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January 18, 2022

With a heart full of gratitude and joy, this day started with communing with my loving Father

God, thanking Him for everything. This is followed by a 38 minute exercise for the body and a

short exercise for the face. What followed next is the bible reading. The bible verse that struck

me is found in Ephesians 1:17 KJV 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,

may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.

This is the cry of my being to be able to know fully Christ in me as my only life and all in

all! Praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal to me this MYSTERY-CHRIST IN ME,


Globally, the COVID 19 pandemic is still around. People have different ways of

approaching this pressing problem. Most of the people are submitting themselves to vaccination

in order to be protected from the different variants of COVID 19. However, to those individuals

who totally submitted themselves to our loving Father God through the Lordship of His only

begotten son Jesus Christ, specifically to those who have the revelation knowledge of who they

are in Christ. They believe that CHRIST in them is their TRUE VACCINE, protecting them

from all the COVID 19 variants. I am one of those having this faith, for I know that it is

CHRIST’s faith working in me. As what is reflected in Galatians 2:20 KJV” I am crucified with

Christ, nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the

flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Facing this day with an expectant heart that through Christ’s in me, I can do what the

FATHER wants me to accomplish this day, AMEN!

January 20, 2022 (12:44 AM)

The other day was quite a busy day bonding with my family. We spent almost 4 hours in the sea.

The main reason for the family outing is to cure the cough of my daughter and husband. Seeing

Christ in me as me doing the roles of a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.

Submitting my mind to the mind of Christ as what is reflected in 2 nd Corinthians 10:5 KJV

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of

God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

January 25, 2022 (8:16 AM)

We do have many plans, but indeed, it is always our loving Father God’s will that prevail.

Yesterday was again a busy day. After attending the virtual Flag Raising Ceremony, I went to

our University to sign the project proposal at OVCRE. Reaching home, I discovered that my

grandson was still having his LBM and vomited once. We then went to Dr. Jo’s clinic for check

up and we are so thankful to our Father God for using Dr. Jo as His instrument of His love and

faithfulness. Our loving Father God provided all our needs. I am so grateful also to our loving

Father God for my hubby and brother in Christ had his vaccination without side effects. My

hubby told me that his BP was high before he had hos vaccine shot. Trusting the love and

faithfulness of our Father and most of all Christ in my hubby that his BP is now within normal

limits. So excited to see the mind of Christ operating through me as the project leader of “CON

Virtual Caring Hour Outreach Program for Senior Citizens”. Trusting and thanking our Father God for

the participants He already prepared for this program and for all my members especially Dr. Poblete and

Dr. Puting.
February 24, 2022
5:53 AM

It was quite a long time that I have not done my journaling. These past few weeks have been so

hectic and busy. However, with our loving Father’s faithfulness, I made it through. Thanking

also our Father God for the project “CON VIRTUAL CARING HOUR OUTREACH

PROGRAM FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WAS APRROVED. Last February 22, we together with

Ma’am Mae and Sir Vince hand over the letter to the FSCAP’s office through sir____. Trusting

our Father God that within this week, we will be hearing positive feedback from sir

DUMANJUD, the FSCAP president. Thanking our Father God for the participants that He

already prepared for HIS project. This day, as I continually trust the Holy Spirit’s teachings and

guidance, I trust that through CHRIST IN ME AS ME, I can accomplish all the things our Father

God wants to be achieved this day, AMEN♥

February 28, 2022

6:22 AM

Thanking our loving Father God for another day of seeing HIM as my eternal loving and faithful

FATHER. As this commence, I trusting the guidance and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT in

continually revealing to me that I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST, nevertheless I live yet NOT

I, but CHRIST lives in me. And the life that I now live, I live by the FAITH OF THE SON OF

GOD who loves and gave HIMSELF for me. Yes, I do acknowledge that this 2 nd semester of

2021-2022 is quite hectic, however, It is CHRIST IN ME AS ME who will successfully fulfill all
the obligations and tasks assigned to me. I am so thrilled and excited in SEEING how CHRIST

IN ME fulfill our loving Father God’s will –all according to HIS GOOD PLEASURE, AMEN♥

March 7, 2022
5:20 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day♥ HE is the reason of my existence.

Thanking the Father for giving us the HOLY SPIRIT who is our teacher and guide. He teaches

us to totally depend on CHRIST in us as our ONLY LIFE♥. Trusting the FATHER for the

participants of the CON Virtual Caring Hour Outreach Program for the Senior Citizens. Even

though Mr. Dumanjug expressed his uncertainty for the participation of the said program, but

Christ’s faith operating through me said that there are already participants prepared by our

Father. Offering this day unto Him and believing that the Father’s will and purpose will be

accomplished this day through the life of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Trusting also that

my daughter Beverly will have that revelation knowledge that CHRIST in her is her life and

CHRIST will obey our Father’s will. Thanking our Father for His love and faithfulness and

working to my hubby. Trusting that all his cells, tissues, organs are healthy, for he has the perfect

and divine health of Christ in him, amen♥

April 12, 2022

5:34 AM

I am so blessed and grateful to our loving Father God for giving me His only begotten Son Jesus

Christ not only as my SAVIOR and LORD, but most of all as my ONLY LIFE.
Yesterday I received the amended SO for Caring hour for the SENIOR CITIZENS. Trusting and

thanking our loving Father God for the participants He already prepared all the needed materials,

and resources for this program. Thanking Him for the success of HIS program which is

foreordained according to His divine purpose. Trusting our Father God for Ma’am Mae, Ma’am

Minnie, my dear friend Roselyn, and Sirs Puchoy and Vince. Most of all thanking our loving

Father God that through His program, they will have that awareness of His plan to each one of

the senior citizen, Amen.

April 27, 2022

5:33 AM

Truly our loving and faithful Father has HIS PERFECT TIMING. Yesterday I received a call

from Sir Jun Dumanjug informing me that we can start the Caring Hour Outreach Program for

the Senior Citizens this coming May 8, 2022 (SUNDAY), a day before the election at the Abuno.

Trusting that our loving Father has already prepared this venue, the participants, the needed

materials, equipment, TRANSPORTATION, food, and the members of the team for the success

of His program. Trusting our PAPA GOD that Ma’am Minnie, Ma’am Mae, my dearest friend

Roselyn, Sir Putchoy, and Sir Vince are present for the said event. Praying and trusting our

loving Father for the good weather for that day. Our Father God’s love and faithfulness indeed


May 21, 2022

Oh what a blessed day in Christ! I am so thankful to our loving Heavenly Father for truly He is

really a PAPA to me. His love for me is indescribable and incomparable. It is beyond words!
We had our orientation with the Senior Citizens at Barangay Luinab with Ma’am Minnie and my

hubby and brother. Thanks to Sir Navales, for he is so accommodating and also with the

Barangay Kapitan_? I am also blessed that Sir Maglinao was present, and he is the senior

consultant of the incoming Mayor Siao. I think he is planning to ask assistance from Mayor Siao

for the snacks for every meeting with the Senior Citizens. TRULY OUR LOVING FATHER


JUNE 16, 2022

WOW! I am so blessed to be birthed by our loving Heavenly Father. His words are true- “HE


THINK OF”-Ephesians 3:20. The Caring Hour Outreach Program for the Senior Citizens is

almost done with God’s grace. The participants are so blessed, all the lessons taught are

appreciated and implemented by them. Nanay Beb Dayday has shared her testimony that she had

practiced what she learned. Her first blood pressure was 200/100 (May 25, 2022) 180/100 (June

1, 2022) 160/120 (June 8, 2022) and 140/80 (June 15, 2022). She had shared that she had not

eaten meat since she heard the lessons taught. Her diet consists of vegetables and fish, and seeds

(kalabasa). She is also very happy that she practiced the soaking of warm water for 10 minutes

every night. WOWOWOW! Glory to our Father God for He loves the SENIOR CITIZENS and

through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ in us as our life- HIS LOVE WILL truly be made

manifest to all humanity. TRUSTING and THANKING our loving and faithful FATHER that He

will give SURPRISES to all of us for the CULMINATION ACTIVITY, and that HIS love,

power and GLORY will be shown through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST IN us as our life through

the guidance and teachings of the Holy Spirit, AMEN.

JUNE 23, 2022

WOWOWOWOW! Truly our loving Heavenly Father is full of surprises! The Caring Hour

Outreach Program for Senior Citizens ended up yesterday with a blast. One of the participants

was called yesterday by Dr. Poblete to share to the group the peaks and valleys of her faith to

God. What amazes me is that one of the participants shared the importance of having a personal

relationship with our Lord and Savior and only life Jesus Christ! She successfully ended up her

talk with an altar call and Glory to God for many or I think everyone stood up and prayed the

sinner’s prayer and I was so thankful that our Father God once again manifests His unwavering

love to humanity. The faithfulness, grace, and favor of our loving Heavenly Father was truly

evident in this undertaking. The medical mission led by Dr. Sittie Faisah Putting was also very

successful. Medications such as antihypertensive (Losartan, Amlodipine) analgesics and anti-

inflammatory (Celecoxib___), Vitamin B1+B6+B12 (Diabee), and Paracetamol for kids were all

distributed to the Senior Citizens. Moreover, they also received tokens and certificates (5 kilos of

rice, sewing kit, and kitchen utensils). The participants actively participated in the warm up

exercise and Zumba sessions and the socialization activity (Bingo) led by Dr. Mamauag. Most of

the participants expressed their feelings that they wanted that the program will continue. Indeed,

our Father’s love and faithfulness is AMAZING! WE ARE VERY CAREFUL TO BRING ALL




August 20, 2022

Our loving and faithful Father God is truly AMAZING and is full of surprises! Last Tuesday

(August 16), our dean, Dr. Mangarun called me up at his office and requested me to the
Curriculum Coordinator of the Graduate Program of our college. I am hesitant to accept it for I

know that I am incapacitated to do the task assigned to me. However, on the other hand, I do

believe that CHRIST in me is my WISDOM. I communed with the Father and asked Him to

block the plan of our dean if it not according to His will. In the afternoon on that day, our

assistant dean, Associate Professor Ridad told me that my name was already forwarded to the

Chancellor asking for the S.O. for the position of Curriculum Coordinator. As the word of God

says, that “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”,

so I accept the challenge for I truly believe that it is CHRIST IN ME as me will perform the task.

I have faith that “HE is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according

to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20). Thus, I am excited to see how CHRIST IN ME

works as a Curriculum Coordinator of the Graduate Program, AMEN!

September 10, 2022

Last August 29, 2022, I have received an email from Dr. Kristen Mauk, the Senior Editor of the

Journal of Christian Nursing. . They believed that my paper is of potential interest to their

readers but feel that substantial revision would be necessary before the manuscript could be

considered again for publication in the Journal of Christian Nursing. I am so thankful to our

FATHER God for I have faith that it is HIS will that HIS THEORY will be disseminated

globally. However, there are still a lot of work to be done before this will be realized. Our Father

God is truly AMAZING, for He provided Dr. Marilyn Ray to help me address those suggestions

and comments from the reviewers. Thanking our PAPAGOD for even though I have many works

to be accomplished, He will give ample time to work on the manuscript. With gratefulness in my

heart, I am again excited how CHRIST in me works on this publication. For HE CAN DO


June 1, 2023

It was quite a long time that I had put my thoughts into writing. There were several reasons for

this, one is the hectic schedule I had, second is the lack of passion in enhancing my

communication and writing skills, and I think the 3 rd reason is being contented of what I have

achieved in life. However, as my retirement days is fast approaching with our Father God’s

blessings and grace, I have thought of working after my retirement- especially so if it is our

Father’s will. This aspiration awakens my desire to improve my communication as well as

writing skills. With the guidance and teachings of the Holy Spirit, I believe that I can be the best

speaker and writer for I know that it is actually CHRIST in me who is the eloquent speaker and a

versatile writer. With all of these aspirations, I am careful to subject my mind, thoughts, emotion,

and will to our Father so that the Holy Spirit will have its full control of my soul. As I continue

to acknowledge that I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet NOT I, but CHRIST

liveth in me- I do believe that whatever I am doing is also my Father’s doing for CHRIST in me

as me and the Father are one. WITH this in mind, I FIRMLY BELIEVE that what our Father

prepares and plans for me before the foundation of the world will be ACCOMPLISHED –

according to HIS purpose and GLORY.

Furthermore, reflecting on what Christ in me accomplished last year, WOW! the CON

CARING HOUR EXTENSION PROGRAM got the first place during the In-house

Extension_____. Thus, I am also excited as to what CHRIST in me as me can achieve for the

internally-funded research for the PWDs. Contemplating on this research project, my heart is

filled with joy and gratefulness for seeing the unfathomable love of our Father to humanity,

specially the underprivileged ones. Christ’s mind is in full operation for this project again. As I

recall during the workshop for the Extension Proposal- these three (3) specific programs popped
into my mind- KAHAYAG KO PROGRAM for the visually impaired, NADUNGGAN KO

PROGRAM for the deaf and LIHOK KO PROGRAM for the physically impaired- WOW! this is

CHRIST’s MIND IN FULL ACTION! Our Father is extensively using His sons and daughters

in these last days for the fulfillment of HIS plan before the foundation of the world- that each

person is to be in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ- not only as a Savior, and Lord, but most of

all as their life. Thanking our Father God for this unspeakable gift- my TREASURE! my

BREATH, my BEING, and my FULFILLMENT. I am also excited how CHRIST in me reaches

out to others as me – as a Nurse Educator, as a Nurse Educator, and as a Nurse Theorist.

September 30, 2023

9:52 A

I am so blessed knowing that I have the life of the only begotten Son of our almighty and loving

Father- JESUS CHRIST! Indeed, it is no longer I that lives but CHRIST lives in me- it is HIM

moving, thinking, loving, breathing, and living through me. As I am anticipating 2 major events

for this coming October 11, 2023, I am excited to see how CHRIST in me works as a speaker

and as a participant for the 3 – Minute Pitch. As what is written in 1 st Corinthians 1; 24 KJV”

….Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God”- I believe that Christ’s wisdom will

spontaneously flow as I deliver the speeches for this 2 events. It is CHRIST in me who will

answer all the queries from the judges and the participants. All things are created by Him and for

Him. The doors of opportunities open for me is for our Heavenly Father’s purpose. It is His plan

even before the foundation of the world that humanity be in UNION with His only begotten Son

Jesus Christ- the only life of a person. As we are now in the end times, our loving Father uses all

His sons and daughters to be the bearer of HIS message, the MYSTERY- CHRIST IN you, the

HOPE OF Glory. Thus, as I am waiting for these 2 events, my heart is already filled with
gratitude for I know and believe that I am MORE than CONQUEROR through CHRIST-

Romans 8:37 KJV” Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved


October 15, 2023

11:39 PM

Truly our loving Father takes care of all HIS offsprings. I just had my 3-Minute Pitch last

October11, 2023 and it was really a memorable experience. We were 5 finalists and I got the

third place in that competition. Even though I was not able to get the first prize, but still I was

elated, knowing and believing that our Father is in control of everything. One of the reasons I

think I was notable to get the 1 st prize, was the methodology I used in the investigation. Two of

the judges asked about the methodology – specifically Dr. Palaganas, she said that it would be

better if I have utilized both qualitative and quantitative methodology. Anyways, what is

important is that the voice of the PWDs was heard. Still I was elated because I know and believe

that it is Christ in me who did the 3-Minute pitch. Looking forward for more doors and

opportunities to be Resource Speaker, Judge, panel, reviewer, editor, publisher, and researcher.

These doors will be an avenue to share the TRUE GOSPEL to the people our Father God has


October 17, 2023

1:03 PM

Have you ever experienced muscle pain? Or pain upon walking? Yesterday when I was at the
office I noticed that I felt pain upon walking, specifically on the left side of my upper thigh. This
situation made me realized that I am loved by my officemates or colleagues. Maybe because they
considered me as their second Mom, considering that I am the oldest in our college- College of
Health Sciences. I was planning to subject myself to “manghilot”, but sir Neil one of my
colleagues advised me not to do so.. Instead he instructed me to elevate my legs and rest apply
cold compress. I followed his advice, except that I was not able to apply cold compress on my
thighs. Now, I asked permission from my dean, Dr. Mangarun, that I have to work from home
and with God’s grace, he permitted me to do so. As I acknowledged that I do not have my life,
but it is CHRIST in me as my only life, and it is His legs, thighs – thus, I am in perfect health!
By His life in me, I AM HEALED! With our Father God’s blessings, I will be resuming my
work at the office tomorrow, In Jesus mighty name, AMEN!

October 20, 2023

4:42 AM

Thanking our loving Father God for another day He has bestowed on us. I do believe that our
Father has a plan for this day. This plan is always pointing to His only begotten Son, Jesus
Christ, that humanity will realize the need of Him not only as Lord and Savior, but most of all, as
their only life. My grandson is having fever last night and has occasional cough for these past
few days. Also, we have found out that he had also small wound at the sole of his left foot.
Today, together with my hubby will accompany Travis Paul to Dr. Bibera for check-up. Trusting
the word of our Father God that we should be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving in our hearts, we will let our requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep our hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). Praying and trusting our loving Father will guide Dr. Bibera to
the right and good diagnosis and to the right medications that she will be prescribing for our
grandson. Moreover, praying and trusting our loving Father that my daughter Beverly will give
me money to buy for the medications with willingness in her heart.
As for my work today, I will be paneling the advisees of Ma’am Mae on the
Quality of care the cancer patients’ desire. Through CHRIST IN ME, I will be giving comments
and suggestions according to our Father’s will.

October 22, 2023

5:38 AM

My heart is full of joy knowing that I am a bonafide child of our loving and faithful Father God.
I have just had my bible chapter reading for this day and I am so happy that I AM COMPLETE
IN CHRIST! My sufficiency is CHRIST- He is my health, wisdom, provider, strength, joy,
peace, and ALL in ALL. Thus, starting today, I will not say the word, I AM NOT capable, for
CHRIST IN ME is ABLE. He is the one who will obey and do all the things our Father planned
before the foundation of the world. Today, as we will be having our fellowship, my brother and
hubby are just excited again to hear the words our loving Father has in store for us. We are so
grateful for giving us sister Cel, who is our spiritual leader, we HIGHLY respect her and love
her, because we do believe that it is our Father who gave her to us. Our Father has also blessed
sis Cel abundantly in her life, together with Llewellyn and Anette. Even though brother Jong, the
hubby of sister Cel has left her but sister Cel is still in complete joy and contentment for her joy
and contentment is in Christ. For brother Jong, we still love him for he is still the son of our
Father and we believe that in our Father’s time, he will be going to go back to our Father and
will acknowledge and love CHRIST as his only life.
Furthermore, the excitement in me spurs to see how Christ’s love towards our
Father flows through me this day♥
October 26, 2023
4:31 AM

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you♥. My
grandson Travis Paul was diagnosed of bilateral lower lung pneumonia and dengue fever and
despite this situation, I am still grateful to our loving and faithful Father God for He has a divine
purpose for everything. Having the faith of Christ working through me, I believe that my
daughter and sister Berly and even her hubby Clive have realized the importance of entrusting
everything to our loving Father, especially Berly, for she is a born again Christian. Praying and
trusting our Father God that with the teachings of the Holy Spirit, Berly will have that hunger
and thirst in her heart to read, hear, listen to the words of our Father God and even have that
desire to fellowship with our brethren. Trusting our Father God for HIS PROVISION for the
payment of the hospital bill. Trusting also our loving Father God that Dr. Estabas will discharge
my grandson today with our Father’s blessings and grace♥ As I will be the watcher of my
grandson today, I believe that it is CHRIST in me who will do it through me and through the
faith of CHRIST in me, we will be discharged today, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN♥

October 26, 2023

8:34 PM

Thanking our loving Father God for even though my grandson has not yet given a discharge
order. For I do believe that all things work together according to His own purpose and will. The
faith of Christ in me tells me that my grandson will be discharged tomorrow with our Father
God’s blessings, grace, and providence. In Jesus name. amen.

October 29, 2023

6:02 AM

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. In everything give
thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Pray without ceasing. These are
all the words of our loving and faithful Father God that we should be glad, grateful and
prayerful. These duties will all be fulfilled through Christ in us. As we that is joined to the Lord
is one spirit. Thanking our Papa God for His love and faithfulness and providence, my grandson
was discharged from the hospital last Friday (October 27, 2023). Even though they were not able
to receive a huge amount of assistance from the DSWD and have not received any financial
assistance from Congressman Regencia for he was not around last October 27, 2023, still the bill
that should be paid was accomplished because Madz Lorena lend them 8 thousand. Truly our
loving Father God works in amazing ways. Praying and trusting our Father God’s divine
intervention to the life of padz Dennis. As the word of God says, that nothing is impossible with
Him. The love of our loving Father will draw padz Dennis in seeking, believing, and accepting
Jesus Christ not only as his Lord and Savior, but most of all, as his only life.
As we will be enjoying a long weekend, trusting that through CHRIST in me as
me, I will accomplish all the tasks assigned to me as a faculty, as research coordinator, as wife,
as mother, as daughter, as sister, as a grandmother, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN♥

November 01. 2023

5:44 AM

Feeling grateful and excited for this day in knowing that CHRIST lives in me♥ Indeed, IN HIM,
I live, and move, and have my being. For the past 4 days, I have not yet able to finish my task in
making syllabus for the Nursing Research Process. This syllabus is needed for the opening of the
Master of Science in Nursing Gerontology of our beloved College of Health Sciences. However,
trusting the love and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father that He will provide me ample time to
work on it. Moreover, considering my role as a research coordinator, I have to plan for an
activity that will enhance the faculty’s skill in publication. Thus, what is now in my mind is to
invite a speaker that is good in QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Trusting that our loving Father
God has already prepared a person for that planned activity.

Praying and trusting the Father’s love and faithfulness that He also prepared a
the year 2024. These researches will not only contribute new knowledge to the nursing
profession, but as well as it will improve the provision of HOLISTIC, QUALITY CARE to the
clients across settings. Furthermore, these researches will also be beneficial to the community,
LGU, DOH, policy makers, Philippines, and globally. Most of all, these researchers will give
GLORY to our Father GOD through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. For I believe that all
things are created by HIM and for HIM, Amen.

November 2, 2023
5:15 AM

Truly our Father God works in amazing ways. Yesterday, I was able to start making the syllabus
for the Nursing Research Process. As the word of God says that “God will provide all our needs
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. All the necessary literature and references for the
making of the aforementioned syllabus were provide by our loving Father. Today, through Christ
in me, the syllabus for the Nursing Research Process will be completed. This will be another
avenue for me to work on the 2 nd syllabus assigned to me ___________________. Trusting that
through CHRIST IN ME, I can do all these things, AMEN♥

November 3, 2023
4:55 AM

Our loving Father who has made the heavens and the earth by His great power has also made all
things for HIM. My heart is full of joy and gratitude that our loving Father has open another door
for me to review another research paper. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing emailed me
yesterday asking my assistance in reviewing a paper submitted to them entitled “Association
between Physical Activity Level with Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Dyslipidaemia
Patients,". This avenue will not only add points for my reranking but also will enhance my
writing skills. As I submit my mind to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to teach, guide, and
reveal CHRIST IN ME as my only life, I am confident that CHRIST in me will review the paper
and will give comments and suggestions comprehensively. Thus, I am rejoicing evermore for
CHRIST’s victory, AMEN♥
November 4, 2023
4:18 AM

Glory to our loving and faithful Father for He has accomplished His plan for me yesterday
through CHRIST IN ME. The article entitled “Association between Physical Activity Level with
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Dyslipidaemia Patients," was completely reviewed yesterday.
The Review Form was also forwarded to Dr. Bas yesterday. Truly, CHRIST’s wisdom freely
flows through each one of us as children of our Father God as long as we submit our minds to the
working of the Holy Spirit in our soulish part- that is our mind, will, and emotion.
Today, as another day commences, I offer my mind, will, and emotion to the
working of the Holy Spirit, for Him to continually reveal CHRIST IN ME as my only life.
Praying and trusting that today the syllabus for the Nursing Research Process will be done. This,
will then pushes me to work on another syllabus for the MSN program assigned to me that is
NSG____Facilitating Learning (Counseling Older Adults and Their Families). Trusting that our
loving Father has already prepared ALL the needed resources for materializing and realizing this
task. This assigned task will be again accomplished through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ
in me, AMEN♥

November 5, 2023
5:19 AM

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I believe in
these words which are taken from the Bible. Yesterday, I was not able to work on the Nursing
Research Process because I was the one who watched over my grandson. However, in the
afternoon, I was able to thoroughly check the manuscript of one of my research advisees and
even listed the contents for their power point presentation. This is already a success for me.
As for this day we will be going to attend our Sunday fellowship not only to hear
what our loving and faithful Father has in store for us but also to have fellowship with our
brethren. We are so blessed for giving us our spiritual leader Sister Cel. She is truly a CHRIST
PERSON. The love, kindness, joy, peace, warmth, wisdom, and all other attributes of Christ
spontaneously flows through her. We are seeing how our Father takes care of her and uses her
according to His purpose and glory. She is also blessed to have her children who are also
CHRIST PERSONS. Both Lewellyn, and Annette have been blessed by our Father. They too are
a blessing to all of us. However, even though Brother Jong, the husband of sister Cel, has been
disobeying our Father, we still love him. All the circumstances and situations Brother Jong are
now experiencing will push him to our Father. We do believe that in our Father’s time, he will
return to the Father, he will love the Father through realizing that it is CHRIST in him he needs
and no one else. Thus, we are still grateful for everything, AMEN♥

November 6, 2023

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day. Yesterday, our pastor, sis Cel has
discussed the bible verses” 1st Corinthians 6:19-20 KJV “19 What? know ye not that your body is
the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which
are God's.. We are not only the temple of Christ, who is now our life, but also, the HOLY
SPIRIT, who is our teacher and the revealer of who CHRIST is in us. More so, we are brought
with a price, the very life of the only begotten Son of our FATHER GOD- JESUS CHRIST.
Thus, it is essential that we have to take care of our bodies. This is an affirmation of my
dissertation entitled “ TOTAL SELF for GOD and Others: A Theory of Meaning of Self-Care for

November 7, 2023
4:25 AM

Thanks to our loving and faithful Father for this day. This is His day, all things are created by
Him and for HIM. Yesterday at the office, we had our conversation on our ambition in becoming
a medical doctor. Our Father allowed me to share my story that I was once a medical proper
student but was not able to pursue it because it was not HIS will. It is my prayer that in one way
or another, they will realize the need of seeking and hearing our Father’s will. We are in the
process of our spiritual growth- the knowing that it is no longer we that lives, but CHRIST lives
in us. I do believe that yesterday, I was able to brag in one way or another, and I know that it was
my old mind working. Thus, I am asking our Father God’s forgiveness for that act, for it was not
the mind of CHRIST working through me. As for today, I entrust everything to our Father and
continue also to rely on the teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT submitting my mind, emotion, and
will to the HOLY SPIRIT. It is then, that CHRIST in me will spontaneously flow, AMEN♥

November 8, 2023
5:43 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day. As I acknowledge that it is the
FATHER’s day, all things are created by HIM and for HIM. As CHRIST in me loving and
obeying the Father, I am assured that with the guidance and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT that
all the tasks assigned to me will be accomplished by CHRIST in me.
Yesterday after I am done checking the 3 rd individual activity of my junior nursing
students in Block BBB, I was able to open my email. The OVCRE has invited us to make
research proposals. The deadline of submission will be on December 05, 2023 at 5PM.Trusting
that CHRIST IN ME can submit the 2 proposals before the set deadline. In everything give
thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you, amen♥

November 9, 2023
4:48 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father God for another day that is created by Him and for Him.
Yesterday my son-in-law already transferred his belongings to our house. He and my daughter
and their son will be staying at the room upstairs. They have renovated the room. Trusting our
loving Father for His guidance, blessings, and providence for them. Praying and trusting also for
my son-law’s salvation.
Today my daughter will be interviewed at the DepEd for possible positon as a
staff in any of the schools in Iligan City. Praying and trusting that our Father God’s grace and
favor be upon her. I trust CHRIST in her will be the one to answer all the questions smoothly.
Our Father God works in amazing ways. He surprises His children♥ Yesterday as
I was reading studies on teenage pregnancy, I happened to read an article on depression and
family functioning among adolescents. This spurs my passion to do research on the students’
depression and family functioning, which will then be the basis of an intervention program.
Trusting that our Father God has already prepared all the necessary resources for the
materialization of the planned program. For all things are created by HIM and for HIM, AMEN♥

November 10, 2023

2:08 AM

My heart is full of gratefulness and joy for our loving and faithful Father has blessed me with a
Scopus-indexed publication. Yesterday, I emailed again Dr. Das, one of the editors of Malaysian
Journal of Nursing to follow up the status of the research I have submitted. With our Father’s
favor, I received very good remarks from her. Sharing with you an excerpt from the email “I
have carefully reviewed the manuscript and believe that it holds significant promise for
publication in the journal. The authors have addressed an important research question and have
presented their findings in a clear and well-organized manner. Overall, the paper is well-written
and contributes to the field of Nursing Research.” There were only minor revisions needed and I
have delegate the task to sir Rambe, who with our Father’s blessing accepted the task
Today together with my hubby and grandson, we will be traveling to CDO to
show my support to our graduates who will be taking the Philippine Nurses Licensure
Examination. Trusting that through CHRIST IN ME, the needs of these graduates will be met
through the words of encouragement. Praying that through the working of the Holy Spirit in my
mind, will, and emotion, it is TOTALLY CHRIST who will be giving an ‘INSPIRATIONAL
MESSAGE “to these future nurses. This message will not only give them hope in achieving their
goal in becoming REGISTERED NURSES, but most especially, it will open their eyes the need
of CHRIST as their LORD, SAVIOR, and LIFE, AMEN♥

November 11, 2023

6:05 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for the success of the activity yesterday with our
graduates. They will be taking the board exam today and tomorrow. Yesterday, CHRIST IN ME,
gave an Inspirational Message to these graduates. The message has acronym of FAITH, which
Trusting that through the work of the HOLY SPIRIT, all of the people present in the meeting
yesterday was truly blessed♥ All of them realized that we all need our Father God in every
second of our life. Trusting our Father God’s timing that He will open doors for me, my hubby,
berly, and even Travis Paul to share the FINAL and TRUE GOSPEL to those who are in need
and prepared by our Father to hear and believe the MESSAGE, which is CHRIST IN YOU, the
November 12, 2023
5:06 AM

This is the day that we can again have our fellowship with our brethren, Also, this is the
appointed time that we can hear what our loving and faithful Father has in store for us today. Our
spsititual leader, Pastor Criselda Corpuz Jarilla will be sharing our Father’s message for us His
children today. We are only few in our fellowship. However, what matters most is that we are
hearing the TRUTH, the FINAL and TRUE GOSPEL. The plan of our FATHER GOD even
before the foundation of the world.
This message of truth is the only one that sets people free from sin, death, and hell.
More so, this is the message that will set people from selfishness, greed, hatred, pride, and most
of all sets people free from guilt and condemnation. This is the message that will make people
love the FATHER. The message that will help people understand their real identity- and that that
is to be a CHRIST’s person. A vessel of CHRIST’s life, a life that is PLEASING to the Father.
CHRIST in us, the one who loves and seeks to obey the Father’s will, AMEN♥

November 13, 2023

4:39 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day He has made for His purpose. Yesterday
as we had our fellowship, sis Cel shared with us our Father’s word that on the CROSS, we are
NOT ONLY being freed from sin, death, hell, condemnation, punishment, but also from our
obligation in paying our debts to what our Father God hath done on the cross. This is indeed a
mind- blowing message!
We did believe that because of what Jesus Christ has done on the cross for us, we
are then obliged to offer our lives to our Father God as a pay back. I inquired sis Cel that we are
then left with one obligation and that is to listen to CHRIST in us. She answered that it is NOT
an obligation, but a choice that is based solely on LOVE. The keyword in this oneness in
CHRIST, and allowing HIM to be our life is our LOVE towards HIM. Loving CHRIST in us is
also loving our Heavenly Father♥

November 14, 2023

5: 25 AM

My heart is full of gratefulness knowing that I am beloved by our loving and faithful FATHER♥
I am holy and pure before His eyes for HE sees His only begotten SON JESUS CHRIST IN ME
This truth frees me from the bondage of the law trying to do something to please
God. Now, CHRIST in me loves our Father God so dearly. He is the one hearing the Father’s
voice and He is the one obeying what the Father tells Him. What a liberating truth. Praying and
trusting that our loving Father has already prepared people for I, my brother and hubby Joe, my
daughter Berly, and even my grandson Travis Paul to share this true and final gospel to share
with, AMEN♥
November 15, 2023
5:14 AM

I am excited for this day knowing that every day is our Father’s day. As the word of God says”
All things are created by Him and for Him.”.
As a research coordinator, one of my roles is to plan an activity that will
strengthen the research capability of the faculty, staff, and students. Thus, next year, as we will
be having our 13th Nursing Research Conference, we will also be having our research workshop.
Ma’am Mae, the former research coordinator suggested that we will invite a resource speaker
that is well-versed in qualitative research. This is also what is being impressed in my mind.
Trusting that our loving and faithful Father has already prepared all the resources for these 2
events. The manpower, the necessary materials, media, technology, transportation, food, and all
the needed resources are already prepared by our Father through His only begotten Son, Jesus
Christ, AMEN♥

November 16, 2023

6:08 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day wherein we His children can experience
again His care for us. Today, Ma’am Mae and I will be traveling to CDO to attend a Research
Forum. Trusting that CHRIST in me will be the one to actively participate in the said event, His
mind will flow through me. Praying and trusting that our Father also prepared a person/s to
whom I can share the Final and TRUE GOSPEL- CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY.
Moreover, trusting that through the faithfulness of our Father, the 3 groups that
will have their proposal today will be a success. I entrust my family and loved ones unto our
Father God for He takes care of them.
For I do believe that our Father God is full of surprises. Thanking Him for all HIS
surprises for I know that all things are created by Him and for HIM, amen♥

November 18, 2023

5:23 AM

Thanking our loving and faithful Father for another day He has made for HIM. All things work
together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His own purpose. Even
though I was not able to write my reflection yesterday, I am still thankful for that is what the
word of God says that in everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.
Today is the birthday of my sister Grace, and it is my prayer that she will come
into her knees calling the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Father is faithful and
trustworthy, trusting that Grace has already that hunger in her heart to know Christ not only as
her Lord and Savior but as her only life. I believe that Grace is already saved together with all
my loved ones. For our Father is trustworthy, HE IS TRUTH, and that is His nature. Praying and
trusting that our Father will guide me as to what gift will I give to my sister, for He knows what
my sister needs, AMEN♥

November 19, 2023

5:26 AM
My heart is full of gratitude to our loving and faithful Father for He takes care of all His children.
Yesterday as I was washing our dirty linens, a thought came into my mind to look at the floor
outside- because there is something that may cause us harm. First, I thought that it was my old
mind, however, because I have the desire to listen to our Father’s voice, so I did go outside and
found a little stone, I thought that was the one who may cause harm. However, minutes later, I
found a sharp object” which has sharp ends that will really cause injury to us. That’s when I
thought again, it was indeed our Father’s voice. I am so thankful to Him for through the guidance
and teachings of the Holy Spirit, I gradually know that it is the MIND OF CHRIST working
through me♥
Also, our Father guided me to give a beauty soap, eye cream, and a birthday cake
to my sister. I do believe that Grace liked it, for our Father God what my sister needs. Even
though I was not able to make any works related to academics yesterday, I am still thankful.
Knowing and believing that our Father God is in control of everything. Praying and trusting that
He will provide me ample time to work on the tasks needed to be accomplished, AMEN♥

November 20, 2023

5:21 AM

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! Thanking our loving and
faithful Father for another day. Today, I will be consulting Dr. Requino for the dressmaking and
cookery training for the PWDs. Trusting our Father God for providing all the necessary
resources for the materialization of this HOPE Program.
Today will also be our flag raising ceremony, trusting that I can attend. Christ in
me will do all the tasks that need to be accomplished today. Praying and trusting for our Father
God’s will to be materialized today- sharing the TRUE and FINAL Gospel to those hungry
hearts, amen♥

November 21, 2023

4:56 AM

With gratitude and faith of Christ in me, I will embrace this day with excitement and joy. Our
loving and faithful Father knows the 2 nd coming of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The
signs that are written in the word of God are already present in the world nowadays. As the word
of God says, that we should not sleep, but be watchful for the coming of Jesus Christ is at hand.
Thus, we, as children of God preach the word, be in season and out of season.
Yesterday, sir Rambe, our clinical coordinator told me that I will be going to Cebu
next year for our duty with the students. I do believe that our Father already prepared people
there that will receive the FINAL and TRUE GOSPEL- CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF
I entrust my family to our loving and faithful Father for HE loves and takes care of them
eternally. With God’s grace and providence, they too will be going to Cebu to have their
vacation♥ with our Father’s love and grace, we will then be going home together, AMEN♥

November 22, 2023

5:23 AM
With gratefulness and joy in my heart, I offer this day unto our loving and faithful Father. This
day is made by HIM and for HIM. Yesterday, my friend, Roselyn, told me that they will give me
a birthday party for my 60th birthday. Honestly, I was not expecting this to happen. I am
accustomed to have a simple birthday celebration since I was a kid. I almost cried yesterday
when she disclosed this surprise birthday gift to me. If I am to be asked on this event, honestly, I
prefer not to celebrate this event spending a lot of money. I would rather save it for humanitarian
reasons. However, on the other hand, knowing that all things work together for good to those
who love God and are called according to His purpose. Thus, I am still thankful for the planned
I pray and trust that the Father’s will be accomplished for that event through
CHRIST IN ME. Christ in me will be the one to give an inspirational message to my colleagues.
Trusting that all of us will not only be filled and satisfied with the food, but also be filled with
HOPE , JOY, PEACE,LOVE, and LIFE through the sharing of the MESSAGE” CHRSIT IN

November 24, 2023

5:47 AM

Another day has just started and with a heart full of hope I offer this day unto our loving and
faithful Father. Yesterday, with God’s grace, there were 3 groups who have successfully
defended their title proposals. The mind of CHRIST in me was so amazing and powerful. His
ideas are so visionary. Thus, I am so grateful to our Father. The mystery that was hidden before
the foundation of the world – CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY- must be preached
unto all men. For this is the will of our Father that He will have children that genuinely love and
obey HIM through the very life of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, we also had our meeting with sir Rambe. The meeting was all about
our Cebu duty. With the faith of CHRIST IN ME, I do believe that our FATHER has prepared
people that need to hear the FINAL and TRUE GOSPEL. With thanksgiving in my heart, I am
assured that the 1 month duty in VSSMC will be fruitful and successful, AMEN♥

November 26, 2023

4:41 AM

Bringing back all the honor, adoration, thanksgiving, and glory to our loving and faithful Father
for the success of yesterday’s 5 th National Nursing Research Webinar. The keynote speaker
yesterday was Dr. Martinez, and I learned a lot form his presentation. One of the highlights of his
presentation is that not all research conducted by nurses if nursing research. It should really be
based on nursing theory, ideals, and concepts, to be considered it as a nursing research.
Today, I trust that through CHRIST in me, I can do all things- specifically the
crafting of the research proposal. For in CHRIST, I move, and live, and have my being, AMEN♥

November 27, 2023

4:32 AM
With a heart full of gratitude I offer this day unto our loving and faithful Father. Knowing that
He created all things according to His will and of good pleasure. Even though I came up short of
my goal yesterday in crafting the research proposal on depression and family functioning of
students in MSU-IIT: Basis for Parental Mental Health Education, I still thank our Father for I
believe in His SOVEREIGNTY.
Today, as I continue to trust the Holy Spirit guidance and teaching on seeing
CHRIST in me as my life, I am excited to see How Christ’s mind operates through me.
I also continue to offer Beverly, Travis Paul, Clive, Mama, Grace, and my hubby
Joe unto our loving Papa. Trusting that through His love unto Him, they too will receive the
revelation knowledge of CHRIST is in them, AMEN♥

November 28, 2023

4:01 AM

With gratefulness in my heart, joy and excitement overwhelm me today♥ yesterday, the proposal
on depression and family functioning was almost half done. It is CHRIST in me doing it. Today,
He will finish it according to our Father’s will and purpose.
Tomorrow is the birthday of my grandson, but he will be celebrating his birthday
today with his classmates for he will not have a class tomorrow. I pray and trust that through the
love and faithfulness of our Father God, it will be held successfully.
Today also, I will be consulting my friend Roselyn for the LIB of our extension
proposal. Trusting our Father’s favor and blessings be upon this endeavor, AMEN♥

November 29, 2023

4:34 AM

Today is the birthday of my grandson Travis Paul. Thanking our loving and faithful Father for
giving him to us. It is my prayer that he will grow with the revelation knowledge of CHRIST in
him as life. Paul will grow loving the Father through loving Christ in him. Trusting for the
providence of our loving Papa God for the simple celebration of my grandson’s birthday today.
I do believe that CHRIST in me already has done the proposal successfully. Also,
praying and trusting that our Papa God will give me ample time to prepare for the review notes
and for the exam for the F & E , amen♥

November 30, 2023

5:19 AM

Glory to our loving and faithful Father for the success of the birthday celebration of my grandson
yesterday. There were a lot of visitors from the relatives of my son-in-law and from our side too.
Our loving Father blessed has blessed us with abundant food, In fact, the visitors were able to
bring food unto their respective houses.
I entrust this day unto our Papa God for this day is made by Him and for Him.
Through Christ in me, I can do all things. The research proposal will be done within day. My
friend Roselynn will do the LIB. With the blessings, grace, and faithfulness of our loving Father,
this research will be materialized according to HIS PURPOSE and will,AMEN♥
December 01, 2023
5:27 AM

Today is my birthday♥ Since, I am already 60 years old today, I will be asking six gifts from our
loving and faithful Father♥. First, is for me and my family, specifically my brother and hubby,
my daughter, Beverly, my grandson, my mother, that we will all grow in the revelation
knowledge of who we are in CHRIST♥. Second, that our loving Papa God will open doors for
me and my hubby to share the final and true gospel to others, especially to those who are hunger
and thirst for the truth, and have the love in their hearts to know our Father. Third, is for the
salvation my son-in –law, his parents, my relatives, my friends, specifically Roselyn, and her
family, my officemates, and my batch mates. Fourth, is for the good health of my family- my
hubby, my daughter, my grandson, and my mother. Fifth, is that my son – in-law, to have a
stable job, that he will be a loving and responsible father to his son, Travis Paul, and a loving and
faithful husband to my daughter, Finally, that I will have 6 publications for 2024, 3 for Mindanao
Forum, and 3 for Scopus- indexed Journals and that I will be promoted to Professor 6, I will have
a total of 6 research and extension projects (3 approved researches and 3 approved extension
projects). ALL according to our Father’s purpose and will, AMEN♥

December 02, 2023

4:36 AM

Bringing back all the thanksgiving, honor, adoration, and glory unto our loving and faithful
Father for the success of my celebration yesterday♥ Yesterday was really a blast! Our Father
made me experience the feeling of being adored and loved by other people. I am so thankful to
our loving Papa God for making my friend Roselyn an instrument of His faithfulness to me. She
initiated and crafted the celebration of my 60 th birthday. Also, our Papa God guided Val in giving
the gift of my “Senior ID Card and the 2 booklet” WOWOWOW! Our Papa God is full of
surprises indeed! Today, I pray and trust our loving Father that through His only begotten Son,
Jesus Christ in me, I can do all things- finishing the proposal, and making the power point and
the final exam for the 3rd year students, AMEN♥

December 04, 2023

5:01 AM

There was a sad news yesterday. A bombing incident took place at the MSU- Marawi Gym
yesterday during the celebration of a Eucharistic Mass. There were a lot of casualties including
students, and faculty. This incident is again a wake up call to humanity. A sign that death is
inevitable. We, as children of our loving and faithful Father God should preach the word be in
season and out of season. Praying that through the guidance and teachings of the Holy Spirit, I
will preach the FINAL and TRUE GOSPEL to others.
Thanking also our Father for the success of our first virtual meeting with my
research team yesterday. With our Father’s blessings and grace, we were able to iron out things
for the improvement of the project. Today, trusting our Father that He will use Sir Francis as an
instrument in making our LIB, and that all needed resources will be included there, AMEN♥

December 6, 2023
5:34 AM

With gratitude and joy in my heart, I am happy to share CHRIST’ victory! Yesterday, we were
able to submit the research proposal for next year, 2024. Trusting that with our loving and
faithful Father blessings, it will be accepted.
For our research on PWD, I pray and trust that through our Father God’s
blessings, all the necessary deliverables will be accomplished. I pray also that my team mates
will help me in this aspect. For the extension proposal, I pray that our Father God will open
doors and give me ample time to have a meeting with miga, Roseln. That this H.O.P.E Program
for the PWD will be materialized, AMEN♥

December 8, 2023
6:38 AM

With a grateful heart, I offer this day unto our loving and faithful FATHER knowing that this
day is made by HIM and for HIM. There are a handful of tasks to be done today. One of which is
to create a google drive for the research groups that have done their proposals yesterday
successfully. Glory to our Father for I think there were 6 groups who have successfully defended
their proposals yesterday. Second, is to post these groups in our college face book page for a
congratulatory message. This is also to motivate the remaining groups to have their proposals
before the Christmas break.
One important tasks to be done is to read literature on systematic reviews. I pray
and trust CHRIST in me as my ONLY LIFE as the reviewer. He in me will do the task in an
amazing way as usual. He can do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we can ever think of ask
for, AMEN♥

December 9, 2023
6:25 AM

This is the day that our loving and faithful Father has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it♥
I offer all the tasks that should be accomplished today to our Father. The revelation knowledge
of CHRIST in me as my life and Hope of glory pushes me to go beyond what the earthly mind
can think of. Christ in me as my WISDOM, can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I ask
or think, according to His Power that worketh in me. Today, I will be submitting the 2 nd article
that I have reviewed for the Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN). I am so thankful to our Papa
God for opening this door for me. The task of reviewing an article sharpens my skill in critiquing
a paper. Also, it improves my writing skills. My aspiration in becoming an articulate speaker and
a prolific writer is possible to achieve through CHRIST in me as my life♥
Likewise, I have also other tasks to be done today such as printing the summative
test for the exam this Monday. Another task is to submit the revised version of the MEHORDS
to the MJN. I can do all things through CHRIST who is my life, AMEN♥

December 10, 2023

5:23 AM
Giving thanks to our loving and faithful Father for all His blessings He has bestowed on me and
my family. The best gift He has given to humanity is His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
Through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the plan of our Father God before the foundation
of the world was accomplished. The resurrection of our Father’s only begotten Son Jesus Christ
is the means by which humanity can be reconciled to the Father. Believing on Christ’s death and
resurrection is the key of birthing. This birthing now paves the way to humanity to become
children of the living and loving Father God, More so, this birthing brings UNION between us,
the Father’s children to His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now, our Father sees us in
CHRIST! This is an amazing fact. Thank you Father for seeing CHRIST in me as me, amen♥

December 12, 2023

5:23 AM

With joy and gratitude in my heart, I will offer this day unto our loving and faithful Father. This
day is made by Him and for Him. I am trusting that through Christ in me as my life, I can make
the POLICY BRIEF within this week. This POLICY brief will be based on the interpretation of
our internally –funded research. Through CHRIST in me, the results of the study will be
correctly interpreted. I pray that Ma’am Mae and Ma’am Reya, will al so help me in the
interpretation of the results. I pray that we can also submit the Extension proposal tomorrow with
God’s grace♥
The summative test for the 3rd year students was successfully given yesterday and
we had the rationalization too. I am thankful to our Papa God for His unfailing love to me and
my family, AMEN♥

December 14, 2023

4:55 AM

I offer this day unto our loving and faithful Father knowing that this day is made by HIM and for
HIM. There will be a mock proposal today for Blocks AAA and CCC. I trust that CHRIST IN
ME as my wisdom will give the comments and suggestions for the betterment of their papers.
I also offer to our Father the H.O.P.E proposal, I have the faith of Christ that the
Father has already prepared all the necessary resources for the materialization of this program. I
trust our loving Father that He has already prepared the physically handicapped, visually
impaired and the hearing and speech impaired individuals who will be trained in cookery,
dressmaking and massage therapy. It is our Papa God’s program, and it will be accomplished
according to His purpose and glory, amen♥

December 16, 2023

6:40 AM

Today we woke up around 6:15 AM. We are grateful to our loving and faithful Father for He
gave us ample time to rest♥ For the last 2 days, we together with Ma’am Mae critique the
undergraduate theses if the 3rd year nursing students. The said task was an energy draining
activity. However, through Christ’s strength in us, we both made it♥
Today, I offer another mock proposal by the Block BBB. I do believe that
CHRIST in me as my only life will do give the comments and suggestions for the betterment of
their papers, AMEN♥

December 20, 2023

5:51 AM

I am so grateful to our loving and faithful Father for He made me His very own through the
presence of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ in me as my only life.
I am done with my grades in F& E, trusting our Father God that the grades of my
students reflect truth and justice. Those who have high grades are really learning a lot and those
who have low grades learned only a minimum because they did not study well.
Today, I entrust all to pour Father the preparation of all the documents for my
reranking. I pray and trust our Father that Sir Ardie will work with focus and joy in his heart. I
trust that our loving and faithful Father has already prepared all the necessary documents for my
promotion to Professor VI according to His will and for His own pleasure, AMEN

December 24, 2023

6:28 AM

Bringing back all the thanksgiving, honor, praises, and GLORY to our loving and faithful Father
for the success of the Christmas Party yesterday held at Esperanza, Bacolod. It was our
fellowship party. Even though we are small in numbers, but we are still grateful to our loving
Father for we are assured that we are His bonafide children.
In these last days we firmly believe that all of us in the Christ as All Fellowship
will be used by our Father in spreading the Final and TRUE Gospel to the world. It is CHRIST
IS US who will do it for us, as He is the one loving and obeying the Father.
With our Father’s blessing and grace, next year, CHRIST in me will be giving 500 pesos to our
brethren in Bacolod, Esperanza.
I TRUST our loving and faithful Father that He will promote me to Professor VI
for HIS purpose and glory, AMEN!

December 26, 2023

5:39 AM

I am so grateful to our loving and faithful Father for this the 3rda day of my low carb diet.
Through Christ in me and also to my brother-hubby Joe, we can achieve our goal. Eating a low-
carb diet is beneficial. It is not only good for the physical health, but also to the psychological,
emotional, and social well-being. Truly our Father uses instrument in helping us achieving our
goals in life according to His will. My former student, now a professional nurse, Ms. Norivy
Barral is the vehicle for our healthy low-carb diet. Her mother has a garden of lettuce, thus, we
have a continuous supply of fresh and organic lettuce.
Today, with the blessing and favor of our Father, we can pay our electricity bill,
buy Human Nature products for Mama as our Christmas gift to her, and finish my task in writing
the results and discussion for the HOPE program. I can do and accomplish all these things,
through CHRIST in me as my life, AMEN!
January 1, 2024
7:57 AM

Today is the first day of the year 2024. I am so grateful to our loving and faithful Father for He
gave us the opportunity to celebrate the New Year’s Eve with my loved ones. Yesterday, we
were invited to join in celebrating and “tag boon” the New Year’s Eve at the house of the in-laws
of my nephew Jericho. It was attended by the children and their respective families of Didin,
Eunice, and the special friend of the son of Tata and William, and their youngest daughter Thea.
It was also grace by the presence of the eldest son of William and his family. On the other hand,
my nephew who is the husband of Eunice was represented further by my sister and her ex-
husband Leo, John Lorenzo, the brother of Jericho, Mama Betty, the grandmother of Jericho,
myself and my family, my hubby, Joe, my daughter and her hubby and their child, Travis Paul.
All of us enjoyed the celebration. There were games and sing along. The event commenced with
a thanksgiving prayer led by myself. I am careful to bring all the thanksgiving, honor, adoration,
and glory to our Father, for He alone deserve all these things.
With the faith of Christ in me, I am entrusting the upcoming 13 th Nursing
Research Conference which will be held this May 29-31, 2024. Thanks to Sir Neil who is our
Father’s instrument in the invitation of our speakers. As the word of God says, “we are more
than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37 KJV). All the logistics (the detailed
coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies) are all well
taken by our loving and faithful Father.
Moreover, I am also entrusting my promotion to Professor VI to our Father,
knowing and believing that I am His own, I am His beloved through Christ in me. All of the
necessary documents need for the promotion are all prepared and supplied by our loving Father.
Thus, in this line, I am careful to bring all the adoration, honor, thanksgiving, worship, and glory
to HIS HOLY NAME, amen!

January 11, 2024

5:22 AM

We had our 1st fellowship last Sunday, January 7, and our spiritual leader Sister Cel, shared with
us that for this year, she is not praying for our blessings, healing, but she has only one prayer that
all of us will grow in knowing CHRIST IN US as our LIFE! This is also the desire of my heart
that I will grow in this revelation knowledge of Christ is in me and who I am in Christ. It is also
my prayer that with the teachings and guidance of the Holy Spirit, Christ in me as me will
spontaneously flow through me in my thoughts, and actions, CHRIST IN ME is the research
coordinator, the clinical instructor, the mother, the grandmother, the daughter, the sister, and the
wife. His love, wisdom, will flow through me.
Truly Christ in me is ure and holy for He does not allow any dishonest way for my
promotion. He removes any thing that is contrary to His nature in my path. I am trusting that our
Father God will promote me according to His will and purpose and for His glory, AMEN!

January 23, 2024

5:45 AM
I am so grateful to our Father for He made all things possible. With all the tasks assigned to me
with set deadlines, CHRIST IN ME as me did it successfully. Truly, we can do all things through
Christ who strengthens us. Although there are still a lot of tasks to be done, the faith of Christ in
me tells me that it is already done. I still have to get the ratings of my papers from Ma’am Teves
today, as well as I will get my certificate of employment from IMCC. I believe that CHRIST in
me will finish the program for the 13 th Nursing Research Conference, and I am so grateful to our
loving and faithful Father for Her already has set the Resource Speakers for the said conference
and for the 2-day qualitative research methods workshop. Our loving Father God has also
prepared the set of judges for the poster and the oral presentations. Today, as well as for the rest
of the week, months, years, before the Rapture, CHRIST in me will accomplish all the tasks
assigned to me according to our Father’s will and for His purpose and glory, AMEN.

February 19, 2024

5:46 AM

Glory to our most loving and faithful Father for sending His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to be
our LORD, SAVIOR, and most of all, as our life. This week I will be in training at the AMC,
ICU department. This is in preparation of my role in supervising graduating students in their
clinical exposure at the ICU. However, because of my hectic schedule I cannot comply with the
80 hours training prior to our duty. Thus, Sir Roy will take over. I am so grateful to our Papa
God for He provided Sir Roy who wholeheartedly willing to take over my place.
I am also entrusting my promotion and reranking to our loving Father, for HE is in
control of everything. I am almost done with my papers, and I am already thanking our Father
for I know and believe that PRIMOTION comes from Him, AMEN!

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