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Oscar Artur Guimarães

Ensino Fundamental, Médio e EJA Avaliação de Reclassificação
Professor: Nélia Martins / Matheus Goulart

Componente Curricular: Língua Inglesa Nota Obtida:

Data: __/__/____

Turma: 1º ano

1. (EF08LI17) Assinale a alternativa que melhor completa as frases a seguir:

I live with____________family.
Jane always studies ________ lesson.
We love ________ parents.
John lives with _______ friends.
a) my/her/his/our b) my/her/our/his c) my/his/our/her d) my/our/her/his

2. (EF07LI03) Observe as palavras abaixo, em seguida, relacione- as em relação ao significado. Após marque um x na alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.
a. apple ( ) pai
b. century ( ) dois
c. black ( ) século
d. father ( ) preto
e. two ( ) maçã
A sequência que melhor responde ao exercício acima é:
a) D - A - B - C – E b) D - E - B - C – A c) E - A - C - B – D d) D - E - C - B - A

3. (EM13LGG102)

Leia e responda as questões:

4. (EM13LGG105) George's mother is:

A) at swimming pool. B) around the hotel. C) at a football match .D) at university.

5. (EM13LGG105) Descubra no texto, palavras do mesmo grupo de “Sports”.

A) volleyball, writing, running, B) volleyball, swimming, listening.
C) having, swimming, running. D) volleyball, swimming, running.

My family

Hi! My name is Ana. I have two families: one in Brazil, the other in the United States. My Brazilian family is not big, it is small: my father, my mother, she
has beautiful eyes, my sister Alice has long hair, my little brother, Bruno and me, of course.

6. (EM13LGG104) Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto. Ana tem:

a) uma família. c) três famílias.

b) quatro famílias. d) nenhuma das respostas.

7. (EM13LGG106MG) Escolha a wh-question que melhor completa a oração:__________ is your father?Quem é seu pai?
A) What B) Who C) Where D) How

8. (EM13LGG106MG) “When is your birthday?” A resposta correta é:

a) Yes, it is.
b) Yes, she is.
c) It is in September.
d) I’m eleven years old.

9. (EM13LGG110MG) Relacione as sentenças:

A) Eduard and Kelly are intelligent. ( ) She is a student.

B) Kelly is a student. ( ) He is a student.

C) Eduard is a student. ( ) We are intelligent.

D) You and I are intelligent. ( ) They are intelligent.

A sequência correta para a questão acima é:

a) A–B–C–D
b) B–C–A–D
c) B–C–D–A
d) C–B–D–A

10. (EM13LGG106MG) Complete with WHO – WHERE – HOW - WHAT – HOW OLD:

a) _______________ are you? I’m fine, thanks.

b) _______________ are you? I’m Jack

c) _______________ are you? I’m a student.

d) _______________ are you? I’m at school.

e) _______________ are you? I’m eleven years old.

A sequência correta é:

a) how old – who – what – where – how

b) who – what – how – where – how old

c) where – who – what – how – how old

d) how – who – what – where – how old

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