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6.1. Do you think you spend a lot of time on social media?

Yeah, I think many of us these days spend a lot of time on social media, and so do
I. Scrolling through feeds and checking notifications can easily lead to distraction. These
days, using social media platforms has become more important for some people to remain
in touch, share experiences, and follow trends.

6.2. Do your friends use social media?

Yes, without a doubt! Most of my friends are on social media. We can

communicate, exchange updates, and keep up with each other using it. Using social media
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, we stay connected and track each other's

6.3. What do people often do on social media?

People often use social media for connecting with friends and family, sharing
updates, photos, and videos. They also follow interests, join groups, and stay updated on
current events. Social media serves as a platform for entertainment, information,
networking, and expressing oneself creatively.

6.4. When did you start using social media?

Oh, I started using social media when I was a student in high school. It was a fun
way to connect with friends and share interesting moments. Over time, it became a
significant part of staying updated and networking.

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