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Boy Dead After School Bullying

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TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - In yet another violence case against children, Fajar Murdianto (12), a
student at Klumprit 1 Elementary School in Sukoharjo, Central Java, on Sunday, May 25, 2014
died after being in a coma for two weeks at a local hospital since early May.

The doctor said that Fajar died of brain concussion and prior to his death, he often complained of
headache and nausea.

Surono (40), his uncle said that before being treated at the hospital, his nephew was often beat up
by his classmates

"Before falling into a coma, he once said that he was often beat up by his schoolmates," said
Surono in Sukoharjo on Sunday.

Surono added that his parents were actually suspicious after he went home with bruises and
when they asked him, the boy answered that his friends at school beat him up.

He added it was only after he was treated at the hospital did he finally admit that he had been
beat up by his classmates ever since he was in the fifth grade.

"He was a quite boy. He never said anything unless we asked him," he said.

One of Fajar's classmates, meanwhile, admitted that he often saw him beat by his schoolmates.

"Usually he was hit in the head. Sometimes he was oftenly hit by thick books," said the student
who wanted to remain anonymous.

Following his nephew's death, Surono said that he reported the case to the police two days ago.

"Initially, I was told not to bring the case to the police but to resolve it in the school. However,
our family wants to have the case investigated so that we all can take a lesson from it," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Anti-Crime Division of Sukoharjo Police, Second Inspector Suparno

confirmed that the victim’s family had reported the case the police.

"We're investigating the case and for the time being, the family refused to have an autopsy to the
victim's body," he said.

SUKOHARJO - Berdasarkan catatan medis pihak RSUD Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Fajar Nur Murdianto,
siswa kelas 5 SD Klumprit 1, Mojolaban, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, tewas setelah sempat koma selama 10
hari (sebelumnya ditulis 12 hari). Berdasarkan hasil scan, pada otaknya diketahui ada pembengkakan
yang menyebabkan gegar otak .

Minggu (25/5/2014) sekira pukul 03.00 WIB atau dua jam sebelum korban meninggal, Fajar sempat
kejang-kejang hebat dan disusul muntah-muntah. "Kami yang saat itu ada di rumah sakit, meminta
untuk segera dipanggilkan dokter. Dari pemeriksaan dokter, dokter menyarankan untuk dirujuk ke RSUD
Moewardi Solo yang alatnya lebih lengkap," papar Surono, paman korban, Minggu (25/5/2014).

Namun, saat tengah mempersiapkan kepindahan anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara ini ke RSUD
Moewardi, korban meninggal dunia. Rencananya, korban dimakamkan di tempat pemakaman umum
(TPU) yang letaknya tak jauh dari tempat tinggalnya, sekira pukul 14.00 WIB.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, Fajar Nur Murdianto tewas karena diduga dikeroyok empat orang teman
sekelasnya. Fajar sempat dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Sukoharjo, sebelum akhirnya
mengembuskan napas terakhir Minggu (25/5/2014) sekira pukul 05.00 WIB.

"Fajar ini di kelas dikenal anak yang pintar. Keempat temannya ini sering meminta contekan ke Fajar.
Karena sering dimintai contekan, Fajar menolak. Dan, keempat temannya ini marah terus
mengeroyoknya," cerita Agus, tetangga korban, Minggu (25/5/2014).

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