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Essentials of medical biochemistry by mushtaq ahmad pdf download

Essentials of medical biochemistry by mushtaq ahmad pdf download free. Essentials of medical biochemistry by mushtaq ahmad volume 1 pdf download. Essentials of medical biochemistry by mushtaq ahmad
volume 2 pdf download.

Connective tissue proteins, proteoglycans, and peptidoglycans9.2 Turnover of proteoglycans and role of lysosomesMultiple-choice questionsChapter 10. Gastrointestinal digestion and absorption10.1 Anatomy and
physiology of the gastrointestinal tract10.2 Gastrointestinal hormones10.3 Digestion and absorption of major food substances10.4 Absorption of water and electrolytes10.5 Thermic effect of foodMultiple-choice
questionsChapter 11. Carbohydrate metabolism I: glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle11.3 Tricarboxylic acid cycleMultiple-choice questionsChapter 12. Electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation,
and reactive oxygen species12.1 Mitochondrial structure and properties12.2 Oxidative phosphorylation12.3 The mitochondrial genome12.4 Nuclear control of respiratory chain expression12.5 Mitochondrial
diseases12.6 Other reducing-equivalent transport and oxygen-consuming systemsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 13. Carbohydrate metabolism II: gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and breakdown, and
pentose phosphate pathway13.3 Alternative pathways of glucose metabolism and hexose interconversionsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 14. Protein and amino acid metabolism14.1 Essential and nonessential
amino acids14.2 Metabolism of ammonia14.3 Metabolism of some individual amino acidsMultiple choice questionsChapter 15.

Glycoconjugates: glycoproteins and glycolipids8.2 Cell membrane constituents8.3 Cell surface glycoproteins8.5 Molecular mimicry of oligosaccharides and host susceptibilityMultiple-choice questionsChapter 9.
Connective tissue proteins, proteoglycans, and peptidoglycans9.2 Turnover of proteoglycans and role of lysosomesMultiple-choice questionsChapter 10. Gastrointestinal digestion and absorption10.1 Anatomy and
physiology of the gastrointestinal tract10.2 Gastrointestinal hormones10.3 Digestion and absorption of major food substances10.4 Absorption of water and electrolytes10.5 Thermic effect of foodMultiple-choice
questionsChapter 11. Carbohydrate metabolism I: glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle11.3 Tricarboxylic acid cycleMultiple-choice questionsChapter 12. Electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation,
and reactive oxygen species12.1 Mitochondrial structure and properties12.2 Oxidative phosphorylation12.3 The mitochondrial genome12.4 Nuclear control of respiratory chain expression12.5 Mitochondrial
diseases12.6 Other reducing-equivalent transport and oxygen-consuming systemsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 13. Carbohydrate metabolism II: gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and breakdown, and
pentose phosphate pathway13.3 Alternative pathways of glucose metabolism and hexose interconversionsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 14. Protein and amino acid metabolism14.1 Essential and nonessential
amino acids14.2 Metabolism of ammonia14.3 Metabolism of some individual amino acidsMultiple choice questionsChapter 15. Lipids I: fatty acids and eicosanoids15.1 Oxidation of fatty acids15.2 Other pathways
of fatty acid oxidation15.3 Metabolism of ketone bodies15.4 Synthesis of long-chain saturated fatty acids15.5 Metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids15.7 Essential fatty acids15.8 Metabolism of
eicosanoidsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 16. Lipids II: phospholipids, glycosphingolipids, and cholesterol16.2 Phospholipids and glycosphingolipids in clinical medicineMultiple-choice questionsChapter 17.
Lipids III: plasma lipoproteins17.1 Structure and composition17.3 Lipoproteins and coronary heart disease (also known as coronary artery disease)Multiple-choice questionsChapter 18. Contractile
systemsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 19. Perturbations of energy metabolism: obesity and diabetes mellitusMultiple-choice questionsChapter 20. Structure and properties of DNA20.2 Chromosomes and
chromatin20.3 Recombinant DNA technologyMultiple-choice questionsChapter 21. DNA replication, repair, and mutagenesis21.2 General features of DNA replication21.3 The enzymology of DNA replication21.4
DNA mutations and DNA repairMultiple-choice questionsChapter 22. RNA and protein synthesis22.4 Enzymatic synthesis of RNA22.5 Prokaryotic transcription22.6 Transcription in eukaryotes22.8 Attachment of
amino acid to transfer RNA molecule22.9 Initiator transfer RNA molecules and selection of initiation codonMultiple-choice questionsChapter 23. Regulation of gene expression23.2 Regulation of mRNA
synthesis23.3 Gene regulation in prokaryotes23.4 Gene regulation in eukaryotes23.5 Mechanisms of gene regulation in eukaryotes23.6 Transcriptional initiation by transcription factorsMultiple-choice
questionsChapter 24. Nucleotide metabolism24.1 One-carbon metabolism24.2 Formation of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate24.3 Biosynthesis of purine nucleotides24.4 Conversion of nucleoside
monophosphates to diphosphates and triphosphates24.5 Formation of purine deoxyribonucleotides24.6 Regulation of purine biosynthesis24.7 Inhibitors of purine biosynthesis24.8 Catabolism of purine
nucleotides24.9 Disorders of purine nucleotide metabolism24.10 Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides24.11 Coordination of purine and pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis24.12 Catabolism of pyrimidine
nucleotides24.13 Abnormalities of pyrimidine metabolismMultiple-choice questionsChapter 25. Hemoglobin and metabolism of iron and heme25.1 Structure of hemoglobins25.2 Functional aspects of
hemoglobin25.3 Inherited disorders of hemoglobin structure and synthesis25.4 Derivatives of hemoglobin25.5 Metabolism of iron and heme25.8 Disorders of heme biosynthesisMultiple-choice questionsChapter
Endocrine metabolism I: introduction and signal transduction26.2 Peptide, protein, and glycoprotein hormones26.4 Types of hormone receptors26.5 Cell surface receptorsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 27.
Endocrine metabolism II: hypothalamus and pituitary27.2 Pituitary gland (hypophysis)Multiple-choice questionsChapter 28. Endocrine metabolism III: adrenal glands28.2 Synthesis of corticosteroidsMultiple-
choice questionsChapter 29. Endocrine metabolism IV: thyroid gland29.2 Thyroid hormone synthesis29.3 Regulation of thyroid hormone synthesis29.4 Transport and metabolism of thyroid hormones29.5
Biological actions of thyroid hormonesMultiple-choice questionsChapter 30. Endocrine metabolism V: reproductive system30.3 Female reproductive systemMultiple-choice questions31.2 Components of the
immune system31.3 Communication within the immune response31.4 The complement system and inflammation31.6 B-cell development and antibody diversity31.7 T-cell development and T-cell receptor
diversity31.8 T-cell activation and differentiation31.9 The adaptive immune response: specific antibody response31.10 The adaptive immune response: cell-mediated immune responseMultiple-choice
questionsChapter 32. Biochemistry of hemostasis32.1 The hemostatic response occurs in two phases32.2 Hemostatic system factors and protein structure/function relationships32.3 Reactions of the coagulation
cascade—the procoagulant subsystem32.4 Shutting off coagulation—the anticoagulant subsystem32.5 Clot removal—the fibrinolytic subsystem32.6 Vitamin K, oral anticoagulants and their mechanisms of
action32.7 Hemostatic system dysfunction—bleeding and thrombosis32.8 Laboratory assessment of coagulation system functionsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 33. Mineral metabolism33.1 Calcium and
phosphorus33.3 Essential trace elementsMultiple-choice questionsChapter 34. Vitamin metabolism34.2 Fat-soluble vitamins34.3 Water-soluble vitaminsMultiple choice questionsChapter 35. Drug metabolism35.2
Pharmacokinetics of drug35.3 Pharmacodynamics of drugsMultiple choice questions

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