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CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2

2. Calcium needs remain high during adulthod
OBJECTIVES as calcium in bones is removed and
Upon completion of the activity, the student should be replenished constantly
able to do the following: 3. Iron needs remain high in women until
1. Describe the body changes that occur during menopause
the span of the adult years. 4. Social development continues through
2. Identify the nutritional needs during early, adulthood, and nutritional status affects the
middle, and late adulthood quality of life
3. Explain the health concerns of early, middle, 5. Many factors that adversely affect the health
and late adulthood of the adult require a modification of the
4. Analyze the psychosocial, physiological, and adult’s dietary habits
economic influences on eating behaviors 6. A regular exercise program benefits
5. Evaluate the importance of maintaining a nutritional status
regular exercise program throughout the
adult years
6. List the effects of drugs, including alcohol, on The following health concenrs and problems of early
nutrients and health and middle years should be noted:
7. Propose measures to promote healthful 1. Psychological stress and sedentary lifestyles
eating habits during adulthood, especially the are social factors that can create health
later year problems
2. Alcohol, drug, and tobacco use negatively
affect health and nutritional status
EARLY AND MIDDLE ADULTHOOD 3. Chronic exposure to environmental pollutants
is a health hazard, especially in large cities
Ø The chronological ages of early and middle
4. Obesity, arthritis, and osteomalacia are
adulthood differ among expert opinions.
common disorders of middle age.
Ø For this discussion, the early adult stage covers
Osteoporosis is especially common in women
18 to 40 and the middle adulthood period covers
5. Cardiovascular diseases and cancer ar e
ages 40 to 65.
leading causes of death in the adult
Ø During all stages of adulthood, body changes
o In early adulthood, physical growth
o During the adult years, nutrients Ø Osteoporosis is a silent enemy.
are mainly used for body repair and Ø It is a bone disease that leads to an increased
maintenance. risk of fracture.
Ø Body composition changes include: Ø The spine may compress, then later collapse
o a decrease in lean mass causing dowager’s hump.
o an increase in fat, and Ø It is less common in men than in women.
o a reduction in bone density. Ø Women at risk of developing osteoporosis
Ø Osteomalacia and arthritis may occur. include:
Ø With a reduction in basal metabolic rate (BMR), o Thin, small-boned women
body functions and the capacity to perform o Women with a family history of the
physical work decline with advancing years. disease
o The fall in BMR and activity o Women whose ovaries were
necessitates a decrease in caloric removed at an early age; and
intake. o Sedentary women.
o Also, the lifestyles adopted by a o Smokers and drinkers are also at
person influence food habits and risk.
nutrient needs. Ø For proper bone mass to be maintained, bones
Ø Nutrient needs during adulthood may be must be stressed as they are exercised.
analyzed as follows: Ø To prevent bone loss, experts recommend:
1. The diet should be optimal in all essential o 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 6 times a
nutrients except for calories. Energy needs week and calcium supplements if the
decline because of a decrease in activity and diet is not rich in foods containing
BMR calcium such as milk and dairy
products, spinach, and broccoli.
CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2
CANCER oTurnip,
Ø The American Cancer Society has gathered oRutabags,
evidences that diet and cancer are related. Here and
are the recommended foods to fend off cancer: o Radish.
o Carotene (a form of vitamin A o Drink moderate amounts of alcoholic
present in beverages.
§ Cantaloupes
§ Peaches
§ Broccoli Some concerns that specifically affect women in the
§ Spinach adult years should be noted:
§ all dark-green leafy 1. Pregnancy, lactation and menopause change a
vegetables woman’s nutrient requirements
§ Sweet potatoes 2. Certain contraceptives can create health
§ Carrots problems.
§ Pumpkin a. The use of the intrauterine device
§ Winter squash (IUD) as a birth control measure
§ Tomatoes causes a heavy menstrual flow and a
§ Citrus fruits, and greater need for iron
§ Brussels sprouts b. Oral contraceptive agents (OCAs),
• lowers the risk of because they are hormones, affect
cancer of the larynx the body’s metabolism of nutrients
and esophagus. c. The changes mimic the nutritional
o Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels status of pregnancy; that is, a higher
sprouts, and cauliflower reduce the nutritional intake is required
risk of GI and respiratory tract d. Protein metabolism is altered and
cancer. serum cholesterol and glucose levels
o Fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain rise when OCAs are used
cereals such as oatmeal, bran, and e. Requirements for vitamin C, vitamin
wheat may help lower the risk of B6, and folacin are increased in
colorectal cancer. these women
o Foods high in fats, salt, or nitrates- 3. Abortions affect iron status of women, as heavy
cured foods like ham and fish, and blood loss usually accompanies the process
types of sausages smoked by 4. Menopause decreases the need for iron, but
traditional methods should be eaten calcium needs are increased in women of
in moderation. childbearing age to retard or prevent
o Milk, especially 2-3 cups of osteoporosis
Vitamin D fortified skim milk a day,
may help ward off colon cancer.
o Cabbage prevents cancer. Ø Young adulthood is a time of excitement and
§ In fact, all vegetables which exploration.
fall into a group of plants o The age range runs from about 18
known as Cruciferae have to 40 years of age.
an anti-cancer effect. Ø Individuals are alive with plans, desires, and
• Examples of energy as they begin searching for and finding
cruciferous their places in the mainstream of adult life.
vegetables are: o They appear to have boundless
o Cabbage, energy for both social and
o Cauliflower professional activities.
o Broccoli, o They are often interested in exercise
Brussels for its own sake and may participate
sprouts, in athletic events as well.
o Mustard and Ø The middle period ranges from about 40 to
collard 65 years of age.
greens, o This is a time when the physical
o Watercress activities of young adulthood typically
o Kohlrabi, begin to decrease, resulting in
CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2
lowered caloric requirement for most population (2.1 million), women outnumbering
individuals. men three to one.
Ø Table 14-1 can help individuals estimate o RA affects:
energy (calorie) requirements. § The wrists
Ø During these years, people seldom have young § Joints of the fingers other
children to supervise, and the strenuous than those closest to the
physical labor of some occupations may be fingernail
delegated to younger people. § Hips
Ø Middle-aged people may tire more easily than § Knees
they did when they were younger. § Ankles
o Therefore, they may not get as much § Elbows
exercise as they did in earlier years. § Shoulders, and
§ Because appetite and food § Necks.
intake may not decrease, Ø Although researchers have determined that
there is a common tendency diet changes have no effect on rheumatoid
toward weight gain during arthritis, it is still important to maintain a healthy
this period. diet that includes adequate calcium and
Ø During young to middle adulthood, the protein.
beginnings of osteoporosis may also be Ø A multiple vitamin containing vitamin D and
evident. a calcium supplement should be taken
Ø A diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and fluoride is daily.
thought to help prevent osteoporosis. Ø Omega-3 fatty acids have been helpful in
Ø The onset of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) reducing inflammation, but a physician should
usually occurs between the ages of 30 to 50 be consulted before taking this supplement.
and will affect approximately 1% of the
CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2

NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS than men, to consume foods that

Ø Growth is usually complete by the age of 25. provide more than the requirements
o Consequently, except during for these two nutrients.
pregnancy and lactation, the Ø Three glasses of milk a day nearly fulfill the
essential nutrients are needed only to requirement for each of these nutrients.
maintain and repair body tissue and o Increasing this amount could prevent
to produce energy. osteoporosis.
Ø During these years, the nutrient requirements of Ø Fat-free milk or foods made from fat-free milk
healthy adults change very little. should be consumed to limit the amount of fat in
Ø The iron requirement for women throughout the the diet.
childbearing years remains higher than that for
o Extra iron is needed to replace Ø Calorie requirements begin to diminish after the
blood loss during menstruation age of 25, as basal metabolism rates decrease
and to help build both the infant’s (Table 14-2)
and the extra maternal blood Ø After 25 years, a person will gain weight if the
needed during pregnancy. total calories are not reduced according to
§ After menopause, this actual need, which will be determined by activity,
requirement for women BMI (REE), and amount of lean muscle mass.
matches that of men. Ø Those who are more active will require more
Ø Protein needs for healthy adults are thought to calories than those who are less active.
be 0.8 gram per kilogram of body weight.
o To determine the specific
amount, one must divide the
weight in pounds by 2.2 to
obtain the weight in kilograms
and then multiply the weight in
kilograms by 0.8.
Ø The current requirement for calcium for
adults from 19 to 50 is 1,000 mg, and for
vitamin D, 5 g.
o Both calcium and vitamin D
are essential for strong bones,
and both are found in milk.
Ø Bone loss begins slowly, at about the age
of 35 to 40, and can lead to osteoporosis
o Therefore, it is wise for young
people, especially women, who
are more prone to osteoporosis
CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2
RELATED TO NUTRITION CONCERNS Ø Weight control is one of the top concerns of U.S.
Ø It is especially important to maintain good eating adults.
habits during young and middle adulthood. o Whether for reasons of vanity, health,
Ø Women, who may be concerned about weight, or both, most people are interested in
cost of food, or time, can easily develop nutrient controlling their weight.
deficiencies. o It is advisable because overweight
o For example, a woman who settles can introduce health problems.
for a piece of pie at lunchtime while o Cases of diabetes mellitus, metabolic
her husband eats a hamburger and syndrome, and hypertension are
salad is being very foolish. more numerous among the
o If she continues to eat like this, she overweight than among those of
will jeopardize her health. normal weight.
§ A hamburger can have 250 Ø Overweight individuals are poor risks for surgery,
to 400 calories. and their lives are generally shorter than are
§ The salad will contain less those of people who are not overweight.
than 50 calories without o They are prone to social and
dressing, and the dressing emotional problems because
could be limited to 1 overweight and obesity can reduce
tablespoon, or self-esteem.
approximately 100 Ø The causes of overweight are not always known,
calories, for a total intake of but the most common cause appears to be
about 400 to 550 calories. energy imbalance.
§ Pies average 100 calories o In other words, if one is overweight,
per 1-inch slice. Most slices chances are that more calories have
are about 31⁄2 inches. been taken in than were needed for
§ A scoop of ice cream on the energy.
pie would bring the total to at Ø An intake of 3,500 calories more than the body
least another 100 calories. needs for maintenance and activities will result in
Ø Although the calorie intakes of the husband and a weight gain of 1 pound.
wife would be comparable, the nutrient intakes Ø An individual who overeats by only 200 calories
would differ. a day can gain 20 pounds in 1 year.
o The wife’s would be inadequate. o Obviously, when nutrient
o If the woman is of childbearing age requirements remain static but
and plans to have children, she or her calorie requirements decrease,
children could suffer from such people must select their foods
habits. carefully to fulfill their nutrient
Ø In general, people today are concerned about requirements (Table 14-3).
nutrition and want to limit fats, cholesterol, sugar, Ø Genetics and, rarely, a hypothyroid condition,
salt, and calories and increase fiber. can also contribute to overweight.
o Many know the sources of these Ø Individuals who are overweight simply because
items; others do not. of energy imbalance can solve the problem by
o Unfortunately, both groups tend to eating less and increasing physical exercise.
select their food because of o Exercise will increase the number of
convenience and flavor rather than calories burned.
nutritional content. § However, unless the
Ø It is easier to drive through a fast-food restaurant exercise is sufficient to burn
or heat a prepared frozen dinner in the more calories than the
microwave and complete the meal with ice cream ingested food contains,
than it is to shop for individual food items, cook exercise alone will not solve
them, and wash up after the meal. the problem.
o Consequently, many people ingest Ø By far the most effective method of weight loss is
more fats, sugar, salt, and high- increased exercise combined with reduced
calorie foods and less fiber and other calories.
nutrients than they should. o This will help tone the muscles as
excess fat is lost.
CASEM, Jenin Mabri B. BSN 2-2
Ø Exercise may also increase lean muscle mass in Ø This plan will aid the dieter in obtaining needed
such a way that weight loss will not be nutrients, will help change previously
necessarily significant; unsatisfactory eating habits, and will allow him or
o in this case, a decrease in clothing her to adapt, and thus enjoy, home, party, or
size may be a better indicator of fat restaurant meals.
Ø When weight reduction is to be undertaken, the CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE HEALTH
client should confirm with his or her physician CARE PROFESSIONAL
that he or she is in good health. Ø The young and middle years of life are busy
o Then, with the help of a registered Ø Most people feel they have too many things to do
dietitian, a healthy eating plan should and too little time to accomplish them
be developed that will fit the dieter’s Ø Most have families, jobs, and social obligations
lifestyle. and, thus, more responsibilities.
§ A healthy eating plan is
easiest to follow when it is
based on MyPyramid.

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