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Neo4j - Leading Graph Platform and Technology Disruptor

Graph Database Market:

● Neo4j is the Founder and Pioneer of the Modern Graph Database Market. Neo4j created the
market and is the clear leader in Revenue, Customer base, Customer Satisfaction, Product depth
and breadth, Ecosystem and Vision. See information from Gartner, Forrester, Bloor, Ventana
Research, and many other Analyst reports with in depth research on this topic.
○ Graph Database Market: Note this is the Fastest Growing Database Sector
■ Pioneer, Founder and Leader in the Graph Database space
■ Clear leader with over 50 percent of market share
■ DB Engines Number 1 Ranking - TigerGraph is number 12 in DB Engines and
stuck there.
Link: ​
Note: Sources used for DB Engines Ranking: LinkedIn, Stackoverflow, Indeed,
Google,Bing,Trends, Simply Hired. DBA StackExchange, Twitter, Upwork
■ Overall Database Market: Neo4j is the 21th largest database company and
moving up - TigerGraph is not even in the top 150.
Link: ​
■ Do you really want to build your “go to market solution” or “mission critical
application” on a product and company that is not highly ranked in terms of
market share, funding and customer base?
● Graph Database Market Maturing: The Graph Database Market is now maturing and Neo4j has
more enterprise class production implementations than all the other competitors combined. At this
stage of maturity in the software market there are normally only 3 companies who will survive.
Based on industry dynamics, those will be Neo4j with the majority of the Market, Microsoft
CosmosDB with a small percentage and Amazon Neptune due to market awareness. The others
will dissolve into history or be absorbed and shelved by the company acquiring them, such as
SAP and OrientDB, most likely for internal use cases as embedded offerings at best, history
demonstrates this time and time again. To further the Neo4j cause, Google picked Neo4j as its
Graph Database partner. Aura, Neo4j’s Graph as a Service offering is built on GCP and will be
billable through Google with their customers late in 2020 or early 2021, due to Covid-19. So in
all likelihood the 3 leaders and survivors will be aligned with the 3 leading cloud providers.
Note, of the 3 only Neo4j EE can run in a customer's Cloud Provider of Choice, On Premise or
Hybrid increasing its market dominance and customer appeal as a standard platform.

Business and Company Items:

● Neo4j as a Corporation:

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

○ Annual Growth: 50 Percent
■ Path to “IPO-able” - Financial, Leadership, Organization, Processes and
○ Employee Growth:
■ Neo4j has over 370 employees with over 250 Technologist including over 120 in
R&D/Engineering (building products) - TigerGraph has less than 20
■ Neo4j is hiring even during Covid-19 - TigerGraph is laying off and firing people
○ Global offices:
■ HQ: San Mateo, CA USA
■ Office Locations: San Mateo, Boston, Malmo, London, Dresden, Australia,
Japan, France, Spain, Israel, India, and more to come.
○ Global Support: support for regional and multi-national coverage 24x7x365.
○ Funding: Neo4j is funded by “Blue Chip” investors, including Morgan Stanley, and being
positioned as “IPO-able”
■ Note - Board Members Include: Denise Persson - CMO of SnowFlake
● Media: Neo4j and Graph are becoming mainstream as even Forbes, Finance Digest, Medical
Tribune, Pharma Focus, etc. are publishing articles:
○ Forbes Article: ​Link
○ Other Media: ​
● Industry Awards:
○ KM World, DBTA, Ventana Research, Datanami, Bloor, InfoWorld, etc.
○ Other Awards: ​
● Publications: Neo4j wrote the first book on Graph Databases and continues driving publications
○ Graph Databases: (​​ )
○ Graph Algorithms (​​ )
○ Graph Databases for Dummies: (​​ )
○ GraphQL for application developers:
● Investment in Graph / Graph as a Platform / Graph Algorithms: Neo4j is investing more in R&D
and Engineering than any other Graph company. Graph as a Platform, Graph for Data Science
and Graph as a Service will drive further dominance and leadership for Neo4j. Some analysts
have commented Neo4j is investing more than other top 20 Graph Databases combined.
○ Graph Data Science:
■ Dr. Alicia Frame - ​
■ Dr. Amy Hodler - ​
■ Dr. Jesus Barrasa - ​
■ Dr. Phani Dathar - ​
■ Dr. Jacob Sznajdman - ​
○ Graph Platform:
■ Dr. Jim Webber -
■ Dr. Hugo Firth - ​
■ Dr. Hannes Voigt - ​

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

■ Dr. Pontus Melke - ​
■ Dr. Craig Taverner - ​
■ Dr. Ljubica Lazarevic - ​
○ Graph Query Language:
■ Dr. Petra Selmer - ​

Customer Leadership:

● Graph Platform Leader, no one even close to.

○ Neo4j has more mission critical applications in production than all others combined.
■ 750+ SMB’s building their company and business on Neo4j
■ 400+ Enterprise customers whose use cases are considered mission critical - in
production (TigerGraph has less than 20 and most are only departmental
usage/evaluation, the companies they claim to have converted from Neo4j were
only using Community Edition so were never Neo4j customers)
○ Customer Sampling: eBay, Comcast, Telia, JPMC, UBS, BofA, RCCL, L Brands, Target,
Cisco, Apple, Microsoft, Marriott/Starwood, Marriott Vacations Worldwide, Nike,
Thomson Reuters, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Workday, Mercedes/Daimler,
BMW, Equifax, Humana, ManuLife, BCBS of TN, BCBS of NC, Cigna, PRA Health,
GSK, Huawei, etc. (TigerGraph’s customer base is primarily their Investors or where
their investors have a stake in the company)
○ Review of Customers by Vertical​: ​ Below verticals are the usual early adopters of
Emerging Technologies plus Retail due to the ​“Amazon Effect”​ in that Vertical which is
moving it from normally being a laggard to an Early Adopter.
■ 20 of 20 Largest Financial Institutions
■ 8 of 10 Largest High Tech Companies (Including those who have competitive
products, use Neo4j internally for their mission critical applications)
■ 17 of 25 Largest Retailers
■ Global Governments - Civilian, Defense and Intelligence using Neo4j EE to
Analyze, Optimize & Protect
Note: Neo4j is now expanding rapidly to other verticals including Media, Hospitality,
Energy, Manufacturing, Insurance, HealthCare, Pharma, etc.

Ecosystem Leadership:
● Thought Leadership and Ecosystem: According to independent research, analysts (Gartner,
Forrester, Bloor, Ventana Research, etc.) and Global SI’s(Accenture, Capgemini, Deloitte, EY,
Hitachi, KPMG, TCS, etc.) who are building internal applications, customer facing products and
go to market practices on Neo4j, Neo4j is the clear thought and product leader. TigerGraph’s
ecosystem is almost non-existent, all but eliminating it from long term technological or financial
success. Note - the person leading the efforts just “left”, ​

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

● Partnerships and Strategic Alliances: 100 Plus and Growing Quarterly as Global, Regional and
Boutique SI’s are building practices on Neo4j while building products and offerings with Neo4j
as the platform.
○ Cloud:
■ Amazon AWS
■ Google GCP - Neo4j is their Graph Database of Choice and will be their Graph
as a Service (Aura) in 2020, formally announced at Next 2019
■ Microsoft Azure
■ etc.
○ SI’s
■ Accenture
■ Capgemini
■ Deloitte
■ Ernst & Young (EY)
■ Hitachi
■ Tata Consultancy (TCS)
■ etc.
○ OEM’s:
■ Cisco
■ HP
■ Pitney Bowes
■ etc.

Talent Pool: ​Practitioners and Postings on LinkedIn

● TigerGraph :
○ Less than 300 profiles mention TigerGraph
○ Postings looking for TigerGraph skills: 39 worldwide
● Neo4j:
○ Greater than 48,000 profiles mention Neo4j
○ Postings looking for Neo4j Skills: 2,496 worldwide

Technical items:​ Neo4j is Platform not just a Database

● GQL - International Standards Organization (ISO) has announced a standard database query
language for Graph, the first time since the 80’s they have added another database query
language. It will be based on Cypher and Neo4j has been leading the efforts.
● Schema constraints - Ability to enforce business rules / unique values
● ACID Compliance - ​Set of properties of database transactions intended to guarantee validity even
in the event of errors, power failures, etc.
● Infrastructure Support - Multi-data Center, On-Premise, Cloud or Hybrid Implementation. Not
locked into one platform or provider.

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

● Causal clustering - Assurance of HA and DR, but without the issues of both in many other
database products
● Scalability - Neo4j has the largest Graph implementations both in the private and public sectors
globally, running mission critical applications for the private sector customers and protecting
citizens in the public sector.
● Index-free adjacency - Neo4j is built as Graph Database from the ground up, not a hybrid or
● Platform Items:
○ User security - Kerberos, LDAP, etc.
○ Application drivers - Java, Python, JavaScipt, C#, Go and many community developed
○ Spark Integration
○ Bloom - Visualization
○ Graph Data Science Library
○ APOC - Extension Library (Similar to Stored Procedures in RDBMS World)
○ Neo4j Desktop
○ Neo4j ETL / Data Orchestration / HOP
○ Graph Analytics
○ Grand Stack (Neo4j GraphQL implementation)
○ OS Supported: Linux/Unix and Windows platforms
○ Languages supported: Neo4j drivers for Java, C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Go and
community developed drivers)
○ Infrastructure: Neo4j, does not lock customers into an infrastructure, use On Prem, Cloud
Provider of Choice, Hybrid Cloud.
○ Additional products to come as well as reseller agreements of complementary
technologies such as Linkurious, etc.
● AURA: Neo4j introduced Neo4j EE as a SaaS offering in 2019 for SMB Market and moving to
Enterprise Market late in 2020. Initially offered on GCP and will be billable to Google
Customers through their Google Console.

Sampling of Analysts, Leader and Publication Comments:

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

Neo4j Proprietary and Confidential

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