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Sample Offer Letter (or, Job Appointment Letter)

Sample Requisition Letter (or, Request Letter) format for Office Equipment

[Below briefly describe sample Requisition letter for the purchase of Office equipment like
tables, chair, ups, mouse, printer, scanner, copier, led, multimedia, projector, speakers,
remote etc. You can modify these formats as your requirement.]

22 March, 2022

Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka

Subject: Requisition Letter for Office Equipment

Respected Sir,

I am working as an Office Manager since last two years. This application is to inform you
that many of the office equipment is now outdated and also in vulnerable working condition.
As a result, our employees are facing various problems while doing their duty and
complaining constantly.

It is high time we need purchase some new items so that our employees can perform their
duty easily and comfortably. These equipment include stationary, tables, chair, printer,
scanner, copier, led, multimedia and some computer systems as well. For your convenience, I
have attached the Purchase list and quantities below.

It would be a huge favour if you could get this as soon as possible.

Thank you and Best Regards,


Mahin Islam
Office Manager
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka


 The list of products to be purchased

Sample Requisition Letter (or, Request Letter) format-2

22 March, 2022

Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka

Subject: Request Letter for Office Equipment

Respected sir,

The following application is being written to you on behalf of the whole floor staff. It is
stated that since a few weeks now after our office was moved from the third floor to the first
we have lost a lot of office equipment in the moving process. Moreover, since the joining of
the new office staff we have been experiencing a lack in everyday use office equipment as

I am attaching a list of the office equipment that we need the most right now and without
which working on a daily basis is very hard for us. I hope you will consider our situation and
provide us with all the office equipment that we need.

Thank you and Best Regards,


Mahin Islam
Office Manager
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka


 The list of products to be purchased


22 March, 2022

Head of HR
Smart Textiles Ltd.

Subject: Recommendation Letter for Mahin Islam.

Dear Concerned/ Mr. Raihan Ahmed,

It is with great pleasure that I send you this letter of recommendation for Mr. Mahin Islam. I
had the privilege of teaching him all through his graduation college for last four years. He
was a model student, participating in everything from sports to Student Government. In fact,
he was the Student Government President in his senior year.

Mahin Islam majored in Textile Education and graduated with Honours last month. He is
very dynamic, a quick learner and certainly a nice communicator as well. Moreover, he is a
unique individual.

You would do well to consider him seriously for employment with your company.


Prof. Abdul Aziz
Department of Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka

Sample Inquiry Letter: For Product and Educational Institution

School (Educational Institution) Inquiry Letter Format

01 December, 2021

The Registrar
Jadavpur University,
Jadavpur, India.

Subject: To inquire about Postgraduate Diploma course in Computer Science and Engineering

Dear Sir/ Madam/ Recipient’s Name,

Thank you for the time to read this letter. I learned about your institution via online research.
I discovered that you are offering a postgraduate Diploma course in Computer Science and
Engineering, but I did not get all the information I required about the course in your website.

In this regard, kindly provide information on the course outline and tuition fees. I will also
need to know if the course is available on distance learning. This information is essential to
determine if I will enrol in the course.

Your efforts will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Abu Jafar
71/1 Green Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh


01 December, 2021

Head of Marketing

Aristo Pharma
Gulshan, Dhaka

Dear Sir/Madam/Mr/ Mrs. X,

I learned from your sales representative you have launched a new product for Arthritis. I have
been selling most of your brands, and they are of exemplary quality.

I want to get the following details about the product.

 The brand name

 The active ingredients and their concentration
 Packaging
 Minimum order quantities
 Availability of the product
 Prices
 Promotional materials
 Sample product

This information will be vital as I plan to stock the product. I will appreciate any other relevant
information about the product.

Thank you for your efforts in developing quality products for our clients.

Yours truly/ Sincerely,

Abu Jafar
71/1 Green Road, Dhaka.


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