodson, ). Consequently, even the proponents of the pabilities of Wellnhoferia remain to be assessed.
arboreal theory of the origin of bird flight admitted that Archaeopteryx appears to be equipped for relatively fast
Archaeopteryx spent some of its time on the ground (Bock, flight without sharp turns, which is simple aerodynamically
; Feduccia, ). Another corollary of the Eichstätt and can be effected by simple oscillation (raising and lower-
Conference was the refutation of the cursorial origin of ing) of the wings combined with sweeping movements of the
avian flight on aerodynamic grounds (U. M. Norberg, ; manus (i.e., flexion and extension in the plane of the wing).
Rayner a,b). This notwithstanding, the false belief that The minimum power speed (at which the least work has to
the theropod origin of birds implies the cursorial origin of be done) for a body mass of  g was estimated as . m/s
avian flight (Gauthier and Padian, ; Chiappe, b; Pa- (Yalden, b) and below . m/s by Rayner (b: Fig. );
dian and Chiappe, ) continues to inspire attempts to approximately  m/s appears to be a safe value for the Berlin
show that Archaeopteryx was purely cursorial and capable of specimen, which was probably heavier than  g. Yalden
a ground-up takeoff. All these attempts were unsuccessful (a) estimated the stalling speed below . m/s for a body
and prove the contrary (Elzanowski, b). mass of  g, and Padian () concurred. The wingbeat
There is a remarkable congruence of evidence from sev- frequency estimated for a wing span of  cm is .–.
eral locomotor adaptations and their universal biological strokes/sec− (Norberg, ) and thus may have been slightly
interdependencies that Archaeopteryx was a terrestrial for- higher in the Berlin specimen with its wing span of  cm. The
ager and escape climber (Fig. .). Because of the poor ma- downstroke was effected by the coracobrachialis and the pec-
neuverability of their wings and flight, Archaeopteryx was toralis muscles. The upstroke could have been effected auto-
unable to take off from the ground up (save for special cir- matically (Bock, ) or by the deltoideus muscle (Olson
cumstances that cannot be reliably assumed) and to pursue and Feduccia, ; Rayner, ). The supinatory rotation by
its prey in the branches and thus must have foraged on the the supracoracoideus muscle was apparently absent (Ostrom
ground. Terrestrial foraging is indicated independently by et al., ). The tail helped stabilize the body (Gatesy and
the proportions of both limbs. The combination of aspect Dial, ), especially its yaw (Norberg, ).
ratio and relative wing loading identifies Archaeopteryx as a Archaeopteryx was poorly adapted (if at all) for flight at
ground forager in open spaces (Norberg, ). The hind- low speeds. The wings, as well as the tail (Gatesy and Dial,
limb structure indicates that Archaeopteryx was a terrestrial, ), lacked the maneuverability used by neornithines for
but not a cursorial, forager. The combination of manirap- ground-up takeoffs, flight between obstacles (such as tree
toran hand, anisodactyl foot with laterally compressed branches), and landings. Such low-speed maneuvers neces-


Figure 6.7. The escape behavior of Archaeopteryx as reconstructed from the locomotor adaptations and universal functional inter-
dependencies (see text). The launching “perch” is assumed not to be predator-safe.

sitate controlled changes of the pitch of the entire wing rel- climbed a tree, archaeopterygids were capable of perching,
ative to the body, in particular the effective upstroke supina- as evidenced by their opposable hallux and laterally com-
tion (after the downstroke pronation) of the humerus (Os- pressed pedal claws (Yalden , ). The preservation of
trom et al., ) and flicking of the manus from the plane the right foot of the Munich specimen in a grasping posi-
of the wing toward the body in the upstroke to avoid exces- tion, with the claws of the hallux and fourth toe super-
sive drag (Rayner, ). Since a stalling speed of about  m/s imposed, supports this conclusion (Wellnhofer, ).
calculated for A. siemensii is by  m/s higher than its esti- Archaeopterygids were at ease on the ground, as demon-
mated running speed of  m/s, it could possibly take off strated by their strong legs with the tibia longer than the fe-
from the ground only by running into a wind (Rayner, ). mur; an unspecialized anisodactyl foot with trochlea III ex-
However, a strong head wind would obviously decrease the tending farther distally than trochleae II and IV; and a
maximum running speed, and Archaeopteryx lacked the slightly elevated, short hallux that did not interfere with ter-
maneuverability to control flight in a strong wind. Thus, it restrial locomotion. However, a full-length fibula and a pro-
could not live in wind-swept areas that would otherwise en- nounced asymmetry of the pes (Coombs, ), with digit
able them to take off whenever needed. In sum, even if it IV much longer than digit II, are incompatible with truly
mastered the use of rare special circumstances (such as an cursorial specialization, and the hindlimb, pelvis, and ver-
appropriate wind from an appropriate direction), in most tebral column (especially synsacrum) of modern ground
cases Archaeopteryx must have climbed in order to take off birds are much better adapted for cursorial locomotion
(Peters, ), and its flights may have ended with “sprawled than Archaeopteryx (Bock, ). Among birds of compara-
crash landings” (Yalden, b). ble size, Archaeopterygidae have intramembral hindlimb
Archaeopterygids are well adapted for climbing by a proportions that are nearly identical to those of some
combination of the maniraptoran hand, an unspecialized phasianid galliforms and tinamous (Gatesy and Middleton,
foot, laterally compressed claws with pointed tips, and small ; Elzanowski, in press), which are slow-paced to multi-
size, much smaller than that of nonavian maniraptorans. mode terrestrial foragers and run only in emergency, and
The forelimbs provided the upward propulsion, and their widely different from those of truly cursorial foragers, such
claws bear strong flexor tubercles, which provide leverage as roadrunners and some charadriiforms birds. Both the
for the flexors, and conform in shape with those of modern morphology and proportions of the hindlimb indicate that
tree and cliff climbers (Yalden, , ; Peters and Archaeopteryx was a slow-paced or multimode forager but
Görgner, ; Feduccia, ). The manual claws may have certainly could run in an emergency. The pes of Welln-
possibly had accessory functions such as preening, grasp- hoferia is more symmetrical, which may possibly suggest
ing, and fighting (Peters and Görgner, ). The hindlimb more cursorial habits.
must have supported the body against the trunk, although
the pedal claws are less curved than the manual claws Feeding and food—Archaeopterygid teeth indicate
(Yalden, ), which probably reflects an adaptive compro- broadly defined insectivory, that is, feeding on small ani-
mise between climbing and terrestrial locomotion. Having mals, primarily arthropods. Archaeopterygid teeth do not

seem adapted for either scavenging or crushing hard food pense of both energy (for climbing) and time (for waiting)
items, such as some beetles with highly mineralized exo- (Hedenström, ; Elzanowski, in press).
skeletons (Thulborn and Hamley, ). One can safely as-
Development and reproduction—As in other primitive
sume that relatively soft bodied arthropods made up at least
birds, the growth of archaeopterygids may have been bipha-
a substantial part of the diet of smaller individuals of Ar-
sic, at first fast and then slow and extended (Chinsamy,
chaeopteryx. Among the insects abundant in the Solnhofen
Chapter  in this volume). This opens up the possibility
assemblage, archaeopterygids almost certainly fed, at least
that the observed size and other differences between the
at some stage of their life cycle, on the locusts and cock-
specimens result from the differences in individual age.
roaches, which are not very fast and agile in flight and, un-
Houck et al. () followed this path and concluded that
like most beetles, have leathery cuticles. However, next to
the six then known specimens (including Wellnhoferia) be-
nothing is known about the local diversity of flightless ter-
long to a growth series of a single species, A. lithographica.
restrial arthropods, such as myriapods and arachnids,
However, this conclusion is based on a questionable inter-
which may have been fed on by archaeopterygids.
pretation of several osteological characters as being juve-
The diets of the animals represented by the Eichstätt and
nile, the use of partly inaccurate measurements, and the
London specimens may have differed considerably because
conservation of growth allometry among closely related
of at least a twofold difference in body mass. Baby individ-
species, which is not unusual.
uals must have fed exclusively on small, soft-bodied inver-
While different growth stages of the same species may
tebrates (mainly arthropods), whereas large individuals
possibly be represented by a pair or two among the known
probably had a broader dietary range. It is likely that small
specimens of Archaeopteryx (especially including the Eich-
vertebrates contributed to the diet of Wellnhoferia, which is
stätt and/or two fragmentary skeletons), the single growth
bigger and may have been better adapted for running than
series interpretation is untenable for all specimens or even
Archaeopteryx. The unique teeth of A. bavarica suggest a
for the set of five fairly complete specimens. First, despite
well-defined predatory adaptation, which has yet to be un-
great differences in size, there is not a single unequivocal
derstood. A combination of pointed tips and sharp rostral
age-related difference, especially in the texture and ossifica-
edges seems to be appropriate for simultaneous piercing
tion of single bones (Howgate, ) between the known
and cutting and thus propagating cracks in the arthropod
specimens. Second, some evidently size-independent dif-
ferences between the specimens demonstrate the presence
Archaeopterygids may have exploited the floor of arau-
of more than one species, making it extremely difficult to
caria groves, the shores of inland pools and streams inhab-
decide whether slight differences in the fusion of some
ited by numerous water insects, and beaches if they pro-
bones are age- or taxon-specific.
vided launching ramps for emergency takeoffs, but there is
The extant phylogenetic bracket (Witmer, ) of ar-
no evidence to postulate wading habits (contra Thulborn
chaeopterygids (i.e., birds and crocodiles) suggests that ar-
and Hamley, ), which, in addition, would be difficult to
chaeopterygids defended breeding territories, as probably
reconcile with the presence of feather breeches on the lower
did some dinosaurs (Coombs, ), and provided some
legs (Dyck, ). Archaeopterygids were clearly lacking the
care (at least protection) to their eggs and young. Brooding
flight maneuverability or any other adaptation for the pur-
behavior has been recently demonstrated in oviraptorids
suit of arboreal prey, and there is no evidence of any abun-
(Norell et al., ), which may be among the closest known
dant animal food that would be easily available for a clumsy
relatives of birds (Elzanowski, ). Because of limited fly-
flier on the scanty gymnosperm trees of Solnhofen.
ing ability, the feeding and breeding habitats of archae-
The combined evidence from morphology and environ-
opterygids must have been close to each other. Very little
ment suggests that Archaeopteryx may have used trees or
can be said about breeding habitat except that nesting in the
other elevated perches for taking off, especially to escape a
tree crowns seems unlikely because it requires behavioral
predator, and possibly for other purposes (e.g., for roosting)
adaptations of both parents and young that are probably
but foraged primarily or exclusively on the ground (Peters,
derived among neornithines.
) in a manner comparable to that of galliforms (Welln-
hofer, ). Wellnhoferia may have possibly been more
Garner et al. () proposed that birds evolved from
I thank P. Wellnhofer (Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläon-
predators that specialized in ambush from elevated sites
tologie und historische Geologie, Munich), H. Osmólska (Insti-
(“the pouncing proavis model”), which is in conflict with tute of Paleobiology, Warsaw), J. Desselberger (Warsaw), H.
ecomorphological evidence from Archaeopteryx and fails to James (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.), D. S. Peters
explain what a terrestrial avian ancestor would gain by be- (Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt), and D. W. Yalden
coming an ambush predator, given the considerable ex- (Victoria University, Manchester) for discussion; P. Wellnhofer,


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The Discovery and Study of Mesozoic Birds in China


The discovery and study of Mesozoic birds in Historical Review

China are relatively recent events, with the
first find reported only in  (Hou and Liu, The first discovered Mesozoic bird from China, Gansus
). Other areas, such as Spain and Ar- yumenensis, was collected by the late paleoichthyologist Liu
gentina, have also recently yielded important new discover- Zhichen from Early Cretaceous mudstone of Gansu
ies, but since  more Mesozoic birds have been unearthed Province, northwest China, in August . The material of
in China than anywhere else. The findings from China ex- this bird includes only a distal tibiotarsus articulated with a
cel not only in abundance, diversity, and completeness but complete tarsometatarsus and pedal phalanges. Associated
also in the controversies they have inspired. with this bird are abundant teleost fishes. Hou and Liu
The extensive distribution of continental Mesozoic de- () reported this finding and regarded it as ancestral to
posits is characteristic of the distinctive geological history shorebirds (i.e., Charadriiformes).
of China. Chinese continental Jurassic and Cretaceous se- The second Mesozoic bird from China came from the
quences are probably more complete than anywhere else. Early Cretaceous shale of the Jiufotang Formation. This
The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous sediments from which bird was discovered by a farmer and amateur fossil collec-
all the Chinese Mesozoic birds are found are all deposited in tor, Yuan Zhiyou, from an outcrop near his house in Liaon-
lacustrine environments (Hou et al., a). Diverse verte- ing Province, northeast China, in . The specimen is
brates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mam- nearly complete and is housed in the Beijing Natural His-
mals, have also been recovered from these deposits (Zhou, tory Museum. Sereno and Rao () described this mate-
; Jin et al., , a; Lu, ; Zhang et al., ; rial under the name Sinornis santensis (see also Sereno, Rao,
Wang et al., ; Hu et al., ; Chen et al., ; Ji et al., and Li, Chapter  in this volume) and placed it in a phylo-
; Xu et al., ). Many of the fishes (e.g., Lycoptera, genetic position between Archaeopteryx and all later birds.
Peipiaosteus) and reptiles (e.g., Psittacosaurus) are endemic Despite efforts to find more specimens of Sinornis from the
to the East and Central Asia region, although others may same site, none has yet been obtained, and the poor out-
have a wider distribution (Chen, ). crops prohibit further efficient excavation. Associated with
One long-standing geological problem has been the age Sinornis are abundant teleost fishes.
of these freshwater deposits (Wang, ; Swisher et al., Another important discovery of Mesozoic birds in China
). This is largely due to a lack of direct correlation with was made by the senior author in September  at the
corresponding marine deposits in Europe. Though some Boluochi site, in Liaoning Province. He recovered three par-
progress has been made in recent years through the study of tial skeletons at that time; two of them were subsequently
fossils from continental sediments interbedded with ma- named Cathayornis yandica (Zhou et al., ) and Bolu-
rine sedimentary layers, no consensus has been reached ochia zhengi (Zhou, a). The exposure (shales and mud-
among Chinese geologists. As a result, because of the com- stone) is also of the lacustrine Early Cretaceous Jiufotang
plex geological phenomena and insufficient dating infor- Formation. This site is only a few kilometers from the lo-
mation, we are presented with a situation of having discov- cality of Sinornis. Since its discovery, a number of produc-
ered very important fossils but with incomplete knowledge tive excavations on various scales have been made, yielding
of their precise geological age. nearly  more bird specimens. One of the most significant

results was the discovery of Chaoyangia beishanensis (Hou best of all known Chinese Early Cretaceous birds. The ma-
and Zhang, ), a bird of more modern appearance that terial has been carefully prepared from both sides, exposing
is clearly distinguishable from all other birds from the same a nearly three-dimensional skeleton.
site, birds that were subsequently referred to Enantior- The Early Cretaceous bird locality in Fenglin County,
nithes. The holotype of Chaoyangia was luckily saved by the Hebei Province, was discovered in  by farmers. At least
second author from the rock debris that was going to be three nearly complete and excellently preserved specimens
buried. This site has now proven to be one of the most pro- have been recovered. None of them has been described in
lific Early Cretaceous bird localities in the world. Associated detail. Together with the birds are abundant sturgeon fossils
with these birds are various teleosts, Peipiaosteus, Protopse- as well as teleosts (Jin et al., a). To our knowledge no ex-
phurus, and Sinamia (Zhou, ; Lu, ; Jin et al., b). tensive excavation has been made at this site, mainly be-
In November , paleomammologist Hu Yaoming and cause of the limited outcrop and the relatively low com-
the senior author were shown a new fossil bird by an ama- mercial value deriving from the fish and insect fossils. The
teur fossil collector, Zhang He, at his home in Jinzhou, age of these fossil-bearing lacustrine deposits is also con-
Liaoning Province. Zhang had bought this specimen in a lo- troversial. According to some geologists (Wang Shien and
cal fossil and antique market. This fossil later became the Jin Fan, pers. comm.) the strata could be Late Jurassic or the
holotype of Confuciusornis sanctus (Hou et al., b,c). In lowest part of the Early Cretaceous.
December , the senior author was notified by a farmer, Two Early Cretaceous sites from Shandong Province and
Yang Yushan, of a bird with feathers attached to the leg Ningxia Autonomous Region yielded feather impressions.
bones, which turned out to be another specimen of Confu- The site in Shandong Province was found by Zhang Jun-
ciusornis. These two specimens came from the same local- feng, a paleoentomologist from the Shandong Museum, in
ity of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous lacustrine Yixian . The feathers were collected from the lacustrine shale
Formation in Beipiao, Liaoning Province (Hou et al., c). associated with teleosts and abundant insects. Though
Since then, several hundred specimens of Confuciusornis tremendous efforts were made by Zhang and us after the
have been recovered from virtually one locality of the Yix- feather was discovered, no avian skeletal fossils have been
ian Formation at Sihetun (Chiappe et al., ). Owing to collected from this site. The site in Ningxia was discovered
the richness of this fossil locality and the commercial value by the senior author when he was collecting teleosts with his
of these excellently preserved fossils (insects, fishes, and colleague Zhang Jiangyong, a paleoichthyologist. The de-
birds), this region produced an unusually large number of posits are hard black lacustrine shale. Because of extremely
specimens. Associated with Confuciusornis are abundant difficult transportation and excavation conditions, the fea-
plants, insects, conchostracheans, ostracods, fishes (includ- sibility of further collection is doubtful.
ing Peipiaosteus and Lycoptera), amphibians, various rep- Since preparation of this chapter, which summarizes the
tiles (turtles, lizards, theropod dinosaurs, etc.), and sym- Mesozoic record of Chinese birds available up to the late
metrodontan mammals (Hu et al., ). In , another s, many other Early Cretaceous birds have been found
equally important avian find was discovered at Sihetun. in China. Although some of them have already been pre-
This bird, named Liaoningornis longidigitris (Hou et al., liminarily described (e.g., Changchengornis hengdaoziensis
; Hou, a), is based on a nearly complete pelvic limb [Ji et al., ], Eoenantiornis buhleri [Hou et al., ], Pro-
and a keeled sternum. In , a larger feathered animal topteryx fengningensis [Zhang and Zhou, ], Longipteryx
from the same site was briefly described by Ji Qiang and Ji chaoyangensis [Zhang et al., ], Yanornis martini and
Shuan (). They named this animal Protarchaeopteryx Yixianornis grabaui [Zhou and Zhang, ]), limitations in
robusta and suggested a close relationship with Archaeop- time prevented their inclusion in this review—the reader is
teryx. Subsequent research on this and other feathered spec- referred to the original literature cited earlier. At least  un-
imens from the Yixian Formation has suggested that some questionable genera of birds have been described from the
of these specimens may not be birds but feathered theropod Early Cretaceous of China,  of which are enantiornithine
dinosaurs (Xu et al., a,b, ; Zhou and Wang, birds (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). They
a,b). The compsognathid theropod Sinosauropteryx are Sinornis, Cathayornis, Boluochia, Otogornis, Eoenantior-
primawas also collected from this site (Ji and Ji, ; Chen nis, Protopteryx, and Longipteryx. The enantiornithine
et al., ). birds are dominant not only in diversity but also in the
Another important Early Cretaceous bird was discov- absolute number of specimens known from Early Creta-
ered in Otoge of Inner Mongolia by the Sino-Canadian di- ceous deposits in China. Furthermore, some of the un-
nosaur expedition in . Although it was first misidenti- described birds from Hebei and Liaoning Provinces may
fied as a pterosaur, it was described as an enantiornithine also be enantiornithines.
bird by Dong () and named Otogornis genghisi by Hou In summary, discoveries of Late Jurassic–Early Creta-
(). Though incomplete, the preservation is one of the ceous birds in China have been overwhelming in recent


Figure 7.1. The distribution of some of the most important Mesozoic birds in China.

years (Fig. .). Though most of them have been named, of Mongolia. Recent Ar-Ar dating of the Sihetun basalts by
many have yet to be described in detail. Many of the speci- a joint Canadian-Chinese team indicated an even younger
mens are not yet properly prepared. All Mesozoic bird fos- date (Smith et al., ). This team proposed an age of about
sils in China were recovered from lacustrine deposits (shale  million years for the Yixian Formation. Although the va-
or mudstone), and their preservation is highly variable. lidity of these dates depend on whether it can be demon-
Most birds were found with abundant fishes, invertebrates, strated that the samples used are nonintrusive (intrusion is
and plants. common in the area), comparable ages were obtained by
Most of the sites are believed to be Early Cretaceous, Swisher et al. (), who dated the tuffaceous sediments.
though there is disagreement on their precise age. The Although the age of the Yixian Formation is still controver-
sites that produced Confuciusornis, Liaoningornis, and Prot- sial, cumulative evidence is leaning more toward an Early
archaeopteryx are regarded by some geologists as Late Cretaceous age.
Jurassic, largely based on the K-Ar and Rb-Sr dating (Wang Finally, we should point out that, although trading and
and Diao, ); this age is supported by conchostracheans exporting of important fossil vertebrates are forbidden by
and bivalves (Chen, ; Wang, ). Other geologists Chinese law, hundreds of specimens of Confuciusornis and
proposed an Early Cretaceous age (Pu and Wu, ; Li et other birds from the Yixian Formation in Liaoning Province
al., ) for these sites. Their conclusions were drawn have been smuggled out of China in recent years. The up-
mainly from the study of pollen, ostracods, and plants as side is that many excellently preserved birds and other im-
well as from the occurrence of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus, portant vertebrates have been discovered at an unprece-
which is otherwise known only from Early Cretaceous rocks dented rate. The downside is that the locality where these


birds came from has suffered an unbridled exploitation in of minor digit short. Ungual phalanges large and curved in
an unscientific way. Much stratigraphic information unfor- alular and minor digits but small in major digit. Major digit
tunately has been lost during the excavation and smuggling and minor digit of nearly equal length. Ischium with a high,
process. Many specimens have been artistically assembled strutlike proximodorsal process. Fibula about three-fourths
and coupled with faked feathers and bones. Worse, most of as long as tibiotarsus. Metatarsal V about one-third the
these illegally exported specimens went to private collec- length of metatarsal III.
tions with no assured access by the scientific community. At
Enantiornithes Walker, 
the Fourth International Meeting of the Society of Avian
Boluochia Zhou, 
Paleontology and Evolution (SAPE) in Washington, D.C., in
B. zhengi Zhou, 
, the participants signed a letter to Professor Zhou
Guangzhao, then president of the Chinese Academy of Sci- Holotype—A pair of nearly complete pelvic limbs, a py-
ences, appealing to the Chinese government for more effec- gostyle, incomplete skull, sternum, vertebrae, and pelvic
tive efforts to protect the Confuciusornis locality, arguably girdle. IVPP V, Beijing.
one of the most important paleontological localities in the Locality and horizon—Xidagou, Boluochi, Chaoyang,
world. Fortunately, this locality is now largely under scien- Liaoning Province, northeast China; Jiufotang Formation
tific control. (Early Cretaceous).
Diagnosis—Teeth absent on premaxilla but present on
Systematic Paleontology dentary. Premaxilla hook-shaped. Sternum caudally notched
Taxonomic Hierarchy with a low keel distributed caudally. Pygostyle longer than
tarsometatarsus. Pubis retroverted and strongly curved.
Aves Linnaeus, 
Intercondylar groove narrow at the distal tibiotarsus. Medial
Confuciusornithidae Hou et al., 
condyle of tibiotarsus nearly as wide as lateral condyle, and
Confuciusornis Hou et al., 
cranial margin of the medial condyle flat in distal view.
C. sanctus Hou et al., 
Metatarsals II–IV of nearly equal length. Trochlea of
Holotype—Skull, humerus, ulna, radius, and manus. In- metatarsal II wider than those of metatarsals III and IV.
stitute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology Trochlea of metatarsals II–IV on approximately the same
(IVPP) V, Beijing. plane. Pedal claws long and curved.
Referred specimens—IVPP V, –, and
Cathayornithidae Zhou et al., 
many other specimens housed in various Chinese and for-
eign institutions (see Chiappe et al., ). Diagnosis—Teeth on premaxilla inclined cranially. Den-
Locality and horizon—Huanghuagou and Sihetun, tary about half the length of skull. Presence of elongate me-
Shangyuan, Beipiao, Liaoning Province, northeast China; dian groove on dorsal major and minor metacarpals. First
Yixian Formation (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous). phalanx of alular digit extremely slender. Pubis slender and
curved. Pubic foot small, triangular, and pointed dorsally.
Diagnosis—Teeth totally lost. Presence of horny beak.
Ischium thin, distally pointed, and curved dorsally. Trochlea
Postorbital robust, Y-shaped, and in contact with jugal
of metatarsal II slightly higher than that of III but slightly
bone and squamosal. Orbit large. Dorsal process of maxilla
lower than that of IV. Presence of a triangular dorsal ridge
and nasal separating naris and small antorbital fenestra.
at the proximal half of pygostyle.
Quadratojugal Y-shaped, with slender ascending process.
Quadrate high with no orbital process developed. Dentary Sinornis Sereno and Rao, 
branched caudally. Presence of a large rostral mandibular S. santensis Sereno and Rao, 
fenestra and a small, rounded caudal mandibular fenestra. Holotype—A nearly complete individual. Beijing Natural
Centrum of dorsal vertebrae with deep lateral depressions. History Museum (BPV) A (part) and B (counterpart).
Synsacrum composed of seven vertebrae. Pygostyle com-
posed of eight or nine vertebrae. Sternum without keel. Locality and horizon—Huanghuagou, Shengli, Chao-
Gastralia present. Coracoid short and fused with scapula. yang, Liaoning Province, northeast China; Jiufotang For-
Furcula robust, lacking hypocleideum. Humerus large at the mation (Early Cretaceous).
proximal end with a developed deltopectoral crest and an Diagnosis—Slightly smaller than Cathayornis. Pygo-
elliptical fenestra or depression. Humerus slightly longer style short (pygostyle . of femoral length). Wing claws
than ulna. Semilunate bone fused with major metacarpal. on alular and major digits of equal length. Phalanx of
Ulnare slender. Major and minor metacarpals of nearly minor digit curved and long relative to Cathayornis.
equal length. Minor metacarpal reduced and narrow prox- Antitrochanter present. Ulnare heart-shaped with a small
imally. Manual phalangeal formula ---x-x. First phalanx metacarpal incision.


Cathayornis Zhou et al.,  Holotype—Pelvis, femora, tibiotarsus, vertebrae, and
C. yandica Zhou et al.,  ribs with uncinate processes. V (IVPP), Beijing.
Holotype—A nearly complete individual. VA, B Referred specimens—IVPP V, V (this speci-
(part and counterpart) (IVPP), Beijing. men has also been used as holotype of Songlingornis
Referred specimens—IVPP V, . linghensis [Hou, b], also from the Jiufotang Formation
of Boluochi).
Locality and horizon—Xidagou, Boluochi, Chaoyang,
Liaoning Province, northeast China; Jiufotang Formation Locality and horizon—Xidagou, Boluochi, Chaoyang,
(Early Cretaceous). Liaoning Province, northeast China; Jiufotang Formation
(Early Cretaceous).
Diagnosis—Humerus nearly as long as ulna. Wing claw
on alular digit slightly longer than on major digit. Phalanx Diagnosis—Teeth present on premaxilla and dentary.
of minor digit expanded at proximal end and about half as Sternum elongated, with a keel extending along its full
long as first phalanx of major digit. Antitrochanter absent. length. Craniolateral process, costal process, and deep facet
Acetabular foramen craniodorsally bordered by a high for articulation with coracoid developed on sternum. A pair
ridge. Ulnare with a large, shallow metacarpal incision. of small medial fenestra and short, expanded lateral trabec-
Sereno, Rao, and Li (Chapter  in this volume) argue for the ula present caudally on sternum. Coracoid with procora-
synonymy of C. yandica and S. santensis. coidal process and deep, round scapular facets developed.
Furcula U-shaped with hypocleideum lacking. Synsacrum
Otogornis Hou,  composed of more than eight vertebrae. Uncinate processes
O. genghisi Hou,  on ribs long and slender and ventrally distributed. Caudal
Holotype—A pair of scapulae and coracoids, forelimb, process of ilium slightly rounded. Pubic symphysis about
and feather impression. V (IVPP), Beijing. one-third as long as pubis. Crest of trochanter high on fe-
mur. Cnemial crest present on proximal tibiotarsus. Tarso-
Locality and horizon—Chaibu-Sumi, Otog-qi,Yikezhao- metatarsus partially fused distally. External rim of trochlea
meng, Inner Mongolia, China; Yijingholuo Formation of pedal digit IV well developed. Ungual phalanx of digit I
(Early Cretaceous). smaller than others of the foot.
Diagnosis—Ulna about % as long as humerus. Ulna
Gansus Hou and Liu, 
nearly twice as wide as radius. Medial margin of scapula
G. yumenensis Hou and Liu, 
straight. Coracoid with a long neck. Kurochkin () sup-
ported a close relationship between Otogornis and Ambior- Holotype—Distal tibiotarsus, complete left tarso-
tus dementjevi from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia, plac- metatarsus and foot. IVPP V, Beijing.
ing both of them within palaeognaths. Locality and horizon—Shenjiawan, Changma, Yumen,
Ornithurae Haeckel,  Gansu Province, northwest China; Xiagou Formation
Liaoningornis Hou,  (Early Cretaceous).
L. longidigitris Hou,  Diagnosis—Lateral condyle of tibiotarsus larger than
Holotype—incomplete right forelimb, sternum, cora- medial condyle. Trochlea of metatarsal II remarkably higher
coid, complete right hindlimb, left tarsometatarsus, and and projected more plantarly than those of metatarsals III
pedal phalanges. IVPP V, Beijing. and IV. Tarsometatarsus nearly completely fused. Pedal digit
IV longer than III, and both longer than tarsometatarsus.
Locality and horizon—Sihetun, Shangyuan, Beipiao,
Pedal phalanges long with ungual phalanges relatively
Liaoning Province, northeast China; Yixian Formation
short. Ungual phalanges slightly curved. Extensor tubercles
(Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous).
on ungual phalanges well developed.
Diagnosis—Smaller than Cathayornis. Sternum elon-
gated with a keel extending along its full length. Cranio-
lateral process of sternum long. Xiphoid end of sternum ex- Anatomy
panded laterally. Sternum broad cranially and progressively C. sanctus
narrow caudally, with a pair of large deep notches on both
A detailed description of this bird, based on specimens of
sides. Tarsometatarsus short and about half as long as tibio-
the National Geological Museum of China (Beijing) and of
tarsus. Tarsometatarsus fused at both ends but not along
several institutions outside China, was given by Chiappe et
majority of shaft. Claws curved.
al. (). The present description is based on specimens
Chaoyangia Hou and Zhang,  housed at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Pa-
C. beishanensis Hou and Zhang,  leoanthropology (Beijing).


Skull. Confuciusornis lacks teeth but has a horny bill transverse processes of the vertebrae become longer and
(Figs. ., .A). Nasal processes of the premaxillae are long more robust caudally. The pygostyle is composed of eight or
and meet nearly along their full length. The nasal forms a nine fused vertebrae. In adult specimens, the pygostyle is so
rounded caudal margin of the narial opening. The orbit is well fused that the sutures between vertebrae are hardly ob-
large. The frontal is domed. The lacrimal is large and C- servable. The pygostyle has a long, high lamina with a long
shaped. The postorbital bone is robust and Y-shaped. Ven- base. It also has a long transverse ridge (Fig. .D). There are
trally, the postorbital is in broad contact with the jugal bone. about  pairs of gastralia caudal to the sternum.
Caudodorsally, it articulates with the squamosal, and both
of them form a complete ventral bar for the upper tempo- Thoracic Girdle. The thoracic girdle is relatively primi-
ral fenestra. Rostrodorsally, it overlaps the frontal and tive. The furcula is similar to that of Archaeopteryx. It is ro-
defines the caudal margin of the orbit. The jugal bone lacks bust and nearly U-shaped; it has no hypocleideum (Fig.
a dorsal process, a process that is characteristic of most di- .C). The furcula has a pair of facets for articulation with
apsid archosaurs and articulates with the postorbital. The the acromion of the scapula. The scapula and the coracoid
jugal bifurcates caudally into the postorbital process and seem to be fused with each other. The angle between the
quadratojugal process. This resembles Archaeopteryx scapula and coracoid is about °. The scapula is much
(Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ). The jugal bone overlaps longer than the coracoid. The scapular blade is rodlike. The
the maxilla rostrally. The maxilla has a pointed dorsal coracoid is probably different from that of other birds in
process that contacts the nasal and forms a septum between that it has a very expanded proximal end. The glenoid facet
the narial opening and a small triangular antorbital fenes- for the articulation of the humerus faces dorsolaterally. The
tra. The quadratojugal is similar to that of Archaeopteryx. It sternum (Fig. .B) is flat and longitudinally short, and its
is Y-shaped and has a long slender ascending process. It is main body is nearly round, a condition similar to that of
not clear how this bone articulated with the quadrate. The Cathayornis, Concornis, and ratites (Zhou, c). Confu-
quadrate also is similar to that of Archaeopteryx. It is high ciusornis also has caudal notches on the sternum, a signifi-
and single-headed and lacks the orbital process. The den- cant difference from that of Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer,
tary is forked caudally into dorsal and ventral branches. The ). The keel is absent.
ventral branch extends caudally nearly to the end of the
lower jaw. There is a large rostral mandibular fenestra and Thoracic Limb. The humerus has an extraordinarily ex-
a small, rounded caudal mandibular fenestra in the lower panded proximal end with a rounded proximal margin. It
jaw. The splenial resembles that of a chicken. has a large deltopectoral crest and a unique ellipsoid fenes-
tra or depression (Figs. .F, .). The capital incision is shal-
Vertebral Column. There are about eight cervical verte- low. The humerus is slightly longer than the ulna and the ra-
brae. The thoracic vertebrae bear a high spinal crest; the dius, which is primitive, as in Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer,
centra are pleurocoelous with deep excavations on both ; Zhou, b). The ulna is significantly wider than the
sides. None of the ribs have uncinate processes. The syn- radius. The semilunate carpal is centered on and exclusively
sacrum is well fused and composed of seven vertebrae. The fused with the major metacarpal. The ulnare is slender and
rodlike and does not conform to the V shape typically seen
in neornithines. The metacarpal incision of the ulnare is
shallower than in both Cathayornis and Sinornis. The radi-
ale is about as large as the ulnare. There is an additional
small carpal bone lying proximal to the minor metacarpal,
as in Archaeopteryx. The major and minor metacarpals are
fused proximally, although the suture between them can be
recognized. The major metacarpal is more robust than the
minor metacarpal. The minor metacarpal is curved and
narrow throughout the proximal half, a feature that is un-
known in other birds. The major metacarpal extends past
the minor metacarpal distally in contrast to the condition
in enantiornithines. The alular metacarpal is short and ro-
bust. The number of digits of the hand of Confuciusornis is
unreduced. The phalangeal formula is ---x-x. The major
digit is the most robust among the three of the hand. The
Figure 7.2. Skull of C. sanctus, part of the holotype from Liao- first phalanx of the major digit is the most robust and has a
ning, northeast China. IVPP Collection V . curved, caudally expanded margin. The second phalanx of


Figure 7.3. C. sanctus. Recon-
struction of the skull in right lat-
eral view (A), sternum in ventral
view (B), furcula in ventral view
(C), pygostyle in lateral view (D),
pelvis in right lateral view (E), left
thoracic limb in ventral view
(F), and left foot in dorsal view (G).
Abbreviations: a, angular; alc,
alular carpal; ar, articular; dc, dis-
tal carpal; dn, dentary; fr, frontal;
hum, humerus; ju, jugal; la,
lachrymal; mac, major metacarpal;
mic, minor metacarpal; mx, max-
illa; na, nasal; pa, parietal; pm,
premaxilla; po, postorbital; q,
quadrate; qj, quadratojugal; r,
radius, ra, radiale; sa, surangular;
sl, semilunate bone; sp, splenial;
sq, squamosal; u, ulna; ul, ulnare.

the major digit is also curved and with a convex caudal mar- Pelvic Girdle. The pelvis is primitive in retaining a pu-
gin. The first phalanx of the minor digit is significantly bic foot, which is attached to its mate medially but prob-
shorter than the others. The first phalanx of the alular digit ably not fused (Fig. .E). The pubis is remarkably retro-
is long and robust compared with those of Cathayornis and verted, similar to the condition in Cathayornis. The is-
Sinornis. Another distinctive character of Confuciusornis is chium is robust and about half as long as the pubis. It has
that the ungual phalanges on the alular and major digits are a dorsal process that contacts the ilium nearly at its caudal
usually extremely large, sharp, and strongly curved, while end. The ilium is blade-shaped and tapers caudally. The il-
the one on the minor digit is significantly smaller. This ium is similar to those of Archaeopteryx and enanti-
probably indicates that the major digit was exclusively used ornithines in that the ilium cranial to the acetabulum is
for flight while the other two digits were still important for large and expanded whereas the ilium caudal to the acetab-
climbing. ulum is short and reduced.


Figure 7.4. Thoracic limb of C. sanctus, part of the holotype from Liaoning, northeast China. IVPP Collec-
tion V .

Pelvic Limb. The femur is slightly curved and is slightly because of sexual dimorphism. Those with a pair of long tail
shorter than the humerus. The tibiotarsus is slender and feathers are probably males. Most of the specimens do not
straight. The fibula does not extend to the distal end of the have long paired tail feathers and probably are females.
tibiotarsus and becomes significantly reduced distally. The
tarsometatarsus is relatively short and fused only proxi- Enantiornithes
mally. Metatarsal V (Fig. .G) is present and is about one- A detailed description of Sinornis is provided by Sereno,
third the length of metatarsal III. It is relatively short in Rao, and Li (Chapter  in this volume); again, they regarded
Archaeopteryx, where it is about one-fourth as long as Cathayornis as synonymous with Sinornis, but we prefer to
metatarsal III (Zhou, b). The first metatarsal articulates retain them, at least provisionally, as separate taxa, partly
with the second at a higher position than in Sinornis or because they come from different localities.
Cathayornis. Metatarsals II–IV are similar in width. The
trochlea of metatarsal II is higher than that of metatarsal IV, Cathayornis. Cathayornis may be the only indisputably
and the trochlea of metatarsal III is the lowest. The pha- Early Cretaceous bird that is represented by more than a
langes and claws are typical of perching birds (Fig. .), dozen individuals, many of which are preserved as nearly
though the position of the hallux is not. complete skeletons (Figs. .–.). Like nearly all known Early
Cretaceous birds, Cathayornis is smaller than Archaeopteryx.
Feathers. Finally, many feathers have been excellently
preserved. The flight feathers are highly asymmetrical. No Skull. The skull is similar to that of Archaeopteryx in that
alula or bastard wing has been recognized. It was probably it retains teeth in the premaxilla, maxilla, and dentary. Four
not developed in Confuciusornis considering that abundant teeth are on the premaxilla, and they incline slightly ros-
specimens with delicate preservation of feathers have been trally. The teeth closely resemble those of Ichthyornis (Mar-
discovered and that the alular digit is unreduced with a large tin and Zhou, ). The premaxillae are fused rostrally.
and curved claw. Tail feathers vary significantly, probably The nasal process of the premaxilla is dorsoventrally com-


Figure 7.5. C. yandica, an Early Cretaceous enan-
tiornithine bird. Upper: holotype, IVPP Collection
V ; Lower: tarsometatarsus and toes. IVPP Col-
lection V . Scale bar =  cm.

pressed, especially at the caudal end. The nasals meet in the tween these two conditions (Zhou, c). The thoracic ver-
midline along their full length and are primitive in having tebrae have well-developed pleurocoels. The parapophysis
a very short maxillary process. In dorsal view, a depression is positioned in the middle of each centrum. The synsacrum
is present between the rostral parts of the two nasals. We is composed of eight vertebrae. The transverse processes of
suggest that cranial kinesis (e.g., rhynchokinesis) was pres- the last three vertebrae are more robust and longer than
ent in Cathayornis. The frontal is large, the parietal small. those of the rest of the synsacrum; the transverse processes
It is unclear whether the postorbital is present. The dentary of the last two vertebrae are united distally (Fig. .). There
is about half as long as the skull. The splenial is triangular are probably fewer than eight caudal vertebrae. The pygo-
(Fig. .). style is long, with a long, low lamina. Uncinate processes
and gastralia are absent.
Vertebral Column. The number of cervical vertebrae in
Cathayornis is uncertain, but probably there were no more Thoracic Girdle. The thoracic girdle is more advanced
than . Cervical centra are neither amphicoelous nor het- than those of Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis. Among the
erocoelous and probably represent a transitional form be- derived characters in this structure, many are also charac-


Figure 7.6. C. yandica. Line drawing of the holotype. Abbreviations: alp, first phalanx of alular digit; cav, caudal vertebra; cev, cervi-
cal vertebra; dcor, distal coracoid; dv, dorsal vertebra; fem, femur; fib, fibula; il, ilium; ju, jugal bar; lt, lateral trabecula of sternum;
map, first phalanx of major digit; map, second phalanx of major digit; mip, phalanx of minor digit; pcor, proximal coracoid; pu,
pubis; puf, pubic foot; py, pygostyle; rb, rib; sca, scapula; ste, sternum; sys, synsacrum; tib, tibiotarsus; tmt, tarsometatarsus; others as
in Figure .. Scale refers to Figure ..

teristic of other enantiornithine birds (Chiappe and Walker, The sternum has two pairs of caudal notches and a pair
Chapter  in this volume). The furcula is peculiar in pos- of long, slender lateral trabeculae with expanded triangular
sessing a V-shaped main body that contains a small U- distal extremities (Fig. .D). Lateral trabeculae are parallel
shaped base near the symphysis of the two clavicles (Fig. to the keel. A pair of intermediate trabeculae are present and
.C). It also has a distinct, long, and slender hypocleideum. are short. The sternum has a pair of rounded cranial mar-
Obviously, the furcula was laterally compressible during gins instead of facets for the articulation of the coracoid.
flight, though the degree of movement may be limited com- The keel is low and restricted to the caudal portion of the
pared with ornithurine birds (Jenkins et al., ). The sternum. The keel has V-shaped cranial extensions that
scapula has a straplike blade with a straight lateral margin. form low ridges (Fig. .D). The sternum is primitive in re-
The articulating facet for the humerus faces dorsolaterally. taining a rounded main body, somewhat similar to those of
The coracoid is strutlike but lacks a procoracoid process. It ratite birds. The dorsal side of the sternum is concave.
bears a protruding process instead of a cotyla for articula-
tion with the scapula (Fig. .A). The dorsal side of the cora- Thoracic Limb. The thoracic limb is basically avian,
coid is concave, especially near the sternal end. The sternal though many of the features (e.g., carpometacarpus not
half of the coracoid has a thin and convex lateral margin fused completely, retention of claws) are still primitive
(Figs. .A, B). compared with extant birds. The humerus is twisted and


1 cm

4 cm
Figure 7.7. C. yandica. Recon-
struction of the right coracoid in
dorsal view (A), left coracoid in 1 cm
ventral view (B), furcula in ventral
view (C), sternum in ventral view
(D), right humerus in ventral (E)

nearly as long as the ulna. The bicipital crest is bulbous feature initially developed in Archaeopteryx (Zhou and
(Fig. .F). The ventral tuberculum is well developed. The Martin, ). The first phalanx of the alular digit is short
dorsal tuberculum is not developed. The capital incision and very slender. The first phalanx of the major digit is
is wide and deep (Fig. .E). Distally, the tricipital groove craniocaudally expanded, especially distally. The second
is present, the flexor process is slender, the dorsal condyle is phalanx of the major digit is shorter and more slender
developed, and the ventral condyle is small. The dorsal epi- than the first phalanx. There is only one phalanx left on the
condyle is well developed, whereas the ventral epicondyle minor digit. It is short, expanded proximally, and closely
is not. attached to the first phalanx of the major digit (Figs. .,
The radius is about two-thirds as wide as the ulna (Figs. .). Ungual phalanges remain on both alular and major
., .). The ulna is curved, especially at the proximal end. digits even though they are small. This also occurs in
The caudal papillae for remiges are absent. The olecranon is Sinornis (Sereno and Rao, ). The ungual phalanx on
low. The distal end of the ulna is nearly as wide as the mid- the alular digit is slightly longer than that on the major
shaft. The dorsal condyle is semilunate in shape, whereas the digit.
ventral condyle is not well developed. At the distal end of
the ulna there is a longitudinal groove on the dorsal side. Pelvic Girdle. The pubis of Cathayornis is slender, curved,
The radius is straight and slightly expanded at its proximal and remarkably retroverted (Fig. .H). Two pubic feet are
end. The bicipital tuberculum is slightly developed. united but not fused. The foot is small, triangular, and
The manus is shorter than the ulna. The ulnare has a dorsally pointed as in Sinornis. The ischium has a distinct
wide and shallow metacarpal incision. The radiale is proximodorsal process extending toward the ilium. The
smaller than the ulnare and is nearly square. The carpo- ischium forms a thin blade and tapers caudally with the
metacarpus is fused only at the proximal end (Fig. .G), caudal end curved dorsally. The cranial portion of the ilium
and the carpal trochlea is well developed and ball-shaped. is significantly larger than the postacetabular process, which
The extensor process is absent. The minor metacarpal ex- tapers toward the caudal end. The three pelvic bones are not
tends distally past the major one, as is typical of enantior- fused to each other. An antitrochanter is not present, and
nithine birds. The minor metacarpal is curved and extends the acetabular foramen is craniodorsally bordered by a
farther ventrally at the proximal end. This is a typical avian semicircular high ridge.


Pelvic Limb. The femur lacks the well-developed tro- trochanter is relatively well developed with a convex lateral
chanter that is present in neornithines. The tibiotarsus is margin. The tibiotarsus lacks a cnemial crest. Distally, the
long. A cnemial crest and supratendinal bridge are lacking tibiotarsus has a narrow intercondylar fossa. The medial
on the tibiotarsus. The intercondylar incision is narrow, and condyle is only slightly wider than the lateral one, probably
the medial condyle is large. The fibula is reduced and short. suggesting a more primitive condition than in advanced
The tarsometatarsus is fused only proximally. The fifth enantiornithine birds (Zhou, a). The cranial margin of
metatarsal is lost. Metatarsal I is slender and J-shaped. The the medial condyle appears fairly flat in distal view, which is
articulation of metatarsal I with metatarsal II is relatively characteristic of enantiornithine birds. The tarsometatarsus
lower (i.e., more distal) than in Liaoningornis and Confu- is fused only proximally. Metatarsal II is relatively straight.
ciusornis. Metatarsal IV is slender. The number of distal Metatarsal IV is slightly curved and narrower, and the mid-
tarsals fused into the tarsometatarsus is uncertain. The shaft is mediolaterally compressed and strongly constricted.
trochlea of metatarsal II is slightly higher than that of III but Metatarsal I is J-shaped and articulates with metatarsal II at
slightly lower than that of IV. The pedal phalanges are typ- a low position. The three trochlea of digits II–IV are nearly
ical of perching birds, with sharp and strongly curved claws. equal in height. The trochlea of digit II is slightly wider than
that of digit III, and both are much wider than that of digit
Boluochia. Boluochia (Zhou, a) is an enanti- IV. The structures of the three trochlea are all simple, with
ornithine bird that differs remarkably from Sinornis and no significant caudal projections. They lie nearly in the
Cathayornis. Like other Early Cretaceous enantiornithines, same plane. The ungual phalanges are longer than other
it is small (Fig. .). phalanges, and the horny claws are strongly curved and
sharply pointed distally.
Skull. Teeth are absent from the premaxilla, which is
strongly curved with a convex cranial margin, probably in- Otogornis. Otogornis is another enantiornithine bird
dicating the presence of a hooked beak (Fig. .). The nasal from the Early Cretaceous of China (Dong, ; Hou,
process of the premaxilla is straight, slender, and slightly ). Although only the pectoral girdle and forelimbs are
dorsoventrally compressed. There is a concave dorsal sur- preserved, they are represented by three-dimensional bones
face between the nasal process and the cranial portion of the prepared from both sides of the specimen.
premaxilla. The premaxilla has a maxillary process that ta-
pers caudally. The dentary is incomplete, with a single tooth Thoracic Girdle. The scapula and coracoid are articulated
preserved. The tooth is conical, and the crown has a con- with each other at an angle less than °. The scapula is ba-
stricted base. sically rod-shaped with a straight medial margin. The artic-
ulating facet for the humerus is large and elliptical and faces
Vertebral Column. The free caudal vertebrae have a dorsolaterally (Figs. ., .). The coracoid is long and
simple structure. The pygostyle is well fused and longer strutlike. It has a long and slender neck. The sternal part of
than the tarsometatarsus. It has a long, low lamina. the coracoid has a convex lateral margin and a concave dor-
sal surface. The acrocoracoidal process is cone-shaped. The
Sternum. The sternum is incomplete. The low keel is re- procoracoidal process is absent, as in other enantiornithines.
stricted to the caudal portion, and marked caudal notches
are recognizable. A pair of lateral trabeculae are slender and Thoracic Limb. The humerus has an internally slanting
parallel to each other. head and a flat deltoid crest. The ventral tubercle is well de-
veloped. The capital incision is deep and large. The distal end
Pelvic Girdle. The pubis is articulated with the ischium at of the humerus is flattened and extends dorsally. Both ven-
the proximal end. It is slender, retroverted, and strongly tral and dorsal condyles are small. The bicipital crest is bul-
curved. The pubic foot is small, triangular, and dorsally bous. The ulna is about % as long as the humerus. It is
pointed. The ischium is long and blade-shaped and tapers nearly twice as wide as the radius. The carpometacarpus is
distally. There is a proximodorsal process near the proximal not well preserved, and one wing claw, probably belonging
end on the ischium, as in Cathayornis, Sinornis, and Confu- to the alular digit, is as small as in Cathayornis and Sinornis.
ciusornis. The ilium caudal to the acetabulum is reduced as
in other enantiornithine birds (Fig. .). Ornithurae
Liaoningornis. Liaoningornis is a small bird and the old-
Pelvic Limb. The pelvic limb of Boluochia is nearly com- est known ornithurine (Hou et al., ).
pletely preserved. Many of the features are distinctive from
those of other known enantiornithine birds. The head of the Thoracic Girdle. The coracoid is not completely pre-
femur is rounded and well developed, and the great served. The sternal end is extended medially. The lateral mar-


and dorsal (F) views, carpometacarpus in ventral view (G), and pelvis in lateral view (H). A–F same

gin is slightly concave at the sternal end. The lateral process Thoracic Limb. The humerus is twisted. The ulna is curved
of the coracoid is weakly developed. The sternum is long and about twice as wide as the radius. The radius is straight.
and has a keel that extends nearly to the front of the ster-
num (Fig. .). Coracoidal sulci are present on the sternum. Pelvic Girdle. The distal pubis is preserved with a small
A pair of craniolateral processes are long and well devel- pubic foot. The bone initially described by Hou (a) as
oped. The sternum is broad cranially and narrows caudally, the scapula may be another incomplete pubis.
where it forms a pair of large lateral notches. The xiphoid
end of the sternum is expanded laterally, and the sternal Pelvic Limb. The femur is long and slender. The greater
notch is indented. trochanter is well developed. The fibula is reduced. The tar-


Thoracic Girdle. The thoracic girdle is generally modern
in appearance (Fig. .). The coracoid has a deep, round
scapular cotyla and a procoracoidal process. The furcula is
U-shaped and lacks a hypocleideum. The sternum is elon-
gated, with a keel extending its full length. The craniolateral
process, costal process, and deep facet for articulation with
the coracoid are well developed on the sternum. A pair of
small medial fenestrae and short, laterally expanded trabec-
ulae are present caudally on the sternum.

Pelvic Girdle. It is uncertain whether the ilium, ischium,

and pubis were fused with each other. The pubis is retro-
verted, and the pubic symphysis is about one-third as long as
the pubis. The ischium has a dorsal expansion in the middle
part. This expansion differs from the strutlike proximodorsal
process found in enantiornithines and Confuciusornis. The
pubes are expanded and united distally. The ilium caudal to
the acetabulum is reduced, and the ilium cranial to the ace-
tabulum is large and slightly rounded cranially.

Pelvic Limb. The crest of the greater trochanter is high

and well developed on the femur. The tibiotarsus is not
completely known, but the cnemial crest seems to be pres-
ent. The proximal tarsometatarsus is not preserved, but the
distal end is partly fused, although the rest of the preserved
three main metatarsals are not. Metatarsal I is long and J-
Figure 7.8. B. zhengi, an Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird
shaped. The trochlea of digit II is slightly higher than that
from Liaoning, China. Holotype, IVPP Collection V . Scale
bar =  cm. of digit IV, and both of them are higher than that of digit
Figure 7.9. B. zhengi. Line drawing of the holotype. Abbrevia- III. The trochlea of digit II and III are about the same width,
tions: dn, dentary; fem(l), left femur; fem(r), right femur; il, il- and they are slightly wider than that of digit IV. The exter-
ium; isc, ischium; ke, keel; lt, lateral traberculum of sternum; pm, nal rim of the trochlea of digit IV is well developed and ex-
tends plantarly. Ungual phalanges are slightly curved. The
ungual phalanx on digit I is relative small.

sometatarsus is short and broad; it is about half as long as the Gansus. The only known specimen of Gansus includes
tibiotarsus. It appears to be fused at both ends but remains only a complete left tarsometatarsus and phalanges as well
unfused along most of its shaft. Metatarsal I is long and J- as a distal tibiotarsus articulated with the tarsometatarsus
shaped. Its articulation with metatarsal II is relatively high. (Fig. .).
The ungual phalanges are sharp and strongly curved.
Pelvic Limb. The supratendinal bridge is absent. The lat-
Chaoyangia. Chaoyangia is another small ornithurine eral condyle of the tibiotarsus is significantly larger than
bird. It is slightly larger than Liaoningornis, which was col- the medial condyle. The intercondylar fossa is shallow and
lected from a lower horizon. somewhat V-shaped. The tarsometatarsus is completely
fused. The trochlea of digit II is remarkably higher than
Skull. The skull bones are poorly known. The premaxilla those of digits III and IV. The phalangeal formula of this
and dentary are toothed. Teeth are typical of those found in bird is ----x. The phalanges are slender and elongated.
other toothed birds; they are conical and constricted at the The fourth digit is the longest of the four. Both the third
base of the crown. and fourth digits are longer than the tarsometatarsus. The
ungual phalanges are relatively short and slightly curved.
Vertebral Column. The synsacrum is composed of more The ungual phalanges, especially those of the second and
than eight vertebrae. Uncinate processes on the ribs are long fourth digits, are distinctive in possessing well-developed
and slender and ventrally distributed (Figs. ., .). extensor tubercles.


premaxilla; pu, pubis; pu?, pu-
bis?; py, pygostyle; sys, syn-

sacrum; tib(l), left tibiotarsus; tib(r), right tibiotarsus; I, II, and IV, metatarsals I, II, and IV. Scale bar refers to
Figure ..


The postorbital was still present in the skull, and it has a
wide contact with the jugal bone, which is unknown in
other birds (Sanz et al., ). The jugal bifurcates caudally
into postorbital and quadratojugal processes; in this it re-
sembles Archaeopteryx. The postorbital and squamosal are
in contact and complete the ventral bar of the supratempo-
ral opening (Fig. .A). The quadratojugal is similar to that
of Archaeopteryx; it is unfused with the jugal bone and has
an ascending process. The sternum is short and lacks a ca-
rina (Fig. .B). The scapula and coracoid are fused, a more
primitive condition than in other birds. The scapular blade
is rodlike. The furcula is robust and probably laterally in-
compressible. Gastralia are present, as in Archaeopteryx, but
probably not in any of the other known birds (see also
Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume). The wing has
unreduced phalanges and claws (Fig. .F). The ischium
is robust. The fifth metatarsal is present (Fig. .G). Nearly
all these characters are more primitive than in enanti-
ornithines or ornithurines from the Early Cretaceous.
Liaoningornis, which is from the same site and horizon as
Confuciusornis, has a significantly different appearance. It is
much smaller than Confuciusornis. The sternum is elongated,
with a modern articulation with the coracoid. It also has a
pair of craniolateral processes such as are usually seen in ne-
ornithines. A keel is well developed and, more important, ex-
Figure 7.10. O. genghisi, an Early Cretaceous enanti- tends along the full length of the sternum, which indicates a
ornithine bird from Inner Mongolia, northern China. Holotype,
powerful capacity for flight (Fig. .). The ulna is nearly
IVPP Collection
V .
twice as wide as the radius, providing a firm attachment for
secondary flight feathers. The tarsometatarsus is short and
fused at both ends, indicating improved perching capacity.
Another bird that was also collected from the Yixian For-
Evidence of the Earliest Diversification of Birds mation is probably the oldest known enantiornithine. This
bird is toothed and is different from both Confuciusornis
Chinese Mesozoic birds provide evidence for at least two and Liaoningornis, indicating the presence of a remarkable
steps in early avian evolution. The first is represented by the diversification of birds at this early stage.
Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Confuciusornis and Liao- By the Early Cretaceous birds began to diversify over all
ningornis and one undescribed genus from the Yixian For- the continents. Enantiornithine birds were probably the
mation. The second is represented by the indisputably Early most important group of birds at that time (Walker, ;
Cretaceous birds Gansus, Chaoyangia, Sinornis, Cathay- Martin, , ; Chiappe, , ; Hou et al., ; Chi-
ornis, Otogornis, and Boluochia from the Jiufotang Forma- appe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). They were
tion and other formations of similar age. Evidence of a re- dominant not only in number but also in diversity. For in-
markable diversification of birds has been found in both of stance, among a total of  specimens collected from Bolu-
these stages. ochi, an Early Cretaceous site in Chaoyang, Liaoning
Confuciusornis is probably the next most basal bird after Province, only  can be referred to the ornithurine bird
Archaeopteryx (Protarchaeopteryx, Caudipteryx, and Sino- Chaoyangia. All but one of the other specimens belong to
sauropteryx are discussed later in this chapter; see also either Cathayornis or Boluochia, both of which are enanti-
Witmer, Chapter  in this volume), even though Confuciu- ornithine birds. Chaoyangia and Gansus are the only two or-
sornis is also specialized in many aspects and had lost its nithurine birds known from the Early Cretaceous of China,
teeth in favor of a horny beak (for discussion of the avian but five taxa have been recognized as belonging to the Enan-
status of Mononykus and other alvarezsaurids, see Zhou, tiornithes (Cathayornis, Sinornis, Boluochia, Otogornis, and
d; Feduccia, ; Chiappe et al., ; Chiappe, Norell, one unnamed genus).
and Clark, Chapter  in this volume; Novas and Pol, Chap- Significant diversification also exists among these enanti-
ter  in this volume). It is also close to Archaeopteryx in size. ornithines. Cathayornis has a half-ring-shaped process


Figure 7.11. O. genghisi. Line drawing of the holotype. Abbre- huh, humeral head; hum, humerus; mac, major metacarpal; mic,
viations: bic, bicipital crest; co, coracoid; dpc, minor metacarpal; ole, olecranon; olf, olecranon fossa; rad, ra-
deltopectoral crest; fea, feathers; haf, humeral articular facet; dius; sc, scapula; snf, supra-
coracoid nerve foramen; uln, ulna; vtu, ventral tubercle.

bordering the craniodorsal margin of the acetabulum. The The bones of the pelvic girdle are unfused. The tarso-
ulnare has a wide metacarpal incision. Sinornis has a rela- metatarsus is fused only proximally, though in the Late
tively short pygostyle, a well-developed antitrochanter, and Cretaceous enantiornithine, Avisaurus gloriae, the tarso-
a heart-shaped ulnare with a small metacarpal incision. metatarsus has a distal fusion (Varricchio and Chiappe,
Boluochia has a long pygostyle and lacks teeth on the ).
hooked premaxilla. Trochlea of metatarsals II–IV are nearly In the ornithurine bird Chaoyangia, the thoracic girdle
of equal length. Otogornis has a relatively long ulna and ra- is basically of modern avian appearance. The sternum is
dius compared with the humerus. Its ulna is nearly twice as typical of that of modern volant birds. The sternum is long,
wide as the radius. The undescribed genus is similar to with a pair of coracoidal facets. The keel is deep and ex-
Cathayornis but has a more primitive sternum and cora- tends along the full length of the sternum (Figs. .–.).
coids and retains three wing claws. Both the craniolateral process and costal process of the
These enantiornithine birds were probably capable of sternum are well developed. The coracoid has a well-
sustained flight. However, the sternum is relatively short, developed procoracoidal process as well as a deep, round
and the keel is low and restricted to the caudal part of the scapular cotyla. Distally, the coracoid has a well-developed
sternum. There probably were no uncinate processes. The lateral process. Uncinate processes are developed on the
pectoral girdle is primitive compared with that of ne- ribs. A cnemial crest is present on the tibiotarsus. The
ornithines. The coracoid lacks the procoracoidal process. tarsometatarsus is partially fused distally. None of these



Early Evolution of Body Size and Flight

The discovery of abundant and diverse Mesozoic birds in
China also provides clues for exploring the correlation be-
tween body size and flight in the early evolution of birds.
Size is a characteristic that influences almost all functional
processes (Peters, ). It is interesting to note that the two
most primitive birds known (Archaeopteryx and Confuciu-
sornis) are close in size. The primitive nature of their ster-
num, thoracic girdle, and wing demonstrates that neither
structure could enable sustained, powerful flight. Both of
these birds have strongly curved and well-developed pedal
claws. These most likely were used for perching, although
the equally developed and curved wing claws might have
been adapted to climbing trees (Zhou and Hou, ). We
have no idea how big the immediate ancestor of birds could
have been. However, it seems reasonable to believe that it
was larger than the earliest known birds because it would
probably have been more efficient to reduce its size to get
Figure 7.12. L. longidigitris. Line drawing of the holotype (IVPP off the ground whether it initially took off from the ground
V). Abbreviations: cor, coracoid; fem, femur; fib, fibula; or jumped from trees. Therefore, we suppose that with the
hum, humerus; ke, keel; pu, pubis; pu?, pubis?; r, radius; rb, rib;
development of the initial flight capacity the oldest known
birds had probably already achieved smaller size compared
with their immediate ancestors .
The ornithurine bird Liaoningornis is contemporaneous
features is present in enantiornithines of the same age. with Confuciusornis. This bird is, however, much smaller
They also indicate a significantly improved flight capabil- than Confuciusornis (Fig. .). Liaoningornis possessed an
ity. In Gansus, the tarsometatarsus is nearly completely improved flight capacity, as is indicated by features such as
fused, a condition unknown in contemporaneous enan- a keeled sternum. The small size of Liaoningornis is prob-
tiornithine birds. Ungual phalanges are equipped with dis- ably the earliest known fossil evidence for the coevolution
tinctive extensor tubercles that may further indicate water of improved flight capacity and reduced body size (Zhou
adaptation. Gansus is probably the oldest bird known to and Hou, ). One negative impact that accompanied the
have aquatic adaptations. reduction of body size is the requirement of relatively more
Chaoyangia probably is closely related to the ornithurine energy for the maintenance of body temperature. The
bird Ambiortus from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia study of fossil plants indicates that from the Late Jurassic
(Kurochkin, ). This relationship is supported by simi- to Early Cretaceous, the dominant climate in northeastern
larities in the structure of the coracoid, furcula (Kurochkin, China was temperate to subtropical. This environment and
pers. comm.), and sternum. These birds are members of the the abundance of food, including flowering plants, pro-
endemic Jehol Fauna, which is distributed only in East and vided the necessary conditions for the transition from large
Central Asia from the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. and primitive birds to small and more powerful volant
According to Kurochkin (pers. comm.), some enanti- birds.
ornithines have also been found from the Early Cretaceous In the Early Cretaceous, nearly all birds, including the
of Mongolia that are similar to Cathayornis. enantiornithines and ornithurines, became relatively small
In summary, the major diversification of birds in the compared with Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis (Zhou
Late Jurassic–Cretaceous or Early Cretaceous of China is and Hou, ). This is most likely correlated with the im-
crucial to our understanding of avian evolution and un- provement of flight capacity in both these groups. This is
expected only a decade ago. It underscores the complexity evidenced by the findings from China and supported by fos-
of the early evolution of birds, and it may further indicate sil birds from Mongolia, Australia, and Spain (Kurochkin,
that Archaeopteryx is only one side branch of early avian ; Molnar, ; Sanz et al., , , ; Sanz and
evolution. Such early avian diversity suggests that bird ori- Bonaparte, ; Sanz and Buscalioni, ; see also Sanz et
gin occurred earlier than the Late Jurassic. al., Chapter  in this volume).


ste, sternum; tib, tibiotarsus; tmt, tarsometatar-
sus; u, ulna; I–IV, metatarsals I–IV.
Figure 7.13. C. beishanensis, an Early Creta-
ceous ornithurine bird form the Early Creta-
ceous of Liaoning, China. Holotype, IVPP Col-
lection V .
Figure 7.14. C. beishanensis. Line drawing of
the holotype. Abbreviations: cn, cnemial crest;

As the flight mechanism became well established and this increase of body size, but probably all these birds, ex-
the modern breathing system evolved, the selection for cept those that secondarily became flightless, were better
small size was no longer a factor affecting the evolution of fliers than their ancestors.
early birds. The Early Cretaceous ornithurine Chaoyangia It seems that reduction of body size played an important
is actually slightly larger than Liaoningornis and Cathay- role in the early stages of avian evolution. The enhancement
ornis (Figs. ., ., .). Chaoyangia has a thoracic girdle of flight capability was accompanied by the reduction of
of modern appearance. The sternum is long and broad so body size, at least in the very early stages of avian history.
that it could act as a pump for the air sacs. A modern The relatively large sizes of Archaeopteryx and Confucius-
avian-style lung, permitting a high rate of oxygen con- ornis probably can be regarded as one of the primitive char-
sumption during flight, probably already existed (Hou et acters of birds. The selection for large size in volant birds
al., ). Uncinate processes and hinged ribs as well as an would probably have been impossible if the power of flight
expansive sternum maintained a proper ventilatory air- was still in its initial stages.
flow, as in the neornithine lung (Ruben et al., ). The
procoracoidal process of the coracoid is essential for the Early Ecological Differentiation
formation of the triosseal canal, through which the supra- It is notable that all the oldest known birds—Archaeop-
coracoidal tendon passes to elevate the wing (Fig. .). By teryx, Confuciusornis, and Liaoningornis—have often been
the Late Cretaceous, a variety of birds, including the or- interpreted as perching birds (Feduccia, , ; Hou et
nithurines Ichthyornis and Hesperornis and a variety of al., c, ; but see Chiappe, ; Hopson, ). All
enantiornithines, had achieved large size (Martin, ; these birds are characterized by sharp and strongly curved
Chiappe, ). There are many reasons that can explain pedal claws. Digit I is opposed to the rest of the pedal dig-


its, indicating grasping capability. Archaeopteryx is most mation. Many people have been able to look at the putative
likely the oldest known side branch of avian evolution. Re- feathers, and no consensus yet exists on their identity. Some
gardless of how and why birds first left the ground, the in- have flatly dismissed their identity as feathers, interpreting
novation of perching, combined with the power of flight these structures as collagenous fibers underneath the skin
in these early birds, provided them with a better means of (Geist et al., ; Martin and Ruben, pers. comm.). Others
escape and avoidance from the attack of terrestrial preda- argued that they are integumentary structures rather than
tors. Among these potential predators were mammals, internal fibers and agreed that they are not modern feath-
lizards, amphibians, and dinosaurs. In addition, food re- ers. They suggest that these structures indicate an evolu-
sources available to these birds increased with the ex- tionary stage prior to the origin of modern feathers (Gib-
tended scope of activity. The discovery of abundant fossil bons, ; Padian, ; Chen et al., ; Unwin, ; Xu
plants (including trees and seeds) associated with early et al., ). Branching of the filaments was reported as ev-
Chinese birds provides another clue to the whole story of idence of further similarity to feathers (Unwin, ).
the early evolution of flight and perching. It should be We have examined most of the specimens of Sinosaur-
pointed out that the perching capability of both Confu- opteryx. Although few conclusions can be drawn from
ciusornis and Liaoningornis was limited compared with known evidence, we would like to provide a summary of the
those of many neornithines. The articulation of metatarsal controversies and our opinions. () We believe that whether
I with metatarsal II in these two birds is as high as in the featherlike filaments are internal or external structures
Archaeopteryx. is still an unsettled question. Unless we can provide con-
In the Early Cretaceous, enantiornithine birds inherited vincing evidence that they are skin or integumentary struc-
and perfected the perching capability of their ancestors. In tures, it is probably premature to discuss their significance
these birds, metatarsal I articulates at the distal end of with regard to the origin of feathers or flight. () The fila-
metatarsal II (Sereno and Rao, ). The hooked beak, ments are mostly distributed along the dorsal midline of the
strongly curved pedal claws, and relatively wide trochlea of body as well as the ventral midline of the tail. Although du-
digit II in Boluochia are probably indicative of the raptorial bious evidence of the distribution of the filaments on the
nature of Boluochia. It may also have had a more powerful other parts of the body has been reported, we are not con-
perching capacity than Cathayornis and other early enanti- vinced that these structures are as extensively present as has
ornithines. Among the ornithurine birds, Chaoyangia pos- been suggested (Chen et al., ). () As Chen et al. ()
sessed a much more sophisticated power of flight and could correctly pointed out, the filaments were so delicate and
probably have spent more time on the ground with little piled up that a single one has not been isolated for exami-
risk. It has relatively short pedal claws and long pelvic nation. This fact alone raises the question of how a branch-
limbs. This bird probably lived near the shores of lakes, ing featherlike structure could be positively distinguished
thus avoiding the competition from the then dominant from complex overlapping of filaments. We have seen more
enantiornithine birds. Gansus is another ornithurine bird than one example of “branching” appearance but failed to
that was found in northwestern China. This bird had a confirm any actual branching.
well-fused tarsometatarsus, reduced pedal claws, and re- Protarchaeopteryx is another animal recently reported
markably elongated phalanges. The claws (especially those from the Yixian Formation (Ji and Ji, ). Feathers were
on the second and fourth digits) had well-developed ex- preserved with the skeleton. It is larger than both Archaeop-
tensor tubercles. The elongate phalanges offer evidence of teryx and Confuciusornis. Protarchaeopteryx was referred by
aquatic adaptation (Fig. .). We believe Gansus represents its authors to the Archaeopterygidae based on some shared
the oldest bird known that was specifically well adapted to primitive characters. Although the avian status of this ani-
life in or around water. mal was later rejected (Ji et al., ), Protarchaeopteryx does
seem to possess several avian characteristics: retroverted
Comments on Sinosauropteryx, pubis with a pubic foot similar to that of Confuciusornis; op-
Protarchaeopteryx, and Caudipteryx posing hallux of the foot; reduced fibula; ulna remarkably
wider than the radius; major metacarpal and digit more ro-
Sinosauropteryx was initially described as a primitive bird bust than the other two; and, most important, the presence
linking dinosaurs and later birds (Ji and Ji, ). The main of real feathers. Protarchaeopteryx was reported to have
reason this fossil was referred to as a bird is that it was as- about  caudal vertebrae (Ji and Ji, ). This cannot be
serted to have possessed the most primitive feathers, even confirmed from its published figure. The humerus is longer
though it has a dinosaurian skeleton (Ji and Ji, ). Chen than the ulna and the radius; this character is also present
et al. () have shown that it is a theropod dinosaur most in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis.
closely related to Compsognathus. Like Confuciusornis and The thoracic limb of Protarchaeopteryx appears to be
Liaoningornis, this animal was discovered in the Yixian For- small and short compared with the robust pelvic limb. The


ratio of the length of the forelimb to the pelvic limb is about doubtedly a juvenile; however, several additional specimens
. (Ji and Ji, ). This is smaller than in Archaeopteryx are nearly of equal size. The skeletal characters indicate that
and Confuciusornis. The ratio of the length of the hand to it was an enantiornithine as advanced as Cathayornis. The
the ulna in Protarchaeopteryx is larger than those in full development of the feathers in Liaoxiornis probably in-
Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis. Compared with the ma- dicates that its adult size was still very small and hence it was
jor metacarpal, the alular metacarpal is relatively longer in probably still the smallest bird in the Mesozoic (Hou and
Protarchaeopteryx than in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusor- Chen, ).
nis. Protarchaeopteryx appears to have retained more prim- The third new bird is from the Early Cretaceous Jiu-
itive characters (e.g., the wing) than Archaeopteryx. fotang Formation. It is from the same site (Boluochi) that
Caudipteryx was described as another feathered animal produced Cathayornis, Boluochia, and Chaoyangia. The
from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning (Ji et al., ). Al- senior author is currently describing this bird as a cathay-
though no one doubts that it has feathers, it was, however, ornithid enantiornithine. This bird is as small as Cathay-
regarded as a flightless bird by some workers (Feduccia, ornis but relatively more primitive, although it was collected
; Jones et al., ). The description of a new species, from a slightly higher horizon than the other birds from the
Caudipteryx dongi (Zhou and Wang, a), and the dis- same site.
coveries of several more additional specimens of Cau- More birds from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning are
dipteryx (Zhou and Wang, b) indicate that it is proba- currently under study. It is difficult to predict what and how
bly more similar to oviraptorosaur dinosaurs than to birds, many new birds will be discovered in the next decade from
although it has some unexpected bird characters. For in- the Mesozoic of China. However, many of the known birds
stance, it is similar to advanced birds in having a hand with are represented by incomplete specimens. Some of the taxa
a digital formula of “--” rather than “--” (Zhou and that we believe are important and will likely be further col-
Wang, b). In addition, it possesses uncinate processes lected include the following. () Liaoningornis, the oldest
and an antorbital fenestra smaller than the nasal opening. known ornithurine bird, is known by only one partial skele-
On the other hand, Caudipteryx is basically similar to other ton. However, collecting at the type locality continues, and
small nonavian theropod dinosaurs. It has a nearly vertical we expect additional findings of this bird. () Chaoyangia is
pubis, its ischium has a large obturator process, and an Early Cretaceous ornithurine bird. Much is left to com-
metatarsal II is pinched in the middle, which is different plete our knowledge of this bird, particularly its skull.
from that in birds. Although we cannot absolutely conclude () Gansus, the only Early Cretaceous bird to have aquatic
that Caudipteryx could not be a secondarily flightless bird, adaptations, is known only from incomplete feet. New find-
we believe that current evidence does support its close rela- ings of this bird may provide evidence concerning its pre-
tionship with oviraptorosaur dinosaurs. cise life habit. () Boluochia, the Early Cretaceous enanti-
ornithine, lacks teeth in the premaxilla and differs from
New Advances and Future Prospects other enantiornithines in its foot structure. This bird is im-
portant for our understanding of the early diversification
Several other birds have recently been recognized from the among enantiornithines. () Many questions remain about
Mesozoic of Liaoning, China. One of them comes from Confuciusornis. How many species were present? What is the
the Yixian Formation. It is a toothed bird intermediate in nature of sexual dimorphism between males and females?
size between Archaeopteryx and Cathayornis. It has been What are the individual differences and ontogenetic varia-
recently named Eoenantiornis (Hou et al., ). It proba- tion among species? We will focus on the answers to these
bly represents the most primitive known enantiornithine. questions. () The controversy on Caudipteryx and Prot-
It is more primitive than the Early Cretaceous enanti- archaeopteryx: Are they feathered nonavian dinosaurs or
ornithines, such as Cathayornis, in having short coracoids secondarily flightless birds? No matter what we conclude to-
and a short sternum without caudal notches. However, day, the debate on its phylogenetic position will continue for
this bird possessed an alula (bastard wing), indicating the years. We believe that the debate can be finally settled only
presence of a more sophisticated flight capacity. The alula with a better understanding of its anatomy in the future.
was also reported from an Early Cretaceous enanti-
ornithine, Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., , Chapter  in this Acknowledgments
volume). We suppose that this flight structure was com-
We owe a great deal to those of our colleagues who have provided
mon in Early Cretaceous enantiornithines as well as Early support or advice, all of whom cannot be mentioned here. We
Cretaceous ornithurines. list a few of them: L. D. Martin, A. Feduccia, S. Olson, H. James,
The second recently described bird is Liaoxiornis (Hou L. M. Chiappe, E. Kurochkin, P. Wellnhofer, J. H. Ostrom, D. S.
and Chen, ). The type specimen of this genus was un- Peters, L. M. Witmer, P. C. Sereno, J. Cracraft, M. A. Norell,


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Sun Y., Xie S., Li Y., Hou J., and many others who have either con- thier and L. F. Gall (eds.), New Perspectives on the Origin and
tributed fossils or been of great help to us in the field excavations. Early Evolution of Birds: Proceedings of the International
Zhang J. has taken many pictures for us over the years. The sen- Symposium in Honor of John H. Ostrom. Peabody Museum
ior author also thanks R. O. Prum and M. Robbins for their sup- of Natural History, New Haven.
port and suggestions in comparing the skeletons of neornithines Hou L. . A Late Mesozoic bird from Inner Mongolia. Verte-
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———. d. Is Mononykus a bird? Auk ():–. Vertebrata PalAsiatica ():–.
Zhou Z. and Hou L. . Diversification of birds from the “Late ———. b. Caudipteryx and the origin of the flight of birds.
Jurassic” of China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Vertebrata PalAsiatica Supplement to :.
():A. Zhou Z. and Zhang F. . Two new ornithurine birds from the
———. . Confuciusornis and the early evolution of birds. Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning, China. Chinese Sci-
Vertebrata PalAsiatica ():–. ence Bulletin ():–.
Zhou Z. and L. D. Martin. . Feathered dinosaur or bird?—a Zhou Z., Jin F., and Zhang J. . Preliminary report on a Meso-
new look at the hand of Archaeopteryx. Smithsonian Contri- zoic bird from Liaoning, China. Chinese Science Bulletin
butions to Paleobiology :–. ():–.



Sinornis santensis (Aves: Enantiornithes)

from the Early Cretaceous of Northeastern China


Our current understanding of the origins and covery of a small fossil bird to the Beijing Natural History
early evolution of birds (Chiappe, ; Norell Museum in . Two of us (Li J. and Rao C.) visited Yan
and Makovicky, ; Sereno, , b; Zhiyou and confirmed the avian affinity of the specimen
Forster et al., ; Padian and Chiappe, ) and site of discovery. The specimen underwent acid prepa-
has been strongly influenced by remarkable skeletons of ration, and an initial description was published (Rao and
basal birds and other coelurosaurs discovered recently in la- Sereno, ; Sereno and Rao, ). Additional specimens
custrine deposits of Early Cretaceous age in Liaoning were discovered in the same area in  by Zhou Zhonghe
Province, China. The first Mesozoic avian remains reported of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleo-
from this region consisted of a partial skeleton of a sparrow- anthropology and described as C. yandica (Zhou et al., ;
sized bird named Sinornis santensis (Sereno and Rao, ). Zhou, a; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume) and
S. santensis was discovered in a richly fossiliferous lacustrine B. zhengi (Zhou, b).
facies of the Jiufotang Formation (Chen, ). Shortly af- All these specimens were discovered in lacustrine facies
ter its discovery, several additional avian skeletons of simi- of the Jiufotang Formation in association with the Jehol
lar size were discovered in the same local region and hori- fauna, characterized by abundant remains of the teleost Ly-
zons and described as Cathayornis yandica, Boluochia coptera, the insect Ephemeropsis, and the conchostracan
zhengi, and others (Zhou et al., ; Zhou, a,b; Hou, Eosestheria (Hong, ). Two species of the ornithischian
; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume). dinosaur Psittacosaurus (P. meileyingensis, P. mongoliensis)
In this chapter, we provide a brief description of the are recorded in overlying nonmarine facies of the Jiufotang
skeletal anatomy of S. santensis, discuss its relationship with Formation (Sereno et al., ).
other avian remains from the same levels, and consider its The Jiufotang Formation lies stratigraphically above the
phylogenetic position among early avians. Yixian and Chaomidianzi Formations (Wang et al., ; Ji
The following institutional abbreviations are used in et al., ). The Chaomidianzi Formation, which has
this chapter: BVP, Beijing Natural History Museum, Paleo- yielded many skeletons of Confuciusornis sanctus (Hou et
vertebrate Collection, Beijing, China; IEI, Institut d’Estudis al., , ; Chiappe et al., ) and other taxa (Barrett,
Illerdencs, Castile–La Mancha, Spain; IVPP, Institute of ), has recently been radiometrically dated as Barremian
Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, in age (Swisher et al., ), which suggests that the Jiu-
China; UAM, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, fotang Formation may be as young as Aptian or Albian in
Spain. age ( million– million years old).

Geological Setting Systematic Paleontology

In July , a young boy living in the countryside near The phylogenetic definitions of taxa in the hierarchy listed
Chaoyang city in Liaoning Province (Fig. .) noticed some subsequently and shown in Figure .A are briefly reviewed.
fossil bone on a small mudstone slab. He brought pieces of Aves—Chiappe (:) defined Aves as “the common
the slab to Yan Zhiyou, a local farmer known for his inter- ancestor of Archaeopteryx and modern birds [Neornithes]
est in fossils. Yan Zhiyou, in turn, reported the possible dis- plus all its descendants.” Sereno (:) used Archaeop-

Sereno (:) followed this definition, recognizing
Archaeopteryx and Neornithes as formal reference taxa
Chiappe (:), on the other hand, redefined Or-
nithurae as a node-based taxon including only “Hesperor-
nithiformes and Neornithes plus all taxa descended from
it.” Two reasons were given: convenience and historical us-
age. Chiappe (:) stated that Ornithurae was “defined
by previous authors as a taxon including extant birds and all
extinct birds that are closer to them than is Archaeopteryx
(Cracraft, ; Gauthier, ). These authors diagnosed
Ornithurae on the basis of several derived features, most of
which are accepted here. However, the recent discovery of
several new fossil birds which lack the synapomorphies
noted earlier (e.g., the Las Hoyas bird (Sanz et al., ),
Enantiornithes (Walker, ; Martin, )) makes it con-
venient to adopt a stricter definition of Ornithurae.” This
reasoning is in conflict with one of the principal aims of
Figure 8.1. Map of Liaoning Province in northeastern China
showing Shengli (type locality of S. santensis), Boluochi (type phylogenetic taxonomy—to replace taxa based on suites of
locality for C. yandica), and the Sihetun-Jianshangou region characters with node- or stem-based definitions that reduce
(type locality of C. sanctus). ambiguity in taxonomic content and eliminate arbitrary
definitional revisions of this kind. Traditional usage (Chi-
appe, :), likewise, cannot be invoked to alter the
teryx and Passeriformes for the same. Later, in a more formal original node-based definition of Ornithurae. Historical
consideration of taxa, Sereno used Archaeopteryx and Neor- use of Ornithurae does not correspond to that preferred by
nithes as reference taxa (:), with Neornithes, in turn, Chiappe (Sereno, b), and recent use of Ornithurae,
defined as Struthio, Passer, their common ancestor, and all when associated with informal phylogenetic definitions
descendants (:). The use of vernacular terms as refer- (e.g., Martin, ; Cracraft, ), is consistent with Gau-
ence taxa, such as “extinct birds,” is best avoided for clarity thier’s original definition (Sereno, c). The editors of this
(Sereno, b). All these definitions, nonetheless, corre- volume, nevertheless, have instructed contributing authors
spond well with the traditional taxonomic content of Aves. to adopt Chiappe’s more restrictive definition for Orni-
Gauthier (:), on the other hand, suggested that thurae. To avoid confusion, the taxon Ornithurae will not
Aves be restricted to crown birds alone and defined as “the be used in the text of this chapter.
most recent common ancestor of Ratitae, Tinami, and
Ornithothoraces—“Ornithopectae” was defined as “the
Neognathae, and all of its descendants.” This crown group
common ancestor of the Las Hoyas bird and extant birds,
definition has priority over those mentioned previously
plus all their descendants” (Chiappe, :). Chiappe and
(Sereno, : table ) but excludes from Aves many extinct
Calvo (: Fig. ) and Chiappe (:) substituted Or-
sister taxa that have been regarded as birds for more than a
nithothoraces for “Ornithopectae” and Iberomesornis
century. Substituting a new taxon, Avialae, to identify a
romerali for the “Las Hoyas bird.” Sereno (:) defined
clade long recognized as Aves (Gauthier, ) has not
Ornithothoraces in a similar manner as a node-based taxon
gained wide acceptance. Invoking entrenched historical us-
but used S. santensis—a more completely known member
age, however, may be the only reason to set aside Gauthier’s
of Enantiornithines—and Neornithes as reference taxa.
phylogenetic definition of Aves (see also Witmer, Chapter 
in this volume; Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in Enantiornithes—Sereno (:) provided a stem-
this volume). based definition for Enantiornithes—“all ornithotho-
racines closer to Sinornis than to Neornithes.”
Ornithurae—Gauthier (:) provided the first phy-
logenetic definition of Ornithurae. He coined a stem-based
taxon that included “Aves [i.e., living birds] plus all extinct Taxonomic Hierarchy
maniraptorans that are closer to Aves than is Archaeop- Aves Linnaeus, 
teryx.” Cracraft (:) used the same definition, stating Ornithothoraces Chiappe and Calvo, 
that “Archaeopteryx is the sister-group of all other birds; this Enantiornithes Walker, 
latter taxon is here termed the Ornithurae (following Mar- Sinornis Sereno and Rao, 
tin a [Martin  in this chapter]; and Gauthier, ).” (= Cathayornis Zhou, Jin, and Zhang, )

Diagnosis—See type species. midline from its opposite by an equally broad V-shaped
S. santensis Sereno and Rao,  frontal embayment. The caudal end of the nasal and the
(= C. yandica Zhou, Jin, and Zhang, ) median frontal embayment appear to be narrower in
Archaeopteryx (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, : Fig. ).
Holotype—BPV a and b constitute part and Comparisons of the axial column are limited to thoracic,
counterpart, respectively, of a single articulated skeleton sacral, and caudal vertebrae and the pygostyle. The verte-
in the collections of the Beijing Natural History Museum. brae are very similar to each other and to those of other
A triangle in the center of the skeleton is missing from enantiornithines (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this
both part and counterpart, and the smaller counterpart volume). Midthoracic vertebrae have amphicoelous, spool-
slab covers only the caudal one-half of the skeleton. The shaped centra, and the cupped articular surface of the para-
counterpart (BPV b) is preserved as discovered, with pophysis is caudally displaced on the neural arch. There are
the majority of the bones exposed in cross section. The eight sacral vertebrae, the centra of which are broad and flat
part (BPV a) was prepared in acid and now is preserved ventrally and the ribs of which increase in length caudally
as a natural mold, from which an epoxy cast was made. All (Zhou, a: Fig. ). The relatively short caudal centra are
the descriptive detail is based on the epoxy cast derived broader than deep and have broad, bulbous chevron facets
from the part (BPV a), drawn with a camera lucida ventrally. The pygostyle is characteristic in C. yandica and S.
(Figs. .–.). santensis. Unlike Iberomesornis (Sanz and Bonaparte, ;
An earlier drawing was made prior to acid preparation Sereno, ), dorsal and ventral processes flare beyond the
and was based on tracings from part and counterpart slabs dorsal and ventral margins of the base of the pygostyle, and
(Sereno and Rao, : Fig. ). Right and left hindlimbs were the lateral crest is located at midheight along the pygostyle
misidentified, and the view chosen (right lateral) is the re- (Fig. .). The basal processes are smaller in Iberomesornis,
verse of that now available from the epoxy cast of the part and the lateral crest is situated along the ventral margin
slab (left lateral) (Figs. .–.). (Sereno, : Fig. ). In C. sanctus, the basal processes of
Referred specimens—Referred material includes IVPP the pygostyle are not as pronounced as in S. santensis and C.
VA, B (holotypic specimen of C. yandica) and several yandica, but the lateral crest is located in a similar position
other specimens in the collections of the IVPP from the at midheight along the pygostyle (Martin et al., : Fig. E;
same region (just south of Boluochi, Liaoning Province; Chiappe et al., : Fig. ).
Zhou, a) (Fig. .). The long bones of the postcranial skeleton are approxi-
Synonomy—Like S. santensis, the holotypic specimen of mately % longer in the holotypic specimen of C. yandica
C. yandica (IVPP VA, B; Zhou et al., ) comes from than in S. santensis (Tables ., .). Ratios between and
lacustrine facies in the lower portion of the Jiufotang For- within the forelimb and hindlimb, however, are nearly iden-
mation near the city of Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, in tical and similar to those in two other enantiornithines
northeastern China, approximately  km from the type lo- (Table .). In the forelimb, the ungual of manual digit II is
cality of S. santensis (Fig. .; Zhou, a: Fig. ). S. santen- larger than that of digit I in S. santensis (BPV a); in the
sis and C. yandica were named and described independently holotypic specimen of C. yandica, the unguals appear to be
(the former shortly before the latter) without comparison. subequal in size and length. Phalanx  of manual digit III
Now that both holotypic skeletons have undergone acid curves away from digit II to a greater degree in S. santensis
preparation, a detailed comparison is possible. The holo- (BPV a), but the form of this reduced phalanx appears
typic skeleton of C. yandica is extremely similar to that of S. to be somewhat variable among ornithothoracines. Zhou
santensis. (a: Figs. , ) and Hou (:) have shown meta-
Cranial comparisons are limited to the maxilla and arpals II and III in contact, or fused, along their shafts, lack-
nasal. Each specimen preserves the caudal portion of the ing the intermetacarpal space that is present in S. santensis
antorbital fossa and the flat external surface of the maxilla and most other avians. The lack of an obvious inter-
below the fossa in lateral view. Unlike Archaeopteryx metacarpal space in C. yandica, however, is the result of
(Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, : Fig. ), the external sur- postmortem flattening of the metacarpus, which has de-
face of the maxilla has parallel dorsal and ventral margins flected the narrow shaft of metacarpal III against the more
and does not taper in depth caudally until very near its ar- robust shaft of metacarpal II. An intermetacarpal space is
ticular end for the jugal. Both specimens also preserve ar- present in the right metacarpus of IVPP VB, as seen in
ticulated nasals in dorsal view. In contrast to Archaeopteryx ventral view.
(Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, : Fig. ), the caudal half of The pelvic girdle is very similar in S. santensis and C.
the nasal is more transversely expanded, flaring abruptly yandica. The ilium and pubis are identical in shape and pro-
caudal to the external naris. In both specimens the nasal ter- portions, although the dorsal margin of the ilium in S. san-
minates caudally as a broad triangular sheet separated in the tensis and the pubic foot in C. yandica are not preserved and

186 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
Figure 8.2. Caudal vertebrae and pygostyle of S. santensis (BPV a, epoxy cast) in left lateral view (A, B). Broken lines indicate bone
margins visible as impressions. Abbreviations: ach–, articular surface for chevrons –; ca–, caudal vertebrae –; ch–, chevrons
–; dp, dorsal process; lp, lateral process; ns, neural spine; poap, postacetabular process; py, pygostyle; s, eighth sacral vertebra; tp,
transverse process; vp, ventral process.

cannot be compared. The elongate, scimitar-shaped is- TABLE 8.1
chium in S. santensis has an unusual reflected lamina on its Measurements of the holotypic skeleton of Sinornis
lateral side, and the elongate, curving profile and lamina are santensis (BPV 538a, epoxy cast) in mm
exposed on the right ischium of C. yandica (IVPP VB).
No differences are apparent in the hindlimb. Skull and Axial Column
Although clearly very similar to each other, S. santensis Skull length (26.5)
and C. yandica are also very similar to Concornis lacustris Dorsal vertebral column, length (30.5)
(Sanz et al., ) and I. romerali (Sanz and Bonaparte, ; Sacrum length 12.9
Sereno, ; Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). Ulti- CA1–6 length 8.4
mately, synonymy must be based on the presence of au- Pygostyle length 11.5
Furcula, dorsolateral ramus, length (8.0)
tapomorphies, of which there are only a few. In both S. san-
Hypocleideum length 6.0
tensis and C. yandica, the base of the pygostyle has ?C12 2.4 CA1 1.6
prominent and flaring dorsal and ventral processes, and a ?D1 2.4 CA2 1.5
lateral crest is present at midheight along the length of the ?D8 2.3 CA3 1.5
pygostyle. In both of these species, the ischium has a thin S1 (2.5) CA4 1.3
lamina in its proximal half that is reflected ventrally. The is- S8 (1.5) CA5 1.0
chiadic lamina and the elongate, curved shape of the blade CA6 0.6
are probably more diagnostic and less variable than pygo- Pectoral Girdle and Forelimb
style form. As these features have not been observed in other
Scapula (left)
enantiornithines, C. yandica is regarded as a junior syn-
Length (left) (18.0)
onym of S. santensis, a synonymy acknowledged previously Width of distal blade 1.5
as a possibility by Zhou (a:; see also Zhou and Hou, Humerus (right)
Chapter  in this volume). Length 24.0
The systematic status of other basal avians described re- Ulna (left)
cently from the same beds will remain unclear until they are Length (19.2)
described in more detail. B. zhengi appears to be distinct Midshaft diameter 2.0
Radius (left)
(Zhou, b), but Cathayornis caudatus and Longchengor-
Length (22.2)
nis sanyanensis (Hou, : Figs. , ) may eventually be re- Midshaft diameter 1.0
garded as junior synonyms of S. santensis. Carpometacarpus
Locality and horizon—Chaoyang County, Liaoning Metacarpal I (right) (1.9)
Province, People’s Republic of China; lacustrine facies in the Metacarpal II (left) 10.3
Metacarpal III (right) (10.8)
lower part of the Jiufotang Formation; Early Cretaceous
Manual phalanges1 (right)
(? Aptian-Albian) (Fig. .; Sereno and Rao, :; Zhou, I-1 (left) 4.0
a; Swisher et al., ). I-ungual 1.6
Revised diagnosis—Sparrow-sized enantiornithine very II-1 5.4
close in form to C. lacustris and characterized by an elon- II-2 3.8
II-ungual 2.1
gate, scimitar-shaped ischiadic blade (narrowest width ap-
III-1 3.9
proximately one-tenth ischiadic length), a ventrally re-
flected lamina on the lateral aspect of the proximal half of Pelvic Girdle and Hindlimb
the ischium, flaring dorsal and ventral processes at the base Ilium (left)
of the pygostyle, and a lateral crest situated at midheight Length (13.0)
along the pygostyle. Acetabulum, craniocaudal diameter 1.8
Femur (right, left)
Length (21.0)
Anatomy Tibiotarsus
Length (right) 26.4
The following description is based primarily on an epoxy Length (left) 25.7
cast made from the natural mold of the part (BPV a) of Tarsometatarsus (right)
the holotypic skeleton. The smaller counterpart was not Metatarsal I 3.2
Metatarsal II 14.1
prepared in acid. Additional information and compar-
Metatarsal III 14.6
isons are based on epoxy casts of the part and counterpart Metatarsal IV (left) 14.1
of a referred specimen, IVPP V (C. yandica), also pre-
served as a natural mold. Epoxy casts of these two speci- (continued)

188 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
TABLE 8.1 (continued) TABLE 8.2
Pelvic Girdle and Hindlimb Comparative measurements of the holotypic skeleton of
Cathayornis yandica (IVPP V9769A, B, epoxy cast) in mm
Pedal phalanges1 (right)
I-1 3.7 Skull and Axial Column
I-ungual2 5.6
II-1 3.2 Skull length 28.2
II-2 4.1 Sacrum length 13.1
II-ungual2 5.8 Pygostyle length 14.4
III-1 4.3 Furcula, dorsolateral ramus length 9.6
III-2 3.6 Hypocleideum length 4.5
III-3 3.9 ?C9 2.7
III-ungual2 6.7 ?C10 2.5
IV-1 2.1 ?D4 2.7
IV-2 2.1 CA1 2.0
IV-3 2.1 CA5 1.6
IV-4 3.0
Pectoral Girdle and Forelimb
IV-ungual2 5.3
Note: Parentheses indicate estimated measurement. Abbreviations:
Length (right) 19.6
C, cervical; CA, caudal; D, dorsal; S, sacral.
1Nonungual phalangeal length is measured from the deepest part Width of distal blade (left) 1.3
Humerus (right)
of the proximal articular cotyla to the apex of the farthest distal
Length 27.0
2Pedal ungual length measured as a chord from the extensor Ulna (right)
Length 26.4
process of the base to the tip of the ungual sheath.
Midshaft diameter 2.3
Radius (right)
Length 25.3
mens are identified hereafter as the “holotypic” and “re- Midshaft diameter 1.2
ferred” specimens. Carpometacarpus
Metacarpal I (right) 2.2
Skull Metacarpal II (left) 11.5
Metacarpal III (right) 13.0
Dermal Skull Roof. The skull of the holotypic specimen Manual phalanges1 (left)
is partially disarticulated and rotated so that the snout is I-1 (right) 4.7
pointing caudally. The premaxillary portion of the snout I-ungual 1.8
extends beyond the preserved edge of the slab. The nasals II-1 6.9
are flattened in the plane of the slab and are exposed in dor- II-2 4.2
sal view. The orbital region of the skull is visible in right lat- II-ungual 1.8
III-1 (right) 3.3
eral view, and several sclerotic plates from the left sclerotic
ring are preserved within the orbit. The caudal skull roof Pelvic Girdle and Hindlimb
and occipital condyle are preserved in dorsal view. Portions
Ilium (left)
of the dermal skull roof (maxilla, nasal, lacrimal), palate, Length 13.9
occiput, and portions of the lower jaws (surangular, angu- Femur (left)
lar, splenial) are exposed. Length 23.1
The skull of the referred specimen is more articulated Tibiotarsus (right)
and is preserved in left lateral view on the part (IVPP Length 29.0
VA; Zhou, a: Fig. ). Only the tip of the snout is Tarsometatarsus (right)
preserved on the counterpart (IVPP VB). The oval ex- Metatarsal I 3.0
Metatarsal II 14.8
ternal naris is large and retracted from the rostral end of the
snout as in Archaeopteryx and nearly all other birds. The ant- Note: Abbreviations: C, cervical; CA, caudal; D, dorsal; S, sacral.
orbital cavity is invaginated along its ventral margin as best 1Nonungual phalangeal length is measured from the deepest part

seen in the holotypic specimen. An oval maxillary fenestra of the proximal articular cotyla to the apex of the farthest distal
may have been present on the medial wall of the antorbital condyle.
cavity; the region is best preserved in the right maxilla of the
referred specimen, which is exposed in medial view. An-
other enantiornithine skull has been shown as lacking the

Comparative ratios of long bones in the holotypic specimens of Iberomesornis romerali,
Concornis lacustris, Sinornis santensis, and Cathayornis yandica

Sinornis Sinornis (= Cathayornis)

Ratios Iberomesornis Concornis BPV 538a IVPP V9769

h/r (0.97) 1.13 (1.08) 1.07

f/tt 0.82 0.69 (0.81) 0.80
tt/mtIII 1.70 1.74 1.79 (1.88)
h/f 1.06 1.31 1.14 1.17
h+r/f+tt 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00

Source: Measurements for Iberomesornis and Concornis are from Sereno, 2000.
Note: Parentheses indicate ratios that are based on one estimated length measurement. Abbreviations: f,
femur; h, humerus; mtIII, metatarsal III; r, radius; tt, tibiotarsus.

maxillary fenestra (Sanz et al., ), but that part of the Lower Jaw. The lower jaw is deeper caudally than ros-
bone is not well preserved. trally. The dentary ramus, in particular, is very slender. Its
The elongate caudodorsal process of the premaxilla ex- pointed rostral end is slightly upturned in lateral view, as
tends to the caudal end of the external naris (Zhou, a: seen in the referred skull. The splenial has a broad triangu-
Fig. ) as in Archaeopteryx. In Confuciusornis and more ad- lar shape and is pierced by a foramen in both specimens.
vanced ornithurines, in contrast, this process extends far- The left angular and prearticular are exposed in medial view
ther caudally to contact the frontals (Martin et al., ; in the holotypic specimen and are similar in shape to that
Chiappe et al., ). The external surface of the caudal ra- in Archaeopteryx (Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ).
mus of the maxilla is strap-shaped with parallel dorsal and
ventral margins, as preserved in the holotypic and referred Teeth. Preserved only in the referred specimen, the teeth
specimens. Rostrally, the nasal is transversely narrow and are fewer in number than in Archaeopteryx. There are four
arched. Caudally, it expands as a broad sheet, and there is a premaxillary teeth that increase in size caudally (Zhou,
V-shaped embayment in the midline between opposing a). The crowns are subconical with a subtle basal con-
nasals. The elongate jugal is strap-shaped (transversely striction as in Archaeopteryx. One crown is preserved to-
compressed), rather than rod-shaped, below the orbit, and ward the rostral end of the left maxilla in the referred spec-
it has a well-developed, caudodorsally inclined postorbital imen. At least the caudal two-thirds of the maxilla, however,
process. The slender postorbital process of the jugal is very is edentulous. Similarly, the slender dentary clearly lacks
similar to that in an enantiornithine skull from Spain (IEI teeth along most of its length. One dentary tooth, preserved
LH-), although this process was not described in the on both sides in the referred specimen, projects into the gap
latter (Sanz et al., : Fig. ). A postorbital may be pre- between premaxillary and maxillary teeth.
served in the holotypic specimen but cannot be identified
with certainty. The postorbital, however, is preserved in Axial Column
other enantiornithines (Sanz et al., ; Chiappe and Presacral Vertebrae. None of the cervicals are preserved in
Walker, Chapter  in this volume). The frontal and parietal the holotypic specimen. A series of five midcervical vertebrae
form the domed caudal portion of the cranium. A portion are preserved in the referred specimen, which are exposed in
of the occipital condyle may be exposed in the holotypic dorsal view (IVPP VA). The caudal two of these are also
specimen. exposed in ventral view (IVPP VB). The elongate, spool-
shaped centra have a low ventral keel that spans the length of
Palate. The quadrate head is partially exposed in the the centrum. Partially exposed articular faces show some de-
holotypic specimen and appears to be developed as a single velopment of heterocoely; rostral surfaces are transversely
condyle. Zhou (a: Fig. ) identified a quadrate in the re- concave and dorsoventrally convex, similar to that in a better
ferred skull, but we cannot confirm this identification. The exposed enantiornithine cervical series (Sanz et al., ). In
area of bone in question in the referred skull is very broken. dorsal view, the neural arches are proportionately broad, and
In the holotype, the right pterygoid is exposed in articula- the vertebral canal is spacious. The postzygapophyses arch
tion with the basisphenoid, caudally, and ectopterygoid, lat- dorsally, and the neural spines are low.
erally. The quadrate wing of the pterygoid expands caudally Best exposed in the holotypic specimen, the thoracic ver-
as a sheet. tebrae have a broad, poorly defined pleurocoel. An espe-

190 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
cially robust ventral keel is present on the centrum of the the fifth, free caudal. The lateral process extends distally as
most cranial thoracic vertebra. The parapophysis projects a lateral shelf along most of the length of the pygostyle.
over the pleurocoel and is deeply cupped, as in other enanti-
ornithines (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this vol- Ribs. The short cervical ribs are fused to the transverse
ume). Middorsal vertebrae have spool-shaped amphi- processes, as preserved in the referred specimen and in
coelous centra without ventral keels. The neural canal is other enantiornithines (Sanz et al., , ). They extend
large, and the flat zygapophyseal articulations are set at parallel to the centra and stop short of its caudal articular
about ° from the horizontal (BPV a). The broad neu- surface. The first thoracic rib is transitional in form between
ral spines are craniocaudally longer than tall and angle the short cervical ribs and the broad and long cranial dor-
caudodorsally (IVPP VA). sal ribs (BPV a). About half the length and width of the
other cranial thoracic ribs, the first thoracic rib tapers to a
Sacral Vertebrae. The sacrum consists of eight fused ver- slender pointed distal end. The rib shafts of the second and
tebrae, as best seen in the referred specimen, and is dis- more caudal cranial thoracic ribs are very broad and strap-
articulated from the ilium in both specimens. The cranial- shaped. The second through the fifth ribs probably articu-
most sacral, exposed in ventral view in the holotypic lated distally with the ossified sternal ribs preserved in the
specimen, has a spool-shaped centrum cranially but flattens referred specimen. The tuberculum of the second rib is long
caudally. The cranial articular face is gently concave. Sacrals and set at nearly a right angle to the rib shaft and capitulum.
– have broad centra and plate-shaped transverse The mid- and caudal thoracic rib shafts decrease in width
processes. In Iberomesornis, sacrals – and – are associ- and length but retain an oval cross section.
ated with pre- and postacetabular processes, respectively, Portions of the shafts of the caudal thoracic ribs were
and sacrals  and  attach to the ilium just above the ac- previously interpreted as gastralia (Fig. .; Sereno and Rao,
etabulum (Sereno, ). The shape of the sacral series in ). These apparently short and tapered elements are best
Sinornis suggests that it attached to the ilium in a similar identified as caudal thoracic rib shafts that are passing into,
manner. The transverse processes that attach to the post- and out of, the part slab. Their shafts are comparable to
acetabular process, for example, angle backward and de- those of nearby ribs, rather than being much more slender,
crease in length and width, as is well exposed in the referred as are the gastralia in Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis
specimen (Zhou, a). (Chiappe et al., ). The absence of gastralia is now
demonstrated in the articulated skeletons of other very well-
Caudal Vertebrae. There are six free caudal vertebrae, as preserved enantiornithines, such as Concornis (Sanz et al.,
in Iberomesornis (Sereno, ; contra Sanz and Bonaparte, ) and Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ), and we believe that
). The number of caudal vertebrae is most easily ascer- Sinornis is no exception.
tained in the holotypic specimen (Fig. .), although the
same number is present between the sacrum and pygostyle Chevrons. All the free caudal vertebrae are associated
in the referred specimen (contra Zhou, a:–). The with chevrons (Fig. .). The first chevron articulates be-
transverse processes decrease in length and width and shift tween the eighth sacral and first caudal, as shown by the pair
from a caudolateral to a lateral orientation near the pygo- of large articular facets along the cranial margin of the first
style. The transverse processes are long on the fourth cau- caudal vertebra. The last chevron is as long as, or longer
dal but appear to be absent on the fifth and sixth caudal than, the others and articulates between the fifth and sixth
vertebrae, lateral to which projects the lateral process of the caudal vertebrae.
pygostyle. The form of the caudal neural arches is not well
known because the proximal four caudal vertebrae are ex- Pectoral Girdle
posed in ventral view (Fig. .). Neural spines are present on Scapula. The scapula closely resembles that of Concornis
the fifth and sixth caudal vertebrae. Robust paired chevron and is preserved in both specimens. Cranially, a robust, sub-
facets are present, and it is noteworthy that these are located rectangular acromial process projects away from the axis of
on the proximal, rather than distal, margin of the centra. the scapular blade at an angle of approximately °. The
scapular glenoid has a gently concave, kidney-shaped sur-
Pygostyle. As in other enantiornithines and Confuciu- face. When the scapular blade is held in a horizontal plane,
sornis, the pygostyle is large, exceeding the collective length the glenoid faces primarily laterally and slightly dorsally, as
of the free caudals (Fig. .). Best preserved in the holotypic reported (Zhou, a:). It also is canted to face slightly
specimen, the pygostyle is deepest proximally and narrow- cranially. The costal (dorsal) and lateral (ventral) margins
est at midlength. At its proximal end, sagittal, dorsal, and of the blade are gently arched and straight, respectively. The
ventral processes are well developed. A strong lateral process blade is broadest about two-thirds of the way down its
extends proximally lateral to the sixth, and the distal half of length and tapers to a rounded distal end (IVPP VA).

Coracoid. Very little of the coracoid is exposed in the has a distinctly flattened articular surface. The saddle-
holotypic specimen. The coracoids of the referred speci- shaped form of the humeral head and other features are
men, however, are well exposed and resemble those in other characteristic of enantiornithines and are well described
enantiornithines (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this elsewhere (Chiappe, ).
volume). A rounded and very prominent acrocoracoid
process projects dorsally from the proximal end of the cora- Radius and Ulna. The radius and ulna are well exposed
coid. The shaft broadens distally into a curved sheet of bone in the referred specimen; in the holotypic specimen, the left
with convex cranial, and concave caudal, surfaces. The lat- forearm is folded against the humerus, and the right fore-
eral margin is convex. The straight distal articular edge for arm is preserved only proximally. The radius and ulna are
the sternum is offset slightly from a perpendicular to the very similar to those in Concornis, Eoalulavis, and other
axis of the coracoid. enantiornithines (Chiappe, ; Chiappe and Walker,
Chapter  in this volume). The slightly expanded proximal
Furcula. The robust Y-shaped furcula is exposed in both end of the radius has an oval proximal articular surface, a
holotypic and referred specimens. The clavicular rami join subtriangular facet for the ulna, and a low biceps tuberosity
ventrally, with an intrafurcular angle of approximately °. (IVPP VA). The radial shaft is marked by a shallow
The long hypocleideum is blade-shaped with sharp cranial groove (Zhou, a:) as in other enantiornithines and
and caudal margins. In both specimens, the edges of the Ichthyornis. The distal end is curved and strongly flattened,
hypocleideum join a crest along the edge of each dorsal ra- with a narrow distal articular surface.
mus. The shaft is flattened near the distal end of the dorsal The ulnar shaft has a minimum width approximately
ramus and curves laterally toward the acromion, as in Con- twice that of the radius. The proximal one-third of the shaft
cornis (UAM LH-). Given the prominence of both the curves toward the elbow joint. A biceps tubercle is located
scapular acromion and coracoidal acrocoracoid process, just before this articulation. The distal end has an arcuate
there can be little doubt that the curved articular end of the external condyle and a trough-shaped intercondylar sulcus,
dorsal process of the furcula completed a triosseal canal as noted by Zhou (a:). There are no papillae for flight
that would have accommodated the tendon of the supra- feathers on the shaft of the ulna in either specimen.
coracoideus muscle, as in living birds.
Proximal Carpals. The radiale and ulnare have yet to be
Sternum. The broad plate-shaped sternum is partially described in detail among enantiornithines. Both ossifica-
preserved in ventral view in the holotypic specimen and tions are preserved in the holotypic specimen, although
nearly fully exposed in dorsal and ventral views in the re- only the form of the radiale is well shown. Initially identi-
ferred specimen. The cranial margin is thickened with fied as the ulnare (Sereno and Rao, : Fig. E), the left ra-
broad, trough-shaped articular surfaces for the coracoids diale of the holotypic specimen is preserved disarticulated
(IVPP VB). A short median slit accommodates the dor- a short distance from the wrist joint. Its concave, heart-
sal edge of the hypocleideum of the furcula as in Eoalulavis shaped distal articular surface is exposed. In the referred
(Sanz et al., ). The slender caudolateral processes flare specimen, the right radiale is also disarticulated a short dis-
at their distal ends, and the caudal margin of the sternum is tance from the wrist joint and is exposed in proximal and
W-shaped (Zhou, a: Fig. a), as in Concornis (Sanz et al., distal views. The left radiale, however, is in place at the dis-
). tal end of the ulna, with its concave, heart-shaped distal ar-
ticular surface exposed. This surface articulates against the
Forelimb convex trochlea of the semilunate carpal.
Humerus. The holotypic specimen preserves the proxi- The left ulnare is present in the holotypic specimen but
mal and distal ends of the right humerus. Both humeri are not well exposed. It is preserved in place on the external side
preserved in the referred specimen. At the proximal end, of the left wrist joint, articulating in the angle between the
both specimens show the hypertrophied bicipital tubercle forearm and manus. It appears to have been similar to the
that characterizes enantiornithines (Walker, ; Chiappe, large V-shaped ulnare in the enantiornithines Eoalulavis
). In the holotypic specimen, this tubercle has a curved (UAM LH ; Sanz et al., ) and Neuquenornis (Chi-
columnar form with a concave distal end, as in Eoalulavis appe and Calvo, : Fig. ), in the euornithine Ichthyornis
(UAM LH ; Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). The (Marsh, : Pl. ), and in Neornithes. The internal sur-
distal condyles of the humerus are similar to those in other face of this V-shaped bone forms a deep articular notch for
enantiornithines. In both specimens, the radial condyle is the metacarpus, an unusual configuration that is absent in
transversely narrower and more prominent than the ulnar Archaeopteryx and only poorly formed in Confuciusornis. In
condyle, but the radial condyle is not shifted significantly the latter, the ulnare has a broader trough shape and is only
proximally as in Neornithes. The ulnar condyle is broad and about one-half the size of the radiale. An enlarged V-shaped

192 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
ulnare, therefore, appears to have evolved in basal or- spurious interpretations, such as the absence of an inter-
nithothoracines (Sereno, a: Fig. ). osseous space in Sinornis (Zhou, a: Fig. ) or the notion
that the shaft is as robust as that of metacarpal II in Neu-
Carpometacarpus. The carpometacarpus is preserved in quenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, :). As in other
both specimens and is at least partially co-ossified. Prior to enantiornithines (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this
acid preparation of the holotypic specimen, the fragmented volume) and some neornithines, metacarpal III is longer
base of the right carpometacarpus gave the appearance that than metacarpal II, and the medially curving shaft termi-
metacarpal II and the semilunate carpal had yet to co-ossify nates in subequal distal condyles, as seen in both specimens.
(Fig. .; Sereno and Rao, :). This portion of the
carpometacarpus is better preserved on both sides of the re- Phalanges. The phalangeal formula is --, with digits I
ferred specimen, in which metacarpal II and the semilunate and II terminating in recurved unguals (Fig. .; Zhou,
carpal are clearly co-ossified. The same is not uniformly a). Although the manual phalanges are completely pre-
true of metacarpal I, which in the left manus of the holo- served in Sinornis, evidence from other enantiornithines is
typic specimen is disarticulated, lying near the base of consistent with this pattern (e.g., Concornis, Eoalulavis).
metacarpal III (Fig. .). The length of the disarticulated left The first phalanx of digit I is long, slender, and gently
metacarpal I, however, suggests that it may include part of arched dorsoventrally. The distal end has well-developed
the semilunate carpal, which may have broken away from condyles, extensor and flexor pits, and medial and lateral
the remainder of the carpometacarpus. In the right carpo- collateral ligament pits. The ungual is slightly shorter and
metacarpus of the holotypic specimen, the distal condyles more recurved than that on digit II (Fig. .). The tip of the
of right metacarpal I are in their proper position along- ungual of digit I falls short of the length of metacarpal II,
side metacarpal II, but the base of the bone has broken suggesting that digit I may be relatively shorter in Sinornis
away. In the referred specimen, metacarpal I is preserved in than in some other enantiornithines (e.g., Eoalulavis).
place in both manus and appears to be co-ossified with The first phalanx of digit II has a concave proximal ar-
the medial edge of the semilunate carpal. The trochlea of ticular surface, weakly divided into two unequal articular
the semilunate carpal is situated largely proximal to meta- facets (IVPP V). A proximally projecting heel is present
carpal II. on the ventral aspect of the base, distal to which is located a
Metacarpal I is very short, although longer than that large foramen and associated canal (Fig. .). This unusual
shown in an enantiornithine from Argentina (Walker, : foramen, which has never been reported before among
Fig. F). The medial margin of the proximal half of the shaft avians, is present in both the holotypic and referred speci-
is convex and may constitute a rudimentary extensor mens and in the enantiornithine Eoalulavis (UAM LH
process (IVPP VA), similar to that seen in Confuciusor- ). It may have accommodated a flexor tendon on the
nis, Archaeopteryx, and many nonavian maniraptorans. The ventral aspect of the digit in some as yet poorly understood
distal condyles are best exposed in the holotypic specimen configuration; the foramen and canal seem too large to have
and closely resemble those in Archaeopteryx; the deeper me- transmitted neurovascular structures and are difficult to en-
dial distal condyle projects farther distally and is raised vision as a pneumatic invasion of the phalanx (Sereno,
above the level of the medial condyle. These features, and ). A flange is present on the lateral side of the distal
the well-developed dorsal extensor depression between the two-thirds of the shaft, and, as a result, the phalanx appears
condyles, indicate that the phalanges of the first digit were to broaden in width distally until just before the condyles.
deflected medially and were capable of substantial rotation The distal condyles are weakly separated, and there are no
against the metacarpal. extensor and flexor depressions or collateral ligament pits.
Metacarpal II is the most robust. The shaft appears to be The second phalanx of digit II tapers distally, although,
subquadrate in cross section but is dorsoventrally flattened as in the preceding phalanx, a lateral flange is present.
in sections by postmortem crushing. There is no dorsal ex- The distal trochlea is well developed and symmetrical,
tensor depression distally. Distal condyles are not apparent with extensor and flexor depressions and collateral ligament
in dorsal view, because they are beveled proximoventrally. pits (Fig. .). The ungual is larger and less recurved than
The distal condylar surface is developed as a broad saddle, that of the first digit, although both unguals are relatively
with the condyles canted medially. shorter and less recurved than those in Archaeopteryx and
An interosseous space separates metacarpal III from Confuciusornis.
metacarpal II, and, although fused proximally, these bones The sole phalanx of digit III is anchored laterally against
remain separate distally. As in most neornithines, the shaft the shaft of the first phalanx of digit II (Fig. .). In the holo-
of metacarpal III is transversely flattened, particularly in its typic specimen, only the proximal third of the shaft articu-
proximal one-half. The shaft, therefore, is readily deflected lates against the adjacent phalanx. The remainder of the
by postmortem crushing, a situation that has given rise to shaft curves away (Fig. .). In the referred specimen, left

Figure 8.3. Right carpus and manus of S. santensis (BPV a, epoxy cast), mostly in ventral view (A, B).
Metacarpal I is in dorsal view, digit I ungual is in medial view, and digit II ungual is in lateral view. Broken
lines indicate bone margins visible as impressions. Abbreviations: I–III, metacarpals or digits I–III; –, pha-
langeal number; ca, canal; ded, dorsal extensor depression; f, foramen; fl, flange; he, heel; mc, metacarpal;
mdc, medial distal condyle; ph, phalanx; ra, radius; slc, semilunate carpal; ul, ulna; ule, ulnare; un, ungual;
vfd, ventral flexor depression.

194 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
and right sides show a different pattern. There is a narrow length. The distal portion of the blade is exposed on the
medial flange that contacts the adjacent phalanx along most right side of the holotypic specimen (Fig. .). A reflected
of its straighter shaft. Only the narrow distal end is free and, lamina is present on the lateral side of the blade, an unusual
despite the absence of an additional ossified phalanx, ap- feature that can also be observed on the left ischium of the
pears to be developed as a rudimentary condyle. referred specimen (IVPP VB). At its proximal end, the
reflected lamina is about one-half the width of the blade.
Pelvic Girdle Distally, the lamina decreases in width to form the laterally
In the holotypic specimen, the right half of the pelvic girdle protruding dorsal margin of the distal one-half of the blade.
has been displaced ventrally relative to the left side, and the The shorter length of the ischiadic blade in a previous re-
sacrum has been rotated to expose its ventral side (Fig. .). construction (Zhou, a: Fig. B) was based on the in-
In the referred specimen, the pelvic girdle is completely complete distal ends of the ischia of the referred specimen.
disarticulated. It is clear that the pelvic girdle and sacrum
were not fully co-ossified in either specimen. The natural Pubis. The pubis is longer than the ischium. Its cranial
configuration of the pelvic girdle is best preserved on the left margin, from the iliac peduncle to the foot, is gently curved
side of the holotypic specimen, where two of the three main caudally. The acetabular margin of the pubis is broad and
articulations (iliopubic and ilioischiadic) appear to be co- joins the prominent supracetabular crest of the ilium (Fig.
ossified. The ischiadic and pubic shafts parallel each other, .). The plate-shaped ischiadic peduncle is very short; its
and the pubic shaft is rotated significantly caudal to a verti- height exceeds its length. The proximal one-half of the pu-
cal orientation. The acetabulum is broadly open medially. bic shaft appears to have a subtriangular cross section; the
medial side is flattened, and a rounded edge is present lat-
Ilium. The ilium has a deep preacetabular process and a erally. The distal two-thirds of the shaft is blade-shaped,
narrower, arched postacetabular process (Fig. .) as in with a rounded lateral edge and sharp medial edge. Proxi-
other enantiornithines (Walker, ; Sanz et al., ; mal to the foot, the blade expands in width, as is best ex-
Sereno, ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this vol- posed in the right pubis of the holotypic specimen (Fig.
ume). The pubic peduncle is longer than the ischiadic pe- .). This well-preserved distal end suggests that the pubic
duncle, as in Archaeopteryx and many other paravians. The symphysis, which had yet to co-ossify in either specimen,
pubic peduncle is narrower craniocaudally than in was limited to the distal one-quarter of the pubic blade. The
Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, ), Rahonavis (Forster et al., subtriangular pubic foot curves caudally.
), and dromaeosaurids but is quite similar to that in
Confuciusornis. Well-developed dorsal and ventral anti- Hindlimb
trochanters are present on the dorsal margin and ischiadic Femur. The femoral head is approximately % the
peduncle of the ilium, respectively. The ventral anti- maximum craniocaudal width of the femur; it is not par-
trochanter is prominent (Fig. .); it is partially broken away ticularly small in this regard. It is separated from the greater
in the exposed left ilium of the referred specimen, which is trochanter by a shallow articular saddle. A prominent cau-
why its presence was formerly questioned (Zhou, a:). dal trochanter, preserved in both femora of the referred
As in other enantiornithines, the dorsal rim of the post- specimen, is present on the caudolateral side of the proxi-
acetabular process caudal to the dorsal antitrochanter pro- mal end, distal to the greater trochanter. A trochanter of
jects laterally (Fig. .; Walker, : Fig. C). similar position and size is present in Archaeopteryx and
other basal paravians. The shaft is very gently caudally
Ischium. The iliac peduncle of the ischium is articulated curved. There is no trace of a fourth trochanter. The distal
with the ilium in the holotypic specimen (Fig. .). The ven- condyles are subequal in size and separated caudally by the
tral antitrochanter is shared between these bones, the ven- popliteal fossa. The lateral distal condyle has a distinct cau-
tral one-quarter of which forms a raised platform on the ac- dal extension, the crista tibiofibularis (IVPP VA).
etabular margin of the ischium. The remainder of the
acetabular margin of ischium is rounded and tapers in Tibiotarsus. The proximal articular surface is oval, only
width toward the end of the pubic peduncle, which is de- slightly longer craniocaudally than broad. The proximal
veloped as a broad, thin sheet of bone. end of the tibiotarsus appears to have a very low, laterally
The proximodorsal process of the ischium is developed projecting cnemial crest, separated proximally from the re-
as a tongue-shaped flange, the tip of which articulates on mainder of the proximal articular surface by a shallow
the medial aspect of the postacetabular process of the ilium. groove (contra Zhou, a:). This area is only preserved
The elongate ischiadic blade is scimitar-shaped, gradually in the tibiae of the referred specimen and has suffered some
tapering toward its gently curved tip. At its narrowest width, crushing (IVPP VA, B). The fibular crest projects from
the blade is approximately one-tenth of total ischiadic the lateral aspect of the shaft as a thin flange, reaching its


Figure 8.4. Sacral and cranial caudal vertebrae, caudal dorsal ribs, and pelvic girdle of S. santensis (BPV a, epoxy cast), as shown
in full-tone (A) and outline (B) drawings. Vertebrae are in ventral view, and pelvic elements are in left lateral view. Broken lines indi-
cate bone margins visible as impressions. Abbreviations: acet, acetabulum; ach, articular surface for chevron; c, centrum; ca, first cau-
dal vertebra; dant, dorsal antitrochanter; dpr, proximodorsal process; fe, femur; fl, flange; il, ilium; is, ischium; pfo, pubic foot; poap,
postacetabular process; pped, pubic peduncle; prap, preacetabular process; pu, pubis; r, rib (also right); s–, sacral vertebrae –; sym,
symphyseal surface; tp, transverse process; vant, ventral antitrochanter.

196 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .

broadest width near its distal end. The distal condyles are keratinized outer rim extends as a slender arcuate extension
large; in side view, the lateral condyle is nearly circular, from the tip of each ungual and is preserved in several
whereas the medial condyle projects more strongly caudally. enantiornithine specimens encased in lacustrine sediments.
The juncture between the tip of the ungual and the outer
Fibula. The fibula, disarticulated in both specimens, ex- rim of the claw sheath is visible under high magnification
tends along only the upper one-third of the tibiotarsus. The in the holotypic specimens of Iberomesornis and Concornis,
flattened proximal end is triangular, the caudal corner pro- which have not undergone acid preparation. After acid
jecting farther from the axis of the shaft (IVPP VB). preparation, such a distinction is not possible; Sereno and
The iliofibularis tubercle is developed as a distinct swelling Rao () misinterpreted the slender outer rim of the claw
on the craniolateral margin of the shaft (BPV a). Distal sheaths in the holotypic specimen as the particularly slen-
to this tubercle, the shaft tapers into a narrow rod that ex- der tips of the pedal unguals.
tends a short distance beyond the fibular crest on the tibia. The proximal phalanx of digit I is robust and almost as
long as the proximal phalanx of digit III (Fig. .). The base
Tarsometatarsus. The tarsometatarsi of the holotypic is very broad, and the lateral distal condyle is slightly longer
specimen are well preserved and exposed, showing the dis- than the medial distal condyle, as in Concornis. The ungual
tal, fully retroverted (anisodactyl) position of digit I. Zhou is as long and recurved as that in digit II. Sinornis, like the
(a:) described the absence of a hypotarsus and com- other basal enantiornithines Iberomesornis and Concornis, is
mented on the length and form of metatarsal II in the re- characterized by a robust, long, and fully retroverted digit I.
ferred specimen (IVPP VB), which shows the expanded, The phalanges of digit II are distinctive in several regards.
medially deflected distal condyles that characterize the holo- The proximal phalanx has a particularly broad base (Fig. .)
typic specimen and most other enantiornithines (Chiappe, to accommodate the transversely expanded distal condyles
). Co-ossified distal tarsals appear to form a slightly ex- of metatarsal II. The penultimate phalanx is longer than that
panded cap fused to the proximal ends of metatarsals II–IV, proximal to it, as in digits III and IV. Its distal condyles are
although no sutures remain. A very short section of the su- more expanded and the intercondylar depression is deeper
ture between the proximal ends of metatarsals II and III is than comparable phalanges of digits III or IV (either the sec-
also co-ossified. This co-ossification has maintained the in- ond or penultimate phalanges). Likewise, the ungual is more
tegrity of the tarsometatarsi in both specimens. recurved and the flexor tubercle significantly more robust
Metatarsal I has a splint-shaped shaft and is located at than the unguals in digits III or IV (Figs. ., .). These fea-
the distal end of metatarsal II (Figs. .–.). On the right tures are also present in Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, : Fig.
side of the holotypic specimen, digit I has shifted caudally, ) and Confuciusornis and may well be homologous with the
so that metatarsal I is in contact with metatarsal IV (Fig. similar, but hypertrophied, condition of digit II in Rahonavis
.). In side view, metatarsal I is J-shaped as a result of its (Forster et al., ) and basal paravians, such as dro-
bulbous distal condyle, which is single cranially but divided maeosaurids and troodontids (Sereno, a).
by a groove caudally. A broad, asymmetrical dorsal extensor The proximal phalanx of digit III is the most robust
depression is present just behind the condyle, and the col- nonungual phalanx in the pes. The second phalanx is
lateral ligament pit is deeper on the medial side. shorter, and the penultimate phalanx is as long as, but more
Metatarsals II–IV are very similar to those in other basal slender than, the first phalanx. The ungual is the longest in
enantiornithines, such as Iberomesornis (Sanz and Bona- the pes.
parte, ; Sereno, ; Sanz et al., Chapter  in this vol- The first two phalanges of digit IV are subequal in length
ume) and Concornis (Sanz et al., ). A suite of derived (Figs. ., .), whereas the second is significantly shorter in
enantiornithine features include the very broad distal Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ).
condyles of metatarsal II (Fig. .), the caudally prominent The third phalanx is somewhat shorter, and the penultimate
medial distal condyle of metatarsal III (Fig. .), extremely phalanx is much longer. These proportional differences are
narrow shaft of metatarsal IV (Fig. .), and C-shaped dis- readily understood as adaptations that enhance perching
tal condyles of metatarsal IV (Chiappe, , ). The de- function (Hopson and Chiappe, ; Hopson, ). The
rived form of metatarsal I and the reduced size of metatarsal ungual is shorter than that of digits I–III and is the least re-
IV are also visible in the referred specimen (IVPP VB). curved in the pes.
Metatarsal V is absent.
Phylogenetic Relationships
Phalanges. The pedal phalanges are articulated and well
exposed in the holotypic specimen. The phalangeal formula Basal Avian Relationships
is ----x (Figs. ., .). Horny claw sheaths are partially Recent years have witnessed a profound transformation in
preserved, especially the hard outer rim (Figs. .–.). This the quality of the early avian fossil record, as this volume at-

198 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .

Figure 8.5. Left distal metatarsals (most in dorsal view) and pedal phalanges (most in medial view) of S. santensis (BPV a, epoxy
cast) (A, B). Broken lines indicate the margins of bone or horny claw that are visible as impressions. Abbreviations: I–IV, metatarsals
or digits I–IV; –, phalangeal number; ag, attachment groove; hc, horny claw; mt, metatarsal; ph, phalanx; un, ungual.

tests. Despite the presence of several taxa of uncertain asso- (Fig. .C) constitutes a consensus of recent cladistic analy-
ciation or controversial affinity, such as Protoavis (Chatter- ses with explicit outgroups that attempt to incorporate the
jee, ) and the alvarezsaurids (Chiappe et al., ; No- increasing quantity of skeletal data now available. In a re-
vas, ; Sereno, , a, ; Chiappe et al., ), a cent analysis (Sereno, a), for example, approximately
phylogenetic framework has emerged (Chiappe, , ;  synapomorphies have been identified in support of
Sereno , a; Chiappe et al., ). This framework three nodes at the base of Aves (Fig. .C).


Figure 8.6. Right distal metatarsals and pedal phalanges of S. santensis (BPV a, epoxy cast), most in ventral view (A, B). Broken
lines indicate the margins of bone or horny claw that are visible as impressions. See Figure . for abbreviations.

200 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
Calvo, ; Sanz et al., ), the status of Sinornis as an
enantiornithine was proposed (Chiappe, ; Zhou,
a). Ambiortus and Iberomesornis, in turn, also appear to
belong within Enantiornithes. Initially, these genera were
allied with Enantiornithes based on overall similarity rather
than synapomorphy (Martin, ; Kurochkin, ). More
recently, several enantiornithine synapomorphies were
highlighted in a revision of the skeletal anatomy of Iberome-
sornis (Sereno, ).
Enantiornithine synapomorphies were first outlined by
Walker () and Chiappe (, ) based largely on dis-
articulated material. Chiappe and Calvo () and Chi-
appe () listed  and  synapomorphies, respectively.
Kurochkin (:–) listed  characters in his diagnosis
of Enantiornithes, but these constitute a mixture of enanti-
ornithine synapomorphies and symplesiomorphies that
characterize many other avians (e.g., “digit I reversed”).
Sereno () accepted  of the  synapomorphies
listed by Chiappe (:) and added another  for a to-
tal of  enantiornithine synapomorphies. Most of these 
synapomorphies are present in S. santensis, but the follow-
ing  are the easiest to observe in the postcranial skeleton
(Fig. .; BPV a; IVPP VA, B). In the axial column,
() the parapophyses of cranial dorsal vertebrae are posi-
tioned in the center of the centrum. In the pectoral girdle,
() the dorsolateral rami of the furcula are L- or V-shaped
in cross section; () the hypocleideum is % or more of the
Figure 8.7. Left pedal digit I phalanges of S. santensis (BPV a, length of the dorsolateral ramus of the furcula; () the
epoxy cast) in lateral view (A, B), showing the side of digit I that scapular acromial process is deflected medially at about °
is farthest from digit II. Broken lines indicate the margins of bone from the long axis of the scapula; and () the ventral ramus
or horny claw that are visible as impressions. Abbreviations: clp,
of the coracoid has a convex lateral margin and is trans-
collateral ligament pit; ag, attachment groove; hc, horny claw.
versely arched. In the forelimb, () the proximal apex of the
humeral head is gently saddle-shaped; () the internal
tuberosity (located on the proximal end of the humerus
Enantiornithine Status of Sinornis ventral to the head) is associated with a pneumatic opening;
Sereno and Rao () initially described the holotypic () a humeral dorsal trochanter is present; () the humeral
specimen of S. santensis as the most basal avian after ventral trochanter is developed as a pendant process with a
Archaeopteryx (Fig. .A). At that time, articulated remains subtriangular cross section and terminal fossa; () humeral
of other basal avians were rare and included only Ambior- distal condyles with transverse axis angled ventromedially
tus (Kurochkin, ), a partial postcranial skeleton from at approximately ° from the perpendicular to the shaft
Mongolia, and Iberomesornis (Sanz et al., ; Sanz and axis; () humeral distal end with maximum width across
Bonaparte, ), a more complete postcranial skeleton the epicondyles three times maximum craniocaudal depth;
from Spain. It is now clear that the two features used by and () foramen present on the ventral aspect of the base
Sereno and Rao () to establish the basal position of of manual phalanx II-. In the pelvic girdle, () the iliac
Sinornis relative to Ambiortus and Iberomesornis—the pres- postacetabular process has a maximum depth one-third the
ence of gastralia and a plate-shaped coracoid—were based maximum depth of the preacetabular process. In the
on misidentifications (of rib tips and a portion of the left hindlimb, () the distal condyles of metatarsal I are re-
humerus, respectively). flected caudally; () the distal condyles of metatarsal I are
Sereno and Rao () did not compare Sinornis with the joined along their dorsal margin; () the distal condyles of
available disarticulated material of enantiornithines metatarsal II and the proximal articular surface of opposing
(Walker, ; Molnar, ). As more complete enanti- phalanx II- are broader in width than those of metatarsal
ornithine remains came to light (Chiappe, , ; Sanz III and phalanx III-; () the medial distal condyle of
and Buscalioni, ; Zhou et al., , a; Chiappe and metatarsal III extends significantly caudal to the lateral

Figure 8.8. Silhouette reconstruction of
S. santensis showing the preserved bones,
based on BPV  and IVPP V.

condyle; () the distal shaft of metatarsal IV is much nar- ered by Chiappe (), Sanz et al. (), and Kurochkin
rower than that of metatarsals II and III; and () the distal (). These studies highlight just how little is known
condyles of metatarsal IV are C-shaped in distal view. These about the internal structure of this major avian radiation.
synapomorphies were adapted from Chiappe,  (synapo- Chiappe () described  characters in six enanti-
morphy ); Chiappe,  (synapomorphies , –); Chi- ornithine genera, using Mononykus and Patagopteryx as out-
appe and Calvo,  (synapomorphies , ); Chiappe,  groups (Fig. .B). Three of these characters (, , ) are
(synapomorphies , ); and Sereno,  (synapomorphies enantiornithine synapomorphies and, as scored by Chiappe
, , –, , , ). (: Fig. ), are uninformative regarding relationships
among enantiornithines. Three of the remaining characters
Relationships within Enantiornithes (, , ; metatarsal I distal condyles strongly reflected or “J-
What are the relationships of S. santensis within Enanti- shaped”; caudally extended medial distal condyle on
ornithes? Enantiornithine relationships have been consid- metatarsal III; and metatarsal IV distal condyles C-shaped)

202 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
Figure 8.9. Basal avian taxonomy and phylogeny. (A) Higher-level avian taxonomy (from Sereno, , a). Dots and arrows in-
dicate taxa with node-based and stem-based definitions, respectively. Euornithes Dementjev  was inadvertently listed as a new
taxon (Sereno, ). (B) Editors’ preferred higher taxonomy for the same basal phylogeny as in (A), differing in use of the taxon Or-
nithurae. (C) Higher-level avian phylogeny, with number of synapomorphies shown at each node (under delayed character-state op-
timization). Alvarezsaurids are regarded as ornithomimosaurs (and so are not included on the cladogram; Sereno, a, ), and
Iberomesornis is regarded as an enantiornithine (Sereno, ).

we also regard as enantiornithine synapomorphies; these Sanz et al. () added C. lacustris to the matrix in Chi-
features, for example, are present in Sinornis. One of the re- appe (), using the same  characters and pair of out-
maining characters (; tubercle for the tibialis cranialis groups (Fig. .C). Their results were the same: three
muscle on metatarsal II) is probably plesiomorphic within minimum-length trees with the same consistency index.
Enantiornithes, given its presence in the outgroups Confu- After examining the holotypic skeleton of Concornis, we
ciusornis and dromaeosaurids (Norell and Makovicky, would score four characters (, , , ) with the derived state
:–, Fig. ). Although Chiappe correctly reported (as opposed to primitive or missing states). Nonetheless, if
three minimum-length (-step) trees with a consistency the data as originally presented are accepted, all structure
index of ., the robustness of this result was not consid- within Enantiornithes breaks down with one additional
ered. If the data as presented are accepted, all structure step ( steps;  trees; Fig. .C). This is not the result of
among enantiornithines breaks down with one additional a single incomplete taxon. If Lectavis, the least complete
step ( steps,  trees; Fig. .B). taxon in the matrix (% complete), is removed, all struc-

Figure 8.10. Enantiornithine relationships. (A) Phylogeny presented by Sereno and Rao (). (B) Relationships proposed by Chi-
appe (), with broken lines showing loss of all resolution for trees one step longer than the minimum. (C) Minimum-length tree
presented by Sanz et al. (), with broken lines showing loss of all resolution for trees one step longer than the minimum. (D) Phylo-
genetic diagram presented by Elzanowski (). (E) Phylogenetic diagram presented by Kurochkin () showing phylogenetic res-
olution that is impossible to generate from its associated data matrix.

ture still breaks down with one additional step ( steps,  of Cathayornis and Concornis), absence of gastralia (also
trees). The tarsometatarsus alone, we conclude, is insuffi- absent in Sinornis, as described earlier), and a prominent
cient to clarify much about higher-level relationships antitrochanter on the ilium (which is clearly present and
within Enantiornithes. prominent in Sinornis). The information available to
Elzanowski (: Fig. ) presented a cladogram showing Elzanowski for several of these genera was limited. The
a paraphyletic arrangement of taxa here considered enanti- holotypic skeletons of Sinornis and Concornis clearly
ornithines (Fig. .D). Eight synapomorphies were listed how many features that establish their inclusion within a
to demonstrate that some enantiornithines were more monophyletic Enantiornithes (Chiappe, , ; Sereno,
advanced than Concornis, Sinornis, and Cathayornis. As ).
argued previously, Cathayornis is a junior synonym of Kurochkin (: Fig.) presented a phylogeny for 
Sinornis. The five synapomorphies Elzanowski listed to enantiornithine species (Fig. .E). Although accepting
unite Concornis, Cathayornis, and other avians to the exclu- “the principal thesis of a [sic] Hennig’s taxonomy,”
sion of Sinornis are flawed, such as the absence of a pubic Kurochkin (:) suggested that use of parsimony would
foot (which is clearly present in the holotypic specimens lead to “an obviously false phylogeny” for basal avians. Per-

204 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .
haps not surprisingly, his “eclectic” phylogeny bears no dis- is enlarged and partially keeled. The cranial ribs are particu-
cernible relation to an extensive matrix of character data larly robust and are associated with ossified sternal ribs.
tabulated in the same paper. The matrix includes  fea- The scapula, coracoid, and furcula articulate to form a
tures scored across  terminal entities, which include  triosseal canal adjacent to the shoulder joint. Martin ()
named taxa, several unnamed specimens, one embryo, and and Ostrom et al. (), to the contrary, have stated that a
some isolated bones. The data are not a list of characters but triosseal canal is absent in Enantiornithes. The form of the
rather a mixture of primitive and derived character states, three bones that would compose the canal, however, sug-
which were then scored, with few exceptions, as present or gests otherwise. In enantiornithines the scapula has a long,
absent. Missing entries abound;  terminal entities are robust, and craniomedially deflected acromial process; the
scored for  or fewer of the  features in the matrix. One coracoid, similarly, has a well-developed, dorsally promi-
terminal unit, an isolated femur, is scored for only one nent acrocoracoid process; and the furcula has dorsolateral
state—the absence of a particular feature. Twenty-four fea- rami that curve laterally and terminate in an expanded ar-
tures are constant or otherwise uninformative. ticular head (preserved in Sinornis, Concornis, and Eoalu-
These data give rise to an incalculably enormous num- lavis). The form of these bones and their configuration as
ber of minimum-length trees of  steps. If one omits all preserved in partial articulation (Sanz et al., : Figs. , )
terminal units except the outgroups (Archaeopteryx, Ichthy- and in restoration strongly suggest that a triosseal canal of
ornithiformes, Neornithes) and the seven enantiornithines modern avian design was present and would have provided
considered by Sanz et al. (),  features are phylogenet- passage for the tendon of the supracoracoideus muscle. The
ically uninformative. The remainder give rise to  mini- tendon would have inserted on the prominent dorsal
mum-length trees of  steps, the strict consensus of which tuberosity of the humerus. In enantiornithines, the supra-
yields a basal polytomy encompassing all included enanti- coracoideus muscle with its tendinous attachment to the
ornithines. Although we disagree with many aspects of humerus thus appears to have achieved its modern con-
Kurochkin’s data, this result seems to be an accurate gauge figuration and function—as an important elevator and, es-
of current understanding of enantiornithine phylogeny (see pecially, rotator of the wing, functions that are critical for
Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume, for addi- takeoff and landing (Poore et al., ; Ostrom et al., ).
tional discussion). The triosseal canal, in contrast, is not present in either
S. santensis, I. romerali, C. lacustris, and Eoalulavis hoy- Archaeopteryx or Confuciusornis.
asi are known from well-preserved skeletons of Early Cre- In the wing, the wrist joint is characterized by a laterally
taceous age. Their postcranial remains are remarkably uni- displaced, V-shaped ulnare. Unlike in Archaeopteryx, in
form and bear few autapomorphies. Reasonably complete which the ulnare is positioned distal to the ulna, in enanti-
cranial remains are known only for Sinornis. The Late Cre- ornithines and other ornithothoracines the ulnare is dis-
taceous Neuquenornis volans is less complete but also very placed lateral to the long axis of the ulna. The V-shaped in-
similar in structure. It is clear, then, that sparrow- to cisure on the ulnare for the metacarpus allowed greater flex-
starling-sized enantiornithines with this conservative skele- ion at the wrist during upstroke, which is important in
tal design achieved worldwide distribution during the Early small-bodied fliers for decreasing drag (Jenkins et al., ).
Cretaceous. Their interrelationships, nonetheless, are cur- At the same time, the enlarged ulnare forms a rigid inter-
rently unknown. More derived Late Cretaceous enanti- locking wrist joint during downstroke (Vazquez, , ).
ornithines include the long-limbed genera Nanantius and The first digit of the manus bears alular feathers in the
Lectavis and the asymmetrically footed genus Yungavolucris enantiornithine Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ). The similar
(Chiappe, ; Kurochkin, ). More complete material slender form of the first digit in Sinornis and other enanti-
of these genera may yield character data that will distin- ornithines suggests that it also may have borne alular feath-
guish subgroups within Enantiornithes. ers. Alular feathers, which are clearly absent in Confuciu-
sornis and Archaeopteryx, help to prevent turbulent airflow
Paleobiology over the wing, enhancing maneuverability at slow speeds.
Several features in the pes suggest that Sinornis and other
S. santensis, the most completely known enantiornithine, well-known enantiornithines (e.g., Neuquenornis, Concor-
provides a detailed view of a basal avian that, judging from nis, Iberomesornis) had achieved advanced perching func-
its skeleton, would have been similar in flight performance tion and lived primarily in an arboreal habitat. Advanced
and perching capability to sparrow-sized birds living today perching function is indicated by the presence of a fully op-
in arboreal habitats (Fig. .). posable hallux with a particularly large ungual (Sereno and
The thorax is strengthened to resist forces generated by an Rao, ). In Sinornis the three principal digits of the pes
increase in pectoral muscle mass. The coracoids expand dis- are long compared with the tibia or femur, the penultimate
tally to form broad, lengthened struts to the sternum, which pedal phalanges are lengthened, and the pedal claws are

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208 PAU L C . S E R E N O E T A L .

The Birds from the Lower Cretaceous of Las Hoyas

(Province of Cuenca, Spain)


Our knowledge of the early evolutionary his- imen and provided strong evidence in support of its place-
tory of birds has changed dramatically since ment within Enantiornithes. One of the most striking fea-
the early s (Chiappe, a). The increas- tures of Concornis is the presence of a broad, notched ster-
ing information about the Mesozoic diversifi- num with a caudal carina, similar to that described for
cation of birds is generating insightful hypotheses on their Cathayornis (Zhou, a; see also Zhou and Hou, Chapter
phylogenetic structure and evolutionary history. Since ,  in this volume).
the Konservat-Lagerstätte of Las Hoyas (province of Cuenca, In , a third avian skeleton was found at Las Hoyas.
Spain) has provided exceptional evidence contributing to This new bird specimen is better preserved than the other
the flourishing revision on this paleobiological issue. two and consists of much of the skeleton but lacks the skull.
The first report on Iberomesornis romerali (referred to as Wing feathers are preserved in position. It was interpreted
“the Las Hoyas bird” in literature prior to ) appeared in as a new enantiornithine taxon and named Eoalulavis hoy-
 (Sanz et al., ). This preliminary paper stressed the asi (Sanz et al., ). A peculiar assemblage of four juvenile
significance of this primitive bird in regard to early avian di- specimens was also discovered that same year. This rare
versification. Iberomesornis, lacking the skull, the cranial finding was interpreted as a regurgitated pellet on the basis
portion of the neck, and most of the hands (see Anatomy), of taphonomic considerations (Sanz et al., a). In this
presents apomorphic characters (e.g., pygostyle, strutlike chapter we describe I. romerali, C. lacustris, and E. hoyasi,
coracoid) with respect to Archaeopteryx and plesiomorphic placing more emphasis on this last taxon, which to date has
characters (e.g., primitive sacropelvic elements, unfused been only preliminarily described. We review how these
metatarsus) with respect to neornithine birds. Therefore, taxa have been interpreted and discussed according to re-
Iberomesornis was proposed to be the closest known sister cent phylogenetic hypotheses. We also discuss the contribu-
group of Ornithurae, a suggestion promptly accepted by tion made by the birds from Las Hoyas to our current un-
several authors (Cracraft, ; Chiappe, ). This conclu- derstanding of the early phases of avian flight.
sion was presented in the Second International Symposium
of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, held in Geological Setting
Los Angeles, California, in September . Four years later,
a formal denomination of the Las Hoyas bird, along with a The Las Hoyas fossil site is located in the southern part of
further description and discussion, was published in the the Serranía de Cuenca, in the Castilla–La Mancha region of
Proceedings of the above-mentioned Symposium (Sanz Spain (Fig. .). The outcropping is stratigraphically placed
and Bonaparte, ). within the Calizas de la Huérguina Formation and is located
At the end of the s, a new bird skeleton was discov- about  km east of the city of Cuenca. It is Early Cretaceous
ered at Las Hoyas. This new specimen was published by (Late Barremian) in age, as dated by means of palino-
Sanz and Buscalioni () with the name Concornis lacus- morphs, ostracods, and charophytes (Diéguez et al., ).
tris. Concornis, roughly twice the size of Iberomesornis, is The fossiliferous facies of Las Hoyas are rhythmically lami-
known by an almost complete skeleton with some feather nated limestones derived from a wide lacustrine carbonate
evidence, although it lacks the skull and neck. Sanz et al. system. Several phases of deepening and shallowing oc-
() fully described the holotype (and only known) spec- curred in this lake. The fossil-bearing limestones were de-

posited in the deepening periods (Fregenal-Martínez and The ichthyofauna includes Coelacanthiformes, Semionoti-
Meléndez, ). formes, Amiiformes, Pycnodontiformes, and primitive
Most of the faunal assemblage and facies from Las Hoyas Teleosteii (Pholidophoriformes and Gonorynchiformes)
indicate that the basin was a freshwater lacustrine environ- (Poyato-Ariza and Wenz, ). Amphibians are repre-
ment. Yet the vicinity of contemporaneous marine deposits sented by the salamanderlike Albanerpetontidae, salaman-
(a few tens of kilometers to the southeast) and the presence ders, and frogs (Evans et al., ). Lizards (Barbadillo and
of coelacanth and pycnodontiform fishes may suggest some Evans, ) and turtles (Jiménez-Fuentes, ) were also
sort of marine influence. Nevertheless, a strontium isotope present in the Las Hoyas biota. The crocodilian fauna is pe-
analysis of the bones of these fishes and carbon and oxygen culiar, as it is represented by four small-sized taxa belong-
analyses of the carbonate rocks from the Las Hoyas basin are ing to Gobiosuchidae and Neosuchia (Buscalioni and Or-
consistent with a freshwater lacustrine environment (Talbot tega, ; Ortega et al., ). The dinosaur fauna includes
et al., ). Thus, the limestone isotopic analyses clearly in- fragmentary evidence of Sauropoda, Ornithopoda, and
dicate that the carbonates were precipitated in a hydrolog- Theropoda. Along with the birds, the most complete re-
ically closed basin. This type of restricted basin is consis- mains belong to the ornithomimosaur Pelecanimimus
tent with the warm, seasonally dry climate proposed for the polyodon (Pérez-Moreno et al., ; Sanz and Pérez-
Las Hoyas area during Early Cretaceous times (Gómez- Moreno, ). Ichnofossils include invertebrate traces, a
Fernández and Meléndez, ). large amount of unstudied coprolites, probably from
Las Hoyas is a Konservat-Lagerstätte that has yielded the fishes, and a trackway from a medium-sized crocodile
fossil remains of a high diversity of organisms (Sanz et al., (Fregenal-Martínez and Moratalla, ).
b). The floral assemblage includes charophytes, The exceptional quality of preservation of the Las Hoyas
bryophytes, filicales, cicadophytes, gnetales, conifers, and Konservat-Lagerstätte is illustrated by the preservation of
angiosperms. A large part of the floral remains belongs soft tissues in several fossils. An outstanding example is the
to the enigmatic species Montsechia vidali (Diéguez et al., flight feathers of the enantiornithine bird E. hoyasi, which
). Most of the invertebrates are arthropods:  forms are preserved in situ, attached to their respective bones
of ostracods (Rodríguez-Lázaro, );  decapods (Sanz et al., ). Other examples include both isolated and
(Martínez-Delclòs and Nell, a); and  different forms adhered feathers (such as in Concornis), as well as other epi-
of insects, mainly belonging to Odonata, Blattodea, Het- dermal remains (such as the ornithomimosaur Pelecanim-
eroptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Neuroptera, imus (Briggs et al., ) or the albanerpetontid Celtedens
and Ephemeroptera (Martínez-Delclòs and Nell, b). (McGowan and Evans, ).

Figure 9.1. Locality and general

stratigraphy of south-central
Spain, where the fossil site of Las
Hoyas is located.


Systematic Paleontology Horizon and locality—Las Hoyas fossil site, province of
Cuenca, Spain. Calizas de La Huérguina Formation, Late
Taxonomic Hierarchy Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) (Fregenal-Martínez and
Aves Linnaeus,  Meléndez, ).
Ornithothoraces Chiappe, 
Enantiornithes Walker,  Diagnosis—Autapomorphic characters include cervi-
I. romerali Sanz and Bonaparte,  cals with a lateral shelf linking cranial and caudal zy-
gapophyses; high vertebral arches of dorsal vertebrae, with
Holotype—LH-; Las Hoyas Collection, Museo de relatively high neural arches and laminar spines; a very large
Cuenca, Cuenca, Spain (provisionally housed in the Unidad and laminar pygostyle; and the absence of a cnemial crest
de Paleontología of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, on the tibiotarsus.
Spain). Nearly complete articulated specimen, lacking the
skull, the cranial portion of the neck, and most of the hands Euenantiornithes Chiappe, Chapter  in this
(Figs. . and .). volume
Referred specimens—LH-; Las Hoyas Collection, C. lacustris Sanz and Buscalioni, 
Museo de Cuenca, Cuenca, Spain (provisionally housed in Holotype—LH-; Las Hoyas Collection, Museo de
the Unidad de Paleontología of the Universidad Autónoma Cuenca, Cuenca, Spain (provisionally housed in the Unidad
de Madrid, Spain). Left metatarsals I–IV and their respec- de Paleontología of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
tive articulated digits (Fig. .). Poorly preserved specimen Spain). Articulated specimen, including the right forelimb
comparable in size to that of the holotype. Sanz and Bus- and thoracic girdle, sternum, some dorsal, synsacral, and
calioni () regarded it as cf. Iberomesornis sp. caudal vertebrae, pubis, ischium, and hindlimbs (Fig. .).

Figure 9.2. I. romerali (LH-), Las Hoyas, Upper Barremian (Lower Cretaceous), Cuenca, Spain. Holotype. Scale bar = 1 cm.

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 211
Figure 9.3. I. romerali (LH-), ultraviolet-induced fluorescence photograph.

Horizon and locality—Same as in I. romerali (see previ- A

Diagnosis—Autapomorphic characters include a rib-
bonlike ischium, a transverse ginglymoid articulation of
trochlea of metatarsal I, and a strongly excavated distal end
of metatarsal IV.
E. hoyasi Sanz et al., 
Holotype—LH- a/b; Las Hoyas Collection, Museo
de Cuenca, Cuenca, Spain (provisionally housed in the
Unidad de Paleontología of the Universidad Autónoma de B
Madrid, Spain). Articulated specimen, including feathers,
the last  cervical and the first  dorsal vertebrae, the tho-
racic girdle, sternum and ribs, both wings, and remains of
the pelvic girdle and femora (Fig. .–.).
Horizon and locality—Same as in I. romerali (see
Diagnosis—Autapomorphic characters include the
presence of laminar, keel-like cervical and dorsal centra; an
undulating ventral surface of the furcula; a distal end of the
humerus with a thick, caudally projected ventral margin;
the presence of several small tubercles on the distal, caudal
surface of the minor metacarpal; a depressed, spear-shaped Figure 9.4. I. romerali (LH-). Las Hoyas, Upper Barremian
sternum, with a footlike caudal expansion and a faint ca- (Lower Cretaceous), Cuenca, Spain. Referred specimen; part (A)
rina; and a deep, rostral cleft in the sternum. and counterpart (B) of an isolated foot. Scale bar = 1 cm.


Figure 9.5. C. lacustris (LH-), Las Hoyas, Upper Barremian (Lower Cretaceous), Cuenca, Spain. Scale bar = 1 cm.

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 213
Figure 9.6. E. hoyasi (LH-a), Las Hoyas, Upper Barremian (Lower Cretaceous), Cuenca, Spain. Specimen before preparation.
Scale bar = 1 cm.

Figure 9.7. E. hoyasi (LH-a). Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence photograph of the specimen before preparation.


Figure 9.8. E. hoyasi (LH-a). Dorsal view of the specimen after preparation.

Figure 9.9. E. hoyasi (LH-b). Ventral view of the specimen after preparation.

Anatomy specimen and provided an account of its anatomy and sys-

tematic significance, but it has not been possible to ade-
I. romerali Sanz and Bonaparte,  quately address any issues raised in that paper.
New preparation of the holotype specimen has revealed
new details of its anatomy (Figs. .–., ., and .). Ontogenetic Stage. As is discussed in detail subse-
Thus, we include here this new information that revises the quently, the holotype of I. romerali is probably an adult in-
comprehensive description of Sanz and Bonaparte (). dividual (contra Martin, ; Feduccia, ). This assess-
Sereno () also discussed the newly prepared holotype ment is supported by the fusion between the pubis and

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 215
ischium and the absence of neurocentral sutures in the pre-
sacral vertebral series.

Vertebral Column. The vertebral column is nearly com-

plete, lacking only the cranial portion of the cervical series.
The fifth preserved vertebra, starting from the front, is
probably the first dorsal. The two foremost cervical ele-
ments are elongate and have a lateral shelf linking cranial
Figure 9.11. I. romerali (LH-). Camera lucida drawing of the
and caudal zygapophyses, while the two subsequent cervi-
last free caudal vertebrae and pygostyle. Abbreviations: cv, cau-
cals are shorter, lacking the lateral ridge. The first two pre- dal vertebrae; vp, proximal ventral process of the pygostyle.
served cervicals lack a spinous process; this process is also
very reduced in the third preserved cervical, but it appears
to increase in height in the last cervical vertebra. Pneumatic
foramina (pleurocoels) are not visible in any of these verte- exposed in lateral view and proposed the presence of keel-
brae. Although exposed in lateral view, the cervical centra like ventral processes. Nevertheless, the sacral vertebrae are
were almost certainly not heterocoelous. most likely exposed in ventral view, and no ventral
There are  thoracic vertebrae; the first three have a tran- processes are visible. This is consistent with the position of
sitional morphology with the caudalmost cervicals. The cra- the iliac blades and the disposition of the three cranialmost
nial thoracic vertebrae, like the last cervical, bear prominent free caudal vertebrae.
ventral crests (Chiappe, a). The thoracic centra are There are eight free caudal vertebrae and a large pygo-
slightly longer than those of the last cervicals, becoming pro- style (Fig. .). The distalmost free centra appear to be
gressively longer and lower caudal to the fourth dorsal. They slightly procoelous. In the cranial part of the pygostyle, the
have small, lateral depressions and appear to be platycoelous. first three elements can be individualized, while in the cau-
The vertebral arch is relatively high, with well-developed zy- dal part there is no differentiation between the elements.
gapophyses and with cranial zygapophyses projecting be- Sanz and Bonaparte () suggested that the pygostyle was
yond the cranial articular surface. From the fifth thoracic, composed of vertebral elements –. Chiappe (a) em-
the costal fovea seems to be situated on the vertebral arch. phasized the primitiveness of the caudal vertebral count of
The spinous processes are laminar and relatively high. Iberomesornis, which, when pygostyle elements are added to
The sacrum is composed of five elements (Fig. .). the more proximal, free vertebrae, approaches the number
Sanz and Bonaparte () considered the sacral series to be of elements present in Archaeopteryx. Cranially, the pygo-
style seems to have a ventral expansion, with an inverted-T
cross section, becoming distally laminar. As a whole, the
caudal series is subequal in length to the dorsal series.
There is no evidence of either uncinate processes or

Thoracic Girdle and Limb

Sternum. A fragment of the sternum is visible. Five stout
sternal ribs are attached to it. It is probable that a portion of
the sternum is concealed by the ulna. The presence or ab-
sence of a carina is uncertain.

Furcula. The furcula is almost completely preserved. The

rami are robust, becoming thinner toward the hypoclei-
deum. The interclavicular angle is approximately ° at the
base of the clavicular rami and approximately ° if it is
measured at the shoulder end of the rami. The hypoclei-
deum is partially hidden by the radius, but it seems to be
Figure 9.10. I. romerali (LH-). Camera lucida drawing of the
sacropelvic region. Abbreviations: ace, acetabulum; cv, caudal
vertebra; fem, femur; idp, dorsal process of ischium; ili, ilium; isc, Scapula. A fragment of the scapula is preserved. The
ischium; pub, pubis; sv, synsacral vertebrae; (l, r), left or right scapular blade seems to be rather straight, long, and narrow.
element. It articulates with the coracoid at a right angle, although it


is uncertain whether this condition was also present at the process of the ischium of Enantiornithes (see Chiappe and
level of the humeral articular facet (Chiappe, a). Walker, Chapter  in this volume). Yet it can be alternatively
interpreted as the iliac process of the ischium (contra Zhou,
Coracoid. The avian, strutlike coracoids of Iberomesornis b) that forms the caudal margin of the acetabulum. If
are not well preserved. The left coracoid, exposed in ventral this latter interpretation is correct, the concave outline dor-
view, is nearly complete, but its shaft and head lack any sal to this process is the ventral margin of the acetabulum.
anatomical details. The sternal margin is broad and straight, Both interpretations are plausible, although its proximal po-
and the lateral margin lacks the typical enantiornithine sition supports its interpretation as part of the acetabulum.
convexity. The ischiadic shaft lacks the characteristic caudal process of
Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, ).
Humerus. The left humerus is exposed craniodorsally,
and its shaft is fractured in two points. It is distinctly shorter Femur. The right femur is clearly visible in medial view.
than the ulna. The deltopectoral crest is well developed, and The left is badly preserved, and its proximal half is virtually
the bicipital crest is low. There is no visible transverse liga- missing (Fig. .). The femur is relatively long but shorter
mental groove. Neither condyles nor an intercondylar de- than the tibia. Distally, it bears a well-developed popliteal
pression is observed. Nevertheless, the outline of the ventral fossa.
epicondyle seems to be placed more distally than the dorsal
epicondyle. The absence of visible distal condyles is not nec- Tibia. The right tibia is almost complete, exposed in me-
essarily related to the suggested juvenile condition of the dial view. The left tibia is broken into two, displaced pieces.
specimen but rather to the preservation of this area. There is no visible cranial cnemial crest. A round proximal
articular surface is present.
Ulna and Radius. Both are nearly articulated with the
humerus. The ulnar shaft is almost twice the radial shaft in Tarsus. Both astragali are in their original positions.
width. The former is curved caudally in its proximal area. They are not fused to the tibia. The ascending process is
The ends of both the ulna and radius are badly preserved. broad and low. Two small, free distal tarsals are also visible.

Manus. Some bones placed close to the midshaft of the Metatarsals. Left and right metatarsals II–IV are pre-
radius could be the distal end of the metacarpus and some served, although the right set is difficult to interpret be-
phalanges, although no clear features can be observed. cause of its bad preservation. The left metatarsals are visi-
ble in dorsal view. The first metatarsal is slightly displaced
Pelvic Girdle and Limb from its original position. Metatarsals II–IV are subequal
Ilium. The interpretation of the pelvic girdle is still prob- in length, although metatarsal III is somewhat longer.
lematic, even after the new preparation of the specimen. There is no evidence of either proximal or distal fusion be-
Both ilia are preserved in ventral view at both sides of the tween metatarsals.
sacrum (Fig. .). These bones are so poorly preserved that
nothing can be said about their morphology. Foot. The phalangeal formula is ----x. The pes is
anisodactyl, with three main digits (II–IV) directed dor-
Pubis. The new preparation revealed that Sanz and sally, and a reversed hallux.
Bonaparte () confused the right pubis with the proxi-
mal half of the femur. The pubis is slightly retroverted, with C. lacustris Sanz and Buscalioni, 
a robust shaft of suboval cross section. It is not possible to A detailed description of C. lacustris after the definitive
verify whether there is a pubic foot, as the distal ends of both preparation of the holotype was given elsewhere (Sanz et al.,
pubes are missing. No suture is visible between the pubis ). Thus, only its most significant features are mentioned
and ischium, and it seems that these pelvic elements are here (Figs. ., ., and .).
fused to each other. This condition again suggests that this
specimen was not a juvenile. Ontogenetic Stage. The only known specimen of Con-
cornis is an adult individual, possessing a well-ossified ster-
Ischium. Both ischia are exposed. The left one is displaced num, tibiotarsus, and tarsometatarsus.
dorsally with respect to the right one. Behind the left is-
chiadic shaft, a process of the right ischium can be observed Vertebral Column. Eight vertebrae are preserved. The
(Fig. .). The base of this process is visible in the proximal four preserved thoracic centra are amphicoelous, com-
area of the left ischium, as well. As pointed out by Zhou pressed, and excavated laterally by a longitudinal depres-
(b), this projection may compare to the caudodorsal sion, as occurs in other enantiornithine birds (Chiappe and

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 217
Calvo, ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this vol- imal end with a convex and strongly caudodorsally pro-
ume). The last two synsacral vertebrae have elongated jected dorsal cotyla, which is separated from the concave
transverse processes. The first two caudals are amphi- ventral cotyla and the olecranon by a shallow depression.
coelous, with caudally directed transverse processes (as are The bicipital tubercle is distally placed to the proximal ar-
those of the synsacrum). A haemal arch is preserved at the ticular surface.
proximal border of the second caudal vertebra.
Several dorsal ribs are well preserved, but none of them Hand. The manus is slightly shorter than the forearm.
shows evidence of uncinate processes. This suggests that The robust and ventrally convex major metacarpal is sub-
these processes, if present, did not ossify. equal in length to the minor one, and these two metacarpals
appear to be fused distally. The intermetacarpal space is nar-
Thoracic Girdle and Limb row. The alular metacarpal must have been short, although
Sternum. The sternum has a rounded cranial margin. it is not preserved.
The carina is developed only in its caudal half, with lateral The alular digit has two phalanges: the proximal one is
crests diverging from its cranial end. The caudal portion of slender and elongate, and the distal one is a claw. The ma-
the sternum is deeply notched, with a stout and distally ex- jor digit has three phalanges, with the proximal one being
panded lateral process and a less robust medial one (Fig. the largest and the distal one being a claw. The minor digit
.). On the lateral margin of the sternum, there is a short has only one preserved phalanx.
notch, delimited caudally by a cranially directed process,
which is interpreted as the articular area for the ribs. Pelvic Girdle and Limb
Pubis. The pubis is slender, elongate, and suboval in cross
Furcula. The furcula is very robust and excavated later- section and has a short distal symphysis (Fig. .). Based on
ally, with the cranial margin projected externally. The inter- its preservation, the pubis was probably oriented caudally.
clavicular angle is °. The hypocleideum is long and tapers
distally, with a weak crest on its cranial face. Ischium. The ischium is about % shorter than the pu-
bis. It lacks a distal contact and is narrow in its distal two-
Scapula. The scapular blade is straight. The shoulder end thirds, having a ribbonlike appearance (Figs. . and .).
has a medial, subrectangular area interpreted as the articu- It has a prominent obturator process and a dorsal process
lar facet for the furcula. similar to those of other enantiornithines (see Chiappe and
Walker, Chapter  in this volume).
Coracoid. The strutlike coracoid is long, lacking lateral
and procoracoid processes. It has a typical enantiornithine Femur. The femur is notably shorter than the tibiotarsus.
morphology: a dorsal fossa, a sternal half with a convex It is robust and slightly curved, and the cranial surface is con-
lateral margin and a concave medial one, and a supra- vex. The femoral head lacks the depression for the insertion
coracoidal nerve foramen opening into a medial groove and of the round ligament (fovea lig. capitis). The medially in-
separated from the dorsal surface by a thick bar (see Chi- clined lateral margin of the proximal end suggests the pres-
appe and Calvo, ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in ence of a well-developed posterior trochanter. There is no
this volume). However, the sternal margin is only slightly patellar groove in the distal end. The lateral margin of the lat-
concave, lacking the remarkable concavity typical of several eral condyle projects caudally, as in other euenantiornithines.
Tibiotarsus. The tibia is gracile, with the proximal tarsals
Humerus. The humerus also presents the characteristic fused entirely to its distal end. The fibular crest is relatively
morphology of euenantiornithine birds (Chiappe and short and well developed. The proximal articular surface of
Walker, Chapter  in this volume). The humerus has a dis- the tibiotarsus is round, and there is a single cnemial crest—
tinct torsion between proximal and distal ends, a cranially two characters that are also present in most Enantiornithes
concave and caudally convex head, a strong development (see Chiappe, a; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this
and cranioventral projection of the bicipital area, and a volume). The cross section of the shaft is subcircular, unlike
craniocaudally compressed distal end. the craniocaudally compressed condition of Lectavis bret-
incola (Chiappe, ). The medial condyle of the distal end
Ulna and Radius. The ulna is nearly twice the width of of the tibiotarsus is transversely broad, the same condition
the radius. The latter is badly preserved, so the presence of present in other enantiornithines.
the longitudinal groove typical of other Euenantiornithes
(Chiappe and Calvo, ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  Tarsometatarsus. The tarsometatarsus is shorter than the
in this volume) cannot be confirmed. The ulna has a prox- tibiotarsus. The third metatarsal is the longest, with the


Figure 9.12. C. lacustris (LH-
). Camera lucida drawing. Ab-
breviations: al, alular phalanx; cir,
circular fossa on proximocranial
end of humerus; co, coracoid; dpc,
deltopectoral crest; fc, facet; feh,
femoral head; fic, fibular crest; fur,
furcula; hum, humerus; hyp,
hypocleideum; lec, lateral excava-
tion of centra; lps, lateral process of
sternum; mam, major metacarpal;
mco, medial condylus; md, pha-
langes of minor digit; mdi, pha-
langes of major digit; mim; minor
metacarpal; mps, medial process of
sternum; op, obturator process; r,
rib; rad, radius; sc, scapula; stc,
sternal carina; stm, sternum; syn,
synsacrum; tib, tibiotarsus; tmt,
tarsometatarsus; uln, ulna; –,
digits –; others as in Figure ..

fourth one being the most slender. Metatarsals II–IV are Pedal Phalanges. Digit I is robust and reverted, with a
straight and co-planar, although the shaft of metatarsal III large claw. The unguals lack well-developed flexor tubercles.
is strongly convex in its central portion, being projected
somewhat forward from metatarsals II and IV. Metatarsals E. hoyasi Sanz et al., 
II–IV are fused proximally and closely connected to each The specimen (Figs. .–., ., and .) is preserved as a
other, lacking the distal divergence of metatarsal II that ap- slab and a counterslab. The slab (LH-a) exhibits the
pears in some avisaurid enantiornithines (Chiappe, ). specimen in dorsal view (Figs. . and .), and contains 
The proximal end lacks an intercotylar eminence as well as vertebrae (of which  are cervicals), the two scapulae, the left
the dorsal sloping present in several avisaurids (Varricchio coracoid and the proximal half of the right coracoid, the
and Chiappe, ). The trochlea of metatarsal IV is the distal portion of the furcula including the hypocleideum,
most reduced, and that of metatarsal II the most developed. several ribs, almost all of the left wing skeleton and the right
Metatarsal I articulates with the medial surface of wing lacking only the hand, part of the left side of the pelvic
metatarsal II. This metatarsal is not J-shaped in medio- girdle, the proximal end of the left femur, and the syn-
lateral view as in other enantiornithines (Chiappe, , sacrum. The counterslab (LH-b) exhibits the speci-
; Chiappe and Calvo, ) but straight. men in ventral view (Figs. . and .), including seven ver-

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 219
pertains to an adult individual (note: Concornis and
Iberomesornis also lack this punctate periosteal texture).

Vertebral Column. The last five cervicals are preserved,

of which the cranialmost preserved cervical is longer than
the others. All the cervicals have very compressed spinous
processes. These are relatively small in the first three verte-
brae and somewhat taller in the fourth and fifth. The
epipophyses are small. In ventral view, the cervical centra
are very compressed, forming a ventral keel. From the sec-
ond to the fifth preserved cervicals, this ventral keel projects
into a cranial ventral crest. The cervical centra are roughly
amphiplatyan. There are robust cervical ribs, of about the
same length as the centrum. The fourth and fifth have a
Figure 9.13. C. lacustris (LH-). Detail of the sacropelvic
transitional morphology with the thoracic vertebrae.
Ten thoracic vertebrae are preserved in articulation be-
tween the last cervical and the cranial margin of the ilium.
In the second and the subsequent vertebrae, the spinous
tebrae (five of which are cervicals), both coracoids and the processes are tall and compressed. In the second thoracic
proximal end of the left scapula, the complete furcula, the vertebra, the tip of the neural spine forms a rectangular
sternum, several ribs, and the left wing and the humerus platform. This appears to be absent in the third thoracic ver-
and ulna-radius of the right wing. tebra (although it could be broken off), but it appears again
From the ninth preserved vertebra, the caudal part of the in the fourth and subsequent vertebrae. In the fourth tho-
specimen is preserved as a cast (in plastic resin) of the dia- racic vertebra this platform is forked caudally, and in the
genetic dissolution of the bones. Thus, the available data fifth vertebra it is forked both caudally and cranially. This
from this area of the specimen are poor. cranial and caudal bifurcation appears to be present in all
the remaining thoracic vertebrae, because a bifurcation is
Ontogenetic Stage. The well-ossified skeleton of visible in all the preserved portions. In the platform of the
Eoalulavis, lacking the pattern of foramina in the periosteal seventh thoracic vertebra, the caudal bifurcation is doubled,
surface that appears in the humerus and other bones in the with one fork situated on top of the other. The spinous
nestling from El Montsec (Sanz et al., ), indicates that it process of the sixth thoracic vertebra is missing, so it is un-

1 cm

Figure 9.14. E. hoyasi (LH-a). Camera lucida drawing of

the specimen in dorsal view. Abbreviations: fem, femur; ili, il-
ium; others as in Figure ..


1 cm

Figure 9.15. E. hoyasi (LH-b). Camera lucida

scheme of the specimen in ventral view. Abbreviations:
cve, cervical vertebrae; pc, proximal carpal; others as in
Figure ..

certain whether this feature was present in this vertebra. are smooth and well defined, lacking either facets for the ar-
This condition is also present in the eighth and ninth dor- ticulation of the ribs or the coracoids. Regardless of the pe-
sals, but the area is not preserved in the tenth vertebra. culiar morphology of the element, its median carina and
The centra of the th to th thoracic vertebrae are position with respect to the ribs indicate that it constitutes
copied by the resin. These show very clearly that the bodies the central portion of the sternum. Conceivably, the ster-
are excavated laterally by a large fossa, a condition common num had cartilaginous extensions that formed the articular
to several other enantiornithine birds (Chiappe, a; Chi- areas for both the ribs and coracoids (Sanz et al., ).
appe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). The transverse
processes are short and virtually centered. Only the first and Furcula. The furcula is very robust and V-shaped, with an
second vertebrae are exposed ventrally; the hypapophyses angle of approximately ° between the two rami. It is com-
of the third and fourth are seen through the right coracoid. pressed mediolaterally, and its ventral margin undulates in
These centra bear a ventral keel that is larger than that of the lateral view, with two “hills” and three “valleys.” The latter are
cervicals. In the cranial half of the centrum, this keel pro- placed at the midpoint of each third of the rami. The dorsal
jects into a well-developed ventral process. In the second, margin is thinner than the ventral margin, as in Concornis
third, and fourth thoracic vertebrae, this process is deep and (Sanz et al., ) and Neuquenornis (Chiappe and Calvo,
very robust. In the second thoracic vertebra, the cranial ar- ), although it is not possible to discern whether there is a
ticular surface is flat; yet the condition for the caudal artic- lateral excavation. The hypocleideum is hypertrophied and
ular surface of this vertebra is uncertain. strongly compressed. It is roughly % of the ramal length.
There are several preserved thoracic ribs, some of them In ventral view, there is a strong buttress in the middle of the
nearly complete. In none of these is there evidence of unci- hypocleideum, although it may be a pathological condition.
nate processes, which suggests their true absence as ossified
elements. No evidence of gastralia has been found. Scapula. The scapular blade is straight with a sharp dis-
tal end. The well-developed acromion is roughly depressed
Thoracic Girdle and Limb and placed somewhat perpendicular to the scapular blade.
Sternum. The morphology of the sternum is singular The humeral articular facet is concave and subtriangular in
within dinosaurs (Fig. .), although a similarly shaped outline.
sternum has been recently found for the Early Cretaceous
Liaoningornis of China (Hou et al., ). The sternum is a Coracoid. The coracoid is very long and thin. The ventral
depressed, spear-shaped element, with a footlike caudal ex- surface is convex. Dorsally, there is a subtriangular fossa. The
pansion. On its ventral surface there is a faint carina. The shoulder end of this fossa converges toward the foramen for
rostral third of the sternum is cleft by a narrow indentation, the supracoracoideus nerve, which opens medially into a
presumably an area interlocking with the extremely long longitudinal groove. The shoulder end of the coracoid is very
hypocleideum of the furcula. The margins of the sternum compressed, and it is oriented caudodorsally. In dorsal view,

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 221
volume). Proximal to the bicipital area, a distinct ligamen-
tal furrow can be observed. In caudal view, the ventral tu-
bercle is well developed and projected caudally, separated
from the humeral head by the capital incision. The caudal
end of the ventral tubercle bears a distinct subtriangular de-
pression. Unlike in Enantiornis leali, the ventral tubercle is
not perforated proximodistally by a fossa (Chiappe, b).
There is no evidence of either pneumatic foramen or fossa.
Distally, the humerus is craniocaudally compressed. The
dorsal epicondyle is projected dorsally and proximally, and
it possesses a shallow depression over its dorsal face. In cau-
dal view, the ventral margin presents a thick ridge projected
caudally, which defines the ventral margin of a deep ole-
cranon fossa. The ventral epicondyle is projected somewhat
distally. On the ventral margin of this epicondyle two small
suboval fossae appear. The condyles are situated on the
humeral cranial surface. The ventral condyle is oriented
transversely, and its distal surface is planar. The dorsal
condyle is subspherical, oriented transversely, and situated
more proximally than the ventral condyle.

Ulna and Radius. The antebrachium is longer than the

humerus (ulnar length: . cm). It is straight, although the
ulna is curved somewhat caudally in its proximal area. Thus,
the interosseous space is wider proximally than distally. The
radial shaft is notably thinner than the ulnar shaft, which is
Figure 9.16. E. hoyasi (LH-b). Detail of the spear-shaped
roughly twice the radial shaft in width.
sternum, in ventral view.
The radius has a subcircular proximal end. Its bicipital
tubercle is conspicuous. The radial shaft has a longitudinal
this end is sigmoidal in shape, with a laterally convex groove, similar to that of several Enantiornithes (Chiappe
humeral articular facet and a laterally concave articular facet and Calvo, ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this
for the scapula. The glenoid is flat and becomes thinner dor- volume).
sally to form a convex surface for the scapula. In the middle The ulna has a weak olecranon. The ventral cotyla is
of the two articular surfaces (glenoid and sternal) there is a somewhat planar. There is an elongated and strong scar for
small depression in the medial margin. As in the El Brete the bicipital muscle.
enantiornithine birds, there is no tubercle between the gle-
noidal and the scapular articular surfaces. The sternal third Hand. The hand is clearly shorter than the ulna and
of the coracoid becomes wider abruptly, with the lateral humerus, with a length of about . cm (length of major
margin strongly convex, although this becomes straight dis- digit, including the metacarpal). The ratio between the dif-
tally. In ventral view, the sternal margin is straight. ferent elements of the forelimb is .::. (humerus:
ulna:major digit).
Humerus. The humerus is sigmoidal in shape, with a Only the left hand is preserved. In ventral view, there is
length of about . cm. It presents an evident torsion be- a small bone in the wrist, situated in the angle formed by the
tween the two ends. The humeral head is concave cranially distal end of the ulna and the proximal end of the minor
and strongly convex caudally. The deltopectoral crest runs metacarpal. It could be interpreted as a displaced carpal
along the proximal third of the humerus. This crest is cra- bone, probably the ulnare.
nially flat without a cranial torsion. Just distal to the head, The alular metacarpal is not preserved. The straight ma-
there is a small transverse fossa. Dorsodistally to this fossa, jor metacarpal is clearly more robust and somewhat shorter
a rounded scar appears on a small elevation. The bicipital than the minor metacarpal, and it becomes wider distally.
area is prominent and projected cranioventrally. On the cra- The distal ends of the major and minor metacarpals are not
nial face of this area, distally displaced, there is a small fossa fused to each other; it is uncertain whether these meta-
for a muscular insertion. This fossa is also found in other carpals are fused one to another proximally. The inter-
enantiornithines (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this metacarpal space is very narrow, even thinner than in


Neuquenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, ). The minor remiges have been preserved, their number was probably
metacarpal is curved slightly caudally, and its proximal end comparable to that of extant flying birds.
is compressed craniocaudally, with the shaft becoming The alular digit of the left wing presents at least one
rounded gradually. On the caudal face of the distal half of feather adhered to the first phalanx (although it is possible
this metacarpal there are several small tubercles. that two existed). This feather is the most ancient evidence
The alular digit has two phalanges, and it is slightly of an alula known in the fossil record, and Eoalulavis is the
shorter than the major metacarpal. The first phalanx is thin most primitive bird preserving an alula. A clearly defined
and relatively long, with the distal end having a ginglymoid rachis seems to be lacking from the alular feather, which is
articulation and collateral foveae. The distal phalanx is an very long. Although the existence of a rachis is not evident,
ungual, having a strong flexor tubercle. The major digit has the disposition of barbs appears to be symmetrical.
three phalanges. The proximal one is very robust, and it is
the longest of the hand. It has a subquadrangular section Phylogenetic Relationships
unlike the depressed, comparable element of extant birds.
This phalanx presents collateral foveae in the distal end. The Two alternative phylogenetic hypotheses have been pro-
second phalanx of the major digit is smaller than the first posed for I. romerali, the first bird from Las Hoyas. Sanz et
one, with a ginglymoid distal articulation and collateral al. () placed the Las Hoyas bird in an intermediate po-
foveae. The last phalanx is a small ungual. Only one phalanx sition between Archaeopteryx and Neornithes, a hypothesis
of the minor digit has been preserved. highly corroborated by a number of studies (e.g., Chiappe,
, a,b, a; Sereno and Rao, ; Chiappe and
Pelvic Girdle and Limb Calvo, ; Chatterjee, ; Sanz et al., ). Specifically,
Ilium. Most of the left ilium is copied by the resin. It this hypothesis supported the sister-group relationship be-
has a postacetabular wing that is shorter and much lower tween Iberomesornis and a clade formed by Enantiornithes
than the preacetabular one. The postacetabular wing tapers and Ornithurae. Chiappe (, Chapter  in this volume)
caudally. proposed a sister-group relationship between Iberomesornis
and Euenantiornithes, including Iberomesornis within
Sereno’s () new phylogenetic definition of Enanti-
Femur. The proximal portion of the left femur has been ornithes (all taxa closer to Sinornis than to Neornithes).
copied by the resin. It possesses a well-developed posterior Enantiornithes (including Iberomesornis and Euenanti-
trochanter, a condition typical of euenantiornithine birds ornithes) and its sister group, Ornithuromorpha (Patagop-
(Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). teryx, Vorona, plus Ornithurae), constitutes Ornithotho-
races (Fig. .). This clade is phylogenetically defined as the
Feathers. There is visible evidence of feathers in both common ancestor of Iberomesornis and neornithine birds
slabs of the specimen. Most of the isolated feathers from the plus all its descendants (Chiappe, a). Recently, Sereno
Las Hoyas fossil site are preserved as carbonized remains, () also included Iberomesornis within his phylogeneti-
which is the most common way of feather preservation in cally defined Enantiornithes. Several authors (e.g., Feduc-
the fossil record (Davis and Briggs, ). Nevertheless, the cia, , ; Hou et al., ; Kurochkin, ; Martin,
feathers of Eoalulavis are usually covered, like most of its ) had placed Iberomesornis within Enantiornithes but
bones, by limonite and, in some cases, by piroluxite. Most followed Martin’s () “Sauriurae,” endorsing a sister-
of the oxide is removed during the transference process and group relationship between Archaeopteryx and the latter
the acid preparation, but, fortunately, some remains. In any clade. This notion is dramatically different from the one
case, the plastic resin copies the structure of the feathers, so supported by us because it implies that the closest ancestor
all the information is maintained after the preparation of shared by Iberomesornis and neornithine birds is the ances-
the specimen. tor of all birds. The nonmonophyletic status of “Sauriurae”
Remiges are preserved in both wings, and body feathers has been pointed out many times (e.g., Olson, ; Chi-
are visible around the humeri and pectoral girdle. There are appe, , a,b, a; Forster et al., ; Sanz et al.,
eight preserved primary remiges, although the proximal ; see Chiappe [b, Chapter  in this volume] for a
two-thirds of the major metacarpal lacks any feather evi- detailed discussion of this view) and does not need to be re-
dence. As in neornithine birds, some feathers are attached peated here. Unfortunately, none of those placing Ibero-
to the phalanges (five of the preserved ones) and others to mesornis within “Sauriurae” have structured their views un-
the major metacarpal (only three of these are preserved). der a rigorous cladistic framework; nor have they tried to
Eight secondary remiges are preserved. Seven of these are in explain the enormous amount of convergence (i.e., the in-
the proximal portion of the ulna, and the eighth attaches to dependent origin of a pygostyle, a strutlike coracoid, a low
its distal end. Although only  primary and secondary interclavicular angle, and many other characters shared by

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 223
Iberomesornis, Euenantiornithes, and neornithine birds) morphies support placement of these two taxa within
implied in such a hypothesis. Enantiornithes, and in particular within Euenantiornithes.
Several synapomorphies support placement of Ibero- These include the presence of strong lateral depressions and
mesornis within Ornithothoraces (Chiappe and Calvo, ; of centered costal foveae (parapophyses) on the bodies of
Chiappe, a,b, a, , Chapter  in this volume; the dorsal vertebrae, a coracoid with convex lateral margin
Sanz et al., , ). Some of these are the presence of and a supracoracoidal nerve foramen opening into a medial
prominent ventral processes on the cervicothoracic verte- furrow, a laterally excavated furcula, a prominent and cranio-
brae,  thoracic vertebral elements, a pygostyle, the pres- ventrally projected bicipital crest of the humerus, a convex
ence of a strutlike coracoid and a sharp caudal end of the external cotyla of the ulna that is separated from the ole-
scapula, a humerus shorter than or nearly equivalent to the cranon by a groove, and several others.
ulna, and a radial shaft that is considerably thinner than
that of the ulna. Although an unquestionable ornithotho- Paleobiology
racine, Iberomesornis lacks (or fails to evidence) most eu-
enantiornithine synapomorphies, such as the convex lat- The birds from Las Hoyas have made a significant contri-
eral margin of the coracoid, the strong lateral depressions bution to our current understanding of the early evolu-
on the centra of thoracic vertebrae, or metatarsal IV being tionary phases of avian flight. The fossil record indicates
significantly smaller than metatarsals II and III, for exam- that several evolutionary novelties essential for the acquisi-
ple (see appendix II in Chiappe and Calvo [] for a list tion of a modern flight apparatus can be traced back to
of the synapomorphies of this clade). Additional data may Early Cretaceous times (Chiappe, a).
support placement of Iberomesornis as the sister taxon of Three fundamental evolutionary transformations are
Euenantiornithes—with this clade outside “Sauriurae” (see noticeable in the birds from Las Hoyas: a strutlike coracoid,
Chiappe, , Chapter  in this volume). a modern, V-shaped furcula, and a pygostyle. These fea-
Of importance for establishing its phylogenetic relation- tures, and presumably the functions correlated to them, are
ships is the fact that some of the authors placing Iberome- definitively absent in Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, , ,
sornis within Enantiornithes have regarded its holotype as a ; Ostrom, ; Hecht et al., ).
juvenile. For example, Kurochkin () points out that the The elongated, strutlike coracoid of Iberomesornis, Con-
unfused metatarsals, incomplete ossification of the sacrum, cornis, and Eoalulavis is an important modification from
absence of co-ossification between astragalus and tibia, and the relatively short coracoid of Archaeopteryx. While a
poor definition of the articular surfaces of the humerus, fe- triosseal foramen has not been directly documented in any
mur, and tibia are suggestive of its immature status. Never- of the birds from Las Hoyas, the morphology of the shoul-
theless, these features can alternatively be regarded as a der end of the coracoid, scapula, and furcula of Eoalulavis
combination of its general poor preservation and its more and Concornis strongly supports its presence. This foramen,
plesiomorphic condition (see Anatomy). The partial fusion which in extant birds allows a pulley system of M. supra-
of the pelvic elements and the absence of neurocentral su- coracoideus (Raikow, ), the most important muscle in
tures in the presacral vertebral series (see Brochu, ) do the upstroke phase of the wingbeat cycle, was absent in
not support Kurochkin’s point of view. Archaeopteryx. The actual function of this muscle in Ar-
In the original description of C. lacustris—the second chaeopteryx is not well understood. Despite traditional
bird from Las Hoyas—Sanz and Buscalioni () regarded views regarding this muscle as a wing elevator (Norberg,
this taxon as more derived than Iberomesornis. Specifically, ; Rayner, ), new data from nerve stimulation and
these authors placed Concornis as the most basal taxon of a electromyography suggest that its main action is to rotate
node situated between Iberomesornis and the neornithine the humerus on its longitudinal axis (Poore et al., a,b).
birds. This preliminary description of Concornis used the This action is considered essential for positioning the wing
available information on several small slabs containing the in place for the subsequent downstroke (Poore et al.,
specimen. After its complete preparation and restudy, Con- a,b). The elongation of the coracoid may have increased
cornis was placed within Enantiornithes (Sanz et al., , the efficiency of M. supracoracoideus as well as its area of
). This hypothesis has been accepted by most authors origin on a larger coracoclavicular membrane. The presence
(e.g., Hou et al., ; Kurochkin, ; Martin, ), except of a basically modern design in the birds from Las Hoyas
for Elzanowski (), who regards both Concornis and suggests that the mechanisms involved in the recovery
Cathayornis as nonenantiornithine birds, placing them in a stroke of these birds may have been comparable to those of
more basal position within an expanded Carinatae. Like their modern counterparts.
Concornis, the recently described E. hoyasi—Las Hoyas’s The boomerang-shaped furcula of Archaeopteryx has
third bird—has also been identified as an Enantiornithes been interpreted as an important flight element (Olson and
(Sanz et al., ) (Fig. .). A large number of synapo- Feduccia, ). This may be the case, but very similar fur-


Figure 9.17. Phylogenetic relationships of
the Las Hoyas avian taxa.

culae are present in cursorial, nonavian theropods (Bars- Archaeopteryx can be better interpreted as a device increas-
bold et al., ; Bryant and Russell, ; Chure and Mad- ing lift, with a low contribution to flight maneuverability.
sen, ; Makovicky and Currie, ). Thus, it is conceiv- Our understanding of the evolution of bird flight has
able that the derived (flight) function of the furcula, or at been greatly clarified by the concept of “locomotor mod-
least a more important role in this novel activity, was at- ules” (Gatesy and Dial, ; see also Gatesy, Chapter  in
tained with its transformation into a V-shaped element this volume). The anatomy of the birds from Las Hoyas has
similar to that of Iberomesornis and the other birds from Las been instrumental in clarifying the temporal pattern of lo-
Hoyas, a structure equivalent to that of extant birds. Then, comotor modular evolution (Fig. .). Gatesy and Dial
as now, a V-shaped furcula may have played a significant () recognized three locomotor modules in extant
role in the aeration of the lungs and air sacs during flight birds—pectoral, hindlimb, and tail—derived from an an-
(Bailey and DeMont, ). cestral theropod locomotor module composed by the
The presence of a pygostyle in Iberomesornis (the tail is hindlimb and tail. The early evolution of flight can be
not complete in the remaining birds from Las Hoyas) im- viewed as a transition involving three sequential stages
plies the presence of a large, fleshy rectricial bulb (Parson’s (Gatesy and Dial, ): () formation of the pectoral mod-
nose). Although no feather evidence has been found in ule; () decoupling of the hindlimb and tail; and () novel
Iberomesornis (contra Chatterjee, ), it is reasonable to allegiance of the pectoral and tail modules to form the flight
suppose that this structure was flanked by a number of tail apparatus. The similarities between Archaeopteryx and
feathers. Therefore, as compared with Archaeopteryx, the other nonavian theropods indicate that their main locomo-
flight capabilities of the Las Hoyas bird probably included tor module retains the coupling of the tail and hindlimb for
greater mobility of the rectrices and thus a larger capacity running. The dimensions of the bony tail of Archaeopteryx
for steering and braking. The long, frond-shaped tail of and other skeletal features suggest the presence of a signifi-

L A S H O YA S B I R D S 225
Figure 9.18. Schematic transformation of the locomotor modules during the evolution of avian flight. Abbreviations: HL: hindlimb
module; P: pectoral module; T: tail module. : primitive, single locomotor module (nonavian theropods). : dominance of the prim-
itive single theropod locomotor module; appearance of the pectoral module (Archaeopteryx). : Pectoral module fully developed;
partial decoupling between tail and hindlimb modules; beginning of the allegiance between pectoral and tail modules (Iberomesor-
nis). : Complete decoupling between tail and hindlimb locomotor module; allegiance between pectoral and tail modules fully
accomplished (Ornithurine birds). Deinonychus, Archaeopteryx, Iberomesornis, and hummingbird, from Ostrom (), Charig (),
Sanz and Bonaparte (), and Proctor and Lynch (), respectively.

cant caudofemoral musculature to retract the hindlimbs, of derived wing proportions and strutlike coracoids, along
the caudal appendage counterbalancing the cranial part of with the furcula, correlates with a shortened tail and the
the body (Gatesy, ; Gatesy and Dial, ). This implies presence of a pygostyle. Thus, the evidence of Iberomesornis
that its tail and hindlimb were still combined in a single (confirmed later by other taxa) shows a simultaneous, more
unit. On the other hand, the avian pectoral module is pres- than a sequential, development of stages () and (). Yet this
ent in Archaeopteryx, although lacking the fine-tuning that scenario gets more complicated when considering that de-
appears in Iberomesornis, Concornis, Eoalulavis, and other coupling of tail and hindlimb modules may not have been
ornithothoracine birds as well as any allegiance between fully accomplished in Iberomesornis. The number of total
this module and the tail module (Fig. .). Thus, it is pos- caudal elements of the Las Hoyas bird could be comparable
sible to conclude that, from the conceptual point of view of to that of Archaeopteryx (–). Furthermore, the large
the “locomotor module,” Archaeopteryx is not a flying bird pygostyle and the presence of a primitive pelvis and syn-
in the modern sense. sacrum in Iberomesornis, which indicates the absence of
Although the impressive rate of new discoveries steadily a hiatus in the epaxial musculature between the trunk
changes our understanding of early character evolution, the and tail, suggest the persistence of a significant amount of
known Early Cretaceous avian record (e.g., Iberomesornis caudofemoral musculature and consequently a greater par-
and the other birds from Las Hoyas, Sinornis, Cathayornis) ticipation of the tail during terrestrial locomotion.
appears to indicate a correlation between the evolution of The birds from Las Hoyas have also rendered crucial data
the modern avian pectoral and tail modules. The evolution on the early development of nonskeletal structures corre-


lated to the fine-tuning of avian flight. The presence of an ect number PB-), the European Union (Human Capital and
alula in Eoalulavis is of great significance in understanding Mobility Program, network contract number ERBCHRXCT
the early steps toward the evolution of enhanced flight ca- ), and grants from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Di-
nosaur Society to L. M. Chiappe.
pabilities (Sanz et al., ). This structure plays a funda-
mental role in modern avian aerodynamics, allowing low-
speed flights and high maneuverability (Graham, ; Literature Cited
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national Symposium on Lithographic Limestones. Universi- Sanz, J. L., M. A. Fregenal-Martínez, N. Meléndez, and F.
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demic Press, New York. ———. . Iberomesornis romerali (Aves, Ornithothoraces)
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L A S H O YA S B I R D S 229

Noguerornis gonzalezi (Aves: Ornithothoraces)

from the Early Cretaceous of Spain


The first Mesozoic avian remains from the Geological Setting

Iberian Peninsula were reported by Vidal
(), who mentioned the accidental de- The Sierra del Montsec is roughly  km north of the town
struction of a fossil bird from the Lower Cre- of Lleida (Catalonia), extending approximately  km from
taceous quarry of “La Pedrera de Meiá” (°′ N; °′ W) east to west (Fig. .). The rivers Noguera Pallaresa and
in the Spanish province of Lleida, Catalonia (Lacasa-Ruiz, Noguera Ribagorzana cross the Montsec range at right
). In subsequent years, this site yielded a large number angles. In the eastern region of the Montsec range on the
of isolated feathers (Lacasa-Ruiz, ; Gómez Pallerola, eastern slope of the valley of the Noguera Pallaresa, there is
; Kellner, Chapter  in this volume). However, the a famous quarry of lithographic limestones that since 
first significant skeletal discovery—the skeletal remains has yielded numerous well-preserved fossils of continental
of Noguerornis gonzalezi—was not made until the s facies (Lacasa-Ruiz, b; Martínez-Delclòs, a, ).
(Lacasa-Ruiz, , a,b, a). This quarry gained prominence as an important paleonto-
The discovery of Early Cretaceous avians from Spain logical site when, at the end of the nineteenth century, a
provided relevant new information about the early evolu- small mining company started to process the fine stone for
tion of birds, clarifying the early pattern of morphological lithographic purposes. Mining engineer L. M. Vidal ()
transformation (see Sanz et al., , Chapter  in this vol- was pivotal in recognizing the importance of this fossil site
ume; Chiappe, , a) and establishing some of the ear- and reporting, along with other workers, the first fossil find-
liest records of volant birds with enhanced aerodynamic ings. The quarry reported by Vidal () is known as “Las
specializations (Sanz et al., , , Chapter  in this vol- Calizas Litográficas de Santa María de Meyá” (also known
ume; Chiappe, b). The significance of the spectacular as “La Pedrera de Meiá,” “La Pedrera de Rúbies,” or simply
specimens of Iberomesornis romerali (Sanz and Bonaparte, “La Pedrera”) in reference to its proximity to the town of
; Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume), Concornis lacus- Santa María de Meyá. In more recent years, a second quarry
tris (Sanz and Buscalioni, ; Sanz et al., , Chapter  was opened nearby; this second quarry has been named “La
in this volume), and Eoalulavis hoyasi (Sanz et al., , Cabrúa.”
Chapter  in this volume) was immediately recognized (see Vidal () proposed a Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic)
Cracraft, ; Milner, ; Padian, ); this was not the age for the lithographic limestones of Montsec. Later stud-
case, however, for the less complete N. gonzalezi. Although ies, however, determined the age of these deposits as Early
several papers by Lacasa-Ruiz (e.g., Lacasa-Ruiz, , Cretaceous but did not arrive at a consensus regarding their
a,b, a) remarked on the peculiarities and signifi- precise age (Fig. .). Whereas paleofloristic (Barale, ,
cance of Noguerornis (one of the earliest known avian , ) and ostracod (Peybernés and Oertli, ; Bren-
members), this information has remained virtually un- ner et al., ) data placed these beds within the Late
noticed. In this chapter, after further mechanical prepara- Berriasian–Early Valanginian, recent charophyte studies
tion, we provide a detailed description of the holotype and point to a younger, Late Hauterivian–Early Barremian age
still unique specimen of Noguerornis and discuss both its (Martín-Closas and López-Morón, ).
relationships to other basal birds and its contribution to our Peybernés (:) defined this -meter thick deposit
understanding of early avian evolution. of lithographic limestones as “calcaires lithographiques à

Systematic Paleontology
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Aves Linnaeus, 
Ornithothoraces Chiappe, 
Enantiornithes Walker, 
N. gonzalezi Lacasa-Ruiz, 
Holotype—Slab numbered LP. P (collection from
“La Pedrera,” Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, Spain), in-
cluding portions of both humeri, radii, and carpo-
metacarpi, left ulna, furcula, tibia, three trunk vertebrae,
pelvis, other osseous remains, and feathers (Fig. .).
Figure 10.1. Map indicating the area of the Montsec range Locality and horizon—La Pedrera de Meiá, Sierra del
within the province of Lleida, Catalonia (Spain), where the holo- Montsec, province of Lleida, Spain. “La Pedrera de Rúbies
type of N. gonzalezi was found. Lithographic Limestones,” Lower Cretaceous, Upper
Berriasian–Lower Barremian.
Diagnosis—N. gonzalezi is diagnosed by the presence of
a strongly curved humerus, a clear autapomorphy of this
plantes et vertébrés de La Pedrera de Rúbies” (Unit N) and
included it within a unit he named as “Calcaires à
Charophites du Montsec.” This unit has also been referred Anatomy
to as “La Pedrera de Rúbies Lithographic Limestones” (see
Fregenal-Martínez and Meléndez, ). N. gonzalezi is preserved on a single slab (Fig. .). Al-
Rocks at “La Pedrera” are rhythmically laminated lith- though most bones are incomplete, significant anatomical
ographic limestones deposited in the distal areas of a lake details are visible on both their preserved portions and the
that developed under a warm, subtropical-semiarid cli- impressions left by them on the rock. Based on furcular and
mate (Fregenal-Martínez and Meléndez, ). During the humeral comparisons, Noguerornis is intermediate in size
Early Cretaceous, the Iberian Plate was close to the ° N between the smaller Iberomesornis (Sanz and Bonaparte,
parallel, and this lake was in the proximity of the seashore. ) and the larger Concornis (Sanz et al., ) and
However, the presence of a marine connection with the Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ).
predominantly freshwater environment has not been
definitively established (Fregenal-Martínez and Meléndez, Vertebral Column
). The most caudal thoracic vertebra and the cranial two syn-
The fossil biota yielded by the “La Pedrera de Rúbies sacral vertebrae are preserved. These three elements lay on
Lithographic Limestones” is highly diverse (Martínez- their right lateral side within the pelvic remains, exposing
Delclòs, a, ). The record of plants (Barale, , their left lateral sides (Figs. ., ., .C).
) is composed of pteridophytes (Ferns and Equisetales), The caudalmost thoracic vertebra shows a broad depres-
prespermatophytes (e.g., Ginkgoales, Cycadales, Bennetti- sion excavating its centrum, although it is not clear whether
tales), and spermatophytes (Coniferales and Angiosper- this is an artifact of its preservation. A broad lateral fossa is
mae), along with spores of algae and bryophytes. The fossil present in the thoracic centra of several enantiornithine taxa
fauna is composed of mollusks (Martinell and Doménech, (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume), Confuciu-
), crustaceans (Lacasa-Ruiz and Via, ), arachnids sornis (Chiappe et al., ), Ichthyornis (Marsh, ), and
(Selden, ), abundant insects (Martínez-Delclòs, b), some neornithine birds (e.g., charadriiforms, procellari-
and vertebrates. Vertebrate fossils are known primarily by iforms). The articular surfaces of the thoracic and syn-
the abundant “holosteans” and teleostean fishes (Wenz, sacral vertebrae are apparently amphyplatian. The spinous
a), anurans (Wenz, b), nonavian reptiles (Buscali- processes are broad and laminar, with their craniodorsal apex
oni and Sanz, ), and birds (Lacasa-Ruiz, a,b, b). projected cranially (Figs. ., .C). In the caudal thoracic
The avian fossil remains comprise approximately  speci- vertebra, a small cranial zygapophysis is preserved. The two
mens of isolated feathers (see Lacasa-Ruiz, ; Kellner, synsacral vertebrae are fused to each other, although the
Chapter  in this volume), the holotype of N. gonzalezi boundary between them is still visible. The spinous processes
(Lacasa-Ruiz, a), and the enantiornithine hatchling re- of these two elements form a continuous spinous crest. Zy-
ported by Sanz et al. (). gapophyses are not preserved in these synsacral vertebrae.


Figure 10.2. Holotype of N. gonzalezi (LP..P) under ultraviolet light.

Thoracic Girdle and Limb distal to the proximal margin is dorsally and ventrally bor-
Furcula. The furcula of Noguerornis is preserved nearly dered by smooth elevated areas. As in other basal birds (e.g.,
complete and exposed apparently in ventral view. It is robust Enantiornithes, Patagopteryx) and nonavian theropods
and U-shaped, having ventral and medial faces that are nearly (e.g., Deinonychus), the humeral head is concave cranially
flat and perpendicular to each other. The interclavicular an- and presumably convex caudally. There is a short bicipital
gle is approximately °. The furcula bears a hypertrophied area ventral to the head (Fig. .C). The distal end is badly
hypocleideum, which, as in the enantiornithine Sinornis preserved in both humeri; in the left element, which is ex-
(Zhou, ; see Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume, posed caudally, the olecranon fossa is poorly developed.
for a discussion of the synonymy of Sinornis and Cathayor-
nis) and Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ), exceeds half the length Ulna. Only the left ulna is preserved, exposed in dorsal
of the clavicular rami. The hypocleideum is thin and rela- aspect. Both distal and proximal ends are damaged. The
tively compressed and tapers distally (Figs. ., ., .B). shaft is nearly straight, round in cross section, and uni-
formly broad (Figs. ., .). The midshaft width appears
Humerus. The left humerus is articulated with the ulna to be only slightly broader than the radial midshaft (Table
and radius, while the right element is disarticulated. The .). Papillae for the remigial feathers are absent.
humerus of Noguerornis is shorter than the ulna and radius,
a condition shared by most ornithothoracines (Chiappe, Radius. The left radius is preserved in articulation with
). It is robust and strongly curved, with a convex dorsal the humerus, ulna, and carpometacarpus; the right element
margin and a concave ventral one (Figs. ., ., .C). is disarticulated and mostly preserved as an impression on
The proximal end is better preserved in the right, disarticu- the slab. The radius of Noguerornis is straight, uniformly
lated element, being exposed in its cranial aspect. In this wide, and subcylindrical in cross section (Figs. ., .).
view, the proximal border of the head is slightly inclined The distalmost end curves slightly caudalward. The proxi-
dorsally (Fig. .C). A slightly depressed area located just mal end is not preserved in either radii. In contrast to the


Figure 10.3. Holotype of N. gonzalezi (LP..P). Abbreviations: al, proximal phalanx of alular digit; alm, alular metacarpal; fur, fur-
cula; hum, humerus; hyp, hypocleideum; isc, ischium; isp, ischiadic process (see text for interpretation); mam, major metacarpal; mim,
minor metacarpal; pc, proximal carpal; rad, radius; sv, first synsacral vertebra; sv, second synsacral vertebra; tib, tibia; tv, thoracic
vertebra; uln, ulna.

condition of some Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Calvo, missing. The major metacarpal is broader and more robust
; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume), the than the minor one. These two metacarpals are firmly
radial shaft of Noguerornis lacks a caudal, axial groove. united throughout their length, leaving no intermetacarpal
space (Fig. .A). The distal end is missing in both
Carpometacarpus. Only the shaft and proximal portion carpometacarpi. The impression left by the most distal por-
of the carpometacarpi are preserved. Despite previous tion of the right element, however, indicates that the major
statements (Lacasa-Ruiz, a), the three metacarpals of and minor metacarpals curve cranially (Fig. .A) and
the hand of Noguerornis are not unfused; they are indeed that, as in Enantiornithes (Zhou, ; Chiappe and Walker,
fused, at least proximally (Figs. ., ., .C). A semi- Chapter  in this volume), the latter was the longer.
lunate carpal—corresponding to the semilunate bone of
nonavian theropods—is co-ossified with the metacarpals Pelvic Girdle and Limb
(mostly the major and alular ones), a condition more clearly Ischium. Among the presumed pelvic remains, only the
visible under ultraviolet light. The alular metacarpal is ischium, which is exposed dorsally, can be confidently iden-
small, forming a semicircular medial margin without de- tified (Figs. ., ., .C). The ischium of Noguerornis is a
velopment of an extensor process (Fig. .A). The central laminar, straplike bone that gradually narrows distally. On its
area of this metacarpal possesses a round depression on its proximal half, this bone possesses a large, hook-shaped
dorsal face. Articulated to the alular metacarpal of the left process (Fig. .A). Pending the interpretation of its posi-
element is a spinelike proximal phalanx, with the distal end tion as either cranially or caudally oriented, this process can


Figure 10.4. Detail of carpometacarpus (A), furcula (B), and ischium, vertebrae, and right humerus (C) of N. gon-
zalezi (LP..P). Scale bar same for A–C.


TABLE 10.1
Measurements (mm) of Noguerornis gonzalezi

Left Right

Maximum width of proximal end of humerus 4.6 4.6

Maximum width of distal end of humerus 4.2 4.7
Maximum width of midshaft of humerus 1.8 2
Maximum length of ulna 24.3 —
Maximum width of midshaft of ulna 1.3 —
Maximum length of radius 23.1 23.2
Maximum width of midshaft of radius 0.9 0.9
Maximum width of proximal end of carpometacarpus 2.9 2.9
Maximum width of proximal end of alular metacarpal 1.1 1.1
Maximum width of proximal end of major metacarpal 1.2 1
Maximum width of proximal end of minor metacarpal 0.7 0.7
Maximum length of clavicular branch 9.3 10
Maximum length of hypocleideum 5.3 —
Maximum length of trunk vertebra 1.6 —
Maximum length of first synsacral vertebra 2 —
Maximum length of second synsacral vertebra 2.4 —
Length of ischium from the obturator process to distal end 10.5 —

be alternatively regarded as a large obturator process (Chi- ., .). It is not possible to discern if it is a right or left
appe, b) or the proximodorsal ischiadic process of sev- element.
eral other basal birds and nonavian theropods (e.g., Enan-
tiornithes, Confuciusornis, Unenlagia, Rahonavis) (see Hou et Feathers
al., ; Martin, ; Novas and Puerta, ; Forster et al., Two main aggregations of feathers, corresponding to wing
a,b; Chiappe et al., ; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  feathers, are preserved. Isolated coverts are also visible on
in this volume). Although the poor preservation of the the slab. The secondary remiges are directed at an angle of
ischium prevents clarification of this structure, the fact that ° with respect to the ulnar shaft on the left ulna. Portions
a proximodorsal process is widespread among basal birds of coverts are preserved cranial to the left radius and prox-
and a prominent obturator process is not makes more prob- imal end of the left humerus, documenting the develop-
able the identification of the ischiadic process of Noguerornis ment of a propatagium. Unfortunately, the detailed struc-
as the proximodorsal ischiadic process. It is clear, on the other ture of these feathers is not preserved.
hand, that both ischia contact each other on their distal
halves, forming a long symphysis. This is of particular inter- Phylogenetic Relationships
est, as no other Mesozoic bird has been shown to have an is-
chiadic symphysis. An ischiadic symphysis has not been The avian relationship of N. gonzalezi is unquestionably
definitively reported for Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, , supported by the combination of feathers with derived
), Rahonavis (Forster et al., a,b), or Iberomesornis characters that are either exclusive to birds (e.g., U-shaped
(Sanz and Bonaparte, ), and the ischia are separated from furcula with hypertrophied hypocleideum, ulna longer than
each other in Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ), humerus) or uncommon among nonavian theropods (e.g.,
Patagopteryx (Chiappe, ), Ornithurae (Marsh, ; carpometacarpus). Yet the fragmentary nature of the holo-
Baumel and Witmer, ), and those enantiornithines for type and only known specimen complicates any attempt to
which data are available (e.g., Concornis; Sanz et al., ). An understand the relationships of this species to other basal
ischiadic symphysis is also absent in dromaeosaurid thero- birds.
pods (Norell and Makovicky, ). Martin () placed Noguerornis within Enanti-
ornithes, allying it to both Iberomesornis and Concornis.
Tibia. The straight limb bone perpendicular to the right This claim was based on the purported similarity of the
humerus is interpreted as the tibia. This interpretation is humeri and furcula of these taxa and the alleged presence of
based on the fact that the bone exhibits a crest (considered a broad distal humeral end bearing a short articular surface
the fibular crest) and that the most distal portion is cranio- (supposed to be found in Enantiornithes). The remarkable
caudally compressed, as is typical of avian tibiotarsi (Figs. curvature of the humerus of Noguerornis, however, is


unique, and it makes this bone quite unlike that of either Thus, the allocation of Noguerornis within Enanti-
Iberomesornis or Concornis. In addition, the hypocleideum ornithes, as expressed by Martin () and Kurochkin
of the furcula of the latter two taxa (based on what is known) (), does not seem to have any evidential support. This,
is definitely shorter than that of Noguerornis. Whereas the however, does not mean that Noguerornis and at least cer-
furcula of Iberomesornis differs from that of Concornis in tain Enantiornithes do not share some derived characteris-
lacking the euenantiornithine lateral excavation (Chiappe tics. As pointed out by Zhou (), the furcula of the
and Calvo, ; Sanz et al., , ; Chiappe and Walker, enantiornithine Sinornis has a long hypocleideum, which
Chapter  in this volume), the presence or absence of this exceeds half the length of the clavicular rami. This condi-
condition remains uncertain in the available material of tion is comparable to that of Noguerornis and the enanti-
Noguerornis. Furthermore, Martin’s observations of the dis- ornithine Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ). Likewise, metacarpal
tal end of the humerus of Noguerornis are equivocal because I of Sinornis, Enantiornis, Neuquenornis, and Noguerornis
the distal ends of the humeri of the only known specimen has a rounded medial margin lacking an extensor process,
are completely abraded, preserving no other details besides and the minor metacarpal appears to be longer than the
a weak olecranon fossa on the left element. major metacarpal and slightly curved distally. These two
Kurochkin (:) also supported the inclusion of the conditions are comparable to that of other enantiornithines
Spanish bird within Enantiornithes. This claim was based (see Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume).
on the presence of a “sharp-angled furcula with hypo- In any case, the relationships of Noguerornis to other
cleideum, pronounced external and internal tuberosities of birds should be examined on the basis of the distribution
the proximal humerus, oblique-shaped distal humerus with among taxa of all the characters available for study in the
the distal protrusion of the internal condyle, and meta- Spanish bird. In this cladistic framework (Chiappe, Chap-
carpals fused only proximally.” Apparently, the condition of ter  in this volume), Noguerornis is clustered with all Or-
the furcula simply refers to the presence of both a low in- nithothoraces by the fusion of the semilunate carpal and the
terclavicular angle and a hypocleideum, attributes that are metacarpals and a U-shaped furcula with an interclavicular
clearly not exclusive to Enantiornithes within birds (Chi- angle smaller than °. Within Ornithothoraces, the well-
appe, ). Furthermore, Kurochkin’s () observations developed hypocleideum and distal projection of the minor
of the humerus are not manifest in the poorly preserved metacarpal, which extends distally more than the major
material, and whether minor (III) and major (II) meta- metacarpal, group Noguerornis together with Euenanti-
carpals fuse to each other only proximally is also uncertain ornithes and Iberomesornis (Fig. .), although this last
because the distal ends of these metacarpals are not pre- character is missing in the latter taxon. Noguerornis, how-
served but known only from the impressions left by the ever, lacks several derived characters of Euenantiornithes,
right elements (Fig. .A). such as the presence of a concave central portion of the

Figure 10.5. Cladogram illustrating the phylo-

genetic relationships of N. gonzalezi to other
birds (see Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume).


proximal margin of the humeral head, a prominent bicipi- Berlin specimen shows a fold of feathers in between the
tal crest of the humerus, and a longitudinal groove on the humerus and the ulna-radius (see Ostrom, ), suggest-
shaft of the radius (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this ing that a propatagium may indeed have been present in
volume). The absence of a procoelous synsacrum clusters Archaeopteryx. Nevertheless, given the fact that this area of
Noguerornis with Iberomesornis (Chiappe, Chapter  in the Berlin specimen has not been prepared and also that ex-
this volume) (Fig. .). The sister-taxon relationship be- amination of this and other specimens fails to document
tween these taxa and between them and Euenantiornithes the presence of a propatagium, it seems quite likely that the
(Fig. .) is weakly supported. Nevertheless, the result of “propatagium” of this early sketch is simply inaccurate.
Chiappe’s analysis (Chapter  in this volume) suggests that Likewise, available evidence fails to document the presence
together with Iberomesornis, Noguerornis is likely an Enan- of a propatagium in any feathered nonavian theropod.
tiornithes and a close outgroup of Euenantiornithes. Char- Definitive propatagia are preserved in multiple specimens
acters that appear to be plesiomorphic for Ornithothoraces, of Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ), a taxon that, albeit
such as its ischiadic symphysis and the subequal diameter of more primitive than Noguerornis, is known from deposits
the ulna and radius, may indeed be homoplastic. This is very that are several million years younger (see Zhou and Hou,
likely the case for the ischiadic symphysis, which is defini- Chapter  in this volume). Therefore, although Noguerornis
tively absent in Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ) and is not the most basal avian exhibiting a propatagium, it is
dromaeosaurid theropods (Norell and Makovicky, ). the earliest bird for which this structure is known.
The occurrence of a propatagium in such an ancient
Paleobiology bird adds to our knowledge of the early evolution of flight.
The presence of this airfoil implies that a ligamentum
The fragmentary nature of the single known specimen of N. propatagiale was already developed on the leading edge of
gonzalezi prevents inferring much about its lifestyle. Never- the wing, between the shoulder and the carpus. The neor-
theless, the modern proportions and general aspect of its nithine avian ligamentum propatagiale fulfills a crucial role
wing (e.g., ulna-radius longer than humerus, distal carpals in the wing’s extension-flexion mechanism and is essential
fused to metacarpals) suggest that this bird was capable of for avoiding distortion of this surface, allowing the wing’s
some sort of flight. In agreement with this is the presence of proper function as an airfoil. As hypothesized by Brown et
a U-shaped furcula with an enlarged hypocleideum. The U al. (), the ligamentum propatagiale may also support
shape of the furcula of Noguerornis—which is in contrast to the distal portion of the wing against drag. This modern
the boomerang shape of that of Archaeopteryx and non- design of the wing’s airfoil and control appears to have
avian theropods—suggests that this element may have been present in Noguerornis, one of the earliest known
functioned as a spring, bending laterally during downstroke birds after Archaeopteryx.
and recoiling during upstroke, a mechanical property ob-
served in several neornithine clades (Jenkins et al., ; Acknowledgments
Bailey and DeMont, ). Although the functional correla- We are grateful to N. Frankfurt and S. Copeland for preparing
tion of this mechanical characteristic is not fully under- some illustrations and to D. Treon and S. Orell for editorial as-
stood (Bailey and DeMont, ), this property of the avian sistance. Support for this research was provided by grants to
furcula is essential for a postulated secondary respiratory L. M. Chiappe from the Dinosaur Society and the Guggenheim
cycle in connection with the increased metabolic demands
of flight (Jenkins et al., ). Likewise, the long hypo-
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Skeletal Morphology and Systematics of the Cretaceous

Euenantiornithes (Ornithothoraces: Enantiornithes)


Between  and , J. F. Bonaparte (then of ornithes. Under this phylogenetic definition, most attrib-
the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Ar- utes previously used to diagnose Enantiornithes (e.g., Chi-
gentina) quarried a site within the continen- appe, , a; Chiappe and Calvo, ; Sanz et al., ,
tal deposits of the Maastrichtian Lecho For- , ; Zhou, a,b), were left to support the mono-
mation (Bonaparte et al., ; Bonaparte and Powell, ), phyly of a clade that is only a subset of Sereno’s newly
on lands of the Estancia El Brete, in the northwestern Ar- defined Enantiornithes. As discussed elsewhere (Sereno,
gentine province of Salta. These excavations resulted in a ; Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume; Chi-
collection of different dinosaurian taxa, including the ar- appe and Lacasa-Ruiz, Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe,
mored titanosaurid sauropod Saltasaurus loricatus (Bona- Chapter  in this volume), the Spanish Early Cretaceous
parte and Powell, ). As the remains of Saltasaurus were Iberomesornis and Noguerornis may be primitive members
being collected and prepared, a series of small and mostly of the Sinornis lineage and thus basal Enantiornithes. All
disarticulated bones was found. These bones, originally the remaining and more advanced enantiornithines form
identified as avian by J. F. Bonaparte (Bonaparte et al., ; a monophyletic taxon, Euenantiornithes, defined phylo-
Bonaparte and Powell, ), formed the collection that led genetically as all taxa closer to Sinornis than to Iberomesor-
Walker () to recognize a monophyletic ensemble of nis (Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume).
early avians: Enantiornithes. Several chapters in this book (e.g., Zhou and Hou, Chap-
Subsequent studies of Mesozoic birds demonstrated that ter ; Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter ; Sanz et al., Chapter ;
other Cretaceous taxa discovered earlier could be allocated Chiappe and Lacasa-Ruiz, Chapter ; Chinsamy, Chapter
within the supraspecific taxon that Walker () had rec- ) provide in-depth coverage of anatomical, ecological, and
ognized. Walker () pointed out characters shared by the physiological aspects of Enantiornithes (see the Preface of
bones from El Brete and those of Alexornis antecedens from this volume for a justification for so many chapters on this
the Late Cretaceous of Mexico (Brodkorb, ). Alexornis one avian clade). The anatomical treatment of these, how-
was consequently assigned to Enantiornithes by Martin ever, is specific to a few taxa (e.g., Iberomesornis, Concornis,
(), who also included within this taxon the Late Creta- and Eoalulavis by J. Sanz et al.; Noguerornis by L. Chiappe
ceous Gobipteryx minuta (Elzanowski, ) from the Mon- and A. Lacasa-Ruiz; Sinornis by P. Sereno et al.). In this
golian Gobi Desert. Later discoveries, primarily in the s, chapter we provide a summary of the osteology and histor-
showed that Enantiornithes embodied a diverse mono- ical relationships of Euenantiornithes, the clade that con-
phyletic group of birds evolving throughout the Cretaceous tains most enantiornithine species, followed by a brief dis-
(Chiappe, , , a, ; Zhou et al., ; Chiappe cussion of the biological attributes that can be inferred from
and Calvo, ; Martin, ; Sanz et al., , , ; their morphology and fossil record.
Zhou, a; Feduccia, ; Chatterjee, ; Hou, ; Pa- The following institutional abbreviations are used in this
dian and Chiappe, , ) (Fig. .). chapter: IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
Although the taxon name Enantiornithes was erected in Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China; MUCPv, Museo de
, Sereno () was the first to publish a phylogenetic Ciencias Naturales, Universidad del Comahue, Neuquén,
definition for this speciose clade. Sereno () defined Argentina; PVL, Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Ar-
Enantiornithes as all taxa closer to Sinornis than to Ne- gentina; PU, Princeton University (currently at Yale

Figure 11.1. Early and Late Cre-
taceous occurrences of euenanti-
ornithine birds.

Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut, United (Dettmann et al., ). Late Cretaceous enantiornithines
States), Princeton, New Jersey, United States; YPM, Yale are known from North and South America, Europe, Asia,
Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. and Madagascar (Fig. .). Most taxa (e.g., Soroavisaurus
australis, Neuquenornis volans, Avisaurus archibaldi, A. an-
Geological Setting tecedens) occur in fluvial deposits (e.g., western North
American, Argentine, and Malagasy localities; see Table .)
Euenantiornithine birds have been found in a variety of indicating fluvial plains or systems of braided rivers. These
Cretaceous strata worldwide (Martin, ; Molnar, ; species are usually associated with the typical dinosaurs,
Chiappe, , a; Chiappe and Calvo, ; Dashzeveg mammals, lizards, and other reptiles of the Late Cretaceous
et al., ; Kurochkin, , , ; Varricchio and Chi- of western North America (Lillegraven and McKenna, ;
appe, ; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume; Sanz Bryant, ; Currie and Padian, ) and Gondwana
et al., Chapter  in this volume) (Fig. .; Table .). Al- (Bonaparte, ; Krause et al., ). Some of them (e.g.,
though the available space precludes a discussion of the G. minuta), however, come from deposits indicating arid or
paleoenvironment, associated fauna, and chronology of semiarid environments sometimes containing vast fields
each site, a brief summary is given (see Table . for speci- of dunes (e.g., Khulsan; Loope et al., ). These same
fics on the chronology). deposits entombed much of the rich Late Cretaceous fauna
Most euenantiornithine birds are from nonmarine de- of central Asia (Jerzykiewicz and Russell, ; Dashzeveg et
posits. Early Cretaceous euenantiornithines are known ex- al., ). The only known marine Late Cretaceous enanti-
clusively from Europe, Asia, and Australia (Fig. .). The ornithine is Halimornis thompsoni from the Mooreville
European (e.g., Concornis lacustris, Eoalulavis hoyasi) and Formation of western Alabama (Lamb et al., ; Chiappe
Asian (e.g., Sinornis santensis, Otogornis genghisi, Boluochia et al., ). Chiappe et al. () estimated that the depo-
zenghi, Longipteryx chaoyangensis) species come from la- sitional site of Halimornis was as far as  km offshore in the
custrine deposits (e.g., Las Hoyas and the Montsec range in North American Western Interior.
Spain, Liaoning Province and Inner Mongolia in China) in-
dicating a subtropical environment with a variety of plants,
arthropods, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles (Fregenal- Systematic Paleontology
Martínez, ; Martínez-Delclòs, ; Meléndez, ;
Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume; Sanz et al., Chap- Taxonomic Hierarchy
ter  in this volume). The Australian Nanantius eos consti- Aves Linnaeus, 
tutes the only Early Cretaceous species known from marine Ornithothoraces Chiappe, 
deposits (Molnar, ; Kurochkin and Molnar, ), al- Enantiornithes Walker, 
though the occurrence of abundant fossil logs within these Defifinition—Following Sereno’s () phylogenetic
beds suggests that they were deposited not far from the definition, Enantiornithes is defined as all taxa closer to S.
coast; this evidence also points to a forested shoreline santensis than to Neornithes.

TABLE 11.1
Geographical and stratigraphical distribution of euenantiornithine birds

Taxon Distribution Horizon/Age Reference

Early Cretaceous

Euenantiornithes indet. La Pedrera, Lleida, Spain La Pedrera de Rúbies Fm., Sanz et al. (1997)
Las Hoyas, Cuenca, Spain “Calizas de La Huerguina” Fm., Sanz et al. (2001)
C. lacustris Las Hoyas, Cuenca, Spain “Calizas de La Huerguina” Fm., Sanz and Buscalioni (1992); Sanz et al. (1995)
E. hoyasi Las Hoyas, Cuenca, Spain “Calizas de La Huerguina” Fm., Sanz et al. (1996)
E. buhleri Sihetun, Liaoning, China Yixian Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou et al. (1999)
Liaoxiornis delicatus*1 Dawangzhangzi, Lingyuan, Liaoning, China Yixian Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou and Chen (1999); Ji and Ji (1999)
Lonchengornis sanyanensis* Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou (1997)
Cuspirostrisornis houi* Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou (1997)
Largirostornis sexdentoris* Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou (1997)
S. santensis2 Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Sereno and Rao (1992); Zhou et al. (1992)
B. zhengi Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Zhou (1995b)
Longipteryx chaoyangensis Chaoyang, Liaoning, China Jiufotang Fm., Early Cretaceous Zhang et al. (2000)
O. genghisi Chaibu-Sumi, Inner Mongolia, China Yijinhuoluo Fm., Early Cretaceous Hou (1994)
N. eos Warra Station and Canary, Queensland Toolebuc Fm., Albian Molnar (1986); Chiappe (1996b); Kurochkin and Molnar (1997)

Late Cretaceous

K. cretacea* Dzhyrakuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan Bissekty Fm., Coniacian Nessov (1984)
S. prisca* Dzhyrakuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan Bissekty Fm., Coniacian Nessov in Nessov and Jarkov (1989)
E. martini* Dzhyrakuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan Bissekty Fm., Coniacian Nessov and Panteleyev (1993)
E. walkeri* Dzhyrakuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan Bissekty Fm., Coniacian Nessov and Panteleyev (1993)
“Ichthyornis” minusculus* Dzhyrakuduk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan Bissekty Fm., Coniacian Nessov (1990)
N. volans Neuquén City, Neuquén; Puesto Tripailao, Río Colorado Fm., Campanian Chiappe and Calvo (1994); Chiappe (1996b)
Río Negro, Argentina
A. antecedens El Rosario, Baja California, Mexico Bocana Roja Fm., Campanian Brodkorb (1976); Martin (1983)
G. minuta3 Khulsan, Khermeen Tsav, and Ukhaa Tolgod, Barun Goyot Fm. and Djadokhta Elzanowski (1974); Martin (1983); Kurochkin (1996);
South Gobi Aimak, Mongolia Fm., Campanian Chiappe et al. (2001)
Euenantiornithes indet. Tugrugeen Shireh, South Gobi Aimak, Djadokhta Fm. Campanian Suzuki et al. (1999)
Euenantiornithes indet. New Mexico, United States Indet. Fm., Campanian Martin (1983)
Avisauridae, nov. sp. southern Utah, United States Kaiparowits Fm., Campanian Hutchison (1993)
H. thompsoni Greene County, Alabama, United States Mooreville Fm., Campanian Lamb et al. (1993); Chiappe et al. (2002)
A. gloriae Glacier County, Montana, United States Two Medicine Fm., Campanian Varricchio and Chiappe (1995)
Euenantiornithes indet. Mahajanga, Madagascar Maevarano Fm., Forster et al. (1996, 1998a)
Euenantiornithes indet. Massecaps, Hérault, France Indet. Fm., Campanian- Buffetaut (1998)
Gurilynia nessovi* Gurilyn Tsav, South Gobi Aimak, Mongolia Nemegt Fm., Campanian- Kurochkin (1999)
A. archbaldi Garfield County, Montana, United States Hell Creek Fm., Maastrichtian Brett-Surman and Paul (1985); Chiappe (1993)
Euenantiornithes indet. Niobrara County, Wyoming, United States Lance Fm., Maastrichtian This chapter
E. leali El Brete, Salta, Argentina Lecho Fm., Maastrichtian Walker (1981); Chiappe (1996b)
S. australis El Brete, Salta, Argentina Lecho Fm., Maastrichtian Walker (1981); Chiappe (1993)
L. bretincola El Brete, Salta, Argentina Lecho Fm., Maastrichtian Walker (1981); Chiappe (1993)
Y. brevipedalis El Brete, Salta, Argentina Lecho Fm., Maastrichtian Walker (1981); Chiappe (1993)
Euenantiornithes indet. El Brete, Salta, Argentina Lecho Fm., Maastrichtian Walker (1981); Chiappe (1996a)

* Species based on very fragmentary material; its validity can only be established through further examination.
1Including its junior synonym, Lingyuanornis parvus (Ji and Ji, 1999); this species is based on a juvenile specimen and its validity is therefore dubious.
2Including its junior synonym, C. yandica (Zhou et al., 1992).
3Including its junior synonym, N. valifanovi (Kurochkin, 1986).
Included taxa—Enantiornithes includes Iberomesornis eral taxa, Euenantiornithes (Enantiornithes of many previ-
romerali (Sanz and Bonaparte, ; Sanz et al., Chapter  in ous authors) was variously diagnosed by different lists of
this volume), Noguerornis gonzalezi (Lacasa-Ruiz, ; characters (e.g., Chiappe and Calvo, ; Chiappe, a).
Chiappe and Lacasa-Ruiz, Chapter  in this volume), and The present phylogenetic definition of Euenantiornithes
a large variety of Euenantiornithes. One of us (C. W.) thinks has not altered the traditional concept of this clade (cf. Chi-
that Wyleyia valdensis (Harrison and Walker, ) may be appe, , b, a; Sanz et al., , , ), but a
an Enantiornithes. better understanding of their cladistic relationships has log-
ically divided the list of characters previously thought to di-
Euenantiornithes Chiappe, this volume agnose Euenantiornithes into synapomorphies of the whole
Defi finition—Following the phylogenetic analysis of Chi- clade and synapomorphies that diagnose subclades within
appe (Chapter  in this volume), Euenantiornithes is stem- Euenantiornithes. The relationships among euenantior-
based, phylogenetically defined as all taxa closer to S. san- nithine taxa, however, are still largely unresolved, and, con-
tensis than to I. romerali. sequently, it is likely that future studies will substantially
modify this diagnosis.
Included species—Eighteen valid species of euenantior-
A cladistic analysis presented in Appendix . provides a
nithine birds have been described from Cretaceous beds
diagnosis of Euenantiornithes based on unambiguous
worldwide (Table .). These are () Enantiornis leali (this
synapomorphies (see Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this
species was listed on a table legend by Walker [] and
volume, for other putative diagnostic characters): para-
properly diagnosed by Chiappe [b]), () G. minuta
pophyses (costal foveae) located in the central part of the
(Elzanowski, ; “Nanantius valifanovi” [Kurochkin,
bodies of dorsal vertebrae (character ); distinctly convex
] is here regarded as a junior synonym of G. minuta [see
lateral margin of coracoid (character ); supracoracoid
Chiappe et al., ]), () A. antecedens (Brodkorb, ),
nerve foramen opening into an elongate furrow medially
() A. archibaldi (Brett-Surman and Paul, ), () N. eos
and separated from the medial margin of the coracoid by a
(Molnar, ), () S. santensis (Sereno and Rao, ; fol-
thick bony bar (character ); broad, deep fossa on the dor-
lowing Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume;
sal surface of the coracoid (character ); costal surface of
“Cathayornis yandica” [Zhou et al., ] is regarded as a
scapular blade with a prominent, longitudinal furrow
junior synonym of S. santensis), () C. lacustris (Sanz and
(character ); ventral margin of furcula distinctly wider
Buscalioni, ), () Lectavis bretincola (Chiappe, ),
than the dorsal margin (character ); well-developed
() Yungavolucris brevipedalis (Chiappe, ), () S. aus-
hypocleideum (character ); dorsal (superior) margin of
tralis (Chiappe, ), () Neuquenornis volans (Chiappe
the humeral head concave in its central portion, rising ven-
and Calvo, ), () Otogornis genghisi (Hou, ),
trally and dorsally (character ); prominent bicipital crest
() Avisaurus gloriae (Varricchio and Chiappe, ),
of humerus (character ); ventral face of the humeral
() B. zenghi (Zhou, b), () E. hoyasi (Sanz et al., ),
bicipital crest with a small fossa for muscular attachment
() Eoenantiornis buhleri (Hou et al., ), () L. chao-
(character ); strongly convex dorsal cotyla of ulna (char-
yangensis (Zhang et al., ), and () H. thompsoni
acter ), separated from the olecranon by a groove (char-
(Chiappe et al., ). Although they are unquestionably
acter ); shaft of radius with a long axial groove on its in-
euenantiornithines, the validity of the fragmentary Kizyl-
terosseous surface (character ); minor metacarpal (III)
kumavis cretacea (Nessov, ), Sazavis prisca (Nessov and
projecting distally more than major metacarpal (II) (char-
Jarkov, ), Enantiornis martini (Nessov and Panteleyev,
acter ); hypertrophied femoral posterior trochanter
), Enantiornis walkeri (Nessov and Panteleyev, ),
(character ); very narrow, deep intercondylar sulcus on
Lonchengornis sanyanensis (Hou, ), Cuspirostrisornis
tibiotarsus that proximally undercuts condyles (character
houi (Hou, ), Largirostornis sexdentoris (Hou, ), and
); metatarsal IV significantly thinner than metatarsals II
Gurilynia nessovi (Kurochkin, ) from the Cretaceous of
and III (character ). Several other characters with an am-
Asia remains to be confirmed. Likewise, the early onto-
biguous optimization are also diagnostic of Euenantior-
genetic age of Liaoxiornis delicatus (Hou and Chen, )
nithes: lateral process of sternum (character ); medial
and its junior synonym, Lingyuanornis parvus (Ji and Ji,
process of sternum (character ); distal end of humerus
), posits a caveat to the validity of this species, and
very compressed craniocaudally (character ).
whether the primitive enantiornithine Protopteryx fengnin-
gensis (Zhang and Zhou, ) is a member of Euenanti- Monophyletic status of the El Brete specimens—When
ornithes needs yet to be examined. erecting Enantiornithes, Walker () assumed the mono-
Diagnosis—Based on only partial phylogenetic hy- phyly of all bird specimens from El Brete, even though very
potheses (e.g., Chiappe, ; Sanz et al., ; Varricchio few had skeletal elements in common. Subsequent discov-
and Chiappe, ) and derived similarities present in sev- eries of articulated skeletons from other fossil sites, sharing

244 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
derived characters with the El Brete specimens, supported apparently in Eoenantionis (Hou et al., ), paired nasals
the inclusion of several isolated bones within a mono- dorsally line the caudal half of the snout (Fig. .D) (Mar-
phyletic group (e.g., Chiappe, ). The large number of tin and Zhou, ).
articulated enantiornithine skeletons known today has The nares are subelliptical in Sinornis and the hatchling
confirmed that nearly all the isolated bones and incomplete from Catalonia (Fig. .) and more subtriangular in
specimens from El Brete belong to a monophyletic group of Eoenantiornis and Gobipteryx. They are typically smaller
birds. Perhaps the only noticeable exception is an isolated than the antorbital fenestra, which is subtriangular (Fig.
mandibular right ramus (PVL-; Fig. .). Considering .A–C). Martin and Zhou () reported the presence of
that more than  other specimens collected from El Brete maxillary and promaxillary fenestrae within the antorbital
have all been found to be Euenantiornithes, we tentatively fossa of Sinornis, a conclusion Sereno, Rao, and Li (Chapter
regard this isolated ramus as an euenantiornithine element.  in this volume) appear to endorse for at least the maxil-
Nevertheless, the reader should be aware that enanti- lary fenestra. These fenestrae are absent in Gobipteryx, in
ornithine or euenantiornithine synapomorphies are un- which the nasal process (ascending ramus) of the maxilla is
known for mandibular elements. reduced (Chiappe et al., ). Their absence was also de-
scribed for Eoenantiornis (Hou et al., ), although this
Anatomy region is poorly preserved in the only known specimen of
this taxon. The jugal forms the caudoventral angle of the an-
Skull and Mandible torbital fenestra (Fig. .B) and the ventral margin of the
Despite the abundance of euenantiornithine material in the orbit. The shaft of this bone lacks a dorsal, postorbital
Cretaceous deposits around the world, informative cranial process, but caudally it ends in a fork with a caudodorsally
remains are known for only a handful of taxa. Most of our directed process. This process is comparable to that of the
knowledge of the cranial anatomy of these birds is based on jugal of Archaeopteryx lithographica, which some authors
the skulls of the Early Cretaceous S. santensis (Zhou et al., (e.g., Wellnhofer, ; Elzanowski and Wellnhofer, ;
; Martin and Zhou, ) and E. buhleri (Hou et al., but see Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume) reconstructed
) from northwestern China (see Zhou and Hou, Chap- in direct articulation with the postorbital. As evidenced by
ter  in this volume), an unamed hatchling from the Early the skull of the Catalan hatchling (Fig. .A, B), however,
Cretaceous of Catalonia (Spain), and the Late Cretaceous this jugal process does not join the postorbital but abuts the
G. minuta (Elzanowski, , , ; Kurochkin, ; lateral surface of the quadrate’s orbital process (Sanz et al.,
Chiappe et al., ) from the Mongolian Gobi Desert. In ; Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume). This
addition, the Chinese Early Cretaceous B. zhengi (Zhou, condition is most likely the one present in Archaeopteryx, al-
b) and L. chaoyangensis (Zhang et al., ), and the though these bones are not in articulation in the available
Patagonian Late Cretaceous N. volans (Chiappe and Calvo, specimens. The enantiornithine orbit is round and large—
) preserve fragmentary skull material. Also, an isolated a minimum of nine ossicles have been found to form the
mandibular ramus was collected among the enanti- sclerotic ring of Longipteryx (Zhang et al., ) and Gob-
ornithines from the El Brete (Argentina). ipteryx (Chiappe et al., ). A postorbital bone is present
The rostral morphology of Euenantiornithes is quite di- in at least some, if not all, Euenantiornithes, as the Catalan
verse. Most taxa, such as Sinornis, Eoenantiornis, Boluochia, hatchling and other taxa have unquestionably documented
Longipteryx, and the Catalan hatchling, are toothed (Fig. (Sanz et al., ; Zhang and Zhou, ). In the Catalan
.), whereas teeth are completely absent in Gobipteryx. hatchling, this splint-shaped bone does not reach the jugal,
Boluochia (Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume) bears leaving a gap between the orbit and the laterotemporal fen-
a prominent, toothless hook at the end of its upper beak— estra. The postorbital articulates with the squamosal, form-
only mandibular teeth are known (Zhou, b)—but in ing the lateral margin of a small dorsotemporal fenestra
Gobipteryx, the beak is broader and without a hook (Chi- (Sanz et al., ). The squamosal is thus not incorporated
appe et al., ). Enantiornithine teeth (Fig. .) are con- into the braincase. Martin and Zhou’s () reconstruction
ical and unserrated, with a constriction between their of the suspensorial region of Sinornis without either a post-
crown and their base (Martin and Zhou, ). The pre- orbital or a “free” squamosal is most likely incorrect. The
maxillae are fused to each other. Their maxillary processes configuration of the euenantiornithine temporal region
are short (Fig. .); most of the rostrum is typically formed was not far removed from that of a typical diapsid reptile;
by the maxilla (Martin and Zhou, ; Sanz et al., ). the skull of these birds bears a fully enclosed dorsotempo-
The frontal process of the premaxilla extends near the cau- ral fenestra and a laterotemporal fenestra only partially con-
dal margin of the naris in the Catalan hatchling, Eoenan- nected to the orbit (Fig. .A). The euenantiornithine
tiornis, and Sinornis (Fig. .), but in Gobipteryx it appears quadrate bears a broad orbital process (contra Martin and
to reach as far as the level of the lacrimals. In Sinornis and Zhou, ). This is comparable to the orbital process

Figure 11.2. Skull and mandible of eu-
enantiornithine birds. A, reconstruction of
the skull and mandible of the Early Creta-
ceous hatchling from Catalonia (Spain)
(from Sanz et al., ). B, C, skull and
mandible of the Catalan hatchling in left
(B) and right (C) lateral view (from Sanz et
al., ). D, E, skull and mandible of S. san-
tensis from the Early Cretaceous of Liaon-
ing (China) (E, augmented view of box in
D). Abbreviations: atf, antorbital fenestra;
d, dentary; enr, external nares; f, frontal;
fpp, frontal process of premaxilla; j, jugal;
lcr, lacrimal; md, mandible; mpp, maxillary
process of premaxilla; mx, maxilla; n, nasal;
o, orbit; occ, occipital condyle; pmx, pre-
maxilla; po, postorbital; q, quadrate; sq,
squamosal; (l, r), left or right element. Scale
bar applies for A–D. Gray areas represent
poorly preserved or broken bone.

(pterygoid ramus) of nonavian theropods, Archaeopteryx, Elzanowski (). This latter bone compares well with the
and the alvarezsaurid Shuvuuia (Chiappe et al., , ; hooked ectopterygoid of Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, )
Sanz et al., ). Distally, the quadrate has two transversally and nonavian theropods (Weishampel et al., ).
oriented condyles (Elzanowski, ). Euenantiornithines have a vaulted cranial roof (Figs. .,
The palatal region of Euenantiornithes is only well .). The parietals are much shorter than the frontals, but
known for Gobipteryx, for which four partial skulls have they are also vaulted (Fig. .A). In Neuquenornis, the cra-
been discovered (Elzanowski, , ; Chiappe et al., nial roof is separated from the occiput by a shallow trans-
). The palate of Gobipteryx is characterized by small and verse nuchal crest (Chiappe and Calvo, ). Neuquenornis
rostrally located choanae and a more rostral horseshoe- has a small occipital condyle and a proportionally much
shaped opening that connects the oral cavity with a large larger foramen magnum (Fig. .B). Coupled with its short
chamber of the palatal vault (Chiappe et al., ). The parietals, the presence of a large foramen magnum suggests
vomers, fused throughout their rostral half, form a rodlike, that Neuquenornis may have had a fairly “modern” brain or-
central element that medially bounds the choanae. The ros- ganization, although data from either the inner surface of
tral portion of this element does not contact the premaxilla, the braincase or endocranial casts are not available for any
and an exquisite new skull suggests that in contrast to pre- enantiornithine.
vious claims (Elzanowski, ; Witmer and Martin, ) The mandibles of the Catalan hatchling (Sanz et al.,
the caudal ends of the vomers were not articulated to the ), Sinornis (Martin and Zhou, ), Eoenantiornis
pterygoids (Chiappe et al., ). The palatines are long and (Hou et al., ), and Gobipteryx (Elzanowski, ; Chi-
paddlelike, articulating rostrally with the vomers. The appe et al., ) are low and straight (Fig. .). While in
pterygoids are robust, rostrally forked elements, very differ- Gobipteryx the two rami fuse to each other at the symphysis,
ent from the rodlike bones that characterized the palate of they remain separated in Sinornis and the Catalan hatch-
living birds (Chiappe et al., ). An ossification believed ling, although the presence of this condition in the latter
to be the ectethmoid was described for Gobipteryx by Chi- may be related to its early ontogenetic age. The caudal half
appe et al. (), and an ectopterygoid was reported by of the mandible of the Catalan hatchling is perforated by

246 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
two elongate mandibular fenestrae (Fig. .A, C). In con-
trast to the condition in neornithine birds, the rostral
mandibular fenestra of the hatchling is not ventrally lined
by the dentary but rather by the angular, an ancestral con-
dition present in nonavian theropods (Sanz et al., ).
Elzanowski () described a lateral depression where the
dentary of Gobipteryx bifurcates into caudodorsal and
caudoventral prongs; he regarded this depression as the ros-
tral mandibular fenestra (even though the mandible is not
perforated). If this interpretation is correct, Gobipteryx re-
sembles more derived avians in this respect, a condition that
must have evolved independently. The El Brete mandible,
the caudal portion of a right ramus, markedly differs from
those of the Catalan hatchling, Sinornis, and Gobipteryx in
that it is heavily upcurved in lateral view, with a strongly
concave dorsal margin (Fig. .C). The articular bone of
this mandible shows a depressed retroarticular area with a
short, rounded retroarticular process (Fig. .E). A similar
but larger retroarticular process is present in Gobipteryx
(Elzanowski, ). As in Gobipteryx, the mandibular me-
dial process is elongate, but in the El Brete mandible it ends
in a hook that projects slightly rostrally. In the mandibles of
the El Brete specimen and Gobipteryx, there is a small sur-
angular foramen (i.e., caudal mandibular fenestra) laterally,
just rostral to the rim of the articular facets (Fig. .C).
Medially, the El Brete mandible is excavated by a large,
elongate, and rostrally pointed fossa auditus (Fig. .D).
The rostral margin of this fossa is bounded by a long
prearticular (angular of Elzanowski, : Fig. b).

Axial Skeleton
Several cervical vertebrae are preserved in articulation in
the Early Cretaceous Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., , Chapter 
in this volume), Sinornis (Zhou et al., ), Longipteryx
(Zhang et al., ), and the Catalan hatchling (Sanz et al.,
). Two isolated midcervicals (PVL- and PVL-)
are part of the El Brete collection. The neck of the hatchling
Figure 11.3. Skull and mandible of euenantiornithine birds. from Catalonia is composed of  elements; this number is
Dorsal (A) and occipital (B) views of the skull of the Late Creta- concordant with estimates of – elements in the cervical
ceous N. volans from Patagonia (Argentina) (modified from Chi-
series of Sinornis (Zhou, a) and Longipteryx (Zhang et
appe and Calvo, ). C–E, Right mandibular ramus (PVL-
) from the Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina) in lateral al., ). Hou et al. () reported  cervicals for the neck
(C), medial (D), and dorsal (E) views. This mandible is ten- of Eoenantiornis. The atlas is known only from the Catalan
tatively regarded as an euenantiornithine element, although hatchling. As in Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, ) and the
euenantiornithine mandibular synapomorphies have not yet alvarezsaurid Shuvuuia (Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chap-
been discovered (see section “Systematic Paleontology”). Abbre- ter  in this volume), it is formed by three elements—two
viations: cmf, caudal mandibular fenestra; f, frontal; fac, fossa atlantal arches and the centrum. This condition may be a
aditus canalis; fm, foramen magnum; mpr, medial process of
reflection of the early ontogenetic age of this specimen, al-
mandible; nuc, nuchal crest; occ, occipital condyle; p, parietal.
though the presence of unfused atlantal hemiarches is also
the primitive condition for birds (Chiappe, ). The re-
maining cervicals are elongate (in particular the midcervi-
cals from El Brete) and strongly compressed laterally. The
spinous processes are low to completely reduced, although
they become somewhat taller in the most caudal cervicals.

In the axis and the following two vertebrae of the Catalan PVL--, PVL-) and in the cranial thoracic verte-
hatchling, prominent epipophyses project farther caudally brae of Eoalulavis, the centra are remarkably compressed.
than the postzygapophyseal facets (Sanz et al., ). This This, however, is not true either for more recently collected
condition is reminiscent of that of the nonavian theropod specimens from El Brete or for Halimornis (Chiappe et al.,
Deinonychus (Ostrom, ). In the mid- and caudal cervi- ). All euenantiornithine thoracic vertebrae exhibit
cals, as evidenced by the condition in the Catalan hatchling, prominent lateral excavations of their centra (Fig. .), the
the El Brete vertebrae, and Eoalulavis, the epipophyses are development of which increases progressively caudally
less developed, forming sagittal ridges of varying degree (Chiappe, a). These can be simple grooves as in Neu-
that do not extend beyond the postzygapophyseal facets. Ta- quenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, ), suboval fossae (e.g.,
pering costal processes fuse to the centra; in the caudal cer- Halimornis, Sinornis, Concornis, and the El Brete specimens),
vicals of Eoalulavis these are as long as their respective cen- or remarkable excavations that turn the centra into com-
tra (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). The centra have pressed keels as in the cranial thoracic vertebrae of Eoalulavis.
sharp, bladelike ventral borders. In none of the known cer- Euenantiornithines are unique among avians in that the
vicals is the portion of the centrum caudal to the transverse parapophyses (costal fovea) of the thoracic vertebrae are sit-
foramen perforated by pneumatic foramina. In the El Brete uated in a midcentral position, ventral to the transverse
cervicals and in the axis and first four postaxial elements of process and dorsal to the lateral excavation (Fig. .).
the Catalan hatchling, the cranial articular surfaces are Synsacral vertebrae are known from several specimens
heterocoelous, being wider than tall. The caudal articular from El Brete, Sinornis (Zhou, a), Concornis (Sanz et al.,
surfaces of these vertebrae, however, are taller than wide, ), Longipteryx (Zhang et al., ), and Gobipteryx (“N.
and their degree of heterocoely is incipient, with only a valifanovi” [Kurochkin, ]). The euenantiornithine syn-
slight convexity transversely and a slight concavity dorso- sacrum is formed by at least eight fused vertebrae. The cra-
ventrally. In Eoalulavis, however, both articular surfaces of nial articular surface is concave, a condition shared by al-
the caudal cervicals are not heterocoelous but amphi- varezsaurids and Patagopteryx. The spinous processes of the
platyan (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). Because the
El Brete cervicals are midcervicals and heterocoely pro-
gresses from the most cranial vertebrae toward the last pre-
sacrals (Chiappe, a), the most caudal cervicals of the
taxa represented by the isolated vertebrae from El Brete may
have also been nonheterocoelous. Future findings, however,
will have to clarify this issue.
Thoracic vertebrae are preserved in articulation in the El
Brete collection, Neuquenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, ),
Concornis (Sanz et al., ), Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ),
Longipteryx (Zhang et al., ), and the Catalan hatchling.
Disarticulated thoracic vertebrae are known for Sinornis
(Sereno and Rao, ; Zhou et al., ) and the Late Cre-
taceous Halimornis from Alabama (Chiappe et al., ).
The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae are laminar
and broad (Fig. .). The caudodorsal tip of the mid- and
caudal thoracic vertebrae form a distinct fork; a double fork
is present in the caudalmost thoracic vertebrae of Eoalulavis
(Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). The articular surfaces
of the thoracic centra are typically amphiplatyan. Neverthe-
less, an isolated cranial thoracic vertebrae from El Brete has
an opisthocoelous centrum. This recalls the condition in the
Late Cretaceous Patagonian Patagopteryx, in which opistho- Figure 11.4. Euenantiornithine thoracic vertebrae. A, PVL-
coelous cranial thoracic centra make the transition to incip- - from the Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina), right
iently heterocoelous caudal cervicals (Chiappe, a; lateral view. B, PVL- from the Late Cretaceous of El Brete
(Argentina), left lateral view. C, H. thompsoni from the Late Cre-
Chapter  in this volume). The cranial thoracic vertebrae
taceous of Alabama (United States), left lateral view. D, S. san-
bear ventral processes (Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this tensis from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning (China), left lateral
volume); these are in some instances very prominent (e.g., view. Abbreviations: fco, fovea costalis; lec, lateral excavation of
Eoalulavis; see Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). In sev- centra; poz, postzygapophysis; spr, spinous process; tp, trans-
eral articulated thoracic series from El Brete (e.g., PVL-, verse process; vpr, ventral process. C and D not in scale.

248 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
synsacral vertebrae are fused to each other, forming a dor- Cretaceous Sinornis (Sereno and Rao, ; Zhou et al., ;
sal crest that decreases in height caudally. Long, individual- Zhou, a), Boluochia (Zhou, b), Concornis (Sanz et
ized transverse processes project laterally from both the cra- al., ), Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ), Eoenantiornis (Hou
nial and caudal sections of the synsacrum. In specimen et al., ) and Longipteryx (Zhang et al., ), and the
PVL--, those of the first two vertebrae fused together, Late Cretaceous Neuquenornis (Chiappe and Calvo, ),
forming left and right bars parallel to the spinous crest. The Alexornis (Brodkorb, ), Gobipteryx (“N. valifanovi,”
following caudal ones coalesce with the ilium. The ventral Kurochkin []), and Halimornis (Chiappe et al., ). A
surface of the synsacrum bears a shallow, axial furrow in Go- framentary sternum, several coracoids, and scapulae are in-
bipteryx (Kurochkin, ) and some El Brete specimens cluded within the El Brete collection, and portions of the
(e.g., PVL--). thoracic girdle are known for the Early Cretaceous hatch-
Free caudal vertebrae and/or a pygostyle are known for ling from Catalonia (Sanz et al., ) and a yet undescribed
Sinornis (Sereno and Rao, ; Zhou et al., ; Sereno, avisaurid from the Late Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation
Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume), Boluochia (Zhou, of Utah (Hutchison, ).
b), Concornis (Sanz et al., ), Longipteryx (Zhang et The enantiornithine coracoid is long and slender; this
al., ), and Halimornis (Chiappe et al., ). Zhou et al. condition is extreme in Eoalulavis and Gobipteryx. Its lateral
() estimated the presence of eight free caudals in Sinor- and medial borders are convex and concave, respectively, and
nis. The caudal vertebrae are amphiplatyan and typically a broad triangular fossa excavates its dorsal surface (Fig.
have elongate transverse processes. The long, euenanti- .). Its shoulder end is laterally compressed; the acrocora-
ornithine pygostyle is formed of at least eight vertebrae coid process, the humeral articular facet, and the scapular ar-
(Lamb et al., ; Chiappe et al., ), although its re- ticulation are more or less aligned (Fig. .A, E). The artic-
markable elongation in certain taxa (e.g., Boluochia, in which ular facet for the scapula is located medial and perpendicular
it is longer than the metatarsals; see Zhou, b; Zhou and to the humeral articular facet, but the procoracoid process is
Hou, Chapter  in this volume) suggests that many more absent. The scapular articular facet is characteristically con-
elements may have been incorporated in some euenanti- vex (Fig. .C, D). The acrocoracoid process is poorly devel-
ornithines. In Halimornis, the pygostyle’s centrum is later- oped; the humeral articular facet essentially converges on it.
ally compressed with paired laminar processes projecting In Enantiornis and other taxa from El Brete (Fig. .), as well
ventrally; similar ventral processes are present in Sinornis as in a recently discovered euenantiornithine from the Late
(Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume). A proximally Cretaceous of France (Buffetaut, ), there is a peglike me-
forked, axial platform forms the dorsal roof of the pygo- dial process between the acrocoracoid process and the
style in Halimornis (Chiappe et al., ). Zhou (a,b) humeral articular facet (Walker, ). Martin () sug-
mentions the presence of a dorsal crest in the pygostyle of gested that this peglike process would have articulated with
both Boluochia and Sinornis. In Sinornis (IVPP-V-A), the furcula, but this seems unlikely given its position in the
however, the roof of the pygostyle bears an overhanging ax- coracoid and its topological relationship to the scapula. This
ial platform comparable to that of Halimornis, and there process may have been connected by a ligament to a pit on
seems to be no evidence of a dorsal crest. the shoulder end of the scapula (Chiappe, a), although
The long thoracic ribs articulate to short sternal ribs a better understanding of its connections must await the dis-
in several taxa (e.g., Sinornis, Concornis, Neuquenornis, covery of additional, articulated specimens. This peg-pit
Longipteryx), and uncinate processes have been reported for complex is absent in Gobipteryx and Halimornis.
Longipteryx (Zhang et al., ). Although several authors The coracoidal shaft expands to varying degrees below
pointed out the absence of gastralia among euenantior- the shoulder end. A large supracoracoid nerve foramen per-
nithines (Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume), a forates the shoulder half of the shaft. Its relative position is
typically reptilian basket of gastralia is present in Eoenanti- variable, but it consistently opens into a medial, longitudi-
ornis, and evidence of these elements is also available for other nal groove (Fig. .D). In most taxa (e.g., Enantiornis,
euenantiornithines (e.g., Longipteryx). The fact that evidence Sinornis, Gobipteryx, the Kaiparowits avisaurid, French
of gastralia is missing from many well-articulated specimens enantiornithine), this foramen opens above the dorsal
of Confuciusornis, whereas gastralia are definitively present in fossa, but in Neuquenornis, as in PVL- from El Brete, it
this basal bird (Chiappe et al., ), further cautions against opens inside this fossa. The coracoidal sternal end is trans-
assuming that these elements have been reduced in a partic- versely straight to concave (Fig. .). It lacks a lateral
ular taxon when the sample of specimens is small. process. As seen in Neuquenornis and Concornis, the cora-
coids articulate close to each other on the sternum (Chiappe
Thoracic Girdle and Sternum and Calvo, ; Sanz et al., ).
Elements of the thoracic girdle and sternum are known for The euenantiornithine scapula is robust and straight,
a variety of euenantiornithine taxa, including the Early with a well-developed acromion (Fig. .). The acromion of

Figure 11.5. Coracoid (PVL-) and
scapula (PVL-) of E. leali from the Late
Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina). A, dorsal
view. B, ventral view. C, lateral view. D, me-
dial view. E, shoulder view. F, sternal view. G,
ventral view. H, dorsal view. I, costal view. J,
lateral view. K, shoulder view. Abbreviations:
acr, acromion; apr, acrocoracoidal process;
atu, acrocoracoidal tubercle; cah, coracoidal
articular humeral facet; cof, coracoidal facet
of scapula; dfc, dorsal fossa of coracoid; faf,
furcular articular facet; sah, scapular articu-
lar humeral facet; scf, scapular facet of cora-
coid; sfo, scapular fossa; snf, supracoracoid
nerve foramen.

Eoalulavis and Eoenantiornis is remarkably long (Sanz et al., craniomedially and perpendicular to the latter. The scapu-
Chapter  in this volume). The scapula of Enantiornis and lar blade is relatively short. Costally, it is scarred by a distinct
Halimornis has an expanded shoulder end. The acromion is axial furrow (Fig. .).
wide, bearing a crescentic to semilunate, flat articular sur- The enantiornithine furcula has a narrow interclavicular
face (Fig. .). Martin () argued that this facet articu- angle (approximately ° in Concornis, ° in Longipteryx,
lated with the cranial dorsals. Although possible, this un- ° in Eoalulavis and Eoenantiornis, and ° in Sinornis).
usual condition has not been observed in any of the The ascending rami are compressed, with laterally projected
euenantiornithine specimens (e.g., Eoalulavis, Neuquenor- ventral borders. As Martin () pointed out, this lateral
nis) for which the preserved thoracic girdles and vertebrae convexity of the furcula may have been a place for the ori-
retain their topological relationships. Furthermore, the ver- gin of flight muscles. The furcula of Neuquenornis has a
tebral facet of this alleged articulation is absent in known short hypocleideum (Fig. .), whereas those of Concornis,
enantiornithine thoracic vertebrae. Alternatively, the prox- Sinornis, Eoenantiornis, and Eoalulavis bear a much longer
imity between the acromion and the shoulder end of the one. In Eoalulavis, the hypocleideum is three-fourths the
furcula in Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume) length of the clavicular rami.
suggests that this acromial facet may have articulated with Although a definitive, articulated triosseal foramen has
the furcula. The euenantiornithine acromion is separated never been reported in any enantiornithine bird, the con-
from the humeral articular facet by a thick neck. In Enan- nection between the scapula and the coracoid, and the po-
tiornis this neck is excavated by a deep, circular pit (Chi- sition of the furcula in some articulated specimens (e.g.,
appe, a,b; Fig. .K); this pit is absent in Halimornis. Eoalulavis), strongly suggest that this important avian
The humeral articular facet of the scapula is distinctly con- structure was present in Euenantiornithes. As is typical of
cave (Fig. .). A subtriangular coracoidal facet develops neornithine birds, the triosseal foramen of Euenanti-

250 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
nial margin is distinctly parabolic. With the exception of
Eoalulavis, the length of the hypocleideum appears to be re-
lated to the extension of the sternal carina. Several euenanti-
ornithines have two sternal notches (e.g., Concornis, Sinor-
nis, Boluochia). In these cases, the lateral process is robust,
more than the medial process, and bears a distinct caudal
expansion (e.g., Neuquenornis, Concornis, Sinornis; Fig.
.A, C). Eoalulavis lacks any evidence of sternal processes,
although Sanz et al. () argued that cartilaginous por-
tions of the sternum may have surrounded this central ossi-
fied element. The sternum of Eoalulavis (Fig. .B) differs
from all other euenantiornithines by the presence of a nar-
row, cranial notch and an inverted T-shaped caudal foot;
the latter is reminiscent of the condition present in the
ornithurine Liaoningornis (Hou et al., ). Sanz et al.
() argued that the long hypocleideum of Eoalulavis
could have articulated with this cranial sternal notch,
strengthening the thorax. The sternum of Eoenantiornis
also displays a distinct morphology (Hou et al., ). It has
an overall round shape with a long, slender caudomedial
process. The caudolateral margins of the sternum of
Figure 11.6. The Late Cretaceous N. volans from Patagonia (Ar- Eoenantiornis bear short caudal processes that lack the dis-
gentina) (modified from Chiappe and Calvo, ). Abbrevia- tal expansions of other euenantiornithines. Although Hou
tions: co, coracoid; fem, femur; fur, furcula; hum, humerus;
et al. () mentioned the presence of a carina in the ster-
mam; major metacarpal; pel, pelvis; sc, scapula; stm, sternum;
tib, tibiotarsus; tmt, tarsometatarsus; , , , digits –.
num of Eoenantiornis, this bone is exposed in dorsal view,
making it impossible to visualize the alleged ventral keel.

Thoracic Limb
ornithes was most likely formed by the coracoid, scapula, Nearly complete wings are known for the Early Cretaceous
and furcula. Concornis (Sanz et al., ), Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ),
The morphology of the sternum of Euenantiornithes is Sinornis (Zhou et al., ; Zhou, a), Eoenantiornis
highly variable (Fig. .). Its ossified portions can be rela- (Hou et al., ), Otogornis (Hou, ), and Longipteryx
tively broad as in Concornis, Longipteryx, or Sinornis, fan- (Zhang et al., ), and the Late Cretaceous Enantiornis
shaped as in Eoenantiornis, or slender and spear-shaped as (Walker, ; Chiappe, b) and Neuquenornis (Chiappe
in Eoalulavis. The sternum can have a prominent carina and Calvo, ). Additional forelimb material is available
projecting from its cranial margin (e.g., Neuquenornis) (Fig. for most of the remaining euenantiornithine taxa (Brod-
.), a low keel restricted to its caudal half (e.g., Concornis, korb, ; Sereno and Rao, ; Hutchison, ;
Sinornis, Longipteryx), or only a faint ridge (e.g., Eoalulavis) Kurochkin, ; Sanz et al., ). The El Brete collection
(Fig. .). In Concornis, Longipteryx, and Sinornis, the cra- includes several disarticulated wing elements; at least four
morphotypes of humerus other than that of Enantiornis are
known from this collection.
The euenantiornithine humerus retains to some extent
the primitive torsion of nonavian theropods. In El Brete
specimens PVL- and PVL-, the major axes of the
proximal and distal ends are at an angle of –°. The
deltopectoral crest is flat, lacking any cranial curvature (Fig.
.; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume). The bicipi-
tal crest is robust and prominently projected cranio-
ventrally. Proximally, this crest is excavated by the transverse
Figure 11.7. Enantiornithine sterna in ventral view (from Sanz ligamental groove; this is a short and shallow groove in Con-
et al., ). A, S. santensis from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning cornis (Sanz et al., ) but longer and deeper in some of
(China); B and C, E. hoyasi and C. lacustris, respectively, from the the El Brete humeri (Chiappe, a). On the ventral mar-
Early Cretaceous of Las Hoyas (Spain). Drawings not to scale. gin of the bicipital crest’s distal portion there is a small but

Figure 11.8. Euenantiornithine humeri from
the Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina).
PVL- in cranial (A) and caudal (B) views.
PVL- in caudal (C) and cranial (D) views.
PVL- (E. leali) in proximal (E) and caudal
(F) views. PVL- in caudal (G), cranial
(H), proximal (I), and distal (J) views. Abbre-
viations: bic, bicipital crest; cai, capital inci-
sion; dco, dorsal condyle; dpc, deltopectoral
crest; huh, humeral head; olf, olecranal crest;
pnf, pneumotricipital formamen; vco, ventral
condyle; vtu, ventral tubercle.

distinct fossa, presumably for muscle attachment (Fig. icular air sac pneumatizing the humerus as in neornithine
.H). The humeral head is concave cranially and convex birds. Pulmonary air sacs have been inferred for other basal
caudally (Fig. .E, I). Its dorsal margin is concave in its birds (and nonavian theropods) on the basis of other skele-
middle area (Fig. .). Caudally, the ventral tubercle is well tal features (Britt et al., ). The presence of a pneu-
projected (Fig. .), and in Enantiornis and other forms motricipital foramen in PVL- provides further support
from El Brete (PVL-, PVL-) it is perforated by a to the idea that at least some basal birds had already evolved
proximodistal canal (Walker, ). Although the humerus some of the characteristics of the respiratory apparatus
of several euenantiornithines bears a distinct pneumo- of neornithines. The distal end of the humerus is cranio-
tricipital fossa, a pneumotricipital foramen is known only caudally compressed and transversely expanded (Fig. .;
for an isolated humerus from El Brete (PVL-; Fig. Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume). In some forms,
.C). This is important because the occurrence of such a the ventral epicondyle projects distally. The dorsal condyle
foramen suggests the presence of a diverticulum of the clav- is rectangular, and it is commonly horizontally oriented

252 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
Figure 11.9. Ulna of E. leali (PVL-) from
the Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina). A,
interosseous view. B, caudal view. C, dorsal
view. D, ventral view. Abbreviations: dca, dor-
sal cotyla; grv, groove dorsal cotyla/olecranon;
imb, impression for m. brachialis; ole, ole-
cranon; vca, ventral cotyla.

(Fig. .). The olecranon fossa is wide, and there are no to one another (Figs. ., .). Metacarpal I is subcircular
scapulotricipital or humerotricipital grooves (contra Zhou, in Neuquenornis and other euenantiornithines and sub-
a). rectangular in Eoenantiornis and apparently Longipteryx.
The ulna is longer than or nearly as long as the humerus This metacarpal lacks a distinct extensor process. Meta-
(Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume). The dorsal cotyla carpal III is longer than metacarpal II, projecting somewhat
is elongated; in Enantiornis (Walker, ) and Concornis distally (Figs. ., .). The intermetacarpal space between
(Sanz et al., ), its surface is distinctively convex (Fig. .). these two metacarpals is very narrow, if not absent.
In Enantiornis, a deep groove separates both cotylae (Fig.
.A, D). This groove is shallower, but still distinct, in Con-
cornis. In most forms, the ulnar shaft lacks any caudal papil-
lae for the insertion of the secondary remigial feathers.
These, however, have been reported in the avisaurid from the
Kaiparowits Formation (Hutchison, ). Eight secondary
feathers are preserved in their natural connection in the ulna
of Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., , Chapter  in this volume). At
the distal end of the ulna, the caudal margin of the dorsal
condyle is semilunar (Fig. .). In Enantiornis a large fora-
men perforates the distal end of the ulna on its interosseous
surface. This foramen is not present in Sinornis, although
this taxon has a fossa in the same position. The radial shaft
is much more slender than the ulna; the ratio between the
diameters of the two is approximately :. On its interosseous
surface, the radial shaft is scarred by a longitudinal groove
(Fig. .; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume; Sereno,
Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume). Its distal end is
spoon-shaped in Neuquenornis and Enantiornis.
The euenantiornithine proximal ends of the metacarpals
are typically fused to the semilunate carpal, forming a
carpometacarpus. An exception was reported by Zhang Figure 11.10. Carpometacarpus of E. leali (PVL-) from the
et al. (), who described the semilunate carpal of Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina). A, ventral view. B, dorsal
Longipteryx as incompletely fused to its metacarpals. The view. Abbreviations: alm, alular metacarpal; ims, intermetacarpal
distal ends of metacarpals II and III are typically not fused space; mam, major metacarpal; mim, minor metacarpal.

Manual digit II is the longest, as in all saurischian di-
nosaurs. Its proximal phalanx is longer than the intermedi-
ate phalanx. This condition differs from that of other early
avians (e.g., Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, Patagopteryx)
and is comparable to that of ornithurine birds (Chiappe,
a). Digit I is well developed, but its full length is shorter
than, or subequal to, metarsals II–III as opposed to more
primitive birds (e.g., Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis) and
nonavian theropods (Weishampel et al., ). In Eoalu-
lavis, a well-developed alula attaches to the proximal
phalanx of this digit (Sanz et al., ). Digit III is typically
reduced to a single phalanx; a tiny second phalanx appears
to be present in Sinornis and Longipteryx. Manual digits I
and II bear distinct claws (e.g., Concornis, Eoenantiornis,
Sinornis, Longipteryx).

Pelvic Girdle
Pelvic remains are known for the Early Cretaceous Sinornis
(Sereno and Rao, ; Zhou, a), Concornis (Sanz et al.,
), Boluochia (Zhou, b), Eoenantiornis (Hou et al.,
), and Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume)
and the Late Cretaceous Gobipteryx (“N. valifanovi”
[Kurochkin, ]) and two isolated pelvises from El Brete
(PVL--, PVL--). Figure 11.11. Euenantiornithine pelvises from the Late Creta-
The pelvic bones of most euenantiornithines are fused to ceous of El Brete (Argentina). A, right lateral view (PVL--).
each other (Fig. .), although Zhou et al. () reported B, dorsal view (PVL--). C, ventral view (PVL--).
that these bones are not fused in Sinornis. The ilium is sub- Abbreviations: ace, acetabulum; ant, antitrochanter; dic, dorsal
triangular, with a short, pronglike postacetabular wing (Fig. iliac crest; iif, ilioischiadic foramen; ili, ilium; isc, ischium; pub,
.A). The slightly longer preacetabular wing is laterally pubis; syn, synsacrum.
concave. In PVL-- the two ilia contact each other in
the midline, although this may be a preservational artifact
(Fig. .B). In Gobipteryx, the ilia are separated from each Chapter  in this volume). The distal ends of the pubes are
other (Kurochkin, ). The acetabulum is round, and its not in contact in Sinornis and Eoenantiornis, however, even
medial face is completely perforated (Fig. .), a different though their tips expand into caudally projected feet (Fig.
condition than that in other Mesozoic birds in which the .). The distal pubic foot is, however, absent in Gob-
floor of the acetabulum is partially occluded (Martin, , ipteryx (Kurochkin, ) and presumably in Concornis
; Chiappe, a). Above the acetabulum, the dorsal il- (Sanz et al., ).
iac crest expands into a triangular supracetabular tubercle, The euenantiornithine ischium is roughly two-thirds to
the apex of which projects laterally. A prominent an- three-fourths the length of the pubis. It is laterally com-
titrochanter is developed on the caudodorsal corner of the pressed and much longer than the postacetabular wing of
acetabulum. The pubic peduncle is robust and caudo- the ilium. The morphology of the ischium ranges from belt-
ventrally directed (Fig. .A). In PVL--, the ventral like in Concornis to knifelike in Sinornis and Eoenantiornis.
margin of the ilium is perforated by a small fossa just In its proximal half, the caudodorsal margin of the ischiadic
cranial to the base of the pubic peduncle. This fossa, pre- shaft projects into a proximodorsal process (Fig. .A;
sumably part of the origin of the cuppedicus muscle (Rowe, Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume), which in certain
), is also present in Gobipteryx (Kurochkin, ). cases (e.g., PVL--, Sinornis) abuts against the medial
The pubis is opisthopubic, although not to the degree margin of the ilium, near the end of the postacetabular
seen in ornithurine birds (Chiappe, a). It is a slender wing. This contact caudally encloses an ilioischiadic fenes-
bone with a suboval to straplike cross section. In most eu- tra (Fig. .A) comparable, although not homologous,
enantiornithines, the distal ends of the pubes contact each to that of neognathine birds. Ischiadic proximodorsal
other, forming a short symphysis (Sanz et al., , Chap- processes are present in a variety of early birds [e.g.,
ter  in this volume; Kurochkin, ; Zhou and Hou, Archaeopteryx (Wellnhofer, ), Rahonavis (Forster et al.,

254 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
a,b), Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., )] and non-
avian theropods (e.g., Unenlagia [Novas and Puerta, ]),
and it probably represents a primitive condition for birds.
The two ischia approach each other but do not form a dis-
tal symphysis in Concornis (Sanz et al., , Chapter  in
this volume). It is unclear whether this is also the case for
other euenantiornithine taxa.

Pelvic Limb
Elements of the pelvic limb are known for almost all species
of euenantiornithines. Several euenantiornithine species
(e.g., A. archibaldi, S. australis, Y. brevipedalis) are exclu-
sively known from hindlimb bones.
The femur bears a small, cylindrical head separated from
the shaft by a distinct neck (Fig. .). A clear fossa for the
capital ligament is present in the El Brete femora (e.g.,
PVL-, PVL-, PVL-). The cranial surface of
the proximal end bears a low trochanteric crest. Laterally, the
proximal end is excavated by a prominent posterior
trochanter (Fig. .). This structure is present in varying
degrees among enantiornithine species (Fig. .). Its con-
sistent hypertrophy, however, is characteristic of Euenanti-
ornithes among all other birds, suggesting that important
Figure 11.13. Tibiotarsus of S. australis from the Late Creta-
ceous of El Brete (Argentina). A, C, cranial view [PVL- (A)
and PVL- (C)]. B, proximal view (PVL-). D, distal view
(PVL-). Abbreviations: cnc, cranial cnemial crest; fic, fibular
crest; lco, lateral condylus; mco, medial condylus.

postural or locomotor muscles must have inserted there.

Currie and Peng () postulated that the posterior
trochanter received the insertion of the ischiofemor-
alis muscle, although it would be conceivable that other
muscles also attached to this area. The femoral shaft is
slightly bowed in Concornis, Sinornis, and some of the El
Brete femora (Fig. .); in certain specimens from El Brete
(PVL-), however, it is completely straight. Distally, the
femur lacks a patellar groove. In Neuquenornis, Concornis,
and certain taxa from El Brete (e.g., PVL-, PVL-,
MACN-S-), the distal lateral margin of the femur projects
caudally, forming a ridge continuous with the lateral
condyle (Fig. .). This ridge is absent in Halimornis and
the Kaiparowits avisaurid.
The tibia is typically fused to the proximal tarsals, form-
Figure 11.12. A–D, euenantiornithine femur (PVL-) from ing a true tibiotarsus (Figs. ., .); a faint suture defin-
the Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina) in caudal (A), cranial ing a tall ascending process of the astragalus is preserved in
(B), medial (C), and lateral (D) views. E–H, euenantiornithine
the holotype of N. eos (Molnar, ) and the specimen of
femoral posterior trochanter (arrow). E, PVL-. F, PVL-.
G, N. volans. H, S. santensis. Abbreviations: fcl, fossa for capital Gobipteryx (i.e., “N. valifanovi”) described by Kurochkin
ligament; lco, lateral condylus; mco, medial condylus; pfo, (). The proximal articular end is subcircular in Nanan-
popliteal fossa; ptr, posterior trochanter. Scale applies to Figures tius, Concornis, and Soroavisaurus (Fig. .B), but it has a
A–D only. transversely wider axis in Lectavis (Fig. .C), in which the

aspect in cranial view (Figs. ., .). In Gobipteryx (“N.
valifanovi” [Kurochkin, ]), however, the medial condyle
is more suboval, and a much wider groove separates the two
No free tarsals have ever been reported in any adult eu-
enantiornithine, although Stidham and Hutchison ()
identified the outlines of three distal tarsals by analysis of x-
rays of A. archibaldi. In consequence, it seems reasonable to
assume that these were fused to the proximal end of the
metatarsals (contra Martin, , ). In general, meta-
tarsals II–IV are fused only proximally (Figs. ., .; Zhou
and Hou, Chapter  in this volume), but distal fusion of the
metatarsals has been reported for A. gloriae (Varricchio and
Chiappe, ). Euenantiornithines retain the ancestral
coplanar orientation of metatarsals II–IV. Metatarsal IV is
less prominent than metatarsals II–III (Fig. .; Zhou and
Hou, Chapter  in this volume). Metatarsal II bears a distinct
tubercle on its dorsal surface, presumably the insertion of
the tibialis cranialis muscle (Chiappe, a). This tubercle
was previously considered a synapomorphy of enantior-

Figure 11.14. Tibiotarsus of L. bretincola (PVL--) from the

Late Cretaceous of El Brete (Argentina). A, medial view. B, cra-
nial view. C, proximal view. D, distal view. Abbreviations: lco, lat-
eral condylus; mco, medial condylus.

articular end is more ellipsoidal (Chiappe, ). There is

only a single weak cnemial crest on the craniolateral border
of the tibiotarsus (Figs. ., .). This is thought to cor-
respond to the ancestral cnemial crest of nonavian thero-
pods (Chiappe, a). Distally, both the extensor canal and
the supratendinal bridge are absent (Figs. ., .). As in
other basal birds (e.g., Confuciusornis, Patagopteryx,
Vorona), the medial condyle is wider than the lateral one. In
most taxa, these condyles are separated by a narrow inter-
condylar notch that proximally undercuts them. In Lectavis, Figure 11.15. Euenantiornithine tarsometatarsi (modified
Concornis, Nanantius, and Soroavisaurus, the medial condyle from Chiappe, ). A, B, A. archibaldi. C, D, L. bretincola. E, F,
has a subcylindrical shape, which, along with the lateral S. australis. G, H, Y. brevipedalis. A, C, E, G, dorsal view. B, D, F,
condyle, gives the distal end of the tibiotarsus an hourglass H, plantar view. Abbreviations: I–IV, metatarsals I–IV.

256 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
2 cm

Figure 11.16. E. buhleri from the Early Cre-

taceous of Liaoning, China.

nithines, but its occurrence in Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., vicky, ). Unfortunately, the feet of the highly specialized
) and dromaeosaurid theropods (Norell and Makovicky, Lectavis and Yungavolucris are not known.
) suggests that it is a primitive feature. Distally, the
trochlea of metatarsal II is broader than the trochleae of Phylogenetic Relationships
metatarsals III and IV. Despite these common morphologi-
cal features, the morphological range of the euenanti- Euenantiornithes is universally accepted as an important
ornithine tarsometatarsi is striking (Fig. .). While Lec- basal chapter in the early evolution of birds, and with rare
tavis is characterized by a long and slender tarsometatarsus, exceptions (e.g., Elzanowski [], who regarded Sinornis,
with a keel-like hypotarsus, Yungavolucris’s tarsometa- Concornis, and the remaining enantiornithines as successive
tarsus is short and broad, with a stongly ginglymoid trochlea outgroups of ornithurine birds), they are considered mono-
on metatarsal II and laterally divergent trochleae of phyletic. This was not always the case, however. The history
metatarsals III and IV (Chiappe, ). Other euenanti- of the study of this Cretaceous avian radiation illustrates a
ornithine species (e.g., avisaurids, Concornis, Boluochia, general shift in the perception of the early evolution of
Sinornis) have less specialized tarsometatarsi. All euenan- birds. Gobipteryx was the first enantiornithine bird to be
tiornithines for which the foot is known have a retroverted properly recognized as a bird at the time of its description;
hallux (Fig. .). Metatarsal I, however, is not reversed, and Elzanowski () identified Gobipteryx as a Cretaceous
it retains the primitive articulation on the medial surface of palaeognath. This conclusion, however, was criticized by
metatarsal II of nonavian theropods (e.g., Norell and Mako- others (e.g., Brodkorb, , ), who regarded Gobipteryx

basis of several portions of metatarsals (Marsh, ). The
holotype is now lost, but one of these metatarsal fragments
(USNM ) was of an avisaurid euenantiornithine (Fig.
.C, D). This is also the case for several other “old” spec-
imens such as YPM  (Fig. .E, F), which, although its
original label reads “bird or Ornithomimus,” belongs to an
euenantiornithine avisaurid bird. A. archibaldi is another
euenantiornithine that was also initially regarded as a non-
avian theropod (Brett-Surman and Paul, ), a taxonomic
conclusion these authors extended to specimens later

Figure 11.17. Euenantiornithine remains collected in the nine-

teenth century. A, B, metatarsal III (PU-) of A. archibaldi
in dorsal (A) and plantar (B) view. C, D, metatarsal II (YPM-
) in dorsal (C) and plantar (D) view. E, F, metatarsal III
(YPM-) in dorsal (E) and plantar (F) view.

as a nonavian reptile. The discovery of the large assemblage

of bones from El Brete and their recognition as a mono-
phyletic ensemble of birds by Walker () did little to
change this view (J. F. Bonaparte, J. Cracraft, and L. D. Mar-
tin are exceptions); the avian status of Enantiornithes was
still not fully accepted (e.g., Steadman, ; Brett-Surman
and Paul, ; Kurochkin, ; Olson, ). Interestingly, Figure 11.18. Enantiornithine relationships to other birds. A,
enantiornithine bones had been found decades earlier, dur- Enantiornithes as phylogenetically intermediate between
ing explorations of the Cretaceous outcrops of the western Archaeopteryx and Ornithurae (e.g., Walker, ; Chiappe, ,
b, b; Sanz et al., , , ; Forster et al., ). B,
United States in the nineteenth century (Chiappe, a; Pa-
Enantiornithes as the sister taxon of Archaeopteryx (e.g., Martin,
dian and Chiappe, )—these specimens (Fig. .), how- , , ; Hou et al., , ; Kurochkin, ). C, Enan-
ever, were also mistakenly identified as nonavian theropods. tiornithes as a member of the Ornithurae, either as the sister
In , for example, O. C. Marsh named a new species of taxon of Ichthyornis or Neognathae or included within Neo-
ornithomimid theropod, Ornithomimus minutus, on the gnathae (e.g., Cracraft, ).

258 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
named S. australis (Chiappe, ). These frequent misiden-
tifications evoke the statement commonly used in discus-
sions of avian origins, namely, that the theropod ancestry of
birds is illustrated by the fact that specimens of Archaeop-
teryx for which feathers are not clearly visible (e.g., Eich-
stätt) were first misidentified as nonavian theropods. Un-
deniably, this has also been the case for enantiornithine
birds. Only with the advent of more complete discoveries
(e.g., Chiappe, ; Zhou et al., ) came the notion that
these primitive and sometimes odd creatures were indeed
birds and not nonavian theropods. Along with this notion
came the realization that several early lineages of birds were
vastly different from their extant counterparts.
The phylogenetic position of Enantiornithes and Eu-
enantiornithes within basal birds has been a matter of in-
tense debate (see Chiappe, b, a, , Chapter  in
this volume, for a more extensive discussion). These birds
have variously been considered the sister group of Archae-
opteryx (Martin, ), an ornithurine lineage (Cracraft,
), or an intermediate lineage between Archaeopteryx
and Ornithurae (Walker, ; Thulborn, ) (Fig. .).
More recent cladistic analyses with varying data sets and in-
cluded taxa (e.g., Chiappe, , b, a; Sanz et al.,
, ; Chiappe et al., ; Forster et al., , a)
have consistently supported Walker’s () early view that
Enantiornithes is phylogenetically intermediate between
Archaeopteryx and Neornithes (Fig. .A). These same
analyses have rejected the proposal of Martin (, ,
) and his followers (e.g., Hou et al., , ; Feduccia,
; Kurochkin, ) of a sister-taxon relationship be-
tween Archaeopteryx and Enantiornithes, a paraphyletic
group that Martin () called “Sauriurae” (Fig. .B).
Proponents of a close relationship between Enantiornithes
and Archaeopteryx have substantiated their views using pri-
marily noncladistic methods, and thus it is hard to evaluate
their proposals in light of cladistic parsimony. The only
cladistic analysis supporting the monophyly of “Sauriurae”
is that of Hou et al. (; data matrix and character list
available from Science’s Web site). This analysis included
only  characters, approximately a third or a fifth of the in-
formation used by Chiappe et al. () and Chiappe Figure 11.19. Interrelationships among enantiornithine
(Chapter  in this volume), respectively. Perhaps of greater species. A, cladistic analyses of Chiappe () and Sanz et al.
() based on pedal morphology only. B, Kurochkin’s ()
significance is the exclusion of Neornithes as a terminal
diagram of relationships (note that this is not a consensus clado-
taxon (see Hou et al., ; supplementary information at gram derived from any cladistic numerical analysis).—a choice with
profound consequences for the analysis of Hou et al.
(), in which “Sauriurae” is supported by five un- phylogenetic meaning of most of them, concluding that
ambiguous synapomorphies, the same ones proposed by “Cathayornis [here regarded as a synonym of Sinornis]
Martin () in his original paper. These characters, lies between Archaeopteryx and Ichthyornis in terms of both
however, have very little (if any) phylogenetic informa- evolutionary grade and flight capability.” In Chiappe’s most
tion because they have been shown to be either equivocal or recent analysis (; Chapter  in this volume), Enantior-
plesiomorphic (see Chiappe, b). Even Zhou (a:), nithes (including Euenantiornithes plus Iberomesornis
one of the coauthors of the analysis, disregarded the and Noguerornis) shows a sister-group relationship with

for Longipteryx, which holotype had not been examined by
the authors at the time this chapter was written) (Appendix
.). Scoring was based on direct examination of the holo-
types and referred specimens. Because many of the taxa are
highly incomplete, the character matrix includes a high per-
centage of missing data. The data matrix was analyzed using
Goloboff ’s EST computer program (Goloboff and Farris,
Figure 11.20. Strict consensus trees derived from the analyses of , in Horovitz, ). This analysis resulted in a “bush-
all euenantiornithine genera with % or less missing data. like” consensus cladogram lacking any kind of resolution.
Subsequent analyses of the data matrix excluding taxa with
% or more (i.e., Otogornis, Alexornis, and Nanantius)
Ornithuromorpha—a relationship that is supported by  and % or more missing data (i.e., Otogornis, Alexornis,
unambiguous synapomorphies. As pointed out by Chiappe Nanantius, Yungavolucris, Avisaurus, and Lectavis) also pro-
(; Chapter  in this volume), any cladistic hypothesis duced consensus trees without resolution. Only when the
supporting the monophyly of “Sauriurae” over those analyzed matrix was restricted to taxa with % or less miss-
placing Enantiornithes closer to Neornithes would require ing data (i.e., Eoalulavis, Eoenantiornis, Neuquenornis, Enan-
a large number of additional steps. At the same time, it tiornis, Gobipteryx, Sinornis, and Concornis) did EST produce
would require accepting that flight was independently fine- a consensus tree with some resolution. In this consensus
tuned in both Enantiornithes and Neornithes, because cladogram, Concornis, Enantiornis, and Neuquenornis formed
many of the characters that are shared by all these birds have a group that joined the remaining four taxa in an unresolved
been consistently correlated to flight enhancement (e.g., polychotomy (Fig. .). Clearly, an understanding of the in-
carinate sternum, strutlike coracoid, pygostyle, modern terrelationships within Euenantiornithes has been hampered
proportions of wing elements, alula). by the incomplete material available for several of the species,
Although the intermediate placement of Enantiornithes which often are known by either one bone or another (e.g.,
and Euenantiornithes between Archaeopteryx and Ne- Yungavolucris, Avisaurus, Nanantius), and the close similarity
ornithes is well supported today, the phylogenetic inter- of many of these birds (Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this
relationships among different euenantiornithine species volume). Although the results of this new cladistic analysis
have been substantially less explored. To date, only cladistic are largely incomplete and will certainly show substantial
analyses including a handful of euenantiornithine species modifications with the addition of new data, it is interesting
have been conducted (e.g., Chiappe, ; Sanz et al., ; to note that this consensus cladogram recovers Sanz et al.’s
Varricchio and Chiappe, ; Fig. .A). Kurochkin () () proposed relationship between Concornis and Neu-
provided a hypothesis of relationships including most quenornis (Sanz et al. [] also included Soroavisaurus and
known enantiornithine species (Fig. .B). Unfortunately, Avisaurus along with the former two taxa [Fig. .A]).
this study was not framed under cladistic methods, making Deeper comparative studies of the known euenantiornithine
it harder to evaluate its merit over previous cladistic hy- species as well as the discovery of additional material are nec-
potheses (e.g., Chiappe, ; Sanz et al., ; see Sereno, essary for a better understanding of the cladistic relationships
Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume, for further discus- among enantiornithine birds, which remains one of the most
sions on Kurochkin’s work). More problematic is the fact challenging issues of basal avian systematics.
that the rationale for the proposed clusters of species de-
picted in his single tree, which is not a consensus cladogram, Paleobiology
was not explained. This is particularly disturbing when we
consider that some of Kurochkin’s () proposed groups Enantiornithes is probably the group of Mesozoic birds for
cluster taxa for which overlapping skeletal elements are un- which we are able to provide the most reliable inferences re-
known. For example, the rationale underlying the grouping garding their general lifestyle, reproductive biology, and
of Avisaurus, Soroavisaurus, and Enantiornis in Enanti- growth strategies. Most enantiornithine fossils occur in
ornithidae (Fig. .B) is unclear when we consider that nonmarine deposits, indicating their preponderance in the
while Avisaurus and Soroavisaurus are known by hindlimb terrestrial avifaunas of the Cretaceous. Nevertheless, as the
elements (Chiappe, ), Enantiornis is known from ele- discovery of the partial skeleton of Halimornis in marine
ments of the forelimb and thoracic girdle (Chiappe, b). beds formed as far as  km offshore suggests, these early
For this chapter, a list of  characters (one multistate) birds may have played a more important role in the marine
was scored for  valid genera of euenantiornithine birds (all and littoral ecosystems than was earlier understood (Lamb
genera listed in the section “Systematic Paleontology” except et al., ; Chiappe et al., ).

260 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
The morphological disparity seen among the different decisive find was that of Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ), in
euenantiornithine species suggests a diversity of lifestyles. which a nearly intact alula was preserved attached to its
The anisodactyl foot of Sinornis, Concornis, Neuquenornis, manual digit I (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume). The
Longipteryx, and Soroavisaurus suggests perching capabili- presence of an alula in Eoalulavis, along with derived wing
ties (Sereno and Rao, ; Chiappe, ; Chiappe and proportions and other flight-correlated structures (e.g.,
Calvo, ; Sanz et al., ), but the pedal morphology of strutlike coracoid, fused wrist bones, pygostyle) in this and
Yungavolucris and Lectavis has been correlated with aquatic other euenantiornithines, strongly suggests that these birds
and wading habits, respectively (Walker, ; Chiappe, had achieved an enhanced flying capacity and control of
). Aquatic or nearshore habits have also been proposed maneuverability, including in their repertoire the ability to
for Eoalulavis (Sanz et al., ), for which the presence of perform low-speed flight (Sanz et al., ).
exoskeletal remains of aquatic crustaceans inside its digestive Studies of euenantiornithine embryos (Elzanowski,
tract indicates that, at the very least, it frequented nearshore ), hatchlings (Sanz et al., ), and eggshell micro-
environments. Although the presence of stomach contents structure (Mikhailov, , ; Schweitzer et al., ), as
in Eoalulavis is the only direct evidence of feeding habits well as of the bone histology of adult individuals (Chinsamy
available for enantiornithine birds, the hooked beak of Bolu- et al., , ), have provided important data on the re-
ochia suggests more raptorial habits (Zhou, b). Similar productive biology and rates of growth of these early birds.
habits have been inferred for Neuquenornis and Soro- Elzanowski () reported on a series of embryos from the
avisaurus, in which the hallucial claw is hypertrophied (Chi- Late Cretaceous of Mongolia, which he tentatively referred
appe, ; Chiappe and Calvo, ). Feduccia () to Gobipteryx. The forelimb bones of these embryos are
pointed out that the long hypocleideum and caudally re- proportionally longer than those of most neornithine
stricted sternal keel of some euenantiornithines (e.g., Sinor- hatchlings, and their degree of ossification is more ad-
nis, Concornis) may indicate the existence of a digestive sys- vanced than that of hatchlings of extant precocial birds
tem with a large crop. He compared this design to that of the (e.g., chicken, skua) (Elzanowski, ). This precocial de-
folivore hoatzin (Opisthocomus) and suggested that Sinornis velopment of the forelimb, along with the differential
may have had similar feeding habits. Indeed, these birds may degree of ossification between the fore- and hindlimbs of
have been folivores, as observed by Feduccia (), but the these embryos, led Elzanowski (, ) to argue that the
presence of small, sharp teeth in Sinornis suggests an insec- developmental strategy of Gobipteryx was superprecocial,
tivorous diet more than one based on leaves. that is, juveniles were completely self-sufficient in terms of
During their evolution throughout the Cretaceous there finding food and were able to fly soon after hatching.
is a general increment in size and size range among the eu- Elzanowski () also argued for male incubation, because
enantiornithine species. All known Early Cretaceous eu- this strategy is generally associated with the high energetic
enantiornithines are small to medium-size birds (see com- demands expected of embryos with such a precocial degree
parative measurements in Bochenski, ). Sinornis and of ossification. A precocial developmental mode is primitive
Eoalulavis, for example, were the size of a sparrow or finch, for neornithine birds (Starck, ), since phylogenetically
and the size of Nanantius and Concornis was comparable to basal extant birds such as ratites and galliforms have this
that of a medium-sized thrush. Late Cretaceous euenan- mode of development. Thus, it is likely to be the case for
tiornithines, however, are generally larger: Gobipteryx was Euenantiornithes (Chiappe, a). The degree of embry-
the size of a jackdaw and Neuquenornis that of a small fal- onic ossification, however, appears not to be necessarily cor-
con. Some of the Late Cretaceous taxa were much larger. related with one or another type of developmental mode
Enantiornis had a wingspan of about . meters, ranging in (Starck, ). Phylogenetic inference also indicates that bi-
size between a skua and a turkey vulture (Chiappe, b), parental care is actually primitive for neornithine birds
and a recently discovered enantiornithine from France has (McKitrick, ). Given this and the fact that the extreme
been compared in size to a herring gull (Buffetaut, ). ossification of the Gobipteryx embryos may not be indica-
Some Late Cretaceous euenantiornithines, however, re- tive of superprecociality, Elzanowski’s () argument for
tained the small size of their Early Cretaceous relatives; superprecociality and male incubation in Enantiornithes
Alexornis was sparrow-sized. should be taken with caution. Elzanowski () also ex-
On the basis of the presence of a deep notch in the ster- panded his developmental conclusions to the Patagonian
num, Walker () argued that enantiornithines had a lim- Neuquenornis, which he regarded as a very young specimen.
ited capacity for flight. This view, however, was challenged Feduccia (), following Elzanowski (), regarded
by Chiappe and Calvo (), who, based on the morphol- Neuquenornis as late embryonic. These conclusions, how-
ogy of the wing, sternum, and thoracic girdle of Neuquenor- ever, are most likely incorrect. First, the holotype specimen
nis, proposed that these birds were probably good fliers. A of Neuquenornis (MUCPv-; Chiappe and Calvo, ) is

actually relatively large; the wingspan of this specimen ex- bone was unique, exhibiting virtually no vascularization
ceeds  cm. Second, many of the long bone ends of and a lamellar, slowly deposited type of bone. The slow
MUCPv- are completely ossified, including metacarpal rate of growth inferred from this pattern of bone deposi-
I, which does not ossify before hatching (Elzanowski, ). tion appears to be consistent with the idea that euenanti-
Third, the sternum of this specimen is fully ossified, in- ornithine birds were precocial (Chiappe, a; Chinsamy
cluding its prominent carina. As Elzanowski () pointed and Elzanowski, ), since precocial birds have rates of
out, most of the ossification of the sternum of neornithine growth that are slower than those of altricial birds (Starck,
birds occurs during postembryonic development and typi- ). The presence of this characteristic type of bone tis-
cally at a slow rate of ossification. Consequently, neither the sue led Chinsamy et al. (, ) to argue that impor-
size nor the bony structures of MUCPv- indicate an em- tant physiological differences with respect to their mod-
bryonic or near-hatching stage. The poor preservation of ern counterparts may have been present in Euenanti-
some of its bones is nothing more than a preservational ar- ornithes. Specifically, they argued that because growth is
tifact, and it compares well with the preservation shown by strongly correlated with body temperature in living birds
other fossils from the same site. (Prosser, ), these bone differences may be indicating
Data on the growth rates of euenantiornithines were that these early birds were not fully endothermic. Other
derived from the histological studies of Chinsamy et al. authors incorrectly used this to claim that euenantior-
(, ). These studies revealed the presence of growth nithine birds were ectothermic (e.g., Feduccia and Martin,
rings (lines of arrested growth, or LAGs) in the cross sec- ), but Chinsamy et al. (, ) simply stated that
tions of two euenantiornithine femora from El Brete. The their thermal metabolism was probably lower than that of
presence of growth rings indicates a pause of postnatal neornithine birds. If so, the metabolic rates of Euenan-
growth, presumably a cyclical interruption of this growth. tiornithes probably fit an intermediate level within the
This pattern of bone deposition is strikingly different from spectrum of ectothermy-endothermy (Chiappe, a).
that of neornithine birds and apparently of ornithurine This argument, although somewhat imprecise and more
birds in general (Chinsamy and Elzanowski, ; Padian conjectural than reading growth rates from the pattern of
et al., ; Chinsamy, Chapter  in this volume), in which bone deposition (see Padian et al., ), is interesting be-
uninterrupted growth leads to the development of adult cause euenantiornithine birds were fully feathered, and
size in the range of a single year (Starck, ). The pres- feathers have consistently been correlated to endothermy.
ence of growth rings in the compacta of euenantiornithine More sampling of euenantiornithine bones and other
limb bones suggests that these birds took more than one metabolic-indicator studies are necessary before the
year to achieve mature size (Chinsamy et al., ). Fur- meaning of the peculiar pattern of euenantiornithine
thermore, the microstructure of the euenantiornithine bone microstructure can be fully understood.

262 L U I S M . C H I A P P E A N D C Y R I L A . WA L K E R
Characters, Character-States, and Character Matrix Used for Cladistic Analysis of Euenantiornithine Taxa

Key: 0 = primitive state; 1, 2 = derived states; ? = missing entries.

1. Premaxillary teeth: present (0), absent (1). 18. Prominent bicipital crest of humerus, cranioventrally
2. Parapophyses located in the cranial (0) or central (1) part of projecting: absent (0), present (1).
the bodies of dorsal vertebrae. 19. Ventral face of the humeral bicipital crest with a small fossa
3. Cranial end of pygostyle dorsally forked and with a pair of for muscular attachment: absent (0), present (1).
laminar, ventrally projected processes: absent (0), present (1). 20. Distal end of humerus very compressed craniocaudally:
4. Laterally compressed shoulder end of coracoid, with nearly absent (0), present (1).
aligned acrocoracoid process, humeral articular surface, and 21. Dorsal cotyla of ulna separated from the olecranon by a
scapular facet, in dorsal view: absent (0), present (1). groove: absent (0), present (1).
5. Distinctly convex lateral margin of coracoid: absent (0), 22. Shaft of radius with a long longitudinal groove on its
present (1). caudoventral surface: absent (0), present (1).
6. Supracoracoid nerve foramen opening into an elongate 23. Subcircular extensor process of metatarsal I: absent (0),
furrow medially and separated from the medial margin of the present (1).
coracoid by a thick, bony bar: absent (0), present (1). 24. Minor metacarpal (III) projecting distally more than major
7. Broad, deep fossa on the dorsal surface of the coracoid: metacarpal (II): absent (0), present (1).
absent (0), present (1). 25. Manual digit II: proximal phalanx shorter (0) or longer (1)
8. Supracoracoid nerve foramen opens above the coracoidal than intermediate phalanx.
fossa (0) or inside of it (1). 26. Pubic foot: present (0), absent (1).
9. Scapular acromion costolaterally wider than deeper: absent 27. Femoral posterior trochanter: absent or weakly developed (0),
(0), present (1). hypertrophied (1).
10. Costal surface of scapular blade with a prominent, 28. Caudal projection of the lateral border of the distal end of
longitudinal furrow: absent (0), present (1). femur: absent (0), present (1).
11. Dorsal and ventral margins of the furcula: subequal in 29. Very narrow, deep intercondylar sulcus on tibiotarsus that
width (0), ventral margin clearly wider than the dorsal proximally undercuts condyles: absent (0), present (1).
margin (1). 30. Trochlea of metatarsal II much broader than the trochlea of
12. Hypocleideum: absent or poorly developed (0) or well metatarsal III: absent (0), present (1).
developed (1). 31. Metatarsal IV significantly thinner than metatarsals II and III:
13. Ossified sternal keel: absent or incipient (0), present and near absent (0), present (1).
or projecting cranially from the cranial border of the sternum 32. Medial rim of the trochlea of metatarsal III with a strong
(1), present and not reaching the cranial border of the plantar projection: absent (0), present (1).
sternum (2). 33. Metatarsal I distinctly J-shaped in medial aspect: absent (0),
14. Lateral process on sternum: absent (0), present (1). present (1).
15. Lateral process of sternum without (0) or with (1) a 34. Proximal articular surface strongly inclined dorsally: absent
subtriangular distal expansion. (0), present (1).
16. Medial process of sternum: absent (0), present (1). 35. Strong transverse convexity of the dorsal surface of the
17. Dorsal (superior) margin of the humeral head concave in its midshaft of metatarsal III: absent (0), present (1).
central portion, rising ventrally and dorsally: absent (0), 36. Distal end of metatarsal II strongly curved medially: absent
present (1). (0), present (1).

Taxon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36
A. lithographica 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H. thompsoni ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
C. lacustris ? 1 ? 1 1 1 1 ? 1 ? 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? 1 1 ? 1 ? 1 1 ? 0 0 1 0
S. santensis 0 1 1 ? 1 1 1 0 ? 0 ? 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 ? 1 ? 0 ? ? 0
G. minuta 1 ? ? 1 ? ? 1 0 0 ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ? 1 ? ? ? 1 1 ? 0 1 0 1
L. bretincola ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 ? ? 0 0 ?
S. australis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Y. brevipedalis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 0 ? 0 0 0
A. gloriae ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1
E. leali ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
N. volans ? 1 ? ? 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 ? 1 0
B. zenghi 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2 1 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 0 ? ? ? 1
N. eos ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
O. genghisi ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
A. antecedens ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
E. hoyasi ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 0 ? 1 1 0 0 n 0 1 1 1 1 ? 1 ? 1 1 ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
E. buhleri 1 ? ? 1 0 ? 1 ? ? ? 1 1 ? 1 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 1 1 0 1 ? ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ?

Acknowledgments ———. . Enantiornithine tarsometatarsi and the avian
We are grateful to J. Bonaparte, J. Calvo, Chen Pei-Ji, Hou L.-H., affinity of the Late Cretaceous Avisauridae. Journal of Verte-
Ji Q., Ji S.-A., E. Kurochkin, M. Norell, H. Osmólska, J. Powell, brate Paleontology ():–.
R. Prum, J. Sanz, D.Varricchio, and Zhou Z., who facilitated spec- ———. . Enantiornithine (Aves) tarsometatarsi from the
imens for study and/or provided useful discussions, and to K. Cretaceous Lecho Formation of northwestern Argentina.
Padian and L. M. Witmer for their constructive reviews. We also American Museum Novitates :–.
thank S. Orell for her editorial work on the manuscript. S. Reuil ———. a. The first  million years of avian evolution. Na-
provided assistance with the graphics and illustrations. Figure ture :–.
. was photographed by L. Meeker. Support for this research ———. b. The phylogenetic position of the Cretaceous birds
was provided by the Chapman Fund of the American Museum of Argentina: Enantiornithes and Patagopteryx deferrariisi;
of Natural History, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles pp. – in D. S. Peters (ed.), Proceedings of the rd Sympo-
County, and the National Science Foundation (DEB-). sium of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution.
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Vorona berivotrensis, a Primitive Bird

from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar


Vorona berivotrensis was discovered in the Up- ; Noriega and Tambussi, ; see also Hope, Chapter 
per Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano in this volume) and one from eastern Australia (Molnar,
Formation, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern ). Several footprints from a single locality in the Creta-
Madagascar (Rogers et al., ) in the austral ceous of Morocco (Ambroggi and Lapparent, ; see also
winter of  by a joint State University of New York at Lockley and Rainforth, Chapter  in this volume) are the
Stony Brook–Université d’Antananarivo expedition. Three only record of Mesozoic birds from a large part of Gond-
specimens assigned to Vorona and previously described by wana that includes Africa, Madagascar, the Indian subcon-
Forster et al. (a) were recovered from a productive tinent, and mainland Antarctica. Vorona thus marks the first
quarry (site MAD -) near the village of Berivotra. This Mesozoic record of avian skeletal remains from this large
quarry has also produced a partial skeleton of the primitive area of the world.
bird Rahonavis ostromi (Forster et al., ), teeth of the The extant Malagasy avifauna is striking in its low diver-
large abelisaurid theropod Majungatholus atopus, and a sity (only  species) and high endemism (% of species)
nearly complete skeleton and partial skull of the titano- (Langrand ), which are odd characteristics in view of the
saurid Rapetosaurus krausei, as well as isolated elements of high habitat diversity on the island and the high vagility of
the small abelisaurid Masiakasaurus knopfleri, crocodilians, birds relative to most other vertebrates. Whether or not
fish, frogs, snakes, turtles, and at least three additional taxa Madagascar obtained some of its modern and recently ex-
of birds (Forster et al., a,b; Krause et al., a, ; tinct avifauna prior to separation from other major land-
Sampson et al., ; Curry Rogers and Forster, ; Fig. masses has been the subject of some considerable specula-
.). Interestingly, the faunal composition at site MAD - tion and controversy (Andrews, ; Lamberton, ;
 is nearly identical to that of the Late Cretaceous El Brete Rand, ; Darlington, ; Battistini, ; Moreau, ;
site (Lecho Formation), Salta Province, Argentina, where a Dorst, ; Mahé, ; Sauer, ; Cracraft, , ; Fe-
quarry in fluvial sandstone produced four taxa of birds, as- duccia, ; Keith, ; Briggs, ; Quammen, ;
sociated titanosaurid sauropod remains, teeth of a large Chatterjee, ). Keith (:), for instance, posed the
theropod, and scattered elements of a small theropod question in the following manner: “Are any of the birds
(Bonaparte and Powell, ; Chiappe, ). found on Madagascar today descendants of those that re-
Vorona was the first pre–Late Pleistocene avian described mained behind after its separation, or did all of these become
from Madagascar. The record of Mesozoic birds in Gond- extinct, leaving Madagascar to be populated by birds that
wana is very poor, and no Jurassic birds have yet been dis- later flew in from overseas?” He concluded that “the fossil
covered (Chiappe, , b; Fig. .). For the Cretaceous record is so poor that unless further discoveries are made we
there is a growing number of taxa known from South Amer- may never have a proper answer to this question.”
ica, particularly Argentina (e.g., Walker, ; Chiappe, , The published record of fossil birds from Madagascar is
; Alvarenga and Bonaparte, ; Chiappe and Calvo, indeed poor. Outside of the avifauna recovered from the
; Novas, ). However, there are only three occur- Maevarano Formation, it is restricted to the Holocene
rences of skeletal remains of Cretaceous birds outside South (MacPhee et al., ). This, in turn, is owing in no small
America: two from the Antarctic Peninsula (Chatterjee, measure to the overwhelming predominance of marine

Geological and Paleogeographic Setting

The Maevarano Formation is the uppermost nonmarine

unit of Cretaceous age in the Mahajanga Basin and has re-
cently been considered Maastrichtian in age (Rogers and
Hartman, ; Rogers at al., ). The Maevarano Forma-
tion is divided into three distinct members: Masarobe,
Anembalemba, and Miadana (Rogers et al., ). The
quarry at MAD -, like most of the fossil-bearing sites in
the Maevarano Formation, occurs in the Anembalemba
Member. This member averages – meters in thickness
and is composed of two distinctive, alternating sandstone fa-
cies (facies  and facies ). Facies  consists of light gray to
white, fine- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted sandstone with
an abundant clay matrix that displays small- to medium-
scale tabular and trough cross stratification. Facies  consists
of a massive, fine- to coarse-grained, poorly sorted, clay-rich
Figure 12.1. Map showing the general location of quarry site sandstone that is olive green in color (Rogers et al., ).
MAD - (marked “Study Area”) in the Upper Cretaceous Specimens of Vorona described here were recovered from
(Maastrichtian) Maevarano Formation. Inset map shows the lo- both the top of a facies  layer and the overlying facies  layer.
cation of the Mahajanga Basin (in black) in northwestern The importance of Vorona to the Mesozoic avian record
Madagascar. At least four taxa of fossil birds, including V. beriv- is enhanced by its paleogeographic location in eastern
otrensis (described here) and R. ostromi (Forster et al., ),
Gondwana. As discerned from a wealth of geophysical data,
were recovered from this site. Exact locality information is on
file in the Department of Geology, Field Museum of Natural
the Cretaceous represents the most active period in the
History, Chicago. breakup of Gondwana. The sequence and pattern of
breakup, however, are poorly tested paleontologically. The
current geophysical model for plate tectonic evolution of
strata throughout the Cenozoic (Besairie, ). Included the western Indian Ocean holds that Madagascar has long
among extinct forms are the giant, flightless elephant-birds been an island (summarized in Storey, ; Krause and
(Aepyornithidae), which according to some workers (e.g., Hartman, ; Krause et al., b, ). With the Indian
Rothschild, ; Lambrecht, , ; Sauer and Rothe, subcontinent attached to its eastern coast, Madagascar sep-
; Sauer, ) are represented outside Madagascar as well arated from Africa in the Late Jurassic, approximately
(Egypt, Algeria, India, Mongolia, Canary Islands, Turkey). – Ma, considerably earlier than generally regarded in
Others (e.g., Feduccia, , ; Olson, ; Rasmussen et previous biogeographic scenarios involving the island’s
al., ), however, are skeptical about these records. In any avifauna (e.g., Sauer, ; Cracraft, ; Keith, ).
case, the biogeographic origins of the Malagasy avifauna re- Indo-Madagascar attained its current position relative to
main enigmatic and have previously been interpreted largely the east coast of Africa in the Early Cretaceous, approxi-
through the relationships of modern taxa. The affinities of mately – Ma, and, according to most geophysical re-
most species are generally regarded to be with Africa, but a constructions, rifted from Antarcto-Australia at about the
few species indicate Asian or even Australasian connections same time. Hay et al. (), however, posited a lingering
(e.g., Rand, ; Dorst, ; Cracraft, ; Keith, ). As connection between Indo-Madagascar and western Ant-
stressed by Walker (:) with regard to the origin of the arctica across the Kerguelen Plateau that lasted well into
Malagasy mammalian fauna, the “one major piece of evi- the Late Cretaceous, possibly as late as  Ma. Separation
dence missing is . . . fossils of Cretaceous, Paleocene or of Madagascar from the Indian subcontinent did not occur
Eocene age.” The discovery of Vorona, Rahonavis, and other until late in the Late Cretaceous, at approximately  Ma
taxa in the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar provides the first (Storey et al., ). Thus, it is only since the Late Creta-
pre–Late Pleistocene fossil evidence with which to address ceous that Africa has been the nearest major landmass to
questions concerning the biogeographic origins of the ex- Madagascar, and it appears more likely that the Late Creta-
tant and recently extinct Malagasy avifauna. ceous terrestrial and freshwater vertebrate fauna of Mada-
The following institutional abbreviations are used in this gascar was more similar to that of the Indian subcontinent,
chapter: FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, and, more distantly, that of Antarctica, Australia, and South
Illinois, United States; UA, Université d’Antananarivo, Ser- America, than that of Africa (Krause et al., b, ;
vice de Paléontologie, Antananarivo, Madagascar. Sampson et al., ).

TABLE 12.1
Measurements (in mm) of specimens of Vorona berivotrensis

UA 8651 FMNH PA 715 FMNH PA 717

Total length 93.7 — 94.1
Craniocaudal width trochanteric crest 10.9 — —
Greatest diameter at midshaft 8.4 — 8.1
Mediolateral width distal condyles 15.3 — 15.5
Length of preserved portion — 76.0 —
Craniocaudal length proximal end — 9.3 —
Mediolateral width proximal end — 3.9 —
Total length — 165.8 —
Height astragalar ascending process 33.3 32.5 —
Mediolateral width proximal end — 11.8 —
Craniocaudal length proximal end — 16.0 —
Mediolateral diameter at midshaft 5.9 6.1 —
Craniocaudal diameter at midshaft 7.1 7.0 —
Mediolateral width distal condyles 12.3 12.4 —
Craniocaudal width distal condyles 11.8 12.0 —
Total length 60.9 — —
Mediolateral width proximal end 12.9 — —
Dorsoplantar width proximal end 8.0 — —
Mediolateral width at midshaft 9.0 — —
Dorsoplantar depth at midshaft 4.2 — —
Mediolateral width across trochleae 13.7 — —
MT II: total length 3.8 — —
Mediolateral width trochlea 4.2 — —
Dorsoplantar depth trochlea 4.7 — —
MT III: total length 61.0 — —
Mediolateral width trochlea 5.6 — —
Dorsoplantar depth trochlea 6.3 — —
MT IV: total length 58.4 — —
Mediolateral width trochlea 3.9 — —
Dorsoplantar depth trochlea 5.7 — —
MT V: total length 16.4 — —
Length of tarsometatarsus/tibiotarsus
(UA 8651/FMNH PA 715) 0.37

Systematic Paleontology lage of Berivotra, northwestern Madagascar. Specimens

were collected from quarry site MAD -. Locality coor-
Taxonomic Hierarchy dinates are on file at FMNH and UA.
Aves Linnaeus,  Diagnosis—Possesses short, blunt cnemial crest on
Ornithothoraces Chiappe and Calvo,  tibiotarsus; irregular low ridge on medial surface of proxi-
Vorona Forster et al., a mal tibiotarsus; narrow but deep notch on proximodorsal
V. berivotrensis Forster et al., a tarsometatarsus between metatarsals (MTs) II and III; ex-
Holotype—UA , a distal left tibiotarsus found in ar- panded vascular groove proximal to distal foramen on
ticulation with a complete tarsometatarsus. tarsometatarsus.
Referred specimens—FMNH PA , associated right
tibiotarsus, fibula, and femur; FMNH PA , left femur. Anatomy
Locality and horizon—Upper Cretaceous (Maastricht- The three specimens assigned to Vorona together comprise
ian) Maevarano Formation, Mahajanga Basin, near the vil- nearly complete left and right hindlimbs. The tibiotarsus

270 C AT H E R I N E A . F O R S T E R E T A L .
1 cm 1 cm

Figure 12.2. Right femur of referred specimen FMNH PA : A, cranial, lateral, caudal, and medial views (left to right); B, proximal
view, femoral head to the left (top), and distal view, cranial surface facing up (bottom). Abbreviation: tc, trochanteric crest.

and tarsometatarsus of UA  were found in direct artic- tion of quarry material. Measurements of all limb elements
ulation in the lower facies- level. The tibiotarsus, fibula, are given in Table ..
and femur of FMNH PA  were loosely articulated in the
base of the overlying facies- level; the fibula was lying next Pelvic Limb
to and paralleling the tibia, and the proximal portion of the Femur. The neck of the femur is short, robust, and
femur was lying next to the proximal tibiotarsus. The shaft weakly constricted (Figs. ., .). The outline of the
and distal portion of the femur were recovered a few centi- femoral head is nearly round in proximomedial view. The
meters south of the rest of the specimen. flattened proximomedial surface of the femoral head
At the time of its original description (Forster et al., bears a broad, shallow depression for the attachment of the
a), only a small portion of the proximal right femur capital ligament. A fossa for the capital ligament is also
(FMNH PA ) could be assigned with confidence to present in Enantiornithes and Ornithurae but is absent in
Vorona (Fig. .). Since then, additional preparation re- nonavian maniraptorans, Unenlagia (Novas and Puerta,
vealed contacts between this femoral fragment and the shaft ), Archaeopteryx, and Mononykus (Perle et al., ).
and distal right femur of a then unidentified avian. This dis- There is a distinct trochanteric crest projecting slightly
covery has allowed us to reconstruct the now nearly com- above the level of the femoral head. The lateral surface of
plete right femur and to assign another specimen from the the proximal femur is slightly depressed, but, unlike the
quarry, a nearly complete left femur (FMNH PA ), to condition seen in Enantiornithes, Archaeopteryx, and some
Vorona. Additionally, a more proximal segment of the holo- nonavian maniraptorans, it bears no evidence of a posterior
type tibiotarsus (UA ) was recovered during prepara- trochanter.

1 cm

Figure 12.3. Left femur of referred specimen FMNH PA  in (left to right) cranial, lateral, caudal, and medial views.
Abbreviations: fcl, fossa for capital ligament; il, intermuscular line; t, tubercle on lateral supracondylar ridge.

The shaft of the femur is cranially bowed and lacks a medial margin, as in Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Calvo,
fourth trochanter. An intermuscular line courses from the ; Sanz et al., ; Chiappe, a).Approximately . cm
trochanteric crest down to the medial side of the distal fe- above the lateral condyle this ridge swells into a tubercle.
mur, crossing the cranial aspect of the femoral shaft. A cau- This tubercle does not occur in any known enantiornithine
dal intermuscular line runs from the medial condyle prox- bird. The lateral supracondylar ridge, along with the lateral
imally across approximately three-fourths of the femur. condyle, defines the medial boundary of a weak fibular
A third intermuscular line runs the length of the entire trochlea. This trochlea, and the tibiofibular crest of the lat-
caudolateral edge of the shaft. eral condyle, appear less developed than in neornithines.
The distal femur is flat cranially and lacks a patellar
groove. A well-developed patellar groove is a synapomorphy Tibiotarsus. The tibiotarsus is long, slender, and straight
of ornithurine birds (Chiappe, a). On the caudal aspect, (Figs. ., .). The shaft is piriform in cross section, with
the triangular popliteal fossa is bounded distally by an inter- an evenly rounded medial surface that narrows to the lateral
condylar bridge. This condition is comparable to that of margin. The tibiotarsus has a very blunt, broad, and robust
Enantiornithes, Patagopteryx, and Ornithurae. The lateral cnemial crest. This single cnemial crest is homologous to
margin of the popliteal fossa is developed into a supra- the lateral cnemial crest of neornithines (Chiappe, a).
condylar ridge that projects caudally beyond the level of the A single cnemial crest is also present in nonavian mani-

272 C AT H E R I N E A . F O R S T E R E T A L .
raptorans, Archaeopteryx, Alvarezsauridae, and Patagop- homologous structure called the pretibial bone. Additional
teryx, while two distinct crests are typical of Ornithurae embryological and paleontological data have shown the
(Chiappe, a). Iberomesornis (Sanz and Bonaparte, ) proposal of Martin et al. () to be incorrect. McGowan
is specialized in having no distinct cnemial crest, whereas () demonstrated that the pretibial bone is indeed a
Enantiornithes (Walker, ) have a faint, craniomedially modification of the astragalar ascending process and
placed crest. The proximal articular surface of the tibiotar- pointed out the occurrence of a lateralized ascending
sus slopes slightly caudolaterally. Except for the rather bul- process in several nonavian theropods (e.g., Allosaurus),
bous, subcircular lateral articular facet, the tilted proximal as well as in ratites and tinamous. Additionally, the morph-
articular surface is nearly planar. The lateral and medial ar- ology and position of the ascending process of Vorona,
ticular facets are well developed and separated caudally by along with those of other recently found basal birds (e.g.,
a broad notch; the medial articular facet projects slightly Rahonavis), strongly support the hypothesis that the as-
more caudally than the lateral one. Running down the me- cending processes of nonavian theropods and birds are
dial surface of the proximal one-fifth of the tibiotarsus is a homologous (contra Martin et al., ; Tarsitano and
low, irregular ridge not found on any other known Meso- Hecht, ; Martin, ).
zoic bird. For most of its length, this ridge defines the cra- The medial condyle on the distal tibiotarsus is twice the
nial boundary of an elongate rugose area, almost certainly width of the lateral one in cranial view. This condition re-
an area of muscle attachment. The lateral surface of the sembles that of Patagopteryx and Enantiornithes but con-
proximal one-fourth of the tibiotarsus bears a prominent trasts with that of Ornithurae, in which the condyles are
fibular crest, which projects more laterally at its distal end. subequal in width in cranial view. A narrow, deep inter-
A small vascular foramen pierces the shaft caudal to the dis- condylar sulcus separates the condyles on their cranial as-
tal fibular crest, as in neornithines. pect. This sulcus opens proximally into a small, deep fossa;
The calcaneum and astragalus are firmly co-ossified but the fossa and most of the sulcus are overhung by the me-
are only partially fused to the distal tibia. A well-defined line dian edges of both condyles. This condition also occurs in
of contact on the caudal, medial, and lateral aspects of the Enantiornithes and Patagopteryx. The lateral margin of the
tibia delimit the edges of the proximal tarsals. Although pat- distal tibiotarsus (calcaneum) lacks any trace of a fibular
terns of fusion clearly have an ontogenetic component, there articulation.
nevertheless appears to be a phylogenetic signal present in
the co-ossification of the proximal tarsals, as well as their in- Fibula. The proximal end of the gracile fibula is trans-
corporation into the tibia (e.g., McGowan, , ). The versely compressed with a slightly concave medial face and
two proximal tarsals are apparently fused to each other in a convex lateral face (Fig. .A, B). Although medially con-
some nonavian maniraptorans. For example, in juvenile cave, it does not possess the prominent medial fossa typical
specimens of the troodontid Saurornithoides there is no sign of nonavian maniraptorans and other theropods (e.g., Gal-
of a separate calcaneum, implying that fusion may have oc- limimus, Deinonychus, Allosaurus). Distally, the fibula nar-
curred early in ontogeny (Currie and Peng, ). These ele- rows rapidly to a slender splint. Twenty-eight millimeters
ments are also fused in the troodontid Sinornithoides (Rus- down the fibula (approximately two-thirds of the way down
sell and Dong, ). The calcaneum and astragalus are the fibular crest), and just proximal to the fibular spine, is a
co-ossified in all known birds except Archaeopteryx (Welln- small, laterally directed tubercle for the insertion of M. ilio-
hofer, ), Iberomesornis, and Alvarezsaurus (Bonaparte, fibularis. The lateral orientation of this tubercle, shared
; Novas, ). In nonavian maniraptorans, Archaeop- with Mononykus and Patagopteryx, has been interpreted as
teryx, Alvarezsauridae, and Iberomesornis, the proximal an intermediate condition between the craniolateral posi-
tarsals are not co-ossified to the tibia. However, the proxi- tion of the tubercle in nonavian maniraptorans and the cau-
mal tarsals are completely fused to the tibia in Enanti- dally or caudolaterally oriented tubercle of Ornithurae
ornithes, Patagopteryx, and Ornithurae (Chiappe, a). (Chiappe, a).
The astragalus, including the ascending process, is one- Although incomplete distally, the fibula clearly did not
fifth the length of the tibia in Vorona, a proportion similar reach the distal end of the tibiotarsus as it does in Archaeop-
to that in other birds and nonavian maniraptorans. The tall, teryx, Alvarezsaurus, and nonavian maniraptorans. This de-
triangular ascending process is laterally placed and nearly rived condition is confirmed by the lack of a fibular facet on
fused to the tibia, although a faint suture can still be seen the lateral (calcaneal) condyle of the distal tibiotarsus.
around its perimeter on the cranial aspect.
Martin et al. () disputed the homology of the as- Tarsometatarsus. The tarsometatarsus is approximately
cending process of nonavian theropods with that of one-third the length of the tibiotarsus (Fig. .). MTs II, III,
Archaeopteryx on the basis of the lateral position of the as- IV, and V are preserved, and MTs II, III, and IV are com-
cending process of the latter and its interpretation as a non- pletely fused except along the midshaft of MTs III and IV

1 cm

1 cm 1 cm

Figure 12.4. Referred specimen FMNH PA : A, right tibiotarsus in (left to right, on left) cranial, lateral, caudal,
and medial views; and partial right fibula in (left to right, on right) lateral and medial views; B, articulated fibula
and tibiotarsus in proximal view, cranial end facing down; C, tibiotarsus in distal view, caudal end facing up.
Abbreviations: ap, ascending process of the astragalus; cc, cnemial crest; fc, fibular crest; ir, irregular ridge; s, suture
between tibia and proximal tarsals.

274 C AT H E R I N E A . F O R S T E R E T A L .
1 cm 1 cm

Figure 12.5. Left tibiotarsus of holotype UA : A, cranial, lateral, caudal, and medial views (left to right);
B, cross section at proximal broken end, lateral margin to the left (top); cross section at break below fibular crest,
lateral margin to left (middle); distal view, caudal margin at top (bottom). Abbreviations: fc, fibular crest; if,
intercondylar fossa; vf, vascular foramen.

distal to the proximolateral foramen. This part of the tarso- saurus), some specimens of Archaeopteryx (e.g., London
metatarsus is only partially fused. A lesser degree of fusion specimen, Solnhofen specimen), and some nonavian
is seen in the middle portion of their shafts: MTs II and III theropods (e.g., Ceratosaurus, Elmisaurus, Avimimus). One
are fused along their entire length, whereas a small gap be- enantiornithine, Avisaurus gloriae, shows MTs III and IV
tween MTs III and IV is present proximally. MTs II–IV are fused distally (Varricchio and Chiappe, ).
completely co-ossified in adults of Patagopteryx and Or- The proximal portions of MTs II–IV are coplanar, a
nithurae but exhibit a wide range of co-ossification within primitive condition shared by nonavian maniraptorans and
other Mesozoic birds and nonavian maniraptorans (Chi- basal birds such as Archaeopteryx, Rahonavis, Alvarezsauri-
appe, a). The metatarsals are fused only proximally dae, Iberomesornis, Enantiornithes, and Patagopteryx (Chi-
in Enantiornithes (e.g., Concornis, Yungavolucris, Soroavi- appe, a). In proximal view, the articular surface of the

1 cm 1 cm

Figure 12.6. Left tarsometatarsus of holotype UA : A, dorsal, lateral, plantar, and medial views
(left to right); B, proximal view, plantar margin up (top); cross section at midshaft, dorsal margin up
(middle); distal view, dorsal margin up. Abbreviations: df, distal foramen; n, notch between MTs III and
IV; pf, proximolateral foramen; pfo, palmar fossa; Roman numerals refer to metatarsal number.

tarsometatarsus is kidney-shaped (concave dorsally), and shaft. This plantar fossa has MT III as its roof and is
the plantar margin of the articular area is slightly elevated bounded by MTs II and IV. A similar plantar fossa is pres-
above the dorsal one. No free distal tarsals are present de- ent in Patagopteryx and some Enantiornithes (e.g., Soroavi-
spite the fact that the distal tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus saurus), as well as in some nonavian maniraptorans (e.g.,
of UA  were found in articulation. We hypothesize that Elmisaurus). The shaft of MT II is dorsoplantarly expanded,
the distal tarsals are fused to the metatarsus and contribute and its proximal plantar surface bears a blunt edge reminis-
to the proximal articular surface. MT II is dorsoplantarly cent of the ridge seen in Soroavisaurus. In medial view,
expanded and projects dorsally with respect to MTs III and MT II is plantarly bowed, although less so than in Soroavi-
IV. A deep, very narrow notch is present on the dorsal mar- saurus (Chiappe, ). There is no proximal, dorsolaterally
gin between MTs III and IV. Like most primitive birds (e.g., placed tubercle on MT II (an Enantiornithes synapomor-
Archaeopteryx, Alvarezsauridae, most Enantiornithes), the phy; Chiappe, ). On the proximal end of MT III is a
tarsometatarsus of Vorona lacks a hypotarsus and an inter- small, dorsally projecting tubercle. This tubercle is situated
condylar eminence. The medial cotyla is transversely ex- at the level of a very weak muscular scar on the dorsolateral
panded and larger than the lateral one. It extends over the margin of the proximal end of MT II. Most likely, these two
expanded proximal surface of MT II and the small, re- features indicate the attachment area for M. tibialis crani-
stricted proximal surface of MT III. The lateral cotyla is not alis. Between the proximal ends of MTs III and IV is a small,
well preserved but appears to have been circular and re- elongate proximolateral foramen. This foramen also occurs
stricted to the proximal surface of MT IV. in other primitive birds (e.g., Patagopteryx) and in at least
MT V is a very narrow, splintlike element that is su- one nonavian maniraptoran (Elmisaurus).
tured to the lateroplantar margin of the proximal end of MT MT II is slightly shorter than MT IV, which, in turn, is
IV. MT V is slightly less than one-third the length of MT IV. shorter than MT III. MT III is more slender than MT II and
MT IV is not reduced to a noticeable degree relative to MTs especially MT IV proximally, but it expands distally to ex-
II and III, unlike the condition seen in Enantiornithes ceed the others in width. The dorsal surface of the distal
(Chiappe, ). Aside from the grooves separating each in- one-third of MT III is laterally excavated by a broad vascu-
dividual metatarsal, the shaft of the tarsometatarsus has a lar groove. This groove ends in a broad distal foramen,
nearly flat dorsal surface. Plantarly, however, it is strongly which opens distally between the trochleae of MTs III and
concave with a deep longitudinal fossa along most of the IV rather than onto the plantar surface. This distal foramen

276 C AT H E R I N E A . F O R S T E R E T A L .
is dorsally roofed by a bony bridge formed by projections The hypothesis that Vorona lies outside Enantiornithes
of these two trochleae that fail to fuse together. An elongate, as a basal member of the Ornithuromorpha (see Chiappe,
shallow facet for the articulation of MT I is present on the Chapter  in this volume) reminds us that the phylo-
medial surface of MT II just proximal to its trochlea. The dis- genetic diversity of Mesozoic Gondwanan avifaunas is
tal location of MT I in Vorona is consistent with the capa- likely far greater than that sampled thus far. Of particular
bility for perching. note is the consistent phylogenetic proximity of Vorona
The equally spaced trochleae are coplanar. The troch- and Patagopteryx, another nonenantiornithine basal bird
leae of MTs II and III are square in distal view and bear from Gondwana, in both cladistic analyses (Forster et al.,
well-formed ginglymi. The trochlea of MT II is signifi- a; Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume). Nevertheless,
cantly smaller than that of MT III, the reverse of the con- characters supporting a sister-taxon relationship between
dition in Enantiornithes. Proximal to each of these troch- Vorona and Patagopteryx have not been found yet, although
leae, on the dorsal surface, there are small, circular fossae. future findings may support such a relationship. Clearly,
MT III bears the largest trochlea and lacks the medial plan- whatever the outcome, more complete material of Vorona
tar projection of avisaurid enantiornithines. The trochlea is necessary for a full understanding of its phylogenetic
of MT IV is subrectangular in distal view, with its main axis relationships.
dorsoplantarly oriented. This trochlea is nonginglymoid,
and its lateral face has a well-developed collateral fossa. No
phalanges are preserved.
The discovery of Vorona demonstrates conclusively that
Phylogenetic Relationships birds were present on Madagascar during the Late Creta-
ceous. This occurrence represents a significant geographic
Although V. berivotrensis is represented by incomplete spec- range extension for Gondwanan birds, since the only pre-
imens, its avian nature was clearly outlined by Forster et al. vious Late Cretaceous records of avian skeletal material are
(a). In this initial article, a preliminary phylogenetic known from the western part of Gondwana (Argentina and
placement was established for Vorona by scoring its pre- the Antarctic Peninsula) and from eastern Australia. The
served characters into the data matrix of Sanz et al. (: virtual absence of Mesozoic birds from other landmasses
app. ) with minor modifications and additions. This analy- surrounding the western Indian Ocean, coupled with our
sis placed Vorona in a trichotomy with Enantiornithes and incomplete knowledge of morphology for Vorona (and
a clade that consists of Patagopteryx deferrariisi plus Or- thus its unresolved phylogenetic placement), precludes the
nithurae (Forster et al., a). derivation of a strong biogeographic signal from this new
Because of the incompleteness of the known specimens, record.
the position of Vorona within primitive birds has proved diffi- The current biogeographic significance of Vorona, how-
cult to refine. A reanalysis of Vorona among primitive birds is ever, derives in large part from what it is not. It is not a sis-
presented elsewhere in this volume (Chiappe, Chapter ), in ter taxon to, or a basal representative of, any of the modern
a new phylogenetic analysis based on many more characters or recently extinct groups of Malagasy birds (including the
and taxa than that of Sanz et al. (). Importantly, femoral Aepyornithidae), all of which belong within Neornithes.
characters for Vorona not available for the initial analysis were The occurrence of Vorona, as well as that of the other four
included in the reanalysis. In this new analysis, Vorona forms non-neornithine birds from quarry MAD-, hardly con-
a trichotomy with Patagopteryx and Ornithurae. stitutes strong and persuasive evidence that the ancestors of
Although the relationship of Vorona to other basal avians modern and recently extinct groups were not present on
is still not fully resolved, its separation from the Enanti- Madagascar in the Late Cretaceous. It is, nevertheless, the
ornithes is supported by several derived characters shared only fossil evidence currently available that bears directly on
among Vorona, Patagopteryx, and Ornithurae. These char- the question. Speculation that ancestors of these groups
acters include the presence of a fossa for the capital ligament might have been isolated on Madagascar prior to the is-
in the head of the femur, the near complete fusion of MTs land’s separation from Africa is not supported by any fossil
II–IV, and the complete enclosure of the vascular distal evidence.
foramen by MTs III and IV. The superficial resemblance of
Vorona and certain Enantiornithes (e.g., Soroavisaurus aus-
tralis; Chiappe, ) is shown to be plesiomorphic, since
None of this work could have been accomplished without the ef-
these characters (e.g., bulbous medial condyle of tibio-
fort and endurance of the  Madagascar field crew: R. Asher,
tarsus, excavated plantar surface of the tarsometatarsus) are G. Buckley, Prosper, A. Rabarison, L. Rahantarisoa, L. Randri-
also present in the far more primitive bird Confuciusornis amiarimanana, F. Ravoavy, and C. Wall. We also thank B. Rako-
sanctus (see Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume). tosamimanana, B. Andriamihaja, the staff of the Institute for the

Conservation of Tropical Environments, P. Wright, and S. Good- ———. b. Early avian evolution in the Southern Hemi-
man for crucial logistical help in Madagascar. We especially sphere: the fossil record of birds in the Mesozoic of Gond-
thank R. Fox for an early review of this work and L. M. Witmer wana. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum :–.
for a later review. The specimens were prepared by V. Heisey and Chiappe, L. M., and J. O. Calvo. . Neuquenornis volans, a new
photographed by M. Stewart; L. Betti-Nash drafted all the Late Cretaceous bird (Enantiornithes: Avisauridae) from
figures. We also thank the Field Museum of Natural History, Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Chicago, for additional preparation and specimen assistance. :–.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants Cracraft, J. . Continental drift, paleoclimatology, and the
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:–. up: case histories from Gondwanaland. Nature :–.

Storey, M., J. J. Mahoney, A. D. Saunders, R. A. Duncan, S. P. Kelly, Walker, A. . Prosimian primates; pp. – in V. J. Maglio and
and M. F. Coffin. . Timing of hot spot-related volcanism H. B. S. Cooke (eds.), Evolution of African Mammals. Har-
and the break-up of Madagascar and India. Science : vard University Press, Cambridge.
–. Walker, C. A. . New subclass of birds from the Cretaceous of
Tarsitano, S., and M. K. Hecht. . A reconsideration of the rep- South America. Nature :–.
tilian relationships of Archaeopteryx. Zoological Journal of Wellnhofer, P. . A new specimen of Archaeopteryx from the
the Linnean Society :–. Solnhofen limestone; pp. – in K. E. Campbell (ed.), Papers
Varricchio, D. J., and L. M. Chiappe. . A new enantiornithine in Avian Paleontology, Honoring Pierce Brodkorb. Science
bird from the Upper Cretaceous Two Medicine Formation of Series . Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County,
Montana. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology :–. Los Angeles.

280 C AT H E R I N E A . F O R S T E R E T A L .

Osteology of the Flightless Patagopteryx deferrariisi

from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina)


The evolution of Mesozoic Gondwanan birds conclusion was strongly supported by later phylogenetic
is poorly known. This book amply attests to analyses of basal avians (Chiappe, , a,b, b, see
the fact that regardless of the significant con- Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe and Calvo, ).
tribution of Gondwanan birds to our under- The following institutional abbreviations are used in this
standing of early avian history (Chiappe, , a; Forster chapter: MACN, Sección Paleontología de Vertebrados,
et al., , , Chapter  in this volume; Clarke and Chi- Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Ar-
appe, ), the majority of the available data come from gentina; MUCPv, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, UNC,
the Northern Hemisphere. Neuquén, Argentina.
Patagopteryx deferrariisi (Alvarenga and Bonaparte,
) is a hen-sized, flightless bird (Fig. .) known exclu- Geological Setting
sively from Late Cretaceous beds in the northwestern limits
of the Patagonian city of Neuquén, Argentina (Fig. .). P. deferrariisi is known only from the continental beds of the
Patagopteryx is important not only because it documents a Bajo de la Carpa Member of the Río Colorado Formation
distinct lineage of basal birds but also because it is the best- (Neuquén Group), exposed at Boca del Sapo in the north-
represented Mesozoic avian from the Southern Hemi- east corner of the city of Neuquén (see Chiappe and Calvo,
sphere, being known from several specimens. , and references cited therein; Fig. .).
The discovery of the first specimens of Patagopteryx in At Boca del Sapo, the Bajo de la Carpa Member is pre-
– was made in connection with the expansion of dominantly composed of medium to fine, friable, whitish
the campus of the Universidad Nacional del Comahue gray to pink sandstones, generally made of clean quartz
(UNC, Neuquén) and the resultant clearing and leveling of with very little clay (Chiappe and Calvo, ).
the hills that form the southwestern margin of the Neuquén The fauna from Boca del Sapo is composed of a diverse
River, near its confluence with the Limay River (Fig. .). ensemble of small tetrapods (Bonaparte, ). Particularly
Oscar de Ferrariis, the director of the UNC’s Museo de abundant are the crocodilian Notosuchus terrestris (Smith
Ciencias Naturales at the time, recovered the first specimens Woodward, ; Gasparini, ; Bonaparte, ) and the
and passed them on to José Bonaparte for study (Alvarenga snake Dinilysia patagonica (Smith Woodward, ; Bona-
and Bonaparte, ). Additional specimens were later col- parte, ). This fauna also includes the crocodilian Com-
lected by Jorge Calvo and Leonardo Salgado from the UNC. ahuesuchus brachibuccalis (Bonaparte, ), the nonavian
The first reference to Patagopteryx was made by Bona- theropod Velocisaurus unicus (Bonaparte, ), the enanti-
parte (:), who mentioned the presence of an “inde- ornithine Neuquenornis volans (Chiappe and Calvo, ;
terminate family of ratite-like birds” in the Late Cretaceous Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume), and Al-
of Patagonia. The idea of Patagopteryx as a basal ratite was varezsaurus calvoi, a close relative of the Mongolian
retained during its formal description (Alvarenga and Mononykus olecranus (Chiappe, a; Novas, ; Chi-
Bonaparte, ; see also Alvarenga, ). Although origi- appe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume).
nally subscribing to the ratite hypothesis (Chiappe, ), I Cazau and Uliana () regarded the depositional envi-
challenged its allocation within Neornithes, and even Or- ronment of the Bajo de la Carpa Member as a system of
nithurae, in subsequent studies (Chiappe, , ). This braided streams. Opalized trees and large, disarticulated di-

placement of the basal unit of the Neuquén Group (Río
Limay Formation) as either Cenomanian (Ramos, ; Cruz
et al., ) or Albian-Cenomanian (Calvo, ), as well as
from the suggestion that the whole Neuquén Group may be
older than was traditionally thought (Ramos, ). Recent
magnetostratigraphic analyses of rocks from the Río Col-
orado Formation at Auca Mahuevo, a sauropod nesting site
some  km northwest of the city of Neuquén (Chiappe et
al., ), have shed important light on the age of this fossil-
rich unit. Dingus et al. () have provided the first reliable
age for the Anacleto Member of the Río Colorado Forma-
tion, constraining it between . and . million years ago.
This age can reasonably be extrapolated to the Bajo de la
Carpa sandstones of Boca del Sapo, which are therefore con-
sidered to be early to middle Campanian.

Systematic Paleontology
Taxonomic Hierarchy
Aves Linnaeus, 
Ornithothoraces Chiappe, 
P. deferrariisi Alvarenga and Bonaparte, 
Holotype—MACN-N-, partial skeleton including
Figure 13.1. Skeletal reconstruction of P. deferrariisi (modified  cervical vertebrae,  thoracic vertebrae, a complete
from Alvarenga and Bonaparte, ). Black areas are not pre- synsacrum,  caudal vertebrae, both humeri and the prox-
served in any available specimen. imal portion of the radius and ulna, the shoulder ends
of both scapulae and coracoids, the acetabular and post-
acetabular portions of both ilia, and portions of the femora
nosaurian remains were found in other localities of this mem- and tibiotarsi.
ber, suggesting transport. In contrast, at Boca del Sapo the
Referred specimens—MACN-N-, five fragments of
fauna is composed of small and usually articulated tetrapods,
tarsometatarsi (of at least three individuals) and pedal pha-
and large dinosaurian remains are very rare (Bonaparte, ;
langes; MACN-N-, nearly complete skeleton including
Chiappe and Calvo, ). The deposits at Boca del Sapo
skull and jaws; MACN-N-, four articulated thoracic ver-
apparently represent a different depositional environment,
tebrae and other vertebral fragments; MUCPv-, complete
one with lower energy than that generally envisioned for the
hindlimb, several vertebrae, and fragments of the pelvis and
Bajo de la Carpa Member (Chiappe and Calvo, ). Here-
skull; MUCPv-, portions of hindlimb, synsacrum, and
dia and Calvo () have recently suggested that the sand-
several other vertebrae.
stones of Boca del Sapo may represent interdune deposits
in an eolian depositional regime, although Clarke et al. () Locality and horizon—Boca del Sapo, city of Neuquén,
found little basis to support such a claim. province of Neuquén, Argentina (Fig. .). Bajo de la Carpa
The Río Colorado Formation, along with the entire Member, Río Colorado Formation, Late Cretaceous (Cam-
Neuquén Group, has traditionally been considered as Late panian).
Cretaceous, generally as Campanian (e.g., Cazau and Uliana, Diagnosis—P. deferrariisi is diagnosed by the following
; Uliana and Dellapé, ; Danderfer and Vera, ; autapomorphies: quadrate fused to the pterygoid; quadrate
see also Bonaparte, ). A Campanian-Maastrichtian pneumatic foramen located laterally; biconvex fifth thoracic
charophyte assemblage was reported for the Anacleto Mem- vertebra; thoracic vertebrae – procoelous, with wide,
ber (Musacchio, ), yet sequential stratigraphic analyses kidney-shaped centra; synsacrum procoelous; shoulder end
in the northern area of the Neuquenian Basin hinted at of coracoid formed by a broad, tonguelike caudolateral sur-
an older age for the entire Río Colorado Formation. Cruz et face that includes the humeral articular facet and the area of
al. () proposed a Coniacian–Lower Campanian age, scapular articulation; acromion of scapula dorsoventrally
while Legarreta and Gulisano () suggested a Santonian- expanded and keyhole-shaped in shoulder (proximal) view;
Campanian age. The pre-Campanian age of the Río Col- strong muscular lines in the shaft of the humerus; distal half
orado Formation also received indirect support from the of shaft of ulna strongly compressed craniocaudally; minor





Figure 13.2. Map indicating the locality of Boca del Sapo (black arrow in inset C) in the city of Neuquén,
northwestern Patagonia, Argentina (modified from Gasparini et al., ).

metacarpal more robust than the major metacarpal; major orbits, quadrates, and caudal end of the right pterygoid are
metacarpal with a cranioventral, laminar projection; ilium preserved (Figs. ., .).
with a prominent iliac crest and a well-developed caudo- The skull roof is formed primarily by the frontals, which
lateral spine; craniocaudally compressed, straplike pubis, are separated from one another by a straight suture. The
with its caudal third curved cranioventrally; paddle-shaped frontals are flat and slope rostrally. In MUCPv-, in the
ischium; prominent M. iliofibularis tubercle on the fibula; rostralmost preserved portion of the right frontal, there is
fibular spine distally fused to the cranial surface of tibio- a median depression that may have received the caudal end
tarsus; transversely wide tarsometatarsus; pamprodactyl of the nasal process of the premaxilla. Both MACN-N-
foot. and MUCPv- preserve portions of the endocranial cav-
ity as a natural cast in some of the areas where the frontals
Anatomy are missing.
The orbits are large and are bound by the frontals
Skull and Mandible caudodorsally and the laterosphenoids caudoventrally. The
The skull of P. deferrariisi is known only for MACN-N- laterosphenoid appears to form a short postorbital process,
and MUCPv-. Only the braincase, caudal portion of the suggesting that Patagopteryx lacks a postorbital bone.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 283
Figure 13.3. Skull and jaw of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, right lateral view; B, left lateral view; C, dorsal view. Abbreviations: f,
frontal; fec, fenestra cochlearis; fev, fenestra vestibularis; md, mandible; nuc, nuchal crest; pnc, pneumatic cavities; pro, prootic; q,
quadrate; qjc, quadratojugal cotyla of the quadrate; qpn, quadrate pneumatic foramen; zpr, zygomatic process.

The caudal portion of the skull roof is formed by the (Starck, ). Interestingly, the squamosal also possesses a
parietals. These are significantly shorter than the frontals. In medial, stout process that abuts the medial surface of the
MACN-N-, the frontoparietal contact is not well defined, quadrate, distal to the otic process. The presence of this
but in MUCPv- there is a clear, transverse suture between process along with the closely appressed zygomatic process
these two bones. The caudal boundary of the parietals is must have seriously constrained the quadrate’s kinesis
marked by the strong transverse nuchal crest, which has an (Starck, ).
inverted V-shape in caudal view that wedges between the The prootic is represented by the pila otica (the
parietals (Figs. ., .). opisthotic may be taking part in it; see Baumel and Witmer,
The squamosal is preserved only in the area of its artic- ) and portions surrounding the columellar recess. The
ulation with the quadrate and prootic, and, along with the pila otica articulates with the otic process of the quadrate
latter bone, it caps the otic process of the quadrate (Figs. and connects it with the dorsal margin of the columellar re-
.B, .A, .). The articulation of the squamosal to the cess (Figs. .D, .B). The fact that the pila otica is quite
prootic and its position with respect to other elements in- long suggests that the otic process of the quadrate was not
dicate that this bone was incorporated into the braincase, a close to the columellar recess. The latter is a heart-shaped
derived condition contrasting with that of other basal recess with its apex pointing caudodorsally (Fig. .A).
avians (e.g., Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis, basal enanti- This recess houses the cochlear and vestibular fenestrae and
ornithines). The squamosoprootic articulation leaves no the entrance to the caudal tympanic recess. The latter opens
space for the entrance of the dorsal tympanic recess (Fig. dorsal to the vestibular fenestra, and it probably connected
.B). This suggests that the otic process of the quadrate to a highly pneumatized area caudodorsal to the columellar
was not differentiated into two separate condyles (Baumel recess.
and Witmer, ), although this cannot be established con- The quadrate is laterally compressed, with both dorsal
fidently. Laterally, the squamosal possesses a short zygo- and ventral ends lying in the same vertical plane. In lateral
matic process (Figs. .B, .A, .B) that is firmly adhered view, its caudal margin is strongly notched (Figs. ., .).
to the lateral surface of the quadrate’s otic process. This The rostral margin extends into a broad, laminar orbital
latter condition recalls the condition of modern ratites process. The caudal surface is deeply excavated by a dorso-


The quadrate of Patagopteryx is pneumatic; its hollowed
body is exposed in the right element of MACN-N-. In
contrast to other birds, the entrance of the quadrate diver-
ticulum of the tympanic air sac is centered on the lateral face
of the quadrate (Figs. ., .A). In the left quadrate of
MACN-N-, immediately dorsal to the pneumatic fora-
men, there is a small fossa perforating the quadrate. This
fossa is not present on the right element and most likely rep-
resents an artifact.
The mandibular process of the left quadrate of MACN-
N- preserves the rostral margin of the quadratojugal
cotyla (Fig. .B). Judging from the shape of this portion,
the quadratojugal cotyla must have been large and round.
The mandibular articulation is formed by three condyles
placed on the vertices of a triangular surface (Fig. .C).
These condyles are ventrally projected, defining a deep, cen-
tral depression. The larger, rostral condyle is transversely
oriented and slopes dorsomedially. A smaller and pointed
medial condyle forms the medial vertex of the triangle. The
caudal condyle is flat and less ventrally projected than the
The caudal end of the right pterygoid of MACN-N- is
the only known portion of the palate (Fig. .A). The ptery-
goid, at least at its caudal end, is broad and robust, and it be-
comes broader rostrally (Figs. .C, .A). Interestingly,
close examination of the pterygoid-quadrate complex does
not reveal even a suture between these two bones. The only
conclusion to be drawn from this condition is that the
pterygoid is completely fused to the quadrate, a very un-
usual condition among birds (Simonetta, ). This con-
dition combined with the presence of a robust, medial
process of the squamosal restricting the quadrate’s move-
ments suggests that the skull of Patagopteryx had limited, if
any, capacity for streptostylic movement (Chiappe, b).
The occiput is nearly vertical, and there are no sutures
demarcating its component bones. The cerebellar promi-
nence is feeble (Fig. .D). The foramen magnum and the
occipital condyle are covered by the articulated atlas. The
angle formed by the intersection of the planes of the fora-
men magnum and the basitemporal plane is slightly larger
Figure 13.4. Skull, proatlas, atlas, and axis of P. deferrariisi than °. This suggests that the longitudinal axis of the skull
(MACN-N-). A, left lateral view; B, right lateral view; C, ven- was continuous with the main axis of the neck (Saiff, ).
tral view; D, occipital view. To the right of the occipital condyle of MACN-N- there
are two very close foramina (joined by a narrow slit on the
left side) forming the exit of cranial nerve XII (n. hypo-
glossi) (Figs. .D, .). Ventrolaterally from these foram-
ventral furrow (Figs. .C, .B). The latter starts right at ina there is another foramen (best observed on the right side
the level of the apex of the lateral notch, and it extends up of MACN-N-) that was probably an additional exit for
to the end of the otic process. This furrow is flanked by this nerve. The number of hypoglossal foramina in birds is
dorsoventral bars, the lateral of which is thinner than the variable, but most have three (Webb, ). Lateral to the
medial. Dorsal to this furrow is the tied contact between hypoglossal foramina is a large foramen forming the exit of
the squamosal and prootic bones, both articulating with the cranial nerve X (n. vagi) and presumably cranial nerve XI
otic process of the quadrate. (n. glossopharyngealis) (Fig. .). On the left side of

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 285
Figure 13.5. Skull and jaw of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, ventral view; B, left caudolateral view. Abbreviations: eov, exit for the
external occipital vein; md, mandible; occ, occipital condyle; pro, prootic; psl, parasphenoidal lamina; pty, pterygoid; q, quadrate; sq,
squamosal; X–XII, cranial nerves.

MACN-N-, immediately medial to the latter foramen, are articular process is absent. Individual bones are not dis-
three tiny foramina laid in a triangle. The most medial one cernible except for a ventral, longitudinal cleft separating
appears to be the counterpart of the one interpreted as an the surangular from the angular (Figs. .A, .C). It is
additional exit of cranial nerve XII. The correspondence of probable that this cleft was housed in a long, caudal projec-
the remaining ones is unclear. Over the left margin of the tion of the dentary. These two portions, however, fuse cau-
foramen magnum of MACN-N- there is a slitlike foramen dal to the beginning of the articular area.
that most likely corresponds to the exit of the external oc- The lateral surface of the mandible is flat. Just rostral to
cipital vein (Fig. .); this area has not been preserved on the articular area, the surangular is perforated by a small,
the right side. subcircular caudal fenestra (Fig. .A), an apparently
Rostral to the occipital condyle there is a large, deep sub- primitive condition known for a variety of nonavian
condylar fossa (Figs. .C, .A). Rostral to this fossa there theropods (Weishampel et al., ). This surangular fenes-
is an ample parasphenoidal lamina that is depressed cen- tra is the only opening perforating the mandible; the pres-
trally, with its lateral borders projecting ventrally. Because ence of an extensive, imperforate area of the surangular ros-
only the right half of this lamina is known (preserved in tral to this fenestra suggests that a rostral mandibular
MACN-N-), it is unclear whether the parasphenoidal fenestra was absent in Patagopteryx. The medial surface of
lamina was ventrally perforated by a recess (i.e., basi- the mandible is strongly excavated by an extensive aditus
sphenoidal recess of Currie, ), as in the alvarezsaurids fossa (Baumel and Witmer, ). Caudally, this fossa is
Shuvuuia (Chiappe et al., ) and several nonavian bound by a small, medial process.
theropods (e.g., Currie, ). In contrast to many Neor- The quadrate articular fossa bears three cotylae for the
nithes (except ratites), the parasphenoidal lamina projects articulation with the three condyles of the quadrate (Fig.
ventrally well below the level of the occipital condyle. Even .B). The lateral cotyla is large, shallow, and elliptical.
though the basipterygoid processes are not preserved, the Its main axis is oriented rostromedially. This cotyla is sepa-
presence of a scar on the right pterygoid of MACN-N- in- rated from the medial cotyla by a thick, prominent inter-
dicates that these processes were prominent and located cotylar crest. The medial cotyla is large and forms a deep
caudally, articulating with the pterygoid near its juncture to basin between the intercotylar crest, the margin of the me-
the quadrate—such a condition is comparable to that of dial process, and the dorsally projected caudal cotyla. Like
palaeognaths (Bock, ). the lateral cotyla, the main axis of the medial cotyla is ori-
The mandible of Patagopteryx is known only from its ented rostromedially. Interestingly, the caudal cotyla
caudal portion (Fig. .). It is slender and transversely crowns a strong, dorsally projected process that forms the
compressed, except for its robust articular area. The retro- caudal end of the mandible.


can be divided into three functional sections that most
likely performed similar movements as those of its living
relatives. Cervicals – (along with the atlas-axis) and –
constitute sections I and II, respectively, while the last four
cervicals, and possibly the first preserved element of
MACN-N-, constitute section III. The range of move-
ments of sections I and III of Patagopteryx would have been
ventral to the normal position of the neck, while that of sec-
tion II would have been dorsal with respect to the neck’s
prevalent position. This functional complex was also pres-
ent in Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in
this volume) and in basal Ornithurae but absent in
Archaeopteryx and nonavian theropods.

Proatlas. In MACN-N-, between the atlas and the skull,

there is a tiny, bony element that is interpreted here as the
proatlas (Figs. .A, .F). This element is preserved only
in the left side, abutting against the lateral surface of the at-
lantal vertebral arch. In lateral view it has an inverted V-
shape, with its cranial arm projecting ventromedially. Its
caudal arm is shorter and rounder than the cranial one, re-
calling the shape of a postzygapophysis.
Figure 13.6. Left jaw of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, lateral The presence of an individualized proatlas in P. defer-
view; B, dorsal view; C, medial view.
rariisi is startling. In adult extant birds this element is fused
to the skull, and to the best of my knowledge it has not been
Vertebral Column reported in any extinct birds. Yet an individualized proatlas
Cervical Vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae are elongate of comparable shape is known for the nonavian theropod
and heterocoelous (Figs. ., .). Patagopteryx is the most Herrerasaurus (Sereno and Novas, ).
basal bird with fully heterocoelous cervical centra. Pre- and
Atlas. The atlas has a ringlike shape. Its centrum is small,
postzygapophyses are strongly separated from one another.
and the neural arch is not fused to it (Figs. .A–C, .F).
The postzygapophyses bear prominent epipophyses. The
The dorsal and dorsolateral portions of the neural arch are
development of the spinous process is variable. Fairly high
wide and laminar. The neural arch narrows ventrally and
spinous processes are present in the cranial region of the
ends in a round border that articulates with the centrum.
neck, whereas they are almost absent in the last cervicals.
The cervical ribs fuse to the para- and diapophyses (Fig. Axis. The axis is elongate, as are those cervical vertebrae
.B, D) and all together enclose an ample, round trans- that follow it (Fig. .A–C). Its centrum is formed by a
verse foramen. The cervical count of Patagopteryx is un- single element (Fig. .F). It is laterally compressed, and its
known. Nevertheless, the difference between the epipoph- sides are excavated. The axis possesses the primitive type of
ysis of the eighth cervical of MACN-N-, the last one heterocoelous condition present in the last vertebrae of the
preserved in articulation, and the first of the five last cervi- cervical series. Unfortunately, both spinous processes and
cals preserved in MACN-N- suggests that Patagopteryx zygapophyses are not adequately preserved.
had at least  cervical vertebrae. Such a number is compa-
rable to that of many neornithine groups (Verheyen, ) Cervicals –. The centra of these vertebrae are hetero-
and larger than the – cervicals of enantiornithines (Chi- coelous. Cranioventrally, between the parapophysis, the
appe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume) and other basal vertebral body has a pronounced depression that receives a
avians (Chiappe et al., ). ventral projection of the caudal articular surface of the pre-
Despite the retention of some primitive features (e.g., vious vertebra. Caudal to this fossa, the centrum of the third
free proatlas, absence of fusion between the atlantal verte- cervical narrows ventrally. In the two following vertebrae
bral arch and centrum), the cervical series of Patagopteryx (C4 and C5), the ventral margin of the centrum becomes a
is essentially comparable to that of neornithine birds. This broader surface with an axial depression bound by slender
is presumably the case from a functional point of view. As ridges. Dorsal to these ridges, the vertebral body of these
in neornithine birds (see Zusi and Storer, ; Zusi and vertebrae widens remarkably to form a horizontal plane
Bentz, ; Zusi, ), the cervical series of Patagopteryx that connects pre- and postzygapophyses. The zygapophy-

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 287
Figure 13.7. Cervical vertebrae of P. de-
ferrariisi. A, B, C, first three preserved
vertebrae of MACN-N- in dorsal (A),
left lateral (B), and ventral (C) view. D, E,
G, last two preserved vertebrae of
MACN-N- in left lateral (D), dorsal
(E), and ventral (G) view. F, left lateral
view of the proatlas, atlas, and axis of
MACN-N-. Abbreviations: acl, arco-
costal lamina; atc, atlantal centrum;
atl, atlantal arch; axi, axis; caf, cranial
articular facet; dto, dorsal torus (epi-
pophysis); occ, occipital condyle; poz,
postzygapophysis; pra, proatlas; prc,
carotic process; prz, prezygapophysis;
sca, carotic sulcus; spr, spinal process;
vpr, ventral process.

seal surfaces are ample, elliptic, and broadly separated one cranial sections of the neck are known. The spinous process
from the other. Of these three vertebrae, only the spinous of C6, as in C5, is broad and well developed. Spinous
process of C5 is preserved. It is broad and well developed. processes are missing in C7 and C8. In C7, ventrally, the body
In C3 and apparently in C4 and C5, the cranial articular is flat—lacking the slender ridges of C4 and C5. The
surface faces cranioventrally. This orientation of the cranial epipophyses of these vertebrae are well developed. They are
articular surfaces combined with the strong development of laterally compressed and occupy a central position above
the cranioventral fossa of their centra suggests that these the postzygapophyses. The fact that the cranial articular
three elements belong functionally to section I of the cervi- surfaces of C7 and C8 face craniodorsally and that the cranio-
cal series of neornithine birds (Zusi and Storer, ). ventral fossa of their centra is poorly developed suggests
that these vertebrae—and presumably C6, as well—compare
Cervicals –. These vertebrae are poorly preserved in functionally to section II of the neck of neornithine birds
MACN-N-, the only specimen for which the middle and (Zusi and Storer, ).


Caudal Cervicals. The caudal cervicals are known for It possesses a ventral process of the centrum and post-
MACN-N-, in which the last five vertebrae are preserved. zygapophyses that are less separated from one another, with
Because the actual cervical count of Patagopteryx is un- their articular surfaces facing more laterally.
known, the precise position of these elements within the
cervical series remains uncertain. The first three vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae. The  thoracic vertebrae of
behind the first preserved of these are slightly smaller than Patagopteryx are shorter than the cervicals. The transverse-
the latter, but the last cervical is considerably smaller (Table processes are long. In the cranial portion of the series,
.; Fig. .). the distance between both prezygapophyses and post-
In the last four cervicals, the spinous processes are re- zygapophyses decreases caudalward. This distance reaches a
duced (Fig. .A, D, E). In the first vertebra preserved in minimum value in the midtrunk region, and it increases
MACN-N-, the spinous process is broken in a way that again in the caudal thoracic vertebrae (Table .). The ver-
suggests that it might have been more developed. The tebral centra lack pleurocoels (Figs. ., .), and the first
epipophyses of these five vertebrae are moderately devel- seven vertebrae (cranial and midthoracic vertebrae) have
oped (Figs. .B, .A, C), though considerably less than in ventral processes (Fig. .H). The articular surfaces of
the middle cervicals. In none of these vertebrae is there ev- the centra are procoelous, biconvex, opisthocoelous, and
idence of an area for the elastic ligament. heterocoelous depending on the position in the thoracic
The vertebral bodies of the last cervicals are also hetero- series. The thoracic vertebrae are free, and there is no for-
coelous. The heterocoely of these vertebrae, however, differs mation of a notarium.
from the typical neornithine condition in that it possesses a The large number of thoracic vertebrae of Patagopteryx
lesser degree of transverse convexity and concavity of the indicates an early stage in the trend toward cervicalization
caudal and cranial articular surfaces, respectively. of the thoracic series and the incorporation of its elements
The bodies are ventrally flat (Figs. .C, G, .B, E), into the synsacrum.
with the exception of the last cervical, in which the ventral
face is sharp and forms a small ventral process in the cranial Thoracic Vertebrae (D1–D3). The first thoracic vertebra
portion (Figs. .G, .E). The morphology of this verte- has a broad cranioventral depression in the body and
bra is transitional between the cervical and thoracic series. smooth epipophyses over the postzygapophyses; both fea-

TABLE 13.1
Measurements (in mm) of the vertebral column of Patagopteryx deferrariisi

MACN-N-03 MACN-N-14 MUCPv-48

Cervical vertebrae1
Total length of centrum of Cp2 20.0 — —
Maximum width at the level of postzygapophyses of Cp2 >14.1 — —
Total length of centrum of Cp2 16.0 — —
Maximum width at the level of postzygapophyses of Cp2 12.5 — —
Thoracic vertebrae
Total length of centrum of D2 13.0 11.6 —
Maximum width at the level of postzygapophyses of D2 10.3 9.0 —
Total length of centrum of D5 14.5 >11.5 —
Maximum width at the level of postzygapophyses of D5 7.0 — —
Total length of centrum of D10 >12.1 — —
Maximum width at the level of postzygapophyses of D10 10.1 — —
Total length 52.6 — —
Width at the level of acetabulum 12.3 — —
Caudal vertebrae
Maximum length of proximal caudal2 9.0 — —
Maximum length of midcaudal3 — — 10.3
Height of spinous process of midcaudal3 — — 9.6

Note: > indicates that the actual value is estimated to be less than 3 mm larger.
1Cp refers to the number of preserved cervicals (e.g., Cp is the second preserved cervical).
2Based on the first preserved caudal of MACN-N-03.
3Based on the single midcaudal preserved in MUCPv-48.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 289
Figure 13.8. Cervical vertebrae of the caudal portion of the neck of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A,
B, first three preserved vertebrae in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) view. C, D, E, last two preserved verte-
brae in dorsal (C), right lateral (D), and ventral (E) view.

Figure 13.9. Thoracic vertebrae of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, C, D–D in left lateral (A) and dor-
sal (C) view. B, D, D–D in left lateral (B) and dorsal (D) view. Abbreviations: biv, biconvex vertebra (D);
fco, costal fovea (parapophysis); po, postzygapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; tpr, transverse process.

tures are typical of cervical vertebrae. These characters, The bodies of the contiguous two thoracic vertebrae (D2
however, are combined with thoracic features such as well- and D3) are even broader cranially. The articular surfaces
developed transverse processes and ribs articulated—not are transitional from a primitive heterocoelous condition to
fused—to the vertebra. The body of this vertebra is broader an opisthocoelous or “pseudopisthocoelous” one. The sec-
cranially than caudally, and its articular surfaces show a ond thoracic vertebra has a prominent depression in the
primitive degree of heterocoely, as do the caudal cervicals. base of the transverse process (Fig. .C), between the


Figure 13.10. Thoracic vertebrae of P. deferrariisi. A, B, D and D of MACN-N- in dorsal (A) and
right lateral (B) view. C, D, E, D–D of MACN-N- in right dorsolateral (C), right lateroventral (D),
and left dorsolateral (E) view. F, G, H, D–D of MACN-N- in dorsal (F), right lateral (G), and ven-
tral (H) view.

prezygapophyses and the spinous process. This depression tebrae and the opisthocoelous-heterocoelous condition of
is less pronounced in the first thoracic vertebra and absent the preceding elements. The parapophyses of D5 nearly
in the third (Figs. .C, .A). reach the level of the transverse processes.
The parapophyses of these three vertebrae are large and In the midthoracic vertebrae, the separation between
well defined (Figs. .A, .B). In the first thoracic verte- both pre- and postzygapophyses reaches a minimum, in-
bra, they are located in a lower position on the cranial bor- creasing from D7 backward.
der of the centrum, while in the second thoracic vertebra,
they have a slightly more dorsal position. In the third tho- Caudal Thoracic Vertebrae (D8–D11). The last four tho-
racic vertebra, they are located somewhat underneath the racic vertebrae are procoelous, as are the two preceding
transverse process. them (Figs. .B, .D). The bodies of these vertebrae
are broad and dorsoventrally compressed and kidney-
Midthoracic Vertebrae (D4–D7). In these vertebrae, the shaped in cranial aspect (Figs. .–.). Ventrally, they
centrum is essentially the same width cranially and caudally. lack hypapophyses.
On the basis of the large ventral process of the fifth thoracic As was mentioned previously, the separation between
vertebra of MACN-N-, these processes must have also both pre- and postzygapophyses increases with respect to
been present in D4–D6, despite not being preserved. The the midthoracic vertebrae (Table .), although it is not
ventral process of the seventh thoracic vertebra, however, is larger here than in the cranial thoracic vertebrae. The spin-
poorly developed. The articular surfaces are opisthocoelous ous processes are high and more robust than those of the
in D4, biconvex in D5, and procoelous in D6 and D7. The preceding vertebrae. The transverse processes are slender
fifth thoracic vertebra (Figs. .B, .D) is transitional be- and of moderate length with respect to the centrum (Fig.
tween the procoelous condition of the caudal thoracic ver- .D–F). Thoracic vertebrae D10 and D11 are situated be-

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 291
Figure 13.11. Caudal thoracic vertebrae, synsacrum, and ilia of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-03) in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) view.
Pelvis of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-11) in right lateral view (C). Abbreviations: ace, acetabulum; ant, antitrochanter; bfo, brevis
fossa; ctv, caudal thoracic vertebrae; dic, dorsal iliac crest; ili, ilium; isc, ischium; lpr, lateral projection of the postacetabular wing;
op, obturator process; poz, postzygapophysis; pub, pubis; syn, synsacrum; tpr, transverse process.


Figure 13.12. Caudal thoracic vertebrae, synsacrum, and ilia of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-) in dorsal (A) and
ventral (B) view.

tween the ilia, although they are not co-ossified to the syn- fortunately, the remaining transverse processes are missing,
sacral vertebrae (Figs. ., .). and it is not possible to determine whether they were fused
to the ilium, as well.
Synsacrum. The synsacrum of Patagopteryx is formed by
nine vertebrae (Figs. ., .). These are completely fused, Caudal Vertebrae. Although in MACN-N- there is a
with no differentiation of either zygapophyses or individual minimum of five free caudals following the synsacrum, the
spinous processes. As in the caudal thoracic vertebrae, the existence of isolated, free middle caudals in MUCPv- and
synsacral bodies are broad and dorsoventrally compressed MUCPv- suggests a much larger number of free tail ver-
(Figs. .B, .B). Caudal to the midpoint, the vertebral tebrae. Yet their true number remains unknown.
centra gradually decrease in size. The cranial articular sur- The caudal vertebrae of Patagopteryx have well-devel-
face of the synsacrum is concave, while the caudal one is oped, ventrally directed transverse processes but lack both
convex. In lateral view, caudal to the acetabulum, the syn- pre- and postzygapophyses (Fig. .A–C). In the proximal
sacrum curves slightly ventrally. caudals the neural arch is high, defining a triangular verte-
The dorsal processes of the synsacral vertebrae are bral canal. In the middle caudals, the neural arch is lower,
fused, forming a longitudinal crest that decreases in height and it defines a more arched vertebral canal. The proximal
caudalward. Although the cranial part of this crest is not caudals are strongly procoelous, although the degree of
complete in any of the available specimens, the preserved their procoelous condition decreases distally. In the middle
portion of MACN-N- suggests that it was as high as the caudals, as preserved in MUCPv- and MUCPv-, the
dorsal process of the caudal thoracic vertebrae (Fig. .A). proximal articular surface is just slightly concave, while the
Ventrally, the vertebral bodies of the cranial half define a distal surface is convex. No haemapophyses have been
nearly flat surface grooved craniocaudally by a shallow found in any of the preserved elements of the caudal series.
broad furrow (Fig. .B) comparable to the ventral sulcus In the caudal vertebrae preserved in MACN-N- and
of neornithine birds (Baumel et al., ). MACN-N-, the spinous processes are missing from their
At the level of the acetabulum, the transverse processes base. The middle caudals of MUCPv- and MUCPv-,
of S3 and S4 are fused to the medial surfaces of the ilia. Un- however, have very high (Table .), laminar spinous

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 293
Figure 13.13. Thoracic and caudal vertebrae of P. deferrariisi. A, first two caudal vertebrae of MACN-N- in left lateral view. B, C,
middle caudal vertebra of MUCPv- in cranial (B) and right lateral (C) view. D, E, F, caudal thoracic vertebra of MUCPv- in dor-
sal (D), caudal (E), and ventral (F) view. Abbreviations: caf, caudal articular facet; crf, cranial articular facet; poz, postzygapophysis;
spr, spinal process; tpr, transverse process.

processes (Fig. .B, C), which taper toward their end. The scapula. This area is barely distinct from the glenoid facet,
remarkable development of these processes suggests that however.
the tail of Patagopteryx was long. Unfortunately, the avail- The medial surface of the shoulder end of the coracoid
able material prevents determination about the presence or is flat (Figs. .B, .G), whereas its lateral surface is con-
absence of a pygostyle. cave. Distal to the shoulder end, the coracoid narrows, and
below the midshaft it widens to form the broad sternal end
Thoracic Girdle and Sternum (Fig. .). In dorsal view, the coracoidal shaft is flat, with-
The thoracic girdle seems to comprise only the scapula and out the groove present in the fragment reported by Al-
coracoid. These two bones articulate at an angle of approx- varenga and Bonaparte () as the sternal portion of the
imately ° (Figs. .B, .M). The glenoid cavity defined coracoid. The fragment described by these authors and
by these two bones is deep and narrow. The presence of an interpreted as part of the holotype is likely not of Pata-
ossified furcula is unlikely. At least in MACN-N-, in which gopteryx, since no bone with this shape has been found in
the elements of the thoracic girdle were articulated, there any of the known specimens.
are not even vestiges of a furcula. The two elements inter- The ventral surface of the coracoid is convex. In the
preted as portions of clavicles by Alvarenga and Bonaparte shoulder half, a ventral border separates a medial from a lat-
() are in fact the shoulder ends of the coracoids. eral surface, which, combined with the flat dorsal surface,
gives a subtriangular cross section to the coracoid. In ventral
Coracoid. The coracoid is straight, triangular, and pro- view, the lateral margin is strongly concave, and there is no
portionally short (∼% of the scapula; Table .; Figs. supracoracoidal nerve foramen or notch (Figs. ., .B).
., .). The acrocoracoid process is very reduced, and The sternal end is broad and dorsoventrally compressed.
the procoracoid process is absent (Figs. .A–C, .C,
D, G, H). The proximal end is completely different from Scapula. The scapula is laminar and relatively broad, es-
that of other birds. The glenoid facet is located at the pecially in its distal half (Figs. .B, .A). The glenoid
shoulder end of the coracoid. It is wide and flat, and it facet is large and subcircular (Fig. .D, E). Above this
slopes laterally (Figs. .A, .C, D). Its borders are par- facet, proximally, there is a tubercle that topographically
allel, and its lateral margin is round. The glenoid facet corresponds to the coracoidal tubercle of the scapula of
overhangs the lateral border of the coracoid. On the me- neornithine birds. Ventral to this tubercle, bordering the
dial border of this facet there is an inflated area that seems ventroproximal margin of the glenoid facet, there is a flat
to define the ventral limit of the articular surface with the and elongate surface situated in an oblique plane with re-


Figure 13.14. Thoracic girdle and sternum of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, coracoids and sternum in ventral view; B, right scapula
and coracoid in lateral view. Stipple pattern indicates matrix, and cross-hatch pattern indicates broken or poorly preserved bone. Ab-
breviations: acr, acromion; co, coracoid; haf, humeral articular facet; sc, scapula; stm, sternum.

spect to the latter facet (Fig. .D, F). This surface abuts The scapular apex is not preserved in any of the available
with another surface located medially to the glenoid facet of specimens; however, the right scapula of MACN-N- pre-
the coracoid (see previously). The role of the tubercle men- serves the impression of it showing that the apex had a
tioned earlier in the scapulocoracoid articulation is un- round end (Fig. .A).
certain. In neornithine birds as well as in Ichthyornis, a com-
parable tubercle (coracoidal tubercle) articulates in a facet Sternum. The sternum is thin and slightly convex ven-
of the coracoid; in the coracoid of Patagopteryx, however, trally (Figs. .A, .B). The cranial border is round. The
there is no trace of this facet. articular facets for the coracoids are well separated from
The acromion is large (Figs. .D–F, .A, B, E, F). It is each other, as is typical for flightless birds. Unfortunately,
remarkably expanded dorsoventrally, having a small proxi- the median portion is badly preserved, preventing con-
mal projection. In proximal view, it is separated from the gle- fidence about the presence or absence of a carina (Figs.
noid cavity by a more slender neck. Interestingly, the pres- .A, .B). The slight convexity of the area near the me-
ence of a well-developed acromion suggests the presence of dian portion, however, suggests that a carina was probably
clavicles, although, as pointed out earlier, the completely ar- absent. No other information (e.g., dimensions, lateral
ticulated MACN-N- lacks any sign of these elements. processes) is available considering the state of preservation
The scapular blade is sagittally curved, with the ventral of the single known sternum (MACN-N-).
border concave (Figs. .B, .A). Most basal birds have
straight scapular blades (e.g., Chiappe et al., ; Sanz et Thoracic Limb
al., Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter Humerus. The humerus is robust and longer than the
 in this volume). Patagopteryx appears to be the most basal ulna (Table .; Fig. .). In dorsal view, it has a sigmoid
bird for which the scapula is sagittally curved; this derived aspect, with the proximal half convex and the distal half
feature is interpreted as a synapomorphy of Patagopteryx concave toward the cranial face. It lacks a pneumotricipital
plus Ornithurae (Chiappe, a; Chapter  in this vol- fossa and foramen (Figs. .I, .B). As in other non-
ume). In the proximal (shoulder) half the width of the shaft ornithurine birds, the humeral head is cranially concave
increases distally, whereas in the distal half it decreases to- and caudally convex, and it meets dorsally with the delto-
ward the apex. In the midshaft, the dorsal border forms a pectoral crest (Fig. .C–E). In cranial view, immediately
slender ridge that projects dorsally (Fig. .A). Hence, the distal to the head and slightly displaced dorsally, there is a
lateral surface of the midshaft is concave. small and shallow circular depression that recalls the con-

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 295
Figure 13.15. Thoracic girdle and sternum of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, right scapula in lateral
view, cranial thoracic vertebrae in dorsal view, left humerus in caudal view; B, coracoids and sternum
in ventral view.


TABLE 13.2 mal, the strongest, originates on the dorsal border, distal to
Measurements (in mm) of the thoracic the midshaft. This ridge runs proximoventrally until it
girdle of Patagopteryx deferrariisi nears the deltopectoral crest, where it disappears. The sec-
ond ridge, situated distal to the latter, also has its origin on
MACN-N-11 the dorsal border of the humerus, near the distal end. These
Coracoid1 ridges are interpreted as intermuscular lines separating dif-
Total length 38.0 ferent areas of muscular attachment.
Maximum width of shoulder end 8.9 The distal end of the humerus has a width equivalent to
Scapula2 that of the proximal end (Figs. .I, J, .A, B). Unlike in
Distance from shoulder margin more primitive birds (e.g., Archaeopteryx, Enantiornithes),
of humeral articular facies to apex 60.1 the main axis of the distal end is oriented in the same plane
Maximum width of blade 7.7
as that of the proximal end. The dorsal condyle is well de-
Based on left element. veloped. It has an elliptical outline with its major axis ori-
Based on right element. ented ° to the axis of the shaft (Figs. .J, .A). This
condyle is far from the dorsal margin of the humerus and is
strongly projected distally in such a way that it is visible in
dition present in Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Walker, caudal view. The distal projection of the dorsal condyle is
Chapter  in this volume). The deltopectoral crest is robust much stronger than the typical condition in neornithine
and extends through the proximal third of the humerus birds. The ventral condyle is circular, although it is less bul-
(Table .; Figs. .I, J, .). The bicipital area is poorly bous than the lateral one. A well-defined brachial depression
developed. Unfortunately, the area of the ventral tuberosity is absent, although M. brachialis anticus might have origi-
is badly preserved in all available specimens, preventing de- nated in a depressed area proximal to the ventral condyle.
termination of whether it was projected caudally. Both dorsal and ventral epicondyles are poorly developed
The humeral shaft is somewhat craniocaudally com- (Fig. .A, B). The caudal surface of the distal end is flat,
pressed, and it has a concave ventral border. Caudally, there lacking tricipital sulci. Proximal to the ventral condyle there
are two pronounced ridges (Fig. .B). The most proxi- is a smooth depression forming a small olecranon fossa.

Figure 13.16. Thoracic girdle of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, B, C, shoulder end of left coracoid in lateral (A), medial (B), and end
(C) view; D, E, F, shoulder end of right scapula in lateral (D), medial (E), and end (F) view. Abbreviations: acr, acromion; apr, acro-
coracoidal process; cof, coracoidal facet of scapula; haf, humeral articular; scf, scapular facet of coracoid; tub, tubercle facet.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 297
Figure 13.17. Thoracic girdle and humerus of P. deferrariisi. A, B, E, F, shoulder end of right (A, E) and
left (B, F) scapula of MACN-N- in lateral (A, F) and medial (B, E) view; C, D, G, H, shoulder end of
left (C, G) and right (D, H) coracoid of MACN-N- in lateral (C, D) and medial (G, H) view. I, J, K, L,
left (I, J) and right (K, L) humerus of MACN-N- in caudal (I, L) and cranial (J, K) view. M, lateral
view of the scapula and humerus of MACN-N-.


Figure 13.18. Forelimb of P. deferrariisi. A, B, left humerus of MACN-N- in cranial (A) and caudal (B) view; C, right humerus of
MACN-N- in proximal view; D, E, humerus, ulna, and radius of MACN-N- in ventral (D) and dorsal (E) view. F, left ulna of MACN-
N- in caudal view. G, H, I, proximal end of left ulna of MACN-N- in interosseal (G), proximal (H), and caudal (I) view. J, K, prox-
imal end of left radius of MACN-N- in interosseal (J) and proximal (K) view. L, M, left carpometacarpus and phalanges of major
digit (II) of MACN-N- in ventral (L) and dorsal (M) view. Abbreviations: bit, bicipital tubercle; cam, caudal intermuscular line; dca,
dorsal cotyla; dco, dorsal condyle; huh, humeral head; hum, humerus; ims, intermetacarpal space; ira, incisura radialis; mdi, major
digit (digit II); ole, olecranon; rad, radius; uln, ulna; vca, ventral cotyla.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 299
TABLE 13.3 gerated by distortion. In the dorsal portion of the distal end,
Measurements (in mm) of the forelimb of Patagopteryx there is a condylar structure that is tentatively interpreted as
deferrariisi the aponeurosis tubercle, the insertion of the tendon that
fans out the flight feathers of the wrist region (Baumel and
MACN-N-03 MACN-N-11 Witmer, ).
Total length 66.3(l) 59.8(r) Carpometacarpus and Phalanges. The carpometa-
Maximum width of distal end 17.2(l) >14.8(r) carpus is very short (Table .; Fig. .D, E). The major
Length of pectoral crest 19.7(l) 19.5(r) metacarpal (II) is less robust than the minor one (III) (Fig.
Ulna .L, M). In its cranial border, proximal to the midshaft,
Total length — >51.5(l) metacarpal II bears a laminar projection directed cranio-
Maximum width of proximal end 9.6(l) >9.1(l)
ventrally. Major and minor metacarpals abut proximally
Total length — >22.7(r) and distally, forming broad symphyses and enclosing an
Midshaft width — 8.9(r) elongated intermetacarpal space. Unfortunately, both distal
and proximal carpals are not preserved.
Note: (l) and (r) refer to left and right elements, respectively. Only the major digit (II) preserves anatomical informa-
> indicates that the actual value is estimated to be less than 3 mm tion. This digit is proportionally long (as long as the
metacarpals), being formed by three phalanges (Fig.
.M). The proximal phalanx of this digit has the greatest
depth dorsoventrally. This phalanx is not broad and
Ulna. The ulna is craniocaudally compressed, especially dorsoventrally compressed as is the proximal phalanx of the
in its distal half, in which it forms a slender lamina. In the major digit of carinate birds (common ancestor of Ichthy-
proximal end (Fig. .F–I), the olecranon is well devel- ornis and Neornithes plus all its descendants; Clarke and
oped and the cotylae well defined. The dorsal cotyla is lo- Chiappe, ). The intermediate phalanx is elongate and
cated distal to the ventral one, being projected dorsally. The cylindrical, also being the longest of the three. The distal
articular surface of this cotyla is nearly flat. The ventral phalanx is a claw of triangular shape.
cotyla is round. Both cotylae are separated by a low inter-
cotylar area. In proximal view, these cotylae define a con- Pelvic Girdle
cave cranial border that corresponds to the proximal mar- Ilium. The ilia are elongate and broadly separated from
gin of the radial proximal incision. This well-developed each other throughout their length (Figs. ., ., .).
depression is triangular, and its distal vortex ends in a The preacetabular wing, which is slightly longer than the
prominent bicipital tubercle. Ventrally, there is no evidence postacetabular (Table .), is vertical and laterally com-
of the impression for M. brachialis anticus. The caudal face pressed (Figs. .C, .). The vertical portion of the pre-
is flat, and it has no papillae for the insertion of secondary acetabular wing suggests a poor development of M. ilio-
feathers (Fig. .F). In caudal view, the proximal half of the femoralis cranialis (= M. iliotrochantericus caudalis), an
shaft has a uniform width, while the distal half broadens important muscle in the pelvis of extant birds, the function
distally. of which is still unclear (Raikow, ). In lateral view, the
ventral margin of the preacetabular wing is concave, forming
Radius. The radius is significantly more gracile than the a notch that becomes more pronounced near the acetabu-
ulna. The shaft has a subcircular cross section and a ventral lum. Dorsally, the preacetabular wing continues backward as
curvature that is increased distally. The proximal end is a strong crest that passes above the acetabulum. The rela-
broad with respect to the shaft and in proximal view is sub- tionship between this crest and the other iliac regions sug-
triangular (Fig. .G, K). The humeral cotyla is subcircu- gests its homology with the iliac crest of neornithine birds.
lar. In MACN-N-, there is a projection of the proximal The acetabulum is large (Table .) and round and has
end directed toward the ulnar side, a feature comparable to thick walls (Fig. .C). MACN-N- shows that the acetab-
the capital tubercle of neornithine birds and Ichthyornis. ulum was not completely perforated but partially obliter-
Distally to the proximal end there is a weak bicipital tuber- ated by projections of the ilium, pubis, and ischium. A par-
cle. This tubercle, however, is in a more distal position with tial obliteration of the acetabulum has been reported for
respect to that in Neornithes. hesperornithiforms (Marsh, ; Martin and Tate, )
There is almost no information about the distal end. and Archaeopteryx (Martin, , ). Caudal to the ac-
Only in MACN-N- is this end preserved, although badly. etabulum there is a well-developed antitrochanter (Table
The remarkable torsion of the distal end toward the ulnar .). This is below the dorsal margin of the acetabulum,
side (Fig. .D, E) is notable, although it might be exag- and its main axis points caudoventrally. This condition re-


Figure 13.19. Pelvis and caudal series of P. deferrariisi (MACN-N-) in right lateral (A) and left lateral (B) view.

sembles that of alvarezsaurids (Perle et al., ; Chiappe, continues cranially in the dorsal border of the preacetabu-
Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume), but it differs lar wing. This crest separates an internal surface, ventro-
from the typical neornithine (as well as enantiornithine) medially slanted, from an external one, sloped ventrolater-
condition, in which the antitrochanter is above the acetab- ally. The caudal iliac crest, high and laterally compressed,
ular margin and its main axis is caudodorsally oriented. has an inflexion point at the level of the caudal third of the
The postacetabular wing of Patagopteryx is transversally acetabulum. In front of this point, continuing in the pre-
broad (Figs. ., .) and lower than the preacetabular acetabular wing, this crest is slightly concave outward, while
wing. Dorsally, it bears a prominent caudal iliac crest that it is convex behind the inflexion point.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 301
TABLE 13.4
Measurements (in mm) of the pelvic girdle of Patagopteryx deferrariisi

MACN-N-03 MACN-N-11 MUCPv-48

Maximum length of postacetabular wing 29.9(r) — >28.7(r)
Maximum length of preacetabular wing — 35.6(l) —
Maximum length of acetabulum 15.4(r) 14.3(r) —
Maximum length of antitrochanter 9.7(r) — —
Maximum preserved length — 52.5(r) —
Dorsoventral width at the level of obturator process — 8.6(r) —
Total length — >49.6(r) —

Note: (l) and (r) refer to left and right elements, respectively. > indicates that the actual value is estimated to be
less than 3 mm larger.

The external surface of the postacetabular wing is large Pubis. The pubis is proximally fused to the ischium. It is
and projected ventrolaterally (Figs. ., .). Caudal to a craniocaudally compressed, beltlike bone of uniform
the acetabulum, the lateral border of this surface forms a width throughout its length (Figs. .C, .). The cranio-
strong notch that ends in the caudolateral corner of the il- caudal width is less than half of the transverse width. The
ium. This area has a round, laterally projected border. The straight proximal half of the pubis is oriented caudo-
caudal margin of the external surface is formed by a thick- ventrally, defining an angle of about ° with respect to
ening that caudally limits a depressed area developed be- the main axis of the synsacrum (Fig. .C). The distal end
hind the antitrochanter and lateral to the iliac crest. Ven- of the pubis is curved cranially and slightly medially, in a
trally, both the external and internal surfaces of the way that it is oriented cranioventrally. Unlike nonavian
postacetabular wing delimit a broad fossa that originates theropods and most basal birds, the distal ends of the pubes
behind the acetabulum and widens caudally (Figs. .B, of Patagopteryx do not fuse to each other.
.B)—this fossa strongly resembles the brevis fossa of
nonavian theropods. Pelvic Limb
Femur. The femur is robust and strongly arched cranio-
Ischium. The ischium is an elongate, laterally com- caudally (Figs. ., .). In cranial view, the medial mar-
pressed bone (Figs. .C, .). In its proximal half, the gin is generally concave, although its central third is flat to
ventral margin forms a thin obturator process that extends slightly convex. In this view, the lateral margin is virtually
for about . cm. Caudal and parallel to this process, on flat with only a slight concavity in the central portion. The
the lateral face, there is a longitudinal groove extending femur is hollow, and its walls are thick (approximately .
nearly the same length as the obturator process (Fig. mm). On the femoral shaft, two strong intermuscular lines
.C). It is likely that this groove provided a larger area are present. The cranial intermuscular line originates above
for the insertion of the ischiopubic ligament, which in the internal condyle (Fig. .A), gradually passing toward
extant birds attaches to the obturator process and closes the external margin. In the central portion, this line be-
the obturator foramen. Given the ample notch separating comes more pronounced, and proximally it weakens until it
the ischium from the pubis, the obturator foramen of vanishes distal to the trochanteric crest. Most likely, this line
Patagopteryx must have been much larger than that of or- represents the boundary between the origin of M.
nithurine birds. femorotibialis medius and M. femorotibialis externus, as
The distal half of the ischium is an ample and flat sur- occurs in some neornithine birds (Holmes, ; McGowan,
face that laterally bears a median longitudinal ridge. Al- ). The caudal intermuscular line is a prominent ridge
though the distal ends of the ischia are not preserved, it is that originates as a projection of the medial margin of the
clear that they did not form a distal symphysis. In contrast popliteal fossa and ascends toward the proximal end as a
to the condition in Enantiornithes and other basal birds, the straight line (Figs. .B, .B). Proximal to the midshaft,
ischium of Patagopteryx lacks a proximodorsal process. this line slopes medially to disappear about . cm distal to
Hence, if an ilioischiadic fenestra was present, it could not the femoral head. This line is likely the extensive area of at-
have been caudally closed by bone. tachment of M. pubo-ischio-femoralis (= M. adductor


longus et brevis; McGowan, ), a major femoral retrac- tal portion. The fibular crest extends over the proximal third
tor (Raikow, ). It must have also formed the limit of the of the lateral face; it is projected laterally and cranially. This
caudal extension of M. femorotibialis externus (Hudson, well-developed crest rises  mm distal to the proximal sur-
; Holmes, ). Also on the caudal face—lateral to the face, reaching its maximum development near its distal end.
intermuscular line and somewhat proximal to the mid- The proximal articular surface of the tibiotarsus is
shaft—there is a small foramen similar to the nutrient fora- craniocaudally expanded owing to the cranial extension of
men of neornithine birds. About – mm proximal to this the single cnemial crest. The medial articular area was more
foramen there is an elliptical tubercle displaced laterally caudally projected than the lateral one. The cnemial crest is
(Fig. .C). This - to -mm-long tubercle is well devel- thick and robust throughout its length, decreasing in thick-
oped in all known specimens, and it probably corresponds ness distally (Figs. .A, .A, .A). In cranial view, it
to the insertion of M. iliofemoralis of neornithine birds is laterally twisted. Medially, it forms a slightly convex,
(Hudson, ; Holmes, ; George and Berger, ). smooth surface that extends over all of the proximal end
The central section of the shaft is subcircular, although the of the tibiotarsus. On this surface, proximal to the distal
intersection of the two intermuscular lines gives it a more end of the cnemial crest and displaced to the caudal border
irregular outline. of the tibiotarsus, is a small tubercle that must have served
The femoral head is large, robust, and spherical. It faces as an area for muscular attachment. The lateral surface of
medially and is separated from the trochanter by a thick, the cnemial crest is concave, ending on a ridge in its cranial-
short neck (Figs. ., .). The trochanteric crest is well most portion.
developed. The trochanter was not projected proximally; it In the distal end, both astragalus and calcaneum are
does not exceed the level of the head. The lateral surface of completely fused to each other and to the tibia (Figs.
the proximal end shows areas for muscular attachment (Fig. .–.). The distal condyles are separated from one an-
.F). The most pronounced of these are two broad other by a relatively deep intercondylar groove. As in the
grooves that together form a crescentic line that is cranially Late Cretaceous Malagasy bird Vorona (Forster et al., Chap-
convex. It is likely that these were the areas of insertion of ter  in this volume), this groove opens proximally into a
the femoral protractors of the iliotrochantericus group (see circular fossa. A transverse groove projects medially from
Rowe, , for a discussion of the different origin of the this fossa and undercuts the proximal margin of the medial
three muscles constituting this group). condyle.
In the distal end, the cranial surface is flat, lacking a As in other nonornithurine birds, the medial condyle is
patellar groove (Figs. .A, .A). Caudally, there is an much larger and broader than the lateral (Fig. .A). At the
ample, triangular, popliteal fossa (Table .; Figs. .B, proximal border of the medial condyle, on the medial face,
.B, C). On the base of this fossa, in MACN-N-, there there is a medially directed prominence. This feature is
are two small depressions of different size. On the lateral comparable to the medial ligamentary prominence of ne-
border of the popliteal fossa, proximal to the external ornithine birds, on which the ligaments of the tibiotarsal-
condyle, there is a strong tubercle; on the medial border of tarsometatarsal articulation are attached (Baumel et al., ).
this fossa there is another tubercle of smaller size. It is prob- The medial face of the medial condyle has a large, circular
able that the first tubercle served as the area of attachment depression. The lateral condyle projects less cranially than
of the ligamentous fibers of ansa M. iliofibularis (“biceps the medial, and its proximal border rises less abruptly from
loop” of George and Berger, ; Baumel et al., ), which the shaft. On its lateral face there is a small, circular depres-
acts as a pulley for the action of M. iliofibularis (George and sion (depressio epicondylaris lateralis; Baumel et al., ).
Berger, ). The other tubercle probably coincides with On the medial margin of the distal end—proximal to the
the insertion of M. puboischiofemoralis (George and medial condyle—there is an elongated, proximodistal de-
Berger, ). The distal border of the popliteal fossa is lim- pression, the development of which varies among different
ited by a low, transverse ridge that connects both condyles. specimens (Figs. .A, .A, .A, B). The medial bor-
The distal condyles are strongly projected caudally. The der of this depression is delimited by a smooth ridge. In
medial condyle is flat on its caudalmost portion but convex MACN-N-, this depression forms a groove interpreted by
distally. The lateral condyle is much larger. It possesses a Alvarenga and Bonaparte () as the tendinal groove. On
well-developed tibiofibular crest that delimits a large, lateral the cranial surface, and centered with respect to the
area for the articulation with the fibula. condyles, there is a deep circular fossa. Patagopteryx does
not have a supratendinal bridge.
Tibiotarsus. The tibiotarsus is a slender, elongate bone
(Figs. .–.). The shaft is straight and hollow, with Fibula. The proximal end of the fibula is expanded
walls approximately .–. mm thick. The shaft is slightly craniocaudally and compressed laterally. Somewhat distal
compressed craniocaudally (Table .), especially in its dis- to the proximal end, at the level of the proximal half of the

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 303
Figure 13.20. Femur of P. deferrariisi. A, B,
C, left femur of MACN-N- in cranial (A),
caudal (B), and lateral (C) view; D, E, F,
proximal half of right femur of MACN-N-
 in caudal (D), medial (E), and lateral (F)

fibular crest of the tibiotarsus, there is a large and robust, bar that progressively becomes craniocaudally compressed
laterally directed tubercle (Figs. .D, ., .C, D) for and migrates cranially. The distal end of the fibula is almost
the insertion of M. iliofibularis. The position of this tuber- laminar and is fused to the lateral border of the cranial sur-
cle resembles that of the Late Cretaceous Malagasy Vorona face of the tibiotarsus (Figs. .C, D, .C, D). Clearly,
(Forster et al., Chapter  in this volume) as well as the the fibula fails to reach the proximal tarsals.
bizarre alvarezsaurids (Chiappe et al., ; Chiappe,
Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume). Distal to the Tarsometatarsus. The tarsometatarsus is much shorter
iliofibularis tubercle, the fibula narrows, forming a slender than both the femur (∼% of the femoral length) and the


Figure 13.21. Femur of P. deferrariisi. A, B, left femur of MUCPv-48 in
cranial (A) and caudal (B) view; C, left femur of MACN-N-03 in lateral
view. Abbreviations: cam, caudal intermuscular line; ftr, fourth
trochanter; pfo, popliteal fossa.

TABLE 13.5
Measurements (in mm) of the hindlimb of Patagopteryx deferrariisi

MACN-N-03 MACN-N-11 MUCPv-48

Total length >98.8(r) >99.1(l) >97.6(l)
Height of popliteal fossa 16.0(r) 16.6(l) —
Mediolateral width at midshaft 10.1(r) 10.2(l) 9.8(l)
Total length >137.0(l) >136.2(l) >140.0
Length of cnemial crest 21.3(l) — —
Craniocaudal length of proximal end >23.9(l) — —
Craniocaudal width at midshaft — 7.2(l) 7.8(l)
Mediolateral width at midshaft — 9.2(l) 9.5(l)
Maximum width of distal end — 14.5(r) —
Total length — — >111.6(l)
Total length — 50.8(r) 51.0(l)
Maximum width of proximal end — >13.5(l) 14.4(l)
Craniocaudal width at midshaft — 5.1(r) 5.1(l)
Mediolateral width at midshaft — 11.1(l) 10.6(l)
Total length of metatarsal I — 14.8(r) —

Note: (l) and (r) refer to left and right elements, respectively. > indicates that the actual value is estimated
to be less than 3 mm larger.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 305
tibiotarsus (∼% of the tibiotarsal length; Table .). As in The proximal articular surface is well preserved in
ornithurine birds, metatarsals II–IV are completely fused MACN-N- (Figs. .F, .C). It has a triangular
with one another and with the distal tarsals (Figs. ., shape with two well-defined, circular cotylae. The medial
.). In contrast to the condition in these birds, however, cotyla is significantly larger than the lateral one. The area
longitudinal grooves allow for individualization of each between both cotylae is slightly elevated, and a very
metatarsal, and the medullary cavity of these bones remains weak intercotylar prominence is present in the cranial
individualized (Fig. .G). Metatarsals II–IV are placed on border. In cranial view, the medial cotyla is slightly more
the same transverse plane (Fig. .G), contrasting with the elevated than the lateral one. The latter has an elevated
condition present in neornithine birds, in which the proxi- lateral ridge.
mal end of metatarsal III is plantarly displaced with respect The hypotarsus is restricted to the most proximal area. It
to metatarsals II and IV. Metatarsals II and III are more ro- is simple and poorly developed, without any tendinal canals
bust than metatarsal IV, which is slightly slender and more or calcaneal ridges. The hypotarsus is primarily developed
gracile. Metatarsal III is straight. In cranial view, it has the behind the medial cotyla, where it is caudally projected. In
same thickness throughout its length. In contrast, MACN-N-, on the proximal surface of this projection,
metatarsals II and IV narrow distally. Metatarsal I articu- there is a broken triangular surface that indicates the pres-
lates with the medial border of metatarsal II. ence of a proximally projected hypotarsal process.

Figure 13.22. Tibiotarsus of P. deferrariisi. A, B, C, left tibiotarsus of MACN-N- in cranial (A),

medial (B), and lateral (C) view; D, left tibiotarsus of MACN-N- in cranial view.


Figure 13.23. Tibiotarsus and fibula of P. deferrariisi. A, B, right tibiotarsus and fibula of MACN-N- in
cranial (A) and lateral (B) view; C, D, left tibiotarsus and fibula of MUCPv- in cranial (C) and lateral
(D) view.

The tarsometatarsal shaft is straight and strongly com- dial proximal foramen of Neornithes, although in
pressed dorsoplantarly (Figs. .B, .D). In the mid- Patagopteryx this fossa is not perforated by any foramen.
portion of MUCPv-, the thickness is less than % of its The distal boundary of the proximal medial fossa is
width (Table .). The distal half of the shaft curves slightly formed by swellings of metatarsals II and III. This area may
cranially, in such a way that in lateral view the cranial bor- represent the area of attachment of M. tibialis cranialis, the
der is slightly concave. main tarsometatarsal flexor (Hudson, ; Raikow, ).
Cranially, somewhat distal to the proximal end, and on Distal to these swellings there is a pronounced groove that
the boundary of metatarsals III and IV, there is a small fora- reaches the midshaft of the tarsometatarsus. This groove is
men perforating the tarsometatarsus (Figs. .D, .A). well developed in MUCPv-. Parallel to it, between
This foramen is most likely homologous to the lateral prox- metatarsals III and IV, there is another longitudinal groove,
imal foramen of neornithine birds. At the same level of this although it is much less pronounced. It is in the most prox-
foramen, but between metatarsals II and III, there is a small imal portion of this groove that the proximal external fora-
fossa. The position of this fossa is identical to that of the me- men is located.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 307
Figure 13.24. Tibiotarsus and fibula of P. deferrariisi. A, B, left tibiotarsus of MACN-N- in cranial (A) and medial (B) view; C, D,
left tibiotarsus of MUCPv- in craniolateral (C) and cranial (D) view. Abbreviations: exg, extensor groove; fib, fibula; fic, fibular crest;
fis, fibular spine; ilt, tubercle for M. iliofibularis; lco, lateral condyle; lnc, lateral cnemial crest; mco, medial condyle.

In plantar view, the tarsometatarsus is transversely con- ible in MUCPv- but well developed in MACN-N-). A
cave, especially in its proximal two-thirds (Figs. .C, E, similar structure, although less pronounced, is visible in
.B). Metatarsals II and IV are well projected plantarly, certain neornithine birds (e.g., Cathartes aura, Fulica
defining a broad, triangular depression, the floor of which rufifrons), despite the fact that in these examples the
is formed by metatarsal III. This depression narrows distally swelling is proximal to the articular facet for metatarsal I. At
down to the level of the articular facet of metatarsal I. This the level of the swelling of metatarsal II, but on the oppo-
depression must have been the area of origin of several dig- site side of the plantar depression, is the origin of a beltlike
ital muscles (e.g., M. flexor hallucis brevis, M. adductor dig- groove that is directed laterodistally. This groove borders
iti II, M. abductor digiti IV) as well as of tendons of the the lateral surface of the tarsometatarsus, and it reaches the
flexor digital musculature (George and Berger, ). In the lateral fossa of the lateral trochlea. Most likely, this groove
proximolateral corner of this depression, the plantar open- corresponds to the mark left by the tendon of M. abductor
ing of the proximal lateral foramen is visible. digiti IV (George and Berger, ). If this interpretation is
Slightly above the distal end of this depression, at the correct, it suggests a well-developed M. abductor digiti
level of the articulation for metatarsal I, there is a swelling IV in Patagopteryx, a muscle that in many groups of ne-
on the plantar face of metatarsal II (this is only slightly vis- ornithine birds is only slightly developed. Metatarsal I is


Figure 13.25. Tarsometatarsus and pes of P. deferrariisi. A, B, C, right tarsometatarsus and pes of MACN-
N- in dorsal (A), medial (B), and plantar (C) view; D, E, left tarsometatarsus and pes of MACN-N-
in dorsal (D) and plantar (E) view; F, G, proximal end of left tarsometatarsus of MACN-N- in proxi-
mal (F) and distal (cross-section) (G) view; H, tarsometatarsus and pes of MUCPv- in medial view.

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 309
Figure 13.26. Tarsometatarsus and pes of P. deferrariisi. A, left tarsometatarsus and pes of MACN-N- in dorsal view; B, right
tarsometatarsus and pes of MACN-N- in plantar view; C, proximal end of left tarsometatarsus of MACN-N- in proximal view;
D, left tarsometatarsus and pes of MUCPv- in medial view. Abbreviations: dvf, distal vascular foramen; hyp, hypotarsus; pvf,
proximal vascular foramen; I–IV, pedal digits I to IV.

small (Table .). It articulates by a teardrop-shaped facet trochlea for metatarsal III from the trochleae for metatarsals
to the medial border of metatarsal II, which is slightly dis- IV and II, respectively, are very narrow. The trochlea for
placed cranially. The proximal end of this facet is only metatarsal II is somewhat more robust than the trochlea
slightly distal to the midshaft. for metatarsal IV. Its medial surface is flat, without a collat-
The distal end of the tarsometatarsus is slightly narrower eral ligamental fossa. This trochlea also lacks a central fur-
than the proximal end. Trochleae for metatarsals II–IV are row. The lateral rim of the trochlea for metatarsal I is more
nearly in the same transverse plane. The trochlea for distally projected than the medial rim. These borders are
metatarsal III is the most projected distally. Trochleae for separated by a broad, shallow central furrow.
metatarsals IV and II are slightly less projected, with the lat-
ter being shorter than the former. Proximal to the trochlear Pedal Digits. The foot of Patagopteryx is pamprodactyl
notch of metatarsals III and IV there is the cranial opening (Raikow, ), with its four robust, long digits directed cra-
of the distal vascular foramen (Fig. .A). This foramen nially (Figs. ., .). The phalangeal formula is ----
originates from a short extensor groove. The distal vascular x (see Padian, , for the phalangeal formula designation),
foramen does not open on the plantar surface but rather as is typical of theropods (including birds). Digit III, the
probably opens on the actual notch between the trochleae; largest, is as long as the tarsometatarsus. Roughly %
the foramen has not been exposed because of the difficulty shorter than this digit is digit II, which is only slightly longer
of removing the matrix filling the trochlear notch. than digit IV. Digit I, although the shortest, is still robust
The robust trochlea for metatarsal III is the largest of the and well developed, being about % the length of digit III.
three, and it projects cranially. This trochlea bears a well- The ungual phalanges are well developed. Except for
defined central furrow that is very broad plantarly. The lat- digit III, the ungual phalanges are the largest phalanges of
eral and medial trochlear notches, which separate the their respective digits. The ungual phalanges of digits I, III,


and IV are only slightly curved. This curvature is more pro- volume), although the alleged common features were not
nounced for the ungual of digit II. Both lateral and medial specified. The incomplete and poorly preserved nature of
surfaces bear a longitudinal groove slightly displaced to the the known material of Kuszholia makes comparison to this
ventral margin. The flexor tubercles are weak. taxon difficult—indeed, even its avian nature is difficult to
The first phalanx of digit I, which is slightly shorter than support given the available material. Yet the synsacrum of
the ungual, possesses on its proximal end a tonguelike, ven- Kuszholia differs from that of Patagopteyx in the presence of
tral projection. Centered on its distal end is a broad, circu- pleurocoels and a concave caudal articular surface.
lar collateral ligamental fossa. The proximal phalanx of digit In another recent paper, Kurochkin (a) also sup-
II is very high in its proximal end. The proximal end of the ported Alvarenga and Bonaparte’s () hypothesis of the
dorsal margin strongly embraces the trochlea for metatarsal palaeognath affinity of Patagopteryx, although in this case
II. Toward the distal end, the dorsal border of this proximal it is unclear whether Kuszholia and Chaoyangia were also
phalanx diminishes in height. Slightly proximal to the dis- regarded as closely related to palaeognaths. The characters
tal articular facet, the dorsal margin is excavated by a deep used by Kurochkin (a) to support such a claim are
depression. A comparable depression is also present in the () absence of a bicipital crest; () open ilioischiadic fenes-
proximal phalanges of digits III and IV, as well as in some tra; () symmetrical lateral and medial ridges of the
intermediate phalanges, although it may be located more trochlea of metatarsal III; () presence of a deltopectoral
proximally. Phalanx  of digit II has a short shaft but a long crest that begins at the humeral head; () thick postacetab-
proximal projection of the ventral border. On its dorsal sur- ular wing of the ilium; () hypotarsus lacking canals and
face, the fossa described for the proximal phalanx of this () proximally raised; () large cranial iliosacral crest; and
digit is not present. The ungual is large and laterally com- () proximally placed medial epicondyle. As pointed out by
pressed. As in the Late Cretaceous Malagasy Rahonavis Kurochkin himself (a: Table ), most of these charac-
(Forster et al., ), the articular surfaces of the phalanges ters, if not all of them, appear to be primitive—characters
of digit II are well developed. Patagopteryx, however, does – clearly occur in one or more basal taxa (e.g., Archaeop-
not show the raptorial specializations of the latter bird—its teryx, Confuciusornis, enantiornithines, and nonavian
digit II is not more robust than the others, and its claw is not theropods). Furthermore, some of these characters are
strongly curved. Phalanx  of digit III is the largest and most difficult to divide into discrete character states. For exam-
robust of all the phalanges. Phalanges  and  of this digit ple, Kurochkin’s “anterior ilio-sacral crest,” which presum-
successively diminish in size. The first four phalanges of ably refers to the dorsal iliac crest (see Baumel and Witmer,
digit IV are small. Among these, phalanges  and  are the ), is simply the dorsal border of the preacetabular wing
largest. The first three phalanges also have a depression on of the ilium. Thus, differences between “large” and “small”
their dorsal surface, although in these phalanges this de- sizes of this border are rather difficult to distinguish and
pression is located in the midshaft portion. The larger un- are highly arbitrary, as well.
gual phalanx has a pronounced proximal expansion from None of the aforementioned hypotheses was framed into
the ventral margin that embraces the precedent phalanx for a cladistic analysis, and they are therefore difficult to evalu-
more than half of its size. ate on the basis of parsimony. Nevertheless, various cladis-
tic analyses have supported the sister-group relationship be-
Phylogenetic Relationships tween Patagopteryx and Ornithurae (Chiappe, , a,b,
b, Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe and Calvo, ;
As pointed out in the introduction, the notion of a close re- Fig. .). The hypothesis of ratite affinities has also been
lationship between Patagopteryx and extant ratites was challenged by recent histological studies documenting the
stressed in early discussions of this taxon (e.g., Bonaparte, presence of lines of arrested growth (LAGs) in the compacta
) and was retained in its formal description (Alvarenga of the femora of Patagopteryx, which are typically absent in
and Bonaparte, ; see also Alvarenga, ). Yet, as shown ornithurine birds, including ratites (Chinsamy et al., ,
by Chiappe (a), the characters used to support such a ; Chinsamy, Chapter  in this volume). Consequently,
claim either are plesiomorphic or have been misinterpreted. compelling osteological and histological evidence supports
Nessov and Pantheleev () related the Coniacian the hypothesis that P. deferrariisi acquired flightlessness in-
Kuszholia mengi (Nessov, ) from the Bissekty Forma- dependently from ratites and any other known flightless
tion at Dzhyrakuduk (Uzbekistan), a taxon erected on the avian group (Chiappe, a,b, b).
basis of two fragmentary synsacra, to Patagopteryx. These
authors were followed by Kurochkin (b), who men- Paleobiology
tioned the presence of common features between Pata-
gopteryx, Kuszholia, and the Early Cretaceous Chaoyangia Patagopteryx was a flightless land bird. Estimates of its body
from northeastern China (Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this mass based on the diameter of its femur vary significantly

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 311
Figure 13.27. Cladogram depicting the relationship of P. deferrariisi to other basal birds (modified from Chiappe, b).

depending on the equation used. Yalden’s () equation Olson, ; Raikow, ; Feduccia, ). Most evident
(W = . × D.; D = diameter) provides values of , among these is the reduced forelimb, which is extreme in
and , g for specimens MACN-N- and MUCPv-, re- some cases, such as hesperornithiforms and certain ratites.
spectively. These values are comparable to the mean mass In comparison with flighted birds, the forelimb of a flight-
of the male brown kiwi (Apteryx australis; the female is less bird typically has a substantially smaller carpometa-
usually heavier; Dunning, ). Yet Campbell and Mar- carpus and ulna-radius, and the relative proportions be-
cus’s () standard equation (Wlog = −. + . × tween these midwing elements and the humerus, and of these
Clog; C = circumference) gives values of , and , g last two to the entire forelimb, are very different from those
for these two specimens, respectively. These masses exceed of a flighted counterpart (Livezey, ). In those birds in
the mean value of female brown kiwis given by Dunning which the forelimb is heavily reduced, wing elements bear
(), although they are smaller than the maximum value simple and rudimentary structures. The thoracic girdle also
registered by this author (i.e., , g) for females of this shows radical differences from that of a flighted bird. Flight
species. muscles form a minor portion of the body mass (e.g., .%
Flightlessness has been a common theme in the history in the North Island brown kiwi; see McNab, ), and their
of birds. At least  avian lineages have extant flightless rep- area of origin is highly reduced: the sternal carina and the
resentatives, and a large variety of extinct and recently ex- furcula are absent in a variety of flightless birds (e.g., ratites,
tirpated birds are known to have been, or have been inter- Diatryma, moa-nalos). The scapula and coracoid articulate
preted as, flightless (Raikow, ; Livezey, ). The large to each other in an obtuse angle, and in certain cases (e.g.,
majority of these are land birds. ratites, Diatryma) these bones are fused, forming a scapulo-
Regardless of the group in question and its lifestyle, coracoid. Furthermore, in flightless birds—particularly the
flightlessness is usually associated with a number of distinct terrestrial ones—the hindlimb is robust and proportionally
morphological attributes (Diamond, , ; James and larger than in a flighted counterpart.


In Patagopteryx, the ratio between maximum lengths of force: natural selection (adaptation is best defined as an
fore- and hindlimb (:.), and the proportion between apomorphic function—in this case nonfunction—due to
wing elements (e.g., humerus larger than ulna-radius) and natural selection; see Coddington, ). The occurrence of
of the wing to the rest of the skeleton, indicate its incapac- flightlessness in many different lineages of birds and, in par-
ity to fly. Moreover, Patagopteryx possesses several features ticular, its recurrence in relatively small monophyletic
present in flightless birds: small carpometacarpus, widely groups (e.g., more than % of rails; see Diamond, ; Fe-
separated sternal articulations of coracoids, and absence of duccia, ) suggest that in some instances flightlessness
furcula and sternal keel. Yet the forelimb and thoracic gir- may qualify as an adaptation (Andersen, ). This is also
dle of Patagopteryx are considerably less reduced than those supported by studies on monophyletic lineages of oceanic
of ratites and other forms with an extremely simplified islands (e.g., Australasian teals, Hawaiian moa-nalos and
flight apparatus. For example, the articulation between the geese; see Livezey, ; Olson and James, ) that have
scapula and coracoid forms an acute angle, and these bones shown a strict correlation between flightlessness and a his-
are not fused to each other. torical change in environmental conditions (e.g., coloniza-
The hindlimb and pelvis of Patagopteryx are robust and tion of a restricted, insular system). Yet caution is advised
very well developed in proportion to the rest of the skeleton. because even in the best scenarios phylogenetic studies may
The hindlimb elements exhibit prominent structures for at- be insufficient to corroborate a given adaptational proposal
tachment of muscles (e.g., strong intermuscular lines, robust (Wenzel and Carpenter, ).
cnemial crest, prominent tubercle for M. iliofibularis), Attempts to explain the causes and processes that led to
which point to strong hindlimb musculature. This, com- secondary flightlessness have focused more on island line-
bined with the reduction of the forelimb, indicates that the ages (see Olson, ; Feduccia, , ; Diamond, ;
locomotion of Patagopteryx was governed by its hindlimbs. James and Olson, ; Livezey, ; McNab, ). It is
Flightless birds are essentially specialized for two types widely known that most oceanic islands lack aboriginal
of locomotion: foot-propelled aquatic diving and terrestrial mammalian predators and that most of them are devoid of
locomotion. Patagopteryx lacks the most obvious special- major geographic barriers or environmental heterogeneity
izations of foot-propelled, aquatic birds such as the com- that complicates the dispersion of their inhabitants (Dia-
pression and elongation of the postacetabular portion of mond, ). Under these circumstances, secondary flight-
the pelvis and synsacrum, the proximal development of the lessness has been viewed as a by-product of energy conser-
cnemial crests, and the lateral compression of the tarso- vation, reducing the mass of metabolically expensive
metatarsus (Raikow, ). On the contrary, the general thoracic muscles (Olson, ; Feduccia, , ; Dia-
hindlimb anatomy of Patagopteryx approaches that of obli- mond, , ; Livezey, , , ; McNab, ,
gate terrestrial birds: the pedal anatomy is generalized, and ). McNab (, ) has shown that in several in-
the foot, although pamprodactyl, is functionally tridactyl. stances (e.g., rails and kiwis) flightlessness is associated with
Undoubtedly, Patagopteryx was an obligate terrestrial bird. low basal metabolic rates (average rate of energy consump-
Yet its hindlimb does not show the specializations for high tion under standard conditions), linking the evolution of
speed present in other obligate terrestrial birds such as cer- this functional modification to a reduced rate of energy ex-
tain ratites (e.g., Rheidae, Dromaius, Struthio) and most penditure. Olson (), Feduccia (, ), Livezey
phorusrhacids (Alvarenga and Bonaparte, ). For exam- (, , , ), and others (e.g., Diamond, ,
ple, in Patagopteryx, the tarsometatarsus is significantly ) have suggested that heterochronic processes (in par-
shorter than the tibiotarsus. Also, fast runners possess re- ticular, paedomorphosis) may have been responsible for the
duced toes (in both size and number) that minimize the acquisition of flightlessness. In contrast to the case of insu-
surface of contact with the substrate (Raikow, ). This is lar forms, the evolution of flightlessness in continental birds
not the case in Patagopteryx, in which the toes are large. This has usually been linked to an increase in size (e.g., Dromor-
suggests that Patagopteryx was probably unable to achieve nithidae, Diatryma, Phorusrhacidae) and sometimes speed
the high running speeds of many flightless birds. (e.g., Struthio, Rhea, Dromaius). If factors leading to sec-
The phylogenetic position of Patagopteryx (Fig. .) ondary flightlessness in island lineages are intricate to dis-
strongly suggests that this bird evolved flightlessness from sect, those of continental birds appear to be even more com-
flighted ancestors. Indeed, a combined set of functional and plex. Yet, regardless of its causes, it is possible that
phylogenetic analyses indicates that all flightless birds, with elimination of the restrictions imposed by the high meta-
the possible exception of the alvarezsaurids, if they are con- bolic demands of flight allowed the increase in size (Raikow,
sidered avian (Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this ). Again, heterochrony has also been claimed as an im-
volume), are descendants of flighted ancestors. Secondary portant process in the development of flightlessness in con-
flightlessness has often been viewed within an adaptational tinental birds (Feduccia, ; James and Olson, ). Al-
context, as a functional modification shaped by a specific though neoteny has been highlighted as the specific

P ATA G O P T E R Y X 313
underlying process in the heterochronic evolution of flight- Bonaparte, J. F. . History of the terrestrial Cretaceous verte-
lessness, more than one underlying process (including com- brates of Gondwana. IV Congreso Argentino de Paleon-
binations of paedomorphic and peramorphic processes) is tología y Bioestratigrafía, Actas :–.
———. . Los vertebrados fósiles de la Formación Río Col-
likely to have been at play (Livezey, ).
orado de Neuquén y cercanias, Cretácico Superior, Argentina.
Interestingly, Patagopteryx appears to be a singular case in Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
the evolution of secondary flightlessness, not fitting neatly in “Bernardino Rivadavia” (Paleontología) ():–.
either of the two models of flightlessness. Patagopteryx lived Calvo, J. O. . Huellas de dinosaurios en la Formación Río Li-
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I am grateful to S. Cerruti, S. Copeland, L. Meeker, and A. isi Alvarenga y Bonaparte (Aves) del Cretácico de Patagonia.
Rizzetto for preparation of many of the illustrations. S. Orell and Filogenia e historia biogeográfica de las aves cretácicas de
S. Copeland edited the final version of this manuscript. Thanks América del Sur. Ph.D. dissertation. Universidad de Buenos
also to J. Bonaparte, L. Salgado, and J. Calvo for letting me study Aires, Argentina,  pp.
material under their care. Support for this research was provided ———. a. The first  million years of avian evolution. Na-
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Enaliornis, an Early Cretaceous

Hesperornithiform Bird from England,
with Comments on Other Hesperornithiformes


Lyell (:) noted the discovery of several (Woodwardian Museum), respectively. However, the cast is
different bones of a bird, rather larger than actually BMNH A (Lydekker, :; Elzanowski and
those of a common pigeon, in the Cambridge Galton [] incorrectly reversed these numbers as A
Greensand in  by Lucas Barrett of the and A), the original bone is BMNH A, and the tibio-
Woodwardian Museum of Cambridge University. Owen tarsus is SMC B.
(:) referred to the distal end of a trifid tarsus found The Cambridge Greensand, a lag deposit at the base of
by Barrett of a bird about the size of a woodcock in which the Chalk, was deposited during the Early Cenomanian
the outer toe joint is much higher up than the other two and (lowermost Upper Cretaceous) along with a phosphatized
projects backward above the middle joint. However, Seeley remanié assemblage from the uppermost Albian (upper-
(), who collected additional bones for the Wood- most Lower Cretaceous, about  Ma; Rawson et al., ).
wardian Museum (collection now in Sedgwick Museum, The bones of Enaliornis (Figs. .–.) are undistorted and
Cambridge), noted that these bones were not in the mu- well preserved (apart from some erosion and a few obscur-
seum in . The new material was named Palaeocolyntus ing phosphatic nodules) and include three braincases; sev-
[sic] barretti Seeley, , and Pelargonis [sic] sedgwicki See- eral vertebrae; part of a pelvic girdle; numerous femora,
ley, , in the title of the paper, but this was all that was most of which consist of the articular ends with a small part
published. The name Pelagornis barretti Seeley, , was used of the shaft; and the end parts of several tibiotarsi and tarso-
in a summary paragraph reporting the occurrence of bird metatarsi. Seeley () listed several bones from the fore-
remains in the Cambridge Greensand, but because Pela- limb but later noted that there were none (Seeley, ).
gornis was preoccupied for another bird (Lartet, ), this Lydekker () illustrated the distal end of a referred fe-
material was later cataloged as Enaliornis Seeley, , with mur (BMNH Aa) of E. barretti, Martin () discussed
two species, E. barretti and E. sedgwicki. However, Seeley the hesperornithiform characters of Enaliornis, Witmer
() did not assign specimens to each species or give any () partly described the most complete referred brain-
diagnoses, so each of these taxa was a nomen nudum. case (SMC B) in a study of cranial pneumaticity in
These did not become valid taxa until , when Seeley Mesozoic birds, and Elzanowski and Galton () de-
finally described and illustrated the material of two species scribed the three referred braincases (SMC B, YM ,
of Enaliornis Seeley, : E. barretti Seeley, , and E. sedg- YM ). Apart from these papers, all other discussions of
wicki Seeley, . Included in this description was a well- Enaliornis appear to be based on the illustrations given by
preserved braincase that was referred to E. barretti, SMC Seeley ().
B, which Seeley (a,b) previously described as a Seeley (), who distinguished the species of Enali-
pterosaur. Seeley () did not specify any types, an omis- ornis on the basis of size, referred the larger bones to E. bar-
sion partly compensated for by Brodkorb (a:), who retti and the smaller ones to E. sedgwicki. However, it is diffi-
made E. barretti Seeley, , the type species of Enaliornis cult to diagnose these two species because of the following
and designated the lectotypes of E. barretti and E. sedgwicki, problems:
following the description of Seeley (), as the distal end
of a left tarsometatarsus (collection of T. Jesson, cast as . Incongruent lectotypes. Brodkorb (a) designated
BMNH A) and the proximal end of a right tibiotarsus the lectotypes of E. barretti and E. sedgwicki as figured by

Seeley () as the distal end of a tarsometatarsus and In this chapter, the specific referrals of Seeley () will
the proximal end of a tibiotarsus, respectively. Thus, they be followed, but because they were based on size differences,
may represent the same species, with E. sedgwicki Seeley, no specific diagnoses are given here. The problems of the
, being a subjective junior synonym of E. barretti number of species represented, which bones (or ends) are
Seeley, . referred to which species, and the diagnosis of each species
. Non-Enaliornis bones. Small cervical and thoracic verte- are still being worked on and will be discussed elsewhere
brae (Fig. .A–E) were referred to E. sedgwicki, but be- (Galton and Martin, in press). The purpose of this chapter
cause these vertebrae are amphicoelous, they were in- is to describe the bones that were referred to Enaliornis See-
correctly referred to Enaliornis and indicate the presence ley, , the earliest foot-propelled diving marine bird and
of a nonhesperornithiform bird. Other non-Enaliornis one of the earliest ornithurines described to date, and to dis-
bones include part of the notarium of a pterodactyloid cuss its relationships.
pterosaur and a caudal vertebra of a turtle (see under The following institutional abbreviations are used in this
vertebrae). chapter: BGS, British Geological Survey (Geological Survey
. Intraspecific variation. The smaller E. sedgwicki may rep- Museum), Keyworth, Nottingham, England; BMNH, The
resent either juveniles or a sexual dimorph of E. barretti, Museum of Natural History, London, England; SMC, Sedg-
possibilities first suggested by Lambrecht (). Intra- wick Museum of Geology, The University, Cambridge, Eng-
specific variation resulting from age differences is pres- land; SMNH, Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History,
ent because femora, tibiotarsi, and tarsometatarsi of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; YM, Yorkshire Museum,
juvenile individuals are represented (Figs. .M–V, York, England.
.K–N, .I–K, .A–E). The lectotypes of the two
species are not juveniles, but, given the other problems Hesperornithiform Distribution
with the material, the possibility of sexual dimorphism
is difficult to eliminate. Hesperornithiformes represent a clade of foot-propelled
. Possibility of three species. Concerning the femora, See- diving birds that were secondarily flightless and are the best-
ley (:) noted that “if the bones belonged to three known Mesozoic ornithurines (Marsh, ; Martin, ,
different species, as is probable, [then] they all may have ). If Enaliornis is a hesperornithiform, as is proposed
been closely allied.” In the caption, femora are identified here, it constitutes the earliest documented record of this
as E. barretti, E. sedgwicki, and another species of bird by clade (Upper Albian, late Early Cretaceous), although an
Seeley (:). On the basis of the distal ends of the undescribed hesperornithiform has been reported from the
tibiotarsi of adult individuals referred to Enaliornis, Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica (Kurochkin, ). The
there are three morphologically distinct forms, which baptornithid Pasquiaornis, from nearshore Cenomanian
may represent three separate species. (early Late Cretaceous) marine deposits of Saskatchewan
. Disassociated bones. Femora are the most common (Tokaryk et al., ), is only slightly more recent than
bone, and Seeley (:) estimated the minimum Enaliornis. Several genera of hesperornithiforms are known
number of individuals involved as at least . However, from the marine Upper Cretaceous deposits of western
as Seeley (:) also noted, “there is no evidence of North America that parallel the shoreline of the Late Creta-
more than one bird-bone being found at a time; so that ceous American Western Interior Seaway. Baptornis (see
every fragment of bone may have belonged to a separate Martin and Tate, ) and Parahesperornis (Martin, )
individual bird.” Consequently, it is difficult to deter- are known from the Smoky Hill (upper) Member of the ma-
mine which crania, vertebrae, and hindlimb bones go rine Niobrara Chalk (Coniacian) of Kansas, with Baptornis
together. also occurring in the continental Judith River Formation
. Limb bones as disassociated ends. All the Cambridge (Campanian) of Saskatchewan (Tokaryk and Harrington,
Greensand hindlimb bones that manifest hesperornithi- ). Hesperornis (see Marsh, ) is much more wide-
form morphology, with the exception of two reasonably spread (Bryant, : Fig. ), occurring from the present
complete femora (Figs. .J–L, .C–E), consist only of Gulf of Mexico to above the Arctic Circle in Canada (Rus-
disassociated ends, so the proportions of the individual sell, ) and Alaska (Bryant, ) and ranging in age from
leg bones are unknown. This makes it difficult to divide the Turonian (Greenhorn Formation) to the Campanian
these bones, some of which represent juvenile individu- (Pierre Shale; Walker, ; Martin and Tate, ). Outside
als, between two (or three) species of Enaliornis, espe- North America, fragmentary remains of comparable hes-
cially if the average size of males was larger than that of perornithiforms have been recorded in Late Cretaceous
females as occurs in recent diving birds (see measure- rocks of Kazakhstan, central Russia, Sweden in the Fenno-
ments in Johnsgard, ). Scandian sea straits, and in the Turgai Strait (Nessov, ),

318 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
between eastern Europe and western Asia, as well as in provenance of these specimens is questioned by Casey
Ukraine and Mongolia (Kurochkin, :; Feduccia, (), the indigenous microfauna includes seven species of
:–). The only record of a purported hesper- foraminifera (five benthic, two planktonic) that give an un-
ornithiform from the southern continents is that of Neogae- equivocal lower Cenomanian age (upper Hypoturilites carci-
ornis wetzeli Lambrecht, , known from an isolated tarso- tanensis assemblage subzone; Hart, ). However, the ma-
metatarsus from the Campanian/Maastrichtian of Chile jority of the derived phosphatized macrofauna, for which
(see Olson, ). This taxon, however, has recently been re- the bed is so famous, represents a remanié assemblage de-
ferred to the Gaviiformes (Olson, ). Hesperornithiform rived from the underlying Upper Gault. The ammonites rep-
remains have been found in continental (Kurochkin, ) resent both subzones of the Stoliczkaia dispar zone (Upper
and estuarine deposits (Fox, ), indicating that these Albian, Lower Cretaceous; Casey, ), and this is probably
birds also inhabited nonmarine aquatic environments. the age of the Enaliornis bones.

Geological Setting Systematic Paleontology

During the nineteenth century, phosphate nodules or “co- Taxonomic Hierarchy
prolites” from the Cambridge Greensand were used as a Aves Linnaeus, 
source of agricultural phosphate, and there were diggings Ornithothoraces Chiappe and Calvo, 
over an outcrop length of about  km from Barton in Bed- Ornithurae Haeckel, 
fordshire northeast through Cambridgeshire as far as So- Hesperornithiformes Fürbringer, 
ham, southeast of Ely (Hart, : Fig. ; Grove, ; Nor- Diagnosis—Fusion of cranial bones caudal to fronto-
man and Fraser, :). The exact localities from which parietal suture; palate with short, broad pterygoids and
Enaliornis specimens were collected are unknown. How- long, narrow palatines; quadrate pneumaticity reduced or
ever, Seeley () noted that most of the specimens of absent; small predentary bone; intramandibular articula-
Enaliornis in the Woodwardian Museum were collected tion between angular and splenial bones; all thoracic verte-
from the neighborhood of Coldham Common or at Gran- brae heterocoelous; sternum unkeeled; long bones apneu-
chester (Grantchester), the positions of which are, respec- matic; reduction of wing; humerus lacking distinct distal
tively, about  km east and  km southwest of the center of condyles; acetabulum partly closed; postacetabular pelvis
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Details concerning workings greatly elongated; femur relatively short and broad; tibio-
in these areas are given by Penning and Jukes-Brown (). tarsus with large cnemial crest shaped like an isosceles tri-
Deposition in Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire was in a angle in cranial view; large and triangular patella with fora-
narrow seaway along the western margin of the Anglo Bra- men for the ambiens tendon; tarsometatarsus transversely
bant Massif, and it linked the East Midlands shelf to the compressed with distinct craniolateral ridge leading to lat-
Wessex Basin (Rawson et al., ). eral trochlea (IV); lateral trochlea at least as large and dis-
The Cambridge Greensand is a thin, condensed bed of tally extending as the middle trochlea (III); fourth toe the
glauconitic, arenaceous calcilutite that forms the base of the longest.
Chalk (Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous). It consists of a
sandy marl full of green grains of glauconite, and it sits on Enaliornis Seeley, 
the uneven and locally bored or holed surface of the Gault Diagnosis—Antitrochanter on ilium (but not strongly
(Albian, Lower Cretaceous), in the hollows of which are the produced laterally); proximally, femur lacks a distinct neck;
phosphatic nodules. A by-product of the phosphatic mining proximal end of tarsometatarsus with small medial cotyla,
industry was a large number of fossils, mostly invertebrates distal end arched in distal view with dorsal edge of lateral
(Penning and Jukes-Brown, ; White, ). There has trochlea (IV) plantar to the prominent dorsal edge of the
been much discussion concerning the exact age of this fauna subequal middle trochlea (III).
(White, ; Cookson and Hughes, ; Casey, ; Hart,
E. barretti Seeley, 
; Rawson et al., ). The problem is made especially
acute because of its proximity to the boundary between the Lectotype—Distal end of left tarsometatarsus BMNH
Lower and Upper Cretaceous, but it is now established that A (Fig. .R–V; this is the original bone for cast BMNH
the Cambridge Greensand was deposited during the early A that was incorrectly cited as BMNH A when it was
Cenomanian (Mantelliceras mantelli Zone; Rawson et al., designated as the lectotype by Brodkorb, a:).
). Three specimens of the ammonite Schloenbachea cf. Locality and horizon—Late Albian (Lower Cretaceous)
varians subplana have been identified from the Cambridge of England. Cambridge Greensand of Upper Gault (Stolicz-
Greensand (Cookson and Hughes, ), and although the kaia dispar zone, uppermost Albian, uppermost Lower


Cretaceous; Casey, ) from the neighborhood of Cold- The braincase has the airencephalic conformation of
ham Common or at Granchester, respectively about  km Hofer (), with the occiput strongly inclined caudo-
east and  km southwest of the center of Cambridge, Cam- ventrally so that the plane of the basilar plate is at an angle
bridgeshire, England (localities for all specimens; Seeley, of ° to that of the foramen magnum (Fig. .F). Other
). characters of this type of avian braincase include a high dor-
Diagnosis—Seeley () referred the more common sum sellae, a deep medullary fossa, and the occiput inclined
larger specimens to this species, the detailed study of which caudoventrally, with the cerebellar prominence protruding
will provide a diagnosis (Galton and Martin, in press). far behind the level of the occipital condyle (Fig. .F) so
that the cerebral hemispheres, optic lobes, and the oblongata
E. sedgwicki Seeley,  are compactly superimposed dorsoventrally (Fig. .G).
Lectotype—Proximal end of right tibiotarsus, SMC In caudal view (Figs. .B, .B), the cerebellar promi-
B, designated by Brodkorb (a:) (Fig. .A–C). nence on the supraoccipital is convex (Figs. .B, D, .B,
Locality and horizon—Same as given previously for E. D, F), and the adjacent attachment area for the cranial part
barretti. of M. biventer cervicis is weakly concave. The attachment
area of the medial part of M. splenius capitis, immediately
Diagnosis—Seeley () referred the less common
lateral to the groove for the external occipital vein, is
smaller specimens to this species, the detailed study of which
strongly concave, whereas that for the lateral part is less dis-
will provide a diagnosis (Galton and Martin, in press).
tinct. On the base of the zygomatic process are two foram-
ina for branches of the external ophthalmic ramus of the
Anatomy occipital artery, with the medial branch turning dorsally
close to the foramen and the lateral branch continuing lat-
The terminology for the osteological structures and the erally. Only the lateral margins of the foramen magnum are
nomenclature for the muscles follow those of Baumel and preserved, the rest being enlarged by the abrasion that re-
Witmer () and Vanden Berge and Zweers (), re- moved the occipital condyles (Figs. .B, C, .B, C, F).
spectively, except for cranial structures from Elzanowski The hexagonal fossa on the basilar plate (Figs. .C,
and Galton () that are not covered in these references. .C) is a preservational artifact produced by the collapse
of the pneumatic space when the ventral lamina of the base
Skull (basioccipital and/or basitemporal) was pressed against the
The skull is represented only by three partial braincases: the dorsal lamina, the floor of the cranial cavity. The para-
very well preserved SMC B (Seeley, :–, Pl. sphenoidal rostrum is sectioned just rostral to the pituitary
, Figs. –), which is now almost completely free of ma- fossa, and a small pneumatic space is visible (Fig. .A).
trix (Figs. ., .) so that the cranial cavity (Fig. .F) is There is no trace of the basipterygoid processes that origi-
visible and from which there is a partial endocranial cast nally were probably present near the end of the preserved
(Fig. .G–I), the well-preserved YM , and the more part of the apparently narrow rostrum. The rostral part of
fragmentary YM  (Elzanowski and Galton, : Fig. ). the cranial base is flat ventrally, with a pair of asymmetrical
Witmer (:–, Figs. , ) described the features of openings somewhat enlarged by erosion, the auditory tube
the braincase of SMC B that were related to the sys- foramina of Witmer () that lead to the rostral tympanic
tem of pneumatic spaces in the cranium. Elzanowski and recess (Fig. .A, C–E). The rostrum passes laterally into
Galton () gave a detailed description of these speci- the parasphenoid wings, which are partly damaged and
mens, which is the basis for the following description. which originally enclosed the rostral tympanic recess (Fig.
The frontoparietal and the interparietal sutures are un- .C–E).
obliterated (Fig. .A, B), and the parietosupraoccipital su- The sagittal crest, which is almost completely abraded
ture may be partly so (Fig. .A), but all the other sutures, (Figs. .A, B, .A, B), is formed by the parietals between
including those of the laterosphenoid and squamosal, are the attachment areas for the superficial part of M. adductor
completely obliterated. Consistent with an adult rather than mandibulae externus (Fig. .B, D). On the side wall
a juvenile age for the cranial specimens is the full ossifica- there is a well-delimited attachment area for M. pseudo-
tion of the dorsum sellae and of the floor of the tectal fossa, temporalis superficialis (Figs. .D, .D) that extends
which completely closes the trigeminal fossa dorsally (Fig. across the width of the temporal fossa to the base of the
.F). Thus, the braincases of Enaliornis are probably from zygomatic process (Figs. .B, D, .B, D). Laterally, the
individuals that completed their ossification, even though parietals are co-ossified to the side wall bones, presumably
the frontoparietal and interparietal sutures probably re- only to the squamosals. The transverse nuchal crest is promi-
mained open for most or all of their life, which is, of course, nent on both sides, extending onto the zygomatic processes,
a primitive feature. but the middle part is abraded (Figs. .B, D, .B, D).

320 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
The preserved side wall extends rostrally far beyond the otica) to block the medial otic capitulum of the quadrate.
level of the frontoparietal suture, and it is probably formed The rostral portion of the otic cotyla faces laterally, with a
by both the prootic and laterosphenoid, the latter being rep- relatively slight (less than °) ventral tilt and no rostral tilt.
resented by the bone rostral to the maxillomandibular fora- The columellar recess is shallow. The vestibular (oval) win-
men (Figs. .D, E, .D, E). The small opening midway be- dow is subtriangular and almost oval, with the more acute
tween this foramen and the vestibular window is the pole directed ventrally. The cochlear (pseudoround) win-
foramen for the facial nerve (cranial nerve [CN] VII). The dow is much more elongate. The two fenestrae are separated
orbitocerebral walls converge onto, rather than rostral to, from the caudal tympanic recess by a broad bony bridge and
the dorsum sellae, so the hypophyseal (pituitary) fossa is from each other by a much narrower, but still relatively
rostral to the cranial cavity (Figs. .A, .A, F). This con- broad and flat, interfenestral bridge.
figuration, which does not occur in neornithines, also oc- The evidence for tympanic pneumatic diverticula was
curs in theropod dinosaurs such as Troodon (Currie, : discussed by Witmer (:–), who concluded that
Fig. ) and Syntarsus (Raath, : Fig. ), in which the pitu- they were similar to those of hesperornithids. In Enaliornis
itary fossa opens entirely in front of the cranial cavity. The and Hesperornis the walls of the pneumatic recesses are
orbitocerebral wall is pierced by the ophthalmic foramen smooth with little, if any, trabeculation. The dorsal tym-
(Figs. .A, C, E, .A, C, E) and a smaller one, the pro- panic recess did not communicate with that of the opposite
tractor foramen of Elzanowski and Galton (). The latter side or with the caudal tympanic recess that pneumatized
is on the periphery of a shallow depression, the area of ori- the paroccipital process, otic capsule, and the basal tuber-
gin for one of the muscles innervated by the protractor cles. The rostral tympanic recesses were well developed,
nerve, M. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati (Figs. .A, D, with contralateral communication (Witmer, :).
.A, D). In Enaliornis the dorsum sellae is high, without The preserved part of the cranial cavity (Fig. .F, G) in-
any shelf protruding over the pituitary fossa (Figs. .A, cludes the fossa for the medulla oblongata, the cerebellar
.A, F). It is perforated by the pair of abducens foramina fossa, the tectal fossa, which enclosed the optic lobes, and
for CN VI (Fig. .A). Within the pituitary fossa there is one the auricular (subarcuate) fossa, which enclosed the cere-
opening for the carotid canal (Fig. .A), so the internal bellar auricle and sinus. The rostral fossa (not preserved, ex-
carotid arteries anastomosed without a connecting vessel. cept for the cerebral hemispheres and adjacent structures),
The caudal tympanic wing (= paroccipital process) is which apparently did not extend rostrally beyond the fronto-
poorly developed, and it has no marginal connection to the parietal suture and its lateral extensions, was broadly sep-
cranial base through a sphenoccipital bridge. Other primi- arated from the arcuate eminence by a broad and flat
tive characters, which are not artifacts of preservation, in- tentorial protuberance and from the tectal fossa by the ten-
clude the absence of the following structures: the parabasal torial ridge, which is formed by the rostral margin of the
fossa, caudal ostia, and canals or grooves for the internal laterosphenoid.
carotid and external ophthalmic (stapedial) arteries. The The fossa for the medulla oblongata is very deep and
area of origin of M. columellae (Fig. .B, C) extends me- strongly concave, indicating a prominent ventral bend or
dially close to the hypoglossal foramina for CN XII and sigmoid flexure of the medulla oblongata (Fig. .G). The
rostroventral to the vagal foramen for CN X; there is no sep- fossa is widest rostrally, where its width approximately
arate glossopharyngeal foramen for CN XI. The basilar tu- equals its length as well as the width of the cerebellar fossa
bercles occupy the extreme lateral position, just rostral to (Fig. .H, I). The floor of the fossa does not show any trace
the vagal foramen, so their lateral slopes are continuous of a median ridge, which would project into the median fis-
with the wall of the tympanic cavity. sure of the medulla oblongata (Fig. .H). The trigeminal
The tympanic cavity (Figs. .C–E, .C–E) occupies ganglion fossa (for root ganglion of CN V) opens to the
the caudalmost position in the skull, extending up to the oc- medullary fossa and is entirely separated from the tectal
cipital plate. The two quadrate cotylae, squamosal and otic, fossa by the ossified floor of the latter (Fig. .F, G). The in-
are separated by the dorsal tympanic recess. However, as ternal acoustic fossa (Fig. .F) is shallow, rostrocaudally
Witmer () noted, there is no nonarticular intercondy- elongate, and poorly delimited ventrally and contains two
lar depression between the facets (present in hesper- major pits, well apart from each other, with the rostral pit
ornithids), so the dorsal tympanic recess may have extended (Fig. .G, for nn. facialis, cochlearis, and lagenaris) being
between the facets, possibly resulting in a small intercapit- larger than the caudal one (Fig. .G, for n. ampullaris cau-
ular incisure to give a “double-headed” quadrate similar to dalis). Caudoventral to the internal acoustic fossa is a dis-
that of many neornithines. The squamosal cotyla occupies tinct vagoglossopharyngeal fossa for the root ganglia of CN
most of the ventral surface of the zygomatic process and X and CN XI.
faces caudoventrally. In the otic cotyla, the caudal portion is The cerebellar fossa (Fig. .F) extends up to the frontal
entirely sessile, lacking any peduncle or caudal buttress (pila margin of the parietals. Neither parietals nor supraoccipital


Figure 14.1. E. barretti, braincase, SMC B: A, rostral; B, caudal; C, ventral; D, right lateral;
and E, left rostroventrolateral views (see Fig. .A–E for labeled drawings of comparable views).
Scale bars = approximately  mm (A–D approximately ×; E approximately ×).

(Figs. .A, .A, F) shows any trace of transverse inter- axes at the base. Caudally, each lobe closely adhered to the
foliar ridges (which would project into the cerebellar fissures arcuate eminence, as indicated by the flat rostral surface of
of the cerebellum, Fig. .G, I), and there is no trace of a the eminence, well reflected on the endocast (Fig. .G). In
median groove for the occipital sinus on the supraoccipital contrast to the condition in Enaliornis, the optic lobes of all
(Fig. .A, H). The caudalmost portion of the cerebellar neornithines are bent or rotated caudally around their basal
fossa was eliminated by erosion. long axes so they partly overlap the oblongata in lateral
The tectal fossa (Fig. .F) narrows caudodorsally to a view. In Enaliornis, the rostral position of the optic lobe is
pointed end that comes very close to the cerebellar fossa. reflected by the bulge of the orbitocerebral wall and the
The optic lobes were lateral, rather than ventrolateral, rela- deep caudoventral corner in the orbit (between the orbito-
tive to the brainstem (Fig. .H). In the horizontally posi- cerebral wall and the cranial base, Fig. .D). A more ros-
tioned skull, the lobes were only partly covered by the hemi- tral position of the optic lobe means less space for the cere-
spheres in dorsal view (Fig. .I). In contrast to the bral hemisphere, which adhered to the rostrodorsal surface
condition in recent birds, the lobes do not show any appre- of the lobe as demonstrated by its rectilinear rather than
ciable caudalward bending or rotation around their long convex outline in side view. The lateral wall of the tectal

322 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Figure 14.1. Continued

fossa is delimited from the arcuate eminence, which is only bird), although the medulla of Enaliornis may be slightly
slightly embedded in the braincase wall, by the lateral semi- larger. In addition, Enaliornis resembles Phaethon, Laridae
circular sulcus (Fig. .F) for the caudal petrosal sinus (Fig. (gulls and terns), Charadriidae (plovers), and Stercorari-
.G–I). This groove encircles the eminence dorsally and idae (skuas) by the strong ventral projection of the medulla
rostrally, terminating in the tectal fossa as a slit situated al- oblongata. It also approaches Phaethon in the shape of the
most exactly internal to the external recess for the obliter- medullary fossa, which, in contrast to the condition in most
ated foramen of the middle cerebral vein (Fig. .D, E). birds, is not longer than wide. The medulla oblongata is
Caudally, the groove disappears above the arcuate eminence similar in ventral view to that of Merops (bee-eater), the
and under the supraoccipital, beyond which the sinus con- brain structure of which is considered to be close to the
tinues caudally as the external occipital vein (Fig. .B). avian archetype by Portmann and Stingelin (). The ros-
The auricular (subarcuate) fossa has a large oval en- tral position of the optic lobes and the caudal position of
trance that fills the area enclosed by the bony covering of the the orbitocerebral wall, which descends upon rather than
anterior semicircular canal, the arcuate eminence (Fig. being in front of the dorsum sellae, suggest that the cerebral
.F). The ventral part of the bony labyrinth forms the hemispheres of Enaliornis were relatively smaller than in ne-
vestibular eminence, with a distinct tubercle at the caudal ornithines. This is also shown by the lack of any caudal ex-
end perforated by the endolymphatic foramen. There is an- pansion of the hemispheres beyond the frontal. The small
other small opening caudoventral to this tubercle. hemispheres, lack of caudal rotation of the optic lobes,
Comparison of the endocranial casts shows that the op- probably smaller cerebellum, and relatively larger medulla
tic lobes and the medulla oblongata of Enaliornis (Fig. oblongata indicate that the brain of Enaliornis was more
.G–I) are comparable in size to those in Phaethon (tropic- primitive than that of any living bird.


324 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Postcranial Skeleton Chiappe (:) noted that it is likely that the hetero-
Unless stated otherwise, comparisons of the postcranial coelous condition arose only once early in avian history, de-
bones are based on the following references: for Archaeop- veloping from the cranial cervicals (Marsh, ) and ex-
teryx, from the Upper Jurassic of Germany, Ostrom, tending caudally to a varying degree in different lineages
, and Martin, ; for Baptornis, Martin and Tate, (e.g., hesperornithiforms, neornithines). In Enaliornis, cer-
; for Hesperornis, Marsh, ; for Pasquiaornis, vical vertebra  or  (Fig. .A–E) and the last free tho-
Tokaryk et al., ; for Neogaeornis, Olson, ; for the racic vertebra (Fig. .F–J) are both strongly hetero-
gaviid “Polarornis” from the Upper Cretaceous of Antarc- coelous, and the preserved parts closely resemble those of
tica, Chatterjee, ; and for the loon Gavia, Wilcox, . Baptornis and Hesperornis. Because of this, it is reasonable
A more detailed description of the postcranial anatomy to assume that all the thoracic vertebrae of Enaliornis were
of Enaliornis will be published elsewhere (Galton and also strongly heterocoelous, as in Baptornis, Hesperornis,
Martin, in press). and most neornithines. Consequently, the small thoracic
vertebra SMC B (Fig. .A–E), which does not resem-
Vertebral Column ble any of the vertebrae of Baptornis or Hesperornis, was in-
A few isolated, incomplete vertebrae are available, and these correctly referred to Enaliornis by Seeley (:, Pl. ,
include a caudal cervical vertebra (YM , Fig. .A–E) Figs. , ) because the centrum is amphicoelous (i.e., con-
that is similar to the corresponding parts of cervicals  and cave at both ends), as in Archaeopteryx and Ichthyornis
 of Hesperornis. The centrum is short, heterocoelous, and (Marsh, ). A similar but less complete amphicoelous
subtriangular in ventral view (Fig. .C) with a carotid sul- thoracic vertebra (SMC B; Seeley, :) is prob-
cus that, cranially, is bordered by the bases of the incomplete ably from the same taxon, as is a small and weakly amphi-
carotid processes (Fig. .A, C). The cranial central surface coelous cervical vertebra (YM , discussed by Seeley,
is transversely concave (Figs. .C) and mostly convex ver- :, as being the thoracic vertebra with a sharp ventral
tically, except ventrally, where it is slightly concave (Fig. ridge to the centrum, in the Reed Collection). The referral
.B). Caudally, the centrum is transversely convex and of these amphicoelous vertebrae to Enaliornis by Seeley
mostly concave vertically (Fig. .A, E). The spinous () has not been questioned, even though it preceded the
process is missing, as are the costal processes. detailed description of Hesperornis and Ichthyornis by
The strongly heterocoelous thoracic vertebra (SMC Marsh (). Indeed, it was noted by Martin and Tate
B, Fig. .F–J) is probably the first free vertebra cra- (:) and Martin (:) that Enaliornis differs from
nial to the synsacrum, and the preserved parts are very sim- Baptornis in having amphicoelous thoracic vertebrae, and
ilar to those of this vertebra in Baptornis and Hesperornis, in Chiappe () referred to the difference in the caudal ex-
which a ventral process is also absent. tent of heterocoely in hesperornithiforms and neornithines.

Figure 14.2. E. barretti, braincase, SMC B: A, rostral; B, caudal; C, ventral; D, right lateral; and E, left rostroventrolateral views
(Fig. .A–E). F, cranial cavity in left medial view. Partial endocranial cast: G, left lateral; H, ventral; and I, dorsal views. Small arrows
point rostrally. (After Elzanowski and Galton, .) Abbreviations: ac, n. ampularis caudalis; ae, arcuate eminence (or impression on
cast); af, auricular (subarcuate) fossa; am, attachment area for rostral part of M. adductor mandibulae externus; an, foramen for ab-
ducens nerve (VI); at, auditory tube foramen; b, attachment for cranial part of M. biventer cervicis; bt, basilar tubercle; c, attachment
for M. columellae; ca, auriculum cerebelli; cb, cerebellum; cc, opening of carotid canal; ce, cerebellar fossa; ch, foramen for caudal
branch of hypoglossal nerve (XII); cp, cerebellar prominence; cpv, caudal petrosal sinus; cr, caudal tympanic recess (exposed by dam-
age); ct, caudal tympanic recess; cw, cochlear (pseudoround) window; d, pneumatic space exposed by damage; ds, dorsum sellae; dt,
dorsal tympanic recess; ef, endolymphatic foramen; eo, foramina for ophthalmic branch of occipital artery; eve, sulcus for external oc-
cipital vein; f, foramen magnum; fcl, nn. facialis, cochlearis, and lagenaris; fn, foramen for facial nerve (VII); fp, frontoparietal suture;
h, hypophysial (pituitary) fossa or hypophysis on cast; hf, hypophysiocerebral fontanelle; ia, internal acoustic opening; ih, foramen for
intermediate branch of hypoglossal nerve (XII); ip, interparietal suture; ls, lateral semicircular sulcus; m, medulla oblongata (on cast)
or fossa; mn, foramen for maxillomandibular nerve; nc, transverse nuchal crest; ol, optic lobe; on, foramen for ophthalmic nerve; ot,
otic cotyla for quadrate; p, parietal bone; pn, foramen for a protractor nerve innervating M. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati, M. de-
pressor palpebrae ventralis, and M. tensor periorbitae; pq, attachment for M. protractor quadrati et pterygoidei; ps, attachment for M.
pseudotemporalis suprficialis; pso, parietosupraorbital suture (or impression on cast); pw, parasphenoidal wing; rr, rostral tympanic
recess; rt, rostral tympanic wing; s, suprarecessal compartment; sc, sagittal crest; sl, sm, attachment areas for lateral and medial parts
of M. splenius capitis, respectively; so, supraoccipital bone; sq, squamosal cotyla for quadrate; t, tectal fossa; tg, trigeminal ganglia (on
cast) or fossa for it; tp, tentorial protuberance (or impression of on cast); tr, tentorial ridge; v, preotic venous recess, obliterated fora-
men for middle cerebral vein; ve, vestibular eminence (or impression of it on cast); vg, vagoglossopharyngealis ganglia fossa (or gan-
glia on cast); vn, foramen for vagus nerve (X); vw, vestibular (round) window; z, zygomatic process. Scale bar = approximately  mm
(approximately ×.).


Figure 14.3. E. barretti. Cervical vertebra  or , YM : A, right lateral; B, cranial; C, ventral; D, dorsal; and E, caudal views. Last
free thoracic vertebra cranial to synsacrum, SMC B: F, ventral; G, cranial; H, right lateral; I, caudal; and J, dorsal views. Acetabu-
lar part of left pelvic girdle, BGS  (cast as BMNH A): K, lateral, and L, medial views. Scale bars =  mm (A–J ×; K–L ×.).

The vertebral foramen (Fig. .A) is large, with the ra- Ichthyornithiformes, in which the heterocoely is restricted
tio of its vertical diameter to that of the cranial articular sur- to the cranial part of the series (Marsh, ; Martin, ;
face being .. This ratio is comparable to that of hesper- Chiappe, ). However, the caudal thoracics of Ichthy-
ornithiforms and ichthyornithiforms (at least .; Marsh, ornis have prominent pleurocoels (Marsh, ) that are ab-
) and well above that of nonavian theropods (much sent in the Greensand specimens, so these vertebrae are
lower than .; Chiappe, ). Chiappe (:) noted probably not from an ichthyornithiform. For the moment,
that, given the present state of knowledge, the “derived con- the amphicoelous cervical and thoracic vertebrae (Fig.
dition might be a synapomorphy of the clade composed of .A–E) from the Cambridge Greensand can only be iden-
Enantiornithes, Patagopteryx deferrariisi and Ornithurae tified as Aves incertae sedis.
(see node below , Figs. –), or even of the Ornithotho- Part of the preacetabular part of a synsacrum was re-
races (node ), or even of Aves.” In ornithurines, the cervi- ferred to Enaliornis by Seeley (). These incomplete ver-
cals, apart from the atlas, are fully heterocoelous except in tebrae (SMC B, Fig. .H, I) consist of a complete

326 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Figure 14.4. E. barretti. Postacetabular part of synsacrum, SMC B: A, dorsal; B, left lateral; C, ventral; D, right lateral; E, cranial;
and F, caudal views. Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis, cranial part of notarium, SMC B: G, ventral view. E. barretti,
preacetabular part of synsacrum, SMC B: H, ventral; and I, left lateral views. Scale bars =  mm (A–F ×; G–I ×.).

centrum plus the partial centra of the adjacent vertebrae. pelvis of the type found in other foot-propelled diving
The centra are pinched in to form a median longitudinal birds. The intervertebral foramina are large and situated be-
ridge (Fig. .H). Cranially, part of the dorsal surface of the tween the short sacral ribs (Fig. .B, D). The spinous
neural arch is preserved to the right side of the fused but processes are fused together and rugose dorsally (Fig. .A,
eroded bases of the spinous processes. Large intervertebral B, D). The ventral surface becomes progressively narrower,
foramina are visible in lateral view (Fig. .I). Although passing caudally with a central depression that is bordered
the cranial synsacral centra of Baptornis and Hesperornis are laterally by a rounded edge (Fig. .C, E, F), as in Hesper-
not pinched in, this specimen is tentatively referred to ornis (Marsh, : Pl. , Fig. )
Enaliornis; it is not from a pterosaur (Unwin, pers. comm.). Seeley () referred the centra of a partial synsacrum
The other four fused vertebrae (SMC B, Fig. .A–F) (SMC B, Fig. .I), consisting of three fused vertebrae
are from the postacetabular region of the synsacrum, and, exposed in ventral view, to Enaliornis. These centra, which
as none has a large sacral rib, they probably represent verte- are roughly hourglass-shaped and become slightly less mas-
brae  or  to  or . The complete synsacrum probably con- sive passing caudally, are very different from those of any in
sisted of  vertebrae, as in Baptornis (Martin and Tate, the synsacra of Baptornis and Hesperornis. Consequently,
). These vertebrae are narrow transversely (Fig. .A, this specimen was most likely incorrectly referred to
C), indicating that Enaliornis had an elongated, compressed Enaliornis. These vertebrae probably represent three of a


series of fused thoracic vertebrae, the notarium, of a ptero- of Enaliornis. The proximal end is rounded and lacks detail
dactyloid pterosaur (Wellnhofer, , ). They are quite in those femora from juvenile individuals (Figs. .M–V,
similar to the cranial half of a notarium (BMNH R), .K–N). The femoral trochanter (major) and the head are
which consists of six fused vertebrae, of “Ornithodesmus” at the same level and are connected by a continuous articu-
latidens (Lower Cretaceous, Isle of Wight, England) de- lar surface for the antitrochanter (Fig. .Q, R), such that
scribed by Hooley (). the femur was directed laterally, as in other hesperornithi-
The centrum of the vertebra SMC B (Fig. .F–I), form birds. Thus, it seems likely that Enaliornis had already
identified by Seeley () as a caudal, has a strongly pro- lost the power to walk like a normal terrestrial bird. The
coelous centrum (Fig. .F, H) with a markedly concave smaller size of the antitrochanter in Enaliornis indicates that
cranial end (Fig. .G) and a very convex caudal end (Fig. the femur could be placed farther under the center of grav-
.F–H). The cranial edge of the neural arch is angled ity than in Baptornis so that some sort of a waddling walk
craniodorsally at an angle of about °, much of the cra- might have been possible. In Baptornis, the femur was di-
nial zygapophyseal process is preserved, and the caudo- rected cranioventrally and markedly laterally (Martin and
dorsal part of the neural arch is missing (Fig. .F). The Tate, : Fig. ). The fossa for the attachment of the
transverse process is represented by a rounded edge (Fig. round ligament is present and dorsally situated on the head
.F) that protrudes very little laterally, whereas in Bap- of the femur (Figs. .P, .F, M). The femur was normally
tornis the first four vertebrae, the ones bordered by the held in a lateral position, but the head is well rounded and
caudal end of the elongate postacebular part of the pelvic slightly inclined proximally (Figs. .M, T, .G, L), and
girdle, have short transverse processes, but the centra are the attachment for the round (= capital) ligament seems to
either amphicoelous or amphiplatyan. In Hesperornis, all be more medially situated than it is in Hesperornis and
the dorsoventrally flattened caudal vertebrae have large Gavia. The neck of the femoral head is shorter and less con-
transverse processes. In pterosaurs, the caudals are either stricted than it is in the other hesperornithiform birds ex-
all amphicoelous (Wellnhofer, , ) or, as in Pteran- cept for Pasquiaornis.
odon (Bennett, ), with a double convex surface at each The cross section of the shaft is subcircular, as in Bap-
end (segments –), amphiplatyan (segments –) and tornis and Pasquiaornis, rather than transversely wide and
fused into a rod (the remaining distal segments). In some craniocaudally narrow, as in Hesperornis. The cranial inter-
chelonians, the caudal vertebra are procoelous, suggesting muscular line, between areas for M. femorotibialis lateralis
that this vertebra might be from a turtle (Gaffney, pers. et medius, runs distally from the femoral trochanter along
comm.). the craniolateral edge of the femur to the lateral condyle in
Gavia. In Enaliornis and the other hesperornithiform birds,
Pelvic Girdle it runs diagonally across the cranial face of the shaft to the
The single fragment of the pelvis (Fig. .K, L) preserves medial condyle (Fig. .D), as in neornithines (Baumel and
only the area just around the acetabulum and the cranial Witmer, : Fig. .A).
part of the ilioischiadic fenestra. It does show that the pelvis The patellar groove is well developed in Enaliornis (Fig.
was opisthopubic and that the pubis and ischium are nar- .A, B, P, O), and it is not pocketed proximally, as in hes-
row, as in Baptornis and neornithines. Part of the acetabu- perornithids, but extends smoothly onto the shaft as a broad
lar margin on the pubis is visible medially (Fig. .L), so the shallow groove, as in Baptornis. The medial condyle of
acetabulum is perforate, but laterally the acetabulum is still Enaliornis is small compared with the lateral condyle, as in
filled by a phosphatic nodule (Fig. .K) that needs to be Baptornis and Pasquiaornis, but in Baptornis the medial
removed before the degree of closure of the acetabulum can condyle extends farther distally. The medial condyle is rela-
be determined. The antitrochanter is proportionally smaller tively much larger in the hesperornithids, in which the me-
than in Baptornis. There is also a small pectineal process. dial and lateral condyles extend about the same distance dis-
On the basis of the form of the postacetabular part of the tally. The medial surface of the medial condyle is depressed
synsacrum, the postacetabular part of the pelvic girdle for the origin of M. plantaris, which runs proximally as a de-
of Enaliornis was elongated, as it is in the other hesper- pression backed by a ridge, much as in Gavia. As is charac-
ornithiforms. teristic of other foot-propelled diving birds, the fibular
condyle is enlarged and angled laterally (Figs. .X, .P,
Pelvic Limb Q). The connection between the medial and lateral condyles
Femur. The more complete femora (Figs. .J–L, (Fig. .B, O) is broad and rounded, as in other hesperor-
.C–E) are short and broad when compared with the nithiforms, rather than narrow and sharp, as in Gavia. In
femora of most birds, but they are slender when compared Gavia, the caudal surface is excavated for the external artic-
with those of other hesperornithiforms except that of ular surface of the tibiotarsus, which is rounded to fit into
Pasquiaornis, which has a femur that is very similar to that this area.

328 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Tibiotarsus. The tibiotarsus was probably elongate, as in Tarsometatarsus. Fürbringer (:) reidentified
other foot-propelled diving birds, but not enough of the the proximal portions of two bones identified as fibulae by
shaft remains to provide evidence as to the actual length. Seeley (: Pl. , Figs. , ) as the proximal ends of ul-
The cranial cnemial crest in neornithines is an ossification nae, and this was repeated by Lambrecht (). However,
separate from the shaft of the tibia. Several of the proximal these bones are actually the proximal portions of tarso-
tibial ends of Enaliornis (Fig. .I–K) are from birds too metatarsi of adult individuals (Fig. .K–Q), in contrast
young for this ossification to be fused to the shaft. In these to the unfused metatarsus of the juvenile individual (Fig.
tibiae, the proximal end is gently rounded with a slightly .A–F) illustrated by Seeley (). In the latter, there
dimpled surface that in life was covered in cartilage. In the are no distal tarsal bones, and the proximal ends of the
tibiotarsus of adult birds (Fig. .A–H), the large cnemial metatarsals are unfused (Fig. .A, B, E). However, the
crest makes essentially a broad isosceles triangle (Fig. .B, metatarsals are fused at the broken distal end (Fig. .F).
E) that is quite different from the more elongate cranial cne- The metatarsals are fused proximally, and the articular
mial crests found in grebes and especially in loons. The surface is formed by a cap (Fig. .G–Q), much as in Bap-
proximal end of the tibiotarsus of Enaliornis is similar to tornis (Martin and Bonner, ). There is a slight central
that of Baptornis, with a large, lateral cnemial crest that ex- ridge (Fig. .G, I, N, O) that probably helped to separate
tends proximally into a high, thin cranial ridge (Fig. .A, the tendons, much like a hypotarsus in neornithines, but
B, D, E), as in other hesperornithiforms. Distally, the tibio- it corresponds to a backward projection of the middle
tarsus is continuous with the sharp craniomedial edge of metatarsal, as seen in the juvenile specimen (Fig. .B).
the adjacent part of the shaft (Fig. .A, D), the proximal Consequently, it is not a genuine hypotarsus (produced by
end of the fibular crest. The smoothly rounded lateral mar- hypotarsal cap) of the sort seen in neornithines. In
gin of the lateral cnemial crest extends to just beyond the Enaliornis and Baptornis, the lateral cotyla is slightly larger
lateral articular surface. The groove between the two cne- than the medial one (Fig. .G, I, J), and the intercotylar
mial crests is broad and shallow, as in other hesperornithi- eminence is low and gently rounded (Fig. .G, I, J) com-
forms, rather than narrow and deep, as in grebes, “Polar- pared with the condition in Hesperornis. Hypotarsal crests
ornis,” and loons (Cracraft, ). are absent plantarly, as are proximal foramina that pass
The distal end (Fig. .L–S) has the astragalus and cal- right through the bone (both present in Neogaeornis); the
caneum completely fused to the tibia in adults, just as in ne- proximodorsal face of the shaft is deeply excavated (Fig.
ornithines. The “pretibial” bone (Fig. .S, ascending .G, N). Proximally, the lateral metatarsal (IV) is the
process of the astragalus of McGowan, ) has essentially largest, especially dorsoplantarly; the middle one (III) is
the same position and shape as in Baptornis (Martin et al., slightly smaller, and the medial one (II) is quite small and
). The lateral and medial condyles are small, extending almost as wide as its dorsoplantar length. This results in
about the same distance both cranially and ventrally, with the medial cotyla being much smaller in Enaliornis than it
a very limited extent both craniocaudally and proximo- is in the other hesperornithiform birds. The proximal end
distally (Fig. .L, O–S). This makes the cranial inter- of the middle metatarsal is wedge-shaped, with the tip ori-
condylar fossa very shallow. The condyles are thin and ented dorsally (Fig. .E). This is the normal condition in
widely separated by the cranial intercondylar fossa (Fig. other hesperornithiform birds and most neornithines, but
.L, P, Q, R). There is no supratendinal bridge, but, as in not in Archaeopteryx, in which the proximal ends of the
other hesperornithiforms, there is a prominent ligamental metatarsals are all of about the same size and shape. As in
prominence above the center of the cranial intercondylar the other hesperornithiform birds, Enaliornis as an adult
fossa. The intercondylar notch is medial to this promi- had a long, slender tarsometatarsus that is compressed lat-
nence, which would have supported a ligament that, like erally, with a distinct dorsolateral ridge (Fig. .G, N).
the ligament in certain owls (Bubo, Otus), parrots, and This ridge merges with the shaft somewhere along the
ratites (Baumel and Witmer, ) and the supratendinal shaft, as in Baptornis, in which this occurs at midlength.
bridge of the other recent birds, restrained the tendon of The lateral ridge does not continue to the lateral condyle
M. extensor digitorum longus within the extensor canal. as occurs in hesperornithids.
Archaeopteryx also has small condyles and a shallow cranial The tarsometatarsus narrows distally to a long shaft (Fig.
intercondylar fossa, so this would seem to be a primitive .N–Q) and then widens again into the distal end (Fig.
character state in Enaliornis. In other hesperornithiform .R–V). When viewed distally (Fig. .U), the dorsal edge
birds, this fossa is deeper, because of an expansion of the of trochlea III is dorsal to those of the other trochlea (II, IV);
condyles, whereas in enantiornithine birds the whole artic- this is the plesiomorphic condition, as is also the case in
ular surface, including the shallow intercondylar fossa, is Archaeopteryx. In other hesperornithiforms, the dorsal edge
projected cranially (Walker, ; Chiappe and Walker, of trochlea IV is dorsal to that of trochlea III (so the leading
Chapter  in this volume). edges of trochlea II, III, and IV are progressively more dor-


Figure 14.5. Aves, incertae sedis, dorsal vertebra, SMC B: A, cranial; B, right lateral; C, caudal; D, dorsal; and E, ventral
views. ?Testudines, proximal caudal vertebra, SMC B: F, left lateral; G, dorsal; H, ventral; and I, caudal views. E. sedgwicki, left femur,
BMNH A: J, lateral; K, cranial; and L, medial views. E. barretti, proximal end of left femur of juvenile, SMC B: M, cranial; N, lat-
eral; O, caudal; P, medial; and Q, proximal views. E. sedgwicki, proximal end of right femur of juvenile, SMC B: R, proxi-
mal; S, medial; T, caudal; U, lateral; and V, cranial views. E. barretti, distal end of right femur, BMNH A: W, medial, and X, caudal
views (also Fig. .A, B; Lydekker, : Fig. B). Scale bars =  mm (A–I ×; J–V ×.; W–X ×.).

330 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Figure 14.6. E. barretti. Distal end of right femur, BMNH A: A, cranial, and B, distal views (also Fig. .W, X; Lydekker, : Fig.
B). Left femur lacking proximal end, SMC B: C, lateral (and slightly cranial); D, cranial; and E, medial views. Proximal end of
left femur, BMNH Ab: F, medial; G, cranial; H, lateral; I, caudal; and J, proximal views. Proximal end of left femur of juvenile, BMNH
Aa: K, lateral; L, cranial; M, medial; and N, proximal views. E. sedgwicki, distal end of left femur, SMC B: O, distal; P, cranial;
and Q, caudal views. Scale bar = approximately  mm (A–E ×.; F–O ×.; P, Q ×.).

sal in position). This is true for Baptornis, Parahesperornis, The medial and lateral trochlear ridges on the medial
and Hesperornis. It is also the case for Pasquiaornis (SMNH trochlea are well developed plantarly, but the dorsal face is
P., distal part of right tarsometatarsus listed but not smoothly rounded, thus permitting the toe to move medi-
illustrated by Tokaryk et al., ). On the basis of the pre- ally and expand the width of the foot for the power stroke
liminary description by Tokaryk et al. (), no other au- when swimming. The medial ridge is slightly more plantar
tapomorphic characters separate this genus from Enali- than the lateral ridge on the medial trochlea, helping to
ornis, a genus with which they made no comparisons (See- move the inner toe behind the middle and outer toes dur-
ley, , is not cited). ing the recovery stroke. The medial trochlea is entirely prox-


Figure 14.7. E. sedgwicki Seeley, , lecto-
type, proximal end of right tibia, SMC
B: A, lateral; B, cranial; and C, caudal
views. E. barretti, proximal end of right tibia,
YM : D, lateral; E, cranial; and F, caudal
views. E. barretti, proximal end of left tibia,
BMNH A: G, lateral, and H, medial views.
E. barretti, proximal end of right tibia of ju-
venile, SMC B: I, lateral; J, cranial; and K,
proximal views. E. sedgwicki, distal end of
right tibia, SMC B: L, distal; M, lateral;
N, medial; O, caudal; and P, cranial views. E.
barretti, distal end of right tibia, SMC B:
Q, distal, and R, cranial views. E. sedgwicki,
distal end of right tibia, SMC B: S, cra-
nial view. Scale bars =  mm (A–F, I–P, S ×.;
G, H, Q–R ×.).

imal to the middle trochlea, facilitating the plantolateral ro- than the lateral ridge. This causes the toe to be laterally dis-
tation of the inner toe during the recovery stroke. The mid- placed on the power stroke and expands the surface area of
dle trochlea is slightly larger than the lateral one. This is the the foot. However, the lateral ridge is more produced plan-
normal situation in most birds, but not in the other hes- tarly than the medial one and thereby reverses the effect for
perornithiform birds, and must be considered a primitive the recovery stroke.
condition in Enaliornis. When viewed distally (Fig. .U),
the middle trochlea is wedge-shaped with the apex in front. Phylogenetic Relationships
Both trochlear ridges are well developed, but the lateral one
is longer (more produced dorsally) and extends farther Although Enaliornis is universally accepted as a foot-
proximally. This would rotate the middle toe plantolaterally propelled diver, four very different systematic relationships
in a motion parallel to that of the inner toe on the recovery have been advocated in recent years for Enaliornis. It has
stroke. The outer trochlea is slightly more distal than the been considered to be closely related to the foot-propelled
middle trochlea (a derived condition characteristic of hes- diving bird clades () Hesperornithiformes, () Gaviiformes
perornithiforms). The lateral trochlea slants laterally be- (loons), or () Podicipediformes (grebes) or () to be a lin-
cause the medial ridge is much more produced dorsally eage separate from the other foot-propelled diving birds

332 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
Figure 14.7. Continued

(Storer, ). However, Cracraft () considered that the appears to be ancestral to the Gaviidae. Although Lon-
hesperornithids probably have close affinities with the gavi- chodytes Brodkorb b (Lance Formation, Upper Creta-
ids and podicipedids, a position that he has since aban- ceous, Wyoming) was removed from the Gaviiformes by Ol-
doned (Cracraft, , ). Brodkorb (b) considered son and Feduccia (), there are two other records of
the form of the femur, tibiotarsus, and the distal tarso- Gaviidae from the Upper Cretaceous: Neogaeornis from
metatarsus of Enaliornis as being similar to that of the Chile (Olson, ) and “Polarornis” from Antarctica (Chat-
loon Gavia and hence listed the Enaliornithidae (Für- terjee, , ). The next earliest record of the Gavi-
bringer, ) as the basal family of the Gaviiformes. Brod- iformes consists of a few isolated bones of Colymboides an-
korb () noted that Enaliornis is only slightly less spe- glicus Lydekker, , from the Late Eocene of England
cialized than the Gaviidae and that the Enaliornithidae (Harrison, ; Harrison and Walker, ). Martin and


Figure 14.8. E. barretti, proximal end of left metatarsus of juvenile, BGS : A, cranial; B, caudal; C, medial; D, lateral; E, proximal;
and F, distal views. Proximal end of left tarsometatarsus, SMC B: G, cranial; H, medial; I, caudal; and J, proximal views. E. sedg-
wicki, proximal end of left tarsometatarsus, SMC B: K, medial; L, caudal; and M, proximal views. E. sedgwicki, proximal end of left
tarsometatarsus, SMC B: N, cranial; O, medial; P, caudal; and Q, lateral views. E. barretti Seeley, , lectotype, distal end of
left tarsometatarsus, BMNH A: R, medial; S, lateral; T, cranial; U, distal; and V, caudal views. Scale bar =  mm (×.).

Tate () referred the Enaliornithidae to the Hesper- most diving birds and supported the assignment of these
ornithiformes. They considered Enaliornis to be more sim- braincases to Enaliornis (rather than to the other sympatric
ilar to Baptornis than it is to any other known bird, and they nonhesperornithiform avian taxon). Reduction of the dor-
regarded Enaliornis as the primitive basal stock of the sal tympanic recess () reflects the tendency of diving birds
Hesperornithiformes. to increase the specific density by the overall reduction of
Elzanowski and Galton () noted three characters of pneumaticity (Witmer, ), but it certainly may be fur-
the Cambridge Greensand braincases that are shared with ther enhanced by the expansion of the temporal fossa for

334 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
the attachment of M. adductor mandibulae externus. The In hesperornithiform birds, the cnemial crest on the
enlargement of the auricular fossa () and the lack of soft tibiotarsus is broad and short as compared with grebes, in
anatomical features on the roof of the cerebellar fossa () are which it is moderately long, and with loons, in which it is
most likely related to the expansion of the dural sinuses, but extremely elongate. The configuration that it has in hesper-
these characters may not have anything to do with diving. ornithiforms is a derived condition related to the very large
However, despite sharing these three characters, the brain- patella. The proximal end of the tarsometatarsus of Enali-
case of Enaliornis is not particularly similar to any single ornis has the outer trochlea enlarged, as in other hesper-
group of diving birds, including Hesperornis, loons, and ornithiforms, and it extends proximally into a high, thin
grebes. cranial ridge that is also characteristic of hesperornithiform
Elzanowski and Galton () noted that the braincase of tarsometatarsi (Martin, ). Enaliornis also has a wide
Enaliornis is most similar to that of Phaethon, Diomedeidae, spectrum of primitive characters, including the absence of
Fregata, and Lari, among recent birds. However, most of a supratendinal bridge on the tibiotarsus and the absence
these similarities are primitive, and this includes the airen- of hypotarsal crests and proximal foramina on the tarso-
cephalic conformation of the braincase, with the dorsum metatarsus. Loons and grebes have these derived features, as
sellae high and the medullary fossa deep; the caudal (pari- do almost all other neornithines, and as such they provide
etal) part of the skull roof sloping down and the occiput in- characters that unite neornithines and exclude Enaliornis
clined caudoventrally, with the cerebellar prominence pro- and Hesperornithiformes.
truding far behind the level of occipital condyle; and the Hesperornithiformes are united by several synapomor-
corresponding configuration and proportions of the parts phies (see diagnosis). Of these, the fusion of cranial bones
of the brain, with the hemispheres, optic lobes, and the caudal to the frontoparietal suture, the heterocoelous
medulla compactly superimposed dorsoventrally. Possibly articular surfaces of all thoracic vertebrae, the long, non-
correlated with a strongly airencephalic skull is the separa- pneumatic bones, the partially closed acetabulum, the
tion of the trigeminal fossa from the tectal fossa (for the op- greatly elongated postacetabular pelvis, the relatively short
tic lobes). However, the relationship of Enaliornis to the and broad femur, the large tibiotarsal cnemial crest shaped
birds with these characters is probably only plesiomorphic, like an isosceles triangle in cranial view, the transversely
and most of this same set of characters are also present in compressed tarsometatarsus with a distinct dorsolateral
the braincase of Hesperornis. The similarities of the pneu- ridge leading to the lateral trochlea (IV), and the lateral
matic recesses of Enaliornis and Hesperornis described by trochlea that is at least as large and distally extending as the
Witmer () probably also represent the plesiomorphic middle trochlea (III) are all present in Enaliornis.
condition. It is concluded that Enaliornis is a hesperornithiform
Elzanowski () and Elzanowski and Galton () bird that, with the removal of the incorrectly referred
noted that the braincase of Hesperornis differs from that of amphicoelous dorsal vertebrae, is quite similar to Baptornis.
Enaliornis in approaching the orthocranial condition as However, it appears to be closest to Pasquiaornis from the
suggested by the perpendicular occiput, the shallow Cenomanian of Saskatchewan (Tokaryk et al., ), but a
medullary fossa, a probably much lower dorsum sellae, the more detailed description of the specimens of Pasquiaornis
trigeminal fossa opening into the tectal fossa rather than is needed before more detailed comparisons are possible.
into the medullary fossa, a conspicuously small tectal fossa
of different shape, and much stronger muscular attach- Paleobiology
ments on the skull roof. The orthocranial condition may
have evolved in connection with underwater fishing, as it The source of the phosphatic enrichment of the Cambridge
did in cormorants and anhingas, and the dorsal opening of Greensand may have involved an organic-rich runoff from
the trigeminal fossae is probably correlated with straight- nearby rivers and/or upwellings of phosphate-rich, deep
ening of the brain. The development of the muscular crests ocean waters into the shallow, warmer water of the epi-
and fossae is well known to be size-related and thus sys- continental sea, resulting in high levels of organic produc-
tematically less relevant. However, the differences in the size tion (Norman and Fraser, ). The phosphatized remanié
and shape of the optic lobe are more difficult to reconcile fauna includes a large number of marine fossils, mostly in-
with this hypothesis because there is no obvious reason vertebrates (listed in Penning and Jukes-Brown, ; White,
for a comparable reduction of the optic lobe with progress- ), that include many genera of sponges, echinoderms,
ing diving specialization, and known birds do not offer any annelid worms (a few), mollusks (lamellibranchs, gas-
parallel. Elzanowski and Galton () noted that the teropods, ammonites), and crustaceans. The associated ver-
cranial evidence neither contradicts nor supports a closer tebrates (see Lydekker, ) include the frequent occurrence
genealogical relationship between Enaliornis and the of teeth and bones of fish representing several genera of ga-
Hesperornithiformes. leoid sharks, chimaeroid holocephalians, and neopterygian


teleosts, including pycnodonts, the ichthyodectid Plethodus, and Bonner, ), and both lack many of the grooves and
and the swordfishlike pachycomiformid Protosphyraena. ossified articular surfaces that assist in the functioning of
There are also many bones of marine reptiles, including the foot. The juvenile individuals of Enaliornis probably did
Sauropterygia (the pliosaurs Cimoliosaurus and Polypty- not travel far from the shore, so the nesting sites were most
chodon,), Ichthyopterygia (the ichthyosaur Ichthyosaurus), likely nearby, presumably on a still emergent portion of the
and Testudines (Protostega and Lytoloma). The bones of Anglo-Brabant Massif (Rawson et al. ). Although Enali-
short-tailed flying reptiles or pterodactyloid Pterosauria are ornis was probably less awkward on land than the other
well represented (all forms with cranial crests: the lon- hesperornithiforms, owing to the less extreme lateral orien-
chodectid Lonchodectes; the ornithocheirids Anhanguera, tation of the femur, it probably still nested like loons and
Coloborhynchus, and Ornithocheirus; and the pteranodontid grebes, as suggested for Hesperornis by Lucas (), and it
Ornithostoma; Unwin, ) and were probably predomi- was probably never far from water.
nantly fish-eating forms, like most extant marine birds. Sev-
eral records of terrestrial dinosaurs (ornithischians Acan- Acknowledgments
thopholis, Anoplosaurus, Trachodon) presumably represent
We thank the following for their assistance with the study and
bones from carcasses that washed in from the adjacent land. loan of specimens at their respective institutions: H. C. Ivemey-
Enaliornis was clearly a foot-propelled diver, as is shown Cook (BGS), C. A. Walker and S. Chapman (BMNH), C. L.
by several characters mentioned in the description. The Forbes and D. B. Norman (SMC), and B. J. Pyrah and P. C. En-
specific density is increased by reducing the dorsal tym- som (YM). T. T. Tokaryk (SMNH) kindly supplied casts of some
panic recess of the skull and in having apneumatic long of the hindlimb bones of Pasquiaornis. The photographs of the
bones. The postacetabular part of the sacrum is elongate braincase (Fig. .) were taken by V. Krantz (Smithsonian Insti-
tution), and the remaining photographs were printed by A.
and narrow, indicating an elongate and compressed pelvis.
Collins (University of Bridgeport). Extensive comments by L. M.
The ventrolaterally directed femur is short and broad, com- Chiappe and L. M. Witmer considerably improved the final
pared with other birds; distally, the patellar groove is promi- manuscript. P.M.G. thanks his wife C. Yoon for drawing Figure
nent, and the fibular condyle is enlarged and angled later- ., and E. S. Gaffney (American Museum of Natural History)
ally. The tibiotarsus has a large cnemial crest, and distally and D. M. Unwin (University of Bristol, England) for their per-
the tarsometatarsus shows several specializations for foot sonal communications.
propulsion, as detailed previously.
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336 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N
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Cracraft, J. . Phylogenetic relationships and monophyly un très-grande palmipède de la section des longipennes.
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338 P E T E R M . G A LT O N A N D L A R R Y D . M A R T I N

The Mesozoic Radiation of Neornithes


The record of Neornithes in the Mesozoic of the record (:), both Cracraft (, ) and Chi-
consists almost entirely of fragmentary and appe (b) mapped previous reports of Late Cretaceous
dissociated specimens, a legacy of lightweight, Neornithes onto a phylogeny of Aves and concluded simi-
fragile bones. Identifications of such limited larly that Neornithes (“modern birds”) had differentiated
material have been questioned in the past, often with rea- well before the end of the Cretaceous. Thus, the earliest
son. The difficulty of identification is due not only to the known fossils of a group do not necessarily indicate its true
fragmentary nature of the remains but also to the unknown age (Norell and Novacek, ).
avifauna. While an isolated fragment of an extant bird can In another line of evidence, recent analyses based on mo-
be identified readily, even to species, a fragment of a very old lecular data have placed the divergence of several extant lin-
bird from an almost unknown avifauna is a formidable eages of birds in middle or earlier Cretaceous time (Hedges
challenge. et al., ; Cooper and Penney, ; Mindell et al., ;
The problem, then, is to identify in these limited remains Kumar and Hedges, ). However, it is these earliest re-
the diagnostic features of Neornithes and its major sub- ports that have received the least support.
sidiary groups. Most of these birds were described  or The object of this chapter is to evaluate and update
more years ago, some well over  years ago. Early review- the Mesozoic record of Neornithes on the basis of skeletal
ers often tried to place the fragments based only on general specimens.
resemblance to an extant group of birds. With the many new
Cretaceous birds described in the past  years, it is now Phylogenetic Framework
possible to evaluate these fragments in the context of Aves for Diagnosis within Neornithes
as a whole.
Since reviews by Elzanowski () and Martin () Comparisons with other kinds of birds make it possible
and the comprehensive treatment of the avian fossil record now to evaluate the features of the earliest neornithine in a
by Olson (), there have been briefer reviews and newer phylogenetic context. In theory, features derived close to the
reports of several major groups of Neornithes. Tyrberg’s origin of Neornithes can be distinguished from earlier and
() popular account reflects a middle ground on the later derived features. Those features derived after the ori-
reading of the Cretaceous record to that date. Unwin () gin of the group could then be mapped onto the phylogeny
created an annotated list of the fossil groups of birds, with within Neornithes to make nested, phylogenetically based
time of appearance and some critical editing of taxonomic diagnoses for the taxa of living birds. However, the rela-
assignments. tionships among the traditional orders of birds are poorly
Feduccia () discounted all the Cretaceous records of understood throughout Neornithes. Thus, if a derived fea-
Neornithes except the reports of charadriiformlike birds ture occurs in several major groups, it might be due to ho-
present in the Maastrichtian. Thus, both Martin () and mology or to convergence. Such a feature is not a basis for a
Feduccia () envisioned these early shorebirds as the confident referral of a specimen to any of the groups that
group from which the principal radiation of Neornithes share it.
originated, and Feduccia dated this radiation to the Early Huxley’s () analysis of the palate placed ratites
Tertiary. However, foreshadowed by Simpson’s assessment basally within Neornithes. Pycraft () proposed further

that ratites were a closely related group, Palaeognathae, in . Procellariiforms, loons, and penguins (Simpson, ;
which he also included tinamous, based on their paleo- Olson, ; Hedges and Sibley, ).
gnathous palate, as he analyzed it. The monophyly of . Procellariiforms and pelecaniforms. This association is
Palaeognathae and their sister-group relationship with so consistent that Cracraft () used Procellariiformes
Neognathae (all other neornithine birds) are further sup- as an outgroup for his study of Pelecaniformes. In some
ported by morphology of the cranium, pelvis, and ankle traditional classifications these groups have appeared
(Jollie, ; Bock, ; McGowan, ; Cracraft, ) and adjacent to and immediately after Palaeognathae, to sig-
by most molecular data (Sheldon and Bledsoe, ; nify their presumed basal position (e.g., Fürbringer,
Cracraft, ). However, some doubt remains about the ; Brodkorb, b). Sibley and Ahlquist () re-
inclusion of tinamous. Polarization of characters to recon- versed the order of derivation, placing procellariiforms
struct relationships at this basal level is hindered by insuffi- and pelecaniforms well within a large assemblage that
cient knowledge of the immediate ancestor and stem line- included charadriiforms as the earliest branch; their
age of Neornithes. The palate, upon which these basal nomenclature differs, and they did not find either pro-
relationships were first reconstructed, is poorly known in cellariiforms or pelecaniforms in the sense of Wetmore
other ornithurine birds. Houde and Olson () and () to be monophyletic. Elzanowski () pointed
Houde () discussed the position of tinamous and the out the many apparently plesiomorphic resemblances
probably near-basal neornithine Lithornis. of some procellariiforms and pelecaniforms to non-
Many recent studies support the early branching of Gal- neornithine seabirds, but he concluded that the similar-
liformes and Anseriformes from remaining Neognathae. ity is probably convergent.
Most biochemical data additionally support the monophyly . Storks, herons, American vultures, hawks, falcons, and
of Galliformes and Anseriformes, as do features of the pelecaniforms. Garrod () grouped all these as Ci-
palate and basicranium (Cracraft, ; Cracraft and Min- coniiformes, although he also included owls. Fürbringer
dell, ; Sibley and Ahlquist, ; Sheldon and Bledsoe, () agreed approximately with this, but he excluded
; Livezey, a; van Tuinen et al., ). Postcranial os- owls and added flamingos, ibises, and spoonbills. Gradu-
teology, behavior, and ecology do not (Olson and Feduccia, ally this group of ecologically very different birds was
b; Ericson, , ). Thus, other reconstructions pared away until only storks, herons, flamingos, ibises,
proposed a close relationship of anseriforms with charadri- and spoonbills remained (Sharpe, ; Gadow, ;
iforms. Feduccia (, ) suggested that both these Wetmore, b, ; Mayr and Amadon, ). This “Ci-
groups were closely related to ibises and flamingos, and coniiformes” in the sense of Wetmore () is an assem-
Howard () and Ericson () have shown the many blage of long-legged wading birds with elegant plumes
similarities of early anseriforms to flamingos. However, the and little else in common. Unfortunately, this twentieth-
filter feeding mechanisms of flamingos and anseriforms ev- century usage is deeply embedded in textbooks, popular
idently evolved independently (Olson and Feduccia, a). accounts, and the organization of collections. It persists
Other discussion centered on the charadriiformlike post- even in many scientific works. However, there is good ev-
cranial skeleton of Presbyornis combined with its ducklike idence for a close relationship of pelicans with storks, and
skull (Olson and Feduccia, b; Olson and Parris, ). of storks in turn with American vultures (Cottam, ;
Many studies have grouped charadriiforms instead with Ligon, ; Olson, ; Konig, ; Sibley and Ahlquist,
other shorebirds and seabirds. These terms refer to similar- ; Avise et al., ; Helbrig and Seibold, ). Sibley
ity of form and habitus, not to monophyletic groups. Clas- and Ahlquist () found a close relationship among all
sical studies never reached a consensus on the inclusiveness the birds of Fürbringer’s Ciconiiformes, but procellari-
of such an assemblage or the relationships among the in- iforms and loons were embedded within it paraphyleti-
cluded groups of birds (Stresemann, ; Raikow, ). cally. They applied the name Ciconiiformes to a much
Recent phylogenetic studies based on molecules, behavior, larger group. The American Ornithologists’ Union ()
and morphology, using advanced methods of analysis, have redefined Ciconiiformes to include storks, herons, ibises,
done little better. These analyses are notable for their short spoonbills, and American vultures.
internal branches, unresolved polytomies, and lack of con-
cordance (Cracraft and Mindell, ; Sibley and Ahlquist, This history illustrates the state of basal-level systematics
; Harshman, ; Hedges and Sibley, ; Ericson, within Neornithes. Phylogenetic relationships are also un-
; Livezey, a; van Tuinen et al., ). Mosaic distri- certain among other groups of extant birds, including
butions of morphological features are implied by the re- gruiforms, parrots, columbiforms, and the perching land-
sults, even if comparisons are restricted to presumably de- birds in the broad sense. In contrast, the systematics of sub-
rived features within Neornithes (Hope, ). However, sidiary groupings is much better understood. Thus, Sibley
several groupings emerge repeatedly: and Ahlquist () corroborated many of the classical

340 S Y LV I A H O P E
family-level groupings (with the prominent exception of (Hope, ), supplemented with later observations, with
passerine families). It is as though some aspect of the evolu- emphasis on the well-known Early Tertiary neornithines
tion of neornithine birds is distorting analyses of relation- Lithornis, Telmabates, Presbyornis, and Limnofregata. Non-
ships, but only at the most basal levels (Davison, ). The neornithine birds studied included Mononykus, Enanti-
solution to diagnosis adopted here was to require a combi- ornis, Avisaurus, Patagopteryx, Hesperornis, Ichthyornis, and
nation of unique features for referral of fragmentary, isolated casts of Lectavis, Ambiortus, and Baptornis. Descriptions of
specimens to the most inclusive groups within Neornithes. other Cretaceous birds were consulted. For polarizing char-
acters, Enantiornithes was assumed to be the sister group of
Material and Methods Patagopteryx plus Ornithurae (Chiappe, b). Diagnoses
of taxa above the species level, or referral of specimens to an
Material inclusive taxon, required shared derived features of the
This review includes specimens previously referred to Ne- taxon, except that, for the taxa immediately subsidiary to
ornithes in a well-circulated publication and other material Neornithes, my operational diagnosis or referral also re-
that I have studied sufficiently to comment. However, spec- quired that the derived features be unique, as justified in the
imens with minimal diagnostic potential, such as distal pha- introductory section of this chapter. However, where
langes or badly worn fragments, are not included. A list of unique features were lacking, a specimen was often referred
such specimens is available from the author. tentatively based on a combination of derived but non-
unique features. “Unique” was defined as not occurring in
Definition of Taxa any possibly closely related group within Neornithes, or in
Following Ghiselin (, ), a taxon is defined by indi- the ancestral neornithine, or in another ornithurine. Aster-
cating its members. Node-based names are used here, in the isks in the Systematic Paleontology section flag widely
sense of de Queiroz and Gauthier (). Thus, the name shared derived features, as explained in the introductory re-
Neornithes applies here to the monophyletic group indi- marks preceding Charadriiformes.
cated by extant birds, their most recent common ancestor,
and all its descendants. The name Galliformes applies to ex- Diagnosis of Species and Referral to Species
tant galliforms, their most recent shared ancestor, and all Diagnosis of species required only differentiating features.
the collateral extinct lineages that shared that ancestor. Most Referral of specimens to species required that the material
previous workers on Neornithes have applied the same be directly comparable to the holotype or confidently re-
higher taxon names as are used here in the broader, stem- ferred material. Comparability was judged by association in
defined sense. That is, Galliformes would be defined as all situ, identity of form, or good apposition to other con-
birds more closely related to the extant members than to its fidently referred material. Specimens that were referred pre-
sister group. This procedure does not introduce serious er- viously based on less conclusive evidence were made only
ror into studies of middle and later Tertiary birds, which are tentatively referable to the species but were not removed en-
usually clearly assignable to extant lineages. However, the tirely from such a placement unless there was a compelling
distinction between node- and stem-defined taxa helps to reason to do so. Similarly, inferences about the characters of
clarify the diagnosis and thus may show the uncertain phy- species or monophyly of a group of species were based only
logenetic status of earlier specimens more distant to the ex- on confidently referred material.
tant groups. In addition, the uncertain basal relationships
within Neornithes usually preclude a precise specification Anatomical Terminology
of the sister group. The older the specimens being consid- In general, anatomical terminology follows Baumel and
ered, the more problematic these uncertain relationships Witmer (). The terms “brachial fossa” and “brachial de-
become to the diagnosis of taxa. pression” are distinguished and “capital tubercle” is defined
Within Neornithes, inclusive taxon names above the in the Anatomy section with the discussion of the humerus.
generic level are defined by genera included in Wetmore The following institutional abbreviations are used in this
() unless otherwise indicated. Prominent exceptions to chapter: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History,
Wetmore’s usage are the names Neornithes and Palaeo- New York, New York, United States; ANSP, Academy of Nat-
gnathae. Genus and species names of North American birds ural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States;
follow the American Ornithologists’ Union (). BMNH, Natural History Museum, Tring, England; CAS,
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California,
Diagnosis and Referral of United States; GPMK, Geologisch-Palaeontologisches In-
Specimens to Supraspecific Taxa stitut und Museum, Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany; IVPP,
Features of the earliest neornithine were reconstructed Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropol-
through a broadly based review of osteology in Neornithes ogy, Beijing, China; MLP, Museo de la Plata, La Plata, Ar-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 341
gentina; MVZ, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, -km thickness of massive sandstones, interbedded lignites,
California, United States; NJSM, New Jersey State Museum, and lignitic shales deposited along the receding shoreline.
Trenton, New Jersey, United States; NSMJ, National Science At the type area in eastern Wyoming, the Lance Formation
Museum of Japan, Tokyo, Japan; PIN, Palaeontological In- lies conformably over the marine Fox Hills Formation and
stitute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; is capped conformably by the Fort Union Formation. Tra-
PVL, Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tu- ditionally, the K/T boundary was defined in this region by
cumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina; RTMP, Royal the latter contact. The gentle dip of the units in this se-
Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, Drumheller, Canada; quence results in an exposure of successive strata going up
SMNH, Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Regina, through time as one travels from east to west. Outcrops of
Canada; TMM, Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, Texas, the Lance occur in present-day stream banks cut through
United States; UCMP, University of California Museum of the thin overburden or as wind-eroded crags upstanding
Paleontology, Berkeley, California, United States; USNM, over the sparsely vegetated plain. These are the indurated
United States National Museum, Washington, D.C., United remains of ancient streambeds. These paleochannel fills ex-
States; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecti- pose an abundant biota, with plant remains showing that
cut, United States; ZISP-PO, Paleornithological Collection, the environment was humid and subtropical (Dorf, ;
Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Estes, ). All the collection sites are well below the con-
Petersburg, Russia. tact with the Paleocene, including the nineteenth-century
localities of J. B. Hatcher (Clemens, ). Since the s,
Geology field parties from UCMP and AMNH have explored the
paleochannels intensively by quarrying and screen washing.
The two regions in North America discussed in this section All the bird fossils discussed here were recovered as isolated
are the source of most of the birds reviewed below. Both elements.
regions include controversial Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) The Hell Creek Formation outcrops primarily in eastern
boundary sections. Authorities for formations in other re- Montana. It is probably continuous to the south with the
gions of the world are cited with the appropriate specimens Lance Formation, but there is no surface exposure of a con-
in the reviews below. Throughout this chapter, ages of for- nection. Archibald (), Bryant (), and Archibald and
mations follow Lillegraven and McKenna () unless an- Lofgren () reviewed the stratigraphy and faunal com-
other author is cited. position of localities in the Hell Creek Formation. Near the
top of the formation, some of the Bug Creek paleochannels
Northern Part of the Western Interior, North America cut through iridium-containing coals. The topography in
The well-known toothed birds reported by O. C. Marsh and this region is disturbed, and lateral correlation of the sev-
documented in his  monograph were recovered from eral coals close to the K/T boundary has been problematic.
the floor of the shallow inland Cretaceous sea of North It is now clear that the highly fossiliferous channel fills in the
America, probably from a Coniacian level of the Niobrara Bug Creek region consist of a mix of Paleocene material
Chalk. The neornithine bird Apatornis is included among washed down from higher in the section and Cretaceous
these remains. The depositional environment is discussed material eroded from cutbanks (Lofgren, ). This is a
below with this bird. However, the most abundant Creta- time-averaged assemblage of fossils from both sides of the
ceous record of Neornithes comes from later nearshore sed- K/T boundary. Thus, the age of these specimens has to be
iments, accumulated along the retreating shore of the sea considered undetermined for precise stratigraphic dating
during its long regressive phases. The third regression in (Clemens, ).
mid-Campanian time is associated with a regional fauna A few specimens from these channels are included in the
defined by its mammalian component as the Judithean reviews below if they are referred to a species present in
North American Land Mammal Age (NALMA). The fourth other localities known to be Cretaceous. However, none of
and final regression in the Late Maastrichtian is associated the specimens from the Bug Creek facies is included in the
with the Lancian NALMA (Lillegraven and McKenna, compilation of the Cretaceous specimens at the end of this
). Neornithine birds are present in Judithean and Lan- chapter.
cian collections from the northern part of the Western In-
terior. Eberth () characterized many Judithean locali- Hornerstown and Navesink Formations—
ties in Alberta. Age of the New Jersey Birds
The greensand marls of New Jersey are part of the offshore
Lance and Hell Creek Formations. Clemens () de- record of the Late Cretaceous Atlantic coast of North Amer-
scribed the geological setting and the history of exploration ica. Olson and Parris () and Gallagher and Parris ()
of the Lance Formation. The Lance consists of more than have reviewed the stratigraphy. The section at the Inversand

342 S Y LV I A H O P E
Company marl pit in Sewell County is illustrative. Here, the Tertiary. As with the Bug Creek birds, specimens from the
entirely Maastrichtian Navesink Formation is overlain di- Hornerstown Formation are included in accounts here only
rectly by the basal Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL) of the if the species is reported in earlier sediments.
Hornerstown Formation. This is a narrow, about .-m-
thick, well-delimited and densely fossiliferous layer, with Anatomy
Maastrichtian macrofossils (ammonites, mosasaurs) in a
matrix that includes typically Paleocene foraminifera. Be- Many innovations in Neornithes are related to advanced
cause of this mix, the age of birds from the MFL has been a flight. In all birds, the bones are lightweight; the bone walls
subject of protracted debate (e.g., Wetmore, a; Richards have a geometrical sandwich structure, with air cells in the
and Gallagher, ). Baird () traced the historical ref- bone wall. These are slightly developed even in Archaeop-
erents of localities from which fossil birds were recovered teryx but pervasive in Neornithes (Bühler, ). Pneu-
during nineteenth-century mining operations in the marls, maticity, the channeling of the air sac system into bones
but for many the origin, whether Navesink or Hornerstown, (Witmer, ), contributes to lightweight bones. Beginning
remains uncertain. Most specimens recovered in recent early in avian evolution and continuing in the ornithurine
years are from the MFL. lineage, bones of the postcranial skeleton were extensively
The  m of Hornerstown sediment overlying the MFL is co-ossified, reduced, or lost. These changes included fusion
entirely Paleocene. It has not yielded vertebrates and is de- of pelvic bones, fusion of sacral vertebrae, and fusion of the
pauperate for approximately  m above the MFL, probably synsacrum with the pelvis; loss of tail vertebrae and forma-
reflecting a massive disturbance in marine food chains in tion of a rigid pygostyle; formation of a carpometacarpus,
the early Paleocene (Gallagher, ; Hallam and Wignal, tibiotarsus, and tarsometatarsus; and loss or fusion of man-
). Thus, the birds collected from the Hornerstown For- ual and pedal digits. Extensive fusion of bones in Ornithu-
mation in the early years, without precise stratigraphic lo- rae makes the skeleton more rigid, probably to prevent it
cation, are very probably from the MFL rather than higher from dissipating the force of the wing stroke. This becomes
in the section. However, their age still remains uncertain. more extreme in the skull of Neornithes.
One micropaleontological zone spanning the K/T bound- The following abbreviated account places the morphol-
ary is missing from the section (Gallagher and Parris, ). ogy of Neornithes in phylogenetic perspective to clarify the
Thus, there are no biostratigraphic dates of the order diagnostic features of Neornithes and its subgroups. The
, years encompassing the MFL. Gallagher () emphasis is on skeletal elements that are most common in
found iridium elevated within the MFL, but not in high, the Mesozoic record.
well-defined peaks. Gallagher (, ) interpreted this
layer as an assemblage that accumulated at some time dur- Skull
ing the missing , years, made up of the remains of a Bones of the skull are extensively co-ossified only in Ne-
protracted faunal die-off following the end-Cretaceous ornithes. Most of the cranial and jaw elements are fused to-
event. Kennedy and Cobban () interpreted the MFL as gether, the maxilla is greatly reduced or entirely eliminated
a latest or terminal Cretaceous lag deposit infilled with Pa- from the exterior surface of the jaw, and teeth are completely
leocene sands, probably by burrowing invertebrates. Staron lost. Throughout the jaws there are new articulations and
et al. () approached the problem by investigating the bending zones within bones, and the palate is rearranged.
geochemistry of the fossils. They found that rare earth sig- The resulting jaws of Neornithes are versatile and often pow-
natures in all but one of the mosasaurs from the MFL dif- erful manipulative tools, even though lightweight and com-
fered from those from the underlying Navesink Formation. pletely edentulous. The quadrate is the most intricate part of
They suggested that some specimens in the MFL are re- the jaw articulation, but its variation is poorly documented.
worked from the Maastrichtian, others deposited in earliest Early studies of the morphology of the jaw in extant birds
Tertiary. laid the foundations of current understanding (Pycraft,
The meaning of the lag interval situation is that material , ; Jollie, ; Huxley, ). Contributions in the
in the MFL may be from any time along the gap of , past  years have emphasized functional aspects, interpre-
years. More battered specimens, such as some ammonites, tative methods, and new fossil material (Bock, , ;
are probably from early in that interval (and are surely Cre- Bühler, , ; Zusi, ; Witmer and Martin, ; Büh-
taceous). Others, such as the articulated skeletons and other ler et al., ; Elzanowski, , , ; Witmer and Rose,
unworn material, including most of the birds, are more ; Dzerzhinsky, , ; Witmer, ).
probably not reworked but part of a new phase of deposi- The ratite or so-called paleognathous palate may be in
tion in the earliest Paleocene (D. Parris, pers. comm.). It part plesiomorphic in Aves, in part derived. In Ratitae and
seems best for the present to consider the age of birds from Lithornis, the pterygoids articulate with the palatines well
the MFL unresolved, either latest Maastrichtian or earliest lateral to the parasphenoid rostrum, but this apparently

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 343
primitive position is associated with other features of the over the back; this and the lightweight skull in Neornithes
jaw that are part of a design for far rostral jaw kinesis, clearly seem to be part of the redistribution of weight in the up-
an unusual condition in Aves (Bock, ). The neo- right stance, summarized below.
gnathous palate is a major design innovation, in which the
pterygoids converge on the parasphenoid rostrum far ros- Shoulder Girdle
tral to the basicranium. Tinamous approach this design, al- Hesperornithiformes and Ratitae are excluded from recon-
though their pterygoids do not quite reach the midline, and, struction of shoulder elements in the earliest neornithine
as in ratites, the pterygoids are separated from the paras- because of their extreme reduction in these flightless birds.
phenoid rostrum by the caudally elongated vomer. Jollie In Enantiornis (Fig. .A) the humeral facets of the cora-
() cited and interpreted the numerous nineteenth- coid and scapula each form half of a rounded, cup-shaped
century publications of W. K. Parker and those of Pycraft glenoid facet. The acrocoracoid process of the coracoid is
(, ) on ontogeny of the palate in birds. In Ne- very small and blunt. The articulation with the scapula is
ognathae except Galliformes, the pterygoid divides early in highly apomorphic and cannot be compared closely with
ontogeny, and its rostral part fuses partially or completely that of ornithurine birds. There is no procoracoid process,
with the palatines. The rostral part of the divided pterygoid but there is a large foramen for N. supracoracoideus located
(“hemipterygoid”) is often indistinguishable in the adult. In centrally on the shaft (illustrated in Chiappe, a). The
galliforms and anseriforms, the caudal part (“posteroptery- shaft is stout and rounded at the neck, long and narrow for
goid”) articulates just lateral to the parasphenoid rostrum its entire length, and deeply excavated over the entire dor-
on rostrally shifted basipterygoid processes of the paras- sal surface, and there is no lateral process (Chiappe and
phenoid. In other neognaths, the posteropterygoid articu- Calvo, ; Sanz et al., ).
lates directly with the parasphenoid rostrum. During devel- In Ichthyornis (Fig. .B), the acrocoracoid process is
opment in galliforms, the hemipterygoid is never connected small, and there is a narrow, linear clavicular facet. A pro-
to the posteropterygoid. It first appears rostral to and sepa- coracoid process is present; it is a small, flat flange that ex-
rate from the posteropterygoid and then fuses directly with tends distally along the shaft of the coracoid, merging grad-
the palatine. Jollie () suggested that this is an onto- ually with the shaft. The shaft, including the neck, is flat and
genetic abbreviation of the process in other neognaths. In only moderately elongate, and the lateral process is very
anseriforms the ontogeny is slightly different: a rostral large. The humeral facet is flat, ovate, tilted medially, and
process of the pterygoid appears during development and very large. The humeral facet is attached to the scapular
later contacts the palatine. Elzanowski () concluded that cotyla but extends cranially well beyond onto the enlarged
Hesperornis had a divided pterygoid, but apparently it does acrocoracoid process and sternally slightly beyond the
not converge toward the parasphenoid rostrum. The onto- scapular facet. The scapular margin of the procoracoid
genetic and phylogenetic significance of the different forms process bears a very large, deep, mediolaterally elongate
of the palate still needs clarification. cotyla for articulation with the coracoidal tubercle of the
scapula. The foramen for N. supracoracoideus is small and
Vertebrae very close to the scapular facet, entering the ventral surface
The number of cervical vertebrae increased in Aves from  of the coracoid just distomedial to the scapular facet and ex-
in the earliest birds to up to  or  in Enantiornithes. iting dorsally at the same level.
Within Ornithurae, the number is both lowest and highest Many neornithines have a coracoid similar to that of
in Neornithes, ranging from  in parakeets to  in swans Ichthyornis; the shared features present in Ichthyornis,
(Welty and Baptista, ). Heterocoely (saddle-shaped Lithornis, and Presbyornis (Figs. .A, .C–F) are pre-
intervertebral articulations) began in the cervical vertebrae sumed plesiomorphic for Neornithes. One difference is that
before the branching of ornithurine birds (Chiappe, a, medial tilting of the humeral facet is absent in most ne-
b; Sanz et al., ). It is well developed in all vertebrae ornithines, including Lithornis and Presbyornis, and there-
of Hesperornis but apparently absent in Ichthyornis (Marsh, fore tilting is presumed derived where it occurs within Ne-
). Heterocoely is complete in many neornithines but ornithes. The acrocoracoid also differs. Lithornis (Fig. .A)
absent from the last few thoracic vertebrae in some neo- and Eudromia (Fig. .F) have a smaller acrocoracoid
gnaths. Lateral depressions in the centra (pleurocoels) are process than Ichthyornis or most neognaths. In well-flying
present in some nonornithurine birds; they are large, deep, neognaths, the acrocoracoid process is larger than in Ichthy-
and very distinct in Ichthyornis and Hesperornis but shallow, ornis, and it is peaked with a stout bicipital protuberance
indistinct, or absent in Neornithes. Heterocoely appears to that supports large sites for M. biceps brachii and the acro-
permit a wide range of mobility between vertebrae (Welty coracohumeral ligament (Fig. .). The acrocoracoid is dis-
and Baptista, ). Together with a long neck, it may facil- cussed further below in connection with weak flight and
itate manipulative use of the jaws and retraction of the head with Ambiortus. In Neornithes, the humeral facet of the

344 S Y LV I A H O P E
Figure 15.1. Elements of the shoulder articulation in some non-neornithine birds. A, Enantiornis leali, shoulder ends of left coracoid
and scapula apposed, in lateral view, PVL . B, Ichthyornis sp., proximal end of left coracoid in caudal view, YPM , and left
scapula in lateral view, YPM . C, E. leali, proximal end of left humerus in caudal and cranial views, PVL . D, I. dispar, proxi-
mal end of right humerus, reversed for comparisons, in cranial and caudal views, TMM -. E, E. leali, distal end of left humerus
in caudal and cranial views, PVL . F, Ichthyornis antecessor, distal end of left humerus in cranial and caudal views, USNM ,
reproduced from Olson (), permission of the Wilson Ornithological Society. Abbreviations for forelimb structures: acpr, acroco-
racoid process; acrm, acromion process; bc, bicipital crest; bdep, brachial depression; bit, bicipital tubercle; bpr, bicipital prominence;
ci, capital incisure of humerus; clf, clavicular facet of coracoid; cmar, caudal margin of humerus; dc, dorsal condyle; dec, dorsal epi-
condyle; dpcr, deltopectoral crest; dt, dorsal tubercle of humerus; fp, flexor process; haf, humeral articular facet; hh, humeral head;
pntf, pneumotricipital fossa; sf, scapular facet of coracoid; tct, coracoidal tubercle of scapula; vc, ventral condyle; vec, ventral epi-
condyle; vt, ventral tubercle. Arrows not labeled indicate unnamed features discussed in the text. Asterisks following a label indicate
that the structure is broken off at the tip or badly abraded.

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 345
Figure 15.2. Elements of the
shoulder articulation in Neor-
nithes: Lithornis, Tinamiformes,
Galliformes, and Anseriformes. A
and B, Lithornis promiscuus, left
coracoid in caudal view and
scapula in lateral view, USNM
, holotype, Willwood For-
mation, Eocene, reproduced from
Houde () by permission of
the Nuttall Ornithological Club.
C–E, proximal end of the
humerus in caudal view; F–H,
distal end of the humerus: C, Eu-
dromia elegans (Tinamiformes),
CAS , extant; D, Acryllium
vulturinum (Galliformes), CAS
, extant; E, Aix sponsa
(Anatidae: Anseriformes), CAS
, extant; F, E. elegans, left
humerus in cranial view, CAS
; G, Megapodius freycinet
(Galliformes), left humerus in
cranial view, MVZ , extant;
H, Presbyornis sp. cf. P. pervetus
(Anseriformes), right humerus
reversed for comparisons, cranial
and caudal views, one of UCMP
lot , Eocene. Abbreviations:
bfos, brachial fossa; dco, dorsal
condyle of humerus; fnsc, fora-
men for N. supracoracoideus;
fpr, flexor process; lp, lateral
process of the coracoid; others as
in Figure ..

coracoid never extends sternally farther than the sternal process, foramen for N. supracoracoideus, and the lateral
border of the scapular facet, and the coracoidal humeral process. The shaft is often stout, narrow, and elongated.
facet may be cranial to the entire scapular facet (e.g., Galli- Such birds include tinamous, galliforms, grebes, rails, tur-
formes, Fig. .E). These associated features appear to re- nicids, and others. Individually, such conditions do not nec-
sult from elongation of the coracoid in this region. This sep- essarily indicate poor flight, and some occur in well-flying
arates the two facets and contributes to the elongate glenoid birds (e.g., Piciformes, Passeriformes, with their elongate
fossa. Diomedeidae (albatrosses) and Pandion (osprey) are coracoids). Some of these conditions occur in Enantiornis,
a near exception to this statement. These features are pre- suggesting that developmental truncation may be respon-
sumed synapomorphic for Neornithes. sible for the commonalities. In ratites, the reduction of
The coracoid is often similar in distantly related, poorly shoulder elements is much more extreme.
flying neornithines. One or more of the following structures Figure .A shows the coracoid and scapula of Enan-
is small or absent: the acrocoracoid process, procoracoid tiornis as they may have apposed in the articulated shoul-

346 S Y LV I A H O P E
Figure 15.3. The coracoid and
scapula in gallinaceous birds and a
tinamou. A and C, Palintropus sp.,
right coracoid in dorsomedial and
dorsal views, RTMP ... B, Pal-
intropus sp., right scapula in lateral
view, RTMP ... A–C from the
Judith River Group, Campanian. D,
P. retusus, left coracoid, YPM ,
holotype, Lance Formation, Maas-
trichtian, reproduced from Shufeldt
(). E–G, extant birds: E, M.
freycinet (Galliformes), left coracoid
in dorsal view, MVZ ; F, G, E.
elegans (Tinamiformes), left cora-
coid in dorsal and medial views and
the scapula and coracoid apposed in
lateral view, CAS . In Palin-
tropus, note absence of the procora-
coid process, the size and distolateral
position of the scapular facet of the
coracoid, and the far lateral position
of the coracoidal tubercle of the
scapula; the acromion process is bro-
ken off. In the coracoid of the extant
galliform and the tinamou, note the
distolateral extension of the scapular
facet of the coracoid and the fracture
surface (unlabeled arrow) at the cra-
nial end of the humeral facet of the
scapula. This surface indicates the
partial synostosis that existed be-
tween the scapula and the coracoid
just distal to the humeral facet of the
coracoid. Abbreviations: ahl, impres-
sion for the acrocoracohumeral liga-
ment; pcor, procoracoid process of
coracoid; pnf, pneumatic fenestra;
smsc, sulcus for M. supracoracoideus;
tco, coracoidal tubercle; others as in
Figure ..

der. The acromion process of the scapula is short, flattened and elongate in the axis of the scapula. Its articular face is
mediolaterally, slightly recurved laterally, and bluntly oriented toward the anatomically ventral border of the
rounded at the tip. In Patagopteryx, the acromion process is scapula, but in ornithurine birds the scapula lies far dorsal
projected cranially, and there is a coracoidal tubercle cen- and flat along the dorsolateral surface of the thorax. This
trally located on the coracoidal margin of the scapula. In repositions the scapula so that its narrow ventral border is
Ichthyornis (Fig. .B), the acromion process is styloid and oriented ventrolaterally with respect to the body axes.
very short. There is a large coracoidal tubercle on the cra- In varied neornithines, the scapula is similar to that of
nial margin of the procoracoid process adjacent to but not Ichthyornis. Again, features shared with Ichthyornis are con-
impinging on the humeral facet. The humeral facet of the sidered plesiomorphic for Neornithes: presence of an ossi-
scapula is entirely recessed caudal to the coracoidal tuber- fied coracoidal tubercle, the scapular humeral facet recessed
cle. It is as large as the humeral facet of the coracoid, but in cranially from the coracoidal tubercle, and a cranially pro-
contrast to Enantiornis, the scapular humeral facet is flat jected acromion process. These features are also present in

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 347
Figure 15.4. The coracoid in Neo-
gnathae: Apatornis and Anseriformes.
A–C, A. celer, proximal end of the left
coracoid in dorsal, mediodorsal, and
ventral views, cast of referred speci-
men YPM , Niobrara Formation,
Coniacian–earliest Campanian. D–F,
Presbyornithidae. D and E, undeter-
mined species, left coracoid in dorsal
and two medial views, ANSP ,
from the Bug Creek facies of the Hell
Creek Formation, latest Maastricht-
ian or earliest Paleocene; F, Presby-
ornis sp. cf. P. pervetus, right coracoid
reversed for comparisons, in ventral
view, UCMP , Eocene. G–I, A.
sponsa (Anatidae), left coracoid in
lateral, medial, and ventral views,
CAS , extant. In Presbyornithi-
dae and Anatidae, note the columnar
ventral border of sulcus M. supra-
coracoideus, its bifurcation at the
clavicular facet, and the well-defined
sulcus within sulcus M. supra-
coracoideus. Apatornis lacks some of
these features but has diagnostic fea-
tures of Neornithes and Neognathae.
Abbreviations: cm, caudal margin of
humerus; ibc, impression for M.
coracobrachialis cranialis; lig, im-
pression for Lig. Coracoscapulare
ventralis; vm, ventral margin of
humerus; others as in Figure ..

Patagopteryx. The absence or far lateral position of the cora- In Neornithes, the humeral facet of the scapula faces later-
coidal tubercle in Lithornis, Eudromia, and Galliformes is ally or craniolaterally. This orientation may be considered
problematic for such an interpretation and is discussed fur- synapomorphic for Neornithes. In Tinamiformes and
ther at the end of this chapter. In Lithornis and Galliformes, Neognathae, the humeral facet of the scapula is smaller than
the acromion process is dorsoventrally flattened. In Lith- the humeral facet of the coracoid; this is derived within
ornis, it is bent ventrally and styloid at the tip; in Galli- Neornithes and characterizes most members.
formes, it is often hooked medially (Figs. .B, .G). This
suggests that a dorsoventrally flattened acromion process Forelimb
was present in earliest neornithines, possibly plesiomorphi- Many characters used for phylogenetic analyses to re-
cally. In Lithornis, the flattened acromion process forms the construct the history of birds reflect the redesign of the fore-
medial wall of the triosseal canal (Houde, ). The status limb (Figs. ., .) in the early lineages of Aves (Cracraft,
of this feature is discussed further, below with Ambiortus. ; Sereno and Rao, ; Chiappe, a,b; Sanz et al.,

348 S Y LV I A H O P E
). Beginning in nonavian theropods, the articulation for sulcus for the transverse ligament; the pneumotricipital fossa
the forelimb changed from a ventrally situated and cau- is pneumatized by a large foramen; and the deltopectoral
doventrally oriented ball-and-socket design into a dorsally crest is inflected cranially. These features may be considered
situated, laterally oriented, saddle-shaped structure that en- synapomorphic for Neornithes. In the articulated shoulder,
hanced powered flight in Ornithurae (Jenkins, ; Poore et the ventral lip of the humeral facet of the scapula fits into the
al., ; Ostrom et al., ). Only a few further innovations capital incisure of the humerus. In Lithornis, tinamous (Fig.
in the forelimb were present in the earliest neornithine (Figs. .C), galliforms (Fig. .D), and columbiforms, a shelf
., .). Changes assignable to the earliest neornithine in- walls the distal end of the capital incisure from the ventral tu-
clude enlargement and pneumatization of the head of the bercle to the head of the humerus midway between the dor-
humerus and probably also the inflection of the delto- sal tubercle and the capital incisure. Its position and extreme
pectoral crest. The new design of the forelimb and shoulder rugosity show this shelf to be an attachment site for one or
girdle allows greater excursion of the wings than in Ichthy- more ligaments or muscles. A possible rudiment of this shelf
ornis. At the extreme, the wings can be lifted completely over appears in many other neornithine birds as a poorly defined
the back during the vertical power stroke (Dial et al., ). crest (some gruiforms, some charadriiforms, e.g., Scolopax)
In Enantiornis the head of the humerus is small, with a or a scar in the capital incisure (ibises, Graculavus, Fig. .A).
globose enlargement adjacent to the very distinct capital in- This shelf is probably synapomorphic for Neornithes and
cisure (Fig. .C). There is a short but well-developed ven- lost in most members of the group. In addition, in Ne-
tral tubercle, a large pneumotricipital fossa, and a promi- ornithes, the bicipital crest and prominence are at least
nent knoblike bicipital prominence. The shaft is short, slightly enlarged, there is a well-defined brachial fossa, and
robust, and moderately curved. The condyles are poorly de- the condyles are well rounded. The equivocal status of these
veloped, and there is no distinct brachial fossa or depres- and other features of the humerus is discussed below with
sion. The ventral epicondyle is very large and extends well Eurolimnornis and Ambiortus.
distal to the ventral condyle (Fig. .E).
In Ichthyornis, the head of the humerus and ventral tu- Hindlimb
bercle are small and the capital incisure indistinct, but the As both forelimb and tail were transformed for a role in
deltopectoral crest is very large. The bicipital crest, bicipital flight, birds became fully bipedal. The tail skeleton short-
prominence, and tricipital fossa are all rudimentary (Fig. ened, and hindlimb retractors moved from the tail to the
.D). The shaft is short, stout, and moderately curved. The enlarging pelvis. In Ornithurae, the femur lies almost hori-
condyles are well developed, and the ventral epicondyle ex- zontally, with the knee forward under the new center of
tends well ventral to the condyle but not distal to it. The il- gravity assumed in the upright, bipedal posture. Thus, the
lustrations of the distal end of the humerus of Ichthyornis by principal axis of motion of the hindlimb moved from hip
Marsh () are not fully consistent with the holotype of I. to knee (Chiappe, b; Gatesy, ; Padian and Chiappe,
dispar (Olson, ). In Olson’s photograph of the holotype ). In Neornithes, changes in the hindlimb are relatively
(reproduced here as Fig. .F), the brachial depression is very minor, but increases in ossification of ligamentous attach-
deep and extensive, excavating the entire distal end of the ment sites, tendinal channels, tendinal restraining loops, or
humerus, including the condyles and the ventral epicondyle. entire tendons are very common. However, none of these
As used here, “brachial depression” refers to the large de- innovations can be ascribed with confidence to the earliest
pression in the entire cranial surface of the distal end of the neornithine. Many such changes are so widespread that they
humerus present in some birds; “brachial fossa” refers to a do appear to have arisen early in Neornithes, some perhaps
more limited depression in many neornithines, primarily more than once, few in a clearly defined phylogenetic pat-
proximal to the supracondylar prominences, usually shallow, tern. These include increased co-ossification of thoracic
distinctly defined, and obliquely oriented (Fig. .F–H). vertebrae as a notarium, co-ossification of the synsacrum
In Lithornis, tinamous, galliforms, and many other ne- with the ischium, enlargement of the lateral trochanteric
ornithines, the shaft of the humerus is short and moderately crest of the femur, ossification of the supratendinal bridge
curved, and the ventral epicondyle is stout and extends well of the distal end of the tibia, and ossification of tendinal
ventral and often distal to the ventral condyle. These features canals of the hypotarsus. At least two characters occur in a
are here assumed plesiomorphic in Neornithes. A large ven- pattern associated with large groups within Neornithes. In
tral epicondyle is more marked in Enantiornis and ne- neognaths, the ilioischiadic foramen is closed (Cracraft,
ornithine landbirds (e.g., tinamous, galliforms, passerines, ), and in tinamous and neognaths, the ascending
coraciiforms) than in Ichthyornis and neornithine waterfowl, process of the astragalus is reduced or absent and the calca-
seabirds, and shorebirds. In Lithornis, tinamous, galliforms, neum enlarged (McGowan, ).
and many other neornithines, the head of the humerus is Thus, there was no major reorganization of the hindlimb
large and globular; there is a capital incisure and a distinct in Neornithes. This is consistent with the more general find-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 349
ing in Aves that evolution of the hindlimb has been slower Otogornis but appears to be much smaller. Otherwise, ac-
than evolution of the forelimb (Cracraft, ; Sanz et al., cording to Kurochkin (), the coracoid and scapula in
; ; Chiappe, a; Sereno and Rao, ; Hou et al., both birds are similar to those of Lithornis. The humeral
). facet of the coracoid is evidently large and flat, the scapu-
Elements of the hip, ankle, and toe joints are also repre- lar facet is cotylar and slightly elliptical, and the humeral
sented in collections. Background comparisons for elements facet of the scapula is flat, ovate, large, and laterally ori-
of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, including the proximal end ented. However, as a result of crushing and overlap of
of the tarsometarsus, are included in species accounts below, parts, the scapula-coracoid articulation is not clearly seen
especially with Horezmavis, Gansus, Procellariiformes, and in the material or illustrations of either species; thus, the
Gaviiformes. Chiappe (a) noted that metatarsal V had glenoid fossa is hard to evaluate. Both Ambiortus and Oto-
been lost in the stem lineage of Ornithurae. The distal end of gornis apparently have a flattened, ventrally directed
the tarsometatarsus of the earliest ornithurine is re- acromion process, as in Lithornis. Both species have a
constructed from features shared by Ichthyornis and many coracoidal tubercle on the coracoidal margin of the
neornithines, as follows. Metatarsal I attached far distally on scapula, unlike Lithornis. The shaft and distal end of the
the plantar or medioplantar surface of the metatarsus. coracoid are similar to these structures in Ichthyornis and
Metatarsals II and IV were slightly retracted plantarly com- Lithornis.
pared with metatarsal III. Metatarsal II was shortest, III In both Ambiortus and Otogornis, the head of the
longest, and IV intermediate. Trochlear incisures were well humerus is a small, egg-shaped tubercle, and the ventral tu-
developed. Because these features also occur in varied ne- bercle is poorly developed. Although the deltopectoral crest
ornithines, they are presumed plesiomorphic in Neornithes. appears to be uninflected in Ambiortus, Kurochkin ()
In Neornithes, the incisure between metatarsals III and IV is found that it had been flattened postmortem from a slightly
closed by a bridge, forming the distal intermetatarsal fora- inflected configuration in life. The capital incisure is shal-
men, but apparently it was also partly closed in some hes- low in Otogornis and absent in Ambiortus. The tricipital
perornithiforms. Thus, no synapomorphic features of Ne- fossa is a simple streak on the bone, and there is no bicipi-
ornithes are positively identified here. tal crest. On the cranial surface, there is a small, pitted tu-
bercle, which appears to correspond with the bicipital
Early Cretaceous Birds with prominence, and a small pit that is probably the site for the
Neornithine Similarities acrocoracohumeral ligament.
Based on features shared with Lithornis, Kurochkin
Ambiortus, Otogornis () argued that Ambiortus and Otogornis are palaeo-
Ambiortus dementjevi Kurochkin, , is from the Early gnaths. Several anomalous character distributions in Aves
Cretaceous (Berriasian-Valanginian) Khurilt Beds of might be explained if this is true. Compared with Ambi-
Mongolia (see also Kurochkin, , ). The material in- ortus and Otogornis, Enantiornis, which is clearly far outside
cludes articulated vertebrae and part of the pectoral girdle Ornithurae, has a better developed ventral tubercle, tri-
and forelimb. Based on new preparation, Kurochkin () cipital fossa, bicipital prominence, bicipital crest, and cap-
redescribed Ambiortus and compared it closely with Oto- ital incisure, features that are well developed in Neognathae
gornis genghisi Hou, , known from less complete fore- but small or absent in Palaeognathae, Ambiortus, and Oto-
limb material from probably the earliest Cretaceous Yijin- gornis. The small size of these structures might be inter-
huoluo Formation, Inner Mongolia, China. He found these preted as shared, derived reduction uniting Ambiortus and
birds to be similar to the flying palaeognath Lithornis, Otogornis with Palaeognathae. This seems a more parsi-
known from the Paleogene of Europe and North America monious interpretation than an independent origin of a
(Houde, ). large number of similar complex features of the head of the
The wing feathers of Ambiortus had tightly bonded barbs humerus in Enantiornis and Neognathae (Figs. .A,
(Kurochkin, ), but the two preserved wing feathers of .C–E). However, most of the humeral structures that are
Otogornis were not tightly arranged, suggesting that they poorly developed in Ambiortus and Otogornis are also poorly
lacked barbules and that Otogornis was a flightless bird developed not only in Palaeognathae but also in Ichthy-
(Hou, ). Its larger size and more robust bones suggest ornis and Galliformes. This suggests an alternative: these
the same (Kurochkin, ). At least the neck vertebrae in features were rudimentary in the earliest ornithurine and
Ambiortus and Otogornis are heterocoelous and bear lateral remained so in the earliest neornithine. Either explanation
processes similar to those of palaeognaths. Ambiortus had implies homoplasy. Thus, whether these forelimb features
large pleurocoels. arose before or after the origin of Neornithes is uncertain,
In Ambiortus, the apex of the acrocoracoid process is and the phylogenetic positions of Ambiortus and Otogornis
stout and triangularly peaked. It is less clearly shown in are not resolved.

350 S Y LV I A H O P E
Gallornis end of the tarsometatarsus remains in Horezmavis to deter-
Gallornis straeleni Lambrecht, , is based on a very worn mine whether these were present.
proximal end of a femur and a humerus fragment from the The proximal intermetatarsal foramina in Neornithes
Neocomian at Auxerre, France. Lambrecht () referred are homologous with the gaps between the metatarsals. The
Gallornis to Anseriformes. Brodkorb (a) considered it homology is evident in a juvenile domestic chicken (Gallus
close to flamingos and referred it to the extinct taxon Scan- gallus) when development is nearing completion. At this
iornithidae. Olson () considered it insufficient for time, the metatarsals are fused distally, and the spaces be-
identification. tween them are narrowed proximally but already clearly
The humerus is badly fragmented and probably beyond identifiable as intermetatarsal foramina. Thus, these gaps
evaluation. The femur is very worn, but its general contours are the remnants of distal to proximal fusion of metatarsals.
are intact. The head of the femur is rounded and the neck This direction of fusion is diagnostic for the larger or-
short. The antitrochanteric facet is large and widely ex- nithurine lineage (Martin, ; Cracraft, ; Chiappe,
tended both cranially and caudally from the neck of the fe- a), but the developmental process indicates that ab-
mur. The lateral trochanteric crest is elevated above the anti- sence rather than presence of these foramina is the derived
trochanteric facet and slightly recurved over it. Following state in an ornithurine bird. These considerations under-
Chiappe (a), a lateral trochanteric crest is a synapomor- mine the evidence for referral of this limited specimen to
phy of Ornithurae. An elevated trochanteric crest is known Neornithes.
only in the Neornithes. It is widespread in the group, occur-
ring at least in tinamous, galliforms, anseriforms, ibises, Gansus
flamingos, some gruiforms, and some charadriiforms. In Gansus yumenensis Hou and Liu, , is based on an
most of these groups it is also recurved. A craniocaudally ex- articulated foot skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Xiagou
tended antitrochanteric facet is also restricted to Neornithes Formation, Gansu Province, China. The authors placed it
as far as is known, but it occurs in many of these groups and near the base of a radiation that included Ichthyornis and
several others, so it is not useful for differentiating them. the neornithine shorebirds and seabirds. There are conflict-
The distribution of these features suggests that they orig- ing indications in the description as to the presence or ab-
inated very early in Neornithes rather than outside the sence of an ossified supratendinal bridge of the distal end of
group or at its origin, and thus they suggest referral of Gal- the tibia (Hou and Liu, , compare pp.  and ).
lornis to Neornithes. However, the hindlimb is too poorly This structure is known only in Neornithes, and although it
known in other ornithurine birds to rule out an earlier ori- is absent in some members of the group (e.g., Lithornis,
gin of these features. As for an anseriform assignment, some members of Ratitae, Strigiformes), it is present in
Howard (:) stated, “This very fragmentary material most, including all neornithine diving birds. Several re-
seems quite inadequate . . . as a basis for a positive Mesozoic viewers have referred Gansus to Neornithes based on a pre-
record of the order [Anseriformes].” sumption that there was such a bridge or else on the simi-
larity of the foot to that of neornithine swimmers and
Horezmavis divers. Kurochkin (b) referred this bird to Palaeo-
Horezmavis eocretacea Nessov and Borkin, , is based on gnathae based in part on the presumed absence of the
the proximal part of the shaft of a tarsometatarsus from the supratendinal bridge.
Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Khodzhakul Formation of The tarsometatarsus is short and strongly flattened
Karakalpak. The articular facets are missing, and the hy- mediolaterally, trochlea II is strongly retracted plantarly,
potarsus is damaged. The authors referred Horezmavis only and trochlea IV lies almost in the same transverse plane as
to Aves, incertae sedis, although Nessov (a) noted a re- trochlea III but does not appear elongated. The toes are
semblance to gruiforms. Kurochkin (b) considered slender and long; toes II–IV increase in length from medial
Horezmavis to be a gruiform based on the position of the to lateral. The presence of an intercotylar eminence in Gan-
tubercle for attachment of M. tibialis cranialis, presence of sus is consistent with referral to Ornithurae. Although the
an intercotylar prominence, presence of two proximal inter- metatarsals are closely appressed, the authors noted that
metatarsal foramina, remnants of ossifications suggesting a they are not fully fused distally. This suggests that the
hypotarsus, and an elongate shaft. However, the intercoty- metatarsals fused proximally to distally rather than the re-
lar prominence is present in other ornithurines (Chiappe, verse; however, Marsh () noted that in Ichthyornis vic-
a), and hypotarsal ossification without ossified canals is tor, lines of fusion remain on the plantar surface between
present in Patagopteryx (Chiappe, b), in Hesperornis metatarsals II–III and III–IV. The implication is that fusion
(Marsh, ; pers. obs.), and slightly in Ichthyornis (Marsh, was less complete in some ornithurine birds than Ne-
; Martin, ). Ossified hypotarsal ridges and canals ornithes, so that incomplete distal fusion in Gansus does not
are known only in Neornithes, but too little of the proximal necessarily argue against inclusion in Ornithurae. However,

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 351
this and the small, shallow infracotylar fossa and possible metacarpals, and a distinct tendinal sulcus of the carpo-
absence of proximal intermetatarsal foramina in Gansus metacarpus. Kurochkin (a) referred Eurolimnornis to
(Hou and Liu, :) are inconsistent with referral to Neornithes based on these features. However, fused meta-
Neornithes. In summary, Gansus is probably an ornithurine carpals and a tendinal sulcus also occur in Ichthyornis. A dis-
bird, but the foot seems to be convergently similar to that of tinct brachial fossa is known only in Neornithes, but except
neornithine divers (see also Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in for the huge brachial depression, the distal end of the
this volume.) humerus of Ichthyornis is very similar to that of several early
Neornithes, for example, Presbyornis and Torotix. Deep ex-
Palaeocursornis and Eurolimnornis cavation of the entire brachial depression and the condyles
For the history and status of the name Palaeocursornis and may be autapomorphic in Ichthyornis, and a delimited
the related history of Eurolimnornis, the reader is referred to brachial fossa and fully rounded condyles may predate Ne-
the meticulous analysis by Bock and Bühler (). Briefly, ornithes. These features in Eurolimnornis are suggestive but
the material was collected from a bauxite lens in the Lower insufficient evidence for confident referral of so ancient a
Cretaceous (Wealdian) of Romania. All the material was bird more definitive than to Ornithurae.
first described under the name Limnornis corneti Kessler Although none of the Early Cretaceous birds reviewed in
and Jurcsak, . Because the name Limnornis is preoccu- this section is referred here with confidence to Neornithes,
pied, the authors ultimately replaced it. The new name the assignment is not ruled out, and for some, the minimal
Palaeocursornis corneti Kessler and Jurcsak () applies extent of the material may be the major problem. In gen-
only to the holotype of “Limnornis” corneti, a fragment of a eral, these Early Cretaceous birds confirm an early origin of
femur that they now considered to have come from a ratite. neornithine features but tend only to blur any clear-cut
However, the referred material of “Limnornis” corneti did characterization of the earliest neornithine. This is a sign
not appear to come from a ratite, and it was not found di- that the fossil record is becoming more complete. As the
rectly associated with the femur. Therefore, they re- record becomes more dense around the origin of a group, it
described the referred material under another new name, becomes evident that its new features did not all arise at the
Eurolimnornis corneti Kessler and Jurcsak, . In several same time (McKenna and Bell, ).
publications these authors proposed inclusive taxon names
for each species, summarized by Bock and Bühler ().
Material of Palaeocursornis consists of a badly worn dis- Mesozoic Neornithes: Systematic Paleontology
tal end of a femur. There is a deep, distinct, popliteal fossa
bounded distally by a crest, a large tibiofibular crest, and a Taxonomic Hierarchy
shallow, trochlear fibular condyle. The cranial surface is not Ornithurae Haeckel, 
illustrated, but a line drawing of the distal surface (Kessler Neornithes Gadow, 
and Jurcsak, ) indicates a very narrow, well-defined Limited diagnosis—Specimens are placed with Ne-
intercondylar sulcus, which appears to continue proximally ornithes based on the following derived features, presumed
on the cranial surface, suggesting the presence of a patellar to have originated close to the origin of the group: pre-
sulcus. Following Chiappe (a), a patellar sulcus and a maxilla fused with the maxilla; the maxilla very reduced and
large tibiofibular crest indicate only an ornithurine bird. almost entirely restricted to the palatal region; the man-
Among neornithines, tinamous and lithornithids have a dibular symphysis fused; the dentary fused with the sur-
narrow, deep, and distinctly defined intercondylar sulcus angular; teeth absent; the coracoidal humeral facet not ex-
and patellar fossa. tended sternally beyond the scapular facet of the coracoid;
The material of Eurolimnornis consists of the distal end the coracoidal humeral facet separated slightly to com-
of a right humerus with a small part of the shaft, a fragment pletely from the scapular facet of the coracoid; the scapular
of the shaft of an ulna, and the distal end of a carpo- humeral facet oriented laterally or craniolaterally; the
metacarpus. Material of both Palaeocursornis and Eurolim- humeral head large; a sulcus for the transverse ligament of
nornis came from a paleokarstic sinkhole, a “bone cemetery” the humerus distinct; the deltopectoral crest inflected cra-
with marks of predation. The material was among “approx- nially; and the pneumotricipital fossa of the humerus with
imately sixty bird-like bone fragments. . . . [T]heir condition a pneumatic foramen.
is very bad [and] only about six specimens can with certainty
?Galliformes (Temminck, ). Landfowl:
be attributed to birds” (Kessler, :). This account sug-
megapodes, cracids, pheasants
gests that the bones referred to E. corneti may have come
from more than one species. Be that as it may, an illustration Remarks—Specimens below are placed close to or within
(Kessler and Jurcsak, ) shows a distinct brachial fossa, Galliformes by the following derived features, but the place-
rounded condyles of the humerus, traces of distally fused ment is tentative because these features are not unique: the

352 S Y LV I A H O P E
procoracoid process of the coracoid is reduced; the scapular dently intending a more complete description to follow.
facet of the coracoid is entirely distal to the humeral facet; the Marsh himself made the case for separating the two: “An-
neck of the coracoid is stout and triangular in cross section; other species [C. retusa], about twice the size of the first, is
the shaft of the coracoid is elongate; the sternal end of the indicated by various remains, among them the coracoid.
coracoid is narrow; and the lateral process is rudimentary. This bone lacks the strong inner [procoracoid] process near
The smaller acrocoracoid process of Galliformes further the pit for the scapula, which is characteristic of the smaller
differentiates the group from Anseriformes and most other form” (Marsh, :). A long history of inconclusive and
neognaths. The larger acrocoracoid process and absence of conflicting referrals followed. Sharpe () referred
a pneumatic foramen close to the procoracoid process of Cimolopteryx to Ichthyornithiformes. Hay () listed
Galliformes differentiate the group from Tinamiformes. Cimolopteryx at the end of Passeriformes, but this was evi-
dently an error of omission of the heading, because it is clear
?Quercymegapodiidae Mourer-Chauviré,  that his intent was to include it with birds of uncertain po-
Remarks—Palintropus is placed close to or within Quercy- sition. Shufeldt () considered both species of indeter-
megapodiidae by the following derived features: the minate position, certainly not passerine and not closely re-
humeral facet of the coracoid has a large, free lateral flange, lated to each other. Lambrecht () kept Cimolopteryx in
and the procoracoid process of the coracoid is further re- Ichthyornithiformes. Wetmore () placed it in Aves, in-
duced. Quercymegapodiidae, Paraortygidae, and Gallinu- certae sedis. Finally, Brodkorb (a) separated the two
loididae are further differentiated from extant galliforms by species. For the subsequent history of Cimolopteryx rara, see
retention of a large, cotylar scapular facet of the coracoid in the discussion herein with Charadriiformes. Brodkorb
the former taxa (Mourer-Chauviré, ; Mayr, ). (a) referred C. retusa Marsh, , to Apatornis retusus,
A long, raised, ragged scar within the sulcus M. supra- which he considered to be within Ichthyornithiformes.
coracoideus and parallel to the scapular facet (Fig. .A) Later, Brodkorb () referred A. retusus to a new genus as
also suggests placement of Palintropus within Quercy- P. retusus, assigning it to Cimolopterygidae in Charadri-
megapodiidae. Brodkorb (a) identified this scar in P. iformes, thus reuniting it with Cimolopteryx.
retusus (Fig. .D); it is present in the new species and in a The small, scrappy coracoid that is the holotype of P. re-
newly described Tertiary species of Ameripodius, referred to tusus is at first sight very different from that of extant galli-
Quercymegapodiidae (Mourer-Chauviré, ). However, forms. Referral was suggested only by new, larger and more
uniquely in the galliform lineage, Palintropus retains a fora- complete specimens of another much larger species of Pal-
men for N. supracoracoideus; this argues against placing intropus from the Campanian of Alberta, Canada. This
Palintropus within Quercymegapodiidae. material showed that Palintropus is similar to Quercymega-
podiidae, known from several species in the Early Tertiary of
Palintropus Brodkorb,  France, Germany, and Brazil and identified as galliforms
Included species—P. retusus (Marsh, ) and an un- based on more extensive material (Mourer-Chauviré, ;
described new species. Alvarenga, ; Mayr, ). The referral of Palintropus to
Quercymegapodiidae is only tentative because Palintropus
Revised diagnosis—Derived features of Palintropus in- retains a very large procoracoid foramen. Brodkorb’s (a)
clude the complete absence of the procoracoid process of description indicates the presence of this foramen in P.
the coracoid; the very large size of the foramen for N. supra- retusus by his noting, without identifying it, the proximal
coracoideus, and its central position on the coracoidal shaft end of a deep channel leading to the foramen. The holotype
well distal to the scapular facet. of P. retusus is broken away through this channel. This struc-
In Palintropus (Fig. .A–D), the coracoidal tubercle of ture is lost in Quercymegapodiidae and extant galliforms.
the scapula is placed far laterally, where it caps the cranial end Retention of a foramen for N. supracoracoideus in Palin-
of the humeral facet. The scapula is unknown in Quercy- tropus is at face value a more plesiomorphic condition
megapodius and Ameripodius, but the same unusual mor- than its absence in Quercymegapodius, Ameripodius, and
phology is predicted for these birds, based on the similar extant galliforms. Thus, the phylogenetic interpretation is
morphology of the coracoidal scapular articulations in all not straightforward.
three taxa. Based on a new Lithornis-like scapula from the The most striking feature of Palintropus is the huge size
Hornerstown Formation (Parris and Hope, MS), it appears and far lateral position of the coracoidal tubercle, capping
that the coracoidal tubercle may have been in the same far the cranial end of the humeral facet of the scapula. Rather
lateral position in Lithornis. The taxonomic distribution of than contradicting a relationship with Galliformes, the far
this feature needs clarification. lateral position of the coracoidal tubercle in Palintropus
Remarks—Marsh (, ) named and briefly speci- calls attention to lateralization of the scapular articulation
fied the material of two small species of Cimolopteryx, evi- in all galliforms. In extant galliforms, the absence of a cora-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 353
coidal tubercle of the scapula is perhaps misleading. The Revised diagnosis—As for the genus in the features pre-
cranial margin of the humeral facet of the scapula is trun- served.
cated as a straight or invaginated margin. Extending from it Remarks—Marsh’s () remarks, Shufeldt’s (:)
is a protuberant mass of fibers that attaches to the lateral comments and photograph, and Brodkorb’s (a, )
part of the scapular facet of the coracoid. This may be the moderately detailed description confirm the presence of
unossified remnants of a far lateral coracoidal tubercle. The features given in the diagnosis and description of Palintro-
scapular facet of the coracoid is elongated toward the lateral pus above. P. retusus was about two-thirds larger than the
surface, but its lateralmost part is flat or a very shallow basin domestic pigeon, Columba livia.
(Fig. .E). This basin is probably homologous with the
huge, cotylar scapular facet of Palintropus. Tinamous have Palintropus, Undetermined Species
a lateralized articulation very similar to that of extant galli- Material—RTMP P.., right coracoid, shoulder
forms (Fig. .F). end; RTMP .., left coracoid, shoulder end; RTMP
P. retusus (Marsh, ) .., right scapula, shoulder end (Fig. .A–C).
Synonyms—C. retusa Marsh, ; A. retusus Brodkorb, Locality and horizon—Dinosaur Provincial Park, Al-
. berta, Canada; RTMP .. and RTMP .. from the
Holotype—YPM , left coracoid, shoulder end and Dinosaur Park Formation, RTMP .. from the Fore-
part of shaft (Fig. .D). most Formation. Campanian (Eberth, ).

Locality and horizon—Converse (= Niobrara) County, Measurements—See Table ..

Wyoming; Lance Formation, Late Maastrichtian. Collector Remarks—The coracoids came from a bird in the size
J. B. Hatcher,  April . range of a mature male and female peacock (Pavo cristatus),

TABLE 15.1
Measurements (in mm) of the coracoid in Cimolopteryx and other birds

Humeral Humeral Scapular Scapular Foramen Neck

Taxa Specimen Facet Length Facet Width Facet Length Facet Width Recess Width

P. retusus YPM 513 6.4 4.2 2.6 2.5 — 4.0

Palintropus, undet. sp. RTMP 86.36.126 14.3 9.0 9.2 8.7 — 8.8
RTMP 88.116.1 10.5 6.8 5.5 5.8 12.1 6.7
C. rara YPM 1805 5.5 3.2 2.0 2.3 1.3 2.6
UCMP 53962 4.6 3.0 2.0 2.2 1.5 2.6
UCMP 53963 5.4 3.3 2.0 2.3 1.7 2.8
SMNH 1927.963 4.7 3.2 2.3 2.6 1.6 2.6
C. petra AMNH 21911 4.4 2.4 1.9 2.2 1.1 1.9
C. maxima UCMP 53973 8.7 4.7 3.7 3.7 2.6 —
UCMP 53957 8.9 5.0 3.7 4.2 — —
ANSP 15867 — — 3.9 3.4 1.9 4.1
C. minima UCMP 53976 3.0 1.8 1.5 1.6 0.8 2.1
Cimolopteryx sp. RTMP 93.116.1 2.7 1.9 1.6 1.8 — —
cf. Charadriiformes, undet. sp. USNM 181923 4.4 3.0 2.9 2.6 1.3 2.9
ANSP 15868 4.3 2.8 2.5 2.8 1.2 2.6
AMNH 13011 4.0 2.4 2.2 2.3 1.5 1.9
Presbyornithidae ANSP 14866 5.2 3.7 3.4 3.4 1.5 4.5
A. celer YPM 1734 cast 5.0 3.6 2.5 2.3 0.7 2.9
C. major UCMP 53959 7.9 4.4 3.0 3.2 1.8 —
Neornithes, undet. sp. RTMP 93.19.1 5.4 3.7 2.9 3.2 2.1 N/A

Sources: YPM and UCMP specimen measurements are from Brodkorb (1963a); SMNH specimen measurements are from Tokaryk and
James (1989).
Note: Foramen recess = distance from sternal border of scapular facet of the coracoid to foramen for N. supracoracoideus. Neck width =
least mediolateral dimension of the shaft of the coracoid just distal to the scapular facet.

354 S Y LV I A H O P E
RTMP .. being the smaller specimen. The scapula ar- in Presbyornithidae (Fig. .E). Flamingos and some
ticulates well with the smaller specimen. Other material in charadriiforms (Burhinus, Stercorarius) also have a small
the collections of RTMP, not listed here, includes five simi- fossa undercutting the ventral end of the clavicular facet of
lar, more fragmentary coracoids in the same two size ranges, the coracoid, similar to that in Presbyornithidae. In these
apparently referable to the same species, all from localities birds, the ventral margin of sulcus M. supracoracoideus is
in the Judith River Group of formations. This collection less stout and more distinctly bifurcated than in Anatoidea.
may represent two species or a single species with extreme In other charadriiforms, the entire clavicular facet is under-
sexual size dimorphism, as is common in extant galliforms. cut by a huge fossa. The subclavicular and central sulci of
the coracoid are not related morphologically. The central
Anseriformes (Wagler, ). Screamers and
sulcus is large and well defined in presbyornithids (Fig.
.E), huge in some anatids (Chen), but shallow and poorly
Limited diagnosis—Specimens are placed with Anseri- defined in others (Anas, Fig. .I). Burhinus also has a cen-
formes by the following features: the capital incisure under- tral sulcus within sulcus M. supracoracoideus similar to that
cutting the head of the humerus (unique); the humeral in Presbyornithidae.
shaft strongly S-shaped (derived but not unique).
The coracoid of Anseriformes is further differentiated Presbyornithidae Wetmore, 
from that of Charadriiformes principally by the following Limited diagnosis—Specimens here are placed with
presumably less derived features in Anseriformes: the acro- Presbyornithidae based on the following derived features:
coracoid process is more bulbous and erect, the clavicular the median apical crest of the sternum absent; two apical
facet is not extended ventrally, and the foramen for N. crests of the sternum present, with a sulcus between, the
supracoracoideus is not recessed caudally from the scapu- crests being very stout; the apex carinae of the sternum
lar cotyla of the coracoid. highly asymmetrical, the right apical crest merging with the
Remarks—Phylogeny within Anseriformes here assumes external spine, the left apical crest merging into the pila cari-
the concordant aspects of reconstructions by Woolfenden nae; the distal end of the humeral facet of the scapula
(), Ericson () and Livezey (a), with inclusion of strongly protruding dorsally; the humeral facet of the
Presbyornis strongly supported by features of the skull. Tax- scapula attenuated to a point distally on lower shelf sur-
onomy within Anseriformes follows Livezey (b). rounding the facet; a deep, elongate, ragged scar for M. ser-
ratus superficialis present along the narrow ventral margin
Anseres Wagler, . Waterfowl of the scapula just distal to the humeral facet; the humeral
Anatoidea (Leach, ). Presbyornithids, shaft very long; and the distal end of the humerus strongly
ducks, geese, swans tilted with the condyles recurved proximally.
Limited diagnosis—Specimens below are placed with The following features of Presbyornithidae further dif-
Anatoidea by the following combination of derived but not ferentiate it from other groups of Anseriformes: the humeral
unique features: the clavicular facet of the coracoid under- facet of the coracoid is larger, flatter, and more ovate; the
cut at its ventral end by a small cavity (Presbyornithidae) or humeral and scapular facets of the coracoid are less sepa-
the furcular surface eroded, exposing a shallow sulcus rated; and the scapular facet of the coracoid is slightly
(Anatidae); the ventral margin of the sulcus M. supra- larger and more rounded. Another feature of Presbyor-
coracoideus of the coracoid stout and columnar, increasing nithidae further differentiates it from Anatidae: there is no
in diameter toward the clavicular facet; the tip of the cranial protrusion of the humeral facet of the scapula. In
acromion process of the scapula straight and slightly flared Anatidae, the humeral facet and coracoidal tubercle of the
dorsally; and the sulcus M. supracoracoideus with a large scapula impinge slightly on each other, and the humeral
included central sulcus. facet extends cranially, creating a bilobed projection at the
Remarks—The following features in Anseriformes dif- craniolateral corner of the scapula (Fig. .H). Olson and
ferentiate the coracoid from that of Charadriiformes: a Parris () gave features differentiating the humerus of
more erect acrocoracoid and absence of ventral extension of Presbyornis from that of Graculavus (?Charadriiformes).
the clavicular facet (Fig. .). The long acromion process of Remarks—All these differentiating features in presby-
the scapula in Anatoidea distinguishes it from the scapula ornithids would be assumed to be relatively plesiomorphic
of Charadriiformes. The long acromion process may be ple- within Neornithes and require homoplasy for their inter-
siomorphic in Neornithes. In the phylogenetic context as- pretation as derived features in Anseriformes. The descrip-
sumed here, its occurrence in Anatoidea requires homo- tion above of the humeral facet of the scapula in Anatidae
plasy. In Anatidae, the articular surface at the ventral end of indicates the scapular articulation is slightly lateralized. The
the clavicular facet is concave and appears eroded. This con- articulation is similar in gruiforms and is discussed briefly
cavity may be homologous with the undercut furcular facet at the end of this chapter.

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 355
Figure 15.5. The coracoid in Neo-
gnathae: Apatornis and Anseri-
formes. A–C, A. celer, proximal end
of the left coracoid in dorsal,
mediodorsal, and ventral views, cast
of referred specimen YPM ,
Niobrara Formation, Coniacian–
earliest Campanian. D–F, Presby-
ornithidae. D and E, undetermined
species, left coracoid in dorsal and
two medial views, ANSP ,
from the Bug Creek facies of the
Hell Creek Formation, latest Maas-
trichtian or earliest Paleocene; F,
Presbyornis sp. cf. P. pervetus, right
coracoid reversed for comparisons,
in ventral view, UCMP ,
Eocene. G–I, A. sponsa (Anatidae),
left coracoid in lateral, medial, and
ventral views, CAS , extant. In
Presbyornithidae and Anatidae,
note the columnar ventral border
of sulcus M. supracoracoideus, its
bifurcation at the clavicular facet,
and the well-defined sulcus within
sulcus M. supracoracoideus. Apa-
tornis lacks some of these features
but has diagnostic features of Ne-
ornithes and Neognathae. Abbre-
viations: cm, caudal margin of
humerus; ibc, impression for M.
coracobrachialis cranialis; lig, im-
pression for Lig. Coracoscapulare
ventralis; vm, ventral margin of
humerus; others as in Figure ..

Undetermined Species  coid. The coracoid is not seen well enough to assess it fur-
Material—MLP -I--; MLP -I--, varied post- ther from the illustration. Referral to Anseriformes is sug-
cranial remains of two individuals in concretions, evidently gested by the “impression of M. brachialis anticus . . . deep
of the same species (Noriega and Tambussi, ). at its distal margin” (Noriega and Tambussi, :). This
feature is present in both anseriforms and some charadri-
Locality and horizon—Maastrichtian section of the iforms. Derived features of Presbyornithidae are () the very
Cape Lamb strata, correlated to the López de Bertodano long humerus and () the fact that the “internal distal mar-
Formation, Vega Island, Antarctica. gin [of the humerus] slopes upward . . . consequently the en-
Remarks—Noriega and Tambussi () referred this tepicondyle is proximal to the internal [ventral] condyle”
material only to Presbyornithidae. According to their de- (Noriega and Tambussi, :). In other anseriforms the
scription and illustrations, referral to Neornithes is indi- humerus is short. The humerus is long in many charadri-
cated by the globular head of the humerus and the slight iforms but never strongly curved. The morphology of the
separation of the humeral and scapular facets of the cora- ventral epicondyle is unique to Presbyornithidae and ap-

356 S Y LV I A H O P E
pears to be an extreme of the strongly S-shaped shaft of the description of C. rara without describing or identifying it or
humerus present in all anseriformes. Olson and Parris stating his criteria for the association. Shufeldt () gave
() discussed the differentiation of the proximal end of the specimen number and considered this scapula not di-
the humerus of Presbyornithidae from that of Graculavus. agnosable, but the new scapula, AMNH , is more com-
plete. It is closely similar in all shared details including size
Undetermined Species 
to YPM . The acromion process is completely broken off
Material—AMNH , sternal rostrum including in YPM , but all but the tip is preserved in AMNH ,
apex carinae, coracoidal facets, and a short segment of pars showing its stout base and tapered shape, as in Presbyornis.
cardiaca (Fig. .A). The two specimens correspond closely in other details to the
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara scapula of P. pervetus except for being about one-third
County, Wyoming; Lance Formation, UCMP locality V; smaller.
Late Maastrichtian. Collected by M. C. McKenna and party, These scapulae came from a bird about the same size as
. the charadriiformlike bird C. rara, a species that seems to
have been abundant in Lance strata. However, it appears
Measurements—Coracoidal facets, maximum dorso-
that the scapula AMNH  would not appose well to the
ventral dimensions: left  mm, right . mm; overlap of
coracoid of C. rara. With the coracoidal tubercle in the
facets . mm.
scapular facet, the acromion process would project dorsally
Remarks—The coracoidal facets overlap slightly in the and well away from the procoracoid process. The scapulae
midline, left over right, as in other birds with a broad ster- of flamingos and Presbyornis are similar, but in flamingos
nal end of the coracoid. The pars cardiaca is very deep just the dorsal margin of the acromion process is not flared at
distal to the coracoidal facets, and there is no large central the tip (Ericson, ), and although a scar for M. serratus
pneumatic foramen. The presence of this foramen is highly superficialis is present, it is much shallower and shorter.
variable in specimens of Presbyornis and among species of Some rails (Gruiformes) have a distinct, elongate impres-
anseriforms and other birds having a deep pars cardiaca sion for this muscle, but it is much narrower and shallower
(flamingos, charadriiforms). The carina was evidently large. than in presbyornithids.
Asymmetry of the sternal rostrum occurs also in some spec-
imens of the extant flamingo Phoeniconaias minor, but the Undetermined Species 
asymmetry is less than in Presbyornithidae. This fragment Material—AMNH , left scapula, shoulder end and
is also in other ways closely similar in form and size to  part of shaft (Fig. .E, F).
specimens of the sternum in UCMP Lot  referred to Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
Presbyornis pervetus. In Anatidae, the coracoidal facets of County, Wyoming; Lance Formation, UCMP locality V,
the sternum are short, dorsoventrally deep, and well sepa- Late Maastrichtian. Collected by M. C. McKenna and party,
rated, and there is a median apical crest. .
Undetermined Species  Measurements—Greatest diameter, humeral facet to
Material—AMNH , right scapula, shoulder end base of acromion process, . mm; greatest depth through
and part of shaft (Fig. .C, D); YPM , left scapula, humeral facet, . mm; shaft dorsoventral diameter just dis-
shoulder end (Fig. .B). tal to humeral articulation, . mm.
Locality and horizon—Both from Niobrara County, Remarks—The acromion process is broken off. In pre-
Wyoming, Lance Formation, Late Maastrichtian. YPM  served details, this scapula is very similar to that of the Un-
from “‘P. B. Q’ ?Peterson’s or Beecher’s Quarry?” (exact lo- determined Species , above, but one-third larger. It apposes
cality unknown). Collected by J. B. Hatcher and party, April well to a coracoid of an undescribed presbyornithid about
. Hatcher’s collections in this region were within the one-third smaller than P. pervetus (ANSP , Fig. .D–F),
type area of the Lance Formation and well below the K/T from the Bug Creek channels of the Hell Creek Formation.
boundary (Clemens, ). AMNH  from UCMP lo-
?Charadriiformes (Huxley, ). Gulls, auks,
cality V, collected by M. C. McKenna and party, July .
plovers, sandpipers, and others
Measurements—AMNH : greatest diameter, Remarks—Marsh (, ) and Shufeldt () de-
humeral facet to base of acromion process, . mm; great- scribed  genera and  species of small neornithine birds
est depth through humeral facet, . mm; shaft dorsoventral from the Late Cretaceous or earliest Paleocene greensands
diameter just distal to humeral articulation, . mm. of New Jersey (Hornerstown and Navesink Formations).
Remarks—YPM  is cataloged as C. rara. This is prob- Marsh (, ) and Brodkorb (a) described  more
ably the “other material”that Marsh () mentioned in his such species in  genera from the Late Cretaceous of the

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 357
Western Interior of North America. All the material is frag- (**) indicates derived features present in Charadriiformes
mentary, and most was dissociated when found. Systematic and present in a more extreme state in Procellariiformes.
placements have always been problematic. Over the years,
Graculavus Marsh, 
these birds were compared to birds as diverse as geese,
flamingos, cranes, herons, rails, gulls, snipes, cormorants, Synonym—Limosavis Shufeldt, . Inappropriate sub-
pheasants, and turkeys (Marsh, ; Hay, ; Shufeldt, stitution, Brodkorb ().
; Lambrecht, ; Howard, ; Wetmore, ; Brod- Included species—G. velox Marsh, , type species,
korb, a, ; Cracraft, , ). Each genus was given designated by Hay (); G. augustus Hope, .
its own family or subfamily name; the most senior of these
Revised diagnosis—Derived features of Graculavus:
is Graculavinae Fürbringer, , for Marsh’s () genus
*head of the humerus small compared with that of extant
Graculavus of supposed cormorants.
charadriiforms; dorsal tubercle very far from the head of the
Olson () focused instead on the similarities among
humerus; *dorsal tubercle projected well away from the
these birds. He included most of them under the heading
shaft; a broad, flat surface present between the ventral tu-
“Transitional Charadriiformes,” to convey their overall re-
bercle and the dorsal tubercle of the humerus; capital in-
semblance to charadriiforms combined with features also
cisure of the humerus terminated caudally by a shallow sul-
found in gruiforms. Within this assemblage he referred the
cus; *head of the humerus undercut by a transversely
genera represented in the New Jersey marls to Graculavidae,
oriented sulcus; deep impressions for the fascicles of M.
elevating the rank of that name and including Graculavus
humerotriceps within the pneumotricipital fossa and a
Marsh, , Telmatornis Marsh, , Palaeotringa Marsh,
raised scar near the base of the ventral tubercle, evidently
, and Laornis Marsh, . Olson and Parris () also
the site for attachment of the central tendon of the muscle
noted many features of anseriforms in this material and
(in part after Olson and Parris, ; Hope, ).
grouped them on the basis of similarity as Form Family
Graculavidae. Their intent was not to define a monophyletic Remarks—Marsh (, c, ) described five
group but rather to assemble similar specimens when the species of Graculavus, considering this a group of cor-
evidence for associating them was insufficient. Even with morants. “Graculavus” refers to “Graculus,” a name formerly
newly referred specimens, material is still not adequate to used for living cormorants. A sixth species, G. idahensis, is an
assess the monophyly of a group Graculavidae. erroneous entry by Shufeldt (:). In his treatise on the
Among the birds from the New Jersey greensand marls, toothed birds, Marsh () referred G. anceps, G. lentus, and
only Telmatornis includes material that is from the Navesink G. agilis to Ichthyornis, presumably because these species
Formation and unquestionably Cretaceous in age (see “Ge- came from earlier sediments close to the horizon and local-
ology”). Graculavus and “Palaeotringa” vetus are also in- ity where I. dispar was first discovered in the Western Inte-
cluded in this review, because new Cretaceous material of rior of North America and so would be geographically and
these taxa is known, but the other New Jersey species are stratigraphically distinct. Shufeldt () regarded the mate-
from the Hornerstown Formation and are not within the rial of G. anceps and G. agilis as indeterminate. It consists of
province of this review. Nevertheless, other Cretaceous a few bone splinters. He referred G. lentus to Galliformes,
charadriiformlike birds reviewed here exhibit the same where it may or may not belong, and to an extant species of
problems of diagnosis. This is true also of material from the grouse, Pedioecetes (= Tympanuchus) phasianellus, where it
Early Paleogene (Nessov, a:, Fig. m–t; Benson, ; certainly does not belong. G. lentus is listed with Neornithes,
Boles, b). There are many derived features in the post- incertae sedis. Fürbringer () placed Graculavus in his
cranial skeleton of charadriiforms, but none found in ma- Graculavinae within Phalacrocoracidae. Wetmore ()
terial reviewed here is unique to Charadriiformes. All these and Brodkorb () continued to list Graculavus with Pha-
features are present in other groups of possibly closely re- lacrocoracidae. However, Shufeldt (), Lambrecht (),
lated shorebirds and seabirds, often in a further modified and Olson and Parris () agreed that G. velox and G.
form. It might be argued that a unique combination of such pumilus were charadriiforms yet not closely related. Olson
derived features is diagnostic for Charadriiformes, but the and Parris () synonymized G. pumilus with Telmatornis
material reviewed here is too limited to permit such an ex- priscus, and thus Graculavus became monotypic until the de-
ception to the guidelines for diagnosis adopted here (see in- scription of G. augustus (Hope, ).
troductory section and “Material and Methods”). Graculavus (Fig. .A) is placed close to or within
For this reason, no diagnosis for Charadriiformes is Charadriiformes based on the following derived features:
given. Features suggesting referral are discussed with each *humeral impression for the transverse ligament deep;
species, but all referrals are tentative. Asterisks (*) in the *bicipital prominence and bicipital crest of the humerus
species accounts below flag derived features shared by large; *pneumotricipital fossa of the humerus not pneuma-
Charadriiformes with other shorebirds; a double asterisk tized; **muscle impressions surrounding the pneumo-

358 S Y LV I A H O P E
tricipital fossa very rugose; *cranial wall of the pneumo- Resemblance to cormorants is due to the broad, flat sur-
tricipital fossa very thin, the fossa divided proximodistally face at the proximal end of the humerus, with the opening
by a tumescence that is the obverse side of the sulcus for the of the pneumotricipital fossa in the same plane as this sur-
transverse ligament; *ventral tubercle of the humerus thin, face, and to the well-defined caudal margin, but there are no
pointed; **ventral tubercle long; *caudal margin of the other features suggesting this placement.
humerus dorsal to the ventral tubercle; *caudal margin of the The two species of Graculavus were large birds with thin-
humerus well marked; *humeral attachment for M. latis- walled, highly sculpted bones, no pneumatization of the
simus dorsi caudalis situated dorsal to caudal margin (in part pneumotricipital fossa, a large bicipital prominence and
after Shufeldt, ; Olson and Parris, ; Hope, ). crest, and very distinct, rugose impressions for flight mus-
Olson and Parris (:) identified three features shared cles and shoulder ligaments. These features suggest well-
by Graculavus and Telmatornis that are absent from flying, probably far-ranging shorebirds.
Burhinidae, a group that appears to be primitive within
G. velox Marsh, 
Charadriiformes: the head of the humerus small, the
dorsal tubercle far from the head of the humerus, and the Synonyms—G. velox Marsh, ; Limosavis velox
tubercle less projected proximally. In addition, in Gracu- (Marsh), Lambrecht ().
lavus and Telmatornis the caudal margin deviates abruptly Holotype—YPM , left humerus, proximal end with a
toward the capital tubercle, and the pneumotricipital fossa short length of the shaft (illustrated by Shufeldt []; Ol-
is oriented directly caudally. These features are also present son and Parris []).
in the anseriform Presbyornis. Such features should be in- Locality and horizon—Hornerstown, Monmouth
cluded in any investigation of the phylogenetic positions of County, New Jersey, Navesink Formation or basal part of
Graculavus and Telmatornis. the Hornerstown Formation (Baird, ), Maastrichtian or
A unique combination of so many derived features earliest Paleocene.
shared with Charadriiformes might appear to be sufficient
Tentatively referred material—NJSM , right major
for referral to Charadriiformes, where others have placed
metacarpal with fragments of the distal symphysis of the
Graculavus (including Hope, ). However, each of these
carpometacarpus, very worn and abraded; tentatively re-
features is shared much more broadly with other shorebirds
ferred to G. velox by Olson and Parris (). From the In-
and seabirds. The revised diagnosis here reflects this un-
versand Company marl pit, near Sewell, Gloucester County,
certainty by indicating shared features with asterisks (see
New Jersey, basal layer of the Hornerstown Formation; lat-
above). Features that have figured prominently in previous
est Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene.
arguments for the charadriiform assignment of Graculavus
are the deep sulcus for the transverse ligament, non- Remarks—G. velox was in the size range of moderately
pneumatized and double-basined pneumotricipital fossa, large gulls (Larus).
long ventral tubercle, lack of pneumatization of the tricipi- G. augustus Hope, 
tal fossa, and well-marked caudal margin. These features
Holotype—AMNH , left humerus, proximal end
also occur in Presbyornis (Anseriformes) and in Oceanitidae
(Fig. .A).
(Procellariiformes). The robustness of the caudal margin
and its position dorsal to the ventral tubercle are wide- Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
spread among shorebirds and seabirds. County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality V,
Other features of the humerus that have appeared to be Late Maastrichtian; collected by M. C. McKenna and party,
typically charadriiform need reexamination. The undercut .
head of the humerus is probably not homologous with the Remarks—G. augustus was a very large bird, about one-
dorsal pneumotricipital fossa present in many charadri- third larger than G. velox. It can be differentiated from G.
iforms (e.g., Larus) and in very similar form in some procel- velox by the position of the dorsal tubercle much farther
lariiforms (Oceanitidae). The dorsal pneumotricipital fossa from the head of the humerus. This species extends the
is an excavation for the greatly enlarged dorsal head of M. range of Graculavus from the Atlantic to the nearshore of
humerotriceps (Bock, ). In contrast, the small fossa that the Western Interior sea of North America.
excavates the head of the humerus in Graculavus is oriented
Telmatornis Marsh, 
transverse to the long axis of the humerus, cuts directly un-
der the head of the humerus, and is restricted to that region. Included species—Type species only.
This transverse fossa of Graculavus resembles a shallower or Remarks—Telmatornis has been compared consistently
deeper fossa present in Presbyornis, Telmatornis, and some with rail-like gruiforms or the smaller inshore and upland
procellariiforms other than Oceanitidae. Thus, this sulcus is charadriiforms, especially snipes (Scolopax), although Tel-
not evidence for referral to Charadriiformes. matornis rex Shufeldt, , is now referred to Anseriformes

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 359
as Anatalavis rex (Olson and Parris, ; Olson, ). Holotype—YPM , left humerus, distal end (illus-
Shufeldt (), Cracraft (), and Olson and Parris () trated by Shufeldt []; Olson and Parris []).
concurred in the synonymy of T. affinis Marsh, , with T.
Locality and horizon—Cream Ridge Marl Company
priscus Marsh, . Based on a detailed analysis of T.
pits, near Hornerstown, New Jersey, Navesink Formation,
priscus, Cracraft () referred Telmatornis to Charadri-
iformes in his new taxon Telmatornithidae. Olson and Par-
ris () also considered it to be charadriiform but placed Referred material—YPM , right humerus, distal end,
it in Graculavidae. In addition, they synonymized G. holotypical material of T. affinis, synonymized by Shufeldt
pumilus and P. vetus Marsh, , with T. priscus. (). Same locality as the holotype. YPM , holotypical
The synonymy of G. pumilus with T. priscus is based on material of G. pumilus, including the proximal end of the
comparison of adjacent but not quite overlapping fragments right humerus, distal end of the right carpometacarpus, and
of the proximal and distal ends of the humerus; nevertheless, other forelimb fragments, apparently associated when col-
the arguments for synonymy are compelling. However, the lected; from near Hornerstown, Monmouth County, New
synonymy of P. vetus with T. priscus is questioned here based Jersey (Marsh, ); probably from the Navesink Forma-
on a new specimen from the Lance Formation that calls into tion (Baird, ); Maastrichtian. Synonymized by Olson
question the referral to Charadriiformes. This material is dis- and Parris (). ANSP , left humerus, distal end and
cussed herein with Neornithes, incertae sedis. shaft; from the Inversand Company marl pit, near Sewell,
Telmatornis is placed close to or within Charadriiformes Gloucester County, New Jersey; MFL of the Hornerstown
based on the derived features noted above for Graculavus Formation, latest Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene (Ol-
and, in addition, the fact that **the shaft of the humerus is son and Parris, ).
almost straight (Olson and Parris, ). Muscle attach- Identity of YPM : Marsh () did not include a
ment sites on the distal end of the humerus agree with specimen number for the holotype of G. pumilus, but he
those in two groups of charadriiforms (Cracraft, ). gave the locality as indicated above in New Jersey. Shufeldt
There is little to add to these analyses, except that referral (:) gave the holotype of G. pumilus as YPM  and
to Charadriiformes is also suggested by features not pres- its collection locality as Kansas, but his discussion and il-
ent in material of Graculavus, including *the recurved lustration correspond with Marsh’s description. YPM ,
flexor process of the humerus, bent toward the olecranon which I examined in the collections at Yale, corresponds to
fossa; **a long distal symphysis of the metacarpals; *a deep, the descriptions of both authors and is labeled with the New
well-defined tendinal sulcus of the metacarpus, with a tri- Jersey locality indicated by Marsh ().
angular sulcus at its distal end; and **the shortened facet Tentatively referred material—NJSM , right ulna,
for the minor digit of the manus. Telmatornis is distin- proximal end, from spoil piles near junction of Routes 
guished from Graculavus by the less undercut head of the and  near Hornerstown, Upper Freehold Township,
humerus; absence of a sulcus at the caudal end of the cap- Monmouth County, New Jersey; presumably from the MFL
ital incisure of the humerus; the shorter ventral tubercle of of the Hornerstown Formation; latest Maastrichtian or ear-
the humerus; position of the dorsal tubercle closer to the liest Paleocene. NJSM , left tarsometatarsus, distal end
head of the humerus; and lesser projection of the dorsal tu- and part of shaft, from Sewell, Gloucester County, New Jer-
bercle away from the shaft (Olson and Parris, ). All sey, Inversand Company marl pit, MFL of Hornerstown
these are less derived states of features present in Grac- Formation; both latest Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene.
ulavus. Compared with the condition in many charadri- ANSP , right pedal phalanx  of digit II, from Sewell,
iforms, in Telmatornis the shaft of the humerus is shorter Gloucester County, New Jersey, Inversand Company marl
and more curved, the brachial fossa shallower, and the ven- pit, presumably basal Hornerstown (MFL) or lower strata;
tral epicondyle more widely extended ventrally. All these Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene. All referred tentatively
are less derived states of features found in more extreme by Olson and Parris ().
form in most charadriiforms, for example, gulls (Laridae),
Remarks—T. priscus was much smaller than either
and in procellariiforms. Thus, this best known of the Cre-
species of Graculavus but similar in size and robustness to
taceous charadriiformlike birds has no feature that is
the approximately contemporaneous C. rara, known from
uniquely charadriiform and a large complement of rela-
the Lance Formation, Wyoming. The two species share none
tively plesiomorphic features.
of the same confidently referred elements, so direct com-
T. priscus Marsh,  parisons have been impossible.

Synonyms—T. affinis Marsh, ; G. pumilus Marsh, Volgavis Nessov and Jarkov, 
. Included species—Type species only.

360 S Y LV I A H O P E
V. marina Nessov and Jarkov,  tures: **the acrocoracoid process of the coracoid strongly
Holotype—ZISP-PO , lower jaw lacking the articu- tilted medially at an angle of –° to the humeral facet;
lar regions (illustrated by Nessov and Jarkov [] and by *the coracoid massive at the level of the humeral facet, its
Nessov [a:, Fig. m–t]). diameter almost equaling that of the humeral facet; *the
coracoidal impression for the acrocoracohumeral ligament
Locality and horizon—Belly Jar Valley, Volga Basin, in
short, deep, and ovate; **the humeral facet of the coracoid
the region of the Berdeja and Don Rivers, Dubovsky Region,
tilted medially from the axis of the shaft; **the shaft of the
Volgograd District, Russia, Malaja Ivanovka locality, Kras-
coracoid tilted medially in relation to the sternal margin of
naja Derevnja Spring, in a greenish quartz glauconite sand
the coracoid; **the foramen for N. supracoracoideus re-
.–. m below the Paleocene contact. Late Maastrichtian.
cessed distally from the scapular facet of the coracoid about
The age is given as Danian by Nessov and Jarkov ()
one-half the diameter of the facet; and *the foramen for N.
and by Tatarinov () in a review of Nessov’s ()
supracoracoideus angled in its course through the coracoid,
posthumously published review of localities, but Nessov
emerging dorsally farther toward the sternal end of the
(a) gave the age as latest Maastrichtian, and Averianov
() has confirmed that specimens from this locality are
Other features of Cimolopteryx that have suggested the
latest Cretaceous. The environment of deposition was a
previous referral to Charadriiformes are plesiomorphic (see
warm or temperate sea.
above). Cimolopteryx lacks **ventromedial extension of the
Remarks—Placement with Neornithes is justified by fu- clavicular facet of the acrocoracoid, a feature that is present
sion of the mandibular symphysis, fusion of the dentary in all extant charadriiforms examined for this review,
with the surangular, and lack of teeth. Based on its “simi- though minimal in Burhinus and Stercorarius.
larity to primitive charadriiforms,” Nessov and Jarkov The species of Cimolopteryx were very small to moder-
() and Nessov (a) referred Volgavis tentatively to ately large birds close to the size of a small gull.
Charadriiformes. They also noted the downward orienta-
tion of the hooked tip of the mandible, in which it resem- C. rara Marsh, 
bles frigate birds (Fregatidae: Pelecaniformes). A slightly Holotype—YPM , left coracoid.
downward-hooked mandible is also present in jaegers and Locality and horizon—Converse (now Niobrara)
skuas (Stercorariidae: Charadriiformes). Volgavis was the County, Wyoming, Laramie Deposits, Ceratops Beds
size of a large gull. (Marsh, ; Shufeldt, ; = Lance Formation). Collected
Cimolopteryx Marsh,  by J. B. Hatcher, June , exact locality not certain but
within the type area of the Lance Formation (Clemens,
Synonyms—Cimolopteryx Marsh,  (nomen
). Late Maastrichtian.
nudum); Timolopteryx Ogilvie-Grant,  (copying error).
Referred material—UCMP  (right coracoid, shoul-
Included species—C. rara Marsh, , type species
der end) and UCMP  (left coracoid, shoulder end) both
(designated by Hay, ); C. maxima Brodkorb, a; C.
from near Lance Creek, Wyoming; UCMP locality V,
minima Brodkorb, a; C. petra, new species; and another
Lance Formation; SMNH P., left coracoid, shoulder
unnamed species discussed below.
end, from south of Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, Canada,
Revised diagnosis—Derived features of Cimolopteryx: SMNH locality F- (Gryde Locality); tentatively re-
coracoid robust; neck of the coracoid stout and sub- ferred by Tokaryk and James (), confirmed here from a
triangular in cross section; scapular cotyla of the cora- cast provided by T. Tokaryk. All Late Maastrichtian.
coid slightly elongated transverse to the long axis of the
coracoid; lateral process of the coracoid small. Tentatively referred material—UCMP , left carpo-
metacarpus, distal end, from near Lance Creek, Niobrara
Remarks—Marsh () mentioned C. rara in a foot-
County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality
note, but the valid name dates from Marsh (), where he
V. Late Maastrichtian (Brodkorb, a).
specified and illustrated the material and described a fur-
A quadrate referred to this species by Brodkorb (a)
ther species, C. retusa. For the early history of Cimolopteryx
is discussed below with Neornithes, incertae sedis.
and subsequent history of C. retusa, see Palintropus in Gal-
liformes. Brodkorb (a) described two new species of Revised diagnosis—As for the genus, and about one-
Cimolopteryx and erected the taxon Cimolopterygidae, in third smaller than C. maxima.
which he also included Ceramornis major Brodkorb, a. Remarks—C. rara (Fig. .A) was about the same size
Ceramornis is referred here to Neornithes, incertae sedis. as T. priscus, known from the Navesink and Hornerstown
Cimolopteryx is placed close to or within Charadri- Formations, New Jersey, and also referred tentatively to
iformes based on the following derived but not unique fea- Charadriiformes. Although the two species share none of

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 361
Figure 15.6. The coracoid in Cretaceous
charadriiformlike birds and a modern
charadriiform. A, C. rara, referred left cora-
coid in dorsal and medial views, UCMP
, Lance Formation, Maastrichtian. B, C.
petra, proximal end of left coracoid in dorsal
and medial views, AMNH , holotype,
Lance Formation, Maastrichtian. C,
Cimolopteryx, unnamed sp., proximal end of
the left coracoid in dorsal view, RTMP
.., Judith River Group, Campanian. D,
C. minima, proximal end of the left coracoid
in dorsolateral view, UCMP , holotype.
E–G, an unnamed group distinct from
Cimolopteryx. E, proximal end of the right
coracoid in dorsolateral view, ANSP ,
Bug Creek facies of the Hell Creek Forma-
tion, latest Maastrichtian or earliest Pale-
ocene; F, proximal end of the right coracoid
in dorsolateral view, AMNH , Lance
Formation, Maastrichtian. G, left coracoid
in dorsal view, USNM , Lance Forma-
tion, Maastrichtian. H, Stercorarius pomari-
nus (Charadriiformes), left coracoid in me-
dial view with the proximal end of the
scapula in articulation, CAS , extant.
Group E–G is more gracile than Cimolop-
teryx and differs from it in proportions and
other details. C. minima is similar to the new
group but smaller. In most specimens, the
acrocoracoid is broken off. In the extant
charadriiform Stercorarius, note the en-
larged and ventromedially extended clavi-
cular facet (compare A with H). Abbrevia-
tions as in Figure ..

the same elements in confidently referred material, the carpo- supracoracoideus less recessed from the scapular facet and
metacarpus tentatively referred to C. rara is similar to that much less steeply angled in its course than in C. rara.
of T. priscus. However, the carpometacarpus referred to Holotype—UCMP , left coracoid, shoulder end.
C. rara was not associated in situ with any material compa-
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
rable to the holotype coracoid. Because another charadri-
County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality V;
iformlike species of appropriate size occurs in the Lance
Late Maastrichtian.
Formation (Undetermined Species , below), the assign-
ment of this carpometacarpus to C. rara is very uncertain. Referred material—UCMP , left coracoid, shoul-
der end, same locality as the holotype, Late Maastrichtian
C. maxima Brodkorb, a (Brodkorb, a). ANSP , right coracoid fragment in-
Revised diagnosis—About two times the size of C. rara; cluding the distal end of the humeral facet, the scapular
neck of the shaft flatter and broader; the foramen for N. facet, and a short length of the shaft, from McCone County,

362 S Y LV I A H O P E
Montana, Hell Creek Formation, Bug Creek channel facies, gracile and flattened dorsoventrally at the neck, making the
probably the Bug Creek West locality; latest Maastrichtian neck ovate in cross section. In all these features C. petra
or earliest Paleocene. Matrix collected by R. Sloan, collec- agrees with C. rara. Other than size, there do not appear to
tion date uncertain, donated to Anne C. Dillon and Sidney be any significant differences between C. rara and C. petra.
Hostetter; given by them to ANSP; the specimen recovered
Cimolopteryx sp.
from matrix at ANSP.
Material—RTMP .., left coracoid, shoulder end
Remarks—C. maxima (Fig. .C, D) was a robust
(Fig. .C).
species the size of a small gull. Too little material is pre-
served in any of the specimens to assess the appropriateness Locality and horizon—Alberta, Canada, Dinosaur Park
of the referral of this species to Cimolopteryx. Formation, RTMP Onefour Car Park site; Middle Campan-
ian (Eberth, ).
C. minima Brodkorb, a
Measurements—See Table ..
Holotype—UCMP , right coracoid, shoulder end
(Fig. .D). Remarks—This specimen includes the base of the acro-
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara coracoid, the humeral facet, scapular facet, procoracoid
County, Wyoming, UCMP locality V, Lance Forma- process, and a short length of the shaft. Despite its minimal
tion; Late Maastrichtian. extent, the preservation is excellent, and the specimen in-
cludes critical features in the diagnosis of Cimolopteryx.
Measurements—See Table ..
However, the material is insufficient as a holotype of a new
Remarks—C. minima is about the same size as the new species. This bird was about one-third smaller than C. petra
species C. petra, below. For comparisons see that descrip- and would have been in the size range of the smallest sand-
tion. Although about one-third smaller, C. minima is very pipers (Calidris: Charadriiformes). This material extends the
similar to specimens listed below as Undetermined Species temporal range of Cimolopteryx back to the mid-Campanian
. With more and better material, C. minima may prove to and the geographic range north to Alberta, Canada.
belong with these as a new species group.
Undetermined Species 
C. petra, new species
Material—USNM , right coracoid; from the Eu-
Holotype—AMNH , left coracoid, shoulder end gene West Ranch, near Lance Creek, Niobrara County,
(Fig. .B). Wyoming, UCMP locality V, Lance Formation, Late
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara Maastrichtian; collected  September  by F. V. Grady.
County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality V; AMNH , right coracoid, shoulder end; from near Lance
Late Maastrichtian. Collected by M. C. McKenna and party, Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming; Lance Formation,
. UCMP locality V, Late Maastrichtian; collected by M. C.
McKenna and party, . ANSP , right coracoid, shoul-
Diagnosis—As for C. rara but about one-third smaller.
der end and about one-half of the shaft, from McCone
Measurements—See Table .. County, Montana, Hell Creek Formation. This specimen is
Etymology—From Latin petra, stone, because of the tiny from the Bug Creek facies, probably the Bug Creek Anthills
but robust, rocklike appearance of the specimen. locality; whether latest Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene is
Description—The holotype includes the glenoid and uncertain. Matrix collected by R. Sloan about , donated
scapular facets of the coracoid, part of the acrocoracoid to Anne C. Dillon and Sidney Hostetter and given by them
process, and perhaps a short fragment of the shaft. The clav- to ANSP; the specimen recovered from matrix at ANSP.
icular facet is broken off. Except for its smaller size, the cora- Remarks—Among the new collections of coracoids
coid of C. petra is very similar to that of C. rara but differs from the Western Interior, this small series (Fig. .E–G)
from the coracoid of C. minima. The following features dif- resembles C. rara in size and general form, but these cora-
ferentiate the two. In C. petra, the humeral facet is broadest coids are more gracile and have other features suggesting
midway between its shoulder and sternal ends, and it tapers that they represent another species complex to which C.
gradually toward the two ends, making it more ovate than minima also belongs. The new group differs from Cimolop-
in C. minima. In C. minima, the humeral facet remains wide teryx as follows: the coracoid is more gracile; the humeral
until it tapers abruptly close to the ends. In C. petra, the facet is relatively shorter and less medially tilted; the scapu-
scapular facet of the coracoid is slightly elongated transverse lar facet is entirely round; the neck of the coracoid is flatter
to the long axis of the coracoid. In C. minima it is entirely and more ovate in cross section; the shaft is less medially
round. In C. petra, the shaft is robust, and the neck of the tilted; and a small foramen is present on the cranial margin
shaft is triangular in cross section; in C. minima the shaft is of the procoracoid process at its bifurcation for the scapu-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 363
Figure 15.7. Forelimb elements in
some Cretaceous birds, with com-
parison. A, G. augustus (?Charadri-
iformes), proximal end of the left
humerus in caudal view, AMNH
, holotype, Lance Formation,
Maastrichtian. B, S. pomarinus
(Charadriiformes), proximal end of
the left humerus in caudal view,
CAS , extant. C, C. maxima,
proximal end of a referred left cora-
coid, UCMP , Lance Forma-
tion, Maastrichtian. D, C. maxima,
newly referred fragment of a right
coracoid, ANSP , from the Bug
Creek facies of the Hell Creek For-
mation, latest Maastrichtian or ear-
liest Paleocene. E, T. clemensi, distal
end of the left humerus in two cau-
dal views with differing illumina-
tion, and in cranial view, UCMP
, holotype, Lance Formation,
Maastrichtian. In Graculavus, note
the large scar at the caudal end of
the capital incisure, and in Sterco-
rarius, the low ridge in this position.
In Graculavus, note the transversely
oriented sulcus undercutting the
humeral head, and in Stercorarius,
the axially oriented sulcus for the
dorsal head of M. humerotriceps.
The two are not homologous. In
Graculavus, the small sulcus at the
base of the ventral tubercle may be
the site for M. humerotriceps dor-
salis. In Torotix, note the very nar-
row ventral border of the brachial
depression, its large size, and the
very short flexor process. Abbrevia-
tions: htd, impression for M.
humerotriceps dorsalis; others as in
Figure ..

lar facet. The differences are borne out by consistent differ- of the tibiotarsus both enlarged; *cnemial crests symmetri-
ences in proportions (Table .). A larger series is needed to cal where they join, with no notch in the lateral crest; *cne-
diagnose the new group adequately. mial crests projected cranioproximally from the shaft of the
tibia at about °. The specimen is very similar to the tibia
Undetermined Species 
of a present-day long-legged wading charadriiform. En-
Material—PVL , left tibiotarsus, proximal half larged cnemial crests are known only in the ornithurine lin-
(Powell, ; Chiappe, a). eage. There is a single greatly enlarged cnemial crest in
Patagopteryx (Chiappe, b). In Hesperornithiformes,
Locality and horizon—Salitrál Moreno, Río Negro
both cnemial crests are greatly enlarged, and the two crests
Province, Argentina, Allen Formation: Maastrichtian.
are symmetrical where they join, but the lateral crest flares
Remarks—This material is placed tentatively close to or laterally (Marsh, ; Martin and Tate, ). In Ichthy-
within Charadriiformes based on the following combina- ornis the crests are not enlarged. In Neornithes, the crests are
tion of derived features: **cranial and lateral cnemial crests usually small, but both crests are conspicuously enlarged in

364 S Y LV I A H O P E
anseriforms, gruiforms, and many shorebirds and seabirds. men is very large; () metatarsal trochlear grooves are very
This distribution suggests that enlargement of cnemial well defined; and () the apposed trochlear crests of
crests has occurred more than once in the ornithurine lin- metatarsals III and IV are longer than the nonapposed
eage and is derived within Neornithes. In most neornithines crests. Referral to a common lineage of petrels in the broad
with enlarged crests, the crests are projected proximally at sense (Oceanitidae, Procellariidae, and Pelecanoididae) is
about ° to the axis of the shaft, and the crests are not sym- suggested by the following additional derived features:
metrical: the lateral crest is notched near its junction with () metatarsal trochlea II is very short and retracted far
the cranial crest, and thus it is the smaller of the two. Sym- plantarly; () trochlea IV is elongated and shifted dorsally
metrical crests occur in presbyornithids, most charadri- to lie almost coplanar with trochlea III (in the same trans-
iforms, procellariiforms, grebes, and loons. verse plane); and () trochlea IV is closely appressed to
Variations in angle of projection and size of the cnemial trochlea III. Lonchodytes is most similar to petrels in Pro-
crests differentiate these groups. Charadriiforms is the only cellariidae (Fig. .F, G), but too little of the shaft is pre-
group that includes birds with symmetrical crests projected served to determine if it was strongly flattened mediolater-
cranioproximally at about ° to the axis of the tibia. In ally or had other features of that group.
Presbyornis, the crests project directly cranially. In auks (Al- All the foregoing features are highly homoplastic. Fea-
cidae: Charadriiformes), procellariiforms, loons, and ture  occurs in charadriiforms (Fig. .A, G), flamingos,
grebes the crests project directly proximally and are further presbyornithids, and anatids; features – occur in auks
enlarged. In procellariiforms and loons, the crests are (Alcidae: Charadriiformes); and features – are wide-
twisted so that the intercnemial sulcus is oriented cranio- spread in less extreme form among swimming and wading
laterally. These conditions in auks, procellariiforms, loons, birds. Features  and – occur in more extreme form in
and grebes appear to be further derived states of the mod- grebes (Podicipediformes; Fig. .H), and all occur in
erately enlarged, symmetrical crests and cranially oriented loons, many in a more extreme state. Thus, many of the fea-
intercnemial sulcus that occur in many charadriiforms. As tures listed here are present in birds not closely related to
a less derived state, the charadriiform condition may have each other but sharing a swimming and diving habit, a sub-
occurred in a common ancestor of one or more of the other ject that has been discussed in detail by Storer ().
groups. Thus, confident referral to Charadriiformes is pre- Compared with Procellariidae and with loons (Gavi-
cluded without more detailed analysis. iformes), Lonchodytes and petrels are less modified toward
a diving foot form.
Undetermined Species 
L. estesi Brodkorb, a
Remarks—J. Case and C. Tambussi () have studied
a tarsometatarsus, now in the collections of St. Mary’s Col- Holotype—UCMP , right tarsometatarsus, distal
lege, California, recovered from the base of the Cape Lamb end (Fig. .B, F, I).
strata, Vega Island, Antarctica, below and close to a level Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Wyoming,
geochemically dated at  Ma (Early Maastrichtian). They Lance Formation, UCMP locality V; Late Maastrichtian.
have identified the specimen as charadriiform.
Remarks—Clearly, Lonchodytes is not a loon. The evi-
?Procellariiformes Fürbringer, . Albatrosses and dence suggests that it derived from the petrel group, but the
petrels limited material and homoplasy with other groups of birds
Lonchodytes Brodkorb, a preclude a confident referral. Figure . indicates it was a
large bird, perhaps twice the size of the petrel Puffinus griseus.
Included species—Type species only.
Remarks—Brodkorb (a) described two species of ?Diomedeidae Gray, 
Lonchodytes in his new taxon Lonchodytidae, considering Undetermined Species
this a group of loons. L. pterygius Brodkorb, a, based on Material—Kurochkin (a,b) reported a fragment of a
the distal end of a carpometacarpus, is not loonlike (Olson clavicle, which he considered to be from an albatross
and Feduccia, a). This and a distal portion of the shaft (Diomedeidae). My brief observation of the specimen was
of a tarsometatarsus that Brodkorb (a) referred with consistent with this determination but did not include de-
reservations to L. pterygius are listed herein with Ne- tailed comparisons. The specimen is from the Nemegt For-
ornithes, incertae sedis. mation, Mongolia, probably Early Maastrichtian in age.
Referral of Lonchodytes (Fig. .B, F, I) to Procellari-
iformes is suggested by the following derived but not Gaviiformes Wetmore and W. D. Miller, .
unique features: () the distal intermetatarsal foramen is Loons
well proximal to the intertrochlear incisure between Limited diagnosis—Specimens are placed with Gavi-
metatarsals III and IV; () the distal intermetatarsal fora- iformes based on the following derived features, which in-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 365
Figure 15.8. The tarsometatarsus in
Lonchodytes, with comparisons. A
and E, Recurvirostra americana
(Charadriiformes), in dorsal and
plantar views, CAS , extant; B,
F, and I, L. estesi in dorsal, plantar,
and distal views, UCMP , holo-
type, Lance Formation, Maastricht-
ian; C and G, Puffinus griseus, an ex-
tant shearwater (Procellariidae), in
dorsal and plantar views, CAS ;
D, Gavia arctica, an extant loon
(Gaviiformes), in dorsal view, CAS
; H, Aechmophorus occidentalis,
an extant grebe (Podicipediformes),
in dorsal view, CAS . Lon-
chodytes compares most closely to
the procellariid petrels and shear-
waters, but features they share are
highly homoplastic in Neornithes.
Abbreviations: dvf, distal vascular
foramen; mt, metatarsal; nf, nutrient

clude further derived states of features listed above for tibia are further enlarged; the tarsometatarsus is strongly
Charadriiformes, Procellariiformes, and Procellariidae. As compressed mediolaterally; medial and lateral crests of the
in Charadriiformes and Procellariiformes, both cnemial tarsometatarsus are well defined; metatarsal trochlea II is
crests of the tibiotarsus are large and symmetrical. As in strongly shortened and retracted plantarly; and trochlea IV
Procellariiformes, the cnemial crests project proximally in is elongated, shifted dorsally, and closely appressed to
the axis of the tibial shaft; the intercnemial sulcus is oriented trochlea III.
craniolaterally; the distal intermetatarsal foramen is large Compared with the condition in Procellariidae, in
and well proximal to the intertrochlear incisure; the distal Gaviiformes the cnemial crests of the tibia are further
intermetatarsal foramen is very large; metatarsal trochlear elongated; the tarsometatarsus is further narrowed; the
grooves are very well defined; and the apposed trochlear distal intermetatarsal foramen is much larger and located
crests of metatarsals III and IV are longer than the non- farther proximally; metatarsal I is lost; metatarsal II is
apposed crests. As in Procellariidae, the cnemial crests of the shorter, entirely on the plantar surface, and so strongly

366 S Y LV I A H O P E
compressed mediolaterally that it is flat and bladelike; and rounded and thus more like those of procellariid petrels and
metatarsal trochlea IV is slightly longer and situated far- of Tertiary specimens placed in Colymboides.
ther dorsally, with its lateral trochlear crest also slightly
Pelecaniformes Sharpe, . Tropicbirds,
longer, although still shorter than the medial crest of
pelicans, frigate birds, boobies, anhingas,
trochlea III (Fig. .D).
The following features of the tarsometatarsus of loons
differentiate it from that of grebes (Fig. .): a slightly Limited diagnosis—Specimens are placed in Pelecani-
shorter trochlea IV (trochleae III and IV equally long in formes based on the following feature: iliac facet of the fe-
grebes); the far proximal position of the distal inter- mur entirely convex (unique). In addition, the lack of ele-
metatarsal foramen (far distal in grebes); and the deep in- vation of the trochanteric crest of the femur differentiates
cisures between the trochlear crests (incisures absent in Pelecaniformes from many other birds.
grebes). The following features of loons differentiate them Phalacrocoracidae (Bonaparte, ).
from hesperornithiforms: presence of two proximal inter- Cormorants and shags
metatarsal foramina and lesser enlargement of metatarsal
Limited diagnosis—The specimens are placed in Pha-
IV (after Martin and Tate, ; Olson, ).
lacrocoracidae based on the following derived features:
Remarks—Other elements not considered here are coracoidal tubercle of the scapula absent (also absent in Sul-
known in the Cretaceous record, as indicated below. idae, Anhingidae); scapular impression for M. deltoideus
Neogaeornis Lambrecht, b minor deep and recurved around the tip of the acromion
process; acromion process of the scapula elongate, broad,
Included—Type species only.
flat, and recurved at the tip.
N. wetzeli Lambrecht, b Proximal end of the femur very wide, with the medial
Holotype—GPMK , right tarsometatarsus. margin descending directly from the acetabular condyle
and the lateral part of the trochanteric crest bowed laterally;
Locality and horizon—Southern point of the Tumbes shaft of the femur very stout, strongly bowed cranially,
Peninsula, west end of San Vicente Bay, Concepción strongly narrowed mediolaterally in midshaft, abruptly
Province, Chile; Arauco Group; Quiriquina Formation. bent caudally near the distal end, abruptly widened medio-
Campanian-Maastrichtian, following Riccardi (). The laterally just proximal to the condyles; lateral condyle very
Quiriquina Formation is a thick intertidal to offshore ma- large; impression for M. gastrocnemius lateralis a long, very
rine unit of mixed conglomerates, coquina, and sandstones, heavy, raised scar situated on the lateral surface of the shaft
with an abundant Campanian-Maastrichtian fauna. (unique); finely spaced, diagonally oriented, raised stria-
Remarks—Lambrecht (), Martin and Tate (), tions present over most of the cranial surface of the femur,
and Martin () assumed that Neogaeornis was close to interrupted regularly by cross striations, evidently the im-
Hesperornithiformes. After further preparation of the ma- pressions for fascicles of Mm. femorotibiales; the striations
terial, Olson () identified Neogaeornis as a neornithine more regularly spaced and more distinct than in the few
bird, based on the presence of two proximal intermetatarsal other birds having such markings (unique).
foramina and indications of ossified hypotarsal ridges, and The scapula resembles only that of Pelecanidae and is
as a loon based on the shape of the trochleae. differentiated by the following features of pelicans: the
acromion process of the scapula projects much farther cra-
Undetermined Species
nially and dorsally; the scapular impression for M. del-
Material—Skull and articulated partial skeleton (Chat- toideus minor is straight and longer, and the coracoidal tu-
terjee, , ). bercle is retained. The femur most resembles that of
Locality and horizon—López de Bertodano Formation, Anhingidae and Plotopteridae. The femur in anhingas is
Seymour (Marambio) Island, Antarctica, Campanian- longer and lacks indications of specialization associated
Maastrichtian. The environment of deposition was an off- with a diving habit (rugose muscle scars; wide proximal
shore marine shelf to nearshore facies (Medina et al., , end; short, narrow, and strongly bowed shaft, large lateral
cited by Chiappe, a). condyle). The femur in plotopterids is straighter, the
trochanter narrower, and the lateral condyle is smaller than
Remarks—Chatterjee () presented line drawings
in cormorants. For further comparisons see Owre (),
and a discussion of several skeletal elements but no formal
Hasegawa et al., (), and Olson and Hasegawa ().
name. This was a large loon very similar to extant Gavia
(Olson, ; pers. obs.). The skull and rostrum are dis- Undetermined Species 
tinctly loonlike. It is of interest that compared with those of Material—Scapula in the collection of PIN (Kurochkin,
extant Gavia, the cnemial crests are shorter and more a,b).

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 367
Locality and horizon—Nemegt Formation, Mongolia; In the absence of unequivocally derived features of the
Late Campanian or Early Maastrichtian. distal end of the humerus in Neornithes, Torotix (Fig. .E)
Remarks—Kurochkin (a,b) determined that this is referred to Neornithes based on a feature apparently
specimen came from a very large cormorant. My compar- unique to Pelecaniformes: () the ventral rim of the brachial
isons with diverse cormorants and other pelecaniforms are depression of the humerus is very narrow, almost bladelike.
consistent with this determination. This bird was larger Referral to Pelecaniformes is further suggested by the fol-
than any living species of cormorant but near the size of the lowing rare but nonunique derived features that occur in
recently extinct, goose-size Pallas’s cormorant, Phalacroco- many pelecaniforms: () the site for the ventral collateral
rax perspicillatus (= Compsohalieus perspicillatus, following ligament of the humerus is very small; () the flexor process
Siegal-Causey, ). The specimen is not yet described. of the humerus is broad, bluntly rounded, and much
shorter than the ventral condyle (Sulidae, Pelecanidae);
Undetermined Species  () the sites for Mm. flexor carpi ulnaris and pronator pro-
Material—AMNH , right femur (Fig. .A). fundus are oriented ventrally; and () the ventral epicondyle
is extended only slightly ventrally. The following further
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
presumably derived feature is present in Torotix: () the
County, Wyoming; Lance Formation, UCMP locality V,
brachial depression of the humerus is very deep and exten-
Late Maastrichtian. Collected  July  by M. C. McKenna
sive, excavating the humerus almost to the cranial wall and
and party.
extending distally to excavate the condyles deeply. In extant
Measurements—Shaft mediolateral diameter just distal pelecaniforms, the shallower brachial depression is divided
to the trochanter, . mm; least midshaft mediolateral di- by crests into three or four included fossae. In Torotix,
ameter, . mm; depth at the same level, . mm; iliac facet crushing obscures the internal contours of the depression.
to base of lateral condyle, . mm; estimated total length, Feature  is absent in some pelecaniforms. Regarding
 mm. feature , the ventral epicondyle is even less extended ven-
Remarks—In the absence of known derived features of trally in procellariiforms and laridlike charadriiforms. Re-
the femur in earliest neornithines, the present specimen is garding , such deep and extensive excavation of the
referred to Neornithes based on unique features of Pha- brachial depression is absent in extant pelecaniforms but is
lacrocoracidae. The head of the femur is damaged, and the approached in procellariiforms and especially in laridlike
shaft is broken off just proximal to the condyles, with a frag- charadriiforms. However, in the latter two groups the
ment remaining that indicates the very large size and lateral condyles are not deeply excavated. Possibly, a narrowed ven-
orientation of the lateral condyle; part of the popliteal fossa tral epicondyle and a large, deep brachial depression are re-
remains. This specimen comes from a bird about one-fifth tained features of a common ancestor.
smaller than the extant cormorant Phalacrocorax pelagicus. In flamingos, the ventral rim of the brachial depression
A small but probably significant difference from extant cor- is stout; the site for the ventral collateral ligament of the
morants is the angular truncation of the trochanteric crest. humerus is large; the brachial depression is extensive and
This feature precludes referral to either of the two major ex- subdivided but shallow; and, although the flexor process is
tant lineages of Phalacrocoracidae recognized by Siegal- broad and blunt, it is only slightly shorter than the ventral
Causey (). condyle.
Pelecaniformes? T. clemensi Brodkorb, a
Torotix Brodkorb, a Holotype—UCMP , right humerus, distal end and
Included species—Type species only. part of the shaft (Fig. .E).
Remarks—Brodkorb (a) described Torotix as a Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
flamingo in his taxon Torotigidae, which he assigned to County, Wyoming; Lance Formation, UCMP locality
Phoenicopteri (= Phoenicopteriformes). Olson and Feduc- V. Late Maastrichtian.
cia (a) and Olson () stated that Torotix was not a Remarks—At one-half to two-thirds the size of the small
flamingo and suggested that it might have been an early cormorant P. pelagicus, T. clemensi would have been small
charadriiform. Fragments of two vertebrae together in a vial for a pelecaniform. The bone has the inflated appearance
in the collections of UCMP are accompanied by a note in and rounded contours of the more volant pelecaniforms,
Brodkorb’s hand saying “Same species as humerus?” evi- rather than the finely sculpted contours of a diving bird.
dently referring to Torotix. This material is referred to
Torotix clemensi in the UCMP catalog, but Brodkorb did not Psittaciformes? Wagler, . Parrots
refer it in any publication. It is discussed here with Ne- Limited diagnosis—Unique features of the mandible: K
ornithes, incertae sedis. shape of channels within the bone close to the symphysis;

368 S Y LV I A H O P E
Figure 15.9. Femur and tibiotarsus in some
Cretaceous birds, with comparisons. A, un-
determined species referred to Phalacroco-
racidae, right femur in cranial, caudal, me-
dial, and lateral views, AMNH , Lance
Formation, Maastrichtian. B, E. elegans, right
femur in cranial view, CAS , extant. C,
P. pelagicus, right femur in cranial view, CAS
, extant. In the cormorants, note shape
of the shaft (arrows), abrupt broadening at
the base of the lateral condyle, elongate im-
pression for M. gastrocnemius lateralis, and
prominent impressions for M. femoro-
tibiales. Inset, D and E, distal ends of two left
tibiotarsi, probably of the same species, with
similarities to Presbyornithidae and Gru-
formes: D, ANSP , holotype of P. vetus
Marsh, Hornerstown Formation, Maastrich-
tian or earliest Paleocene (line editing indi-
cates poorly exposed structures); E, AMNH
, Lance Formation, Maastrichtian. Ab-
breviations: acn, acetabular condyle; ciml,
cranial intermuscular line; ift, impressions
for Mm. femorotibiales; ignl, impression for
M. gastrocnemius lateralis; ilf, iliac facet; lc,
lateral condyle; ltr, lateral trochanter; mc,
medial condyle; stb, supratendinal bridge;
sxt, sulcus for extensor tendon.

dorsal position of entry to the parasagittal canals; very thin tomial margin. In many neornithine birds, the parasagittal
bone; tomial crests S-shaped or abruptly truncated at the canals enter the lower jaw as large tubes through a stout cau-
angle of the mandible; the lower jaw much shorter than the dal wall of the symphysis. In parrots, the blade-thin caudal
upper jaw (in part after Stidham, c). end of the symphysis leaves no space for such entry; instead,
the canals enter dorsally through the very thin bone, as in
Undetermined Species
the present specimen. The psittaciform condition is prob-
Material—UCMP , rostrum of the mandible ably a consequence of the extremely thin bone of the entire
(Stidham, c) (Fig. .A, B). mandibular rostrum.
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara The following interpretation comes in part from a con-
County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality versation with T. Stidham and also from my review of the
V; Late Maastrichtian. specimen. The tip of the mandibular rostrum has an un-
Remarks—This specimen lacks the apomorphic features finished, friable appearance, with spicules of bone protrud-
of other beaked archosaurs, thus the fused symphysis is in- ing, as in parrots. Evidently the entire tomial margin is
terpreted as a diagnostic feature of Neornithes (Stidham, eroded or incompletely ossified. As a result, the bony part of
c). Several of the unique features of the psittaciform the lower jaw is much shorter than the upper jaw in all ex-
lower jaw are due to thinness of the bone and erosion of the tant parrots. In life, the horny sheath of the bill is continu-

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 369
ous with this truncated bone. In the present specimen, the Kansas, it spans lower Coniacian through earliest Campan-
tip of the mandibular rostrum has been broken off, but not ian time (Hattin, ), about – Ma. Unfortunately, yel-
quite transverse to the long axis of the jaw. The bone is low beds occur throughout these strata, and Pteranodon oc-
thinnest at the slightly more distal end of the break, show- curs throughout except at the very lowest levels. However,
ing that it became thinner toward the tip, as in parrots. It “Pteranodon Beds” traditionally referred to the lower levels,
appears that the break severed a protruding tip, which was below the first occurrence of hesperornithiforms. Thus, the
probably a short tongue-shaped process, such as in many minimum age of Apatornis is about  My, but it may be
extant parrots (e.g., lories). This tongue-shaped tip is part much older.
of a shallow S-shaped profile of the tomial crest in lorylike
parrots. The sinuous shape appears to result from only par- Remark—The holotype of A. celer is a tiny, crushed syn-
tial excavation of the crest. More extreme excavation of the sacrum. It was recovered from the same beds and close to
tomial crest in other parrots such as macaws (Ara) results in the site where the holotype of I. dispar was found. Marsh
blunt truncation of the mandible at the angle of the jaw, ev- (b:) described this synsacrum as the holotype of a
idently a more highly derived state. The tongue-shaped new species, I. celer, distinguishing it from I. dispar by its
process appears to be a remnant of lesser excavation of the more slender proportions and the “cup of the posterior ver-
rostrum and thus a less highly derived condition than the tebral face [being] more deeply concave.” Soon after, with-
abrupt truncation in macaws. The extremes of minimal and out stating further differences from Ichthyornis, Marsh
maximal excavation of the mandible in parrots are shown (b) referred I. celer to a new genus, as A. celer. The re-
in Figure .C, D. In addition to the psittaciform diagnos- ferred material, cataloged subsequently as YPM , is from
tic features noted above, the lower jaw seen in frontal view the same locality and strata and forms the main body of ma-
has a barrel-shaped profile, broader ventrally than at the to- terial of the bird or composite known as A. celer.
mial crests. Such a profile is rare among neornithine birds Questions remain about the association of all this mate-
but is also found in lories. rial. The holotypical synsacrum has no counterpart in the
Thus, the specimen corresponds in several design fea- referred material, so there is no evidence that the holotype
tures to the mandibular rostrum of a lorylike parrot. It and the later discovered referred material came from the
probably came from a parrot, but its minimal extent limits same species. Regarding the referred material, Marsh stated
confidence in the referral. only that it came from the same strata near the site of col-
lection of the holotype (Marsh, b, ; Elzanowski,
Neornithes, incertae sedis
). Thus, there is no evidence that any of this material
Apatornis Marsh, a
was associated in situ.
Included species—Type species only. Marsh remained certain about the distinctiveness of
Ichthyornis from extant birds, but he was also convinced
A. celer (Marsh, a)
that Apatornis was closely related to Ichthyornis. Part of his
Synonym—Ichthyornis celer Marsh, a. argument for this relationship was stratigraphic co-occur-
Holotype—YPM , partial synsacrum. rence, and the rest seems to have been only the presence of
biconcave vertebrae. However, the only vertebral remains of
Tentatively referred material—YPM , including a Apatornis are dorsal vertebrae incorporated into the holo-
coracoid, scapula, partial clavicle, sternum, radius, carpo- typical synsacrum, and in many neornithine birds the last
metacarpus, wing phalanges, tibiotarsus, fibula (Marsh, few dorsal vertebrae are biconcave. Fürbringer () re-
). ferred Apatornis to his taxon Apatornithidae in Ichthy-
Material of the shoulder articulation was examined for ornithes, which he placed near Charadriiformes. The asso-
this review, including a cast of the referred coracoid (Fig. ciation of Apatornis with Ichthyornis persisted in most
.A–C). The scapula is evaluated from Marsh’s () il- systematic treatments as late as Brodkorb (), although
lustrations and moderately detailed description and from Howard (:) had already evaluated the material of Ap-
Howard’s () comparisons of Apatornis with the Early atornis critically and showed its many similarities to flamin-
Tertiary presbyornithid Telmabates. gos and geese, summarized as follows: “Of the few available
Locality and horizon—All from western Kansas, along bones of Apatornis, all except the tibiotarsus have characters
the Smoky Hill River, Smoky Hill Member of the Niobrara which compare favorably with Telmabates, although in no
Formation, from a “yellow chalk of the Pteranodon Beds” instance are the elements identical.” She noted that the re-
(Marsh, :); Late Cretaceous. ferred tibiotarsus lacks an ossified tendinal bridge and
The Niobrara Formation was formed on the floor of the probably did not belong to the same species as the other ma-
warm, shallow Cretaceous inland sea of North America. The terial of Apatornis. Martin () appears to have assumed
Smoky Hill Chalk is the upper part of the formation. In that Apatornis was closely related to Ichthyornis. Olson

370 S Y LV I A H O P E
Figure 15.10. Psittaciformes and a
parrotlike bird from the Lance For-
mation. A and B, undetermined
species, rostral end of the lower jaw
in A, lateral, and B, dorsal views,
UCMP , Lance Formation,
Maastrichtian. C, D, rostral end of
the lower jaw of two extant psittaci-
forms in dorsal view, showing the
lesser and greater extremes of exca-
vation of the tip of the mandible. C,
Domicella garrula, MVZ ; D,
Platycercus adscittus, CAS .
Note the eroded cranial margin in all,
and in A and C note the recurved
profile of the tomial crest and the
tongue-shaped tip of the rostrum.
The double arrows point to the dor-
sal entrances to channels paralleling
the symphysis. Abbreviations: nf, nu-
trient foramen; tm, tomial margin.

() noted that Apatornis was similar to the Maastrichtian tainly derived features that Apatornis shares with birds in
and Paleogene birds that he characterized as transitional Anatoidea are a dorsally protruding distal end of the
charadriiforms. humeral facet of the scapula with a surrounding shelf ta-
Regarding the coracoid and scapula, the humeral and pered distally (Presbyornithidae) and a columnar ventral
scapular facets are well separated, and the humeral facet of margin of sulcus M. supracoracoideus of the coracoid, in-
the scapula is small and oriented craniolaterally; if the bones creasing in diameter toward the clavicular facet (Presby-
are associated correctly, it is much smaller than the humeral ornithidae, Anatidae). The columnar shape of the ventral
facet of the coracoid. Thus, unquestionably, Apatornis be- margin is less pronounced than in Anatoidea. The clavic-
longs with Neornithes. The well-developed acrocoracoid ular facet of the coracoid is neither undercut, as in presby-
process is consistent with further referral to Neognathae. ornithids, flamingos, and the charadriiform Burhinus, nor
A derived feature present in some anseriforms but also eroded, as in Anatidae. Thus, the coracoid lacks detailed
in other neornithine birds is the short, angular humeral features that would place it securely within Anseriformes
facet of the coracoid. A presumably derived feature pres- or any other group. The scapula corresponds closely with
ent in Apatornis and Anatoidea (Anseriformes) is the long, that of Presbyornithidae in all features described and il-
pointed acromion process of the scapula. Other more cer- lustrated by Marsh (). However, neither Marsh ()

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 371
nor Howard () noted in Apatornis the deep, conspicu- large cormorant. He did not specify the holotype and gave no
ous scar for M. serratus cranialis present in Presbyornithi- specimen numbers, but he included a very detailed descrip-
dae (Fig. .D, F, I). When Ericson’s () criteria is used tion and illustration that correspond closely with the femur
for differentiating Presbyornis from the very similar of Phalacrocoracidae. In subsequent papers the identification
Eocene flamingo Juncitarsus, the scapula compares more of this and other material referred to Elopteryx, and the asso-
closely with that of Presbyornis. In Juncitarsus the acro- ciated specimen numbers, have been inconsistent or contro-
mion process of the scapula is smaller, with a straight lat- versial (Lambrecht, a, ; Harrison and Walker, ;
eral margin. Brodkorb, ; Grigorescu and Kessler, ; Elzanowski,
In summary, at least part of the material of Apatornis is ; Martin, ; Olson, ; Kessler, ). Pending clarifi-
neornithine and part of an early radiation of Neognathae, cation, no comment on the material of Elopteryx will be given
possibly close to Anseriformes. Apatornis needs a thorough here, except as indicated in the following section, “Revisions
review, including records of its collection. to the Mesozoic Record of Neornithes.”
Ceramornis Brodkorb, a Undetermined Species 
Included species—Type species only. Material—Specimen in the collections of NSMJ includ-
C. major Brodkorb, a ing a scapula, synsacrum, pelvis, fibula, and pedal phalanx,
associated in a nodule.
Holotype—UCMP , right coracoid, shoulder end.
Locality and horizon—Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan;
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
from the Campanian section of the Orannai Formation,
County, Wyoming, Lance Formation, UCMP locality
about  Ma.
V; Late Maastrichtian.
Remarks—The specimen was referred to Neornithes
Remarks—Brodkorb (a) described Ceramornis in
based on the presence of an obturator foramen. The deposi-
Cimolopterygidae, which he referred to Charadriiformes.
tional environment, the thick walled pedal phalanx, and re-
Ceramornis was close to the size of a moderately large gull.
semblances to several groups of pelecaniforms suggest that
As in charadriiforms, the humeral facet is large and ovate,
it was a marine bird. This material is documented in a mas-
and the scapular cotyla is large and rounded. Ceramornis
ters of science thesis by Y. Kakegawa, University of Tokyo,
lacks any derived features that suggest referral to Charadri-
Japan, completed in  (Y. Kakegawa, pers. comm.).
iformes. The foramen for N. supracoracoideus is not re-
cessed from the scapular facet; neither the humeral facet nor Undetermined Species 
the shaft is tilted medially. The acrocoracoid process is mas-
Material—UCMP , left quadrate.
sive in the region of the humeral facet, and the impression
for the acrocoracohumeral ligament is short and deep, but Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara
these features, which are present in charadriiforms, are County, Wyoming. Lance Formation, UCMP locality
shared with large gruiforms and are too few to suggest a V; Late Maastrichtian.
definite referral. Remarks—Brodkorb (a) referred this specimen to
C. rara in Charadriiformes, but it was not collected in asso-
Elopteryx Andrews, 
ciation with other specimens of C. rara, and it is not from a
Included species—Type species only. charadriiform. Referral to Neornithes is indicated by the
E. nopcsai Andrews,  small but distinct intercapitular incisure between the
Holotype—Left femur, proximal end with a short length squamosal and otic heads of the otic process. Although
of the shaft, identity uncertain but probably BMNH A. there are separate squamosal and prootic articulations in
some non-neornithine birds (Witmer, ; Elzanowski
Paratype—Left femur, proximal end and about two-
and Galton, ), an intercapitular incisure is unknown in
thirds of the shaft, probably BMNH A.
Ornithurae except in Neornithes. The incisure is small and
Locality and horizon—Sinpetru Beds, Szentpeterfalva, shallow, as in a variety of probably near-basal groups of ne-
Hateg Basin, Transylvania (Romania); Maastrichtian. The ornithine birds (e.g., galliforms, some anseriforms [Presby-
environment of deposition was a braided river system on a ornis], some columbiforms, turnicids). The otic process is
piedmont, apparently grading into a delta. The age is estab- very tall. The remnant base of the orbital process shows that
lished as Maastrichtian by superposition on the Campanian it was a broad, thin, triangular flange. The mandibular end
and by pollen content (Grigorescu, ). is very narrow, with a single, transverse condyle, slightly di-
Remarks—Andrews () discussed two femora, imply- vided by an indistinct sulcus into a very small medial and a
ing that he thought they came from the same species of very slightly larger lateral lobe. There is no caudal condyle. There

372 S Y LV I A H O P E
is a small but distinct pterygoid condyle well separated from Undetermined Species 
the medial condyle. Many of these features occur outside
Material—ANSP , left tibiotarsus, distal end, holo-
Neornithes and may be plesiomorphic within the group.
type of P. vetus Marsh,  (Fig. .D); AMNH , left
The intercapitular incisure is probably a more derived state
tibiotarsus, distal end (Fig. .E).
than the undivided head of the otic process in Palaeo-
gnathae, but a less derived state than the wide intercapi- Locality and horizon—ANSP  from Arneytown,
tular incisure of most neornithine birds. In charadriiforms, New Jersey, basal layer of the Hornerstown Formation; lat-
as in many other neognaths, the squamosal and otic capit- est Maastrichtian or earliest Paleocene; AMNH  from
ula are well separated, the otic process is shortened, the or- near Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming, Lance For-
bital process is elongate and rodlike, the medial and lateral mation, UCMP locality V; Late Maastrichtian. Col-
mandibular condyles are large and well separated, and there lected by M. C. McKenna and party, .
is a caudal condyle. This specimen is currently under study Remarks—The earliest reviewer of ANSP  (Mor-
by Elzanowski and his associates. ton, ) compared it most closely with snipes (Scolopax:
Charadriiformes), as have several subsequent reviewers. Be-
Undetermined Species 
cause of many differences from the type species, Olson and
Material—UCMP , two fragments, probably of the Parris () removed this material from Palaeotringa and
same cervical vertebra. synonymized P. vetus with T. priscus, which they considered
Locality and horizon—Wyoming, Niobrara County, an early charadriiform. Except for being very slightly
near Lance Creek; Lance Formation, UCMP locality V. smaller, the new specimen from Wyoming is almost identi-
Late Maastrichtian. cal to the first and complements it with a more complete lat-
Remarks—The body of the vertebra (or vertebrae) is eral condyle. This calls attention to substantial differences
long and slender; articular facets are similar to those of from Charadriiformes. The species name “vetus” is available
some neornithine swimming and diving birds. See the re- for these tibiotarsi, but the material is insufficient to estab-
marks above with Torotix regarding the specimen. lish a new genus.
The New Jersey specimen has been fractured and
Undetermined Species  mended, probably with slight displacement of parts in such
Material—RTMP .., right coracoid, shoulder end; a way that the intercondylar sulcus appears to be narrower
acrocoracoid process missing. than it actually is. If these specimens are correctly associ-
ated, both condyles were small, the intercondylar sulcus was
Locality and horizon—Alberta, Canada, Steveville Rail-
wider than in charadriiforms, and the lateral condyle was a
road Grade; Judith River Formation, Campanian. Collector
narrow, laterally extended flange. The extensor canal is nar-
W. Marshall.
row, very distinctly defined, and placed far medially. Proxi-
Remarks—As far as preserved, this coracoid is similar to mal and distal remnants of the channel for M. peroneus bre-
that of Apatornis but slightly larger, and the foramen for N. vis suggest that it coursed distally from the cranial surface
supracoracoideus is situated more distally and medially, so onto the lateral surface of the tibiotarsus. The supratendi-
that it is partly emarginate along the medial margin of the nal bridge of the distal end of the tibia is long and exits as
procoracoid process. The procoracoid process is deeply in- an ovate, horizontally elongated opening onto the supra-
cised medially. condylar shelf.
Undetermined Species  Lateral excursion of the lateral condyle is a rare condi-
tion found in some gruiforms, anseriforms, and procellari-
Material—UCMP , left carpometacarpus, distal
iforms. The complete combination of features found in
end, holotypical material of L. pterygius Brodkorb, a.
these specimens occurs in cranes (Gruidae: Gruiformes).
Locality and horizon—Near Lance Creek, Niobrara The Early Tertiary Messel rails are similar (Idiornithidae:
County, Wyoming; Lance Formation, UCMP locality Gruiformes: Mourer-Chauviré, : Figs. –), and ex-
V. Late Maastrichtian. cept for a shorter tendinal bridge, so is the presbyornithid
Remarks—The material of L. pterygius was considered Telmabates (Howard, : Fig. ). Charadriiforms have a
undeterminable by Olson and Feduccia (a). It is not wide, more centrally placed and less well defined tendinal
from a loon, nor was it collected in association with L. sulcus, a narrower intercondylar sulcus, and larger con-
estesi. The surface of the bone is ceramized, obscuring con- dyles, with the lateral condyle much larger than the medial
tours, but the facets for the digits are similar to those of condyle and not extended laterally. These features contra-
larine charadriiforms, and this specimen may be identifi- indicate referral of the present specimen to Charadri-
able if more complete or less worn material is found. iformes or to T. priscus. The occurrence of such similar

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 373
specimens in both the Lance and the Hornerstown Forma- placed Gobipteryx separately from Neornithes in its own
tions is of interest. group, Gobipterygiformes. Martin () referred Gob-
ipteryx to Enantiornithes (see Chiappe and Walker, Chapter
Undetermined Species 
 in this volume). Patagopteryx deferrariisi Alvarenga and
Material—YPM , left tarsometatarsus, distal end, Bonaparte, , was described as a member of Palaeo-
holotype of G. lentus Marsh,  (Shufeldt, : Fig. ). gnathae, but Chiappe (a, a, b, Chapter  in this
Locality and horizon—Near McKinney, Texas; Austin volume) has analyzed it as a flightless bird on a stem lineage
Chalk; Late Cretaceous. of Ornithurae. Thus, there are no confirmed records of
Remarks—The subequal length and short, almost copla- Palaeognathae in the Cretaceous.
nar trochlea, as well as the broad, well-defined inter-
metatarsal sulcus, suggest a cormorant, as Marsh () ev- Galliformes
idently thought. Marsh () referred this species to See G. lentus below, with Pelecaniformes.
Ichthyornis, presumably because it came from earlier strata
close to the site where Ichthyornis was discovered in Kansas, Anseriformes, Flamingos
rather than the Hornerstown locale of G. velox. Shufeldt’s Lambrecht () described Gallornis straeleni as an anseri-
() photograph indicates no particular morphological form, but Brodkorb (a) considered it close to flamingos
reason for the association with Ichthyornis. Shufeldt was and referred it to the extinct taxon Scaniornithidae. It may
certain that this species came from the sage grouse of North be neornithine, but the material is too limited to assess with
America, Pedioecetes (= Tympanuchus) phasianellus. In view confidence. Brodkorb (a) described T. clemensi as a
of its great age, this determination needs reinvestigation. flamingo in his taxon Torotigidae, but herein it is tentatively
Neornithes? referred to Pelecaniformes. Lambrecht () described
Undetermined Species Parascaniornis stensioi in his Scaniornithidae, placing this
group close to flamingos in Ciconiiformes. Parascaniornis,
Material—PO a, left tarsometatarsus, distal end, the
however, is based on the vertebra of a small Asiatic hesper-
trochleae broken off at the bases.
ornithiform (Nessov and Prizemlin, ; and see Lam-
Locality and horizon—Central Kizylkum Desert, Navoi brecht’s [:] illustration). This eliminates the Meso-
District, Uzbekistan, Dzhyrakuduk locality. Yellowish sand- zoic record for flamingos.
stones of the middle part of the Bissekty Formation, pre-
sumably locality CBI-; Coniacian (Nessov, a: Figs. q–s). Gruiformes
Remarks—Referral to Neornithes is suggested by the Nessov and Borkin () compared the Early Cretaceous
long distal intermetatarsal bridge. Uniquely, the third Horezmavis to gruiforms, and Kurochkin (b) referred it
metatarsal is very large and the fourth very narrow. more conclusively to that group. As far as preserved, its fea-
tures are consistent with this placement insufficient for
confident referral (see the section “Early Cretaceous Birds
Revisions to the Mesozoic Record of Neornithes with Neornithine Similarities” herein).
Five birds from Early Cretaceous strata have been referred Charadriiformes
previously to Palaeognathae: Ambiortus, Otogornis, Gansus, Gansus has sometimes been assigned to Charadriiformes,
Palaeocursornis, Wyleyia. For Ambiortus, Otogornis, and but the intent of its describers (Hou and Liu, ) has been
Palaeocursornis, the evidence for this placement is insuffi- overinterpreted. They placed it provisionally close to the
cient; Gansus probably is not neornithine (see the section base of a broad radiation of neornithine shorebirds and
“Early Cretaceous Birds with Neornithine Similarities” seabirds plus Ichthyornis; assessment in this chapter sug-
herein). Kurochkin (b) thought that Wyleyia valdensis gests Gansus is probably an ornithurine but probably not a
Harrison and Walker, , was a palaeognath, but Brodkorb neornithine; see also Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this vol-
() and Olson () have suggested it might not be ume. P. vetus has been considered a rail or a charadriiform.
avian. The material is probably too damaged to assess and Recently, Olson and Parris () synonymized it with T.
was not reviewed here. From the Late Cretaceous, Gob- priscus in Charadriiformes. Based on new material, it is
ipteryx minuta Elzanowski, , is based on a small, crushed placed herein with Neornithes, incertae sedis. Graculavus,
skull, which Elzanowski initially compared to Palaeo- Telmatornis, Cimolopteryx, and Ceramornis have been con-
gnathae, and some tentatively referred bird embryos from sidered charadriiform by several authors, and Cimolopteryx
the same locality (Elzanowski, ). Elzanowski () has been referred to Passeriformes, evidently by printer’s er-

374 S Y LV I A H O P E
ror. The first three taxa are here considered only tentatively Passeriformes
referable to Charadriiformes because of fundamental prob- The only Mesozoic referral to this group was a printer’s er-
lems in the diagnosis of that group, discussed below, and ror: see Cimolopteryx, above.
Ceramornis is assigned to Neornithes, incertae sedis. C. re-
tusa has been referred to A. retusus in Ichthyornithiformes Neornithes, No Placement
and to a new genus as P. retusus in Charadriiformes; Palin- Kessler and Jurcsak () considered the Early Cretaceous
tropus is here placed close to or within Galliformes. Eurolimnornis to be a neornithine bird, as did Kurochkin
(b). The evidence for such referral is inconclusive (see
Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes the section “Early Cretaceous Birds with Neornithine Sim-
Hesperornithiformes has been linked in early systematic ilarities” herein).
treatments to the neornithine grebes and loons (Lambrecht,
; Brodkorb, b). Storer () concluded that all Age Uncertain, Previously Considered Mesozoic
three groups originated separately. Martin and Tate () The following previously reported specimens are known
showed that Baptornis was not a grebe, and Elzanowski and only from the Bug Creek channels of the Hell Creek For-
Galton () showed that Enaliornis was not neornithine. mation or the basal part of the Hornerstown Formation.
Although Cracraft () resurrected the idea of a close re- They are excluded from this review because of uncertainty
lationship of Hesperornis with loons and grebes, he was about the age of specimens from these strata (see “Geol-
soon persuaded otherwise (Cracraft, ). Brodkorb ogy”): A. rex (Shufeldt, ) (= T. rex), previously consid-
(a) described L. estesi as a loon in Gaviiformes, but it is ered charadriiform, recently referred to Anseriformes (Ol-
not a loon (Olson and Feduccia, a). It may be closely re- son, ); G. velox Marsh, ; Laornis edvardsianus
lated to Procellariiformes. The material of L. pterygius is Marsh, ; Palaeotringa littoralis Marsh, ; P. vagans
probably neornithine but indeterminate within the group Marsh, ; Laornis and Palaeotringa previously considered
(Olson and Feduccia, a). gruiform; all previously considered charadriiform (Marsh,
; Shufeldt, ; Wetmore, ; Cracraft, ; Olson
Pelecaniformes and Parris, ); Tytthostonyx glauconiticus Olson and Par-
Since it was first described as a group of cormorants, Grac- ris, ; ANSP ; and NJSM , all referred by Olson
ulavus has been referred to Charadriiformes by several au- and Parris () tentatively to Procellariiformes; and
thors but is here referred only tentatively to that group, and UCMP  and UCMP , considered respectively to
more as a taxonomic convenience than as a well-supported be a bird of graculavid aspect and a bird close to Anseri-
conclusion, as is discussed below. G. lentus has been referred formes (Elzanowski and Brett-Surman, ).
to Galliformes but is here considered incertae sedis within
Neornithes. G. agilis and G. anceps have been referred to
Summary and Discussion
Ichthyornis but are based on indeterminate material. E. nop-
scai was described as a cormorant. Previous reviews have The Record through Time
questioned the taxonomic provenance of the specimens re- None of the reports of Early Cretaceous birds previously re-
ferred to this taxon, and they also reflect possible confusion ferred to Neornithes is accepted here, not because the mor-
among specimens, which needs clarification. phology rules out this placement but because the evidence
is ambiguous or insufficient. An early neornithine bird
Strigiformes might be difficult to place from postcranial material alone
Heptasteornis andrewsi Harrison and Walker, , and if it was still very little differentiated from the common an-
Bradycneme draculae Harrison and Walker, , are based cestor of all Ornithurae. Because the time of origin of Ne-
on redescribed tibiotarsi originally referred to E. nopcsai. ornithes is fundamentally important for understanding the
These tibiotarsi do not appear neornithine, and several au- evolutionary history of birds, these and other early or-
thors have thought they are not avian (Brodkorb, ; nithurine birds need careful attention beyond what has
Elzanowski, ; Martin, ; Olson, ). been possible here, using advanced imaging and histologi-
cal techniques. The subsequent record is summarized in
Coraciiformes, Piciformes Table ..
Alexornis antecedens Brodkorb, , was described as a
coraciiform-piciform ancestor. Elzanowski () separated Coniacian, Santonian. The earliest unquestionable
it from neornithines, and Martin () identified it as an record of Neornithes is included in the collection of mate-
enantiornithine (see Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this rial referred to Apatornis. The age is not closely constrained
volume). by the published records of collection but is between about

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 375
TABLE 15.2
The Mesozoic record of Neornithes

Taxon Elements N Region Formation Age Principal References

P. retusus Coracoid 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
Palintropus sp. Coracoid 4 N. America Dinosaur Park Campanian
Scapula 1 N. America Foremost Campanian
Undet. sp. 1 Postcranial, misc. 2 Antarctica López de Bertodano Campanian- Noriega and Tambussi (1995)
Undet. sp. 2 Sternum 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian
Undet. sp. 3 Scapula 2 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Shufeldt (1915); this chapter
Undet. sp. 4 Scapula 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian
G. augustus Humerus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Hope (1999)
T. priscus Humerus, 3 N. America Navesink Maastrichtian Marsh (1870); Shufeldt (1915);
Carpometacarpus, ulna Cracraft (1972); Olson and
Parris (1987)
V. marina Dentaries, surangular 1 Asia Volgograd District* Maastrichtian Nessov and Jarkov (1989);
Averianov (1999)
C. rara Coracoid 3 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Marsh (1892); Brodkorb
Coracoid 1 N. America Frenchman Maastrichtian Tokaryk and James (1989)
C. rara? Carpometacarpus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
C. petra Coracoid 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian
C. minima Coracoid 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
C. maxima Coracoid 2 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
Cimolopteryx sp. Coracoid 1 N. America Dinosaur Park Campanian
Undet. sp. 1 Coracoid 2 N. America Lance Maastrichtian
Undet. sp. 2 Tibiotarsus 1 S. America Allen Maastrichtian Powell (1987); Chiappe (1996a)
Undet. sp. 3 Tarsometatarsus 1 Antarctica Cape Lamb strata Campanian Case and Tambussi (1999)
L. estesi Tarsometatarsus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
Undet. sp. Furcula 1 Asia Nemegt Maastrichtian Kurochkin (1995a,b)
N. wetzeli Tarsometatarsus 1 S. America Quiriquina Maastrichtian Lambrecht (1929b);
Olson (1992)
Undet. sp. Skull, postcranial 1 Antarctica López de Bertodano Maastrichtian Chatterjee (1989, 1997)
Undet. sp. 1 Scapula 1 Asia Nemegt Maastrichtian Kurochkin (1995a,b)
Undet. sp. 2 Femur 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian
T. clemensi Humerus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
Undet. sp. 1 Dentaries 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Stidham (1998c)
Neornithes, incertae sedis
A. celer Synsacrum and 1 N. America Niobrara Coniacian– Marsh (1873a,b, 1880);
Postcranial Early Campanian Howard (1955)
C. major Coracoid 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
E. nopcsai Femur 1 Europe Sinpetru Beds Maastrichtian Andrews (1913); Lambrecht
(1929a, 1933)
Undet. sp. 1 Postcranial, misc. 1 Japan Orannai Campanian Kakegawa (1999)
(unpubl. M.Sc. thesis)
Undet. sp. 2 Quadrate 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)


376 S Y LV I A H O P E
TABLE 15.2 (continued)

Taxon Elements N Region Formation Age Principal References

Neornithes, incertae sedis

Undet. sp. 3 Vertebra 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a)
Undet. sp. 4 Coracoid 1 N. America Judith River Campanian
Undet. sp. 5 Carpometacarpus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Brodkorb (1963a);
Olson and Feduccia
Undet. sp. 6 Tibiotarsus 1 N. America Lance Maastrichtian Morton (1834); Marsh
(1870); Olson and
Parris (1987)
Undet. sp. 7 Tarsometatarsus 1 N. America Austin Chalk Late Cretaceous Marsh (1877); Shufeldt

Note: The listing does not include possibly Tertiary specimens of the included species. N = number of specimens.
* See text for notes on the source of the specimen.

 and  Ma, probably toward the earlier end of this range. dicates that its sister group, the extant Anatidae, as well as
The holotype is a very minimal, worn, broken, and badly re- earlier branching anseriforms, Anhimidae and Anseranati-
paired synsacrum; the referred material is probably a com- dae, had already differentiated. This implies that anseri-
posite, and it may be that none of it came from the same forms were ecologically diverse before the end of the Creta-
species as the holotype. This material urgently needs review, ceous (Stidham, b). Presbyornithids very similar to
including records of its collection. Nevertheless, the mate- those in the latest Maastrichtian are present in the Early Pa-
rial includes parts of one or more neornithine birds with leocene and are well known from later Paleogene sediments
similarities to geese and flamingos, as was established ear- (Howard, ; Feduccia and McGrew, ; Olson, ;
lier by Howard (). Phylogenetic evaluation of shoulder Benson, ).
elements here confirms that at least some of the material of The record of birds closely related to charadriiforms be-
Apatornis was neornithine, with derived features suggesting gins in the Campanian of Alberta at about  Ma, with a very
a possible relationship with anseriforms. Most significant, fragmentary specimen of a tiny, undescribed species of
the features that suggest referral to Anseriformes place Ap- Cimolopteryx. A geochemically dated record slightly older
atornis with Neognathae. This sets the separation of than  Ma (Early Maastrichtian) is based on a tarso-
Palaeognathae and Neognathae to at least  Ma. metatarsus from the Antarctic (Case and Tambussi, ).
An unconfirmed report of fragmentary remains identified
Campanian, Maastrichtian. Palintropus was a poly- as graculavid comes from the Early Maastrichtian Nemegt
morphic species or group of species present in North Formation of Mongolia (Kurochkin, a). By the end of
America from mid-Campanian through Late Maastricht- the Cretaceous, such birds were abundant, with records
ian time. Palintropus is closely related to Early Tertiary from western Eurasia (Nessov and Jarkov, ), South
Quercymegapodiidae. These birds are closely related to America (Chiappe, a), and many records from North
Galliformes, possibly as stem-derived lineages of the ex- America (Table .).
tant group. Specimens of Palintropus from the Campanian It is important to restate that, although some of these
in Alberta, Canada, date the galliform lineage to at least birds are very similar to charadriiforms today, none that I
– Ma. have seen is clearly referable to the group. The ambiguity is
Presbyornithid anseriforms are reported from the Late due only in small part to the fragmentary nature of the ma-
Campanian through Maastrichtian of Antarctica (Noriega terial. The larger problem is the difficulty of diagnosing
and Tambussi, ), North America (this study), and in an Charadriiformes, as is discussed further subsequently.
unconfirmed report from the probably Late Campanian Cimolopteryx is the most diverse and abundant group of
Barun Goyot Formation, Mongolia (Kurochkin, a). closely related neornithine species known from the Meso-
New specimens reviewed here come from at least three zoic. The five species currently assigned to the group ranged
species of presbyornithids differing in size, from the Late in size from the smallest of sandpipers to a moderately large
Maastrichtian Lance Formation, Wyoming. These birds are gull. Cimolopteryx extended from mid-Campanian through
very similar to Presbyornis. Presence of Presbyornithidae in- Late Maastrichtian and from Alberta through Wyoming

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 377
(Marsh, ; Brodkorb, a; Tokaryk and James, ; rots with a less highly derived jaw existed in the Eocene
this study). Newer collections of coracoids from these re- (Mayr and Daniels, ; Dyke and Mayr, ). Stidham
gions indicate the presence of another similar group of () suggested that early lineages of psittacines persisted
species, not yet named. Both species groups are represented into the Tertiary after the divergence of the extant lineage.
in the Bug Creek channels of the Hell Creek Formation;
thus, they extended at least to the terminal Cretaceous. Two How Representative Is the Record?
coracoids from the Paleocene of Asia, illustrated by Nessov Taphonomic Bias. The Late Cretaceous marks an in-
(a: Fig. r, s), appear to be referable to Cimolopteryx and crease in records of Neornithes, heavily dominated by shore-
further suggest that this was a widespread, long-lived group. birds and seabirds. Yet among terrestrial lineages, there are
T. priscus on the paleo-Atlantic shore of North America was records only of gallinaceous birds and a probable parrot.
contemporaneous with C. rara and probably very similar to However, phylogenetic analyses point to a very early separa-
it, but no direct comparisons are possible because known tion of aquatic from terrestrial lineages of Neornithes
material of the two species does not include the same bony (Raikow, ; Elzanowski, ; Cooper and Penney, ;
elements. Mindell et al., ). Thus, one would expect to find the ter-
The very large charadriiformlike bird G. augustus was restrial lineages well represented at the same time. The
present in the Lance Formation. Its congener G. velox was record, however, is probably strongly biased by taphonomic
present on the paleo-Atlantic, but is known only from the factors favoring preservation of the delicate bones of birds in
questionably latest Maastrichtian or earliest Danian basal aquatic environments. Nessov (a,b) pointed out that
layer of the Hornerstown Formation. This species pair also most of the birds known from the Mesozoic come from cer-
indicates a close connection between shorebirds from the tain kinds of aquatic environments: chalky sediments of
Atlantic and the Western Interior of North America. The warm-water seas, biologically rich phosphatic waters of
abundant charadriiformlike birds from the basal layer of the quiet, upwelling marine margins, inland lakes, or meander-
Hornerstown Formation are the product of long prior evo- ing nearshore streams and estuaries. Small terrestrial birds
lution that must have taken place in the Cretaceous (Olson, are likely to be poorly represented because their skeletons are
). very fragile and many collectors may overlook small ele-
The presence of Procellariiformes is indicated by a fur- ments (Harrison, ; Unwin, ). Ornithologists are in-
cula similar to the distinctive furcula of an albatross, from frequent in paleontological field parties; thus, collectors in
the probably Early Maastrichtian Nemegt Formation of the past probably did not have a search image for small birds.
Mongolia (Kurochkin, a,b). This is a surprising find, be- The terrestrial record of vertebrates is generally sparse in
cause the bones of these great gliders are very lightweight. the mid-Cretaceous. Thus, one cannot assume that the Late
For this reason, and if they lived and bred on oceanic islands Cretaceous increase in numbers and diversity of specimens
as they do today, one might expect them to be rare in the from aquatic lineages reflects either the earliest radiation of
record. L. estesi, from the Lance Formation, Wyoming, is not Neornithes or its taxonomic composition during this time.
a loon as formerly supposed. It is most similar to petrels Nevertheless, the much denser fossil record of mammals
(Procellariidae: Procellariiformes), but because of homo- suggests that mid- or earlier Cretaceous divergence dates for
plastic features it is referred here only tentatively to Procel- extant mammals that are estimated by some molecular
lariiformes. However, loons (Gaviiformes) very similar to studies may be too old (Allard et al., ).
extant Gavia were already present by Early Maastrichtian
time in Antarctica and South America (Lambrecht, b; Biogeography. Unwin () pointed out that the avian
Chatterjee, , ; Olson, ). This contrasts with fossil record was concentrated from a few well-known
their entirely Northern Hemisphere record throughout the Lagerstätten. Thus, long traditions of exploration in Europe
Cenozoic and into the present. and the Americas have distorted the reconstructions of
Pelecaniformes is represented by cormorants very simi- avian distribution through time and space. The great ma-
lar to extant Phalacrocoracidae, from the Early Maastricht- jority of Mesozoic neornithine birds come from only two
ian of Mongolia and the Late Maastrichtian of North Amer- highly productive regional facies in the latter part of the
ica (Kurochkin, a,b; this study). Torotix from the Lance Late Cretaceous. These are the foreland basin and regressive
Formation, Wyoming, may also be a pelecaniform, but it facies of the inland sea of western North America and the
was not a cormorant. offshore sediments of the paleo-Atlantic of North America.
A fragment of a lower jaw, probably from a parrot with A few specimens come from Chile, Argentina, Antarctica,
some similarities to the extant lories (Psittaciformes), is re- eastern Europe, Mongolia, Japan (Table .), and possibly
ported from the Lance Formation (Stidham, c). The one from Central Asia (a specimen reviewed herein as “?Ne-
mandible of this bird had highly unusual features associated ornithes”). There are still no Mesozoic records of Ne-
with the unique jaw mechanics of present-day parrots. Par- ornithes from Africa, Madagascar, Australia, the Indian sub-

378 S Y LV I A H O P E
continent, or New Zealand. However, Campanian and Other landbirds have the imprint of an early austral ra-
Maastrichtian records from South America and Antarctica diation. Most notably, basal disjunctions in Passeriformes
show that the group was not limited to the northern conti- are among Australia, New Zealand, and South America
nents. It seems likely that Neornithes had reached all the (Raikow, , ; Feduccia and Olson, ; Sibley and
great continents well before the end of the Cretaceous. Ahlquist, ). Passerines are not known until the Eocene,
but they appear first in Australia (Boles, a). Their an-
Land Birds. Early theories held that the various groups cestors may lie under Antarctic ice.
of ratites spread to the southern continents separately from Regarding seabirds, procellariiforms are most diverse in
the north. With new understanding of continental drift, the far southern seas, and penguins also have an austral dis-
Cracraft () proposed instead that ratites were isolated in tribution. Thus, it has seemed plausible not only morpho-
the Southern Hemisphere before the breakup of Gondwana logically but also biogeographically that penguins and pro-
and that they broke into separate groups later when Gond- cellariiforms are closely related. Loons, however, also appear
wana split apart. Houde and Olson (), however, re- to be closely related to penguins and procellariiforms
ported flying paleognathous birds in the Early Paleogene of (Simpson, ; Hedges and Sibley, ), but loons have
the Palaearctic, citing this as new evidence for possible poly- been known only from the Northern Hemisphere through-
phyly of ratites by multiple northern sources during the out the Tertiary and into the present. The Cretaceous record
Cenozoic. The present review dates the Neognathae and shows that they were indeed present in the far south early in
thus also the lineage of Palaeognathae no later than Early their history, and thus a close relationship with penguins
Campanian. This dates the possible isolation of a mono- and procellariiforms seems plausible geographically.
phyletic ratite lineage in Gondwana to well before the end
of the Mesozoic. More to the point, overland connections Systematic Implications
may not have been necessary for such isolation if the im- Early Branches in Neornithes. Many features discussed
mediate ancestor of extant ratites could negotiate a narrow in this review suggest that Anseriformes is more closely re-
water gap by flying. Thus, Paleogene palaeognaths in the lated to other neognaths than to Galliformes. In this recon-
north may be relicts of an earlier radiation and are not in- struction, an ecomorphological transition from Galli-
consistent with a Cretaceous isolation of a ratite lineage or formes to Anseriformes within a clade Galloanserae
lineages in the south. Nor is the presence of primitive os- (Livezey, a) would be only partly right. The transition
triches in the Paleogene of Eurasia (Houde, ; Houde may have been from Galliformes to other neognaths, with
and Haubold, ) inconsistent with contemporaneous an intermediate branch for Anseriformes (Fig. .). Sparse
lithornithids. Another new theory for ratite distributions information about the early terrestrial lineages is a major
suggests spread to the Southern Hemisphere across the problem for reconstructing these basal relationships within
proto-Antilles (van Tuinen et al., ). Neornithes. The palaeognaths of today are morphologically
However, the absence of ratites from the Mesozoic and genetically far from the living neognaths and from each
record of South America is hard to explain in the austral other. Apatornis sets the time for separation of Palaeo-
isolation scenario. Antarctica was cool but temperate, and gnathae from Neognathae to more than  Ma. Palintropus
trans-Antarctic connections to Australia and South Amer- sets the separation of Galliformes from Anseriformes to at
ica persisted into the Late Cretaceous. If they were present, least  Ma. This may well have been long enough to distort
the robust bones of ratites should have been found after the the genetic evidence for basal relationships, through differ-
more than  years of extensive paleontological explo- ing rates of evolution or accumulated noise in the signal, in
ration in Patagonia. It may be that the diverse Enanti- such a way as to incorrectly unite very old, widely unrelated
ornithes in southern South America (Walker, ; Chi- groups of birds in a tree reconstruction: the so-called long-
appe, a,b, b, a,b, Chapter  in this volume; branch effect (Felsenstein, ; Hillis, ; Huelsenbeck,
Chiappe and Calvo, ) restricted ratites ecologically or ).
geographically. Reconstruction of the earliest neornithine is compli-
Cracraft () noted the evidence for a Gondwanan ori- cated not only by poor knowledge of the palate in close out-
gin of Galliformes. The earliest division in extant galliforms groups of Neornithes but also by extreme reduction of the
is generally recognized as the split between Australian–New flight apparatus in extant palaeognaths. Thus, the recon-
Guinean megapodes and other living galliforms. The avian struction of shoulder elements done for this review em-
record in the Early Tertiary includes closely related, prob- phasized Lithornis, a palaeognath with a shoulder articula-
ably poorly flying galliforms (Quercymegapodiidae) that tion more like that of most neognaths and Ichthyornis.
occurred both in Europe and South America. Thus, the oc- Even so, there are many enigmatic character distributions
currence of even more primitive gallinaceous birds (Palin- that are hard to interpret phylogenetically. First, the shoul-
tropus) in North America is of some interest. der articulation in many poorly flying neornithines has

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 379
duccia, b). Skull morphology strongly supports em-
bedding Presbyornis deeply within Anseriformes (Ericson,
; Livezey, a), but in the present study this recon-
struction results in several discordant, apparently reversed
features in Presbyornithidae and other derived features
shared by Presbyornithidae with Charadriiformes. More-
over, some of the latter are more widely present in Anseri-
formes, and some also occur in flamingos. Together with
strong evidence supporting the monophyly of Charadri-
iformes with the seabird groups, the pattern of shared de-
Figure 15.11. Phylogeny of several basal neornithine groups rived features found here suggests that the association be-
suggested by this study. tween anseriforms, charadriiforms, flamingos, and ibises is
basal within some larger assemblage.

similar features that appear plesiomorphic because they Charadriiformes: Mosaicism. Even though none of the
occur in Enantiornithes. This may be due to developmen- specimens reviewed here is referred conclusively to
tal truncation, but it complicates the reconstruction of Charadriiformes, some are very charadriiformlike, and it is
shoulder elements in the earliest neornithine, because not premature to conclude that the extant group had not yet dif-
only Palaeognathae but also other major near-basal groups ferentiated. The work of Olson and Parris () called at-
of Neornithes are poor flyers (Galliformes, Turnicidae). tention to a potentially important body of material that
Second, a plausible interpretation of Kurochkin’s () they assembled in Graculavidae. They referred this assem-
new information on Ambiortus (not his conclusion) is that blage to Charadriiformes but recognized that these birds
this bird branched from the stem lineage of Neornithes and might be placed elsewhere when more complete material
that in the early neornithine lineage many features associated was found (Olson, ). An obvious obstacle to diagnosing
with flight were rudimentary. In this view, the poor flight of early charadriiformlike birds is the fragmented material,
tinamous, ratites, galliforms, and perhaps rails (Rallidae: but this is not the whole problem, because lesser fragments
Gruiformes) may be plesiomorphic or derived by relatively from other Cretaceous birds can be diagnosed with relative
minor losses of flight ability from poorly flying earliest ne- ease. Even working with the extant members, Strauch
ornithines. The hypothesis that poorly flying early birds lost (), Bjorklund (), and Chu () noted the diffi-
flight ability several times is not new (Witmer, ). This loss culty of diagnosing Charadriiformes.
is especially likely to have happened in early lineages if they Two relevant observations have emerged from this and
had not yet achieved the most advanced design for flight. earlier reviews. First, some charadriiforms (e.g., Burhinidae)
Third, the peculiar, far lateral scapular articulation in the retain a high proportion of apparently relatively primitive
early gallinaceous bird Palintropus may suggest an inde- features (Cracraft, ; Olson and Parris, ). Many of
pendent line of evolution of flight ability or perhaps a novel these features are shared at a more inclusive level within Ne-
function of the forelimb in a flightless bird. Extant galli- ornithes or were present in the earliest neornithine. These
forms and tinamous also have a lateralized scapular articu- features occur less frequently in other shorebirds or in
lation, but it is less extreme and less obvious because the seabirds—hence, possibly, the often cited resemblance of the
coracoidal tubercle is not ossified. postcranial skeleton of Charadriiformes to that of Anseri-
The similarities among weakly flying birds profoundly formes. Thus, a fundamental problem is plesiomorphy of
affect basal phylogenetic reconstruction within Neornithes charadriiforms within some larger assemblage of shorebirds
by suggesting a paraphyletic relationship of Galliformes and seabirds.
with other members of Neognathae. Two kinds of morpho- Second, all derived features in the postcranial skeleton
logical information might illuminate this problem: com- of Charadriiformes identified in this review are present in
parative ontogeny of the palate and shoulder elements in some of the other shorebirds and seabirds. Such features
extant basal groups, using advanced techniques that were are flagged with asterisks in the systematic reviews above,
not available to earlier workers, and a denser fossil record as explained in the “Material and Methods” section and in
for terrestrial lineages of Neornithes in the Mesozoic. introductory remarks to Charadriiformes. The taxonomic
distribution of derived features is irregular and overlap-
Anseriformes. The position of Presbyornis has long been ping. In addition, some but not all charadriiforms (e.g.,
debated because of its charadriiformlike postcranial skele- gulls: Laridae) share a large suite of derived features exclu-
ton combined with a ducklike skull (Wetmore, ; Feduc- sively with Procellariiformes, in the same or a more ex-
cia and McGrew, ; Feduccia, , ; Olson and Fe- treme state.

380 S Y LV I A H O P E
Mosaicism has sometimes been interpreted as evolu- lineage of Pelecaniformes was already represented by cor-
tionary intermediacy, but seabirds and shorebirds are an en- morants, and loons almost like those of the present had ap-
tire group of mosaics. Intermediate to what? Livezey (a) peared. The difficulty of referring specimens to Charadri-
articulated the view that to interpret its mosaic features, one iformes contrasts with the easy recognition of Cretaceous
must locate the animal on a phylogenetic tree. To apply this loons and cormorants. The inference of slow morphologi-
view to an entire assemblage of mosaics is another matter. cal change, over  million years and more, is especially
If the divergence within a parent lineage occurred over a strong because of the relatively complete skeleton of a
very short time, the progeny lineages will be similar. Each Maastrichtian loon (Chatterjee, ). In addition, the
will retain a different sample of features from the parent lin- scapula and femur of Late Cretaceous cormorants have the
eage, little changed because of the short intervals of time be- unique and highly unusual morphology of these elements
tween the separation of lineages. in living cormorants. This indicates that both forelimb and
The mosaicism seen today among shorebirds and sea- hindlimb were already designed as in the highly modified
birds may be the result of rapid divergence. We can guess limbs of living cormorants. These are unequivocal examples
that it occurred in the latter part of the Late Cretaceous and of bradytely in birds.
that the birds of graculavid aspect are a sample of that early
avifauna, including, probably, some lineages now extinct End of the Mesozoic
and others extant (Fig. .). A better taxonomic arrange- By Campanian time, the enantiornithine Avisaurus shared
ment than simply referring these birds tentatively to the terra of North America with gallinaceous birds. By Early
Charadriiformes would define a more inclusive taxon to Maastrichtian, hesperornithiforms dived beside cor-
which the birds of graculavid aspect might be referred, in- morants in the Turgai Strait and the Niobrara Sea. Enanti-
certae sedis. The analysis necessary to define such a taxon is ornithes and Hesperornithiformes persisted into the
beyond the scope of this chapter. Maastrichtian (Kurochkin, a; Stidham, a; Chiappe
The difficulty of diagnosing Charadriiformes probably and Walker, Chapter  in this volume; pers. obs.), but they
indicates that charadriiforms branched early and thus re- were not alone. Telling numbers come from the abundant
tained a large suite of the common ancestral features. This collections in the Lance Formation in Wyoming. At sites
is consistent with their position as the first branch of the ra- well below the K/T boundary, neornithine birds were the
diation of seabirds and shorebirds found by Sibley and most diverse element in this nearshore avifauna. A tabula-
Ahlquist (). tion for hesperornithiforms is still forthcoming, but in col-
lections from the Lance Formation reviewed for this chap-
Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes, Gaviiformes. Olson ter,  specimens were enantiornithine and  neornithine.
and Parris () described Tytthostonyx, from the Horners- This suggests that other birds may have followed the course
town Formation, as having a combination of features found of many Mesozoic vertebrates, which declined in diversity
now in Procellariiformes and Charadriiformes, but with the before the end of the Cretaceous (Hallam and Wignal, ;
humerus more strongly curved than in extant members of Archibald, ; Clemens, ). From the present reading
either taxon. Similarly, Torotix, from the Late Maastrichtian of the record, loons, cormorants, presbyornithid anseri-
Lance Formation, has a unique combination of presumably forms, and close relatives of galliforms were present from
derived features present in Charadriiformes, Procellari- Campanian time on and survived into the Tertiary little
iformes, and Pelecaniformes. These birds also show mo- changed. This spectacular record of survival is evident even
saicism, in this case suggesting they represent an early from a very limited record.
seabird assemblage analogous to the more charadriiformlike
birds of graculavid aspect. Many studies have suggested that Acknowledgments
loons are closely related to or part of Procellariiformes. This
For the opportunity to describe new Cretaceous specimens, I
study contributes further evidence by polarizing morpho- thank M. C. McKenna, S. L. Olson, and C. Coy. This work is
logical features in order to diagnose loons. Loons share all much improved by the efforts of those who brought early ne-
the derived features of the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus ornithine birds from all over the world to a workshop at the 
found in procellariid petrels, but in a more extreme form. meeting of the Society for Avian Paleontology and Evolution.
The coracoid and femur are not reviewed herein but also ap- H. F. James and S. Olson made this workshop at the Smithson-
pear to be consistent with such a placement. The meager fos- ian Institution possible. For access to specimens in their care,
I also thank B. Bailey, G. Barrowclough, L. M. Chiappe, W. A.
sil support for procellariiforms is buttressed by the clear ev-
Clemens, T. Daeshler, P. Holroyd, C. Holton, J. H. Hutchinson,
idence of loons in the Maastrichtian.
N. K. Johnson, E. N. Kurochkin, J. H. Ostrom, D. C. Parris, T.
Stidham, and T. Tokaryk. Others helped in ways too numerous
Bradytely. Contemporaneously with possibly extinct to list; I especially thank J. Schonewald, L. Baptista, A.
lineages of procellariiforms and pelecaniforms, the extant Elzanowski, and D. C. Parris. For editorial help I thank S. Orell.

M E S O Z O I C R A D I AT I O N O F N E O R N I T H E S 381
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editors, L. M. Chiappe and L. M. Witmer, for their persistent and in C. G. Sibley (ed.), Proceedings of the th International Or-
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388 S Y LV I A H O P E

A Review of Avian Mesozoic Fossil Feathers


Feathers are among the most complex integu- Structure and Basic Types of Feathers
mentary structures found in vertebrates. They
are composed primarily of keratin, which con- Ornithologists have studied feathers in detail, showing the
sists of insoluble microscopic filaments that enormous variation of this integumentary structure (e.g.,
are embedded in a proteinaceous matrix. Keratin is regarded Chandler, ; Lucas and Stettenheim, ). Basically,
as a long-lasting material (Gill, ). The amino acid com- feathers are formed by two broad, flat vanes that are sepa-
position of feather keratin, and its shape and behavior, dif- rated from each other by a central shaft (Fig. .). The basal
fer remarkably from those of the keratins found in other portion of the shaft is called the calamus and attaches the
hard epidermal tissues such as claws, hair, and scales (Brush, feather to the bird’s body through a follicle in the skin. The
). Therefore, feathers are generally regarded as a unique calamus is comparatively short and is hollow. In the young
evolutionary novelty of birds (used here as an informal term feather, it has an opening at its basal end (the proximal um-
for all members of Aves [= Avialae sensu Gauthier, ]). bilicus) through which blood is supplied during the
The first Mesozoic fossil feather was found in Solnhofen feather’s development. After the short growth period ceases,
(southern Germany) in the nineteenth century. Since then, this hole is closed by a horny covering, and the feather is
many more have been recovered from fossil deposits around sealed off.
the world, but most specimens remain undescribed. In this The main part of the shaft is formed by the rachis, which
chapter, I review the occurrences of feathers in Mesozoic is long and solid, supporting the vanes. On the ventral side,
strata, which are presented in temporal sequence. I have em- the rachis has a longitudinal groove. Laterally, the rachis
phasized the specimens that are poorly known, particularly carries several closely spaced, fine branches, called barbs,
the isolated feathers. Whenever possible, I have provided a that form the primary structure of the vanes. The boundary
brief description of these fossils in order to justify their as- between the rachis and the calamus is marked by an open-
signment to one of the main structural categories of feath- ing in the calamus (the distal umbilicus) and the presence
ers. The classification and terminology of the feathers and of the basal barbs. On each side of the barbs there is a row
their structures mostly follow Lucas and Stettenheim (). of smaller branches, the barbules, some of which bear tiny
I was unable to examine certain specimens firsthand, hav- hooklets. This kind of arrangement forms the cohesive but
ing to rely on photographs, some of which are already pub- very flexible surface that is the main part of the feather.
lished elsewhere. In some cases, a hypopenna (afterfeather) is present, with
The following institutional abbreviations are used in this the hyporachis (aftershaft) branching off the main feather
chapter: IEI, Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses, Lleida, Spain; at the boundary between the calamus and rachis. With only
LH, Collection of Las Hoyas, Unidad de Paleontologia, Uni- a few exceptions (e.g., cassowaries), the texture of after-
versidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; MB, Mu- feathers is plumaceous.
seum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Ger- Feather structures can show wide variation in appear-
many; MCT, Museu de Ciências da Terra, Departamento ance and function. Five main categories of feathers are rec-
Nacional da Produção Mineral, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; PIN, ognized today: contour feathers (body feathers, remiges,
Paleontological Institute of Russia, Academy of Sciences, and rectrices), down feathers, semiplumes, filoplumes, and
Moscow, Russia. bristles. It is important to note, however, that there are many

Figure 16.1. Typical contour feather (from the body), showing the main structures found in feathers, and variations of feather types
(from Chatterjee, ).

intergrading feathers between most categories, making has also been used to determine the flight capability of some
their classification sometimes very difficult and somewhat birds (Feduccia and Tordoff, ). Ear coverts surround the
arbitrary. Constituting most of a bird’s plumage, the con- external opening of the ear and are modified contour feath-
tour feathers (Fig. .A) are the ones most commonly ers thought to improve hearing ability (Stettenheim, ).
known. They include the typical body feathers, the flight They are characterized by an open pennaceous texture,
feathers (remiges) and tail feathers (rectrices), and the ear formed by relatively stiff and widely spaced barbs and
coverts. Body feathers are of comparatively medium size, very simple barbules. This type of feather is particularly de-
with a distal pennaceous and basal plumaceous texture. veloped in nocturnal birds (e.g., some owls) but is also
Among the several functions advocated for body feathers developed in birds such as hawks.
(Stettenheim, ), one of the most important is water re- Down feathers (Fig. .C) are very small and fluffy,
pellence. Remiges and rectrices are contour feathers that forming the underplumage of the bird. The rachis is either
have been greatly modified for their roles in flight. They are shorter than the longest barb or is entirely absent. Barbs are
stiff, comparatively large, and mostly pennaceous and lack loosely connected, providing the fluffy texture. Further sub-
an afterfeather. Especially in flight feathers, the outer and categories of down feathers are recognized, such as natal
inner vanes can be larger or smaller, depending on the downs, definitive downs, and powder feathers (Stettenheim,
feather’s position in the wing. This asymmetry of the vanes ). Intermediate between contour and down feathers are

390 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
the semiplumes (Fig. .B). This type of feather has a large feather is an almost complete primary flight feather pre-
rachis and entirely plumaceous vanes. The size of the rachis served in two limestone slabs that were separated along the
is always larger than the longest barb, which is one of the bedding plane. The slab with the most complete part of the
main differences between semiplumes and down feathers feather (Fig. .A) is currently housed in the Museum für
(Lucas and Stettenheim, ). Functionally, semiplumes fill Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität, Berlin (MB.Av.),
out the contour of the bird’s body and also provide thermal while its counterpart (Fig. .B) is housed in the Bayerische
insulation. Very distinctive from other feathers, the filo- Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geolo-
plumes are hairlike and, once fully developed (Fig. .D), gie in Munich. The main part (MB.Av.) was partially
consist of a thin shaft with a cluster of a few short barbs and prepared, resulting in the loss of the distal portions of some
barbules at the tip. The functions of filoplumes are appar- barbs on the basal section. The counterpart is unprepared
ently related to the enhancement of the sense of touch and lacks the more basal portion of the feather. The speci-
within the plumage (Proctor and Lynch, ) and can men is  mm long. The proximal tip of the calamus is miss-
therefore be regarded as highly specialized structures. An- ing, while the distal portion is about  mm thick. The rachis
other category of feathers are bristles (Fig. .F). A bristle tapers toward the apex, and the shaft is curved, possibly re-
is identified by a stiff rachis that either completely lacks flecting the natural curvature of the feather. The vanes are
barbs or has them restricted to the apical region. Similar asymmetrical and well preserved and have closely con-
feathers with more side branches are known as semibristles; nected barbs. No barbules could be observed.
these have been regarded as intermediate between contour Several skeletons of Archaeopteryx have feathers pre-
feathers and bristles (Lucas and Stettenheim, ). The served (Ostrom, ). The plumage of some specimens has
functions of bristles and semibristles are apparently of a been described in detail (e.g., Rietschel, ). Whereas the
sensory and protective nature (Stettenheim, ). feathers associated with the bones are preserved only as im-
pressions, the first Archaeopteryx feather is apparently pre-
Mesozoic Feathers served as carbonized traces. This supposition is based on the
dark color of this feather, which distinguishes it from the
The following section presents in temporal order some of grayish matrix. Similar feathers from other deposits that
the more important specimens of fossil feathers (see Table were chemically examined showed this kind of preservation
.). Given the recent identification of feathers and feather- (Davis and Briggs, ).
like structures in nonavian theropods, it is conceivable that Other isolated feathers attributed to Archaeopteryx from
some of the feathers discussed here actually pertain to taxa Solnhofen were mentioned in the literature. In a letter pub-
outside Aves. Nevertheless, they all are included here, and it lished by Shufeldt (), C. Schuchert referred to more
seems likely that most, if not all, derive from birds. feathers of this taxon. It is unknown where those specimens
are presently housed.
Solnhofen, Southern Germany
The most famous fossil feathers are those attributed to Gurvan Eren, Western Mongolia
Archaeopteryx. These specimens were found in the Soln- Kurochkin (a,b) illustrated some feathers that were
hofen Limestone of Lower Tithonian age, deposited in a found in the Gurvan Eren Formation, at a homonymous lo-
lagoonal environment (Viohl, ). The literature dis- cality. This unit was deposited in a fluvial/lacustrine envi-
cussing several issues on the feathers of Archaeopteryx, par- ronment during the Berriasian (Kurochkin, pers. comm.,
ticularly their preservation, aerodynamics, flight capability, ). Among the material is an incomplete primary feather
and origin, is extensive (e.g., Rau, ; Feduccia and Tor- that lacks the proximal part (Fig. .A). According to the
doff, ; Hecht et al., ; Bock, ; Ostrom, ; Fe- published photo (Kurochkin, a: Fig. d), the total pre-
duccia, , ) and will not be repeated here (but see served length of this feather is approximately  mm. The
Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume). rachis is well preserved and tapers toward the apex. It is
The first feather from this area (Fig. .) was reported straight for most of the preserved part but tends to be
by von Meyer (a) as essentially a feather that could not slightly curved distally, possibly reflecting the original shape
be distinguished from a modern bird feather. After careful of the feather. Barbs are well developed; barbules are not
examination of this feather, von Meyer (b) named it preserved. Based on the asymmetry of the vanes, this feather
Archaeopteryx lithographica. Consequently, all the skeletal is possibly a primary from a volant bird, as Kurochkin
remains of this early bird are actually referred specimens (a) has already proposed. Another interesting feather
(see Elzanowski, Chapter  in this volume). Von Meyer from the Gurvan Eren locality is a possible tail feather (Fig.
(b) also pointed out the existence of a complete skele- .B). Again, according to the published picture (Kuroch-
ton with the impression of feathers that was found in the kin, a: Fig. c), the preserved length of this feather is
same region as the isolated feather. This first Archaeopteryx approximately  mm. The proximal part of this specimen

F E AT H E R S 391
TABLE 16.1
Record of Mesozoic feathers

Deposit Geological Age Environment Feathers

Southern Alberta, Canada Campanian Terrestrial One remex, one semiplume (?), and two more
preserved in amber
Taldysay, Kazakhstan Santonian–?Campanian Estuarine One contour feather
Northern Siberia, Russia Santonian Terrestrial One feather preserved in amber
Kuji, Japan Santonian Terrestrial One incomplete feather preserved in amber
Tjulkeli, Kazakhstan Upper Turonian-Coniacian Estuarine One feather
New Jersey, United States Turonian Terrestrial One semiplume and one fragmentary feather, both
preserved in amber
Chaibu-Sumi, Inner Early Cretaceous Lacustrine (?) At least two remiges associated with one skeleton
Mongolia, China (Otogornis)
Khurit-Ulan-Bulak, Early Cretaceous Lacustrine Several isolated feathers, some associated with one
Mongolia skeleton (Ambiortus)
Araripe Basin, Brazil Aptian Lacustrine One remex, several semiplumes, body, and down
Koonwarra, Australia Barremian-Aptian Lacustrine Several isolated semiplumes and body feathers
Las Hoyas, Spain Barremian Lacustrine/palustrine Several isolated contours (remiges, body feathers);
feathers associated with skeletons (Concornis,
Transbaikalia, Russia Hauterivian-Barremian Lacustrine Several contour feathers (one remex, body feathers)
Sheen Khuduk, Mongolia Hauterivian-Barremian Lacustrine One contour feather
Jezzine, Lebanon Hauterivian Terrestrial Two contour feathers preserved in amber
El Montsec, Spain Berriasian-Valanginian Lacustrine Contour, semiplumes, remiges; several feathers
associated with two skeletons (Noguerornis,
enantiornithine hatchling)
Gurvan Eren, Mongolia Berriasian Fluvial/lacustrine One remex, one rectrix, one down feather (?),
several contour feathers
Liaoning, China Tithonian-?Berriasian Lacustrine Several isolated feathers; many feathers associated
with skeletons (Confuciusornis and
Solnhofen, Germany Lower Tithonian Lagoonal One isolated remex; several remiges and rectrices
associated with skeletons (Archaeopteryx)

Note: Only the confirmed identifications are presented here.

is missing. The rachis is straight, and the vanes are sym- rocks of this area are lithographic limestone of Berriasian-
metrical. Barbs are well preserved, but no barbules can be Valanginian age (Brenner et al., ) that were deposited in
recognized. In addition to the feathers mentioned previ- a lacustrine environment. The first isolated feather from
ously, there are several other specimens from Gurvan Eren, this locality was reported by Ferrer-Condal (). Subse-
most of them contour feathers deriving from unknown quently, Pallerola () mistook the remains of a fish for
parts of the body (Fig. .C). Again, rachis and barbs are bones of a bird with associated “feathers,” which are actu-
preserved, but no evidence of barbules can be found. ally fins (e.g., Nessov, ). Pallerola () also mentioned
Kurochkin (a: Fig. a) also pointed out the presence of the existence of four isolated feathers but did not provide
a down feather from this locality. If this is a true down any information about those specimens.
feather (not figured here), it has a very reduced rachis and Additional feathers have been reported by Lacasa-Ruiz
has no preserved barbules on the barbs (Kellner et al., ). (, , , ), some associated with bird remains.
All these feathers have a dark color and are presumably car- Among the best is one small body feather ( mm) de-
bonized. posited in the Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses, Lleida (LP
 IEI; Fig. .A), which was described in detail by
El Montsec, Lleida, Spain Lacasa-Ruiz (). Two more feathers from El Montsec
The area of El Montsec is situated in the northern part of are briefly described here. The first one (Fig. .B) has
the province of Lleida in Catalonia, Spain. The sedimentary symmetrical vanes, with the barbs loosely connected. The

392 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
5 mm

Figure 16.2. First isolated feather of Archaeopteryx, Late Jurassic, Solnhofen, described by von Meyer (a,b): A, main part;
B, counterpart.

rachis, preserved only as an impression, is apparently of dotted sequences forming the barbules (and apparently
longer than the longest barb. In some areas, barbules are also some barbs) of several feathers from El Montsec. He
preserved. The calamus cannot be observed. Owing to the also pointed out that in neornithines such dotted se-
described features and its plumaceous aspect, this feather quences are the results of tiny deposits of pigment, which
likely represents a semiplume. The second feather (Fig. might have been the case with these fossil feathers. It is in-
.C) is incomplete, with calamus and tip missing. The teresting to note that the rachises of the feathers found in
vanes are symmetrical, although some barbs have been the El Montsec area are preserved only as impressions and
moved from their natural position. Unlike in the previous are observable as white lines between the vanes of the
specimens, the rachis of this feather is much longer than feather. Barbs and barbules, however, can be identified by
any preserved barb, suggesting that it represents a small their dark color and are presumably preserved as car-
flight feather. Lacasa-Ruiz (, ) noted the presence bonized traces.

F E AT H E R S 393
of others are found deeper in the amber. Rachises, barbs,
and barbules can be observed in detail. Hooklets are occa-
sionally observed, linking barbules together. The material
represents contour feathers, possibly from the trunk of one
bird. Other structures were described in detail by Schlee
(). Unfortunately, no detailed pictures of this extremely
well-preserved specimen are available.

Sheen Khuduk, Central Mongolia

One feather from the Sheen Khuduk locality of central Mon-
golia has been reported by Kurochkin (a,b). This speci-
men was collected from the Hauterivian-Barremian rocks of
the Sheen Khuduk Suite (Kurochkin, pers. comm., ). Al-
though nearly complete, the specimen is not very well pre-
served (Fig. .). Its length is about  mm, measured along
the rachis, which is slightly curved distally. The extension of
the calamus cannot be determined. The vanes are essentially
Figure 16.3. Several feathers found in Gurvan Eren, Early Cre-
taceous of western Mongolia: A, flight feather; B, tail feather; C, symmetrical, with the barbs of one side more loosely con-
several body feathers. nected. On the proximal portion of the feather, only the
rachis is preserved; the vanes were lost, possibly during col-
lecting, or are preserved in the counterpart (not figured). No
Amber Deposits, Jezzine, Southern Lebanon barbules can be identified. Owing to its general characteris-
Some of the most interesting specimens of Mesozoic feath- tics, particularly the pennaceous aspect, this specimen rep-
ers were found in amber deposits in the southern part of resents a contour feather, possibly from the body.
Lebanon. Those deposits occur in several horizons near
Jezzine and are regarded as being Early Cretaceous (Hau- Bajsa, Chita Oblast, Transbaikalia, Russia
terivian) in age (Schlee, ). Only two specimens contain- Several feathers have been reported from the Bajsa locality
ing several fragments of feathers are known. A color photo- (Bajsa Formation). The rocks of this unit were formed in a
graph of one of those specimens was presented by Schlee lacustrine depositional environment. The age of those lay-
and Glöckner (: taf. ). The complete specimen is about ers was once regarded to be Valanginian-Hauterivian
 mm high and  mm long, having a depth of  mm (Schlee, (Kurochkin, b) but is now considered as Hauterivian-
). One main feather is visible, but incomplete remains Barremian (Kurochkin, pers. comm., ). Among the

Figure 16.4. Several feathers from the Early Cretaceous of Montsec, Catalonia, Spain. A, body feather. B, semiplume. C, contour feather
(flight feather?). Scale bar applies only to A.

394 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
Las Hoyas, Cuenca, Spain
The locality of Las Hoyas is positioned in the Serrania de
Cuenca, in the Spanish province of Cuenca. The litho-
graphic limestone containing the fossil feathers belongs to
the “Calizas de La Huãrguina” Formation, which was de-
posited in a lacustrine-palustrine environment during the
Barremian (Fregenal-Martínez and Meléndez, ). This
locality first yielded one isolated feather (Sanz et al., ),
but more specimens are currently known, including several
bird skeletons with associated feathers (Sanz and Bus-
calioni, ; Sanz et al., ; Sanz et al., Chapter  in this
volume). Among the few isolated feathers known from
this locality is an incomplete contour feather (Fig. .).
This specimen (LH ) has not been prepared, and
most of its borders are partly covered by matrix. The
feather is about  mm long, with a straight rachis that
tapers toward the apex. The calamus is long, with a length
of approximately  mm. The vanes are asymmetrical, al-
though one is not very well preserved. The barbs are well
developed and tightly connected, but no barbules can be
identified. Owing to its characteristics, particularly the
asymmetry of the vanes, this specimen represents a flight
feather. Associated with the skeleton of Concornis (LH
), described by Sanz and Buscalioni (), there is
evidence of feathers, particularly near the right tarso-
metatarsus and the right wing elements (see Sanz et al.,
5 mm Chapter  in this volume). Several flight and body feathers
can be observed, some of which overlap. Their preserva-
Figure 16.5. Body feather from Sheen Khuduk, Early Creta- tion, however, is poor. The barbs in several feathers are very
ceous of Central Mongolia. clear, but barbules are apparently not preserved.

most interesting feathers reported from this area is a con-

tour feather that shows an indication of the color pattern
(Kurochkin, a,b). This specimen is incomplete, lacking
both the proximal and distal ends (Fig. .). The preserved
length is approximately  mm, measured along the rachis,
which tapers until it distally fades away. The rachis is only
slightly curved, possibly reflecting the original curvature of
the feather. The vanes are symmetrical, with most of the
barbs closely connected. Distally, the barbs are less marked
and tend to fade away, suggesting that they have been worn
off. Apparently, no barbules are preserved. The color pattern
of this feather is indicated by two irregular light bands that
are not entirely symmetrical, for example, darker areas on
one vane sometimes corresponding to lighter areas on the
other. These bands contrast with the dark color of the re-
maining parts of the feather. Another light area is found
more distally but is confined to one vane. It is formed by ir- 5 mm
regular dots that are partially connected. Other specimens
from the Bajsa locality represent flight feathers (PIN Figure 16.6. Contour feather from Bajsa, Chita Oblast, Trans-
/) or body feathers (e.g., PIN /), some baikalia, Early Cretaceous of Russia. Observe the color pattern
suggesting the presence of an afterfeather (PIN /). presented by lighter and darker bands and dots.

F E AT H E R S 395
transport prior to fossilization. It is a small feather about 
mm long. The vanes are symmetrical, and the barbs are
loosely connected, exhibiting well-developed barbules. Tal-
ent et al. () regarded this specimen as representing a
contour feather. However, because of the plumaceous as-
pect of the vanes, this feather more closely resembles a semi-
plume. The second specimen figured by Talent et al. (:
Fig. ) is not as well preserved. Judging from the published
picture, there are two superimposed structures in the same
slab that represent either two feathers or one feather with an
afterfeather. A third feather from the Koonwarra locality
was described by Waldman (). This specimen has
slightly asymmetrical vanes, a curved rachis, and a well-
developed calamus (Fig. .B). The pennaceous aspect of
this fossil indicates that it is a contour feather, possibly from
the body. Recently, another specimen from this area was
found (Fig. .C). It is almost complete, but the proximal
end (including the calamus) is missing. The rachis is
straight and longer than all barbs. The vanes are symmetri-
cal and plumaceous. Some of the loosely connected barbs
exhibit well-developed barbules. This feather is also a semi-
plume, very similar to the first described by Talent et al.
(). Other feathers from the Koonwarra locality, mostly
semiplumes, are figured by Rich (: plate ).

Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil

The Santana Formation of the Araripe Basin is divided into
three members: Crato, Ipubi, and Romualdo (Beurlen,
). This unit is known worldwide for its richness and ex-
ceptional preservation of fossils (Maisey, ). So far, feath-
ers have been found only in the Crato Member. The Crato
Member is composed of laminated, light gray, micritic lime-
stones alternating with dark-colored, calcareous, silty shales
(Mabesoone and Tinoco, ). These sediments were de-
posited mainly in freshwater conditions (Beurlen, ),
which is corroborated by the presence of freshwater insect
5 mm larvae and anurans. Based on palynological data, the age of
this unit is regarded as Late Aptian (Pons et al., ).
Several different kinds of feathers are known from the
Figure 16.7. Isolated feather (LH ) from Las Hoyas, Early Crato Member, all from quarries near the town of Nova
Cretaceous of Spain.
Olinda in the state of Ceará. The first one (Fig. .) was re-
ported by Martins Neto and Kellner (), and a color pic-
Koonwarra, Southeastern Victoria, Australia ture of this specimen was subsequently published (in-
The Koonwarra locality (south Gippsland) has yielded sev- verted) in Kellner et al. (). It is about  mm long with
eral feathers and is one of two deposits that provides evi- a maximum breath of  mm. The rachis is curved, and the
dence of Mesozoic birds in Australia (Rich, ). The sedi- vanes are asymmetrical. The barbs are preserved, but no ev-
ments of this locality are predominantly claystones that, idence of barbules has been found. Owing to its general
based on palynological data, were deposited between the configuration, this feather possibly represents a trailing pri-
Aptian and the Barremian (Dettman, ) in a lacustrine mary or secondary flight feather (Martins Neto and Kellner,
environment (Rich, ). ; Kellner et al., ). So far, this is the only flight feather
The first two fossil feathers from this locality were de- known from these strata.
scribed in detail by Talent et al. (). The best-preserved A small semiplume ( mm long) from the Crato Mem-
specimen (Fig. .A) is very curved, possibly as a result of ber was reported by Martill and Filgueira (). The rachis

396 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
Figure 16.8. Several feathers from Koonwarra, southeastern Victoria, Australia. A, isolated feather (semiplume) (counterpart of the
one figured by Talent et al., ). B, contour feather. C, isolated feather (semiplume).

is curved, and the vanes are formed by loose and pluma- sey. The amber is preserved in lignite and has yielded sev-
ceous barbs. Barbules are well preserved and can be ob- eral insects as well as plant material. The lignite lies over the
served in several barbs. Kellner et al. () reported a very South Amboy Fire Clay, which, according to palynological
small (length: . mm) and fluffy down feather from these data, was formed in the Turonian (Christopher, ).
sediments (Fig. .). The rachis is approximately . mm Grimaldi et al. () regarded the amber as apparently de-
long but shorter than the largest barbs. Barbules are very riving from an araucarian forest. The site where the amber
well preserved and tend to be longer on the proximal part containing the feather was found represents a lagoonal or
of the barbs, increasing the down density closer to the deltaic depositional environment where terrestrial plant
rachis. More recently, an incomplete contour feather (pre- material was redeposited (Grimaldi and Case, ). The
served length:  mm) was reported by Martill and Frey preserved part of the feather (Fig. .) is . mm long.
(). The interesting feature of this specimen is the pres- The rachis is very curved, with the distal half bent unnatu-
ence of alternate dark and light bands that indicate the color rally, possibly as a result of being embedded in the plant
pattern. Because of its overall configuration, this specimen resin. On each side of the rachis there are more than 
very likely represents only the apex of the pennaceous por- barbs, none of which bear barbules. The barbs are consid-
tion of a body feather. erably thinner than the rachis. The proximal region of the
A new feather showing color pattern is briefly described feather was broken off, and therefore the total number of
here (Fig. .). It is a complete contour feather, possibly barbs and the extension of the calamus are unknown. Be-
from the body. This feather is almost  mm long and has a cause of the plumaceous aspect of the feather and the pres-
curved rachis. The vanes are symmetrical, and the proximal ence of a well-defined rachis that is larger than all preserved
portion of the calamus is not preserved. The color pattern barbs, it has been interpreted as a semiplume (Grimaldi and
is represented by five pairs of alternating dark and light Case, ). Recently, fragments of another feather were
bands that are essentially perpendicular to the rachis. Those found in this same locality. This specimen is also preserved
bands are more visible toward the apex of the pennaceous in amber and is currently in a private collection (Grimaldi,
part of the feather; they fade toward the basal portion, pers. comm., ).
which lacks any color banding. In addition to these, several
other feathers were found in the sediments of the Crato Taneishi Formation, Kuji, Japan
Member and are housed in the American Museum of Nat- Grimaldi and Case () mentioned the presence of a
ural History, New York City, and the Museu Nacional, Rio feather from the Santonian Uge Member of the Taneishi
de Janeiro. They are very small in size (less than  mm) and Formation of Kuji, Japan, which was figured by Sasaki
represent either down feathers or semiplumes. (). I had access to a color photograph of this material,
which is briefly described here. The material is very frag-
Late Cretaceous of New Jersey, United States mentary; it seems to contain one incomplete feather. The
A feather preserved in amber from North America was re- area that contains remains of the feather is only  mm long
cently reported by Grimaldi and Case (). This specimen (Sasaki, pers. comm., ). There are at least seven barbs,
comes from the Raritan Formation from central New Jer- with long and widely spaced barbules. The largest preserved

F E AT H E R S 397
1 mm

Figure 16.10. Down feather (MCT -R) from the Santana

Formation (Crato Member), Early Cretaceous of Brazil.

four specimens, which were found in the Foremost Forma-

tion (Pike, pers. comm., ). None has been previously
described or figured. I had access to slides of two specimens,
which are briefly described here. The distal portion of one
of the specimens shows the preservation of the rachis and
barbs but apparently no barbules. The vanes are asymmet-
5 mm ric, suggesting that it represents a flight feather. A second
specimen is tentatively identified as a semiplume (Fig.
.). It consists of several relatively long barbs, some with
Figure 16.9. Flight feather from the Santana Formation (Crato barbules, pointing in different directions inside the amber.
Member), Early Cretaceous of Brazil. Darker and lighter areas can be observed along the length of
some barbs, which are interpreted as evidence of the origi-
nal color pattern of this feather.
portion of a barb is approximately . mm long (consider-
ing the curvature); the length of the smallest does not reach Other Occurrences
 mm. Some of the barbs are superimposed, while others There are several other occurrences of Mesozoic feathers in
point in different directions inside the amber. All barbs the literature. Rautian () described a supposed feather
seem to converge to one central axis, suggesting that they all from the Late Jurassic lacustrine sediments of the Karatau
belong to the same feather. Range, Kazakhstan, naming it Praeornis sharovi. Bock
() considered that this specimen is not a feather but a
Southern Alberta, Canada leaf of a cycad. Nessov () and Feduccia () examined
Fragments of feathers have also been found in amber of Late this material and also concluded that it probably represents
Cretaceous age from southern Alberta, Canada (Davis and plant material. Glazunova et al. (), however, maintained
Briggs, ; Grimaldi and Case, ). There are at least the avian origin of this specimen. To my knowledge, no de-

398 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
Figure 16.12. Semiplume preserved in amber from the Late
5 mm Cretaceous of New Jersey.

Figure 16.11. Complete contour feather (MCT -R) from

the Santana Formation (Crato Member), Early Cretaceous of covered (see Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume).
Brazil. Observe the color pattern formed by darker and lighter Other isolated feathers in this area have been found, as well,
bands. most likely from part of the body. Based on their dark color,
which contrasts with the matrix, the feathers found in this
deposit are possibly preserved as carbonized traces and not
tailed redescription of this specimen has been done to con- as impressions as reported by Hou et al. (). See Chiappe
firm the interpretation presented by Rautian (). et al. () and Zhou and Hou (Chapter  in this volume)
Nessov () mentioned the presence of isolated feath- for description and discussion of these feathers.
ers in two other localities of Kazakhstan, both near the Aral Kurochkin (a and pers. comm., ) reported the
Sea. The first one is a small feather ( mm), described by existence of a single, tiny feather preserved in the amber de-
P. V. Shilin (apud Nessov, ), from the Zhirkindeck For- posit from the Yantardakh locality, Hatanga River, in north-
mation (Upper Turonian–Coniacian) found in the Tjulkeli ern Siberia, from Early Cretaceous sediments. Today, these
locality (Kzyl-Orda District). The second one consists of a sediments are regarded as Late Santonian (Kurochkin, pers.
small, asymmetric contour feather from the Bostobe For- comm., ). Nessov () also reports the existence of
mation (Santonian-?Campanian) found in the Taldysay lo- small feathers from this locality. However, no detailed in-
cality. This last one was named by V. S. Bazhanov (Nessov, formation about this material is currently available.
) Cretaaviculus sarysuensis. I did not have access to The lacustrine sedimentary rocks of Khurit-Ulan-Bulak
figures or the specimens. (Early Cretaceous) in central Mongolia have also furnished
In sediments of the Yixian Formation (?Tithonian), from some feathers. Some are preserved as impressions between
the Chinese locality of Shangyuan (Beipiao, Liaoning), an the wing phalanges of Ambiortus, and others have been
incomplete skeleton of a bird was recovered, Confuciusornis found isolated (Kurochkin, a: Figs. , ). According to
sanctus (Hou et al., ; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this the published illustrations, the feathers known so far from
volume), with several feathers associated with the tibio- this deposit are not preserved well enough to warrant a de-
tarsus. Subsequently, hundreds of specimens have been re- tailed description.

F E AT H E R S 399
tioned, sometimes followed with a short description. Nev-
ertheless, the known record provides some interesting in-
formation that can contribute to a better understanding of
avian evolution. Until very recently, feathers had been re-
ported only in birds. All nonavian theropods in which the
skin is fossilized lacked any similar structures. This included
one extremely well-preserved specimen discovered in the
Santana Formation (Romualdo Member), Brazil; this ma-
terial contains exceptionally well-fossilized dermis and epi-
dermis, where the evidence of feathers would have been pre-
served if they were originally present (Kellner, a,b).
New “feathered” fossils, however, could potentially
change this picture. The first new taxon, named Sino-
sauropteryx prima, from the Mesozoic strata of China (Ji
and Ji, ) was originally regarded as an early bird. Con-
trary to this interpretation, some researchers raised the
possibility that Sinosauropteryx represents a nonavian
theropod, probably related to Compsognathus from the Up-
per Jurassic of Europe (Currie, ; Chen et al., ). At
present, it is also not absolutely clear if the “featherlike”
structures of Sinosauropteryx are, in fact, feathers, proto-
feathers, or something else (Geist et al., ; Chen et al.,
), although a number of recent studies have strongly
supported their homology to extant feathers (e.g., Padian et
al., ; Prum and Williamson, ; Xu et al., ; see also
Witmer, Chapter  in this volume). In any case, the struc-
tures observed in the dorsal part of Sinosauropteryx are
Figure 16.13. Feather (semiplume?) preserved in amber from
the Late Cretaceous of southern Alberta, Canada. Note the color filliform and lack the branching pattern observed in avian
pattern represented by lighter and darker areas. feathers. Soon after the discovery of Sinosauropteryx, other
specimens of nonavian theropods were recovered that
showed integumentary structures. For example, the ther-
Some incomplete but articulated wing bones of an early izinosauroid Beipiaosaurus and the dromaeosaurid Sinor-
bird, Otogornis genghisi (Hou, ), were found in Lower nithosaurus (Xu et al., ) display filamentous structures
Cretaceous rocks (Yijinholuo Formation) from Chaibu- similar to those observed in Sinosauropteryx; however, the
Sumi, in Inner Mongolia (Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this putative basal oviraptorosaur Caudipteryx displays true
volume). There are at least two flight feathers associated feathers of basically avian form (see Ji et al., ; Padian et
with the radius and ulna that were figured but not de- al., ; Witmer, Chapter  in this volume; Zhou and Hou,
scribed. Rachises and barbs can be observed, but barbules Chapter  in this volume; and references therein).
are apparently not preserved. The origin of feathers is still debated (Hecht et al., ;
Williston () described supposed feathers in one spec- Feduccia, ). Feathers have traditionally been regarded
imen of Hesperornis from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) as derived from the scales present in reptiles. Brush (),
Niobrara Formation of Kansas. Martin () mentioned the however, pointed out that the only similarity between these
presence of plumaceous feathers in two specimens of Para- structures is the fact that both are derived from epidermal
hesperornis. Cracraft () indicates, in his data matrix, tissue; in every other feature, such as gene structure, devel-
the presence of feathers in Ichthyornis. To my knowledge, the opment, and morphogenesis, avian feathers differ from
evidence of feathers in those taxa has not been described and reptilian scales. In extant birds, feathers have a variety of
has yet to be confirmed. functions, including insulation, flight, and protection
(Stettenheim, ). The original function of feathers,
Discussion however, is commonly related to insulation with a later
modification for flight (Regal, ), but the reverse has
Mesozoic feathers are uncommon fossils and have rarely also been proposed, that is, feathers first developed in an
been subjected to detailed study. In most cases, the occur- aerodynamic context and only secondarily achieved an in-
rence of this integumentary structure is only briefly men- sulation function (e.g., Feduccia, , ). The presence

400 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R
in Caudipteryx of relatively large feathers restricted to the main categories of feathers (Lucas and Stettenheim, ),
hand and distal tail may suggest that behavioral display was only filoplumes and bristles have not been found or recog-
also important (Ji et al., ). So far, there is no clear evi- nized as such in the fossil record.
dence that can settle this issue, although the insulation hy- The discovery in Early Cretaceous strata of contour
pothesis tends to be favored by some ornithologists (e.g., feathers with indications of color patterns presents some in-
Bock, ). As both the phylogenetic distribution of feath- teresting information (Figs. ., ., .). Melanin is the
ers in Theropoda and the significance of integumentary most prevalent and durable pigment found in neornithine
filaments become better known, hypotheses on the origin feathers, producing dark tones such as black, grays, and
of feathers will gain a firmer footing. browns (Gill, ). Other pigments, such as carotenoid and
No feathers have been found in Triassic strata, and the porphyrins, produce lighter colors and are less resistant to
only confirmed Jurassic feathers are the ones from wear. Similar pigments might have been present in the fos-
Solnhofen. In Cretaceous strata, particularly in the lower sil feathers studied here, since the barbs of the darker bands
part, the remains of feathers are more abundant. This is are better preserved than those in the lighter bands. Al-
consistent with the known record of early birds, most of though the natural colors in the fossil specimens are un-
which came from strata deposited during this period (Chi- known, it seems likely that the dark and light bands or dots
appe, ). found in those specimens did represent, in life, respectively
Undisputed remains of Mesozoic fossil feathers have darker and brighter colors. So far, only a few fossil feathers
been unearthed in only a few localities from the following with indication of color variation have been found, pre-
countries: Germany (Solnhofen), Spain (Montsec, Las senting different patterns. Two of the Araripe feathers show
Hoyas), Mongolia (Gurvan Eren, Sheen Khuduk, Khurit- a regular and perpendicular banding (Fig. .). Similar
Ulan-Bulak, Chaibu-Sami), China (Liaoning, Inner Mon- bands, but this time irregular, are found in one Russian
golia), Russia (Transbaikalia, Siberia), Kazakhstan (Tjulkeli, specimen (Fig. .). The barbules of one feather from
Taldysay), Japan (Kuji), Lebanon (Jezzine), Australia Montsec (Spain) are formed by dotted sequences (Lacasa-
(Koonwarra), Brazil (Araripe Basin), the United States Ruiz, : Fig. ), as observed in some neornithine feathers.
(New Jersey), and Canada (Alberta). For some of these de- A similar condition is found in one feather preserved in am-
posits, feathers constitute the only avian record currently ber from Canada (Fig. .), where the barbs are formed by
known, and, given the recent identification of feathers and a sequence of dark and lighter “dashes.” Color in extant bird
featherlike structures in nonavian theropods, it cannot be feathers plays several roles, particularly in behavior and
stated with absolute certainty that all the feathers described communication. Its presence in Mesozoic fossil feathers,
in this chapter actually do pertain to Aves. So far, no fossil with different patterns, suggests that birds might have de-
feathers have been found on two continents, Antarctica and veloped similar mechanisms very early in their evolution-
Africa. ary history.
In Archaeopteryx, only flight and tail feathers were iden- According to Davis and Briggs (), fossil feathers can
tified; no other type, such as down feathers, has been re- be preserved in one of five main modes: carbonized traces,
ported. This early bird has been commonly regarded as bacterial autolithification, imprintation, amber, and copro-
endothermic, with the feathers used as the primary evidence. lites (found so far only in one marine Miocene deposit in
Ruben (), however, disagreed and presented several ar- Maryland, United States). Overall, the best-preserved feath-
guments favoring the interpretation that this early bird was ers are found in amber, where all structures can be exam-
a flying ectotherm. In fact, some early birds might not have ined in great detail. Amber preservation, however, is very
been endothermic, as has been recently suggested based on rare. Most commonly, feathers are found as carbonized
studies of bone microstructure (Chinsamy et al., ; traces. This seems to be the case (no chemical tests were per-
Chinsamy, Chapter  in this volume). Therefore, the evo- formed) for some of the best-preserved Mesozoic material
lution of feathers and endothermy are not necessarily that comes from the Santana Formation (Crato Member,
closely associated (see also Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  Brazil) and from Koonwarra (Australia). In these, even the
in this volume). barbules on the barbs are commonly preserved.
As mentioned earlier, the record of feathers is compara- In terms of the depositional environment, Mesozoic
tively large in the Cretaceous. Flight feathers, including an feathers are more commonly found in sedimentary rocks of
alula (Sanz et al., ), feathers from the tail and body, lacustrine deposits. This is consistent with the hypothesis
semiplumes, and down feathers have been reported. The oc- that the Mesozoic avifauna might have been more confined
currence of down feathers is particularly important, since to terrestrial/inland regions (Kellner, ). On the coastal
their function is to provide effective thermal insulation, areas, where pterosaur remains far outnumber avian bones,
which was apparently already developed in some basal birds birds were apparently more restricted and represented pri-
in the Early Cretaceous (Kellner et al., ). Of the five marily by flightless diving forms (Hesperornithiformes).

F E AT H E R S 401
In terms of taxonomy, some authors have based new Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (supple-
avian taxa on isolated feathers. Detailed studies of ne- ment):–.
ornithine feathers revealed the presence of ultrastructures Bock, W. J. . The arboreal theory for the origin of birds; pp.
– in M. K. Hecht, J. H. Ostrom, G. Viohl, and P.
(= featherprints) that potentially might be suitable for tax-
Wellnhofer (eds.), The Beginnings of Birds. Freunde des Jura-
onomical purposes (e.g., Perremans et al., ; Laybourne Museums Eichstätt, Eichstätt.
et al., ). Except for specimens preserved in amber, such ———. . The arboreal origin of avian flight; pp. – in K.
structures are unlikely to be preserved in fossil feathers. Padian (ed.), The Origin of Birds and the Evolution of Flight.
Therefore, taxa based solely on isolated feathers should be California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.
avoided. Brenner, P., W. Goldmacher, and P. Schroeder. . Ostrakoden
Further comparative studies of fossil feathers with ne- und Alter der Plattenkalke von Rubies (Sierra de Montsech,
Prov. Lérida, N.E.—Spanien). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie
ornithine specimens are warranted in order to provide a
und Paläontologie :–.
better understanding of the development of this important
Brush, A. H. . On the origin of feathers. Journal of Evolu-
integumentary structure through time. This is particularly tionary Biology :–.
true for the fossil specimens found in amber, such as the Chandler, A. C. . A study of the structure of feathers, with ref-
material from Lebanon, New Jersey, Japan, and Canada, erence to their taxonomic significance. University of Califor-
which have the greatest potential for preserving detailed nia Publications in Zoology ():–.
anatomical structures. Chatterjee, S. . The Rise of Birds:  Million Years of Evolu-
tion. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore,  pp.
Acknowledgments Chen P.-J., Dong Z., and Zhen S.-N. . An exceptionally well-
preserved theropod dinosaur from the Yixian Formation of
I thank the following individuals for providing photographs of China. Nature :–.
several feathers: H.-P. Schultze and W. Haare (Museum für Chiappe, L. M. . The first  million years of avian evolution.
Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin) for the picture of the Nature :–.
main slab with the first Archaeopteryx feather (Fig. .A); L. M. Chiappe, L. M., Ji S., Ji Q., and M. A. Norell. . Anatomy and
Chiappe (American Museum of Natural History, New York), for systematics of the Confuciusornithidae (Theropoda: Aves)
slides of the feathers from Montsec (Spain); E. N. Kurochkin (Pa- from the Late Mesozoic of northeastern China. Bulletin of the
leontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) for American Museum of Natural History :–.
several photographs of feathers from Russia and Mongolia (Figs. Chinsamy, A., L. M. Chiappe, and P. Dodson. . Growth rings
., ., .) and information regarding some Russian speci- in Mesozoic birds. Nature :–.
mens; R. Molnar (Queensland Museum, Queensland) for slides of Christopher, R. A. . Normapolles and triporate pollen as-
the Australian feathers; E. Frey and V. Griener (Staatliches Mu- semblages from the Raritan and Magothy Formations (Up-
seum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe) for the photograph per Cretaceous) of New Jersey. Palynology :–.
of one feather from the Crato Member; J. L. Sanz (Facultad de Cracraft, J. . The origin and early diversification of birds.
Ciencias, Universitat Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid) for the pho- Paleobiology ():–.
tographs of the feathers from Las Hoyas (Fig. .); D. Grimaldi Currie, P. J. . “Feathered” dinosaurs; p.  in P. J. Currie and
(American Museum of Natural History, New York) for the photo- K. Padian (eds.), Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. Academic Press,
graph of the New Jersey feather; K. Sasaki (Kuji Amber Museum, New York.
Kuji) for sending a color photograph of one feather preserved in Davis, P. G., and D. E. G. Briggs. . Fossilization of feathers.
amber from Japan; and T. Pike (Alberta, Canada) for providing Geology ():–.
some slides of the feathers preserved in amber from Alberta, Dettman, M. E. . Early Cretaceous palynoflora of subsurface
Canada. D. de Almeida Campos (Museu Ciências da Terra, De- strata correlative with the Koonwarra fossil bed, Victoria.
partamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Rio de Janeiro), P. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
Wellnhofer (Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläntologie und :–.
Historische Geologie, Munich), J. G. Maisey (American Museum Feduccia, A. . On why the dinosaur lacked feathers; pp. –
of Natural History, New York), and R. G. Martins Neto (São Paulo) in M. K. Hecht, J. O. Ostrom, G. Viohl, and P. Wellnhofer
provided access to material that is in their care. I am grateful to G. (eds.), The Beginnings of Birds. Freunde des Jura-Museums,
Olshevsky (New York) and P. Currie (Royal Tyrrell Museum of Eichstätt.
Palaeontology, Drumheller, Canada) for information regarding ———. . Evidence from claw geometry indicating arboreal
the newly feathered archosaurs found in China. I thank E. N. habits of Archaeopteryx. Science :–.
Kurochkin, L. M. Chiappe, and L. M. Witmer (Ohio University, ———. . The Origin and Evolution of Birds. Yale University
Athens) for reviewing drafts of the manuscript. I especially thank Press, New Haven,  pp.
L. Meeker and C. Tarka (American Museum of Natural History, Feduccia, A., and H. B. Tordoff. . Feathers of Archaeopteryx:
New York) for the many photographs used in this chapter, some asymmetric vanes indicate aerodynamic function. Science
of which were produced under very difficult conditions. :–.
Ferrer-Condal, L. . Notice préliminaire concernant la
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404 A L E X A N D E R W. A . K E L L N E R

The Track Record of Mesozoic Birds and Pterosaurs

An Ichnological and Paleoecological Perspective


In recent years there has been an exponential quenting lakeshore or, in a few cases, seashore environ-
increase in the discovery and documentation ments). While shorebirds in a taxonomic sense (the
of tracks attributable to Mesozoic birds Charadriiformes) are not known prior to the Campanian
(Lockley et al., ). There has also been a re- (Chiappe, ; see Hope, Chapter  in this volume), there
newed interest in pterosaur tracks (Lockley et al., , ; is ichnological evidence (summarized in this chapter) that
Mazin et al., , ; Unwin, ; Wright et al., ). The shore-frequenting birds (hereafter referred to as shore-
result is that the track record of these two groups of flying birds) existed in the Early Cretaceous. It still remains for pa-
vertebrates has increased from virtually nothing to a sub- leontologists to address the question of which osteological
stantial ichnological record. In addition, owing to a general taxa were responsible for making these tracks or whether, as
revival of interest in vertebrate ichnology, it has become current evidence suggests, the track makers remain un-
clear that the track record often, although not always, rep- known in the skeletal record.
resents a component of the fossil fauna that is entirely dif- At present, the track record of Mesozoic birds appears to
ferent from that represented in the skeletal record. Thus, the be associated mainly with Cretaceous lacustrine deposits
track record can be particularly instructive in adding infor- and various coastal plain deposits. This is in contrast to a
mation that is not otherwise available from the realm of pterosaur track record associated mainly with Late Jurassic
body fossils. As also demonstrated in recent studies (Lock- marginal marine and lagoonal settings and Cretaceous ter-
ley and Hunt, , ), tracks are often much more com- restrial depositional environments.
mon than bones and so facilitate the rapid compilation of a The objective of this chapter is to summarize the Meso-
large database. Additionally, tracks are found in situ and so zoic bird track record in the context of the paleoenviron-
are indicative of the environments actually inhabited by the ments frequented or inhabited by the track makers. We ex-
track makers. tend this paleoecological analysis to include pterosaurs to
The Mesozoic bird track record provides a good illustra- determine the extent to which the ichnological record of the
tion of all these points. We now know of more than  two groups overlaps in space and time. Such an analysis
Mesozoic bird track assemblages. These all appear to repre- sheds light on the niches occupied by the two groups. By de-
sent “shorebirds”or “waterbirds,”in stark comparison to the scribing the bird track record, we can also determine some-
bone record, in which such groups are quite rare. It has al- thing of the overall completeness and bias of the entire
ready been noted that “shorebird” track assemblages are avian fossil record (both bones and tracks). It is also possi-
sufficiently distinctive and common as to warrant the ble to evaluate the minimal timing of the diversification of
recognition of a generalized Late Mesozoic to recent “shore- shorebirds or other avian ecological groups that appear
bird ichnofacies” (Lockley et al., b) and that the over- convergent with shorebirds (Lockley et al., ).
whelming majority of ancient bird track sites represent this The following institutional abbreviations are used in
ichnofacies (Greben and Lockley, ). The abundance of this chapter: CU-MWC, University of Colorado at Denver
tracks in such facies is also remarkable and may measure as and Museum of Western Colorado Joint Ichnological Col-
high as several hundred per square meter. lection, Denver, Colorado, United States; DGSU, Depart-
It is important to note here that we use the terms “shore- ment of Geology, Seoul University, Seoul, South Korea;
birds” and “waterbirds” in an ecological sense (birds fre- KPE, Earth Science Department, Kyungpook National

University, Daegu, South Korea; UCM, University of Col-
orado Museum, Boulder, Colorado, United States.

It is important to be able to identify the tracks of birds and
not to confuse them with pes tracks of nonavian dinosaurs
or manus tracks of pterosaurs (Fig. .). The following cri-
teria are useful, although not foolproof, in determining
whether tracks were made by birds or other track makers
(Lockley et al., ), but, given that almost all fossil bird
tracks are those of waterbirds (Greben and Lockley ), it
is to this group that these criteria apply: () general resem-
blance to the tracks of neornithines; () small size; () slen-
der digit impressions with indistinct differentiation of the
pad impressions; () wide divarication angle (approxi- Figure 17.1. A, Neornithine (goliath heron) track (after Lockley
mately –°) between the outer digits; () caudally di- et al., ). B, Grallator track, attributed to a nonavian dinosaur.
rected hallux (digit I), oriented up to ° from middle for- Late Triassic/Early Jurassic, eastern United States (after Lull,
). C, Pterosaur manus track. Pteraichnus, Late Jurassic, west-
ward digit; () slender claws; and () claws on the outer
ern United States. CU-MWC .. B and C to same scale.
digits curving distally away from the middle digit. Lockley
et al. () also noted that high track densities are a non-
morphological characteristic of bird track assemblages. In
general, pterosaur manus tracks are highly asymmetric, consider these tracks to have been made by various non-
with “fleshy” digits, rendering them distinguishable in most avian dinosaurs.
cases from bird tracks. Pterosaur pes tracks have four sub- The majority of known Mesozoic bird tracksite occur-
parallel toes and are distinctly unbirdlike. Pterosaur track- rences were reviewed by Lockley et al. (), although their
ways also indicate quadrupedal progression. stratigraphic distribution was not given precisely—in some
Although it is not easy to compare the taxonomic com- cases because of the lack of detailed information available.
position of ichnofaunas with conventional body fossil tax- Since , however, a number of additional sites have been
onomies, an established ichnotaxonomy exists to describe discovered, and ichnotaxonomic descriptions of certain
tracks, and we follow its guidelines in assessing diversity of tracks have been published. A brief review of known Meso-
track types. Given the overwhelming predominance of zoic bird tracksites is presented in stratigraphic order of oc-
shorebird footprints in the avian track record, ichnotaxon- currence (Fig. .).
omy is also useful in assessing diversity within this ecolog-
ical group. We also follow standard ichnological proce- Jurassic ?Bird Tracks
dures in regarding each discrete track assemblage as a Currently, there are no reliable reports of pre-Cretaceous
single tracksite or ichnocoenosis. In addition, two or more bird tracks. Ellenberger () described several new genera
discrete track-bearing levels in a given formation are re- and species of small tridactyl tracks from the Late Triassic
garded as separate sites. An ichnofacies is a consistent re- Stormberg Beds of southern Africa. He noted that they were
currence of a particular ichnocoenosis in a given sedimen- very birdlike and considered them to have been made by a
tary facies. hypothetical “proavis.” The tracks include Trisauropodiscus
aviforma and T. superaviforma (Fig. .A) from the Upper
Material Molteno Beds of the Lower Stormberg Series (Zone A/),
with divarication angles between the outer two digits (d.a.)
In the mid-nineteenth century, the Reverend Edward of ° and °, respectively. T. galliforma (d.a. °), T.
Hitchcock described numerous fossil footprints from phasianiforma (d.a. °–°), T. levis (d.a. °), and T.
the Newark Supergroup of the eastern United States. He popompoi (d.a. °) all occur in Zone A/ of the Lower Red
initially described them as various species within a single Beds of the Lower Stormberg Series, and Trisaurodactylus
new genus (Ornithichnites, the “stony bird traces”), forming superavipes (d.a. °; Fig. .C; Ellenberger, ) is found
the basis of modern vertebrate ichnotaxonomy (Hitchcock, in the lower part of the Upper Stormberg Series (Zone B/).
). He always considered them to have been made by Although the digit impressions of these tracks are slender,
extinct birds, even though nonavian dinosaurs were dis- the divarication angles are much smaller than is typical of
covered in his lifetime (Hitchcock, ); later workers most bird tracks, and many of these African tracks are large


Figure 17.2. Chronostratigraphic distribution of  bird and pterosaur tracksites in upper Mesozoic strata. Each discrete track-bear-
ing level in a formation is considered a separate site. Number of tracksites is given in parentheses after geographic locality when there
is more than one such locality in a given stage. At least five possible bird track sites, based on Magnoavipes, in the Cenomanian of Col-
orado, are not included. See text for details. Depositional environment of tracksite is indicated as marine or nonmarine (modified af-
ter Lockley ).

(the type of T. superaviforma is . cm long and  cm taxon known from rocks of this age. For example, the Hitch-
wide). These observations together lead to the conclusion cock collection (Pratt Museum, Amherst College) contains
that these footprints were probably made by relatively small many small Anomoepus tracks with relatively wide digit di-
nonavian dinosaurs. varication angles. Birdlike tracks have also been reported
Other small tracks, such as Trisauropodiscus moabensis from the Early Jurassic of Morocco (Fig. .E; Ishigaki,
(Fig. .B) from the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of ) and are comparable to the ichnogenus Argoides.
Utah, are also very birdlike in appearance, especially in size, Enigmatic tridactyl tracks from the Late Jurassic of Spain
slenderness of digits, and digit divarication angles (Lockley (Valenzuela et al., ), described as “miscellaneous bird-
et al., ), but such tracks could be considered similar to like” tracks (Lockley et al., ), are possibly pterosaurian
Anomoepus—a fairly common nonavian dinosaurian ichno- in origin (Lockley et al., ) but may not be of either avian


mean length of  cm. Although the possibility of a nonavian
dinosaurian origin was considered by Fuentes Vidarte, it was
dismissed on the basis of the high divarication angles be-
tween digits II and IV (maximum is °; average is °) and
between digits I and III (maximum is °; average is °).
We agree with this assessment on morphological grounds
(cf. Lockley et al., ) and note that, except for the shorter
hallux in Archaeornithipus, these tracks are quite similar to
Jindongornipes (Fig. .C) from the ?Aptian -?Albian of Ko-
rea, which was previously the largest known Lower Creta-
ceous avian ichnite. In addition, a feature common to Ar-
chaeornithipus, Jindongornipes, Yacoraitichnus (Fig. .D),
and Aquatilavipes swiboldae (Fig. .A) is the cranially con-
cave bend in the medial forward digit (II). However, this fea-
ture is not diagnostic for any of these ichnotaxa, because it
does not occur consistently in all specimens (compare the
holotype and paratype of Archaeornithipus, Fig. .A, B); it
is probably an artifact of behavior, locomotion, or preserva-
Figure 17.3. Tracks of possible avian affinity (after Lockley et al., tion, although it may be an expression of variation in the
). Note the large size of these tracks. A, C, D, and E to same flexibility and range of articulation of the pes.
scale. A, T. superaviforma, Late Triassic/Early Jurassic, southern
Archaeornithipus is also significant in being the only
Africa. B, T. moabensis, Early Jurassic, western United States. CU-
Mesozoic avian ichnotaxon to exhibit parallel trackways
MWC .. C, T. superavipes, Late Triassic/Early Jurassic, south-
ern Africa. D, Unnamed track from the Early Cenomanian of Is- (Fig. .), suggestive of gregarious behavior. This is un-
rael. E, cf. Argoides, Early Jurassic, Morocco. usual among bird tracks of any age, previously only demon-
strable from a single Oligocene tracksite (Raaf et al., ;
Yang et al., ).

or pterosaurian origin. Such uncertainty reflects the fact Valanginian Tracks. Tracks from the Tetori Group (Valan-
that the tracks have not been carefully described in context ginian) of Japan (Lockley et al., ) are the oldest avian
(Fig. .C). It is possible that the pterosaurian manus and
avian pes could be confused in circumstances in which
complete material is not available, as is the case in the Span-
ish sample.

Lower Cretaceous Bird Tracks

Cretaceous bird tracks are known from Berriasian- through
Maastrichtian-age deposits, in nearly all cases apparently
associated with nonmarine settings. Moreover, the number
of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Albian) reports has in-
creased significantly in recent years (Figure .). All appear
to be those of waterbirds and in most cases are essentially
indistinguishable from the tracks of neornithines. However,
there is sufficient morphological variation to provide some
indication of the variety of species represented.

Berriasian Tracks. In a recent paper, Fuentes Vidarte

() reports abundant bird tracks from the Wealden of
Spain. These are assigned a Berriasian age and have been
Figure 17.4. A, Holotype of A. meijidei, Berriasian, Spain. Left
named Archaeornithipus meijidei (Fig. .A, B). They are ev-
footprint. B, Paratype of A. meijidei, Berriasian, Spain. Right
idently the oldest confirmed bird tracks yet reported. This footprint. C, Holotype of J. kimi, Aptian-Albian, South Korea.
track assemblage is interesting for several reasons. First, the KPE . D, Y. avis, Maastrichtian, Argentina. All to same scale
tracks are larger than any others previously reported from (A and B after Fuentes Vidarte, ; C and D after Lockley et al.,
the Cretaceous, having a maximum length of . cm and a ).


represent a new ichnotaxon (McCrea and Sarjeant, ).
The tracks are clearly those of waterbirds and often occur in
high concentrations. It is reasonable to predict that addi-
tional tracksites (levels) are likely to be found in this area.
Tracks of probable Aptian age are found in the Haman
Formation of South Korea and in the overlying ?Aptian-
?Albian Jindong Formation (these formations have proved
hard to date accurately; Lim et al., ). Both deposits are
remarkable, however, for their abundance of vertebrate
footprints, occurring at literally hundreds of stratigraphic
levels (Lockley et al., ; Lim et al., , ). The first
Mesozoic bird tracks known from Asia were reported from
the Haman Formation by Kim () and named Korean-
aornis hamanensis (Fig. .C, D). Subsequent studies of the
overlying Jindong Formation have revealed that this unit is
replete with bird tracks. Conservative estimates put the
Figure 17.5. Aquatilavipes tracks. A, Holotype of A. swiboldae count of bird track horizons at about . In addition to K.
Currie,  (after Currie, ). Aptian Gething Formation, hamanensis, the Jindong Formation has also yielded a larger
Canada. The ichnospecies is also known from the Albian Gates bird track named Jindongornipes kimi (Fig. .C; Lockley et
Formation of Canada. B, A. sinensis Zhen et al., . Drawn from al., ). This large morphotype has since been reported
photograph provided by Zhen (after Lockley et al., ). C, Un- from the Haman Formation (Lim et al., ).
named bird tracks comparable to Aquatilavipes, from the
Tracks assigned to Aquatilavipes sinensis (Fig. .B) have
Valanginian Tetori Group, Japan (after Lockley et al., ). A and
B to same scale. been reported from the Jiaguan Formation of Sichuan
Province, China (Zhen et al., , ); this formation is
of Aptian-Albian age (Hao et al., ; Matsukawa and
ichnites reported from Asia. They are similar to Aqua- Obata, ). Photographs sent to the senior author indicate
tilavipes but have not been formally named (Fig. .C). that this track may have a hallux impression associated with
it (Lockley et al., : Fig. ). If this is the case, then the
Barremian Tracks. Bird tracks of probable Barremian
age have recently been discovered in the Lakota Formation
of South Dakota and a locality originally reported by An-
derson (). They occur in association with the tracks of
ornithopod and theropod dinosaurs and are considered the
oldest bird tracks currently known from North America
(Fig. .; Lockley et al., a). They are small (. cm long
and wide) with digit divarication angles up to –°. The
tracks are tridactyl without hallux impressions and resem-
ble Aquatilavipes (Currie, ).

Aptian-Albian Tracks. Tracks of undoubted Aptian age

were reported from the Gething Formation of western
Canada and assigned to the ichnospecies A. swiboldae (Cur-
rie, ). Like the aforementioned tracks from Japan, these
footprints are tridactyl and lack any trace of a hallux (Fig.
.A). Similar tracks purportedly from the Albian Gates
Formation of western Canada assigned to A. swiboldae
(Lockley et al., : Fig. g) have now been reassigned to the
Gladstone Formation—a Gething equivalent (Richard Mc-
Crea, pers. comm., ). Bird tracks, however, are now also
known from the Gates Formation of western Alberta (Mc- Figure 17.6. Rose diagram showing trends of Archaeornithipus
Crea and Sarjeant, , ). Tracks resembling A. swi- tracks (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, Spain). Radius of rose
boldae are known from at least three different stratigraphic corresponds to  tracks. Composite of all localities from data
levels and occur in association with larger bird tracks that of Fuentes Vidarte ().


Figure 17.8. Early Cretaceous tracks. Note similarities to
Aquatilavipes (Fig. .). A, Sketch of type slab of I. mcconnelli
(after Mehl, ; UCM ). B, New I. mcconnelli track speci-
Figure 17.7. Bird tracks from the Lakota Formation of South men (CU-MWC .) from the Dakota Group, near Golden,
Dakota (after Lockley et al., a). Colorado. C, K. hamanensis track with hallux impression. DGSU
unnumbered specimen. Haman Formation, South Korea (after
Lockley et al., ). D, K. hamanensis track lacking hallux im-
track appears morphologically distinct from the type mate- pression. KPE . Haman Formation, South Korea (after
rial of Aquatilavipes. Lockley et al., ). All to same scale.
A single, small tridactyl track, approximately . cm
long and  cm wide with a small impression possibly made
by a hallux, was reported from the ?Aptian Enciso Group Possible bird tracks may also occur in the Cenomanian
of Los Cayos, Spain, by Moratella (). While it was orig- of Israel (Fig. .D; Lockley et al., ), although these
inally interpreted as an avian ichnite, the present authors were originally reported as nonavian dinosaur tracks (Av-
consider this trace too poorly preserved to infer a track nimelech, ; Thulborn, ). Lee () erected the new
maker. Tracks interpreted as chelonian and pterosaurian ichnotaxon Magnoavipes lowei for large bird tracks from the
are also found in these strata (Moratella, ; Lockley and Woodbine Formation of Texas (Lower to early Middle
Meyer, : fig .). Cenomanian). These tracks lack hallux impressions, and
the step is long; the track maker may have been a cranelike
Upper Cretaceous Bird Tracks bird. In addition, Lee () claimed this new ichnotaxon to
Cenomanian Tracks. Bird tracks from the earliest Ceno- be the largest bird footprint on record in the Mesozoic and
manian portion of the Dakota Group have special signifi- noted its similarity to the Cenomanian Israeli tracks. We
cance as the first Mesozoic bird tracks ever reported (Fig. note the similarity to many tracks in the Dakota Group of
.A); they were named Ignotornis mcconnelli by Mehl Colorado (Fig. .; Lockley et al., ). While Lee’s claim
(). Additional topotype material was reported by Lock- is intriguing and suggests, on morphological and strati-
ley et al. (, ), and a new specimen is illustrated graphic grounds, that the tracks from Israel and Colorado
herein for the first time (Fig. .B); all the material is from might be referred to cf. Magnoavipes, there are several fac-
a single locality in Colorado. This track type is tetradactyl tors that need to be considered. Are these really bird tracks?
in most cases, with a prominent hallux. Phalangeal pad im- Preliminary studies of abundant material from Colorado
pressions are “obscure” in most cases (Lockley et al., ), suggest that digit divarication is between ° and °—
although the new topotype specimen reveals details of two considerably less than the ° reported by Lee () for a
phalangeal pads on what appears to be digit II. single specimen that appears to be compromised by poor


avian tracks were described by Parker and Balsley ()
from siltstones of the Blackhawk Formation interpreted as
representing a nearshore lacustrine environment or possi-
bly very low energy fluvial conditions (Robison, ). The
original authors interpreted these as tracks of a large bird
with a “distinctly asymmetrical foot” (Parker and Balsley,
:). The asymmetry of these footprints (Fig. .F),
in particular the elongation of what appears to be the im-
pression of digit IV, was initially taken as an indication of
hesperornithiform foot morphology (see editorial footnote
in Parker and Balsley, :). More recent studies of these
and similar tracks suggest that these are pterosaur manus
tracks resembling the ichnogenus Pteraichnus, though con-
siderably larger (Lockley et al., ). The tracks are associ-
ated with possible feeding traces in the form of oval-shaped
“beak” or “prod” marks. The lack of pes traces may be be-
cause they are more lightly impressed (Lockley et al., )
and thus easy to overlook, especially in this case, in which
the locality is underground in a coal mine.
Robison () reported three different types of bird
tracks from the lower part of the Blackhawk Formation, at
Figure 17.9. Magnoavipes tracks from Texas, New Mexico, and
a level about  m below the track-bearing layers described
Colorado, all drawn to same scale. A, type specimen of M. lowei
from the Woodbine Formation, Texas (after Lee, ), all others by Parker and Balsley (). These tracks include a rela-
from the Dakota Group. B, from Clayton Lake State Park, New tively large (approximately  cm long by  cm wide),
Mexico. C, from Gallinas Canyon, Baca County, Colorado (after slender-toed morphotype from Meetinghouse Canyon (Fig.
Lockley et al., ). D, from Bandemere site near Morrison, Col- .A, B). Frog tracks are associated with the track-bearing
orado (after Lockley et al., ). E–H, trackway segments (steps) layer at this locality. Robison reported additional tracks from
from Dinosaur Ridge (Alameda Parkway) (modified from Lock- Straight Canyon and suggested that they represent two dif-
ley et al. ).
ferent morphotypes. The first (morphotype A) reveals thick-
toed footprints about . cm long by  cm wide (Fig. .C),
preservation (M.G.L. pers. obs.). If the divarication angle is and the second (morphotype B) indicates a slender foot
consistently less than °, the criteria for inferring this as about . cm long by  cm wide (Fig. .D).
the track of a bird are undermined. In any event Magno-
avipes is a distinctive ichnotaxon and appears potentially A new bird track locality discovered in the Blackhawk
useful in biostratigraphic correlation at the stage and/or Formation near North Horn, Utah (Lockley, b) reveals
substage level. It is also worth noting that the dinosaurian a set of small tracks (approximately  cm long by . cm
ichnogenus Caririchnium co-occurs with Magnoavipes in wide; Fig. .E) that are clearly different from those re-
Texas and is also found with Ignotornis in Colorado; such ported by Parker and Balsley () and Robison ().
evidence suggests that correlations inferred by individual Thus, at least four bird track types are known from the
ichnotaxa are often part of a larger picture of correlations Blackhawk Formation. This latter locality is important for
that can be deduced from vertebrate track assemblages several reasons. First, this site provides unequivocal evi-
(Lockley and Hunt, ). dence of pterosaur tracks (Pteraichnus) in the Blackhawk
Large tracks (approximately  cm long,  cm wide) Formation that should be considered in conjunction with
somewhat similar to those of Jindongornipes have recently the aforementioned pterosaurian reinterpretation (Lockley
been reported from the Dunvegan Formation of western et al., ) of the footprints reported by Parker and Balsley
Canada (Plint, pers. comm., ). Following the Lower (). Second, we believe that this was the first discovery of
Cenomanian, there appears to be something of a gap in the bird and pterosaur tracks found at the same locality and on
bird track record until the Campanian. This may be due to the same surface (Fig. .). Third, if we accept that the large
the lack of continental sediments of this age in many regions. tracks are pterosaurian in origin, then the Blackhawk is the
only formation producing multiple bird and pterosaur
Campanian Tracks. In recent years, there have been sev- track morphotypes. Present evidence suggests that two
eral reports of bird tracks from the Late Cretaceous pterosaur and four bird track morphotypes are known from
Mesaverde Group of northeastern Utah. The first purported this formation.


Figure 17.10. Tracks from the Campanian Blackhawk Formation, Utah. A, Meetinghouse Canyon avian morphotype, left footprint.
B, Meetinghouse Canyon avian morphotype, right footprint. C, Straight Canyon avian morphotype A. D, Straight Canyon avian mor-
photype B. E, Tracks of small waterbirds from a newly discovered tracksite near North Horn, Utah. Black shading indicates complete
footprint. F, Tracks originally attributed to birds but now believed to be pterosaur manus tracks. A and B to same scale (A–D redrawn
from photographs in Robison, ; F modified from Parker and Balsley, ).


Maastrichtian Tracks. Maastrichtian bird tracks were
first reported from Morocco (Ambroggi and Lapparent,
). Little information is available on details of their mor-
phology, and the tracks were poorly illustrated by these au-
thors (Fig. .A). A second Maastrichtian locality was
recorded by Alonso and Marquillas (), who named Ya-
coraitichnus avis (Fig. .D) from the Yacoraite Formation
of Argentina. A third locality, in Río Negro Province, Ar-
gentina, was reported by Leonardi (, ) to have the
ichnotaxon Patagonichornis venetiorum (Fig. .C) pres-
ent. A fourth locality was reported by Lockley and Hunt
() from the Raton Formation of southern Colorado
(Fig. .B). A fifth locality was reported from the St. Mary’s
Figure 17.11. First known track-bearing surface with both bird River Formation of Alberta, at a site from which hadrosaur
(solid shading) and pterosaur (unshaded) tracks (CU-MWC tracks with skin impressions were also reported (Currie et
). Blackhawk Formation, Campanian, Utah. al., ). The track-bearing layers in the Yacoraite and Ra-
ton Formations are associated with the uppermost  m of
strata below the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. In addition,
Tracks of possible Campanian age are known from the
Currie (pers. comm., ) has reported the discovery of a
Late Cretaceous Uhangri Formation of South Korea (Chun,
sixth Maastrichtian tracksite in the Horseshoe Canyon For-
; Lockley et al., ; Yang et al., ). The tracks occur
mation of western Canada; no further information on this
in strata that are just above the Hwangsan Tuff (– Ma)
site is currently available.
but older than the Haenam intrusives (– Ma), giving an
In contrast to the six aforementioned sites, none of
estimated age range from latest Cenomanian to earliest
which is known to contain more than a single avian track
Campanian. The tracks are unique in the Mesozoic track
morphotype, a new fossil footprint site reported from the
record in providing evidence of at least two varieties of birds
Lance Formation, on private land in eastern Wyoming, re-
with webbed feet (Yang et al., ). The tracks have been as-
veals a diverse avian track assemblage. The site is important
signed to two ichnospecies: a small tridactyl variety,
as the only significant vertebrate tracksite currently known
Uhangrichnus chuni (Fig. .B); and a larger tetradactyl
from the Lance Formation. Moreover, the presence of four
variety, Hwangsanipes choughi (Fig. .A; Yang et al., ).
distinct bird track morphotypes, all from the same bedding
These are the first reports of tracks with web impressions
surface (Fig. .), is suggestive of a moderate avian diver-
from the Mesozoic and also the oldest such tracks known.
sity, as already seen in Campanian deposits such as the
Recent discoveries have also revealed giant pterosaur tracks
Blackhawk Formation. The four track types are a large mor-
at this location (Lockley et al., ).
photype (length . cm; width . cm; Fig. .A) with a
hallux and partial web; a medium-sized morphotype
(length . cm; width . cm; Fig. .B) with a hallux; and
two smaller-sized footprint types, one (length . cm; width
. cm; Fig. .D) with a hallux and one (length . cm;
width . cm; Fig. .C) without. These morphotypes will
be described in more detail elsewhere.
The Lance Formation is one of the many Late Cretaceous
deposits from which skeletal remains of birds are known
(see Hope, Chapter  in this volume); for example, Brod-
korb () reported eight species. As summarized by
Olson (:) these were “described as loons, flamingos,
shorebirds and ichthyornithiforms” and included the new
genus Palintropus (Brodkorb, ). According to Olson
(:), “the entire known avifauna from the Lance For-
mation . . . may consist of ‘transitional’ charadriiforms.”
Figure 17.12. Campanian bird tracks from the Uhangri Forma-
However, more recently, the remains of enantiornithine
tion of South Korea. Line drawings of slab KPE  bearing birds have also been found in the Lance Formation. In any
holotypes of both ichnogenera. A, H. choughi. B, U. chuni. A and event, it is of considerable interest that this diverse avian
B to same scale (modified from Yang et al., ). track assemblage has come to light because it affords us the


Figure 17.13. Maastrichtian bird tracks. A, Purported bird tracks from Morocco (after Ambroggi and Lapparent, ). Tracks (iii)
and (iv) could be poorly preserved pterosaur manus tracks. B, Bird tracks on two slabs from the Raton Formation, Colorado, United
States, approximately  m below the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (from Lockley and Hunt, ). C, P. venetiorum, Upper Maas-
trichtian of Río Negro Province, Argentina. Slab is housed in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Venice, Italy (modified from free-
hand sketch in Leonardi, ).

opportunity to begin to compare the trace fossil record of

birds with their body fossil record.

The Pterosaur Track Record

Despite previous debates about the identity of the track
maker of footprints assigned to the ichnogenus Pteraichnus
(Stokes, ; Padian and Olsen, ), the majority of au-
thors now assert that it is pterosaurian in origin (Lockley et
al., , , ; Mazin et al., , ; Bennett, ;
Unwin, ; Wright et al., ). We therefore adopt this po-
sition in this discussion. It is now evident that pterosaur
tracks are very abundant in the Upper Jurassic and repre-
sent volant animals that progressed quadrupedally when on
land. Although there is a bias toward the preservation of
vertebrate tracks in shoreline paleoenvironments, it is clear
that pterosaur tracks are very abundant in marginal marine,
carbonate, and clastic-evaporitic lagoonal deposits.
The most important tracksites currently known occur in
the Late Jurassic Summerville-Sundance Formations of
Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming, representing a
Figure 17.14. Newly discovered bird tracks from the Lance For-
large, shallow marine embayment (Lockley et al., , ,
mation (Maastrichtian) of Wyoming, indicating a high avian di-
versity. A, Large morphotype with a hallux and partial web. B, b). Here, in addition to tracks that indicate quadru-
Medium-sized morphotype with hallux. C, Small morphotype pedal progression on emergent surfaces, we find evidence
lacking hallux. D, Small morphotype with hallux. All to same that pterosaurs floated in shallow water, touching sub-
scale. merged substrates with their hind feet and probing the


substrate with their beaks. Somewhat younger Late Jurassic reported herein (of Berriasian to Maastrichtian age) are at-
tracks occur in lagoonal deposits of northern France tributable to shorebirds. This seems to be because shore-
(Mazin et al., , ). birds consistently have relatively small, slender tracks with
Convincing examples of post-Jurassic pterosaur tracks large digit divarications and their tracks look just like the
have been reported from the Lower Cretaceous of England tracks of their Tertiary and recent contemporaries. It is also
(Wright et al., ) and Spain (Lockley et al., ), as well clear that the Cretaceous shoreline habitats in which these
as from the Upper Cretaceous of Utah (Lockley et al., ) bird tracks are found evidently lack the tracks of diminutive
and Korea (Lockley et al., ). Recently, pterosaur tracks animals with pedal characteristics that indicate theropod or
have also been reported from the Hauterivian-Barremian ornithopod affinity, with which waterbird tracks could eas-
Arundel Formation of Maryland (Ray Stanford, pers. ily be confused. Moreover, despite the lack of skeletal evi-
comm., , and pers. obs. by M.G.L.) and from the Ceno- dence for Early Cretaceous shorebirds, it is becoming abun-
manian Dunvegan Formation of Alberta (McCrea, pers. dantly clear that birds, as a whole, underwent a significant
comm., ). radiation from earliest Cretaceous times onward, as sum-
Upper Cretaceous Korean tracks are notable for being marized elsewhere in this volume. Not only is the track
the largest known pterodactyloid tracks (up to  cm long) record chronologically consistent with the timing of this ra-
and, like the Berriasian tracks from England, were made by diation, but it suggests that the track record of shorebirds is
individuals larger than any known contemporaneous currently more complete than the osteological record.
pterosaur. At several of these sites there are purported beak One approach to a further understanding of the prob-
marks, suggestive of feeding behavior. Unwin (:) has lem of differentiating bird and dinosaur tracks is to look at
even suggested that high densities of footprints indicate systematic variation in bird track morphology between
trampling “intended to bring infaunal organisms to the sur- clades. Preliminary evidence suggests that the difference
face where they can be caught and consumed.” High densi- in digit divarication between songbirds (passerines) and
ties of pterosaur tracks have been reported from Late Juras- waterbirds is very significant and holds very consistently
sic sites in both France and North America. throughout these clades with few, if any significant, excep-
Such high pterosaur track density is reminiscent of high tions (Lockley, a,b: Fig. .). It is therefore noteworthy
avian footprint concentrations at many Mesozoic sites that we find similar distinctions in foot length and digit di-
(Lockley et al., ). Trace fossil evidence of avian feeding varication between theropods (low angles) and ornitho-
in shoreline settings has been reported by Lockley et al. pods (high angles) of comparable size. This suggests that
() for the Mesozoic and by Erickson () and Yang et systematic patterns of digit divarication can be detected in
al. () for the Tertiary. Such feeding behavior represents an extinct clade (nonavian dinosaurs) that are convergent
activity by birds walking on emergent parts of the shoreline with those known in a living clade (birds). This suggests that
or right at the water’s edge and is different from the “feed- digit divarication patterns are not random and may be of
ing while floating” evidence preserved in the pterosaur track some use in identifying track makers within and between
record (Wright and Lockley, ). This is not to say that groups, especially when looking at large samples and trends
Mesozoic birds did not feed while floating, as some ne- through time.
ornithines do, or that pterosaurs did not feed on emergent We need not work only with morphological trends. It is
substrates, but we must acknowledge that we do not yet known from both the skeletal and ichnological fossil
have compelling trace fossil evidence for these activities. records that pterosaurs reached high diversity levels by the
Late Jurassic, the time at which birds first appear. Such con-
Discussion cordance of trace and body fossil data is not always appar-
ent and should not be taken for granted, especially in the
We readily admit that the identification of bird and case of birds and pterosaurs, which are typically not as read-
pterosaur tracks is sometimes controversial. Recent studies, ily preserved as vertebrates with more robust skeletons. We
however, have shown the considerable importance of ich- qualify this statement by noting that birds and pterosaurs
nological evidence in confirming the morphology, func- can be well preserved in subaqueous lagoonal and lacus-
tional implications, and distribution of pterosaur tracks trine deposits, where typical terrestrial species are absent,
(Lockley et al., , , ; Mazin et al., , ; Ben- rare, or mixed with abundant remains of aquatic fauna.
nett, ; Unwin, ; Wright et al., ). See Padian As the track record of pterosaurs has improved, it has be-
() for dissenting views. There is somewhat less consen- come evident that the majority of Late Jurassic track occur-
sus regarding the identification of bird tracks, owing to their rences are associated with marginal marine and lagoonal
similarity to the tracks of bipedal dinosaurs (mainly deposits and that Cretaceous tracksites are associated with
theropods and ornithopods). Even so, we are unaware of fluvial and freshwater deposits (Fig. .). Clearly, the
any efforts to refute the claims that most of the bird tracks pterosaur track record from the Late Jurassic supports the


traditional view of pterosaurs as inhabiting marine shore- b), while it is clear that multiple pterosaur track assem-
line habitats. The bird track record appears to show a strong blages in the Upper Jurassic of North America and Europe
preponderance of occurrences in lacustrine settings, with suggest the existence of distinctive pterosaurian ichnofacies
only a few examples from deltaic environments (Fig. .). (Lockley et al., ; Lockley and Meyer, ). It is no
From trackway evidence alone it appears that pterosaurs longer possible to use the body fossil record of birds or
shifted from marginal marine to nonmarine environments pterosaurs as the only source of data when evaluating the
at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. This could be an arti- geological history of these groups. Even though the track
fact of preservation and relatively small sample sizes; how- record may mirror or confirm the body fossil record in cer-
ever, if pterosaurs occupied both these environments tain stratigraphic units, in many cases the footprint record
throughout their history, it is surprising that their tracks adds substantial new information. Thus, tracks must be
have this distribution. Evidence from the body fossil record taken into consideration for any complete analysis of the
indicates that such a shift in habitat may have occurred at the vertebrate record.
beginning of the Cretaceous (Bakhurina and Unwin, ).
Bird tracks appear to predominate in freshwater lacus- Acknowledgments
trine environments, with some occurrences in deltaic and Research on Jurassic tracksites was supported in part by the Na-
siliciclastic marginal marine sediments. This is perhaps sur- tional Science Foundation. Additional support was provided by
prising when compared with the body fossil record, which the Dinosaur Trackers Research Group, University of Colorado
clearly shows that many birds had marine specializations at Denver. Particular thanks go to Julianne Snider for consider-
(e.g., the Hesperornithiformes). Perhaps these groups able assistance with drafting. We also thank M. Donivan, Salt
nested on rocky shorelines or small offshore islands, rarely Lake City, for providing specimens from the Blackhawk Forma-
tion. L. Zerbst, Niobrara County, Wyoming, provided access to
visiting environments with high track-preservation poten-
the Lance Formation tracksite and was responsible for finding
tial. This environmental bias in the track record of birds many of the bird track specimens that compose that assemblage.
may reflect a preservational rather than a behavioral bias Studies in Korea were facilitated by the support of Drs. Yang
and/or be a function of discovery as well as relatively small S.-Y. and Lim S.-K.; Kyungpook National University, Daegu; and
sample size. Drs. Chun S. S. and Huh M., Chonam National University,
It is apparent from the track record that birds and Kwangju. We also thank R. McCrea and R. Stanford for provid-
pterosaurs both occupied nonmarine environments during ing valuable information on new tracksite discoveries.
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Farner, J. R. King, and K. C. Parkes (eds.), Avian Biology, Vol. prints from the Lower Cretaceous of Emei County, Sichuan,
. Academic Press, San Diego. China. Memoirs of the Beijing Natural History Museum :
Padian, K.  Pterosaurs and ?avians from the Morrison For- –.


Part IV

Functional Morphology and Evolution


Bone Microstructure of Early Birds


Relatively few studies of neornithine bone his- ied Cretaceous birds (Patagopteryx and enantiornithines,
tology exist, and even rarer are those of fossil Chinsamy et al., , ; Hesperornis and Ichthyornis,
birds. Some Tertiary birds have been exam- Chinsamy et al., ) and to include new studies of
ined histologically (Amprino and Godina, Cimolopteryx, Gobipteryx, and the as yet unpublished Cre-
; Enlow and Brown, ; Zavattari and Cellini, ; taceous loon from Antarctica (Chatterjee, ). This chap-
Houde, ), but until recently very little was known about ter thus considers birds basal in the history of the evolution
the bone microstructure of Mesozoic birds. Prior to , of birds as well as the more advanced ornithurine birds rep-
Hesperornis, the Cretaceous foot-propelled diver, repre- resented by Hesperornis, Cimolopteryx, Ichthyornis, and the
sented the only Mesozoic bird studied histologically Antarctic loon.
(Houde, ). In this study, Houde () compared the The methodology used in the thin section preparation of
bone structure of Hesperornis with that of palaeognaths and the bird bones is that described by Chinsamy and Raath
neognaths (Amprino and Godina, ; Amprino, ; Za- (). In order to make meaningful comparisons between
vattari and Cellini, ) and deduced that Hesperornis was taxa, this study of the bone microstructure of Mesozoic
phylogenetically closer to neognaths. birds was standardized by preferentially examining the
More recently, Chinsamy et al. (, ) studied the bone histology of long bones, mainly femora. This is an im-
bone microstructure of three basal Cretaceous birds: portant consideration because different bones in a skeleton
Patagopteryx and two enantiornithine birds. Unlike Houde’s can show variable histology because of the shape and over-
() research, these studies utilized the bone micro- all morphology of the bones (Chinsamy, a,b). However,
structure of these early birds to provide insight into ques- long bones and in particular the midshaft or neutral region
tions of growth and biology rather than of phylogeny. The of femora are least remodeled and therefore are best for ex-
analyses of the microstructure of the bone of these amining growth processes through ontogeny (Chinsamy,
birds have directly contradicted prior notions that early a,b). In a recent study, Horner et al. () examined 
birds were physiologically like their neornithine descen- bones of a skeleton of Hypacrosaurus and, predictably,
dants in having rapid growth rates. On the contrary, the found histological variation among the different elements.
histological findings indicate that these Cretaceous birds In addition, they verified that of all the skeletal elements ex-
grew cyclically and were unable to sustain a rapid, continu- amined, the long bones, that is, the tibia and femora,
ous rate of growth (Chinsamy et al., , ). showed the least Haversian reconstruction and therefore
Thus, the use of bone histology for interpreting phylo- provided the best record of growth during ontogeny. Thus,
genetic and paleobiological questions has had a direct impact it appears that multiple skeletal element analyses are appro-
on our understanding of early birds. More recently, a study of priate for documenting histological variation in a skeleton,
the contemporaneous birds Hesperornis and Ichthyornis from but if the intention is to examine growth processes, the bone
the Niobrara Formation of western Kansas has provided fur- microstructure of a growth series of long bones is much
ther insight into histological adaptations of bone with regard more useful (e.g., Chinsamy, a,b; Chinsamy and Dod-
to habitat and lifestyles (Chinsamy et al., ). son, ). Since Mesozoic birds are not well represented by
The intention of this chapter is to provide an overview different-sized individuals, the current study focused on the
of the histological findings of a variety of previously stud- long bones of adult birds, although the analyses of the em-

bryonic Gobipteryx provide some indication of early onto- tionship of Enantiornithes and other avian lineages has
genetic growth. been a point of much controversy (Chiappe, a,c;
The following institutional abbreviations are used in this Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). Some
chapter: KUVP, Natural History Museum, University of analyses regard them as closely related to Archaeopteryx
Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, United States; MACN, Sección (Martin, ), others consider them as within the Orni-
Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias thurae, and still others consider them as intermediate
Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; MGI, Mongolian Geo- between Archaeopteryx and the ornithurine birds (Chiappe,
logical Institute, Ulaanbataar, Mongolia; PVL, Paleontologí a–c; Sanz et al., ; Forster et al., ).
de Vertebrados, Fundación-Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, The bone histology of the two enantiornithine femora
Argentina; TTU, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina, MACN-S- and
United States; ZPAL, Institute of Palaeobiology of the Pol- PVL-, representing two distinct enantiornithine species
ish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. (Chiappe, ), is reported herein. A detailed description
of the morphology and histology of these femora is also
Bone Histology of Nonornithurine Birds provided in Chinsamy et al. (). From volant birds, both
femora are typically lightweight structures having very thin
Patagopteryx walls and free medullary cavities. The compacta of these
This hen-sized, flightless, terrestrial bird was recovered bones are noticeably poorly vascularized, if at all, and are es-
from the Bajo de la Carpa Member of the Río Colorado For- sentially composed of a parallel-fibered bone matrix of the
mation in Neuquen, Argentina (Alvarenga and Bonaparte, lamellar-zonal type (Ricqlès, ). The deposition of this
; Chiappe and Calvo, ; Chiappe, Chapter  in this tissue is interrupted by the formation of LAGs: in PVL-,
volume). Recent assessments date the Río Colorado Forma- at least five LAGs can be counted (Fig. .A), whereas in
tion as Coniacian-Santonian (Chiappe and Calvo, ). In MACN-S-, four LAGs can be observed. In some areas of
the original description, Patagopteryx was described as a the compact bone, enlarged osteocyte lacunae occur with
ratite (Alvarenga and Bonaparte, ), but today it is con- extensive canalicular development (Fig. .B) that prob-
sidered to be a sister group of the Ornithurae (Chiappe and ably facilitated the assimilation and distribution of nutri-
Calvo, ; Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume). ents. A narrow layer of lamellated bone lines the large cen-
G. Rougier (formerly of Museo Argentino de Ciencias tral medullary cavity.
Naturales, Buenos Aires) made a femoral fragment of the A third enantiornithine bird examined is a specimen as-
holotype of Patagopteryx (MACN-N-) available for his- signed to Gobipteryx. Embryonic fragments of the hindlimb
tological examination. Chinsamy et al. (, ) con- skeleton, probably tibia (ZPAL Mgr-I/) of Gobipteryx,
ducted a detailed analysis of the bone histology of the fe- were sectioned and prepared by A. Elzanowski (University
mur. One of its most distinctive histological features is that of Wroclaw, Poland). The embryonic material was recov-
the highly vascularized fibrolamellar bone (Ricqlès, ) ered from the red beds of Barun Goyot Formation at Kher-
of the compacta is interrupted by the deposition of a sin- meen Tsav (Elzanowski, ).
gle line of arrested growth (LAG), internal to which is a The histology of the tibia of the Gobipteryx embryo is
narrow band of lamellated tissue termed the annulus very well preserved. The embryonic nature of the tissue is
(Fig. .). This LAG signals a pause in the rate of bone for- clearly evident by the fine cancellous nature of its woven
mation, while the annulus shows a slower rate of bone bone matrix and the large globular-shaped osteocyte lacu-
formation. These two characteristics directly indicate that nae (Fig. .). The cancellous spaces generally form around
Patagopteryx was unable to sustain a continuous rapid rate vascular canals. A centripetal deposition of bone has not oc-
of bone deposition and, hence, growth. curred in the spaces around the vascular canals. This would
The compacta is intensely vascularized by blood vessels probably have happened at a later stage in development.
enclosed by osteonal structures (Fig. .). Both primary The uneven peripheral and medullary margin of the bone
and secondary osteons are recognized in the compact bone bears testimony to the remodeling and restructuring (En-
wall. In the perimedullary region several enlarged erosion low, ) changes that the young bone is undergoing.
cavities occur, some of which have been reconstructed as
secondary osteons. The centrally located medullary cavity is Bone Histology of Ornithurine Birds
lined by a narrow band of endosteally formed lamellated
tissue (Fig. .) and is free of cancellous bone tissue. Hesperornis
Hesperornithiformes are probably the best-known Meso-
Enantiornithes zoic ornithurines. They were toothed, flightless, diving
Enantiornithines are a diverse volant group of birds that forms that used their laterally compressed feet for propul-
had a worldwide distribution in the Cretaceous. The rela- sion during swimming, as modern loons and grebes do

422 A N U S U YA C H I N S A M Y
300 µm

120 µm Figure 18.1. Transverse sections of a femur of Patagopteryx de-

ferrariisi (MACN-N-). A, the general structure of the bone
wall. B, two zones, an annulus, a LAG, and the perimedullary en-
dosteally formed lamellated bone. Note the LAG (arrow) inter-
rupting the deposition of fibrolamellar bone tissue. Abbrevia-
tions: a, annulus; elb, endosteally formed lamellated bone; m,
medullary cavity; z, zone.

(Martin, ). They are generally considered to be a diverse

group that had a fairly worldwide distribution in the Creta-
ceous (Chiappe, a; Feduccia, ). Most forms appear
to have lived in marine waters, but specimens are known
from Late Cretaceous estuarine deposits in Alberta, Canada
(Fox, ), and freshwater deposits in South Dakota (Fe-
duccia, ). Hesperornithiformes are generally regarded
as basal ornithurines (Martin, ; Chiappe and Calvo,
), having secondarily adopted a flightless lifestyle.
Heilmann recognized the ecomorphological similarity of
Hesperornis to loons as early as , and since then there has
been no confusion regarding its way of life. However, the
phylogenetic position of Hesperornis still remains problem-
atical. Gingerich () proposed that Hesperornis was a
palaeognath, while Cracraft () placed it with the neo-
gnaths and later described it as a sister group of Ichthyornis
and neornithines (Cracraft, ). Houde () attempted
to settle this debate by studying the bone histology of Hes-
perornis. In doing so he considered and expanded on the
work of Amprino and Godina () and Zavattari and

B O N E M I C R O S T RU C T U R E O F E A R LY B I R D S 423
the University of Kansas. These bones were recovered from
74 µm
the Late Cretaceous Niobrara Formation of western Kansas.
Both femora exhibited a fairly thick compact bone wall (Fig.
.) that enclosed a rather small central medullary cavity.
Thus, both bones exhibited compact, dense characteristics,
which are adaptations for an aquatic lifestyle (Buffrénil and
Shoevaert, ). Erosion cavities and secondary osteons
tended to occur more frequently nearer the medullary cav-
ity. Cancellous tissue was observed only in a distal thin sec-
tion of KUVP .
The primary bone in the Hesperornis femora consisted of
a fibrolamellar bone tissue in which numerous primary os-
teons were embedded in the woven framework of the bone.
Contrary to Houde’s () assessment of Hesperornis hav-
30 µm ing a neognath type of tissue, localized areas show his so-
called palaeognath tinamou type of histology. Recent stud-
ies of femora of Casuarius sp. and Rhea americana show
both Houde’s () palaeognath ratite type of bone tissue
and the neognath reticular type. Reid (pers. comm., )
also mentioned that Struthio (Reid, ) shows a bone
structure intermediate between Houde’s () tinamou
and neognath types. Thus, Houde’s deduction that the
palaeognath tissue type is a primitive character state within
Aves, while the condition in neognaths is derived, is unsup-
ported by recent studies. Considering the recent work on
bone histology of both neornithine (Chinsamy, a; Cas-
Figure 18.2. Transverse sections of enantiornithine femora tanet et al., ) and fossil birds (Chinsamy et al., ), it
(PVL-). A, the parallel-fibered, poorly vascularized nature of
appears that the polarization of bird bone histology into
the compacta and five LAGs. B, the enlarged osteocyte lacunae
with extensive canaliculi.
palaeognath type and neognath type is not as clear-cut as
previously indicated.
Another point worth mentioning with reference to
Houde’s () study is that he considered bird bone vascu-
Cellini (), who recognized distinct differences in the larization to be unaffected by ontogenetic factors. Yet juve-
bone structure of palaeognaths and neognaths. nile ostriches and secretary birds show the so-called
Houde () agreed with their description of neognaths tinamou type of tissue with longitudinally arranged blood
having vascular canals that were reticular and branched and vessels, while the adults show a more reticular type of ori-
anastomosed randomly but reevaluated their description of
palaeognath bone microstructure. Houde () deduced
that palaeognath bone histology could be divided into a
100 µm
tinamou type and a ratite type. He described the tinamou
type as having the vascular canals longitudinally arranged
and oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bone,
whereas the ratite type has a plexiform or laminar arrange-
ment of vascular canals (Enlow and Brown, ) that are
arranged in closely packed concentric circles in the trans-
verse plane of the bone. Houde () described the bone of
Hesperornis as neognath type, having a reticular arrange-
ment of the vascular canals, which branch and anastomose
randomly, and deduced that Hesperornis was therefore more
closely related to Neognathae. Figure 18.3. Transverse section of a tibia of a Gobipteryx em-
In a more recent study, Chinsamy et al. () reported bryo (ZPAL Mgr-I/). Note the cancellous framework of bone
on the bone histology of femora (KUVP  and KUVP with large globular osteocyte lacunae. Abbreviation: m,
) of Hesperornis from the Natural History Museum of medullary cavity.

424 A N U S U YA C H I N S A M Y
281 µm

190 µm

Figure 18.4. Transverse section of a femur of Hesperornis (KUVP ). A, the general structure of the compact
bone wall and the absence of any LAGs. B, higher magnification of bracketed area in A. Indicates the fibrolamellar
nature of the tissue. Note also the number of longitudinally oriented primary osteons, that is, the so-called tinamou
type of tissue (Houde, ).

B O N E M I C R O S T RU C T U R E O F E A R LY B I R D S 425
entation (Chinsamy, a). Furthermore, using image tion of western Kansas. Although the bone is fairly com-
analysis, Chinsamy () determined that the percentage pressed as a result of postmortem damage, histological de-
area of bone occupied by blood vessels was higher in juve- tails are well preserved.
niles than in adults for both ostriches and secretary birds. As a specialization for flight, the bone wall is a thin, light-
In addition, a recent experimental study on mallard ducks weight structure (Fig. .). It consists of an uninterrupted
(Anas platyrhynchos; Castanet et al., ) clearly demon- deposition of fibrolamellar bone tissue. Numerous primary
strated that the vascular network in bone is not a charac- osteons are observed throughout the compacta, although
teristic of special taxonomic level or phylogenetic origin. In no secondary osteons were recognized. Large erosion cavi-
their study on mallards, Castanet et al. () also found ties occurred in the perimedullary region.
that the structural organization of bone can change in dif-
ferent bones of the same individual as well as in different Cimolopteryx
parts of the same bone at different ontogenetic ages. Martin () considered Cimolopteryx as a sister taxon of
all other neornithines, whereas Olson () and Feduccia
Ichthyornis () regarded it as “transitional Charadriiformes” in the
Ichthyornis is fairly widely distributed in marine Cretaceous Graculavidae (see also Hope, Chapter  in this volume). A
deposits of North America (Martin, ). It possessed strong fragment of a distal tibiotarsus (KUVP ) of Cimolop-
wing bones and a well-developed keeled sternum that facili- teryx from the Hell Creek Formation, Montana, was pro-
tated powerful flying (Feduccia, ). It is generally accepted vided for histological analyses.
that it used its long jaw bearing recurved teeth for capturing The bone is richly vascularized. The vessels are mainly
fish from the water. Originally, the Ichthyornithiformes were longitudinally oriented, although some are radially
regarded as related to Charadriiformes; however, today they arranged. An osteonal arrangement of bone can be recog-
are generally considered to be phylogenetically distinct from nized around the lumen that housed the blood vessels. Sev-
neornithines (Olson, ; Feduccia, ). eral of these canals are noticeably enlarged owing to sec-
The humeral fragment described here (KUVP ) ondary reconstruction (Fig. .). The vascular canals are
formed part of a broader study by Chinsamy et al. (). It located in the woven bone matrix of the fibrolamellar type
was recovered from the Late Cretaceous Niobrara Forma- of bone tissue. There appears to be a thin endosteal lining

190 µm

Figure 18.5. Transverse section of a humeral fragment of Ichthyornis (KUVP ). The bone wall is relatively thin
and consists mainly of a fibrolamellar type of tissue. The medullary cavity is lined by a layer of endosteally formed
lamellated bone. Abbreviation: m, medullary cavity.

426 A N U S U YA C H I N S A M Y
192 µm

Figure 18.6. Transverse section of a tibiotarsus of Cimolopteryx (KUVP ). The bone consists of fibro-
lamellar tissue without any pauses or interruptions in the rate of bone formation. A large number of vascular
canals occur, some enlarged owing to Haversian reconstruction. Abbreviation: m, medullary cavity.

190 µm

Figure 18.7. Transverse section of a femur of the Cretaceous Antarctic loon (TTU P). Note the thick bone wall
that consists of fibrolamellar bone tissue. Abbreviation: m, medullary cavity.

B O N E M I C R O S T RU C T U R E O F E A R LY B I R D S 427
of lamellar bone, but this is not clearly defined. No LAGs ossified shoulder girdles and wing bones (as opposed to
were recorded in the bone. poorly developed hindlimbs), which Elzanowski (, ;
see also Chinsamy and Elzanowski, ) regarded as in-
Cretaceous Gaviiformes dicative of precocial development and advanced flight abil-
The fossil loon studied here was recovered from the Upper ity. Although the bone histology of these embryos shows
Cretaceous López de Bertodano Formation of Seymour Is- fairly rapid prenatal growth, whether this was sustained
land, Antarctica (Chatterjee, ). Skeletal morphology through to adulthood is uncertain. Two adult enanti-
suggests that the bird was a foot-propelled diver, since the ornithines examined show only parallel-fibered (i.e., slowly
patella is fused with the inner cnemial crest of the tibia formed) bone tissue with several cycles of growth rings
(Heilmann, ). (Chinsamy et al., ). The absence of any fibrolamellar
The femoral bone structure of this Antarctic loon (TTU bone tissue could mean that it was never formed, although
P) revealed a thick, compacted bone wall consisting of given the nature of the compacta of the embryonic Gob-
fibrolamellar bone tissue (Fig. .). The relatively thick, ipteryx, it is possible that such tissue was resorbed during
dense nature of the wall suggests that the bird was aquatic the remodeling processes of growth. The bone structure of
and supports the skeletal evidence for an aquatic lifestyle Patagopteryx, the other nonornithurine bird examined, also
(Chatterjee, ). exhibited a cyclical pattern of bone deposition. However,
Numerous primary and secondary osteons are located unlike the enantiornithines, fibrolamellar tissue (indicative
within the woven bone matrix of the fibrolamellar bone tis- of a rapid rate of bone formation) alternated with a LAG
sue. The blood vessels have a reticular type of orientation. and an annulus.
Large erosion cavities are observed in the perimedullary re- Considering that cyclical bone deposition occurs annu-
gion. A lamellated layer of bone tissue, in which several ally in modern ectotherms (as well as in some endotherms,
Volkman’s canals are located, lines the free medullary cavity. e.g., Klevezal and Kleinenberg, ), it is assumed that the
LAGs in these Cretaceous birds were also formed annually
Discussion and are suggestive of poikilothermy. Hence, unlike ne-
ornithine tachymetabolic endothermic birds that are able to
Anatomical studies of the skeletal remains of fossil birds pro- sustain a rapid rate of growth to maturity within a single year
vide a host of information regarding their diversity, overall (Starck, ), enantiornithines and Patagopteryx required
morphology, and phylogeny, but knowledge of their biology more than a single year to do so (Chinsamy et al., , ).
and physiology is still largely unknown. However, recent Regardless of whether the LAGs are annual or not, the fact
studies of the bone microstructure of fossil birds have slowly remains that the nonornithurine birds studied here grew in
unraveled some of this mystery and have provided more in- an interrupted manner to adult body size. This suggests that
sight into their biology than ever before. Although bird bone they grew at slower rates than neornithines, which grow rap-
microstructure cannot directly ascertain whether early birds idly to an adult body size, without any pauses in the rate of
were endotherms or ectotherms (Chinsamy, ; Padian et bone formation. The rest lines formed in the periosteal zone
al., ), it does allow an assessment of how the bone was of the cortical bone of mammals and neornithines (Soest
formed and, hence, an indication of the rate of bone accre- and Utrecht, ) do not interrupt growth to adult body size
tion and overall growth pattern of the bird. but rather are formed once growth has virtually stopped;
Studies of growth trajectories of early birds are limited that is, they are indicative of a determinate growth strategy.
by the lack of fossils that allow such deductions. The only The periodic deposition of fibrolamellar bone in Patagop-
apparent growth series of early birds are those of Archaeop- teryx suggests that it was physiologically unable to sustain a
teryx (Houck et al., ; but see Elzanowski, Chapter  in rapid, continuous rate of bone deposition.
this volume) and Confuciusornis (Chiappe et al., ). In All the Cretaceous ornithurine birds examined (i.e., Hes-
the case of Archaeopteryx, it is interesting that all known perornis, Cimolopteryx, Ichthyornis, and the Antarctic loon)
specimens of this early bird appear to be different in size showed a rapid rate of bone formation without any periodic
(Houck et al., ; Chiappe, a). This has led to the pro- interruptions. This suggests a marked physiological ad-
posal that Archaeopteryx, unlike neornithines, did not attain vancement of these birds over nonornithurine forms and
its adult size rapidly but instead followed a slower growth the probable attainment of homeothermic endothermy,
trajectory similar to that of ectotherms (Chiappe, a; which facilitated rapid, continuous (uninterrupted) growth
Chinsamy and Dodson, ). to maturity.
Juvenile fossils of early birds are not well known, and
while embryonic remains are relatively rare, the unique Go- Physiological Implications for Archaeopteryx
bipteryx embryos have provided a glimpse into the prenatal The bone histology of birds younger in age than Archaeop-
growth of early birds. The embryonic skeletons show well- teryx shows that they grew in a cyclical manner, suggesting

428 A N U S U YA C H I N S A M Y
that they lacked endothermic homeothermy (Chinsamy et or absence of LAGs in their bone suggests differences in
al., ). Ruben () proposed an ectothermic physiol- growth strategies and physiology that appear to be con-
ogy for Archaeopteryx on the basis of muscle physiology, strained by phylogeny.
and the linear size distribution of all known Archaeopteryx
specimens also hints at a slow (perhaps ectothermlike) Acknowledgments
postnatal growth rate. Considering the nonornithurine
I am thankful to S. Chatterjee, L. M. Chiappe, L. D. Martin, M. A.
bird bone histology and the recent report by Chinsamy and Norell, and G. Rougier for providing specimens for histological
Elzanowski () of LAGs in Rahonavis (potentially a sister analyses. I am grateful to A. Elzanowski for providing the photo-
taxon to Archaeopteryx; see Forster et al., ; Chiappe, graphs of the Gobipteryx embryos. P. Haarhoff and W. J. Hille-
Chapter  in this volume), it seems likely that Archaeop- nius provided comments on a draft of this chapter. I also sin-
teryx would also show a cyclically formed bone cortex. This cerely appreciate the technical assistance provided by C. Booth
hypothesis is easily testable, although it is highly unlikely and K. von Willig. I thank K. Mvumvu, J. Castanet, M. Schweitzer,
L. M. Witmer, and L. M. Chiappe for reviewing the manuscript.
that a specimen of Archaeopteryx would be provided for
histological analyses. On the basis of the findings of stud-
ies on bone histology (Chinsamy et al., , , ), Literature Cited
muscle physiology (Ruben, ), nasal turbinates, and Alvarenga, H. M. F., and J. F. Bonaparte. . A new flightless
lung structure (Ruben and Hillenius, pers. comm., ), it land bird from the Cretaceous of Patagonia; pp. – in K. E.
is quite likely that Archaeopteryx was not fully endothermic Campbell (ed.), Papers in Avian Paleontology, Honoring
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showed a rapid and sustained (uninterrupted) rate of bone Dugong dugon (Müller) (Sirenia, Dugongidae). Canadian
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Expression de la dynamique de croissance dans la structure
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what causes the difference in growth strategy, but it is likely –.
the result of thermal physiology. It appears that ornithurine Chatterjee, A. . The oldest Antarctic bird. Journal of Verte-
birds were physiologically capable of a rapid, sustained rate brate Paleontology ():A.
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by a high basal metabolic rate characteristic of endothermy. the Cretaceous Lecho Formation of Northwestern Argentina.
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The interrupted growth of nonornithurine birds suggests
———. a. The first  million years of avian evolution. Na-
that these birds were not classic endotherms. Furthermore, ture :–.
there appears to be some degree of difference in the rate of ———. b. A diversity of early birds. Natural History :
growth between Patagopteryx and enantiornithines, since –.
the former is capable of periodically forming fibrolamellar ———. c. The phylogenetic position of the Cretaceous birds
bone. This further suggests physiological differences among of Argentina: Enantiornithes and Patagopteryx deferrariisi; pp.
early nonornithurine birds. It is quite probable that early – in D. S. Peters (ed.), Proceedings of the rd Symposium
of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Courier
birds occupied a range of intermediate physiologies be-
Forchungsinstitut Senckenberg , Frankfurt am Main.
tween poikilothermic ectothermy and homeothermic en- Chiappe, L. M., and J. O. Calvo. . Neuquenornis volans, a new
dothermy. Although bone microstructure is not generally late Cretaceous bird (Enantiornithes:Avisauridae) from
considered a reliable taxonomic characteristic, it is note- Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
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B O N E M I C R O S T RU C T U R E O F E A R LY B I R D S 429
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———. . Phylogenetic position of Mononykus from the Up- . The theropodan ancestry of birds: new evidence from
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Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg , Frankfurt am Main. ———. . Histological evidence for the systematic position of
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B O N E M I C R O S T RU C T U R E O F E A R LY B I R D S 431

Locomotor Evolution on the Line to Modern Birds


The locomotor system of living birds is dra- mental structural and functional overhaul that occurred be-
matically different from that of other extant tween these remote points on the line of descent leading to
tetrapods. Nowhere in the design of mam- living birds. This comparison is followed by a brief discus-
mals, lepidosaurs, turtles, or amphibians can sion of the importance of data from fossils and the method-
the characteristic combination of feathered flight and obli- ology of reconstructing ancestral states by character opti-
gate bipedality be found. Because birds are so divergent, mization. I then reconstruct the morphology of specific
even comparison with their closest living relatives, the croc- intermediate stages between the ARCHO and NEO end-
odilians, reveals few locomotor similarities. This marked points and infer transformations in locomotor function. In
distinction of extant birds has made the evolution of their so doing, I trace the history of the spectacular modifications
locomotor apparatus one of the most interesting and hotly that took place leading up to the origin and early radiation
debated transitions in the history of vertebrates. of birds. Finally, I discuss how character optimization can
My goal in this chapter is to trace aspects of locomotor reduce confusion about ancestors, the origin of birds, and
evolution along the line leading to birds and through the the advent of avian flight.
subsequent avian radiation. I integrate morphological in-
formation from the fossil record with data from functional Methods and Results
studies of living crocodilians and birds. Since this volume
concentrates on Mesozoic birds, the locomotor diversity of ARCHO and NEO Locomotor Structure and Function
the approximately , extant species is not emphasized. Since fossils of lineal ancestors are unlikely to be found and
Rather, I use a reconstruction of this group’s most recent are notoriously difficult to identify, the locomotor system of
common ancestor to represent neornithines. This ancestor ancestral forms must be inferred from taxa branching off the
and all its descendants make up the clade Neornithes (Fig. main line of interest. For example, the overall design of the
.). I refer to this hypothetical ancestral neornithine as ARCHO locomotor apparatus can be reconstructed from
NEO (an abbreviation used as either a noun or an adjec- the body plan of basal archosaurs and closely related out-
tive). Although NEO was not identical to any bird alive to- groups (Sereno and Arcucci, ; Sereno, ). Similarly,
day, it constitutes my estimate of the primitive neornithine the general layout and function of the locomotor system can
body plan from which all modern forms arose. be inferred in NEO at the base of the clade Neornithes. Re-
The singularity of the neornithine locomotor system is constructing ARCHO and NEO is not without difficulty (see
also evident when contrasted with that of its prebird ances- “Reconstructing Ancestral States”), but for this discussion
tors. A convenient point of comparison on the line leading many specific anatomical details are less important than
to birds is the ancestor at the base of the clade Archosauria. well-supported generalities. The following summary of dif-
Archosauria encompasses the most recent common ances- ferences between reconstructed ancestors is restricted pri-
tor of birds and crocodilians, plus all its descendants (Fig. marily to the vertebral and appendicular musculoskeleton.
.; Gauthier et al., ). I begin this chapter by contrast- Other regions of the body and other systems contribute to
ing the locomotor system in the hypothetical ancestor of locomotion but are beyond the scope of this chapter.
Archosauria, hereafter called ARCHO (Gatesy, a), with In the axial skeleton, profound transformations took
that in NEO. Such a comparison emphasizes the funda- place along the line between ARCHO and NEO. Two are

The NEO hindlimb and pelvis were also highly modified
from the ARCHO state. The pelvic girdle enlarged, forming
a long contact with many synsacral vertebrae. Elements on
each side of the pelvis fused, but the pubic and ischiadic sym-
physes divided to open the abdomen ventrally. The NEO
pubes were oriented nearly caudally, parallel to the ischia,
rather than cranioventrally as in ARCHO. The hip joint, aug-
mented by an antitrochanter, restricted the NEO femora to
a much more adducted limb posture than in ARCHO
(Hutchinson and Gatesy, ). Unlike the ARCHO lower
leg, the NEO fibula did not reach the ankle and was attached
via a fibular crest to the tibia, which fused with the proximal
tarsals to form a tibiotarsus. In the foot, digit V disappeared,
leaving NEO with only four digits. In NEO the hallux was re-
Figure 19.1. A simplified cladogram of Archosauria. The most duced proximally and was reversed to oppose the other three
recent common ancestor of birds and crocodilians, ARCHO, is digits. Metatarsals II–IV fused with distal tarsals to form a
the hypothetical ancestor of all archosaurs. The most recent tarsometatarsus. Finally, the articulation of the tibiotarsus
common ancestor of all modern birds, NEO, is the hypothetical and tarsometatarsus in NEO formed a single, relatively re-
ancestor of all neornithines. In this chapter, reconstructions of stricted, mesotarsal hinge joint, in contrast to the complex
ARCHO and NEO are used to help trace locomotor evolution ankle joint of ARCHO (Sereno and Arcucci, ).
prior to and following the origin of birds.
These differences between the ARCHO and NEO condi-
tions have profound functional consequences for locomo-
tion (Fig. .A). At the most basic level we can reconstruct
ARCHO as a medium-sized, plantigrade, terrestrial quadru-
particularly significant for locomotion. First, the postcervi- ped. Facultative bipedalism and aquatic locomotion are
cal vertebral column shortened and stiffened. ARCHO had difficult to rule out, but the basic design of ARCHO suggests
a relatively long trunk with only two sacral vertebrae (Gau- that its forelimbs were used terrestrially. This hypothetical
thier, ). The tail was a long, heavily muscled structure ancestor was clearly more similar, although by no means
composed of several dozen vertebral segments. In sharp identical, to living crocodilians than to living birds in its lo-
contrast, NEO had a minute caudal skeleton with very few comotor system. During locomotion the ARCHO hind-
mobile segments. Fusion of vertebrae into a large syn- limb, like that of living crocodilians and lepidosaurs, was re-
sacrum and a pygostyle gave NEO a much more rigid tracted through a large arc by caudofemoral musculature
postcervical body axis than ARCHO. Second, rectrices (Gatesy, , ). This musculature originated at the base
evolved and formed a variable-sized tail fan (Gatesy and of the tail and inserted on the fourth trochanter of the fe-
Dial, a). mur. In sharp contrast, NEO was a small, digitigrade, obli-
The NEO forelimb and pectoral girdle can be character- gate biped capable of an entirely novel locomotor ability—
ized, relative to that of ARCHO, by four basic changes. First, flight. The feathered forelimbs produced lift and thrust with
the pectoral girdle hypertrophied. Modifications of the ster- each wingbeat. Similarly, the novel attachment of feathers
num, coracoids, scapulae, and clavicles (into a furcula) pro- to the caudal axis transformed it into a fanning flight sur-
duced an enlarged foundation for the comparatively mas- face capable of generating aerodynamic locomotor forces
sive wing musculature. Second, the articular configuration (Thomas, ). When walking, NEO employed knee flex-
of most joints transformed. The NEO scapula and coracoid ion by the hamstring muscles, rather than caudofemoral re-
came to form a dorsolaterally facing, as opposed to caudo- traction, to move the limb (Gatesy, , a,b; Carrano,
laterally facing, glenoid that permitted greater humeral ). Thus, the line from ARCHO to NEO underwent dra-
elevation (Jenkins, ). Mobility at the elbow and wrist matic alterations in locomotor structures that entailed a
(Sy, ; Vasquez, ), unlike that at the shoulder, was re- profound functional reorganization.
duced. Third, the manus simplified. The NEO hand was
composed of three digits, a decrease from the ARCHO A Modular Perspective
count of five. The remaining three metacarpals and several A construct that has been useful to help clarify the ARCHO-
carpals fused into a carpometacarpus. Claws were likely to-NEO transformation is the “locomotor module” (Fig.
present in NEO but were reduced relative to ARCHO and .; Gatesy and Dial, b). Locomotor modules are
not found on all digits. Finally, and quite critically, remiges anatomical subregions of the body that function as highly
evolved and created a forelimb flight surface. integrated units during locomotion. As originally con-


Figure 19.2. A, Dramatic changes in locomotion occurred along the line of descent (arrow) between ARCHO and NEO. Flight evolved
somewhere along this line, but data from living taxa are largely uninformative about the nature of this event. B, Only fossils can help
resolve the sequence of morphological changes that occurred from ARCHO to NEO. Fossils of taxa branching off this line of descent
help reconstruct ancestors (circles) intermediate between ARCHO and NEO, which break the line into a series of smaller transitions.

ceived, modules are identified using data from electromyo- three parts (Gatesy and Dial, b). Anatomical and func-
graphic (EMG) analyses to assess each muscle’s contribu- tional links primitively present between regions of the body,
tion to a locomotor behavior. We hypothesized that parts of therefore, must have been broken or reduced in order to
the musculoskeleton that function simultaneously are more form isolated modules that performed more independently.
tightly integrated than those that do not have temporal Such decouplings are crucial, but rarely appreciated, events
overlap in activity. In a modular organism, distant sub- in the history of the NEO locomotor system. Modules allow
regions may be more integrated than adjacent ones. Sup- characters that are treated independently in phylogenetic
port for the reality of modularity can be found in multi- analysis to be clustered into meaningful groups for sub-
variate morphometric analyses of avian skeletons, which re- sequent functional investigation. At this level of analysis,
veal complexes of covarying characters distributed around the evolution of the flight apparatus can be viewed as the
the body (van den Elzen et al., ; Nemeschkal et al., ). origin of three locomotor modules (Gatesy and Dial,
Such character complexes appear to be united by functional b). Therefore, the evolutionary history of the NEO
integration rather than anatomical proximity. locomotor system entailed much more than just the origin
Three portions of the musculoskeleton of living birds of a wing. Compared with ARCHO, NEO was thoroughly
contribute unequally to different locomotor behaviors; we transformed in its general musculoskeletal layout and
consider these three to be locomotor modules (Fig. .C; neural control.
Gatesy and Dial, b). In flight, for example, the pectoral Despite the insights gained from this modular view,
(wing) module functions in close concert with the caudal comparison of ARCHO with NEO in isolation is still un-
(tail) module to create aerodynamic forces, but the hind- satisfying. The summary of differences focuses on only two
limb is uninvolved (Gatesy and Dial, ). However, when points on the line of descent (Fig. .A), thereby leaving
the bird is moving bipedally, the pelvic (hindlimb) module important details of the locomotor transformation entirely
dominates, and the wings and tail are relatively quiescent. untouched. All the modifications that distinguish NEO
Even secondarily flightless birds retain remnants of this from ARCHO must have occurred, but how and in what se-
modularity, and NEO can be reasonably inferred to have quence? Most important, what were the intermediate mor-
had these same three locomotor modules. phologies and locomotor capabilities of organisms span-
No evidence, however, supports partitioning in ARCHO’s ning the gap between earthbound quadrupeds with one
locomotor system. ARCHO appears to have retained the locomotor module and flying bipeds with three?
primitive tetrapod condition of all four limbs and the axial
skeleton functioning as an integrated whole (one module) Benefits of Fossils
during terrestrial locomotion (Fig. .A). On the path to If we are restricted to information gleaned from living birds
NEO, the most basic functional organization of the ARCHO and crocodilians, reconstructing the morphology of inter-
locomotor system—the coordinated activity of the fore- mediates between ARCHO and NEO with confidence is al-
limbs, hindlimbs, trunk, and tail—was subdividing into most hopeless. Given that any outline of structural trans-

434 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
whether these novelties are essential for, or even related to,
flight is impossible. Without knowing the timing of changes
with respect to the rest of the locomotor system, any hy-
pothesis about the historical assembly of the NEO organi-
zation is almost entirely conjectural. An infinite number of
scenarios could be invoked to account for the differences
between ARCHO and NEO (Fig. .A).
Fortunately, the fossil record provides critical informa-
tion not available in any extant archosaur (e.g., Gauthier et
al., ). Fossil forms that branch off the line from ARCHO
to NEO elucidate the morphology of ancestors along this
line. Adding ancestors subdivides the large leap from
ARCHO to NEO (Fig. .A, arrow) into many smaller
transitions between intermediate ancestors (Fig. .B,
arrows). Consider the line between ARCHO and NEO as a
string of beads, with each bead representing an intermedi-
ate form. Each additional taxon branching off the ARCHO-
to-NEO line permits another ancestor (bead) to be recon-
structed. The more intermediates we are able to reconstruct,
the better the resolution for discerning the sequence of
morphological change. Extinct descendants of ARCHO
thus help to unravel two important questions. First, from
what type of archosaur did birds evolve? Second, what evo-
lutionary paths were taken by birds once they had arisen?
Basal birds of the Mesozoic are central to these questions of
origin and early evolution. I stress the term “basal” rather
than “Mesozoic” because Archaeopteryx and other taxa em-
body a combination of primitive and derived features not
found in birds today. Thus, their age is relevant but not the
most essential element in their significance for analysis of
morphological and functional evolution. The recent dis-
coveries of new basal birds make it strikingly clear how phy-
Figure 19.3. Locomotor modules on the line to neornithines. A, logenies, and hypotheses of locomotor history derived from
In ARCHO, the axial skeleton and all four limbs acted as an in- them, must be continually reevaluated.
tegrated unit during locomotion. This condition is retained in
modern crocodilians such as Alligator, which has one locomotor Reconstructing Ancestral States
module (light gray). B, THERO had a single locomotor module How can data from fossil forms, many of which are de-
consisting of the hindlimb and tail. Such a reduced module was
scribed in other chapters of this book, be utilized to fill in
retained by most nonavian theropods, including Coelophysis
the missing steps between ARCHO and NEO? Thus far I
(light gray). C, NEO had three distinct modules: wings,
hindlimbs, and tail. The pigeon, Columba, retains this unique or- have used phylogenetic methods very loosely to speak of
ganization, in which the pectoral and caudal modules create the clades, ancestors, and the line leading to birds. As an evolu-
flight apparatus (dark gray) and the pelvic module (light gray) is tionary question, the origin and radiation of the avian lo-
used terrestrially (modified from Gatesy and Dial, b). comotor system can be addressed most effectively within a
phylogenetic framework. A scenario of locomotor history
should be founded on the pattern of evolution revealed by
formation would be unsubstantiated, speculation about the hierarchically arranged monophyletic groups (e.g., Lauder,
evolution of locomotor behavior would be even more ten- ; Padian, ). For this chapter I primarily follow the
uous. Imagine trying to answer even relatively simple ques- hypotheses of Gauthier (), Sereno (), and Chiappe
tions without the benefit of knowledge from Mesozoic et al. (), with additional data incorporated from Novas
forms. For example, did loss of the pubic symphysis, reduc- (), Sereno and Arcucci (), Sereno et al. (), and
tion of the tail, bipedal locomotion, or carpometacarpal fu- Sereno (). The cladistic analyses of these workers can be
sion come before, during, or after the origin of flight? Since combined to span from the origin of Archosauria to the ori-
NEO had all these modifications and could fly, testing gin of Neornithes (Fig. .). Although such splicing to-


gether of cladograms is not ideal, no single analysis cur- steps can be invoked to account for this distribution. Based
rently available covers this entire lineage. By starting with a on these data, the common ancestor at the base of Aves had
hypothesis of clade branching, the fate of morphological pubic contact. Similarly, the hypothetical ancestor of Pata-
characters can be traced along the line between ARCHO gopteryx and Ornithurae probably lacked a pubic symphy-
and NEO. More recent analyses (e.g., Sereno, a) and sis. A single loss of the pubic symphysis is most parsimo-
phylogenetic definitions of nodes and stems (Sereno, ; nious, but these data are insufficient to pinpoint this event
Padian et al., ) have yielded nomenclature slightly dif- more precisely.
ferent from that shown in Figure ., but such details do In this chapter I treat such ambiguities in two ways. First,
not affect the overall trends discussed here. many uncertainties produced by equivocal characters are
The actual process of reconstructing a hypothetical an- avoided by not discussing every known ancestor along the
cestor, such as ARCHO or NEO, was skirted earlier in the line. I address only six of the ancestors intermediate be-
chapter. Ancestral reconstruction uses the distribution of tween ARCHO and NEO for which we have evidence: those
character states in terminal taxa and the cladogram branch- of dinosaurs (DINO), theropods (THERO), Paraves (PAR),
ing pattern to assign states to internal nodes, given certain Aves (AVES), ornithothoracines (THOR), and ornithurines
assumptions about character evolution (Maddison and (ORNI) (Fig. .). Ambiguous states at skipped nodes are
Maddison, ). Thus, the character states of taxa branch- often unambiguous at higher nodes. As discussed previ-
ing off the main line of interest are used to reconstruct ously, the exact node at which loss of the pubic symphysis
hypothetical ancestors at any branch point. For this chap- is a synapomorphy is not known (Fig. .B). However, de-
ter, data matrices of Gauthier (), Novas (), and Chi- spite this ambiguity, the most recent common ancestor of
appe et al. () were entered into MacClade . (Maddi- ornithurine birds can be confidently reconstructed as lack-
son and Maddison, ) to reconstruct internal nodes. The ing a pubic symphysis. Second, I do not try to explain the
vast majority of characters were binary; all transformations functional significance of every change in character state on
were treated as unordered. the line to neornithines. Rather, as with ARCHO and NEO,
For some characters, the reconstruction of ancestral I make larger-scale statements about the general arrange-
states is relatively straightforward (Fig. .A). Manual dig- ment of the locomotor system and its transformation be-
its IV and V, for example, are reduced or absent in all tween select nodes. Since the relationship between locomo-
theropods but are present in basal sauropodomorphs, basal tion and many morphological changes is unclear or poorly
ornithischians, and most other archosaurs (Gauthier, ). studied, ambiguities in these characters are not emphasized.
It is most parsimonious to assume that these digits were ves- The hypothetical ancestors that follow are reconstructed
tigial in the most recent common ancestor of theropods but entirely from unambiguous characters. However, novel
not in dinosaurs ancestrally. Similarly, a pygostyle is not character states are synapomorphic only at the level at
found in nonavian theropods, Archaeopteryx, or alvarez- which they first appear. At each node described, some char-
saurids yet is known in Iberomesornis, enantiornithines, acter states may have arisen as novelties at lower nodes not
hesperornithiforms, ichthyornithiforms, and most of Ne- discussed. For example, a carpometacarpus was likely pres-
ornithes (Chiappe et al., ). The simplest explanation for ent in the ancestor of Metornithes (Fig. .). Since this
this distribution is to postulate the presence of a pygostyle node is skipped (Fig. .), a carpometacarpus is first dis-
in the ancestor of Ornithothoraces. cussed one node above Metornithes in the ancestor of Or-
For many characters, however, the history of changes be- nithothoraces. To avoid excessive citation, I do not credit
tween states is much less clear. Sometimes two or more authors for each character state in my review of hypotheti-
equally parsimonious solutions can account for the known cal ancestors. Unless specific citations are given, bird char-
distribution of states. Such ambiguity results from many acters are from Chiappe et al. (), whereas those of other
factors, such as missing or poorly preserved fossil material, theropods are from Gauthier () and Novas ().
high levels of homoplasy, or a faulty phylogenetic hypothe-
sis. An example of an equivocal character is the presence of DINO
a pubic symphysis (Fig. .B). The pubes are known to be The hypothetical ancestor of all dinosaurs, DINO (Fig.
in contact in Archaeopteryx and other taxa below the Met- .), has been reconstructed as a small (body length, ca. 
ornithes node; thus, having a symphysis is the primitive meter), primarily bipedal, cursorial carnivore (Gauthier,
condition. Contact is absent in most species of the Al- ; Sereno, ). It had a mobile, S-shaped neck, a short
varezsauridae, Patagopteryx, Hesperornithiformes, Ichthy- trunk, three sacral vertebrae, and a long tail (Gauthier, ;
ornithiformes, and Neornithes. However, pubic contact is Sereno et al., ; Novas, ). Its short forelimbs were
present in Enantiornithes. The state of this character in Al- used for prey manipulation and possibly during locomo-
varezsaurus and Iberomesornis is not known. Unfortunately, tion at slow speeds. DINO’s hindlimbs were long (relative
three different scenarios taking a minimum number of to ARCHO’s) and highly adducted, with a perforate acetab-

436 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
Figure 19.4. A simplified composite cladogram of Archosauriformes emphasizing successive outgroups to neornithines. The results
of phylogenetic analyses and terminology by several workers have been combined to reveal the hypothetical ancestors (circles) inter-
mediate between ARCHO (Archosauria) and NEO (Neornithes). By subdividing the transition from ARCHO to NEO into smaller
steps, fossils help elucidate the sequence and timing of locomotor evolution on the line to neornithines. Cladogram based on the work
of Gauthier (), Sereno (, ), Sereno and Arcucci (), Sereno et al. (), Chiappe et al. (), and Novas ().



Figure 19.5. Reconstruction of character states in hypothetical ancestors (circles) using character optimization. A, Two traits (size of
manual digits IV and V and a pygostyle) are traced on a simplified cladogram of Dinosauria based on the distribution of states on ter-
minal branches. The state of the digits (U or R) and the pygostyle (N or P) is shown for each taxon and for each hypothetical ances-
tor. Unreduced (U) digits are primitive, but a shift to reduced (R) digits can be unambiguously optimized in the most recent common
ancestor of Theropoda (dark-filled circle). Similarly, a pygostyle is not present (N) primitively but was likely present (P) in the ances-
tor of Ornithothoraces (light-filled circle). B, Not all characters can be unambiguously reconstructed. The presence of a pubic sym-
physis (S) is clearly primitive, but the distribution of missing data (?) and open pubes (O) make it impossible to unequivocally re-
construct this character in three hypothetical ancestors (S/O). Citations as in Figure ..

ulum and a hingelike mesotarsal ankle joint. The pes was and V were reduced, whereas the penultimate phalanges
digitigrade and functionally tridactyl. and unguals of I–III were enlarged. All long bones had thin
DINO embodied several of the modifications previously walls. In the THERO hindlimb the femur bore a trochan-
identified as distinguishing NEO from ARCHO. Indeed, teric shelf, the tibia possessed a fibular crest, and metatarsal
many basic features of the hindlimb unique to birds among V was reduced to a spur (Gauthier, ).
living tetrapods were already present in DINO and were in- THERO was an obligate biped. Vertebral processes made
herited relatively unchanged. Unlike NEO, however, DINO the THERO trunk and distal tail stiffer than in DINO. Al-
did not have three locomotor modules and could not fly. though only one locomotor module was present, this mod-
The hindlimb retained the primitive caudofemoral retrac- ule was reduced relative to the primitive ARCHO module in
tion system connecting the femur to a long, heavily muscled that the forelimbs were freed for nonlocomotor use (Fig.
tail (Gatesy, ). .B; Gatesy and Dial, b). The THERO module con-
sisted of the hindlimb and tail, still linked by the function-
THERO ally important caudofemoral musculature, and likely still
The hypothetical most recent common ancestor of all produced significant hip extension during hindlimb move-
theropods, THERO (Fig. .), had a locomotor apparatus ment (Gatesy, ).
similar to that of DINO, but with some important differ-
ences. In the axial skeleton the dorsal vertebrae bore acces- PAR
sory (hyposphene-hypantrum) articulations (Gauthier, The clade defined by the most recent common ancestor of
). The tail was still long but had a “transition point” be- deinonychosaurs (dromaeosaurs and troodontids) and
tween distinctively shaped proximal and distal caudal ver- birds, plus all its descendants, has been named Paraves
tebrae. The THERO forelimb was not used for locomotion; (Sereno, ). Deinonychosaur monophyly has been ques-
the manus was specialized for prey handling (Gauthier, tioned (e.g., Gauthier, ; Holtz, ), however, leading
; Sereno and Novas, ; Sereno et al., ). Digits IV to a redefinition of Deinonychosauria as a stem-based

438 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
Figure 19.6. Simplified cladogram showing hypothetical ancestors (circles) discussed in the text. Six of the many intermediates for
which there is evidence are used to trace the locomotor system on the line of descent between ARCHO and NEO. Citations as in Fig-
ure ..


group of theropods more closely related to Deinonychus its ancestor THERO, was a biped with a single locomotor
than to birds (Currie and Padian, ). The exclusion of module composed of hindlimb and tail. There were signifi-
troodontids from Deinonychosauria has important impli- cant differences, however, that indicate that this primitive
cations for character optimization in the hypothetical an- unit was incipiently divided to promote separate pelvic and
cestor of Paraves, PAR (Fig. .; Gauthier, ; Holtz, ; caudal function. Reduction of both the fourth trochanter
Sereno, ). Although Gauthier () treated troodon- and available area of origin at the tail base affirms that the
tids as deinonychosaurs, the condition in dromaeosaurs caudofemoral musculature was diminished in size and in
such as Deinonychus was provisionally accepted as ancestral functional importance during locomotion. It is likely that
when shared with birds. Since PAR’s characters were opti- muscles running from the pelvis to the tibia and femur were
mized from Gauthier’s data matrix, my reconstruction of more involved in moving the limb in PAR than in THERO.
PAR retains this bias. Partial decoupling of hindlimb and tail can also be inferred
PAR had a trunk composed of – dorsal vertebrae. from caudal morphology. PAR’s narrower, lighter tail was
Compared with that of THERO, its tail had fewer segments much more mobile proximally than THERO’s (Tyson and
(ca. ) and a more proximally positioned transition point. Gatesy, ), suggesting increased independence and an
Vertebrae at the tail base had boxlike centra, short chevrons, enhanced role in dynamic, and potentially aerodynamic,
and low neural spines and transverse processes (Ostrom, stabilization during terrestrial locomotion.
; Gauthier, ; Russell and Dong, ). The shoulder
girdle was composed of a straplike scapula and a sub- AVES
rectangular coracoid; fused sternal plates and a furcula were The hypothetical common ancestor of Archaeopteryx and
likely present in adults (Norell and Makovicky, ; Norell all other birds, AVES (Fig. .), is our best perception of the
et al., ). The PAR forelimb was proportionally longer first bird. As with previous character optimizations, the
than that of THERO, with a semilunate carpal in the wrist condition in AVES must be reconstructed from the data ma-
and an elongate manus. In the pelvis, the pubis was oriented trix and cladogram topology. Although Archaeopteryx and
caudoventrally, rather than cranioventrally as in THERO, AVES are often equated, characteristics of Archaeopteryx
and bore an expanded “foot” distally. The femur had a should not be attributed to AVES unless optimization
moundlike greater trochanter, with which the lesser (ante- confirms their reconstruction. Surprisingly, very few un-
rior) trochanter was nearly confluent, but the primitive ambiguous states can be optimized for this node: a tail with
fourth trochanter present in ARCHO, DINO, and THERO fewer than – vertebrae, short prezygopophyses in distal
was much reduced. Metatarsal I did not reach the level of caudals, a reversed hallux opposing toes II–IV, and feathers.
the tarsals proximally. A substantial list of characters are equivocal in AVES be-
Recent discoveries of nonavian theropod specimens from cause of missing data and homoplasy in basal birds. Yet, de-
China preserving integumentary structures (Chen et al., spite the limited number of clear novelties, the unambigu-
; Ji et al., ; Xu et al., a,b; see also Witmer, Chap- ous presence of both flight and contour feathers in AVES
ter  in this volume; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this vol- had major implications for locomotor evolution.
ume) have important implications for PAR. Although the Many features of the AVES locomotor repertoire are
phylogenetic affinities of Protarchaeopteryx and Caudipteryx difficult to reconstruct. Ambiguity arises from inclusion of
are not fully resolved (Ji et al., ; Sereno, a), their the Alvarezsauridae, particularly Mononykus, in the clado-
likely positions outside the paravian clade make it most par- gram. The position of these clearly flightless birds one node
simonious to infer that PAR was at least partially feathered. away from Archaeopteryx, a presumably flying bird, throws
At a minimum, PAR can be reconstructed with several doubt on the locomotor abilities of their common ancestor,
remiges and rectrices, as well as a more extensive plumula- AVES (a recent analysis by Sereno [b] allies alvarez-
ceous covering over much of the body. saurids with ornithomimosaurs, potentially simplifying
PAR represents the nonavian theropod ancestor most this issue; see also Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in
closely related to birds for which we have good evidence. Its this volume; Novas and Pol, Chapter  in this volume).
structure and locomotor abilities are therefore of major im- As noted by Perle et al. (), two scenarios are equally
portance for understanding the origin of birds and flight. parsimonious. First, AVES could have flown, passing this
The elongate forelimb and hand were presumably preda- novelty on to Archaeopteryx and the ancestor of alvarez-
tory features, although these have been interpreted as saurids plus all other birds. In this more classic scenario,
climbing adaptations (e.g., Chatterjee, , ). The flight evolved once in birds (flying AVES) and was subse-
wrist, capable of large ulnar deviations but more restricted quently lost in the alvarezsaurid line as it would be many
in flexion and extension than in THERO, may have been times in later bird lineages. However, an equally parsimo-
modified to permit limb folding (Ostrom, ). PAR, like nious scenario proposes that AVES and alvarezsaurids were

440 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
primitively flightless. Flight would then have evolved twice, and caudal modules by providing a stable foundation for
once on the Archaeopteryx line and once on the line to hindlimb and caudal musculature. Separation of the ischia
Ornithothoraces. moved the origin of several caudal muscles laterally, thereby
I favor a single origin of flight and a flying AVES because increasing their ability to rotate the tail fan and deflect it to
the feathered wings of Archaeopteryx are so similar to those each side.
of other birds. Such wings were likely present in the ances-
tral metornithine but were reduced, causing flightlessness, ORNI
in the alvarezsaurid lineage. If this traditional scenario is The most recent common ancestor of Hesperornithiformes
provisionally accepted, AVES is the first theropod with three and NEO and all its descendants constitute Ornithurae.
locomotor modules for which we have direct evidence. The ORNI (Fig. .), the hypothetical ancestral ornithurine,
wings and tail that bore the feathered flight surfaces also possessed a large suite of features not present in THOR
formed pectoral and caudal modules, respectively. The (note that some of these character states are novelties of
hindlimb acted as its own pelvic module during bipedal lo- ORNI; others first appeared at skipped nodes between
comotion. Although not identical to NEO in many respects, THOR and ORNI). The ORNI sacrum was large, encom-
including flight refinements and hindlimb function, a fly- passing more than eight vertebrae, whereas the trunk was
ing AVES would have exemplified the unique modular com- composed of fewer than  dorsals and the tail of fewer than
bination still found in living birds today.  caudals. ORNI lacked hyposphene-hypantrum accessory
articulations in its dorsals and prezygapophyses in its tail
THOR but had ossified uncinate processes. In the shoulder girdle,
The clade Ornithothoraces is composed of the most recent the sagittally curved scapula formed a sharp angle with the
common ancestor of Iberomesornis and NEO, plus all its de- coracoid, which bore a procoracoid process.
scendants. A reconstruction of this hypothetical ancestral or- Relative to THOR, ORNI had a hindlimb with many
nithothoracine, THOR (Fig. .), reveals the large number modifications. In the pelvis, the laterally compressed pubes,
of changes that took place in the axial skeleton and ap- which lacked a terminal foot, no longer formed a sym-
pendages on the line from AVES to THOR. THOR had fewer physis. The pubis, ischium, and caudal ilium were oriented
than  dorsal vertebrae and – caudals. Significantly, dis- essentially in parallel; the acetabulum was small. The ilium
tal caudal segments were fused into a pygostyle. The pectoral formed a broadened pelvic shelf dorsally (Gatesy and Dial,
girdle was highly modified relative to AVES, with a strutlike unpub. obs.). The ORNI femur had a trochanteric crest and
coracoid, scapula with prominent acromion, and large ster- a deep patellar groove but no posterior trochanter. ORNI
num with an ossified keel. The THOR hand skeleton was possessed a fully fused tibiotarsus with a cranial cnemial
fused into a carpometacarpus. The diameter of its ulna ex- crest, an extensor canal, and a greatly reduced fibula. The
ceeded that of its radius. The pelvis of THOR had a promi- completely fused tarsometatarsus lacked metatarsal V and
nent antitrochanter and fused elements but no ischiadic sym- bore a well-developed intracondylar eminence.
physis. The foot was specialized for perching. ORNI was essentially similar to NEO in all aspects of its
THOR and its descendants (Sanz and Bonaparte, ; locomotor apparatus. The trunk was substantially stiff-
Chiappe, ) possessed many refinements of the flight ap- ened by the enlargement of the synsacrum, reduction in
paratus relative to the condition in Archaeopteryx and, pre- mobile dorsal vertebrae, and presence of uncinate
sumably, in AVES. The wing and the tail skeleton of THOR processes. In contrast, mobility between caudal vertebrae
were quite modern in aspect and likely were capable of more in front of the pygostyle was no longer hindered by prezy-
modern aerial performance. The sternal keel and strutlike gapophyses. Movement of the rectricial tail fan may also
coracoid were associated with large, aerobic pectoralis and have been improved by reorientation of the pubes. With
supracoracoideus muscles to power the wingbeat cycle. the loss of the pubic symphysis, the laterally spread pubes
The carpometacarpus formed a solid foundation for the would have reoriented the pubocaudal musculature to pull
remiges, which also attached to the stout ulna. Most rectri- the fan ventrolaterally, rather than ventromedially. Broad-
ces in THOR were probably supported by soft tissue on ei- ening of the pelvis by the pelvic shelf also contributed to
ther side of the pygostyle. This arrangement would have improved tail control. The femur moved little during
promoted tail symmetry and allowed the independent walking; the highly reduced caudofemoral retraction sys-
movement of the caudal axis without deformation of the tem was only employed at high speeds and during takeoff
tail (Gatesy and Dial, a). An incipient rectricial bulb (Gatesy, ; Gatesy and Dial, ; Carrano, ). An es-
(Baumel, ) was likely present, allowing variable tail fan- sentially modern mechanism of knee flexion by the ham-
ning and a large range of lift-force production. Fusion of the strings produced most of the limb movement during
pelvic girdle of THOR increased the isolation of the pelvic ground contact.


Discussion sitano and Hecht, ; Martin, , ; Tarsitano, ,
; Feduccia, ; Hou et al., ). Many of the concerns
In this chapter I advocate using a phylogeny and its under- raised against theropod ancestry are founded upon methods
lying data matrix to trace the evolution of locomotor struc- of ancestral reconstruction other than character optimiza-
tures along the line leading to neornithines. Such an ap- tion. Even among workers using a cladistic methodology,
proach is not without its weaknesses. The reconstruction of failure to properly optimize characters can lead to confusion.
ancestral states, for example, is by no means simple and re- If character optimization is bypassed, a single data matrix
quires certain assumptions. Missing data and homoplasy and cladogram can yield very different conclusions about
will always leave the history of many characters incom- the size, structure, behavior, and age of hypothetical ances-
pletely understood. The discovery of new taxa and better tors at each node. The following examples show how dis-
specimens of known taxa may resolve some of these ambi- parate interpretations of the same cladogram act as road-
guities, but additional data could yield ambiguities in what blocks to communication and understanding.
had appeared to be unequivocal character-state reconstruc- Several cladistic analyses place deinonychosaurs (sensu
tions. New information and analyses will also likely alter as- Currie and Padian, ) as the closest known relatives of
pects of the phylogeny underlying my hypotheses of loco- birds (Padian, ; Gauthier and Padian, ; Gauthier,
motor evolution. Such instability, however inconvenient, is ; Sereno and Rao, ; Holtz, ; Sereno, , a),
also a strength, since an unalterable view of avian history lending strong support to the theropod hypothesis outlined
would be naively unscientific. Finally, interpreting the func- by Ostrom (e.g., a). However, the meaning of this
tional significance of morphological change for locomotor branching pattern can be misinterpreted if characters are
evolution is fraught with difficulty. This concern is not not optimized. Consider the following criticism: deinony-
unique to the phylogenetic approach and can only be miti- chosaurs are all too large, too terrestrial, and too non-
gated through the collection of more data. Continuing aerodynamic to have given rise to avian flight, and therefore
study of living archosaurs will help increase our under- such birdlike theropods are merely convergent upon birds,
standing of many aspects of extinct taxa, but we must be rather than close to bird origins. This line of reasoning (Tar-
willing to accept a lower level of resolution for reconstruc- sitano, ; Feduccia, ) equates a hypothesis of rela-
tions of locomotor behavior. Despite these and other tionship (deinonychosaurs are the sister group of birds)
caveats, I still consider the phylogenetic approach superior with a hypothesis of ancestry (deinonychosaurs gave rise to
to alternative methodologies. birds). Feduccia (), for example, imbued PAR with all
One such alternative is to divorce ancestral reconstruc- the qualities of the oldest well-known deinonychosaur,
tion from phylogeny entirely. Tarsitano (, ) con- Deinonychus (Ostrom, ). PAR likely resembled Deino-
structed a hypothetical proavis based not on character dis- nychus in many respects, but designating features of one
tributions but solely on aerodynamic principles. By terminal taxon as ancestral indicates that a shortcut was
eliminating any historical factors, Tarsitano was free to in- taken around optimization. Taxa on terminal branches have
terpret how flight could have evolved, given general bio- novelties (autapomorphies) not present in the lineal ances-
physical constraints. This type of analysis appears robust at tors of birds. Including autapomorphies in a reconstructed
first. However, a similar investigation of the aerodynamics ancestor is therefore unjustified and a sign that its charac-
of preflight based on different initial assumptions arrived at ters were not optimized. Conclusions based on such an ap-
completely different conclusions (Caple et al., ). The proach do not invalidate the underlying cladogram; they
value of such an approach is difficult to assess, but given the merely confound the study of locomotor evolution.
unpredictability of evolution revealed by better-known Another issue raised against a theropod ancestry of birds
transformations, a search for ancestors using reverse engi- is stratigraphic disjunction (Padian and Chiappe, ,
neering is dubious. Making functional hypotheses of mor- ). The reproach that deinonychosaurs are stratigraphi-
phological change independent of phylogenetic hypotheses cally too young to be involved in bird origins (Feduccia,
of morphological change appears to avoid circularity (Lee ; Hou et al., ) is flawed because it equates the age of
and Daughty, ), but such separation only hampers at- the oldest known deinonychosaur with the age of PAR. Such
tempts to integrate all available data (see Witmer, Chapter  a literal reading of the fossil record creates a temporal con-
in this volume). tradiction within the cladistic hypothesis where none exists
(see also Witmer, Chapter  in this volume; Clark, Norell,
Confusion about Ancestors: A Call for Optimization and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume). Proper opti-
As noted by Witmer (, Chapter  in this volume), mization of PAR places it as at least as old as Archaeopteryx,
methodologies other than cladistics are often employed by the oldest of PAR’s descendants currently well known. Or-
critics striving to disqualify nonavian theropods from a close ganisms within the interval between PAR and known
relationship to birds (Heilmann, ; Bock, , ; Tar- deinonychosaurs are part of a “ghost lineage” (Norell, )

442 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
or “missing ancestral lineage” (Sereno, ) from which discriminate autapomorphy from synapomorphy becomes
fossils are predicted yet still lacking. The current absence of weakened. Without optimization, judging which character
older definitive deinonychosaurs does not disqualify known states are primitive features of remote bird ancestors and
forms from a close relationship to birds (Padian and Chi- which are unique attributes of side branches becomes in-
appe, , ; Witmer, ). New finds and the confir- creasingly difficult. Many known taxa are “similar enough”
mation of Late Jurassic material provisionally interpreted as to hypothetical ancestors on the line to birds that differ-
dromaeosaurid (Jensen and Padian, ; Padian and Chi- ences can be overlooked, but such a relaxation of rigor is
appe, ) may bridge this gap. dangerously misleading. Efforts must be made to distin-
Supporters of a theropod ancestry of birds can also in- guish the true line of descent from the surrogate line of de-
terpret a cladogram’s topology loosely and forgo character scent (Fig. .).
optimization. For example, Chatterjee () envisioned a
hypothetical proavian as a small “protodromaeosaur,” com- From PAR to AVES: Evidence and Inference
plete with a rigid tail stiffened by elongate prezygapophyses Given the probability that PAR could not fly and AVES
and chevrons. Such a highly specialized tail morphology is could, the evolutionary changes that took place during this
known only in dromaeosaurs; there is no reason that it interval are critical to our understanding of the transition
should be reconstructed in PAR. Chatterjee’s justification is from one to three locomotor modules. Fragmentary taxa
made clear when he states, “It is now widely accepted that such as Avimimus (Kurzanov, ; Vickers-Rich, Chiappe,
birds are the descendants of a small, unknown dro- and Kurzanov, Chapter  in this volume) and Unenlagia
maeosaur” (:). Although dromaeosaurs and birds (Novas and Puerta, ) may be derived from ancestors in
shared a common ancestor, unless there is evidence that this interval, but for the time being, the intermediates be-
some dromaeosaurs are more closely related to birds than tween PAR and AVES in which flight evolved remain almost
they are to other dromaeosaurs, there is no reason to call completely unknown. Unfortunately, many presumptions
PAR a dromaeosaur or to give it exclusively dromaeosaurian have been made about what transformations could or could
novelties. Chatterjee, while disagreeing with Feduccia on not have occurred between PAR and AVES.
major issues, falls into the same trap of reconstructing PAR First, no reason exists to assume that PAR itself acquired
based on the group thought to be most closely related to flight. PAR’s size and morphology need not be identical to
birds. Character optimization prevents such confusion by those of its first flying descendant. PAR could have been too
forcing the description of each hypothetical ancestor to be large and not fully equipped for flight, but this does not dis-
an explicit output of the data matrix and cladogram. qualify PAR from avian ancestry. One of PAR’s descendants
Unfortunately, confusing known taxa for lineal ances- on the line to AVES could have evolved smaller size and
tors, while methodologically flawed, appears to be quite other flight features. The cladistic hypothesis itself makes
common. In some cases, terminal taxa are used as surro- no statement about the possibility of significant evolution-
gates of ancestors to provide a simplified overview of evo- ary change between PAR and AVES. Using such transitions
lutionary change. For example, Dingus and Rowe (:) in size, morphology, and function to invalidate the thero-
first present bird evolution as a transition from Euparkeria pod ancestry hypothesis is not warranted. Disqualifying the
to Deinonychus to Archaeopteryx to Columba (Fig. .). ancestral vertebrate, ancestral tetrapod, ancestral amniote,
Linking skeletal reconstructions of these taxa with arrows is and ARCHO from avian ancestry would be equally illogical.
confusing because it implies an ancestor-descendant rela- None of these ancestors appears well suited to give rise to
tionship the authors do not believe. Even when arrows are flying descendants, yet they clearly did.
omitted, the distinction between illustrating terminal taxa What of the noncladists’ alternative (Heilmann, ;
and implying an evolutionary sequence is very slight and Bock, , ; Martin, ; Tarsitano, , ; Feduc-
depends almost entirely on the sophistication and philoso- cia, )? Feduccia’s preferred ancestor, which “was surely
phy of the reader. a small, quadrupedal, arboreal archosaur” (Feduccia,
The temptation to jump from branch tip to branch tip :viii), appeals to many of those not convinced by the
(rather than from ancestral node to ancestral node) stems theropod hypothesis. Is there any reason to believe that
from an effort to visualize organisms at internal nodes on a this proavis descended from a line that had always been
cladogram. ARCHO, NEO, and all ancestors in between re- small, quadrupedal, and arboreal? An examination of the
main elusive because they are, as noted, hypothetical. We evolutionary history of Archosauria suggests not. As dis-
can conceive of ORNI as a relatively modern flying bird; our cussed earlier in this chapter, the ancestral archosaur,
intuition leads us to the conclusion that many aspects of ARCHO, was of intermediate size and nonarboreal. There-
Hesperornis are diving specializations of its lineage, not fea- fore, Feduccia’s small, arboreal ancestor of birds must have
tures present in ORNI. But what of AVES, PAR, or THERO? descended from this much larger, terrestrial ancestor. Crit-
As we move backward from NEO to ARCHO, our ability to ics should not reject the possibility of size reduction and


Figure 19.7. Illustrating a cladogram can blur the distinction for some readers between the true line of descent between hypotheti-
cal ancestors and a surrogate line of descent between terminal taxa. Autapomorphies of figured taxa were not present in the ancestors
on the true line of descent. Mistreating terminal taxa as ancestors creates confusion and misunderstanding in the study of avian evo-
lution (modified from Dingus and Rowe, ).

increased climbing activity between PAR and AVES while The behavior of greatest interest is the advent of flight.
invoking these very same changes between ARCHO and a Can the phylogeny resolve whether flight originated from
hypothetical proavis. If a small descendant of PAR were the ground up or the trees down? Put simply, given current
to enter the trees, it would be described as a small, data, does ancestral reconstruction have the power to es-
quadrupedally locomoting, arboreal archosaur. For the tablish when climbing habits and flight were acquired? As-
cladistic hypothesis adopted here to be correct, PAR need suming flight evolved only once and was present in AVES,
not be the proavis, only one of its ancestors. Critics of there are three possibilities: () PAR and AVES were both
theropod ancestry may have identified the correct hypo- exclusively terrestrial; () PAR was exclusively terrestrial,
thetical proavis but missed its true ancestry. and AVES could climb; and () both PAR and AVES could
Some supporters of theropod ancestry have also over- climb. Note that only the first hypothesis requires a purely
looked the possibility of significant modification between “ground up” origin of bird flight. Difficulty choosing be-
PAR and AVES. Again, a distinction must be made between tween these alternatives primarily stems from trying to un-
those ancestors of AVES involved in flight acquisition and derstanding the habits of Archaeopteryx, which are critical
more distant ancestors. Returning to the beaded string anal- for reconstructing the terrestrial and climbing abilities of
ogy, we do not know how many beads form the line between both PAR and AVES. Although data supporting arboreal
PAR and AVES. Just because deinonychosaurs are the closest specializations in Archaeopteryx (Yalden, ; Bock, ;
nonbirds to AVES for which we have relatively complete in- Paul, ; Feduccia, ) may not be conclusive (Ostrom,
formation, PAR is not automatically the “immediate” ances- , , ; Peterson, ; Rayner, ; Peters and
tor of birds (Padian, :). PAR and AVES may be adja- Görgner, ; Chiappe, ), there is a strong possibility
cent internal nodes on the cladogram, but this relationship that AVES could both fly and climb. If so, which behavior
does not require PAR to have been the most proximate an- evolved first?
cestor (adjacent bead) of AVES or the first flier. The line from Arboreal specializations are clearly present in THOR, but
PAR to AVES could have included many intermediate forms when did tree climbing begin? Given that PAR was probably
that evolved features and behaviors unforeseen in PAR. primarily ground-dwelling, some workers advocate a curso-

444 S T E P H E N M . G AT E S Y
rial origin of flight because it appears to be a simpler expla- morphological change through time. Understanding the
nation (Ostrom, b; Padian, ; Gauthier and Padian, significance of these morphological transformations for lo-
). However, delaying the advent of climbing until after comotor evolution, however, will require more than just
flight is no more parsimonious than having climbing pre- character optimization. There is a large gap between pro-
cede or coincide with flight; each is one step between char- posing a scenario and acquiring data to support it. A clado-
acter states. Taxa stemming from intermediates between gram and its data matrix can only go so far.
PAR and AVES may help discriminate the timing of this Ultimately, studies of living archosaurs are required to
transition, but inference of climbing ability is not without provide insight into the functional role of characters and
difficulty. An alternative that must be considered, therefore, character complexes. Many major issues within avian history
is the evolution of flight in a theropod from the trees down have yet to be analyzed rigorously by functional morpholo-
(Paul, ; Chatterjee, , ). Feduccia’s concern gists. For example, the predatory forelimb strike of dro-
(quoted in Gibbons, :) that a cursorial origin of flight maeosaurs has been equated with the flight stroke of birds
is “a biophysical impossibility” may hold true but does not (Gauthier and Padian, ), but the reality of this kinematic
preclude theropods from bird ancestry. The assertion that “a pattern has not been verified. Similarly, the functional inter-
dinosaurian origin of birds is inextricably linked with the action of the limbs in a climbing theropod has been outlined
cursorial, or ground-up, origin of avian flight” (Feduccia, in great detail (Chatterjee, ), but the forces and limb
:viii) simply does not hold (Padian and Chiappe, ; movements proposed are at present entirely hypothetical. Is
see also Witmer, Chapter  in this volume). gliding primitive for birds, or did flapping flight come first?
What was the behavioral precursor of flapping? Answering
Conclusions and Future Directions such questions and learning more about the evolution of lo-
A theropod ancestry of birds and a cursorial origin of flight comotion on the line from ARCHO to NEO will come from
are two independent hypotheses. The phylogenetic rela- the cooperative interaction of paleontologists, systematists,
tionship of birds can be evaluated from morphological and functional morphologists.
characters alone (Chiappe, ; Padian and Chiappe, ),
whereas flight and climbing are not directly preservable. As Acknowledgments
locomotor behaviors, these must be inferred from the mor- Special thanks go to K. M. Middleton for his tireless work enter-
phology of extinct archosaurs and are therefore less robust. ing data sets, checking optimizations, and charting character
Critics of theropod ancestry should not use evidence for evolution. L. M. Chiappe kindly allowed access to unpublished
“trees down” flight in their phylogenetic argument against phylogenetic analyses. Discussions with K. M. Middleton, J. E.
Gatesy, J. R. Hutchinson, and J. M. Clark were most helpful, as
morphological evidence of a close relationship between
were their comments, and those of both editors, on earlier ver-
theropod and birds. At the same time, proponents of thero-
sions of this chapter.
pod ancestry should not assume that tree climbing followed
flight just because PAR may have been fully terrestrial. Many
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Basal Bird Phylogeny

Problems and Solutions


Although more than half of the evolution of Madrid, Madrid, Spain; LP, La Pedrera Collection, Insti-
birds occurred during the Mesozoic era (Chi- tute d’Estudis Illerdens, Lleida, Spain; MUCPv, Museo de
appe, a), our understanding of this long Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
history focused on the spectacular specimens Neuquén,Argentina; PIN, Paleontological Institute, Moscow,
of the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx lithographica and the Russia; PVPH, Museo Municipal “Carmen Funes,” Plaza
more derived Late Cretaceous hesperornithiforms and Huincul, Argentina; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum, New
ichthyornithiforms for more than a century of paleonto- Haven, Connecticut, United States; ZPAL-MgR, Institute of
logical research. In the past decade, however, a tremendous Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
burst of new evidence—perhaps unparalleled in the field of
vertebrate paleontology—has been uncovered. Indeed, the Historical Background
number of species of early birds described during the s
nearly tripled the number of taxa discovered during the pre- Early phylogenetic studies recognized the basalmost status of
vious  years, since the discovery of Archaeopteryx in the Archaeopteryx (here by definition regarded as the most prim-
mid-s (Chiappe, a; Padian and Chiappe, ). itive avian lineage; see Chiappe, , ; Witmer, Chapter
While this new evidence has offered an unprecedented  in this volume) and placed hesperornithiforms and ichthy-
opportunity for better understanding the evolutionary ornithiforms either as closer to Neornithes (e.g., Heilmann,
transformations of several remarkable biological attributes ; Howard, ) or as basal forms of different extant lin-
of birds (e.g., feathers, uninterrupted growth, active flight), eages (e.g., Marsh, ). During the s and early s,
it has also made obsolete the previous phylogenetic analy- several important, though incomplete, taxa were recovered.
ses of basal birds, which had been based on far fewer taxa These included the Early Cretaceous Ambiortus dementjevi
(e.g., Cracraft, ; Chiappe and Calvo, ; Sanz et al., (Kurochkin, a,b) and the Late Cretaceous Gobipteryx
; Chiappe et al., ). Clearly, a comprehensive phylo- minuta (Elzanowski, , ), both from Mongolia; Alex-
genetic hypothesis of the new diversity of basal avians is ornis antecedens (Brodkorb, ), from Mexico; and a vari-
needed before the evolutionary history of these attributes ety of mostly isolated bones from the Late Cretaceous of
can be fully explained. Although this major task is beyond Argentina. These discoveries led to the recognition of a new
the scope of this chapter and is the subject of ongoing re- higher group of basal avians, Enantiornithes (Walker, ;
search, this study aims to provide the phylogenetic frame- Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume).
work for most of the taxa addressed in this volume and, in Martin’s () studies of some of these basal birds led to
doing so, to substantially increase the number of taxa ever the conclusion that Enantiornithes comprised a diverse
to be included in a cladistic analysis of basal birds. group of Cretaceous birds, which included not only the Ar-
The following institutional abbreviations are used in this gentine forms described by Walker () but also Gob-
chapter: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, ipteryx and Alexornis. Different hypotheses of the relation-
New York, New York, United States; GI, MGI, IGM, Geolog- ships of Enantiornithes to other Mesozoic birds were
ical Institute, Ulaanbataar, Mongolia; IVPP, Institute of Ver- proposed during the s (Chiappe, b). Walker ()
tebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China; placed this group in an intermediate position between
LH, Las Hoyas Collection, Universidad Autónoma de Archaeopteryx and hesperornithiforms. Martin () ar-

gued for a close relationship between Archaeopteryx et al. (a) regarded this bizarre animal as the sister group
and Enantiornithes, classifying them within the alleged of all birds except Archaeopteryx. Subsequent discoveries
clade “Sauriurae.” Cracraft (), in his pioneering numer- (Novas, ; Chiappe et al., ; Hutchinson and Chiappe,
ical cladistic analysis of basal birds, placed Enantiornithes ) and the reevaluation of previously described taxa
within Ornithurae (the clade including the common ances- (Novas, ) led to the conclusion that Mononykus formed
tor of Hesperornithiformes and Neornithes plus all its part of an early radiation of bizarre birds. Yet the phylo-
descendants). genetic relationships of this peculiar theropod lineage are
Inferences about the evolutionary transformation of dif- still unsettled. Methodologically flawed criticisms notwith-
ferent attributes arising from these analyses were restricted standing (see Chiappe et al., , ; Novas and Pol,
by the limited data and constrained by enormous long- Chapter  in this volume for a discussion), serious objec-
branch problems (e.g., Martin, ; Cracraft, ; Gau- tions to the avian relationship of the alvarezsaurids
thier, ). These problems led to some mistaken conclu- stemmed from new cladistic analyses (Sereno, a; Novas
sions—for example, regarding Hesperornithiformes as and Pol, Chapter  in this volume) supporting nonavian
primitively flightless (Cracraft, ). These early phylo- coelurosaurian relationships. Other equally exhaustive
genetic hypotheses also shaped the two main current lines cladistic analyses, however, are still supporting the initial
of thought intended to explain the interrelationships avian hypothesis provided by Perle et al. (a) (e.g.,
among the already known and the many newly found species Forster et al., a; Holtz, ).
of basal birds.
On the one hand, Martin and followers (e.g., Martin, Taxa, Characters, and Coding
, ; Hou et al., a,b, ; Zhou, ; Feduccia,
) argue for a basal dichotomy of birds: “Sauriurae,” in- The cladistic analysis presented here includes  in-group
cluding Archaeopteryx, Enantiornithes, and the recently de- taxa (see Appendix .). With the exception of Anas
scribed Confuciusornis sanctus (Hou et al., a,b, ; platyrhynchos (mallard duck), all terminals are of Mesozoic
sometimes included within Enantiornithes), and Ornithu- age (see Appendix .). Three nonavian theropod taxa (i.e.,
rae, including hesperornithiforms, ichthyornithiforms, ne- allosaurids, velociraptorines, and troodontids) were used as
ornithines, and several poorly known Early Cretaceous out-groups (see Appendix .). All in-groups, with the ex-
Chinese taxa (e.g., Chaoyangia beishanensis, Liaoningornis ception of Ichthyornis, constitute distinct species recog-
longidigitris; see Hou et al., ; Hou, ; Zhou and nized by unique sets of characters. The validity of the dif-
Hou, Chapter  in this volume). Within this framework, ferent species of Ichthyornis still has to be demonstrated,
the vast majority of new finds have been grouped within and Clarke () has documented the composite status of
Enantiornithes—everything that is not an ornithurine is es- the “holotype” of Ichthyornis victor, one of the specimens
sentially placed here (e.g., Hou et al., a,b, ; Martin, prominently featured in Marsh’s () seminal work. Fur-
; Feduccia, ). ther studies on Ichthyornis may demonstrate that some of
On the other hand, Chiappe and his co-workers (e.g., the specimens used here to score this terminal may be in-
Chiappe, , a,b, , a; Chiappe and Calvo, ; appropriate.
Sanz et al., , , ; Chiappe et al., ; Forster et Scored variables were grouped in  characters (see Ap-
al., , a; Ji et al., ) have supported Walker’s (; pendix .);  of these are binary, and  are multistate.
and, to some extent, Cracraft’s—see Cracraft, ) early Characters were drawn or modified from previous cladistic
suggestion that Enantiornithes are more closely related to analyses (e.g., Cracraft, ; Gauthier, ; Chiappe and
neornithine birds than to Archaeopteryx, and they have Calvo, ; Chiappe, b, ; Chiappe et al., ), or
placed a variety of other newly described basal birds (e.g., they derived from subsequent original observations. Ap-
C. sanctus, Rahonavis ostromi, Vorona berivotrensis, proximately % of the scored variables ( characters) are
Patagopteryx deferrariisi) as successive branches of a pecti- from the skull, % ( characters) are postcranial vari-
nate cladogram between Archaeopteryx and Neornithes. In ables, and % ( characters) are from the plumage. All these
this latter view, “Sauriurae” is a paraphyletic group sup- characters have at least one derived character state shared by
ported only by primitive or inaccurate characters (Chiappe, two or more of the in-group taxa; binary characters in
b; Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume). which the derived character state is known only in one of
This decade of extraordinary findings brought another the analyzed taxa (autapomorphic characters) were ex-
topic of controversy into the arena of basal birds—namely, cluded from the analysis a priori. This procedure follows in-
the phylogenetic relationships of the Late Cretaceous vestigations indicating that autapomorphic characters,
Mononykus olecranus from the Gobi Desert and its al- which are uninformative for the topology of the tree, affect
varezsaurid relatives (Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  certain statistics of the analysis (e.g., consistency index; see
in this volume). In their initial report of Mononykus, Perle Carpenter, ). Aside from obvious preservational arti-


facts (e.g., presence vs. absence of ossified uncinate analysis was conducted () treating multistate characters
processes in Confuciusornis), cases of polymorphism (for that clearly represent morphoclines (characters , , , ,
the character states included in the analysis) were not found , , , , , , , , , ) as additive and the re-
among the studied specimens. maining multistate characters (i.e., , , , ) as non-
The monophyly of the supraspecific taxa used as out- additive; and () treating all multistate characters as non-
groups (i.e., Allosauridae, Velociraptorinae, Troodontidae) additive.
is well documented (Currie and Padian, ). When con- Finally, given that permutation of the out-group order
flicting character states were found within these out-groups within the same analysis may produce different topologies
(e.g., serrated vs. unserrated tooth crowns in troodontids), (Barriel and Tassy, ), the data matrix of Appendix .
the character states were scored on the basis of the condi- was analyzed using all possible permutations in the order of
tion present in the more basal nonavian theropods (e.g., ser- the three selected out-groups. Because choice of different
rated tooth crowns). out-groups may also result in different topologies of result-
An important aspect of a cladistic analysis is the group- ant cladograms of a cladistic analysis, the data matrix was
ing of the diversity of character states in discrete characters. also analyzed using two out-groups (all possible combina-
Given a number of variables within a character, options for tions of the three initially selected) and then only one out-
character coding range from arranging all of them in a group (each of the initial three out-groups).
single multistate character (Pimentel and Riggins, ;
Meier, ), to ordering some in separate characters (tra- Trees and Statistics
ditional approach), to treating each variable as a binary
(present/absent) character (Pleijel, ). Four different Using the implicit enumeration command of Hennig 
problems have been considered at the time of coding ob- (“ie” command; see Farris, ), the analysis of the data
servations into a data set: () interdependency, () hierar- matrix (Appendix .) treating multistate characters as a
chical linkage, () missing entries (either unknown or in- combination of additive and nonadditive (characters , ,
applicable data), and () information retrieval and testa- , ) resulted in  fundamental (most parsimonious)
bility (see Pleijel, ). Unfortunately, none of the pro- cladograms. Each fundamental cladogram has a length of
posed approaches is problem-free. Of the two ends of  steps, a consistency index (CI) of ., and a retention
the spectrum for character coding options, the multistate index (RI) of .. The strict consensus tree (Fig. .), the
approach minimizes the amount of character interde- only consensus cladogram that summarizes the information
pendency, and the binary (present/absent) practice evades common to all fundamental cladograms (Nixon and Car-
problems of hierarchical linkage. Although both ap- penter, ), is  steps long and has a CI of . and a RI
proaches overcome the undesirable addition of inapplica- of .. When the analysis was conducted treating all multi-
ble entries, recent simulation studies have indicated that the state characters as nonadditive, the result produced the same
strict adoption of any of these extreme approaches may pro- number of fundamental cladograms with the same number
duce spurious results (Strong and Lipscomb, ). This of steps (i.e.,  steps) and an identical strict consensus tree.
simulation suggests using the traditional approach, in The only difference was in the RI, which was slightly lower—
which character states refer only to variables of a particular and thus, less desirable—in both the fundamental clado-
character and not to the absence of the character. This grams (RI: .) and their strict consensus tree (RI: .).
means, for example, that when scoring dental implantation Neither treatment of characters , , , and  as
in the jaw, character states are restricted to either being nonadditive nor permutation of the three out-groups used
implanted in sockets or being in a groove, excluding a state in this analysis (i.e., Allosauridae, Troodontidae, and Ve-
considering the absence of teeth; absence/presence of teeth lociraptorinae) produced any difference in the number and
is regarded as a different, binary character. This study fol- topology of the fundamental cladograms or in the resulting
lows this approach as closely as possible. strict consensus tree.Values for the statistics of all these trees
Another important, and highly debated, analytical issue remained the same.
is that of treating multistate characters as additive (also When the analysis was rooted using two out-groups, the
known as “ordered”) or nonadditive (or “unordered”).  most parsimonious trees (resulting from permutations of
While Hauser and Presch () recommended treating all Velociraptorinae and Troodontidae or Allosauridae and
multistate characters as nonadditive (i.e., the length be- Troodontidae) were somewhat shorter (i.e.,  steps, CI:
tween any two states is invariably one step), Slowinski () ., RI: .), but the topology of the strict consensus tree
suggested using a “mixed” approach in which multistate ( steps, CI: ., RI: .) was identical to that obtained
characters are analyzed as additive when there is confidence, by using the three out-groups. Using Allosauridae and Ve-
such as in morphoclines (i.e., small-medium-large). In this lociraptorinae as out-groups resulted in an equal number of
chapter, both approaches have been followed. Thus, the trees but was one step shorter (CI: ., RI: .); the topol-


Figure 20.1. Strict consensus tree resulting from the present cladistic analysis (length: ; CI: .; RI: .). Numbers at each node
are unambiguously optimized synapomorphies (see Appendixes . and . for character list and matrix).

ogy of the consensus tree remained unchanged ( steps, previous ones (i.e.,  steps, CI: ., RI: .). The differ-
CI: ., RI: .). Rooting the analysis with either Veloci- ence between the strict consensus tree ( steps, CI: ., RI:
raptorinae or Allosauridae resulted once again in  funda- .) of these fundamental cladograms with respect to those
mental cladograms of somewhat shorter length (Velocirap- resulting from using more or other out-groups was simply
torinae:  steps, CI: ., RI: .; Allosauridae:  steps, the presence of a trichotomy at the base of Alvarezsauridae,
CI: ., RI: .). Once again, the topology of the strict con- between Alvarezsaurus calvoi, Patagonykus puertai, and a
sensus tree ( steps, CI: ., RI: . with Velociraptori- clade formed by Shuvuuia deserti and M. olecranus.
nae; and  steps, CI: ., RI: . with Allosauridae) re-
mained invariable. Only when the analysis was rooted using Phylogenetic Results
Troodontidae as a single out-group was the number of fun-
damental cladograms increased and the topology of the re- The strict consensus cladogram resulting from the present
sulting strict consensus tree modified. This last analysis pro- cladistic analysis (all out-groups included) is shown in Fig-
duced  most parsimonious trees shorter than any of the ure .. Following earlier node-based phylogenetic defini-


tions (Chiappe, , ), Aves (a term here regarded as fragmentary but diagnostic specimen in Berkeley’s Mu-
interchangeable with “birds”) is defined as the common seum of Paleontology proved the existence of this lineage in
ancestor of Archaeopteryx and Neornithes plus all its de- the Late Cretaceous of North America (Hutchinson and
scendants (in this study, Neornithes is represented by Chiappe, ). Although only four alvarezsaurid species
Anas). Consequently, Archaeopteryx is by definition a were included in the present analysis, the results of this
member of the most basal lineage of birds (Fig. .). The study again support the monophyly of this group (Chiappe,
Late Cretaceous Alvarezsauridae—Mononykus and its Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume). The relation-
relatives (Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this ships among these four species are identical to those pro-
volume)—are placed immediately outside Aves, as the sis- posed by earlier cladistic analyses. Namely, the Asian species
ter group to Aves. The Late Cretaceous Rahonavis from form a monophyletic group, while the Patagonian species
northwestern Madagascar (Forster et al., a,b) is the constitute out-groups of this Asian clade (Novas, ; Chi-
next most basal avian lineage after Archaeopteryx. Ra- appe et al., ; Hutchinson and Chiappe, ; Chiappe,
honavis is the sister taxon to Pygostylia, a name that was Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume).
previously used as a synonym of Ornithothoraces. Within Ever since the description of Mononykus, the phylo-
Pygostylia, the Chinese Early Cretaceous Confuciusor- genetic relationships of the alvarezsauridae have been the
nithidae (C. sanctus and Changchengornis hengdaoziensis; matter of a heated debate. The initial phylogenetic analysis
Chiappe et al., ; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this vol- of Perle et al. (a) placed Mononykus closer to Ne-
ume) is the sister group of Ornithothoraces. The mono- ornithes than was Archaeopteryx. Such a conclusion triggered
phyletic Ornithothoraces, the common ancestor of a great deal of opposition, although dissent was primarily
Iberomesornis romerali and Neornithes plus all its descen- framed within a noncladistic context (see discussion in
dants (Chiappe, ), encompasses two diverse sister Chiappe et al., , ; Chiappe, Norell, and Clark,
taxa: Enantiornithes and Ornithuromorpha. The Early Chapter  in this volume). Subsequent cladistic analyses in-
Cretaceous I. romerali and Noguerornis gonzalezi from corporating additional data from the new alvarezsaurid
Spain (Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume; Chiappe and discoveries in central Asia and Patagonia (Chiappe et al.,
Lacasa-Ruiz, Chapter  in this volume) are included , ; Novas, , ; Forster et al., a; Holtz,
within Enantiornithes—following Sereno’s () defini- ) provided further support for the avian relationship
tion of this clade as all taxa closer to Sinornis santensis than of Alvarezsauridae. Other recent cladistic analyses, how-
to Neornithes. All other enantiornithines are placed in a ever, have supported a nonavian theropod relationship for
monophyletic clade, here called Euenantiornithes, and this group, thus introducing a more serious challenge to
defined phylogenetically as all taxa closer to Sinornis than the avian hypothesis originally proposed by Perle et al.
to Iberomesornis. The monophyletic Ornithuromorpha in- (a). Sereno (, a,b, ), Clark, Norell, and
clude the Late Cretaceous V. berivotrensis and P. deferrari- Makovicky (Chapter  in this volume), and Novas and Pol
isi from Madagascar and Argentina, respectively, and Orni- (Chapter  in this volume) have argued for a more basal po-
thurae in an unresolved trichotomy. Ornithurae includes sition for the alvarezsaurids among coelurosaurs, and the
Hesperornis regalis and A. dementjevi as successive out- present analysis supports a sister group relationship be-
groups of a clade uniting Ichthyornis and Neornithes (i.e., tween alvarezsaurids and birds (Figs. . and .). Only
Anas). Previous hypotheses of relationships of the different Sereno’s (a) cladistic analysis was critically evaluated at
in-group taxa, their empirical support, and their compar- the time this chapter was written (his  data matrix was
isons with the hypotheses derived from the present cladis- made available on the Internet). Specifically, Sereno’s
tic analysis are discussed subsequently in greater detail. (a,b, ) proposal is that alvarezsaurids are the sister
group of ornithomimids, both being placed in Ornitho-
The Phylogenetic Position and mimoidea. Martin and Rinaldi () first entertained this
Interrelationships of Alvarezsauridae idea, although on the basis of features that are either com-
M. olecranus (Perle et al., a,b) was the first member of mon to a variety of nonavian theropods and basal birds
Alvarezsauridae to be recognized. Subsequent discoveries in (e.g., long neck and tail, absence of furcula, short forelimbs,
the Mongolian Late Cretaceous, as well as reexamination of reduced calcaneum) or simply incorrect (e.g., absence of
museum collections, documented the existence of close rel- free carpals, unusually short ribs). As with Martin and Ri-
atives of Mononykus, recognizing at least two other Late naldi’s () proposal, Sereno’s (a, ) hypothesis
Cretaceous alvarezsaurids from central Asia—Parvicursor remains unconvincing (Suzuki et al., ). Even a cursory
remotus (Karhu and Rautian, ) and S. deserti (Chiappe examination of his data reveals at least one significant
et al., ). Discoveries in the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia caveat: the fact that in his cladistic analysis, Aves is scored
recognized the presence of basal alvarezsaurids in South as a terminal taxon, which thus prevents the inclusion of
America—A. calvoi and P. puertai (Novas, , ). A alvarezsaurids within Aves.


Figure 20.2. Strict consensus tree resulting from the present cladistic analysis (length: ; CI: .; RI: .). White circles at each node
depict the number of unambiguously optimized synapomorphies diagnosing that particular node. Gray circles on arrows indicate the
number of additional steps needed to support (more parsimoniously) a different placement for a particular taxon.

Sereno’s study (a, ) fails to appreciate the re- and fibula with the tubercle of M. iliofibularis laterally di-
markable similarities between alvarezsaurids and birds (re- rected (character a). Unambiguous support for the
gardless of whether these are homologies). Nevertheless, al- monophyly of Aves is limited to only three synapomorphies:
varezsaurids and birds share numerous derived similarities a caudal margin of the external naris that nearly reaches or
(Chiappe et al., , ). Seven unambiguous synapo- overlaps the rostral border of the antorbital cavity (charac-
morphies support the sister-group relationship of Al- ter ); a prominent acromion in the scapula (character );
varezsaurids and Aves (Figs. . and .): quadrate articu- and a pointy and shallow postacetabular wing of the ilium
lating with both prootic and squamosal (character ); teeth that has less than % the dorsoventral depth of the pre-
with unserrated crowns (character ); prominent carotid acetabular wing at the acetabulum (character ). The relative
processes in the intermediate cervicals (character ); weak weak support for the monophyly of Aves is not surprising
postaxial epipophyses (character ); wide vertebral foramen given the large number of new taxa (Alvarezsauridae among
in the midcaudal thoracic vertebrae (character ); short them) documenting a stepwise origin of many of the previ-
prezygapophyses of distal caudal vertebrae (character ); ously “unique” avian features (Padian and Chiappe, ).


Although the present study challenges the avian rela- wing that is much longer than the postacetabular one; a pu-
tionship of Alvarezsauridae proposed by Perle et al. (a), bis that is twice the length of the ischium and fused distally
the topological shift between these two hypotheses pivots into a caudal foot; an ischium with a distinct proximo-
on a handful of steps (Fig. .). Only five additional steps dorsal process; and a reduced fibula that does not reach the
would be required to place alvarezsaurids closer to Ne- proximal tarsals (Forster et al., a). The elongation and
ornithes than is Archaeopteryx—the original hypothesis of distinct quill knobs of its ulna and its laterally oriented gle-
Perle et al. (a). noid facet suggest feathers and aerodynamic capabilities for
In all probability, the relationships of this spectacular lin- Rahonavis (Forster et al., a). Clearly the most notable
eage of theropods will continue to be controversial until feature of its hindlimb is the highly specialized second
more complete remains of its basal members are discovered digit—a toe much more robust than the other pedal digits,
and the interrelationships of nonavian coelurosaur thero- composed of phalanges with expanded distal articular su-
pods become better understood. The reason for the novel faces and ending in an enlarged, sickle-shaped claw. Forster
phylogenetic interpretation presented here is not because et al. (a) highlighted this feature as a striking similarity
previously published analyses “did not include any non- to the second digit of certain nonavian lineages such as
avian taxa” as part of the in-group, as stated by Sereno troodontids and dromaeosaurids.
(b:). Several unquestionably nonavian taxa formed In cladistic analyses including several nonavian coeluro-
part of the in-group in the analyses of Novas (), Forster saurs as well a variety of basal avian lineages, the most
et al. (a), Ji et al. (), and Holtz (). The shift be- parsimonious tree placed Rahonavis as the sister group of
tween the original hypothesis of Perle et al. (a) and the Archaeopteryx (Forster et al., a). Yet an alternative hy-
one presented here is more related to the discovery of new pothesis proposed by Forster et al. (a), one supporting
anatomical data for the out-groups and the incorporation the sister-taxon relationship between Rahonavis and all
into the analysis of confuciusornithids, birds that are now avians other than Archaeopteryx, was only one step longer.
known by hundreds of specimens (Chiappe et al., ). As The present study supports the latter hypothesis, one that
a consequence, these additional data and changes in the dis- Forster et al. (a:) regarded as convincing given that
crimination of discrete variables and their scoring led to Rahonavis “shares a number of characters with more derived
changes in the optimization of characters and consequently birds exclusive of Archaeopteryx.” Indeed, five unambiguous
to new topologies for the resulting cladograms. These results synapomorphies support the sister-taxon relationship be-
as well as others (e.g., Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chap- tween Rahonavis and Pygostylia (new combination): a pro-
ter  in this volume; Novas and Pol, Chapter  in this volume) coelous synsacrum (character ); an ulnar shaft that is con-
have made it apparent that the phylogenetic relationships of siderably thicker than the radial shaft (character ) and with
alvarezsaurids need to be examined within a framework a proximal end bearing a well-defined area for the insertion
larger than either basal birds (e.g., Chiappe et al., ) or of M. brachialis anticus (character ); a fibula that does not
nonavian tetanuran theropods (e.g., Sereno, a). Future reach the proximal tarsals (character ); and the presence
analyses should look into integrating these data better. of a distinct tubercle on the dorsal face of metatarsal II (char-
acter ). All these characters are absent in Archaeopteryx.
The Phylogenetic Relationships of R. ostromi Given the present analysis, it would require five additional
In , Forster and her associates described a primi- steps to unite Archaeopteryx and Rahonavis as sister taxa
tive new bird from the Late Cretaceous of northwestern (Fig. .), re-creating the most parsimonious placement for
Madagascar—from the same fossil-rich deposits as V. beriv- these taxa of Forster et al. (a).
otrensis (see Forster et al., Chapter  in this volume). This As was emphasized by Forster et al. (a), the alloca-
bird was first called “Rahona” ostromi (Forster et al., a), tion of Rahonavis within birds is strongly supported by
although its generic name was later emended to Rahonavis what we know of its anatomy. Some critics—essentially
given that “Rahona” was found to be in use (Forster et al., those apparently distressed by the support that the discov-
b). ery of Rahonavis provided to the hypothesis of the theropod
The holotype of Rahonavis is composed of associated el- ancestry of birds—have tried to dismiss the avian relation-
ements (some in articulation) of the trunk, pelvis, ships of Rahonavis by arguing that the holotype was a com-
hindlimb, and tail, as well as the forelimb and shoulder—all posite (e.g., Feduccia, ). These critics claimed that while
found in an area of  cm2. Rahonavis exhibits pneumatic the ulna, radius, and scapula were those of a bird, the re-
foramina penetrating the cervicothoracic and thoracic ver- maining elements of the holotype were those of a nonavian
tebral centra; hyposphene-hypantrum accessory articula- theropod. As previously mentioned, all bones of the holo-
tions between thoracic vertebrae; a tail composed of more type were collected from a very small area. This, along with
than  long caudal vertebrae; an ilium with a preacetabular the identical preservation, texture, and color of all these


bones, strongly suggests they belong to a single specimen. confuciusornithids are closer to Neornithes than are
Most important is a fact ignored by those arguing the com- Archaeopteryx or Rahonavis. Thoracic pleurocoels are even
posite status of the holotype: Forster et al. (a) ran two shared by Rahonavis, so their presence would only indicate
separate cladistic analyses, one in which the forelimb and that confuciusornithids are birds more derived than
shoulder elements of Rahonavis were included and one in Archaeopteryx. Clearly, all characters used by Hou et al.
which they were excluded from the analysis. In both cases, (a, ) to ally Confuciusornis with Enantiornithes are
the resulting cladograms were identical, indicating that synapomorphies at a higher level of universality, and there-
even the apparently more primitive morphology of the ver- fore they do not support any of the phylogenetic hypothe-
tebral, pelvic, and hindlimb elements supports their identi- ses entertained by these authors.
fication as of those of a bird. Chiappe (b) was the first to provide an alternative
phylogenetic hypothesis for Confuciusornis. Chiappe
The Phylogenetic Position of Confuciusornithidae (b) proposed that Confuciusornis was the sister taxon of
With hundreds of specimens collected during the late s, Ornithothoraces, a view corroborated by subsequent stud-
C. sanctus (Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this volume) has ies (e.g., Chiappe et al., ; Ji et al., ; Sereno, a).
become an icon for the unprecedented rate of recent dis- The present analysis supports the sister-group relationship
coveries of primitive birds in China and elsewhere. Confu- of Confuciusornis and Changchengornis proposed by Ji et al.
ciusornis was first described by Hou et al. (a) on the ba- () in the initial report of the latter—a relationship
sis of incomplete material from the Chaomidianzi strongly supported by six unambiguous synapomorphies
Formation (Lower Yixian Formation of others), an Early (Fig. .)—and, once again, Chiappe’s (b) phylo-
Cretaceous lithostratigraphic unit (Swisher et al., ) of genetic relationships for Confuciusornis (and the Confucius-
the northeastern Chinese province of Liaoning. This initial ornithidae). The out-group condition of Confuciusor-
report and subsequent work by Hou and associates (Hou et nithidae with respect to Ornithothoraces is strongly sup-
al., , ; Hou, ; Zhou and Hou, Chapter  in this ported by the fact that Confuciusornis exhibits the primitive
volume) described the basic features of this bird and pro- condition for the  unambiguous synapomorphies diag-
vided the first phylogenetic interpretations. Ji et al. () nosing Ornithothoraces (Fig. .) and that the same can be
reported on another bird from the Chaomidianzi Forma- said about Changchengornis, since these characters are not
tion, C. hengdaoziensis, whose morphology closely allies it missing in its single known specimen.
with C. sanctus, and Chiappe et al. () provided a review The clade formed of confuciusornithids and ornithotho-
of the anatomy, systematics, and other biological aspects of racines is supported here by four unambiguous synapomor-
these two taxa. Chiappe et al. () discussed the validity phies (Fig. .): absence of hyposphene-hypantrum (char-
of several recently named species of Confuciusornis, con- acter ); presence of a pygostyle (character ); a retroverted
cluding that C. sanctus was the only diagnosable one. C. pubis separated from the main synsacral axis by an angle
sanctus and C. hengdaoziensis are thus the only known ranging between ° and ° (character a); and the pres-
members of Confuciusornithidae. ence of a wide and bulbous medial condyle of the tibio-
Confuciusornis was first interpreted as an enanti- tarsus (character ). A node-based phylogenetic definition
ornithine bird and allied with the Late Cretaceous Gob- and a name—Pygostylia—are provided for this clade. Py-
ipteryx from the Gobi Desert (Hou et al., b). The follow- gostylia is here defined as the common ancestor of Confu-
ing year, Hou et al. () removed Confuciusornis from ciusornithidae and Neornithes plus all its descendants.
Enantiornithes and regarded it as its sister taxon. Neither Chatterjee (, ) named a clade that included the most
of these proposals, however, was well substantiated (Chi- recent common ancestor of the Early Cretaceous Iberome-
appe et al., ). The inclusion of Confuciusornis within sornis and Neornithes plus all its descendants, using the term
Enantiornithes was based on the presence of elongate cora- Pygostylia. The name Ornithothoraces, however, had been
coids, and the sister-taxon relationship between Confucius- previously applied to this same clade (Chiappe, ). Con-
ornis and Gobipteryx was supported only by their common sequently, Chatterjee’s (, ) Pygostylia is a synonym
lack of teeth (Hou et al., b). The sister-group relation- of Chiappe’s () Ornithothoraces.
ship between Confuciusornis and Enantiornithes was ar- The weaknesses of the various phylogenetic hypotheses
gued on the basis of the presence of pygostyles and thoracic proposed by Hou and his associates are highlighted by the
pleurocoels (large, lateral excavations) in these taxa (Hou results of the present cladistic analysis: it would require 
et al., ). Elongate coracoids, pygostyles, and pleuro- additional steps to place confuciusornithids as the sister
coels in thoracic vertebrae are widespread features among group of Enantiornithes,  extra steps to make them share
birds. The presence of elongate coracoids and pygostyles in a most recent common ancestor with Euenantiornithes, and
Confuciusornis and Changchengornis indicates only that the many more to cluster them with Gobipteryx.


The Phylogenetic Position of Enantiornithes ; Norell et al., ; Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chap-
and the Paraphyly of “Sauriurae” ter  in this volume). These two characters are likely ple-
With multiple discoveries in the past decade, Enanti- siomorphic for birds. Character  is known for several
ornithes (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this volume) has Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  in this vol-
become the most taxonomically diverse clade of Mesozoic ume), but it is unknown for Archaeopteryx, thus represent-
birds. Walker () was the first to propose a hypothesis for ing a synapomorphy of a subset within Enantiornithes. A
its phylogenetic position, placing it in an intermediate po- review of the evidence in support of a close relationship be-
sition between Archaeopteryx and Neornithes. Soon after, tween Archaeopteryx and Enantiornithes suggests that these
Martin () proposed his view of a basal dichotomy in characters are either plesiomorphic or equivocal.
avian evolution. On the one hand, he claimed that The present cladistic analysis concurs with many others
Archaeopteryx and Enantiornithes were sister taxa and clas- (Cracraft, ; Chiappe, , ; Sereno and Rao, ;
sified them under the “Sauriurae.” On the other hand, he ar- Sanz et al., , , ; Forster et al., , a;
gued for the sister-group relationship between “Sauriurae” Sereno, a), indicating the existence of a common an-
and Ornithurae. Since then, discussions of the phylogenetic cestor of Enantiornithes and modern avians (Neornithes)
relationships of Enantiornithes have been intertwined with not shared by Archaeopteryx. Thus, the numerous derived
those concerning the monophyly of “Sauriurae.” Multiple characters shared between Enantiornithes and Ornithuro-
numerical cladistic analyses have consistently dismissed the morpha (including Neornithes) are better explained as
monophyly of “Sauriurae,” supporting the notion that synapomorphies of a monophyletic clade uniting these two
Enantiornithes is phylogenetically closer to Neornithes taxa—Ornithothoraces—than as independently evolved
than to Archaeopteryx (e.g., Cracraft, ; Chiappe, , (Figs. . and .). Among the  unambiguous synapo-
a,b, ; Sereno and Rao, ; Sanz et al., , , morphies diagnosing Ornithothoraces are the presence of
; Forster et al., , a; Sereno, a). Comparable a cup-shaped caudal maxillary sinus (character ); fewer
objections by authors working outside the framework of than  thoracic vertebrae (character ); scapula articu-
cladistics even predated the results of these numerical lated well below the shoulder end of the coracoid (charac-
cladistic analyses (e.g., Steadman, ; Olson, ). ter ); scapular caudal end tapered to a sharp point (char-
Martin’s () argument of a monophyletic “Sauriurae” acter ); alular digit (I) short, not surpassing the length of
was based on five characters, alleged to be exclusive to Enan- the major metacarpal (II) (character ); and the presence
tiornithes and Archaeopteryx: () scapula with a cranio- of an alula (character ). To argue for a monophyletic
medial facet abutting against a series of fused cranial thoracic “Sauriurae”—which in its current version includes Confu-
vertebrae; () fusion of the cranialmost thoracic vertebrae ciusornithidae (Hou et al., )—would require a strict
with a special process on the scapula abutting them; consensus cladogram  steps longer than the one resulting
() metatarsal bones fused in a straight line; () distal tarsal from the present analysis (Fig. .).
bones either absent or fused as small individual bones; and Not surprisingly, the general inferences drawn from these
() tarsometatarsus fused proximally but not distally. Mar- two very different views of the phylogenetic relationships of
tin’s () characters  and  appear to be the same, and Enantiornithes, and of other basal birds, are diametrically
most significant, this (apparently single) character is un- opposed. For example, Hou et al. () regarded the growth
known for any of the taxa included within “Sauriurae.” differences inferred for certain nonornithurine birds (Chin-
Characters – are not exclusive to Enantiornithes and samy et al., , ; Chinsamy, Chapter  in this volume)
Archaeopteryx but rather are shared by several nonavian as unique (and thus “synapomorphic”) attributes of “sauri-
maniraptoriform theropods, suggesting that they are prim- urine” birds. Yet, in the framework of a paraphyletic “Sauri-
itive. Since the discovery of Confuciusornis, the notion of a urae,” these differences are seen not as unique attributes of
monophyletic “Sauriurae” became more prominently fea- “Sauriurae” but as primitive conditions inherited from the
tured in the literature, although essentially among non- theropod ancestors of birds (Chiappe, a). Likewise, in
cladistic studies (e.g., Hou et al., b, , ; Feduccia, the context of a monophyletic “Sauriurae,” the sophisticated
; Kurochkin, ; Martin and Zhou, ). Hou et al. flight apparatus of Enantiornithes (Chiappe and Walker,
(b, ) supplemented Martin’s characters with three Chapter  in this volume) requires independent evolution
other alleged synapomorphies: () broad furcular arms; from that of Ornithuromorpha, because many of the flight-
() craniodorsal process of ischium; and () crest on the lat- correlated features of these taxa are absent in Archaeopteryx
eral condyle of the femur. Again, character  is known in a (e.g., pygostyle, strutlike coracoid, alula). This genealogical
variety of nonavian theropods (e.g., Chure and Madsen, corollary has often been ignored by those who, supporting
; Norell et al., ; Makovicky and Currie, ), and the monophyly of “Sauriurae,” have used enantiornithine
character  is known for the maniraptoriform Unenlagia morphology in constructing interpretations about the evo-
comahuensis, apparently a nonavian taxon (Novas and Puerta, lution of modern avian flight. Nevertheless, if “Sauriurae”


were monophyletic, the evidence available in the anatomy of The interrelationships of Euenantiornithes—a group of
Enantiornithes would not be critical for understanding the more than  species—remain one of the main systematic
evolution of flight in Neornithes. problems of basal avian phylogeny. Chiappe and Walker
An interesting difference from most previous cladistic (Chapter  in this volume) attempted to reconstruct the ge-
analyses is that the present results support—although not nealogical history of the entire clade, one that in the past
overwhelmingly (Fig. .)—the inclusion of the Spanish was explored only by studies restricted to a small portion of
Early Cretaceous Noguerornis (Lacasa-Ruiz, ) and the group’s actual diversity (e.g., Chiappe, ; Sanz et al.,
Iberomesornis (Sanz and Bonaparte, ) within the line- ; Varricchio and Chiappe, ). Despite analyzing 
age leading to Sinornis and other enantiornithines. These variables across  species of enantiornithines, Chiappe and
taxa have often been regarded as nonornithothoracines Walker (Chapter  in this volume) were unable to find
(e.g., Sanz and Bonaparte, ; Chiappe, a,b, ; Sanz much resolution in the resulting cladograms (see also
et al., ; Forster et al., a), although not universally Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume). At the cen-
(e.g., Kurochkin, ; Martin, ; Feduccia, ; Sereno, ter of this problem lies the fragmentary nature of most eu-
a), and thus not particularly close to Enantiornithes. enantiornithine specimens representing diagnosable
The sister-taxon relationship between Noguerornis and species; moreover, specimens of several recently discovered
Iberomesornis is supported only by a reversal (absence of a species (e.g., Boluochia zhengi, Eoenantiornis buhleri, Oto-
procoelous synsacrum; Fig. .), and their inclusion within gornis genghisi) still await detailed study. For example, Chi-
Enantiornithes would collapse with only three additional appe and Walker’s analysis (Chapter  in this volume)
steps (Fig. .). The inclusion of these taxa within Enanti- recorded % or more of missing data for at least one-third
ornithes is based only on the presence of a well-developed of the in-group species. When this poorly known third was
hypocleideum (character ); the ulna shorter than the excluded from the analysis, the resulting cladograms sup-
humerus (character ); the minor metacarpal projecting ported two sister taxa branching from an otherwise un-
more distally than the major metacarpal (character ; this resolved polytomy. One of these taxa includes G. minuta
character state is missing in Iberomesornis); and a round and B. zhengi; the other is formed by Halimornis thompsoni,
proximal articular surface of the tibiotarsus (character ; Concornis lacustris, Soroavisaurus australis, Enantiornis
missing in Noguerornis). leali, and Neuquenornis volans. To some extent, the latter
cluster agrees with previous cladistic analyses of enanti-
Interrelationships within Euenantiornithes ornithine interrelationships (Chiappe, ; Sanz et al.,
Although the term Enantiornithes was used for almost  ). Nonetheless, much more work needs to be done be-
years to refer to a group of Cretaceous flying birds with a fore one can arrive at a phylogenetic hypothesis that por-
suite of distinct osteological attributes (e.g., Chiappe, , trays the evolutionary history of euenantiornithines with
; Chiappe and Calvo, ; Sanz et al., , , ; certain confidence.
Zhou, ), it was Sereno () who first applied it to a
phylogenetically defined clade: all taxa closer to Sinornis The Phylogenetic Position of Vorona,
than to Neornithes. Under this phylogenetic definition, Patagopteryx, and Ornithurae
most attributes used before to diagnose Enantiornithes sup- Two Late Cretaceous birds from Gondwana—the Malagasy
port a clade that is a subset of Sereno’s newly defined Enanti- V. berivotrensis (Forster et al., , Chapter  in this vol-
ornithes. As previously discussed, Iberomesornis and ume) and the Argentine P. deferrariisi (Alvarenga and Bona-
Noguerornis may be members of Sinornis’s lineage and thus parte, ; Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume)—form an
Enantiornithes, but the fact that they lack the majority of unresolved trichotomy with Ornithurae (Figs. . and
the derived characters diagnosing less inclusive enanti- .). These taxa are included within Ornithuromorpha, a
ornithine clades suggests their placement as basal members clade here defined as the common ancestor of Patagopteryx
of this lineage (Fig. .). All the remaining enantiornithine and Ornithurae plus all its descendants. The monophyly of
taxa included in the present analysis cluster in a polytomy. Ornithuromorpha is supported by eight unambiguous
This clade is here named Euenantiornithes and is phylo- synapomorphies (Fig. .), including the loss of caudal
genetically defined as all taxa closer to Sinornis than to prezygapophyses (character ); a sagittally curved scapular
Iberomesornis. Although only five euenantiornithine taxa blade (character ); metacarpals II and III that are partially
are included in the present analysis, several derived similar- to completely fused distally (character ) and inter-
ities between these and other typical enantiornithines (e.g., metacarpal space that is at least as wide as the maximum
Chiappe and Calvo, ; Zhou, ; Chiappe, ) width of the shaft of metacarpal III (character ); and a
strongly suggest the inclusion of most Enantiornithes complete fusion of metatarsals II, III, and IV (character ).
within Euenantiornithes (Chiappe and Walker, Chapter  The phylogenetic placement of Vorona indicated by the
in this volume). present analysis is comparable to the one originally pro-


posed by Forster et al. (). Vorona is incompletely known side Ornithurae (as defined here), as its immediate sister
by two specimens preserving hindlimb elements only taxon.
(Forster et al., Chapter  in this volume), and certain Although the present analysis depicts Ambiortus as an
characters—particularly in the tarsometatarsus—are remi- ornithurine, as the sister taxon to Carinatae (Fig. .),
niscent of those of some euenantiornithines (e.g., there is little support, if any, for this placement. Only  of
Avisaurus, Soroavisaurus). This superficial similarity may the  unambiguous synapomorphies diagnosing the latter
have led some authors to place Vorona within Enanti- clade are present in Ambiortus (a procoracoid process on
ornithes (Feduccia, , ). At present, however, these the coracoid [character ] and a globe-shaped humeral
similarities are better explained as convergences. Nonethe- head [character ])—the remaining are not preserved in
less, it should be kept in mind that it would take only two the only known specimen. The sister-group relationship
additional steps to bring Vorona within Enantiornithes, as between Ambiortus and Carinatae is supported by only
the sister taxon of Euenantiornithes (Fig. .). four ambiguous synapomorphies (i.e., characters , , ,
The present analysis also confirms the close relationship  of Appendix .)—character states that may be
between Patagopteryx and Ornithurae (Chiappe, , synapomorphic of this node if shown to be present in Am-
Chapter  in this volume), indicating once again that biortus. Furthermore, while removing Ambiortus from the
Patagopteryx is not closely related to ratites, as initially pro- Ornithuromorpha would increase the length of the strict
posed by Alvarenga and Bonaparte () and later followed consensus cladogram by two steps (Fig. .), no addi-
by Kurochkin (; see Chiappe, Chapter  in this vol- tional steps would be needed to place it as the sister taxon
ume). Patagopteryx is much better known than Vorona; it to Ornithurae.
would take a mininum of  additional steps to nest it
within Enantiornithes. The position of Patagopteryx as an Early Evolution of Avian Locomotion
immediate out-group of Ornithurae within the Ornithuro-
morpha appears well established and unlikely to change. It has long been known that most birds have two main
modes of progression—flying and walking—that are func-
Interrelationships within Ornithurae tionally different. While the origin and later refinement of
Only a handful of workers have ever entertained phylo- flight in birds has regularly been a topic of intense investi-
genetic hypotheses that would compromise the mono- gation, the evolutionary development of the mode of ter-
phyletic status of Ornithurae encompassing Hesperornis, restrial locomotion in birds remained largely overlooked
Ichthyornis, and all extant birds—Lowe (), Holmgren until the work of Gatesy (; Chapter  in this volume).
(), and Zweers et al. () are among the very few. This This author recognized the profound kinematic differences
is not likely to change because, as shown by the  unam- between the terrestrial progression of extant birds and that
biguous synapomorphies that here diagnose this clade (Fig. of their most immediate nonavian relatives. Chiappe’s
.), the monophyly of Ornithurae is one of the most ro- (a) chart of the sequence of transformations (i.e.,
bust systematic statements of basal avian phylogeny. synapomorphies) of the wing and shoulder versus those of
In agreement with a host of previous studies (Martin, the hindlimb and pelvis demonstrated the early “mosaic”
; Cracraft, , ; Chiappe, , a,b, ; Sanz evolution of the two main avian locomotory systems. This
and Bonaparte, ; Sereno and Rao, ; Sanz et al., ), latter study suggested that most skeletal structures corre-
Hesperornis is regarded here as a basal ornithurine, outside lated to enhanced flying capabilities evolved prior to those
the common ancestry of Ichthyornis and Neornithes—the correlated to the terrestrial locomotion of extant birds. Our
clade termed Carinatae. In the present cladistic analysis, the understanding of the evolution of the main styles of avian
Early Cretaceous A. dementjevi (Kurochkin, a,b) is locomotion also benefited from the conceptual recognition
nested within Ornithurae, as the sister taxon of Carinatae. of locomotor modules (Gatesy and Dial, )—highly in-
Phylogenetic interpretations of the incomplete and only tegrated anatomical subregions of the musculoskeletal sys-
known specimen of Ambiortus have varied widely. tem that act as different functional units during loco-
Kurochkin (a,b) regarded it as a carinate bird, allying it motion. Gatesy and Dial () identified three locomotor
with alleged palaeognaths from the Early Tertiary. modules in extant flying birds: the pectoral module, the
Kurochkin’s interpretation of a close relationship between caudal module, and the hindlimb module. These authors
Ambiortus and palaeognaths was reiterated in his  re- convincingly argued that the origin of the flight system of
view of Mesozoic birds (Kurochkin, a,b). While high- birds is equivalent to the evolutionary differentiation of
lighting the incompleteness of Ambiortus and, thus, his ten- these locomotor modules from the single one (i.e., the com-
tative interpretation, Cracraft () placed Ambiortus bined hindlimb and caudal modules) of nonavian
within the Carinatae, in a trichotomy with Ichthyornis and theropods and the functional association of the caudal and
Neornithes. Sereno and Rao (), however, place it out- pectoral modules.


Figure 20.3. Sequence of transforma-
tion of the three locomotor modules of
extant birds during basal avian phy-
logeny. The chart shows the number of
unambiguously optimized synapomor-
phies for each node of an abbreviated
version of the strict consensus tree re-
sulting from the present cladistic analy-
sis (Fig. .). Because the distinction of
whether the pelvis and synsacrum per-
tain to the hindlimb or the caudal loco-
motor module is a difficult one, synapo-
morphies of the pelvis and synsacrum
were incorporated into both modules.

Although the work of Gatesy and Dial () laid an im- there appears to be no reason why every character of a
portant conceptual foundation for understanding the ori- body’s subregion should be functionally involved in a par-
gin of avian flight, the refinements of each avian locomotor ticular type of locomotion, it is difficult (if not impossible)
module were minimally addressed. The sequence of trans- to confidently exclude a particular character of any given lo-
formations throughout the evolution of these locomotor comotory module from its potential role in locomotion.
modules can be studied by mapping those synapomorphies Consequently, all skeletal and integumentary unambiguous
assumed to belong to a module on a phylogeny of basal synapomorphies of the subregions making up each loco-
birds (see Gatesy, Chapter  in this volume). Although motor module were mapped onto an abbreviated version of


the strict consensus tree resulting from the present cladistic clude that these transformational peaks represent increases
analysis (Fig. .). Although the mapping of all synapomor- in the rate of morphological change. Nevertheless, they
phies—regardless of their potential role in locomotion— could equally be artifacts of taxonomic sampling—long
should be considered a rough estimate, this procedure is branches between certain nodes of the consensus clado-
possibly the best approximation for understanding the evo- gram that may be subdivided by future discoveries. While
lution of each of the three locomotor modules. the existence of a particular evolutionary process (e.g., an
The sequence of structural transformations of each lo- increment in the rate of morphological change) may re-
comotor module shown in Figure . is consistent with main untestable, it is likely that future discoveries may hint
those derived from phylogenetic analyses using fewer taxa at whether these transformational peaks are more related
and characters (Chiappe, a). Structures of the caudal to incomplete taxonomic sampling. Regardless of these
locomotor module appear to have evolved almost “pro- questions, the present study indicates once again that the
gressively.” Those of the forelimb and hindlimb modules fine-tuning of the forelimb module preceded that of the
show distinct peaks of numerous transformations occur- hindlimb module. Birds enhanced their remarkable flying
ring at a single node (e.g., nodes  and  for the forelimb abilities long before they developed their novel mode of
and hindlimb modules, respectively). It is tempting to con- terrestrial progression.

Selected Out-Group and In-Group Taxa for the Present Cladistic Analysis

The following list presents selected out-group and in-group Allosauroidea—Data on this taxon derive from the publi-
taxa (in alphabetical order), specimens, and bibliographic cations of Madsen () on Allosaurus fragilis and that of
sources used to score the characters listed in Appendix . Currie and Zhao (b) on Sinraptor dongi. This informa-
into the data matrix of Appendix .. tion has been complemented by personal observations of
specimens AMNH-, AMNH-, AMNH-, and
Out-group AMNH- of A. fragilis.

The theropodan ancestry of birds is today well established Troodontidae—Data derive from personal observations
(Ostrom, ; Gauthier, ; Holtz, ; Favstowski and of the holotypes of Saurornithoides mongoliensis (AMNH-
Weishampel, ; Dingus and Rowe, ; Padian and Chi- ; Osborn, ) and Saurornithoides junior (GI SPS
appe, ). Disagreement, however, centers on the identifi- -; Barsbold, ), as well as on specimens recently col-
cation of the nonavian theropod clade closer to birds (see lected by expeditions of the American Museum of Natural
Clark, Norell, and Makovicky, Chapter  in this volume). History–Mongolian Academy of Sciences to the Gobi
Gauthier’s () pioneering cladistic analysis of dinosaurs Desert (see Novacek et al., ; Dashzeveg et al., ).
placed Dromaeosauridae and Troodontidae (united within Additional information was based on the description of
the Deinonychosauria) as the sister group of birds (Avialae Russell and Dong () on Sinornithoides youngi as well
sensu Gauthier, ). Holtz () has argued that dro- as on the papers of Barsbold et al. (), Currie (),
maeosaurids are closer to birds than are troodontids, but Osmólska and Barsbold (), Currie and Peng (),
Currie (, ), Currie and Zhao (a), and Forster et Currie and Zhao (b), Makovicky (), and Varric-
al. (a) have suggested the opposite. More recently, Novas chio ().
and Puerta () have claimed that the nonavian theropod
U. comahuensis is the sister group of all birds. The fragmen- Velociraptorinae—Data derive from personal observa-
tary nature of Unenlagia prevents rooting the present cladis- tions of several specimens of Deinonychus antirrhopus
tic analysis with this taxon, and its precise phylogenetic posi- (AMNH-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-
tion awaits further study—Norell and Makovicky (), for , YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-
example, have allocated this species within Dromaeosauri- ; Ostrom, ) and Velociraptor mongoliensis (AMNH-
dae. Thus, troodontids and velociraptorine dromaeosaurids ; Osborn, ). This information was supplemented
are used as out-groups. Rooting of the in-group taxa by by the study of newly collected material of velociraptorines
troodontids and velociraptorine dromaeosaurids has been (Norell et al., ; Norell and Makovicky, ; Brinkman
reinforced with the addition of a more primitive group, Al- et al., ) by expeditions of the American Museum of
losauroidea (sensu Padian and Hutchinson, ), to the out- Natural History–Mongolian Academy of Sciences to the
group taxa. Gobi Desert.


In-group remian) La Huérguina Formation of the province of
Cuenca, Spain (see Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume).
A. calvoi (Bonaparte, )—Information is based on per-
sonal observations of the holotype (MUCPv-), an articu- C. sanctus (Hou et al., a)—Data are derived from per-
lated partial skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian- sonal observations of the holotype (IVPP-V-), a skull
Santonian) Río Colorado Formation of the province of associated with wing elements from the Lower Cretaceous
Neuquén, southern Argentina (see Chiappe, Norell, and Chaomidianzi (Lower Yixian for others) Formation of the
Clark, Chapter  in this volume). These observations have province of Liaoning, China (see Zhou and Hou, Chapter 
been complemented by data provided by Novas (, ). in this volume), and a great number of referred specimens
(see Chiappe et al., ). The anatomy of this taxon was
A. platyrhynchos—Data on this extant species are derived summarized by Chiappe et al. ().
from personal observations of specimens AMNH-,
AMNH-, AMNH-, AMNH-, and AMNH- G. minuta (Elzanowski, )—Information is based on the
. Selection of A. platyrhynchos as the representative of study of the holotype (ZPAL-MgR-I/), an isolated skull
Neornithes (i.e., modern birds) follows the nearly consen- from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Barun Goyot For-
sual idea that Anseriformes has a fairly basal position within mation at Khulsan, southern Mongolia (see Chiappe and
Neornithes (see Cracraft, ; Cracraft and Mindell, ; Walker, Chapter  in this volume), as well as several referred
Sibley and Ahlquist, ; Sheldon and Bledsoe, ; Lee et specimens. Referred specimens include a second skull
al., ; Mindell et al., ; Groth and Barrowclough, ). (ZPAL-MgR-I/; Elzanowski, ) and a series of embryos
(ZPAL-MgR-I/, , , , , , ; Elzanowski, )
A. dementjevi (Kurochkin, a,b)—Data are based on the from the Barun Goyot Formation at Khulsan and Kher-
description of the holotype (PIN--, an articulated meen Tsav, respectively. New specimens referable to this
partial specimen from the Lower Cretaceous [Hauterivian- taxon also include a skull (IGM-/), preserving the
Barremian] Unduruhinskaja Formation at Hurilt-Ulan- rostrum and the palate, from the Djadhokta Beds of Ukhaa
Bulak, southern Mongolia) and a slab with portions of the Tolgod (Chiappe et al., ) and a partial skeleton (PIN-
digits associated with it (PIN--; Kurochkin, a,b). -) from the Barun Goyot Formation at Khermeen
Additional data have been obtained from the study of a cast Tsav. Although PIN-- was described by Kurochkin
of PIN-- (L. M. Chiappe, pers. coll.). () as the holotype of “Nanantius” valifanovi, this
specimen is essentially identical to IGM-/ in the
A. lithographica (Meyer, )—Data derive from personal morphology of the rostrum, jaw, and pterygoids, the only
observations of the Berlin, London, Eichstätt, Solnhofen, overlapping regions of these two specimens. Additional
Haarlem, and Munich (Aktien-Verein) specimens as well as data on this taxon were taken from the publications of
a cast of the Maxberg specimen. For the purpose of the pres- Elzanowski () and Kurochkin ().
ent cladistic analysis, the Munich specimen is considered
conspecific to all other specimens of Archaeopteryx (see H. regalis (Marsh, )—Data derive from personal ob-
Wellnhofer, , for an argument in support of the specific servations of the holotype (YPM-), a partial skeleton
distinction of this specimen, and see Elzanowski, Chapter  from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk Formation of
in this volume, for a different view on the systematics of these Kansas, and a large number of other specimens preserving
specimens). Additional data were recovered from the exten- diverse cranial and postcranial remains. These additional
sive literature on these specimens, especially from Witmer specimens are YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-,
(), Elzanowski and Wellnhofer (), Ostrom (, USNM-, USNM-, USNM-, USNM-, and
), Wellnhofer (, , ), and Britt et al. (). KUVP-. This information was complemented by sev-
eral specimens labeled as Hesperornis sp. (YPM-, YPM-
C. hengdaoziensis (Ji et al., )—The holotype and only , YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-, YPM-
known specimen of this species (GMV-) comes from , YPM-, YPM-, USNM-). Data were also
the Lower Cretaceous Chaomidianzi (Lower Yixian for oth- supplemented by information available in Marsh (),
ers) Formation of the province of Liaoning, China. This Bühler et al. (), Witmer (), and Elzanowski ().
nearly complete and articulated specimen was studied in
detail by Chiappe et al. (1999). I. romerali (Sanz and Bonaparte, )—Data are based on
personal observations of the holotype (LH-R), a nearly
C. lacustris (Sanz and Buscalioni, )—Information is complete, articulated skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous
based on the study of the holotype (LH-), an articulated (Upper Barremian) La Huergina Formation of the province
partial skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Bar- of Cuenca, Spain (see Sanz et al., Chapter  in this volume).


Ichthyornis—Information is derived from the description of articulated skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian)
I. victor and I. dispar by Marsh (). Additional informa- Río Neuquén Formation of the province of Neuquén,
tion was based on personal observations of the holotype of I. southern Argentina (see Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chap-
validus (YPM-), specimens referred to I. victor (KUVP- ter  in this volume). These observations have been supple-
, KUVP-), and others labeled as Ichthyornis sp. mented by the papers of Novas (, ).
(YPM-, , , , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , P. deferrariisi (Alvarenga and Bonaparte, )—Data are
KUVP-, USNM-). These observations have been based on the study of the holotype (MACN-N-), a partial
supplemented by data from Witmer () and Lamb (). skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian)
A revision of the several species of Ichthyornis, known pri- Río Colorado Formation of the province of Neuquén, south-
marily from the Upper Cretaceous of Kansas (Martin, ; ern Argentina, as well as several other specimens (MACN-N-
Feduccia, ), has never been conducted (see Clarke, , , MACN-N-, MACN-N-, MUCPv-, MUCP-)
for some of the problems already detected). For the purpose from the same beds (see Chiappe, Chapter  in this volume).
of the present cladistic analysis, all these specimens are con-
sidered to form a monophyletic assemblage. S. deserti (Chiappe et al., )—Data are based on the
study of the holotype (MGI /), an incomplete skele-
M. olecranus (Perle et al., a; see Perle et al., b for ton from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Djadokhta
a nomenclatural correction)—Data derive from the study Formation at Ukhaa Tolgod, southern Mongolia. Several
of the holotype (MGI /), an articulated partial skeleton other specimens (MGI N /, MGI /, MGI
from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Nemegt For- /), some including nearly complete skulls, from the
mation at Bugin Tsav, southern Mongolia (see Chiappe, Djadokhta Beds at Ukhaa Tolgod and Tugrugeen Shireh
Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume). (see Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, Chapter  in this volume)
have been also studied.
N. gonzalezi (Lacasa-Ruiz, )—Information is based on
the study of the holotype (LP-), a partial skeleton from S. santensis (Sereno and Rao, )—Data derive from
the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Berriasian–Lower Bar- personal observations of the holotype slabs and a cast
remian) La Pedrera de Rúbies Lithographic Limestones (positive cast or peel) of the main slab after removal of its
Formation of the Montsec Range, Spain (Chiappe and La- bones (see Sereno, Rao, and Li, Chapter  in this volume).
casa-Ruiz, Chapter  in this volume). Sereno, Rao, and Li (Chapter  in this volume) convin-
cingly argued for the synonymy of S. santensis and Cathay-
P. remotus (Karhu and Rautian, )—Information is de- ornis yandica (Zhou et al., ), a species also known by
rived from Karhu and Rautian’s () description of the several specimens from the Jiufotang Formation (Zhou
holotype (PIN /), a partial skeleton from the Upper and Hou, Chapter  in this volume). The type specimen of
Cretaceous (Campanian) Barun Goyot Formation at Khul- C. yandica (IVPP-V-A, B) and positive casts of its two
san, southern Mongolia (see Chiappe, Norell, and Clark, slabs (also after removal of bones) were also studied. Ad-
Chapter  in this volume). ditional observations were conducted on several speci-
mens assigned to C. yandica (IVPP-, IVPP-).
P. puertai (Novas, )—Information is based on personal Data from Hou () and Martin and Zhou () were
observations of the holotype (PVPH ), an incomplete dis- also included.


Character List and Character States Used for the Present Cladistic Analysis

Skull and Mandible 32. Prominent carotid processes in the intermediate cervicals:
1. Rostral portion of the premaxillae in adults: unfused (0); absent (0); present (1).
fused (1). 33. Postaxial cervical epipophyses: prominent, projecting farther
2. Maxillary process of the premaxilla: restricted to its rostral back from the postzygapophysis (0); weak, not projecting
portion (0); subequal or longer than the facial contribution of farther back from the postzygapophysis, or absent (1).
the maxilla (1). 34. Prominent (50% or more the height of the centrum’s cranial
3. Frontal process of the premaxilla: short (0); relatively long, articular surface) ventral processes of the cervicothoracic
approaching the rostral border of the antorbital fenestra (1); vertebrae: absent (0); present (1).
very long, extending caudally near the level of lacrimals (2). 35. Cervicothoracic vertebrae with parapophyses located at the
4. Premaxillary teeth: present (0); absent (1). same level as the prezygapophyses: absent (0); present (1).
5. Maxilla and dentary: toothed (0); toothless (1). 36. Thoracic vertebral count: 13–14 (0); 11–12 (1); fewer than 11
6. Caudal margin of naris: farther rostral than the rostral border (2).
of the antorbital fossa (0); nearly reaching or overlapping the 37. Wide vertebral foramen in the midcaudal thoracic vertebrae,
rostral border of the antorbital fossa (1). vertebral foramen/articular cranial surface ratio (vertical
7. Dorsal ramus of the maxillary nasal process: present (0); diameter) larger than 0.40: absent (0); present (1).
absent (1). 38. Hyposphene-hypantrum accessory intervertebral
8. Cup-shaped caudal maxillary sinus: absent (0); present (1). articulations in the thoracic vertebrae: present (0); absent (1).
9. Rostral margin of the jugal: away from the caudal margin of 39. Lateral side of the thoracic centra: weakly or not excavated
the osseous external naris (0), or very close to the caudal (0); deeply excavated by a groove (1); excavated by a broad
margin of the osseous external naris (1). fossa (2).
10. Jugal process of palatine: present (0); absent (1). 40. Parapophyses: located in the cranial part of the centra of the
11. Ectopterygoid: present (0); absent (1). thoracic vertebrae (0); located in the central part of the centra
12. Squamosal incorporated into the braincase, forming a of the thoracic vertebrae (1).
zygomatic process: absent (0); present (1). 41. Synsacrum: formed by fewer than eight vertebrae (0); eight or
13. Postorbital: present (0); absent (1). more vertebrae (1).
14. Postorbital-jugal contact: present (0); absent (1). 42. Synsacrum procoelous: absent (0); present (1).
15. Quadratojugal: sutured to the quadrate (0); joined through a 43. Caudal portion of the synsacrum forming a prominent
ligamentary articulation (1). ventral keel: absent (0); present (1).
16. Quadratojugal-squamosal contact: present (0); absent (1). 44. Convex caudal articular surface of the synsacrum: absent (0);
17. Lateral, round cotyla on the mandibular process of the present (1).
quadrate (quadratojugal articulation): absent (0); present (1). 45. Caudal vertebra prezygapophyses: present (0); absent (1).
18. Quadrate orbital process (pterygoid ramus): broad (0); sharp 46. Distal caudal vertebra prezygapophyses: elongate, exceeding
and pointed (1). the length of the centrum by more than 25% (0); shorter (1).
19. Quadrate pneumaticity: absent (0); present (1). 47. Procoelous caudals: absent (0); present (1).
20. Quadrate: articulating only with the squamosal (0); 48. First caudal with a ventrally sharp centrum: absent (0);
articulating with both prootic and squamosal (1). present (1).
21. Quadrate distal end: with two transversely aligned condyles 49. Proximal haemal arches: elongate, at least three times longer
(0); with a triangular, condylar pattern, usually composed of than wider (0); shorter (1); absent (2).
three distinct condyles (1). 50. Pygostyle: absent or rudimentary (fewer than three elements)
22. Caudal tympanic recess: opens on the rostral margin of the (0); present (1).
paraoccipital process (0); opens into the columellar recess (1). 51. Pygostyle: longer than or equal to the combined length of the
23. Basicranial fontanelle on the ventral surface of the free caudals (0); shorter (1).
basisphenoid (basisphenoid recess): present (0); absent (1). 52. Caudal vertebral count: more than 35 (0); fewer than 25–26
24. Deeply notched rostral end of the mandibular symphysis: (1); fewer than 15 (2).
absent (0); present (1). 53. Ossified uncinate processes: absent (0); present (1).
25. Coronoid bone: present (0); absent (1).
26. Articular pneumaticity: absent (0); present (1).
27. Dentary tooth implantation: teeth in individual sockets (0);
Thoracic Girdle and Sternum
teeth in a communal groove (1).
54. Coracoid and scapula: articulate through a wide, sutured
28. Teeth: serrated crowns (0); unserrated crowns (1).
articulation (0); articulate through more localized facets (1).
55. Scapula: articulated at the shoulder (proximal) end of the
coracoid (0); well below it (1).
Vertebral Column and Ribs 56. Humeral articular facets of the coracoid and the scapula:
placed in the same plane (0); forming a sharp angle (1).
29. Atlantal hemiarches: unfused (0); fused, forming a single arch 57. Procoracoid process on coracoid: absent (0); present (1).
(1). 58. Coracoid shape: short (0); elongated with trapezoidal profile
30. One or more pneumatic foramina piercing the centra of (1); strutlike (2).
midcranial cervicals, caudal to the level of the parapophysis- 59. Distinctly convex lateral margin of coracoid: absent (0);
diapophysis: present (0); absent (1). present (1).
31. Cranial cervical vertebrae heterocoelous: absent (0); present 60. Bicipital tubercle (= acrocoracoidal process): present (0); or
(1). absent (1).


61. Supracoracoidal nerve foramen of coracoid: centrally located 91. Well-developed brachial depression on the cranial face of the
(0); displaced toward (often as an incisure or even without distal end of the humerus: absent (0); present (1).
passing through) the medial margin of the coracoid (1). 92. Well-developed olecranon fossa on the caudal face of the
62. Supracoracoidal nerve foramen opening into an elongate distal end of the humerus: absent (0); present (1).
furrow medially and separated from the medial margin of the 93. Distal end of the humerus very compressed craniocaudally:
coracoid by a thick, bony bar: absent (0); present (1). absent (0); present (1).
63. Broad, deep fossa on the dorsal surface of the coracoid: 94. Ulna: shorter than humerus (0); nearly equivalent to or
absent (0); present (1). longer than humerus (1).
64. Sternocoracoidal process on the sternal half of the coracoid: 95. Ulnar shaft: considerably thicker than the radial shaft,
absent (0); present (1). radial-shaft/ulnar-shaft ratio larger than 0.70 (0); smaller
65. Scapular caudal end: blunt and usually expanded (0); tapered than 0.70 (1).
to a sharp point (1). 96. Olecranon process of ulna: relatively small (0);
66. Scapular shaft: straight (0); sagittally curved (1). hypertrophied, nearly one-third the length of the ulna (1);
67. Prominent acromion in the scapula: absent (0); present (1). one-half the length of the ulna (2).
68. Dorsal and ventral margins of the furcula: subequal in 97. Proximal end of the ulna with a well-defined area for the
width (0); ventral margin distinctly wider than the dorsal insertion of M. brachialis anticus: absent (0); present (1).
margin (1). 98. Semilunate ridge on the dorsal condyle of the ulna: absent
69. Furcula: boomerang-shaped, with interclavicular angle of (0); present (1).
approximately 90° (0); U-shaped, with an interclavicular 99. Shaft of radius with a long longitudinal groove on its
angle of less than 70° (1). ventrocaudal surface: absent (0); present (1).
70. Hypocleideum: absent or poorly developed (0); well 100. U-shaped to heart-shaped ulnare (scapholunar): absent (0);
developed (1). present (1).
71. Sternum: subquadrangular to transversely rectangular (0); 101. Semilunate carpal and proximal ends of metacarpals: unfused
longitudinally rectangular (1). (0); semilunate fused to the alular (I) metacarpal (1);
72. Distinctly carinate sternum, more prominent than a faint semilunate fused to the major (II) and minor (III)
ridge: absent (0); present (1). metacarpals (2); fusion of semilunate and all metacarpals (3).
73. Sternal carina: near to, or projecting rostrally from, the 102. Distal end of metacarpals: unfused (0); partially or
cranial border of the sternum (0); not reaching the cranial completely fused (1).
border of the sternum (1). 103. Intermetacarpal space: absent or very narrow (0); at least as wide
74. Lateral process of the sternum: absent (0); present (1). as the maximum width of minor metacarpal (III) shaft (1).
75. Prominent distal expansion in the lateral process of the 104. Extensor process on alular metacarpal (I): absent or
sternum: absent (0); present (1). rudimentary (0); well developed (1).
76. Medial process of the sternum: absent (0); present (1). 105. Minor metacarpal (III) projecting distally more than the
77. Rostral margin of the sternum broad and parabolic: absent major metacarpal (II): absent (0); present (1).
(0); present (1). 106. Round-shaped alular metacarpal (I): absent (0); present (1).
78. Wide V-shaped caudal end of the sternum: absent (0); 107. Alular metacarpal (I) large, massive, depressed, and
present (1). quadrangular: absent (0); present (1).
79. Costal facets of the sternum: absent (0); present (1). 108. Alular digit (I): long, exceeding the distal end of the major
metacarpal (0); short, not surpassing this metacarpal (1).
109. Alular digit (I) large, robust, and dorsoventrally compressed:
Thoracic Limb absent (0); present (1).
110. Prominent ventral projection of the proximolateral margin of
80. Proximal and distal humeral ends: twisted (0); expanded the proximal phalanx of the alular digit (I): absent (0);
nearly in the same plane (1). present (1).
81. Humeral head: concave cranially and convex caudally (0); 111. Ungual phalanx of major digit (II): present (0); absent (1).
globe-shaped, craniocaudally convex (1). 112. Ungual phalanx of major digit (II) much smaller than the
82. Proximal margin of the humeral head concave in its central unguals of the alular (I) and minor (III) digits: absent (0);
portion, rising ventrally and dorsally: absent (0); present (1). present (1).
83. Ventral tubercle of the humerus: projected ventrally (0); 113. Proximal phalanx of the minor digit (III) much shorter than
projected proximally (1); projected caudally, separated from the remaining nonungual phalanges of this digit: absent (0);
the humeral head by a deep capital incision (2). present (1).
84. Humerus with distinct transverse ligamental groove: absent 114. Ungual phalanx of minor digit (III): present (0); absent (1).
(0); present (1). 115. Proximal phalanx of major digit (II): of normal shape (0); flat
85. Pneumatic fossa in the caudoventral corner of the proximal and craniocaudally expanded (1).
end of the humerus: absent or rudimentary (0); well 116. Intermediate phalanx of major digit (II): longer than
developed (1). proximal phalanx (0); shorter than or equivalent to proximal
86. Prominent, subquadrangular (i.e., subequal length and phalanx (1).
width) deltopectoral crest of the humerus: absent (0); 117. Alular ungual phalanx with two ventroproximal foramina:
present (1). absent (0); present (1).
87. Prominent bicipital crest of the humerus, cranioventrally
projecting: absent (0); present (1).
88. Ventral face of the humeral bicipital crest with a small fossa Pelvic Girdle
for muscular attachment: absent (0); present (1).
89. Humeral distal condyles: mainly located on distal aspect (0); 118. Pelvic elements: unfused (0); fused or partially fused (1).
on cranial aspect (1). 119. Preacetabular process of ilium twice as long as postacetabular
90. Humerus: with two distal condyles (0); a single condyle (1). process: absent (0); present (1).


120. Small acetabulum, acetabulum/ilium length ratio equal to or 144. Fossa for the femoral origin of M. tibialis cranialis: absent (0);
smaller than 0.11: absent (0); present (1). present (1).
121. Postacetabular process shallow and pointed, less than 50% of 145. Caudal projection of the lateral border of the distal end of the
the depth of the preacetabular wing at the acetabulum: absent femur: absent (0); present (1).
(0); present (1). 146. Tibia, calcaneum, and astragalus: unfused or poorly co-
122. Orientation of proximal portion of pubis: cranially to ossified (sutures still visible) (0); complete fusion of tibia,
subvertically oriented (0); retroverted, separated from the calcaneum, and astragalus (1).
main synsacral axis by an angle ranging between 65° and 45° 147. Cranial cnemial crest on tibiotarsus: absent (0); present (1).
(1); more or less parallel to the ilium and ischium (2). 148. Round proximal articular surface of tibiotarsus: absent (0);
123. Prominent antitrochanter: caudally directed (0); present (1).
caudodorsally directed (1). 149. Medial border of medial articular facet strongly projects
124. Iliac brevis fossa: present (0); absent (1). proximally: absent (0); present (1).
125. Pubic pedicel: cranioventrally projected (0); ventrally or 150. Extensor canal on tibiotarsus: absent (0); present (1).
caudoventrally projected (1). 151. Wide and bulbous medial condyle of the tibiotarsus: absent
126. Supracetabular crest on ilium: well developed (0); absent or (0); present (1).
rudimentary (1). 152. Narrow, deep intercondylar sulcus on tibiotarsus that
127. Supracetabular crest: extending throughout the acetabulum proximally undercuts the condyles: absent (0); present (1).
(0); extending only over the cranial half of the acetabulum 153. Proximal end of the fibula: prominently excavated by a
(1). medial fossa (0); nearly flat (1).
128. Ischium with a proximodorsal process approaching, or 154. Fibula: tubercle for M. iliofibularis craniolaterally directed
abutting, the ventral margin of the ilium: absent (0); present (0); laterally directed (1); caudolaterally or caudally directed
(1). (2).
129. Ischiadic terminal processes forming a symphysis: present (0); 155. Fibula: reaching the proximal tarsals (0); greatly reduced
absent (1). distally, without reaching these elements (1).
130. Ischium: two-thirds or less the length of the pubis (0); more 156. Metatarsals II–IV completely (or nearly completely) fused to
than two-thirds the length of the pubis (1). each other: absent (0); present (1).
131. Obturator process of ischium: prominent (0); reduced or 157. Distal tarsals: free (0); completely fused to the metatarsals (1).
absent (1). 158. Metatarsal V: present (0); absent (1).
132. Pubic apron: one-third or more the length of the pubis (0); 159. Proximal end of metatarsal III: in the same plane as
shorter (1); absent (absence of symphysis) (2). metatarsals II and IV (0); reduced, not reaching the tarsals
133. Pubic shaft laterally compressed throughout its length: absent (arctometatarsalian condition) (1); plantarly displaced with
(0); present (1). respect to metatarsals II and IV (2).
134. Pubic foot: present (0); absent (1). 160. Well-developed tarsometatarsal intercondylar eminence:
135. Laterally compressed and kidney-shaped proximal end of absent (0); present (1).
pubis: absent (0); present (1). 161. Tarsometatarsal vascular distal foramen completely enclosed
by metatarsals III and IV: absent (0); present (1).
162. Trochlea of metatarsal II broader than the trochlea of
Pelvic Limb metatarsal III: absent (0); present (1).
163. Completely reversed hallux (arch of ungual phalanx of digit I
136. Femur with distinct fossa for the capital ligament: absent (0); opposing the arch of the unguals of digits II–IV): absent (0);
present (1). present (1).
137. Femoral neck: present (0); absent (1). 164. Metatarsal IV significantly thinner than metatarsals II and III:
138. Femoral anterior trochanter: separated from the greater absent (0); present (1).
trochanter (0); fused to it, forming a trochanteric crest (1). 165. Plantar surface of tarsometatarsus excavated: absent (0);
139. Femoral posterior trochanter: absent to moderately present (1).
developed (0); hypertrophied (1). 166. Tubercle on the dorsal face of metatarsal II: absent (0);
140. Conical and strongly distally projected lateral condyle of present (1).
femur: absent (0); present (1). 167. Hypotarsus: absent (0); present (1).
141. Femur with prominent patellar groove: absent (0); present
142. Femoral popliteal fossa distally bounded by a complete Integument
transverse ridge: absent (0); present (1).
143. Tibiofibular crest in the lateral condyle of femur: absent (0); 168. Feathers: absent (0); present (1).
poorly developed (1); prominent (2). 169. Alula: absent (0); present (1).


Character Matrix Used in the Present Cladistic Analysis

Key: Character state 0 is plesiomorphic; character states 1 or 2 are apomorphic. Entries with “n” are not comparable character states; “?”
entries are either not preserved or unknown.

Taxon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Allosauroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Troodontidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 ? ? 1 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1
Velociraptorinae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Archaeopteryx 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 ? 0 1 ? ? 1 ? 0 1 0 0 0 ? 1 0
Rahonavis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mononykus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 0 1 1 1
Shuvuuia 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 ? 0 1 ? 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ? 1 ? 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
Alvarezsaurus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 1 ?
Patagonykus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? ?
Confuciusornis 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 ? ? 1 0 ? ? 1 ? 0 n n ? ? 0 ? 1 1
Changchengornis 1 ? ? 1 1 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 1 ? 0 n n ? ? ? ? ? ?
Noguerornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Iberomesornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Patagopteryx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ? 1 ? ? 0 ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vorona ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Concornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cathayornis 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gobipteryx 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 1 0 n n ? ? ? ? ? ?
Eoalulavis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 1 1
Neuquenornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ambiortus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 1 ? ?
Hesperornis 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ? 1 1 1 0 1
Ichthyornis 1 ? 2 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Anas 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 n n 1 0 1 1 1 1

Taxon 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
Allosauroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Troodontidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n ? 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ? 0 ? ? 0 ?
Velociraptorinae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 n 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Archaeopteryx 0 0 ? ? 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 1 0 ? 1 0 n 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Rahonavis 0 ? 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 ? 0 1 0 0 1 0 n ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 1 ?
Mononykus 1 ? 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 ? ? n ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?
Shuvuuia 1 ? 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 n ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?
Alvarezsaurus 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 1 1 1 0 ? n ? ? 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 0 ?
Patagonykus ? ? 1 0 0 0 ? 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 ? ? n ? ? 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ?
Confuciusornis ? 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Changchengornis ? ? ? ? 2 ? 0 ? 0 0 0 1 ? ? ? 1 0 1 ? 0 0 ? 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0
Noguerornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Iberomesornis 0 1 ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? 2 0 0 1 ? ? 0 1 0 ? ?
Patagopteryx 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 n 1 0 ? ? ? ? 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 ?
Vorona ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Concornis ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 0 1 ? ? ? 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 ? 0 ? 1
Cathayornis ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ? 0 ? ? 1 ? 1 0 1 ? ? 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 ?
Gobipteryx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 0 1 0 ? ? 1 ? ? ? 1 1 ? 0 2 ? 0 ? ? 1 0 ? ? 1 1
Eoalulavis 0 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Neuquenornis ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 ? 0 1 1
Ambiortus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 ? ? ? 1 1 0
Hesperornis 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 ? 1 n 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Ichthyornis 0 2 1 1 2 0 1 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? 2 1 1 ? ? 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Anas 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 n 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Taxon 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
Allosauroidea 0 0 0 0 n ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0
Troodontidae ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 0
Velociraptorinae 0 0 0 0 n 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Archaeopteryx 0 0 ? 0 n ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rahonavis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 1 0 0 ? ? ?
Mononykus ? ? 1 1 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 ? 1 1
Shuvuuia ? ? 1 1 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 ? 1 0
Alvarezsaurus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Patagonykus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 1 0 0 ? 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ? 0 1 ? 0 ? ? 1 ?
Confuciusornis 0 0 1 0 n 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ? 0 1 2 0
Changchengornis 0 0 1 0 n ? ? ? ? 1 ? 0 ? 0 ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 0 ? ? 0 ? ? 0
Noguerornis ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 3 ?
Iberomesornis 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? 0 ? 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? 1 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Patagopteryx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 1 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ? 0 ? ? 1
Vorona ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Concornis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ? 0 0 1 2 1 ? 0 1 1 1 0 0 ? 1 1 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cathayornis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ? 0 0 1 2 ? 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 ? 1 1 0 ? 1 1 1 3 0
Gobipteryx ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 1 1 ? 1 1 1 ? ? 0
Eoalulavis 1 1 1 0 n 0 n n 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 ? 1 ? ? 0
Neuquenornis 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? 2 ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? 1 1 ? 3 0
Ambiortus 1 0 ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? 1 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? 1 3 ?
Hesperornis 0 0 1 0 n 0 n 0 1 0 1 n 1 0 n n 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 n n n n n n n n n
Ichthyornis ? ? 1 1 0 ? ? ? 1 ? ? 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 ? 3 1
Anas 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 1

Taxon 103 104 105106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
Allosauroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Troodontidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ?
Velociraptorinae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Archaeopteryx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 n ? 1 1 n 1 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?
Rahonavis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 n 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0
Mononykus 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? ? 1 0 ? 0 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0
Shuvuuia 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ?
Alvarezsaurus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ? ? 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Patagonykus ? 0 ? 0 1 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 0 ? 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? 1 1 0 0 ?
Confuciusornis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ? 0 ? 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 ? 1
Changchengornis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? ? ?
Noguerornis 0 0 1 1 0 ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Iberomesornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 1 ? 0 ? ? ?
Patagopteryx 1 ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 ? 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 n 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 ?
Vorona ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1
Concornis 0 ? ? ? 0 1 0 ? 0 ? ? ? 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1 1 0 1 0 ? ? 0
Cathayornis 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0 1 0 1 0 ? 0 0 1 1 ? ? 1 1 n 1 ? 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ?
Gobipteryx 0 ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 ? ?
Eoalulavis 1 ? 1 ? 0 1 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Neuquenornis 0 0 1 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ambiortus ? 0 ? 1 0 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 1 1 n ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hesperornis n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 ? 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1
Ichthyornis 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 n n ? 1 1 ? 1 ? 1 ? 2 1 ? 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ? 1
Anas 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 n n 1 1 1 n 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1
APPENDIX 20.3 Continued

Taxon 137 138 139140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
Allosauroidea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ?
Troodontidae 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ?
Velociraptorinae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ? ?
Archaeopteryx 1 0 0 0 0 ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Rahonavis 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 2 1 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 ?
Mononykus 0 1 ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ? 1 0 ? ? 1 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 ? ?
Shuvuuia 0 ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 ?
Alvarezsaurus 0 ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? 0 ? 0 0 ? 0 ? 0 0 ? ?
Patagonykus ? 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ?
Confuciusornis 0 1 ? 0 ? ? 1 ? ? 1 ? ? 0 0 1 0 ? 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
Changchengornis ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 0 1 0 0 ? ? ? 1 0 0 ? 0 1 ?
Noguerornis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ?
Iberomesornis ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? ? 0 0 1 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? 0 0 0 ? 1 0 ? ? ? ? ?
Patagopteryx 0 ? ? 0 0 1 2 ? 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 ? ?
Vorona 0 1 ? 0 0 1 1 ? 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ? 0 1 0 0 ? ?
Concornis 0 ? ? ? 0 ? ? ? 1 1 0 1 0 ? 1 ? ? ? ? 0 1 ? 0 0 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? 1 ?
Cathayornis 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ? 0 1 ? ? 0 0 1 1 1 ? 1 0 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? ? 1 ? 0 ? ?
Gobipteryx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 1 0 0 1 ? 1 ? 1 0 1 1 0 0 ? 1 ? 1 0 1 0 ? ?
Eoalulavis ? 1 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 1
Neuquenornis ? 1 1 ? 0 ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 ? ? 0 ? 0 1 1 1 ? ? ? ? ?
Ambiortus ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ?
Hesperornis 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ?
Ichthyornis 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 ? 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 ? 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 ? 0 0 0 1 ? ?
Anas 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1

Acknowledgments of the Polish-Mongolian paleontological expedition, Part V.

I am grateful to J. Bonaparte, J. Clarke, J. de Vos, K. Fisher, C. Palaeontologia Polonica :–.
Forster, J. Gauthier, Hou L. H., Ji Q., Ji S.-A., E. Kurochkin, A. Barsbold R., H. Osmólska, and S. M. Kurzanov. . On a new
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ell, L. Salgado, J. Sanz, D. Varricchio, G. Viohl, P. Wellnhofer, L. ceous of Mongolia. Acta Paleontologica Polonica (–):
Witmer, and Zhou Z. for facilitating access to specimens or for –.
providing discussions that have enriched the results of this in- Bonaparte, J. F. . Los vertebrados fósiles de la Formación Río
vestigation. I also thank B. Evans and L. Rhoads for producing Colorado de Neuquén y cercanias, Cretácico Superior, Ar-
the figures and S. Orell for editing the manuscript. This research gentina. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
was funded by the F. Chapman Fund of the American Museum “Bernardino Rivadavia.” Paleontología ():–.
of Natural History, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Brinkman, D. L., R. L. Cifelli, and N. J. Czaplewski. . First oc-
County, and the National Science Foundation (DEB-). currence of Deinonychus antirrhopus (Dinosauria: Thero-
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Angela D. Buscalioni Catherine A. Forster

Unidad de Paleontología Department of Anatomical Sciences
Departamento de Biología Health Sciences Center
Facultad de Ciencias State University of New York at Stony Brook
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Stony Brook, New York 
 Madrid USA

Luis M. Chiappe Peter M. Galton

Department of Vertebrate Paleontology College of Naturopathic Medicine
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County University of Bridgeport
 Exposition Boulevard Bridgeport, Connecticut 
Los Angeles, California  USA
Stephen M. Gatesy
Anusuya Chinsamy
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
South African Museum
Brown University
P.O. Box 
Providence, Rhode Island 
Cape Town 
South Africa
and Zoology Department, University of Cape Town
Rondebosch  Sylvia Hope
South Africa Department of Ornithology and Mammalogy
California Academy of Sciences
James M. Clark Golden Gate Park
Department of Biological Sciences San Francisco, California 
George Washington University USA
Washington, D.C. 
Hou Lianhai
Andrzej Elzanowski Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
Institute of Zoology Paleoanthropology
University of Wroclaw Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ulica Sienkiewicza  P.O. Box 
 Wroclaw Beijing 
Poland People’s Republic of China

Alexander W. A. Kellner Mark A. Norell
Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Division of Paleontology
Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia American Museum of Natural History
Quinta da Boavista s/n Central Park West at th Street
São Cristovão, Rio de Janeiro New York, New York 
Brazil USA

David W. Krause Fernando E. Novas

Department of Anatomical Sciences Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
Health Sciences Center Avenida Angel Gallardo 
State University of New York at Stony Brook Buenos Aires 
Stony Brook, New York  Argentina
Bernardino P. Pérez-Moreno
Sergei Kurzanov Unidad de Paleontología
Paleontological Institute Departamento de Biología
Russian Academy of Sciences Facultad de Ciencias
Profsojuznaja Street,  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Moscow   Madrid
Russia Spain

Antonio Lacasa-Ruiz Diego Pol

Sección Paleontología Division of Paleontology
Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs American Museum of Natural History
Plaza La Catedral s/n Central Park West at th Street
 Lleida New York, New York 
Spain USA

Emma C. Rainforth
Li Jianjun
Mesalands Community College
Beijing Natural History Museum
 South Tenth Street
 Tian Ciao Street
Tucumcari, New Mexico 
People’s Republic of China
Rao Chenggang
Martin G. Lockley
Beijing Natural History Museum
Department of Geology
 Tian Ciao Street
University of Colorado at Denver
P.O. Box 
People’s Republic of China
Denver, Colorado 
USA Scott D. Sampson
Utah Museum of Natural History
Peter J. Makovicky University of Utah
Department of Geology  East Presidents Circle
Field Museum of Natural History Salt Lake City, Utah 
 South Lake Shore Drive USA
Chicago, Illinois 
USA José L. Sanz
Unidad de Paleontología
Larry D. Martin Departamento de Biología
Museum of Natural History Facultad de Ciencias
University of Kansas Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lawrence, Kansas   Madrid
USA Spain

Paul C. Sereno Lawrence M. Witmer
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine
 East th Street Ohio University
Chicago, Illinois  Athens, Ohio 

Patricia Vickers-Rich Zhou Zhonghe

Earth Sciences Department Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
Monash University Paleoanthropology
Clayton (Melbourne)  Chinese Academy of Sciences
Australia P.O. Box 
Beijing 
Cyril A. Walker People’s Republic of China
Bird Group
Natural History Museum, Tring
Hertfordshire HP AP
United Kingdom


Abelisauridae, historical perspective on Halimornis thompsoni from,  geographical distribution of, 
Madagascan,  Alameda Parkway, fossil footprints from,  geological setting for, 
Acanthopholis, from Cambridge Greensand, Alaska, hesperornithiforms from,  historical perspective on, 
 Albanerpetontidae, in Las Hoyas Konservat- taxonomy of, , 
Acetabulum. See Ilium Lagerstätte,  Algae, in Noguerornis deposits, 
Achillobator giganticus Albatross,  Algeria, aepyornithids from, 
character matrix for, – shoulder girdle of,  Allen Formation
in theropod cladograms,  Alberta neornithines from, 
Acrocoracoid, of neornithines, – fossil feathers from, , , ,  undetermined neornithine species from,
Acryllium vulturinum, shoulder elements of, fossil footprints from, , ,  –
 hesperornithiforms from,  Alligator, locomotor modules of, 
Active flight, by Archaeopteryx, . See also Mesozoic birds from,  Allosauridae
Flight Mesozoic charadriiforms from, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
Adaptively unified groups, in taxonomy, – Palintropus from, , ,  
Adasaurus, in Dromaeosauridae,  undetermined neornithine species from, in theropod cladograms, –
Adasaurus mongoliensis, in theropod  Allosauroidea
cladograms,  Albertosaurus libratus character matrix for, –
Additive characters, in avian phylogenetic character matrix for, – cladistic analysis of, –
systematics,  in theropod cladograms,  in theropod cladograms, –
Aechmophorus occidentalis, tarsometatarsus of, Albian stage Allosaurus
 Cambridge Greensand and,  alvarezsaurids and, 
Aeolian deposits Chinese fossil birds from,  fibula of, 
alvarezsaurids from,  coelurosaurs from,  sacral vertebrae of, 
Patagopteryx deferrariisi from,  Enaliornis from, , – Shuvuuia versus, 
Aepyornithidae,  euenantiornithines from,  tarsals of, 
geographical distribution of,  fossil footprints from, , – in theropod cladograms, –, 
Aerodynamic forces, avian locomotion and, hesperornithiforms from,  Allosaurus fragilis
 Horezmavis from,  character matrix for, –
Africa Patagopteryx deferrariisi from,  cladistic analysis of, 
fossil footprints from, –,  Sinornis santensis from,  in theropod cladograms, 
Mesozoic birds from,  Alcidae, taxonomy of,  Altan Uul, Mononykus olecranus from, 
no Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from, Alexornis Altmühl Valley, Wellnhoferia from, 
 in avian cladogram,  Alula
in plate tectonics,  in avian phylogenetic systematics,  of archaeopterygids, 
Agassiz, Louis, on Archaeopteryx,  body size of,  of Cathayornis, 
Air sacs. See Pulmonary air sacs in enantiornithine cladograms,  of Concornis lacustris, 
Aix sponsa historical perspective on,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, –
coracoid of, ,  thoracic girdle of,  Darwin on, 
shoulder elements of,  Alexornis antecedens of enantiornithines, 
Alabama in avian phylogenetic systematics,  of Eoalulavis, , –, 
euenantiornithines from, ,  character matrix for,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi, 

Alula (continued) Alvarezsaurus calvoi,  American Western Seaway
origin of avian flight and, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, ,  geology of, 
of Otogornis,  character matrix for, – hesperornithiforms from, 
Alvarezsauridae, – cladistic analysis of,  Ameripodius, Palintropus versus, 
anatomy of, – crus of,  Amherst College, Hitchcock footprint
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  discovery of,  collection in, 
in Aves,  hind limb of,  Amiiformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
in avian cladogram, , ,  manus of,  Lagerstätte, 
avian locomotion and,  in Patagopteryx deposits,  Ammonites
Avimimus and, , – provenance of,  in dating Cambridge Greensand, 
axial skeleton of, – taxonomy of,  in Hornerstown Formation, 
Chinese Mesozoic bird phylogeny and,  in theropod cladograms,  Amphibia
in coelurosaur cladistics,  vertebrae of,  in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, 
in dinosaur cladogram,  Alxa Desert, coelurosaurs from,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, 
feathers of,  Alxasaurus in Mesozoic bird deposits, 
fibula of,  cladistic analysis of,  Anacleto Member, dating of, 
forelimb of, – in coelurosaur cladistics,  Anaerobic metabolism, of archaeopterygids,
hind limb of, – taxonomy of,  
ilium of,  Alxasaurus elesitaiensis Anas
mandible of, , , , ,  character matrix for, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
membership of,  cladistic analysis of,  character matrix for, –
metatarsals of, ,  taxonomy of,  in strict consensus tree, , 
paleobiology of, – temporal extent of,  taxonomy of, 
parasphenoidal lamina of,  theropod characters and,  Anas platyrhynchos
in Patagopteryx deposits,  in theropod cladograms,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
pelvic girdle of, –,  Amber deposits, fossil feathers from, , , bone microstructure of, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –, –, , , ,  cladistic analysis of, 
, , – Ambiortus Anatalavis rex, taxonomy of, –, 
postorbital of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , Anatidae
provenance of, –  Apatornis versus, 
pygostyle and,  character matrix for, – coracoid of, , 
quadrate of, ,  coracoid of,  Mesozoic, 
skull of, – forelimb of,  shoulder elements of, 
synsacrum of,  fossil feathers of,  taxonomy of, , 
taxonomy of, , – historical perspective on,  Anatoidea
theropod/bird classification of,  neornithine-like features of,  Apatornis versus, 
in theropod cladograms, –,  phylogenetic systematics of, ,  taxonomy of, 
thoracic girdle of, – shoulder girdle of,  Anatomical terminology, for neornithines, 
tibiotarsus of,  Sinornis santensis versus,  Ancestral states, in avian locomotion, –
Alvarezsaurus,  in strict consensus tree, ,  Ancestry
in alvarezsaurid cladogram,  taxonomy of, ,  from cladistic analysis, –
caudal vertebrae of, – Ambiortus dementjevi in reconstructing avian evolution, –,
cervical vertebrae of, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , –
character matrix for, –  Anembalemba Member, 
femur of, – cladistic analysis of,  Angiospermae
fibula of, ,  neornithine-like features of,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, 
forelimb of,  Otogornis genghisi versus,  in Noguerornis deposits, 
ilium of,  Ambush predators, as bird ancestors,  Anglo-Brabant Massif, Enaliornis from, ,
metatarsus of, – American Museum of Natural History, xi, xii 
pelvic girdle of, ,  alvarezsaurids collected by,  Angular, of archaeopterygids, 
phylogenetic systematics of, ,  fossil feathers in,  Anhanguera, from Cambridge Greensand, 
provenance of,  troodontid specimens at,  Anhimidae
scapula of,  American Museum of Natural Mesozoic, 
in strict consensus tree, ,  History–Mongolian Academy of Sciences thermoregulation in, 
synsacrum of,  Paleontological Expeditions, Anhingidae, taxonomy of, 
taxonomy of,  alvarezsaurids collected by,  Anomoepus, footprints of, 
in theropod cladograms,  American Ornithologists’ Union Anoplosaurus, from Cambridge Greensand,
thoracic girdle of, – on avian generic and species names,  
thoracic vertebrae of,  on Ciconiiformes,  Anseranatidae, Mesozoic, 
tibiotarsus of, –,  American vultures, taxonomy of,  Anseres, taxonomy of, 

Anseriformes of enantiornithines,  in Aves, –, –
Anatalavis rex in, – of Hesperornis,  in avian cladogram, xi, , , , ,
Apatornis versus,  Aquatilavipes , 
coracoid of,  footprints of, ,  in avian evolution, –
Gallornis in,  footprints similar to, – avian locomotion and, –
Graculavus and,  Aquatilavipes sinensis, footprints of, – as avian outgroup, –
humerus of, – Aquatilavipes swiboldae, footprints of, , in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
Mesozoic,   , , , 
New Jersey Mesozoic birds and,  Ara, Mesozoic psittaciform versus,  Avimimus and, , 
phylogenetic systematics of Mesozoic, , Arachnida as bird, –, –
 in archaeopterygid diet,  body mass of, 
shoulder elements of,  Archaeopteryx and,  braincase of, 
table of Mesozoic,  in Noguerornis deposits,  carpal elements of, , , 
taxonomy of, , , ,  Aral Sea, fossil feathers from around,  carpometacarpus of, 
Antarctica Ar-Ar dating, of Chinese Mesozoic birds,  Cathayornis versus, , 
bone microstructure of loon from, , , Araripe Basin, fossil feathers from, , Caudipteryx and, 
 –,  as central to avian phylogeny, –, , , ,
hesperornithiforms from,  Araucaria, Archaeopteryx and, ,  , –
Mesozoic neornithines from, ,  Arauco Group, Neogaeornis wetzeli from,  cervical vertebrae of, , 
in plate tectonics,  Arboreality character matrix for, –
“Polarornis” from,  of archaeopterygids, – Chinese Mesozoic birds and, , , 
presbyornithids from,  of enantiornithines, – Coelurus and, 
undetermined neornithine species from, Arboreal origin of flight, – Compsognathus and, 
–, , ,  Archaeopteryx and, , – Confuciusornis and, 
Antarctic Peninsula, Mesozoic birds from, , cursorial origin of flight versus, – Confuciusornis sanctus versus, , , 
 “Arboreal Theory for the Origin of Birds, The” debate over lifestyle of, , 
Antorbital fenestra (Bock),  in defining Aves, 
of euenantiornithines,  Archaeopterygidae, – diagnostic birdlike features of, 
of Shuvuuia,  and alvarezsaurid cladogram,  in dinosaur cladogram, 
Antorbital fossa anatomy of, – ecology of, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  axial skeleton of, – ectopterygoid of, 
of Shuvuuia, – body masses of,  Enaliornis versus, 
Anura development and reproduction of,  enantiornithine cladograms and, , 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  diet and feeding habits of, – enantiornithines versus, 
Mesozoic Madagascan,  feathers of, – Eoenantiornis versus, 
in Noguerornis deposits,  forelimbs of, – feather impression specimen of, 
Apatornis, – habitats of, – feathers of, , , –, , 
coracoid of, ,  hind limbs of, – femur of, , 
geological setting for,  limb proportions of,  fibula of, 
in neornithine cladogram,  locomotion of, – flightless descendants of, 
neornithines referred to, – mandible of,  flight of, –, 
phylogenetic systematics of,  paleobiology of, –, , – fossil feathers of, , 
Apatornis celer, – pelvic girdle of, – gastralia of, 
coracoid of, , ,  phylogenetic systematics of, – growth rate of, , 
fossil record of,  Protarchaeopteryx in,  hind limbs of, –
taxonomy of,  skull of, – historical perspectives on, ix, x, , , , 
Apatornis retusus, taxonomy of, ,  specimens of, ,  humerus of, 
Apomorphic characters sternum of, – Iberomesornis romerali versus, , 
of Avimimus,  taphonomy of Solnhofen,  Iberomesornis versus, 
in cladistic analysis, ,  taxonomy of, – ilium of, , 
for theropods, – teeth of Portuguese,  jugal of, , 
Apteryx australis, body mass of,  thermoregulation in, – locomotion of, –
Aptian stage thoracic girdle of, – locomotor modules of, 
Chinese fossil birds from,  ungual sheaths of, – mandible of, 
coelurosaurs from,  wing folding in, – mandibular fenestra absent in, 
fossil feathers from, ,  Archaeopteryx, ,  manus of, , , 
fossil footprints from, , – in alvarezsaurid phylogenetics, , , , metacarpals of, 
Sinornis santensis from,  ,  metatarsals of, , 
Aquatic habits. See also Foot-propelled divers arboreality of,  misidentified as dinosaurian, 
bone microstructure and,  in archosauriform cladogram, , ,  Mononykus versus, 

Archaeopteryx (continued) life restorations of,  Asia
neornithine anatomy and,  skeleton of,  alvarezsaurids from, , , , , ,
new specimens of,  stalling speed of,  , , 
Noguerornis gonzalezi versus,  taxonomy of,  Cimolopteryx from, 
non-theropod origins of birds and,  wings of,  euenantiornithines from, 
palatine of,  Archaeornithipus, footprints of, ,  fossil footprints from, –, 
paleobiology of, , , –, , Archaeornithipus meijidei, footprints of,  hesperornithiforms from, –
– Archaeornithoides,  Mesozoic birds from, 
Patagopteryx versus,  taxonomy of,  Mesozoic neornithines from, , 
pedal phalangeal formula of,  theropod/bird classification of,  segnosaurs from, 
pelvic girdle of, , –, –,  Archaeornithoides deinosauriscus, taxonomy Astragalus. See also Tarsus
pes of,  of,  of alvarezsaurids, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –, , ARCHO (common archosaur ancestor), in of archaeopterygids, 
 locomotor evolution, –,  of Enaliornis, 
postorbital of, ,  Archosauria of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Protarchaeopteryx robusta and,  in archosauriform cladogram,  of Vorona, 
pygostyle and,  Aves within,  Atlantic coast, geology of, –
quadrate of, ,  cladograms of, ,  Atlas. See also Cervical vertebrae
quadratojugal of,  locomotor evolution of,  of archaeopterygids, , 
Shuvuuia versus, , ,  Archosauriformes, cladograms of, , , of Catalan hatchling, 
Sinornis santensis and, , , , ,   of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , 
skull of, – Archosauromorpha, as bird ancestors, – Auca Mahuevo, 
specimens of, ,  Arctic Circle, hesperornithiforms from dating of, 
squamosal of,  above,  Auks, taxonomy of, 
in strict consensus tree, ,  Arctometatarsalia Auricular fossa
tail of,  alvarezsaurids and, ,  in coelurosaurs, 
tarsometatarsus of,  Avimimus in, ,  of Enaliornis, , 
taxonomy of, ,  in theropod cladograms, – Austin Chalk
thermoregulation in, – Argentina Graculavus lentus from, 
in theropod cladistics,  alvarezsaurids from, , –,  undetermined neornithine species from, 
in theropod cladograms, –, ,  coelurosaurs from,  Australasia, flightless birds of, 
thoracic girdle of, ,  enantiornithines from, ,  Australia
tibiotarsus of, ,  euenantiornithines from, , , , , euenantiornithines from, 
time problem and, , – , , , , , , – fossil feathers from, , , , 
as transitional between dinosaurs and fossil footprints from, ,  Mesozoic birds from, , , , 
birds,  locality map of,  no Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from,
vertebrae of, ,  Madagascan fauna and,  
wings of, –,  Mesozoic birds from, , ,  in plate tectonics, 
Archaeopteryx bavarica, . See also Seventh Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from, Australopithecus, 
specimen of Archaeopteryx  Autofolding, of wings, 
diet of,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, – Aves. See also AVES (common avian ancestor);
palate of,  Patagopteryx from,  Birds
pelvic girdle of,  sphenosuchians from,  in alvarezsaurid phylogenetics, , 
taxonomy of,  undetermined neornithine species from, alvarezsaurids and, –, , 
Archaeopteryx lithographica, . See also First – Archaeopterygidae in, 
specimen of Archaeopteryx Argoides, footprints of, ,  Archaeopteryx and phylogeny of, –
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Argon-argon dating, of Chinese Mesozoic in archosauriform cladogram, 
character matrix for, –,  birds,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
cladistic analysis of,  Arid deposits, euenantiornithines from,  Avimimus and, 
growth stages of,  Arizona, fossil footprints from, – Cambridge Greensand vertebrae of, 
pelvic girdle of,  Arneytown, New Jersey, Palaeotringa vetus Caudipteryx as outside, , 
skeleton of,  from, – Chinese Mesozoic, –
taxonomy of,  Arthropoda cladograms of, xi, , 
theropod characters and, ,  in archaeopterygid diet,  crown-group definition of, , , 
in theropod cladograms,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  definitions of, ix–x, –, , –
thoracic girdle of,  in Mesozoic bird deposits,  distinguishing footprints of, 
Archaeopteryx macrura, taxonomy of,  Articular, of Sinornis santensis,  enantiornithine cladogram and, 
Archaeopteryx recurva, taxonomy of,  Arundel Formation, fossil footprints from, feathered dinosaurs and, –
Archaeopteryx siemensii, . See also Second  feathers of taxa outside, 
specimen of Archaeopteryx Ascending process. See Astragalus forelimb of, –

fossil feathers of, – mandible of,  alvarezsaurids from, , 
Hesperornithiformes in,  metatarsus of,  dating of, 
hind limbs of,  pedal digits of,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, –
locomotor modules of,  pubis of,  Patagopteryx from, 
monophyly of, – skeleton of,  Bajsa Formation, fossil feathers from, –
node-based definition of,  skull of, – Bambiraptor, bird origins and, 
origin of flight in, – taxonomy of,  Bambiraptor feinbergi, discovery of, 
origins of, , – in theropod cladograms,  Bandemere site, fossil footprints from, 
palaeognathous palate among, – tibiotarsus of, – Baptornis
Patagopteryx deferrariisi in,  ulna of,  Enaliornis versus, , , 
as polyphyletic, – vertebrae of, – femur of, 
post-Mesozoic radiation of,  “Avimorph thecodonts,” bird origins and,  geographical distribution of, 
Protarchaeopteryx in,  Avisauridae locomotion of, 
Protoavis in,  in enantiornithine cladogram,  pelvic girdle of, 
Rahonavis ostromi in, – femur of,  tarsometatarsus of, , 
as reptiles, – geographical distribution of,  taxonomy of, , 
Sinornis santensis in, – historical perspective on, – tibiotarsus of, 
Sinosauropteryx in,  metatarsals of, ,  vertebrae of, , , 
Spanish fossil birds in, ,  thoracic girdle of,  Baptornithidae, geographical distribution of, 
specimens referable to,  wings of,  Barbs, of feathers, , 
taxonomy of, –,  Avisaurus Barbules, of feathers, , 
theropod characters and,  in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Barcelona, 
in theropod cladograms, – in enantiornithine cladograms, ,  Barremian stage
Vorona berivotrensis in,  neornithines contemporary with,  Chinese fossil birds from, 
AVES (common avian ancestor), in locomotor taxonomy of, ,  coelurosaurs from, 
evolution, , , –, – theropod/bird classification of,  euenantiornithines from, 
Avialae Avisaurus archibaldi fossil feathers from, , , 
alvarezsaurids and, ,  geographical distribution of,  fossil footprints from, 
Archaeornithoides and,  geological setting for,  Noguerornis from, , 
in avian taxonomy,  hind limbs of,  Spanish Mesozoic birds from, , –
in coelurosaur cladistics, , ,  historical perspective on, – Barrett, Lucas, Enaliornis collected by, 
definition of, ,  metatarsals of,  Barsbold Rinchen, on theropods as bird
Dromaeosauridae and,  tarsometatarsus of,  ancestors, 
evolution of features of, – taxonomy of,  Barton, Enaliornis from, 
feathered dinosaurs outside,  Avisaurus gloriae Barun Goyot Formation
temporal extent of,  character matrix for,  alvarezsaurids from, , –, 
in theropod cladograms, –,  geographical distribution of,  Avimimus from, 
time problem and,  metatarsals of, ,  euenantiornithines from, 
Unenlagia comahuensis in,  tarsometatarsus of,  Gobipteryx from, 
Avian evolution, successive waves in, – taxonomy of,  presbyornithids from, 
Avimimidae, archaeopterygids and,  Axial centrum, of Avimimus, . See also Axis Baryonyx, in theropod cladograms, –
Avimimus, , – Axial skeleton. See also Ribs; Vertebrae Basal archosaurs, as bird ancestors, , –. See
in avian evolution, ,  of alvarezsaurids, – also Archosauria
as bird,  of archaeopterygids, – Basicranium, in neornithine taxonomy, .
in coelurosaur cladistics,  avian locomotion and, –,  See also Braincase; Palate; Skull
historical perspective on, ix, x of Cathayornis yandica,  Basisphenoid, of alvarezsaurids, –. See also
metatarsals of,  characters of theropod, – Braincase; Skull
phylogenetic position of,  of Enaliornis, – Bastard wing. See Alula
secondary flightlessness of,  of euenantiornithines, – Bathonian stage, coelurosaurs from, 
taxonomy of,  measurements of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, Bayan Mandahu Formation, 
theropod/bird classification of,   oviraptorosaur nests from, 
in theropod cladograms, – of ornithurines,  Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie
Avimimus portentosus, – of Sinornis santensis, , – und historische Geologie, Archaeopteryx
birdlike features of,  Axis, of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , . See specimen in, 
character matrix for, – also Axial centrum; Cervical vertebrae first Archaeopteryx fossil feather in, 
descriptions and redescriptions of, – Bayin Obo Formation, coelurosaurs from, 
femur of, – Baca County, fossil footprints from,  Bayn Dzak, alvarezsaurids from, 
fibula of, – Bagaraatan, femur of,  BCF. See “Birds Came First” (BCF) theory
humerus of,  Baja California, euenantiornithines from,  Beak. See Rostral morphology
ilium of,  Bajo de la Carpa Member Bedfordshire, Enaliornis from, 

Bee-eater, endocranial cast of,  Biparental care, among euenantiornithines,  Blattodea
Behavior, evolution of avian, – Bipedalism Archaeopteryx and, 
Beijing,  avian locomotion and, ,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, 
fossil birds in, – of Paraves,  Blumenberg, Archaeopteryx siemensii from,
Beijing Natural History Museum of theropods,  
fossil birds in, ,  Bird origins, –, – Boca del Sapo
Sinornis santensis in, ,  Archaeopteryx and, –,  alvarezsaurids from, , 
Beipaio Avimimus and,  locality map of, 
fossil feathers from,  Caudipteryx and,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, –
Liaoningornis longidigitris from,  feathered theropods and, – Bocana Roja Formation, euenantiornithines
Beipiao,  flight and, – from, 
Chinese Mesozoic birds from,  Protoavis and, – Bock, Walter
Confuciusornis sanctus from,  scientific importance of,  on cladistics, 
Beipiaosaurus Sinornis and, – on cursorial origin of avian flight, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  theropod cladistics and, – Body feathers, , . See also Contour
feathers of, –,  vituperative debates over, –, , ,  feathers
taxonomy of,  Birds. See also Aves Body mass
thermoregulation in,  alvarezsaurids as, – of alvarezsaurids, 
Beipiaosaurus inexpectus in archosaur cladogram,  of archaeopterygids, 
feathers of, , – in archosauriform cladogram, ,  of Enaliornis, 
taxonomy of, ,  Avimimus and,  of Patagopteryx, –
Belly Jar Valley, Volgavis marina from,  bone microstructure of, – Body size
Bennettitales Caudipteryx among,  of Chinese Mesozoic birds, –
Archaeopteryx and,  cervical ribs of,  of euenantiornithines, 
in Noguerornis deposits,  cervical vertebrae of,  of Liaoxiornis, 
Berdeja River, Volgavis marina from,  cladogram of Mesozoic, xi of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Berivotra classification of neornithine, – Boluochi, , 
Madagascan paleoexpeditions at,  debates on ancestry of, – Boluochia zhengi from, 
Vorona berivotrensis from,  definitions of, ix–x, –, – Cathayornis yandica from, , 
Berkeley Museum of Paleontology, in dinosaur cladogram,  Chaoyangia beishanensis from, 
alvarezsaurids in,  diversity of Mesozoic, x–xi, – fossil birds from, –
Berlin, first Archaeopteryx fossil feather in,  evolution of features of, – Boluochia, 
Berlin Archaeopteryx, , . See also fossil footprints of, – anatomy of, 
Archaeopteryx siemensii; Second historical perspectives on Mesozoic, ix, , in avian cladogram, 
specimen of Archaeopteryx –,  caudal vertebrae of, 
body mass of,  ischia of basal,  ecology of, 
contour feathers of,  Late Triassic, – in enantiornithine cladograms, 
pelvic girdle of,  locomotion of,  forthcoming descriptions of, 
postorbital of,  locomotor modules of, –, , , historical perspective on, 
pubis of,  – metatarsals of, 
ribs of,  Madagascan fossil, – pelvic girdle of, 
scleral ring of,  as natural group, – phylogeny of, , 
skull of, ,  new discoveries of Mesozoic, xi rostral morphology of, 
sternum of,  in Noguerornis deposits,  sternum of, 
tail of,  pelvic girdle of,  taxonomy of, 
taxonomy of,  phylogenetic systematics of, x–xi, –, thoracic girdle of, 
teeth of,  –, – Boluochia zhengi, 
thoracic girdle of,  Protarchaeopteryx among,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
vertebrae of,  pulmonary air sacs of,  character matrix for, 
wings of, –, – quill knobs of,  geographical distribution of, 
Berriasian stage in theropod cladograms,  geological setting for, 
euenantiornithines from,  “Birds Came First” (BCF) theory,  historical perspective on, , 
fossil feathers from, – Bissekty Formation skeleton of, , 
fossil footprints from, ,  coelurosaurs from,  skull of, 
neornithine-like birds from,  euenantiornithines from, – taxonomy of, , 
Noguerornis from, ,  Kuszholia mengi from,  Bonaparte, José F.
Beta keratin,  undetermined neornithine species from,  enantiornithine fossils collected by, 
Bill. See Rostral morphology Bivalves, in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  Patagopteryx studied by, 
Biochemical data, in neornithine taxonomy, Blackhawk Formation, fossil footprints from, Bone Cabin Quarry, coelurosaurs from, 
 – Bone fusion, in neornithine anatomy, 

Bone histology, xi. See also Bone Mononykus olecranus from,  Elopteryx nopcsai from, 
microstructure Bullatosauria euenantiornithines from, 
of euenantiornithines,  alvarezsaurids and,  fossil feathers from, , 
Bone microstructure, –. See also Bone taxonomy of,  fossil footprints from, –
histology in theropod cladograms, – hesperornithiforms from, , 
of archaeopterygids, ,  Bürgermeister Müller Museum, Archaeopteryx Neogaeornis wetzeli from, 
historical perspective on avian, – specimen in,  neornithines from, –
Bostobe Formation, fossil feathers from,  Burhinidae, phylogenetic systematics of,  in North America, 
Bradycneme, theropod/bird classification of,  Burhinus Palintropus from, , 
Bradycneme draculae Apatornis versus,  Patagopteryx from, 
taxonomy of,  Cimolopteryx versus,  presbyornithids from, 
Bradytely, in avian evolution,  taxonomy of,  table of neornithines from, –
Brain “Burungoyotskaya” Svita. See Barun Goyot tyrannosaurids from, 
of archaeopterygids,  Formation undetermined neornithine species from,
of euenantiornithines,  Buscalioni, Angela D.,  –, , 
Braincase. See also Skull Byronosaurus jaffei Canada
of alvarezsaurids,  character matrix for, – Cimolopteryx rara from, 
of archaeopterygids,  in theropod cladograms,  coelurosaurs from, 
of Avimimus,  fossil feathers from, , , , , 
of Enaliornis, –, –,  Caenagnathasia, temporal extent of,  fossil footprints from, , , 
of Enaliornis barretti, –, – Caenagnathidae hesperornithiforms from, , , 
of euenantiornithines,  in theropod cladistics,  Palintropus from, , , 
of Hesperornis, ,  in theropod cladograms, – undetermined neornithine species from,
of Mononykus olecranus,  Caenagnathus 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , , theropod/bird classification of,  Canalization, in avian lung evolution, 
– in theropod cladistics,  Canary, Queensland, euenantiornithines from,
of Protoavis,  Calamus, of feathers, ,  
of Shuvuuia, , ,  “Calcaires á Charophites du Montsec,” Canary Islands, aepyornithids from, 
Branching diagrams, cladograms as, . See Noguerornis from,  Canjuer, coelurosaurs from, 
also Cladograms; Strict consensus trees; “Calcaires lithographiques à plantes et Cape Lamb strata, undetermined neornithine
Trees vertébrés de La Pedrera de Rúbies,” species from, –, , 
Branch swapping,  Noguerornis from, – Carbon and oxygen analysis, of Las Hoyas
Brazil Calcaneum. See also Tarsus fossils, 
absence of feathered theropods from,  of alvarezsaurids,  Carinatae
fossil feathers from, , –, , , of archaeopterygids,  in archosauriform cladogram, 
 of Enaliornis,  in avian cladogram, , 
Breeding territories, of archaeopterygids,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  enantiornithine cladogram and, 
Bremmer support, for theropod cladograms, of Vorona,  Caririchnium, footprints of, 
 Calidris, Cimolopteryx versus,  Carnian stage, sphenosuchians from, 
Bristles, , ,  Calizas de la Huérguina Formation Carnosauria
British Museum of Natural History, euenantiornithines from,  in archosauriform cladogram, , 
Archaeopteryx specimen in,  fossil feathers from,  in dinosaur cladogram, 
Brodkorb, Pierce, Enaliornis taxonomy by,  Mesozoic birds from, –, – in theropod cladograms, –
Brooding behavior, of archaeopterygids,  Cambridge, Enaliornis from,  Carpometacarpus
Brown kiwi, flightlessness of,  Cambridge Greensand of alvarezsaurids, –
Bryophytes avian vertebrae from,  of Avimimus, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  dating of,  of Cathayornis, 
in Noguerornis deposits,  ecological setting of, – of Cathayornis yandica, , 
Bubo, tibiotarsus of,  Enaliornis from, – –,  of Enantiornis leali, 
Bug Creek Anthills, undetermined neornithine geology of, ,  of euenantiornithines, 
species from,  Cambridgeshire, Enaliornis from,  of Eurolimnornis, 
Bug Creek facies Cambridge University, Enaliornis collected by, in evolution of avian locomotion, 
avian coracoids from, ,   of Mononykus olecranus, 
charadriiforms from, ,  Campanian stage of neornithines, , 
Cimolopteryx maxima from,  alvarezsaurids from, , ,  of Noguerornis, 
dating of bird fossils from,  Apatornis from,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi, 
geology of, ,  avian shoulder elements from, , , of ornithothoracines, 
undetermined neornithine species from,   of Otogornis, 
Bugin Tsav Avimimus from,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
alvarezsaurids from, , – charadriiforms from, ,  of Sinornis santensis, , 

Carpus of archaeopterygids,  Ceramornis major, 
of archaeopterygids, – of Boluochia,  coracoid of, 
Carpus (continued) of Cathayornis,  fossil record of, 
in bird origins, – of Caudipteryx,  taxonomy of, 
of Cathayornis,  of Concornis lacustris,  Ceratops Beds, Cimolopteryx rara from, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  in defining birds,  Ceratosauria
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  of Enaliornis,  alvarezsaurids and, 
of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  of euenantiornithines,  in archosauriform cladogram, , 
of Sinornis santensis, –,  of Iberomesornis,  in dinosaur cladogram, 
Castilla–La Mancha region, geology of, of Iberomesornis romerali,  Ceratosaurus, metatarsals of, 
– of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , –, Cerebellar auricular fossa, in coelurosaurs, 
Casuarius, bone microstructure of,   Cerebellar fossa, of Enaliornis, –
Catalan hatchling. See also El Montsec of Shuvuuia deserti,  Cervical ribs
nestling of Sinornis santensis, , , ,  of archaeopterygids, –
cervical vertebrae of, – Caudipteryx, – of Sinornis santensis, 
historical perspective on,  avian and theropod features of, – Cervical vertebrae
mandible of, – Chinese Mesozoic bird phylogeny and, of alvarezsaurids, –, 
skull of, ,   of archaeopterygids, 
thoracic girdle of,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  of Avimimus portentosus, –
thoracic vertebrae of,  as dinosaur, –,  of Cathayornis, 
Catalonia, , , , , . See also feathers of, , , , , ,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
Catalan hatchling historical perspective on, ix,  of Enaliornis, –
fossil feathers from, –,  jugal of,  of Enaliornis barretti, 
Cathartes aura, metatarsals of,  mandibular fenestra of,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
Cathayornis, , –. See also Sinornis manual unguals of,  of euenantiornithines, –
anatomy of, – outside Paraves,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
in avian cladogram,  paleobiology of, ,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, 
Boluochia versus,  pelvic girdle of, ,  of Protoavis, 
character matrix for, – Protarchaeopteryx versus,  of Sinornis santensis, 
Concornis versus,  secondary flightlessness of, , ,  Cervicothoracic vertebrae, of
Confuciusornis versus, , ,  taxonomy of, ,  archaeopterygids, . See also Cervical
ecology of,  theropod/bird classification of,  vertebrae; Thoracic vertebrae
enantiornithine phylogeny and,  in theropod cladograms, –,  Chaibu-Sumi
Eoenantiornis versus,  thoracic girdle of,  euenantiornithines from, 
forthcoming descriptions of,  Caudipteryx dongi, paleobiology of,  fossil feathers from, , 
historical perspective on,  Caudipteryx zoui Otogornis genghisi from, 
Liaoningornis longidigitris versus,  character matrix for, – Chalk, the, geology of, , 
Lioaxiornis versus,  discovery of,  Changchengornis
locality map for, ,  taxonomy of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
long bone ratios in,  in theropod cladograms,  character matrix for, –
Otogornis versus,  Ceará, fossil feathers from, – in strict consensus tree, , 
paleobiology of,  Cedar Mountain Formation, coelurosaurs Changchengornis hengdaoziensis
phylogenetic systematics of, , , , from,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , 
,  Celtedens, skin impressions of,  cladistic analysis of, 
Sinornis santensis and,  Cenomanian stage historical perspective on, 
as Sinornis synonym, – Cambridge Greensand and,  Changma, Gansus yumenensis from, 
taxonomy of, , , – Enaliornis from,  Chaomidianzi Formation. See also Lower
Cathayornis yandica, , –. See also fossil footprints from, , , –, Yixian Formation
Sinornis santensis  Confuciusornis sanctus from, 
anatomy of, – hesperornithiforms from,  feathered fossils from, –
cladistic analysis of,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from,  geology of, 
historical perspective on, ,  Cenozoic era Chaoyang, 
locality of,  bird origins and,  Boluochia zhengi from, 
long bone ratios in,  Madagascan birds from,  Cathayornis yandica from, 
as Sinornis santensis synonym, – Central Asia, Mesozoic birds from, ,  Chaoyangia beishanensis from, 
skeletal elements of, , , ,  Central Kyzylkum Desert, undetermined euenantiornithines from, 
taxonomy of, , –, , ,  neornithine species from, . See also Mesozoic birds from, 
Cathayornithidae, taxonomy of, – Kizylkum Desert Sinornis santensis from, , , 
Caudal vertebrae. See also Pygostyle; Tail Ceramornis,  Chaoyangia, 
of alvarezsaurids, – taxonomy of, ,  anatomy of, 

forthcoming descriptions of,  on Avimimus,  fossil record of, 
historical perspective on,  Chicken, metatarsals of,  Cimolopteryx rara
locality map for,  Chile Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. versus, 
paleobiology of,  Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from, coracoid of, , 
Patagopteryx versus,   fossil record of, 
phylogeny of, – Neogaeornis wetzeli from,  taxonomy of, , , , 
taxonomy of,  China, ,  Telmatornis versus, 
Chaoyangia beishanensis,  alvarezsaurids from, –,  Cimolopteryx retusa, taxonomy of, , , 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Chaoyangia from,  Cipoletti, locality map of, 
historical perspective on,  coelurosaurs from, , ,  Cladistics. See also Phylogenetic systematics
skeleton of,  early therizinosauroid from,  of alvarezsaurids, –
taxonomy of,  euenantiornithines from, , , , , avian flight and, –, –
thoracic girdle of, –  of birds, x
Characters feathered dinosaurs from, , , –, , of Caudipteryx, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, –  of enantiornithines, –, –, 
in cladistic analysis, –, – fossil feathers from, , ,  group names in, –
of coelurosaurs, – fossil footprints from, – locomotor evolution and, –, –
of theropods, – Gansus yumenensis from,  methodology of, –
Charadriidae, endocranial cast of,  Mesozoic birds from, ix, , –, , non-theropod hypotheses of bird origins
Charadriiformes ,  and, –
Anseriformes versus,  neornithine-like birds from,  stratigraphic information and, –
Apatornis versus, ,  oviraptorosaur nests from,  taxonomy and, –
braincase of,  Sinornis santensis from, – and theropod fossil record, –
Ceramornis in,  smuggling fossils from, – theropod origin of birds via, –, –
Cimolopteryx in, , ,  therizinosauroids from,  Cladograms
coracoid of, ,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, fossil smuggling of alvarezsaurids, 
forelimb elements of,  and,  of Archosauria, , 
fossil footprints of, – Chinsamy, Anusuya,  of Archosauriformes, , , 
Gansus yumenensis in,  Chirostenotes of Aves, xi, , 
Graculavus in, – taxonomy of,  from cladistic analysis, 
Mesozoic, , – in theropod cladograms, – of coelurosaur theropods, –, , 
in neornithine cladogram,  Chirostenotes pergracilis of Dinosauria, 
Noguerornis versus,  character matrix for, – of Enantiornithes, , , , , 
Palaeotringa vetus versus, – in theropod cladistics, ,  explanatory power of, 
phylogenetic systematics of, – Chita Oblast, fossil feathers from, – locomotor modules and, 
revisions to fossil record of, – Cicadophytes, in Las Hoyas Konservat- of Neornithes, 
table of Mesozoic,  Lagerstätte,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, , 
tarsometatarsus of,  Ciconiiformes, taxonomy of, ,  testing of, –
taxonomy of, , , –, ,  Cimoliosaurus, from Cambridge Greensand, Clark, James M., 
Telmatornis in,   Classes, in cladistic analysis, 
undetermined neornithine species in, Cimolopterygidae Clavicles, furcula and, 
– Ceramornis in,  Claws. See Manual unguals; Pedal unguals;
Volgavis marina in,  taxonomy of, ,  Ungual sheaths
Charophytes Cimolopteryx, – Clayton Lake State Park, fossil footprints from,
in dating Noguerornis,  bone microstructure of, , – 
in dating Spanish Mesozoic birds,  coracoid of, ,  Climate
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  diversity of, – for Chinese Mesozoic birds, –
Chatterjee, Sankar,  fossil record of,  for Solnhofen archaeopterygids, 
on avian evolution,  growth rate of,  Climbing, by archaeopterygids, 
on Avimimus,  taxonomy of, , ,  Cloverly Formation, coelurosaurs from, 
on bird origins, – Cimolopteryx maxima, – Cockroaches, in archaeopterygid diet, 
Protoavis and, – coracoid of,  Coding, in avian phylogenetic systematics,
Cheirolepidaceae, Archaeopteryx and,  forelimb elements of,  –. See also Characters
Chen, taxonomy of,  fossil record of,  Coelacanthiformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
Chevrons, of Sinornis santensis, . See also taxonomy of,  Lagerstätte, 
Caudal vertebrae; Tail Cimolopteryx minima,  Coelophysis
Chiappe, Luis M., , , , , , , coracoid of, ,  locomotor modules of, 
 fossil record of,  in theropod cladograms, –
on avian evolution,  Cimolopteryx petra n. sp.,  Coelurosauria, –
on avian taxonomy, – coracoid of,  alvarezsaurids and, , , –

Coelurosauria (continued) taxonomy of,  phylogenetic systematics of, , ,
Archaeornithoides in,  Colymboides, taxonomy of,  –
in archosauriform cladogram,  Colymboides anglicus, Enaliornis and,  ribs of, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Comahuesuchus brachibuccalis, in Patagopteryx sternum of, , 
Avimimus in,  deposits,  in strict consensus tree, , 
Avimimus portentosus in,  Como Bluff, coelurosaurs from,  synsacrum of, 
as bird ancestors,  Compsognathidae tarsometatarsus of, 
braincase of,  Chinese Mesozoic birds and,  taxonomy of, 
Caudipteryx among,  Sinosauropteryx in,  thoracic girdle of, 
character matrix for, –, – in theropod cladograms, – thoracic vertebrae of, 
cladistic analysis of, – Compsognathus,  tibiotarsus of, , 
Coelurus in,  Archaeopteryx and,  wings of, , , 
Compsognathus in,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  Concornis lacustris, –
definition of,  feathered theropods and,  anatomy of, –
early origins of,  paleobiology of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
first occurrences of, –, – Sinosauropteryx versus,  character matrix for, 
fossil record of, –, – taxonomy of,  cladistic analysis of, 
mandibular fenestra of,  temporal extent of, ,  geographical distribution of, 
Mononykus and,  in theropod cladograms, – geological setting for, 
Ornitholestes in,  time problem and,  hind limbs of, 
pelvic girdle of,  Compsognathus corallestris, temporal extent of, historical perspective on, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –  long bone ratios in, 
Protoavis in, , – Compsognathus longipes, temporal extent of,  Noguerornis gonzalezi and, 
as secondarily flightless,  Compsohalieus perspicillatus, taxonomy of, ontogeny of, 
semilunate carpal in,   pelvis of, 
temporal extent of,  Concepción Province, Neogaeornis wetzeli phylogenetic systematics of, , , 
Therizinosauroidea in,  from,  sacrum of, 
in theropod cladograms, –, ,  Conchoraptor, taxonomy of,  Sinornis santensis taxonomy and, 
thoracic girdle of,  Conchoraptor gracilis skeleton of, , 
Troodontidae in,  character matrix for, – sternum of, 
tyrannosaurids in,  in theropod cladograms,  taxonomy of, , –, 
Coelurus,  Conchostracans Confuciusornis, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,  archaeopterygids and, –
taxonomy of,  in Confuciusornis deposits,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
temporal extent of, ,  in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  , , 
in theropod cladograms, – Concornis, – bird origins and, 
time problem and,  in avian cladogram, ,  Boluochia versus, 
Coelurus agilis, temporal extent of,  bird origins and,  carpals of, 
Coelurus fragilis body size of,  Cathayornis versus, , 
taxonomy of,  caudal vertebrae of,  Chaoyangia versus, 
temporal extent of,  character matrix for, – character matrix for, –
Coldham Common, Enaliornis species from, Confuciusornis versus,  ecology of, 
,  in Enantiornithes, , ,  forthcoming descriptions of, –
Coleoptera Euenantiornithes and,  fossil feathers of, , 
Archaeopteryx and,  feeding habits of,  gastralia of, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  femur of,  growth rate of, 
Coloborhynchus, from Cambridge Greensand, fossil feathers of,  historical perspective on, , 
 furcula of, ,  ilium of, 
Colorado, fossil footprints from, , , , gastralia of,  locality map for, , 
, – historical perspective on,  mandibular fenestra of, 
Color patterns, in fossil feathers, , , , long bone ratios in,  manus of, , , 
 manual digits of,  metacarpals of, 
Columba metatarsals of, ,  metatarsals of, 
in archosauriform cladogram,  Noguerornis gonzalezi versus,  Noguerornis gonzalezi versus, 
in avian evolution,  Noguerornis versus,  Noguerornis versus, 
locomotor modules of,  ontogeny of, ,  paleobiology of, –, 
Columba livia, Palintropus retusus versus,  paleobiology of, , , ,  Patagopteryx versus, 
Columbidae, scleral ring of, – pelvic girdle of, – pelvic girdle of, 
Columbiformes perching by, –,  pes of, 
forelimb of,  pes of,  phylogeny of, 

postorbital of,  in neornithine systematics,  Craniofacial kinesis, understanding, 
pygostyle of,  Converse County Cranium, of euenantiornithines, . See also
quadratojugal of,  Cimolopteryx rara from,  Skull
ribs of,  Palintropus retusus from,  Crato Member, fossil feathers from, –,
Shuvuuia versus,  Cooper Member, Protoavis from,  , , 
Sinornis santensis versus,  Coprolites, in Las Hoyas Konservat- Cream Ridge Marl Company pits, Telmatornis
Sinosauropteryx versus,  Lagerstätte,  priscus from, 
smuggling specimens of, – Coraciiformes, revisions to fossil record of,  Creationism, Archaeopteryx and, 
squamosal of,  Coracoid. See also Thoracic girdle Cretaaviculus sarysuensis, 
in strict consensus tree, ,  of alvarezsaurids, ,  Cretaceous period. See also Early Cretaceous
taxonomy of,  of Antarctic presbyornithid,  epoch; Late Cretaceous epoch
in theropod cladograms,  of archaeopterygids,  absence of Madagascan mammals from, 
thoracic girdle of,  avian locomotion and,  Antarctic loon from, , 
tibiotarsus of,  of Cathayornis,  archaeopterygids and birds from, 
Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Cathayornis yandica,  Argentine birds from, 
anatomy of, – of Caudipteryx,  birdlike theropods from, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , of Ceramornis,  bird origins and, 
,  of Chaoyangia,  birds from, , , , ix
character matrix for, – of Chaoyangia beishanensis,  Chinese birds from, 
cladistic analysis of,  of charadriiform birds,  enantiornithines during, –
fossil feathers of,  of Cimolopteryx,  enantiornithines from, 
historical perspective on, ,  of Concornis lacustris,  euenantiornithine phylogeny during,
locality of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  –
phylogenetic systematics of,  of Enantiornis leali,  fossil feathers from, 
postorbital of,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, – fossil footprints from, , , –
Sinornis santensis taxonomy and,  of euenantiornithines, – fossil pterosaur tracks from, 
taxonomy of,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  geology of bird-bearing formations of,
in theropod cladograms,  of Liaoningornis, – –
Confuciusornithidae,  of neognath birds, ,  Ichthyornis from, 
archaeopterygids and,  of neornithines, –, ,  neornithines from, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, , of Otogornis,  preservational bias against feathers from,
, , , , ,  of Palintropus,  
taxonomy of,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , , , taphonomic bias against neornithines from,
Coniacian stage ,  
alvarezsaurids from, ,  of Protoavis,  Crocodylia
Apatornis from,  of Sinornis santensis,  Archaeopteryx and, 
avian coracoids from, ,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds,  in archosaur cladogram, 
coelurosaurs from,  of undetermined neornithine species, , and evolution of birds, 
euenantiornithines from, – –,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, 
fossil feathers from,  Cormorant locomotor modules of, 
hesperornithiforms from,  fossil record and,  Mesozoic Madagascan, 
Kuszholia mengi from,  Graculavus as,  in Patagopteryx deposits, , 
neornithines from, – taxonomy of, , ,  as reptiles, 
in North America,  Coronoid Crocodylomorpha, as bird ancestors, , , 
Patagopteryx from, ,  of archaeopterygids,  Crown groups
table of neornithines from,  of Shuvuuia,  Aves as, , , 
undetermined neornithine species from, Cosesaurus, bird origins and,  in neornithine systematics, 
 Covert feathers, of archaeopterygids, – in phylogenetic systematics, 
Coniferales, in Noguerornis deposits,  Cranial base, of archaeopterygids,  Crurotarsi, in archosauriform cladogram,
Conifers Cranial cavity , 
Archaeopteryx and,  in defining birds,  Crus
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  of Enaliornis, – of alvarezsaurids, 
Contextual evidence, cladistic analysis and,  Cranial kinesis of archaeopterygids, 
Continental deposits, hesperornithiforms of archaeopterygids, – Crustaceans
from, . See also Terrestrial deposits of Cathayornis,  in Mesozoic avian diet, 
Contour feathers, , ,  in Shuvuuia, – in Noguerornis deposits, 
of archaeopterygids, ,  Cranial nerves Cuculidae, scleral ring of, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  of Enaliornis,  Cuenca province
Convergence of Mononykus olecranus,  euenantiornithines from, 
in dinosaur/bird evolution,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – fossil feathers from, –

Cuenca province (continued) locomotor modules of,  in Patagopteryx deposits, –
Mesozoic birds from, – Noguerornis versus,  Protoavis and, 
Cursoriality, of archaeopterygids, – semilunate carpal of,  segnosaurs in, 
Cursorial origin of flight, , – time problem and,  thermoregulation in, 
arboreal origin of flight versus, – Deinonychus antirrhopus Dinosauria, The (Weishampel et al., eds.), 
Archaeopteryx and, , – character matrix for, – Dinosauriformes, in archosauriform
establishing,  new specimens of,  cladogram, 
Cuspirostrisornis houi theropod characters and,  Dinosauromorpha, in archosauriform
geographical distribution of,  in theropod cladograms,  cladogram, 
taxonomy of,  Deltadromeus, in theropod cladograms, – Dinosaur Park Formation
Cycadales, in Noguerornis deposits,  Dentary. See also Mandible neornithines from, 
Cycads of archaeopterygids,  Palintropus from, 
Archaeopteryx and,  of Boluochia,  Dinosaur Provincial Park, Palintropus from,
mistaken for feathers, – of Cathayornis,  
of Chaoyangia,  Dinosaur Ridge, fossil footprints from, 
Dakota Group, fossil footprints from, ,  of neornithines,  Diomedeidae
Danian stage of Shuvuuia,  Enaliornis versus, 
charadriiforms from,  Dentition. See Teeth shoulder girdle of, 
Volgavis marina from,  Dermal frills, theropod feathers as,  undetermined neornithine species in, 
Darwin, Charles, ix Dermal skull roof, of Sinornis santensis, Diplodocidae, Shuvuuia versus, 
on Archaeopteryx,  – Diptera, in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,
Dating Descent of Man (Darwin),  
of Apatornis specimens, – Desselberger, Jerzy,  “Djadochtinskaya” Svita. See Djadokhta
of Chinese Mesozoic birds, ,  Development, of archaeopterygids, . See Formation
of fossil footprints,  also Growth rates; Growth stages; Djadokhta Formation
of Hornerstown and Navesink Formations, Ontogeny alvarezsaurids from, , –, 
– Diagnosis, in avian taxonomy,  Avimimus from, 
of Noguerornis,  Diatryma, flightlessness of, ,  coelurosaurs from, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  Dicraeosauridae, Shuvuuia versus,  euenantiornithines from, 
of Río Colorado Formation,  Diet oviraptorosaur nests from, –
of Spanish fossil birds,  of alvarezsaurids,  troodontid eggs from, 
Dawangzhangzi, euenantiornithines from,  of archaeopterygids, – Dockum Formation, coelurosaurs from, , 
de Beer, Gavin, on Archaeopteryx,  of Archaeopteryx,  Dockum Group, Protoavis from, 
Decapods, in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, Digital homologies, in bird origins, – “Dolomia di Forni,” Megalancosaurus from, 
. See also Crustaceans Digit divarication, ichnological importance of, Domiella garrula, mandible of, 
Decoupling, of locomotor modules,   Dong Zhiming, on segnosaur cladistics, 
de Ferrariis, Oscar, Patagopteryx collected by, Dinilysia patagonica, in Patagopteryx deposits, Don River, Volgavis marina from, 
  Dörr’s Quarry, Archaeopteryx siemensii from,
Definition, in avian taxonomy,  Dinilysiid snakes, in Patagopteryx deposits,  
Deinonychosauria DINO (common dinosaur ancestor), in Down feathers, , –
alvarezsaurids and, ,  locomotor evolution, –, ,  Down-turned dentary, in coelurosaur
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  “Dino-birds,”  cladistics, 
avian cladogram and,  Dinosauria. See also DINO (common dinosaur Dromaeosauridae, 
in avian evolution, – ancestor); Feathered dinosaurs alvarezsaurids and, , , 
in bird origins, ,  Archaeopteryx in,  archaeopterygids and, 
cladistic analysis of,  in archosauriform cladogram,  Archaeornithoides and, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  bird origins and,  in Aves, 
definition of, – birds in,  avian cladogram and, 
in dinosaur cladogram,  from Cambridge Greensand,  in avian evolution, 
in theropod cladograms, –,  Caudipteryx in, – birdlike features of, 
Deinonychus in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,  in bird origins, –, , 
in archosauriform cladogram,  cladogram of,  character matrix for, –
in avian evolution, – distinguishing footprints of, ,  cladistic analysis of, 
Avimimus and,  evolution of locomotion in, – in coelurosaur cladistics, , 
bird origins and, ,  fossil footprints of,  in Deinonychosauria, –
cervical vertebrae of,  fossil localities of,  evolution of features of, 
in definition of Avialae,  fossil record of,  feathers of, , 
in Dromaeosauridae,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  filamentous dermal structures of, 
fibula of,  locomotor modules of,  first occurrences of, 
forelimbs of,  Mononykus and, ,  ischium of, 

mandibular fenestra of,  Scipionyx samniticus from,  avian cervical vertebrae from, –
metatarsals of,  segnosaurs from,  avian thoracic vertebrae from, 
Middle Jurassic,  Sinornis santensis from, –,  enantiornithines from, 
Ornithomimosauria and,  Spanish birds from, –, –,  euenantiornithines from, , –, ,
pelvic girdle of,  therizinosauroids from,  –, , –, –, , 
pubis of,  Early Cretaceous mudstone Madagascan birds and, 
Scipionyx samniticus and, – Chinese Mesozoic birds from, – El Brete mandible, , 
as secondarily flightless,  Gansus yumenensis from,  Electromyographic analysis (EMG), in
taxonomy of,  Early Cretaceous shale locomotor module studies, 
teeth of Jurassic,  Chinese Mesozoic birds from, – Elephant-birds, 
in theropod cladograms, –, ,  Sinornis santensis from,  Elmisauridae, in theropod cladograms, –
time problem and, – Early Jurassic epoch Elmisaurus
Dromaeosaurinae, taxonomy of,  coelurosaurs from, ,  archaeopterygids and, 
Dromaeosaurus, in Dromaeosauridae,  fossil footprints from, , ,  metatarsals of, , 
Dromaeosaurus albertensis therizinosauroid from,  El Montsec, fossil feathers from, –, .
character matrix for, – theropod origins during,  See also Montsec Range
in theropod cladograms,  Early Tertiary epoch, Quercymegapodiidae El Montsec nestling. See also Catalan hatchling
Dromaius, flightlessness of,  from,  archaeopterygids and, –
Dromornithidae, flightlessness of,  East Asia, Mesozoic birds from, ,  in Noguerornis deposits, 
Ducks. See also Anas East Midlands shelf, Enaliornis from,  ontogeny of, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Ecology, of Chinese Mesozoic birds, . See Elopteryx, 
taxonomy of,  also Paleobiology Elopteryx nopcsai, 
Dunvegan Formation, fossil footprints from, Ectopterygoid. See also Palate fossil record of, 
,  of archaeopterygids,  taxonomy of, 
Dzhyrakuduk of Archaeopteryx bavarica,  El Rosario, euenantiornithines from, 
euenantiornithines from, – of euenantiornithines,  Elzanowski, Andrzej, 
Kuszholia mengi from,  Ectothermy. See also Thermoregulation on secondarily flightless theropods, 
undetermined neornithine species from, of archaeopterygids, – Embryology, of avian manus, –
 of Archaeopteryx,  Embryos
of euenantiornithines,  bone microstructure of Gobipteryx, , 
Early Cretaceous epoch Eggs of euenantiornithines, –
Ambiortus dementjevi from,  of oviraptorids, – of oviraptorids, –
birds from, ix of troodontids,  EMG. See Electromyographic analysis (EMG)
bird tracks from, – Egypt, aepyornithids from,  Enaliornis, –
Cambridge Greensand and,  Eichstätt, Archaeopteryx siemensii from,  anatomy of, –
Catalan hatchling from,  Eichstätt Archaeopteryx, , . See also Fifth braincase of, 
Chaoyangia from,  specimen of Archaeopteryx dating of, 
Chinese birds from, , –, –, body mass of,  geographical distribution of, 
, , –, –,  diet of,  geological setting for, 
coelurosaurs from, , ,  as growth stage,  historical perspective on, x, xi, –
Enaliornis species from, – palate of,  more than two possible species of, 
enantiornithines from,  postorbital of, , – paleobiology of, –
euenantiornithines from, , , , , pubis of,  phylogenetic systematics of, –
, , ,  ribs of,  specimens of, –
Eurolimnornis from,  scleral ring of,  taxonomy of, –, 
fossil feathers from, , , , , , skull of, –,  Enaliornis barretti, –
, ,  tail of,  braincase of, –, –
fossil footprints from,  taxonomy of,  cervical vertebrae of, 
Gansus yumenensis from,  teeth of,  femur of, , 
hesperornithiforms from,  theropod/bird classification of,  historical perspective on, –
Horezmavis from,  thoracic girdle of,  synsacrum of, , 
Liaoning feathered dinosaurs from,  ungual sheaths of,  tarsometatarsus of, 
Microvenator celer from,  vertebrae of,  taxonomy of, –
Mongolian birds from,  wings of, – thoracic vertebrae of, 
neornithine-like birds from,  Eichstätt Conference,  tibia of, –
neornithines from,  Eighth specimen of Archaeopteryx,  Enaliornis sedgwicki, 
paleobiology of birds from,  Ejinhoroqi Formation, coelurosaurs from, femur of, 
paleobiology of Chinese birds from,  historical perspective on, –
– Elaphrosaurus, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, 
plate tectonics during,  El Brete. See also Estancia El Brete tibia of, –

Enaliornithidae, taxonomy of, – metatarsals of, , ,  pelvic girdle of, 
Enantiornis most primitive known,  pes of, 
in avian cladogram,  neornithines contemporary with,  sternum of, 
body size of,  in Noguerornis deposits,  in strict consensus tree, , 
in enantiornithine cladograms,  Noguerornis in, , – taxonomy of, 
forelimb of,  Otogornis genghisi in,  thoracic girdle of, , 
neornithine-like features of,  paleobiology of, – thoracic vertebrae of, 
Noguerornis versus,  paleobiology of Chinese, – wings of, , , 
shoulder girdle of, , – paleobiology of Spanish, – Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
taxonomy of,  in Patagopteryx deposits,  anatomy of, –
thoracic girdle of, ,  pectoral girdle of, – character matrix for, 
wings of, – pelvic girdle of, , , ,  feathers of, , 
Enantiornis leali perching by, – geographical distribution of, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  phylogenetic systematics of, –, geological setting for, 
carpometacarpus of,  –, –, ,  historical perspective on, 
character matrix for,  phylogeny of Chinese, –, – Noguerornis gonzalezi and, 
coracoid of,  postorbital of, ,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
Eoalulavis hoyasi versus,  pygostyle of, ,  skeleton of, –, –, 
geographical distribution of,  quadratojugal of,  sternum of, , 
humerus of, ,  recognition of,  taxonomy of, , , 
shoulder elements of,  Shuvuuia versus,  Eocene epoch
taxonomy of,  Sinornis santensis in, – absence of Madagascan mammals from,
ulna of,  skull of, – 
Enantiornis martini from Spain, , – avian coracoids from, , 
geographical distribution of,  squamosal of,  gaviiforms from, 
taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, , , –, , ,  Eoenantiornis
Enantiornis walkeri, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of Chinese, – cervical vertebrae of, 
Enantiornithes, –, – in theropod cladograms, – furcula of, 
Alexornis in,  thoracic girdle of, –, – historical perspective on, , 
anatomy of Chinese, –, , ,  tibiotarsus of,  mandible of, 
anatomy of Spanish, – vertebrae of,  manual digits of, 
archaeopterygids and, ,  Vorona and,  pelvic girdle of, 
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  wings of,  ribs of, 
in Aves,  Endocranial cast rostral morphology of, 
Avimimus and,  of Enaliornis, , , – sternum of, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, , of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  thoracic girdle of, , 
, , , , –, , –, Endothermy. See also Thermoregulation wings of, , , 
 of archaeopterygids, –, – Eoenantiornis buhleri
axial skeleton of, – of Archaeopteryx,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
bone microstructure of, , ,  avian phylogeny and,  character matrix for, 
cervical vertebrae of,  bone microstructure and, – geographical distribution of, 
Chaoyangia in,  of euenantiornithines,  historical perspective on, 
from China, – evolution of avian,  skeleton of, 
cladograms of, , ,  feathered theropods and,  skull of, 
definition of,  England. See Great Britain taxonomy of, 
in dinosaur cladogram,  Eoalulavis,  Eolian deposits. See Aeolian deposits
diversity of, , – in avian cladogram,  Eoraptor
Euenantiornithes in,  body size of,  in archosauriform cladogram, , 
evolution of alula among,  cervical vertebrae of, – in dinosaur cladogram, 
femur of, – character matrix for, – Eosestheria, in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,
flight of, – diet of,  
forelimbs of, – in Enantiornithes,  Ephemeropsis, in Chinese Mesozoic bird
Gobipteryx in,  flight of,  deposits, 
growth rate of,  furcula of,  Ephemeroptera, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
hind limbs of, – gastralia of,  Lagerstätte, 
historical perspectives on, ix, –, historical perspective on, x, ,  Equisetales, in Noguerornis deposits, 
,  manual digits of,  Erlikosaurus, Shuvuuia versus, , , 
humerus of,  Noguerornis versus, , ,  Erlikosaurus andrewsi
ilium of,  ontogeny of,  character matrix for, –
ischium of,  paleobiology of, , , ,  taxonomy of, 

theropod characters and,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, – structure of, –
in theropod cladograms,  Exhaustive branch swapping,  types of, –
Erythrosuchidae, in archosauriform Exporting fossil vertebrates, from China, Feduccia, Alan, –
cladogram, ,  – on alvarezsaurids, 
Estancia El Brete, enantiornithines from, . on avian evolution, –
See also El Brete Falconer, Hugh, on Archaeopteryx,  on cladistics, 
Estuarine deposits Falconiformes on cursorial origin of avian flight, 
fossil feathers from,  skull of,  on non-theropod origins of birds, , , 
hesperornithiforms from,  taxonomy of,  on significance of Archaeopteryx, –
Eudromia Falsifications, of theropod ancestry of birds,  on time problem, , 
coracoid of,  Fäule limestone,  Feeding habits
shoulder girdle of,  Feathered dinosaurs of alvarezsaurids, 
Eudromia elegans in avian phylogeny, –, – of archaeopterygids, –
femur of,  forthcoming descriptions of Chinese, of enantiornithines, 
shoulder elements of, ,  – of Spanish Mesozoic birds, 
Euenantiornithes, – paleobiology of Chinese, – Femur
anatomy of, – taxonomy of, ,  of alvarezsaurids, –, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , in theropod cladistics,  of Alvarezsaurus calvoi, 
 Feather impression specimens of archaeopterygids, , 
body size of,  of Archaeopteryx, , , ,  avian locomotion and, 
character matrix for,  Chinese Mesozoic,  of Avimimus, 
definition of,  Feather proteins,  of Avimimus portentosus, –
diversity of, – Feathers, xi, –. See also Filamentous of Bagaraatan, 
geographical distribution of (table), dermal structures body mass and, 
– of alvarezsaurids,  of Boluochia, 
geological settings for,  of archaeopterygids, , – in bone microstructure studies, , ,
historical perspectives on,  of Archaeopteryx, , , , ,  , , , 
locality map for,  Archaeopteryx specimens lacking,  of Cathayornis, 
metatarsals of,  avian phylogeny and, , , – of Cathayornis yandica, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –, of Avimimus portentosus,  of Chaoyangia, 
–, – of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, – of Concornis lacustris, 
taxonomy of, – of Caudipteryx, ,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
wings of,  on Chinese theropods, , –,  of Elopteryx, 
Euornithes, in avian cladogram,  of Concornis, ,  of Enaliornis, 
Euparkeria of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Enaliornis barretti, , 
in archosauriform cladogram, , ,  debate over nature of theropod, – of Enaliornis sedgwicki, 
in avian evolution, ,  in defining birds, ix,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
Euparkeria capensis, historical perspective on,  diphyletic origin of,  of Eudromia elegans, 
Eurolimnornis of enantiornithines,  of euenantiornithines, 
forelimb of,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, ,  of Gallornis, 
historical perspective on,  evolution of, , , – of Iberomesornis romerali, 
neornithine-like features of,  of feathered dinosaurs,  of Liaoningornis, 
taxonomy of,  fossil record of Mesozoic,  of Mononykus olecranus, 
Eurolimnornis corneti, taxonomy of,  historical perspective on fossil,  of neornithines, , 
Europe homeothermy and,  of Neuquenornis volans, 
age of Chinese fossil birds and,  homology of theropod and bird,  of ornithurines, 
Archaeopteryx from,  in maniraptoriforms,  of Palaeocursornis, 
Compsognathus from,  Mesozoic fossil, – of Parvicursor remotus, 
euenantiornithines from,  of Microraptor,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, ,
fossil footprints from,  in Noguerornis deposits,  
hesperornithiforms from, – of Noguerornis gonzalezi, ,  of Phalacrocorax pelagicus, 
Mesozoic neornithines from, ,  of ornithothoracines,  of Sinornis santensis, , , 
neornithine-like birds from,  of ornithurines,  of undetermined neornithine species, 
Evolution, xi. See also Mosaic evolution of Otogornis,  of Vorona, –
of avian locomotion, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  of Vorona berivotrensis, , 
of Chinese Mesozoic birds, – preservational bias against,  Fenglin County, Mesozoic birds from, 
cladistic analysis and,  preservation of fossil,  Fenno-Scandian sea straits,
convergence in dinosaur/bird,  of Shuvuuia, ,  hesperornithiforms from, 
of feathers, – of Sinosauropteryx, –, – Ferns. See also Filicales
mosaic,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, – Archaeopteryx and, 

Ferns (continued) of Chinese Mesozoic birds, – of Archaeopteryx siemensii, 
in Noguerornis deposits,  in defining birds, ,  avian locomotion and, , 
Fibrolamellar bone of Enaliornis,  of Avimimus, , 
of Antarctic loon, ,  enantiornithine phylogeny and, – of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, 
of Cimolopteryx,  of enantiornithines, –, ,  of Cathayornis yandica, 
of Hesperornis, ,  evolution of avian, , , –, – characters of theropod, 
of Ichthyornis,  as feather function, – of charadriiform birds, 
of Patagopteryx, ,  mathematical models of origin of,  in cladistic analysis, 
Fibula neornithine anatomy and,  of flightless birds, 
of alvarezsaurids, ,  in neornithines, – of neornithines, –
of Alvarezsaurus calvoi,  origin of avian, – of Paraves, 
of archaeopterygids,  phylogenetic systematics of avian,  of Patagopteryx, 
of Avimimus,  single versus multiple origins of,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
of Avimimus portentosus, – of Sinornis santensis,  of Sinornis santensis, , –
of Cathayornis,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, –,  Foremost Formation
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Flight feathers, . See also Remiges (remex) fossil feathers from, 
of Enaliornis,  of archaeopterygids, – neornithines from, 
of Liaoningornis,  of Archaeopteryx,  Palintropus from, 
of Parvicursor remotus,  from Brazil,  Forster, Catherine A., 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, , Flightlessness Fort Union Formation, geology of, 
,  avian locomotion and,  Fossil logs, in euenantiornithine deposits, 
of Sinornis santensis,  of Avimimus,  Fossil record
of Vorona, ,  in bird evolution,  avian locomotion and, –
of Vorona berivotrensis, ,  of Caudipteryx, ,  cladistic analysis and, –
Fifth specimen of Archaeopteryx, . See also of hesperornithiforms, –,  of coelurosaurs, –
Eichstätt Archaeopteryx of Otogornis,  gaps in, 
taxonomy of,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – theropod cladistics and, –
Filamentous dermal structures. See also prevalence of avian,  Fossil trading and exporting, from China,
Feathers in reconstructing avian locomotion,  –
of alvarezsaurids,  Flinz limestone,  Fossorial behavior, of alvarezsaurids, 
of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus, – Flow-through lung,  Four-chambered heart, evolution of avian, 
of feathered dinosaurs,  Fluvial deposits Fourth specimen of Archaeopteryx, . See
of Sinornithosaurus millenii,  alvarezsaurids from,  also Haarlem Archaeopteryx
of Sinosauropteryx, – euenantiornithines from,  taxonomy of, 
Filicales, in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, fossil feathers from,  Fox Hills Formation, geology of, 
. See also Ferns fossil footprints from, – “Frame shift,” in avian manual digital
Filoplumes, , ,  Folding of wing. See Wing folding homologies, –
First occurrences, of coelurosaurs, –, Foot. See Pes France
– Footprints, xi. See also Ichnofossils; Trackways coelurosaurs from, 
First specimen of Archaeopteryx, . See also chronostratigraphic distribution of avian euenantiornithines from, , 
London Archaeopteryx and pterosaur,  fossil footprints from, 
taxonomy of,  historical perspective on avian,  Fregata, braincase of, 
Fishes of Moroccan Mesozoic birds,  Fregatidae, Volgavis marina versus, 
from Cambridge Greensand, – Foot-propelled divers. See also Aquatic habits Frenchman Formation, neornithines from, 
in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, – Antarctic loon as,  Freshwater deposits
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  Enaliornis as,  Chinese Mesozoic birds from, 
in Mesozoic bird deposits,  flightless birds as,  fossil footprints from, –
Mesozoic Madagascan,  Hesperornis as, – Frogs. See Anura
mistaken as feathers,  hesperornithiforms as, –, – Frontal. See also Skull
in Noguerornis deposits,  Foramen magnum, of Shuvuuia, . See also of archaeopterygids, 
Flamingos Occipital condyle of Cathayornis, 
fossil footprints of,  Foraminifera of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
taxonomy of, , , , ,  in dating Cambridge Greensand,  of euenantiornithines, 
Flapping, by Archaeopteryx,  in Hornerstown Formation,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Flight Forelimbs. See also Carpometacarpus; Carpus; of Sinornis santensis, 
of archaeopterygids, – Humerus; Manus; Metacarpus; Radius; Fulica rufifrons, metatarsals of, 
of Archaeopteryx,  Semilunate carpal; Ulna; Wings Functional hypotheses, phylogenetic
avian phylogeny and, , –, –, of alvarezsaurids, –, –,  hypotheses versus, –, 
– in archaeopterygid climbing,  Functional morphology, xi
body size reduction and, – of archaeopterygids, – studies of alvarezsaurid, –

Furcula. See also Thoracic girdle Gansu Province, Gansus yumenensis from, , Geographical distribution, of
absence in Patagopteryx,  ,  euenantiornithines (table), –
of archaeopterygids, – Gansus,  Germany
of Archaeopteryx, ,  anatomy of,  Archaeopteryx fossil feathers from, , ,
avian locomotion and,  ecology of,  
of Cathayornis,  forthcoming description of,  Archaeopteryx from, , –
of Cathayornis yandica, ,  hind limbs of,  first fossil feather from, 
of Chaoyangia,  historical perspective on, – fossil feathers from, 
of Chaoyangia beishanensis,  locality map for,  Gething Formation, fossil footprints from, 
of Concornis,  neornithine-like features of, – “Ghost lineages,” in avian evolution, –
of Concornis lacustris,  phylogeny of, , ,  Ginkgo, Archaeopteryx and, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  taxonomy of, ,  Ginkgoales, in Noguerornis deposits, 
in defining birds, ix, ,  Gansus yumenensis,  Gippsland, fossil feathers from, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  hind limbs of,  Glacier County, euenantiornithines from, 
of euenantiornithines,  historical perspective on,  Gladstone Formation, fossil footprints from,
evolution of, , – neornithine-like features of, – 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  taxonomy of,  Glenoid, of archaeopterygids, . See also
Mesozoic procellariiform,  Gaps, in fossil record,  Coracoid; Scapula
of neornithines,  Garfield County, euenantiornithines from,  Gliding, by Archaeopteryx, . See also Flight
of Noguerornis gonzalezi, , ,  Garudimimidae, taxonomy of,  Gloucester County
in Noguerornis systematics, – Garudimimus brevipes Graculavus velox from, 
of Sinornis santensis, ,  character matrix for, – Telmatornis priscus from, 
in theropods,  in theropod cladograms,  Gnetales, in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,
Gastralia 
Galliformes of archaeopterygids, –,  Gobi Desert
archaeopterygids and,  of Cathayornis,  alvarezsaurids from, , –, –
coracoid of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  euenantiornithines from, 
embryology of,  of enantiornithines,  Gobipteryx minuta from, 
forelimb of,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  Mononykus olecranus from, 
geographical distribution of,  of euenantiornithines,  velociraptorines from, 
Graculavus lentus in,  of Sinornis santensis,  Gobiosuchidae, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
limb proportions of,  Gates Formation, fossil footprints from,  Lagerstätte, 
in neornithine cladogram,  Gatesy, Stephen M.,  Gobipterygiformes, taxonomy of, 
palate of,  Gauthier, Jacques A. Gobipteryx
Palintropus versus, –, ,  on avian taxonomy,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
phylogenetic definition of,  theropod cladistics by,  
phylogenetic systematics of Mesozoic, , Gavia body size of, 
 Enaliornis versus, ,  bone microstructure of, , , , 
revisions to fossil record of,  femur of,  character matrix for, –
shoulder elements of, ,  Mesozoic birds similar to,  embryos of, 
table of Mesozoic,  taxonomy of,  in enantiornithine cladograms, 
taxonomy of, , –,  Gavia arctica, tarsometatarsus of,  growth rate of, 
Gallimimus, fibula of,  Gaviidae, Enaliornis and,  historical perspective on, ix
Gallimimus bullatus Gaviiformes mandible of, –
character matrix for, – bone microstructure of,  ontogeny of, 
in theropod cladograms,  Enaliornis and, ,  palatine of, 
Gallinaceous birds fossil record and,  pelvic girdle of, 
Mesozoic,  hind limbs of,  phylogenetic systematics of, –
shoulder elements of,  Neogaeornis wetzeli in,  quadrate of, 
Gallinas Canyon, fossil footprints from,  phylogenetic systematics of,  rostral morphology of, 
Galloanserae, phylogenetic systematics of revisions to fossil record of,  Shuvuuia versus, 
Mesozoic,  table of Mesozoic,  skull of, –
Gallornis tarsometatarsus of,  in strict consensus tree, , 
historical perspective on,  taxonomy of, – synsacrum of, –
neornithine-like features of,  Geese. See also Anseriformes taxonomy of, 
Gallornis straeleni flightless,  thoracic girdle of, 
neornithine-like features of,  taxonomy of,  tibia of, 
taxonomy of,  Gegenplatte,  tibiotarsus of, 
Gallus gallus, metatarsals of,  Genera, in avian taxonomy,  Gobipteryx minuta
Galton, Peter M.,  Generality, in cladistic analysis,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , 

Gobipteryx minuta (continued) taxonomy of,  of archaeopterygids, 
character matrix for,  tibiotarsus of,  of Archaeopteryx, 
cladistic analysis of,  Greene County, euenantiornithines from,  avian locomotion and, 
geographical distribution of,  Greenhorn Formation, hesperornithiforms of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
historical perspective on,  from,  opposable, , , , , , , , , 
skull of,  Greensand marls Haman Formation, fossil footprints from, ,
taxonomy of, ,  geology of, – 
Golden, Colorado, fossil footprints from, New Jersey Mesozoic birds from,  Hand. See Manus
 “Ground up” theory. See Cursorial origin of Hangendplatte, 
Goliath heron, footprint of,  flight Harpymimidae, taxonomy of, –
Gondwana Groups, in cladistic analysis, – Harpymimus
alvarezsaurids from,  Grouse, Graculavus lentus versus, ,  in coelurosaur cladistics, 
avifaunal diversity of,  Growth rates taxonomy of, 
geology of,  bone microstructure and, – Harpymimus okladnikovi
Mesozoic birds from, , , ,  of euenantiornithines,  character matrix for, –
Gonorynchiformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat- Growth stages, of archaeopterygids,  in theropod cladograms, 
Lagerstätte,  Gruidae, Palaeotringa vetus versus,  Hatanga River, fossil feathers from, 
Graculavidae Gruiformes Hatcher, John Bell, 
Cimolopteryx in,  Graculavus and,  Hateg Basin, Elopteryx nopcsai from, 
New Jersey Mesozoic birds and,  limb elements of,  Hauptplatte, 
phylogenetic systematics of,  Palaeotringa vetus versus,  Hauterivian stage
Telmatornis in,  phylogenetic systematics of,  coelurosaurs from, 
Graculavid-like birds, in neornithine revisions to fossil record of,  fossil feathers from, , 
cladogram,  skull anatomy of, ,  fossil footprints from, 
Graculavinae, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, ,  Noguerornis from, 
Graculavus, – Telmatornis and,  Haversian reconstruction, of bone, , 
forelimb elements of,  Guimarota, archaeopterygid teeth from,  Hawaii, flightless birds on, 
historical perspective on,  Gulf of Mexico, hesperornithiforms from,  Hawks, taxonomy of, 
taxonomy of, , , –, ,  Gurilynia nessovi Hebei Province, Mesozoic birds from, 
Graculavus agilis, taxonomy of, ,  geographical distribution of,  Hell Creek Formation
Graculavus anceps, taxonomy of, ,  taxonomy of,  alvarezsaurids from, 
Graculavus augustus,  Gurilyn Tsav, euenantiornithines from,  avian coracoids from, , 
forelimb elements of,  Gurvan Eren Formation, fossil feathers from, charadriiforms from, 
fossil record of, ,  –, ,  Cimolopteryx from, 
taxonomy of,  Cimolopteryx maxima from, 
Graculavus idahensis, taxonomy of,  Haarlem Archaeopteryx, . See also Fourth dating of bird fossils from, 
Graculavus lentus, taxonomy of, , ,  specimen of Archaeopteryx euenantiornithines from, 
Graculavus pumilus, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of,  geology of, 
Graculavus velox,  Habitats, of archaeopterygids, –, – Hennig, Willi, 
fossil record of,  Hadrosauria, footprints of,  Hennig program, 
taxonomy of, ,  Haemal arches theropod phylogeny via, 
“Graculus,” taxonomy of,  of alvarezsaurids,  Heptasteornis andrewsi, taxonomy of, 
Grallator, footprint of,  of Concornis lacustris,  “Hepatic piston” lung, 
Granchester (Grantchester), Enaliornis species Haenam intrusives, fossil footprints from Hérault, euenantiornithines from, 
from, ,  below,  Herons
Gravity, flight and,  Halimornis footprints of, 
Great Britain caudal vertebrae of,  taxonomy of, 
Archaeopteryx specimen in,  femur of,  Herrerasauridae
Cenozoic gaviiforms from,  paleobiology of,  in archosauriform cladogram, , 
coelurosaurs from,  thoracic girdle of, ,  in dinosaur cladogram, 
Enaliornis from, – thoracic vertebrae of,  Herrerasaurus, proatlas of, 
fossil footprints from,  Halimornis thompsoni Hesperornis
Middle Jurassic coelurosaurs from,  in avian phylogenetic systematics,  in Aves, xi, , , 
Great Russian Dinosaurs Exhibition, The, , character matrix for,  in avian evolution, 
 geographical distribution of,  bone microstructure of, , –
Grebe. See also Podicipediformes geological setting for,  braincase of, , , 
braincase of,  taxonomy of,  character matrix for, –
Enaliornis versus,  vertebrae of,  clavicles of, 
Hesperornis versus, – Hallux Enaliornis versus, , 
tarsometatarsus of,  in archaeopterygid climbing,  enantiornithine cladogram and, 

femur of,  Heteroptera, in Las Hoyas Konservat- Homology, 
fossil feathers of,  Lagerstätte,  in alvarezsaurid systematics, 
geographical distribution of,  Hierarchical linkage, in avian phylogenetic in cladistic analysis, 
growth rate of,  systematics,  in neornithine systematics, 
heterocoelous vertebrae of,  Hierarchies, in cladograms, – of theropod and bird feathers, 
historical perspective on, ix Hind limb locomotor module, of birds, Homology problems, in theropod ancestry of
palate of,  – birds, , –
palatine of,  Hind limbs. See also Femur; Fibula; Homoplasy
paleobiology of,  Metatarsus; Pedal digits; Pedal unguals; in avian systematics, 
pterygoid of,  Pes; Tarsometatarsus; Tarsus; Tibia; of heterocoelous vertebrae, 
Shuvuuia versus,  Tibiotarsus in reconstructing evolution of locomotion,
in strict consensus tree, ,  of alvarezsaurids, –,  , 
tarsometatarsus of, , ,  of Alvarezsaurus calvoi,  in theropod systematics, –
taxonomy of, ,  of archaeopterygids, –,  Hope, Sylvia, 
vertebrae of, , –,  of Archaeopteryx,  Horezmavis
Hesperornis regalis avian locomotion and, , ,  hind limbs of, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  of Avimimus, –,  historical perspective on, 
cladistic analysis of,  of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus,  neornithine-like features of, 
Hesperornithidae of Boluochia,  taxonomy of, 
Enaliornis and,  of Cathayornis,  Horezmavis eocretacea, neornithine-like
jaws of,  of Cathayornis yandica,  features of, 
mandibular fenestra absent in,  of Chaoyangia,  Hornerstown
Hesperornithiformes, – characters of theropod, – Graculavus velox from, , 
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  in cladistic analysis,  Telmatornis priscus from, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , of Concornis lacustris, – Hornerstown Formation
,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  avian limb elements from, 
Avimimus and,  of Enaliornis, – charadriiforms from, –, 
bone microstructure of, – of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  dating of bird fossils from, 
braincase of,  of euenantiornithines, – geology of, –
in dinosaur cladogram,  of flightless birds,  Graculavus velox from, 
distribution of,  of Gansus yumenensis,  Lithornis-like scapula from, 
Enaliornis in, –, ,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  Palaeotringa vetus from, –
femur of,  of Liaoningornis,  Telmatornis priscus from, , 
flightlessness of, – of neornithines, – Horny sheaths. See Ungual sheaths
footprints of,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  Horseshoe Canyon Formation, fossil
geographical distribution of, – of ornithothoracines,  footprints from, 
historical perspectives on, x–xi, – of ornithurines,  Hou Lianhai, 
in locomotor evolution,  of Parvicursor remotus,  Hox genes, manual digital homologies and,
Neogaeornis in,  of Patagopteryx,  
neornithines contemporary with,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – Huamuxiao, coelurosaurs from, 
Parascaniornis in,  of Sinornis santensis, – Huanghuagou
pelvic girdle of,  of Vorona, – Confuciusornis sanctus from, 
pygostyle of,  Hirmeriellaceae, Archaeopteryx and,  Sinornis santensis from, 
as secondarily flightless,  Histology, xi. See also Bone microstructure Hulsanpes, in theropod cladograms, –
shoulder girdle of,  of euenantiornithines,  Humboldt Universität, first Archaeopteryx
tarsometatarsus of, , ,  Hitchcock, Edward, dinosaur tracks described fossil feather in, 
taxonomy of, ,  by,  Humerus. See also Forelimbs; Wings
tibiotarsus of,  Hitchcock footprint collection,  of alvarezsaurids, –
vertebrae of,  Hoatzin, feeding habits of,  of Antarctic presbyornithid, –
Heterochrony, flightlessness and, – Hokkaido, undetermined neornithine species of archaeopterygids, , , 
Heterocoelous vertebrae from,  of Avimimus, 
of Ambiortus,  Holocene epoch, Madagascan birds from, of Avimimus portentosus, 
of Enaliornis, – – in bone microstructure studies, 
of euenantiornithines,  Holosteii, in Noguerornis deposits,  of Cathayornis, –
of neornithines,  Holtz, Thomas R., Jr., theropod cladistic of Cathayornis yandica, , 
of Otogornis,  analysis by, – of charadriiform birds, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, Homeothermy. See also Endothermy; of Concornis lacustris, 
– Thermoregulation of Confuciusornis sanctus, , 
of Protoavis,  of archaeopterygids, –, – of Enantiornis, 
of Sinornis santensis,  bone microstructure and, – of Enantiornis leali, , 

Humerus (continued) Iberomesornis romerali,  cladistic analysis of, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  anatomy of, – shoulder elements of, 
of euenantiornithines, – in avian phylogenetic systematics,  taxonomy of, , 
of Eurolimnornis,  cladistic analysis of,  “Ichthyornis” minusculus, geographical
of Gallornis,  Euenantiornithes and,  distribution of, 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  historical perspective on,  Ichthyornis victor
of Ichthyornis,  long bone ratios in,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
of Ichthyornis antecessor,  Noguerornis gonzalezi and,  cladistic analysis of, 
of Liaoningornis,  ontogeny of, – Gansus yumenensis and, 
of Lithornis,  phylogenetic systematics of, ,  Ichthyornithes, in avian cladogram, 
of neornithines, , ,  Sinornis santensis taxonomy and,  Ichthyornithiformes
of Noguerornis gonzalezi, ,  skeleton of, ,  in archosauriform cladogram, , 
in Noguerornis systematics, – taxonomy of, ,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , 
of Otogornis,  Ibises, taxonomy of,  Avimimus and, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – Ichnocoenosis,  in dinosaur cladogram, 
of Sinornis santensis, ,  Ichnofacies,  fossil footprints of, –
of Torotix clemensi,  Ichnofossils, in Las Hoyas Konservat- historical perspectives on, x–xi
Hummingbird, locomotor modules of,  Lagerstätte, . See also Footprints; Palintropus and, 
Huxley, Thomas, on Archaeopteryx,  Trackways pelvic girdle of, 
Hu Yaoming,  Ichnotaxonomy,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
Hwangsanipes choughi, footprints of,  Ichthyodectidae, from Cambridge Greensand, pygostyle of, 
Hwangsan Tuff, fossil footprints from above,  taxonomy of, 
 Ichthyopterygia, from Cambridge Greensand, vertebrae of, 
Hymenoptera, Archaeopteryx and,   Ichthyosaurus, from Cambridge Greensand,
Hypacrosaurus, bone microstructure of,  Ichthyornis 
Hypocleidium. See Furcula Apatornis versus,  IGM /
Hypotarsus, of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  in Aves,  character matrix for, –
Hypoturilites carcitanensis, in dating in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, , in theropod cladograms, 
Cambridge Greensand,  , ,  IGM /
bone microstructure of, ,  character matrix for, –
Iberian Peninsula. See Spain Cathayornis versus,  in theropod cladograms, 
Iberian Plate, Noguerornis from,  character matrix for, – Ignotornis, footprints of, 
Iberomesornis,  cladistic analysis of, – Ignotornis mcconnelli, footprints of, 
archaeopterygids and,  enantiornithine phylogeny and, ,  Ilium. See also Pelvic girdle
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  forelimb of,  of alvarezsaurids, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , fossil feathers of,  of archaeopterygids, 
, , , ,  Gansus versus,  of Avimimus portentosus, 
caudal vertebrae of,  Graculavus lentus versus,  of Boluochia, 
character matrix for, – growth rate of,  of Cathayornis, 
in dinosaur cladogram,  Hesperornis versus,  of Cathayornis yandica, 
in Enantiornithes, ,  hind limbs of,  of Caudipteryx, 
historical perspective on,  historical perspective on, ix, x–xi of Chaoyangia, 
locomotor modules of,  humerus of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
long bone ratios in,  mandibular fenestra absent in,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
metatarsals of,  manual digits of,  of euenantiornithines, 
Noguerornis gonzalezi versus,  neornithine-like features of,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
Noguerornis versus,  Noguerornis versus,  of Parvicursor remotus, 
ontogeny of,  paleobiology of,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , ,
paleobiology of, – phylogenetic systematics of,  –
pelvic girdle of,  radius of,  of Sinornis santensis, , 
perching by, – scapula of,  India
pes of,  shoulder girdle of, , ,  aepyornithids from, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –, in strict consensus tree, ,  no Mesozoic neornithine fossils from,
– tarsometatarsus of,  –
pygostyle of,  taxonomy of, , , , ,  in plate tectonics, 
Sinornis santensis versus, , ,  vertebrae of, , ,  Indian Ocean
in strict consensus tree, ,  wings of,  geophysics of, 
tarsometatarsus of,  Ichthyornis antecessor, humerus of,  Mesozoic birds from around, 
taxonomy of, ,  Ichthyornis celer, taxonomy of,  Information retrieval, in avian phylogenetic
tibiotarsus of,  Ichthyornis dispar systematics, 

Ingenia, taxonomy of,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  Juncitarsus, Apatornis versus, 
Ingenia yanshini of Noguerornis gonzalezi, – Jura Museum, Archaeopteryx specimen in,
character matrix for, – of Parvicursor remotus,  
in theropod cladograms,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, ,  Jurassic period. See also Early Jurassic epoch;
Ingroups, in cladistic analysis,  of Sinornis santensis,  Late Jurassic epoch; Middle Jurassic
Inner Mongolia of Unenlagia comahuensis,  epoch
alvarezsaurids from, ,  Island bird lineages, flightlessness in,  absence of Madagascan birds from, 
coelurosaurs from,  Israel, fossil footprints from, ,  bird origins and, 
euenantiornithines from,  Italy Chinese birds from, 
fossil feathers from, ,  fossil footprints in,  feathers from, 
Mesozoic birds from, ,  Megalancosaurus from,  fossil avian footprints from, –
Otogornis genghisi from, ,  Scipionyx samniticus from, 
therizinosauroid from,  IVPP. See Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology Kaiparowits Formation, euenantiornithines
Insectivores, archaeopterygids as, – and Paleoanthropology, Beijing (IVPP) from, , , , 
Insects Kansas
in archaeopterygid diet,  Japan Apatornis from, 
Archaeopteryx and,  fossil feathers from, , –, , bone microstructure of birds from, 
in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,   fossil feathers from, 
in Confuciusornis deposits,  fossil footprints from, – Graculavus pumilus from, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from, Hesperornis from, 
in Noguerornis deposits,   hesperornithiforms from, , 
Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Noguerornis undetermined neornithine species from, Ichthyornis from, 
gonzalezi in,  ,  Mesozoic birds from, x–xi
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Jaw adductors, of archaeopterygids,  Karakalpak, Horezmavis from, 
Paleoanthropology, Beijing (IVPP) Jaws, of archaeopterygids, . See also Karatau Range, fossil feathers from, 
Cathayornis yandica in,  Mandible K-Ar dating, of Chinese Mesozoic birds, 
fossil birds in, –,  Jehol Fauna,  Kazakhstan
Instituto de Estudios Ilerdensis, fossil feathers birds from,  fossil feathers from, , –, 
in,  Jesson, T., Enaliornis collected by,  hesperornithiforms from, 
Insulation, as feather function, – Jezzine, Lebanon, fossil feathers from, , , Kellner, Alexander W. A., 
Integument, in cladistic analysis,   Kerguelen Plateau, in plate tectonics, 
Interdependency, in avian phylogenetic Jiaguan Formation, fossil footprints from, Khermeen Tsav
systematics,  – alvarezsaurids from, 
Interlocking, of scleral ring,  Jindong Formation, fossil footprints from,  euenantiornithines from, 
International Ornithological Conference, Jindongornipes, footprints of, ,  Gobipteryx from, 
Vienna ,  Jindongornipes kimi, footprints of, ,  Khodzhakul Formation, Horezmavis from, 
Inversand Company marl pit Jiufotang Formation Khulsan
geology of, – Boluochia zhengi from,  alvarezsaurids from, , 
Graculavus velox from,  Cathayornis yandica from,  euenantiornithines from, 
Telmatornis priscus from,  Chaoyangia beishanensis from,  Khurilt Beds, neornithine-like birds from, 
Invertebrates euenantiornithines from,  Khurit-Ulan-Bulak, fossil feathers from, ,
Archaeopteryx and,  geology of,  , 
from Cambridge Greensand,  Mesozoic birds from, –, ,  Kimmeridgian stage
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  Sinornis santensis from, , ,  coelurosaurs from, –, 
Ipubi Member,  Judithean NALMA,  Spanish birds from, 
Iren Dabasu, alvarezsaurids from, ,  Judith River Group (Formation) Kiwi
Ischigualasto Formation, sphenosuchians avian shoulder elements from,  body mass of, 
from,  hesperornithiforms from,  flightlessness of, , 
Ischium. See also Pelvic girdle neornithines from,  homeothermy in, 
of alvarezsaurids, ,  Palintropus from,  Kizylkumavis
of archaeopterygids, – undetermined neornithine species from,  in avian cladogram, 
of basal birds,  Jugal. See also Skull in enantiornithine cladograms, 
of Boluochia,  of archaeopterygids,  Kizylkumavis cretacea
of Cathayornis,  of Archaeopteryx,  geographical distribution of, 
of Caudipteryx,  of Caudipteryx,  taxonomy of, 
of Chaoyangia,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Kizylkum Desert. See also Central Kyzylkum
of Concornis lacustris,  of euenantiornithines,  Desert
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Shuvuuia, – euenantiornithines from, –
of dromaeosaurids,  of Sinornis santensis,  undetermined neornithine species from, 
of euenantiornithines, – JUMP program,  Knoll, Elizabeth, xii

Konservat-Lagerstätte of Las Hoyas Graculavus augustus from,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
Mesozoic birds from, ,  Lonchodytes from,  Larus, Graculavus and, 
Koonwarra, fossil feathers from, , , , Lonchodytes pterygius from,  “Las Calizas Litográficas de Santa María de
 Palaeotringa vetus from, – Meyá” quarry, Noguerornis from, 
Korea, fossil footprints from, , . See also Torotix clemensi from,  Las Hoyas, 
South Korea undetermined neornithine species from, coelurosaurs from, 
Koreanaornis hamanensis, footprints of, , , , , ,  euenantiornithines from, , 
 Lance Formation fossil feathers from, , –, 
Krasnaja Derevnja Spring, Volgavis marina alvarezsaurids from,  geology of, –
from,  avian limb elements from,  historical perspective on fossil birds from,
Krause, David W.,  avian shoulder elements from,  
Kretschmer, Doris, xii Ceramornis major from,  Mesozoic birds from, –, 
Kuji, Japan, fossil feathers from, , –, charadriiforms from, , ,  Las Hoyas bird, . See also Iberomesornis;
 Cimolopteryx maxima from,  Iberomesornis romerali
Kurochkin, E. Cimolopteryx minima from,  historical perspective on, 
on Kuszholia,  Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. from,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
on Noguerornis,  Cimolopteryx rara from, ,  Late Cretaceous
Kurzanov, Sergei M., ,  euenantiornithines from,  charadriiforms from, 
on Avimimus,  fossil birds from, – enantiornithines from, 
Kuszholia mengi, Patagopteryx versus,  fossil footprints from,  euenantiornithines from, –
Kzyl-Orda District, fossil feathers from,  geology of,  fossil footprints from, 
Graculavus augustus from,  hesperornithiforms from, –
La Boca Formation, Early Jurassic coelurosaurs Lonchodytes from,  Volgavis marina from, 
from,  Lonchodytes pterygius from,  Late Cretaceous epoch
“La Cabrúa” quarry, Noguerornis from,  neornithines from, –,  Alexornis antecedens from, 
Lacasa-Ruiz, Antonio,  Palaeotringa vetus from, – alvarezsaurids from, , –, –, 
Lacrimal. See also Skull Palintropus retusus from,  Antarctic loon from, 
of archaeopterygids,  presbyornithids from,  Atlantic coast birds from, –
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  psittaciform from, ,  Avimimus from, 
of euenantiornithines,  Telmatornis from,  Avimimus portentosus from, 
of Shuvuuia, – Torotix clemensi from,  birds from, x–xi, , 
Lacustrine deposits undetermined neornithine species from, bird tracks from, –
alvarezsaurids from,  , , , ,  Cambridge Greensand and, 
Chinese Mesozoic birds from, – Lancian NALMA,  charadriiforms from, –
euenantiornithines from,  Land birds, Mesozoic neornithine,  coelurosaurs from, , , , , 
fossil feathers from, , , ,  Landings, by Archaeopteryx, – euenantiornithines from, , –, ,
fossil footprints from, ,  Langenaltheimer Haardt, archaeopterygids , , , , , , 
Noguerornis from,  from,  first coelurosaur occurrences and, 
Sinornis santensis from,  Lanzhou,  fossil feathers from, , , 
Spanish Mesozoic birds from, – Laornis Gobipteryx minuta from, 
Lagerpeton, in archosauriform cladogram, , historical perspective on,  Graculavus lentus from, 
 taxonomy of,  Ichthyornis from, 
Lagoonal deposits Laornis edvardsianus, taxonomy of,  Mononykus olecranus from, 
Archaeopteryx from, – “La Pedrera de Meiá” quarry, Noguerornis paleobiology of birds from, , –
fossil feathers from,  from, ,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, 
fossil footprints from,  “La Pedrera de Rúbies Lithographic Patagopteryx from, 
LAGs. See Lines of arrested growth (LAGs) Limestones,” Noguerornis from,  plate tectonics during, 
La Huérguina Formation, coelurosaurs from, “La Pedrera de Rúbies” quarry psittaciform from, –
 euenantiornithines from,  Rahonavis from, 
Lake Los Barreales, locality map of,  Noguerornis from, ,  segnosaurs from, 
Lake Mari Menuco, locality map of,  “La Pedrera” quarry table of neornithines from, –
Lake Pellegrini, locality map of,  euenantiornithines from,  taphonomic bias against neornithines from,
Lakota Formation, fossil footprints from,  Noguerornis from, ,  
Lamellar-zonal bone, of enantiornithines, Laramie Deposits, Cimolopteryx rara from,  therizinosauroids from, 
 Largirostornis sexdentoris Vorona berivotrensis from, –
Lance Creek geographical distribution of,  Vorona from, , 
Ceramornis major from,  taxonomy of,  Late Jurassic epoch
Cimolopteryx maxima from,  Lari, braincase of,  Archaeopteryx fossil feathers from, , 
Cimolopteryx minima from,  Laridae Archaeopteryx from, –, 
Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. from,  endocranial cast of,  Archaeopteryx lithographica from, 

Chinese birds from, , –, , , Chaoyangia beishanensis from, ,  Localities
– Confuciusornis sanctus from, , ,  of Chinese Mesozoic bird fossils, 
coelurosaurs from, ,  euenantiornithines from, , , ,  of dinosaur fossils, 
feathered theropods and,  feathered dinosaurs from, ,  Lockley, Martin G., 
fossil feathers from,  fossil birds from, –, –, , Locomotion, xi. See also Flight; Flightlessness
fossil footprints from, , –, , – of archaeopterygids, –
– fossil feathers from, –,  of Enaliornis, 
Liaoning feathered dinosaurs from,  Liaoningornis longidigitris from,  evolution of avian, –, –
Noguerornis from,  Mesozoic birds from,  of flightless birds, 
plate tectonics during,  Sinornis santensis from, , , , , Locomotor modules, –, 
Laterosphenoid. See also Braincase; Skull ,  of birds, –, , , –
of archaeopterygids,  therizinosauroid from,  decoupling of, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  troodontid from,  Locusts, in archaeopterygid diet, 
Late Triassic epoch Liaoxiornis, in enantiornithines,  Lonchengornis sanyanensis
coelurosaurs from, , – Liaoxiornis delicatus geographical distribution of, 
fossil footprints from, ,  geographical distribution of,  taxonomy of, 
Laurasia, alvarezsaurids from,  taxonomy of,  Lonchodectes, from Cambridge Greensand, 
Lebanon, fossil feathers from, , , ,  Liegendplatte,  Lonchodectidae, from Cambridge Greensand,
Lecho Formation Li Jianjun,  
euenantiornithines from,  Limay River, Patagopteryx deferrariisi from,  Lonchodytes, 
Madagascan birds and,  Limestone, Archaeopteryx fossils in, – Enaliornis and, 
Lectavis Limnofregata, taxonomy of,  tarsometatarsus of, 
in enantiornithine cladograms, ,  Limnornis Lonchodytes estesi, 
metatarsals of,  taxonomy of,  fossil record of, , 
pes of,  theropod/bird classification of,  tarsometatarsus of, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –,  Limnornis corneti, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, , 
taxonomy of, ,  Limosavis, taxonomy of,  Lonchodytes pterygius, taxonomy of, , , 
tibia of,  Line of descent, in evolution of avian Lonchodytidae, taxonomy of, 
tibiotarsus of,  locomotion, , , ,  London Archaeopteryx, , . See also
Lectavis bretincola Lines of arrested growth (LAGs) Archaeopteryx lithographica; First
character matrix for,  of Cimolopteryx,  specimen of Archaeopteryx
Concornis lacustris versus,  of enantiornithines, ,  body mass of, 
geographical distribution of,  of Patagopteryx, ,  braincase of, 
tarsometatarsus of,  of Rahonavis,  diet of, 
taxonomy of,  Lingyuan, euenantiornithines from,  metatarsals of, 
tibiotarsus of,  Lingyuanornis parvus, taxonomy of, ,  pedal digits of, 
Lenesornis Lioaxiornis, as enantiornithine,  pelvic girdle of, , –
in avian cladogram,  Lithornis pubis of, 
in enantiornithine cladograms,  coracoid of,  quadrate of, 
Liaoningornis,  forelimb of,  skull of, 
anatomy of, – Gansus and,  tail of, –
Cathayornis versus,  neornithine-like features of,  taxonomy of, 
ecology of,  palate of,  teeth of, 
Eoalulavis versus,  Palintropus versus,  wings of, –, –
forthcoming descriptions of,  phylogenetic systematics of,  Long bones, in bone microstructure studies,
historical perspective on,  shoulder girdle of, ,  –
locality map for,  taxonomy of, ,  Long-branch effect, in neornithine cladistics,
paleobiology of, –,  Lithornis promiscuus, shoulder elements of, 
phylogeny of,   Longipteryx
Sinosauropteryx versus,  Lithornithidae, neornithine-like features of, caudal vertebrae of, 
sternum of,   cervical vertebrae of, 
taxonomy of,  Liu Zhichen, Gansus yumenensis collected by, furcula of, 
Liaoningornis longidigitris,   historical perspective on, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Lizards manual digits of, 
historical perspective on,  Archaeopteryx and,  perching by, 
skeleton of,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  ribs of, 
taxonomy of,  Lleida,  rostral morphology of, 
Liaoning Province,  euenantiornithines from,  sternum of, 
Boluochia zhengi from, , ,  fossil feathers from, – synsacrum of, 
Cathayornis yandica from, ,  Noguerornis from, ,  thoracic girdle of, 

Longipteryx (continued) Argentine enantiornithines from,  Majungatholus atopus, historical perspective
thoracic vertebrae of,  avian coracoids from, ,  on, 
wings of, , ,  avian limb elements from,  Makovicky, Peter J., 
Longipteryx chaoyangensis Ceramornis major from,  on Microvenator celer cladistics, 
geographical distribution of,  charadriiforms from, , , – Malagasy localities. See Madagascar
geological setting for,  Cimolopteryx maxima from, ,  Malaja Ivanovka locality, Volgavis marina
historical perspective on,  Cimolopteryx minima from,  from, 
skull of,  Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. from,  Malargue Group, locality map of, 
taxonomy of,  Cimolopteryx rara from,  Mallard duck, in avian phylogenetic
Longisquama Elopteryx nopcsai from,  systematics, . See also Anas
bird origins and, – euenantiornithines from,  platyrhynchos
integumentary appendages of,  fossil footprints from, , – Malm zeta , Archaeopteryx from, 
Loon. See also Gavia; Gaviiformes Graculavus augustus from,  Malm zeta b, archaeopterygids from, 
bone microstructure of Antarctic, , , Graculavus velox from,  Mammalia
 hesperornithiforms from,  bird origins and, 
braincase of,  Lonchodytes from,  braincase of, 
distribution of,  Lonchodytes pterygius from,  in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, 
Enaliornis versus,  Neogaeornis wetzeli from,  homeothermy in, 
fossil footprints of,  neornithines from, , –,  Madagascan fossil, 
fossil record and,  neornithines from (table), – “Mammillary process,” 
growth rate of Antarctic,  in North America, ,  Mandible
Hesperornis versus, – Palaeotringa vetus from, – of alvarezsaurids, , , , , 
phylogenetic systematics of,  Palintropus retusus from,  of archaeopterygids, 
tarsometatarsus of, ,  Patagopteryx from,  of Archaeopteryx, 
taxonomy of, , ,  presbyornithids from,  of Avimimus portentosus, 
Tertiary,  psittaciform from,  characters of theropod, –
tibiotarsus of,  Telmatornis priscus from,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, , 
López de Bertodano Formation, undetermined Torotix clemensi from,  of euenantiornithines, , –
neornithine species from, –, , undetermined neornithine species from, Mesozoic psittaciform, –, 
,  –, , –, –, ,  of Neuquenornis volans, 
Lory, Mesozoic psittaciform versus,  Volgavis marina from,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , 
Los Cayos, fossil footprints from,  Vorona berivotrensis from, ,  of Shuvuuia, 
Lowe, Percy R., on Archaeopteryx,  Madagascar,  of Sinornis santensis, , 
Lower Cretaceous. See Early Cretaceous epoch euenantiornithines from, ,  Mandibular fenestra
Lower Jurassic. See Early Jurassic epoch Mesozoic birds from,  of Caudipteryx, , 
Lower Lufeng Formation, therizinosauroids no Mesozoic neornithine fossil record from, of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
from, ,   of euenantiornithines, 
Lower Red Beds, fossil footprints from,  in plate tectonics,  of theropods and birds, 
Lower Stormberg Series, fossil footprints from, Rahonavis from, , , ,  Mandibular fossa, of archaeopterygids, 
 Rahonavis ostromi from, , ,  Maneuverability, of archaeopterygids, 
Lower Yixian Formation. See also Vorona berivotrensis from, – Maniraptora
Chaomidianzi Formation Vorona from, ,  alvarezsaurids and, , 
Beipiaosaurus inexpectus from,  Madrid,  Avimimus in, 
Confuciusornis sanctus from,  fossil birds in, – bird origins within, , –
feathered fossils from, – Maevarano Formation carpus of, 
Sinornithosaurus millenii from,  euenantiornithines from,  Caudipteryx and, 
troodontid from below,  geology of,  climbing by, 
Lungs location of,  in coelurosaur cladistics, , 
of archaeopterygids, – Mesozoic birds from,  digital homologies in, –
in bird origins, ,  Rahonavis ostromi from ,  femur of, 
evolution of avian,  Vorona berivotrensis from,  fibula of, 
of Scipionyx samniticus, – Magnoavipes, footprints of, , ,  Jurassic fossils of, 
Lycoptera, in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, Magnoavipes lowei, footprints of, ,  metacarpals of, 
, ,  Magpie, body mass of,  metatarsals of, , 
Lyell, Charles,  Mahajanga Basin,  in theropod cladograms, –, 
on Enaliornis,  euenantiornithines from,  tibiotarsus of, –
Lytoloma, from Cambridge Greensand,  Rahonavis ostromi from, ,  Maniraptoriformes
Vorona berivotrensis from, ,  alvarezsaurids and, 
Maastrichtian stage Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL), of in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
alvarezsaurids from, , – Hornerstown Formation,  carpometacarpus of, 

in coelurosaur cladistics,  on non-theropod origins of birds, , ,  of uncertain age, 
feathers in,  on significance of Archaeopteryx, – Mesozoic era
skull of, ,  Maryland, fossil footprints from,  bird origins and, 
in theropod cladograms, –,  Masarobe Member,  birds at end of, 
Mantelliceras mantelli, in dating Cambridge Masiakasaurus knopfleri, historical perspective Messel rails, Palaeotringa vetus versus, 
Greensand,  on,  Metabolic rate. See also Ectothermy;
Manual digital homologies, in bird origins, Massecaps, euenantiornithines from,  Endothermy; Homeothermy
– “Maxberg” Archaeopteryx, . See also Third of archaeopterygids, –
Manual digits. See also Alula specimen of Archaeopteryx flightlessness and, 
of archaeopterygids, –,  taxonomy of,  Metacarpus
of Cathayornis,  Maxilla. See also Skull of archaeopterygids, 
of Cathayornis yandica,  of archaeopterygids,  in bird origins, –
of Concornis lacustris,  of Caudipteryx,  of Cathayornis, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus, – of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Cathayornis yandica, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  of Shuvuuia,  of Concornis lacustris, 
of euenantiornithines,  of Sinornis santensis,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, , 
evolution of avian,  Maxillary sinus, in defining birds,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, –
of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  MAX* program,  of euenantiornithines, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  McCone County, Cimolopteryx maxima from, of Eurolimnornis, 
of Sinornis santensis, , – – of Noguerornis gonzalezi, 
Manual unguals McKinney, Texas, Graculavus lentus from,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
in archaeopterygid climbing,  Meckelian groove, of archaeopterygids,  of Sinornis santensis, , 
of archaeopterygids, – Medulla oblongata, of Enaliornis, , . See Metatarsus. See also Tarsometatarsus
of Cathayornis,  also Brain of alvarezsaurids, –
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  Meetinghouse Canyon, fossil footprints from, of Alvarezsaurus calvoi, 
Manus. See also Forelimbs; Wings ,  of archaeopterygids, –, 
of alvarezsaurids, – Megalancosaurus avian locomotion and, 
of archaeopterygids, – bird origins and, , –,  of Avimimus, 
avian locomotion and,  temporal extent of, ,  of Avimimus portentosus, 
in bird origins, – Megalancosaurus preonensis, temporal extent of Avisaurus archibaldi, 
of Cathayornis, ,  of,  of Boluochia, 
of Caudipteryx, ,  Megapodius freycinet, shoulder elements of, of Cathayornis, 
of Concornis,  ,  of Cathayornis yandica, 
of Concornis lacustris,  Melanin, in feathers,  of Chaoyangia, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus, – Merops, endocranial cast of,  of Concornis lacustris, –
of Eoalulavis,  Mesaverde Group, fossil footprints from,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, – Mesokinesis, of Shuvuuia skull, – of Enaliornis, 
footprints of pterosaur,  Mesozoic birds of euenantiornithines, –, 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  in Aves, – of Gansus yumenensis, –
of Protoavis,  bone microstructure of, – of hesperornithiforms, 
of Sinornis santensis, – of China, – of Iberomesornis romerali, 
Marambio Island, undetermined neornithine cladogram of, xi of Liaoningornis, 
species from,  diversity of Madagascan,  of neornithines, , 
Marasuchus, in archosauriform cladogram, enantiornithines as,  of Paraves, 
,  evolution of Chinese, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
Marine deposits feather fossils of, – of Shuvuuia deserti, 
euenantiornithines from, ,  footprints of, – of Sinornis santensis, , , , 
fossil footprints from,  forthcoming descriptions of Chinese, of Vorona, –
hesperornithiforms from,  – of Vorona berivotrensis, 
Marine reptiles, from Cambridge Greensand, historical perspectives on, ix, , –, , Metornithes
  alvarezsaurids and, , , –
Marovoay,  from Madagascar, – in archosauriform cladogram, 
Marsh, Othniel Charles, x–xi,  metatarsals of,  in evolution of avian locomotion, 
toothed birds collected by,  neornithine, – Metotic strut, in coelurosaurs, 
Martin, Larry D.,  new discoveries of, xi Mexico
on alvarezsaurids, ,  oldest confirmed footprints of,  Alexornis antecedens from, , 
on avian evolution, ,  paleobiology of Chinese, – Early Jurassic coelurosaurs from, 
on cladistics,  table of fossil feathers of,  euenantiornithines from, 
on cursorial origin of avian flight,  table of neornithine, – MFL. See Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL)
on Noguerornis, – taxonomy of Chinese, – Miadana Member, 

Microraptor “Mononychus” olecranus, taxonomy of,  radius-ulna of, 
bird origins and, ,  Mononykinae, – scapulocoracoid of, 
feathers of,  phylogenetic systematics of,  Shuvuuia deserti versus, 
taxonomy of,  skeleton of,  skull of, , 
Microraptor zhaoianus taxonomy of, , – sternum of, 
character matrix for, – in theropod cladograms, – synsacral vertebra of, 
feathers of,  Mononykus, – taxonomy of, –
taxonomy of, ,  in alvarezsaurid cladogram,  in theropod cladograms, 
in theropod cladograms,  Alvarezsaurus versus,  thoracic vertebrae of, 
Microvenator in avian phylogenetic systematics, ,  tibiotarsus of, 
taxonomy of,  Avimimus and,  Monophyletic groups
in theropod cladograms, – axial skeleton of,  in phylogenetic systematics, –
Microvenator celer cervical vertebrae of, – in theropod systematics, –
character matrix for, – character matrix for, – Monotremes, homeothermy in, 
temporal extent of,  Chinese Mesozoic bird phylogeny and,  Montana
in theropod cladistics, ,  coracoid of,  alvarezsaurids from, , 
Middle Jurassic epoch discovery of,  bird-bearing formations in, 
coelurosaurs from, , ,  enantiornithines and,  Cimolopteryx from, 
small theropod teeth from,  femur of, –,  coelurosaurs from, 
Miniaturization, in bird origins, – fibula of,  euenantiornithines from, 
Miocene epoch, fossil feathers from,  forelimb of, – Microvenator celer from, 
“Missing ancestral lineages,” in avian historical perspective on, ix troodontid eggs from, 
evolution, – ilium of,  Montsechia vidali, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
Missing data, in avian systematics,  ischium of,  Lagerstätte, 
Missing entries, in avian phylogenetic metatarsus of,  Montsec Range, . See also El Montsec
systematics,  mononykine skeleton and,  nestling; Sierra del Montsec
Moa-nalos, flightlessness of, ,  paleobiology of, ,  fossil feathers from, 
“Modern birds.” See Neornithes Parvicursor versus,  geology of, 
Mollusks, in Noguerornis deposits,  Patagonykus versus,  Mesozoic birds from, 
Molnar, Ralph E., on Avimimus,  pelvic girdle of, – Mooreville Formation
Molteno Beds, fossil footprints from,  pes of,  euenantiornithines from, 
Monash Science Center,  phylogenetic systematics of, –, ,  Halimornis thompsoni from, 
Mongolia provenance of, – Morocco, fossil footprints from, , , ,
aepyornithids from,  pubis of,  
alvarezsaurids from, , , –, – scapula of,  Morphoclines, in avian phylogenetic
Archaeornithoides deinosauriscus from,  Shuvuuia versus,  systematics, 
Avimimus from,  in strict consensus tree, ,  Morrison, Colorado, fossil footprints from, 
Avimimus portentosus from,  synsacrum of,  Morrison Formation
coelurosaurs from, ,  tarsals of,  coelurosaurs from, –, 
euenantiornithines from, ,  taxonomy of, –,  maniraptorans from, 
fossil feathers from, –, , , , in theropod cladograms, –,  Mosaic evolution
 thoracic girdle of, – Archaeopteryx and, 
Gobipteryx minuta from, ,  thoracic vertebrae of,  of charadriiforms, –
hesperornithiforms from,  tibiotarsus of, – Mosasaurs, in Hornerstown Formation, 
Mesozoic birds from, ix, , , ,  Mononykus olecranus, – Multistate characters, in avian phylogenetic
Mesozoic presbyornithids from,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , systematics, 
Mesozoic procellariiform furcula from,   Munich, first Archaeopteryx fossil feather in,
neornithine-like birds from,  braincase of,  
oviraptorosaur nests from,  carpometacarpus of,  Munich Archaeopteryx, , . See also
phylogeny of Mesozoic birds from,  character matrix for, – Seventh specimen of Archaeopteryx
skull of Shuvuuia from, – cladistic analysis of,  body mass of, 
troodontid eggs from,  femur of,  braincase of, 
undetermined neornithine species from, forelimb of,  palate of, 
, – historical perspective on,  postorbital of, –
Mongolian Academy of Sciences humerus of,  pubis of, 
alvarezsaurids collected by,  manus of,  quadrate of, 
velociraptorine specimens at,  paleobiology of,  ribs of, 
Monmouth County in Patagopteryx deposits,  skull of, –, 
Graculavus velox from,  pes of,  sternum of, 
Telmatornis priscus from,  provenance of,  tail of, –

taxonomy of,  Navesink Formation embryology of, 
thoracic girdle of,  charadriiforms from, – Enantiornithes and, , , , , 
vertebrae of,  geology of, – end-of-Mesozoic diversity of, 
wings of, – Graculavus velox from,  Eoalulavis and, 
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, fossil neornithines from,  evolution of locomotor systems of, –
footprints in,  Telmatornis priscus from, ,  femur of, , 
Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Patagopteryx Navoi District, undetermined neornithine flight in, , 
collected by,  species from,  fossil footprints of, , –
Museo de Cuenca, Mesozoic birds in, – Nemegt Formation Gallornis in, 
Museum für Naturkunde, Archaeopteryx alvarezsaurids from, – Gansus yumenensis and, –
specimen in,  euenantiornithines from,  geographical distribution of Mesozoic, 
first Archaeopteryx fossil feather in,  Mononykus olecranus from,  geological settings for, –
Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, fossil feathers neornithines from,  Hesperornis in, –
in,  procellariiform furcula from,  heterocoelous vertebrae of, 
Musophagidae, scleral ring of, – undetermined neornithine species from, historical perspectives on Mesozoic, ix, 
Myriapods, in archaeopterygid diet,  , – Iberomesornis and, 
NEO (common neornithine ancestor), in ilium of, 
NALMA. See North American Land Mammal locomotor evolution, –,  ischium of, 
Age (NALMA) Neocomian stage, Gallornis from,  mandibular fenestra absent in, 
Nanantius Neogaeornis,  manual digits of, , 
in avian cladogram,  Enaliornis versus, ,  Mesozoic radiation of, –
body size of,  tarsometatarsus of,  metacarpals of, 
in enantiornithine cladograms,  Neogaeornis wetzeli,  metatarsals of, , 
phylogenetic systematics of,  fossil record of,  nasal septum of, 
taxonomy of,  geographical distribution of,  Noguerornis versus, 
tibia of,  Neognathae paleobiology of, 
tibiotarsus of,  Apatornis in, ,  parasphenoidal lamina of, 
Nanantius eos in Aves,  Patagopteryx and, 
character matrix for,  bone microstructure of, ,  pelvic girdle of, , , 
geographical distribution of,  braincase of,  phylogenetic systematics of, , , ,
geological setting for,  coracoid of, ,  –, –
taxonomy of,  enantiornithine cladogram and,  as polyphyletic, 
tibia of,  geographical distribution of,  post-Mesozoic radiation of, 
Nanantius valifanovi. See also Gobipteryx Hesperornis in,  primary wing feathers in, 
minuta hind limbs of,  Protoavis and, 
cladistic analysis of,  neornithine-like features of,  pubis of, 
pelvic girdle of,  phylogenetic systematics of Mesozoic,  pulmonary air sacs of, 
synsacrum of, – taxonomy of, ,  pygostyle of, 
taxonomy of, ,  Neornithes. See also NEO (common radius of, 
thoracic girdle of,  neornithine ancestor) revisions to fossil record of, –
tibia of,  alula of,  secondary flight feathers in, 
tibiotarsus of,  alvarezsaurids and,  Shuvuuia versus, , 
Nanotyrannus, taxonomy of,  anatomical terminology for,  squamosal of, 
Nares, of euenantiornithines,  anatomy of Mesozoic, – synsacrum of, 
Nasal. See also Skull in archosauriform cladogram,  table of Mesozoic, –
of archaeopterygids,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, , taphonomic bias against, 
of Cathayornis,  –, , , , , , ,  taphonomy of, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Avimimus and,  tarsometatarsus of, , 
of euenantiornithines,  biogeography of, – taxonomy of, , 
of Shuvuuia,  bone microstructure of,  thermoregulation in, 
Nasal septum braincase of, ,  tibiotarsus of, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  carpus of, – vertebrae of, 
of neornithans,  cervical vertebrae of,  wing folding in, 
National Geological Museum of China, cladogram of,  wings of, 
Confuciusornis sanctus fossils in,  contour feathers of,  Neosuchia, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
Natural groups, in cladistic analysis, – cranial kinesis in,  Lagerstätte, 
Natural History Museum of the University of defining taxa in,  Neotetanurae, semilunate carpal of, 
Kansas, Hesperornis in,  definitions of, ix–x Neotheropoda
Navajo Sandstone, fossil footprints from, development and reproduction in,  alvarezsaurids and, 
 diagnostic features of, – in archosauriform cladogram, 

Nesting fossil footprints from,  Nonadditive characters, in avian phylogenetic
evolution of avian, – New York City, fossil feathers in,  systematics, 
by oviraptorosaurs, , – New Zealand, no Mesozoic neornithine fossil NONA program, 
Netherlands, Archaeopteryx specimen in,  record from,  theropod phylogeny via, 
Neuquén Ningxia Autonomous Region, Mesozoic Nonmarine deposits, euenantiornithines from,
alvarezsaurids from, ,  feather impressions from,  
euenantiornithines from,  Niobrara Chalk Norell, Mark A., 
Patagopteryx deferrariisi from,  birds from, x–xi “Norian Explosion,” 
Patagopteryx from,  geology of,  Norian stage
Neuquén City,  hesperornithiforms from, ,  coelurosaurs from, , 
euenantiornithines from,  Niobrara County Protoavis from, , 
Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, ,  Ceramornis major from,  theropod phylogeny during, 
Neuquén Group Cimolopteryx maxima from,  Norman, David B., on Avimimus, –
locality map of,  Cimolopteryx minima from,  North America
Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, – Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. from,  alvarezsaurids from, , –, , 
Neuquenornis Cimolopteryx rara from,  Cimolopteryx from, 
in avian cladogram,  euenantiornithines from,  euenantiornithines from, 
body size of,  Graculavus augustus from,  extant birds from, 
carpals of,  Lonchodytes pterygius from,  fossil footprints from, , 
character matrix for, – Palaeotringa vetus from, – geology of bird-bearing formations in,
in enantiornithine cladograms, ,  Palintropus retusus from,  –
Eoalulavis versus, ,  psittaciform from,  hesperornithiforms from, 
femur of,  Torotix clemensi from,  Ichthyornis from, 
flight of,  undetermined neornithine species from, Mesozoic neornithines from, –
furcula of,  , , , ,  Mesozoic presbyornithids from, 
metacarpals of, ,  Niobrara Formation neornithine-like birds from, 
ontogeny of, – Apatornis celer from,  oldest avian footprints from, 
perching by, –,  Apatornis from,  sage grouse from, 
ribs of,  avian coracoids from, ,  therizinosauroid from, 
skull of,  bone microstructure of birds from,  North American Land Mammal Age
sternum of, ,  fossil feathers from,  (NALMA), 
in strict consensus tree, ,  Hesperornis from,  Northern Hemisphere, Mesozoic birds from,
taxonomy of,  Ichthyornis from,  , 
thoracic girdle of, ,  Niobrara Sea, neornithines from,  Northern Siberia, fossil feathers from, ,
thoracic vertebrae of,  Node-based taxa,  
wings of, ,  Noguera Pallaresa river, geology of,  North Horn, Utah, fossil footprints from,
Neuquenornis volans Noguera Ribagorzana river, geology of,  –
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Noguerornis,  North Island brown kiwi, flightlessness of, 
character matrix for,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , Northwest Territories, hesperornithiforms
femur of,   from, 
geographical distribution of,  character matrix for, – Notarium
geological setting for,  in Enantiornithes, ,  absence in Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
mandible of,  historical perspective on, x,  of pterosaurs, , 
phylogenetic systematics of,  in strict consensus tree, ,  Notosuchidae, in Patagopteryx deposits, 
skeleton of,  Noguerornis gonzalezi, – Notosuchus terrestris, in Patagopteryx deposits,
skull of, ,  anatomy of, – 
taxonomy of,  in avian cladogram,  Nova Olinda, fossil feathers from, –
Neuquén River, Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Novas, Fernando, 
 cladistic analysis of, 
Neuroptera, in Las Hoyas Konservat- feathers of,  Occipital condyle
Lagerstätte,  flight of,  of Neuquenornis volans, 
Newark Supergroup, fossil footprints from,  historical perspective on,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
New Jersey limb bone measurements of,  of Shuvuuia, 
fossil feathers from, , , , ,  locality map for,  of Sinornis santensis, 
Graculavus velox from,  paleobiology of,  Oceanitidae, Graculavus and, 
Mesozoic birds from, –, – phylogenetic systematics of, – Odonata, in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,
Telmatornis priscus from, ,  skeleton of, , ,  
New Jersey State Museum, Trenton,  taxonomy of,  Odontornithes: A Monograph on the Extinct
New Mexico Nomingia, tail of,  Toothed Birds of North America (Marsh),
euenantiornithines from,  Nomingia gobiensis, discovery of,  x–xi

Oligocene epoch, fossil footprints from,  in theropod cladograms, –, ,  phylogenetic systematics of, –,
Olshevsky, George, on secondarily flightless time problem and,  –, 
theropods,  Ornitholestes hermanni taxonomy of, , , , 
Omnogovi Aimak, Avimimus from,  character matrix for, – in theropod cladograms, –, 
Ontogeny taxonomy of,  thoracic girdle of, 
of alvarezsaurids,  temporal extent of,  vertebrae of, 
of archaeopterygids,  in theropod cladograms,  Vorona berivotrensis in, 
bone microstructure and, –, –, Ornithomimidae Ornithurae. See also ORNI (common
 alvarezsaurids and, , ,  ornithurine ancestor)
of Concornis,  in archosauriform cladogram, ,  alvarezsaurids and, , 
of Concornis lacustris,  in Aves,  anatomy of, 
of El Montsec nestling,  Avimimus and,  anatomy of Chinese, –
of Enaliornis,  Avimimus in,  in archosauriform cladogram, 
of Eoalulavis,  braincase of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, ,
of euenantiornithines, – in coelurosaur cladistics, , – , , , , , –
of Iberomesornis,  in dinosaur cladogram,  Avimimus and, 
of Iberomesornis romerali, – Late Triassic,  bone microstructure of, –, 
of Vorona,  Mononykus and,  bone microstructure of birds outside, ,
Opisthocomus Shuvuuia versus,  
feeding habits of,  skull of,  cervical vertebrae of, 
sclerotic ring of, – taxonomy of, – enantiornithine phylogeny and, , 
Opposable hallux in theropod cladistics, , –,  evolution of alula among, 
in avian locomotion,  Ornithomimosauria, – femur of, –
avian locomotion and,  avian cladogram and,  forelimb of, 
of Caudipteryx,  avian locomotion and,  furcula of, 
in defining birds, ,  as birds,  Gallornis in, 
of euenantiornithines, ,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  Gansus yumenensis in, –
of Protarchaeopteryx,  first occurrences of,  Hesperornithiformes in, 
of Spanish Mesozoic birds,  taxonomy of, – hind limbs of, 
Optimization, in reconstructing avian temporal extent of,  Iberomesornis and, 
evolution, – in theropod cladistics, , –,  in locomotor evolution, 
Orannai Formation, undetermined Troodontidae and,  locomotor modules of, 
neornithine species from, ,  Ornithomimus minutus metatarsals of, , 
Orbits as alvarezsaurid,  Neornithes in, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  as avisaurid,  neornithine-like features of, 
of euenantiornithines,  as euenantiornithine,  neornithines reclassified as, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  Ornithopoda paleobiology of Mesozoic, –
of Shuvuuia, ,  distinguishing footprints of,  Patagopteryx versus, , 
Orell, Stacie, xi fossil footprints of,  pelvic girdle of, 
Origin and Evolution of Birds, The (Feduccia), in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  phylogenetic systematics of, , 
– Ornithosauria, in Las Hoyas Konservat- phylogeny of Chinese Mesozoic, –
Origin of Species (Darwin), ix,  Lagerstätte,  Protoavis in, 
ORNI (common ornithurine ancestor), in Ornithostoma, from Cambridge Greensand, ribs of, 
locomotor evolution, , , ,   scapula of, , 
Ornithichnites, footprints of,  Ornithothoraces. See also THOR (common taxonomy of, , , , 
Ornithischia ornithothoracine ancestor) taxonomy of Chinese, 
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  alvarezsaurids and, ,  in theropod cladograms, –
in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,  in archosauriform cladogram,  tibiotarsus of, 
in dinosaur cladogram,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, , tibiotarsus outside, 
Ornithocheiridae, from Cambridge , , , , ,  vertebrae of, 
Greensand,  Avimimus and,  Ornithuromorpha
Ornithocheirus, from Cambridge Greensand, carpals of,  in avian cladogram, xi, 
 cervical ribs of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, ,
“Ornithodesmus” latidens, notarium of,  Euenantiornithes in,  –
Ornithodira, in archosauriform cladogram, in evolution of avian locomotion,  enantiornithine phylogeny and, 
 Hesperornithiformes in,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
Ornitholestes,  in locomotor evolution,  Vorona in, 
alvarezsaurids and, ,  locomotor modules of,  Orodromeus, troodontid eggs and, 
taxonomy of,  Noguerornis in,  Orthoptera, Archaeopteryx and, 
temporal extent of, ,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi in,  Osprey, shoulder girdle of, 

Osteological characters, evolution of avian,  avian cladogram and,  of euenantiornithines, 
Ostracods Avimimus portentosus in,  of neornithines, –, –
in Confuciusornis deposits,  Caudipteryx in, , ,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , 
in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  of Shuvuuia, 
in dating Noguerornis,  feathers of, ,  of Sinornis santensis, 
in dating Spanish Mesozoic birds,  first occurrences of,  Palatine
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  mandibular fenestra of,  of archaeopterygids, 
Ostrom, John H. as secondarily flightless,  of Archaeopteryx bavarica, 
on archaeopterygid scapula,  tail of,  of euenantiornithines, 
phylogenetic systematics and,  taxonomy of,  Palatinum. See Palatine
on semilunate carpal,  temporal extent of,  Paleobiology. See also Behavior; Ecology
on significance of Archaeopteryx, – in theropod cladograms, –, ,  of alvarezsaurids, –
on theropod origin of birds, ,  Oviraptor philoceratops of archaeopterygids, –
Ostrom Symposium,  character matrix for, – of Chinese feathered theropods, –
Otic region theropod characters and,  of Chinese Mesozoic birds, –
of archaeopterygids,  in theropod cladograms,  of enantiornithines, –
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  Ovorkhangai Aimak, Avimimus from,  of euenantiornithines, –
Otoge (Otog-qi) Owen, Richard,  of hesperornithiforms, –
Mesozoic birds from,  on Enaliornis,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
Otogornis genghisi from,  Owls. See also Strigiformes of pterosaurs, –
Otogornis,  taxonomy of,  of Sinornis santensis, –
anatomy of,  tibiotarsus of,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, –, 
historical perspective on, ,  Paleocene epoch
neornithine-like features of,  Pachycomiformidae, from Cambridge absence of Madagascan mammals from, 
phylogeny of, ,  Greensand,  avian coracoids from, , , 
taxonomy of, ,  Paedomorphosis, flightlessness and, ,  avian limb elements from, 
wings of,  Palaelodus, clavicles of,  charadriiforms from, –, 
Otogornis genghisi,  Palaeocolyntus barretti, taxonomy of,  Cimolopteryx from, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Palaeocursornis Cimolopteryx maxima from, 
character matrix for,  historical perspective on,  Graculavus velox from, 
fossil feathers of,  neornithine-like features of,  North American bird fossils earlier than,
geographical distribution of,  taxonomy of,  –
geological setting for,  theropod/bird classification of,  Palaeotringa vetus from, –
historical perspective on,  Palaeocursornis corneti, taxonomy of,  presbyornithids from, 
neornithine-like features of,  Palaeognathae,  Telmatornis priscus from, 
skeleton of,  Ambiortus dementjevi in,  undetermined neornithine species from, 
taxonomy of, ,  bone microstructure of, ,  Paleogene epoch
Ottmann’s Quarry, Archaeopteryx lithographica braincase of,  flying ratites during, 
from,  geographical distribution of,  neornithine-like birds from, , 
Otus, tibiotarsus of,  Gobipteryx in,  Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of
Outgroups Hesperornis in, – Sciences, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, – Kuszholia and,  Palinomorphs, in dating Spanish Mesozoic
in cladistic analysis, ,  in neornithine cladogram,  birds, 
Oviraptor, taxonomy of,  neornithine-like features of,  Palintropus, –
Oviraptoridae Otogornis in,  coracoid of, 
alvarezsaurids and,  palate of, – distribution of, , 
character matrix for, – palatine of,  diversity of, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  phylogenetic systematics of, ,  fossil footprints and, 
evolution of features of,  revisions to fossil record of,  in neornithine cladogram, 
nesting behavior among, – taxonomy of, , , ,  phylogenetic systematics of, , 
quadrate of,  Palaeotringa shoulder elements of, 
taxonomy of,  historical perspective on,  taxonomy of, –, , 
theropod/bird classification of,  taxonomy of, ,  Palintropus retusus, –
in theropod cladograms, – Palaeotringa littoralis, taxonomy of,  coracoid of, 
Oviraptor mongoliensis, character matrix for, Palaeotringa vetus, taxonomy of, , , fossil record of, 
– – shoulder elements of, 
Oviraptoroidea, Caudipteryx among,  Palate. See also Ectopterygoid; Palatine; taxonomy of, 
Oviraptorosauria,  Pterygoid; Vomer Pallas’s cormorant, taxonomy of, 
alvarezsaurids and,  of archaeopterygids, – Palustrine deposits, fossil feathers from, ,
archaeopterygids and,  of Archaeopteryx bavarica,  

Pandion, shoulder girdle of,  geographical distribution of,  in theropod cladograms, 
PAR (common paravian ancestor), in tarsometatarsus of,  Patagopteryx
locomotor evolution, , –, Passer, in Aves,  anatomy of, –
– Passeriformes in archosauriform cladogram, , 
Parahesperornis in Aves,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, ,
fossil feathers of,  Ceramornis in, – –, 
geographical distribution of,  revisions to fossil record of,  bone microstructure of, , , 
tarsometatarsus of,  shoulder girdle of,  character matrix for, –
Parascaniornis stensioi, taxonomy of,  Passerines in dinosaur cladogram, 
Parasphenoid, of archaeopterygids, . See also footprints of,  enantiornithines and, 
Braincase taxonomy of, – femur of, 
Parasphenoidal lamina, of Patagopteryx Patagonia fibula of, 
deferrariisi,  alvarezsaurids from, , –, , , , growth rate of, , 
Paraves, . See also PAR (common paravian ,  historical perspective on, x
ancestor) euenantiornithines from, ,  manual digits of, 
in archosauriform cladogram,  locality map of,  metatarsals of, , 
in theropod cladograms, –,  Mesozoic birds in,  Noguerornis gonzalezi versus, 
Parietal. See also Skull Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, – Noguerornis versus, 
of archaeopterygids,  Unenlagia comahuensis from,  pelvic girdle of, 
of Cathayornis,  Patagonian Shingle Formation, locality map phylogenetic systematics of, , 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  of,  shoulder girdle of, 
of Sinornis santensis,  Patagonichnus venetiorum in strict consensus tree, , 
Paroccipital process, of Shuvuuia,  footprints of,  synsacrum of, 
Parrots fossil footprints of,  tarsometatarsus of, 
from Late Cretaceous, – Patagonykus,  taxonomy of, , 
taxonomy of,  in alvarezsaurid cladogram,  thoracic vertebrae of, 
tibiotarsus of,  Alvarezsaurus versus,  tibiotarsus of, , 
Parsimony, in cladistic analysis,  cervical vertebrae of, – Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
Parvicursor,  character matrix for, – anatomy of, –
in alvarezsaurid cladogram,  coracoid of,  atlas, axis, and proatlas of, 
Alvarezsaurus versus,  femur of, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
caudal vertebrae of,  fibula of,  , –
discovery of,  forelimb of, , , – bone microstructure of, 
distal tarsals of,  ilium of,  caudal vertebrae of, 
femur of, – ischium of,  cladistic analysis of, 
forelimb of,  metatarsus of, – coracoid of, , , 
ischium of,  pelvic girdle of, – femur of, , 
pelvic girdle of, – pes of,  fibula of, , 
pes of,  phylogenetic systematics of, ,  forelimbs of, 
phylogenetic systematics of, ,  provenance of,  geological setting for, –
provenance of,  pubis of,  humerus of, , , 
synsacrum of,  in strict consensus tree, ,  mandible of, , 
taxonomy of,  synsacrum of,  paleobiology of, –
in theropod cladograms,  taxonomy of,  pelvic girdle of, 
thoracic vertebrae of,  in theropod cladograms,  pes of, , 
tibiotarsus of, – thoracic girdle of, – phylogenetic systematics of, , 
Parvicursoridae, taxonomy of,  thoracic vertebrae of,  radius of, 
Parvicursor remotus,  tibiotarsus of, – scapula of, , , 
in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Patagonykus puertai,  skeleton of, 
cladistic analysis of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, ,  sternum of, 
hind limb of,  character matrix for, – tarsometatarsus of, , 
paleobiology of,  cladistic analysis of,  taxonomy of, –, 
pelvic girdle of,  coracoid of,  thoracic girdle of, , , , 
provenance of,  crus of,  tibiotarsus of, , , 
Shuvuuia deserti versus,  discovery of,  ulna of, 
taxonomy of,  forelimb of,  vertebrae of, , , , , , , 
vertebrae of,  manus of,  Paul, Gregory S.
Pasquiaornis provenance of,  on Avimimus, 
Enaliornis versus, ,  synsacral vertebra of,  on bird origins, –
femur of,  taxonomy of,  on secondarily flightless theropods, 

PAUP program, theropod phylogeny via,  in theropod cladograms,  Phaethon
Pavo cristatus, Palintropus versus,  Pelvic girdle. See also Ilium; Ischium; Pubis braincase of, 
Pectoral girdle. See also Coracoid; Furcula; of alvarezsaurids, – endocranial cast of, 
Scapula; Scapulocoracoid; Shoulder of archaeopterygids, – Phalacrocoracidae
girdle; Sternum; Thoracic girdle of Archaeopteryx lithographica,  fossil record and, 
avian locomotion and, ,  avian locomotion and, ,  taxonomy of, , –
of Cathayornis yandica,  of Avimimus,  Phalacrocorax pelagicus
characters of theropod,  of Boluochia,  femur of, 
of Sinornis santensis, , – of Cathayornis,  taxonomy of, 
Pectoral locomotor module, of birds, – of Cathayornis yandica, ,  Torotix clemensi versus, 
Pedal digits of Caudipteryx,  Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, taxonomy of, 
of alvarezsaurids,  of Chaoyangia,  Phalangeal formula
of archaeopterygids,  characters of theropod, – of archaeopterygid manus, 
of Avimimus,  in cladistic analysis, – of archaeopterygid pes, 
of Avimimus portentosus,  of Concornis lacustris,  of Caudipteryx manus, 
of Boluochia,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Confuciusornis sanctus manus, , 
of Cathayornis,  of Enaliornis,  of Gansus pes, 
of Chaoyangia,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  of Iberomesornis romerali pes, 
of Concornis lacustris,  of euenantiornithines, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi pes, 
of Gansus,  evolution of avian,  of Sinornis santensis manus, 
of Parvicursor remotus,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  of Sinornis santensis pes, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – of Liaoningornis,  Phalanges. See Manual digits; Manual unguals;
of Sinornis santensis, , , , ,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi, – Manus; Pedal digits; Pedal unguals; Pes
Pedal unguals of ornithothoracines,  Phenetic methods, cladistic analysis and, 
of archaeopterygids,  of ornithurines,  Phoeniconaias minor, taxonomy of, 
of Boluochia,  of Paraves,  Phoenicopteri, taxonomy of, 
of Cathayornis,  of Parvicursor remotus,  Phoenicopteriformes, taxonomy of, 
of Chaoyangia,  of Patagopteryx,  Pholidophoriformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
of Concornis lacustris,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , – Lagerstätte, 
of Gansus,  of Shuvuuia deserti,  Phorusrhacidae, flightlessness of, 
of Liaoningornis,  of Sinornis santensis, –, , ,  Phosphatized macrofauna, from Cambridge
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  Pelvic limb. See Hind limbs Greensand, 
of Sinornis santensis, , , , ,  Penguins Phu Wiang, tyrannosaurids from, 
Pedioecetes phasianellus, Graculavus lentus distribution of,  Phylogenetic hypotheses
versus, ,  taxonomy of,  for alvarezsaurids, –, –
PeeWee program,  Peramorphosis, flightlessness and,  in cladistic analysis, , 
theropod phylogeny via,  Perching functional hypotheses versus, –, 
Peipiaosteus, in Chinese Mesozoic bird by enantiornithines,  in reconstructing evolution of locomotion,
deposits, ,  by Sinornis santensis, – 
Pelage. See Feathers by Spanish Mesozoic birds,  testing of, –
Pelagornis, taxonomy of,  Perching birds, taxonomy of,  Phylogenetic systematics. See also Taxonomy
Pelagornis barretti, taxonomy of,  Pérez-Moreno, Bernardino P.,  of alvarezsaurids, –, –
Pelargonis sedgwicki, taxonomy of,  Pes. See also Metatarsus; Pedal digits; Pedal of archaeopterygids, –
Pelecaniformes unguals of Aves, –
Mesozoic,  of Alvarezsaurus calvoi,  avian flight and, –
in neornithine cladogram,  of archaeopterygids, ,  of birds, x–xi, –, –
phylogenetic systematics of,  avian locomotion and,  of Caudipteryx, 
revisions to fossil record of,  of Cathayornis yandica,  of Chinese Mesozoic birds, –
table of Mesozoic,  of Concornis lacustris,  of Enantiornithes, , –, –
taxonomy of, ,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  of euenantiornithines, –
Torotix in, , ,  of euenantiornithines,  historical perspectives on, –
Volgavis marina versus,  footprints of pterosaur,  of Neornithes, –, –
Pelecanimimus of Iberomesornis romerali,  of Ornithothoraces, 
skin impressions of,  of Mononykus olecranus,  of Ornithurae, 
taxonomy of,  of Parvicursor remotus,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Pelecanimimus polyodon of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , – in reconstructing avian evolution, –
character matrix for, – of Sinornis santensis, , , , , scientific importance of, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  – of Sinornis santensis, –, –
taxonomy of,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, –,
temporal extent of,  Petrel,  –

statistics of, – Portezuelo Member, alvarezsaurids from,  Preservation, of Solnhofen archaeopterygids,
taxa and coding in, – Portugal, archaeopterygid teeth from,  
trees in, – Postorbital. See also Skull Prespermatophytes, in Noguerornis deposits,
of Vorona berivotrensis,  of archaeopterygids, – 
Physiology, xi of Archaeopteryx,  Primary wing feathers
Pica pica, body mass of,  of Cathayornis,  of archaeopterygids, –
Piciformes of Confuciusornis,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
revisions to fossil record of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  from Gurvan Eren Formation, –
shoulder girdle of,  in defining birds, ,  Proatlas, of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , .
skull of,  of euenantiornithines,  See also Cervical vertebrae
Pierre Shale, hesperornithiforms from,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  “Proavis”
Pietraroia Plattenkalk, Scipionyx samniticus of Protoavis, – flight by, 
from,  of Protopteryx,  footprints of, 
Pigments, in feathers,  of Sinornis santensis,  Procellariidae
PIN /, – Postosuchus kirkpatricki,  fossil record and, 
provenance of,  Potassium-argon dating, of Chinese Mesozoic tarsometatarsus of, 
Plants birds,  taxonomy of, 
in Confuciusornis deposits,  “Pouncing proavis model,”  Procellariiformes
in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  Powder feathers,  braincase of, 
in dating Noguerornis,  Praeornis sharovi,  distribution of, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  Pratt Museum, Hitchcock footprint collection Graculavus and, 
mistaken for feathers, – in,  hind limbs of, 
in Noguerornis deposits,  Prearticular. See also Mandible Lonchodytes in, 
Plateosaurus, in theropod cladograms, – of archaeopterygids,  Mesozoic, 
Plate tectonics of Sinornis santensis,  in neornithine cladogram, 
avian distribution and,  Precocity, among euenantiornithines, – Noguerornis versus, 
of Gondwana,  Predators, archaeopterygids as,  phylogenetic systematics of, , 
Plattenkalk, coelurosaurs from,  Premaxilla. See also Skull table of Mesozoic, 
Platycercus adscittus, mandible of,  of archaeopterygids,  taxonomy of, , , , , 
Plaza Huincul of Avimimus,  Prokinesis, in Shuvuuia skull, –
alvarezsaurids from,  of Boluochia,  Prolacertiformes, bird origins and, 
locality map of,  of Cathayornis, – Prootic
Pleistocene epoch, Madagascan mammals of Caudipteryx,  of archaeopterygids, 
from,  of Chaoyangia,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Plesiomorphic characters of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Protarchaeopteryx, –
in cladistic analysis,  in defining birds,  archaeopterygids and, 
for theropods, – of euenantiornithines,  Caudipteryx versus, 
Plethodus, from Cambridge Greensand,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  Chinese Mesozoic bird phylogeny and, 
Plotopteridae, taxonomy of,  of Protarchaeopteryx,  feathers of, , , –
Plovers, endocranial cast of,  of Shuvuuia,  fossil feathers of, 
Plumage. See Feathers of Sinornis santensis,  historical perspective on, 
Pneumatization, in neornithine anatomy,  Presbyornis manual unguals of, 
Podicipedidae Apatornis versus,  outside Paraves, 
cervical ribs of,  coracoid of,  paleobiology of, –
Enaliornis and,  humerus of,  pelvic girdle of, 
Podicipediformes phylogenetic systematics of,  taxonomy of, 
Enaliornis and,  shoulder girdle of, ,  theropod/bird classification of, 
revisions to fossil record of,  taxonomy of, , , , , , ,  in theropod cladograms, –, 
skull of,  Presbyornis pervetus Protarchaeopteryx robusta
tarsometatarsus of,  coracoid of, ,  feathers of, , 
Podotheca, of archaeopterygids, – shoulder elements of,  historical perspective on, 
Poikilothermy, of archaeopterygids, –. taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, 
See also Thermoregulation Presbyornithidae Protection, as feather function, –
Pol, Diego,  Antarctic, – Proterochampsidae, in archosauriform
“Polarornis” Apatornis versus,  cladogram, , 
Enaliornis versus, ,  coracoid of, , ,  Proterosuchus, in archosauriform cladogram,
tibiotarsus of,  limb elements of,  , 
Pollen, in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  Mesozoic,  Protoavis, –
Polyptychodon, from Cambridge Greensand, phylogenetic systematics of,  in avian phylogeny, –, 
 taxonomy of,  Avimimus and, 

Protoavis (continued) braincase of,  in avian cladogram, xi, , 
heterocoelous vertebrae of,  from Cambridge Greensand,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
historical perspective on, ix, , – distinguishing footprints of, –, 
poor preservation of,  –, – definition of, 
postcranial anatomy of,  lifestyles of, –
skull of, – Mesozoic birds misidentified as,  Quadrate. See also Skull
taxonomy of, – notarium of, ,  of archaeopterygids, 
temporal extent of,  paleobiology of, – of Caudipteryx, 
theropod/bird classification of,  Pterygoid. See also Palate of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
Protoavis texensis of archaeopterygids, , – of euenantiornithines, –
in avian phylogeny, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  of neornithines, 
as chimera, ,  of Shuvuuia,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
as coelurosaur, – of Sinornis santensis,  of Protoavis, –
historical perspective on,  Pubis. See also Pelvic girdle of Shuvuuia, , 
taphonomy of,  of alvarezsaurids,  of Sinornis santensis, 
taxonomy of,  of archaeopterygids,  Quadratojugal. See also Skull
temporal extent of, ,  of Archaeopteryx lithographica,  of archaeopterygids, , 
“Protobirds,” in avian evolution,  of Avimimus,  of Caudipteryx, 
“Protodromaeosaur,” in avian evolution,  of Avimimus portentosus,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
“Protofeathers,” on Chinese theropods,  of Boluochia,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
Protopsephurus, in Chinese Mesozoic bird of Cathayornis,  Queensland, euenantiornithines from, 
deposits,  of Caudipteryx,  Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, 
Protopteryx of Chaoyangia,  Quercymegapodiidae
historical perspective on,  of Concornis lacustris,  distribution of, 
postorbital of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Palintropus and, 
Protopteryx fengningensis of euenantiornithines,  taxonomy of, 
historical perspective on,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  Quercymegapodius, Palintropus versus, 
postorbital of,  of Liaoningornis,  Quill knobs, in archaeopterygids, 
taxonomy of,  of Parvicursor remotus,  Quiriquina Formation, Neogaeornis wetzeli
“Protopygostyle,” of Caudipteryx,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, ,  from, , 
Protostega, from Cambridge Greensand,  retroverted, 
“Pseudopisthocoelous” vertebrae, of of Sinornis santensis,  Rachis, of feathers, , 
Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – Puesto Tripailao, euenantiornithines from,  Radiometric dating, of Chinese Mesozoic
“Pseudosuchia,” bird origins and,  Puffinus griseus birds, . See also Ar-Ar dating; K-Ar
Psittacidae, scleral ring of, – Lonchodytes versus,  dating; Rb-Sr dating
Psittaciformes tarsometatarsus of,  Radius. See also Forelimb; Wings
mandible of,  Pulmonary air sacs of alvarezsaurids, 
Mesozoic,  in neornithine anatomy,  of archaeopterygids, , 
table of Mesozoic,  of theropods and birds,  of Cathayornis, 
taxonomy of, – Pycnodontiformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat- of Cathayornis yandica, 
Psittacosaurus Lagerstätte,  of Concornis lacustris, 
in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, ,  Pygostyle of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
in dating Chinese Mesozoic birds,  archaeopterygids and, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, 
Psittacosaurus meileyingensis, in Chinese avian locomotion and, , 
of euenantiornithines, 
Mesozoic bird deposits,  of Boluochia, 
of Iberomesornis romerali, 
Psittacosaurus mongoliensis, in Chinese of Cathayornis, 
of Liaoningornis, 
Mesozoic bird deposits,  of Cathayornis yandica, , 
of Noguerornis gonzalezi, –
Pteraichnus, footprints of, , ,  of Caudipteryx, 
of Otogornis, 
Pteranodon, caudal vertebrae of,  of Confuciusornis, 
Pteranodon Beds, Apatornis from,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , 
Pteranodontidae, from Cambridge Greensand, of enantiornithines,  of Sinornis santensis, , 
 of euenantiornithines,  “Rahona,” taxonomy of, 
Pteridophytes, in Noguerornis deposits,  evolution of,  “Rahona” ostromi, taxonomy of, 
Pterodactylidae, notarium of, ,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  Rahonavis
Pterosauria of ornithothoracines,  alvarezsaurids versus, 
Archaeopteryx and,  of ornithurines,  archaeopterygids and, , 
Archaeopteryx misidentified as,  of Sinornis santensis, , ,  in avian cladogram, xi, 
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, ,
avian distribution and,  Pygostylia –
bird origins and,  and alvarezsaurid cladogram,  Avimimus and, 

bird origins and,  in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,  Running speed, of archaeopterygids, 
character matrix for, – feathers and,  Russell, Dale A., on segnosaur cladistics, 
Dromaeosauridae and,  in Mesozoic bird deposits,  Russia
growth rate of,  as monophyletic group, – fossil feathers from, , –, 
historical perspective on, xi, – in Noguerornis deposits,  hesperornithiforms from, 
ilium of,  Respiratory system, evolution of avian, 
metatarsals of,  Retroarticular process, of Shuvuuia,  Sacral vertebrae. See also Synsacrum
Noguerornis gonzalezi versus,  Retroverted pubis, in defining birds,  of archaeopterygids, 
pedal digits of,  Rhamphotheca, of archaeopterygids, – of Concornis lacustris, 
pelvic girdle of, , – Rhea, flightlessness of,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
in strict consensus tree, ,  Rhea americana, bone microstructure of,  of Sinornis santensis, , , 
tail of,  Rhynchocephalians, Archaeopteryx and,  Sacrum. See also Synsacrum
tarsals of,  Ribs avian locomotion and, 
in theropod cladograms, –,  of archaeopterygids, – of Cathayornis yandica, 
Rahonavis ostromi of Chaoyangia,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , in cladistic analysis,  of Sinornis santensis, 
– of Concornis lacustris,  Sage grouse, Graculavus lentus versus, 
character matrix for, – of Confuciusornis sanctus,  St. Mary’s College, undetermined neornithine
as composite, – of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  species at, 
historical perspective on, – of euenantiornithines,  St. Mary’s River Formation, fossil footprints
locality map for,  of Shuvuuia,  from, 
in theropod cladistics, ,  of Sinornis santensis, , ,  Salamanders, in Las Hoyas Konservat-
Rails Rinaldi, C., on alvarezsaurids, ,  Lagerstätte, 
flightlessness of,  “Rinchenia” mongoliensis, in theropod Salitrál Moreno, undetermined neornithine
Telmatornis and,  cladograms,  species from, –
Rainforth, Emma C.,  Río Colorado Formation Salta province
Rallidae, phylogenetic systematics of,  alvarezsaurids from,  enantiornithines from, 
Rao Chenggang,  dating of,  euenantiornithines from, 
Rapetosaurus krausei, historical perspective euenantiornithines from,  Madagascan birds and, 
on,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, – Saltasaurus, enantiornithine fossils found
Raritan Formation, fossil feathers from,  Patagopteryx from,  with, 
Ratitae Rio de Janeiro, fossil feathers in,  Saltasaurus loricatus, enantiornithine fossils
in Aves,  Río Limay Formation, geology of,  found with, 
bone microstructure of,  Río Negro Province Sampling bias, fossil record and, 
Confuciusornis and,  euenantiornithines from,  Sampson, Scott D., 
embryology of,  fossil footprints from, ,  Sandpipers, Cimolopteryx versus, 
flightlessness of,  undetermined neornithine species from, Sandstone Basin, alvarezsaurids from, 
Gansus yumenensis and,  – Santa María de Meiá, Noguerornis from, 
geographical distribution of,  Río Neuquén Formation Santana Formation
palate of, – alvarezsaurids from, ,  absence of feathered theropods from, 
parasphenoidal lamina of,  coelurosaurs from,  fossil feathers from, –, , , 
Patagopteryx and, ,  Riverine deposits Santonian stage
shoulder girdle of,  euenantiornithines from,  alvarezsaurids from, 
squamosal of,  Patagopteryx deferrariisi from, – fossil feathers from, , , , 
taxonomy of, – Roadrunners, limb proportions of,  neornithines from, –
tibiotarsus of,  Romania, Elopteryx nopcsai from,  Patagopteryx from, , 
Raton Formation, fossil footprints from, , Romualdo Member,  San Vicente Bay, Neogaeornis wetzeli from,
 absence of feathered theropods from,  
Rb-Sr dating, of Chinese Mesozoic birds,  Rose diagram, of Archaeornithipus tracks,  Sanz, José L., 
Rectrices (rectrix), , . See also Tail Rostral, of archaeopterygids,  Sao Khua Formation, tyrannosaurids from, 
feathers Rostral fenestra, of Shuvuuia,  SAPE. See Society of Avian Paleontology and
Recurvirostra americana, tarsometatarsus of, Rostral morphology, of euenantiornithines, Evolution (SAPE)
  Saskatchewan
Reed Collection, Enaliornis specimens in,  Rostroventral process, of archaeopterygids, Cimolopteryx rara from, 
Regurgitated pellets, fossil birds in,   Pasquiaornis from, 
Remiges (remex), , . See also Feathers Ruben, John A. Saurischia
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  on avian lungs,  in archosauriform cladogram, 
Renal fossa, of Protoavis,  on non-theropod origins of birds,  manual digits of, 
Reproduction, of archaeopterygids,  Rubidium-strontium dating, of Chinese “Sauriurae”
Reptilia Mesozoic birds,  alvarezsaurids and, 

“Sauriurae” (continued) of undetermined neornithine species,  on coelurosaur cladistics, 
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , Scapulocoracoid, of alvarezsaurids, – Serrania de Cuenca
– Scavengers, archaeopterygids as,  fossil feathers from, 
enantiornithine phylogeny and, , , Schloenbachea cf. varians subplana, in dating geology of, –
 Cambridge Greensand,  Serrated teeth
paraphyly of, – Scipionyx, – in defining birds, 
phylogenetic systematics of, ,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  of Protarchaeopteryx, 
Saurolophus, Mononykus and,  taxonomy of, – Seventh specimen of Archaeopteryx, . See
Sauropoda Scipionyx samniticus also Archaeopteryx bavarica; Munich
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  semilunate carpal of,  Archaeopteryx
Mononykus and,  taxonomy of, – taxonomy of, 
nesting sites of,  Scleral ring. See Sclerotic ring Sewell, New Jersey
Shuvuuia versus,  Scleromochlus, bird origins and,  Graculavus velox from, 
Sauropodomorpha Sclerotic ring Telmatornis priscus from, 
in archosauriform cladogram, ,  of archaeopterygids, – Sexual dimorphism
in dinosaur cladogram,  of euenantiornithines,  in Confuciusornis sanctus, 
Sauropterygia, from Cambridge Greensand, Scolopax in Enaliornis, 
 taxonomy of,  Seymour Island, undetermined neornithine
Saurornithoides, tibiotarsus of,  Telmatornis and,  species from, , 
Saurornithoides junior Screamers, taxonomy of,  Shadow shafts, in archaeopterygid specimens,
character matrix for, – Seabirds 
cladistic analysis of,  distribution of,  Shag, taxonomy of, 
in theropod cladograms,  Gansus among,  Shandong Museum, Mesozoic feather
Saurornithoides mongoliensis Graculavus and,  impressions collected by, 
character matrix for, – phylogenetic systematics of, ,  Shandong Province, Mesozoic feather
cladistic analysis of,  taxonomy of,  impressions from, 
in theropod cladograms,  Secondary flightlessness. See Flightlessness Shangyuan
Saurornitholestes, in theropod cladograms, Secondary wing feathers, of archaeopterygids, Confuciusornis sanctus from, 
– – fossil feathers from, 
Saurornitholestes langstoni Second specimen of Archaeopteryx, . See Liaoningornis longidigitris from, 
character matrix for, – also Archaeopteryx siemensii; Berlin Shared characteristics (characters), in cladistic
in theropod cladograms,  Archaeopteryx analysis, –
Sazavis taxonomy of,  Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, Cimolopteryx rara
in avian cladogram,  Sedgwick Museum, Enaliornis in,  from, 
in enantiornithine cladograms,  Seed ferns, Archaeopteryx and,  Shearwater, tarsometatarsus of, 
Sazavis prisca Segnosauria Sheaths. See Ungual sheaths
geographical distribution of,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  Sheen Khuduk, fossil feathers from, , ,
taxonomy of,  taxonomy of,  , 
Scaniornithidae, taxonomy of,  Segnosauridae, taxonomy of,  Shengli, , 
Scapula. See also Pectoral girdle; Shoulder Segnosaurus galbinensis Sinornis santensis from, 
girdle; Thoracic girdle character matrix for, – Shenjiawan, Gansus yumenensis from, 
of alvarezsaurids, – in theropod cladograms,  Shenyang, 
of archaeopterygids,  Semiarid deposits, euenantiornithines from, “Shorebird ichnofacies,” 
avian locomotion and,   Shorebirds
of Cathayornis,  Semibristles,  footprints of, , , , 
of Cathayornis yandica,  Semilunate carpal Gansus as, 
of Caudipteryx,  of archaeopterygids,  Graculavus and, 
of Chaoyangia,  of Archaeopteryx,  phylogenetic systematics of, 
of Concornis,  of Avimimus,  taxonomy of, 
of Concornis lacustris,  bird origins and,  Shoulder girdle. See also Pectoral girdle;
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  Thoracic girdle
of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  of Longipteryx,  of Archaeopteryx lithographica, 
of euenantiornithines, – of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  in defining birds, 
of Iberomesornis romerali, – of Paraves,  of Enantiornis leali, 
of Liaoningornis,  Semionotiformes, in Las Hoyas Konservat- of Ichthyornis, 
of neornithines, –,  Lagerstätte,  of Ichthyornis dispar, 
of Otogornis,  Semiplumes, , ,  of Lithornis, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, , Sereno, Paul C.,  of Lithornis promiscuus, 
,  on avian phylogenetic systematics, – of neornithines, –
of Sinornis santensis, ,  on avian taxonomy,  of Paraves, 

Shuvosaurus inexpectatus Sieben-Lumpen-Schicht, archaeopterygids as Cathayornis yandica synonym, –
as coelurosaur,  from,  caudal vertebrae of, 
temporal extent of,  Sierra del Montsec. See also Montsec Range character matrix for, 
Shuvuuia,  geology of,  cladistic analysis of, 
in alvarezsaurid cladogram, ,  Noguerornis from,  Euenantiornithes and, 
axial skeleton of,  Sierra del Portezuelo, alvarezsaurids from, ,  femur of, 
caudal vertebrae of, – Sihetun geographical distribution of, 
cervical vertebrae of, –,  Confuciusornis from,  geological setting for, 
character matrix for, – Confuciusornis sanctus from,  historical perspective on, , 
coracoid of,  euenantiornithines from,  locality of, 
discovery of,  Liaoningornis longidigitris from,  long bone ratios in, 
distal tarsals of,  Sihetun basalts, dating of,  mandible of, 
feathers of,  Sihetun-Jianshangou,  manus of, –
femur of,  Sinamia, in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, paleobiology of, –
forelimb of, –, –  pes of, , , 
historical perspective on, x Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Expedition, phylogeny of, –, 
ilium of,  Mesozoic birds found by,  pygostyle of, 
ischium of,  Sinornis, , –,  skeleton of, , , 
metatarsus of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , skull of, , 
mononykine skeleton and,  ,  sternum of, 
paleobiology of,  bird origins and, , – taxonomy of, , –, , 
parasphenoidal lamina of,  body size of,  vertebrae of, 
Patagonykus versus,  Boluochia versus,  Sinornithoides
pelvic girdle of, – as Cathayornis synonym, –,  semilunate carpal of, 
phylogenetic systematics of, –,  caudal vertebrae of,  taxonomy of, 
plumage of,  cervical vertebrae of,  Sinornithoides youngi
provenance of, – Confuciusornis sanctus versus,  character matrix for, –
pubis of,  Confuciusornis versus, ,  cladistic analysis of, 
quadrate of, ,  in Enantiornithes, ,  discovery of, 
scapula of,  Euenantiornithes and,  semilunate carpal of, 
skull of, – feeding habits of,  taxonomy of, –
in strict consensus tree, ,  femur of,  temporal extent of, 
synsacrum of,  furcula of,  in theropod cladograms, 
taxonomy of,  historical perspectives on, x, ,  Sinornithosaurus
in theropod cladograms, – locality map for, ,  feathers of, 
thoracic girdle of, – long bone ratios in,  taxonomy of, , 
thoracic vertebrae of,  mandible of,  time problem and, 
tibiotarsus of, – manual digits of,  Sinornithosaurus millenii
Shuvuuia deserti,  manual phalanges of,  character matrix for, –
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , Noguerornis versus, ,  discovery of, 
 Otogornis versus,  feathers of, , 
caudal vertebrae of,  paleobiology of,  taxonomy of, , 
cervical vertebrae of,  pelvic girdle of,  in theropod cladograms, 
character matrix for, – perching by,  Sinosauropteryx, –
cladistic analysis of,  pes of,  Chinese Mesozoic bird phylogeny and, 
discovery of,  phylogenetic systematics of, , ,  in coelurosaur cladistics, 
fibula of,  pubis of,  feathers of, –, –, , , 
metatarsus of,  ribs of,  paleobiology of, 
paleobiology of,  rostral morphology of,  taxonomy of, 
pelvis and synsacrum of,  skull of,  thermoregulation in, 
provenance of,  sternum of,  Sinosauropteryx prima
skull of, – in strict consensus tree, ,  Chinese Mesozoic birds and, 
taxonomy of,  synsacrum of,  feathers of, , 
theropod characters and, ,  tarsometatarsus of,  taxonomy of, 
Siamotyrannus, taxonomy of,  taxonomy of, , , –,  Sinovenator, time problem and, 
Siamotyrannus isanensis, temporal extent of, thoracic girdle of,  Sinovenator changii
– thoracic vertebrae of,  character matrix for, –
Siberia, fossil feathers from, , ,  wings of, , ,  discovery of, 
Sichuan Province, fossil footprints from, Sinornis santensis, , – taxonomy of, 
– anatomy of, –, , ,  in theropod cladograms, 

Sinpetru Beds, Elopteryx nopcsai from, ,  Smoky Hill Chalk, Apatornis from,  locality map of, 
Sinraptor, Shuvuuia versus,  Smoky Hill Member Mesozoic birds from, , 
Sinraptor dongi Apatornis from,  Mesozoic neornithines from, , 
character matrix for, – hesperornithiforms from,  in plate tectonics, 
cladistic analysis of,  Smoky Hill River, Apatornis from,  South Dakota
in theropod cladograms,  Smuggling, of Chinese fossils, – fossil footprints from, 
Sinraptoridae, in theropod cladograms, Snakes hesperornithiforms from, 
– Mesozoic Madagascan,  Southern Hemisphere
Sixth archaeopterygid specimen, , . See in Patagopteryx deposits, ,  Mesozoic birds from, 
also Solnhofen archaeopterygid; Snipes ratites in, 
Wellnhoferia grandis taxonomy of,  South Gippsland, fossil feathers from, 
body mass of,  Telmatornis and,  South Gobi Aimak
taxonomy of,  Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution alvarezsaurids from, –
Skeleton (SAPE) euenantiornithines from, 
of alvarezsaurids, ,  Fourth International Meeting of,  South Korea, fossil footprints from, , ,
of archaeopterygids,  meetings of,  , 
of Archaeopteryx lithographica,  Second International Symposium of,  Spain, , 
of Archaeopteryx siemensii,  Soft tissues, evolution of avian, – coelurosaurs from, 
of Avimimus portentosus,  Solenhofer Aktien-Verein quarry, euenantiornithines from, , , 
of Boluochia zhengi, ,  Archaeopteryx from,  fossil feathers from, –, , –,
of Cathayornis yandica, , ,  Solnhofen 
of Chaoyangia beishanensis,  archaeopterygids from, ,  fossil footprints from, –, , 
of Concornis lacustris, ,  Archaeopteryx fossil feathers from, , Mesozoic birds from, ix, , , , –,
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, –, –,   –, , 
of Eoenantiornis buhleri,  coelurosaurs from,  Species, diagnosing neornithine, 
of Iberomesornis romerali, ,  first fossil feather from, , ,  Spermatophytes, in Noguerornis deposits, 
of Liaoningornis longidigitris,  fossil feathers from,  Spheniscidae, scleral ring of, 
of Neuquenornis volans,  landscape of, , – Sphenosuchia
of Noguerornis gonzalezi, , ,  Solnhofen archaeopterygid, . See also Sixth avian evolution and, 
of Otogornis genghisi,  archaeopterygid specimen; Wellnhoferia temporal extent of, , 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  grandis Splenial
of Sinornis santensis, , ,  metatarsals of,  of archaeopterygids, 
Skin impressions Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone of Cathayornis, 
of Celtedens,  archaeopterygids from,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
of Pelecanimimus, . See also Integument Archaeopteryx fossil feathers from, ,  of Sinornis santensis, 
Skuas, endocranial cast of,  geology of, – Spoonbills, taxonomy of, 
Skull “Solnhofen specimen” of Archaeopteryx,  Squamosal
of alvarezsaurids, – Songlingornis linghensis, taxonomy of,  of archaeopterygids, 
of archaeopterygids, – Soroavisaurus of Caudipteryx, 
of Avimimus portentosus, – in avian phylogenetic systematics,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
of Boluochia,  in enantiornithine cladograms, ,  in defining birds, –
of Catalan hatchling,  metatarsals of, ,  of euenantiornithines, 
of Cathayornis, – perching by,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
of Cathayornis yandica,  taxonomy of,  of Protoavis, –
of Chaoyangia,  tibia of,  of Shuvuuia, 
characters of theropod, – tibiotarsus of,  Stalling speed, of archaeopterygids, 
in cladistic analysis,  Soroavisaurus australis State University of New York at Stony Brook,
of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  in avian phylogenetic systematics,  Madagascan paleoexpeditions by, 
of Enaliornis, – character matrix for,  Stem-based taxa, 
of enantiornithines, – geographical distribution of,  Stercorariidae
of euenantiornithines, – hind limbs of,  endocranial cast of, 
length of archaeopterygid,  historical perspective on,  Volgavis marina versus, 
of Mononykus olecranus, ,  phylogenetic systematics of,  Stercorarius
of neornithines, –,  tarsometatarsus of,  Cimolopteryx versus, 
of Neuquenornis volans,  taxonomy of,  coracoid of, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – tibiotarsus of,  forelimb elements of, 
of Protoavis, – South Amboy Fire Clay,  taxonomy of, 
of Shuvuuia deserti, – South America Stercorarius pomarinus
of Sinornis santensis, , –,  alvarezsaurids from, ,  coracoid of, 
Slabs, with Archaeopteryx specimens,  euenantiornithines from,  forelimb elements of, 

Sternum Sundance Formation, fossil footprints from, Tail vertebrae. See Caudal vertebrae
of alvarezsaurids, , , – – Takeoffs, by Archaeopteryx, –
of archaeopterygids, – Superprecociality, of euenantiornithines, Taldysay, Kazakhstan, fossil feathers from, ,
avian locomotion and,   
of Boluochia,  Supraspecific taxa, diagnosing neornithine, Taneishi Formation, fossil feathers from,
of Cathayornis,   –
of Cathayornis yandica,  Surangular, of archaeopterygids, . See also Taphonomy
of Chaoyangia,  Mandible archaeopterygid wings and, –
of Chaoyangia beishanensis,  Surrogate line of descent, in reconstructing of Protoavis texensis, 
in cladistic analysis, – evolution, – of Solnhofen archaeopterygid specimens,
of Concornis,  Suspensorium, of Shuvuuia, – 
of Concornis lacustris, ,  Swans, taxonomy of,  Tarbosaurus, Mononykus and, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  Sweden, hesperornithiforms from,  Tarbosaurus bataar, taxonomy of, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, ,  Synapomorphy Tarsitano, Samuel
of euenantiornithines, – in alvarezsaurid phylogenetics, –, on non-theropod origins of birds, 
evolution of avian,  – on origin of avian flight, , 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  of Avimimus and Mononykus,  Tarsometatarsus. See also Metatarsus; Tarsus
of Liaoningornis, – in cladistic analysis,  of alvarezsaurids, 
of Mononykus olecranus,  in enantiornithine phylogenetics, –, of archaeopterygids, , 
of neornithines,  –, – of Avisaurus archibaldi, 
of Neuquenornis,  in euenantiornithine phylogenetics,  of Avisaurus gloriae, 
of ornithothoracines,  in ornithurine phylogenetics,  of Boluochia, 
of Otogornis,  in reconstructing evolution of avian of Cathayornis yandica, , 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, ,  locomotion, , – of Chaoyangia, 
of Shuvuuia, , – in sauriurine systematics,  of charadriiform birds, 
of Sinornis santensis, ,  Synsacrum. See also Sacral vertebrae; Sacrum of Concornis lacustris, –
Steveville Railroad Grade, undetermined of alvarezsaurids,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
neornithine species from,  of Apatornis celer,  of Enaliornis, –, 
Stoliczkaia dispar of archaeopterygids,  of Enaliornis barretti, 
in dating Cambridge Greensand,  of Cathayornis,  of euenantiornithines, –
Enaliornis species and, – of Chaoyangia,  of Gansus, 
Storks, taxonomy of,  of Concornis lacustris,  of Gansus yumenensis, , –
Stormberg Beds, fossil footprints from,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of Horezmavis, 
Straight Canyon, fossil footprints from, , of Enaliornis, – of Lectavis bretincola, 
 of Enaliornis barretti, ,  of Liaoningornis, 
Stratigraphic information of euenantiornithines, – of Lonchodytes, 
for Chinese fossil birds, – of Kuszholia mengi,  of neornithines, , , 
cladistic analysis and, , –, – of neornithines,  of ornithurines, 
for euenantiornithines (table), – of Noguerornis,  of Parvicursor remotus, 
for theropod fossil record, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , ,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –
Strict consensus trees, in avian phylogenetic of Shuvuuia deserti,  of Sinornis santensis, , 
systematics, –,  Syntarsus, braincase of, ,  of Soroavisaurus australis, 
Strigiformes. See also Owls Syrinx, evolution of,  of Vorona, –
Gansus yumenensis and,  Systematics. See Phylogenetic systematics; of Vorona berivotrensis, , 
revisions to fossil record of,  Taxonomy of Yungavolucris brevipedalis, 
Strontium analysis, of Las Hoyas fossils,  Szentpeterfalva, Elopteryx nopcsai from,  Tarsus. See also Tarsometatarsus; Tibiotarsus
Struthio of alvarezsaurids, 
in Aves,  Tail. See also Caudal vertebrae; Chevrons; of archaeopterygids, 
bone microstructure of,  Haemal arches; Pygostyle avian locomotion and, 
flightlessness of,  of archaeopterygids, , – of euenantiornithines, 
Struthiomimus altus avian locomotion and, ,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
character matrix for, – in evolution of avian flight, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, 
in theropod cladograms,  of ornithothoracines,  of Vorona, 
Subarcuate fossa, of Enaliornis, ,  of ornithurines,  Taxa
Successive waves, in avian evolution, – of Sinornis santensis,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, –
Sues, Hans-Dieter, on Microvenator celer Tail feathers. See also Rectrices (rectrix) defining neornithine, 
cladistics,  of archaeopterygids, – Taxonomy. See also Phylogenetic systematics
Sula, scleral ring of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  of alvarezsaurids, , –
Summerville Formation, fossil footprints from Gurvan Eren Formation, – of Chinese Mesozoic birds, –,
from, – Tail locomotor module, of birds, – –, –

Taxonomy (continued) Tetanurae humerus of, 
cladistic analysis and, – alvarezsaurids and,  ischium of nonavian, 
of Sinornis santensis, – in archosauriform cladogram,  in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte, 
of theropods, – Avimimus in,  locomotor modules of, , 
Teal, flightless,  manual digital homologies among, – from Madagascan Mesozoic, 
Tectal fossa, of Enaliornis, , – Tetori Group, fossil footprints from, – metatarsals of, , 
Teeth Texas Mononykus and, 
of archaeopterygids, , – fossil footprints from, ,  Noguerornis versus nonavian, , 
of Archaeopteryx bavarica,  Graculavus lentus from,  Norian phylogeny of, 
of Avimimus,  Protoavis from,  origin of flight among, –
of Boluochia,  Teyler Museum, Archaeopteryx specimen in, palate of, –
of Cathayornis,   paleobiology of Chinese feathered, –
of Chaoyangia,  Thailand, tyrannosaurids from,  parasphenoidal lamina of, 
characters of theropod,  “Thecodonts,” as bird ancestors,  in Patagopteryx deposits, , 
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Therizinosauridae pelvic girdle of, 
in defining birds,  alvarezsaurids and, ,  phalangeal formula in, 
of euenantiornithines,  in theropod cladistics,  phylogenetic systematics of nonavian, 
of Jurassic dromaeosaurids,  in theropod cladograms, –,  proatlas of, 
of Portuguese archaeopterygids,  Therizinosauroidea,  pubis of, 
of Protarchaeopteryx,  alvarezsaurids and,  pulmonary air sacs of, 
of Sinornis santensis,  birdlike features of,  pygostyle and, 
of Sinovenator changii,  in coelurosaur cladistics,  scapula of, 
of Wellnhoferia,  feathers of, –,  secondarily flightless, 
Teleosteii first occurrences of,  squamosal of, 
in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits, –, origins of,  taxonomy of, –
 pubis of,  temporal extent of, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  taxonomy of,  Third specimen of Archaeopteryx, , . See
in Noguerornis deposits,  temporal extent of,  also “Maxberg” Archaeopteryx
Telmabates thermoregulation in,  contour feathers of, 
Apatornis versus,  in theropod cladograms, –,  flight feathers of, 
Palaeotringa vetus versus,  Therizinosaurus, taxonomy of,  hind limbs of, 
taxonomy of,  Thermocoel, in archaeopterygids,  pubis of, 
Telmatornis, – Thermoregulation, of archaeopterygids, taxonomy of, 
historical perspective on,  –. See also Ectothermy; thoracic girdle of, 
taxonomy of, ,  Endothermy; Homeothermy; THOR (common ornithothoracine ancestor),
Telmatornis affinis, taxonomy of,  Poikilothermy in locomotor evolution, , , ,
Telmatornis priscus,  THERO (common theropod ancestor), in 
Cimolopteryx rara versus, – locomotor evolution, , , , , Thoracic girdle. See also Coracoid; Furcula;
fossil record of, ,  ,  Pectoral girdle; Scapula;
taxonomy of, , ,  Theropoda, –. See also THERO (common Scapulocoracoid; Shoulder girdle;
Telmatornis rex, taxonomy of, –,  theropod ancestor) Sternum
Terrestrial deposits, fossil feathers from, . alternatives to bird ancestry within, – of alvarezsaurids, –
See also Continental deposits alvarezsaurids in, ,  of archaeopterygids, –
Terrestrial locomotion, of birds, –, in archosauriform cladogram,  of Cathayornis, –
– in avian evolution, – of Caudipteryx, 
Tertiary period in avian phylogenetic systematics,  of Chaoyangia, 
avian distribution during,  as bird ancestors, –,  of Chaoyangia beishanensis, 
fossil footprints from,  birdlike features of small, – in cladistic analysis, –
fossil footprints older than,  cervical ribs of,  of Concornis lacustris, 
Hornerstown Formation and,  character list for, – of Confuciusornis sanctus, 
loons from,  Chinese feathered, – of enantiornithines, 
Messel rails from,  Chinese Mesozoic birds and,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi, –
neornithines from,  cladistic analysis of, –, – of euenantiornithines, –
taxonomy of birds from,  distinguishing footprints of, ,  of flightless birds, 
Telmabates from,  feathers of, ,  of Iberomesornis romerali, –
Testability, in avian phylogenetic systematics, fibula of,  of Liaoningornis, –
 forelimb of, – of Noguerornis gonzalezi, 
Testudines fossil footprints of,  of Otogornis, 
from Cambridge Greensand,  fossil record of, –, – of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, ,
vertebrae referable to,  furcula of, ,  , 

Thoracic limb. See Forelimbs; Wings of Parvicursor remotus,  Transylvania, Elopteryx nopcsai from, 
Thoracic ribs of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, , , , Tree bisection and regraphing (TBR)
of archaeopterygids,  , ,  algorithm, 
of Sinornis santensis,  of Sinornis santensis, , – Trees
Thoracic vertebrae of Soroavisaurus australis,  archaeopterygids and, 
of alvarezsaurids, ,  of Vorona, –, – cladograms as, , –
of archaeopterygids,  of Vorona berivotrensis, , ,  strict consensus, , 
of Avimimus, – Time problem “Trees down” theory. See Arboreal origin of
of Avimimus portentosus, – secondarily flightlessness and,  flight
of Cathayornis,  in theropod ancestry of birds, –, Tremp, 
of Concornis lacustris, – – Trennende krumme Lage, Archaeopteryx from
of Enaliornis, – Timolopteryx, taxonomy of,  above, 
of Enaliornis barretti,  Tinami, in Aves,  Trialestes romeri, temporal extent of, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, – Tinamiformes Triassic period. See also Late Triassic epoch
of euenantiornithines,  coracoid of,  absence of feathers from, 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  limb proportions of,  bird origins in, , 
of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  shoulder elements of, ,  Protoavis from, –, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, –, Tinamous Triosseal canal, of enantiornithines, 
 bone microstructure of,  Triosseal foramen
of Sinornis santensis, – forelimb of,  of archaeopterygids, 
Thulborn, R. Anthony hind limbs of,  of euenantiornithines, –
on Archaeopteryx,  neornithine-like features of,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, 
on Avimimus,  in Palaeognathae,  Trisaurodactylus superavipes, footprints of,
Tibia palate of,  , 
of alvarezsaurids,  Palintropus versus,  Trisauropodiscus aviforma, footprints of,
of Alvarezsaurus calvoi,  phylogenetic systematics of,  –
of archaeopterygids, , ,  Titanosauria, enantiornithine fossils found Trisauropodiscus galliforma, footprints of, 
avian locomotion and,  with,  Trisauropodiscus levis, footprints of, 
in bone microstructure studies, ,  Titanosauridae, historical perspective on Trisauropodiscus moabensis, footprints of, ,
of Enaliornis barretti, – Madagascan,  
of Enaliornis sedgwicki, – Tithonian stage Trisauropodiscus phasianiforma, footprints of,
of euenantiornithines, – archaeopterygids from,  
of Iberomesornis romerali,  Archaeopteryx fossil feathers from, , , Trisauropodiscus popompoi, footprints of, 
of neornithines,   Trisauropodiscus superaviforma, footprints of,
of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  Archaeopteryx from,  –, 
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi,  coelurosaurs from, ,  Trochilidae, scleral ring of, –
of Vorona,  fossil feathers from, ,  Troodon
Tibiotarsus. See also Tarsus; Tibia Tjulkeli, Kazakhstan, fossil feathers from, , in bird origins, 
of alvarezsaurids, – ,  braincase of, 
of archaeopterygids, ,  Todus, scleral ring of,  Troodon formosus
of Avimimus,  Toolebuc Formation, euenantiornithines from, character matrix for, –
of Avimimus portentosus, –  new specimens of, 
of Boluochia,  Torotigidae, taxonomy of, ,  in theropod cladograms, 
in bone microstructure studies, ,  Torotix,  Troodontidae, –
of Bradycneme draculae,  forelimb elements of,  in alvarezsaurid phylogenetics, 
of Cathayornis,  fossil record of,  alvarezsaurids and, , , , 
of Cathayornis yandica,  humerus of,  Archaeornithoides and, 
of Chaoyangia,  phylogenetic systematics of,  in Aves, 
of Concornis lacustris,  taxonomy of,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , ,
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  Torotix clemensi,  
of Enaliornis,  forelimb elements of,  birdlike features of, 
of euenantiornithines, – fossil record of,  in bird origins, , , 
of Gansus,  taxonomy of,  as birds, 
of Gansus yumenensis,  Trachodon, from Cambridge Greensand,  character matrix for, –
of Heptasteornis andrewsi,  Trackways. See also Footprints cladistic analysis of, , , –
of hesperornithiforms,  of Archaeornithipus,  in Deinonychosauria, –
of Lectavis bretincola,  at Ukhaa Tolgod,  eggs of, 
of Liaoningornis,  Trading fossil vertebrates, from China, – evolution of features of, 
of Mononykus olecranus,  Transbaikalia, fossil feathers from, , feathers among, 
of neornithines, ,  –,  first occurrences of, 

Troodontidae (continued) pelvic girdle of, , , 
Middle Jurassic,  Udan Sayr, Avimimus from,  taxonomy of, 
Ornithomimosauria and,  Uge Member, fossil feathers from,  temporal extent of, , 
Scipionyx samniticus and, – Uhangrichnus chuni, footprints of,  in theropod cladograms, –, , 
as secondarily flightless,  Uhangri Formation, fossil footprints from, time problem and, 
Shuvuuia versus,   Unenlagia comahuensis
taxonomy of, – Ukhaa Tolgod in avian phylogenetic systematics, 
teeth of Jurassic,  alvarezsaurids from, , ,  character matrix for, –
temporal extent of,  euenantiornithines from,  discovery of, 
in theropod cladograms, –, ,  oviraptorosaur nests from,  ischium of, 
tibiotarsus of,  skull of Shuvuuia from, – taxonomy of, 
Tropicbird, endocranial cast of,  troodontid eggs from,  temporal extent of, 
True line of descent, in reconstructing troodontids from,  in theropod cladograms, 
evolution, – Ukraine, hesperornithiforms from,  Ungual sheaths
Tugrugeen Shireh,  Ulna. See also Forelimbs; Wings of archaeopterygids, –
alvarezsaurids from, ,  of alvarezsaurids,  of Sinornis santensis, , , , 
Tumbes Peninsula, Neogaeornis wetzeli from, of archaeopterygids, , ,  Unidad de Paleontologia, Mesozoic birds in,
 of Avimimus,  –
Turgai Strait of Avimimus portentosus,  United States
hesperornithiforms from,  of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus,  alvarezsaurids from, –
neornithines from,  of Cathayornis,  euenantiornithines from, , 
Turkey, aepyornithids from,  of Cathayornis yandica,  fossil feathers from, , , 
Turonian stage of Concornis lacustris,  fossil footprints from, , , 
coelurosaurs from, ,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, ,  stratigraphy in, 
fossil feathers from, ,  of Enaliornis,  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
hesperornithiforms from,  of Enantiornis leali,  Mesozoic birds in, –
South Amboy Fire Clay in,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNC)
Turtles of euenantiornithines,  Patagopteryx collected by, 
in Las Hoyas Konservat-Lagerstätte,  of Eurolimnornis,  Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Mesozoic Madagascan,  of Iberomesornis romerali,  enantiornithine fossils at, 
Two Medicine Formation of Liaoningornis,  Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascan
euenantiornithines from,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi,  paleoexpeditions by, 
troodontid eggs from,  of Otogornis,  Upper Cretaceous. See Late Cretaceous epoch
Tympanic cavity, of Enaliornis,  of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, ,  Upper Gault
Tympanic recess of Protoavis,  Cambridge Greensand and, 
of archaeopterygids,  of Sinornis santensis, ,  Enaliornis species from, –
in coelurosaurs,  Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence photograph Upper Jurassic. See Late Jurassic epoch
in defining birds,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  Upper Stormberg Series, fossil footprints from,
Tympanuchus phasianellus, Graculavus lentus of Iberomesornis romerali,  
versus, ,  Uncinate processes Upper Triassic. See Late Triassic epoch
Tyrannosauridae,  of archaeopterygids,  Urvogel, Archaeopteryx as, , , 
Avimimus and,  of Cathayornis,  Utah
as birds,  of Chaoyangia,  coelurosaurs from, 
in coelurosaur cladistics,  of Concornis lacustris,  euenantiornithines from, , 
taxonomy of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus,  fossil footprints from, , –, –
teeth of Jurassic,  of Eoalulavis hoyasi,  Utahraptor
temporal extent of, , – of euenantiornithines,  in Dromaeosauridae, 
in theropod cladistics, –, ,  Uncinatum, of Archaeopteryx,  time problem and, 
Tyrannosauroidea Undercovert feathers, of archaeopterygids, Utahraptor ostrommaysorum
taxonomy of,  – character matrix for, –
in theropod cladograms, – Undetermined Neornithes, –, –, temporal extent of, 
Tyrannosaurus,  –, –, –, – in theropod cladograms, 
bird origins and,  Unenlagia,  Uzbekistan
sacral vertebrae of,  alvarezsaurids and, ,  coelurosaurs from, 
Tyrannosaurus rex archaeopterygids and,  euenantiornithines from, –
character matrix for, – bird origins and,  Kuszholia mengi from, 
in theropod cladograms,  cladistic analysis of,  undetermined neornithine species from, 
Tytthostonyx, phylogenetic systematics of, in coelurosaur cladistics, 
 femur of,  Vagal canal, in coelurosaurs, 
Tytthostonyx glauconiticus, taxonomy of,  Noguerornis gonzalezi versus,  Valanginian stage

fossil feathers from, ,  of Protoavis,  Waterbirds
fossil footprints from, – of Sinornis santensis, –,  footprints of, 
neornithine-like birds from,  Vertebrata fossil footprints of, , , , 
Vanden Berge, J. C., on theropod-bird in Chinese Mesozoic bird deposits,  Waterfowl, taxonomy of, 
relationships, – in cladistic analysis,  Wealden, fossil footprints from, 
Vanes, of feathers, ,  in Noguerornis deposits,  Webbed feet, fossil footprints of, 
Vega Island, undetermined neornithine species Verzahnung, of scleral ring,  Wellnhoferia, 
from, –,  Vickers-Rich, Patricia,  body mass of, 
Velociraptor Victoria, fossil feathers from, ,  cursoriality of, 
Caudipteryx and,  Vidal, L. M.,  diet of, 
in Dromaeosauridae,  Volga Basin, Volgavis marina from,  flight of, 
time problem and,  Volgavis, – as growth stage, 
Velociraptorinae Volgavis marina,  hind limbs of, –
in avian phylogenetic systematics, , , fossil record of,  manual unguals of, 
 Volgograd District, neornithines from,  pedal phalangeal formula of, 
braincase of,  Volkman’s canals,  phylogenetic systematics of, –
character matrix for, – Vomer pubis of, 
cladistic analysis of, – of archaeopterygids, – taxonomy of, , 
taxonomy of,  of euenantiornithines,  teeth of, 
temporal extent of,  von Meyer, Hermann, on Archaeopteryx,  thoracic girdle of, 
in theropod cladograms, – Vorona vertebrae of, 
Velociraptor mongoliensis anatomy of, – wings of, , , 
character matrix for, – in avian phylogenetic systematics, xi, Wellnhoferia grandis, . See also Sixth
cladistic analysis of,  –,  archaeopterygid specimen
in Dromaeosauridae,  Avimimus and,  taxonomy of, 
new specimens of,  character matrix for, – Welman, Johann, , 
theropod characters and,  femur of,  Wessex Basin, Enaliornis from, 
in theropod cladograms,  fibula of,  Wind, archaeopterygid flight and, 
Unenlagia comahuensis and,  geographical distribution of,  Wing feathers, . See also Primary wing
Velocisaurus, in Patagopteryx deposits,  geological setting for,  feathers; Remiges (remex)
Velocisaurus unicus, in Patagopteryx deposits, hind limbs of,  Wing folding, in archaeopterygids, –
 historical perspective on, x, – Wings. See also Forelimbs
Venice, fossil footprints in,  phylogenetic systematics of, ,  of archaeopterygids, , –, –,
Vertebrae. See also Axial skeleton; Caudal in strict consensus tree, ,  –
vertebrae; Cervical vertebrae; taxonomy of,  of Archaeopteryx, , 
Cervicothoracic vertebrae; Sacral tibiotarsus of, ,  of Archaeopteryx siemensii, 
vertebrae; Synsacrum; Thoracic Vorona berivotrensis, – avian locomotion and, 
vertebrae anatomy of, – of Cathayornis, –
of archaeopterygids,  in avian phylogenetic systematics, , of Cathayornis yandica, 
avian locomotion and, – – of Chinese Mesozoic birds, –
of Avimimus, , – bone measurements of,  of Concornis lacustris, 
of Avimimus portentosus, – femur of,  of Confuciusornis sanctus, –, 
of Boluochia,  fibula of,  of enantiornithines, 
of Cathayornis,  historical perspective on, – of Eoalulavis hoyasi, –
of Chaoyangia,  locality map for,  of euenantiornithines, –
in cladistic analysis,  phylogenetic systematics of,  of Iberomesornis romerali, 
of Concornis lacustris, – tarsometatarsus of,  of Liaoningornis, 
of Confuciusornis sanctus,  taxonomy of,  of Noguerornis gonzalezi, –, 
of Enaliornis, – tibiotarsus of, ,  of ornithothoracines, 
of Eoalulavis hoyasi, – Vultures, taxonomy of,  of Otogornis, 
of euenantiornithines, – of Otogornis genghisi, 
of Halimornis thompsoni,  Wading of Sinornis santensis, , –, 
of Iberomesornis romerali,  by archaeopterygids,  of Spanish Mesozoic birds, –, –
miscellaneous avian,  by enantiornithines,  Witmer, Lawrence M., 
of neornithines, ,  Wakkanai, undetermined neornithine species Woodbine Formation, fossil footprints from,
of Noguerornis gonzalezi, ,  from,  , 
of ornithurines,  Walker, Alick,  Woodwardian Museum, Enaliornis collected
of Paraves,  Walker, Cyril A., ix,  by, , 
of Parvicursor remotus,  on Argentine enantiornithines,  Wyleyia
of Patagopteryx deferrariisi, – Warra Station, euenantiornithines from,  taxonomy of, 

Wyleyia (continued) Yacoraite Formation, fossil footprints from,  Yungavolucris
theropod/bird classification of,  Yacoraitichnus, footprints of,  in enantiornithine cladograms, , 
Wyleyia valdensis, taxonomy of,  Yacoraitichnus avis, footprints of, ,  metatarsals of, , 
Wyoming Yale University, Ostrom Symposium at,  pes of, 
alvarezsaurids from,  Yangchuanosaurus, in theropod cladograms, phylogenetic systematics of, 
bird-bearing formations in,  – taxonomy of, 
Ceramornis major from,  Yang Yushan, Confuciusornis collected by,  Yungavolucris brevipedalis
Cimolopteryx maxima from,  Yanornis martini, historical perspective on,  character matrix for, 
Cimolopteryx minima from,  Yantardakh, fossil feathers from,  geographical distribution of, 
Cimolopteryx petra n. sp. from,  Yan Zhiyou, Sinornis santensis collected by, hind limbs of, 
Cimolopteryx rara from, ,   tarsometatarsus of, 
coelurosaurs from,  Yijinhuoluo Formation taxonomy of, 
euenantiornithines from,  euenantiornithines from, 
fossil footprints from, – fossil feathers from,  Zhang He, Confuciusornis sanctus collected
Graculavus augustus from,  neornithine-like birds from,  by, 
Lonchodytes from,  Otogornis genghisi from,  Zhang Jiangyong, Mesozoic feather
Lonchodytes pterygius from,  Yikezhaomeng, Otogornis genghisi from,  impressions collected by, 
Mesozoic charadriiforms from, – Yixian Formation. See also Lower Yixian Zhang Junfeng, Mesozoic feather impressions
neornithines from,  Formation collected by, 
Palaeotringa vetus from, – Confuciusornis from,  Zhirkindeck Formation, fossil feathers from,
Palintropus retusus from,  Confuciusornis sanctus from,  
presbyornithids from,  dating of,  Zhou Guangzhao, 
psittaciform from,  euenantiornithines from,  Zhou Zhonghe, 
Torotix clemensi from,  feathered theropods from, – fossil birds collected by, 
undetermined neornithine species from, fossil birds from, ,  Zhyraornis
, , , ,  fossil feathers from,  in avian cladogram, 
geology of,  in enantiornithine cladograms, 
Xiagou Formation, Gansus yumenensis from, Liaoningornis longidigitris from,  Zinke, J., on pre-Archaeopteryx theropod
,  Yixianornis grabaui, historical perspective on, teeth, 
Xidagou  Zweers, G. A., on theropod-bird relationships,
Boluochia zhengi from,  Yuan Zhiyou, Sinornis santensis collected by, –
Cathayornis yandica from,   Zygomatic process, of neornithans, . See
Chaoyangia beishanensis from,  Yumen, Gansus yumenensis from,  also Jugal


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