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Dance Style: ……………………………………… Year 7 Dance Name: ………………………………………………

Country: …………………………………………… DANCE AROUND THE WORLD Date: ………………………………………………..

Continent: ……………………………………….. Fact File Project Tutor: ……………………………………………….

Heritage of the dance style: Characteristic Features of the Dance Style

Complete some independent research in to the history and origins of the Find 1-3 images of the dance style and annotate to describe the ADSR.
dance style and summarise your research here: Extension: How does this reflect the characteristic features?
Don’t forget to complete

The dancer is performing a powerful

leap action with her legs in the splits. Her
arm delicately gestures, extending in
front of her. Annotate the images like
the example. How much
ADSR vocabulary can you
apply here?

To achieve your highest potential on this task, you

should prioritise clear and concise research and
Complete your own research and summarise detailed annotations of the ADSR of the images with
here. This should be in your own words and accurate vocabulary.
not directly copied from the internet. Extension: Could you even describe how this ADSR
shows the characteristic features of the dance style?

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