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The Amazing Immune System!


Multiple Choice (Choose the one best answer):

1. Which of the following is NOT a part of the immune system? a) White blood cells b)
Muscles c) Skin d) Lymph nodes

2. What is the main function of the immune system? a) To digest food b) To transport
oxygen c) To fight off germs like bacteria and viruses d) To control body temperature

3. How do memory cells help the body fight off infections? a) They forget the specific germ
and offer no protection. b) They produce antibodies that target a specific germ
encountered before. c) They turn food into energy. d) They carry oxygen throughout the

4. Vaccines work by: a) Making you sick with a weakened form of a germ. b) Directly
destroying all germs in the body. c) Providing extra vitamins and minerals. d) Increasing
muscle mass.

5. What is an allergy? a) When the immune system overreacts to a harmless substance

like pollen. b) When the immune system attacks healthy body tissues. c) When the
immune system weakens and can't fight off infections. d) When the immune system
grows uncontrollably.

1. Complete the sentence: White blood cells are like the body's WARRIORS because they
fight off germs.

2. What are two ways you can help keep your immune system strong?

a) ________ b) ________________________

Bonus Question:

Explain the difference between a virus and a bacteria. (3-4 sentences)

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