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Technical Specification:
The Liquid Smoke is a product obtained from the liquid smoke obtained from the partial combustion of the wood
(which is washed and filtered), phenolic compounds, extracted from the liquid smoke, destined to the spice
production, resulting in a concentrate product of high profitability, indicated to use in the mass according to the
intensity of flavor desired. Also suitable for use in snacks and salty snacks smoked flavor, or can be used in the
form of immersion or spraying in a proportion of 40% in drinking water, only for flavor, when requires no coloring
the product. Importantly, this product has the natural aroma of (a) wood species, it being reforested to keep the
standard of the product and that there is no depredation of natural forests and the environment.

Sensorial Characteristics
Flavor / Smell Characteristic
Dirtiness/ Strange Materials Absent
Aspect Liquid
Color Caramel

Physical and Chemical Characteristics

pH direct in the product 2,00 to 4,00
Density 0,980 up to 1,100 g/l

Microbiological Characteristics
Coliforms Counting at 45°C UFC/g 0 to 10 UFC/g
Salmonella Sp. in 25ml Absent

Composition: Natural Smoke Aroma (100%)

Packing: Blue polyethylene drums, with 5 or 30kg capacity, properly identified and appropriate for the product

Storage Condition: To be kept in a dry and ventilated place at ambient temperature, in it’s original packing.

Validity: 12 months.

Use: 20 to 40g for 100kg of mass. Shake before use.

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