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A day without

the internet
The internet has a huge impact
on our lives we’re all connected
with each other no matter how
far , because of the internet!
It has benefits and also side
effects depending on how we
use it and what we use it for .
But have you ever wondered how is it going to be if you just live for
Without having to take pictures every other second , checking people
profiles , And without feeling not enough or less than others just
because you saw a 15 seconds of their 24 hours .
I started my day , in the beginning it feels like
something is missing in your life however I tried to
focus more on myself first i prayed so much
without being in a hurry to go check my phone ,
visited my family had an incredible time without
taking pictures all the time
Just a calm moments with deep talks
Went to get some work done , cleaned my room ,
Somehow in the end of the night it felt like you
know nothing about everyone so I began thinking,
who’s everyone? I made lots of connections with
relatives , colleagues , god and myself .
Then realized I have cut the negative people that
just want to know what i’m doing not how i’m
It was difficult to not use many
technology machines , felt like the
old days .

However it definitely feels better

when you decide to have a day off
the world a little bit, to
Reorganize yourself , and not let a
phone control your feelings or
control you.

Let us have a moment to pray for

people in Gaza how doesn’t have
electricity ,wifi, or even water but
not by their choice! 󰚦

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