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Tram : Hey, Thinh. What are you doing?

Thinh: I am reading about Do’s and Don’ts in England in Tuoi

Tre newspaper today
Tram : Oh, really! In England, It’s polite to say “excuse me” If
someone is blocking your way and would like them to move ,
say “excuse me” and they will move out of your way. Right?
Thinh: Yes, exactly. And If you bump into someone, It’s polite to
say “Sorry” . The other person might also say sorry too because
it’s an English habit
Tram : Well , Do you realize that doing the thing in England is
Thinh: It’s impolite to ask personal or intimate question
because everyone like our privacy, please don’t ask question
such as :” How much money do you earn” ? or “ Why are you
single?” , “ How much do you weight?”
Tram: Yes, I agree with you. You’re not supposed to ask a lady
her age , it’s considered rude. It is not only in England but I
think all women in the world do not like this
Thinh: I extremely agree with you about this. And you’re not
expected to spit in public . Spitting in public is considered very
rude and people really don’t like it.
Tram: Okay, I know . But I have a lesson in next 15 minutes, so I
must to go right now. See you later
Thinh: Okay, see you later. Have a good day

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