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Received: 7 June 2023 Accepted: 22 December 2023

DOI: 10.1111/icad.12711

The Ecology and Conservation of Urban Insects

The potential of iNaturalist for bee conservation research—A

study case in a southern Brazilian metropolis

O potencial do iNaturalist para pesquisas em conservação de

abelhas—estudo de caso em uma metro  pole no sul do Brasil

Felipe Walter Pereira 1,2 | Maristela Zamoner 3,4 | Rodrigo Barbosa Gonçalves 1

 rio de Abelhas, Departamento de
Laborato Abstract
Zoologia, Setor de Ciências Biolo
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 1. Citizen science can expand our knowledge of biodiversity and enhance conserva-
tion programs by adding species records and associated data. This is the case for
Programa de Po  s-Graduação em Ecologia e
Evolução, Departamento de Ecologia, Campus bees—the main group of pollinators—with millions of observations on iNaturalist.
Samambaia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2. Here we ask if spontaneous observations made by citizen scientists on this platform
Goiânia, Brazil
provide a good picture of bee diversity in terms of taxonomic coverage
Museu Botânico Municipal de Curitiba,
Curitiba, Brazil (i.e., proportion of different subfamilies, tribes, genera and species), identification
Museu Aberto de Biodiversidade, Instituto de acuity (i.e., correct identification and at what taxonomic level) and taxonomic diver-
Ciência e Tecnologia em Biodiversidade,
Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil
sity. For this purpose, we compare iNaturalist observations with a dataset from a
structured local survey for Curitiba, a city of 2 million inhabitants in southern Brazil.
3. The search on iNaturalist resulted in 496 bee observations of 52 species, a richness
rio de Abelhas,
Felipe Walter Pereira, Laborato
Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciências similar to the most urbanised sampling site from the local survey. Highly eusocial
gicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná,
and large bees are, proportionally, more frequently observed by citizens than sam-
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Email: pled by professionals. Three citizen observers were responsible for more than 50%
of the observations in iNaturalist. About 45% of species were correctly identified
Editor: Laurence Packer and
Associate Editor: David Roubik and this number increased up to 85% after our validation.
4. We perceive that the spontaneous, non-structured, observations on iNaturalist
bring a biased representation of the bee fauna when compared to the structured
local survey. However, the platform shows a great potential to monitor large bodied
and eusocial bees, including rare and non-native species; thus, it may be valuable
for bee surveying, monitoring and conservation.

citizen science, conservation, pollinators, urban ecology

I N T R O D U CT I O N consuming and decelerates contextualised information to be used on

conservation (Hochkirch et al., 2021). Citizen science (CS) has broad-
Information is crucial for biodiversity conservation initiatives. Unfortu- ened the participation of people in scientific data acquisition and anal-
nately, to retrieve, curate and analyse biodiversity data are time ysis while bringing the general public closer to nature (Altrudi, 2021;

386 © 2024 Royal Entomological Society. Insect Conserv Divers. 2024;17:386–395.
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ECSA, 2015). Regarding biodiversity, CS data can complement tradi- to make CS data usable for scientific purposes (Kosmala
tional academic surveys by reducing sampling gaps, estimating abun- et al., 2016). Taking this into account, we investigated whether
dance and density of species over space and time, and also by the spontaneous bee records on iNat provide a good picture of
bringing information of interaction among species and with their habi- bee diversity in terms of taxonomic sampling (i.e., proportion of
tats (Amano et al., 2016; Callaghan et al., 2022). Additionally, CS is a different subfamilies, tribes, genera and species), identification
powerful approach to biodiversity studies, particularly in urban envi- acuity (i.e., correct identification and at what taxonomical level)
ronments, where data gathering is complicated due to highly variable and taxonomic diversity. For this purpose, we analysed the
landscapes and where volunteers can collaborate in scientific research observations of bees from iNaturalist in light of a dataset from a
(Prudic et al., 2018). structured local survey. The study focused on Curitiba, a metrop-
The iNaturalist (herein iNat) is a fast-growing world popular plat- olis in southern Brazil with one of the largest amounts of struc-
form to record and identify biodiversity (Di Cecco et al., 2021), sum- tured bee surveys in the world.
ming by May 2022 almost 100 million observations of more than
343,000 species by more than 2 million users. The platform unites
images and metadata from public observations while allowing species METHODS
identification by both an automated machine learning algorithm using
computer vision (for details, see [ Study area
computer_vision_demo]) and by expert’s validation. Besides geographi-
cal and temporal records, iNat can contribute with observations of live The city of Curitiba is located in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil
specimens, associate behaviours and diverse ecological interactions (Figure 1), with almost 2 million inhabitants and a population density
(Mesaglio & Callaghan, 2021). An advantage of iNat and other open of 4078 people per km2 (IBGE, 2022). The climate in the region is sub-
platforms is that it allows spontaneous (non-structured) observations. tropical (average summer temperature of 22 C, average winter tem-
These contributions can provide valuable assets for conservation, for perature of 17 C, average rainfall of 1480 mm; INMET—Instituto
example, Wilson et al. (2017) reported the observations on iNat of an Nacional de Meteorologia). The original local plant cover is a mix of
IUCN vulnerable bumble bee, Bombus irisanensis Cockerell, endemic to Araucaria forests and natural grasslands within the Atlantic Forest
the Philippines archipelago. Another common usage of iNat observa- ecoregion. A current checklist counted 369 bee species for Curitiba
tions by professional scientists is retrieving occurrence data for ecologi- (Gonçalves et al., 2023).
cal niche modelling purposes, such as the identification of potential The Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, which comprises Curitiba
distribution areas and geographical range changes under climate change and other 28 nearby municipalities (summing almost 4 million inhabi-
scenarios (Beckham & Atkinson, 2017; Looney et al., 2019). tants), may have one of the largest amounts of data of long-term mon-
The bees are the most dominant pollinators worldwide itoring of urban bees around the world. Four green areas were
(Ollerton, 2017), with widely recognised importance by both academia sampled twice or more since the 1950s (Cardoso & Gonçalves, 2018;
and society (Wilson et al., 2017), especially regarding their essential role Graf et al., 2022; Martins et al., 2013; Pereira et al., 2021; Taura &
in pollination ecosystem services (IPBES, 2016; Klein et al., 2007). As a Laroca, 2001), with accumulating evidence of local declines in abun-
group recognised for its ecological importance and threatened by global dance, richness and diversity related to the growing urbanisation.
decline, the bees can benefit directly from CS to increase their aware- Thus, the large amount of structured data, that is, surveys with well-
ness as a conservation strategy (Kawahara et al., 2021). Recently, Kof- described and standardised sampling protocols (Pereira et al., 2021;
fler et al. (2021) summarised 88 studies that combine CS with Sakagami et al., 1967), for bees in Curitiba allows a robust comparison
melittology, showing results of this fast-growing field, and emphasised with the CS data retrieved from iNat.
that CS projects with bees have potential for attaining some United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—especially SDG
11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and iNaturalist search and data preparation
SDG 17 (Partnerships), contributing to targets related to biodiversity
conservation, restoration and sustainable use (Koffler et al., 2021). We searched for ‘bees’ in the taxa search within the iNat (https://
Considering only the iNat platform, there are more than 1.3 and ‘Curitiba, PR, Brazil’ as the location filter.
million observations of 3352 bee species contributed by more The search was completed in September of 2021 and no filter for the
than 211,000 observers around the globe. The number of date range was applied (the first observation was added in July of
observed species corresponds to 16% of total recognised bee 2014). Duplicate records were excluded (n = 2). The raw data are
species (20,507) worldwide (Ascher & Pickering, 2022)—a per- available in the Supporting Information S1. Comparing data obtained
centage expected to increase with the expanding participation of from CS platforms and the results of previous structured scientific
new citizen scientists, as well as bee specialists to correctly iden- research is not a simple task, as there are substantial differences
tify the observations. However, the quality control of data— between unstructured spontaneous observations by citizens and
accuracy (i.e., the degree to which data are correct) and bias structured scientific observations by researchers (Aceves-Bueno
(i.e., systematic error in a dataset)—is one of the main challenges et al., 2017). Not only the skills and knowledge of people collecting
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F I G U R E 1 The city of Curitiba, southern Brazil, with the iNaturalist observations and the nine sites of the local survey. (a) Brazil (light grey),
the state of Paraná (dark grey), and Curitiba (black star); (b) The city of Curitiba, land cover from Graf et al. (2022), iNat observations localities
(black dots) and the nine sites of the local survey (red dots).

data are very different, but also the research period, research areas Structured local survey
and observation time. Therefore, first, we need to assume that the
two datasets (iNat observations and the local survey) are comparable To compare the bee diversity recovered from iNat with a structured local
in terms of taxonomic coverage, identification acuity and taxonomic survey (herein, local survey), we retrieved species occurrence data from
diversity. nine sites with different urban-natural landscape composition. Bees were
For assessing iNat spontaneous identification scores, we consid- sampled with sweep nets monthly, carried out for 6 h/day, from August
ered ‘correct’ when the identification matched the most specific tax- 2017 to May 2018, excluding the winter months of June and July (for
onomic level we could validate, whereas ‘partial’ refers to more sampling details, see Graf et al., 2022). We choose the study by
identifications considered as correct above species level, and ‘incor- Graf et al. (2022) as the local survey dataset especially due to two rea-
rect’ in the cases of erroneous identification at genus-level or higher sons: first, it is the most recent standardised bee survey in Curitiba city;
categories. Also, we categorised as ‘insufficient’ the identifications and second, it covers different regions of the city (Figure 1b). The data
at family level or above. For citizen scientists, we considered the from the nine sites were pooled for richness, abundance and functional
provided user name of each one in the platform. We followed the group relative comparisons between iNat observation and the local sur-
single-family bee classification proposed by Melo and Gonçalves vey, while analysed separately in accumulation curves. For comparisons,
(2005). Species-level identifications and validations followed taxo- we exclude from iNat dataset: (a) Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, not sam-
nomic revisions listed on Moure’s bee catalogue (http://moure.cria. pled by Graf et al. (2022); (b) observations of stingless bee nests (natural and by comparing the observations with specimens deposited or managed), not considered by Graf et al. (2022), and in order to reduce
in the Jesus Santiago Moure Entomological Collection (DZUP). We bias of managed bees observations; and (c) observations that could not
suggested the correct identifications for each observation in iNat. be identified at least at genus-level, which we considered inconclusive
Species were categorised into functional traits following the classifi- observations. Also, all observations for Augochloropsis and Megachile
cation of Martins et al. (2013), that includes: nesting habit (ground were considered only at genus-level due to identification uncertainty
nesting; above-ground nesting), sociality (solitary; primitively euso- based on photographs for these two taxa.
cial; highly eusocial), feeding habit (generalist; specialist) and body
size classes based on estimated intertegular distance (ITD), proposed
by Cane (1987). The body classes were categorised by Martins et al. Species diversity curves
(2013) as follows: 1 (0.8–1.39 mm), 2 (1.4–1.89 mm), 3 (1.9–
2.29 mm), 4 (2.3–2.9 mm) and 5 (≥3.0 mm). Cleptoparasitic species Diversity curves were generated in R version 4.1.0 (R Development Core
were considered within a separated functional group, except for Team, 2021), using iNEXT (Hsieh et al., 2020) and ‘ggplot2’ (Wickham
body size. et al., 2022) packages. This approach allows comparison among different
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sample sizes. iNEXT provides functions that compute and plot rarefac- observed species was the introduced Apis mellifera with 91 records. A
tion and extrapolation of species diversity for abundance or incidence total of 94 citizen scientists contributed to bee observations in Curi-
data (Hsieh et al., 2016). Sampled-size-based rarefaction extrapolation tiba in iNat. Most users (n = 52; 55%) contributed with a single obser-
curves (REC) were made considering two Hill numbers—richness (q = 0) vation focused on Apis, Bombus or Meliponini. The most prolific
and Shannon diversity (q = 1). We choose Shannon diversity index observer was ‘zamoner_maristela’ (n = 165; 33%), the second author
because it counts species proportionally to their abundances, which is of this contribution, followed by ‘bettikz’ (n = 57; 11%) and ‘clarice-
more interesting to our questions, whereas Simpson diversity (the other dorocinski’ (n = 42; 8%), these three women accounted for 52% of
Hill number of choice in iNEXT, q = 2) is less sensitive to rare species the observations summing up 44 species of 52. Most identifications
and considers the effective number of dominant species (Chao were considered correct (n = 227, 46%) or partial (n = 217, 43%),
et al., 2014; Hsieh et al., 2016). Hsieh et al. (2016) recommend that the whereas incorrect (n = 18, 4%) and insufficient (n = 34, 7%) were less
‘endpoint’ is reliable up to double the reference sample size, beyond that frequent. We were not able to identify four observations below
the prediction bias is larger, thus we used ‘endpoint = 1556’, double the genus-group level, whereas 72 records were identified only at this
sample size of Site 1 (Graf et al., 2022). level. After our identifications, 73 observations could not be attrib-
uted with a valid name (15%). For comparison with the local survey
dataset, 362 iNat observations were considered, with 39 species with
RESULTS valid names and 14 morphospecies distributed in 32 genera.
A total of four subfamilies and 14 tribes were recorded, with
The search on iNat resulted in 496 bee observations of 52 species. stingless bees as the richest and most abundant group. Bumble bees
Among these, there were a total of 41 observations from nests: 36 for and carpenter bees were, proportionally, more abundant in citizen sci-
stingless bees, 3 for carpenter bees and 2 for honey bees. The most entists’ observations when compared with the local survey (Figure 2).

F I G U R E 2 Pie charts representing Curitiba bee composition in the iNaturalist and the local survey datasets. The bees are classified at the
subfamily-level, except for common Apinae (shades of green), bumble bees (Bombini), stingless bees (Meliponini) and carpenter bees (Xylocopini).
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F I G U R E 3 Two of the species observed in iNaturalist by ‘zamoner_maristela’ (M. Zamoner). Both records are deposited in Coleção Ecolo gica
de Entomologia of Museu Aberto de Biodiversidade do Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia em Biodiversidade—ICTBIO. (a) Trigona spinipes (ICTBIO
number: 2023-1111) on flower of Wittrockia cyathiformis (Vell.) Leme.; (b) Centris (Xanthemisia) sp. (ICTBIO number: 2021-0840A-C) on a flower
of Ludwigia peruviana.

F I G U R E 4 Relative functional richness of bees on iNaturalist observations and local survey. Primitively eusocial and intermediate body sizes
are represented in lighter tons.

Excluding the honey bee, the most observed species was Trigona spi- include the wool-carder bee Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus, 1758)
nipes (Fabricius, 1793) (n = 55) (Figure 3a), followed by Bombus morio and three species of Meliponini that do not occur naturally in the
(Swederus, 1787) (n = 36) and Bombus pauloensis Friese, 1913 region: Friesella schrottkyi Friese, 1900; Melipona mondury Smith,
(n = 32). The most observed sweat bee was Augochlora daphnis Smith, 1863; and Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811). These four non-
1853 (n = 24), also the most abundant halictine bee in the local sur- native species were also found in the local survey.
vey. No species of cellophane bees (Colletinae) were observed in iNat, Regarding functional groups (Figure 4), above-ground nesters,
whereas 22 species were recorded in the local survey. iNat exclusive highly eusocial, and generalist species were more frequent on iNat
observations include a species of oil-collecting Centris from a subge- observations than ground-nesters, solitary and specialist species.
nus not formally recorded in the city—Centris (Xanthemisia) Moure, Cleptoparasites corresponded to only 6% of the observed richness,
1945 (Figure 3b). Among non-native species, iNat observations half of the proportion found in the local survey. No substantial
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F I G U R E 5 Bee diversity accumulation curves (and 95% confidence intervals) comparing iNaturalist observations (iNat) among the nine sites
of the Curitiba local survey, based on the Hill numbers for richness and Shannon diversity.

differences were observed in intermediate body sizes (categories 2, 3 reconciling scientific results and environmental education practices,
and 4), but small bees (ITD <1.4 mm) were less frequent than larger the principles of CS, as stated by European Citizen Science Associa-
bees (ITD >3 mm) on iNat observations, whereas the opposite pattern tion, are fulfilled with benefits for both professional and citizen scien-
was found in the local survey. Although iNat richness is the lowest tists (ECSA, 2015).
when compared with the nine local survey sites (52 species), the Eusocial bees were frequently observed on both iNat and the
extrapolated richness surpassed Site 1, the most urbanised site local survey. This finding represents the high abundance of these spe-
(66 species) in Graf et al. (2022). The Shannon diversity curve is similar cies in flowers, as the case of the honey bee. Apis mellifera is indeed
between iNat and Site 1 (Figure 5), with overlapping confidence the second most frequent species of all species in the iNat database
intervals. worldwide (Di Cecco et al., 2021). The most common stingless bee
species from iNat, Trigona spinipes, is also one of the most common
bee species in the local survey (Graf et al., 2022). Historical records
DISCUSSION are showing that the population of this species is increasing over time
and benefiting from the urbanisation process (Cardoso &
The Curitiba iNat observations and the most urbanised site from the Gonçalves, 2018). A similar trend occurred with two bumble bee spe-
local survey have overlapped estimations of diversity metrics— cies (B. morio and B. pauloensis) (Martins et al., 2013). Monitoring of
richness and Shannon diversity. This is an expected result, assuming eusocial species could benefit from CS efforts also by monitoring nat-
that most citizen observations are made near anthropic landscapes, ural and managed hives, as nests of eusocial species are often
such as urban gardens (Di Cecco et al., 2021). Thus, iNat observations observed and recorded by iNat users.
recover a bee diversity more similar to a moderate to highly urbanised In terms of relative abundance, the iNat dataset also overrepre-
area (Graf et al., 2022). The low diversity can also reflect the lesser sented larger bees. Nearly a third of the observed species in the iNat
skill of untrained observers when compared with experienced ones, dataset fall into the larger body size class, but this corresponds to only
analogous to the collector efficiency of handling sweep nets (Prado 10% of the species in the local survey. This is an expected result, since
et al., 2017). Another key point is that photographs depend on bee body size is a determinant for inexperienced observers, who tend to
conspicuity and stasis on flowers—they should be photographable more easily detect and recognise larger bee species than smaller ones;
(Di Cecco et al., 2021). Even considering that more spontaneous a similar pattern was described by Callaghan et al. (2021) for larger
observations could lead to an increase in the number of recorded spe- bodied birds in iNaturalist observations. Taking this observation bias
cies (Figure 5), Shannon diversity would not be expected to increase into account, oriented efforts to monitor large bees could be success-
substantially, as it gives more weight to common species (Mouillot & ful in CS projects, while scientific outreach initiatives and training are
Leprêtre, 1999). On the other hand, scientific outreach actions, like required to improve the detection of smaller bees by citizen
the production of observation and identification guides and public lec- scientists—who hardly know about the existence of small-bodied
tures could positively increase local diversity recorded on iNat. By species.
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We find low relative frequencies of functional groups considered (Altrudi, 2021). This seems not to be the case here, since the top
more sensitive to urbanisation: ground-nesters, specialists and observers also accounted for 66% of honey bee observations. As
cleptoparasites. Ground-nesting bees suffer directly with soil imper- reported by Kelling et al. (2015), in a study of citizen scientists bird
meabilization in urban landscapes, being more vulnerable than above- observations on the eBird platform, the observer’s ability to detect
grounders (Bates et al., 2011; McCune et al., 2020; Pereira species improves with practice and continued participation leads to
et al., 2021; Xie et al., 2013). Specialists depend on a few plants to higher quality data provided by volunteers in CS projects. In this way,
gather pollen or other plant resources, such as floral oils, and were we expect that the ability to detect bee species could improve with
considered as the most affected group by urbanisation in Curitiba oriented efforts and training. In addition, initiatives engaging new vol-
(Graf et al., 2022). Cleptoparasites are the first guild to respond to unteers and promoting continued participation could lead to an
habitat disturbances (Sheffield et al., 2013) and also respond nega- increase in the number of observations, as well as ensuring high
tively to urbanisation in the study region (Graf et al., 2022). This low quality data.
relative frequency of observations of such groups could not be The rate of correct identifications (46%) could result from crowd-
decoupled from the prevalence of their counterparts, for example, sourced validation procedures of iNat, especially with participation of
Bombini, Meliponini and Xylocopini, abundant bees in iNat observa- professional scientists that devote a substantial amount of time on the
tions, are classified as above-ground nesters and generalists. Thus, the platform. Identifiers are defined to be participants with reasonable
observation bias in iNat is mainly related to two factors: the tendency expertise, or more accurately someone with the skills and ability to
to detect larger bees more easily and also the influence of urbanisa- make informed identifications (Callaghan, Mesaglio, et al., 2022). About
tion on the bee fauna. 60% of bee identifications from the analysed dataset were carried out
Another acknowledged contribution of iNat is the documentation by the iNat curator John S. Ascher, an experienced professional melit-
of exotic species, as discussed by Rosa et al. (2022) for molluscs. Our tologist, responsible for the Apoidea DiscoverLife database (Ascher &
observations include two non-native species of stingless bees not for- Pickering, 2022). Nevertheless, most observations for Curitiba were
mally documented in Curitiba: mirim-preguiça (Friesella schrottkyi) and not correctly identified at the lower taxonomic level possible. This rep-
bugia (Melipona mondury). Mirim-preguiça occurs naturally in south- resents a major obstacle for conducting reliable biodiversity research
eastern Brazil and the bugia is distributed in the coastal Atlantic For- without specimen examination. Identification is not a simple task for
est, both without unmanaged nest records in Curitiba. The impact of any organism, even for mammals, many smaller species could not be
cultivation of non-native stingless bees in Curitiba was recently dis- accurately identified by photographs (Kays et al., 2022). The poor qual-
cussed by Graf et al. (2020) in the first report of uruçu-nordestina ity of some photographs could hamper identification as verified by Rosa
(Melipona scutellaris) in the region. It is a bigger problem in the coun- et al. (2022). Taxonomic changes also influence the iNat identifications,
try, at least 33 stingless bee species are commercialised in Brazil and this is the case in the identification of two similar species of jataí (Tetra-
several of those are illegally traded out of their native range gonisca angustula and T. fiebrigi) that were previously considered as syn-
(Carvalho, 2022; Santos et al., 2021). Such beehive trade poses poten- onyms or subspecies. Most observations were identified as
tial problems through biological invasions, dissemination of symbionts T. angustula, considered non-native for Curitiba. Tetragonisca fiebrigi,
and pathogens, and competition with native unmanaged bees the native species, could be identified with photographs by the yellow-
(Carvalho, 2022; Santos et al., 2021). We agree that beekeeping for ish mesepisternum (i.e., the main lateral portion of thorax), in contrast
hobby, honey production or even for a presumed contribution to con- to the black mesepisternum in T. angustula. Hence, taxonomist exami-
servation can be negative when decoupled with scientific knowledge nation and proper specimen vouchering are the desired standards for
of species distribution and national legislation policies. species identification (Packer et al., 2018).
A few observers contributed most observations, whereas the vast Ultimately, one of the main challenges of CS is the quality control
majority of citizen scientists contributed a few. Di Cecco et al. (2021) of results, here investigated in terms of data capture and classification
found that most iNat users are low-frequency observers, whereas the (Kosmala et al., 2016). The unstructured, opportunistic observations
top 10% prolific observers provide about 87% of observations identi- (data capture) on iNat bring a biased representation of the bee fauna
fied to species-level up to 2019. In our study case, the top observer when compared with the local survey; however, they show a great
was responsible for one-third of the observations. Maristela Zamoner potential to monitor large-bodied and eusocial pollinators, including
(user ‘zamoner_maristela’) is co-author of this contribution and is rare and non-native species in the city. The increase of correct identi-
strongly engaged with CS attempts in Curitiba. The other two top fications was from an original 46% to 85% with our identifications,
observers, Elizabeth Krüger Zimmermann (user ‘bettikz’) and Clarice indicating the requirement for professional validation on CS, especially
Dorocinski (user ‘claricedorocinski’), contributed with around from specialists who are familiar with the local fauna. Bees are a char-
50 observations each. If records made by these three most active ismatic pollinator group that opportunistic observers are naturally
users were excluded, only 32 of 52 species would be observed in drawn to (Di Cecco et al., 2021) and structured actions, as locally
Curitiba. It was expected that the initial observations would be of based training of citizen scientists, can be remarkably effective and
common species, whereas the most experienced observers focus on can increase the relevance of CS to bring reliable information to con-
documentation of rare species, even biasing the natural abundance servation biology. We emphasise that these actions must be led by
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specialists who can enthuse the general public, in order to bring scien- RE FE RE NCE S
tific knowledge closer to society. Citing Wilson et al. (2017) ‘to nar- Aceves-Bueno, E., Adeleye, A.S., Feraud, M., Huang, Y., Tao, M., Yang, Y.
row the gap between the public’s interest in bee conservation and the et al. (2017) The accuracy of citizen science data: a quantitative
review. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 98(4), 278–
public’s understanding of bees, conservation efforts should include
290. Available from:
improved outreach and education’. Therefore, CS strategies for edu- Altrudi, S. (2021) Connecting to nature through tech? The case of the iNa-
cation, such as training in better photo captures and basic taxonomic turalist app. Convergence, 27, 124–141. Available from: https://doi.
identifications, can achieve valuable improvements in CS datasets, as org/10.1177/1354856520933064
Amano, T., Lamming, J.D.L., & Sutherland, W.J. (2016). Spatial gaps in
well as to overcome some observation biases.
global biodiversity information and the role of citizen science. BioSci-
ence, 66(5), 393–400.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Ascher, J.S. & Pickering, J. (2022) Discover Life bee species guide and
Felipe Walter Pereira: Conceptualization; methodology; data curation; checklist (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila). Available from:
investigation; validation; formal analysis; visualization;
[Accessed 31st May 2022]
writing – original draft; writing – review and editing. Maristela
Bates, A.J., Sadler, J.P., Fairbrass, A.J., Falk, S.J., Hale, J.D. & Matthews, T.J.
Zamoner: Data curation; validation; investigation; writing – original (2011) Changing bee and hoverfly pollinator assemblages along an
draft; writing – review and editing. Rodrigo Barbosa Gonçalves: Con- urban-rural gradient. PLoS One, 6, e23459. Available from: https://
ceptualization; methodology; data curation; investigation; validation;
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We would like to express our gratitude to 94 citizen scientists who
diversity from citizen science data. Ecosphere, 13, e3966. Available
contributed with bee observations in iNaturalist in Curitiba, Brazil, and from:
namely the 13 citizen scientists who observed each species for the Callaghan, C.T., Mesaglio, T., Ascher, J.S., Brooks, T.M., Cabras, A.A.,
first time and agreed to be thanked here: Adolf C. Krüger (‘ackruger’), Chandler, M. et al. (2022) The benefits of contributing to the citizen
science platform iNaturalist as an identifier. PLoS Biology, 20,
Anderson Warkentin (‘andersonwarkentin’), Elizabeth Krüger Zimmer-
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mann (‘bettikz’), Clarice Dorocinski (‘claricedorocinski’), David 3001843
B. Muniz (‘david_bio’), Deni L. Schwartz Filho (‘deni_schwartz’), Evan- Callaghan, C.T., Poore, A.G.B., Hofmann, M., Roberts, C.J. & Pereira, H.M.
dro H. Maia (‘ehmaia’), Fabio L. dos Santos (‘flsantos’), Gustavo Dorti (2021) Large-bodied birds are over-represented in unstructured citi-
zen science data. Scientific Reports, 11, 19073. Available from:
(‘gustavo235’), Luiz Kalashnikov (‘luizk’), Igor Becker (‘particle_-
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F. Theodoroski (‘thaisquisita’). We also thank Marcelo L. Brotto and Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 60, 145–147.
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Wilson, J.S., Forister, M.L., & Carril, O.M. (2017). Interest exceeds under- Sheet S2. Bee species in both local survey and iNaturalist datasets.
standing in public support of bee conservation. Frontiers in Ecology Each bee species with its respective abundance in each site from local
and the Environment, 15(8), 460–466. Portico.
survey and iNaturalist observations. Functional traits presented for
Xie, Z., Qiu, J. & Chen, X. (2013) Decline of nest site availability and nest each species.
density of underground bees along a distance gradient from human Sheet S3. Sampling sites from local survey, with coordinates in deci-
settlements. Entomological Science, 16, 170–178. Available from: mal degrees (DD) format.
Sheet S4. Functional traits of bees per dataset.

Additional supporting information can be found online in the Support- How to cite this article: Pereira, F.W., Zamoner, M. &
ing Information section at the end of this article. Gonçalves, R.B. (2024) The potential of iNaturalist for bee
conservation research—A study case in a southern Brazilian
Sheet S1. Raw data of each observation from iNaturalist, categorised
metropolis. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 17(2), 386–395.
into: bee subfamily; corrected ID; original ID; ID status; username;
Available from:
locality; observed date; added date; latitude; longitude; nest (yes/no);
iNaturalist reference.

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