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“Digital Dakwah As The Millennial Generation Trailblazer”

Evelyn Nuriyanti
SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Mojokerto (SMK MUTIA)


Your Excellency the adjudicator and supervisor

And unforgettable for all the audiences

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful there is no beautiful sentence to speak except

to thank our god Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessings so we can attend and

gather in this place in good condition and happy situation may peace and salutation always be given to

our prophet Muhammad saw who has been guided us from the darkness to this bright modern era that

we live in today

I am Evelyn Nuriyanti from SMK MUTIA in this opportunity I would like to deliver my speech entitle


As we know, we are in the digital era, where all the activities we can do are very sophisticated because

the digital era has experienced development in progressing the world to digital life. Therefore, human

life has become more accessible and efficient in this era.


What developments are involved in the digital era?

And what are the implications of the digital era?

The digital era has several impacts, especially on the digital da’wah. One of the impacts is the

existence of digital da’wah. The development of technology and media also affects da’wah activities.

Islamic da’wah activities have developed in the public space. The variety of da’wah activities is also

encouraged by another aspect, which is the media of da’wah. Da’wah and technology can't be

separated. The delivery of da’wah should be performed optimally, including using social media, to
receive it more widely and quickly so that the optimization of da’wah can increase its effectiveness in

terms of time, cost, and process.

Even if we are not da’i, teachers, or influencers, we can still convey Islam from our social media. It is

not sometimes a speech from a speaker that can touch people’s hearts to be better.

The command to preach is also stated in QS. An Nahl : 125

‫ُاْدُع ِاٰل ى َس ِبْيِل َر ِّبَك ِباْلِح ْك َم ِة َو اْلَم ْو ِع َظِة اْلَحَس َنِة َو َج اِد ْلُهْم ِباَّلِتْي ِهَي َاْح َس ُۗن ِاَّن َرَّبَك ُهَو َاْعَلُم ِبَم ْن َض َّل َع ْن َس ِبْيِلٖه َو ُهَو َاْعَلُم ِباْلُم ْهَتِد ْيَن‬

Well, let’s spread goodness through our social media, so that we also become servants of God who

participate in spreading goodness, our social media is also not only used to upload upset quotes. Is this



Okay, that’s all for my speech, I hope we have all learned something new from it, and I am sorry if

you found some mistakes in me

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Name of Accompanying Teacher

Farida Ikhsaniyah, S.Psi

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