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Part 3
- - ---------
Pronunciation 1 Mark the stressed syllables in these adjectives in this list as in the example.
adventurous conservative conventional unconventional extraordinary
fashionable imaginative normal strange surprising traditional unusual

2 '4» 1 .18 Listen , check and repeat.

3 Describe each of the photographs below using adjectives from the list in 1 and other
adjectives of your own. Then , compare your answers with a partner.

4 Which of these statements do you agree with? Discuss with a partner.

a Mothers are better at bringing up children than fathers.
b Mothers and fathers are equa lly good at bringing up children.
c Children need mothers and fathers while they are growing up.


-{ Exam practice Jf------------------~

· - ----, Multiple matching

Before you listen for the first

time , read statements A- H
5 '4» 1 .19 You willhear five short extracts in which people are talking about bringing up
children. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says. Use the
letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A Bringing up children is difficult and needs two people.

B Men are incapable of looking after children
and underline any key words
and phrases.
c Fathers who looked after children were considered
unusual. Speaker 1 [ill
D There is no difference between mothers and fathers. Speaker 2 [ill
E Women can't ta ke on the role of fathers. Speaker 3 [TI]
F Men get less practice than women at looking after
Speaker 4 [ITJ
children. Speaker 5 [TI]
G People think men who look after children are strange.
H Mothers and children have a special emotional

6 Discuss these questions which use expressions from the recording.

a What do you understand by a bond between children and their dads? How might this
be different from a bond between children and their mums?
b What does the day-to-day care of children involve?
c What is the role of the main breadwinner in a family? Can there be
other breadwinners?
d What do you understand by an emotional tie? What other ties are there
between people?
e What does the speaker mean by he dedicated all his time to me and my sisters?

[ Vocabulary
Phrasal verbs with bring 1 Replace the words or phrases in italics in a-i with the correct form of bring and one of
the particles from the list below. Some of the particles can be used more than once.
about back down forward in out round up
a Raising children is far too hard a job for one person to do.
b It took doctors an hour to make her conscious again after the accident.
c Most of the damage to the houses was caused by the recent storms.
d I hope she doesn 't mention the embarrassing subject of money again .
e The government has introduced a new law banning smoking on public transport.
Visiting Spain again made me remember lots of happy childhood memories.
g They'll have to reduce the price of cars. Nobody's buying them at the moment.
h They've arranged th e meeting for an earlier time: 8 .30 in the evening.
My favourite crime writer, Henning Mankell, is publishing his latest novel next month .
2 Complete these sentences with your own ideas adding appropriate particles.
a I find it very difficult to bring the subject of with
my parents .
b If I had the power, I would bring _ _ __ _ a law that would _ _ _ __ __
c always brings _ _ _ _ _ memories of _ __ _ _ __
d I think the hardest thing about bringing children is _ __ _ _

Words with several meanings 3 Look at the words in italics in a-e. What are their different meanings in each of the
sentences (1-3)?
1 I know families where the father looks after the kids and it works perfectly well. 0'
2 This phone doesn 't work. (J)

3 She spends much of her time working for the poor.

1 The key thing is to always put the interests of the children first.
2 Press the return key to enter the information.
3 There's a full key at the back of the book.
1 There are many places of interest in the city.
2 The interest rates for borrowers have gone up by 2% since last year.
3 As parents we always put the interests of the child ren fi rst.
1 Going on the London Eye was an unforgettable experience .
2 They said that his lack of experience was the reason he did not get the job.
3 I've always tried to learn from experience.
WHAT'S YovR YO'\>' vE HE.Ali: P 1 My parents regularly have rows , but they always make up the next day.
EXCIJ5c ~ THIS ONf. 2 He always makes up excuses for being late. The truth is he always oversleeps .

I 3 In many countries women make up the majority of the working population.

4 Now discuss these questions.
a What is the best excuse for lateness you , or someone you know, has made up?
b What cause would you work for if you had the opportunity?
c What have been the key events in your life?
d What are your main interests outside work?
e What is the most exciting experience of your life?

[ Reading and Use of English Part 4
Exam skills 1 Read these instructions for a Reading and Use of English Part 4 task. Then, answer the
questions a-d below.

For these questions, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
two and five words including the word given. Here is an example (O).

O Because of the fog at the airport, we took off three hours late.
Fog at the airport meant that our take-off was delayed by three hours.

a How many words are given to help you complete the second sentence?
b How many words can you use to complete the second sentence?
c Does this number include the word you are given or not?
d Can you change the form of the word you are given?
2 Look at a student's answers to a Part 4 task. The key word is given in brackets. Find
and correct the mistakes in the student's answers.
1 I think you should tell everyone exactly what happened. (WERE)
If I were you /'II tell everyone exactly what happened.
2 The last time I saw my sister was three years ago. (SINCE)
It's been ages since I last have seen my sister.
3 It has been reported that there are floods in the south. (FLOODING)
There have been reports of floods in the south.
4 'I don 't share your political opinions ,' she said . (AGREE)
She told me she didn't agree my political opinions.

-{ Exam practice Jf------------------~

· ---
Key word transformation 3 Complete the second sentences following the instructions in 1.
1 Some older people are finding it difficult to adjust to digital technology.
Some older people can't _ _ __ _ _ _ digital technology.
Think about what part of
speech the key word is. This 2 Many people think that Nick caused the accident.
will help you to work out BELIEVED
the correct grammar for the Nick _ _ _ __ _ _ caused the accident.
gapped sentence. 3 In some places buying a flat is cheaper than renting one.
In some places it is a flat than to buy one.
4 My brother looks much fitter. I think he's stopped smoking.
My brother must _ _ __ _ _ _ smoking. He looks much fitter.
5 If it was my decision , I'd ban smoking in all public places.
If _ _ _ _ __ _ , I'd ban smoking in all public places.
6 If you're worried about it, you should raise it at our next meeting.
Why at our next meeting if you 're worried about it?

Expert writing

Part 1: Essay 1r¡


ln your English class you have been tarking about the role of women in the
workplace. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

write an essay using all the notes and give reasons

for your point of view.
Not many women reach top positions in the workplace. Do you
think this is fair?

WriXe abouL:
1 whal is imporlanl for women
2 childcare
3 _ (yorr owniaea)

Write your essay in 140-'lg0 words in an appropriate style.

futr*del &nslver
State your own
Start with a
ln many countries rhore than half the workforce are women point of view
general statement
there are relatively few top female cornlrany<41 s and poiiticians ciearly
in your own
This is clearly not right.
At one i¡me, men were expected to get a job and women to stay at You can state the
home but times have changed. women also iike to work and most still context using one
want to have a family. ofthe notes.
Start the some people argue that women are too busy to commit to full-time
paragraph with Show awareness
careers at the top. It is true that providing good childcare is not easy if
a strong topic of another point
working hours are unreasonably long, but it should be rhe responsibility
sentence. of view.
of the company to accept flexible wórking arrangements.
Another argument is that women are less aggressive and competitive
Show awareness Add a supportrng
than men and find it harder ro ger rhe bestlóbs, but, again, this rs
of another point sentence (e.g.
unreasonable. women are ambitious too, but if their nature is different
of view. in other ways, companies should take rhat inLo makrng a
accounr The workplace
needs the female skills of being good communicators and not.lust in
junror positions.
Give reasons for To conclude,
ln my view, the current situation is unacceptable and companies should
your point of summarise your
make it possible to have a male-female balance at the highesi levels.
view. argument.

Further prestice

In your English class you have been tarking about environmental issues.
Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

write an essay using all the notes and give reasons

for your point of view.
we are damaging the environment for our chirdren. what can be
done about it?
Wdfe about:
1 pollution
2 animalE andplanÍs
(your ownidea)
:tOO ii

Write your essay in 140-790 words in an appropriate style.

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