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Dear: Upwork Customer

Hi! It's a pleasure to greet you.

My name is Andreina Bueno, I'm from Venezuela, my native

language is Spanish, and I would be delighted to participate in
your project.

I can see that your application requires specialized skills in

grammar and proofreading, so I can ensure that my
capabilities are up to par with your needs.

I have the ability to write, translate, and edit in two languages,

both English and Spanish, so my grammar and syntax skills in
both languages ​from the beginning had to be quite high to
maintain the coherence of the texts in both languages, so I
think we could do an incredible job together to complete your

The speed at which the text can be corrected in its entirety

will vary depending on the length of the text, but we can work
hard to publish it as soon as possible.

Likewise, I invite you to check out my Upword profile along

with my portfolio.

Greetings and thanks in advance.

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