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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

CE 593



20 FEBRUARY 2024
938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City







1. DILIGENCE - Diligence is the steadfast and persistent effort towards achieving
goals or completing tasks, regardless of obstacles or setbacks. It involves
consistently applying oneself with care, attention, and determination to ensure
success in endeavors.
Reaction/Comment: It promotes the value of steady effort and
determination, reminding us that success is frequently the result of diligence
in the face of adversity. Embracing diligence in numerous aspects of life can
lead to personal fulfillment, growth, and goal attainment.
2. COURAGE - is the inner strength to confront fear, adversity, or danger with bravery
and resolve. It empowers individuals to act in the face of uncertainty,
demonstrating resilience and determination in challenging circumstances.
Reaction/Comment: In life and law, courage is interpreted as the willingness
to uphold justice and fairness in the face of adversity or opposition. It
enables people to stand up for what is right, advocate for change, and
defend the rights and liberties of others, establishing a society based on
honesty and equality before the law.
3. INTEGRITY - is the quality of being honest, ethical, and principled in one's actions,
regardless of external pressures or temptations. It involves consistency between
one's values, beliefs, and behavior, serving as a foundation for trust and respect
in personal and professional relationships.
Reaction/Comment: integrity is the bedrock of trust and accountability. It
demands individuals to adhere to moral principles, uphold honesty, and act
with consistency, fostering a society where justice is served and rights are
respected, ensuring a fair and equitable legal system for all.
4. HUMILITY - is the quality of having a modest view of one's own importance,
coupled with a willingness to listen, learn, and acknowledge the contributions of
others. It involves a lack of arrogance or pride, allowing individuals to approach
situations with openness, empathy, and respect.
Reaction/Comment: Humility acts as a guiding idea, encouraging
cooperation, understanding, and fairness. It invites us to face issues with
an open mind, to recognize other people's viewpoints and experiences, and
to work toward an equitable society based on mutual respect and dignity.
5. GRATITUDE - is the heartfelt appreciation for the blessings, kindness, and
experiences we receive in life, whether big or small. It involves recognizing and
acknowledging the positive aspects of our existence, fostering contentment,
resilience, and deeper connections with others.
Reaction/Comment: In life, thanksgiving inspires us to find beauty and
positivity in the midst of adversity, promoting resilience and emotional well-
being. In the legal field, gratitude may promote appreciation for the judicial
system, supporting respect for the rule of law and the protection of all
individuals' rights and freedoms.
6. COMPASSION - is the empathetic concern for the suffering and well-being of
others, driving us to alleviate their pain and promote their happiness. It involves
recognizing and responding to the needs of others with kindness, understanding,
and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in their lives.
Reaction/Comment: In life, compassion is a powerful force that brings
people together, encouraging empathy and support during difficult times. In
law, a compassionate approach guarantees that justice is tempered with
understanding, recognizing the human side of legal issues, and promoting
fairness, particularly in situations when empathy can have a substantial
impact on outcomes.
7. GENEROSITY - is the selfless act of giving freely to others, whether it be time,
resources, or kindness, without expecting anything in return. It embodies a spirit
of abundance and goodwill, enriching both the giver and the recipient while
fostering connections and strengthening communities.
Reaction/Comment: In our lives, generosity acts as a beacon of light in
times of darkness, illuminating the path toward compassion and connection.
It fosters a sense of abundance, enriching both the giver and receiver, and
reminding us of the inherent goodness within humanity.
8. PATIENCE - is the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of delays,
difficulties, or frustrations, without losing one's temper or resolve. It involves
tolerance, resilience, and a willingness to wait for desired outcomes, recognizing
that some things require time and perseverance to achieve.
Reaction/Comment: it is a virtue that helps us deal with the uncertainties
and complexities of many situations, promoting resilience and inner peace.
Patience is needed in the law to ensure comprehensive inquiry, fair
proceedings, and just outcomes, as hurrying through legal processes might
jeopardize the integrity of justice.
9. KINDNESS - is the practice of showing compassion and consideration towards
others, fostering a sense of warmth and connection in relationships while
promoting empathy and understanding.
Reaction/Comment: In lawful situations, kindness can humanize legal
proceedings, promoting empathy, fairness, and reconciliation, ultimately
contributing to a more just and harmonious society.
10. FORGIVENESS- an act of letting go of resentment or anger towards someone who
has wronged you, allowing for healing, reconciliation, and the restoration of inner
In our lives, forgiveness is a transformative act that liberates us from the
burden of resentment, allowing for healing, growth, and the restoration of
relationships. In law, forgiveness can mitigate conflicts, promote
reconciliation, and contribute to the pursuit of justice by offering pathways
toward resolution and rehabilitation within legal frameworks.
11. RESILIENCE - ability to bounce back from adversity, setbacks, or challenges,
drawing strength from hardships to grow, adapt, and thrive in the face of difficulties.
Reaction/Comment: resilience will be the key to weathering life's storms,
enabling us to bounce back from setbacks, adversity, and challenges with
strength, adaptability, determination and the ability to withstand pressures
while upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law even in the face
of obstacles or crises.
12. SELF-DISCIPLINE - practice of controlling one's impulses, emotions, and actions
to achieve long-term goals, demonstrating commitment, focus, and perseverance
in pursuing desired outcomes.
Reaction/Comment: In both our lives and the realm of law, resilience is
paramount. It enables individuals to navigate through adversity with
strength and adaptability, fostering personal growth and emotional well-
13. EMPATHY - is the capacity to understand and share the feelings and perspectives
of others, fostering connection, compassion, and support in interpersonal
relationships and societal interactions.
Reaction/Comment: it will be the cornerstone of understanding and
connection, fostering compassion and support in personal relationships and
societal interactions. Within the law, empathy humanizes legal proceedings,
promoting fairness and justice by recognizing the perspectives and
experiences of all individuals.
14. OPTIMISM - is the mindset of maintaining a positive outlook and hopeful attitude
towards life's challenges and uncertainties, believing in the possibility of favorable
outcomes and opportunities for growth.
Reaction/Comment: Optimism serves as a guiding light, instilling hope, and
resilience in the face of challenges, inspiring perseverance, and positive
outcomes. Within the law, optimism encourages belief in the possibility of
justice and fairness, driving efforts to uphold the rule of law and create a
legal system that serves the common good, fostering trust and confidence
in legal institutions.
15. TOLERANCE - is the acceptance and respect for differences in opinions, beliefs,
and backgrounds, promoting harmony, diversity, and mutual understanding in
Reaction/Comment: The value of tolerance in both our lives and the law
cannot be overstated. In personal interactions, tolerance promotes harmony
and understanding, allowing for acceptance and respect of differing
perspectives and beliefs. olerance ensures that justice is administered
impartially and fairly, regardless of differences, fostering a society built on
principles of equity, inclusivity, and mutual respect.
16. CONTENTMENT - the state of being satisfied and at peace with what one has,
cultivating gratitude, mindfulness, and a sense of fulfillment in life regardless of
external circumstances.
Reaction/Comment: Personally, contentment encourages gratitude and
mindfulness, leading to greater happiness and well-being. In the legal
sphere, contentment promotes adherence to principles of justice and
fairness, ensuring that legal decisions are made with integrity and
consideration for the greater good, ultimately contributing to a more
equitable and just society.
17. GRACIOUSNESS - quality of showing kindness, politeness, and consideration
towards others, even in difficult situations, fostering goodwill and harmony in
interpersonal interactions.
Reaction/Comment: The value of being gracious in both our lives and the
law is profound. Personally, graciousness cultivates kindness, empathy, and
humility, fostering harmonious relationships and enhancing the well-being
of individuals and communities. graciousness promotes respect, dignity,
and fairness in interactions,
18. CIVILITY - is the practice of respectful behavior and communication, promoting
courtesy, decency, and cooperation in social interactions and public discourse.
Reaction/Comment: In personal interactions, civility promotes
understanding and empathy, fostering positive relationships and a sense of
community. In the legal system, civility ensures fairness, impartiality, and
respect for due process, enhancing the integrity of legal proceedings and
upholding the rule of law, ultimately contributing to a just and equitable
19. COURTEOUSNESS - is the demonstration of politeness, respect, and
consideration towards others, enhancing social harmony and fostering positive
relationships through gracious and polite conduct.
Reaction/Comment: In personal encounters, professional settings, or legal
proceedings, courteousness fosters a culture of civility, cooperation, and
respect, enriching our experiences and relationships with others.
20. FAITHFULNESS - is the commitment to loyalty, trustworthiness, and reliability in
relationships and obligations, demonstrating integrity and steadfastness in
honoring one's commitments.
Reaction/Comment: Through our lives it involves honoring promises,
staying true to our values, and supporting others through thick and thin,
fostering deep bonds of trust and mutual respect. In the legal realm,
faithfulness is essential for upholding the integrity of legal proceedings and
maintaining trust in the justice system.
21. JUSTICE - adherence to fairness, equity, and impartiality in decision-making and
actions, ensuring that all individuals are treated with dignity and receive their due
rights and entitlements.
Reaction/Comment: It allows us treating people with dignity, respecting their
rights, and advocating for what is right and just, fostering harmony and trust
within communities.
22. PURITY - state of moral excellence and integrity, free from contamination or
corruption, reflecting sincerity, honesty, and ethical conduct in thoughts, words,
and deeds.
Reaction/Comment: It involves living with a clear conscience, free from
deceit or corruption, and striving for ethical conduct and noble intentions in
all endeavors, fostering inner peace and a sense of moral clarity.
23. SIMPLICITY - the quality of clarity, straightforwardness, and minimalism in lifestyle,
thought, and action, fostering focus, clarity, and harmony amidst complexity.
Reaction/Comment: it allows focusing on what truly matters, fostering
contentment, and finding joy in the little things, leading to a sense of peace
and fulfillment. While in law, simplicity promotes accessibility, transparency,
and efficiency in legal processes and regulations.
24. SELFLESSNESS - is the practice of prioritizing the needs and well-being of others
above one's own, demonstrating compassion, generosity, and altruism in actions
and attitudes.
Reaction/Comment: selflessness brings about numerous benefits, including
deepening relationships, fostering a sense of community, and promoting
personal fulfillment.
25. GENTLENESS - is the quality of being kind, compassionate, and considerate in
demeanor and actions, promoting harmony, understanding, and emotional
sensitivity in interpersonal relationships.
Reaction/Comment: By approaching others with kindness, patience, and
understanding, we create a safe and supportive environment that
encourages open communication and trust, leading to deeper connections
and healthier relationships.
26. MAGNANIMITY - is the noble quality of being generous, forgiving, and noble-
minded, especially towards those who have wronged you. It involves showing
kindness and compassion, rising above petty grievances, and extending
forgiveness and understanding even in challenging circumstances.
Reaction/Comment: magnanimity can help facilitate the resolution of
conflicts and disputes, leading to more positive outcomes for all parties
involved and fostering a stronger sense of trust and respect in the legal
27. THRIFTINESS - is the wise and responsible management of resources, avoiding
wastefulness and extravagance, and promoting frugality, sustainability, and
financial prudence.
Reaction/Comment: thriftiness cultivates financial responsibility,
resourcefulness, and sustainability, leading to greater financial stability and
security.and it contributes to the efficient and effective allocation of
resources within the legal system.
28. RESPONSIBLE - the accountability and reliability in fulfilling duties, obligations,
and commitments, demonstrating maturity, integrity, and conscientiousness in
personal and professional endeavors.
Reaction/Comment: it can lead to greater personal fulfillment and success.
By taking ownership of our actions and decisions, we build trust and respect
in our relationships and communities, and we become more effective
leaders and contributors to society.
29. LIBERALITY - is the trait of being generous and open-handed, freely giving of
one's resources, time, or assistance to others without hesitation or expectation of
reciprocity. It embodies a spirit of abundance and benevolence, enriching both the
giver and the recipient while fostering goodwill and community.
Reaction/Comment: liberality cultivates generosity, compassion, and
empathy, leading to deeper connections and a sense of fulfillment. By freely
giving of our resources, time, and assistance to others, we foster a spirit of
abundance and goodwill, enriching our lives and those around us.
30. MAGNIFECENCE - is the quality of being grand, splendid, or impressive in
appearance or scale, often evoking awe, or admiration. It encompasses
extravagance and excellence, elevating the ordinary to extraordinary heights
through beauty, opulence, or sheer grandeur.
Reaction/Comment: allows us as an individuals to experience moments of
awe, beauty, and inspiration, enhancing their overall well-being and sense
of fulfillment. By appreciating and creating moments of grandeur and
1. ENVY - Resentment or discontent towards others' success, possessions, or
achievements, often accompanied by a desire to possess what others have.
Reaction/Comment: Envy breeds bitterness, insecurity, and a lack of
appreciation for one's own blessings and accomplishments. It can lead to
unethical behavior among legal professionals, undermining trust and
impartiality in legal proceedings.
2. GREED- Excessive desire for wealth or possessions, often at the expense of
others' well-being and ethical considerations.
Reaction/Comment: Greed can lead to dissatisfaction, strained
relationships, and a constant pursuit of material wealth. Through legal
system, it can lead to corruption, bribery, and the exploitation of legal
loopholes, undermining the fairness and integrity of legal systems.
3. PRIDE- Excessive belief in one's own abilities, accomplishments, or superiority,
often accompanied by arrogance and a lack of humility.
Reaction/Comment: it can lead to isolation, alienation, and a reluctance
admit mistakes, the abuse of power among legal professionals, resulting in
ethical violations, professional misconduct, and damage to reputations and
4. WRATH- is an Intense and uncontrollable feelings of anger, often resulting in
destructive or harmful actions towards oneself or others.
Reaction/Comment: lead to violence, revenge, and the disregard for legal
boundaries, resulting in criminal charges and civil litigation, further
perpetuating cycles of conflict and harm.
5. SLOTH- Apathy, laziness, or a lack of motivation to exert effort or pursue goals,
often resulting in neglect of responsibilities or opportunities.
Reaction/Comment: can lead to negligence, incompetence, and the
mishandling of legal matters, resulting in error and delays.
6. LUST- overwhelming desire for sexual gratification, often leading to objectification,
exploitation, and the disregard for consent and boundaries.
Reaction/Comment: it can lead to unhealthy relationships, exploitation, and
the objectification of others, undermining respect, intimacy, and emotional
connections. Also, it can lead to sexual harassment, assault, and
7. GLUTTONY- Excessive indulgence in food, drink, or consumption of material
goods beyond what is necessary or healthy, often driven by an insatiable appetite.
Reaction/Comment: in life, it can lead to fraud, theft, and the exploitation of
resources, resulting in legal penalties, financial losses, and damage to
reputations and livelihoods.
8. JEALOUSY- Insecurity or resentment towards others' achievements, possessions,
or relationships, often accompanied by suspicion, possessiveness, and distrust.
Reaction/Comment: can bring a breed of insecurity, mistrust, and toxic
behavior in relationships, undermining trust, intimacy, and emotional well-
9. VANITY- Excessive concern with one's appearance, status, or image, often leading
to self-centeredness, superficiality, and a preoccupation with external validation.
Reaction/Comment: can lead to ethical breaches, bias, and the
manipulation of legal proceedings for personal gain or recognition,
undermining fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law.
10. DECEIT- Dishonesty, manipulation, or concealment of information to mislead or
exploit others for personal gain or advantage.
Reaction/Comment: Deceit will lead you to commit fraud, perjury, and the
subversion of justice, resulting in legal consequences, damage to
reputations, and the erosion of public trust in legal institutions and
11. BETRAYAL- Violation of trust or loyalty towards others, often resulting in emotional
pain, broken relationships, and a loss of integrity.
Reaction/Comment: in unlawful manner it may lead you to legal disputes,
breaches of contracts, and the dissolution of partnerships, resulting in
financial losses, damage to reputations, and the pursuit of legal remedies
to address injustices and seek restitution.
12. INDIFFERENCE- Lack of concern, empathy, or interest in the well-being or
feelings of others, often resulting in apathy, neglect, and a disregard for social
Reaction/Comment: Indifference may result to isolation, loneliness, and a
sense of detachment from others and society, hindering empathy,
compassion, and meaningful connections.
13. CRUELTY- Willful infliction of pain, suffering, or harm on others, often motivated
by malice, sadism, or a lack of empathy and compassion.
Reaction/Comment: it is a violation of human rights, ethics, and legal
principles, resulting in criminal charges, civil litigation, and the imposition of
legal sanctions to ensure accountability.
14. STUBBORNNESS- Refusal to change one's opinions, beliefs, or behaviors, even
in the face of evidence, reason, or advice from others, often resulting in rigidity,
conflict, and stagnation.
Reaction/Comment: Resistance, tension, and a lack of cooperation in
relationships impede progress, compromise, and dispute resolution.
15. IMPULSIVENESS- Acting without forethought, consideration, or self-control, often
leading to rash decisions, reckless behavior, and unintended consequences.
Reaction/Comment: it causes regret, instability, and a lack of stability in life,
impeding goal achievement and instilling uncertainty and volatility in
relationships and endeavors.
16. AVARICE- Insatiable desire for wealth, possessions, or power, often leading to
exploitation, corruption, and the disregard for ethical and moral considerations.
Reaction/Comment: can lead to fraud, embezzlement, and misuse of
authority, leading in legal penalties, reputational damage, and a loss of trust
in organizations and persons in positions of power and responsibility.
17. NARCISSISM- Excessive self-admiration, vanity, or a preoccupation with one's
own needs, desires, and image, often at the expense of others' well-being and
Reaction/Comment: it may harm you and can lead to abusive behavior,
exploitation, and manipulation of legal proceedings for personal benefit or
notoriety, as well as a lack of empathy and true connection with others, as
self-absorption and validation-seeking activities take precedence over
meaningful connections and authentic experiences.
18. INGRATITUDE- Lack of appreciation, acknowledgment, or thankfulness for the
blessings, favors, or efforts of others, often leading to resentment, entitlement, and
a sense of entitlement.
Reaction/Comment: Not being contented, it may lead you to hurt other
people around you and failure to recognize and reciprocate what kindness
you have received from others.
19. RECKLESSNESS- Lack of consideration for consequences, safety, or risks, often
resulting in careless, impulsive, or dangerous behavior that endangers oneself or
Reaction/Comment: in our daily lives. it may cause an accident, injury, and
trauma as you neglect the safety and precautions.
20. INDECISION- Inability or reluctance to make decisions or take action, often
resulting in procrastination, uncertainty, and missed opportunities.
Reaction/Comment: inability to make choices and commit to decisions
hinders personal growth, success, and well-being.

21. IRRESPONSIBILITY- Failure to fulfill obligations, duties, or commitments, often

resulting in harm, inconvenience, or negative consequences for oneself or others.
Reaction/Comment leads to instability. discomfort, and a loss of trust and
respect from others, as failing to satisfy obligations.
22. DISHONESTY- Lack of truthfulness, integrity, or sincerity in one's words, actions,
or dealings with others, often resulting in deception, manipulation, and the violation
of trust and ethical principles.
Reaction/Comment: may lead to trust issues, a breakdown among your
relationship with other people around you and will made you unable to gain
their respect.
23. COWARDICE- Lack of courage, bravery, or willingness to confront fear, danger, or
adversity, often resulting in avoidance, evasion, or surrender in the face of
challenges or threats.
Reaction/Comment: you will be lack of opportunity, regret and your dreams
will not be into reality as you will not meet the fulfillment you wanted.
24. STINGINESS- Extreme reluctance or refusal to share or give freely of one's
resources, possessions, or assistance to others, often driven by selfishness,
greed, or fear of loss.
Reaction/Comment: you are neglecting generosity, you always think about
yourself only, it may lead you to isolation, resentment, and a lack of
fulfillment, as the hoarding of resources and reluctance to share with others
undermines generosity, compassion, and meaningful connections in
relationships and interactions.
25. NEGLIGENCE- Failure to exercise care, attention, or diligence in one's actions or
duties, often resulting in harm, accidents, or damage to oneself or others.
Reaction/Comment: in our lives that we have to followed law, having these
vices can lead to legal liabilities, lawsuits, and the imposition of legal
penalties, resulting in financial losses, damage to reputations, and the need
for legal intervention to address harm, seek restitution, and ensure
accountability and fairness in legal
26. INSINCERITY- Lack of genuineness, authenticity, or sincerity in one's words,
actions, or intentions, often resulting in deception, manipulation, or the violation of
trust and ethical principles.
Reaction/Comment: the failure to be truthful and genuine undermines trust,
respect, and authenticity in interactions and connections with others.
27. ENMITY- Hostility, animosity, or ill will towards others, often resulting in conflict,
aggression, and the disruption of peace and harmony in relationships or
Reaction/Comment: presence of hostility and conflict undermines trust,
cooperation, and mutual respect in interactions and relationships with
28. RUDENESS- Lack of politeness, respect, or consideration towards others in one's
words, actions, or behavior, often resulting in offense, disrespect, or discomfort.
Reaction/Comment: absence of courtesy and respect undermines trust,
civility, and mutual understanding in interactions with others. It may cause
breakdown of legal proceedings and relationships, resulting in delays,
inefficiencies, and the erosion of trust and cooperation in legal transactions
and endeavors, while impeding the pursuit of justice and resolution of
29. CONCEIT- Excessive pride, arrogance, or self-importance, often accompanied by
a disdainful attitude towards others or a lack of empathy and humility.
Reaction/Comment: having this kind of attitude or vices may result your life
into lack of genuine connections and respect from others, as the presence
of arrogance and superiority undermines empathy, humility, and authentic
30. DESPAIR- Feeling of hopelessness, sadness, or resignation, often resulting from
disappointment, failure, or loss, and a lack of belief in positive outcomes or
Reaction/Comment: it may produce to your daily lives an anxiety, you will
be isolating yourself from others, and a sense of powerlessness, since the
lack of hope and optimism diminishes resilience, motivation, and the ability
to deal with life's obstacles and failures.

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