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Diocesan Schools of Urdaneta


Pozorrubio, Pangasinan


Name: _________________________________________ Score: _________
Grade & Section: ________________________________

Direction: Choose the correct answer for each question. Write your answer on the space provided.

____1. A branch of visual arts that is created through carving, modelling, or assembling parts together.
a. sketch b. sculpture c. painting d. drawing
____2. Which of the following does not correctly define or explain “painting”?
a. it is a process of applying colors in flat surface.
b. Considered two-dimentional for it has length and depth.
c. A branch of visual arts.
d. Genre painting is one of its theme.
____3. Telon painting correctly define as:
a. A painting used as backdrop or background in a play usually senakulo and comedy
b. A huge-wall size painting used to impart messages to the public
c. Form of painting that considered as the most common
d. Painting that are meant to be framed and hanged on the wall
____4. Mural painting is one the popular form of painting and describe as:
a. A painting used as backdrop or background in a play usually senakulo and comedy
b. A huge-wall size painting used to impart messages to the public
c. Form of painting that considered as the most common
d. Painting that are meant to be framed and hanged on the wall
____5. The following are THEMES of Painting except:
a. Easel paiting b. interiors c. historical painting d. genre painting
____6. Theme of paintng that usually depicts the daily life of ‘folks’.
a. Easel paiting b. interiors c. historical painting d. genre painting
____7. A painting that depicts the life or scene of the past.
a. Easel paiting b. interiors c. historical painting d. genre painting
____8. What does portrait painting commonly use for?
a. To reveal social classes in society
b. Promote national values and heritage
c. To seek understanding to certain individual using his facial or physical features
d. For religious belief
____9. A kind of painting that has horizontal flat base
a. Free standing
b. Relief sculpture
c. Assemblage
d. Kinetic sculpture
____10. Sculpture that can independently stand in space.
a. Free standing
b. Relief scultpure
c. Assemblage
d. Kinetic sculpture
Direction: Identify the themes being used in the following painting. Write ARF, if it is genre painting,
ARF ARF, if historical painting, ARF ARF ARF, if landscape, ARF ARF ARF ARF, if religious painting,
MEOW, for still life painting, MEOW MEOW, for portrait painting, MEOW MEOW MEOW, for nude

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. _________________________


4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. _________________________

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Direction: Answer the following questions on a separate yellow paper.

1. If you would be a painter, what could be the theme of your painting? Why? (5 pts)
2. What can you say about the sculpture of St. Philomena in our school? (10 pts)
3. When can we say that a certain painting or a sculpture has its ART VALUE? Does the sculpture of ST.
PHILOMENA has its ART VALUE? Why? (10 pts)


Subject Teacher

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