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Diction refers to the speaking/writing style or the choice of words that a speaker or writer uses.
The choice of words has a significant effect on the quality of a speech or writing .Well-Chosen
words helps a writer or a speaker to pass a message clearly and easily.

What is diction in writing?

Diction determines the words you use, which consequently determines the writing style and type
of tone you use. Through diction, a writer can sound friendly or serious, knowledgeable or
clueless, poetic or dry. Diction also affects sentence structure.

For example, you might use shorter sentences when speaking to people with short attention
spans and use longer, complex sentences around a more patient audience.

What is diction in speech?

Diction in speech refers to enunciation, or how well a speaker pronounces their words. A person who
speaks clearly has good diction, while a person who mumbles or mispronounces their words has poor
diction. Speech diction is an important skill for public speakers, actors, singers, and those in careers with
an emphasis on speaking clearly.

Types of Diction:-

Formal diction

Formal diction is the use of sophisticated language, without slang or

colloquialisms. Formal diction sticks to grammatical rules and uses
complicated syntax—the structure of sentences. This elevated type of
language is often found in professional texts, business documents, and
legal papers.

Formal Diction Example:-

1. The bank records an increase in profit last yaer.

2. I intend to take you through the economics unit this semester.

3. Would you please pass me those books and pens?

Informal diction. Informal diction is more conversational and often

used in narrative literature. This casual vernacular is representative of
how people communicate in real life, which gives an author freedom to
depict more realistic characters. Most short stories and novels use
informal diction.

Informal diction Example:-

1. I want to go clubbing tonight. I will see you tomorrow at work.

2. Which country are you visiting over the Christmas holiday?

Colloquial diction. Colloquial words or expressions are informal in

nature and generally represent a certain region or time. “Ain’t” and
“y’all” are examples of colloquial expressions, born in rural areas of
the United States. Colloquialisms add color and realism to writing.

Colloquial diction Example:-

1. I am gonna become the best player in the world.

(‘gonna’ is a colloquial word that means I am going to)

Slang diction. These are words that originated within a specific culture
or subgroup but gained traction. Slang can be a new word, a shortened
or modified word, or words that take on a new meaning.

Slang diction Example:-

1. I met a bankers man on my way to church.

(The Slang word is ‘ bankers’, and it means mad)

2. The lady hiding in the bathroom is a creep.

(The slang word is ‘creep’, and it means werid)

Concrete diction. Concrete diction is the use of words for their literal
meanings and often refer to things that appeal to the senses. The
meaning is not open to interpretation because the writer is specific
and detailed in their phrasing.

Concrete diction Example:-

1. I brought my child a phone ( ‘phone’ is concrete)

2. My dog jumped over the fence after seeing a thief.( ‘Dog’ is

Abstract diction. This is when a writer uses words to express

something intangible, like an idea or an emotion. Abstract phrases
often lack physical detail and specificity because they are things the
reader cannot experience through their five senses.

Abstract diction Example:-

1. After doing much-singing practice, I feel I am a good singer.

(‘feel’, expresses a feeling)
2. Mary lover her mother so much. (‘love’, is an emotion )

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